3.蛋白质结晶学-可溶性蛋白-part 1

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Concentration gradient
Flow of tranport towards the crystal face
Flow of growth units
Flow of integration in the crystal surface
Crystallization taking place in a diffusive environment yields crystals of the highest quality
Crystal -> Diffraction pattern -> Electron density -> Model
Part I
• Fundamentals of macromolecular crystallization • Crystallization techniques
• Practical considerations
Classical protein crystallization techniques
Macromolecule concentration
Vapor diffusFra Baidu bibliotekon Hanging/Sitting drop
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Counter diffusion crystallization
Raphael Eduard Liesegang (1869-1947)
4Ag+ + Cr2O7-2 + H2O -----> 2Ag2CrO4 + 2H+
History of a supersaturation wave Counter-diffusion technique How it works?
Prerequisites for protein crystallisation. • Need about 10 mg purified protein. - Various forms of chromatography. - Better than 95 % purity if possible. • Must be homogeneous. - Protein isoforms & microhetrogenity very damaging to crystal growth. • Typically concentrate to about 20 mg/ml. • Must be stable throughout the experiment. - Can take days, weeks or months to grow crystals.
很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好 很好很好很好
Crystallization trial will be under kinetic control when the relative supersaturation, (t ) , defined by
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
E' E 0' 0
Understurated zone
Labile zone
Metas table zone
Precipitating agent concentration
Typical purification protocols. • Grow cells (E. coli, yeast etc). • Break cells (French press or sonication or lysozyme). • Separate eg. membranes from other things by centrifugation. - Extract supernatent, resolubilise membrane proteins or inclusion bodies. • Purification: - Ion exchange chromotography; affinity chromotography (His tag); Gel filtration most common. Isoelectric focussing a less common option. • Check purity on a SDS gel. - Other biophysical characterisation such as activity assays, dynamic light scattering, etc. • Frequently change buffer. • Concentrate to typically around 10 to 20 mg/mL. • Crystallisation setups.
Part 2
• Advanced techniques: Crystallization screening with Trace-Fluorescent labeling
Part 3
• Growing large crystals for neutron crystallography • Space
Protein crystallization for x-ray and neutron crystallography
Joseph D. Ng
iXpressGenes Inc University of Alabama in Huntsville
Ixpressgenes.com Nglab.uah.edu
Factors affecting protein solubility. • pH - As pH changes certain groups (eg. Asp, Glu, Lys, His, Arg, Try) go from neutral to charged, or from charged to netural. - Alters surface charges & interactions with water. • Salts affect protein surface charges & interact with water. - Salting in (adding salt increases protein solubility). - Salting out (adding salt decreases protein solubility). • Polar solvents. - eg. polyetheleneglycol (PEG) soaks up water. • Temperature - Thermodynamic factors influence solubility.
Nail Polish
Precipitant + glycerol (cryo solution) + derivative
Nail Polish
Volume = 5-7 ul
Protein and low concentration agarose
Counter-diffusion technique
• • • • Super(under)saturation is immediately achieved Screening performed by repeating a number N of experiments using different initial conditions Higher the number N of experiments higher the possibility of success Number of visited crystallization conditions per trial: One supersaturation value, One (infinite) rate of supersaturation

Classical protein crystallization techniques: Batch method
Macromolecule concentration
Direct mixing of protein and precipitant
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a) Batch experiment
Labile zone
Metas table
Understurated zone
Oil thin layer
2 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Protein + Precipitant
Precipitating agent concentration
110 101
Growth rate
Dettachment Attachment
不 不 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不
不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好 不好
Fast flow of P.A. molecules Sl ow flow of protein molecu les
P.A. chamber
Protein chamber x
Time = 0
Buffe r chamber
P.A. chamber
Protein chamber
Time = 0
c(t ) (t ) 1 c s
(t ) (t )
< 0
> 0
Thermodynamic Control
Kinetic Control
20 18
b) Vapour diffusion experiment
Macromolecule concentration
The micro-batch method is well suited for screening including miniaturization and automation. It is fast to implement and minute drops can be used.
Trial is blind
b) Vapour diffusion experiment
E' E 0' 0
Understurated zone
Labile zone
Metas table zone
Transport of water molecules
Precipitating agent concentration
Protein solution + precipitant at low concentration Evaporation of water increases the concentration of precipitating agent and protein at the same rate. Precipitant at high concentration (usually twice the one in the drop) • Each experiment explores few supersaturation values at constant rate of change of supersaturation. Higher the number N of experiments higher the possibility of success