SA T3 U5 G7 ppt1




半生期 2-4 分鐘 膜動式分泌 濾泡前期 90 分鐘 濾泡後期 60 分鐘 黃體前期 100分鐘 黃體後期 200分鐘
下視丘- 腦下腺- 卵巢 The hypothalamus-pituitaryovarian( H-P-O) axis
下視丘與腦下垂體 解剖與功能上的相關性
(follicle-stimulating hormone;FSH)
在 男 性 的 作 用
(Luteinizing hormone;LH)
腦下腺又稱腦下垂體約 1.3公分位於蝶鞍內。以 腦下垂體柄(漏斗)與下視 丘相連。
前葉75%(腦下腺腺體部) 、 來自為外胚層。
中間部、可分泌黑色素細 胞刺激素
後葉25%(腦下腺神經部 neurohypophysi
腦下腺前葉的細胞 嗜酸性細胞 GH、PRL 嗜鹼性細胞 TSH、FSH、LH 無顆粒性細胞 ACTH
♀ :刺激卵巢的排卵作用、刺激黃體
睪固酮(testosterone) 。
泌乳激素 (Prolactin)
加強黃體生成素的作用 。 促進乳腺的發育與分泌
乳汁。 平常:濃度低 排卵後:濃度上升 月經時:濃度下降 剛生產後:濃度下降 哺乳時:濃度上升
脂溶性 Receptor 在細胞質內
Estrogen-receptor complex



G7SA-3A3B DC24G7SA-3A3B DC24G7SA-5A1B DC24.G7SA-3A1B DC24G7SA-2A2B DC12 G7SA-4A2B DC12G7SA-3A1B DC24132Safety RelayG7SASlim Safety Relays Conforming to EN StandardsThe forcibly guided contact in the G7SA assures safe operation (EN50205 Class A, approved byVDE.)Ideal for use in safety circuits in press machinery,machine tools, and other production machinery.Four-pole and six-pole Relays are available.The Relay’s terminal arrangement simplifies PWB pattern design.Reinforced insulation between inputs and outputs.Reinforced insulation between some poles.UL, CSA approval.CE marking.Note:Be sure to refer to the Precautions on page131.XVDE133CoilNote:1.The rated current and coil resistance are measured at a coil temperature of 23°C with tolerances of±15%.2.Performance characteristics are based on a coil temperature of 23°C.3.The value given for the maximum voltage is for voltages applied instantaneously to the Relay coil (at an ambient temperature of 23°C) and not continuously .ContactsNote:1.If the P7SA-1j F is used between 55 and 85°C, reduce the continuous current (from 6A) by 0.1 A for every degree.2.Measurement conditions: Measurement of the same points as for the dielectric strength at 500 VDC.3.When using the P7SA-1j F-ND at 24 VDC, use at an ambient operating temperature from –25 to 55°C.Safety RelaysNote:1.The values listed above are initial values.1342.These times were measured at the rated voltage and an ambient temperature of 23°C. Contact bounce time is not included.3.Pole 3 refers to terminals 31–32 or 33–34, pole 4 refers to terminals 43–44, pole 5 refers to terminals 53–54, and pole 6 refers to terminals 63–64.4.When using a P7SA Socket, the dielectric strength between coil contacts/dif ferent poles is 2,500 V AC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min.5.Min. permissible load is for a switching frequency of 300 operations/min.6.When operating at a temperature between 70°C and 85°C, reduce the rated carry current (6 A at 70°C or less) by 0.1 A for each degree above 70°C.G7SA-3A1B G7SA-2A2BTerminal Arrangement/Internal Connection Diagram (Bottom V iew) G7SA-3A1BG7SA-2A2BPrinted Circuit Board Design Diagram (Bottom View)G7SA-5A1B G7SA-4A2B G7SA-3A3BT erminal Arrangement/Internal Connection Diagram (Bottom V iew) G7SA-5A1BG7SA-4A2BPrinted Circuit Board Design Diagram (Bottom View)G7SA-3A3B40 max. max.24 max.1Ten, 1.4 dia.50 max. max.24 max.1Fourteen, 1.4 dia.(±0.1 tolerance)(±0.1 tolerance)Note:Terminals 23-24, 33-34, and 43-44 are nor-mally open. Terminals 11-12 and 21-22 are normally closed.Note:Terminals 23-24, 33-34, 53-54, and 63-64 are normally open. Terminals 11-12, 21-22, and 31-32 are normally closed.135Track-mounting Socket P7SA-10F , P7SA-10F-NDTerminal Installation/Internal Connection Diagram (T op V iew)G7SA-3A1B MountedG7SA-2A2B MountedMounting Hole Placement Diagram (T op V iew)Two, 4 dia. or M3.54 dia.22.5 max.60.5 max.9 max.72 max.LEDindicator9 max.Track-mounting SocketP7SA-14F , P7SA-14F-NDTerminal Arrangement/Internal Connection Diagram (T op V iew)Mounting Hole Placement Diagram (T op V iew)G7SA-5A1B Mounted G7SA-4A2B Mounted G7SA-3A3B Mounted4 dia.30 max.60.5 max.9 max.72 max.LED indicator9 max.Two, 4 dia. or M3.5Note:The socket is shown with the finger cover removed.Note:The socket is shown with the finger cover removed.Note:Only the -ND Sockets have LED indicators.Note:Only the -ND Sockets have LED indicators.Ten, M3Fourteen,M3*This display circuit is available only for “-ND” models.Note:Terminals 23-24,33-34, and 43-44are normallyopen. Terminals11-12 and 21-22are normally closed.*This display circuit is available only for “-ND” models.Note:Terminals 23-24,33-34, 43-44,53-54, and 63-64are normally open. Terminals 11-12, 21-22, and 31-32 are normal-ly closed.136P7SA-10P Back-mounting Socket (for PCB)Terminal Arrangement/Internal Connection Diagram(Bottom View)Mounting Hole Placement(Bottom View)G7SA-3A1BMountedG7SA-2A2B MountedThree, 3.2 dia.(for M3 tapping screws)Three, 2.6 dia.(for M3 tapping screws)50 max.41.5 max.Ten, 1.1 dia.15 max.(±0.1 tolerance)Note:Terminals 23-24, 33-34, and 43-44 are normally open. T erminals 11-12 and 21-22are normally closed.P7SA-14P Back-mounting Socket (for PCB)Terminal Arrangement/Internal Connection Diagram (Bottom View)Mounting Hole Placement (Bottom View)G7SA-5A1B MountedG7SA-4A2B MountedThree, 2.6 dia.(for M3 tapping screws)G7SA-3A3B MountedThree, 3.2 dia.(for M3 tapping screws)60 max.41.5 max.15 max.(±0.1 tolerance)Fourteen, 1.1 dia.Note:Terminals 23-24, 33-34, 43-44, 53-54, and 63-64 are normally open. T erminals 11-12, 21-22,and 31-32 are normally closed.137A Safety Relay is a Relay with which a safety circuit can be config -ured.WiringUse one of the following wires to connect to the P7SA-10F/10F-ND/14F/14F-ND.Stranded wire:0.75 to 1.5 mm 2Solid wire: 1.0 to 1.5 mm 2Tighten each screw of the P7SA-10F/10F-ND/14F/14F-ND to a torque of 0.98 N S m securely.Wire the terminals correctly with no mistakes in coil polarity , other -wise the G7SA will not operate.The G7SA is not of enclosed construction. Therefore, do not wash the G7SA with water or detergent.Forcibly Guided Contacts (from EN50205)If an NO contact becomes welded, all NC contacts will maintain a minimum distance of 0.5 mm when the coil is not energized. Like -wise if an NC contact becomes welded, all NO contacts will maintain a minimum distance of 0.5 mm when the coil is energized.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.To convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. T o convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.Cat. No. J120-E1-1AG7SA-3A3B DC24G7SA-3A3B DC24G7SA-5A1B DC24.G7SA-3A1B DC24G7SA-2A2B DC12 G7SA-4A2B DC12G7SA-3A1B DC24。



东华大学机械工程学院 φ40g6
-0.009 -0.025
+0.025 0
φ40K7 φ40
0 -0.016
+0.007 -0.018
φ40H7 17
+0.007 -0.018
0 -0.016
§11.1.10 极限偏差值的应用及在机械图样上的标注举例 可根据基本尺寸、基本偏差和公差等级在极限偏差表上查得轴或 孔的极限偏差值。表中的极限偏差值单位是微米(μm),标注时必 须换算成毫米mm ( 1μm = 1/1000 mm)
0.2 A 0.1 A 被测轴线 上 t1=0.1 下 左 右
指引线箭头处在水平方 向,表示被测轴线必须 位于距离为公差值 t2=0.2且平行于基准轴 线A的左右两个平行平 面之间。
指引线箭头处在垂直方向, 表示被测轴线必须位于距 离为公差值t3=0.1且平行 于基准轴线A的上下两个 平行平面之间。
15:02:59 东华大学机械工程学院 8
§11.1.6-7 配合、基孔制与基轴制
基本尺寸相同的孔和轴公差带之间的关系称为配合。国家标 准规定了两种配合制 —— 基孔制和基轴制配合。优先基孔制
基 孔 制
基本偏差为H的孔的公差带,与不同基本偏差的轴的公差带 形成各种配合(间隙、过渡或过盈)的一种制度。
东华大学机械工程学院 18
Φ26H7( 0
H7 f6
H7 n6
§11.1.10 极限偏差值的应用及在机械图样上的标注举例



练一练: 说出地形名称 鞍部
山谷 陡坡 缓坡
山顶 山脊
要领1:等高线都呈 V 字型,
山脊中 高 两侧 低 ;山谷两侧 高 中 低 。
B、地形的识别 山脊与山谷的区别 穿越法
如右图: 顶部A:500 ≤ HA <600 底部B:200 < HB ≤ 300 崖高H:200 ≤ H <400
高程差计算方法: 高小 - 低大≤ H < 高大- 低小
如何分Байду номын сангаас坡度大小与等高线疏密状况、 等高距以及比例尺之间的关系?
坡度= tgα=H/L =垂直距离/水平距离
B、地形的识别 山脊与山谷的区别 流水法
( AD )


脊 100 200 300 B
300 200 100

100 200 300

要领2:等高线都 闭合 ; 山峰中 高 外 低 ;盆地外 高 中 低 。
要领3:鞍部呈 8 字型,陡崖等高线 重合 。
1、等高线的绘制 2、地形图的解读
A、坡度的识别 B、地形的识别 C、陡崖的高差





























3GPPTS33.501中⽂版翻译《5G系统安全架构和过程》中⽂版翻译内容⽬录前⾔111 范围 (12)2 参考 (12)3 定义和缩写 (14)3.1 定义 (14)3.2 缩略语 (17)4 安全架构概述 (19)4.1 安全域 (19)4.2 5G核⼼⽹络周边的安全实体 (20)4.3 5G核⼼⽹络中的安全实体 (20)5 安全要求和功能 (20)5.1 ⼀般安全要求 (20)5.1.1 缓解和降低攻击请求 (20)5.1.2 ⾝份验证和授权 (20)5.1.3 与密钥相关的5GC和5G-RAN要求 (21)5.2 对UE的要求 (21)5.2.1 ⼀般 (21)5.2.2 ⽤户数据和信令数据机密性 (21)5.2.3 ⽤户数据和信令数据完整性 (21)5.2.4 安全存储和处理⽤户凭据 (22)5.2.5 ⽤户隐私 (22)5.3 对gNB的要求 (23)5.3.1 ⼀般 (23)5.3.2 ⽤户数据和信令数据机密性 (23)5.3.3 ⽤户数据和信令数据完整性 (23)5.3.6 处理gNB的⽤户平⾯数据的要求 (24)5.3.7 处理gNB的控制平⾯数据的要求 (24)5.3.8 对gNB安全环境的要求 (25)5.3.9 gNB F1接⼝的要求 (25)5.3.10 gNB E1接⼝的要求 (25)5.4 对ng-eNB的要求 (25)5.5 对AMF的要求 (25)5.5.1 信令数据机密性 (25)5.5.2 信令数据完整性 (26)5.5.3 ⽤户隐私 (26)5.6 对SEAF的要求 (26)5.7 空缺 (26)5.8 对UDM的要求 (26)5.8.1 通⽤要求 (26)5.8.2 与UDM和SIDF相关的⽤户隐私相关要求 (26)5.8a 对AUSF的要求 (27)5.9 核⼼⽹络安全 (27)5.9.1 信任边界 (27)5.9.2 基于服务的体系结构的要求 (27) 服务注册,发现和授权的安全要求 (27) NRF安全要求 (27) NEF安全要求 (27)5.9.3 e2e核⼼⽹互联安全的要求 (28) ⼀般 (28) 安全边缘保护代理(SEPP)的要求 (28) 保护属性 (29)5.10 可见性和可配置性 (29)5.11 算法要求和算法选择 (30)5.11.1 算法标识符值 (30) 加密算法标识符值 (30) 完整性算法标识符值 (30)5.11.2 算法选择的要求 (30)6 UE和5G⽹络功能之间的安全流程 (31)6.0 ⼀般 (31)6.1 主要⾝份验证和密钥协议 (31)6.1.1 认证框架 (31) ⼀般 (31) EAP框架 (32) 锚点绑定到服务⽹络的粒度 (32) 构建服务⽹络名称 (32) 提供⽹络名称 (32) 由UE构建服务⽹络名称 (33) 由SEAF构建服务⽹络名称 (33)6.1.2 启动⾝份验证和选择⾝份验证⽅法 (33)6.1.3 验证流程 (34) EAP-AKA的认证流程 (34) 5G AKA的认证流程 (37) 5g AKA (37) 空缺 (39) 在SEAF或AUSF或两者中验证失败 (39) 同步失败或MAC失败 (40) USIM中的同步失败或MAC失败 (40) 归属⽹络中的同步故障恢复 (40)6.1.4 将增加的归属控制与后续流程联系起来 (40) 将⾝份验证确认链接到AMF的Nudm_UECM_Registration过程 (41) 关于将认证确认链接到AMF的Nudm_UECM_Registration流程的指南 (42)6.2 密钥层次结构,密钥派⽣和分发⽅案 (42)6.2.1 密钥层次结构 (42)6.2.2 密钥推导和分配⽅案 (44) ⽹络实体中的密钥 (44) UE中的密钥 (46)6.2.3 处理与⽤户相关的密钥 (48) 关密钥设定 (48) 关密钥识别 (48) 关密钥⽣命周期 (49)6.3 安全背景 (50)6.3.1 安全上下⽂的分布 (50) ⼀般 (50) 在⼀个5G服务⽹络域内分配⽤户标识和安全数据 (50)。


单元时间作为空间基准和时间基准。 e(+vQkiHRD2(TXX-dSaUqHQ!vEWDu5Wrj&iqWc(!QsBU1-G-75A1PoSAUWWeLTsQRSrM1#RQNTw1R8DOAW7g7Mn7XGoUO-
➢衡算式:对任一组分A在单元时间Δτ、单元体积ΔV内: eWsU(CI4JEdpF8mwlCpNf)P$LTrnUb770Du3aDO1*)U(ewCnvs(SVoTekdOXGMcPLqZOm(e0Z&3a86uYT)T2+T7-f-
直接影响反应器的反应结果,也影响反应器的生产能力。对正在运行的装置, 因原料组成的改变,工艺参数调整是常有的事。现代化大型化工厂工艺参数 的调整,是通过计算机集散控制完成的。计算机收到参数变化的信息,并根 据已输入的数学模型和程序,计算出结果,送给相应的执行机构,完成参数 的调整。 ➢计算完成生产任务所需的反应器体积
如果改变反应过程的条件或改变反应器结构,以改进反应器的设计, 或者进一步确定反应器的最优结构、操作条件,经验计算法是不适用的, 这时应该用数学模型法计算。根据小型实验建立的数学模型(一般需经 中试验证),结合一定的求解条件——边界条件和初始条件,预计大型 设备的行为,实现工程计算。
数学模型法计算的基础是描述化学过程本质的动力学模型以及反映 传递过程特性的传递模型。基本方法是以实验事实为基础,建立上 述模型,并建立相应的求解边界条件,然后求解。

SC T3 U8 G7 ppt

SC T3 U8 G7 ppt

Language points
1. People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes. start后面常接 V-ing, 表示开始做某事。 也可以说成start to do sth.。 2. the whole family 指的是“全家人”,表达的是整体 概念,谓语动词用单数。类似的还有 the whole class, the whole school。 3. stay up 熬夜 4. lucky money 压岁钱
Topic 3 Let’s celebrate!
Section C
Sing this song.
Before On On Christmas Christmas Christmas Eve
send Christmas cards decorate Christmas trees sing Christmas songs put up find candies and toys exchange gifts
have Christmas dinner
1. What do people do before Christmas? 2. What do people do on Christmas Eve? 3. What do people do on Christmas?
Enjoy the scenery
喊, 高声呼叫
1. When is Spring Festival? 2. What is Spring Festival’s gift? 3. What is Spring Festival’s food?


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大自然还有很多像回 声一样的知识等着我们去 发现、去探索呢!衷心祝 愿小朋友们学会观察、学 会思考、学到更多知识。
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TriMode™Probe FamilyP7500SeriesDatasheetP7516with optional P75PDPMFeatures &Bene fitsTriMode™Probe –One Setup,Three Measurements without Adjusting Probe Tip Connections Differential Single EndedCommon Mode (Requires only one probe vs.conventional probing techniques)Signal Fidelity25GHz P7520A (with P75PST tip)20GHz P7520A 16GHz P751613GHz P7513A 8GHz P75086GHz P75064GHz P7504Versatile Connectivity –Solder Down,Handheld,Fixtured Variety of Solder-down Options TriMode™Solder TipsSmall Form Factor for High-density Probing Bandwidth Choices from 4to 25GHz1.5m Extension Cable for High-temperature Probing Quickly and Reliably Connect to Multiple Probe TipsPrecision Differential Probing Module –Optional Handheld and Fixtured ProbingSmall Precision Tapered Tips,an Articulated Joint for Compliance,and Variable Tip Spacing TekConnect ®Interface –TekConnect Scope/Probe Control and UsabilityDirect Control from Probe Compensation Box or from Scope Menu Automated Measurement Control through the TekConnect ®Interface to Connect to Tektronix Real-time OscilloscopesView TriMode/Attentuation Settings on Probe Compensation Box from Top or End PanelApplicationsExamples Include,but are Not Limited To:PCI Express 3.0,Serial ATA III,DDR2/3/4,QPI,XAUI1981DatasheetBefore TriMode:1Probe for Differential;2Probes for SE and Common Mode;or 1Probe Soldered and Resoldered 3times;2Probes for Common Mode.TriMode™Probing,Connectivity,and PerformanceTriMode™Probing ArchitectureOne-probe setup makes differential,single ended,and common mode measurements accurately and de finitively.Tektronix is a known leader when it comes to signal fidelity and signalacquisition.Building on our history of market-leading innovations inprobing,After TriMode (P75TLRST):1Probe for Differential,Single Ended,and Common Mode,with only 1setup required.we invented a revolutionary probing architecture called “TriMode™Probing”that de fines the next-generation industry benchmark for usability and signal fidelity.This architecture changes the rules of probing and allows you to work more effectively and ef ficiently.By enabling unique functionality,the P7500Series TriMode probes allow you to switch between differential,single ended,and common mode measurements without moving the probe from its connection points.Improved productivity is achieved by reducing setup time.One setup can be used to make the three different types of measurements all with the press of a button.The TriMode Probe architecture for the P7500Series probes continues the Tektronix tradition of high-bandwidth and low-DUT loading while providing improved connectivity and value.2TriMode™Probe Family —P7500SeriesConnectivity Plus –Solder Down –Handheld –FixturedThe P7500Series TriMode probe architecture offers various levels of connectivity and provides the highest probe fidelity available for real-time oscilloscopes.The multipoint connectivity solutions of the P7500Series include:TriMode Performance Solder Tip The highest-performance solder tip.Up to 25GHzbandwidth.TriMode Long-reach Solder Tip A high performance solder tip with a long reach and very small,low-pro file form factor.Up to 20GHzbandwidth.TriMode Resistor Solder Tip High-performance solder tip with easy-to-solder tip resistors.Up to 18GHzbandwidth.TriMode Extended-resistor Solder Tip Medium-performance solder tip with long easy-to-solder tip resistors.Up to 7GHzbandwidth.3DatasheetTriMode Micro-coax Tip Low-cost,quick-connect solder tips.Up to 4GHzbandwidth.TriMode High-temperature Tip When used with the 1.5m Socket Cable XL,this tip can be used in environments from –55°C to 150°C.Up to 10GHz bandwidth withDSP.Damped Wire Tip Low-cost solder tips ideal for high-density probing.Up to 8GHzbandwidth.Precision Differential Probing Module High-performance handheld probing module.Up to 18GHzbandwidth.Handheld and fixtured probing needs are met using the optional Precision Differential Probing Module (P75PDPM).Its small precision tapered tips,variable articulation of the probe tip,and quick-adjusting variable tip spacing provides the needed flexibility for adapting to vias and other test points of differing sizes from 30mils to 180mils.These precision connectivity tools enable you to access multiple signals on anything from convenient test pads to hard-to-reach,high-density circuitry.4TriMode™Probe Family —P7500SeriesSignal FidelityYou can be con fident in the signal fidelity of your measurements.The innovative new Tektronix differential architecture,coupled with the superior electrical performance of IBM SiGe Technology,provides the bandwidth and fidelity to meet the industry needs of today as well as tomorrow.The P7500Series Probe Architecture provides:Highest bandwidth available –25GHz Excellent step response Low-DUT loading High CMRRDifferential,single ended,or common mode measurements using one probePerformance You Can Count OnDepend on Tektronix to provide you with performance you can count on.In addition to industry-leading service and support,this product comes backed by a one-year warranty as standard.CharacteristicsP7500with P75PDPMTriMode Probe ArchitectureP7520AP7516P7513A P7508P7506P7504Bandwidth (Typical,Probe Only)>20GHz,A-B mode >18GHz,P75PDM,other modes >16GHz >13GHz >8GHz >6GHz >4GHz Rise Time (10-90%)(Typical,Probe Only)<27ps,A-B mode <29ps,other modes <32ps <40ps <55ps <75ps <105ps Rise Time (20-80%)(Typical,Probe Only)<18ps,A-B mode <20ps,other modes<24ps <28ps <35ps <50ps <70ps Attenuation(User Selectable)5X or 12.5X 5X or 12.5X 5X or 12.5X 5X or 12.5X 5X or 12.5X 5X or 12.5X Differential Input Range ±0.625V (5X)±1.6V (12.5X)±0.75V (5X)±1.75V (12.5X)±0.75V (5X)±1.75V (12.5X)±0.75V (5X)±1.75V (12.5X)±0.75V (5X)±1.75V (12.5X)±0.75V (5X)±1.75V (12.5X)Operating Voltage Window+3.7to –2.0V +4.0to –2.0V +4.0to –2.0V +4.0to –2.0V +4.0to –2.0V +4.0to –2.0V Offset Voltage Range+2.5to –1.5V,A-B mode +3.4to –1.8V,other modes +2.5to –1.5V,A-B mode +3.4to –1.8V,other modes +2.5to –1.5V,A-B mode +3.4to –1.8V,other modes +2.5to –1.5V,A-B mode +3.4to –1.8V,other modes +2.5to –1.5V,A-B mode +3.4to –1.8V,other modes +2.5to –1.5V,A-B mode +3.4to –1.8V,other modes DC Input Resistance (Differential)100k ohms 100k ohms 100k ohms 100k ohms 100k ohms 100k ohms Noise<33nV /√Hz (5X)<48nV /√Hz (12.5X)<33nV /√Hz (5X)<48nV /√Hz (12.5X)<33nV /√Hz (5X)<48nV /√Hz (12.5X)<33nV /√Hz (5X)<48nV /√Hz (12.5X)<33nV /√Hz (5X)<48nV /√Hz (12.5X)<33nV /√Hz (5X)<48nV /√Hz (12.5X)CMRR(Differential Mode)>60dB at DC >40dB at 50MHz >30dB at 1GHz >20dB at 10GHz >12dB at 20GHz>60dB at DC >40dB at 50MHz >30dB to 1GHz >20dB to 8GHz >15dB to 16GHz>60dB at DC >40dB at 50MHz >30dB to 1GHz >20dB to 7GHz >15dB to 13GHz>60dB at DC >40dB at 50MHz >30dB at 1GHz >25dB at 4GHz >20dB at 8GHz>60dB at DC >40dB at 50MHz >30dB at 1GHz >25dB at 3GHz >20dB at 6GHz>60dB at DC >40dB at 50MHz >30dB at 1GHz >28dB at 2GHz >25dB at 4GHzNondestructive Input Range ±15V ±15V ±15V ±15V ±15V ±15V Interface TekConnect™TekConnect™TekConnect™TekConnect™TekConnect™TekConnect™Cable Length1meter1meter1.3meters1.3meters1.3meters1.3metersFor additional characteristics,refer to the individual probe Technical Reference Manuals.5DatasheetTypical System Speci ficationsThe typical system speci fications in the table below are achieved using a P7520A probe with a DPO/DSA72504D or DPO/DSA73304D Oscilloscope and a P75PST solder tip.CharacteristicA-B ModeAll Other ModesSystem Bandwidth25GHz >18GHz System Rise Time (10%–90%)<20ps <29ps System Rise Time (20%–80%)<14ps<20psMinimum System Requirements /Instrument CompatibilityP7500Series TriMode Differential Probes are compatible with the DPO/DSA/MSO70000and TDS6000B/C Series TekConnect Oscilloscopes.The chart below shows recommended probe/oscilloscope model combinations.InstrumentBW (Scope)FW VersionRecommended ProbeDPO/DSA73304D 33GHz V6.4.1or higher P7520A DPO/DSA72504D 25GHz V6.4.1or higher P7520A DPO/DSA7200420GHz V3.0or higher P7520A DPO/DSA7160416GHz V3.0or higher P7516DPO/DSA7125412.5GHz V3.0or higher P7513A DPO/DSA708048GHz V3.0or higher P7508DPO/DSA706046GHz V3.0or higher P7506DPO/DSA704044GHzV3.0or higher P7504TDS6000C 12.5GHz,15GHz V5.1.7P7516,P7513A TDS6000B8GHz,6GHzV5.1.3P7508,P750680A03TekConnect Probe Interface V2.3All P7500Series probes RTPA2A TekConnect Probe InterfaceV2.3All P7500Series probesOrdering InformationP7520A TriMode™Differential Probe,20GHz,for TekConnect Interface Oscilloscopes.P7516TriMode™Differential Probe,16GHz,for TekConnect Interface Oscilloscopes.P7513A TriMode™Differential Probe,13GHz,for TekConnect Interface Oscilloscopes.P7508TriMode™Differential Probe,8GHz,for TekConnect Interface Oscilloscopes.P7506TriMode™Differential Probe,6GHz,for TekConnect Interface Oscilloscopes.P7504TriMode™Differential Probe,4GHz,for TekConnect Interface Oscilloscopes.All Include :One-year warranty,plus see Standard Accessories table.Service OptionsOptionDescriptonCA1Single Calibration or Functional Veri fication C3Calibration Service 3Years C5Calibration Service 5YearsD3Calibration Data Report 3Years (with Option C3)D5Calibration Data Report 5Years (with Option C5)G3Complete Care 3Years (includes loaner,scheduled calibration and more)G5Complete Care 5Years (includes loaner,scheduled calibration and more)R3Repair Service 3Years R5Repair Service 5YearsAdditional Service Products Available During Warranty (DW)R3PDW Repair service coverage 3years (includes product warranty period).3-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchaseR5PDWRepair service coverage 5years (includes product warranty period).5-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase6TriMode™Probe Family —P7500SeriesStandard AccessoriesDescriptionP7520A/P7516P7513A/P7508P7506/P7504Reorder Part Number020-2790-xx(P7516/P7513A/P7508)020-2977-xx (P7506/P7504)The documentation kit contains:Printed Quick Start User Manuals,CD-ROM contains PDFs of basic probe and measurement literature,and the probe manuals (Quick Start User Manual and Technical Reference Manual)1each *11each 1each071-3048-xx (P7520A)Antistatic Wrist Strap1each 006-3415-xx Certi ficate of Traceable Calibration1each 1each 1each Standard with probe Data Calibration Report:Lists themanufacturing test results of your probe at the time of shipment and is included with every probe1each 1each 1eachStandard with probeDC Probe Calibration Fixture1each 067-1821-xx DC Probe Calibration Fixture1each 1each 067-1967-xx 50ΩCoax Cable –Male BNC to Male BNC1each 1each 1each 012-0208-xx 50ΩCoax Cable –Male SMA to Male SMA1each 1each 1each174-1120-xx Solder Tip Ramps (25each)1each (P7520A only)020-3118-xx P7520A/P7516/P7513A/P7508Accessory Box (See contents listing below 1through 7)1)TriMode Long-reach Solder Tip2each 2eachP75TLRST 2)G3PO Bullet Kit (includes 4bullets)1each 013-0359-xx 3)G3PO Bullet Removal Tool1each 003-1896-xx 4)Solder Kit:Solder Spool,Wire Spool1each 1each 020-2754-xx 5)Tape,Adhesive (Strip,10each)1each 1each 006-8237-xx 6)Marker Band Set (2each of 5colors)1each 1each 016-0633-xx 7)Socket Cable1each020-2954-xxP7506/P7504Accessory Box (See contents listing below 1through 6)1)Socket Cable1each 020-2954-xx 2)TriMode Micro-coax Tip4each 020-2955-xx 3)TriMode High-temperature Tip2each 020-2958-xx 4)Solder Kit:Solder Spool,Wire Spool 1each 020-2754-xx 5)Tape,Adhesive (Strip,10each)1each 006-8237-xx 6)Marker Band Set (2each of 5colors)1each016-0633-xx*1P7520A documentation is a printed instruction manual.7DatasheetContact Tektronix:ASEAN /Australasia (65)63563900Austria 0080022554835*Balkans,Israel,South Africa and other ISE Countries +41526753777Belgium 0080022554835*Brazil +55(11)37597627Canada 180********Central East Europe and the Baltics +41526753777Central Europe &Greece +41526753777Denmark +4580881401Finland +41526753777France 0080022554835*Germany 0080022554835*Hong Kong 4008205835India 0008006501835Italy 0080022554835*Japan 81(3)67143010Luxembourg +41526753777Mexico,Central/South America &Caribbean 52(55)56045090Middle East,Asia,and North Africa +41526753777The Netherlands 0080022554835*Norway 80016098People’s Republic of China 4008205835Poland +41526753777Portugal 800812370Republic of Korea 00180082552835Russia &CIS +7(495)7484900South Africa +41526753777Spain 0080022554835*Sweden 0080022554835*Switzerland 0080022554835*Taiwan 886(2)27229622United Kingdom &Ireland 0080022554835*USA 180*********European toll-free number.If not accessible,call:+41526753777Updated 10February 2011For Further Information.Tektronix maintains a comprehensive,constantly expanding collection of application notes,technical briefs and other resources to help engineers working on the cutting edge of technology.Please visit Copyright ©Tektronix,Inc.All rights reserved.Tektronix products are covered by U.S.and foreign patents,issued and rmation in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material.Speci fication and price change privileges reserved.TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix,Inc.All other trade names referenced are the service marks,trademarks,or registered trademarks of their respective companies.17Aug 201251W-20271-13Optional Tip AccessoriesDescriptionPart NumberTriMode Performance Solder TipP75PST P7500Series Precision Differential Probing ModuleP7500Precision Differential Probing Module Accessory Kit (See 1through 7below)P75PDPM 1)Tip Cable (1ps matched pair,1each)P75TC 2)Probing Module TipProbe Tips Replacement Kit 1Each (Right and left side)P75PMT 3)Accessory Kit;Ground Spring,Large 4Each 016-1998-xx 4)Accessory Kit;Ground Spring,Small 4Each 016-1999-xx 5)Handle,Adapter (Probing Module)367-0545-xx 6)G3PO Separator Tool 003-1897-xx 7)Ground Spring Tool 003-1900-xx TriMode Resistor Solder Tip020-2936-xx TriMode Extended-resistor Solder Tip 020-2944-xx Resistor Replacement Kit 020-2937-xx Solder Tip Ramps,25Each 020-3118-xx Socket Cable 020-2954-xx Socket Cable,XL020-2960-xx TriMode High-temperature Tip 020-2958-xx TriMode Micro-coax Tip 020-2955-xx Damped Wire Tip020-2959-xx Nexus Interposer DDR Solder Tip 020-3022-xx Deskew Fixture 067-1586-xx Probe PositionerPPM100Precision,3Position,Probe Positioner PPM203B 8200Series TekConnect ®Probe Interface 80A03(FW Version ≥2.3)RTSA Series TekConnect ®Probe InterfaceRTPA2A(FW Version ≥2.3)Tektronix is registered to ISO 9001and ISO 14001by SRI Quality SystemRegistrar.Product(s)complies with IEEE Standard 488.1-1987,RS-232-C,and with Tektronix Standard Codes and Formats.。

Sartorius 萨托利斯 Sartocheck 5 Plus 滤器完整性测试仪 产品手册说明书

Sartorius 萨托利斯 Sartocheck 5 Plus 滤器完整性测试仪 产品手册说明书

Product InformationThe Sartocheck® 5 Plus represents the ideal intersection point of today’s most relevant industry requirements for filter integrity testing within demanding GMP environments. A combination of a unique approach to Quality Risk Management (QRM) as well as optimal data integrity, intuitive usability, and minimized risk factors for Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) set a new standard for filter integrity test devices.Sartocheck® 5 Plus Filter TesterKeeps Your Risk Factors Under Complete ControlNew Software Release Q1 2023 - Version 2.2.1Data Integrity-Custom Linux-based OS with SSB custom architecture-Audit trail with time zone-synchronized (NTP) events-Write-protected and constantly monitored root file system-Encrypted double data backup | redundant data storage-4 eyes principle | electronic signatures-Comprehensive and flexible role management-Locking out user after X number of unsuccessfullogin attempts-Serial number of the device in every audit trail entry-Easy to read audit trail on the screen-Harmonized time representations-A major update of the root file system of the SC5 inthe Q2 2022 release will further strengthen the datasecurity aspects of the software-Mandatory “Why” comment when modifying programparameters (Q2 2022)-Blocking of abusive test attempts (Q2 2022)Request the Data Integrity statement for more details.CCS, HSE | OSH-Splash-proof (IP64)-Ex-proof (ATEX IECEx & FM certified)-Safe testing and re-testing of alcohol-wetted filters-Continuous and clear visualization of pressure status-Resistant to all current cleaning agents-H2O2-vapor-resistant (VHP)-PFA tubings (FDA 21 CFR 177 and USP Class VIcompliant)-Optional kit for automated cleaning of the pneumaticswith up to 0.5 M NaOH at 50 °C, available in Q3 2022(requires at least software version 2.0.0). See theC ontamination Control Strategy documentationfor additional information-Optional accessory kit for backflow protection(26787---AK---EV)Quality Risk Management-Automatic detection of incorrect test setups-Program-specific min. and max. values for volumedetermination-Program-specific min. diffusion | intrusion values-Program-specific min. flow at pressure end duringa bubble point test-Automatic detection of abnormal test conditions-Detection of abnormal pressure increase-Detection of environmental temperature outsideprerequisite conditions and temperature changes(roadmap – requires sensor)-Detection of unstable test values(roadmap – pat. pending)-Self-test at booting and before each test-Comprehensive Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA),including instructions for setting program-specificQRM values to avoid false passed and false failedtest results-Calculation tool for the impact of unlikely calibrationoffsetsUsability-Intuitive iF-design-rewarded Human Machine Interface(HMI)-12.1" bright touchscreen with a ± 88° viewing angle-Large digital keypad - no need for a pen –compatible with glove use-10 system languages-LDAP: log on with network user credentials-Automatic test time for faster testing-Data transfer-Automation by OPC UA or Modbus TCP-Additional keyboards (Korean and Cyrillic)-LDAP group-based role management-Filtering of displayed audit trail events-Audit trail export in a digitally signed write-protected PDF-Remote administration via OPC UA-Memory management (21CFR Part 11)-Printing via printer server-DNS name support-Scheduled export of the audit trail in PDF format-Improved program parameters for large crossflow system(TFF) systemsSurpass the Requirements of QRMThe regulatory focus on QRM (cf. ICHQ9 and the newAnnex 1 written by EMA in cooperation with the US-FDA,WHO, and PICs) also applies to filter integrity testing,as a fundamental element of sterility assurance.The Sartocheck® 5 Plus Filter Tester uses program-specificparameters allowing the automatic identification oftesting anomalies before or during the test. This preventstime-consuming, costly variations, potential drug recalls,and 483 warning letters.Experience the Comfort of Intuitive UsabilityAn optimal user experience speeds up process workflowsdue to intuitive guidance and ease of use. The high-qualitytouchscreen of the Sartocheck® 5 Plus Filter Testerprovides a unique viewing angle, an intuitive user interface,a logical menu structure, and simple data entry options.This allows straightforward programming of tests andQRM enhancement features, as well as error-free operationin GMP production environments.Reach the Ultimate Level of Data IntegrityFilter integrity test values are part of the batch protocoland are used to justify the drug release. Long-term reliabledata is crucial to avoid quality deviations and potential 483warning letters.The integrity and security of filter integrity test data mustnot be seen only as an IT problem, but also as a potentialglobal business risk. Low standards of data integrity andsecurity may not only jeopardize the activities of the drugmanufacturing company, but more critically, endanger thehealth of patients.Discover the Simplicity of HSEIntegrity testing often involves the use of chemicals andhazardous materials, e.g., alcohol. The Sartocheck® 5 Plusis certified for use in explosion-hazardous areas (ATEX)and is compatible with all current cleaning agentsand VHP. This ensures maximum safety for operatorsand manufacturing facilities.Pneumatics Max. inlet pressure 8,000 mbar | 116 psiOverpressure protection Max. inlet pressure + 4,000 mbar Min. inlet pressure 4,000 mbar | 58 psiInternal reference volume1,023 mL conforming to Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU max. Pressure = 12 bar pressurecertificateMeasuring Accuracies Measured pressure± 0.1% full scale(± 7.2 mbar | ± 0.104 psi)Measured pressure drop0.2% of the measured value before rounding Volume determination± 4%Diffusion ± 5% or 0.05 mL/min, whichever is higher Intrusion ± 5% or 0.05 mL/min, whichever is higherstarting pressure to one pressure step above the min. bubble pointDimensions, Weight, and Noise Dimensions (W × D × H)348 × 379 × 286 mm Weight16.8 kg Weight of the packaging 2.2 kg Cargo | gross weight 20.6 kg Cargo volume 95,304 cm 3Cargo dimensions 570 × 440 × 380 mmMax. noise at 1 m during depressurization with venting tubings68 dB(A) at 6,600 mbar (95.7 psi)51 dB(A) at 3,000 mbar (47.9 psi)Manufacturing SiteDesigned, developed, and manufactured in Germany Otto-Brenner Strasse 20Goettingen, GermanyEnd-user TrainingThe Sartocheck® comes with end-user training.Technical DataTest Methods DiffusionBubble point (detection by over proportionality)Combined diffusion and bubble point Water intrusion test Pressure drop | leak testMeasuring Ranges Diffusion andintrusion test pressure 50.0 – 6,600.0 mbar | 0.725 – 95.725 psi Programmable max. diffusion flow 0.011 – 4,800.000 mL/min.Programmable max. intrusion water flow0.006 mL/min. – 60.000 mL/min.Max measurable | displayable diffusion flow24,000.00 mL/min. (5 times the max. programmable value)Max. measurable | displayable intrusion water flow 300.00 mL/min. (5 times the max.programmable value)Programmable min.bubble point250.0 – 6,550.0 mbar | 3.626 – 95.000 psiProgrammable pressure drop (not higher than the test pressure)0.5 – 6,600.0 mbar | 0.007 – 95.725psiSample net volume with volume measurement-with int. reference vessel-with ext. reference vessel 14 L 150 L Max. sample net volume for pressure drop test1,000 LPower Supply Power requirements 100 – 240 V AC at 50 | 60 Hz Max. power input 74 W Average power usage 66 W Power consumption in standby mode14.8 WA country-specific cable is delivered with each device.Internal batteryThe Sartocheck® 5 is equipped with an internal battery. This battery (CR2032) contains less than 0.3 g lithium.Materials of Construction and RoughnessAll materials used for the external surfaces and the fluid paths are animal free.External Surfaces-Ra 1.6 μm or better -Stainless steel 304L-Heat strengthened glass (see “Screen and Protective Glass”) -Plastic polymer (Edistir® polystyrene PBBE free) painted with chemical resistant Alexit finishing coat B412-Aluminum painted with chemical resistant Alexit finishing coat B412 -Rubber feet: Taber H-18 abrasion resistant (ASTM-501C)Pneumatic Fluid Path of the Sartocheck® 5 Plus-Ra 1.6 μm or better-Aluminum (inlet valve block, no potential product contact) -Stainless steel 304L (process valve block) -Stainless steel 316L (connectors)-EPDM (connector gaskets), FDA 21 CFR 177 and USP Class VI (A) -PFA tubings, FDA 21 CFR 177 and USP Class VI (A)-PTFE (valve block membrane FDA 21 CFR 177 and USP Class VI (A)Pneumatic Fluid Path of the Accessory Kit for External Venting -Ra 1.6 μm or better-Stainless steel 304L (valves)-Stainless steel 316L (connectors)-EPDM (connector gaskets) FDA 21 CFR 177 and USP Class VI (A)External Tubings (Inlet and Test Tubing)-PFA tubings, FDA 21 CFR 177 and USP Class VI (A) -Stainless steel 316L (connectors)-EPDM (connector gaskets) FDA 21 CFR 177 and USP Class VI (A) -Sintered Polyethylene (inlet filter) -Polypropylene (inlet filter housing)-Stainless steel 316L Parker nippleScreen and Protective Glass Size12.1" (Format 16:10;262.6 × 164.7 mm | 10.34 × 6.48 inch)Type TFT LED-Backlit color Resolution 1,280 × 800 pixels Luminosity400 CD/m 2Viewing angle vertical and horizontal ± 88° (total 176°)Shock resistance Thermally toughened glassDIN EN 12150-1; IEC 60068-2-75AntiglareLS Touch Gloss 85 ± 10 | 60° on front sideConnectors and PortsAll connectors on the device are specifically defined in order to avoid mix up between different connections. E.g., the test tubing can only be connected to the outlet of the device.Pneumatic Connectors Inlet tubing towards pressurized lineParker nipple (Parker reference 26SFAW13MXN)Inlet tubing towards device Staubli RBE03 female Test tubing towards sample to be testedStaubli RBE03 femalePneumatic TubingsAll pneumatic tubings have been leak-tested at the end of manufacturing.Use only original test tubings of original length with original connectors to avoid any mix-up.Communication Ports-Industrial automation for OPC UA and Modbus TCP -Ethernet RJ45 for networking and data transfer-USB (4 ports) for software upgrades, barcode reader, and USB printerOperating Conditions Environmental temperature and humidity according to IEC 61010-10 °C to 40 °C (32 – 104 °F)From 0 °C to 31 °C 80% RH From 31 °C to 40 °C linearly decreasing to 50% RHAltitude100 m below sea level to 3000 m above sea levelIngress protection rating of the device as per EN 60529 |IEC 60529IP64 under normal conditions IP4X for use in potentially explosive atmospheres Ingress protection of the Accessory Kit for External Venting as per EN 60529 |IEC 60529IP65Explosion-prone areas (device only)Zone 2, Groupe II-B (IECEx, ATEX) |Class 1 Zone 2 Group II-B (USA)Explosion-prone areas (Accessory Kit for Venting)Zone 1 Group II-B (IECEx, ATEX) |Class 1, Div. 1, Zone 1 Group II-B (USA)Connectors on the backside1 Earth5 4 × USB (e.g. printer) 2 Future environmental,6 Future extender box temperature sensor7 RJ453 External pressure sensor 8 Industrial automation4 External valves9 PowerBack cover closed1 Device cleaning 5 Ext. reference tank2 Outlet | test tubing 6 Inlet pressure, max. 8 barg,3 Sample vent 7 External valves pressure supply4 Device ventFixation of cables1234567891234567Operating System and Memory-Custom Linux Distribution made by Sartorius -Flash memory 4 GB -RAM 2 GB-Internal inaccessible SD card 8 GB-CPU MSC NanoRISC i.MX6 D 800 MHzMemory CapacityThe memory can hold approximately 21,900 test results.At a rate of 10 tests per day, 365 days per year, the memory will be full after approximately 6 years.Test Result Calculation, Evaluation, and RoundingThe test evaluation is done before the rounding, meaning that, e.g., a measured diffusion value with 16 decimals of 4.4000000000000001 mL/min. will give a failed test if the max.diffusion value is set to 4.400 mL/min. The test result rounding is done according to the tie-breaking rule called “round half to even”. This is the default rounding mode used in IEEE 754 computing functions and operators.Storage and Transportation ConditionsFrom -10 °C to +60 °C (14 – 140 °F) at 90% RH noncondensing humidity.The original cardboard box is single-use shipping only.For subsequent shipping, please use the solid transportation box 26787---ST (see accessories).Language Options -English -German -French -Spanish -Italian-Mandarin (simplified) -Portuguese (Brazilian) -Japanese -Korean-RussianCleaning and Chemical Compatibility of External Surfaces (Based on Alexit Lacquer Compatibility)Do not use any abrasive cloth.Only smooth cloths or towels are allowed.-Spor-Klenz® Ready-To-Use Cold Sterilant -3% Hydrogen Peroxide WFI Sterile Solution -Septihol® Sterile Alcohol Solution 70% IPA -Water for injection-Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 10% -Hydrochloric acid (HCL) 20% -Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 20% -Acetic acid 10% -Ammoniac 10%-Quaternary ammonium compounds 0.2%-Cleansinald (Quaternary ammoniums blended with alkyl amines) -Bacterianos (Glutaraldehyde 0.5 mg/g and didecyldimethyl-ammonium chloride 1.2 mg/g; pH 3 – 5, contact time > 15 min.) -Aniospray (Ethanol 226 mg/g, Chlorure de didécyldiméthyl-ammonium 0.53 mg/g, chlorhydrate de polyhexaméthylène biguanide 0.64 mg/g contact time > 15 min.) -Amphospray (Ethanol 327.4 mg/g,N-(3-aminopropyl)-Ndodé-cylpropane- 1,3-diamine 0.33 mg/g), chlorure de didécyldiméthylammonium 1.09 mg/g),chlorhydrate de polyhexaméthylène biguanide 0.96 mg/g) -Formaldehyde 37%-Sodium hypochlorite 6%-Ethanol (60%, 70%, and pure) -Acetone (pure)-Ethyl acetate (pure) -Minncare Cold Sterilant-Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) at 1400 ppmCleaning of Internal PneumaticsUse only the original Accessory Kit for Cleaning (available Q3 2022)Warning!Inflammable or explosion-prone liquids must not be used for internal cleaning because the Accessory Kit for Cleaning is not compliant to hazardous areas or liquids.Use the following cleaning agents:-Sodium hydroxide up to 0.5 M at 25 °C (77 °F) -Citric acid 10% at 25 °C (77°F)-Sodium hypochlorite 10% at 25 °C (77 °F)-3% Hydrogen Peroxide at 25 °C (77 °F)Sartocheck® 5 and 5 Plus Filter Tester ComparisonFeatureSartocheck® 5Sartocheck® 5 Plus QRM-related program parameters No Yes Automation (OPC UA and Modbus TCP)No Yes Data integrityIdentical Identical HSE – ATEX | IECEx | FM Identical Identical Usability Identical Identical Accuracy Identical Identical CleanabilityIdenticalIdenticalAccessory kits(External Venting Kit and Cleaning Kit)Compatible(cleaning kit available in Q3 2022)Compatible(cleaning kit available in Q3 2022)Included software upgradesSelected upgrades are included until the software release mid of 2024Yes – A ll upgrades until the software release mid of 2024Ordering InformationSartocheck® Filter TesterDescription Article No. Sartocheck® 5 Filter Tester26787---FTEquipment included in 26787---FT Sartocheck® 5 Filter TesterInlet tubing for compressed gas 2m (26787---IT) Test tubing 2 m (26787---TT---02)Test certificateCalibration certificateInstallation and operating instructionsPower cord (region-specific)Screw driver (T20 × 100) for fixation of cables Networking cable (RJ45)Printer cable (USB)Accessories and Spare PartsDescription Article No.USB printer (without paper)YDP30Archivable paper 90 m and ink ribbon69Y03285Archivable self-adhesive paper 90 m and inkribbon69Y03286Thermal paper 5 rolls of 24 m69Y03287Self-adhesive thermal paper 5 rollsof 13 m69Y03288Inlet tubing for compressed gas 2 m26787---ITTest tubing 2 m26787---TT---02Test tubing 5 m26787---TT---05Test tubing 15 m26787---TT---15Test tubing for external venting26787---TT-AKEVComplete tubing-cable wrap for AKEV 2 m26787---02-AKEVComplete tubing-cable wrap for AKEV 5 m26787---05-AKEVAccessory Kit for External Venting26787---AK---EV(max. 10 accessorykits per device due tocalibration data)Tubing for “device vent”26787---VT---DETubing for “sample vent”26787---VT---SAAccessory kit for cleaning of the pneumatics*Germany (German manual)UK, India & US | Canada (English manual)France (French manual)Italy (Italian manual)Spain & Argentina (Spanish manual)Portugal & Brazil (Portuguese manual)China (Chinese manual)Japan (Japanese manual)Korea (Korean manual)Russia (Russian manual)Switzerland, Belgium & Canada(English, German, French & Italian manuals)South Africa , Australia | New Zealand,Israel and Denmark (English manual)26787---AKDE-CL26787---AKEN-CL26787---AKFR-CL26787---AKIT-CL26787---AKES-CL26787---AKPT-CL26787---AKCN-CL26787---AKJP-CL26787---AKKR-CL26787---AKRU-CL26787---AKVA-CL26787---AKVB-CL* For more details, please refer to the Contamination Control Strategy (CCS) datasheet.Description Article No.10 L pressure vessel including safety valveand manometer, certified for EU26787---AKPV-EUAdditional waste vessel for the accessory kitfor cleaning26787---AKWV-CLBarcode Scanner (None ATEX)26787---BSExternal reference volume26787---ERAdditional tubing for the externalreference volume26787---TE—RVSolid transportation box for theSartocheck® 5 | 5 Plus26787---STMidisart® Test Manifold for parallelbubble point1Z-LB-0002Triclamp 25 mm – Staubli nipple RBE03 open7ZML--0009Triclamp 25 mm – Staubli nipple RBE03closed7ZML--0015RBE03 openServicesDescription Article No.Validation package forSartocheck® 5 | 5 Plus26787---V3---FTSartocheck® 5 | 5 Plus installation S872QINSTSartocheck® 5 | 5 Plus installation pack(incl. travel exp.)S872QINSTPValve Kit installation S873IINSTValve Kit installation pack (incl. travel exp.)S873IINSTPSartocheck® 5 | 5 Plus IQ | OQ S872QIQOQSartocheck® 5 | 5 Plus IQ | OQservice pack (incl. travel exp.)S872QIQOQPValve Kit IQ | OQ S873IIQOQValve Kit IQ | OQ service pack (incl. travel exp.)S873IIQOQPService level agreement Advanced S872QSLAAService level agreement Comprehensive S872QSLACService level agreement Essential S872QSLAE Sartocheck® Plus Filter TesterDescription Article No.Sartocheck® 5 Plus Filter Tester26787---FT---PEquipment included in 26787---FT---PSartocheck® 5 Plus Filter TesterInlet tubing for compressed gas 2 m (26787---IT)Test tubing 2 m (26787---TT---02)Test certificateCalibration certificateInstallation and operating instructionsRisk assessment for integrity testing | FMEA (PDF)Power cord (region-specific)Screw driver (T20 × 100) for fixation of cablesNetworking cable (RJ45)Printer cable (USB)GermanySartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH August-Spindler-Strasse 11 37079 GoettingenPhone +49 551 308 0USASartorius Stedim North America Inc. 565 Johnson Avenue Bohemia, NY 11716Toll-Free +1 800 368 7178F or further contacts, visitSpecifications subject to change without notice.©2023 Copyright Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH, August-Spindler-Strasse 11, 37079 Goettingen, Germany Publication No. SPI2020-e。

T350 G7产品介绍-V1.0

T350 G7产品介绍-V1.0

保留数据分区的安装方式 • 竞争对手的同类软件,都只支持对整个硬盘重新分区,这将导致用户原 有数据的丢失。所以这类软件只能用于服务器的第一次部署。导航提供 了保留数据分区的安装方式,只在原有系统分区上安装操作系统,其他 数据分区将保留。因此,使导航软件的使用范围扩大到了服务器维护阶 段,操作系统重新安装的场景。
China Server Business GCR | Lenovo Confidential | © 2008 Lenovo Page 10
TR350 G7产品特性--易管理性
服务器分组管理 服务器分机柜图形化监控 服务器监视 • --资产信息、CPU 内存利用率等 • --温度、风扇、电压健康信息 • --网络性能、进程监视 • --批量监视 服务器控制 • --告警阈值设置 • --远程操作系统控制 • --远程电源控制 • --BMC IP修改 • --批量控制 用户、日志、事件管理 告警:邮件、短信、SNMP Trap 启动/关闭USB存储设备
China Server Business GCR | Lenovo Confidential | © 2008 Lenovo Page 12
TR350 G7产品规格
操作系统 Windows Server 2003 R2简体中文/英文标准版(32位/64位) Windows Server 2003 R2简体中文/英文企业版(32位/64位) Windows Server 2008 R2简体中文/英文标准版(32位/64位) Windows Server 2008 R2简体中文/英文企业版(32位/64位) RedHat Linux Enterprise AS5.0 Update3 (32位/64位) Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 (32位/64位)



6.了解快速晶闸管、可逆晶闸管和双向晶闸 管及其图形符号.
§7-1 晶闸管
A阳极 P N P G门极 N G
(1)晶闸管具有单向导电特性 (2)晶闸管的导通是通过门极控制的 晶闸管导通的条件: (1)阳极与阴极间加正向电压 (2)门极与阴极间加正向电压,这个电压称为触发电压. (以上两个条件,必须同时满足,晶闸管才能导通) 导通后的晶闸管关断的条件: (1)降低阳极与阴极间的电压,使通过晶闸管的电流小于维持电流IH (2)阳极与阴极间的电压减小为零 (3)将阳极与阴极间加反向电压 (只要具备其中一个条件就可使导通的晶闸管关断)
α =60° 时,工作 波形
θ =120° 0°<α ≤60° 输出波形连续
ug 0
α =90° 时,工作 波形 θ =90°
60°<α <180° θ <120° 输出波形不连续
1.了解单相可控整流电路电感性负载和反电 动势负载情况下对输出信号的影响. 2.了解单相可控整流电路带大电感负载时的 失控现象及消除方法.

SA T3 U8 G7 ppt

SA T3 U8 G7 ppt

lion and dragon dances.
Santa Claus
A:When is Christmas? B:It’s on December 25th.
present Christmas tree
A:How do we celebrate Christmas?
B:People in many countries celebrate Christmas and give each other presents.
A: What day is it? B: It’s Lantern Festival. A: When is the Lantern Festival? B: It’s on lunar Januaryebrate the Lantern Festival? B: On this day, people eat sweet dumplings for good luck, watch lantern shows and guess riddles. 赏花灯 猜灯谜
Easter (a Sunday in March 22nd or April 25th) Many people believe Christ came back to life ___
Section A
Enjoy the picture and answer
What day is it?
Lantern Festival
Which festivals can you name in English?
Lantern Spring Festival Festival Christmas Easter Thanksgiving
A:When is Thanksgiving? B:It’s on the 4th Thursday in November. A:How do we celebrate Thanksgiving? B:Families in the USA get together for a big dinner. Many people eat turkey and pumpkin pie.

FUJITSU Software Interstage XWand V13 产品说明书

FUJITSU Software Interstage XWand V13 产品说明书

Datasheet FUJITSU Software Interstage XWandDatasheetFUJITSU SoftwareInterstage XWand V13Interstage XWand is a complete solution for creating, validating, reading and enriching XBRL.Interstage XWand V13Interstage XWand V13 marks the first commercial implementation of the Table Linkbase specification, which has been adopted in new taxonomies provided by EBA and EIOPA. Interstage XWand V13 also includes the improved, high-performance Formula processor to handle large instance documents. This release provides application developers with more power and flexibility while providing the tools users greater usability and agility in working with XBRL.About Interstage XWandInterstage XWand is a complete solution that allows you to create, review, modify, validate and convert XBRL taxonomies and instances. Interstage XWand is for everyone –users wanting to start quickly working with XBRL through the packaged tools as well as application developers wanting to create XBRL based solutions through a rich API. Interstage XWand allows users to create business rules and multiple views of their XBRL documents and automatically manage changes. Interstage XWand facilitates organizations to make XBRL in integral part of their reporting process through:∙Support for the complete XBRL specification ∙Creating and viewing of Inline XBRL (including native support of upcoming ESMA filing requirements)∙Tagging of MS Excel and MS Word documents∙EDGAR Filer Manual, Global Filer Manual and ESMA Filer Manual validation∙High-performance Formula engine ∙Table Linkbase support∙business user-friendly XBRL reportcreation for all Table Linkbase-basedtaxonomies like those of EBA/EIOPA by GUItools and via auto-generated Excel forms –perfect alternative for T4U users.PRODUCT FEATURESGuranteeing XBRL ComplianceInterstage XWand V13 builds on thecapabilities of previous versions to extendits enviable reputation in complying with thelatest XBRL specification requirements.Interstage XWand V13 supports the TableLinkbase specification and provides data modelAPI that represents the rendered tablesaccording to the definition of Table Linkbase.Table Linkbase specification is built on theexisting XBRL specifications such asDimensions and Formula, which Interstage XWandcompletely supports from earlier versions;making our Table Linkbase implementation veryreliable.Adherence to Complex RulesInterstage XWand V13 provides high-performance Formula processor, which canprocess large instance documents. This allowsusers to define their own business rules tovalidate documents irrespective of complexityand size; ensuring complete adherence to theneeds of the regulators and the business.Interstage XWand V13 supports automatedvalidation based on the Global Filing Manual,which defines the common rules filers mustpass before submitting their reports.Interstage XWand V13 supports the latest EDGARFiler Manual rules, so companies can ensuretheir documents comply with the SEC'srequirements completely.Integration with Business SystemsThe powerful and robust XBRL processor and APIof Interstage XWand V13 are available for .NETand Java platforms; allowing organizations tofully integrate XBRL into their existingbusiness systems. It also allows softwarevendors to build fully compliant XBRLapplications.Cloud PlatformInterstage XWand ToolkitUsers can select from a complete range of XBRL tools which best suit their requirements. Windows 10, Windows 10 x64 – Pro or EnterpriseWindows 8.1 , Windows 8.1 x64 – Pro or EnterpriseWindows 7, Windows 7 x64 – Enterprise, Ultimate or ProfessionalInterstage XWand Application DeveloperAn Application Programming Interface (API) which allows organizations and solution providers to XBRL-enable applications in Java or .NET environments. Windows 10, Windows 10 x64 – Pro or EnterpriseWindows 8.1 , Windows 8.1 x64 – Pro or EnterpriseWindows 7, Windows 7 x64 – Enterprise, Ultimate or ProfessionalInterstage XWand RuntimeEnables applications developed using Interstage XWand Application Developer to be deployed to multi-user environments. Windows Server 2016 - Standard or Datacenter Edition Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform Windows Server 2012 R2 – Standard or Datacenter EditionOracle Solaris 11, 10Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 6, 5Datasheet FUJITSU Software Interstage XWandNEW IN XWAND V13XBRL REVIEW⏹ Easy XBRL report creation for Table Linkbase-based taxonomies like those ofEBA/EIOPA by GUI tools and Auto-generated Excel forms⏹ Taxonomy creation including Formula and Table Linkbase by integrated GUI tools ⏹ Performance improvement of the Formula processing for large instance documents ⏹ API for rendered table based on Table Linkbase definition ⏹ Support for the Global Filing Manual validationXBRL CREATION⏹ Best environment to reliably and completely create XBRL taxonomies and theirextensions including Dimensios, Formula, and Table Linkbase⏹ Enhanced support to create XBRL and Inline XBRL instances in full compliancewith the guidelines of the respective regulators⏹ Strong integration with the latest Microsoft Word and Microsoft Exceldocuments expedites and automates the largely repeatable creation of reports⏹ Customizable user interface gives users total control over the look & feel ofthe tools⏹ Powerful search, multiple views and customizablereports provide full XBRLaccess for the accountant, the financial report expert as well as the uninitiatedXBRL VALIDATION⏹ Check the form as well as content of the XBRL documents incorporating theXBRL 2.1, Dimensions and Inline XBRL specifications⏹ Use Formula for defining custom, business specific rules for validatinginstances⏹ Support for validating large instance documents⏹ Regulator specific validations including the EDGAR Filing Manual from the SEC(US)and the Inline XBRL Guidelines from the HMRC (UK)⏹ Support for compliance with best practices through the incorporation of FRTAand FRIS rules as well as the Global Filing Manual validation⏹ Additional support for creating custom validations through Fujitsu's own Querylanguage⏹ Support viewing of documents based on the schema order or one of the linkbases in a well-structured tabular format⏹ Allow users to review inline XBRL documents along with the detail information of taxonomies ⏹ Support for the SEC Previewer provides access to the regulator (SEC)- specified viewingguidelines⏹ Allow users to define and customize reporting views for transforming the XBRL documentsinto HTML and/or Excel spreadsheets⏹ Allow users to define their own custom filters and views of the documents using Fujitsu'spowerful Query interface⏹ Facilitate collaboration between users through the support of user comments to eachcomponent of XBRL dataUSER BENEFITS⏹ Novice and power users alike can create, extend and validate taxonomies and financialreports with a minimum of time and effort⏹ Users can easily create XBRL reports for EBA, EIOPA, or Table Linkbase-based taxonomiesby user friendly GUI tool supporting Excel import/export.⏹ Users can easily build a system or an application based on the Table Linkbase using APIthat represents rendered tables⏹ Business rules created with Formula ensure that reporting organizations can fully validatetheir documents, even if they are very large, before filing with full transparency and visibility into the rules⏹ Users can continue to create financial reports in a format (Microsoft Word and MicrosoftExcel) that they are familiar with and then automatically generate XBRL documents from these documents⏹ Organizations submitting filings can validate their filings against all the automatableSEC rules, the Inline XBRL guidelines for submissions to the HMRC, and the Global Filing Manual⏹ Users can automatically migrate their instances from previous filings and previoustaxonomies to the new regulatory taxonomies and extensions alike by utilizing VersioningIn addition to Interstage XWand, Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships.Dynamic InfrastructuresWith the Fujitsu Dynamic Infrastructures approach, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT products, solutions and services, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions, Managed Infrastructure and Infrastructure-as-a-Service.Software/software/⏹ Interstage: Application infrastructure softwareComputing products/global/services/computing/⏹ PRIMERGY: Industrial standard server ⏹ SPARC Enterprise: UNIX server⏹ PRIMEQUEST: Mission-critical IA server ⏹ ETERNUS: Storage systemLearn more about Interstage XWand, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website. /interstage/Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is our worldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues of environmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at: /global/about/environment/ContactCenter of Excellence for EMEA Region FQS Poland Ltd. (FUJITSU Group) Address: Parkowa 11 Street 30-538 Krakow, PolandEmail:***********Tel. (+48 12) 429 43 45Website:© Copyright 2017 FUJITSU Limited. Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, Interstage, and XWand are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries.XBRL is a trademark or service mark of XBRL International, Inc., registered in the United States and in other countries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Technical data is subject to modification and delivery is subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.。


over the world. It’s so…
Make a reasonable(合理的) travel plan for them
Time The first day The second day The third day
Place to go
I have a dream One day Let the birds fly high! I have a dream one day Let more people know Taizhou! Let the world know China!
are going to visit the in the morning. And we_W__ax__w_o_r_k_M__u_se_u_m_______
And__t_h_e_N__at_i_o_n_a_l Gallery
in the afternoon.
We’re going to have a _f_a_r_e_w_e_ll_party at 9:00 a.m.
good time in Beijing? Linda: Yes, I went to many places , like … Li Hui: What do you think of Beijing? Linda: It’s… The people are… The food is… The



合伙谋利坑国家 三人受贿害自己
第一编 权钱交易违法纪
1955年初,某市审计局对该市农业利用外资办公室(简称外资办)WPF3893项目年度执行情 况进行审计。在审计过程中,审计组成员高某听说,外资办有部分资金闲置,正欲寻找投资项 目。
这时,他心里活动开了,回头便找到审计局办公室副主任邵某上衣,因为邵某的一个亲戚 在省城办了一家私营企业,某实业总公司。二人一拍即合,庆幸这真是天赐的发财机会,他们 找到该私营企业老板刘某,提出介绍他向市外资办借款。与此同时,高某就他俩商量的情况向 分管此项审计的副局长李某做了汇报。他们兴奋的是,李副局长还是市农业利用外资领导小组 成员之一,说话更有分量,李某表示可以向外资办提出建议。
经高某、邵某的牵线搭桥和极力促成,很快,外资办与刘某等人进行了洽谈,并前往该私 营公司考察。之后,外资办先后与1995年4月26日,1996年4月25日,1997年1月22日三次借款 1300万元给该公司。
第一编 权钱交易违法纪
1955年5月,该私营公司收到第一期借款800万元后,其负责人刘某电话告知邵、高二人到 省城拿钱。邵、高二人向李某汇报,李表示同意,邵、高二人遂赶往省城拿钱,从该私营公司 副经理郑某处拿到了现金8万元。回来后,三人在李副局长的办公室里分赃,其中李分得3万元, 高、邵二人各分得2.家机关工作人员。利用职位、地位形成的便 利条件,为他人谋取不正当利益,从中收受财物,其行为均构成受贿罪。一审法院鉴于上诉人 如数退清全部赃款,对其量刑已属从轻。依据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第189条第1款之 规定,驳回上诉,维持原判。
第一编 权钱交易违法纪
依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第388条、第386条、第383条第1和第2款、第25条第1款、第 26条第1和第4款、第27条,第68条第1款的规定,作出如下判决: 认定高某犯受贿罪,判处有期徒刑15年,并处没收个人财产人民币2万元;
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

( B ) 10. _____ comes after Friday .
A. Monday B. Saturday
C. Thursday
Fill in the blank :
from ________ to We go to school _______ Monday _____ Friday _________. 2、他们在开班会。 having a class meeting They are ________ _________ _________ __________. 3、你喜欢画画吗? drawing pictures Do you like ___________ _____________? 4、你们每周上几节美术课?
He is having a math class.
Work alone
Activity Singing and dancing Drawing pictures
Fill out the table according to 2a
Subject music Day Wednesday
art math
Choose the best answer :
( B aving ?
--We are having an English class . A. What B. What class C. What time
( C ) 2. What _____ he often do after class? A. is B. are C. does B. seven thirty o’clock C. Monday
lessons 1. How many __________(lesson) do you have every day?
to have 2. They want __________(have) music in the morning . play 3. Let’s ___________(play) basketball after school. having 4. ________ their teachers _________(have) a meeting in the teachers’ office now ? Are
P.E. Math
Politics Chinese
History Biology
Art Class meeting
Outdoor activities
1.How many lessons does he have every weekday ? He has six lessons every day.
Subject Period 1 Time Day Monday
Wednesday English Math Music Biology Thursday Chinese English Math P.E. Friday English Computer science Math Chinese
Tues. and Fri. Every weekday
Working on math problems Speaking English Learning about the past
Every weekday
Mon. and Thurs.
Make similar conversations with the phrases in the box.
( A ) 7.Betty likes__very much. She draws pictures every day . A. art B. music C. sport D. science
( B ) 8. –What class are you in ?—I’m in _____.
A. Grade 9 A. class B. Class 9 B. class’ C. Group 9 D. No.9 D. lesson ( C ) 9. How many music ____ do you have every week ? C. lessons
2.How many English lessons does he have every week ? He has five English lessons every week.
3.What lessons does he have on Wednesdays? He has English, math, music, biology , politics and Chinese on Wednesdays.
( A ) 5. –When do you finish your classes ?--____ about 5:00.
A. At
B. In
C. On
C. What day is it
( B ) 6. --_____ today ?—It is August 3rd . A. What day B. What’s the date
A:What class are they having? B:They are having a music class.
A: What class are they having? B: They are having a physics class.
( A ) 3. –What time is it ?—It’s ________.
A. seven o’clock ( C ) 4. --______--It’s Thursday . A. What’s the date today ? C. What day is it today ? B. What’s the time ?
A:What class are they having?
B:They are having a geography class.
A: What class are they having?
Helen : Jane: Helen: Jane: Helen: Jane: Helen: Jane: What day is it today? It’s Wednesday. What class are they having? They are having a music class. What time does the class begin? At ten o’clock. What time is it over? At a quarter to eleven.
Tuesday Chinese English Geography Art
8:00—8:45 8:55—9:40
English Chinese
10:00—10:45 History 10:55-11:40 Math
14:30—15:15 Geography 15:25—16:10 Biology
A: They are learning about the past in the class. What class are they having? B: They are having a history class.
learning about the past singing and dancing drawing pictures working on math problems speaking English talking about a map of China working on computers
Topic 3 My school life
is very interesting.
Section A
A: What day is it today? B: It’s …
New words
Wednesday n.星期三 Monday n.星期一 Tuesday n.星期二 Thursday n.星期四 Friday n.星期五 Saturday n. 星期六 Sunday n.星期日 physics n.物理(学) Geography n.地理(学) P. E. n.体育 art n.美术,艺术;技艺 math n. 数学 (maths) science n. 科学 biology n. 生物(学) politics n. 政治 history n. 历史 A: What day is it today? B:It’s … Saturday /
How many art lessons _______ _______ ________ ________ do you have every week? 5、上午的课几点结束? What time over _______ ________ are morning classes __________?
dancing singing 5. They are ________(sing) and _________(dance) in the gym.
1. 新单词和短语。 2. “Wh-”引导的特殊问句。 3. 课程表。
<<WB>>Section A
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B: They are having a P.E. class.