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二、四大方法:实践基础、辩证思维、主体活动、世界眼光 (一)实践基础就是“以实践为基础的研究方法” 。对于它的重要性我们用了一个表述:是社会科学研究最基本的方法,也可以说是首要的基本的研究方法。因为社会生活在本质上是实践的,实践是人的存在方式,实践是社会存在和发展的基础,实践是认识发展的基础。以实践为基础的研究方法从三个角度回答了怎么体现以实践为基础,即从选题开始就选择有实践意义的重大问题,而不是选择那些和实践毫无关系的问题。你研究“屠龙妙技”有什么意义,你研究“一个针尖上能站几个天使”有什么意义,选题确定后就要开始研究,而研究不能闭门造车,必须重视从实践中总结经验,把实践经验上升为理论;理论成果形成后,又要回到实践,用实践检验理论和发展理论,这就要求解放思想,破除迷信。不要把已经形成的理论看成是不可移易的东西。要尊重本本,但不能搞本本主义;要尊重经验,但不能搞经验主义。



的。” “社会系统研究方法”“社会矛盾研究方法”“社会过程研究方法”,都是讲辩证思维。系统、矛盾、过程都是辩证法的概念,可以把它们放在一起理解,叫辩证思维。首先要把社会作为系统来把握,研究它所包含的各个子系统及其相互


变。其次要研究社会矛盾。利用对立统一的矛盾分析法,剖析社会矛盾特别是关于利益矛盾,关于和谐与矛盾等等。第三要把社会作为过程来研究。社会不仅是系统、矛盾,社会还是过程,要研究社会过程就不能不研究阶段和阶段之间的关系,它们之间的联系和区别,这就涉及到连续性、非连续性、质变、量变、方向和道路等等,涉及到辩证法的另外两个规律:质量互变和否定之否定。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is

late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be

late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage

also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and

fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn

built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height

is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements,
