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Structure of Exposition
Answer the question
Briefly outline points
Introduce thesis
Note: You should not include anything in your introduction that is not addressed in the body of your composition.
Structure of Exposition
2.Body/paragraphs Topic sentence Supporting points
and elaboration linking sentence Note: refer to the keywords from
the question and from question as often as possible. A good way to do this is to consistently use the your introduction throughout your essay.
A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones.First, teaching means learning.College is a place where I can enrich my knowledge and improve myself. Besides,to make my lectures more constructive and stimulating,I have to read extensively,explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world—the very thing I enjoy in my life.Second, teaching means independence.As a teacher,I am my own boss and free to use my own ideas to make my own decisions.It is a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions.The content of my lessons and the way of delivering lessons largely depend on myself.Finally,I like teaching because it offers a sense of dignity.A teacher is not only a person who passes down knowledge,but a person who plays an important role in the process of students’growing. To be a teacher,I am a person who helps to create and mould students’personality.I am proud of such a noble career.6
Structure of Exposition
3. Conclusion
Answer the question according to your thesis
bring together all your information in a more general way in the introduction.
Example: Many a time in my life I’ve been asking myself
about what career I shall take and what I can do to prepare myself for it.Although my ideas are not consistent,I have now decided on college teaching as my life-long career.
However,teaching is a demanding job.Only a person with rich knowledge can make a qualified teacher.In order to be a college teacher,I shall study hard not only in class,but also in daily life.Moreover, I shall train my patience,improve my handwriting, and enlarge my knowledge.

6班 2组
• Definition of Exposition • Structure of Exposition • Elements of Expository Text • Example
Definition of Exposition
• Exposition is explanation • To explain the objective character and
nature of things. • To clarify the occurrence and
development of things. • Exposition writing is nonfiction prose that
set forth ideas, facts, values, arguments, and the like. • The purpose of exporsition is to enable the reader to the nature of things was a complete and clear, objective and accurate understanding.