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曲线图Line Graph

The basis for bar chart, pie chart and table 分析重点: 1.单线条的趋势 2.高低点,转折点等特殊点 3.如果有多条线,需选出一条作为基准进行类 比和对比
曲线图Line Graph

The graph shows rates of smoking in men and women in the UK from 1960 to 2000.
曲线图Line Graph
2. Women:1975前上升,1975后下降(找转折点分段) But woman cigarette addicts witnessed a slower decline of 1/3 number only after the year 1975, and before that time, there was a growing number of females who took up smoking. 总结:另一条线可用人做主语,利用时间状语从句进行转折点前后的比较
曲线图Line Graph
3. 98年中期,两国情况类似 From the middle of the year 1998, both America and Japan had the similar unemployment rate, about 5%. 总结:用时间介词短语开头
曲线图Line Graph

Report the main feature and make analysis Notice: 1.运用总分,比较,归类,排序,联系等逻辑 方法进行分析,有选择的利用数据,而不是全 部选取。 2.注意单词和短语的同义转换----Lexical Resource 3.切忌过多的主观推测原因或者预测
1.美国总趋势下降,需包含最大最小值,期间有轻微反弹,在97后趋于平稳 2. 日本的总体趋势,96的明显好转,93和98的显著恶化 3. 98年中期,两国情况类似
曲线图Line Graph
1.美国总趋势下降,需包含最大最小值,期间有轻微反弹,在97后趋于平稳 The general trend of US unemployment information was declining (from7% in 1993 to about 5% in 1999), with frequent slight rebounds from time to time, plus the comparatively leveling up period since1997, averaging at 5% more or less. 总结:表趋势词作主语,具体趋势的最大最小值可放其后的括号,with结构和非 谓语结构表示总趋势中的特殊点
曲线图Line Graph
2. 日本的总体趋势,96的明显好转,93和98的显著恶化 Whereas, the rather different case was reported in the Japanese job market, a gradual growth of the jobless people during the same time period despite the spring of 1996 when there was a significant rise of employment----about 1%. Among all the data, the beginning of 1993 and the latter half of 1998 were the two extremely difficult periods for the Japanese job hunters due to the rocketing number of those with no jobs. 总结:当需要表现2线强烈的反差时可将反差用different case表示放在单线描述中, 总体趋势中特殊点可为增幅和降幅的描述,在有数据的支持下可进行合理推测(用上 因果表达)
分析: 1. men: 平稳下降,降幅稍大
2. Women:1975前上升,1975后下降(找转折点分段)
3. 男女比较:最高点,最低点不同;1975前趋势相反,1975后类似 4. 时态:一般过去式
曲线图Line Graph
Leabharlann Baidu
1. men: 平稳下降,降幅稍大 The number of British male smokers went through a continuous downward tendency from 600,000 in 1960 to about 250,000in 2000. 总结:数据做主语,图中动名词可改为发出动作的人,趋势后面加上起 止数据
曲线图Line Graph
3. 男女比较:最高点,最低点不同;1975前趋势相反,1975后类似 As time went on, the striking contrast between the proportions of male and female smokers (6:1 in the 1960’s) faded away to about the same, with men still slightly more. 总结:可用“随着…”状语开头,以表比较的表达做主语,比较后面用括 号写出图表的具体数据,以with结构表面其中的一方,以about等次表达 不确定的数据
曲线图Line Graph

The graph shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999. Write a report for a university lecturer.