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升趋势,6 年时间内共接种剂次 69 509 次,出现 112 例一般反应及 52 例异常反应,合计 164 例不良反应。约2 岁、7~9 月是 DTaP
接种不良反应高发的人群及季节(P约0.05),不良反应占比分别 56.10酃、51.22酃;而不同性别人群不良反应发生情况比较,差异
无统计学意义(P跃0.05)。结论 渭城区 DTaP 接种不良反应近年有增高趋势,约2 岁、7~9 月是疫苗接种不良反应高发群体及时间,
2019 年 10 月
刘 静 ,刘 美 宁 ,赵 增 良 (渭城区疾病预防控制中心,陕西 咸阳,712000)
摘要:目的 研究吸附无细胞百白破联合疫苗(DTaP)接种的不良反应。方法 观察 2012—2017 年渭城区 DTaP 接种人群不良反
应发生情况,并比较不同年龄、月份及性别儿童的不良反应发生情况。结果 2012—2017 年预防接种不良反应发生率呈逐年上
吸附无细胞百白破联合疫苗(DTaP)是由无细胞百白破疫 苗原液、白喉以及破伤风毒素原液根据合理的比例联合制成 的一种疫苗,主要用于预防百日咳、白喉和破伤风类病症,相 对而言,其预防疗效甚佳。当前 DTaP 在国内被广泛运用,其稳 定性好、免疫性强,但受 DTaP 固有性质、疫苗质量、儿童个体 差异及接种时间影响,部分儿童接种疫苗后会出现发热、注射 部位红肿、头晕、头痛、无菌脓肿、过敏性皮疹、肌痛等不良反 应,严重者甚至出现抽搐、昏迷、癔症[1]。因此,为了降低此类疫 苗接种的不良反应发生率,提高接种质量,本研究对 2012—2017 年陕西省咸阳市渭城区 DTaP 接种不良反应发生情况进行调 查,现报道如下。
文章编号:2096-1413(2019)29-0014-02heria, tetanus, and acellular pertusis combined vaccine
LIU Jing, LIU Mei-ning, ZHAO Zeng-liang (Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Weicheng District, Xianyang 712000, China)
ABSTRACT: Objective To study the adverse reactions of diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertusis combined vaccine (DTaP). Methods The adverse reactions of DTaP vaccination population in Weicheng district from 2012 to 2017 wre observed, and the adverse reactions of children of different age, month and gender were compared. Results From 2012 to 2017, the incidence of adverse reactions of preventive inoculation showed an increasing trend year by year. During the six -year period, a total of 69 509 times of inoculation were given, 112 cases of general reactions and 52 cases of abnormal reactions occurred, with a total of 164 cases of adverse reactions. Age <2 years old and July-September were the group and seasons with high incidence of adverse reactions after DTaP inoculation (P约0.05), and the proportion of adverse reactions were 56.10酃 and 51.22酃 respectively. However, there was no statistically significant difference in proportion of adverse reactions between different genders (P>0.05). Conclusion Adverse reactions to DTaP vaccination in Weicheng district have been increasing in recent years, and age <2 years old and July-September are the high-incidence group and season of adverse reactions to DTaP vaccination. This situation should be paid attention to and the corresponding measures should be taken well. KEYWORDS: vaccination; DTaP; children
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 对 2012—2017 年陕西省咸阳市渭城区儿童接种的 69 509
剂次进行分析,其中基础免疫 52 203 人次,加强免疫 17 306 人次。 纳入儿童各方面都相对健康,无特殊疾病,其中,<2岁 52 659人次, 平均月龄(4.25依0.84)岁;体质量 6.0~8.2 kg,平均体质量(7.14依