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轧 钢
June 2007 V ol .24 N o .3
李 旭1,张殿华1,张 浩2,韩继征2,李海涛2,王 晶2,郭剑飞2,刘翠红2
(1.东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110004;
2.唐山钢铁股份有限公司冷轧薄板厂,河北 唐山 063016)
摘 要:简要介绍了唐山钢铁股份有限公司5机架冷连轧机组的工艺及设备参数。重点阐述了冷连轧工艺控制系统的软件结构及功能。实际应用表明,该冷连轧工艺控制系统运行稳定,自动功能完善,厚度控制、板形控制、张力控制等闭环控制精度高。
中图分类号:T G335.55 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9996(2007)03-0046-04
Technology Automatic Control System of Tandem Cold Mill of Tangsteel
LI Xu 1,ZHANG Dian -h ua 1,ZH ANG Hao 2,H AN Ji -z heng 2,LI Hai -tao 2,W ANG Jing 2,GUO Jian -fei 2,LIU Cui -h ong 2
(1.Th e State Key Lab .of Rolling and Automation ,North eastern University ,S henyang 110004,China ;2.Tangsh an Iron and Steel Co .,Ltd .,Tangsh an 063016,China )
A bstract :T he techno log y and mechanical parameter s of 5-stand tandem co ld mill (T CM )of T ang steel is briefly intro duced .T he main fo cus is put on the so ftw are co nfigura tion and func tion o f the T CM technolo gy co ntrol sy stem .The practical applicatio n re sults show that the technolo gy co ntrol sy stem is equipped with hig h stabili -zatio n and per fect function .M eanw hile ,including thickness co ntrol 、flatne ss contro l and te nsio n co ntr ol all the closed -loo p co nt rol hav e achiev ed hig h accuracy .
Key words :tandem co ld mill ;techo no log y co ntrol system ;thickness ;flatness ;tension
收稿日期:2006-12-19 收修改日期:2007-03-04
作者简介:李 旭(1981-),男(汉族),山东郓城人,讲师,博士。
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46·DOI :10.13228/j .boyuan .issn 1003-9996.2007.03.014