JSA-ZTK-ZHY-102 Tandem lifting and de-rigging两台履带吊联合吊装.Rev0
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Crawler Crane and Lifting gears履带吊和吊索具 Type of Personal Protective Equipment Used: 使用到的个人防护用品: Overall,Helmet,goggoles,Safety boots,gloves工作服,安全帽,护目镜,劳保鞋,手套
Lifting supervisor or foreman 所有无关人员清场,用警示带围栏,提供“吊装在进 行中”的指示牌 Prefabricating structure assembly have been finished and passed NDT. The lifting trunions or lugs, if have,attched on the structure assembly are to do the NDT check。If required, the quality QC engineer release notice shall be issued. 预制的结构组件应已完成,并通过NDT检验。结构 上如果有吊耳或挡绳柱的话,应进行NDT检查。如 果有要求的话,应有质量放行条 Sufficient and long tag line to be used for all lifting operation 吊装使用足够长的溜绳 Radio communication to be used and spare battery to be available, and only signaler giving instruction and direction to the crane operator. Operator should no take any instruction from other members 检查对讲系统,并备有备用电池,吊机司机只能听从 指挥者的指令。 Have the 3days weather forecast to meet the requirements of lifting activities Lifting supervisor or foreman
Risk Control 风险控制 What can be done to make the job safe? 采取哪些措施进行控制
Person Responsible Completion 完成情 负责人 况 Remarks Who will make sure Signed 备注 job is safe? Date 日期 Off 人员 谁对这项工作安全负 签字 责?
JSA-ZTK-ZHY102 Job Location: 作业位置
Tandem lifting & de-rigging 两台履带吊联合吊装
Reviewed by Job Supervisor (Name/signed):
Type of Tools/ Equipment /Machine Used: 过程中使用工具、设备等:
ZAWTIKA 1B DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ZAWTIKA 1B 开发项目 Job Safety Analysis 工作安全风险分析表格
Document No.:MM-ZTK-1B-GEN-SAF-PRC-5506文件编号::MM-ZTK-1B-GEN-SAF-PRC-5506
JSA No.:
Load movement / swing 被吊物运动/晃动
Inadequate communication 沟通不畅
Lifting team and crane operator
查看三天的天气预报,符合吊装作业要求。 Impact the lifting activities bad weather like heavy rain, gale/gust/typhoon due to bad weather 由于天气不好,导致吊装作 ,if wind speed exceed 10m/s(5 grade), lifting work shall stop, or even if wind speed with 业中断 10m/s, but it impacts assembling the lifted structure on site 不好天气,如大雨,大风,风速超过10m/s(5级)或 影响被吊构件的现场组对,要停止吊装作业
Equipment failure 设备故障
facility engineer
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Personal injury 人员受伤
Lifting supervisor or foreman
第 2 页,共 6 页
Personal injury 人员受伤
Preparation and general requirements No Quality Release 准备工作和总体要求 无质量放行条
Workforce Briefed (Name/Signed): 工作涉及人员签字
Work Activity Steps 工作步骤描述 S/No. 序号 Break the job down into step. 按照工作顺序描述所有的工作步骤
Hazards 风险 What could harm someone? 可能导致的潜在风险
Disobey the SSHE requirements or procedures of COOEC and PTTEP 违反COOEC 和PTTEP的 SSHE 要求和相关程序。
All the personnels involved in lifting work shall be trained and are competent for the going tasks. All workers shall wear proper PPEs suit for the related Lifting tasks and Signaler wih high reflective vest to be supervisor or worn foreman 所有涉及吊装作业的人员必须经过培训,并能够胜任 起重监督 将要执行的工作。所有人员应正确穿戴符合相应工作 要求的个人防护用品。穿戴起重工专用的亮色马甲
第 1 页,共 6 页
Daily toolbox meetings held daily prior to commencement of shift. JSA to be read, signed Lifting and discussed by all personnel involved. Scope of work to be identified & discussed with all personnel supervisor or foreman involved 在作业之前,召开日常班前会,宣读JSA并签字,相 关人员讨论 Workers not familiar with the scope of works or workplace hazards 作业人员不了解工作内容或 工作区域中的危险源 Lifting supervisor or 项目的“项目安全黄金法则“应在班前会上说明,明 foreman 白GO-NO-GO 清单 The approved the latest lifting procedure, Lifting plan(Sketch & detail information) and JSA to be Lifting available onsite. Permit to Work sheet shall be supervisor or signed by superior,方案(图 or related personnel. JSA。办 有批准的最新程序 &详细信息)和 foreman 理作业许可。重大的吊装作业在进度会上或协调会上 说明 Approved PTW for the task shall attach all relevent documents such as Lifting plan, Drawing, Lifting certificates and complete Company Go-no-Go list supervisor or before work commence. foreman 在作业之前,应附上批准的作业许可单的有关附件文 件 All the Cranes or Forklifts deployed in lifting activities are in good conditions with valid certificate. Visual check to be done by personnel involved before start. 吊装作业中所使用的吊机、叉车必须处于良好状态, 有有效的证书,使用之前应进行目测检查 Clear all non involves workmen from the area, cordon off the area and provide "Lifting in progress and keep clear" signages on site. Company LSI and Lifting safety Ten principles to be briefed to the crew during TBT and Go-no-Go list.
construction supervisor or foreman
Lifting supervisor or foreman
The temporary appliances such as welding machine,hoses, gas racks, scaffoldings etc. on site fire, electrical shock, injury are to be set out or to be used as follows the SSHE Lifting by falling objects,fall from requirements of project and removed any loose supervisor or height. item on the structure assembly before lifting. foreman 着火,触电,被落物打伤, 现场的临时焊机、气带、气笼、脚手架等应按项目的 从高处跌落 SSHE要求摆放和使用,不于工作相干涉。吊装前移 除被吊结构件上的松散物件 Deploying the lifting gears, such as wire slings, shackles, spreader beam etc in accordance with lifting accident due to the approved procedure and Visual inspection must Lifting broken lifting gears or be exerted before hook up to ensure their the safe supervisor or overload of crane colour code, identification tag & CA certificate. foreman 由于索具断裂和吊机的过载 所使用的吊装用具,例如钢丝绳,卡环,横杆等应按 导致吊装事故 程序进行选用。在挂钩前进行目测检查,确认安全 色,标牌及第三方检验证书。 The initial standing position of cranes are meet the requirements of the procedure and lifting plan. Mobilization and Hook up 动员和挂钩 overload of crane and lifting gears 吊机和索具超载 吊机的初始站位应符合程序和吊装计划的要求
safety engineer
safety engineer
第 3 页,共 6 页
Clearing and leveling the ground to suitable for the cranes movement and operation. 找平和清理地面,适合吊机的移动和操作 Poor Ground condition 地面状况不良 Confirming the ground loading suit for crane travel under load.for detail please refer to procedure ' foundation strength report' 确认地面承载力,能够满足吊机行走要求;具体参见 程序 地面强度报告
Date Prepared:
Type of Job: 工作种类
JSA Prepared by (Company/Person Name):
Approved by Construction Head (Name/Signed): 项目经理 审批、签字: