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摘; 要:為了解广西云耳菌株的遗传多样性,本研究对广西的10个百色云耳野生菌株和9个商品栽培菌株的菌丝和子实体性状进行测定,采用ISSR技术对其遗传差异进行分析,从而为广西云耳资源的合理利用提供依据。结果显示,19个菌株的菌丝培养特征和子实体外观性状都具有丰富的多样性;野生菌株与商品菌株间存在明显差异,其中前者多数菌株的菌丝培养期间色素发生早、子实体颜色较浅而呈半透明状、子实体质地柔软而滑嫩、咀嚼性低,后者菌丝培养期间色素发生晚或无色素、子实体颜色深而不透明、子实体质地较脆、咀嚼性高。ISSR 分析结果显示,19个菌株的遗传相似系数在0.51~0.90之间,在相似系数为0.69时,可将它们划分为5个类群。其中,类群I和III全为野生菌株,遗传相似系数分别在0.69~0.74和



中图分类号:S646.6; ; ; 文献标识码:A

Genetic Variation of Auricularia heimuer Strains in Guangxi

WU Shengjin, CHEN Xuefeng, WANG Canqin, SU Qichen, WEI Shiyan*, WU Xiaojian, LANG Ning,

LAN Taoju

Microbilogy Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning,Guangxi 530007, China

Abstract: In order to understand the genetic diversity and to provide a basis for the rational utilization of A. heimuer resource in Guangxi, the characters of mycelium and fruit body of ten wild strains from Baise and nine cultivars strains of A. heimuer were determined, and the genetic variation among of the strains was analyzed by the ISSR technique. The 19 strains exhibited high diversity in the characters of mycelium and fruit body. There were evident differences between the wild strains and the cultivar strains. The former mostly produced pigment early during mycelium culture, and the fruit body was light colored, semitranslucent, soft, tender, low chewiness in the textur, while the latter produced pigment at late stage of mycelium culture or no pigment, and the fruit body was dark colored, opaque, and springy, higher chewiness in the texture. ISSR analysis showed that the similarity coefficient was ranged from 0.51 to 0.90 among the 19 strains which could be divided into five groups at the similarity coefficient of 0.69. The strains in group I and group III were all wild strains, which had a similarity coefficient 0.69–0.74 and 0.69–0.77,respectively, the strains in group II and group IV were all cultivar strains which had a similarity coefficient 0.80–0.86 and 0.85–0.90, respectively, and the strain in the group V was only the wild strain BY81. All results suggested that A. heimuer strains in Guangxi possessed high genetic diversity. There were higher genetic variations among the wild strains from Baise than that among cultivar strains. There was also high genetic variation between the wild strains and cultivar strains, which should belong to different ecological groups. A. heimuer in Baise was a precious resource waiting to be exploited.

Keywords: Auricularia heimuer in Baise; wild strains; cultivar strains; ISSR; genetic variation

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2020.05.011

云耳是我国南方地区对黑木耳(Auricularia heimuer)的一种俗称,是我国四大食用菌栽培品种之一。我国云耳资源丰富、分布广泛,其中以秦巴山区、鄂西山区、云贵高原和东北黑龙江与吉林等地分布最多[1]。百色云耳指自然分布于广西百色地区及其周边地区的野生黑木耳,该地区位于云贵高原与南岭丘陵的过渡性地带,是广西云耳野生资源分布最多的地区,也是我国云耳的传统主产区[2]。

