

【考纲整理版】细菌的生理Physiology of Bacteria

【考纲整理版】细菌的生理Physiology of Bacteria

Chapter 3 细菌的生理Physiology of Bacteria1021 熟悉细菌生长繁殖的基本条件及细菌依据氧的需求的分类。



2)氢离子浓度(pH) Hydrogen ion concentrarion每种细菌都有一个可生长的pH范围以及最适生长pH。





少数细菌喜好高渗环境,称嗜高渗菌(osmophilic bacterium)。

如嗜盐菌(halophilic bacterium)在高浓度(3%)的NaCl环境中生长良好。



b)细菌依据氧非需求的分类根据细菌对氧的需要的细菌分类细菌类型定义举例专性需氧Obligate aerobe 具有完善的呼吸酶系统,需要分子氧作为受氢体以完成需氧呼吸,仅能在有氧环境下生长结核分枝杆菌、假单胞菌属微需氧菌Microaerophilic bacterium 在低氧压(5%-6%)生长最好,氧浓度>10%有抑制作用弯曲菌属、螺杆菌属兼性厌氧菌Facultative anaerobe 兼有需氧呼吸和无氧发酵两种功能,不论在有氧或无氧环境中都能生长,但以有氧时生长较好大多数病原菌专性厌氧菌Obligate anaerobe 缺乏完善的呼吸酶系统,利用氧以外的其他物质作为受氢体,只能在无氧环境中进行发酵。

Lecture 3industrial microorganism

Lecture 3industrial microorganism
根霉(Rhizopus):米酒、黄酒 米根霉(R.oryzae):L-乳酸 红曲霉 (Monascus): 红曲色素, 洛伐他汀

• • • • • •
假单胞菌(Pseudomonas):酶、有机酸、维生素C、抗生素 乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillus):乳酸、乳酸菌制剂 大肠杆菌(E .Coli):氨基酸、酶、基因工程受体菌 芽孢杆菌(Bacillus):淀粉酶、核苷、抗生素 棒杆菌(Corynebacterium):谷氨酸、氨基酸 短杆菌(Brevibacterium):氨基酸、核酸类
化学因子如碱基类似物、 5— 氟尿 嘧啶、烷化剂等
1、大多数情况下,就突变数量而言,要比电离辐 射更有效 2 、化学诱变剂是很经济的,因为只需要少量的合 适的诱变剂,设备是实验室的一般玻璃器皿,一 个蒸气罩。而用电离辐射±行工作时,设备费用 大,并要注意安全性 3 、大部分诱变剂是致癌剂,所以在使用中必须非 常谨慎,要避免化学诱变剂与皮肤接触,,且切 勿吸入其蒸气,有人对某些诱变剂极其敏感,甚 至未直接接触就会过敏,这就更要当心
• 物理诱变剂:射线如紫外线、 X— 射线、γ— 射线,快中子 • 物理因素中目前使用得最方便而且十分有效的 是紫外线。许多高产菌株的选育都用过紫外线, 对于一般实验室、中小型工厂都适用,也很安 全
• 其他的几种射线都是电离性质的,有一定的穿 透力,一般都由专业人员在专门的设备中使用, 否则有一定危险性



微生物英语第一章微生物:microorganisms酶:enzyme质粒:plasmid降解:degradation降解性质粒:degradative plasmid环境微生物学:environmental microbiology第二章细菌:bacteria原生质体:protoplast聚β-羟基丁酸:poly- β-hydroxybutyric acid, PHB荚膜:capsule菌胶团:zoogloea芽孢:spore菌落:colony纯培养:pure culture放线菌:actinomycete光合细菌:photosynthetic bacteria,PSB 真菌:fungus霉菌;mould酵母菌:yeast藻类:algae病毒:virus亚病毒:subviruses噬菌体:bacteriophage鉴定:identification属:genus种:species亚种:subspecies变型:var.菌株:strain分离物:isolate第三章生长因子:growth factor固体培养基:solid medium半固体培养基:semisolid medium液体培养基:liquid medium基础培养基:minimum medium加富培养基:enrichment medium选择培养基:selective medium鉴别培养基:differential medium合成代谢:anabolism分解代谢:catabolism有氧呼吸:aerobic respiration无氧呼吸:anaerobic respiration 发酵作用:fermentation三羧酸循环:tricarboxylic acid cycle, TCA世代时间:generation time纯培养:pure culture分批培养:batch culture生长曲线:growth curve迟缓期:lag phase对数期:log phase稳定期:stationary phase衰亡期:decline phase内源呼吸:endogenous respiration 连续培养:continuous culture第五、六章生物圈:biosphere生态系统:ecosystem微生物生态系统:microbial ecosystem生物地球化学循环:biogeochemical cycle分解作用:decomposition矿化作用:mineralization产甲烷作用:methanogenisis氨化作用:ammonification硝化作用:nitrification反硝化作用:denitrification第七章生物降解:biodegradation生物转化:biotransformation;bioconversion可生物降解性:biodegradability 共代谢:cometabolism多氯联苯:polychlorinated biphenyl, PCB多环芳烃:polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs第九-十二章固体废弃物:solid waste城市生活垃圾:municipal solidwaste, MSW废气:waste gas生物修复:bioremediation原位生物修复:in situ bioremediation异位生物修复:ex situ bioremediation植物修复:phytoremedying生物表面活性剂:biosurfactant单细胞蛋白:single cell protein, SCP第八章污水:waste water持久性污染物:persistent organic pollutants, POPs全需氧量:total oxygen demand, TOD化学需氧量:chemical oxygen demand, COD生物化学需氧量:biochemical oxygen demand, BOD总有机碳:total organic carbon, TOC总氮:total nitrogen, TN总磷:total phosphorus, TP深度处理:advanced treatment活性污泥:activated sludge污泥容积指数:sludge volume index, SVI 驯化:acclimation污泥膨胀:bulking of activated sludge生物膜:biological film; biofilm流化床:fluid bed沼气:methane gas升流式厌氧污泥床反应器:upflow anaerobic sludge blanket, UASB颗粒污泥:granular sludge湿地处理系统:wetland system固定化酶:immobilized enzyme固定化细胞:immobilized cell生物吸附:biological adsorption第三篇严重急性呼吸道综合症:severe acuterespiratory syndrome, SARS致突变物:mutagen致癌物:carcinogen人类免疫缺陷病毒:human immunodeficiency virus, HIV获得性免疫缺陷综合症:acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS亚硝胺类:nitrosamines腐殖质:humus水体富营养化:eutrophication赤潮:red tide水华:water bloom第四篇指示微生物:indicatormicroorganism细菌总数:total bacteria count总大肠菌群:total coliform大肠菌群:coliform group;coliform最大可能数法:most probable number, MPN空斑形成单位:plaque form unit, PFU急性毒性:acute toxicity生物毒性:biotoxicity半数有效浓度:50% effective concentration,EC50半数抑制浓度:50% inhibition concentration, IC50发光细菌:luminous bacteria探针:probe第四章遗传性:inheritance变异性:variation遗传型:genotype表型:phenotype基因工程:gene engineering遗传工程:genetic engineeringDNA重组技术:DNA recombination technology基因工程菌:genetically engineered microorganism, GEM。

微生物生理英文Physiology of Bacteria

微生物生理英文Physiology of Bacteria
– E.g. Bacillus anthracis, Corneybacterium diphtheriae, Escherichia coli
Aerotolerant Organisms
• can grow in the presence or absence of oxygen
– e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes
Requirements for Growth
• Physical: temperature, pH, light, osmotic pressure, moisture • Chemical: carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, trace elements, oxygen
E. coli
Fossilized Microbes from Yellowstone’s Hot Springs
• Minimum: “temperature below which bacterial growth will not take place” • Optimum: “temperature at which organisms grow best” • Maximum: “temperature above which bacterial growth will not take place”
• What are the embalming implications associated with the temperature preference of bacteria?
• Readings question four:


Chapter 1 Introduction to Microbial Physiology 1-1 微生物生理学的定义与内容
定义: 微生物生理学是微生物学的分 1-2 微生物代谢概论 支学科,着重研究微生物生命活动的 规律以及与周围环境的关系 1-3 微生物生理学的发展史概要: Main Contents:微生物生物化学
表1—3 E.coli 营养缺陷性突变株M1、M2、M3和野生 株W在不同的补充培养基 中的生长(+)或不长(-)
生长 因子
菌株 W M1 M2 M3
对氨基 苯甲酸 + -
邻氨基 苯甲酸 + + -
+ + +
+ + + +
年代 学
者 发 现 意 义 第一次(报道)在自制显 微镜下观察到微生物 开创对新的生 命类型的研究
Additional Requirements
Nicotinic acid Thiamine 10 amino acids
1-2 微生物代谢概论
1. 代谢的基本概念以及代谢的微生物特点 2. 研究微生物代谢的常用方法 2.1 静息细胞:定义与获得方法 2.2 Warburg压力计:用于气体的测定 2.3 放射性同位素示踪:two tricks 2.4 代谢途径阻断突变株:auxotroph & idiotroph (naught) mutant
1. 同位素竞争法
A* B A C
2. 逐次标记法
图1-25 以 E.coli 的营养缺陷型突变株确认 色氨酸生物合成途径中间产物的实验操作


Medical • Anabolism 合成代谢 – Bacterial structures and compositions – Medically important products
Catabolism metabolism and Biochemical Testing
Growth curve
• Lag phase 迟缓期 – No growth
– Active metabolism • Log phase 对数期
Medical – Growth in geometric fashion
– Typical biological properties
• Staining
Medical 2. PI (Isoelectric point等电点) :G+ 2-3, G- 4-5
3. Osmotic pressure 渗透压
4. ……. Microbiology
比浊法 nephelometry
Medical Microbiology
Requirements for bacterial growth
代时:Bacterial generation time
Velocity of bacterial growth
A popu
– Lag Phase 迟缓期 – Exponential Phase -log phase 对数期 – Stationary Phase 稳定期 – Decline Phase 衰亡期
Carbohydrate Fermentation Test糖发酵试验


物质的微生物 • 光胞能有无机机物营的养营型 养类:以型日光为能源,以CO2为碳源合成细
• 光能有机营养型:以日光为能源,以外源有机物为碳 源和供氢体合成细胞内物质的营养类型
• 化能无机营养型:通过以氧化无机物释放出的能量还 原CO2成为细胞有机物的营养类型
• 化能有机营养型:用有机物分解时释放出的能量将有 机物分解的中间产物合成新的有机物的营养类型
[H] 是通过氧化无机底物(NH4+、NO2-、H2S、H2 和 Fe2+ 等)来实现的。
①无机底物的氧化直接与呼吸链发生联系。由脱氢酶 或氧化还原酶 催化的无机底物脱氢或脱电子后,直 接进入呼吸链传递。这与异养微生物葡萄糖氧化要经 过EMP和TCA等途径的复杂代谢过程不同。
为避免混乱,一般认为依据营养型分类以最 简单的营养条件为根据,即光能营养型先于化能 营养型,自养型先于异养型。
1.1.2 Main Topics of Microbial Physiology
Fig. 1-4 Capsules of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Fig. 1-5 Microbial appendages (P6) (a) Flagella of Samonella typhimurium
1.1.1 Main Contents
Chapter 1 Regulation of Prokaryotic Gene Expression Chapter 2 Cell Structure and Function Chapter 3 General Pathways of Carbohydrate Metabolism Chapter 4 Energy Production and Metabolite Transport Chapter 5 Metabolism of Substrates other than Glucose Chapter 6 Fermentation Pathway Chapter 7 Photosynthesis and Inorganic Metabolism Chapter 8 Lipids and Sterols Chapter 9 Nitrogen Metabolism Chapter 10 Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Amino Acids Chapter 11 Secondary Metabolism of Microbes



Microbiology微生物学分类相关中英文对照Microbiology 微生物学分类相关中英文对照微生物学microbiology病毒学virology噬菌体学bacteriophagology细菌学bacteriology鉴定细菌学determinative bacteriology系统细菌学systematic bacteriology真菌学mycology原生生物学protistology原生动物学protozoology普通微生物学general microbilogy微生物分类学microbial taxonomy微生物生理学microbial physiology微生物生物化学microbial biochemistry 微生物遗传学microbial genetics微生物生态学microbial ecology古微生物学paleomicrobiology土壤微生物学soil microbiology水生微生物学aquatic microbiology海洋微生物学marine microbiology悉生生物学gnotobiology医学微生物学medical microbiology兽医微生物学veterinary microbiology农业微生物学agricultural microbiology工业微生物学industrial microbiology石油微生物学petroleum microbiology食品微生物学food microbiology乳品微生物学diary microbiology瘤胃微生物学rumen microbiology诊断微生物学diagnostic microbiology病原学etiology国际微生物学会联合会International Union of Microbiological Societies, IUMS中国微生物学会Chinese Society for Microbiology, CSM世界培养物保藏协会World Federation for Culture Collection, WFCC中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会China Committee for Culture Collection of Microorganisms,CCCCM美国模式培养物保藏所American Type Culture Collection, ATCC 自然发生说,无生源说spontaneous generation, abiogenesis 原界urkingdom始祖生物progenote古始生物界archetista古细菌archaebacteria原生生物protista原生动物protozoan原生植物protophyte真核生物eukaryote原核生物prokaryote裂殖植物schizophyte微生物microorganism数值分类法numerical taxonomy模式目type order模式科type family模式属type genus模式种type species模式株type strain真菌fungi捕食真菌predacious fungi虫道真菌ambrosia fungi地下真菌hypogeal fungi虫生真菌entomogenous fungi 菌根真菌mycorrhizal fungi 木腐菌wood-decay fungi霉菌mold, mould半知菌imperfect fungi子囊菌ascomycetes粘菌slime mold, slime mould 壶菌chytrid卵菌oomycetes接合菌zygomycetes担子菌basidiomycetes核菌pyrenomycetes盘菌cup fungi块菌truffles锈菌rust fungi蘑菇mushrooms毒蘑菇poisonous mushroom酵母菌yeast无孢子酵母菌asporogenous yeasts 有孢子酵母菌sporogenous yeasts 黑粉菌smut fungi双态性真菌dimorphic fungi毛外癣菌ectothrix毛内癣菌endothrix完全真菌perfect fungi黑粉病smut disease锈病rust disease菌丝hypha菌髓trama假菌丝体pseudomycelium气生菌丝体aerial mycelium基内菌丝体substrate mycelium球拍状菌丝体racquet mycelium结节状菌丝nodular mycelium梳状菌丝pectinafe mycelium螺旋菌丝spiral mycelium匍匐菌丝stolon次生菌丝体secondary mycelium有隔菌丝septate hypha无隔菌丝nonseptate hypha生殖菌丝体reproductive mycelium 营养菌丝体vegetative mycelium不育菌丝体sterile mycelium菌丝体mycelium黄癣菌丝favic chandelier mycelium 产囊丝ascogenous hypha 产囊体ascogonium原植体thallus粘菌体aethalium合胞体syncytium虫菌体hyphal body盾状体clypeus子实体fruiting body产孢体gleba子实层体hymenophore 子实层hymenium子实下层subhymenium 菌丝层subiculum菌丝段hyphal fragment 菌丝束coremium菌丝索funiculus菌核sclerotium器菌核pycnosclerotium 菌环annulus菌裙indusium菌盖pileus顶体apicle藏卵器oogonium雄器antheridium[锈菌]性孢子器pycnium锈子器aecium精子器spermogonium囊状体cystidium粉孢子梗oidiophore小梗sterigma接合孢子柄zygosporophore 孢囊柄sporangiophore 配囊柄suspensor孢子梗sporophore分生孢子梗conidiophore雄器柄androphore帚状枝penicillus瓶梗phialide梗基metulae芽孔germ pore芽管germ tube芽缝germ slit孢丝capillitium周丝periphysis类周丝periphysoid侧丝paraphysis拟侧丝pseudoparaphysis类侧丝paraphysoid[孢子]外壁exosporium外生菌根ectomycorrhiza内生菌根endomycorrhiza内外生菌根ectendomycorrhiza泡囊丛枝菌根vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza刺突spike弹丝elater刚毛seta微体microbody泡囊vesicle隔膜septum假隔膜pseudoseptum分生孢子盘acervulus分生孢子座sporodochium 精子团spermatium囊基膜hypothallus囊层基hypothecium囊层被epithecium囊间丝hamathecium囊托apophysis囊领collarette囊轴columella孔口ostiole菌托volva孢子角cirrus孢子球spore ball孢子印spore print聚簇cluster[菌丝]融合anastomosis [孢子]切落abjunction [孢子]缢断abstriction多态[现象] polymorphism 缢缩[作用] constriction 粉孢子oidium孢子spore厚壁孢子chlamydospore 环痕孢子annellospore节孢子arthrospore卷旋孢子helicospore腊肠形孢子allantospore孔出孢子porospore星形孢子staurospore线形孢子scolecospore砖格孢子dictyospore侧生孢子aleuriospore芽生孢子blastospore瓶梗孢子phialospore无梗孢子thallospore分生孢子conidium大分生孢子macroconidium 小分生孢子microconidium 节分生孢子arthroconidium 芽分生孢子blastoconidium 器孢子pycnidiospore无隔孢子amerospore双胞孢子didymospore多隔孢子phragmospore休眠孢子hypnospore顶生孢子acrospore顶生厚壁孢子fuseau内分生孢子endoconidium担孢子basidiospore双孢担孢子dispore同形孢子isospore柄生孢子stylospore[锈菌]性孢子pycniospore产雄器孢子androspore夏孢子urediniospore, aeciospore 冬孢子teliospore四分孢子tetraspore粘孢子myxospore多核孢子coenospore孢囊孢子sporangiospore子囊孢子ascospore多核细胞coenocyte分生孢子果conidiocarp分生孢子器pycnidium孢[子]囊sporangium柱孢子囊merosporangium四分孢子囊tetrasporangium原孢子囊prosporangium多核孢子囊coenosporangium 休眠孢子囊hypnosporangium 子囊ascus接合孢子zygospore拟接合孢子azygospore原囊壁子囊prototunicate ascus 单囊壁子囊unitunicate ascus 双囊壁子囊bitunicate ascus子囊果ascocarp子囊壳perithecium闭囊壳cleistothecium闭囊果cleistocarp盘状子囊果discocarp孢囊果sporangiocarp [接]合子zygote单性合子azygote多核合子coenozygote异形合子heterozygote合子核zygotonucleus游动合子planozygote担子basidium半担子hemibasidium隔担子heterobasidium无隔担子holobasidium有隔担子phragmobasidium 内生担子endobasidium原担子protobasidium上担子epibasidium下担子hypobasidium同担子homobasidium担子果basidiocarp担子体basidiophore配子gamete原配子progamete雄配子androgamete雄核发育androgenesis同形配子isogamete异形配子heterogamete游动配子zoogamete多核配子coenogamete配子囊gametangium配子母细胞gametocyte同形配子囊isogametangium 原配子囊progametangium 小孢子囊sporangiole微包囊microcyst足细胞foot cell脚胞foot cell固着器holdfast附着枝hyphopodium吸盘sucker锁状细胞clamp cell锁状联合clamp connection 偶核细胞zeugite卵球oosphere卵质ooplasm孢原质sporoplasm卵配子oogamete卵孢子oospore球状胞sphaerocyst子囊腔locule子囊盘apothecium子囊座ascostroma缝裂壳hysterothecium下子座hypostroma包被peridium子座stroma壳心centrum拟包被pseudoperidium无融合生殖apomixis同宗配合homothallism准性生殖parasexuality异宗配合heterothallism同配生殖isogamy异配生殖heterogamy无配生殖apogamy配囊交配gametangial copulation 交配型mating type 全型holomorph夏孢子期uredostage冬孢子堆teleutosorus, telium 夏孢子堆uredinium子囊孢子形成ascosporulation 孢子形成sporulation 细菌bacteria薄壁[细]菌类gracilicutes硬壁[细]菌类fermicutes疵壁[细]菌类mendosicutes无壁[细]菌类tenericutes柔膜细菌mollicutes真细菌eubacteria暗细菌scotobacteria无氧光细菌anoxyphotobacteria 生氧光细菌oxyphotobacteria 放线菌actinomycetes螺[旋]菌spirilla粘细菌slime bacteria。

微生物生理英文Microbial Physiology Lecture

微生物生理英文Microbial Physiology Lecture

• Microorganisms can be grouped by the temperature ranges they require.
Low or High pH
• The acidity or alkalinity of an environment can greatly affect microbial growth.
• The cytoplasmic membrane is a highly selective permeability barrier constructed of lipids and proteins that forms a bilayer with hydrophilic exteriors and a hydrophobic interior.
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
The Tree of Life
• Comparative ribosomal RNA sequencing has defined the three domains of life: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
Cell Growth
• Microbial growth involves an increase in the number of cells. Growth of most microorganisms occurs by the process of binary fission.



# 1 Microbiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and VirusesPart 3: Viruses•Viruses -non-living infectious agents that may infect all living things.•Commonly named according to which host is infected.•Terms–Virion: virus particle consisting of protein coat/nucleicacid.–Capsid: term for viral protein coat–Capsomere: identical protein subunits of the capsid–Nucleocapsid: Viral capsid along with tightly packednucleic acid.–Envelope: Double layer of lipid surrounding the capsid.Microbiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and Viruses# 1Part 3: VirusesMicrobiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and Viruses# 1Part 3: VirusesMicrobiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and VirusesPart 3: VirusesShape and Classification of RNA Viruses# 2 Shape and Classification of RNA Viruses# 2Shape and Classification of DNA Viruses # 2Relative Size of Viruses •Viruses 100-1000X smallerthan hosts: 10-500 nm.•Attachment via–Spikes (attachment proteinsproject from tailless capsid)–Tails (tail fibers used )–Not needed for plant viruses•Viral genome may be–Single or double stranded,DNA or RNA–DNA may be circular or linear–Very small genome.# 3/4/5Requirement for Viruses To Grow Inside Living Cells •Must have actively multiplying host cell for viral replication.•Viruses lack enzymes to make either enzymes or proteins.•Necessary to use host enzymes and cell structures for viral reproduction.•Two phases of viruses –Outside living cells: viruses are inert macromolecules –Inside living cells: viruses redirect host metabolism for viral reproduction.•Necessary Genetic Information Needed by Viruses –Viral protein coat –Replication for Viral nucleic acid–Movement of virus in and out of host.# 6# 7 Outcomes of Viral Infection of Bacteria1) Virulent or lytic phage, e.g.,T4–Redirect cell to make more phage and lyse the cell.2) Non-lytic phage, e.g.,filamentous phage -M13–Partial takover of cell metabolism to make more phagethen leak out into environment without killing cell.3) Temperate phage, e.g. Lambda (λ) phage–Produce “latent “ infections as they are incorporated intobacterial genome.–Replicate along with the host–Produce “lysogenic conversion” -coding for proteinsdifferent than those native to the host, e.g., C. diphtheriae Outcomes of Phage Infection of Bacteria# 7Bacterial Infection with Virulent TLytic Phage# 84Bacterial Infection with Temperate λ Phage# 9Transduction Review# 10•Bacterial gene transfer via bacteriophage.•General vs. specialized.–General: Any gene of the donor cell is transferred–Specialized:•Only selected genes from donor cell are transferred.•Only temperate phages are involved in transduction•Phage integrates at certain sites into the bacterialchromosome.•Examples are Lambda phage in E. coli and toxinproduction in Corynebacterium diphtheriaeGene Transfer in Bacteria -Transduction# 10Specialized Transduction Via Temperate Phage# 10 Virulent Properties Conferred to Bacterial HostsVia ProphageHost Ranges of Bacteriophage# 11•Host range of phage limited to specific bacterial species and often to only a few strains.•Important limitation factors:–Phage needs specific receptor sites on host cell surface•Receptor sites may be altered via mutation or lysogenic conversion.–Restriction modification system on host cell must be overcome •Host bacteria have 2 adjacent genes–Restriction enzyme–Modification enzyme.•Because of limited host range, DNA rarely transferred between species.。

Microbial physiology微生物生理

Microbial physiology微生物生理

Microbial physiologyCourse Cod:Course Name:Microbial physiologyCredits: the term the course begins:Teaching object: students major in biologyBest after : biological chemistryCurriculum director:Name: Du Zongjun Title : Associate professor Degree:Ph.DClass description:Microbial physiology is an important branch of Microbiology, an subject of studying the characteristics and rules of the microbial metabolism on the laboratory conditions and natural conditions. From the perspective of physiological and biochemical it studies the mechanisms of microbial morphogenesis, structure and function, growth and reproduction, metabolism and regulation , and so on.Not only it gives students a detailed understanding of the microbial activities in physical characteristics and rules of microbial physiology,but also makes them master the basic theory of microbial physiology. Students can build a solid foundation for their further research and development on microbial physiology.Practical teaching link:Curriculum assessment:Course final result= Peacetime result*20%+ The final exam result*80%;Peacetime result determined by attendance rate, assignments, small paper completesThe terminal examinations adopt the open-book examination or by the paper writing way inspectionAppoint teaching material:Yang Shengyu, Wang Gang, Shen Yonghong .《Microbial physiology》. Chemical Industry Press in2007, the first editionReference books:1, Li Jilun, 《Microbial physiology》, Beijing Agricultural University Publishing house, 1993. 2, Wei Yang Bao,《Microbial physiology》, higher education publishing house, 1988.3, Brock 《Biology of microorganisms》, Scientific Publishing house, in May, 2007, the first edition of autotype original book tenth edition.。

Chapter 3 The Prokaryotes 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Chapter 3  The Prokaryotes 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

3.2 Actinomycetes
Actinomycetes are filamentous bacteria. Their morphology resembles that of the filamentous fungi; however, the filaments of actinomycetes consist of procaryotic cells. Some actinomycetes resemble molds by forming externally carried asexual spores for reproduction.
Chain of conidiospores
Aerial hyphae
Agar surface
Substrate mycelium
The cross section of an actinomycete colony showing the substrate mycelium and aerial mycelium with chains of conidiospores
Rod-shaped bacteria
Bacilli divide only across their short axis, so there are fewer groupings of bacilli than of cocci.
Single bacillus
Some bacteria are shaped like long rods twisted into spirals or helices; they are called vibrios (like commas or incomplete spirals), spirilla if rigid and spirochetes when flexable.


(1) 变为热,散失; (2) 供合成反应和生命的其他活动; (3) 贮存在ATP(三磷酸腺苷)中。
4. 能量的转移中心——ATP
最初 能源
太阳光 有机物 还原态无机物
化能异养菌 化能自养菌
通用 能源
能量代谢的主要内容:研究微生物如何利用这三类最初 能源,转化并释放出ATP的。
发酵 好氧呼吸 无氧呼吸
1. 发酵
廉价的原料 有O2、无O2 有用的代谢产物
★广义: 利用微生物代谢生产有用代谢物等的一类生产方式。
微生物的酶(组成,结构,分类,催 化特征,影响酶活的因素)
营养(微生物的化学组成,营养物及 营养类型,营养物进入微生物的方式)
产能代谢(呼吸类型,产能代谢与呼 吸作用的关系,发光现象)
代谢是细胞内发生的各种化学反应的总称,它主要由分解代 谢和合成代谢两个过程组成。
分解代谢是指细胞将大分子物质降解成小分子物质,并在这 个过程中产生能量。
2. 呼吸
呼吸(生物氧化):生物体内的物质经过一系列连续的 氧化还原反应分解并释放能量的过程。产能代谢的总称 。 呼吸作用的本质: 氧化与还原反应的统一过程。
呼吸本质: 化能营养型——分解产能 光能营养型——光合产能


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College of Life Sciences
Hubei Normal University 2019/10/30 12 College of Life Sciences
Hubei Normal University
2. The cell cycle
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2019/10/30 4
College of Life Sciences
Hubei Normal University
Halving 对分, 二等分, 减半 Synapsis 联会 synaptinemal complex 联会复合物 Asexual adj.无性的, 无性生殖的 catastrophic adj.悲惨的, 灾难的 Elimination n.排除, 除去, 消除, 消灭
The cell nucleus is the main repository of genetic information. 细胞核是贮藏遗传信息的主要场所。 Within the nucleus are the chromosomes—tightly coiled strands of DNA and clusters of associated proteins. 细胞核里的是染色体--紧密盘绕成螺旋的DNA链和相关 的成簇蛋白质。
2019/10/30 5
College of Life Sciences
Hubei Normal University
1. The nucleus and chromosomes
2019/10/30 6
College of Life Sciences
Hubei Normal University



In the clinical laboratory it is necessary:
• isolate bacteria in pure culture; • obtain sufficient growth of bacteria for demonstration their properties such as study of morphological, cultural, biochemical, antigenic and pathogenic properties, bacteriophage and bacteriocin susceptibility; • determine a sensitivity to antibiotics.
Studying of haemolysis
Colonies and pigmentsfication of bacteria
• Biochemical reactions: The more important and widely used tests are as under:
• a) Sugar fermentation
Identification of bacteria
• b) Indole production • c) Hydrogen sulfide production
Identification of bacteria
• d) Other tests: Citrate utilization; Nitrate reduction; Methyl red test; Urease test; Catalase test; Oxidase reactions.
E. coli, Gram negative (A), Staphylococcus epidermidis, Gram positive (B) and Bacillus cereus, Gram positive

细菌的生理 - PowerPoint Presentation

细菌的生理 - PowerPoint Presentation
菌体分并获得能量。 腐生菌 :以动植物尸体、腐败食物等为营养物质。 寄生菌:寄生于活体内,从宿主的有机物获得能量;
一、 细菌生长繁殖
(一) 细菌生长繁殖条件
充足营养物质: 合适酸碱度: 适宜温度: 必要的气体: 氧气和二氧化碳
细菌的分类层次:界、门、纲、目、科、属、种。在细菌常 用属和种。 种(species)——生物学性状基本相同的细菌群体,是细 菌分类的基本单位。同一菌种的各个细菌,虽性状基本相同, 但在某些方面仍有一定差异。 差异明显——亚种(变种); 差异小——型(血清型、噬菌体型、细菌素型等); 属(genus) ——性状相近、关系密切的若干菌种组成一个 菌属。 株(strain) —— 对不同来源的同一菌种的细菌称为该菌
I - 吲哚(indol)试验
M - 甲基红(methyl red)试验 V - VP(Voges-Proskauer)试验 C -枸橼酸盐利用(citrate utilization)试验
大肠埃希菌 + +
Vi C试验
➢ 热原质(pyrogen):或称致热原。是细菌合成的一种注入人体或 动物体内能引起发热反应物质。产生热原质的细菌大多是革兰阴 性菌,热原质即其细胞壁的脂多糖。
在低氧压(5%~6%)生长最好,氧浓 度>10%有抑制作用。
结核分枝杆 菌、假单胞 菌属
弯曲菌属、 螺杆菌属
兼性厌氧 菌
专性厌氧 菌
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Aerobic Respiration
Molecular Oxygen (O2) serves as the final eacceptor of the ETC
O2 is reduced to H2O Energy-generating mode used by aerobic chemoheterotrophs General term applied to most human pathogens Energy source = Oxidation of organic compounds Carbon Source = Organic Carbon
Microbial physiology. Microbial metabolism. Enzymes. Nutrition. Bioenergetics. Bacterial growth and multiplication.
Dr. Elena Romancenco Department of Microbiology
1. Glycolysis (splitting of sugar)
Carbohydrate (CHO) Catabolism Oxidation of Glucose into 2 molecules of Pyruvic acid CHO’s are highly reduced structures (thus, H-donors); excellent fuels Degradation of CHO thru series of oxidative reactions End Products of Glycolysis: 2 Pyruvic acid 2 NADH2 2 ATP
Microbial physiology. Microbial metabolism. Bioenergetics. Enzymes. Nutrition. Bacterial growth and multiplication.
Energy – capacity to do work or cause change
carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen acceptors
Uses organic compounds as terminal electron
- a small amount of ATP
Production of ethyl alcohol by yeasts acting on
These requirements can be combined:
1. Photoautotrophs - light energy, carbon from 2. Photoheterotrophs —light energy, carbon from organic compounds 3. Chemoautotrophs —energy from chemical compounds, carbon from CO2 4. Chemoheterotrophs —energy from chemical compounds, carbon from organic compounds
Final electron acceptor something other than oxygen:
NO3- : Pseudomonas, Bacillus.
SO4-: Desulfovibrio CO3-: methanogens
In Facultative organisms In Obligate anaerobes

Saprophytes—live on dead organic matter Parasites—nutrients from a living host
This group (more precisely chemoorganoheterotrophic)
includes most bacteria as well as all protozoa, fungi, and animals. All microbes of medical importance are included in this group.
Energy and carbon both come from organic
compounds, and the same compound can provide both. Specifically, their energy source is electrons from hydrogen atoms in organic compounds.

34 ATP
Electron transport system
Overview of aerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration
Utilizes same 3 coupled pathways as Aerobic Respiration Used as an alternative to aerobic respiration
2. Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle,TCA)

Series of chemical reactions that begin and end with citric acid Initial substrate – modified end product of Glycolysis • 2 Pyruvic Acid is modified to 2Acetyl-CoA, which enters the TCA cycle Circuit of organic acids – series of oxidations and reductions • Eukaryotes – Mitochondrial Matrix • Prokaryotes – Cytoplasm of bacteria & Cell Membrane
Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration – terminal electron acceptor is oxygen Anaerobic respiration – terminal electron acceptor is an inorganic molecule other than oxygen (e.g. nitrogen)
a. Autotrophs —can draw carbon from carbon dioxide b. Heterotrophs —carbon from organic compounds c. Mixotrophic – carbon is obtained from both
organic compounds and by fixinABOLIC DIVERSITY
Bacterial metabolism is classified into
nutritional groups on the basis of three major criteria: 1. Source of energy, used for growth 2. Source of carbon, and 3. Sours of electron donors used for growth.
a. Phototrophs —can use light energy b. Chemotrophs —must obtain energy
from oxidation-reduction of external chemical compounds
Lower production of ATP because only part of the TCA cycle and the electron transport chain operate.
Incomplete oxidation of glucose or other
Metabolism - the sum of the biochemical reactions required for energy generation AND the use of energy to synthesize cell material from small molecules in the environment.
Why do we must know the metabolism of bacteria?
Because we want to know how to inhibit or stop bacteria growth and want to control their metabolism.

3 Coupled Pathways Utilized

Glycolysis Kreb’s Cycle or Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle Respiratory Chain or Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Endergonic reactions – consume energy Exergonic reactions – release energy
Energy Production

3 Biochemical Mechanisms Utilized

Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration Fermentation