Chinese & Western Holidays - A Debate


Chinese names

Chinese names
中 文 名 字姓xì ng)(Family name)
张(zhāng) 王(wáng) 李(lǐ ) 赵(zhào) 刘(Liú) 安(ān) 马(mǎ) 林(lín) 胡(hú) 周(zhōu) 罗(luó) 艾(ài)
姓(xì ng)(Family name) 黄(huáng) yellow 白(bái) white 蓝(lán) 陆(lù) 杨(yáng) 陈(chãn) 孔(kŏng) Confucius 孔子 龙(long ) dragon 高(gāo) tall 金(jīn) gold
名(given name) 女 生
莎(shā) 星(xīng) 红(hóng) 玉(yù) 玲(líng) 静(jìng)
丽莎(Lisa) star red jade (pure,beauty) sound of jade peacefull
安 罗 罗 罗 马 马 伊 冯 陆 周
浩 (ān hào ) 安 杰 (ān jiã) 奇 (luó qí) 罗 洋 (luó yáng) 力 (luó lì) 罗 贝 (luó bâi) 杰 (luó jiã) 俊 (mǎ jùn) 马小龙(mǎ xiǎo lóng) 华(mǎ huá) 胡 安(hú ān) 文 (yī wãn) 林 文(lín wãn ) 一(fãng yī ) 高 力(gāo lì) 帅(lù shuài ) 陆 奇(lù qí) 杰(zhōu jiã) 周 乐(zhōu lâ)
琪 妮
(ān q í) (ān ní )
范冰冰 Fà n Bīngbing
章子怡 Zhāng Zǐ yí
周杰伦Jay zhōu
王力宏 Leehom Wáng
名(given name) 男 生
杰 (jié ) outstanding 周 杰 伦 龙(lóng) dragon 成 龙(stage name) 勇(yŏng) brave 帅(shuài) handsome 磊(lěi) of heap of stone 鑫(xīn) prosper 华(huá) magnificent 志(zhì) ambition 颖(yǐng) intelligent 林志颖 浩(hào) grande; vast


Part II
Chinese Culture, Education, Science and
P. 17:
儒教、道教、佛教 Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, 四大发明 Four Great Inventions 非竞技体育运动(如太极拳、武术) non-competitive sports (such as tai chi and wushu) 竞技体育运动 competitive sports
非命、非攻 oppose fatalism, oppose aggressive wars 节用(厉行节约)、节葬 uphold thriftiness, uphold simple funerals 韩非子 Han Fei Zi 官僚制度 bureaucracy 两汉经学 the orthodox philosophy during the Han Dynasty 汉武帝 Emperor Wudi (of Han Dynasty) “罢黜百家,独尊儒术” ban all schools of thought except Confucianism 官学 orthodox school 正统哲学 orthodox philosophy
Confucianism is a school of thought represented by Confucius and Mencius.
儒家学说以孔子的学说为核心思想,将孔子的言行奉为 最高行为准则。
Confucianism takes the teachings of Confucius as its core of thought and regards the words and deeds of Confucius as its highest code of behavior.



chinese silk and silk roadSilk is one of China’s major contributions to the world civilization. It was discovered in ancient China and is one of the best materials for clothing - it has a look and feeling of richness that no other materials can match. However, very few people know how, when, and where it was discovered. Actually, it dates back to the 30th Century BC, when Huang Di known as Yellow Emperor came into power.The Silk Road got its name from the ancient Chinese silk trade, and it was built under the Han Dynasty during the 2nd century BC. It was an important path for cultural, commercial and technological exchanges between Europe, Mediterranean countries, ancient India, and China.There are many legends about the discovery of silk; some of them are both romantic and mysterious.This is one of the romantic legends: Once there lived a father with his daughter, who had a magic horse, which could not only fly in the sky but also understand human language. One day, the father went out on business and did not come back for quite some time. The daughter made him a promise: If the horse could find her father, she would marry him. Finally her father came back with the horse, but he was shocked at his daughter's promise.Unwilling to let his daughter marry a horse, he killed the innocent animal. And then miracle happened! The horse's skin carried the girl flying away. They flew and flew, then, they stopped on a tree, and the moment the girl touched the tree, she turned into a silkworm. Every day, she spit long and thin silks.As the traditional legend ( or historical records) says Xi-lung-Shi(西陵⽒嫘祖), the 14-year old bride of the Chinese Yellow emperor, had Mulberry trees in her garden which were getting damaged. She decided to investigate the cause of why the bushes were getting damaged. When she had a close look at the trees, she discovered that some worms were eating up the leaves, and by chance a cocoon fell into her cup of hot tea. When she was removing the cocoon, she noticed thin strands of fiber coming out from the cocoon, which is now known as silk. Because of this new discovery, the skills of raising silkworm and the technology of making silk were developed gradually. In honor of her discovery, the ancient Chinese gave her the title, “Silk Goddess.”The process of raising silkworms and unwinding their cocoons are called silk culture or sericulture. Silkworms need to be fed regularly and be maintained in a controlled environment. It takes an average of 25-28 days for a silkworm to grow old enough to spin cocoon. Then the farmers will pick them up one by one to piles of straws. Then the silkworm will attach itself to the straw and begin to spin. The next step is unwinding the cocoons; first put them in a basin filled with hot water, find the loose end of the cocoon, and then twist them and carry them to a small wheel.When the silk was first discovered in China by Xi-lung-Shi, it was reserved exclusively for the use of the ruler. After a very long period of time, the different classes of society and even the common people were able to wear garments of silk. Eventually, silk came into more general use. For instance, it was used for musical instruments, fishing-lines, and even rag papers. In addition, merchants used silk as a currency in trade with foreign countries, and farmers even paid their taxes in silk. Aside from being used for clothing and currency, silk was quite quickly put to industrial use by the Chinese. Silk, indeed, rapidly became one of the principal elements of the Chinese economy.During the 2nd century BC, Emperor Wu Di of Western Han Dynasty decided to develop trade with other countries. Zhang Qian, the first known Chinese traveler to make contact with the Central Asian tribes, later came up with the idea of expanding the silk trade. Because of this idea, the Silk Road was born, and to build a road became a priority to trade silk. For nearly 60 years of war, the world famous ancient Silk Road was built at the cost of many lives and treasures. It started from Chang'an (now Xi'an), across Middle Asia, South Asia, and Western Asia.Because of the Silk Road, many countries in Asia and Europe were connected. From then on, Chinese silk, along with many other Chinese inventions, were passed on to Europeans. Romans, especially the nobles, were also very fond of Chinese silk. Before that, Romans used to make clothes with animals’ skins, wool fabric, and some other materials. Now they all turned to silk. It is said that during the 1st century AD, a Roman emperor went to a theater wearing silk, which made a great stir in the audience.The trading relationship between the Chinese and the Indians also grew stronger with the increased Han expansion into Central Asia. The Chinese would trade their silk with the Indians for precious stones and metals, such as jade, gold, and silver, and the Indians would trade the silk with the Roman Empire.While the Chinese silk trade played a major role in the Chinese economy, it increased the number of foreign merchants in China under the Han Dynasty. In trading with Rome, the Chinese, for the first time in their history, encountered a civilization they consider as rich as their own.According to the historical records, Buddhism and Islam were the most significant religions that spread into China alongthe Silk Road. Other religions such as Christianity did not have the influences as Buddhism and Islam. Partly, due to the lack of artifacts of Christianity, it is difficult to trace related works of Christianity along the Silk Road.For centuries, silk has beautified people’s lives and promoted friendly exchanges between China and other countries. Nowadays, some countries are trying some new ways to make silk without silkworms. Hopefully, they can be successful. But whatever the result is, nobody should forget that silk was, still is, and will always be a priceless treasure.。

Chinese culture

Chinese culture

中国的劳动人民练习武术以强身健体和自 我保护,武术至今仍大受欢迎。 the working people practice Wushu physical training self-defense be popular

中国的劳动人民练习武术以强身健体和自 我保护,武术至今仍大受欢迎。 The working people in China practice Wushu for physical training and selfdefense and Wushu is still immensely popular today.
现代化的交通、电信与大众传媒手段使世界变得越来 越小,国际社会如同一个地球村,居住在地球村 里的各国人民在文化交流和冲撞中和睦相处、彼 此尊重、共求发展。
• •
Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world. The international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which peoples of all nations inevitably experience cultural exchanges and clashes, while seeking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship.
春节是中国的农历新年,除了常见的海鲜、 家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方 习俗烹制传统菜肴,如饺子和年糕。 The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday. In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and nian’gao, or the year cake according to their regional custom.

中国文化概况A Glimpse of Chinese Culture-Chapter 9

中国文化概况A Glimpse of Chinese Culture-Chapter 9

Zhejiang Cuisine, also known as Zhe Cai, has won a reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, and smoothness in its dishes with mellow fragrance.

The courses Serving order is from cold to hot. Hot entrees (主 菜) should be served starting on the left of the seat across from the main guests. The meal then begins with a set of at least four cold dishes followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup is served next (unless in Guangdong style restaurant) with the local staple food such as rice, noodles and dumplings being served last.
Table Manners

Arrangement of seats At a formal banquet, the host prepares adequate seating for the guests. For a large number of guests, the elderly or people of high status are allocated specific seats. Special guests and the elderly sit on the north side of the table or directly facing the entrance to the room. The concept of “honoured south, humble north” is closely related with traditional Chinese etiquette.





那么,你知道中国的英语怎么写吗?中国的英文释义:ChinaChineseCathayCNthe People's Republic of China中国的英文例句:那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。

That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese.中国人用筷子吃饭。

The Chinese eat with chopsticks.一位德国科学家打断了我,并问我是否来自中国。

A German scientist interrupted me and asked if I came from China.中国和许多国家进行多方面贸易。

China does a lot of trade with many countries.中国是一个有着悠久历史的东方国家。

China is an oriental country with a long history.北京是中国的首都。

Beijing is the capital of China.主张对中国汇率政策采取强硬态度的人承认,全球经济衰退在中国贸易顺差的大幅下降中发挥了一定的作用。

Yuan hawks acknowledge that the global downturn played a role in that slump.中国领导人说过中国永远不做超级大国。

Chinese leaders have already said china will never be a super power.中国曾经声称东海气田完全在中国的专属经济区内。

China has said that the fields lie entirely within its zone of economic control.这辆汽车是中国制造的。


Now the Great Wall has become a place of interest. We all know the famous Chinese saying: “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”
长城是一堵墙的名字。它首先来自秦朝的时候。秦始皇于公元前221年统 一中国,他想保护中国的北部边境,于是他命令他的士兵建立边境墙。
as body/mind techniques.
传统形式的医学3世纪以来一直在中国使用。中医是非常全面的,主要集中在 “阴阳”的平衡以及身心。中医主要由天然草药,以及身体/精神技术组成。
Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicine revolves the principles of Yin and Yang, which are the opposites found in everything, such as day (Yang) or night (Yin) .
现在,长城已成为名胜古迹。我们都知道著名的中国谚语:“不到长城非好 汉。”
2.Chinese Character
According to legend, a man called Cang Jie(仓颉) had four eyes, observed all directions. And he invented a symbolic system called Zi — Chinese characters.
中国功夫是中国传统的体力活动与数千万年的历史。作为中国文化遗 产的一种珍贵的元素,中国功夫也赢得了很好的声誉并且被世界各国的人 喜爱。因它深刻的意义和东方的特点,涵盖了神秘的面纱。

(完整版)Chinese Culture--中国文化介绍

(完整版)Chinese Culture--中国文化介绍
A. China is becoming a economic powerhouse. B. Commercial activity is not merely the exchange and cooperation
based on economic benefits, it is also the collision and communicating between different cultures that each side has. C. Every person is grown in a particular culture, learning the “right way” of doing things .
Teachings of Confucianism
Ren 仁 (benevolence, love) & Li 礼 (rites)---respect for the system of social hierarchy.
• The basic clou of Confucianism stresses the importance of the individual moral development, so that the state can be governed by moral virtue rather than by the laws.
• Golden mean (philosophy): the felicitous middle between the extremes of excess and deficiency “ Rid the two ends, take the middle one.”
• Relationships are central to Confucianism. Particular duties arise from one's special situation in relation to others.


Bronze Inscriptions(金文) refer to ancient inscription cast or carved on the bronze ware(青铜 器). They are used From Shang,Zhou to Qin,Han dynasties, but the main findings are the words on the bronze ware of western zhou dynasty.
The Chinese Language
Is the oldest, continuous written language in the World
First written over 5,000 years ago The inventors of the written language drew
Regular script(楷书)
It became popular in the Jin Dynasty (晋朝 )as we know the famous calligraphers such as Wang Xizhi( 王羲之), Wang Xianzhi (王献之) and the like.
the development of Chinese
Oracle Bone Inscription 甲骨文 Bronze Inscriptions 金文 Seal Script 篆书 Official Script 隶书 Regular Script 楷书 Cursive Script 草书 Running script 行书
Chinese Characters


counties and teaching Chinese culture in foreign schools.
Ⅱ. Teaching Contents
Lecture One: What Culture Is Lecture Two: Confucianism Lecture Three: Taoism Lecture Four: Buddhism Lecture Five: Traditional Chinese Festivals Lecture Six: Chinese Arts and Crafts
文化”是人类创造物质财富 和精神财富的总和,而“文 与“文明”的含义更为接近 明”是文化成果中的精华部
Some notions of culture
origin content
cult to cultivate
civ---civil cit---city
• The Culture of China is one of the world's oldest and most complex cultures. The area in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographical region in East Asia and Southeast Asia (so-called Sinosphere) with customs and traditions varying greatly between provinces and regions.
In 1952,Alfred Kroeber and Clye Kluckhohn complied a list of 164 definition of "culture" in the book of A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.



ChinaINTRODUCTIONImagine living in the oldest civilization in the world. You could have been the first person to walk along the Great Wall or to use paper money. You wouldn’t get lost if you had the latest invention, a compass. And for good luck, you would be wearing red. These are just some of the things that you could have done in ancient China. The Chinese created many wonderful works of art. They invented many things that we still use.Today, people have found art and writings that tell us about ancient China. They have even found a huge army that the Chinese made from clay. This clay army was buried underground for thousands of years!Let’s take a look at the Chinese people and their history. There is a lot to learn about them.1. imagine v. 想像;设想2. civilization n. 文明3. invention n. 发明pass n. 指南针5. ancient adj. 古代的6.invent v. 发明7.clay n. 黏土8.bury v. 埋葬CHINA :THEN AND NOW中国:历史与今天China is in East Asia. The Chinese word for China is zhongguo . This name means “middle country.”In English, the country’s official name is the People’s Republic of China.China’s capital is Beijing. The official language of the country is Mandarin. People in different parts of China speak different languages and dialects. Putonghua, the common speech of Chinese language, is the standard Chinese pronunciation.1.official adj. 官方的;正式的2. Mandarin n. (中国) 国语3. dialect n. 方言4. common adj. 普通的;共同的5. standard adj. 标准的6. pronunciation n. 发音;读法7.Forbidden City 紫禁城8.ruler n. 统治者China has many kinds of landforms. In the west there are tall, snow-covered mountains. Among them is the tallest mountain in the world, Qomolangma Feng. It is over 8,848 meters (29,029 feet) tall. In the north there are large deserts. The Gobi is the second largest desert in the world. In the east there are huge rivers and seas. Among them is the Yangtze River.Today, China is still an important country. It is the third largest country in the world. More people live there than in any other country. China has a population of over 1,200,000,000 people. China has about 660 cities with populations over 500,000,000. However, most of the people in China live in farm villages or small towns.ndform n. 地貌2.Qomolangma Feng 珠穆朗玛峰3.desert n. 沙漠4.Gobi 戈壁沙漠SCHOOLDo you think you would like being a scholar? You would spend all your time studying and learning. Schools were the most respected group in ancient times. Scholars could read and write.Most worked for the emperor, the ruler of the country.In ancient China, only boys went to school. Some of them might become scholars and officials.Girls learned to take care of the house. In areas where silkworms were raised, girls might also learn how to make silk.Today, almost all children in China go to school. They start school at age six or seven. Children in the cities go to school for five full days each week. They have six weeks of vacation during the summer. They also have four weeks off in the winter. Children in the country occasionally take time off from school to work on the farms.1. scholar n. 学者;有学问的人2. emperor n. 皇帝3.silkworm n. 蚕4.occasionally adv. 有时候;偶尔5. take time off 抽出一部分时间FOODIn ancient China, poor families ate beans, other vegetables, and grains. They did not usually eat meat. Sometimes they ate chicken, fish, or wild birds. To save fuel, they chopped their food into small pieces. Then they cooked the pieces quickly in an iron frying pan, or wok. Families also steamed their food.Rich families ate many different foods. Noodles, fruits, and vegetables were popular. Honey, cinnamon, peanuts, ginger, and salt added flavor to food. The rich also ate meat, including pork, deer, duck, and lamb. They even enjoyed eating snake, dog, and bear paws!Tea was the most important drink. Some people became experts on tea. There were tea-tasting contests. Experts tried to tell which tea they were tasting.Today, many Chinese eat some of the same foods that families ate long ago. Breakfast is often noodles, wheat bread, or rice porridge.The Chinese eat with chopsticks and soup spoons. They useknives only in the kitchen, not at the table. Meals are either stir-fried in woks or steamed.1. fuel n. 燃料2.chop v. 切;剁3.wok n. (中国式的)锅4.steam v. 蒸5.cinnamon n. 肉桂,桂皮6.ginger n. 姜7.flavor n. 滋味;味道 n. 专家;行家9.contest n. 比赛10.porridge n. 粥11. stir-fried adj. 用旺火炒的12. kitchen god 灶王爷13. behave v. 行为;表现CLOTHESIn ancient China,you could tell who was rich and who was poor by the clothes they wore. The poor wore clothes made fromhemp. Hemp is a rough fabric woven from plant fibers. Clothes were loose with tunic-like tops and simple pants.The rich wore robes made from silk. They also wore jewelry made of jade, gold, and silver. Sometimes men wore hats. A hat showed the wearer’s job and social class.The ancient Chinese thought that women should have very small feet. It was a sign of beauty. Girls had their feed bound so that their feet would not grow. This painful practice was stopped in new China.Today, many Chinese wear Western-style shirts and suits, and loosely fitting pants. They tend to wear more modern clothes, for example, jeans. In the country, farmers wear clothes that are more traditional and less fashionable than people in the cities. Nowadays silk is still a kind of popular clothing material.1.hemp n. 大麻纤维2.rough adj. 粗糙的3.fabric n. 织物4.tunic-like adj. 像束腰外衣的5.robe n. 长袍 n. 珠宝7.jade n. 玉 adj. 社会的9.class n. 等级10.sign n. 标志;象征11.bind v. 绑;缚12.practice n. 惯常做法;习俗13.jeans n. 牛仔裤14.traditional adj. 传统的15.fashionable adj. 时髦的INVENTIONS AND GREAT PROJECYS发明与伟大工程The Chinese are famous for many inventions. In ancient China, they invented an instrument for showing when and where an earthquake was happing. They also invented the kite. Today, many people in China still fly brightly decorated kites.Chinese writing is difficult to learn. It uses thousands of characters. Each one stands for a thing or idea. Another famousChinese invention is paper! Later, they used it for painting and writing. Before they invented paper, the Chinese wrote on bamboo strips, jade, metal, and cloth.1.instrument n. 仪器2.earthquake n. 地震3.decorate v. 装饰4.character n. (汉)字5.stand for 代表6.strip n. 条7.spice n. 调料;香料8.blend n. 混合物9.ingredient n. 成分;配料10.treat n. 极好的东西TRADE AND TRANSPORTATIONThe Silk Rode was one of the most important trade routes in ancient China. Find the Silk Rode on a map. It stretched across Asia from China to the Mediterranean Sea. Most traders traveled back and forth over a small part of the route. They stopped at trading centers along the way. There they bought or sold spices, gold, ivory, jade, and other expensive goods.This famous trade route is named after one of the most important items made at that time—silk. Silk is a special kind of cloth. It is strong but also light and soft.Silk is woven from long threads that come from the cocoons of silkworms. The Chinese have been making silk for thousands of years. People outside China did not learn how to make this expensive cloth until the A.D. 800s.1.route n. 路线;路径2.stretch v. 延伸,伸展3.Mediterranean Sea 地中海4.back and forth 来回地5.ivory n. 象牙6.item n. 物品7.cocoon n. 茧8.camel n. 骆驼9.distance n. 距离In addition to traveling over land,the ancient Chinese sailed along the country’s coast and rivers. The Yangtze River is thethird longest in the world. The Chinese call it chang Jang, which means“Long River.”Today, the Chinese still make silk. China is the world’s leading producer of cotton, cement, and coal. Modern China has many different kinds of factories. Many of the goods that you buy in stores are made in China, such as plastic dolls, toy, and dishes. China’s cities have modern methods of transportation, such as trains, buses, and airplanes. However, many Chinese find that the best way to get around in a crowded city is on a bicycle!1.leading adj. 第一位的;最主要的2.cement n. 水泥3.method n. 方式;方法4.religion n. 宗教5.Buddhism n. 佛教6.spread v. 传播CONTRIBUTIONS 对人类的贡献Both the ancient and modern Chinese people have made many contributions to world culture. They have given us beautiful works of art from bronze statues to calligraphy.China is famous for its many inventions. The ancient Chineseinvented the compass and the wheelbarrow, as well as silk, paper, porcelain, and paper money. They also gave us gunpowder, fireworks, and kites.China is also well known for its scholars and thinkers. The most famous was Confucius, a Chinese teacher. He died in 479 B.C., but his saying did not become popular until later.Confucius taught that it was important to live a simple life. He is honorably referred to as K’ung Fu-tzu,which means “Great Master K’ung.”His writings appear on many pieces of art. Today, many people still follow his teachings.Look around your own home. You may be surprised to see how many things that you and your family use can be traced back to ancient China.1.culture n. 文化2.gunpowder n. 黑色火药;有烟火药3.Confucius 孔子4.trace back to 追溯到。







Chinese Dragon Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.二、饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统食品。







Dumplings are one of the Chinese people’s favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint---Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There’s an old saying that claims, “Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings”. During the Spring Festival and other holidays, or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new year.三、针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。

英语版 中国介绍

英语版 中国介绍

dividing the nation into provinces, countie s and townships; At present China has 23 provinces, 5 aut onomous regions, 4 municipalities and tw o special administrative regions
Chinese History
The operation of the national economy to stabilize the slow, steady advance economic and social development国民经济运行缓中企稳,经济社会发展稳中有进
• Sub-quarter view, a quarter of China's economy grew 8.1%, growth in the two quarter of 7.6%, growth in the three quarter of 7.4%, the fourth quarter growth of 7.9%. Sub-industries, the first industrial added value of 5237700000000 yuan, than going up year of growth 4.5%; the second industry added value of 23531900000000 yuan, an increase of 8.1%; the tertiary industry added value of 23162600000000 yuanห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ up 8.1%. Look from annulus comparing, the fourth quarter GDP growth of 2%.

Chinese culture(中国文化)

Chinese culture(中国文化)

Kung fu
Kung fu in our country has a long history. It was begun in our country ancient ancestors of production. After continuous development, it has become one of China's famous symbol. Now, the Chinese kung fu is widely spread in all over the world.
This is the typical touching story about blue and white porcelain(青花瓷). Above all is the symbols of Chain.
The great wall
The Great Wall is China ancient times to resist the enemy attack and built buildings. The Great Wall stretches five thousand kilometers, so called it the Great Wall. The Great Wall is one of the ancient working people have created great miracle, and it is Chinese long history testimony. Great Wall in December 1987 was listed as a world cultural heritage.
china (blue and white porcelain )


• The students will gain a basic understanding of the traditions and customs of China. • The students will write about how their traditions differ from the children in China.
• Multiple copies of Chinese Children’s Favorite Stories by Mingemei Yip, Venn Diagram, paper, markers
Activity #2
• Students will explore Chinese children’s stories by reading Chinese Children’s Favorite Stories by Mingmei Yip, in groups or pairs and take mental or written notes on the differences and similarities between American and Chinese literature. • The students will come together as a class and make a class Venn Diagram with teacher guidance.
mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune
Activity #4 The Chinese Dragon




以下“大学英语作文”由整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!【篇一】中国风 Chinese FeatureThere is no doubt that China’s fast growth in economy has attracted the world’s attention and many businessmen have noticed the great market potential. So there comes the products that are added with Chinese flavor. China as the developing country is affecting the world.毫无疑问,中国经济的快速增长吸引了全世界的关注,许多商人已经注意到巨大的市场潜力,因此,添加了具有中国风味的产品。


The things with Chinese feature can be found around the world, such as Chinatown, where is the place not only for Chinese people live and work, but also a place for foreigners to learn more about Chinese culture. This year, the Chinese feature had shown in t he biggest underwear’s fashion show, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show. The designers put Chinese flavor in the dress. The public has witnessed the trend, and they appreciate this different but amazing style. Though some people criticized the designers’ m isunderstanding about Chinese feature, the world is curious about China.有中国特色的东西在世界各地都可以找得到,比如唐人街,这个地方不仅是中国人生活和工作的地方,也是外国人可以更多地了解中国文化的地方。

Chinese tradition

Chinese tradition

Let's look at the romance luck part first.What can your 8 characters tell you about your romance luck?Firstly,you are able to know when you are likely to get married or get into a relationship.You can pin-point which year,which month romance comes into your life.You can also tell how good or bad your love life is.By looking at your 8 characters,it is possible to tell a few things about your life partner orspouse.Things like what sort of elements they have in their 8 characters.One of the most interesting things I discovered is that you can know whether a person is good-looking or attractive basing on his/her 8 characters.I had a friend who liked to meet girls through online chat ually,it is rumoured that girls who try to meet guys through chat rooms were not that good looking.My friend was very fearful of meeting a "not-so-good-looking" girl.When he knew that I could use 8 characters to determine looks,he kept asking me to help him analyse the girls he met online.If I told him "This girl should be quite good.",he would arrange to meet them in person.So far,the results are 90% accurate.But it does not apply to everyone.Only certain 8 characters will show whether a person is attractive or not.The thing that applies to everyone is the love life.I have noticed that certain people have a very good relationship with their spouse,while others keep ending up in divorce no matter how many marriages they went through.Next,the wealth luck.This is what most people are interested in.Will they become a rich man/woman in this life?The 8 characters can also tell you your wealth luck.Why some people are able to amass a lot of wealth while others are unable to do so?My observation is this,those whose 8 characters have a lot of wealth luck are usually able to earn and keep money.The others either spend the money or somehow unexpected expenses keep coming up to make them unable to keep money.Are you interested in knowing how a rich man's 8 characters are like?In order to be able to amass wealth,your own element must be strong.That means you must be born in the season that strengthens your own element.For example,if you are born on a Wood day,your element is Wood.If you are born in Spring,which is the Wood season,then your own element is strong.Therefore you are able to "control" your wealth.If a person's own element is weak,then wealth will "control" him,instead of he controlling wealth.Therefore,a rich man's 8 characters is usually strong in his own element.Of course,this is an over-simplified explanation due to the constraint here.I will explain this in detail some other time.Let's move on...Your 8 characters can also reveal your likes and dislikes.You may like certain colors,eat certain food,do certain activities,visit certain places or enjoy the company of a certain person.On thecontrary,you may dislike other things.Let me explain why.Here is an example.Let's say you are born in Summer,where Fire is verystrong.You have excessive Fire in your 8 characters and desperately need Water to balance the Fire.You will notice that you might like swimming or spending a long time in the bathtub.You may like to go to countries with snow.Food wise,you may like ice cream,steamed fish,japanese raw fish or bean curd.For places,you are quite likely to go to places in the North.This may mean a country that is North of yours,or the Northern part of your own country,or maybe North of your town or neighborhood.As a kid,you probably liked Mickey Mouse and Batman.You might have kept fishes or hamsters as pets.Your spouse and good friends are probably born in Winter,that is between 8 November and 3 February.You may be amazed why am I able to tell you all these things?Because all these activities that I mentioned increase the effect the Water element.By increasing the Water element,you are creating your own good luck.You will automatically feel comfortable doing all these activities involving water. The opposite applies,you will dislike Fire activities and avoid them.This applies when you are going through a period of good luck.I noticed throughout the years that when a person's luck cycle is good,he/she will tend to do things which enhance his/her favorable element.When he/she is going through a period of bad luck,he/she will keep doing things which enhance his/her unfavorable element.Lastly,let's move on to personality...How can a person's personality be revealed in his/her 8 characters?The dominant element shows it.The dominant element is the strongest element in the 8 characters.For example,a person with a lot of Fire tends to be hot-tempered,while a person with a lot of Water tends to be adaptable and quick-witted.Someone with a lot of Wood tends to be sympathetic and kind,while someone with a lot of Metal tends to be strong-willed and determined.The other aspect is that person's own element.Which in this case refers to the heavenly stem of the day pillar.The own element something like a secondary character.You may have guessed it by now...People keep their date and hour of birth secret because they do not want to reveal themselves to others.Cultural Traditions In ChinaUnlike the United States which is 200 plus years old, China is an ancient country and civilization. This has led to long standing rules of conduct in society that are of great interest.China is an ancient country, with thousands of years of history which lay a rich basis for the lives of its inhabitants today. While some of the ancient Chinese myths and cultural traditions have been forgotten or are no longer observed, many of them are still remembered and incorporated into everyday life. Taking a look into the cultural traditions of China can reveal a lot about the way that the people live.One of the most interesting bits of Chinese lore can be found in what is known as the Jade Culture. Jade is a stone that was first identified in the first Chinese dictionary, known as Shuo Wen Jie Zi, in around 100 AD. There are two types of jade: soft jade, known as nephrite, which is native to China, and hard jade (jadeite) which was imported from Burma starting in the 1200's. Jade is important in China not only because of its beauty, but also for its virtue and cultural significance. Confucius said that jade had 11 virtues, some of which include the fact that it stands for beauty, purity and grace. The Chinese character for jade, Yu, is often used in names and sayings to connote beauty.Another of the many Chinese cultural traditions is the bamboo culture. Bamboo is one of four favorite plants seen in China – they are bamboo, Chinese plum, chrysanthemum and orchid. The characters of these plants are highly prized, so much so that Chinese people want to be like the plants in character. Bamboo is grown pretty much everywhere in China, with most people having gardens in which they grow bamboo. Bamboo chopsticks are the most common form of tableware in China, and bamboo is also the material out of which the Chinese flute is made. People often use bamboo paintbrushes, and bamboo culture festivals are even held throughout the year.A final cultural tradition can be seen in the dragon culture. Dragons are an important part ofC hinese tradition, so much so that people from China often consider themselves to be “the descendants of the dragon”. China's emperors believed that they truly were dragons, calling the beds they slept on dragon beds, and even their robes dragon robes. Dragons are also seen all over the imperial palaces, and dragon screens are seen as a symbol of the emperor's powerBuddhism in ChinaBuddhism was introduced from India into China in 6th Century AD. One of the Han Emperors sent a mission to the west of China and brought back the scriptures, Indian monks and the images of Buddha. Since then Chinese translation was made available and the further exchange of scholars among China, India and other Asian countries brought about the rapid development of Buddhism in China. Buddhist monasteries and temples were built to promote the Buddhism and some of the Emperors were also the followers of Buddhism. Buddhism, just like Confucianism and Taoism, guides people to behave, to be honest and responsible. It promotes harmony and peaceful mind, sharing and compassion. Buddhists never force people into their belief. Buddhism emphasizes in "awakening of mind". Through learning, one will develop intellectual capacity to the fullest so as to understand, to love and be kind to other beings.It was not until the late fifth and early sixth centuries AC that Buddhism of a MahÄ•yÄ•na (see MahÄ•yÄ•na Buddhism) sort was able to weave itself fully into the fabric of Chinese life. By then it had become a spiritual complement to secular Confucianism and had provided the idea of Enlightenment to Daoism. In time, the three schools of thought would be seen as a complementary unity. The maturity and great age of Buddhism in China was the Tang Dynasty when emperors spent their wealth to establish monasteries and sculptures in different Buddhist caves. But this age was not free of persecution, especially by Confucian oriented statesman that wanted to get rid of the foreign religion. Many people converted and entered a monastery to escape military service and tax paying.The transition of the foreign religion into a Chinese one was made easy especially by the ideal of charity and compassion of Great Vehicle Buddhism. Both terms are quite similar to the Confucian idea of filial piety and the compassion of the ruler for his subjects. Other concepts of Buddhism are quite contrary to Confucianism (suffering - enjoying; celibacy - family; mendicant monks - productive farmers; monastic community - subordination under the state). Buddhism refers collectively to the various schools of Buddhism that have flourished in China since ancient times. These schools integrated the ideas of Confucianism, Taoism and other indigenous philosophical systems so that what was initially a foreign religion came to be a natural part of Chinese civilization albeit with its own unique character. Buddhism has played an enormous role in shaping the mindset of the Chinese people affecting as it has aesthetics, politics, literature, philosophy and medicine.Buddhism does not believe in God. It believes in People. In Buddhist teaching, there is no aggressive promotion of Buddhism or strong rejection of other religions. All these make Buddhism fall into the same scope of Confucianism and Taoist. Its ability to co-exist with any other religions makes it being developed into one of the largest religions in China.The first Buddhist parishes are found in China in the 1st century AD and focused mainly on the suppression of passions by means of meditation, charity and compassion. The monastery claiming to have been the first in China is the White Horse Monastery (Baimasi) near Luoyang. Many similarities with Taoism made Buddhism look like another sect of Huang-Lao-Taoism; both religions have no sacrificial rites, believe both in immortality and operate with concentration, meditation and abstinence.Buddhist practices to lead one into the ultimate happiness in life and even afterlife. Buddhism also promotes code of conduct in life. That is what they call Five Precepts of avoiding killing, stealing, indulging, lying and alcohol drinking. Buddhist teaching introduces the way and concepts of meditation, rebirth, intellectual development and comparisons. It leads to self-understanding, instead of blind believing.In their world they believe that: "Giving up false speech he becomes a speaker of truth, reliable,trustworthy, dependable, he does not deceive the world. Giving up malicious speech he does not repeat there what he has heard here nor does he repeat here what he has heard there in order to cause variance between people. He reconciles those who are divided and brings closer together those who are already friends. Harmony is his joy, harmony is his delight, harmony is his love; it is the motive of his speech. Giving up harsh speech his speech is blameless, pleasing to the ear, agreeable, going to the heart, urbane, like by most. He speaks words worth being treasured up, seasonable, reasonable, well defined and to the point."The Buddhist concepts are accepted universally in China. Apart from the beliefs of Buddhist and the monasteries, there are four famous Buddhist Mountains in China: Putuo Mountain, Wutai Mountain, Emei Mountain, and Wutai Mountain.Ancient Chinese Healing TechniquesThe Chinese have been practicing simple healing techniques that have been passed down for generations. In this article you will learn 5 secret techniques that will help you keep focus and regulate the temperature of your body.Ancient Chinese Healing Secret #1Place your palm on your stomach. You will notice that after leaving your hand on your stomach for even less than a minute, you will feel the warmth of your hand radiating throughout your body to help keep you warm. What do I do in the summer to keep cool then? Ironically, the answer is the same, keeping your palm over your stomach tends to regulate the temperature of your body to the ideal temperature and keep you cool. Chinese people know that even if you are sleeping in the middle of summer heat, you still cover your stomach, or you might catch a cold. Interesting isn't it?Ancient Chinese Healing Secret #2Drink plenty of hot liquids. Americans live a lifestyle of drinking water or juices as cold as they come, this quickly lowers your body's core temperature. While it feels cool and refreshing, it is also making it easier to get sick. Chinese people have been drinking hot tea since Ancient Chinese Civilization. This has a double bonus, you get the vitamins from the tea, and you kill any bacteria inside your throat while keeping your body nice and warm. What is one the first signs of a cold, is it not the itchy feeling in your throat that makes you want to cough?Ancient Chinese Healing Secret #3Your body will heal itself, or you won't get well. Think about it, unless you require surgery or have a broken limb, pretty much the main factor in how fast your body recovers from any sickness is how strong your immunity is. So what do you do if you get sick then? Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to boost your immunity and get plenty of rest, apply the first technique to make sure your body temperature is regulated, also practice the second technique, but you already know this one right.Ancient Chinese Healing Secret #4Take long deep breaths while practicing the first technique. Yoga shows the benefits of deep breathing to help you stay focused and helps to align your body physically and mentally. The technique of covering the stomach and deep breathing really helps you relax, which makes it easier to fall asleep. The technique is to breath in slowly and deeply and breath out from the mouth, notice all the heat coming from your breath, a few breaths, and you will feel more relaxed.Ancient Chinese Healing Secret #5Don't rely heavily on drugs. I am talking about OTC or prescription drugs. In general, relying heavily on any outside source from your body is only allowing your body's natural resistance to use the boost as a crutch and will lower your body's natural ability to fight off the sickness. Building a high immunity requires your body to fight off the sickness by itself, so that it gets stronger. If you keep assisting it along, it will have no need to generate the resistance needed, weakening your body's defenses. Instead, try the above methods and get plenty of rest.What does this all mean?This means that unless you have some sort of cancer or require some kind of surgery, it is in yourbest interest to practice these techniques to help boost your body's immunity naturally. With proper application of the techniques, it becomes easier to prevent yourself from getting sick in the first place. The best thing about these techniques is that you can use it on infants to adults with the same results..Chinese Literature Brief HistoryChinese literature goes back thousands of years, from the dynastic court records to novels that became popular during the Ming Dynasty (1368-16440). During the Tang Dynasty (618-907) woodblock printing was invented, and along with movable type printing that was introduced during the Song Dynasty (960-2179) this enabled the spread of written knowledge among the literate Chinese.At the beginning of the Gonghe regency (841BC) the Chinese began to keep detailed court records. Perhaps the definitive work in early Chinese writing was the Shiji, a narrative history of Chinese, written by the Han Dynasty court historian Sima Qian (145BC-90BC) and completed about 389BC.The oldest extant dictionary in China is the Erya, dated to the 3rd century BC, anonymously written but with later commentary by the historian Guo Pu (276-324). There were also large encyclopedias produced in China throughout the ages. The Yiwen Leiju encyclopedia was completed by Ouyang Xun in 624 during the Tang Dynasty with the help of scholars Liinghu Defen and Chen Shuda.China has a rich tradition of literature that has continued through the ages and continues to the present day through post Maoist writers. Chinese language literature has also flourished in the Diaspora - in South East Asia, the United States, and Europe. China is the largest publisher of books, magazines and newspapers in the world. In book publishing alone, some 128,800 new titles of books were published in 2005, according to the General Administration of Press and Publication. There are more than 600 literary journals across the country. Living and writing in France but continuing to write mainly in Chinese, Gao Xingjian became the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000.。


Teachings of Confucianism
Ren 仁 (benevolence, love) & Li 礼 (rites)---respect for the system of social hierarchy.
• The basic clou of Confucianism stresses the importance of the individual moral development, so that the state can be governed by moral virtue rather than by the laws. Golden mean (philosophy): the felicitous middle between the extremes of excess and deficiency “ Rid the two ends, take the middle one.” Relationships are central to Confucianism. Particular duties arise from one's special situation in relation to others.
Painting, operas, embroidery, china and martial arts
1. Religion and Philosophy
• China has an approximately 4100-year recorded history. ( From the endless
primeval period, around 2,100 B.C.) • Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the three great thoughts. Most social values are derived from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Item Central Neonatal Date Duration Sum Figure Confucianism Taoism Buddhism Confucius Laozi Sakyamuni 479 BC 6th century BC 6th century BC into China in 6th Century AD To 2010 To 2010 To 2010 2500 years 2500 years 1500 years

chinese fountains意思

chinese fountains意思

chinese fountains意思
"Chinese fountains"的直译是“中国喷泉”,但具体的意思可能会根据上下文有所不同。



总的来说,"Chinese fountains"可能涵盖了从古代到现代,从简单到复杂,从装饰性到功能性的各种喷泉设计和使用。


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If your opinion is a choice between agreeing or disagreeing, you can also say:

I’m for…
I’m against…
I’m in favor of… I’m opposed to… I agree with… I disagree with…
Data compiled by (author / organization) shows…

An example of expert testimony:

According to former Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Michael Leavitt, “*Secondhand smoke+ is harmful and hazardous to the health of the general public and particularly dangerous to children. It increases the risk of serious respiratory problems in children, such as a greater number and severity of asthma attacks and lower respiratory tract infections…”

An argument has 5 parts:

An opinion indicator Your opinion (idea) A reason indicator Your reason Evidence to support the reason / prove that the reason is true


We can introduce opinions by saying:

It seems to me… I reckon… If you ask me… As I see it… The way I look at it…


Giving any old reason at all won’t do in a debate. You need to give strong reasons. Strong reasons are:

Clear (清楚) and specific (具体)

We can introduce statistics by saying:

A study by (author / organization) found… Research by (author / organization) revealed…

According to (author / organization)…

We can introduce reasons by saying:

…because secondhand smoke is harmful to nonsmokers. …since… …due to the fact that… …for… …as…


This reason is weak because it isn’t logical. This is an appeal to numbers. Just because many people think or do something doesn’t make it right. In fact, many people could all be wrong.

A rebuttal is an answer to an argument.
A debate is more than just two teams making sets of separate arguments. In order to truly debate, you must analyze, address, and account for your opponents’ arguments.

This reason is weak because it is not clear and specific. What are harmful things? What does bad mean? Who or what are the materials bad for? The terms are too vague (不清楚 / 含糊).

Some examples of statistics:

China uses 45 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks each year.

J.K. Rowling has sold more than 400 million Harry Potter books.

We can introduce expert testimony by saying:

According to (position & name)… To quote (position & name)… In the book / article (name of the publication), (position & name) says… (Position & name) states…

An example of an example:

Opinion: Changes in technology have made it possible for doctors to work wonders that once seemed impossible. Evidence to support the opinion: Roger Carter, for example, lost both his feet when they were crushed in a truck accident. Now he has new feet—made of a springy plastic alloy that duplicates the normal arch. Not only can he walk normally, but he can run and play sports again!

Statistics (统计)

Numbers, numerical data.

Expert (专家) testimony (证词)

The words of others who have studied the topic; quotations used to support a point.

We can introduce opinions by saying:

I think smoking should be banned in public places. I feel… I believe… In my opinion… In my view…


I think that teachers should be allowed to kill students who are absent from class without leave because it would be a deterrent (威慑手段). If the teacher killed one student, all the others would be so afraid that no one else would dare skip class. Although killing and deterrence are logically connected, and the reason is clear, no one would accept that failure to attend class justifies death.
The United States consumes 24 billion liters of beer per year. Every year, 1.2 million people are killed in traffic accidents around the globe.ຫໍສະໝຸດ S TATISTICS
Likely to be persuasive (有说服力的) to a majority of people


I think that it is ok for me to beat my wife because many men often beat their wives.

