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具有寓意性质的人名 具有寓意性质的地名
the Celestial City
Judge Hate-good
the Delectable Mountains
对当时 社会ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu 实生活 作了相 当广泛 的批判 性描述
Superstition Pickthank拍马 Badman恶人 Malice怨恨
Analysis: The Pilgrim’s Progress
4. Symbolism is another feature in The Pilgrim’s Progress.
人生→ 人生→朝圣者们的艰难历程 人→天路的朝圣者 基督寻求救赎的朝圣历程→ 基督寻求救赎的朝圣历程→ 人类摆脱世间烦恼和焦虑、 人类摆脱世间烦恼和焦虑、 追求美好永恒未来的过程。 追求美好永恒未来的过程。
Here the author’s condemnation of the vices of his society is most strongly expressed. The Vanity Fair allegorically refers to the real world where people have lost the sense of honor, uprightness and conscience. In a word, they are spiritually lost. By making the truth-seeking pilgrims suffer at the hands of the people of Vanity Fair, the author also makes his readers conscious of the prevalent political and religious persecution of his time, the hard lot of the simple, honest people, their spiritual sufferings at a time of great changes, and their aspiration for a better life. Bunyan cherished a deep hatred of both the king and his government.
漫话约翰·班杨 漫话约翰 班杨
约翰·班杨是英国作家中文化层次最低的, 约翰 班杨是英国作家中文化层次最低的, 班杨是英国作家中文化层次最低的 以现在的标准, 以现在的标准,他是否初中毕业还尚存疑 但是凭借他的虔诚和刻苦, 问,但是凭借他的虔诚和刻苦,他完成了 英国文学史上自 圣经》 上自《 英国文学史上自《圣经》以来最伟大的宗 教作品《天路历程》 教作品《天路历程》。
The Pilgrim’s Progress
Pilgrimage to the West
1. 东西方宗教理想主义文学的杰出代表作品 西方——基督教 《圣经》天堂向往 西方 基督教 圣经》 原罪-信主 赎罪-得救 信主-赎罪 得救-沐恩 原罪 信主 赎罪 得救 沐恩 东方——佛教 西天极乐世界的追求 东方 佛教 因果报应-苦行得救 普渡众生-修成正果 苦行得救-普渡众生 因果报应 苦行得救 普渡众生 修成正果 都是宗教寓言,都借助游记体小说结构, 都是宗教寓言,都借助游记体小说结构,“百科 全书式”地再现了“三界” 天上,人间。地下) 全书式”地再现了“三界”(天上,人间。地下) 色彩斑斓的生活画面 2. 都体现批判性特征 都体现批判性特征——作为表现宗教理想的小 作为表现宗教理想的小 说,寄托着作家对现实的认识和改革显示的希望 塑造了具有鲜明现实性的人物形象 深刻揭露现实社会的种种罪恶 嘲讽法律的不公
British Literature
1. Please talk about Milton‘s works 2. Say something about Satan
John Bunyan (1628—1688)
约翰·€÷杨 约翰 €÷杨 €÷
John Bunyan
Life 1. He was of humble origin. 2. His life covered the period of the great crisis in the puritan struggle.
Doubting Castle 怀疑城堡 the Vanity Fair
the Slough of Despond
the City of Destruction
Analysis: The Pilgrim’s Progress
3. “Vanity Fair” “名利场”或“浮华集 名利场” 名利场 市”is a remarkable passage. It is an epitome of the English society after the Restoration. Everything can be sold or bought in this fair and the persecution of Christian and Faithful is described.
Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier Poets
玄学派诗人与骑士派(保皇派) 玄学派诗人与骑士派(保皇派)诗 人
The Metaphysical Poets
Metaphysical is a school of poetry appeared about the beginning of the 17th century. John Donne was the founder.
The two pilgrims, Christian and Faithful, had arrived at a town where a fair called Vanity Fair was kept. At the fair, everything, such as “houses, lands, trades, places, honors, titles, countries, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures and delights” was sold as merchandize: and every kind of crime was committed. Christian and Faithful were asked to buy something on sale at the fair, but they refused to buy anything there, saying that they would “ buy the truth”. This made the people at the fair very angry and a great disorder followed. They were taken to the judges, who judged them to be madmen and sentenced them to be first beaten and them shut up in a cage to be displayed in public as a punishment for their offence.
Analysis: The Pilgrim’s Progress
man clothed with rags standing in a certain place, with his face from his own house, a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back. I looked, and saw him open the book, and read therein; 基督徒 and as he read, he wept and trembled; and, not being able longer to contain, 一个人穿着破烂的衣服 穿着破烂的衣服, he brake out with a lamentable cry, 一个人穿着破烂的衣服 站在一个地方,背对着自 站在一个地方 背对着自 saying, "What shall I do?" 己的房舍,手里拿着一本书 手里拿着一本书,背上 己的房舍 手里拿着一本书 背上 负着一个沉重的包袱 我正看着,只见他打开书本一边阅读, 包袱。 负着一个沉重的包袱。我正看着,只见他打开书本一边阅读, 一边流泪,全身颤抖,后来情不自禁地伤心起来: 一边流泪,全身颤抖,后来情不自禁地伤心起来:“我应该做 点什么? 点什么?” the worldly troubles the Bible and worries
漫话约翰·多恩 漫话约翰 多恩
英国历史上最诡异的诗人是约翰·多恩, 英国历史上最诡异的诗人是约翰 多恩,他的诗被 多恩 后世成为玄学诗,直译过来就是形而上学诗, 后世成为玄学诗,直译过来就是形而上学诗,他 的诗最大的而特点就是将两个八竿子打不到东西 联系在一起,将爱情比作跳蚤(The Flea),将爱 联系在一起,将爱情比作跳蚤 , 人比作圆规(A 人比作圆规 Valediction: Forbidding Mourning “告别辞:莫悲伤 ),不过也正是这种 告别辞: 告别辞 莫悲伤” , 比喻,使他的诗别具一格。 比喻,使他的诗别具一格。玄学诗在很长的一段 时间里被人遗忘,直到20世纪的诗人 世纪的诗人TS艾略特将 时间里被人遗忘,直到 世纪的诗人 艾略特将 其重新发掘出来。 其重新发掘出来。
Analysis: The Pilgrim’s Progress
1. The Pilgrim’s Progress is a religious allegory. 2. The characters and the places in the work are allegorical.
Analysis: The Pilgrim’s Progress
John Bunyan
3. After the Restoration of Charles Ⅱ, the Puritans underwent sever persecution and he himself was imprisoned twice. It was during his second imprisonment that he wrote Part Ⅰof his masterpiece – The Pilgrim’s Progress.
Can you think of a famous chinese work which is similar with The Pilgrim’s Progress? Can you say something about the similarities of the two works?
The Pilgrim’s Progress
《天 路 历 程》
The Pilgrim’s Progress
《天 路 历 程》
It is said the world literature has three great allegories: Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, Dante’s The Devine Comedy and Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress . The story begins: “As I walked through the wilderness of this world I lighted on a certain place where there was a den and laid me down in that place to sleep; and as I sleep, I dreamed a dream.” It ends: “Then I saw that there was a way to hell even from the gates of heaven as well as from the city of Destruction. So I awoke, and behold it was a dream.”