



Access Metro Service Core 商场/网吧
大企业 /写字楼
负载分担:业务均匀分布在LAG组内的所有成员上传送; 每个LAG组最多支持16个成员;
非负载分担:正常情况下,业务只在工作端口上传送,保护端口上不传业务; 每个LAG组只能配两个成员,形成1:1保护方式;
主要原理: G.8031保护的是基于VLAN的业务,采用CFM进行故障检测,采用Y.1731的PDU来承 载APS协议报文,支持单向和双向1+1或双向1:1。 协议报文始终在备用链路上发送。在稳定状态下,协议报文发送频率较慢(5s),当 发生故障时,该状态变化的协议报文会以较快频率(3.3ms)连续发送3个。 典型应用场景: 该场景是非返回模式的1:1双向倒换:
支持 支持 支持 支持
性能 监控
时延测量 吞吐量 帧时延变化
ITN系列在OAM方面支持802.3ah,802.1ag和Y.1731等主流OAM协议,可以为用 户提供类似SDH的OAM体验,通过分层次的OAM,可以实现故障的定时检测和快 速定位,为业务的安全可靠性提供了最有力的保障。 CFM包括802.1ag和Y.1731,EFM包括802.3ah。
传输产品部 赵熠 zhaoyi@ /



22mm 10MM 6.7mm 6.7mm 5.5mm 5.5mm 5.5mm 5.5mm 5.5mm 物理拼缝
20mm 20mm 10mm 10mm
分辨率 1920*1080 1680*1050 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1366*768 1366*768 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1440*900 1920*1080 分辨率 1366*768 1920*1080 1366*768 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 3840*2160 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1920*1080 1366*768
规格 21.5寸 22寸 32寸 46寸 55寸 70寸 82寸 40寸 40寸 46寸 46寸 46寸 46寸 46寸 46寸 55寸 55寸 19寸 64.5寸 规格 32寸 32寸 32寸 42寸 42寸 42寸 84寸 47寸 47寸 55寸 55寸 55寸 55寸 42寸 42寸 42寸 42寸 42寸 42寸 42寸
42寸 47寸 47寸 47寸 47寸 47寸 47寸 47寸 47寸 47寸 47寸 55寸 55寸 55寸 19寸 64.5寸 65寸 65寸 65寸 64.5寸 80寸 70寸 60寸
5.3mm 5.3mm
22mm 5.3mm



User’s manualLTI460AA04用户使用手册SAMSUNG TFT LCD-DID发布日期:18/11/2008 三星液晶显示器TFT-LCD产品型号:LTI460AA04该项产品说明书所提供的相关信息,属于该项产品的基本信息,并且可以未经事先通告随时更新相关信息,敬请关注。

核准日期制表日期Nam-Heon Kim2008年11月18日Yu-Geun Lee2008年11月18日三星电子有限公司液晶显示LCD事业发展部产品型号LTI460AA04文档编号05-000-G-081118 页码 1 / 27目录修订记录 (3)概要说明 (4)一般信息 (4)1.绝对最大比率 (5)2.信息显示应用实例(信息显示) (6)3.光学特性 (7)4.电子特性 (10)4.1 TFT LCD模块4.2背光单元4.3 输入转换器及其相关技术规定5. 输入终端针脚分配 (13)5.1 输入信号及其电源5.2 转换器输入针脚配置5.3 转换器输入电源序列5.4 LVDS界面5.5 输入信号, 基本显示颜色及每种颜色的灰度等级6.界面定时 (18)6.1 定时参数(只适用于DE模式)6.2 界面信号的定时图示(只适用于DE模式)6.3 电源ON/OFF序列7.外形尺寸 (21)8.包装 (23)9.标识及其它相关事项 (24)10.一般注意事项 (25)10.1 搬运10.2 储存10.3 操作10.4 操作条件10.5 其它产品型号LTI460AA04 文档编号05-000-G-081118 页码 2 / 27相对湿度%HR 工作范围储存范围(5)试验点的定义液晶显示模块(有源激活时的状态)△T应当小于10℃(△T=I T OPR-T MAX I)T OPR:玻璃表面中心部位的温度(试验点5);T1~T4:玻璃表面的每个边缘部位的温度;2.信息显示应用实例(信息显示)一般而言,大型尺寸LCD模块设计用于TV场合。


E01 系列是成都公司标志性产品的 2.4G 无线模块,SPI 接口,目前已经稳定量产,并适用于多种应用场景。 E01 系列采用挪威 Nordic 公司原装进口的 nRF24L01P 芯片,所有阻容感器件均采用进口元器件,尤其是晶体,我们使用了高精度宽温晶体,保证其工业特 性。发射功率为 20dBm 的模块内置了 PA 功率放大器与 LNA 低噪声放大器,从而提高通信稳定性,延长通信距离;发射功率为 0dBm 的模块均采用进口器件, 优秀的设计亦保证了卓越的射频性能,是追求低功耗的客户首选。 E01 系列均严格遵守 FCC、CE、CCC 等国内国外设计规范,满足各项射频相关认证,满足出口要求。
1.1. 通用参数 3 1.2. 电气参数 3 1.2.1. 发射电流 3 1.2.2. 接收电流 3 1.2.3. 关断电流 3 1.2.4. 供电电压 4 1.2.5. 通信电平 4 1.3. 射频参数 4 1.3.1. 发射功率 4 1.3.2. 接收灵敏度 4 1.3.3. 推荐工作频率............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.4. 实测参数 5 1.4.1. 实测距离 5 2. 机械特性.............................................................................................................................

微昂 ME6214 低功耗低压差大电流线性稳压器说明书

微昂 ME6214 低功耗低压差大电流线性稳压器说明书

ME62140.7uA 超低功耗、低压差大电流线性稳压器概述ME6214系列是以 CMOS 工艺制造的超低静态功耗、低压差线性稳压器。

稳压器消耗电流约0.7uA ,使能关断后功耗为0.01uA (典型)。


特点 ● 超低功耗:工作时:0.7uA (典型) 休眠时:0.01uA (典型) ● 输入电压范围:2.0~18V● 输出电压范围:1.5~5.0V (间隔0.1V ) ● 输出精度:±2%● 输入输出电压差:160mV@ I OUT =100mA (3.3V ) ● 输出电流:300mA● 电流保护: 折返短路电流30mA过流保护● 使能控制:高电平ON/低电平OFF ,不能悬空 输出电容自动放电功能 ME6214C 系列为带使能版本 ME6214A 系列为不带使能版本 应用场合 封装形式● 以电池供电的设备的稳压电源 ● 3-pin SOT89-3,SOT23-3 ● 家电产品的稳压电源 ● 5-pin SOT23-5 ● 携带通信设备、数码相机、数码音响设备的稳压电源 ● 6-pin DFN2X2-6L典型应用图VoutNCCE VSSVIN CIN1uFCIN 1uFME6214选购指南1. 产品型号说明ME 62 14X XX XG环保标识封装形式M3-SOT23-3 M5-SOT23-5版本或功能产品品种产品类别公司标识输出电压如:A-无使能 C-有使能P-SOT89-3 N6-DFN2*2-6L目前产品的电压值共有5种:1.5V 、1.8V 、2.8V 、3.0V 、3.3V 、4.5V 、5.0V 。


产品脚位图VSS VOUTVINVSS VIN VOUT VIN VSS CESOT23-3 SOT89-3 SOT23-5 DFN2*2-6L 脚位功能说明ME6214AXX功能框图OUTVSSVIN模块功能示意图绝对最大额定值注意:绝对最大额定值是本产品能够承受的最大物理伤害极限值,请在任何情况下勿超出该额定值。



14601afbwith PLL, Output Trackingand MarginingnTelecom and Networking Equipment n ServersnComplete Switch Mode Power Supply n Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 20V n 12A DC Typical, 14A Peak Output Current n 0.6V to 5V Output Voltagen Output Voltage T racking and MarginingnRedundant Mounting Pads for Enhanced Solder-Joint Strengthn Parallel Multiple μModules for Current Sharing n Differential Remote Sensing for Precision Regulation (L TM4601A Only)n PLL Frequency Synchronization n ±1.5% Total DC Errorn Current Foldback Protection (Disabled at Start-Up)n Pb-Free (e4) RoHS Compliant Package with Gold Finish Pads n UltraFast™ T ransient Response n Current Mode Control n Up to 95% Effi ciency at 5V IN , 3.3V OUT n Programmable Soft-Start n Output Overvoltage Protection n E nhanced (15mm × 15mm × 2.8mm) Surface Mount LGA Package1.5V/12A Power Supply with 4.5V to 20V InputEffi ciency and Power Lossvs Load CurrentThe L TM ®4601A is a complete 12A step-down switch mode DC/DC power supply with onboard switching controller , MOSFE Ts, inductor and all support components. The μModule™ is housed in a small surface mount 15mm × 15mm × 2.8mm LGA package. The L TM4601A LGA package is designed with redundant mounting pads to enhance solder-joint strength for extended temperature cycling endurance. Operating over an input voltage range of 4.5 to 20V, the L TM4601A supports an output voltage range of 0.6V to 5V as well as output voltage tracking and margining. The high effi ciency design delivers 12A continuous current (14A peak). Only bulk input and output capacitors are needed to complete the design. The low profi le (2.8mm) and light weight (1.7g) package easily mounts on the back side of PC boards. The μModule can be synchronized with an external clock for reducing undesirable frequency harmonics and allows PolyPhase ® operation for high load currents.An onboard differential remote sense amplifi er can be used to accurately regulate an output voltage independent of load current. The onboard remote sense amplifi er is not available in the L TM4601A-1.T YPICAL APPLICATIONF EATURESA PPLICATIONS DESCRIPTIONL , L T , L TC, L TM and PolyPhase are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. μModule and UltraFast are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. Patents including 5481178, 5847554, 6304066, 6476589, 6580258, 6677210, 6774611.OUTOUT CV LOAD CURRENT (A)50E F F I C I E N C Y (%)POWER LOSS (W)55657075954601A TA01b6024681012148085900. CC , DRV CC , V OUT_LCL , V OUT (V OUT ≤ 3.3V withDIFFV OUT ).....................................................–0.3V to 6V PLLIN, TRACK/SS, MPGM, MARG0, MARG1,PGOOD, f SET ..............................–0.3V to INTV CC + 0.3V RUN .............................................................–0.3V to 5V V FB , COMP ................................................–0.3V to 2.7V V IN .............................................................–0.3V to 20V V OSNS +, V OSNS – ..........................–0.3V to INTV CC + 0.3V Operating Temperature Range (Note 2)....–40°C to 85°C Junction Temperature ...........................................125°C Storage Temperature Range ...................–55°C to 125°C(Note 1)Thel denotes the specifi cations which apply over the –40°C to 85°C temperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C, V IN = 12V . Per typical application (front page) confi guration.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSV IN(DC)Input DC Voltagel4.520V V OUT(DC)Output Voltage, Total Variation withLine and LoadC IN = 10μF ×3, C OUT = 200μF, R SET = 40.2k V IN = 5V to 20V, I OUT = 0A to 12A (Note 5)l 1.4781.5 1.522V Input Specifi cations V IN(UVLO)Undervoltage Lockout Threshold I OUT = 0A3.24V I INRUSH(VIN)Input Inrush Current at StartupI OUT = 0A. V OUT = 1.5V V IN = 5V V IN = 12V0.60.7A ALEAD FREE FINISH TRAYPART MARKING*PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONTEMPERATURE RANGE L TM4601AEV#PBF L TM4601AEV#PBF L TM4601AV 133-Lead (15mm × 15mm × 2.8mm) LGA –40°C to 85°C L TM4601AIV#PBF L TM4601AIV#PBF L TM4601AV 133-Lead (15mm × 15mm × 2.8mm) LGA –40°C to 85°C L TM4601AEV-1#PBF L TM4601AEV-1#PBF L TM4601AV-1133-Lead (15mm × 15mm × 2.8mm) LGA –40°C to 85°C L TM4601AIV-1#PBFL TM4601AIV-1#PBFL TM4601AV-1133-Lead (15mm × 15mm × 2.8mm) LGA–40°C to 85°CConsult L TC Marketing for parts specifi ed with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identifi ed by a label on the shipping container .For more information on lead free part marking, go to: http://www.linear .com/leadfree/This product is only offered in trays. For more information go to: http://www.linear .com/packaging/P IN CONFIGURATIONA BSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ORDER INFORMATIONELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(See Table 5. Pin Assignment)34601afbSYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS I Q(VIN,NOLOAD)Input Supply Bias CurrentV IN = 12V, No SwitchingV IN = 12V, V OUT = 1.5V, Switching Continuous V IN = 5V, No SwitchingV IN = 5V, V OUT = 1.5V, Switching Continuous Shutdown, RUN = 0, V IN = 12V 3.8382.54222mA mA mA mA μA I S(VIN)Input Supply CurrentV IN = 12V, V OUT = 1.5V, I OUT = 12A V IN = 12V, V OUT = 3.3V, I OUT = 12A V IN = 5V, V OUT = 1.5V, I OUT = 12A 1.813.634.29A A AINTV CC V IN = 12V, RUN > 2VNo Load4.755.3V Output Specifi cationsI OUTDC Output Continuous Current Range V IN = 12V, V OUT = 1.5V (Note 5)12A ΔV OUT(LINE) V OUT Line Regulation Accuracy V OUT = 1.5V, I OUT = 0A, V IN from 4.5V to 20V l0.3%ΔV OUT(LOAD) V OUT Load Regulation AccuracyV OUT = 1.5V, 0A to 12A (Note 5)V IN = 12V, with Remote Sense Amplifi er V IN = 12V (L TM4601A-1)ll 0.251%%V OUT(AC)Output Ripple VoltageI OUT = 0A, C OUT = 2×, 100μF X5R Ceramic V IN = 12V, V OUT = 1.5V V IN = 5V, V OUT = 1.5V 2018mV P-P mV P-P f SOutput Ripple Voltage Frequency I OUT = 5A, V IN = 12V , V OUT = 1.5V 850kHz ΔV OUT(START)Turn-On Overshoot, TRACK/SS = 10nFC OUT = 200μF , V OUT = 1.5V, I OUT = 0A V IN = 12V V IN = 5V2020mV mVt STARTTurn-On Time, TRACK/SS = OpenC OUT = 200μF , V OUT = 1.5V, I OUT = 1A Resisitive LoadV IN = 12V V IN = 5V0.50.5ms msΔV OUTLSPeak Deviation for Dynamic LoadLoad: 0% to 50% to 0% of Full Load, C OUT = 2 × 22μF Ceramic, 470μF 4V Sanyo POSCAP V IN = 12V V IN = 5V3535mV mV t SETTLE Settling Time for Dynamic Load Step Load: 0% to 50%, or 50% to 0% of Full LoadV IN = 12V 25μs I OUTPKOutput Current LimitC OUT = 200μF , Table 2 V IN = 12V, V OUT = 1.5V V IN = 5V, V OUT = 1.5V1717A A Remote Sense Amp (Note 3) (L TM4601A Only, Not Supported in the L TM4601A-1)V OSNS +, V OSNS – CM Range Common Mode Input Voltage Range V IN = 12V, RUN > 2V 0INTV CC – 1V DIFFV OUT Range Output Voltage Range V IN = 12V, DIFF OUT Load = 100kINTV CC V V OS Input Offset Voltage Magnitude 1.25mV A V Differential Gain 1V/V GBPGain-Bandwidth Product3MHzThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the –40°C to 85°Ctemperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C, V IN = 12V. Per typical application (front page) configuration. E LECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS44601afbSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS SR Slew Rate 2V/μs R IN Input ResistanceV OSNS + to GND20kΩCMRR Common Mode Rejection Mode 100dBControl Stage V FB Error Amplifi er Input VoltageAccuracyI OUT = 0A, V OUT = 1.5Vl0.5940.60.606V V RUN RUN Pin On/Off Threshold 1 1.5 1.9V I SS/TRACK Soft-Start Charging Current V SS/TRACK = 0V –1–1.5–2μA t ON(MIN)Minimum On-Time (Note 4)50100ns t OFF(MIN)Minimum Off-Time (Note 4)250400ns R PLLIN PLLIN Input Resistance 50kΩI DRVCC Current into DRV CC PinV OUT = 1.5V, I OUT = 1A, DRV CC = 5V1825mA R FBHI Resistor Between V OUT_LCL and V FB 60.09860.460.702kΩV MPGMMargin Reference Voltage 1.18V V MARG0, V MARG1MARG0, MARG1 Voltage Thresholds 1.4VPGOOD Output ΔV FBH PGOOD Upper Threshold V FB Rising 71013%ΔV FBL PGOOD Lower Threshold V FB Falling –7–10–13%ΔV FB(HYS)PGOOD Hysteresis V FB Returning 1.5%V PGLPGOOD Low VoltageI PGOOD = 5mA0.150.4VThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the –40°C to 85°C temperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at T A = 25°C, V IN = 12V. Per typical application (front page) configuration.Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime.Note 2: The L TM4601AE/L TM4601AE-1 are guaranteed to meet performance specifi cations from 0°C to 85°C. Specifi cations over the –40°C to 85°C operating temperature range are assured by design,characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. The L TM4601AI/L TM4601AI-1 are guaranteed and tested over the –40°C to 85°C temperature range.Note 3: Remote sense amplifi er recommended for ≤3.3V output.Note 4: 100% tested at wafer level only.Note 5: See Output Current Derating curves for different V IN , V OUT and T A .E LECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS54601afbEffi ciency vs Load Current with 5V INEffi ciency vs Load Current with 12V INEffi ciency vs Load Current with 20V IN1.2V T ransient Response1.5V T ransient Response2.5V T ransient Response3.3V T ransient Response(See Figure 18 for all curves)1.8V T ransient ResponseTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSLOAD CURRENT (A)E F F I C I E N C Y (%)758085154601A G0170656055505109095100LOAD CURRENT (A)50E F F I C I E N C Y (%)55657075100855104601A G026090958015LOAD CURRENT (A)100909585807570656055504601A G0351015E F F I C I E N C Y(%)V OUT 50mV/DIV 20μs/DIV4601A G04IOUT 5A/DIV1.2V AT 6A/μs LOAD STEPC OUT = 3 • 22μF 6.3V CERAMICS 470μF 4V SANYO POSCAP C3 = 100pFV OUT 50mV/DIV20μs/DIV4601A G05I OUT 5A/DIV 1.5V AT 6A/μs LOAD STEPC OUT = 3 • 22μF 6.3V CERAMICS 470μF 4V SANYO POSCAP C3 = 100pFV OUT 50mV/DIV20μs/DIV4601A G06IOUT 5A/DIV1.8V AT 6A/μs LOAD STEPC OUT = 3 • 22μF 6.3V CERAMICS 470μF 4V SANYO POSCAP C3 = 100pFV OUT 50mV/DIV20μs/DIV4601A G07I OUT 5A/DIV 2.5V AT 6A/μs LOAD STEPC OUT = 3 • 22μF 6.3V CERAMICS 470μF 4V SANYO POSCAP C3 = 100pFV OUT 50mV/DIV20μs/DIV4601A G08I OUT 5A/DIV3.3V AT 6A/μs LOAD STEPC OUT = 3 • 22μF 6.3V CERAMICS 470μF 4V SANYO POSCAP C3 = 100pF64601afb(See Figure 18 for all curves)Start-Up, I OUT = 12A (Resistive Load)Start-Up, I OUT = 0AV IN to V OUT Step-Down RatioShort-Circuit Protection, I OUT = 0AShort-Circuit Protection, I OUT = 12AT rack, I OUT = 12AT YPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS V OUT0.5V/DIV5ms/DIV4601A G09I IN 0.5A/DIVV IN = 12V V OUT = 1.5V C OUT = 470μF 3s 22μFSOFT-START = 10nFV OUT 0.5V/DIV 2ms/DIV4601A G10I IN 1A/DIVV IN = 12V V OUT = 1.5V C OUT = 470μF 3s 22μFSOFT-START = 10nFINPUT VOL TAGE (V)O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V ) G112. 3.3V OUTPUT WITH 130k ADDED FROM V OUT TO f SET 5V OUTPUT WITH 100k RESISTOR ADDED FROM f SET TO GND5V OUTPUT WITH NO RESISTOR ADDED FROM f SET TO GND 2.5V OUTPUT 1.8V OUTPUT 1.5V OUTPUT1.2V OUTPUTV FB 0.5V/DIV TRACK/SS 0.5V/DIV2ms/DIV4601A G12V OUT 1V/DIVV IN = 12V V OUT = 1.5V C OUT = 470μF 3s 22μFSOFT-START = 10nFV OUT 0.5V/DIV 50μs/DIV 4601A G13I IN 1A/DIVV IN = 12VV OUT = 1.5V C OUT = 470μF 3s 22μFSOFT-START = 10nFV OUT 0.5V/DIV 50μs/DIV 4601A G14I IN 1A/DIVV IN = 12VV OUT = 1.5V C OUT = 470μF 3s 22μFSOFT-START = 10nF74601afb(See Package Description for Pin Assignment)V IN (Bank 1): Power Input Pins. Apply input voltage be-tween these pins and PGND pins. Recommend placing input decoupling capacitance directly between V IN pins and PGND pins.V OUT (Bank 3): Power Output Pins. Apply output load between these pins and PGND pins. Recommend placing output decoupling capacitance directly between these pins and PGND pins. Review the fi gure below.PGND (Bank 2): Power ground pins for both input and output returns.V OSNS – (Pin M12): (–) Input to the Remote Sense Amplifier . This pin connects to the ground remote sense point. The remote sense amplifi er is used for V OUT ≤3.3V .NC1 (Pin M12): No Connect On the L TM4601A-1. V OSNS + (Pin J12): (+) Input to the Remote Sense Amplifi er . This pin connects to the output remote sense point. The remote sense amplifi er is used for V OUT ≤3.3V .NC2 (Pin J12): No Connect On the L TM4601A-1.DIFFV OUT (Pin K12): Output of the Remote Sense Ampli-fi er . This pin connects to the V OUT_LCL pin.NC3 (Pin K12): No Connect On the L TM4601A-1.DRV CC (Pin E12): This pin normally connects to INTV CC for powering the internal MOSFET drivers. This pin can be biased up to 6V from an external supply with about 50mA capability, or an external circuit shown in Figure 16. This improves effi ciency at the higher input voltages by reducing power dissipation in the module.INTV CC (Pin A7, D9): This pin is for additional decoupling of the 5V internal regulator . These pins are internally connected. Pin A7 is a test pin.PLLIN (Pin A8): External Clock Synchronization Input to the Phase Detector . This pin is internally terminated to SGND with a 50k resistor . Apply a clock above 2V and below INTV CC . See Applications Information.TRACK/SS (Pin A9): Output Voltage T racking and Soft- Start Pin. When the module is confi gured as a master output, then a soft-start capacitor is placed on this pin to ground to control the master ramp rate. A soft-start capacitor can be used for soft-start turn on as a stand alone regulator . Slave operation is performed by putting a resistor divider from the master output to the ground, and connecting the center point of the divider to this pin. See Applications Information.MPGM (Pins A12, B11): Programmable Margining Input. A resistor from this pin to ground sets a current that is equal to 1.18V/R. This current multiplied by 10kΩ will equal a value in millivolts that is a percentage of the 0.6V reference voltage. See Applications Information. To parallel L TM4601As, each requires an individual MPGM resistor . Do not tie MPGM pins together . Both pins are internally connected. Pin A12 is a test pin.f SET (Pins B12, C11): Frequency Set Internally to 850kHz. An external resistor can be placed from this pin to ground to increase frequency. This pin can be decoupled with a 1000pF capacitor . See Applications Information for fre-quency adjustment. Both pins are internally connected. Pin B12 is a test pin.V FB (Pin F12): The Negative Input of the Error Amplifier . Internally, this pin is connected to V OUT_LCL pin with a 60.4k precision resistor . Different output voltages can be programmed with an additional resistor between V FB and SGND pins. See Applications Information.MARG0 (Pin C12): This pin is the LSB logic input for the margining function. Together with the MARG1 pin will determine if margin high, margin low or no margin state is applied. The pin has an internal pull-down resistor of 50k. See Applications Information.PIN FUNCTIONSV IN BANK 11234567*L TM4601A-1 ONL Y89101112PGND BANK 2V OUT BANK 3V OSNS +/NC2*V OSNS –/NC1*DIFFV OUT /NC3*V OUT_LCL SGND f SET MARG0MARG1DRV CC V FB PGOOD I N T V C CP L L I N T R A C K /S S R U N C O M P M P G M TOP VIEW84601afbFigure 1. Simplifi ed L TM4601A/L TM4601A-1 Block DiagramMARG1 (Pin D12): This pin is the MSB logic input for the margining function. Together with the MARG0 pin will determine if margin high, margin low or no margin state is applied. The pin has an internal pull-down resistor of 50k. See Applications Information.SGND (Pins H12, H11, G11): Signal Ground. These pins connect to PGND at output capacitor point. See Figure 15. COMP (Pin A11): Current Control Threshold and Error Amplifi er Compensation Point. The current comparator threshold increases with this control voltage. The voltage ranges from 0V to 2.4V with 0.7V corresponding to zero sense voltage (zero current).PGOOD (Pins G12, F11): Output Voltage Power Good Indicator . Open-drain logic output that is pulled to ground when the output voltage is not within ±10% of the regula-tion point, after a 25μs power bad mask timer expires.RUN (Pin A10): Run Control Pin. A voltage above 1.9V will turn on the module, and when below 1V, will turn off the module. A programmable UVLO function can be ac-complished with a resistor from V IN to this pin that has a 5.1V zener to ground. Maximum pin voltage is 5V . Limit current into the RUN pin to less than 1mA.V OUT_LCL (Pin L12): V OUT connects directly to this pin to bypass the remote sense amplifi er, or DIFFV OUT con-nects to this pin when remote sense amplifi er is used. V OUT_LCL can be connected to V OUT on the L TM4601A-1, V OUT is internally connected to V OUT_LCL with 50Ω in the L TM4601A-1.MTP1, MTP2, MPT3 (Pins C10, D10, D11 ): E xtra Mounting Pads used for increased solder integrity strength. These pads must remain fl oating (electrical open circuit).(See Package Description for Pin Assignment)P IN FUNCTIONS SIMPLIFIED BLOCK DIAGRAMNOT INCLUDED IN THE L TM4601A-1V OSNS – = NC1V OSNS + = NC2DIFFV OUT = NC34601A F01SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS C IN External Input Capacitor Requirement(V IN = 4.5V to 20V, V OUT = 1.5V)I OUT = 12A, 3× 10μF Ceramics2030μFC OUT External Output Capacitor Requirement(V IN = 4.5V to 20V, V OUT = 1.5V)I OUT = 12A100200μFT A = 25°C, V IN = 12V. Use Figure 1 confi guration.Power Module DescriptionThe L TM4601A is a standalone nonisolated switching mode DC/DC power supply. It can deliver up to 12A of DC output current with few external input and output capacitors. This module provides precisely regulated output voltage programmable via one external resistor from 0.6V DC to 5.0V DC over a 4.5V to 20V wide input voltage. The typical application schematic is shown in Figure 18.The L TM4601A has an integrated constant on-time current mode regulator, ultralow R DS(ON) FETs with fast switch-ing speed and integrated Schottky diodes. The typical switching frequency is 850kHz at full load. With current mode control and internal feedback loop compensation, the L TM4601A module has suffi cient stability margins and good transient performance under a wide range of operat-ing conditions and with a wide range of output capacitors, even all ceramic output capacitors.Current mode control provides cycle-by-cycle fast current limit. Besides, foldback current limiting is provided in an overcurrent condition while V FB drops. Internal overvoltage and undervoltage comparators pull the open-drain PGOOD output low if the output feedback voltage exits a ±10% window around the regulation point. Furthermore, in an overvoltage condition, internal top FET Q1 is turned off and bottom FET Q2 is turned on and held on until the overvoltage condition clears.Pulling the RUN pin below 1V forces the controller into its shutdown state, turning off both Q1 and Q2. At low load current, the module works in continuous current mode by default to achieve minimum output voltage ripple. When DRV CC pin is connected to INTV CC an integrated 5V linear regulator powers the internal gate drivers. If a 5V external bias supply is applied on the DRV CC pin, then an effi ciency improvement will occur due to the reduced power loss in the internal linear regulator. This is especially true at the higher input voltage range.The L TM4601A has a very accurate differential remote sense amplifier with very low offset. This provides for very accurate remote sense voltage measurement. The MPGM pin, MARG0 pin and MARG1 pin are used to sup-port voltage margining, where the percentage of margin is programmed by the MPGM pin, and the MARG0 and MARG1 select margining.The PLLIN pin provides frequency synchronization of the device to an external clock. The TRACK/SS pin is used for power supply tracking and soft-start programming.DECOUPLING REQUIREMENTSOPERATION94601afbThe typical L TM4601A application circuit is shown in Figure 18. E xternal component selection is primarily determined by the maximum load current and output voltage. Refer to Table 2 for specifi c external capacitor requirements for a particular application.V IN to V OUT Step-Down RatiosThere are restrictions in the maximum V IN and V OUT step down ratio that can be achieved for a given input voltage. These constraints are shown in the Typical Performance Characteristics curves labeled “V IN to V OUT Step-Down Ratio”. Note that additional thermal derating may apply. See the Thermal Considerations and Output Current Derating section of this data sheet.Output Voltage Programming and MarginingThe PWM controller has an internal 0.6V reference voltage. As shown in the Block Diagram, a 1M and a 60.4k 0.5% internal feedback resistor connects V OUT and V FB pins together. The V OUT_LCL pin is connected between the 1M and the 60.4k resistor. The 1M resistor is used to protect against an output overvoltage condition if the V OUT_LCL pin is not connected to the output, or if the remote sense amplifi er output is not connected to V OUT_LCL. The output voltage will default to 0.6V. Adding a resistor R SET from the V FB pin to SGND pin programs the output voltage:V OUT=0.6V 60.4k+R SETR SETTable 1. R SET Standard 1% Resistor Values vs V OUTR SET(kΩ)Open60.440.230.125.519.113.38.25V OUT (V)0.6 1.2 1.5 1.82 2.5 3.35The MPGM pin programs a current that when multipliedby an internal 10k resistor sets up the 0.6V reference ±offset for margining. A 1.18V reference divided by theRPGM resistor on the MPGM pin programs the current.Calculate V OUT(MARGIN):V OUT(MARGIN)=%V OUT100•V OUTwhere %V OUT is the percentage of V OUT you want to margin,and V OUT(MARGIN) is the margin quantity in volts:R PGM=V OUT0.6V•1.18VV OUT(MARGIN)•10kwhere R PGM is the resistor value to place on the MPGMpin to ground.The output margining will be ± margining of the value.This is controlled by the MARG0 and MARG1 pins. Seethe truth table below:MARG1MARG0MODELOW LOW NO MARGINLOW HIGH MARGINUPHIGH LOW MARGIN DOWNHIGH HIGH NO MARGINInput CapacitorsL TM4601A module should be connected to a low ACimpedance DC source. Input capacitors are required tobe placed adjacent to the module. In Figure 18, the 10μFceramic input capacitors are selected for their ability tohandle the large RMS current into the converter. An inputbulk capacitor of 100μF is optional. This 100μF capacitor isonly needed if the input source impedance is compromisedby long inductive leads or traces.APPLICATIONS INFORMATION104601afbLTM4601A/LTM4601A-1For a buck converter, the switching duty-cycle can be estimated as:D =V OUT V INWithout considering the inductor current ripple, the RMS current of the input capacitor can be estimated as:I CIN(RMS)=I OUT(MAX) %In the above equation, η% is the estimated effi ciency of the power module. C IN can be a switcher-rated electrolytic aluminum capacitor, OS-CON capacitor or high volume ceramic capacitor. Note the capacitor ripple current rat-ings are often based on temperature and hours of life. This makes it advisable to properly derate the input capacitor, or choose a capacitor rated at a higher temperature than required. Always contact the capacitor manufacturer for derating requirements.In Figure 18, the 10μF ceramic capacitors are together used as a high frequency input decoupling capacitor. In a typical 12A output application, three very low ESR, X5R or X7R, 10μF ceramic capacitors are recommended. These decoupling capacitors should be placed directly adjacent to the module input pins in the PCB layout to minimize the trace inductance and high frequency AC noise. Each 10μF ceramic is typically good for 2A to 3A of RMS ripple current. Refer to your ceramics capacitor catalog for the RMS current ratings.Multiphase operation with multiple L TM4601A devices in parallel will lower the effective input RMS ripple current due to the interleaving operation of the regulators. Application Note 77 provides a detailed explanation. Refer to Figure 2 for the input capacitor ripple current requirement as a function of the number of phases. The fi gure provides a ratio of RMS ripple current to DC load current as function of duty cycle and the number of paralleled phases. Pickthe corresponding duty cycle and the number of phases to arrive at the correct ripple current value. For example, the 2-phase parallel L TM4601A design provides 24A at 2.5V output from a 12V input. The duty cycle is DC = 2.5V/12V = 0.21. The 2-phase curve has a ratio of ~0.25 for a duty cycle of 0.21. This 0.25 ratio of RMS ripple current to a DC load current of 24A equals ~6A of input RMS ripple current for the external input capacitors. Output CapacitorsThe L TM4601A is designed for low output voltage ripple. The bulk output capacitors defi ned as C OUT are chosen with low enough effective series resistance (ESR) to meet the output voltage ripple and transient requirements. C OUT can be a low ESR tantalum capacitor , a low ESR polymer capacitor or a ceramic capacitor . The typical capacitance is 200μF if all ceramic output capacitors are used. Additional output fi ltering may be required by the system designer, if further reduction of output ripple or dynamic transient spike is required. Table 2 shows a matrix of different output voltages and output capacitors to minimize the voltage droop and overshoot during a 5A/μs transient. The table optimizes total equivalent ESR and total bulk capacitance to maximize transient performance.Figure 2. Normalized Input RMS Ripple Current vs Duty Factor for One to Six Modules (Phases)A PPLICATIONS INFORMATION DUTY FACTOR (V OUT /V IN ) F02R M S I N P U T R I P P L E C U R R E N T D C L O A D C U R R E N TLTM4601A/LTM4601A-1Multiphase operation with multiple L TM4601A devices in parallel will lower the effective output ripple current due to the interleaving operation of the regulators. For example, each L TM4601A’s inductor current of a 12V to 2.5V multiphase design can be read from the Inductor Ripple Current vs Duty Cycle graph (Figure 3). The large ripple current at low duty cycle and high output voltagecan be reduced by adding an external resistor from f SET to ground which increases the frequency. If the duty cycle is DC = 2.5V/12V = 0.21, the inductor ripple current for 2.5V output at 21% duty cycle is ~6A in Figure 3.Figure 4 provides a ratio of peak-to-peak output ripple cur-rent to the inductor current as a function of duty cycle and the number of paralleled phases. Pick the corresponding duty cycle and the number of phases to arrive at the correct output ripple current ratio value. If a 2-phase operation is chosen at a duty cycle of 21%, then 0.6 is the ratio. This 0.6 ratio of output ripple current to inductor ripple of 6A equals 3.6A of effective output ripple current. Refer to Ap-plication Note 77 for a detailed explanation of output ripple current reduction as a function of paralleled phases.The output voltage ripple has two components that are related to the amount of bulk capacitance and effective series resistance (ESR) of the output bulk capacitance. Therefore, the output voltage ripple can be calculated with the known effective output ripple current. The equation: ΔV OUT(P-P) ≈ (ΔI L /(8 • f • m • C OUT ) + ESR • ΔI L ), where fFigure 4. Normalized Output Ripple Current vs Duty Cycle, Dlr = V T/L , Dlr = Each Phase’s Inductor CurrentFigure 3. Inductor Ripple Current vs Duty CycleAPPLICATIONS INFORMATIONDUTY CYCLE (V OUT /V IN )I L (A )24681012204060804601A F032.5V OUTPUT5V OUTPUT 1.8V OUTPUT 1.5V OUTPUT 1.2V OUTPUT 3.3V OUTPUT WITH 130k ADDED FROM V OUT TO f SET 5V OUTPUT WITH 100k ADDED FROM f SETTO GNDDUTY CYCLE (V O /V IN )1.000.950.900.850.800.750.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. F04P E A K -T O -P E A K O U T P U T R I P P L E C U R R E N T D I r R A T I O =。



• 中兴V880 中兴V880
标准配置: 标准配置:一电一充、立体声耳机 外观: 外观:直板 尺寸: 电池容量: 尺寸:114*56*11.9mm 电池容量: 1250mAh 屏幕参数:3.5” WVGA TFT 电容式触摸 480*800 屏幕参数: 网络频率: 网络频率:GPRS/GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz,UMTS 2100MHz 上行峰值: 下行峰值: 上行峰值: 384kbps 下行峰值: 7.2Mbps 摄像头: 摄像头: 3.2M AF RAM:256M 32G 存储: 存储: ROM:512M RAM:256M,支持扩展到32G
普及型战略定制终端长虹Z me产品信息 普及型战略定制终端长虹Z-me产品信息 长虹Z 长虹Z-me
上市时间: 2011. 12 上市时间 标准配置: 标准配置:一电一充,一耳机 外观: 外观 直板 颜色: 颜色 紫金灰 尺寸/体积 重量: 尺寸/体积:121mm (H) x 61mm (W) x 11.8mm (T) 重量 123g 屏幕参数: 屏幕参数 4.02” ; FWVGA 480*854 ; 262K色;电容触摸屏 网络频率:UMTS 900/2100MHz;GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz 网络频率 上行峰值:5.76Mbps 上行峰值 基带芯片型号及主频: 基带芯片型号及主频 Qualcomm MSM8255 AP芯片型号及主频 AP芯片型号及主频:MSM8255 CortexA8 ,1GHz 芯片型号及主频 摄像头:500万 AF 摄像头 重力感应: 重力感应 有 GPS:支持 ; GPS RAM: RAM 512 MB 用户可用内存: 用户可用内存 200MB 副摄像头:30万 副摄像头 WIFI/WAPI:支持 WIFI/WAPI FM: FM 支持 ; ROM: ROM 4 GB 扩展存储卡:最大可支持到32GB 扩展存储卡 蓝牙:支持 蓝牙 下行峰值:14.4Mbps 下行峰值 操作系统:Android 2.3 操作系统



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TL-AN200X/PG-AN220X 视频制式 NTSC 3.58/NTSC 4.43/PAL/PAL-M/PAL-N/PAL-60/SECAM/ DTV480I/DTV480P/DTV540P/DTV580I/DTV580P/DTV720P/DTV1035I/DTV1080I 显示方式 液晶显示板x3, RGB 光学快门方式 液晶显示板 面板尺寸: 0.79" (20.0 mm) (12 [高] x16 [宽] mm) 像素数: 2,359,296个 (1024[水平] x 768[垂直] x RGB) 标准镜头 1-1.2 x 变焦镜头, 光圈1.9 - 2.2, 焦距 = 26 - 31 mm 投影灯泡 SHP 180 W 灯泡 色差输入信号 15-针微型 D-sub 接口 INPUT1 (输入1) Y: 1.0 Vp-p, 负同步, 75 Ω 终端 PB: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 Ω 终端 PR: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 Ω 终端 水平解像度 700 TV 线 (DTV720P) 电脑 RGB 输入信号 15-针 微型D-sub 接口 INPUT1 (输入1) RGB 分离/绿色同步模拟输入: 0- 0.7 Vp-p, 正极, 75 Ω 终端 水平同步信号 : TTL 电平 (正极/负极) 垂直同步信号 : TTL 电平 (正极/负极) S-视频输入信号 4-针 微型 DIN 接口 (输入 2) Y (亮度信号): 1.0 Vp-p, 负同步, 75 Ω 终端 C (色度信号): 脉冲串信号0.286 Vp-p, 75 Ω 终端 视频输入信号 RCA 接口: VIDEO(视频), 复合视频, 1.0 Vp-p, 负同步, 75Ω (输入3) 终端 电脑控制信号 (RS-232C) 9-针 微型 DIN 接口 像素时钟 12-108 MHz 帧频 43-85 Hz 行频 15-70 kHz 音频输入信号 D=3.5 mm 微型插口: AUDIO(音频), 0.5 Vrms, 大于 47 k Ω(立体声) 音频输出 1.0 W (单声道) 扬声器系统 2.8 cm 圆形 x 1 额定电压 AC 110- 240 V 输入电流 2.3 A 额定频率 50/60 Hz 240W (标准模式) / 200W (环保节电模式) 功率消耗 (正常) AC110V时, AC240V时, 235W (标准模式) / 195W (环保节电模式) 功率消耗 (待机) 约 4W (AC110V) - 6W (AC240V) 热消散 AC110V时,900 BTU/小时 (标准模式) / 750 BTU/小时(环保节电模式) AC240V时,880 BTU/小时 (标准模式) / 730 BTU/小时(环保节电模式) 工作温度 +5°C 至 +35°C 存放温度 -20°C 至 +60°C 机壳 塑料 I/R 载波频率 38 kHz 尺寸 (约) 297 (宽) x 81 (高) x 229 (深) mm (仅主机) 297 (宽) x 89 (高) x 229 (深) mm (包括调校脚和投影机部件) 重量 (约) 2.9 kg (6.4 lbs) 随机附件 遥控器,两节R-6电池,电源线(1.8m),RGB接线(3m),DIN-D-sub RS-232C适配器(15cm) 携带包,镜头盖(已安装),额外的空气滤网,“QUICK GUIDE(快速指南)”标签,使用说 明书 随机附件 灯泡组件(灯泡/灯罩型)(CLMPFA011WEF0),遥控器(RRMCGA187WJSA),两节R-6电池 (“AA”尺寸、UM/SUM-3、HP-7或类似的电池),电源线(QACCZA025WJPZ),RGB电 缆(QCNWGA012WJPZ),DIN-D-sub RS-232C适配器(QCNWGA015WJPZ),携带包 (GCASNA008WJSA),镜头盖(CCAPHA012WJ01),空气滤网(PFILDA008WJZZ),“QU ICK GUIDE(快速指南)”标签(TLABZA289WJZZ),使用说明书(TINS-A945WJZZ)

NVIDIA L40S GPU 数据手册说明书

NVIDIA L40S GPU 数据手册说明书

NVIDIA L40SUnparalleled AI and graphics performance for the data center.Generative AI is fueling transformative change, unlocking a new frontier ofopportunities for enterprises across every industry. To transform with AI, enterprises need more compute resources, greater scale, and a broad set of capabilities to meet the demands of an ever-increasing set of diverse and complex workloads.The NVIDIA L40S GPU is the most powerful universal GPU for the data center, delivering end-to-end acceleration for the next generation of AI-enabledapplications—from generative AI and model training and inference to 3D graphics, rendering, and video applications.Powered by the NVIDIA Ada Lovelace ArchitectureFourth-Generation Tensor CoresHardware support for structural sparsity and optimized TF32 format provides out-of-the-box performance gains for faster AI and data science model training. Accelerate AI-enhanced graphics capabilities with DLSS to upscale resolution with better performance in select applications.DatasheetAccelerate Next-Generation Workloads >Generative AI >Large language model (LLM) training and inference >NVIDIA Omniverse ™ Enterprise>Rendering and 3D graphics>Streaming and video content AI Training2x1.5x 1.0x 0.5x0xNVIDIA A100NVIDIA L40S T i m e t o T r a i n (860M T o k e n s )GPT-408 LoRA (Relative Performance)Generative AI 1.5x 1.0x 0.5x 0x NVIDIA A100NVIDIA L40SI m a g e P e r S e c o n d Stable Diffusion, 512x512 (Relative Performance) Fine-tuning LoRA (GPT-40B, GPT-175B): global train batch size: 128 (sequences), seq-length: 256 (tokens). NVIDIA HGX™ A100 (8x A100) vs. Two systems with 4x L40S GPUs. Performance based on prerelease build, subject to change.Stable Diffusion v2.1. Relative speedup for 512 x 512 resolution image generation. NVIDIA HGX A100 (8x A100) vs. Two systems with 4x L40S GPUs. Performance based on prerelease build, subject to change.Third-Generation RT CoresEnhanced throughput and concurrent ray-tracing and shading capabilities improve ray-tracing performance, accelerating renders for product design and architecture, engineering, and construction workflows. See lifelike designs in action with hardware-accelerated motion blur and stunning real-time animations. Transformer EngineTransformer Engine dramatically accelerates AI performance and improves memory utilization for both training and inference. Harnessing the power of the Ada Lovelace fourth-generation Tensor Cores, Transformer Engine intelligently scans the layers of transformer architecture neural networks and automaticallyrecasts between FP8 and FP16 precisions to deliver faster AI performance and accelerate training and inference.Data Center ReadyThe L40S GPU is optimized for 24/7 enterprise data center operations and designed, built, tested, and supported by NVIDIA to ensure maximum performance, durability, and uptime. The L40S GPU meets the latest data center standards, is Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) Level 3 ready, and features secure boot with root of trust technology, providing an additional layer of security for data centers.GPU Architecture NVIDIA Ada Lovelace ArchitectureGPU Memory48GB GDDR6 with ECCMemory Bandwidth864GB/sInterconnect Interface PCIe Gen4 x16: 64GB/s bidirectional NVIDIA Ada Lovelace Architecture-18,176Based CUDA® CoresNVIDIA Third-Generation RT Cores 142NVIDIA Fourth-Generation Tensor568CoresRT Core Performance TFLOPS209 FP32 TFLOPS91.6TF32 Tensor Core TFLOPS183 I 366*BFLOAT16 Tensor Core TFLOPS362.05 I 733*FP16 Tensor Core362.05 I 733*FP8 Tensor Core733 I 1,466*Peak INT8 Tensor TOPS733 I 1,466*Peak INT4 Tensor TOPS733 I 1,466*Form Factor 4.4" (H) x 10.5" (L), dual slotDisplay Ports4x DisplayPort 1.4aMax Power Consumption350WPower Connector16-pinReady to get started?To learn more about the NVIDIA L40S, visit /l40s© 2023 NVIDIA Corporation and affiliates. All rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, CUDA, HGX, NVLink, and Omniverse are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation and affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective owners with which they are associated. 2841316. AUG23Thermal PassiveVirtual GPU (vGPU) Software Support YesvGPU Profiles Supported See the virtual GPU licensing guideNVENC I NVDEC 3x l 3x (includes AV1 encode and decode)Secure Boot With Root of Trust YesNEBS Ready Level 3MIG Support NoNVIDIA® NVLink® Support No* With sparsityPNY Technologies Europe Rue Joseph Cugnot BP 4018133708 Mérignac Cedex | France T +33 (0)5 56 13 75 75 | F +33 (0)5 56 13 75 77For more information visit:。



MT4601B02-1 Product SpecificationVer. 1.1ContentsRevision History (4)1. General Description (5)1.1 Product Features (5)1.2 Overview (5)1.3 General Information (5)2. Absolute Maximum Ratings (6)2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 ± 2 °C) (6)2.2 Environment Requirement (6)2.3 Package Storage (7)3. Electrical Specification (8)3.1 Electrical Characteristics (8)3.1.1 Power Consumption (Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC) (8)3.1.2 LVDS Characteristics (9)3.2 Backlight Converter Unit (10)3.2.1 LED Converter Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC) (10)3.2.2 LED Converter Power Sequence (11)4. Electrical Block Diagram (12)5. Input Terminal Pin Assignment (13)5.1 TFT LCD Module (13)5.2 Converter Unit (15)5.2.1 Converter Input Connector Pin Definition (15)5.3 Block Diagram of Interface (16)5.4 LVDS Interface (16)5.4.1 VESA Format (SELLVDS = H) (16)5.4.2 JEIDA Format (SELLVDS = L or Open) (16)5.5 Color Data Input Assignment (17)6. Interface Timing (18)6.1 Timing Table (DE Only Mode) (18)6.2 Power On/Off Sequence (19)7. Optical Characteristics (20)7.1 Measurement Conditions (20)7.2 Optical Specifications (21)8. Mechanical Characteristics (25)8.1 Mechanical Specification (25)8.2 Packing (27)8.2.1 Packing Specifications (27)8.2.2 Packing Method (27)9. Definition of Labels (29)9.1 Module Label (29)9.2 Carton Label (29)9.3 Pallet Label (30)10. Precautions (31)10.1 Assembly and Handling Precautions (31)10.2 Safety Precautions (31)Revision History1. General Description1.1 Product Features-FHD Resolution (1920 x 1080)-High Brightness: 350 cd/m²-Very High Contrast Ratio: 4000:1-Fast Response Time-High Color Saturation: 72% NTSC-Ultra Wide Viewing Angle: 178° (H)/178° (V) (CR ≥ 10) -Low Power Consumption: Typ. 85 W2. Absolute Maximum Ratings2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 ± 2 °C)The followings are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause damage to the unit.The maximum operating temperature is based on the test condition that the surface temperature of display area is less than or equal to 65 ºC with LCD module in a temperature controlled chamber alone. Thermal management should be considered in final product design to prevent the surface temperature of display area from being over 65 ºC. The range of operating temperature may degrade in case of improper thermal management in the end product design.(3) The TFT module including glass should be avoided any shock or vibration.While testing shock and vibration, the fixture holding the module should be assured to be hard and rigid enough to prevent the module twisted or bent by the fixture. The test conditions should be less than:Shock (Non-operating): 35 G, 11 ms, half sine wave, 1 time for ± X, ± Y, ± Z.Vibration (Non-operating): Random 1.0 Grms, 10 ~ 200 Hz, 10 min, 1 time for each X, Y, Z.2.3 Package StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, please follow the precaution instructions:(1) Do not store the module in high temperature and high humidity for a long time. It is highly recommended to store themodule with temperature from 0 ºC to 35 ºC in normal humidity.(2) The module shall be stored in a dark area and avoided to be exposed in direct sunlight or fluorescent light.3. Electrical Specification3.1 Electrical CharacteristicsFig. 3.2 Test patterns3.2 Backlight Converter UnitFig. 3.5 The power sequence of V BL and V BLONNOTE:The power sequence :POWER ON : V BL > V P_DIM >V BLON POWER OFF :V BLON >= V P_DIM> V BLV V V4. Electrical Block Diagram5. Input Terminal Pin Assignment5.1 TFT LCD ModuleCN1: 0-511037-5 (Xi Da Yi Tong) or equivalent (see Note (1))CN1(6)Fig. 5.1 LVDS connector direction sketch map(2) For CSOT internal only, please let it open.(3) High: connect to + 3.3 V →VESA format; Low: connect to GND or Open →JEIDA format.5.2 Converter Unit5.2.1 Converter Input Connector Pin DefinitionCN1: CI0114M1HR0-NH (Cvilux) or equivalent (see 5.2 Note (1))Fig. 5.2 Power input connector direction sketch map Attention:If the external PWM function includes 10% dimming ratio, the judge conditions are as below:(1) Backlight module must be lighted on normally.(2) All protection functions must work normally.(3) Uniformity and flicker could not be guaranteed.5.3 Block Diagram of InterfaceFig. 5.5 JEIDA format5.5 Color Data Input AssignmentThe brightness of each primary color is based on the 8-bit gray scale data input for each color. The higher the binary input, the brighter the color. The table below provides the assignment of the color versus.Attention:0: Low level voltage; 1: High level voltage.6. Interface TimingFig. 6.1 Interface signal timing diagram6.2 Power On/Off SequenceTo prevent a latch-up or DC operation of LCD module, the power on/off sequence should be as the diagram below.(2) Apply the lightbar voltage within the LCD operation range. When the backlight turns on before the LCD operation or theLCD turns off before the backlight turns off, the display may momentarily become abnormal screen.(3) In case that V CC is in off level, please keep the level of input signals on the low or high impedance. If T2 < 0, that maycause electrical overstress.(4) T4 should be measured after the module has been fully discharged between power off and on period.(5) Interface signal shall not be kept at high impedance when the power is on.7. Optical Characteristics7.1 Measurement ConditionsThe table below is the test condition of optical measurement.N means the actual number of the pixels in the area S.7.2 Optical SpecificationsThe table below of optical characteristics is measured by MINOLTA CS2000, MINOLTA CA310, ELDIM OPTI Scope-SA and ELDIM EZContrast in dark room.CR-W is the luminance measured by LMD(light-measuring device) at the center point of the LCD module with full-screen displaying white. The standard setup of measurement is illustrated in Fig. 7.3;CR-D is the luminance measured by LMD at the center point of the LCD module with full-screen displaying black.(2) The LMD in the item could be a spectroradiometer such as (KONICA MINOLTA) CS2000, CS1000, (TOPCON) SR-UL2or the same level spectroradiometer. Other display color analyzer (KONICA MINOLTA) CA210, CA310 or (TOPCON) BM-7 could be involved after being calibrated with a spectroradiometer on each stage of a product.Fig. 7.3 The standard setup of CR measurement(3) Response time T L is defined as the average transition time in the response time matrix. The table below is the responseX to YAll the transition time is measured at the center point of the LCD module by ELDIM OPTI Scope-SA.(4) Definition of center luminance (L W):The luminance is measured at the center point of the LCD module with full-screen displaying white. Fig. 7.5 shows the standard setup of luminance measurement.and themin Uniformity=L(6)color R,G,B and white.G,Bcoordinates and the area is defined by NTSC1953color standard in the CIE color space.Chromaticity coordinates are measured by CS2000 and the standard setup of measurement is shown in Fig. 7.7.Fig. 7.7 The standard setup of color chromaticity measurement (7) Definition of viewing angle coordinate system (θH, θV):angles: upθV+8. Mechanical Characteristics 8.1 Mechanical Specification8.2 PackingFig. 8.1 Packing method (protector film stick on the front of the LCD module)Protector Film LCD Module PE BagCorrugated BoardPP BeltCarton LabelTop CushionMasking TapePalletBottom CushionAround BoardLCD ModuleEarth CoverPallet Label PalletPE FilmPE SheetPP BeltFig. 8.2 Shipping method9. Definition of Labels 9.1 Module LabelManufactured Date:Year: 2010 = 10, 2011 = 11…2020 = 20, 2021 = 21…9.3 Pallet LabelSerial Number: XXX XX XXX XXXXXCSOT Internal UseYear, MonthMT4601B02-1 Product Specification 10. Precautions10.1 Assembly and Handling Precautions(1) Do not apply rough force such as bending or twisting to the LCD module during assembly.(2) It is recommended to assemble or install a LCD module into the user’s system in clean working areas. The dustand oil may cause electrical short or damage the polarizer.(3) Do not apply pressure or impulse to the LCD module to prevent the damage to LCD panel and backlight.(4) Always follow the correct power-on sequence. This can prevent the damage and latch-up to the LSI chips.(5) Do not plug in or pull out the interface connector while the module is in operation.(6) Do not disassemble the LCD module.(7) Use soft dry cloth without chemicals for cleaning because the surface of polarizer is very soft and easily bescratched.(8) Moisture can easily penetrate into the LCD module and may cause the damage during operation.(9) High temperature or humidity may deteriorate the performance of the LCD module. Please store LCD modules inthe specified storage conditions.(10) When ambient temperature is lower than 10ºC, the display quality might be deteriorated. For example, theresponse time will become slow, and the starting voltage of LED light bar will be higher than that in roomtemperature.10.2 Safety Precautions(1) If the liquid crystal material leaks from the panel, it should be kept away from the eyes or mouth. In case ofcontact with hands, skin or clothes, it has to be washed away thoroughly with soap.(2) After the LCD module’s end of life, it is not harmful in case of normal operation and storage.The copyright belongs to Shenzhen China Star 31 / 31 Ver. 1.1 Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Any unauthorized use is prohibited.。



快思聪产品技术参数描述触摸屏系列 (3)TPS-4L (3)TPS-6L (4)TPSI-6X (4)CT-1000的技术参数: (4)STI-1550C单向无线触摸屏: (4)CT-1550C有线触摸屏: (5)STI-1700C单向无线触摸屏: (5)STXI-1700CXP双向无线触摸屏: (5)STXI-1700CXP双向无线触摸屏: (5)TPS-1700C触摸屏: (6)TPS-2000L: (6)TPS-3000L: (6)TPMC-8L的技术参数: (7)TPS-3000: (7)TPS-4000的技术参数: (7)TPS-4000L的技术参数: (8)MiniTouch:MT-1000C (8)MiniTouch:ML-500无线紧凑式射频LCD远程遥控器 (8)MiniTouch:ML-600无线紧凑式射频LCD远程遥控器 (9)MLX-2:MiniLCD2路RF掌上遥控 (9)WPR-48 具有防水性能的遥控器 (9)TPS-12 (9)TPS-15 (10)TPS-17 (10)TPMC-CH-IMC 界面模块 (11)TPS-12G-QM (11)TPS-15-G-QM (11)TPMC-4XG Isys i/O™ WiFi 触摸屏: (12)TPMC-8X Isys i/O™ WiFi 触摸屏 (12)TPMC-8X-DS技术参数: (13)TPMC-15-QM Isys i/O™ 15” 触摸屏媒体中心 (13)TPMC-17-QM Isys i/O™ 17”触摸屏媒体中心 (15)控制主机系列 (16)MC2E的技术参数: (17)MC2W的技术参数: (17)CP2的技术参数: (17)CP2E的技术参数: (17)A V2的技术参数: (18)PRO2的技术参数: (18)MP2的技术参数: (18)MP2E的技术参数: (19)C2N-MMS的技术参数: (19)CNXRMC: (19)CNXRMCLV: (19)C2N-DVP4DI的技术参数: (20)DVPHD-PRO的技术参数: (20)MPS-100的技术参数: (21)MPS-300技术参数: (23)PAC2的技术参数: (24)PAC2M - Pro Mini 控制主机技术参数 (24)AADSI的技术参数: (25)AESI的技术参数: (25)AAE音频扩展器技术参数: (25)音频(AAS) 技术参数: (25)TPS-ENET的技术参数: (26)TPS-VID-1的技术参数: (26)TPS-VID-2: (26)TPS-XVGA的技术参数: (26)CNXRY-16的技术参数: (26)C2IR-8的技术参数: (27)C2COM-2的技术参数: (27)C2COM-3的技术参数: (27)C2ENET-1的技术参数: (27)C2ENET-2的技术参数: (27)C2VEQ-4 (27)常用扩展模块 (28)TPS-XTX-RF的技术参数: (28)CEN-TIA电话接口模块技术参数: (28)C2N-VEQ-4 (28)STI-COM的技术参数: (29)CNECI-4A的技术参数: (29)CLI-220N-4的技术参数: (29)CHAO-12模拟量控制模块 (29)SP-4的技术参数: (29)C2N-CAMIDSPT数字伺服式摄像机电动云台 (30)C2N-CAMIDJ操纵杆控制器 (31)CNRFGW A无线接收器 (31)CNRFGW-418无线接收器 (31)STRFGW A双向接收器 (32)TPS-RFGWXI (32)CEN-RFGW-ZB:ZigBee网关 (32)CENI-HPRFGW:高性能电源RF网关 (32)CLSI-C6A的技术参数: (33)C2N-SSC-2 (33)C2N-SDC-DC (33)CNX-B2...B12: .. (33)C2N-CB的技术参数: (34)APAD的技术参数: (34)CEN-IDOC Apple iPod®界面技术参数 (34)MediaManager (34)QM-RMC (35)QM-WMC: 墙面媒体终端 (35)QM-WMIC:墙面媒体终端 (36)QM-RMCRX: 主处理器 (36)QM-FTCC: 弹出式计算机界面 (36)QM-FTSC: 上翻式存储中心 (37)QM-FTDC:上翻式数据中心 (37)QM-MD8x8: QM切换矩阵 (37)QM-MD7x2: 快思聪矩阵 (38)QM-MD5X1 (38)QM-TX (39)QM-RX: QuickMedia 接收器 (39)QM-FTCC-TPS (39)QM-RX1-3G: (40)QM-TX2-MC (40)QM-TX2-CC (40)QM-WMC-CC (41)QM-WCC-2 (41)QM-WCC-1 (41)网络解决方案 (41)CEN-W AP-ABG-1G:802.11a/b/g无线接入点 (42)CEN-SW-POE-5: 5埠PoE切换器 (42)PW-4803RU:PoE电源供应器 (42)ADAD六路数字音频服务器 (42)快思聪优惠套装解决方案 (43)TPMC-10 Isys i/O 10” WiFi 平板式触摸屏 (44)QM-AMP3x80MM: 块思聪功放 (45)CNPI-48 48键控制面板接口 (46)IRP2 红外线发射器探头 (47)触摸屏系列TPS-4L● 3.6 英寸有源矩阵彩色触摸屏●32 位Coldfire® 处理器●320x240 象素●8 MB 闪存,16M DRAM●16 位Isys™ 图像引擎●10个白色背光按键●可播放W A V音频文件●紧凑的、流行的嵌墙式触摸屏●可以通过以太网和Cresnet与主机通讯TPS-6L●紧凑的、流行的嵌墙式触摸屏●可以通过以太网和Cresnet与主机通讯●12个白色背光按键,并可刻字● 5.7 英寸有源矩阵彩色触摸屏●640x480 象素●16 位Isys™ 图像引擎●可播放W A V音频文件●支持PNG 和半透明化●支持动态图像,cover art, Adagio AS, Request, Windows Media Center.●内置麦克风●可伸缩视频窗口,支持视频显示●可选颜色杏仁、黑色、白色TPSI-6X●用于掌上和桌面式的轻便型轮廓设计● 5.7寸有源矩阵彩色触摸屏显示●16位isys图形●640*480分辨率●高速2.4GHz RF 无线技术●内置单向IR无线功能●有线以太网以及快思聪Home CAT5视频连接CT-1000的技术参数:● 3.8”墙装式彩色触摸屏;●256色;●10个常用指令快捷按钮;●可自由编程;●独家感光显示,可自行调节其亮度已适应周边环境;●可储存及重播W A V声音档案;STI-1550C单向无线触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色单向无线触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●256色;●1M闪存;●可自由编程;●传输距离:300英尺(约100米);●包含可充电电池STI-BTPN、充电座STI-DSN;●无线接收器为CNRFGWA;CT-1550C有线触摸屏:●STI-1550C的有线版本;● 5.7“彩色触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●256色;●1M闪存;●可自由编程;STI-1700C单向无线触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色单向无线触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●4M flash存储器,8M SDRAM内存●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;●传输距离:300英尺(约100米);●包含可充电电池STI-BTPN、充电座STI-DSN;●无线接收器为CNRFGWA;STXI-1700CXP双向无线触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色双向无线触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●4M flash存储器,8M SDRAM内存●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;●传输距离:300英尺(约100米);●包含可充电电池STI-BTPN、充电座STI-DSN;●无线接收器为STRFGWX;STXI-1700CXP双向无线触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色双向无线触摸屏;● 2.4G工作频率,WiFi 友好●320X240分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●4M flash存储器,8M SDRAM内存●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;●传输距离:100-300英尺(约30-60米);●包含可充电电池STI-BTPN、充电座STI-DSN;●无线接收器为TPS-RFGWX;TPS-1700C触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●4M flash存储器,8M SDRAM内存●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;TPS-2000L:●5“彩色触摸屏;●320X234分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●32 MIPS Coldfire® 处理器●2M flash与8M DRAM内存;●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;●平衡/非平衡视频输入●可存储播放W A V文件TPS-3000L:● 6.4“彩色挂墙式触摸屏;●640X480分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●可自由编程;●5个可定义功能的快捷按键;●8M flash,8M DRAM 存储器●1路视频输入显示;●内建麦克风;立体声扬声器●支持W A V文件格式;●内置控制RS-232 接口;TPMC-8L的技术参数:●8.4寸有源矩阵彩色触摸屏●800*600的分辨率●16位isys i/o图形●动态图形功能●DNav动态菜单对象●支持windows sideshow●内置网站浏览,流媒体,电子邮件,VOIP和远程计算机控制功能●多格式流动视频和音频●平衡音频输出●生物指纹扫描仪●16个可选按钮●背光灯雕刻可选●自动调光感应●WA V文件音频反馈功能●以太网通信●连接usb键盘和鼠标●墙面,讲桌和白色可选●有杏色,黑色和白色可选TPS-3000:● 6.4“彩色触摸屏;●640X480分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●可自由编程;●8M flash,8M DRAM 存储器●1路视频输入显示;●内建麦克风;立体声扬声器●支持W A V文件格式;●内置控制RS-232 接口;TPS-4000的技术参数:●10.4” 有源矩阵显示●16-Bit 彩色LCD●640x480 分辨率●Isys® 图形处理器: Synapse Rendering, etc.●8M flash,8M DRAM 存储器●可用于斜坡式讲台●一路视频输入,自动探测复合视频/S-Video格式●可调整的视频窗口或满屏显示●内嵌麦克风/扬声器(半双工,可用于对讲)●RS-232 端口,用来直接连接PCTPS-4000L的技术参数:●嵌墙式安装版本●10.4” 有源矩阵显示●16-Bit 彩色LCD●640x480 分辨率●Isys® 图形处理器: Synapse Rendering, etc.●8M flash,8M DRAM 存储器●一路视频输入,自动探测复合视频/S-Video格式●可调整的视频窗口或满屏显示●内嵌麦克风/扬声器(半双工,可用于对讲)●5个快捷按键,可编程MiniTouch:MT-1000C● 3.8”无线彩色触摸屏;●13个快捷按钮;可自由编程;●240X320分辨率;●16K色彩,高对比,可以显示3D效果●传输距离:100英尺(约30米);●无线接收器为CNRFGWA-418;●使用锂电池●配有充电底座MiniTouch:ML-500无线紧凑式射频LCD远程遥控器● 1.4“ x 2.1” LCD 显示器●27 个可编程按钮●导航轮式设计实现上、下、左、右,以及确认功能。



目录电源类(1-10)8.CSD19535 (18)9.INA210 (19)10.INA282 (21)1.TPS28225 (2)7.TPS4021 (16)3.TPS54340 (5)4.TPS56528 (9)5.TPS7A1601 (12)6.TPS7A4001 (14)2.UCC27211 (4)高速放大器(11-17)15.LMH6552 (31)12.LMH6703 (25)17.OPA2356 (34)13.OPA2695 (27)16.OPA842 (32)11.THS3201 (23)14.VCA821 (29)精密ADC/DAC (18-21)18.ADS1118 (36)19.DAC7811 (38)20.DAC8571 (41)21.REF3330 (43)精密放大器(22-27)22.INA333 (45)23.INA826 (46)24.OPA192 (48)25.OPA2320 (50)26.OPA2330 (52)27.OPA2376 (53)音频功放(28)28.TPA3112 (55)其他(29-33)30.SN74AUP1G07 (58)29.TLV3501 (57)33.TS12A4515 (62)31.TS5A3159 (61)32.TS5A3166 (62)零一.TPS282258引脚高频4A吸入电流同步MOSFET驱动器描述The TPS28225 and TPS28226 are high-speed drivers for N-channel complimentary driven power MOSFETs with adaptive dead-time control. These drivers are optimized for use in variety of high-current one and multi-phase dc-to-dc converters. The TPS28225/6 is a solution that provides highly efficient, small size low EMI emmissions.The performance is achieved by up to 8.8-V gate drive voltage, 14-ns adaptive dead-time control, 14-ns propagation delays and high-current 2-A source and 4-A sink drive capability. The 0.4-impedance for the lower gate driver holds the gate of power MOSFET below its threshold and ensures no shoot-through current at high dV/dt phase node transitions. The bootstrap capacitor charged by an internal diode allows use of N-channel MOSFETs in half-bridge configuration.The TPS28225/6 features a 3-state PWM input compatible with all multi-phase controllers employing 3-state output feature. As long as the input stays within 3-state window for the 250-ns hold-off time, the driver switches both outputs low. This shutdown mode prevents a load from the reversed- output-voltage.The other features include under voltage lockout, thermal shutdown and two-way enable/power good signal. Systems without 3-state featured controllers can use enable/power good input/output to hold both outputs low during shutting down.The TPS28225/6 is offered in an economical SOIC-8 and thermally enhanced low-size Dual Flat No-Lead (DFN-8) packages. The driver is specified in the extended temperature range of –40°C to 125°C with the absolute maximum junction temperature 150°C. The TPS28226 operates in the same manner as the TPS28225/6 other than the input under voltage lock out. Unless otherwise stated all references to the TPS28225 apply to the TPS28226 also.特性Drives Two N-Channel MOSFETs with 14-ns Adaptive Dead TimeWide Gate Drive Voltage: 4.5 V Up to 8.8 V With Best Efficiency at 7 V to 8 V Wide Power System Train Input Voltage: 3 V Up to 27 VWide Input PWM Signals: 2.0 V up to 13.2-V AmplitudeCapable Drive MOSFETs with ≥40-A Current per PhaseHigh Frequency Operation: 14-ns Propagation Delay and10-ns Rise/Fall Time Allow FSW - 2 MHzCapable Propagate <30-ns Input PWM PulsesLow-Side Driver Sink On-Resistance (0.4 ) Prevents dV/dT Related Shoot-Through Current 3-State PWM Input for Power Stage Shutdown Space Saving Enable (input) and Power Good (output) Signals on Same Pin Thermal Shutdown UVLO Protection Internal Bootstrap Diode Economical SOIC-8 and Thermally Enhanced 3-mm x 3-mm DFN-8 Packages High Performance Replacement for Popular 3-State Input Drivers APPLICATIONS Multi-Phase DC-to-DC Converters with Analog or Digital Control Desktop and Server VRMs and EVRDs Portable/Notebook Regulators Synchronous Rectification for Isolated Power Supplies参数零二.UCC27211120V 升压4A 峰值电流的高频高侧/低侧驱动器 描述UCC27210 和 UCC27211 驱动器基于常见的 UCC27200 和 UCC27201 MOSFET 驱动器,但是对性能进行了几项重大改进。

















再度发力教育市场联想TL460 等

再度发力教育市场联想TL460 等

再度发力教育市场联想TL460等再度发力教育市场联想TL460联想在5 月推出一款教育特供投影机TL460,它具有2500 ANSI lm 亮度,XGA 物理分辨率,其自动信号选择、高速自动同步、自动图像调整、自动梯形校正等功能在开机后能够自动将画面调节到理想状态,用户无需对投影机进行繁琐的调节即可使用,提高了演示效率。

TL460 还应用了数字滤波、伽马校正、3D 数字非均匀性校正等技术,来保证投影效果。



参考价格:¥29900联想集团有限公司,-李林芯影音共舞Samsung 家庭影院系统家庭影院系统中既要有出色的显示系统,也要有相应的音响系统。

Samsung PS42P3S等离子电视和旋音HT-DB350音响系统无疑是一套出色的搭配。

PS42P3S 的显示尺寸为42 英寸,显示比例为16:9,标称显示分辨率为852×480,全兼容HDTV高清晰度电视。


PS42P3S 的亮度为700cd/m2,对比度为1200:1,厚度只有79mm,可挂在墙上或选配支架摆放。

旋音HT-DB350音响系统采用了SDSM 技术,在提供出色音响效果的同时,还为用户调节、使用提供了诸多人性化的功能设计,如声场最优化、5.1 声道、魔术声场等功能。

5月15日~6月15日期间购买PS42P3S 等离子电视,将赠送HT-DB350 一套。

参考价格:PS42P3S:¥28800;HT-DB350:¥3980三星中国公司,-许传朝无线数字音乐播放器NETGEAR MP101NETGEAR(网件)最近推出了一款能够通过无线方式与用户的家庭网络相连,从而实现对储存在网络中任何一台电脑中的音乐进行播放的无线数字音乐播放器MP101。

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