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姆迷路去了伦敦,他与苏 菲亚多次近在咫尺,但始终没有遇上。他 在客店遇见一伙军人,因与人争吵受伤, 遇见以前的塾师巴特里奇,二人同行。路 上他们遇见隐士、乞丐、艺人、律师、吉 卜赛人、劫盗、税官等人。
Part 3
寻找苏索亚的汤姆遇见苏索亚的表姐贝 拉斯顿夫人,受到她的诱惑。贝拉斯顿夫 人还唆使费拉摩爵士占有苏索亚,幸而魏 斯顿及时赶到救了女儿。汤姆因自卫伤人 入了狱。最终真相得以大白,汤姆实际上 是伯里琪的私生子,布立非的同母异父兄 弟。布立非的种种诡计被揭穿,被无罪释 放的汤姆成为奥尔华绥先生的继承人,一 对历尽苦难的情侣终成眷属。
Writer’s farce and the happiness of rural life 作家 的闹剧和乡村生活的快乐 Holy Hypocrite 圣洁的伪善者 Love in Several Masques 假面舞会中的爱情
Temple Beau 神圣的纨绔子弟 The Historical Register for the Year 1736 Pasquin 巴斯昆 The Modern Husband 现代丈夫 Golden Rump 金臀
By Henry Fielding
• The main plots • The main characters • The theme • The writing style
The main plots
• Part 1(chapter 1-6) The experience of the protagonists in countryside
Henry Fielding
Main works Masterpiece---Tom Jonse Influence
• 1707:Born in a noble family → well educated →Eton College (between 1719 and 1725 )→ Latin and Greek → classic works • 1724: grandmother’s home→ Cervantes &Jonathan Swift → begin to write comedy based on his experience • 1728:law at the Leiden University → His father’s remarriage →return to British → independence → writing plays as career 1737: pressed by the authorities → end of his theatrical life → lawyer qualification certificate →deepen the awareness of the society & accumulate
• Part 2(chapter 7-12 )
The adventures of the protagonists on the road to London • part 3(chapter 13-18) The experience of the protagonists in London
Part 1
The classification of works • • • • • Novel Drama Poem Periodical Travel narrative
classical masterpieces
The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, the Great大伟 人江奈生· 魏尔德传 An Apology for the Life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews 为 莎米拉· 安德鲁女士的辩解 Tom Jones 汤姆· 琼斯 Amelia 艾米利亚
Viewpoints on novels
He utilized his rich earthy humor and satirical prowess to satirize (讽刺) the social and political systems and expose the social inequalities
• Poem: The Masquerade 假面舞会 • Periodical: The Covent Garden Journal 女修道院花园杂志 • Travel Narrative: Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon 里斯本航海日记
The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling
materials for creation
1739 to 1741 :edit a magazine → preparation for novel writing
Because of his own poverty and misfortune → fight against the unfairness of the society and corruption politics
The perspectives of dramas
• Satirized the social custom and politics of the nation • Inherited the concepts of European drama • Concerned violently the social life • Promoted the development of British theater
富有,善良的乡绅奥尔华收养了弃婴 汤姆·琼斯,与妹妹伯里琪的儿子布立非 一起抚养。两个孩子逐渐长大成人,汤姆 真诚、善良、侠义但轻率任性。布立非则 虚伪、工于心计。汤姆得到了乡绅魏斯顿 的女儿苏菲亚的爱,但魏斯顿强迫女儿嫁 给能继承大笔遗产的布立非,布立非也出 于自私打算想娶苏索亚,他竭力中伤汤姆 ,终使得奥尔华绥一怒之下赶走汤姆。苏 索亚闻讯也带侍女前往伦敦投亲. 以便找寻 汤姆。