第3讲 汉英语言对比

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1)词义相符(semwenku.baidu.comntic correspondence) 如: 山(mountain), 学生(student), 环境保护(environmental protection) 在寻找语义相符的对应语时,易犯逐词翻译的毛病,找 到假对应词,如: 学习知识 to learn knowledge (to acquire knowledge) 盐水 salt water (salt solution)
2. 汉英词汇对比
词语搭配 汉语中泛指一般动作的动词往往只能与一般事物的 名词搭配。e.g.做家务 扫地、洗碗、修剪草坪、整理房间 英语中泛指一般动作的动词通常也能与表示具体事 物的名词搭配。e.g. do the floor、do the dishes、do the lawn (做地、做碗、做草坪?)
1)我常见许多青年的朋友,2)聪明用功,3)成绩优 异,4)而语文程度不足以达意,5)甚至写一封信 亦难得通顺,6)问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面。 1)I have come across a great many young friends, 2)Bright and diligent, 3)Do exceedingly well in studies, 4)but they are rather weak in Chinese, 5)even can’t write a smooth Chinese letter. 6)When asked why, they’ll say they are not interested in Chinese.
请看张培基先生的译文: I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. They cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chinese language.
• 太阳在地平线上撅起一弯唇瓣,向着小岛吹了一片红色 的光。
Chpater three
Contrast between Chinese and English Languages
1. 汉英文字对比 2. 汉英词义对比 3. 汉英句法对比 4. 汉英篇章对比
1. 汉英文字对比
• Dolphins were far hornier than Flipper ever let on, randy males had even been known to attempt couplings with human females. • (注:Flipper 是1964年在美国播出的一部长篇电视 剧,剧中的主角是一条名叫Flipper 的海豚) • 其实海豚很好色的,甚至比电视上的Flipper 还要好色, 据说好色的雄性海豚还要与女人结合呢。
汉语中的动词与不同宾语搭配时,根据不同语境,英译文常常 不同。e.g. 1) 探春笑道 笑道:“只恐又是你的杜撰.” 宝玉笑道 笑道:“除<<四书>>外, 杜 笑道 笑道 撰的太多,偏只我是杜撰不成?” “ You’re making that up, I’m afraid," teased Tan Chun. “Most works, apart from the FOUR BOOKS, are made up; am I the only one who made things up?” he retorted with a (杨宪益,戴乃迭译) grin. 2) 贾母笑道 笑道:“你不认得他,它是我们这里有名的一个泼皮破落户 笑道 儿,南省俗谓作‘辣子’,你只叫他‘凤辣子’就是了。” “You don’t know her,” said Grandmother Jia merrily. “She’s a holy terror this one. what we used to call in Nanking a ‘peppercorn’. You just call her ‘Peppercorn (David Feng’. She’ll know who you mean!” Hawkes 译)
3) 贾母因笑道 笑道:“外客未见,就脱了衣裳,还不去见你妹 笑道 妹!” With a smile at Pao-yu, the Lady Dowager scolded, “Fancy changing your clothes before greeting our visitor. Hurry up now and pay your respects to your cousin.” (杨宪益,戴乃迭译) 4) 贾母笑道 笑道:“可又是胡说,你又何曾见过他?” 笑道 “You’re talking nonsense again,” said his grandmother, laughing. “How could you possibly have met her ?” (杨宪益,戴乃迭译)
3.汉英句法对比 3.汉英句法对比
汉语句子特点是“以意统形”.因而汉语的句法特征 是意合 意合(parataxis),强调逻辑关联与意义关联而 意合 不在意词语之间和句际之间的形式衔接。 英语句子的特点是强调形式和功能,因而英语的句法 特点是形合 形合(hypotaxis)。句子成分之间的关系要 形合 求用形式标记表明。
4.汉英篇章对比 4.汉英篇章对比
信息结构(information structure) 篇章信息功能 ----- 句子信息结构 汉语是主题显著(topic-prominent)语言。汉语的句子强调意 义和功能,句子跟思想的简单明确的顺序一致。如: 关于春游,你们建议去哪儿? 关于春游,你们建议去哪儿? 盐城,那是我的家乡。 盐城,那是我的家乡。 为了完成这个作业,他熬了一个通宵。 为了完成这个作业,他熬了一个通宵。 主题和主语有时重合,如:校门口今天停满了小汽车。 校门口今天停满了小汽车。 校门口今天停满了小汽车 英语是主语显著(subject-prominent)语言。英语句子重形式 和功能,主语和谓语之间存在一种形式上的一致关系。
汉语属汉藏语系(Sino-Tibetan Family Sino-Tibetan Family) 英语属印欧语系(Indo-European Family) 古汉字是表意文字(ideographic script) 英语是拼音文字(alphabetic script)
• 汉语主要有4种方法造字: (1)象形字(pictagraph), e.g.果、雨、山 老张进门看见他的儿子在床上睡成一个“大”字。 Lao Zhang came in and saw his son lying spreadeagled on the bed. (2)指事字(indicative),e.g.上,下 (3)会意字(associative),它是由两个或两个以 上的指事性符号构成,其意义为该符号引起的联 想意义。e.g. 众、森 (4)形声字(morpheme-phonetic character), 它由表意的形符和表声的音符组成。 e.g. 烤
• 据说海豚是很好色的,比那个费立波好色多了,据说那 些雄性的海豚骚劲儿上来了,连雌性的人都想勾搭呢。 • The lip of the sun curled over the horizon to blow a red glow across the island. • 太阳从东边升起,小岛沐浴在一片红色的朝霞之中。
• 又过了一阵子,音乐工作者又开会,谈到受欢迎的群众 歌曲还是创作、演唱得太少。 • 居祖纯: At still another gathering held later, musicians deplored that songs the people really liked were still too few in number and that too few singers sang such songs. • 朱柏桐:After a period of time, there was another symposium among the musical circle. This time it was proposed that more popular songs be composed and sung.
1)贾政便问:“该死的奴才!你在家不读书也罢了,怎么 又做出这些无法无天的事来!……”(第33回) “You scoundrel” thundered his father. “Not content with shirking your studies at home, you commit such wicked crimes outside!...” 2)这样无法无天的忘八羔子,还不撵了做什么!(第45回) How can we keep on such an insolent, lawless young bastard? 3)和这些丫头们无法无天,凡世上所无之事,都玩耍出来。 (第79回) He and his maids rampaged as they pleased, getting up to mischief never heard of before .
3) 词义空缺 词义空缺(semantic zero) 词语意义的空缺是文化现象空缺的结果.翻译是需要用音译,意译 或其他方式表示其义。 糖葫芦 Tanghulu, a sugar-coated fruit on the stick which is a kind of children’s favorite food in winter 特困生 the most needy students 乌纱帽 an official post 站票 standing-room-only tickets 钱先生周岁时 “抓周”,抓了一本书,因此得名 “钟书”. When Qian was just one year old, he was told by his parents to choose one thing among many others, he picked up a book of all things. Thereupon his father very gladly gave him the name: Zhongshu (=book lover).
2)词义相异 词义相异(semantic non-correspondence) 词义相异 第一种是指称意义相符,蕴涵意义相异 松、梅、竹(岁寒三友,蕴含不畏唁函,傲然风雪的品德) (pine trees, plum blossoms,bamboo) “羊”在古汉语中就是吉祥的意思.如“三羊开泰”(Three Rams Bring Bliss) ram 在英语中除表示 “公羊”外,还 表示“撞击装置”。 第二种情况是指称意义和蕴涵意义相异 phoenix(凤凰): mythical bird of the Arabian desert, said to live for several hundred years before burning itself and then rising born again from its ashes “龙凤呈祥”(Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity)