八年级上册第六、七单元测试题 文档
第六单元测试题 2024—2025学年统编版语文八年级上册
统编版语文八年级上册第六单元练习题(含答案)一、积累与运用l.下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项()A.畎.亩(quǎn) 箕畚.(běn ) 丈夫之冠.(.guàn)B.胶鬲.(gé) 按辔.(pèi) 山北之塞.(sāi)C.始龀.(chǐ) 穷匮.(.kuì) 彀.弓弩(gòu)D.荷.担(hé) 夯.实(hāng) 介胄.之士(zhòu)2.下列句中不含通假字的一项是()A.甚矣,汝之不惠B.困于心,衡于虑,而后作C.曾不能损魁父之丘D.河曲智叟亡以应3.下列句中加点的词解释正确的一项是()A.所以..动心忍性(……的原因)B.虽.我之死,有子存焉(虽然)C.于是上乃使.使持节诏将军(派遣)D.达于汉阴.(山的南面,水的北面)4.下列加点词的意义和用法相同的一项是( )A.居.天下之广居居天下之广居.B.惩山北之.塞投诸渤海之.尾C.军.霸上至霸上及棘门军.D.苦其.心志其.如土石何5.下列选项中加点词的用法与“军细柳,以备胡”中“军”的用法相同的一项是()A.必先苦.其心志B.吾与汝毕力平险.C.丈夫之冠.也D.虽乘奔.御风6.下列句子不是特殊句式的一项是()A.甚矣,汝之不惠B.帝感其诚C.孔子云:何陋之有D.上自劳军7.下列对课文内容的理解和分析,有误的一项是()A.《生于忧患,死于安乐》一文先从反面论述磨难对人生的意义,再从正面论证没有忧患的危害性,最后得出“生于忧患,而死于安乐”的结论。
第六章质量与密度单元综合测试题(含答案)一.选择题(4*10=40分)1.下列现象中物体的质量发生变化的是( )A.铁块熔化成铁水B.一块铜压成铜片C.国旗被带到“神舟十号”宇宙飞船中,随飞船升高D.粗糙的铝锭被磨成光滑的圆柱体2.“神舟五号”绕地球载人飞行时,用某种金属做微重力实验。
在太空中,这种金属的哪个物理量一定不会改变()A.密度 B. 温度 C. 体积 D. 质量3.学完密度知识后,一位普通中学生对自己的身体体积进行了估算。
下列估算值最接近实际的是( )A.30dm3B.60dm3C.100dm3D.120dm34.如图是甲、乙两种物质的质量与体积的关系图象,下列说法错误的是( )A.甲物质的质量大于乙物质的质量B.甲物质的密度大于乙物质的密度C.甲物质的质量与体积成正比关系D.乙物质的密度为0.5×103 kg/m35.用量筒和水测小石块体积时,先在量筒内注入适量的水。
“适量”的标准是( )A.看上去不多也不少B.能淹没石块,且石块放入水中后水面不会溢出C.水面约在量筒中间D.能淹没石块,且石块放入水中后水面不超过量程6.小明拿了一瓶可乐,刚要喝时不小心掉在了地上,洒出了一些可乐,则瓶内的()A.可乐密度不变而质量减小了B.可乐密度和质量都减小了C.可乐密度增大而质量减小了D.不好判定7.在“中国好声音”比赛中,长春歌手权振东以一曲《亲爱的小孩》感动了在场的所有人,在演唱过程中有人工“雪花”飘落,增加了歌曲的意境,“雪花”的材料应该是( )A.泡沫塑料B.石头C.铁D.铜8.三个相同的杯子,分别装有100g的盐水、酒精和水,比较它们的液面,液面最高的()A.无法确定B. 盐水C. 水D. 酒精9.甲、乙两种物质的质量m与体积V的关系图象如图所示,由图象可知()A. 体积相等时,甲的质量大B. 质量相等时,乙的体积大C. 甲的密度比乙的大D. 乙的密度为1.25×103kg/m310.下面列举的语句都蕴含着深刻的哲理,如果从物理学角度来解读,也别有生趣,其中分析不正确的是()A.“蜡炬成灰泪始干”,蜡烛燃烧时的体积减小B.“锲而不舍,金石可镂”,镂后金石的密度不变C.“人往高处走,水往低处流”,水流过程中密度减小D. “只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针”,此过程中铁棒的质量减小二.填空题(4*5=20分)11.装在烧杯中的水被倒出一部分后,烧杯中剩余水的密度;密封在容器中一定质量的气体被抽出一部分后,容器中剩余气体的密度。
初中英语8上Uni t S ix测试卷姓名 ___________ 得分___________第一卷(75 分)一、听力(20 分)《同步听力与阅读》Test P65-671 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920二、单项选择(15分)()1. Our t e acher i s coming. P l ease s top _____ and keep ________.A.ta lk ing; qu ie tB.to t a lk; qu ie tC.t a lk ing; qu iet lyD.to t a lk; qu i e t ly()2. Bi rds can f ind food _______ here than before.A. eas ie rB.much eas i lyC. more eas i lyD. more eas ie r()3. Shangha i i s ______the eas t o f China,and J apan i s _____the eas t o f China.A.in;toB.to;i nC.in;inD.to;to()4.--- You mus t be more ____ nex t t ime.--- Yes,I’l l do my ho me work as ____ a s poss ib le.A. ca re fu l;ca re fu lB.ca re fu l ly;ca r efu l lyC.ca re fu l l y; ca re fu lD.ca re f ul;ca re fu l ly ()5._______impor tan t in forma t ion they g ive us!A. HowB. How anC.WhatD.What an()6.Jack’s fa the r looked _____ a t the boy’s t es t paper. He looked _____.A. angry;angr i lyB.angry;angryC.angr i ly;angryD. angr i ly;angr i ly()7. Mother made me ______milk every day when I was young.A. dr inkB.to d r inkC. dr ink ingD. drank()8. Hur ry up!The p lane ______ a t 6:50 a.m.A.i s s t a r t ingB. be go ing to s ta r tC.s ta r tD.s t a r t s()9.Would you p lease _____the ch i ld ren ______ wi th snake?A.to ask; not to playB. ask; not to playC. ask; not playD. ask; don’t play ()10.We can p rov ide food ____the hungry ch i l dren.A.toB. wi thC.fo rD. about()11. Th is piano i s too b ig. Can you make ______fo r i t?A. a spaceB.some spacesC.some more roomsD. some space()12. Today the fo res t s a re get t ing fewer and fewer.We mus t ____ down too many t rees.A. keep peop le f rom cut t ing C.s top peop le cu t t ingB. preven t peop le f rom cu t t ing D. a l l the above((()13.I th ink ____necessa ry fo r us to l ea rn Engl i sh we l l.A.i tB.i t sC.tha tD.tha t's)14. Do you need more peop le ____you ____the vege t ab les?A. he lp, wa te rB.to he lp, wa te rC. he lp,to wa ter)15. She d idn’t s i ng the song ______ yes te rday.D.to he lp, wa te r ingA. enough goodB. good enoughC. enough wel lD. we l l enough三、完形填空(10分,每空1分)Zhalong i s a p ro tect ed a rea.I t's1to hun t o r f i sh the r e.I f you a re 2 in b i rds, you can go to Zha long.W hen you go b i rdwatch ing the re, you somet imes have t o3a long way.I f you wear new lea t her shoes, they can be4.So remember to wear a pa i r o f comfor tab le shoes.When you watch b i rds, you canno t l eave 5 there, o r you wi l l be 6.Red-c rowned cranes a re7i n the wor ld now, but you can watch t hem there,they a re ve ry 8. They have long necks and legs.I f we don't9them,i t wi l l be 10fo r us to see these b i rds in the fu tu re.( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( () 1. A.impol i t e) 2. A.in te res ted) 3. A. walk ing) 4. A. usedB.incor rec tB.in te res t ingB. wa lkC.imposs ib leC.in te res tC. wa lksD.i r regu la rD.incor rec tD. walkedD. unf r iend lyD.l i t t e rB. unco mfor tab leC. unk indB.l i t t l e sC.l i t t e r sB. unnecessa ryC. unwelcome) 5. A.l i t t l e)6. A. unk ind)7. A.res tD. unab leD. moreB.ra reC.ra re lyC. b ig)8. A. com mon) 9. A.rese rve) 10. A. poss ib leB. uncom monB. pro tec tD. smal lC. keepC. cor rec tD.feedB.imposs ib le D.incor rec t四、阅读理解(30分,每小题2分)AW et lands! Va luabl e Resources on the Ear thThere a re many wet l ands in China and some of them have become the world’s impor tan t we t l ands. The Chinese Yel low Sea Wet lands a re among them. They a re in Yancheng,J i angsu Provin ce. They a re home fo r many d i f fe ren t kinds o f an imals. The world’s la rges t Milu Deer Na ture Re se rve i s in them. More than 700Mi lu deer l ive f ree ly there. There a re no t many red-c rowned cra nes in the wor ld, but every win te r you can see some in t he Red-c rowned Crane Nature Reserve i n the Yel low Sea W et lands.The tempera tu re in the we t lands i s usua l ly ne i the r too h i gh nor too low. There i s a lo t o f r a in and sunsh ine, too.They a re rea l ly good p laces fo r wi ld l i f e. Of fe r ing(提供)food and home fo r some spec ia l kinds o f an imals i s not the on ly reason why we need to pro t ec t we t lands. Wet l ands a re impor tan t because they a l so preven t f lood. Bu t some people wan t t o c hange the wet lands to make more space fo r f a rms and l e ss space fo r wi ld l i f e.Lucki ly, more and more peop le a re beg inn ing to rea l i ze the impor tance o f wet lands and wi ld l i f e . Every year,on February 2nd, many ac t iv i t i e s a re he l d to t e l l peop le more abou t wet lands.(((()1. The Chinese Yel low Sea Wet lands a re in the ________of China.A. eas tB.sou thC. wes tD. nor th)2. Usua l ly the wea ther in the we t lands i s _________A.hot)3. The Wor ld W e t l ands Day i s on____________A. Apr i l 22B.J une 25C. February 2)4.We mus t p ro t ec t we t lands because _________A.they a re home f or wi ld l i feB.they can o f fe r food t o an imalsC.they can p revent f loodD. a l l o f the aboveB. p leasan tC. co ldD. dryD.March 22()5. Some people want to change ____to make more s pace fo r f a rmsndsB. wor l dC. wi ld l i feD. wet landsBThere a re many wet l ands in China and some of them have become the world’ s impor tan t wet lands. The Chinese Yel low Sea W et lands a re among them. They a re in Yancheng,J i angsu Province. They a r e home for many di f fe ren t k inds o f an imals. The wor l d’s l a rges t Mi lu Deer Nature Reserve i s in them.More than 700Mi lu deer l ive f ree ly the re. There a re no t many red-c rowned c ranes in the wor ld, bu t every win te r you can see some in the Red-crowned Crane Nature Reserve in the Yel low Sea W e t l ands.The tempera tu re in the we t lands i s usua l ly ne i the r too h i gh nor too low. There i s a lo t o fra in and sunsh ine,too. They a re rea l l y good p laces fo r wild l i fe. Of fe r ing( 提供)food and ho me fo r some spec ia l kinds o f an imals i s no t the on ly reason why we need to p ro tec t we t lands. W et lands a re impor t an t because they a l so p reven t f lood. But some peopl e want to change t he wet lands to make m ore space fo r f a r ms and less space f or wi ld l i fe.Lucki ly, more and more people a re beginn ing to rea l i ze the impor tance o f we t lands and wild l i fe.Every year, on February2nd,many ac t iv i t i e s a re he ld to t e l l peop le more about wet lands.( ( ( () 6. The Chinese Ye l low Sea Wet lands a re in the ___________of China.A. eas tB.sou thC. wes tD. nor th) 7. Usua l ly the wea the r in the wet lands i s ____________A. ho tB. p l easan tC.co l dD. d ry) 8. The Wor ld Wet l ands Day i s on _______________A. Apr i l 22B.June 25C.February 2D.M arch 22) 9. We mus t p ro tec t we t lands because ___________________A.they a re home f or wi ld l i feB.they can o f fe r food t o an imalsC. they can p revent f lood ) 10. Some peop le want to change _______ to make more space fo r f a rmsA. lands B . wor ld C . wi ldl i f eD. wet landsD. a l l o f the above ( C W hen you have a cold , you mus t be unhappy because your body becomes ho t , and the re are pa ins (疼痛) a l l over . You don ’t wan t to work , you s t ay in bed , fee l ing t er r ib le .W hat makes you i l l ? I t ’s ge rms . Germs a re everywhere . They a re ve ry small and you can ’t f ind them wi th your eyes bu t you can see them wi th a microscope (显微镜). They a re ve ry smal l and the re cou ld be hundreds o f them i n o r on a ve ry small th ing .Germs a re a lways f ound in d i r ty wa te r . When you look a t d i r ty wa te r under t he microscope , you can see them i n i t .Germs a re found not on ly in wa te r . They a re a l so found in a i r and dus t ( 灰尘). I f you cu t your f inger , and i f some of the dus t goes in to the f inger , i t wi l l become b ig and red , and you wi l l have much pa in i n i t . Somet imes germs wi l l go in t o your body and you wi l l have pa in everywhere .( ) 11. The word ger m means _____.A.细菌B.废气C.煤气D.空气( ) 12. You can see germs____________.A. when you a re i l lB. on ly when you use a microscopeD. everywhere a round youC. when you cu t your f inger ( ( ( )13. A microscope i s used fo r____________.A. making very b i g th ings look much smal le rB. Ki l l ing ge rmsC. he lp ing you see th ings c lea r lyD. making very small th ings look much bigger)14.Your paren t s won ’t a l low(允许) you to d r ink d i r ty wa te r because___________.A. you can see many germs in i t B . the re a re many ger ms in i t and germs can make you i l lC. d i r ty wa te r wi l l make you d i r tyD. i t wi l l make your f inger red and b ig) 15. The wr i te r t a l ks abou t__________.A. how to keep d i r t y wate r c leanB. how to look a f te r your f ingersD. wha t can make you i l lC. how to f ind ge r ms in the d i r ty wa t er 第二卷(55 分) 一、词汇。
八年级上册单元测试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种现象属于光的反射?A. 彩虹B. 镜子中的倒影C. 日食D. 月食2. 在电路中,电阻的单位是?A. 安培B. 伏特C. 欧姆D. 瓦特3. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 青蛙B. 蜗牛C. 老虎D. 鲨鱼4. 地球上最大的生物圈是?A. 森林生态系统B. 海洋生态系统C. 草原生态系统D. 农田生态系统5. 下列哪种能源属于可再生能源?A. 煤炭B. 石油C. 太阳能D. 天然气二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 地球是太阳系中唯一有生命的行星。
()2. 光速在真空中是最快的。
()3. 人类的DNA与香蕉的DNA有60%的相似度。
()4. 长江是中国最长的河流。
()5. 菠菜中铁的含量比牛肉高。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 光的传播速度在真空中是______。
2. 地球上最大的生物圈是______。
3. 人体中最重要的骨骼是______。
4. 碳水化合物的主要功能是为人体提供______。
5. 电流的单位是______。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 简述光合作用的基本过程。
2. 解释牛顿第一定律。
3. 描述食物链的基本概念。
4. 简述水的循环过程。
5. 解释为什么地球有四季变化。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 一个电阻为10欧姆的电阻器,通过它的电流是0.5安培,求电压。
2. 一个正方形的边长是4厘米,求它的面积。
3. 一个化学反应的化学方程式为2H2 + O2 = 2H2O,求反应物和物的摩尔比。
4. 一个物体的质量是2千克,加速度是3米/秒²,求作用在物体上的力。
5. 一个等腰三角形的底边长是6厘米,高是4厘米,求它的面积。
六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 分析为什么太阳能是一种清洁能源。
2. 分析为什么森林对于地球的生态平衡非常重要。
七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 设计一个实验,验证光的反射定律。
23 B.然后知生于忧患而死于安乐也。
Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science.单元练习一、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)1. D o you want to a doctor when you're older?A. isB. areC. beD. am2. P aul wants an actor because he likes acting.A. to beB. beC. becomeD. becoming3. M y sister art when she grows up because she wants to be an artist.A. studiesB. is going to studyC. studiedD. studying4. your brother a magazine from the library?A. Are; going to borrowB. Is; going to borrowC. Will; borrowsD. Are; going to borrows5. W hat are you this evening?A. going toB. going to doingC. going to doD. go to do6. --- next year?--- She is going to learn more about English.A. When is she going to learn more about EnglishB. What does she doC. What's she going to doD. Where is she going to do7. --- ?--- I am going shopping.A. What are you going to doB. When are you goingC. Where are you goingD. Who are you going with8. --- David, why are you so excited?--- My father has made a that he will take me to Tibet next month.A. faceB. promiseC. mistake9. T he little girl was unable her name.A. to writeB. to writingC. writeD. writing10. --- I don't think that animals should live in zoos.--- . The animals need freedom.A. I agree with youB. I disagree with youC. I agree to youD. I disagree to you11. Do you want a teacher when you grow up?A. beB. to beC. become2初中英语12. I want a reporter. Because I can meet interesting people every day.A. beB. to beC. am13. A number of tourists visit Shanghai.A. is going toB. are going toC. will goD. will be going to14. you have a party next week?A. Are; going toB. Are; goingC. Are; goD. Will; going to15. --- What are you in the future?--- Maybe a doctor.A. going to beB. going toC. going beD. will be二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)16. If you p something to others, you must try your best to keep it.17. People were invited here to d what to do next.18. Reading more books in English can i our English.19. You can't learn a f language well without enough practice.20. Many people have their p computers at home.21. Paul wants to be an e like Zhan Tianyou, so he studies math very hard.22. I want to be a s like Yuan Longping and Zhong Nanshan.初中英语 323. He got a good e all through school.24. Mr. Green is a teacher in a famous u .25. The younger students in Australia can s their homework to their teachers by fax at home.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)26. The author had a good (关系) with his editor.27. The children is old enough to have their (自己的) bedroom.28. I have many (爱好).29. Doing more exercise will (改善) your health.30. He always keeps on doing (身体的) exercises in the park.31. I can't (许诺), but I'll do my best.32. There are many (外国的) visitors in Shanghai.33. In addition, health (教育) plays a key role in improving people's health.34. Daming didn't go to the (学院), because he was ill.35. My brother is interested in (医学).四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)36. 长大后我想成为一名英语教师。
这些材料说明台儿庄战役胜利的根本原因是( )A.国军将士不惜牺牲B.后方同胞全力支援C.抗日民族统一战线D.八路军的支援配合3.为提醒大家牢记“九一八事变”,勿忘国耻,居安思危,我国每年都在9月18日鸣放防空警报。
八年级语文上册第六单元测试题及答案1(总分100分,考试时间45分钟)一、选择题(28分)下列各组加点字注音都正确的一项是()(4分)郦道元lì 属引shǔ 都护在燕然yānB、藻荇交横xìng 京尹yǐng 艨艟méng chōngC、一舸无迹gě 拥毳衣chuì 晨兴理荒秽huìD、是日更定gēng 雾凇sōng 道狭草木长zhǎng加点字解释不完全正确的一项是()。
第六单元检测题时间:120分钟满分:120分一、积累与运用(24分)1.下列加点字的读音全部正确的一项是( A )(2分)A.畎.亩(quǎn) 折戟.(jǐ) 始龀.(chèn) 不能淫.(yín)B.一厝.(cuò) 拂.士(fú) 按辔.(pèi) 搔.更短(sāo)C.箕.畚(qí) 荷.担(hé) 提携.(xié) 不胜簪.(zān)D.魁.父(kuí) 弓弩.(nǔ) 妾.妇(qiè) 亡.以应(wáng)2.下列句子中没有通假字的一项是( D )(2分)A.入则无法家拂士 B.学诗谩有惊人句C.甚矣,汝之不惠 D.其将固可袭而虏也3.下列加点词的古今意义相同的一项是( C )(2分)A.吾与汝毕力平险. B.与民由.之C.人恒过,然后能改. D.天子先驱..至4.下列加点词不属于词类活用现象的一项是( B )(2分)A.介胄..之士不拜 B.吾与汝毕力.平险C.改容式.车 D.箕畚..运于渤海之尾5.下列加点虚词的意义和用法相同的一项是( C )(2分)A.已而之.细柳军告之.于帝B.天子为.动行拂乱其所为.C.必先苦其.心志帝感其.诚D.安居而.天下熄而.山不加增6.下列加点实词的意义相同的一项是( D )(2分)A.年且.九十天子且.至B.天子为动.所以动.心忍性C.劳.其筋骨上自劳.军D.一怒而诸侯惧.惧.其不已也7.古诗文默写。
人教版英语八年级上册单元测试附答案Unit 7
八年级英语单元检测题Unit 7Class________Name________No.________Marks________一、听力理解。
(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)A. 听单句话。
( )1. What will the girl do?A. B. C.( )2. How will the speakers go home?A. B. C.( )3. Where will the man go this evening?A. B. C.( )4. What will the girl see in the museum?A. B. C.( )5. Where will the woman go?A. B. C.B.听对话。
( )6. Where does Robert plan to work in the future?A. In Australia.B. In America.C. In China.听第二段对话,回答第7题。
( )7. What does Joe want to be?A.A policeman.B. An astronaut.C.A doctor.听第三段对话,回答第8题。
( )8. What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. Sunny.B. Windy.C. Rainy.听第四段对话,回答第9题。
( )9. How does the man go to work?A. By bike.B. On foot.C. By car.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。
( )10. What does Cindy think of the future?A. There will be fewer parks.B. There will be more zoos.C. There will be more parks.C.听短文,根据所听短文的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项。
”密电中“沈阳日军行动”是指 ( ) A.西安事变B.九一八事变C.卢沟桥事变D.南京大屠杀2.20世纪30年代中期,中国大学生传唱的许多歌曲都有一个共同的主题,这一主题应是 ( )A.歌颂中国B.追求理想C.抨击时弊D.抗日救亡3.“大义当前,不容反顾,只求于救亡主张贯彻,有济于国家,为功为罪,一听国人之处置。
”这表明张学良、杨虎城发动西安事变是为了 ( )A.增强国力B.地方自治C.拥蒋反共D.逼蒋抗日4.右图反映了20世纪30年代的一个历史事件,关于该事件的历史要素,下列叙述正确的有( )①背景:日本发动全面侵华战争②目的:停止内战,联共抗日③地点:陕西西安④意义:抗日民族统一战线正式建立A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④5.“宛平城外狼狗叫,卢沟桥上枪声激”描述了中国守军与侵华日军激战的情形,这首诗反映的历史事件对中国产生的影响是( )A.中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会B.是中国共产党创建人民军队的开始C.标志着中国全民族抗战的开始D.对世界反法西斯战争的胜利作出了巨大贡献6.今天在北京有两条马路分别叫佟麟阁路和赵登禹路,其命名的原因是( )A.他们都是出生于北京的名人B.这两条路是由他们设计的C.他们在抗日战争中为国捐躯D.他们为解放北京立下了战功7.小林宽澄在2019年荣获中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年纪念章,他曾是一名侵华日本兵,被俘后在延安学习了一段时间后加入中国抗日军队,他参加的军队是 ( ) A.北伐军B.红军C.八路军D.解放军8.“巍巍金陵,滔滔大江,钟山花雨,千秋芬芳。
”这段文字反映了( )A.东北三省的完全沦陷B.南京大屠杀惨案C.抗日将士血染卢沟桥D.重庆大轰炸惨案9.李宗仁在《焦土抗战论》中表示:“我要用大刀阔斧来答复侵略者。
第六单元测试题 2022-2023学年部编版语文八年级上册
湖北省襄阳市2022-2023学年度上学期八年级语文第六单元测试题时间:120 分钟满分:120分一、积累与运用(15分)1.阅读下面文字,按要求答题。
(1分)浩瀚.( ) 不挠.( )(2)文中的两个错别字,请找出并改正过来。
(1分)“”改为“”“”改为“”(3)文段中画线的词语使用不恰当的一项是( )(2分)A.深邃B.炽热C.前赴后继D.韶华2.下列说法正确的一项是( )(2分)A.孟子,史称“亚圣”,儒家学派的又一代表性人物,他的主要观点是“道法自然”。
3.下列句子组成语段顺序排列正确的一项是( )(2分)①当然,电磁弹射系统也存在一些缺点,比如高功率的电磁电动机会对舰载的电子装置产生干扰。
2 1 初二数学第六单元测试题一、选择题:(本题共 10 小题,每小题 3 分,共 30 分)1.如果 y = (m -1)x 2-m 2+ 3 是一次函数,那么 m 的值是…………………………( )A. 1 ;B. -1;C. ±1 ;D. ± ;2. (2015•南平)直线 y=2x+2 沿 y 轴向下平移 6 个单位后与 x 轴的交点坐标是 ............... ( ) A .(-4,0);B .(-1,0);C .(0,2);D .(2,0);13. 若点 A (-2,m )在正比例函数 y = - 2x 的图象上,则 m 的值是………………()A . ;B . - 1; C .1; D .-1;4 44. 若一次函数 y=(2-m )x-2 的函数值 y 随 x 的增大而减小,则 m 的取值范围是 …………( )A .m <0;B .m >0;C .m <2 ;D .m >2; 5. 直线 y=kx+b 不经过第四象限,则…………………………………………………()A .k >0,b >0;B .k <0,b >0;C .k≥0,b≥0;D .k <0,b≥0; 6. (2014.深圳)已知函数 y=ax+b 经过(1,3),(0,-2),则 a-b=… .......... ( )A .-1;B .-3;C .3;D .7;7. 如图,直线 y=-x+m 与 y=nx+4n (n≠0)的交点的横坐标为-2,则关于 x 的不等式- x+m >nx+4n >0 的整数解为……………………………………………………………( ) A .-1; B .-5; C .-4; D .-3;第 7 题图第 9 题 图 第 10 题 图8.已知直线l 经过点 A (1,0),且与直线 y = x 垂直,则直线l 的函数表达式为 ......................................... ( )A. y = -x +1 ;B. y = -x -1;C. y = x +1 ;D. y = x -1;9. 小明从家出发,外出散步,到一个公共阅报栏前看了一会报后,继续散步了一段时间, 然后回家,如图描述了小明在散步过程汇总离家的距离 s (米)与散步所用时间 t (分)之间的函数关系,根据图象,下列信息错误的是 ............................................................... ( )A. 小明看报用时 8 分钟;B .公共阅报栏距小明家 200 米;5. (2015•无锡)一次函数标为 .与两坐标 6.如图,已 x - y = 2 的解是 2x + y = 1 值, C .小明离家最远的距离为 400 米; D .小明从出发到回家共用时 16 分钟;10. (2014•黑龙江)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,边长为 1 的正方形 ABCD 中,AD 边的中点处有一动点 P ,动点 P 沿 P→D→C→B→A→P 运动一周,则 P 点的纵坐标 y 与点 P 走过的路程 s 之间的函数关系用图象表示大致是……………………………………( )A.B. C. D.二、填空题:(本题共 8 小题,每小题 3 分,共 24 分)211.函数 y =x -1中自变量 x 的取值范围是 .12.已知 m 是整数,且一次函数 y = (m + 4)x + m + 2 的图像不经过第二象限,则 m =.13.已知一次函数 y = kx + k - 3 的图像经过点(2,3),则 k 的值为.14.请你写出一个图像过点(0,2),且 y 随 x 的增大而减小的一次函数的解析式 .1 y=2x-6 的图象与 x 轴的交点坐标为 .与 y 轴的交点坐 轴围成的三角形面积为 . 1 知函数 y=x-2 和 y=-2x+1 的图象交于点 P ,根据图象可得方程组⎧⎨.⎩第 16 题图第 17 题图17. (2013 春•玉田县期中)在矩形 ABCD 中,动点 P 从点 B 出发,沿 BC 、CD 、DA 运动至点 A 停止,设点 P 运动的路程为 x ,△ABP 的面积是 . 18.如图,点 Q 在直线 y=-x 上运动,点 A 的坐标为(1,0),当线段 AQ 最短时,点 Q 的坐标为 .三、解答题:(本大题共 10 题,满分 76 分)19.(本题满分 8 分)已知一次函数 y = (1- 2m )x + m +1 ,求当 m 为何时 (1) y 随着 x 的增大而增大?(2)图像经过一、二、四象限? (3)图像经过一、三象限? (4)图像与 y 轴的交点在 x 轴上方?第 18 题图20.(本题满分 6 分)已知一次函数y=kx+b的图像经过 A(1,1),B(2,-1)两点,求这个函数的表达式.21.(本题满分 7 分)在平面直角坐标系中,点 O 是坐标原点,过点 A(1,2)的直线y=kx+b 与x 轴交于点 B,且S AOB=4,求k 的值.22.(本题满分 7 分)如图,直线 y=2x+3 与x 轴交于点 A,与y 轴交于点 B.(1)求A、B 两点的坐标;(2)过B 点作直线 BP 与x 轴交于点 P,且使 OP=2OA,求△ABP的面积.23.(本题满分 7 分)已知:y+2 与3x 成正比例,且当 x=1 时,y 的值为 4.(1)求y 与x 之间的函数关系式;(2)若点(-1,a)、点(2,b)是该函数图象上的两点,试比较 a、b 的大小,并说明理由.24.(本题满分 8 分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点 A(0,4),B(3,0),连接 AB,将△AOB沿过点 B 的直线折叠,使点 A 落在x 轴上的点A′处,折痕所在的直线交 y 轴正半轴于点 C,求直线 BC 的解析式.25.(本题满分 7 分)如图,直线l1:y =x +1与直线l2:y =mx +n 相交于点P(1,b).(1)求b 的值;⎧y =x +1(2)不解关于 x,y 的方程组⎨y =mx +n ,请你直接写出它的解;⎩(3)直线l3:y =nx +m 是否也经过点 P?请说明理由.26.(本题满分 6 分)已知直线 y=kx+b 经过点 A(5,0),B(1,4).(1)求直线 AB 的解析式;(2)若直线 y=2x-4 与直线 AB 相交于点 C,求点 C 的坐标;(3)根据图象,写出关于 x 的不等式 2x-4>kx+b 的解集.27.(本题满分 10 分)某社区活动中心为鼓励居民加强体育锻炼,准备购买 10 副某种品牌的羽毛球拍,每副球拍配 x(x≥2)个羽毛球,供社区居民免费借用.该社区附近 A、B 两家超市都有这种品牌的羽毛球拍和羽毛球出售,且每副球拍的标价均为 30 元,每个羽毛球的标价为 3 元,目前两家超市同时在做促销活动:A 超市:所有商品均打九折(按标价的 90%)销售;B 超市:买一副羽毛球拍送 2 个羽毛球.设在 A 超市购买羽毛球拍和羽毛球的费用为 yA(元),在 B 超市购买羽毛球拍和羽毛球的费用为 yB(元).请解答下列问题:(1)分别写出 yA、yB 与x 之间的关系式;(2)若该活动中心只在一家超市购买,你认为在哪家超市购买更划算?(3)若每副球拍配 15 个羽毛球,请你帮助该活动中心设计出最省钱的购买方案.28.(本题满分 10 分)为倡导低碳生活,绿色出行,某自行车俱乐部利用周末组织“远游骑行”活动.自行车队从甲地出发,途径乙地短暂休息完成补给后,继续骑行至目的地丙地,自行车队出发 1 小时后,恰有一辆邮政车从甲地出发,沿自行车队行进路线前往丙地,在丙地完成 2 小时装卸工作后按原路返回甲地,自行车队与邮政车行驶速度均保持不变,并且邮政车行驶速度是自行车队行驶速度的 2.5 倍,如图表示自行车队、邮政车离甲地的路程y (km)与自行车队离开甲地时间 x(h)的函数关系图象,请根据图象提供的信息解答下列各题:(1)自行车队行驶的速度是;(2)邮政车出发多少小时与自行车队首次相遇?(3)邮政车在返程途中与自行车队再次相遇时的地点距离甲地多远?4 ⎩2017-2018 学年第一学期初二数学第六单元测试题参考答案一 、 选 择 题 : 1.B ;2.D ;3.C ;4.D ;5.A ;6.D ;7.D ;8.A ;9.A ;10.D ; 二、填空题:11.x ≠ 1;12.-3 或-2;13.2;14. y = -x + 2 (答案不唯一);15.(3,0),⎧x = 1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎫(0,-6,9;16. ⎨ y = -1;17.10;18. 2 , - ; ⎩⎝ ⎭ 三、解答题:19.(1) m < 1 ;(2) m > 1 ;(3) m = -1;(4) m > -1且m ≠ 1;20.2y = -2x + 3 ;21. 2 2 k = - 2 或 2 ; 3 522.(1)A ⎛ -2 3 ,⎪0 ⎫ ;B (0, 3);(24) 27 或 9 ; ⎝ ⎭ 23.(1) y = 6x - 2 ;(2) a < b ; 24. y = - 1 x + 3;2 2⎧x = 125. (1) b = 2 ;(2) ⎨ y = 2 ;(3)直线 y=nx+m 也经过点 P .理由如下: ∵当 x=1 时,y=nx+m=m+n=2,∴(1,2)满足函数 y=nx+m 的解析式,则直线经过点 P . 26. (1) y = -x + 5 ;(2) (3, 2);(3)x > 3 ; 27. 解:(1)由题意,得 yA=(10×30+3×10x)×0.9=27x+270; yB=10×30+3(10x-20)=30x+240;(2)当 yA=yB 时,27x+270=30x+240,得 x=10; 当 yA >yB 时,27x+270>30x+240,得 x <10; 当 yA <yB 时,27x+270<30x+240,得 x >10∴当2≤x<10 时,到B 超市购买划算,当 x=10 时,两家超市一样划算, 当 x >10 时在 A 超市购买划算.(3)由题意知 x=15,15>10,∴选择 A 超市,yA=27×15+270=675(元), 先选择 B 超市购买 10 副羽毛球拍,送 20 个羽毛球,然后在 A 超市购买剩下的 羽毛球:(10×15-20)×3×0.9=351(元),共需要费用 10×30+351=651(元) .∵651 元<675 元,∴最佳方案是先选择 B 超市购买 10 副羽毛球拍,然后在 A 超市购买 130 个羽毛球.28. 解:(1)由题意得自行车队行驶的速度是:72÷3=24km/h. 故答案为:24;(2) 由题意得邮政车的速度为:24×2.5=60km/h .2设邮政车出发 a 小时两车相遇,由题意得 24(a+1)=60a ,解得:a= .32答:邮政车出发 小时与自行车队首次相遇;39(3) 由题意,得邮政车到达丙地的时间为:135÷60= ,4∴邮政车从丙地出发的时间为: 9 + 2 +1 = 21,∴B4 49 + 2 +1 = 21,C (7.5,0). 4 445 49 ,∴D⎛ 49 ⎫ 自行车队到达丙地的时间为:135÷24+0.5= +0.5= 888 ,135⎪ . ⎝ ⎭⎪⎧135 = 21 k + b设 BC 的解析式为 y = k x + b ,由题意得 1 1 1 ⎨4 1 1 ,∴ k 1 =−60, b 1 =450, ∴ y 1 = -60x + 450 ,⎩0 = 7.5k 1 + b 1设 ED 的解析式为 y 2 = k 2 x + b 2 ,由题意得⎧72 = 3.5k 2 + b 2 ,解得: ⎧k 2 = 24 ,∴ y = 24x -12 .当 y = y 时 , ⎨⎪ 49 ⎨ 135 = ⎩b = -122 1 2 ⎩⎪8 k 2 + b 2 2 -60x+450=24x-12,解得:x=5.5. y 1 =-60×5.5+450=120. 答:邮政车在返程途中与自行车队再次相遇时的地点距离甲地 120km .“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!。
(每题1分,共15分)( )1.—Isthere________apartmentintheneighborhood?—A.an;an B.a;a C.an;the D.the;the( )2.—What'sthe________ofthegift?—It'sround.A.shape B.price C.sizeD.space( )3.—Whatdidyoudo________yoursummerholiday,Anna? —Iwenttovisitmygrandparentsinthecountryside.A.for B.into C.during D.inside( )4.—Tellkidsnottoplaywithfire.It'spretty________. —OK.I'lldoit.A.meaningless B.carefulC.easyD.dangerous( )5.Whenwearrivedthere,itwas________tenwewerelate. A.still B.already C.even D.yet( )6.—Jim,don'truninthehallways.—Sorry,I________dothatagain.A.should B.must C.couldn't D.won't( )7.—TheGreatWallisveryfamous.—Yes,________peoplecometovisititeveryday.A.hundred B.hundredsC.hundredof D.hundredsof()8.Wewillhave________freetimebecausetherobotswillworkfor us.A.less B.more C.fewer D.most( )9.—________willyourmothercomeback?—Intwodays.A.Howsoon B.HowmanyC.Howlong D.Howoften( )10.Youwill________takeaholidayafterthetest.A.can B.could C.beableto D.areableto( )11.—Whatareyoudoing,Jenny?—Oh,I'm________mycan'trememberwhereIputthem. A.waitingfor B.writingdownC.makingup D.lookingfor( )12.Itisverydangerousforyou________soccerinthestreet. A.play B.toplay C.playing D.toplaying( )13.—They________alotoftreesonthemountain.—Yes,butabadpersoncutthemdown.A.plantedB.plantC.areplanting D.willplant( )14.—________anewfilmnextweek.来源于网络—Really?Iwillgotowatchit.A.Thereis B.TherewillhaveC.Therewillbe D.Thereisgoingtohave( )15.—Maybewewillliveonanotherplanet.—earthisouronlyhome.A.Iagree B.IhopesoC.Idon'tthinkso D.You'rerightⅡ.完形填空。
新人教版八年级上册英语第七单元测试题附答案A.XXXXXX10.I'm sorry,I ________ your name.Can you tell me again? A.XXXC.XXX et11.—Have you ever been to the Palace Museum?No,but I ________ go there next month. A.willB.wouldC.am going toD.have been12.—I don't know how to use this machine.Let me show you.It's ________.A.XXX.difficultC.XXX.interesting13.—I'm afraid I can't finish the work on time.XXX ________ try your best.A.mayB.shouldC.mustD.can14.—Could you please pass me the salt?________.A.Yes,I couldB.No,I couldn'tC.Yes,of courseD.No,I'm sorry15.—Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?________.I'd love to.A.Yes,I wouldB.No,I wouldn'tC.Yes,I'd love toD.No,I'd hate toⅡ.完形填空。
(每小题1分,共10分)Dear Tom。
I'm XXX to China for a visit。
China is a big country with a long history and many XXX to see。
单元测试八年级上册英语人教版Unit 6 试卷含答案
Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science一、单选题1.—________ are you going to be a basketball player?—I'm going to practice basketball every day.A.WhatB.HowC.WhenD.Where2.In his e-mail, David promised _____ his daughter during her stay in Japan.A. visitingB. visitC. visitedD. to visit3.I’m going to be ______ English teacher. I want to go to ______ university.A. an; theB.a; theC. an; /D.a; an4.English is very important, so I practice _______ it very hard.A.speaksB.speakingC. to speakD.speak5.There _______ a sports meeting in our school next week.A. is going to beB. is going to haveC.will haveD.will6.—I have a bad cold.—Sorry to hear that. You'd better go to see a _______ at once.A. doctorB. cookC. writerD. farmer7.—My New Year's resolution is to get good grades in English.—_____.A.I think soB. Sounds greatC. Sure, I'd love toD. It's my pleasure8.The teacher asked the students to read the story quickly and then _____ the main idea of it.A. write downB. cut downC. bring outD. come out9.— Linda often answers the teachers' _____ in class, doesn't she?—Yes. She is very active.A. problemsB. noticesC. questionsD. messages10.— I don't know what to say at the interview.—_____. Just be polite and answer honestly.A. Don't mention itB. It's a pleasureC. Don't worryD. OK, thanks11.Summer camping is a great experience for students. It is good to help them _____.A. wake upB. get upC. hurry upD. grow up12.—_____ will the Jinniu Lake Animal Kingdom be open?—Maybe in the second half of this year.A. WhenB. WhoC. WhatD. Where13.The summer holidays are coming, so the twins as well as Jack to Hong Kong for vacation.A.is goingB.are goingC.goesD.go14.Now students, your plans for the coming year.A. writing downB. write downC. to write downD. wrote down15.Tom wants to keep on others.A. helpB.helpsC. to helpD.helping二、补全对话,情景问答A: The New Year is coming. 1_____________?B: I am going to make three resolutions.A: 2_____________ ?B: The first has to do with my own personal health. I am going to exercise every morning. The second is about my improvement. I want to learn to play the piano.A: 3_____________ ?B: I am going to get on well with my classmates. 4_____________ when they are in trouble. I am going to be friendlier to them.A: 5_____________ .1._____________________________________________________2._____________________________________________________3._____________________________________________________4._____________________________________________________5._____________________________________________________三、完形填空At the age of 16, Einstein failed in several exams because he often played with some bad kids. One weekend morning, Einstein carried a fishing net and prepared to go fishing with those kids. His father stopped him and said to him calmly, "Einstein, you were spending too much time 1 , so you failed in the exams. I'm 2 about your future with your mother.""What are you worrying about? Jack and Robert also failed, but they went fishing as usual." "My boy, you can't think so," looking at Einstein, his father said lovingly. "There is a 3 in our hometown. I hope you can listen to it carefully.""There were two cats playing on the roof. Suddenly, they fell into the chimney. When they climbed out of the chimney, one cat's face was dirty. 4 , the other's face was clean. Seeing the dirty-faced cat, the clean-faced one thought its own face was also dirty, so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its face. The dirty-faced cat saw the clean-faced one, thinking its own face was clean as well, so it walked 5 in the street.""Einstein, 6 can be your mirror. Only you are your own mirror. Some of the kids are not strict with themselves. If you take them to be your mirror, even a 7 person may become stupid." Hearing this, Einstein's face turned red. He was ashamed and laid down his fishing net and returned to his small room.After that, Einstein often took himself as a mirror to be strict 8 himself and 9 telling himself, "I am special, so I needn't be as common as others." That was why Einstein succeeded in his career.1,000 people have 1,000 kinds of wishes in life. Different wishes will make different ideas about life. You can learn from other people, but you can 10 follow others all the time. You must see yourself clearly, and know what you want to get. Your future doesn't depend on how others act, but on what you are going to act.1.A. playing B. studying C. reading2.A. excited B. surprised C. worried3.A. saying B. story C. song4.A. So B. However C. Though5.A. luckily B. carefully C. happily6.A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody7.A. lazy B. rich C. smart8.A. in B. to C. with9.A. kept B. enjoyed C. tried10.A. sometimes B. never C. always四、词汇互译1.I ____(发送) an e-mail to my pen pal in England once a week.2.I'm going to be a _____(科学家) like Stephen Hawking when I grow up.3.This _____(文章) is about how to keep healthy.4.Traditional Chinese _____(药) is getting more and more popular in the world.5.She wants to be a teacher, so she wants to study _____(教育).五、阅读理解As young students, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize; they can also be small, such as becoming one of the best students in your class.Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream come true?Andrew Matthews, an Australian writer, tells us that making your dream come true is life's biggest challenge. You may think you're not very good at some school subjects, or that it's impossible for you to become a writer. Those kinds of ideas stop you from realizing your dream.In fact, everyone can realize his dream. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is. Don't let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want every day and then your dream will come true faster. You should know that a big dream is, in fact, made up of many small dreams.You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dream. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will help you to get better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book.As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn something more useful and find new hobbies.1. The biggest difficulty on the road to your dreams comes from _____.A. yourselfB. your friendC. your schoolD. your parents2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?A. You may think you're not good at some school subjects.B. Making your dreams real is life's biggest challenge.C. Listening to English more can help you realize your dream.D. You must never give up your dream.3. Which of the following cannot make your dream come true faster?A. Remember what your dream is.B. Don't let your dream leave your heart.C. Keep telling yourself what you want every day.D. Taking your dream as the only thing that you want.六、句型转换1.They are going to move to Taiyuan next month.(对画线部分提问)_____ _____ they going to _____ next month?2.He can sing many popular songs.(改为同义句)He _____ _____ _____ sing many popular songs.3.I'm going to watch the new movie this Sunday.(改为一般疑问句)_____ you _____ _____ watch the new movie this Sunday?4.The students are going to make the soccer team.(改为否定句)The students _____ _____ _____ make the soccer team.5.We are going to play soccer next Saturday.(对画线部分提问)_____ _____ you going to _____ next Saturday?七、翻译题1.在这本书中, 每个故事的开头都有一篇短诗。
(15分)1. Your school bag is nicer than _______.A. hersB.herC. him D it2. ----Is English _______than history?----No,English isn’t so ______as history.A. easier; more difficultB. difficult; more difficultC.more difficult;easierD. more difficult; difficult3. The more you read,________you will get.A. the lessB. the mostC. the moreD. much more4. Both my parents ______jokes.A. enjoy tellB. enjoys tellingC. enjoy tellingD. enjoy to tell5. His homework is______worse than mine.A. moreB. quiteC. evenD. too6. Now Mike studies ______than beofore.A. more carefulB. much carefulC. much carefullyD. more carefully7. Tom is ______ than any other boy in his class.A.tallB. tallerC. tallestD.the tallest8. -----Hey, Jally!Don’t you remember me?-----Yeah, I remember you very well. We are _____on the swim team last year.A. neitherB. bothC. allD.either9.This blue bike is too expensive,could you shoe me ___one ?A.cheapB. cheaperC. more cheapD. cheapest10. She called you for ________.A. many informationB. much informationsC.more informationD. .more informations11.His story makes us ______.A. laughughughing D to laugh12. They are twins,but they look______.A. sameB. the sameC.differentmon13.I have nothing _____common with Kate.A. onB. atC. ofD. in14. ----I don’t know which T-hirt was_____. So I took them both.----Y es, it’s really difficult to choose.A. betterB. wellC. bestD. good15. _____it is dark now, _______the workers go on working there.A.Though; butB. Though; /C. But; thoughD. / ; though二.完形填空。
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