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Written by Regina M. Stockus

English Lecturer of Huizhou University

March 31, 2009-3-31

English corners are a phenomenon that is particularly favorable to China and attracts an audience that is predominantly made up of Chinese. Although the real reason for English corners, as I see it, is to attract foreigners who are native English speakers so as to give English learners

a chance to practice their

oral English, more often

than not, most English

corners in Huizhou are

made up of only Chinese

and very few foreigners.

Huizhou University’s

ENGLSIH CORNER IS DIFFERENT in this respect. Many more foreigners attend and the topics are much more interesting. The English Department at the University is vey diligent in its approach by providing full support from its faculty to ensure that these English corners a success. They are held on Wednesday evenings on the 5th floor of the English Department Building. The atmosphere is jovial and spirited. The sessions are exhilarating, as the English majors and some students from other faculties enthusiastically

join in. I like these ones more than others I have been to, because it is well run and well organized. Others I have been to seem a bit of a free for all having no set agenda. This is why these are better than others because you know what to expect and since everyone’s time is valuable it is good to know what you will talk about, giving one a chance to prepare ahead of time. The only way to speak English well or better is to practice speaking. What better way then to attend an English corner. But even more important and even better, is to attend a good English corner and Huizhou University has the upper hand on that I believe.

(按:Regina M. Stockus 加拿大人,现为我院商务英语教师,曾任康帝大酒店客服部总经理,已在中国生活数载,阅历丰富,敬业乐群。她曾多次参加不同院校的英语角,却每每遗憾,然对惠州学院外语系每周三晚上在旭日大楼五楼举办的英语角情有独钟,赞誉不已。欢快怡人的氛围,使她感慨不已,特撰写此文。字里行间尤见我院英语角之魅力:一则外籍教师之多,二则主题准备之妙,三则参加者来自各系部,四则外语系倾情而出。文章最后强调:好的英语角是提高英语口语的绝妙之处,惠州学院英语角当是首选!)
