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A Brief Introduction to China
--Geography and History
Mount Everest

中国的全称是中华人民共和国,首都在北 京,陆地总面积为960万平方公里,是世界 上面积最大的国家之一。 The People’s Republic of China is the full official name of China, whose capital is Beijing. It has a land area of about 9.6 million square kilometers and it is one of the largest countries in land size in the whole world.
Panoramic View

中国位于亚洲东部、太平洋的西岸,陆地边界长达2 万余千米,东邻朝鲜,北邻蒙古人民共和国,东北和 西北与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦接壤,西和西南邻阿富汗、 巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊尔、锡金和不丹,南邻缅甸、 老挝和越南。 China is located in East Asia, on the western shores of the Pacific Ocean. It has a continental land boundary of more than 20,000 kilometers and adjoins Korea in the east, the People’s Republic of Mongolia in the north, Russia and Kazakhstan in the northeast and northwest, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan in the west and southwest and Burma, Laos and Vietnam in the south.

大陆海岸线长达18000余千米,隔着大海, 跟日本、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚 以及文莱等国家和地区遥遥向望。 The continental coastline is more than 18,000 kilometers long and looks across the seas towards Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.

中国西部有世界上最高的山脉和高原,丘 陵、山脉和高原占国土面积的66%以上。 Over 66% of China is upland hill, mountains and plateaus while the highest mountains and plateaus are found to the west.

青藏高原是世界上最高最大的高原,素有世界屋 脊之称。喜马拉雅山脉的珠穆朗玛峰位于中国和 尼泊尔边界,海拔8848.13米,是世界上最高的 山峰。 The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the highest and largest plateau which is commonly know as the ―roof of the world‖. Qomolangma in the Himalayas Mountains is located on the border between China and Nepal, being the world’s highest peak, having an elevation of 8848.13 meters.

中国目前的主要行政划分包括4个直辖市、23个省、 5个自治区,香港和澳门被划为特别行政区。 The main administrative division in China today are the four municipalities directly under the central government, the twenty-three provinces and the five autonomous regions. Hong Kong and Macao are the two Special Administrative Regions.


长江,也称扬子江,长6300千米,是中国第一长 河,世界第三长长河。它发源于青海省的唐古拉 山脉。 The longest river in China, and the third longest river in the world, is the 6300-kilometer-long Changjiang, more commonly know in the West as the Yangtze River. The Changjiang River rises in the Tanggula Mountains of Qinghai Province.
The Changjiang River/ Yangtze River

长江是中国的生命线。它流经10个省市,有 700多条支流,流域面积为180余万平方公里, 占中国陆地总面积的19%。长江流经中国的主 要工业区,形成华南人口密度最大的三角洲。 The Yangtze River is China’s lifeline. The river flows through ten provinces, with over 700 tributaries, covers an area of 1.8 million km, which is 19 percent of the total land area of China. The river flows through the major industrialized area in China, and forms the most densely populated delta.

黄河是中国第二大河,发源于中国西部的 巴颜克拉山脉,南北迂回,长达5464千米。 向东注入大海,流域面积为745000余平方 千米,养育着1.2亿人口。古代中国的文化 就发源于黄河流域的中部。 黄河是世界上泥沙沉积最严重的河流,因 其河水终年呈黄褐色而得名。
The Yellow River

Huanghe River, or the Yellow River is the second longest river in China. Originated in the nation’s far west, it loops north, and bends south, and flow east for 5,464 km until it empties into the sea, draining a basin of 745,000km, nourishing some 120 million people. Thousands of years ago, Chinese civilization emerged from the central region of this basin. As the most heavily silt-laden river in the world, the Yellow River got its name from the muddiness of its water.

Chinese civilization originated in various regional centers along both the Yellow River and the Yangtze River valleys in the Neolithic era, but the Yellow River is said to be the Cradle of Chinese Civilization. The written history of China can be found as early as the Shang Dynasty (ca. 1700 BC – ca. 1046 BC). Oracle bones with ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been radiocarbon dated to as early as 1500 BC. The origins of Chinese culture, literature and philosophy developed during the Zhou Dynasty (1045 BC-256 BC).

The Zhou Dynasty began to bow to external and internal pressures in the 8th century BC. The ability of the Zhou to control its regional lords lessened, and the kingdom eventually broke apart into smaller states, beginning in the Spring and Autumn Period and reaching full expression in the Warring States period. In 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang united the various warring kingdoms and created the first Chinese empire. Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to directly control vast territories.

The conventional view of Chinese history is that of alternating periods of political unity and disunity, with China occasionally being dominated by Inner Asian peoples, most of whom were in turn assimilated into the Han Chinese population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and cultural assimilation, are part of the modern culture of China.
Timeline of China

1 Prehistory

1.1 Paleolithic 1.2 Neolithic 2.1 Xia Dynasty (ca. 2100-ca. 1600 BC) 2.2 Shang Dynasty (ca. 1700-1046 BC) 2.3 Zhou Dynasty (1066-256 BC) 2.4 Spring and Autumn Period (722-476 BC) 2.5 Warring States Period (476-221 BC)

2 Ancient era