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PARTIV Sports and Entertainment



Olympic Games 奥运会

Details of the very earliest Olympic Games are not available but it is generally agreed that the first Games took place in 766 BC.Before that, there had been various athletic contests in Greece, usually associated with religious festival or the funerals of famous heroes killed in battle. Form 776 BC on , the over a thousand years. Originally, Olympic Games did not allow women to take part in the activities. According to some researches, women were even not allowed to watch the Games.But things changed greatly. In the modern games, women first began to compete in the same Olympics as men in 1982. Usually, the summer games attracts attention world wide and they would last for two weeks.On the Olympic flag, the five rings with different colors of red, green ,blue, yellow and black repectively represent five continents.



Football 足球

Football (or soccer) is the most popular sport in English as well as in Europe. But nobody knows when or where the games like football actually derived form the “sport”of ancient soldiers celebrating victory by kicking around the decapitated head of an enemy.In fact, in 1314, the English king, Enward –II tried to stop it because his soliders were playing football instead of laerning how to fight other armies.But nobody could stop it even the king himself! More and more people liked to play it and by 1514, they were calling it “foote balls”. Football is very popular in England, for example, there is a world famous football team Manchester United.

足球是世界上最盛行的运动之一。传说足球的起源是古代士兵降敌人的头颅割下来在地上踢着玩一庆祝胜利。而在14 世纪初,英国国王爱德华二世曾下令禁止足球,但却禁而不止。今天,足球在英国成了最流行的运动,如英国有世界豪门之一的曼联足球队。

Basketball 篮球

Basketball is still a young game. It is not yet a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891, a certain college in Massachusetts was

having trouble that the students had to stay indoors.Finally, a physical education teacher , Canadian-born James Naismith created the new games for the students. At first, Naismith had planned to have the ball thrown into a box. As could not find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead. That is how the game got its name. Invented in 1891, basketball had its first professional team in 1896.But it wasn’t until 1950 that the National Basketball Association (NBA) of professional teams was established.


Baseball 棒球

Baseball may still be the great American game. It is one of the few team sports that is not controlled by a clock, the location of the ball determines the play of the game. Many children play informal baseball in their neighborhoods. Samll towns and cities still maintain organized baseball teams. Finally, professional baseball is still “big business”. The lagest baseball stadium is the
