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木兰走了 Mulan had gone! 什么? What? 怎么可能? lt can't be. 你得快追她回来 You must go after her. 这要杀头的 She could be killed. 保佑木兰 列祖列宗 Honorable ancestors, Please, Watch over Mulan
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l can explain. 原来是真的So it's true! 我早就觉得你怪怪的l knew there was something wrong with you. 一个娘儿们A woman! 最毒妇人心Treacherous snake! 木兰 我叫花木兰My name is Mulan. 我是为了救父亲l did it to save my father 丞相 滔天大罪High treason! 木兰 我并不想骗人l didn't mean for it to go this far. 丞相 完全的不诚实Ultimate dishonor! 木兰 这是唯一的办法lt was the only way. 请相信我Please, believe me. 丞相 校尉Captain? 李翔 抓住他Restrain him! 国有国法You know the law 一命还一命A life for a life. 现在扯平了My debt is repaid. 出发Move out! 丞相 你不能就这样啊But you can't just... 李翔 我说了l said 出发move out.

• Go back to your land! This land doesn't belong to you. It’s ours! Yours? Hey, he said it’s their land! We just want to get our land back! Go to HELL! Poor man, you’re dying, you know? Fire! Kill them all!!! • Let's hear it for Ping! • Ping! What's wrong? • 他受伤了,快叫人 • He's wounded! Get help! • 撑着点…… • Hold on.
• • • • • • • 李香 胡翠丽 许盼 王凤 叶芳 王依慧 陈映佑 饰 饰 饰 饰 饰 饰 饰 MuLan LiXiang Prime minister mother father Shan yu Emperor
• 士兵
胥胜 顾天蛾 郑菊 文未
• 导演 • 编剧 • •
秦卓云 范燕 邵进 杜丹
• Do you still remember General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I'm his son, Li Xiang. • I've killed too many people. How can I remember such a guy? It doesn't bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon. You! You talk too much! Now it is my chance to take revenge on you. H: You? Impossible! • Fa mu lan ,I will kill you • I can’t believe I’m killed by a normal soldier! Ah… • mulan, let’s go back to see the empire, We will face everything will happen together.

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Soldiers! Attention! our general is coming I’m li shang your new general Yao,Yes, sir Jin bao I’m here ,yes, sir Ning yes ,sir 你叫什么名字? What's your name 你校尉在问你话呢 Your commanding officer just asked you a question. 是,我叫花平 my name is hua ping 花平?Ping 让我看下你的征召令 Let me see your conscription notice. 花弧,有名的花弧? Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou? 我不知道花弧还有儿子? l didn't know Fa Zhou had a son. 木兰 我爹很少提起我 Um, he doesn't talk about me much. 李翔 好了,大伙儿 Okay, gentlemen, 我们正式开始训练 Now ,let’s begins
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你以为你军队准备好上战场吗?You think your troops are ready to fight? 没两下就会被匈奴打垮Ha! They would not last a minute against the Huns! 他们完成了训练They completed their training. 那些小毛孩不适合做士兵……Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers 你也不适合做校尉than you are to be captain. 等将军看到我的报告Once the general reads my report, 你们就别想上战场your troops will never see battle. 你休想, Oh, no, 小心点,校尉Be careful, Captain. 将军是你的父亲The general may be your father, 但是我是皇上的宰相but l am the emperor's counsel. 顺便说一句…And, oh, by the way, 那个职位是我靠自己努力得来的l got that job on my own. 退下吧You're dismissed. :boys boy 你是了不起的校尉l think you're a great captain. 我看出来了l saw that.
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Attack, We just get our land back, 木兰 让我们去教训那些匈奴吧 Mulan 匈奴没死,他们混进京城The Huns are alive! They're in the city! 你不该来这的,回家去吧You don't belong here, Mulan. Go home. 我在山上看到他们l saw them in the mountains. 你一定要相信我You have to believe me. 我不是回来了吗?Why else would l come back? 你说你相信花平You said you'd trust Ping. 为什么不能相信木兰?Why is Mulan any different? Hey, soldiers! Keep your eyes open .Take up your weapon and follow me. It's time to fight.


What? My father is dying. He’s toohould I do? I should go to the army instead of my father
• I will leave here ,my home ,may be I can’t return and set foot on this land again ,dad ,maybe I will die in battle and can’t cook and wash for you, please ,take care of yourself

Scene five
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Your Majesty 皇上,哈哈啊哈我的子民们My children, 感谢老天爷保佑、照顾京城heaven smiles down upon the Middle Kingdom. 今晚大家高枕无忧China will sleep safely tonight 多亏我们的勇土thanks to our brave warriors li shang 你父亲会以你为荣Your father would have been very proud. Your Majesty I hope you can forgive mulan 丞相 她是个女流之辈she is a woman 女人一无是处She'll never be worth anything. 别护着那女人That creature's not worth protecting. 皇上皇帝You know ,she break the law 朕听说过你的事,花木兰l‘ ve heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. 你偷走你爹的盔甲You stole your father's armor, 不告而别ran away from home, 女扮男装,代父从军impersonated a soldier, 欺骗军营长宫deceived your commanding officer, 让军人蒙羞dishonored the Chinese army, l did it to save my father 这是唯一的办法lt was the only way. 请相信我Please, believe me. your Majesty ,she save this country ,please ,think over OK, you hided the truth that you are a girl, you tried to lie to me! As a result you save the country! She is our heroine!
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差一点It was this close. 就差这么一丁点 让老祖宗对我刮目相看 This close to impression' the ancestors, 就能扬眉吐气get the top shelf, an entourage. 这下全完了Man. All my fine work. 我不该离家的l should never have left home 没想到却让他丢尽颜面 Who knew I'd end up shamin' him, disgracing your ancestors 连朋友也没了and lose all your friends 也许我不是为了我爹Maybe l didn't go for my father. 也许我只想证明自己是对的 Maybe what l really wanted was to prove l could do things right. 希望当我看着镜子So when l looked in the mirror, 就会觉得对得起自己l‘ d see someone worthwhile. 可是我错了But l was wrong. 我什么都看不到l see nothing. 我早晚都得面对我父亲 l'll have to face my father sooner or later. 回家吧Let's go home
• Are you O.K.? • I'm all right! Go to take a rest under the tree. He’s really a good guy • what’s wrong? • Look • Good job • Together • ready
