



Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
QP Survey Rating And Survey Team Comment/評估內容和評估結果
Remarks for completion of checklist / report

“Yes" – Compliance is demonstrated.
Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
2). “No” – Corrective actions are required。

3). Evidence shall be recorded in “Findings” in justifying “Yes”, “No” or “NA” decision.

Suggestions shall be written in “Opportunities for Improvement” at the end of each section

Score Scheme:
Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
Ref. GVSR no報告編號.。




与此同时,为了满足消费者日益增长的需求,厂商们开始使用RFI (Request for Information)来收集和整理相关资料,以便在市场竞争中获得战略优势。






二、使用RFI资料的场景1. 供应链管理:汽车行业面临着复杂而庞大的供应链,需要与众多供应商保持紧密的合作关系。


2. 新产品开发:汽车制造商需要时刻关注新兴技术和市场趋势,以满足消费者对新型产品的需求。


3. 成本管理:汽车制造商需要不断降低成本,提高效率和竞争力。



1. 大量信息:汽车行业涉及到的诸多方面,如供应商、技术、市场等,信息量庞大。


2. 数据质量:RFI资料的准确性和可信度对于制造商决策的有效性至关重要。



3. 时间压力:市场竞争激烈,汽车制造商需要尽快获取和处理RFI 资料,以便做出迅速准确的决策。



Supplier development manual
Signed LTA & Productivity Agrement. Supplier Pass Word and ID
PU001 Purchase Requisition
Issue Purchase Requisition, requesting PPAP & Tooling if required.
(as required)
APQP, MECHANISM where applicable. Development (MECH) Manual - Section 3, CNCA02C-061
Appendix 3
RFQ, Ford 4.28 Customer Approved Sources, Supplier,
MM021/(20) Supplier Assessment (Self assessment)
Is Supplier acceptaplier Assessment (Self assessment)
MM021/(20) Supplier Assessment (Self assessment) CNCA02C-061 Appendix 3
Does supplier need further development?
MM021/(20) Supplier Assessment (Self assessment)
Follow up with corrective action
Supplier & MECHANISM



供应商初评报告范文Supplier Initial Evaluation Report Sample供应商初评报告范文This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the initial evaluation of the selected supplier.本报告旨在全面概述所选供应商的初步评估情况。

The supplier, XYZ Company, has been chosen based on its reputation in the industry and its ability to meet our specific requirements.供应商XYZ公司因其在行业声誉和满足我们特定需求的能力而被选中。

During the initial evaluation, XYZ Company demonstrated a strong commitment to quality and timely delivery.在初步评估中,XYZ公司表现出对质量和及时交货的强烈承诺。

Their production facilities were inspected, and it was found that they comply with industry standards and safety regulations.我们对他们的生产设施进行了检查,发现其符合行业标准和安全规定。

Moreover, the supplier's team displayed a high level of professionalism and cooperation during the evaluation process.此外,在评估过程中,供应商的团队表现出高度的专业精神和合作精神。

Overall, XYZ Company appears to be a reliable and capable supplier, and we look forward to further discussing potential business opportunities with them.总的来说,XYZ公司似乎是一个可靠且有能力的供应商,我们期待与他们进一步探讨潜在的业务机会。



1 Purpose 目的This procedure is established to choose the high-quality suppliers as the strategic partners of our Company and urge the present suppliers to constantly improve themselves, so as further to provide excellent service to our Company.制定本程序为选择优质的供应商作为我们公司的战略合作伙伴,并督促目前的供应商不断完善自己,从而进一步为我们公司提供优质的服务。

2 Scope适用范围It is applicable to the management of evaluation of all non-trade products’ suppliers.适用于所有非贸易产品供应商的评估管理。

3 Duties and Powers 权责3.1The Non Trade Procurement shall organize the evaluation of suppliers, while other relevantdepartments join the evaluation. 非贸易采购应组织对供应商的评估,而其他相关部门则参与评估。

3.2The Non Trade Procurement is responsible for collecting all the evaluation opinions and making afinal decision on choosing suppliers. 非贸易采购负责收集所有的评估意见,并最终决定选择供应商。

4 Definitions定义Non trade products: Office supplies, Maintenance & Repair supplies, Sample room small tools,etc.非贸易产品:办公用品、维修用品、样品室、小型工具等。



2009 年 8 月 第 6 次修订版
一 汽 - 大 众

1. 2. 3. 4. 4.1 5. 6.
初版 二版 完整修订版 完整修订版 对第 4 版的补充 / 更改(B2B 平台在线) 完整修订版 完整修订版
34 34 34 35 36 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 42 42 42 42 43 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 46 47 47 47 47 47 48
一 汽 - 大 众

质量能力总评价,跨栏原则 总则 定级规定 采用跨栏原则的定级标准 晋级标准 履行存档责任(D/TLD 零件)质量审核 总则 自审方法 产品组确定 / 零部件选择 单项提问评价 / 审核结果 审核报告 / 改进计划 技术资料标识 实施(流程图) 问题分析 总则 实施 / 流程 升级原则 实施问题分析 - 流程图 供应商技术审计(TRL) 总则 实施 TRL 的原因 批量过程中的 TRL 评价 实施 TRL 通知 报告 流程图 分供方管理 总则 确定分供方结构 供应链中的变化 分供方结构的文件 流程

7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

cqi-27第二版 h表中英文审核表

cqi-27第二版 h表中英文审核表

cqi-27第二版 H表中英文审核表一、概述CQI-27第二版是汽车生产制造领域的一个重要质量要求标准,它涉及了整个汽车供应链的质量管理,包括了零部件供应商、车辆制造商和整车生产商。


本文将对CQI-27第二版 H表的中英文审核表进行详细的分析和说明。

二、CQI-27第二版 H表中英文审核表介绍1. H表的作用H表是CQI-27第二版标准中的一个重要组成部分。



2. H表的结构H表主要包括以下几个方面的内容:管理要求、质量管理体系要求、质量改进要求、供应链要求、产品特性要求等。


3. H表中英文审核表H表中英文审核表是用于评估供应链质量管理水平的具体工具。



三、H表中英文审核表的填写和使用1. 填写流程在填写H表中英文审核表时,首先需要明确审核的对象是供应商的哪一个部分,比如是零部件供应商、车辆制造商还是整车生产商。


2. 使用方法H表中英文审核表的使用应当符合标准的规范要求,审核人员应当具备相关的专业知识和审核经验。




供应商评估表(中英文对照)模板Supplier Evaluation Form (Chinese-English Comparative Template)Introduction 简介:本供应商评估表旨在帮助企业对供应商进行全面评估,以确保供应链的可靠性和效率。



This Supplier Evaluation Form aims to assist businesses in conducting thorough assessments of their suppliers to ensure reliability and efficiency within the supply chain. The evaluation form will provide a comprehensive analysis of suppliers, including assessments of quality management, delivery capabilities, price competitiveness, service levels, and compliance. For easeof use, this article provides a template with both Chinese and English sections as a reference for users.供应商信息 Supplier Information:供应商名称:______________________________Supplier Name: _______________________________供应商地址:______________________________Supplier Address: _______________________________联系人:______________________________Contact Person: _______________________________联系电话:______________________________Contact Number: _______________________________评估日期:______________________________Evaluation Date: _______________________________评估人员:______________________________Evaluator: _______________________________供应商综合评估 Comprehensive Supplier Evaluation:1.质量管理 Quality Management:1.1 产品质量 Product Quality请根据以下指标对供应商的产品质量进行评估,请在右侧打"√"表示评估结果。



ASSESSEMENT ON MANUFACTURING SUPPLIERINTRODUCTION引言Solar Energy is committed to product excellence in the markets we serve. We intend to continuously demonstrate this commitment by providing defect-free products on time and at competitive prices.光伏能源致力于对产品精益求精,在我们服务的市场,我们将不断证明这一承诺,并提供有竞争力的价格,无缺陷的产品。

This requires that we exercise every possible means to assure quality and consistent on-time delivery of purchased goods, which in-turn, contributes to continuous Quality improvement. Through the application of Statistical Process Control (SPC) combined with the cooperation and commitment of our Suppliers and Supply Chain Teams, Solar Energy will drive continuous improvement both in Technical and Commercial aspects of business.这就要求我们千方百计保证质量和购进一致好的部件,不断提高服务质量。



Receiving inspection personnel have QA C-6 controlled
10 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
instructio ns defining characteri stics, equipmen and methods used during inspection . 检验员有 受控的作 业指导书 指导,指 导书内容 包 括了检验 的项目、 设备和方 法。
10 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 105 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
verified, analyzed and improvem ent actions are generated on a continuou s basis. 在生产中 发现的不 合格物料 经过确认 、分析并 在 持续的基 础上推进 改善活动 。 Nonconformin g materials are properly D-3 identified and segregate d from good material. 不合格物 料能明确 区分并与 合格物料 隔离。
Com plian ce Ratin g
Degre e of Imple menta Full tion
Pag e2 of ___ _
Score None
Yes No NA (FS)
15 0 4 6 8 9 11 13 14 15
meeting acceptabl e quality standards 品质保证 组织的职 责以书面 形式明确 定义,并 反 映在品质 手册中; 品质保证 组织有权 停止不符 合 质量标准 的项目。 There is QA Manual and revision history A-2 reveals continuou s update and review within the 品质保证 手册和历 史版本能 体现出一 年内的持 续 更新和评 审。 The QA organizati on operates a defect A-3 preventio program that includes defect analysis and the generatio n of improvem ent actions 品质保证 组织推行 包括了缺 陷分析和 改善行动 的 缺陷预防 计划 The QA organizati on prepares and issues A-4 periodic reports and maintains records relative to process



奔驰供应商评审中英文文件公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-潜潜潜在供应商评估指南评估范围A – Management管理B - Technology and Development技术与开发C – Quality质量D – Production生产E - Engineering (Product and Process)工程(产品和过程)F - Logistics / Supply物流与供应G - Sub-supplier Management分供商管理H - Cost Management成本管理Scoring Guide打分指南Team evaluation must be recorded into Excel file. Input comments on COMMENTS page.团队评价必须用Excel文件记录,在注释页上输入注释。

Points Color Definition Effect on DC processes在DC流程颜色表示的定义:0 red Supplier demonstrates neither a documented process/procedure nor an applied practice.0分红色供应商示范既无文件化流程/程序,又无应用的实例Process will certainly cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer过程肯定会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。

1 red Documented process/procedure exists but is incomplete or not fully implemented.1分红色有文件化流程/程序,但不完善或没有完全的贯彻。

Process will probably cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer过程大概会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。



奔驰供应商评审中英文文件Last revision on 21 December 2020潜在供应商评估指南评估范围A – Management管理B - Technology and Development技术与开发C – Quality质量D – Production生产E - Engineering (Product and Process)工程(产品和过程)F - Logistics / Supply物流与供应G - Sub-supplier Management分供商管理H - Cost Management成本管理Scoring Guide打分指南Team evaluation must be recorded into Excel file. Input comments on COMMENTS page.团队评价必须用Excel文件记录,在注释页上输入注释。

Points Color Definition Effect on DC processes在DC流程颜色表示的定义:0 red Supplier demonstrates neither a documented process/procedure nor an applied practice.0分红色供应商示范既无文件化流程/程序,又无应用的实例Process will certainly cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communicationwith the customer过程肯定会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。

1 red Documented process/procedure exists but is incomplete or not fully implemented.1分红色有文件化流程/程序,但不完善或没有完全的贯彻。

Process will probably cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer过程大概会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。



关于汽车评估的作文英语Title: A Comprehensive Guide to Car Evaluation。

Introduction:Car evaluation is an essential process for both buyers and sellers alike. Whether you're considering purchasing a new vehicle or selling your current one, understanding the factors involved in car evaluation can help you make informed decisions. In this essay, we will delve into the key aspects of car evaluation, including assessing the vehicle's condition, determining its market value, and considering other relevant factors.Assessing the Vehicle's Condition:The first step in car evaluation is assessing the vehicle's condition. This involves examining both the exterior and interior components of the car. On the exterior, check for any signs of damage such as dents,scratches, or rust. Inspect the paint job to ensure it is uniform and free of any major imperfections. Additionally, examine the tires for tread wear and any signs of damage.Moving to the interior, inspect the upholstery, dashboard, and other surfaces for any tears, stains, or wear and tear. Test the functionality of features such as the air conditioning, heating, stereo system, and power windows. Pay close attention to any warning lights on the dashboard, as they could indicate underlying mechanical issues.Mechanical Evaluation:Beyond the visual inspection, conducting a thorough mechanical evaluation is crucial. If possible, take the car for a test drive to assess its performance on the road. Pay attention to how the car accelerates, brakes, and handles different road conditions. Listen for any unusual noises coming from the engine, transmission, or suspension.For a more comprehensive assessment, consider hiring aqualified mechanic to perform a pre-purchase inspection. They can identify any potential mechanical issues that may not be apparent to the untrained eye. This step is especially important when buying a used car, as it can save you from unexpected repair costs down the line.Determining Market Value:Once you've assessed the vehicle's condition, the next step is determining its market value. Several factors influence a car's value, including its age, mileage, condition, and demand in the market. Websites such as Kelley Blue Book, Edmunds, and Autotrader offer onlinetools to estimate a car's value based on these factors.When using these tools, be sure to provide accurate information about the car's make, model, year, mileage, and condition. Keep in mind that market value can vary depending on location and current market trends. It's also worth considering any additional features or upgrades that may affect the car's value.Other Considerations:In addition to the vehicle's condition and market value, there are other factors to consider during the evaluation process. For example, consider the car's ownership history, including the number of previous owners and any reported accidents or maintenance records.Think about your own needs and preferences when evaluating a car. Does it meet your requirements in termsof size, fuel efficiency, safety features, and technology? Consider the cost of ownership, including fuel, insurance, maintenance, and depreciation, over the long term.Conclusion:Car evaluation is a critical step in the car buying or selling process. By thoroughly assessing the vehicle's condition, determining its market value, and considering other relevant factors, you can make a more informed decision. Whether you're in the market for a new car orselling your current one, understanding the ins and outs of car evaluation will help you get the best deal possible.。



汽车行业程序文件中英文版-程序文件目录汽车行业程序文件中英文版程序文件目录一、设计与开发程序1、产品概念设计程序 Product Concept Design Procedure市场调研与需求分析 Market Research and Demand Analysis创意构思与概念生成 Creative Conception and Concept Generation 概念评估与筛选 Concept Evaluation and Screening2、工程设计程序 Engineering Design Procedure详细设计与计算 Detailed Design and Calculation材料选择与规格确定 Material Selection and Specification Determination设计验证与优化 Design Verification and Optimization3、样车制作与测试程序 Prototype Manufacturing and Testing Procedure样车制造工艺规划 Prototype Manufacturing Process Planning样车组装与调试 Prototype Assembly and Debugging性能测试与评估 Performance Testing and Evaluation二、采购与供应链管理程序1、供应商选择与评估程序 Supplier Selection and Evaluation Procedure潜在供应商搜寻 Potential Supplier Searching供应商资质审核 Supplier Qualification Audit实地考察与评估 Onsite Inspection and Evaluation2、采购订单管理程序 Purchase Order Management Procedure采购需求确定 Purchase Requirement Determination订单下达与跟踪 Order Placement and Tracking交货验收与入库 Delivery Acceptance and Warehousing3、供应链风险管理程序 Supply Chain Risk Management Procedure风险识别与评估 Risk Identification and Evaluation风险应对策略制定 Risk Response Strategy Formulation风险监控与预警 Risk Monitoring and Early Warning三、生产制造程序1、生产计划与调度程序 Production Planning and Scheduling Procedure订单分解与排产 Order Decomposition and Production Scheduling资源配置与产能规划 Resource Allocation and Capacity Planning进度跟踪与调整 Progress Tracking and Adjustment2、工艺过程控制程序 Process Control Procedure工艺流程设计与优化 Process Flow Design and Optimization作业指导书制定 Work Instruction Formulation过程检验与质量控制 Process Inspection and Quality Control3、设备管理与维护程序 Equipment Management and Maintenance Procedure设备选型与采购 Equipment Selection and Purchase设备安装与调试 Equipment Installation and Commissioning日常维护与保养 Daily Maintenance and Repair四、质量控制与检验程序1、进料检验程序 Incoming Inspection Procedure原材料检验标准制定 Raw Material Inspection Standard Formulation 抽样方案与检验方法 Sampling Plan and Inspection Method不合格品处理 Nonconforming Product Handling2、过程检验程序 Inprocess Inspection Procedure工序检验点设置 Inspection Point Setting in Processes检验记录与统计分析 Inspection Record and Statistical Analysis质量问题反馈与处理 Quality Problem Feedback and Handling3、成品检验程序 Finished Product Inspection Procedure成品检验标准制定 Finished Product Inspection Standard Formulation 全项目检验与抽样检验 Fullitem Inspection and Sampling Inspection 检验报告与质量证书 Inspection Report and Quality Certificate五、销售与市场推广程序1、市场调研与分析程序 Market Research and Analysis Procedure市场趋势研究 Market Trend Research竞争对手分析 Competitor Analysis消费者行为研究 Consumer Behavior Research2、销售渠道管理程序 Sales Channel Management Procedure经销商选择与合作 Dealer Selection and Cooperation销售渠道拓展与优化 Sales Channel Expansion and Optimization渠道绩效评估与激励 Channel Performance Evaluation and Incentive3、客户关系管理程序 Customer Relationship Management Procedure客户信息收集与管理 Customer Information Collection and Management客户投诉处理与满意度调查 Customer Complaint Handling and Satisfaction Survey客户忠诚度培养 Customer Loyalty Cultivation六、售后服务程序1、售后服务政策制定程序 Aftersales Service Policy Formulation Procedure保修范围与期限确定 Warranty Scope and Period Determination售后服务费用标准制定 Aftersales Service Cost Standard Formulation 服务承诺与条款说明 Service Commitment and Clause Explanation2、维修与保养服务程序 Repair and Maintenance Service Procedure服务预约与接待 Service Reservation and Reception故障诊断与维修方案制定 Fault Diagnosis and Repair Plan Formulation维修作业与质量检验 Repair Work and Quality Inspection3、配件供应与管理程序 Spare Parts Supply and Management Procedure配件库存管理 Spare Parts Inventory Management配件采购与配送 Spare Parts Purchase and Distribution配件质量控制 Spare Parts Quality Control七、人力资源管理程序1、招聘与选拔程序 Recruitment and Selection Procedure岗位需求分析 Job Requirement Analysis招聘渠道选择 Recruitment Channel Selection面试与评估流程 Interview and Evaluation Process2、培训与发展程序 Training and Development Procedure培训需求调查 Training Requirement Survey培训计划制定与实施 Training Plan Formulation and Implementation 培训效果评估与反馈 Training Effect Evaluation and Feedback3、绩效考核与薪酬管理程序 Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management Procedure绩效指标设定 Performance Indicator Setting绩效考核评估 Performance Appraisal Evaluation薪酬计算与发放 Compensation Calculation and Distribution八、财务管理程序1、预算编制与控制程序 Budget Preparation and Control Procedure预算目标设定 Budget Target Setting预算编制流程 Budget Preparation Process预算执行监控与调整 Budget Execution Monitoring and Adjustment2、成本核算与控制程序 Cost Accounting and Control Procedure成本项目分类与核算方法 Cost Item Classification and Accounting Method成本分析与控制措施 Cost Analysis and Control Measures成本降低与优化方案 Cost Reduction and Optimization Plan3、财务报表编制与审计程序 Financial Statement Preparation and Audit Procedure财务数据收集与整理 Financial Data Collection and Arrangement报表编制规范与流程 Statement Preparation Specification and Process 审计配合与整改 Audit Cooperation and Rectification。



供应商选择与评价英语Effective supplier selection and evaluation is a critical component of a successful supply chain management strategy. In today's highly competitive and globalized business environment, organizations must carefully assess and select their suppliers to ensure they are obtaining high-quality materials, components, or services at competitive prices, while also aligning with their broader business objectives and values. The process of supplier selection and evaluation involves a comprehensive assessment of various factors, including quality, cost, delivery, service, and sustainability, among others.One of the primary considerations in supplier selection is quality. Organizations must ensure that their suppliers can consistently deliver products or services that meet or exceed their specified requirements and industry standards. This includes evaluating the supplier's quality control processes, certifications, and track record of delivering defect-free products or services. Suppliers with a strong quality management system and a demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement are often preferred.In addition to quality, cost is another essential factor in supplier selection. Organizations must carefully analyze the total cost of ownership, which includes not only the direct purchase price but also indirect costs such as transportation, storage, and potential quality-related expenses. Suppliers that can offer competitive pricing, while also demonstrating efficiency and cost-saving initiatives, are often favored.Delivery performance is another critical aspect of supplier evaluation. Reliable and timely delivery of materials or services is crucial to maintaining smooth operations and meeting customer demands. Suppliers should have a proven track record of on-time delivery, as well as the ability to respond quickly to changing requirements or emergency situations.The level of service and support provided by the supplier is also an important consideration. Suppliers should be responsive to the organization's needs, provide effective communication channels, and be willing to collaborate on problem-solving and continuous improvement initiatives. A supplier's ability to offer value-added services, such as technical support, training, or inventory management, can also be a differentiating factor.In recent years, the importance of sustainability and corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) has become increasingly recognized in supplier selection and evaluation. Organizations are now more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their supply chain partners. Suppliers that demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices, such as reducing their carbon footprint, implementing eco-friendly manufacturing processes, or ensuring fair labor practices, may be preferred over those with a less robust sustainability profile.The supplier selection and evaluation process typically involves a multi-stage approach. The first step is to identify potential suppliers that meet the organization's basic requirements, such as industry certifications, financial stability, and geographic proximity. This can be done through market research, industry directories, or referrals from existing suppliers or industry peers.Once the initial pool of suppliers is identified, the organization can begin a more detailed evaluation process. This may include issuing requests for information (RFIs) or requests for proposals (RFPs) to gather detailed information about the suppliers' capabilities, processes, and pricing. On-site visits and audits can also be conducted to verify the supplier's claims and assess their facilities, equipment, and personnel.The evaluation criteria used in the selection process should be clearly defined and weighted based on the organization's priorities and thespecific requirements of the products or services being procured. Common evaluation criteria may include quality, cost, delivery, service, financial stability, sustainability, and alignment with the organization's strategic objectives.To ensure a fair and transparent evaluation process, organizations may employ a scoring system or a decision matrix to systematically assess and compare the suppliers. This can involve assigning numerical scores or ratings to each evaluation criterion, which are then aggregated to determine the overall suitability of the supplier.Once the evaluation process is complete, the organization can select the most suitable supplier(s) and establish a contractual agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship. It is important to note that supplier selection is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation.Regular performance reviews and feedback sessions should be conducted to ensure that the selected supplier(s) continue to meet the organization's expectations. This may involve tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as on-time delivery, quality defects, or response times, and providing constructive feedback to the supplier to drive continuous improvement.In some cases, organizations may also implement supplier development programs, where they work closely with their suppliers to help them improve their capabilities, processes, and overall performance. This can be particularly beneficial for strategic or critical suppliers, where a strong, collaborative relationship can lead to mutual benefits and a competitive advantage.In conclusion, effective supplier selection and evaluation is a crucial aspect of supply chain management. By carefully assessing and selecting suppliers based on a comprehensive set of criteria, organizations can ensure that they are obtaining high-quality materials, components, or services at competitive prices, while also aligning with their broader business objectives and values. This process requires a systematic and collaborative approach, with ongoing monitoring and feedback to maintain a strong and resilient supply chain.。



奔驶供应商评审中英文文件公司内部编号:(GOOD-TM\IT-\l\Il T-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-潜潜在供应商评估指南评估范围A - Management管理B - Technology and Development技术与开发C - Quality质量D - Production生产E - Engineering (Product and Process)工程(产品和过程)F - Logistics / Supply物流与供应G - Sub-supplier Management分供商管理H 一Cost Management成本管理Scoring Guide打分指南Team evaluation must be recorded into Excel file. Input comments on COMMENTS page.团队评价必须用Excel文件记录,在注释页上输入注释。

Points Color Definition Effect on DC processes在DC流程颜色表示的定义:0 red Supplier demonstrates neither a documented process/procedure nor an applied practice.0分红色供应商示范既无文件化流程/程序,又无应用的实例Process will certainly cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer 过程肯定会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。

1red Documented process/procedure exists but is incomplete or notfully implemented.1分红色有文件化流程/程序,但不完善或没有完全的贯彻。

Process will probably cause product failure and/or unsatisfactory communication with the customer过程大概会发生产品缺陷和招致顾客抱怨。

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Address:City: 01 - Documents Certification and Control
02 - Receiving, Storage, Packaging and Conservation
03 - Process Release, Work Instruction, Technical Sheet.Assessed Scope:
% Points
Points 04 - Process Control, Identification and Inspection 017.20% 6.0012.0% 05 - Traceability, Non-conformities, 02 3.73% 5.337.0% Audits, Shipping and Packaging.Contacts:
Phone:e-mail:0313.34%8.0016.7% 06 - Tooling and Preventive M aintenance Phone:e-mail:0414.00%8.4016.7% 07 - Instruments and Laboratory Calibration Phone:e-mail:
0510.00% 6.0016.7% 08 - Personnel qualification and Work Environment 06 5.60%8.007.0% 09 - PPAP
07 5.83%8.337.0%08 5.60%8.007.0%Remarks:
A > 80%
B >60 and ≤80%
Assessment Criteria:
0 - Requirements that have not been met (unforeseen in the QSM or cannot be evidenced in practice).2 - Requirement foreseen in the QSM , and not evidenced in practice.
4 - Requirement partially met; not defined in the QM S and can be evidenced in most of the cases*.6 - Requirement partially met; defined in the QM S and can be evidenced in most of the cases*.8 - Requirement not defined in the QSM , but that can be evidenced in practice.10 - Requirement defined in the QSM , and that can be evidenced in practice.
QSM - Quality System M anagement
Requirements Scoring Total Obtained
Assessed by (PST): Assessment Date:
Final Classification
Conditionally Approved
(*) "In most of the cases" means that about 3/4 of all the determinations have been effectively evidenced and that no risk in particular has been observed.Requirement Relevance (%)
Items scored ≤ 6 may require an action plan.
Not Approved ∑=
Total ITNA
IT n n n IT
Pt -=
n n
⋅X =Consider:
XPtn = Required points average.
IT = Required items.
PtRQn = Requisite scoring assessment (%).
PtRQn = Requisite relevance assessment (%). ITNA = Non applicable requirements.
