英译汉教学课件 分句法 句子的译法.Skills for Translation

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• 5. His countenance, I thought, were a mingled expression of low cunning and perplexity. • 我感到,他脸上的表情既卑鄙狡诈又茫然无措。 • 6. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. • 门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大小不 一。 • 7. The study had three windows,set with little, old fashioned panes of glass,each with,a crack across it. • 书房的窗户有三扇,每扇镶嵌的都是老式的小块玻璃,每 块玻璃上都有裂痕。
• • • • • • • • • • • • He doesn’t lend his book to anybody. 不是任何人都可以从他那儿借到书。 No news is good news. 没有消息本身就是好消息。 I really don’t know him. 我确实不认识他。 I don’t really know him. 我并不真正了解他。 I wonder if I had not made a poor decision. 我想我大概是作出了个错误的决定。 They didn’t praise him slightly. 他们大大地表扬了他。不止是稍微地表扬
• 8. Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed,a mixture of pride and impertinence;She had no conversation,no style,no taste no beauty. • 人们议论说她那样真是遭透了,既傲慢,又不懂事,连句 话也说不好,大大咧咧,毫无风趣,人又长得难看。 • 9. During the past five years, print has been clobbered by television and has generally failed to respond by emphasizing the analytic and investigative stories that TV cannot do so well. • 过去的五年内,报刊受到电视的冲击,大多数报刊都未能 发挥其调查、分析性报道的优势,而这些是电视所不能匹 敌的。
• • • • • • • I simply cannot believe it. 我简直无法相信。 He didn’t turn up at all. 他根本没有露面。 I really don’t know anything about navigation. 关于航海我真的一点也不懂。 Not a single one of the original house survived the earthquake. • 地震后原来的房子一间也没有留下来。 • It’s not an easy job. • 这事很难办。这不太好办。
Skills for Translation
Instructor: Niu Chunling Course Description: E-C Translation
• 1. I was standing beside her bed and she was sitting up between the sheets, with a great portfolio in her hand. • 我站在她床边,而她裹着床单坐着,手里捧着一本大相册。 • 2. The sun was two hours higher now. • 又过了两个钟头,太阳升得更高了。 • 3. It was a big house. The discoloration of age had been great. • 这是座大房子,年深日久,颜色褪得很厉害。 • 4. Bill and David soon sailed into continuously overcast and foggy weather. • 大卫和比尔驾船航行了不久,天气就变得阴沉多雾起来。 (消失在浓雾之中)
• 英语和汉语作为两种不同的语言,有着不同时表 达方式和习惯用此,有些英语的否定形式译成汉 语时在用词、语法和逻辑方面有大不同。英语的 否定形式极为常见,但由于其使用灵活、微妙, 又比较复杂。 • He is not the person I want to see. • 他不是我要见的那个人。 • We have not been informed about the matter. • 这件事没有人通知我们。
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
• 10. They are not perfectly ovals—like the egg in the Columbus story, they are both crushed flat on the contact end— but their physical resemblance must be a source of perpetual confusion to the gulls that fly overhead. • 它们并不是正椭圆形,而是像哥伦布故事 里的鸡蛋一样,在碰过的那头是压碎了的, 它们形状极为相似,凌空飞过的海鸥见了, 也别想分辨清楚。
• As oil is found deep in the ground, its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rocks structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig” is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called “a derrick”. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil is struck a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valves.
• • • • • • • • • • 3. This point will be covered later in detail. 这一点后面还要详细谈。 4. This method can still be improved. 这个方法还可以改进。 5. The avenue is lined with neatly-spaced plane trees. 道路两旁是整齐的梧桐树。 6. Mr. Black was given the first prize. 布莱克先生得了头奖。 7. His speech was greeted with hisses. 他的讲话引起一片嘘声。
• • • • • • • • • • • • It’s no easy job. 这事绝非容易。 He is not a poet. 他不是诗人。(也许是作家) He is no poet. 他才不是诗人。(他根本不会作诗) He is not wiser than his brother. 他并不比他的哥哥聪明。 (两个人都可能很聪明) He is no wiser than his brother. 他和他哥哥一样笨。(他比他哥哥好不到那儿去) He is no better informed than we are. 他和我们一样不了解情况。
• 汉语系意合语言,“被”字完全可以被“融化” 掉。语言学家叶斯帕森在《语法哲学》中说:英 语各类作家作品中的被动句有70%到94%是不施 动者的;夸克在《当代英语语法》中说,事实上, 五个被动句里大约有四个不把施动者说出来。 • 1. He was allotted an apartment. • 他分到了一套房子。 • 2. That man cannot be relied upon. • 那人不可信。
• 因为石油深埋在地下,靠研究地面不能确 定石油的有无,因此对地下岩层结构必须 进行地质勘探。如果某地区的岩层含有石 油,那就在该处安装“钻机”。钻机中最 显眼的部件叫作“井架”。井架用来吊分 节油管,把油管放入由钻头打出的孔中。 当孔钻成时,放入钢管防止孔壁坍塌。如 发现石油,则在油管顶部加盖紧固,使石 油通过一系列阀门流出。
• 8. Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft. • 在本世纪,发明了许多新奇的交通工具, 其中,最新奇的是气垫船。 • 9. The games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing. • 2008年第29届奥运会主办权授予北京!
• • • • • • • They didn’t half beat up the police. 他们将那个警察很揍了一顿。 I won’t be long. 我一会儿就回来。 None but the aged and the sick stayed at home. 只有年老的和生病的留在了家里。 He is very strong, not but that he will catch cold sometimes. 他身体很棒,虽然有时也会感冒。 It is no more than a beginning. 这仅仅是个开端。 The two boys couldn’t run from the monster fast enough. 两个孩子拼命地从妖怪的身边跑开。
• • • • • • • • • • • • He went no further than the bridge. 他走到桥那儿就停了下来。 She found out that she could rely on nobody. 她发现没有任何人可以信赖。 The book was nowhere to be found. 哪儿也找不到这本书。 There is no arguing with my father. 跟我父亲讲道理怎么也讲不通。 There is no denying that he did it all alone. 谁也无法否认那是他独立完成的。 There is no telling what will happen next. 谁也说不上来下一步会发生什么。