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1.agriculture (n) 农业,农艺

例句:Modern agriculture is destroying our beautiful countryside.



(1)agricultural (a) 农业的

词组:agricultural products 农产品

agricultural development 农业发展

2.farm (v) 耕种

例句:The family has farmed there for generations. 这家世代都在那里务农。(n) 农场

词组:live/work on the farm 在农场生活/工作

例句:Ilive in the city now, but I used to live on the farm.



(1)farming (n) 农业

例句:Farming depends on the weather. 农业取决于天气。

(2)farmer (n) 农夫

3.nature (n) 大自然,自然界

词组:by nature 天生的,天性的

例句:She is kind by nature 她生性善良。


(1)natural (adj) 自然的

例句:This feeling seems to be natural. 这种感触看起来似乎是自然的。

Coal and oil are natural products. 煤和石油是天然物产。

(2)naturalist (n) 博物学家

4.zone (n) 时区,地带

词组:industrial zone 工业区

North/South temperate zones 北/南温带

parking zone 停车场

5.mixture (n) 混合物

词组:a mixture of … and … …和…的混合物

例句:We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.



(1)mix (v) 混合

词组:mix sth with sth 把…和…混合

例句:Mix the oil with the vinegar and shake the bottle. 把油和醋混合然后摇晃瓶子。

(2)mixed (adj)

例句:I had mixed feelings about meeting him again. 对于再见到他,我心情很复杂。

6.fertilizer (n) 化肥

例句:Farmers use fertilizers to fertilize the soil. 农民用化肥来使土壤肥沃。


(1)fertile (a) 肥沃的fertilization (n) 施肥

例句:Fertilization can make the soil fertile. 施肥可以让土壤变得肥沃。

7.experimental (adj)实验性的

例句:Sunqiao is an experimental research facility. 孙桥是一个实验研究基地。


(1)experiment (n) 实验

词组:conduct an experiment on 在…上做实验

carry out an experiment with 用…来做实验

例句:Have they ever conducted an experiment on a large number of patients?


He is carrying out an experiment with new drugs to cure the disease.



词组:experiment on 在…上做实验

experiment with 用…来做实验

例句:Have they ever experimented on a large number of patients?


He is experimenting with new drugs to cure the disease.


8.involve (v) 牵涉,包含

词组:involve doing 需要,包含

involve sb in sth 使某人介入某事

sb be involved in sth 某人背卷入某事

例句:The job involves traveling abroad for three months each year.


Don’t involve me in your quarrel.


I’m not involved in your quarrel.


9.profitable (adj) 有利的,有收益的

词组:a profitable enterprise 一家盈利的企业


(1)profit (n) 利润

词组:at a profit 获利

make a profit 获利

例句:We hoped to sell the goods at a profit.我们希望卖掉这些产品能有所获益。

He made a profit of fifty thousand.他卖掉房子获利5万元。

(v) 获利,有益于
