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--- Hi! Hello! It's me again! - 嗨!你好!又是我!

- Hey! It's officer toot-toot. - 喂!这是警官嘟嘟嘟。

--Hoo...No. Actually it's Officer Hopps,呼...... 没有。其实这是哈波斯警官,

--and I'm here to ask you some questions about a case. 而我在这里向您询问情况的一些问题。

--What happened, meter maid? Did someone steal a traffic cone? 怎么了,交通警察?是不是有人偷交通锥?

--It wasn't me. 那不是我。

--Hey, Carrots, you're gonna wake the baby. I gotta get to work. 嘿,胡萝卜头,你会吵到宝宝的,我还要去上班。

--This is important, sir. I think your ten dollars worth of Pawpsicles can wait. 这是很重要的,先生。我想你的十元冰棒可以等等。

-Ha! I make 200 bucks a day, fluff. 哈!我每天能赚 200 块钱好吗,绒毛。--365 days a year, since I was 12. 一年 365 天,自从我十二岁开始。

--- And time is money. Hop along. - Please just look at the picture. - 而时间就是金钱。借过。- 请看一下照片。

--You sold Mr. Otterton that Pawpsicle, right? 你卖给奥特顿先生冰棒,对吧?

--- Do you know him? - I know everybody. - 你认识他吗? - 我认识所有人。--And I also know that somewhere 而且我也知道,某处

--there's a toy store missing its stuffed animal, so why do n't you get back to your box? 有一家玩具店少了的毛绒动物,所以你为什么不回到你的盒子里呢?

--Fine. Then we'll have to do this the hard way. 好吧,看来要来硬的。

-- Did you just boot my stroller? - Nicholas Wilde, you ar e under arrest. - 你居然拴住了我的婴儿车?- 妮可拉丝尾耳朵,你被逮捕了。

--Ha. For what? Hurting your feelings? 哈。为了什么?因为伤害你小小的心灵?

--Felony tax evasion. 重罪偷税漏税。

--Yeah.. 200 dollars a day, 365 days a year, since you wer e 12... 是啊.. 200 块钱一天,一年365天,你从12 岁开始......

--that's two decades, so times twenty, which is 1,460,000, I think. 这是二十年来,所以是二十个,我想是1,460,000。

--I mean, I am just a dumb bunny, but we are good at mul tiplying. 我的意思是,我只是一个愚蠢的兔子,但我们擅长乘法。

--Anyway, according to your tax forms, you reported, let me see here, zero! 总之,根据你的税表,你的报道,让我在这里看到,零!--Unfortunately, lying on a federal form is a punishable off ense. 不幸的是,躺在联邦监狱是一种惩罚的罪行的形式。

--- 5 years jail time. - Well, it's my word against yours. - 5 年的监禁。- 嗯,这是我对你要说的话。

--200 bucks a day, fluff, 365 days a year, since I was tw elve. 每天能赚200 块钱好吗,一年365天,自从我十二岁开始。

--Actually it's your word against yours. 其实是你自己的话对上你自己。

-And if you want this pen you're going to help me 然后如果你想要这支笔你要帮我

--find this poor missing otter, 找到这只可怜的水獭,

--or the only place you'll be selling Pawpsicles is the pri son cafeteria. 否则你唯一能卖冰棒的地方就是监狱的食堂了。

--It's called a hustle, sweet heart. 这叫说话的艺术,甜心。

--She hustled you. Ehahaha... 她整死你了。额哈哈哈...

--She hustled you good! You're a cop now, Nick. 她把你耍得团团转!你现在是一个警察了,尼克。

--You're gonna need one of these. 你会需要这一个小徽章的。

--Have fun working with the fuzz! 跟条子开心的工作啊!

--Start talking. 开始说吧。

--I don't know where he is, I only saw where he went. 我不知道他在哪里,我只看到他去了哪里。

--Great, let's go! 太好了,我们走吧!

--It's not exactly a place for a cute little bunny. 这对一只可爱的小兔子而言不明智喔。

-- Don't call me cute, get in the car. - Okay. You're the boss. - 不要说我可爱,给我上车。-好的。你是老大。

--Hi. I'm...你好。我...

--Hello? Hello? Hello?你好?你好?你好?

--Hello! My name is...你好!我的名字是...

--You know, I'm gonna hit the pause button right there. 你知道,我会按下暂停键就在那里。

--Cause we're all good on bunny scout cookies. 因为我们都很喜欢兔子的饼干。

--Uh, no.哦,不。

--I'm Officer Hopps, ZPD. I'm looking for a missing mammal.. . 我是哈波斯警官,动物乌托邦警方。我在寻找失踪的哺乳动物...
