2022-2023学年河北省邯郸市魏县第五中学高一下学期期末复习练习(二)历史试题1. 伯利克里说:“我们的政府形式之所以称为民主制,是因为权力不掌握在少数人手里,而是由全体人民掌握。
”他所说的“全体人民”指的是()A.全体居民B.妇女C.男性公民D.外邦人2. 下列各项最能体现美国1787年宪法“分权与制衡”原则的是A.行政、立法、司法三权分立,相互制约B.总统既是国家元首,又是政府首脑,还是联邦军队总司令,战时行使独裁大权C.美国公民享有宗教信仰、言论……保留和携带武器等自由D.总统和众议院议员由选民选举产生3. 19世纪中叶以前,欧洲殖民者在非洲的殖民活动主要分布在A.非洲的沿海地区B.非洲内陆地区C.撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲D.北非和红海沿岸4. 下列选项中属于私有制产生的影响是()A.个体劳动逐渐盛行、土地变成私有财产B.是生产力发展到一定程度的结果C.破坏氏族成员的平等关系,导致原始社会逐渐解体D.标志着人类进入文明时代5. 下列有关近代启蒙思想家的组合有误的一项是A.17世纪-洛克-《政府论》-分权理论B.17世纪-伏尔泰-《哲学通信》-法律面前人人平等C.18世纪-孟德斯鸠-《论法的精神》-三权分立原则D.18世纪-卢梭-《社会契约论》-人民主权说6. 欧洲商人把美洲的玉米、甘薯等作物传到世界其他地区,小麦、水稻等作物又随着欧洲移民逐渐进入美洲。
这一现象开始于A.丝绸之路开通B.罗马帝国的扩张C.新航路的开辟D.垄断组织的出现7. 学者易中天说,实际上,历史的进步往往因为妥协……其实妥协是一种政治美德。
下列史实能够诠释上述观点的是①扶清灭洋②清帝退位③英国光荣革命④美国1787年宪法⑤法兰西第三共和国宪法A.①②③④B.②③④⑤C.③④⑤D.②④⑤8. 万有引力定律是牛顿的重要科学发现,下列各项中对牛顿万有引力定律的提出过程概述正确的有①观测了海王星的运动轨迹②研究了地球对月球的引力③运用了微积分做计算工具④参考了开普勒天体力学的成果A.②③B.①④C.①③④D.②③④9. 上海世博会期间,“金色少女”雕像全身镀金,是为纪念第一次世界大战中阵亡的3000名卢森堡士兵而建。
(文言文材料略)1. 解释下列句中加点词的含义。
(10分)(具体句子略)2. 翻译下列句子。
(10分)(具体句子略)3. 概括文中人物的主要特点。
(5分)4. 分析文中所表达的主旨。
(现代文材料略)6. 根据文章内容,概括作者的主要观点。
(5分)7. 作者使用了哪些修辞手法?请举例说明。
(5分)8. 分析文中某个段落的深层含义。
(5分)9. 评价文章的结构布局。
(5分)10. 根据文章内容,提出你的看法或建议。
(10分)(三)作文(90分)11. 根据题目要求,写一篇不少于800字的作文。
书面表达题目:《我的高中生活》四、综合科目(共300分)(一)物理(100分)1. 选择题(40分)2. 实验题(30分)3. 计算题(30分)(二)化学(100分)1. 选择题(40分)2. 实验题(30分)3. 计算题(30分)(三)生物(100分)1. 选择题(40分)2. 实验题(30分)3. 简答题(30分)考试结束,请同学们按照监考老师的要求,有序交卷。
(三)苏联经济体制改革的启示 (1)社会主义制度需要在发展中自我完善,社会主义国家的 经济体制改革势在必行; (2)必须依据本国国情,从实际出发、实事求是,走建设由 中国特色的社会主义道路; (3)应坚持社会主义发展方向,抵制西方资本主义国家的和 平演变,处理好改革、发展和稳定的关系; (4)社会主义建设必须坚持以经济建设为中心,以发展社会 生产力、不断改善人民生活水平为根本宗旨; (5)必须不断加强社会主义民主法治建设,防止个人崇拜。
2、斯大林时代的经济政策与新经济政策相比有哪些重大调整? ①向社会主义过渡方式上:从间接向社会主义过渡的路线到直接过 渡; ②所有制结构上:从多种所有制并存到单一的公有制; ③经济管理体制上:从计划和市场调节并存到高度集中的计划经济 体制。 ④分配制度上:从按劳分配到绝对平均主义。
知识点3:苏联社会主义改革与挫折 1.赫鲁晓夫改革 (1)背景①20世纪50年代,斯大林模式的弊端日益显现。
(3)评价 ①积极:赫鲁晓夫的改革冲击了“神圣不可侵犯”的 斯大林模式,打开了苏联社会主义改革的闸门,具有 探索性和开创性。
②消极:但是,由于缺乏正确的理论指导、总体上的 规划和科学的试验,改革虽然取得了一些成果,却未 能从根本上打破斯大林模式的框架。 (4)失败原因 ①.改革没有结合国情 ②改革缺乏事实求是的精神,思想上急于求成 ③改革缺乏正确的指导思想,理论上准备不足 ④改革没有触动高度集中的体制。
列宁在《“论粮食税”一书纲要》中说:“余粮收集制不 是‘理想’,而是一种痛苦的和可悲的需要。相反的看法
是危险的错误。”这表明列宁( ) A.放弃了“共产主义理想” B.全面否定了余粮收集制 C.认识到余粮收集制弊端 D.停止对社会主义的探索 【答案】C
河北高一高中历史月考试卷班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________一、选择题1.“周之失,在于制;秦之失,在于政,不在制。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 集合是指().第一象限内的所有点;.第三象限内的所有点;.第一象限和第三象限内的所有点;.不在第二象限、第四象限内的所有点.参考答案:由题意可知同号,或者是至少有一个为0,则答案选.2. 下列函数中,在上为减函数的是()A. B. C. D.参考答案:D略3. 函数的图象大致是()A B CD参考答案:D4. 若,,则与的关系是()A. B. C. D.参考答案:A解析:,5. 下列函数中,既是偶函数又在(0,+∞)上是单调递减的是()A. B. C. D.参考答案:C【分析】先判断各函数奇偶性,再找单调性符合题意的即可。
6. 已知,则下列不等式一定成立的是()A.sin(α+β)<sinα+sinβB.sin(α+β)>sinα+sinβC.cos(α+β)<sinα+sinβD.cos(α+β)>cosα+cosβ参考答案:A【考点】GI:三角函数的化简求值.【分析】根据两角和的正弦、余弦公式即可得到结论.【解答】解:∵已知,sin(α+β)=sinαcosβ+cosαsinβ,∴0<cosβ<1,0<cosα<1,∴sin(α+β)<sinα+sinβ成立,故A正确.由于sin(α+β)=sinαcosβ+cosαsinβ,0<cosβ<1,0<cosα<1,不能推出它大于sinα+sinβ,故B不正确.由于cos(α+β)=cosαcosβ﹣sinαsinβ,0<cosβ<1,0<cosα<1,不能推出它小于sinα+sinβ,故C错误.由于cos(α+β)=cosαcosβ﹣sinαsinβ,0<cosβ<1,0<cosα<1,不能推出它大于sinα+sinβ,故D错误.故选:A.7. 设数列{a n}的前n项和S n=n2,则a8的值为()A.15B.16C.49D.64参考答案:A略8. 若a,b,c都大于0,则直线ax+by+c=0的图象大致是图中的()A.B.C.D.参考答案:D【考点】直线的一般式方程.【分析】直线ax+by+c=0化为:y=﹣x﹣.可得a,b,c都大于0,可得﹣<0,﹣<0.即可得出.【解答】解:直线ax+by+c=0化为:y=﹣x﹣.∵a,b,c都大于0,∴﹣<0,﹣<0.∴直线ax+by+c=0的图象大致是图中的D.故选:D.9. 已知函数f(x)=,则f(f(5))的值为()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4参考答案:D【考点】对数的运算性质;函数的值.【专题】函数的性质及应用.【分析】利用分段函数直接代入求值即可.【解答】解:∵f(5)=log24=2,∴f(f(5))=f(2)=22=4.故选:D.【点评】本题主要考查分段函数的求值问题,注意分段函数中变量的取值范围.10. 已知函数则的图象为()参考答案:C略二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分11. 如果满足∠A=60°,BC=6,AB=k的锐角△ABC有且只有一个,那么实数k的取值范围是.参考答案:【考点】HX:解三角形.【分析】依题意,可得C大于30°且小于90°,结合正弦定理解之即可.【解答】解:由题意,30°<C<90°,∴<sinC<1由正弦定理可得=,∴k=4sinC∴k∈,故答案为.12. 已知两条不同直线、,两个不同平面、,给出下列命题:①若垂直于内的两条相交直线,则⊥;②若∥,则平行于内的所有直线;③若,且⊥,则⊥;④若,,则⊥;⑤若,且∥,则∥;其中正确命题的序号是.(把你认为正确命题的序号都填上)参考答案:④略13. 给出下列四个命题:①某班级一共有52名学生,现将该班学生随机编号,用系统抽样的方法抽取一个容量为4的样本,已知7号、33号、46号同学在样本中,那么样本中另一位同学的编号为23;②一组有六个数的数据是1,2,3,3,4,5的平均数、众数、中位数都相同;③根据具有线性相关关系的两个变量的统计数据所得的回归直线方程为中,则;其中正确的命题有(请填上所有正确命题的序号)参考答案:②③14. 若当时,不等式恒成立,则实数的取值范围是。
河北省衡水董子高级中学等校2024届高三2月入校考试历史试题1. 仰韶文化濮阳西水坡遗存、龙山文化的陶寺遗址以及西周何尊铭文中都发现了“天下之中”的理念,只是“中”由原来的南北居中,发展为东西南北的四方之“中”,从而使“居中而治”不再限于同族内部。
这反映了()A.政治制度的创新发展B.中华文明的扩展C.早期国家的雏形显现D.“家天下”的形成2. 有学者指出:“在《商君书》《韩非子》中,‘尊君权’是一个基础性理论观点,但在他们生活的时代,无论是君主还是法家,都不大可能追求‘既无法律又无规章,由单独一个人按照一己的意志与反复无常的性情领导一切’的专制政体。
”该学者意在强调,战国时期()A.君主尚未高度集权B.诸子百家致力于争霸战争C.国家认同观念形成D.法家思想兼采了百家之长3. 1972年,考古学家在甘肃嘉峪关市东北戈壁滩境内的古墓中相继发现了600多幅精美的魏晋壁画。
这反映出魏晋时期()A.中外交融不断加强B.河西地区农耕化的发展C.少数民族全面汉化D.牛耕技术在各地的普及4. 辽初,契丹人曾自认为“番”,但辽兴宗以后宣称契丹为轩辕之后,承后晋统绪和德运,自称“中国”,标榜中华正统;金朝自熙宗以后也自认“中华”,多次讨论德运问题,斥南宋等政权为“夷狄”。
这体现出()A.中原王朝与北方各族关系融洽B.边疆与内地呈现一体化趋势C.北方少数民族的华夏认同增强D.北方各民族间差异逐渐缩小5. 明人王丹丘在《建业风俗记》中记载:“正德中,士大夫有号者十有四五,虽有号,然多呼字。
”这反映出明朝后期()A.注重伦理教化B.等级秩序受到冲击C.倡导个性自由D.社会主流思想异化6. 某英国学者指出:直到1841年7月底,道光帝及其大臣也只将此(鸦片战争)称之为“边衅”,即使英国人用当时最新的军事技术打败了中国军队,英国人在清政府的文件中仍然被看作是“丑类”“匪类”。
2023-2024学年河北省石家庄市高一下学期期末考试历史试题1. 如图是收藏于布鲁塞尔皇家艺术与历史博物馆的浮雕《吉尔伽美什和“天牛”作战》,吉尔伽美什最终获胜——这象征着人对于战胜自然力的一种信心。
该浮雕发现地诞生的其他文化成就是()A.发明了10进制B.最早使用战车作战C.创制了象形文字D.戏剧艺术高度发达2. 公元前6世纪,波斯帝国建立后,将波斯人的阿拉姆语定为官方语言,各民族虽可保留自己的语言,但生意往来、公文交换必须使用阿拉姆语及文字。
这一措施()A.着眼于保障帝国的商业流通B.阻碍了帝国境内的商业流通C.有利于提高帝国的行政效率D.推动了不同地域之间的交流3. 10世纪的骑士是一群傲慢、目不识丁、言谈举止粗鲁的武士,他们以战争为职业,是“战争与和平的决定者”。
这可用来说明当时西欧()A.封建王权软弱B.教会垄断世俗权力C.民族国家兴起D.城市商品经济发展4. 西班牙人在到达美洲时,曾感慨“我们看到城市和村庄建在水上,看到很多大的城镇建在陆地上,看到通往特诺奇蒂特兰的笔直而平坦的堤道,我们感到震惊……因为巨大的塔楼、庙宇和建筑物都是从水上升起的,而且都是用石头建造的”。
该文明()A.培育了甜高粱、西瓜等农作物B.对外大量出口黄金、象牙和奴隶C.城内有用于祭祀的金字塔庙宇D.发明“浮动园地”以扩大耕地面积5. 一位学者绘制了16世纪的世界贸易示意图,如下图所示,“⑦”箭头表示的贸易路线上出现的大宗物品可能是()A.白银、丝绸B.瓷器、棉布C.香料、玉米D.小麦、枪支6. 如表为某历史研究小组在研究英国资产阶级革命时所收集的部分史料内容。
据此可以推断他们探究的主题是:英国()C.民主平等的时代诉求D.“王在法下”的历史传统7. 如图显示的是四个国家全球工业比重变化情况。
乙国在这一时期发明了()A.电话B.火车C.汽船D.炸药8. 18世纪,法国巴黎流行一种特殊的社交形式——沙龙,贵族与富有市民、艺术家与学者聚集在一起,形成一种远离宫廷和教会的新公共空间。
河北衡水中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次综合素养评级英语试题一、阅读理解Sunflower season is right around the corner. Here are several most beautiful golden fields near London.Garsons FarmAt Garsons Farm you will find three separate sunflower fields across its 155 acres. You’ll need to purchase a crop farm pass (£4 for adults, £1 for kids) in advance and pay 99 pence per flower. This farm is also home to over 75 varieties of fruits, vegetables and plants that can be picked during your visit, but be sure to check crop availability on its website beforehand.Hitchin Lavender FarmThis spot is most famous for its purple crops of lavender (熏衣草), but it is also home to dozens of sunflowers! You will be charged £6 for your entry to the farm, and 50 pence per stem. And for £50 you can hire a personal photographer and have your very own photos with the plants.Cotswold Farm ParkCotswold Farm Park was founded to help protect rare species of farm animals in 1971. You will not only find flowering sunflowers but plenty of furry four-legged friends, too. The park also contains several photo stations throughout the field. Tickets must be booked in advance and cost £7 per adult.Broomfield FarmThis fruit farm is open every Saturday and Sunday for those who want to see sunflowers on their weekends! It produces all kinds of fruits, vegetables and flowers that you can purchase in their farm shop or pick yourself during your visit. You are allowed to bring a picnic with you and the £4 entry is taken off your “pay and weigh” bill at the end.1.What’s the entry fee for a couple and two kids if they go to Garsons Farm?A.£6.B.£7.C.£8.D.£10.2.Where can you see rare farm animals?A.At Garsons Farm.B.At Bromfield Farm.C.At Cotswold Farm Park.D.At Hitchin Lavender Farm.3.Who is the text mainly intended for?A.Sunflower lovers.B.Holiday campers.C.Field researchers.D.Nature photographers.13-year-old Ava Dorsey is the founder of Ava’s Pet Palace, a business that sells organic dog and cat treats.“I actually had the idea when I was six with a picture I drew of a palace,”she says.It was a detailed design for dogs and cats and she had serious plans to build it one day.Unlike most dog treats that you find in stores, dog treats sold by Ava’s Pet Palace are 100% organic, and are non-GMO(非转基因). Ava has set a goal for herself with these dog treats, and she wants every treat to be healthy, tasty, and top-quality. Seriously, some of her treats sound delicious enough for people to eat! “All of my bags now have the USDA organic stamp, and we're very excited to have gotten it because it's something I've wanted for a long time,”she says.“A lot of stores like to see organic products because customers like it, so that was really exciting.”Ava says the biggest challenge of being a kid in business is when people don't take her seriously, but undoubtedly Ava has proved that her doubters are wrong! When asked how she defines(定义) success, Ava says,“When you hit a bump in the road, you shouldn't give up and you keep trying.”She learned that from her mom, who sounds like a smart lady! Some more things Ava has learned from her years in business: Hard work eventually pays off and there is nothing wrong with asking for help.As far as the future of the pet treats industry goes, Ava is optimistic——but she’d also like to be an inspiration for change.“There’s not much diversity(多样性) right now, so that’s something I would love to see in the future,”says Ava.“I would also love to see more kids in this industry.There aren't many other teenagers around, and I hope that I can be an inspiration to others who hope to lead the pet industry.”4.What can we learn about Ava’s Pet Palace from the first two paragraphs?A.It is a palace for pets.B.It is very popular among kids.C.It sells organic pet food.D.It designs stamps for customers.5.What does“hit a bump in the road”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Drive on a stone road.B.Escape a setback in business.C.Face a challenging situation.D.Encounter an unexpected opportunity. 6.What can be inferred about Ava’s future goals?A.She plans to enlarge her business in other industries.B.She wants to employ more teenagers in her company.C.She intends to be a leading figure in the pet industry.D.She hopes to break new ground in the pet treats industry.7.Which of the following best describes Ava?A.Patient and hard-working.B.Determined and creative.C.Confident and humorous.D.Friendly and outgoing.A new song by the famous band The Beatles has been released despite half of the band members no longer being alive, thanks to the help of AI.The Beatles was a legendary British rock band that remained second to Elvis Presley from the 1960s. It was made up of four musicians—John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The new song, titled Now and Then, is unique because it combined the singing of McCartney and Starr with Lennon, who passed away in 1980, and the guitar skills of Harrison, who passed away in 2001.The song was initially written and partly recorded by Lennon in the late 1970s and further developed by band mates years later but as technology then was limited, they didn’t release it due to the sound quality not being satisfying.Peter Jackson, most famous for directing The Lord of the Rings, directed the music video for Norw and Then and it can be watched now online. It was thanks to new Al audio restoration (音频修复) technology that Peter Jackson allowed the four band members to “come together” one last time.Since its release last week, the song has been well received in the UK. Beatles fans around the world favoured this historic musical event.”Now and Then is an absolutely heart-warming piece of work, “posted Liam Gallagher, whose hits were affected by The Beatles’ musical style.Of course, there are those who are not totally interested in the song. ”Now and Then is not terrible. But honestly, it’s kind of boring, “Geoff Edgers wrote in The Washington Post.The Times in the UK said the song showed Al being used to its best advantage.8.Why was the song “Now and Then” not released at first?A.The song was not completed.B.The sound quality was not good enough.C.The band members did not like the song.D.The song was let out before its officialrelease.9.How did Peter Jackson contribute to the song?A.He wrote and recorded the song.B.He invented new audio restoration technology.C.He restored the band members’ sound using AI.D.He played the guitar on the recording.10.What is the attitude of The Times towards the release of Now and Then?A.Supportive.B.Curious.C.Unfavourable.D.Unclear. 11.What is the best title of the text?A.The Beatles Remains Second to Elvis PresleyB.Beatles Fans Welcome the New Song of The BeatlesC.Peter Jnckson Directed the Music Video for The BeatlesD.The Beatles Released a New Song with the Help of AlPsychologists tell us our self-image defines(限定) what we believe we can and cannot do. Each of us over the years has built up belief about ourselves: Unconsciously, our pictures of who we are have been formed by past experiences. As self-image plays a great role in our growth, gaining a proper understanding of it and even making changes to it can hold significant meaning for our development.Changing our self-image is possible: Some psychologists suggest we begin to change our self-image by mentally picturing ourselves performing well at some tasks. Since we presently react to things based on our present images, it's suggested that we replace those with better ones. In many experiments, people were asked to sit quietly for a few minutes each day and imagine themselves doing well. For example, subjects would sit and imagine themselves throwing darts(飞镖) at a bull's-eye on a target Over a period of weeks, their dart game improved.The point of changing self-image is not to develop an image of ourselves that is not real.The aim is to find the real self and to bring our mental images of ourselves in line with our true potential. However, it is generally accepted among psychologists that most of us fail to do justice to ourselves. We're usually better than we think we are.Another important part of changing self-image is to not think about past mistakes. Don't let failures do harm. It is all right to make mistakes. But when they have taught us what we did wrong, we should forget them and not dwell on(纠结于)them. Sometimes we keep remembering our failures or mistakes and feel guilty or embarrassed about them, and then we develop a fear.It is important to have realistic expectations of ourselves. Some of our dissatisfaction might come from expecting too much of ourselves. If our goal is to reach perfection, we are doomed(注定要失败的)from the start.12.Which situation agrees with the idea of the passage?A.To win a speech contest, Tina pictures herself speaking more confidently.B.To get along with her classmates, Doris always humbles(使卑微)herself.C.To become a star player, Alex repeatedly plays back his mistakes in his mind.D.To be better than his classmates, Joe sets an unrealistic goal.13.What is the purpose of paragraph 3?A.To clarify(澄清)the key to changing self-image.B.To confirm(确认)the effect of changing self-imageC.To propose a new view on changing self-image.D.To stress the importance of changing self-image.14.According to the author, how should we regard our past mistakes?A.They are tools for overcoming fear.B.They are warnings for future.C.They are part of our growth.D.They are barriers to our development. 15.What is the main idea that the author conveys in the passage?A.Overcoming fear through past mistakes.B.Building a realistic self-image through proper imagination.C.The importance of humility(谦卑)in personal growth.D.Setting realistic goals for personal development.Straw Weaving(草编)What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of wheat straw? 16 However, Wu Cui, an intangible cultural inheritor, can turn the straw left over from harvested wheat into beautiful and eye-catching functional artworks.The Origin of Straw Weaving17 .The Book of Rites, one of the classical works of Confucianism, also records that there were already mats made of cattail grass and professional straw-weaving craftsmen during the Zhou Dynasty.The Process of Straw WeavingStraw weaving is a method of manufacturing daily items or artworks. Wu explains the process of straw weaving: selection of materials is the first step of a complicated, time-consuming and labor-intensive process that can take weeks, or even months, to complete. You need to sketch (素描)the piece on paper, which requires drawing skills. 18 .Even by finishing that process, it does not mean that you will always create a good piece of work. and the hardest part is to make it lifelike19In the past, woven straw items could be found almost in every household in the countryside. But due to the impact of industrialization. manufactured goods have replaced such products, which yield low profits, and there are only about 100 individuals engaging in the work across the country. “The world has changed, and craftsmen need to pursue the beauty and artistry of straw culture to help the craft survive and thrive,” Wu says.The Future of Straw WeavingFrom her perspective, straw weaving should respond to people’s needs and preferences, while still drawing inspiration from traditional culture. “ 20 ,” she says. When asked about her plans, Wu says she wants to dig deeper into local traditional culture and create cultural creative products by developing the straw-weaving technique.A.The Current Situation of Straw WeavingB.Next comes weaving, shaping and preserving of the workC.Craftspeople should try their best efforts to promote productsD.It was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2008E.Most people would probably just see it as a pile of waste in a farmer’s fieldF.The earliest straw-weaving products were discovered at Hemudu Cultural Ruins G.Craftspeople should be responsive and creative and constantly update their products二、完形填空I was shocked when my socially awkward sister, who had suffered from Asperger Syndrome (阿斯伯格综合症), decided to sing in front of the school. I knew she would 21 me in some way, so I protested. However, my parents insisted that she 22 and I would have to be part of the audience. I silently hoped that something would happen to 23 me from watching her losing face.As I waited in the hall, sweat 24 my forehead. I comforted myself that no one knew she was my sister and tried to persuade myself that it would be 25 . The lights darkened and the 26 opened to reveal (使露面) my sister standing alone on stage. She seemed 27 , taking a minute to stammer (结结巴巴地说) her name and class. 28 began to be heard in the audience.I shifted nervously in my seat, afraid what was about to happen. But as my sister started to sing, I was 29 . Her voice flowed effortlessly and melodiously, filling the hall with its 30 .I watched in wonder, realizing I had never known she could sing so 31 . I listened carefully to the lyric (歌词) she had written herself, feeling ashamed for doubting her 32 . My heart gave way as I heard the heartfelt words.In that moment, guilt and shame flooded my heart. 33 my unwillingness to support her, she had never taken anything that I had done to her to heart. It was then that I determined to love her 34 . It was as if a veil (面纱) had been 35 from my eyes, and my heart was full.21.A.embarrass B.impress C.surprise D.support 22.A.hide B.quit C.escape D.perform 23.A.protect B.save C.recover D.rescue 24.A.picked up B.climbed upon C.took off D.went up 25.A.impressive B.exciting C.fine D.challenging 26.A.characters B.lectures C.curtains D.signals 27.A.confident B.nervous C.prepared D.relaxed28.A.Cries B.Crashes C.Whispers D.Screams 29.A.entertained B.disappointed C.relieved D.shocked 30.A.power B.weakness C.silence D.darkness 31.A.softly B.loudly C.quietly D.beautifully 32.A.abilities B.failures C.talents D.weaknesses 33.A.Without B.Despite C.Beyond D.Within 34.A.extremely B.equally C.unconditionally D.finally 35.A.lifted B.dropped C.covered D.hidden三、语法填空语法填空High school students and those who help in their education in Cyprus have developed 36 unusual robot. The robot uses ChatGPT artificial intelligence, or AI, technology. ChatGPT is a system 37 (develop) by U. S, company Open AI and backed by the technology company Microsoft. The aim of the students is to use the technology 38 (improve) learning experiences in the classroom.ChatGPT is an AI system that can have a 39 (discuss)and create written work. It can create material 40 is based on what it has learned from a large database of digital books, online writings, and other media. The robot is 41 (name) AInstein. It is the size of a small adult. The robot even has a screen for a face that appears to show human expressions.Tutor Elpidoforos Anastasiou is the project's leader. He said that students can ask it questions, it can answer back, and the robot can even help teachers teach more 42 (effective).Anastasiou showed how AI can be fitted to the classroom with AInstein 43 (show) how part of Albert Einstein's theory of time relativity can 44 (explain) by talking about a moving object called a pendulum(钟摆).Their experience with AInstein shows that we should not fear AI, but rather approach it 45 care and responsible consideration. "四、单词拼写46.Even a small success can give you a sense of (成就). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)47.With the time to go hiking a (临近), we feel very excited. (根据中英文提示填空) 48.He (问候) me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)49.Come and see her in (表演) with the new band. (根据汉语提示单词拼写) 50.Your trip to Alaska sounds really (令人着迷). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)五、完成句子51.In the 16th century, the nearby country of Wales (并入) the Kingdom of England. (根据汉语提示完成句子)52.The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a(视觉盛宴). (根据汉语提示完成句子)53.If you introduce yourself to a friendly face, you are (非常有可能) to experience local culture and customers first-hand. (根据汉语提示完成句子) 54.Imagine (有机会) to sing together with hundreds of other people while your are at home alone. (根据汉语提示完成句子)55.It has (证明是) a positive influence on the lives of many people. (根据汉语提示完成句子)六、书信写作56.你刚观看了你校与英国一所友好学校联合在线上举办的音乐会。
选择题唐朝法律曾详细规定了对宰杀耕牛的处罚,杀自家牛者也要判一年徒刑.宋代对杀牛者的处罚更为严厉,杀牛者要处徒刑两年,甚至要刺配充军.上述规定反映了A. 封建王朝法律的严酷性B. 奖励耕战政策的必要性C. 小农经济地位的重要性D. 自给自足经济的脆弱性【答案】C【解析】唐宋对宰杀耕牛的处罚,是出于保障农业生产的考虑,法律严酷性只是表面现象,故A错误;材料与奖励作战无关,故B错误;上述规定保障农业生产需要的畜力,体现出小农经济地位的重要性,故C正确;材料没有反映出小农经济在天灾人祸面前的脆弱性,故D错误。
其原因是A. 实行重农抑商政策的力度不够B. 土地私有,并允许买卖的制度C. 地主、高利贷者对农民的盘剥D. 封建王朝统治严酷、横征暴敛【答案】B【解析】试题本题考查对土地兼并根源的认识。
”这一措施()A. 旨在推行郡国并行制B. 提高了百姓的生活水平C. 抑制了地方经济独立D. 不利于官营手工业发展【答案】C【解析】汉武帝时实行盐铁官营,将盐铁的经营权收归中央,对于地方经济的独立起到了抑制作用,故C项正确。
2024年中考历史河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试一、试题总体分析(一)题型结构,稳定延续2024年的河北省中考历史试题题型与题量与去年中考保持一致,全卷共14小 题,满分60分,考试形式为开卷考试。
(三)河北省近五年中考选择题分析表题号2020202120222023202411道光帝(晚晴政治)八国联军侵华与义和团运动南京条约(周年)戊戌变法(周年)辛亥革命与二民主义12洋务运动辛亥革命(周年)辛亥革命李大钊宣传马克思主义五四运动(周年)13中国共产党成,抗日战争五四运动土地革命抗日战争(东北人民抗日)14三大改造解放战争抗日战争一五计划(周年)20世纪70年代经济15文化大革命民族资本主义经济与三大改造社会主义建设对外开放社会主义建设时期的科技成就16英国君主立宪制殖民扩张中美关系(周年)新中国外交政策文艺复兴(三)河北省近五年中考选择题分析表题号2020202120222023202417明治维新明治维新法国大革命和资本主义制度初步确立新航路开辟(麦哲伦环球航行周年)工业革命18《联合国家宣英国工业革命英国工业革命俄国十月革命(周年)第一次世界大战(周年)俄国十月革命19马歇尔计划冷战中欧洲的联合印度民族大起义第一次世界大战第二次世界大战(周年)20冷战中的对峙苏联解体二战后的主要资本主义国家日本的崛起二战后世界的新发展一马歇尔计划21第三次科技革命纳米比亚独立(周年)中美关系联合国的作用大国关系和新时代大国战略调整2020-2024年河北省中考历史选择题命题规律分析年份2分题3分题中国世界中国世界20205402 20215411 20226302 20236302 20245402今规I律分^析:1.列强的侵略与不平等条约的签订:鸦片战争与《南京条约》、八国联军侵华战争与《辛丑条约》。
冀州中学2024-2025学年高一上学期10月期中考试思想政治考试时间75 分钟试卷满分100分第Ⅰ卷 (选择题共45分)一、选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分。
《共产党宣言》产生如此大影响的原因在于它①为科学社会主义创立奠定了理论基石②促成了社会主义从空想到科学的飞跃③为人民指明了实现自由和解放的道路④抛弃了资产阶级时代最宝贵的成就A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④3.1953年12月28 日,中共中央批准中央宣传部制发《为动员一切力量把我国建设成为一个伟大的社会主义国家而斗争——关于党在过渡时期总路线的学习和宣传提纲》。
河北省衡水市故城县河北郑口中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题一、阅读理解Food festivals are a common occurrence in the UK and take place in all sorts of places and at all sorts of times. Whatever your taste, there’s a food festival to match it — no matter how special.The MeatopiaThis three-day, London-based festival takes place at the end of August or in early September and is a meat lover’s paradise. In addition to a range of legally sourced meat products, from juicy burgers to tender steaks, attendees can listen to live music, watch butchery demonstrations, and attend informal meat-based workshops.The National Honey ShowIf you have a sweet tooth, then it could be that the National Honey Show, which started in 1923, is the place for you. This three-day event attracts many local participants who showcase their sweet golden honey, some of which is sold globally.The Orange Sauce FestivalHave you heard about a festival that is devoted only to orange sauce? Held in Cumbria, this sweet, fragrant festival has been running for many years. What attracts people most is a competition to find the best homemade orange sauce. There are thousands of participants from over 30 different countries across the globe, bringing their local snacks to share here.The Ginger (姜) and Spice FestivalIf you’d prefer something with a little more kick, then you could attend the Ginger and Spice Festival held in Market Drayton. Unlike other food festivals, it celebrates its town’s historic connection to Robert Clive,who returned from India with ginger. Because of this, people here specialize in baking gingerbread, and sell a range of traditional spices from mild ones to hot ones. 1.What do Meatopia and the National Honey Show have in common?A.They have a long history.B.They hold workshops.C.They originated from London.D.They last three days.2.If you are interested in foreign food, which festival do you like best?A.The Meatopia.B.The National Honey Show.C.The Orange Sauce Festival.D.The Ginger and Spice Festival.3.What is special about the Ginger and Spice Festival?A.It sells spicy food.B.The ginger used in the festival is from India.C.It has something to do with a historic figure.D.The food is cooked by Robert Clive.In a breathtaking incident in Berlin, a young man narrowly escaped a life-threatening situation where he became trapped beneath a bus.The 16-year-old found himself unable to move beneath a tyre (轮胎) of the bus when he fell down during an attempt to catch the departing vehicle at a local stop on a Monday afternoon. The quick response of the bus driver, who immediately stopped the vehicle, coupled with the assistance of roughly 40 people, including both passengers and bystanders, led to a remarkable achievement. Together, they managed to lift the right side of the bus sufficiently to free the young man.Frank Kurze, one of the courageous volunteers who participated in the rescue, recalled the messy scene, stating, “I saw the men trying to lift the bus, and it was clear to me that I also had to help lift the bus and try to pull the young man from underneath.”Nearby medical professionals from a healthcare center in the Spandau neighborhood of Berlin instantly arrived at the scene to provide vital first aid. Michelle Rueckborn, one of the nurses on duty, shared their response, saying, “We were at work when we heard screams, and our coworker looked out of the window and saw what had happened, and said ‘Grab the doctor’s kit and run.’”Sandra Grunwald, another nurse present at the scene, added, “He was responsive but understandably confused, unsure of what was unfolding around him.” Despite the frightening circumstances, the young man unbelievably survived with only minor injuries, thanks to the collective effort of around 40 individuals who came together to perform a heroic rescue.The Berlin police department praised the collective efforts of those involved in the rescueas “heroes” and expressed their gratitude on social media, stating, “Thank you, Spandau. Thank you, Berlin.”4.What was the accident at the bus stop?A.A teenager got caught under a bus.B.The tyre of a bus suddenly blew out.C.A young passenger fell from his seat.D.The driver found the bus uncontrollable. 5.What did Frank Kurze do at the rescue scene?A.He recorded the whole event.B.He stepped forward bravely.C.He turned to medical staff.D.He called more volunteers in.6.Which of the following best describes the medical professionals?A.Tolerant.B.Creative.C.Patient.D.Decisive.7.What message does the text try to convey?A.One good turn deserves another.B.Kindness brings mental rewards.C.Many hands make light work.D.Opportunity is for the prepared.Sending human travelers to Mars would require scientists and engineers to overcome a range of technological and safety obstacles. One of them is the serious risk posed by particle radiation (辐射) from the sun, distant stars and galaxies (星系).Answering two key questions would go a long way toward overcoming that difficulty: Would particle radiation pose too serious a threat to human life throughout a round trip to the red planet? And, could the very timing of a mission to Mars help shield astronauts and the spacecraft from the radiation?In a new article published in the journal Space Weather, an international team of space scientists, including researchers from UCLA, answers those two questions with a “no” and a “yes.” That is, humans should be able to safely travel to and from Mars, only if the spacecraft has enough protection and the round trip is shorter than approximately four years. And the timing of a human mission to Mars would indeed make a difference: The scientists determined that the best time for a flight to leave Earth would be when solar activity is at its peak (高峰期), because, during this period, the most dangerous and energetic particles from distant galaxies are deflected (偏转) by the enhanced solar activity.A trip of that length would be imaginable. The average flight to Mars takes about ninemonths, so depending on the timing of launch and available fuel, it is reasonable that a human mission could reach the planet and return to Earth in less than two years, according to Yuri Shprits, a UCLA research geophysicist and co–author of the paper.“This study shows that while space radiation impose (强加) strict limitations on how heavy the spacecraft can be and the time of launch, and it presents technological difficulties for human missions to Mars, such a mission is possible,” said Shprits, who also is head of space physics and space weather at GFZ Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany.8.What’s the function of the first paragraph?A.To list human’s achievements in space.B.To show a possible way to travel to Mars.C.To introduce scientists’ effort to travel to Mars.D.To present one of the difficulties of the trip to Mars.9.What does the underlined word “shield” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Escape.B.Approach.C.Protect.D.Separate. 10.What is the longest duration (持续时间) of a round trip to Mars for the safety of humans?A.About 9 months.B.Less than 4 years.C.Less than two years.D.One year.11.What can be the best title for the text?A.Will It Be Safe for Humans to Fly to Mars?B.Humans Will Travel to Mars in the Near Future.C.The Timing of a Trip to Mars Is Planned.D.Particle Radiation Changes for the Solar Activity.Unless you’ve been faithfully bringing reusable shopping bags to the store, you probably grab the plastic bags waiting for customers at the checkout. You’re not alone.About 100 billion plastic bags are used in the U. S. each year. Unfortunately, single-use plastic bags have serious consequences once our trip to the store is over. Less than 10% of plastic bags used in the U. S. are recycled, leaving the rest to end up in landfills (垃圾填埋场), and polluting soil, oceans and other natural habitats.To fight pollution and other environmental problems, major companies are taking steps toget rid of the use of plastic shopping bags. If you’re a frequent customer at Walmart, don’t be surprised if you notice the plastic bags disappearing over the next few months. Last summer, Walmart announced its goal to be a zero-waste company — meaning no more plastic bags.But Walmart has announced its Beyond the Bag, an initiative (倡议) working to explore reusable options and “reimagine” the plastic bag. Target and CVS are also on board as founding partners of Beyond the Bag, and so far, the three brands have invested $15 million to come up with a brand-new bag design.The initiative also started the Beyond the Bag challenge, giving innovators (创新者) a chance to share their ideas. The challenge ran throughout the summer of 2020, and nine winners from over 450 submissions were selected. From a station supplying reusable bag in-store to a new and improved paper bag, the winning designs cover a lot of bases. Each product now has the chance to be tested with funding from the initiative.While a final replacement for plastic bags at Walmart has yet to be decided, there’s a more sustainable future on the horizon. And if you want to start reducing your use of plastic bags right now, check out our list of reusable bags to bring on your next shopping trip.12.What does the author mean by saying “You’re not alone” in the first paragraph?A.Reusable shopping bags are becoming more popular.B.Customers need to wait for long at the checkout.C.Some people are waiting in the line with you.D.Many people use plastic bags when shopping.13.What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 2?A.Single-use plastic bags cause severe environmental problems.B.Supermarkets should stop providing single-use plastic bags.C.Single-use plastic bags should be more widely recycled.D.More landfills should be built to deal with plastic bags.14.Why does Walmart want to start Beyond the Bag?A.To attract more customers.B.To provide more plastic bags.C.To set a good example to Target and CVS.D.To make shopping moreenvironmentally friendly.15.What is the main idea of the text?A.People pay more attention to environmental protection.B.Walmart is getting rid of single-use plastic bags.C.Reusable paper bags are becoming more popular.D.Free plastic bags have become a thing of the past.Walking has been considered as one of the best possible exercises. For many people, daily walking offers many and long-term physical and mental benefits. 16 A Stanford University study found that participants were more creative when walking as opposed to sitting. 17 You’ve probably heard the phrase “exercise your innovation (创新)”. Our creative mindset is caused by physical movement, which is exactly why walking with your dog, a friend, or alone feeds creative thinking.But the scenery is almost as important as the sweat. Just by going outside, you are stepping out of your habitual surroundings and your comfort zone, which is necessary if you want to open your mind to new possibilities. You can walk through a tree-filled neighborhood. 18 Walking outside develops our ability to collect new ideas and take in new sights, sounds, smells, and flavors. Shinrin-yoku, a common form of relaxation in Japan, suggests that being in the forest and walking among the trees there can lower your stress levels 19 Research has shown that immersion (沉浸) in nature around your neighborhood or the disconnection from multimedia increased performance on a creative problem-solving task.So instead of setting a fitness goal, why not set a creativity goal that starts with walking outdoors? 20 For example, you can turn off your phone and give yourself the chance to be present in the world, to hear conversations and natural sounds, and to notice the way people move and the way the sun reflects in a lake.Walk not just for exercise. Walk for wonder.A.Unfortunately, you often fail to do it.B.Engage more closely with your surroundings.C.The movement aspect of walking is obviously keyD.Without enough energy, you cannot wonder or create.E.But to receive the benefits, you do not have to live in a forest.F.This habit, however, isn’t just improving your health but an element of creativity.G.You can also wander around a park and observe people relaxing or birds singing.二、完形填空I was raised in a village where people lived in harmony with the natural environment. Throughout the year we would have numerous 21 where all the villagers would 22 and celebrate. The entire village was like one big 23 .However, within less than a decade my village was no longer the 24 village that I grew up in. Due to rapid modernization, everything 25 . The rich cultural traditions that once held the village together were 26 . Everyone in the village was 27 in making money and had no time to participate in traditional celebrations. No one favored such a change, but they somehow 28 it as they felt that it was unavoidable.It made me feel 29 that some ancient traditions had stopped to exist, so I 30 I had to do something. I 31 the Cultural Heritage Studies Program, which enabled me to gain a better understanding of cultural heritage 32 .Then I involved myself in protecting cultural heritage sites in my hometown. With the knowledge I 33 in the Cultural Heritage Studies Program, I was trying my best to help make the process of modernization run more 34 for cultural heritage sites with heritage protection as a focus point.I would say the success of the preservation work is the most 35 aspect of my job. 21.A.competitions B.festivals C.challenges D.choices 22.A.volunteer B.travel C.return D.gather 23.A.family B.city C.museum D.theater 24.A.real B.typical C.same D.independent 25.A.mattered B.changed C.improved D.continued 26.A.growing B.spreading C.disappearing D.working 27.A.fortunate B.successful C.expert D.occupied 28.A.accepted B.enjoyed C.believed D.noticed 29.A.confident B.excited C.guilty D.bad 30.A.pretended B.resolved C.forgot D.doubted31.A.looked back on B.got rid of C.signed up for D.put up with 32.A.donation B.education C.preservation D.observation 33.A.acquired B.applied C.offered D.showed 34.A.privately B.smoothly C.rapidly D.normally 35.A.interesting B.boring C.demanding D.rewarding三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
”材料表明A.农本商末观念开始改变 B.小农经济并非是完全封闭的C.商品经济已经相当发达 D.家庭手工业是主要收入来源2儒家经典《礼记·月令》中记载:“是月也,土润溽暑,大雨时行,烧薙行水,利以杀草,如以热汤,可以粪田畴,可以美土疆。
”这些论述的应用A. 导致以农为本思想出现B. 促进了铁力牛耕的推广C. 有助于提高土地利用率D. 反映了儒法思想的融合3.唐朝中期始,经明清两代,封建赋税制度不断改革并最终定型,其特色有①“唯以资产为荣,不以丁身为本”②“量地计丁”纳银代役③滋生人丁,永不加赋④“摊丁入亩”征地丁银A.①②③④B.①②④C.①③D.②④4.宋代行业组织曾一度空前发展。
2022-2023学年河北省邯郸市魏县第五中学高一下学期期末复习练习(四)历史试题1. “表面上看起来,它仿佛是古代文化的再现,但是它并不是简单地抄袭旧文化,而是一种创新,它有着伟大的划时代的发展。
”下列事件或作品最能体现文中精神的是A.《十日谈》B.“九十五条论纲”C.《哲学通信》D.《理想国》2. 四大文明古国之所以得名,最主要原因是()A.最早创造了文字B.人类最早居住的地区C.最早进入奴隶社会D.对世界文化贡献最大3. 19世纪英国和德国的政体均被称为“君主立宪”。
两国君主立宪政体的相同点是A.均由本国成文宪法确定B.国王均直辖最高行政机关C.议会下院均由民选产生D.都属于工业资产阶级专政4. 学者李泽厚说:“遗憾的是,就在这期间,也就是在1908年,慈禧死掉了。
”在李泽厚看来A.戊戌变法的失败是必然的B.辛亥革命的爆发是偶然的C.戊戌变法失败根源于资产阶级力量弱小D.辛亥革命的爆发与慈禧的死有直接关系5. 有历史学家概叹:“为什么工业化浪潮不是在法国之后穿过地中海而席卷突尼斯.阿尔及利亚呢是地中海太宽阔了吗?果真如此,那么为什么又能横渡大西洋而在北美生根开花?这说明A.海洋国家比大陆国家更容易接受新事物B.地缘是一个国家发展进程中的重要因素C.发展资本主义是实现工业化的必由之路D.制度是一个国家发展进程中的重要因素6. 2010年4月,波兰总统卡钦斯基一行90余人因飞机失事而不幸遇难。
下列历史事件与波兰直接有关的是①马歇尔计划②东欧剧变③北约组织成立④华约组织建立A.①②B.②③C.②④D.③④7. 1500-1750年,贸易的重要性远远超过其他经济活动,世界各国政府都致力于从国际贸易中获得最大利益,国际冲突集中表现为商业原因引起的对海上霸权和海外殖民地的争夺,其主要原因是A.重商主义经济政策的普遍推行B.对外贸易决定近代民族国家繁荣C.资本主义生产方式建立的需要D.工业革命需要扩大海外商品市场8. 有学者提出:“从一定意义上说,赫鲁晓夫既是斯大林模式的掘墓人,但最终还是扮演了守墓人的角色。
商鞅的这些思想( )A奠定了君主专制的理论基础 B.继承了道家无为而治的理想C.体现了法道儒理论的交融D.借鉴了儒家对于人性的认识2、九品中正制明确规定中正官必须是中央政府的在职高官,这实际上是将汉代的乡里清议纳人朝廷选举的轨道,同时,这些高官对乡里清议的私家操纵也因此取得合法地位。
由此可知,这规定( )A.反映了中央对地方豪强的妥协B导致选官权从中央旁落到地方C.实现了政府对民间舆论的控制D.有助于扩大士族的政治影响力3、宋神宗时期,司马光曾上奏称:“下等、单丁女户及品官、僧道,本来无役,今使之一概输钱,则是赋敛愈重……富室差得自宽,而贫者困穷日甚。
司马光此言意在( )A.建议宋神宗改革赋税制度B维护社会下层的根本利益C.谴责政府的横征暴敛行为D.批评王安石变法违背初衷4、下图所示为某学者对元代科技文献学科分布的统计(单位:篇)。
这可用于说明,元代( )A.重视实用技术传播B.科技进入总结阶段C.科技著作助力海外探险D.战争需要推动科学研究5、明代俗谚有云:“苏州样(样式、设计),广州匠(做工、技艺)。
”这表明当时( )A.国内已形成区域分工的市镇集群B民间海外贸易突破了海禁的限制C.民营手工业技术超过官营手工业D.岭南手工业发展市场化程度较高6、乾隆至道光年间,粤海关收取的关税多以银两方式上缴,这些银两被回炉重新熔炼成规格、成色统一的银锭后再上交国库。
随着咸丰九年(1859 年)10 月粤海新关的成立,大部分关税所收银两不再重铸,而是直接以银元的形式支付战争赔款和外债。
2022-2023学年河北省衡水市冀州中学分校高一地理上学期期末试题含解析一、选择题(每小题2分,共52分)1. 下列属于天体的是 ()A.北极星 B.河外星系C.天空中飘动的云 D.空中飞行的飞机参考答案:A2. 读”三圈环流局部图”。
11.关于图中字母所代表的气压带和风带名称的说法正确的是A.A为东南信风带 B.B为副热带高气压带C.C为西南风 D.D为副极地低气压带12.下列四幅图所描述的气候类型中,其形成与C有关的是A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①③参考答案:C A3. 读下图,完成下列各题。
16. 在不同的环境或状态下,图中箭头所代表的太阳辐射转换过程会发生一定的变化。
下列叙述正确的是A. 阴雨天气,a被大气削弱多B. 湖泊湿地,b能传递给大气的能量减少C. CO2增多,c 补偿地面热量减少D. 冰雪地面,a→b的转化率增加17. 下图中北方地区冬季易形成霜冻的是A. B.C. D.参考答案:16. A 17. B16. 图中a是太阳辐射,b是地面辐射,c是大气逆辐射。
CO2增多,大气逆辐射强,c 补偿地面热量增加,C错。
17. 霜冻是在冬季晴朗的夜晚,因大气逆辐射弱,地面热量散失的快,空气中水汽凝华形成的霜。
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”材料表明A.农本商末观念开始改变 B.小农经济并非是完全封闭的C.商品经济已经相当发达 D.家庭手工业是主要收入来源2儒家经典《礼记·月令》中记载:“是月也,土润溽暑,大雨时行,烧薙行水,利以杀草,如以热汤,可以粪田畴,可以美土疆。
”这些论述的应用A. 导致以农为本思想出现B. 促进了铁力牛耕的推广C. 有助于提高土地利用率D. 反映了儒法思想的融合3.唐朝中期始,经明清两代,封建赋税制度不断改革并最终定型,其特色有①“唯以资产为荣,不以丁身为本”②“量地计丁”纳银代役③滋生人丁,永不加赋④“摊丁入亩”征地丁银A.①②③④B.①②④C.①③D.②④4.宋代行业组织曾一度空前发展。
这些行业组织的发展A.反映商业环境的变动 B.改变了传统经济结构C.有利于抑制土地兼并 D.扭转了北方经济颓势5. 元代纸币的流通数量,中统元年(1260年)发钞73352锭,平均每人为62文;到至元二十四年(1287年)时,发行数额猛增至5098285锭,每人合13134文;再过20年左右,纸币流通数量又增长数十倍。
元代纸币政策的主要影响是A.促进商品经济的发展 B.扩大社会贫富差距C.削弱政权统治的基础 D.增加政府财政收入6.明朝洪武年间,政府允许商人用粮食换取盐引(一种取盐的凭证),商人可以凭借盐引到指定的盐场去支取食盐,再到指定的地区去销售,获取利润。
这一现象表明明代:A.传统经济政策的改变 B.民间铸造技术高于朝廷C.生产技术进步税费低 D.私营手工业占主导地位9.乾隆九年制定的《管理澳夷章程》规定:洋船出入,严行盘验;夷人有事不能面见督抚等大员,也不准由“熟识商人”代为传达,必须由澳门县丞申报海防衙门。
清政府制定这一章程的主要目的是( )A.加强澳门管理 B.取消外交活动 C.严控中外接触 D.禁止海外贸易10.读表2,苏州与松江两地市镇数量迅速增多的主要原因是表2苏州、松江市镇数量统计表——摘编自范毅军《明中叶以来江南市镇的成长趋势与扩张性质》 A.地缘经济因素的强大助力 B.资本主义萌芽的促进C.经济重心南移的深远影响 D.政府经济职能的强化11.1842年英国输华货物总值96.94万英镑,1845年就上升为239.48万英镑。
这一现象的出现:A.导致中国在对英贸易中开始出现逆差 B.刺激西方列强进一步扩大侵华权益C.表明传统的经济结构仍没有发生变化 D.是中国实行关税保护政策的必然结果12.鸦片战争前后,江南的经济重心从苏州转移到上海。
”江南经济重心的这种变化反映了当时A. 苏州传统丝织业的衰落B. 运河贸易已被海运取代C. 东南沿海走向对外开放D. 农民运动破坏经济发展13.十九世纪后期,清政府驻外使臣发回的上奏主要是政治与外交内容,从1903年开始,驻外领事与商务委员会陆续从海外寄回了大量的商务报告。
这种变化表明A.列强经济侵略加深 B.传统经济政策变化C.民族工业初步发展D.实业救国已成共识14、“以中国之大,乃重受其(通商)害者何哉?病在讲求商务之无人耳,推其缘故,上在官而下在商。
”以下各项,对这段话理解正确的有( )A.近代商务衰败的原因之一在于政府不利影响B.中国纺织市场已完全为外国厂商所占领C.近代民族商业衰败的根本原因是缺乏商业人才D.对外通商是官场腐败和人民生活困苦的主要原因15.“中国商民得减价之益,而水脚(指水路运输费用)少入洋商之手者,奚止散千万,此实收回利权之大端。
”由此可见,洋务派创办的轮船招商局的主要作用是A.列强控制中国水运局面被打破 B.人们的消费观念受到冲击C.列强对中国的贸易顺差被扭转 D.人们的生活方式得以改变16.下图反映了19世纪60至80年代中国棉布、棉纱进口的变化,两幅图可以说明的问题是A.棉纱进口增多导致棉布出现了滞销B.近代中国被卷入资本主义市场经济C.中国近代纺织业在逆境中无从发展D.中国自给自足的自然经济开始解体17. 1906—1907年,清政府先后颁行了多个奖励实业的章程,规定对所办实业开办资金达到一定数量者赏赐子、男等爵位。
该政策A.鼓励绅商从政以巩固统治 B.使商人活动合法化C.刺激传统理财方式的更新 D.导致资本高度集中18. 下表展示了1936年中国部分商埠在外贸总值中所占的比重(%)。
该表能够说明A.近代中国的对外贸易平稳增长B.上海的外贸开始居于全国首位C.南京国民政府扭转了贸易逆差D.通商口岸的贸易发展极不平衡19. 1937年8月15日,南京国民政府财政部规定:自8月16日起,支取银行、钱庄的活期存款,每户每星期只能提取5%,至多以提取法币150元为限。
这一规定的目的是( ) A.稳定全国金融秩序 B.为抗战筹措军费C.集中资金发展工业 D.为弥补财政赤字20.1942年2月14日,蒋介石在致罗斯福感谢美国对华贷款5亿美元的电文中说:“此次借款,除为军事上之需要外,大部分将用以加强我国之经济机构,收回法币,紧缩通货,平定物价,保持战时生活水准及增加生产。
”这表明当时的蒋介石国民政府A.出卖国家利益巩固统治 B.依赖美国进行抗日C.既抗日又关注经济民生 D.消极抗日贪婪敛财21.读表1,为解决表格所示问题,中国政府( )表1 1950—1953年粮食需求量和产量统计表(均以1950年为基数100)(摘编自《若干重大决策与事件回顾》)A.实行统购统销政策 B.加速发展工业建设C.全面推行土地改革 D.实行全民公私合营22.1957年经济学家顾准发表了《试论社会主义制度下的商品生产和价值规律》一文,提出“由企业根据市场价格的自发涨落来做出决策。
该现象反映出当时中国( )A.计划经济理论尚未付诸实践 B.市场经济理论已然引发探索C.左倾错误弥漫使双百方针开始遭到破坏 D.三大改造明确经济整改方向23.1962年,中共中央通过的“农村十六条”指出:“人民公社社员的家庭副业,是社会主义经济的必要补充部分。
”这表明中央( )A.承认家庭副业公有属性B.着力纠正“左”倾错误C.开始改变人民公社体制D.加快农村经济体制改革24.中国某领导人在1957年初指出,社会主义改造过程中采取的统一生产、统一经营、统一收购、统一销售、统一计划的办法,应及时纠正,并且应该在一定范围内,使个体经营成为国家、集体经营的补充,使自由生产成为计划生产的补充,使自由市场成为国家市场的补充。
这位领导人认为A.单一生产关系不适应我国当时生产力实际B.社会主义三大改造的任务并没有全部完成C.中国应该进行社会主义市场经济体制改革D.必须在一定范围内恢复资本主义经济成分25.认真阅读下幅《国民生产总值曲线图》,它反映了当时国民生产总值曲线图A.多快好省超英赶美 B.急躁冒进与克难纠“左”C.以阶级斗争为纲 D.解放思想与时俱进26.1962年7月,财政部、中国人民银行印发的《农村生产资金座谈会纪要》中明确指示:“信用社应当恢复1957年以前的管理体制,即信用社应当是一个独立核算的单位,资金独立,自负盈亏,公社不得挪用或者支配信用社的资金。
”这一措施:A.使大跃进以来的错误得到有效纠正 B.加速了人民公社体制的解体C.有利于国家权力与农民利益的协调 D.扩大了农村信用社资金来源27.下表反映的是1952—1970年间各时期投资结构变化情况(%),对该表解读不符合史实的是( )A.1953—1957年的投资结构受建国初期国际环境影响B.1958—1962年重工业投资增长受“左倾”思想影响C.“八字方针”调整了1963—1965年农轻重的投资比例D.“文革”并没有影响到轻工业领域的投资比例与发展28.下表为1979—1984年我国城乡居民收入与消费水平年增长率(依据龚关主《中华人民共A.农村经济体制改革成效明显 B.农村经济发展水平超过城市C.废除农业税增加了农民收入 D.城市经济体制改革进展缓慢29.20世纪80年代,我国实行的价格双轨制,是指同一产品计划内部分实行国家定价,计划外部分实行市场调节价的制度。
这反映了我国( )A.生产资料所有制结构的调整B.经济体制转型的发展趋向C.政府职能管理范围逐步缩小 D.积极融入全球化市场体系30.下图认为,中国经济之树迅速长大、硕果累累,主要得益于(注:图中人物的话是“没想到短短几年它就长得这么大了”)A.邓小平理论的提出 B.注重科技创新C.坚持独立自主发展 D.引入市场机制31.1992年中国进行了放开粮食价格的试验;至1992年末,政府定价的农产品只有6种,工业消费品基本放开(涉及国计民生的食盐、药品等除外),政府定价的重工业产品也不足100种,社会消费品总额中的市场调节部分高达90%。