
自考国际商务英语课后答案What does international business refer to?Please tell the difference between international business and domestic business.1.International business refers to transactions between partiesfromdiffirentcountries.partiesfromdiffirentcountries .There are four major differncesbetweeninternational business and domestic business:1)differences in legal system2)differences in currencies3)differences in cutural background4)differences in natural and economic conditionsPlease explain the differences between visible trade and invisible trade.Which is becomingmore and more important and accounts for an increasing proportion in international trade?modity trade,ie exporting and importinggoodsproduced or manufactured in onecountry for consumption or resale in another.Thiskindoftradeisalsoreferredtovisibletrade.Invisib letradeisintheformoftransportation,communication,banking,in surance,consulting,in for mionetc.Invisible trade is becoming more and more important and accounts foranincreasingproportionin international trade.Can you cite some examples to illustrate cultural differences in international business?3.Culturaldifferencesincludilanguage,customs,traditions ,religion,value,behavioretc.Please elaborate on the two categoreis of international investment.What is their major difference?4.Foreign direct investments or FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested inin a host country.Portfolio investment refers to purchases of foreign financial assets for a purposeotherthancontrolling.What is licensing?Why do firms sometimes choose it as means of entering a foreign market?5.In licensing,a firm leases therighttouseitsintellectual property to a firm in another country.。

The earliest international monetary system was known as the gold standard under which countries pledged to change their paper currencies into gold when requested to do so.在金本位制下,各国都将其货币价值与黄金挂钩以确立货币金平价,由此,便形成了固定汇率制。
The gold standard created a fixed exchange rate system as each country pegged the value of its currency to gold to establish its par value, for most of the 19th century till the end of the First World War.由于英国当时在经济、政治和军事上的强大,英镑成为国际贸易往来中最重要的货币。
Major trading countries followed this system and the British Pound was the most important currency in international business as a result of the economic, political and military power of the United Kingdom, hence the term sterling-based gold standard.由于第一次世界大战对世界经济产生了很大的压力,以及随之而来的经济大萧条,固定汇率制走到了尽头。
058441710高等教育自学考试 国际商务英语 有答案试题

2017年4月高等教育自学考试《国际商务英语》试题课程代码:05844I. Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese:1.institutional investors:事业机构投资者2. private carrier:自有承运人3. compensation trade:补偿贸易4. beneficiary:受益人5. standing committee:常务委员会6. compound duties:混合关税7. reserve currency:储备货币8. validity period:有效期9. tariff quota:关税配额10. portfolio investment:证券投资II. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English: 11.预付现金cash in advance12.初级产品primary commodities13.贴现discount14.经济一体化economic integration15.光票信用证clean credit16.关税同盟customs union17.证券交易所stock exchange18.接受许可的人licensee19.缔约方contracting parties20.佣金commissionIII. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right:21. invoice a. a practical advantage given to one over others22. equities b. a place in which securities are sold and bought23. preference c. organization structure24. turnkey contract d. company stock25. insurance policy e. a document for the general description of the goods and the price26. market place f. one in which one of the parties agrees to supply, at the contract price, acomplete product ready for use, such as a new home, factory, ship, etc.27. force majeure g. argument or controversy28. framework h. a document used for covering possible risks29. dispute i. a person to whom one owns money30. creditors j. social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control ofacontracting party答:21. e 22. d 23. a 24. f 25. h26. b 27. j 28.c 29. g 30. iIV. Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English:31. returnsThe gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment.32. world companyA multinational corporation whose national identity has been blurred.33. premiumThe amount of money paid by an insured for coverage under the contract.34. free trade areaMembers of a free trade area removes barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders.35. MFNmost-favored-nationV. Answer the following questions in English :36. Can you give one example to illustrate "insurable interest"?Insurable interest holds that no one may insure anything unless he has an interest in it, which means that if the thing insured is preserved he will derive a benefit from its preservation, but if it is in any way damaged or lost the assured will be adversely affected.For example, you can insure your own car, for if it is damaged you will have to pay for it to be repaired and consequently you will suffer a loss.37. What is the difference between a sales contract and a purchase contract?When the contract is made by the seller, it is called a sales contract; and when made by the buyer, it is called a purchase contract.38. What are the nature and objectives of OPEC?OPEC refers to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and it is the most influential commodity cartel. By assigning production quotas among its members, OPEC tried to limit the overall crude oil supply of the world for the purpose of maintaining higher oil prices.39. Can you give at least five major types of credits?The major types of credits are given as follows: 1 ) clean credit and documentary credit; 2) revocable credit and irrevocable credit; 3 ) confirmed credit and unconfirmed credit; 4 ) sight credit and usance credit; 5 ) transferable credit and non-transferable credit; 6) non- draft credit; 7) revolving credit.VI. Translate the following into Chinese:40. The packing list gives information such as the number, date, name and description of the goods, shipping marks, packing, number of packages, specific contents of each package and its net weight and gross weight etc. Sometimes, the credit stipulates for specification list which is similar to the packing list but emphasizes the description of the specifications of the goods.装箱单所提供的是号码、日期、货物名称和说明、唛头、包装、件数,)每件的具体内容、净重和毛重等信息。

What are the four different categories of terms in Incoterms 2000? In Incoterms 2000, the terms have been grouped in four basically different categories: Group E (departure), Group F (Main carriage unpaid), Group C (Main carriage paid) and Group D (Arrival).
The settling of a contract合同的构成 The title The contract proper
The name and address of the buyer and the seller The details of the commodity transaction The terms and conditions mutually agreed
The reasons for the 2000 revision of Incoterms
Spread of customs-free zones无关税区的发
展 Changes in transportation practices运输方式 的变化 Increased use of electronic communication 电子通讯使用的增加
Lesson 9 modes of trade

LESSON 1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS国际商务1. 国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而比国内贸易要复杂得多。
International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. It involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic countries.2. 随着经济一体化进程的发展,很少人和公司能完全独立于国际商务之外而存在。
With the development of economic globalization, few people or companies can completely stay away from international business. Therefore, some knowledge in this respect is necessary both for the benefit of enterprises and personal advancement.3. 其他参与国际贸易的形式有管理合同、承包生产和“交钥匙”工程。
Other forms for participating in international business are management contract, contract manufacturing, and turnkey project.4. 国际贸易最初以商品贸易的形式出现,即在一国生产或制造商品而出口或进口到另一国进行消费或转售。
International business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another.5. 除了国际贸易和投资,国际许可和特许经营有时也是进入国外市场的一种方式。

suggestion. 接受我们的建议是没有任何风险的。
• risk vt. 冒……的风险 We won’t risk losing our customer by sending
defective goods. 我们不会冒发送缺陷商品而失去客户的风险。
Exercise I
Text study (Part B)
• We have received your letter of May 11 and noted your kind intention of pushing the sales of our porcelain in your country.
• While we appreciate your trial order for our goods, we regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment under D/A terms as we generally ask for payment by Letter of Credit.
Lesson 17
Asking for Payment by D/A
Text A

国际商务英语学科考试复习要点Lesson 1 International Business商务术语:FDI GDP BOT patent copyright value chain franchising (紫色书10-11页)考点:国际商务贸易的主要类型(major types of international business)A.Trade(贸易): a. commodity trade (商品贸易,也叫有形贸易visible trade )b. service trade (效劳贸易, 也叫无形贸易invisible trade)B. Investment (投资): a. foreign direct investment (FDI 外国干脆投资)b. portfolio investment (证券投资)C. Other types (其他类型): a. licensing andfranchising (国际答应与特许经营)b. management contractand contractmanufacturing (管理合同和承包消费)翻译练习:1.随着经济全球化的开展,无形贸易即使在开展中国家的国际贸易中所占的比例也渐渐增大With the development of economic globalization, invisible trade accounts for an increasing proportion of the world trade even in the developing countries 2.BOT是“交钥匙”工程的一种流行的变通形式BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project Lesson 2 Income Level and the World Market商务术语:GNP PPP ( purchasing power parity 购置力平价) Staple goods (大路货)creditor country ( 债权国) (紫色书25页)考点:国民消费总值和国内消费总值 (GNP 和GDP)GNP: refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by theresidents of an economyGDP: refers to the market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy. Per capita income (人均收入):It is calculated by dividingits national income by its populationTriad and Quad (三方组合和四方组合): A. United StatesB. Western EuropeC. JapanD. Canada翻译练习:1.国民消费总值和国内消费总值表达了一个国家的全部收入,在衡量国民收入方面可以互换运用。

International Business EnglishLesson 1International Business/国际商务Business Knowledge:The major differences between international business and domestic businessA.Differences in legal systems 法律体系B.Differences in currencies 货币C.Differences in cultural backgroundD.Different in natural and economic conditionsThe major types of international businessA. Trademodity trade 商品贸易b.Service tradeB. Investmenta.Foreign direct investmentb.Portfolio investment 证券投资C. Other typesa.Licensing and franchising 许可经营和特许经营b.Management contract and contract manufacturing 管理合同和承包生产c.Turnkey project and BOTTrade Terms:1.Customs area关税区:2.Conversion货币兑换3.Visible trade有形贸易: The form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goodsproduced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)4.Invisible trade无形贸易: The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance,consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.5.FDI外国直接投资: Foreign direct investments. Returns through controlling the enterprises orassets invested in a host country. / P.256. One country acquires assets in a foreign country for the purpose of controlling and managing them. 6.Portfolio investment证券投资: Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other thancontrolling.7.Stocks股票: Capital stocks or bonds.8.Bonds债券: The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the moneylent or invested together with interest.9.Maturity(票据等)到期10.Certificate of deposit大额存单11.Licensing许可经营: In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firmin another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty(许可费).12.Franchising特许经营: Under franchising, franchisee is allowed to operate in the name ofanother, franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.13.Trade Mark商标14.Patent专利15.Royalty专利(许可)使用费,版税16.Copyright版权17.Licenser许可方18.Licensee被许可方19.Franchiser特许方: A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logosand operating techniques for royalty.20.Franchisee被特许方: A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another.21.Management contract管理合同:Under a management contract, one company offersmanagerial or other specialized services to another within a particular period for a flat payment or a percentage of the relevant business volume.22.Value chain价值链23.Turnkey project“交钥匙”工程: For an international turnkey project, a firm signs a contractwith a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping before handing it over to the latter upon completion.24.BOT建设、经营和移交: Build, Operate, Transfer25.Expertise专门知识26.Bonus红利、奖金、津贴27.Royalty 许可使用费28.International investment国际投资: Supplying capital by residents of one country to another.29.Contract manufacturing承包生产30.GATT关贸总协定: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade31.International business国际商务: Transaction between parties from different countries.Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export.32.Intellectual property知识产权33.Oil deposit: 石油储备= oil reserves34.the reserves of natural resources 自然资源储备35.Personal advancement个人的晋升,个人素质的提高以及个人事业的进步等。

国际商务英语课文电子版lesson16—lesson18Lesson 16 Insurance (II)Transportation insurance, like all forms of 遵守) certainbasic principles. When firms seek cover(保险)for goods and they must follow these principles. There are three main principles of insurance, two subsidiary(次要)principles and a doctrine(原理).damaged you will have to pay for it to be repaired and consequently(因此)you will suffer a loss. You cannot insure your neighbor’s car, for if it is damaged you will not suffer any loss. For this reason the insuring of anything by people who are not “interested” in it is held (thought被认为) to be “against public policy”(违反公共政策). This means that crime would be encouraged.Every contract of insurance requires an insurable interest to support it, or otherwise it is invalid(无效的)and any claim made upon it(based on it 依据保险合同)will not be entertained(accept接受,受理)(by the insurer). The time of an event may be crucial to the question of insurable interest. The interest passes (转移) with the documents. In cargo insurance we know who has an interest in the cargo at any particular point of time, if we know the terms of sale (price terms / terms of payment – FOB..) which have been arranged. We can work out who will suffer loss by discovering at what point the property passes from one person to another. The person who is going to suffer the loss is the one who has the insurable interest at any moment. This means that goods may be shipped at the port of origin(货物原产地港口)by a shipper or freight forwarder (consignor) under a policy(保单)taken out to cover them, and the buyer takes over the policy which has been issued when he takes over the ownership of the goods. If they fail to complete the voyage(旅程)(journey/transportation) undamaged, he (buyer) can claim onis a very important principle. The people who decide(决定多少保费是公平(by the insured). If this statement is untrue, then the premium agreed on will not be a fair one. Suppose I say that a crate 板条箱contains copper, when in fact it contains platinum(铂金). The premium required to cover the cheaper metal will be an unfair premium for the more valuable cargo. The mis-statement is a fraud(欺骗), and the policy is voidable(可取消的)(can be avoided/revoked)by the party who is misled (误导)(the insurer). Even if the mis-statement was unintentional (非buy another third-hand Ford car, not enough to buy a brand-new (崭新的) Ford car. This principle cannot apply to life(寿险)or personal accident insurance(人身意外保险)—for of course a life, or a limb, cannot be restored.In a normal policy of insurance the compensation payable(可支付赔偿)is sufficient only to restore the insured to the position he was in before the loss occurred—not to a better position. Cargo policies are often issued for an agreed value(商定的价值)and are therefore called “valued” policies(有价保单). The idea is that the compensation payable will be at an agreed figure(商定的数值), often at invoiced cost(invoice value)plus freight (主运费) and forwarding charges(转运费)plus the insurance premium plus an agreed percentage such as 10 percent.(发票金额+主运费+转运运费+保费+10%)This (10%)represents a profit that could have been earned on the capital tied up(被占用)in the transaction.Contribution(损失分摊)is a sub-principle(under indemnity)which is associated with indemnity. It holds that a person cannot be allowed to insure twice for the same risk, and claim compensation from both insurers. To do so would amount to (be equal to相当于) restoring the insured to a better position than he was in when the loss occurred. It would be a breach (violation违背) of indemnity, and against public policy. Therefore, if two policies do cover the same event, the insurance companies contribute pro rata(按比例)to(分摊)the loss, and the insured is only restored to the indemnity position(损失发生以前的状态). This is unlikely to happen very frequently in cargo insurance.Subrogation(代位追偿), the sub-principle, also relating to indemnity, is of enormous importance in cargo insurance. The word “subrogate”means “to take the place of another”. Imagine a situation where A has insured his cargo with B and it is damaged by C’s negligence (carelessness疏忽大意). A will naturally claim against B, who will pay up for the loss suffered. However, because C was negligent, a legal action (法律诉讼) by A against C would almost certainly lead to an award (a grant made by a law court判决) of damage against C (判决C承担损害责任). A would thus be compensated twice, and this would be a breach of the principle of indemnity. To prevent this happening, B, the insurer, is substituted for (replace替代) A, the assured, in any legal action against C. The insurer is entitled to(享有…权力或利益) the advantage (interest利益) of every right of the assured, which will diminish (reduce) the loss he (insurer) has been forced to bear.The doctrine of proximate cause(近因原则)—when an insurance policy is made out to cover a certain risk, a claim becomes payable only if that risk occurred as the proximate (closest) cause of the loss suffered. The proximate cause is the direct cause of the loss.Notes:Conform to 遵守Most people are willing to conform to the custom of society.大多数人都愿意遵循社会习俗。
lesson17 Asking for Payment by DA 国际商务英语函电教学课件

by confirmed irrevocable L/C at sight. So we regret our inability to accept your request. But in view of your good will to push the sale of our goods, we can, as an exceptional case, accept 30 days L/C.
Exercise III
2 On/Upon 7
will the…
be highly appreciated
Exercise IV
Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of 8th Nov, requesting for
• In consideration of promoting business between us, we are, as an exceptional case, prepared to accept payment for your trial order on a D/P sight basis.
• proposal n. 建议 •proposal of sth. 对…的建议 • We agree to your proposal of sole agency. • 我们同意你方独家代理的建议。 • propose v. 建议 • We would like to propose a different method of payment. • 我们建议采用一种不同的付款方式。
剑桥商务英语教程 Unit17 Problems, problems

W: It’s 778 9021.
M: 778 9021. Right, Ms Johnson. I’ll see what I can do.
photocopier’s broken down again! W: Don’t worry. I’ve phoned the engineer.
He’s coming this afternoon.
C. Language focus
Will (decisions made at the time of speaking) I’ll (will) send them back. I’ll wait for you. I won’t (will not) go yet.
R: Good morning. High Tec. W: Good morning. This is Helen Johnson from
Fleeracker. I’d like to speak to Mr Noor in the Sales department. R: Sorry, what was your name? W: Johnson. Helen Johnson. R: Right, Ms Johnson. I’ll put you through to Mr Noor. M: Sales department. Noor. W: My name’s Helen Johnson. I’m from Fleeracker. I’m phoning about our order for the

2020年10月全国自考国际商务英语真题及答案词组英译汉1.conference【正确答案】(正式)会议(尤指年会)2.multinational corporation【正确答案】跨国公司petitive devaluation【正确答案】竞争性贬值4.start from scratch【正确答案】白手起家/从零开始5.hinterland【正确答案】内地6.financial resources【正确答案】资金7.standing committee【正确答案】常务委员会8.action program【正确答案】行动纲领9.bankrupt【正确答案】破产的10.idle funds【正确答案】游资/闲散资金词组汉译英11.货运收据【正确答案】cargo receipt12.清洁浮动【正确答案】clean float13.管理合同【正确答案】management contract14.租赁贸易【正确答案】leasing trade15.经济全球化【正确答案】economic globalization16.目的地【正确答案】destination17.成本经济【正确答案】cost economies/economy18.大额存单【正确答案】certificate of deposit19.(汇率)直接标价【正确答案】direct quote20.股票交易所【正确答案】stock exchange配对题a. business dealings between individuals or firmsb. ed paper money issuedby a bank, usu. the country's central bank c. irregular movement of (prices, exchange rates etc.) d. equal in value, on the same level e. becoming due f. fail to carry out an obligation g. benefits from combining different business es, normally claimed by the promoters of mergers h. a multinational compa ny whose national identity has been blurred i. the stock of gold coin and bul lion (gold bars) held by a note-issuing bank in a country on the gold standard j. an account of probable fut ure income and expenditure during a stated period, usu. a year used as a gu ide in making financial arrangements【正确答案】21.maturity【正确答案】e22.budget【正确答案】j23.banknote【正确答案】b24.par【正确答案】d25.default【正确答案】i26.synergy【正确答案】g27.gold reserves【正确答案】fmercial intercourse【正确答案】a29.world company【正确答案】h30.fluctuation【正确答案】c名词解释32.deposit【正确答案】Deposit refers to money paid as part payment that is owed.33.barriertotrade【正确答案】Barrier to trade refers to any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.34.consignee【正确答案】Consignee is the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shipped.35.affiliate【正确答案】Affiliate refers to a business concern owned or controlled in whole or in par t by another concern.36.CFR【正确答案】CFR: cost and freight简答题37.What major challenges does China still face despite all its achievements?【正确答案】China still faces the following big challenges: the protectionist measures in s ome countries, competition from the banking and insurance industries, and challenges from agriculture.38.What is a tariff?【正确答案】A tariff is a tax imposed on a commodity when it crosses the boundary of a customs area which usually coincides with the area of a country.39.How does the letter of credit offer security to the buyer and the seller? 【正确答案】The seller has the security to get paid provided he presents impeccable doc uments while the buyer has the security to get the goods required through the documents he stipulates in the credit.40.Explain the concepts of GNP and GDP respectively.【正确答案】GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the prop erty and labor owned by the residents of an economy. GDP refers to the ma rket value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.句子英译汉41.A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the re levant parties. It is enforceable by law, and any party that fails to fulfill his c ontractual obligations may be sued and forced to make compensation. 【正确答案】合同是对有关当事人规定了约束性责任的一种协定。

全国2018年7月高等教育自学考试国际商务英语试题课程代码:05844Ⅰ.Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese (10%)1.trade mark2.Gross Domestic Product3.national income4.escape clause5.capital marketmissionance credit8.arbitration9.transshipment10.documentary collectionⅡ.Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%)11.承运人12.发盘(报盘)13.货号14.商业发票15.期权16.清算系统(制度)17.知识产权18.储备货币19.卖出价20.增值税Ⅲ.Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right(10%)21.indemnity a. a person covered by an insurance policy22.ad valorem duties b. the amount paid by an insured for coverage under thecontract23.sight credit c. compensation for loss124.insured d. a credit by which payment can be made uponpresentation of the draft25.specialization e. the main body of a contract26.contract proper f. social or natural calamities that take place beyond thecontrol of a contracting party27.premium g. duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods28.force majeure h. to restrict one’s economic activities to certainparticular fields29.liberalization of trade i. those commodities not processed, or only slightlyprocessed, usually farm produce or raw materials30.primary commodities j. the act of government in lifting controls overimports and exportsⅣ.Make brief explanations of the following terms in English (10%)31.anti-dumping32.acquisition33.devaluation34.subrogate35.confirming bankⅤ.Answer the following questions in English (20%)36.What is licensing? Why do firms sometimes choose it as a means of entering a foreign market?37.What is Comparative Advantage?38.Describe briefly the characteristics of MNEs.39.What is the difference between D/P at sight and D/P after sight? Which is more favourable for the exporter?Ⅵ.Translate the following into Chinese(10%)40.In choosing a transportation mode for a particular product, shippers consider as many as six criteria: speed, frequency, dependability, capability, availability and cost. Thus if a shipper seeks speed, air and truck are the prime contenders. If the goal is low cost, then water and pipeline are the prime contenders. Shippers are increasingly combining two or more transportation modes, thanks to containerization. Containerization consists of putting the goods in boxes or trailers that2are easy to transfer between two transportation modes. Each coordinated mode of transportation offers specific advantages to the shipper.41.The practical advantages exist due to the peculiar environment within which counter trade usually takes place. They quite likely disappear when the environment changes—as is happening now in many countries. Restructuring and the development of markets may therefore mean that the environment within which counter trade usually takes place is changing so as to reduce its frequency. Reduced ownership restrictions are likely to shift the organizational forms toward joint ventures and wholly-owned enterprises which possess production facilities. Improved knowledge, experience, and legal enforcement of contractual obligations will likely mean increasing use of longer term and more sophisticated explicit transaction contracts.Ⅶ.Translate the following into English(30%)42.加入世界贸易组织对中国有益,因为它将促进中国的改革和发展,提高商品和服务的质量,降低商品成本和服务费用,刺激投资和创造就业机会,改善法制。

第二部分考核内容与考核目标Unit One Studying International Business—an Introduction一、学习目的与要求熟悉并了解国际商务活动含盖的两个主耍领域:国际贸易和国际投资。
二、考核知识点1.国际商务知识1)t he definition ofA.international businessB? international tradeC. international investment2)i nternational business activitiesA? exportingB.importingC? merchandise export and import (visible trade)D? service export and import (invisible trade)E.foreign direct investinonts (EDI)F.joint venturesG.portfolio investmentsH.lice rising].franchisingJ? management contracts2.生词与短语tangible, property, assets, host country, stake, stock, bonds, certificates of deposit, return, intellectual property, patents, trademarks, copyrights, logos, resources, know-how, merchandise, insurance, portfolio3.国际商务术语international business, i nternat ional trade, i nternational investment,exporting, importing, merchandise export and import (visible trade), service export and import (visible trade), foreign direct investment, jointventure, portfolio investment, licensing, royalty payment, franchising, franch i ser, franch i see, management contract Unit 2 International Trade Issues一、学习目的和要求熟悉并了解主耍国际贸易理论:重商主义、绝对有利条件和相对有利条件,尤其是相对有利条件。

大学英语自考教程上册A课文中英对照17-18(总4页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--17-A. Panic and Its EffectsOne afternoon while she was preparing dinner in her kitchen, Anne Peters, a 32-year-old American housewife, suddenly had severe pains in her chest accompanied by shortness of breath. Frightened by the thought that she was having a heart attack, Anne screamed for help. Her husband immediately rushed Anne to a nearby hospital where her pains were diagnosed as having been caused by panic, and not a heart attack.More and more Americans nowadays are having panic attacks like the one experienced by Anne Peters. Benjamin Crocker, a psychologist at the University of Southern California, reveal that as many as ten million adult Americans have already experienced or will experience at least one panic attack in their lifetime. Moreover, studies conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States disclose that approximately million adult individuals are currently suffering from severe and recurrent panic attacks.These attacks may last for only a few minutes; some, however, continue for several hours. The symptoms of panic attacks bear such remarkable similarity to those of heart attacks that many victims believe that they are indeed having a heart attack.Panic attack victims show the following symptoms: they often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations where people normally would not be afraid; they suffer shortness of breath, experience chest pains, a quick heartbeat, sudden fits of trembling, a feeling that persons and things around them are not real; and most of all, a fear of dying or going crazy, A person seized by a panic attack may show all or as few as four of these symptoms.There has been a lot of explanations as to the causes of panic attacks. Many claim that psychological stress could be a logical cause, but as yet, no evidence has been found to support this theory. However, studies show that more women than men experience panic attacks and people who drink a lot as well as those who use drugs are more likely to suffer attacks.It is reported that there are at least three signs that indicate a per-son is suffering from a panic attack rather than a heart attack. The first is age. People between the ages of 20 and 30 are more often victims of panic attacks. The second is sex. More women suffer from recurrent panic attacks than men. The third is the multiplicity ofsymptoms. A panic attack victim usually suffers at least four of the previously mentioned symptoms, while a heart attack victim often experiences only pain and shortness of breath.It is generally agreed that a panic attack does not directly endanger a person's life. All the same, it can unnecessarily disrupt aperson's life by making him or her so afraid of having a panic attack in a public place that he or she may refuse to leave home and may eventually become isolated from the rest of society. Dr. Crocker’s advice to any person who thinks he is suffering from a panic attack is to consult a doctor for a medical examination to rule out the possibilities of physical illness first. Once it has been confirmed that he or she is, in fact, suffering from a panic attack, the victim should seek psychological and medical help.【课文译文】恐慌症及其影响一天下午,安妮•彼得斯,一位32岁的美国家庭主妇,正在厨房准备晚饭的时候,突然胸口一阵剧烈的疼痛,伴着呼吸急促。

Unit 1: P7Transaction 交易customs area 关税区in compliance with 遵从;遵照conversion 货币兑换visible trade 有形贸易resale 转售gross domestic product国内生产总值invisible trade 无形贸易for short 缩写为account for 占…比例headquarters 总部trap 陷阱,圈套portfolio investment 证券投资stocks 股票bonds 债券maturity (票据等)到期,到期日certificate of deposit 大额存单licensing许可经营franchising 特许经营trademark 商标advisable 可行的;适当的patent 专利royalty 专利使用费;版税copyright 版税licensor 给予许可的人licensee 接受许可的人franchiser 给予特许的人franchisee 接受特许的人logo 标志;标记management contract 管理合同expertise 专门知识bonus 红利;津贴;奖金flat 一律的,无变动的value chain 价值链contract manufacturing 承包工程turnkey project “交钥匙”工程BOT(Build,Operate,Transfer)建设、经营、移交stand for 代表;表示variant 变形/体Unit 2: P23potential 潜力clue 线索national income 国民收入GNP 国民生产总值per capita income 人均收入bulk 大量的;大宗的PPP 购买力平价consumerism 消费,消费主义income distribution 收入分布Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作与发展组织infra structure 基础设施Commonwealth of Independent States 独立国家联合体staple goods 大路货tap 开发hemisphere 半球observation(经观察而得到的)看法haven 避风港;安全之地spur 促进;刺激creditor country 债权国proximity 临近ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟Unit 3:P40witness 亲历,见证economic integration 经济一体化liberalize 使自由put up barriers 设置障碍fall under分成几部分free trade area自由贸易区tariff rates 关税税率NAFTA北美自由贸易协定customs union 关税同盟detour 迂回;绕行common market 共同市场adoption 使用,采用euro 欧元erode 侵蚀;损害autonomy 自治;自主sovereign state 主权国家political entity 政治实体set the stage of 为、、、做准备;促成monumental 重要的,有纪念意义的landmark 地标;里程碑signatory 签字国;签字人settlement 结算banknotes 纸币;钞票circulation货币流通executive body 行政机构,执行机构European Commission欧盟委员会veto 否决commissioner 委员,特派员,专员council of ministers 部长理事会empower 授予权力multi-polarization 多极化tenet 原则;宗旨Dual-Ministerial Meeting 双部长会议cartel 卡特尔,联盟OPEC 石油输出国组织Unit4:P57globalization 全球化frequency 频繁,频率interactive 相互作用的element 要素;组成成分;元素value 价值观acclaim 欢呼;欢迎;喝彩adverse 不利的;反对的controversial 引起争议的instrumental 有作用的internationalization 国际化facilities 设施;设备;工具label 把称为;把归类employ 用;使用assets 资产incorporate 吸收;合并purport 声称;自称headquarters 总部international economic environment国际经济环境double digit 两位数字survival 继续生存embark(on)开始;从事gigantic 庞大的;巨大的intervene 干预;干涉technical improvements 技术进步derivation 获得day-to-day running 日常管理decentralize 分散;放下(权利)wield 操控;控制jurisdiction 权利;管理范围vehicle 工具;手段delegate power to…对、、、授权affiliate 分支机构;附属机构mover 原动力,推动力Unit5:P71define 下定义services 劳务distribution 分布natural resources 自然资源abundant 丰富的scarce缺少,缺乏primary commodities 初级产品incentive 刺激specialization 专业化constitute 构成,形成remainder 剩余的,余数hold 认为in terms of 在…方面illustrate 说明table 表格,图表assume 假设efficient 有效的,效率高的occur 发生,产生law 规则,法则even if 即使disadvantage 不利with respect to 关于exploit 利用,开发static 静止的endowment of nature 自然的赋予up-to-date 现代的,新式的intuitive 直觉的,直观的appeal 吸引力absolute advantage 绝对利益comparative advantage 比较利益Unit6:P84strategic 战略的reduce 减少bulky 笨重的,庞大的perishable 易碎的protectionist 保护主义的barrier障碍typical 典型的tariffs 关税quota 配额levy 征收,收取coincide 巧合;偶合customs union 关税联盟import duties 进口关税export duties 出口关税ad valorem 按价;从价specific 从量的compound duties 复税,混合关税drawback 退税refund 偿还;退还most-favoured-nation(MFN)treatment 最惠国待遇signatory 签字国concession让步tariff schedule 税率表;税则non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒impose 加强unilaterally 单方面地label 标签,标记,标号voluntary 自动的,主动的forthcoming 即将到来的meaning of transport 运输工具inland water vessels 内河船只maritime 海洋的,与海有关的cargo compartment 货仓charter租fleet 舰队insurance保险vulnerable 脆弱的collision 碰撞pilferage 偷窃explosion 爆炸place of historical interest 古迹accommodations 膳宿供应immigrant 移民remittance 汇款undertake 承担Unit7:P84climate 环境气氛;风气degenerate 变坏;衰退deal 交易draw up 制定;拟就respective 各自的;分别的subsequent 随后的,后来的interpretation 解释;说明trade terms 贸易术语;交易条件trading practices 贸易惯例litigation 诉讼,诉争entail 使人承担;使成为必要amendment 修正案;修正条款addition 增加部分revise 修正;修改unitization 使成为一个单位maritime 海的;海上的consolidate 统一,合并render使得;使成为negotiable 可转让的;可流通的vital 极其重要的,必不可少的whereby 凭借那个,借以premises 生产场所;经营场所disposal 处理;解决departure 离开,启程,出发quay 码头substantive 实质性的Unit8:P116set forth 陈述;阐明binding 有约束力的enforceable可实施的sue起诉trade fairs 商品交易会trunk call 长途电话enquiry 询盘;询价quotation 报价voluntarily 主动地,自愿地indispensable 必不可少的validity period 有效期offer还盘unbinding 无约束力的invalid 无效的sales contract 销售合同sales (purchase)confirmation 售货(购货)确认书setting up 构成,结构,格式consignment 寄售contracting parties 缔约方force majeure不可抗力arbitration 仲裁cotton piece good 棉布cotton yarns 棉纱hereby 于此hereunder 于下article number 货号yard 码overleaf 反面bleached 漂白的Unit9:P127counter trade 对销贸易;反对贸易allegedly被说成;据说phenomenon 现象terminology 术语generic 总称的net positions 实际寸头adduce 引证empirical 以经验为根据的reciprocal 互惠的;互相的hyperinflation极度通货膨胀literally 照字地,逐字地disarray 混乱conceptually 概念上地European Payment Union 欧洲支付联盟competitive devaluation 竞争性贬值pre-specify 预先说明in essence 实质上的intertemporal 不同时的be tied to 固定于photocopying machine 复印机intriguing引起兴趣的,有迷惑力的concurrently 同时发生的 a fraction of一点儿;一部分verify 一部分sophisticated 经验丰富的bypass 避开;置、、、于不顾expertise 专门知识leverage 杠杆作用tap 开发;开辟conceal 掩盖;隐藏perpetuate 使永久存在processing trade 加工贸易consignment 寄售leasing 租赁agency 代理Unit10:P141domestic 国内的status 状况remittance 汇款debtor 债务人debit 借方;记入借方的款financial standing 财务状况default 违约;不履行职责ban禁止fluctuation波动hesitant 犹豫,不情愿dubious 可疑integrity 正直;诚实periodic payment 分期付款cash in advance 预付现金draft 汇票(bill of exchange)drawer 出票人drawee 受票人payee受款人usance draft(tenor draft,term draft)远期汇票documentary draft 跟单汇票clean draft 光票bill of lading 提单title to the goods 货物所有权insurance policy 保险单documentary collection 跟单托收documents against payment (D/P)付款交单documents against acceptance(D/A)承兑交单sound 健全;良好with discretion 慎重地;审慎地Unit11:P154release 放开gain control over 得到对…的控制objective 目的,目标impeccable 无缺点的bilateral 双边的credit-worthiness 资信unique 独特的security 安全,保障presentation 呈交;提示undertaking 承担applicant 开证申请人opening bank 开证银行beneficiary 受益人correspondent bank 往来行;关系行advising bank 通知行amendment 修改discrepancy 不符confirming bank 保兑行reimburse 付款nominate 指定insufficient 不足的submit提交stipulation 规定expire 满期;到期unit price 单价partial shipment 分批装运transshipment 转船seal 印章underlying作为基础的obligation 责任,义务ultimately 最终Unit12:P167category 种类fall under 归为…类mechanism 机制clean credit 光票信用证non-trade settlement非贸易结算revocable credit 可撤销信用证irrevocable credit 不可撤销信用证certainty 确定程度,肯定程度alter 改变commitment 承担的责任cancel 取消,作废consult with 与、、、协商revoke 撤销consent 同意extensively 广泛地indication 指明,表明confirmed credit 保兑信用证leading bank 主要银行double assurance 双重保障involve 牵涉;涉及sight credit 即期信用证usance credit 远期信用证impeccable 正确无误的capital turnover 资金周转maturity 到期discount 贴现face value 面值transferable credit 可转让信用证non-transferable credit 不可转让信用证middleman 中间人non-draft credit 无汇票信用证deferred payment 推迟付款revolving credit 循环信用证renew 恢复reinstate 使复原contracting parties 合同各方,缔约各方sustain 遭受,蒙受insolvent 无支付能力的bankrupt 破产的Unit13:P180documents 单据take delivery of 提(货)delay 延误,迟延discrepancy 不符conformity 一致,相符description 描述commission 佣金discount 折扣shipping marks 唛头seal 印章;图章signature 签字comply with 符合in general terms 用概括性的词语,用一般性词语表达exceed 超过memos 备忘录,便笺bill of lading 提单carrier 承运人shipper 货主,托运人carriage 运输consignee 收货人notify party 被通知人payable 应支付的,可支付的devoid of 没有,缺少liability 责任;义务airway bill 空运提单cargo receipt 铁路运单,货运收据insurance policy 保险单function 功能;作用the insured 被保险人currency 货币settle 清算;结算Unit14:P193fundamental 极其重要的efficiency 效率primitive 原始的in a broad sense 从广义上讲grocery 食品;杂货distinct 与其他明显不同的;独特的natural product provinces 产品自然领域urgency 紧迫;急迫perform 执行;完成carrier 承运人。

自考国际商务英语课文脉络笔记L1 International Business1.商务知识1.1 major differences between international business and domestic businessdifferences in legal system A.B. differences in currenciesC. differences in cultural backgroundD. differences in natural and economic conditions1.2 major types of international businesstrade A.a. commodity(visible) tradeb. service(invisible) tradeB. investmenta. foreign direct investment(FDI)b.portfolio investmentstocks, bonds or certificates of depositsC. other typeslicensing(high customs duty and non-tariff barrier, strong intellectual property protection) a.franchising(hotel and restaurant business)In comparison with the relation between the licenser and the licenser, the franchiser has more controlover and provides more suppoort for the franchisee.b. management contract and contract manufacturingc. turnkey project and BOTL2 Income Level and the World Market1. 商务知识1.1 GDP and GNPA. GDP market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.B. GNP market value of all goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by theresidents of an economy.1.2 per capita income (人均年收入)and per capita GDP(人均国内生产总局)1.3 high income, middle income and low income countriesA. H: annual per capita income of $9386 and above;1). OECD; 2). rich oil producing countries of the Middle East; 3). small-industrialized countries orregions;B. M: annual per capita income below $9386 but above $765;1). most East European countries; 2). most members of the Commonwealth of Independent States; 3). 6OECD countries; 4). quite a number of Latin America countries; 5). some Asian countries; 6). SouthAfrica, Libya, Nigeria and Algeria;C. L: annual per capita income of $765 and below;1). most African countries; 2). some Asian countries; 3).a few Latin American countries; 1.4 Triad最富有的三大市场 and Quad扩大市场集团A. Triad: US, Western Europe and JapanB. Quad:Triad and Canada1.5 other important markets for Chinathe Four Tigers(四小虎), the ASEAN countries东盟国家, Russia, India and AustraliaL3 Regional Economic Integration1商务知识1.1 major objectives of regional integrationto better enjoy the benefit of free flow ofgoods,services,capital,labor and other resources.1.2 four levels of regional economic integrationA. free trade area自由贸易区absence trade barriers;the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA, formed by US,Canada and Mexico); B. customs union关税同盟absence trade barriers; practice of common external policy;Southern Cone Customs Union (Mercosur, formed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay in1991);C. common market共同市场absence trade barriers; practice of common external policy; free production factor mobility;the European Community(1967-1994,became a true common market in 1992); D. economic union经济联盟absence trade barriers; practice of common external policy; free production factor mobility;integration of the domestic policies;European Union;1.3 European Union(EU)欧盟A. historythe European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC,1952);the Treaty of Rome(1957,signed by France, Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries);the European Economic Community(EEC,1957-1967);the European Atomic Energy Community(EURATOM,1957-1967);the European Community(formed by merging ECSC,EEC and EURATOM,1967-1994);the Single European Act(1992);the Maastricht Treaty(1994);the European Union(1994-);B. structurethe European Commission(executive body);the Council of Ministers(decision making);the European Parliament(membership application and trade agreement approval); 1.4 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC, has 21 members)亚太经济合作组织A. the Seoul Declaration(1991);汉城宣言B. a five-layer organizational structure:the Informal Meeting of Economic Leaders(China,2001)领导人非正式会议;the Dual-Ministerial Meeting双部长会议;the Meeting for Ministers Responsible for Trade贸易部长会议;the Senior Officials Meeting(SOM)高官会议;Committee of Trade and Investment贸易和投资委员会, EconomicCommittee经济委员会, Economicand Technical Cooperation Subcommittee of SOM, and Budget Management Committee 高官会经济技术合作分委员会和预算管理委员会(four subordinate committees under SOM);C. objectives:trade and investment liberation and facilitation(TILF) and economic and technicalcooperation (ECOTECH);1.5 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC,13members,1960,Vienna)石油输出组织L4 Economic Globalization1. 商务知识1.1 economic globalization as an objective trendA. basic feature: free flow of commodity, capital, technology, service, and information inthe global context for optimized allocation;B. advantages and negative impactsa. advantages: 1).giving new impetus and providing opportunities to world economic development; 2),making the various economies more and more interdependent and interactive;b. disadvantage: making countries more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe; 1.2 multinational corporations跨国公司A. organization:parent MNC母公司 and affiliate MNC子公司B. characteristics: 1). enormous size规模大; 2). wide geographical spread;广阔的地域分布 3). longevityand rapid growth;历时长久和发展迅速C. two basic needs: profit and security;D. roles: as vehicles for cross-border transfer of resources;E. four types1). multi-domestic corporation(decentralized);2). global corporation(power and responsibility concentrated at the headquarters);3). transnational corporation(integrated in an independent network of affiliates);4). world company (internationalized)L5 International Trade (1)1. 商务知识1.1 the defintion of international tradethe exchage of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in anoother. 1.2 two reasons for international tradeA. the uneven distribution of natural resources among countriesB. international specialization国际生产专门化1.3 two theories for international specializationA. the theory of absolute advantage绝对利益a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources. B. the theory of comparative advantage比较利益a. contents of the theoryeven if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, there is still abasis for mutually beneficial trade.b. not a static conceptA country may develop a particular comparative advantage purely through its own actions.c. the cornerstone of modern thinking on international traded. David Ricardo, the economist who introduced the theoryL6 International Trade (2)1. 商务知识1.1 other bases for trade among countriesA. patterns of demand需求结构B. economy of scale规模经济C. innovation or style革新或款式1.2 the reasons why complete specializtion may never occurA. strategic or domestic reasons战略或国内的原因B. transport cost运输成本C. protectionist measures贸易保护1.3 tariff barriers关税壁垒-- the most common form of trade restrictiona tax levied on a commodity when it crosses the boundary of a customs area. A. export duty (tax levied on goods leaving an area)B. import duty (tax levied on goods entering an area)a. specific duty从量税b. ad valorem duty从价税c. compound duty混合税C. drawback退税: duties paid on imported goods that are returned if the goods are reexported.D. MFN treatment最惠国待遇: a tariff treatment under which a country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating country. 1.4 quotas配额--the most common form of non-tariff barriers in quantity or valume terms, on a country or global basis, unilaterally or be negotiated on "voluntary"basis1.5 invisible trade无形贸易A. transportation service across national boundariesmaritime ships is the most important means (Greece and Norway have large maritime fleets) B. insurance (Lloyd's of London is a leading exporter of this service) C. tourismD. immigrant remittance: the money sent back to home countries by people working in a foreign landL7 Incoterms 20001. 商务知识1.1 the neseeity and purpose of having Incoterms国际贸易术语解释通则1). to eliminate any of misunderstanding and subsequent dispute;2). to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonlyused trade terms in foreign trade.1.2 the reasons for the 2000 revision of IncotermsA. spread of customs-free zonesB. changes in transportation practicesC. increased use of electronic communication1.3 the four groups of InsotermsA. Group E: the seller makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller's own premises;EXW (Ex Works);B. Group F: the seller is called upon to deliver the goods tocarrier appoined by the buyer;FCA (Free carrier);FAS (Free Alongside Ship);FOB (Free On Board);C. Group C: the seller has to contract for carriage, but without assuming the risk of loss or damage to thegoods or additional costs due to events occurring after shipment and dispatch;CFR (Cost and Freight);CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight);CPT (Carriage Paid To);CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to);D. Group D: the seller has bear all costs and risks needed to bring the goods to the country of destination;DAF (Delivered At Frontier);DES (Delivered Ex Ship);DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay);DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid);DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)1.4 the three most commonly used termsA. FOB (free on board)装运港船上交货B. CFR (cost and freight)成本加运费C. CIF (cost, insurance and freight)保险费1.5 chandges to some areasA. the customs clearance and payment of duty obligations under FAS and DEQ;B. the loading and unloading obligations under FCA;L8 Business Contract1. 商务知识1.1 the definition of the contractan agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties. 1.2 two types of business negotiation: oral and written口头和书面1.3 process of negotiation and conclusion of the contractA. inquiry (enquiry)a first enquiry should content: 1). how the name and address of the exporter have been abtained; 2). thebusiness line and usual practice of the importer;B. quotationa firm offer should made of: 1). the time of shipment and the mode of payment desired;2). an exact description of the goods; 3). the validity period;C. offer and acceptanceD. counter-offer还盘a counter-offer may be made in relation to: 1). price; 2). terms of payment; 3). time of shipment; or 4).other terms and conditions of the offer;1.4 the necessity of the written contract: 1). as the proof of the agreement; 2). as the basis for its execution.1.5 the types of contractsA. sales contract销售合同B. purchase contract购买合同C. sales (or purchase) confirmation (less detailed than a contract)销售确认书1.6 the setting of a contractA. the title: 1). the type of the contract; 2). the number of the contract; 3). the date;B. the contract propera. the name and address of the buyer and the sellerb. the details of the commodity transactionc. the terms and conditions mutually agreedd. indication of the number of original copies, language(s) used, and the validity C. the signatures of the contacting partiesD. the stipulations on the back of the contractL9 Modes of Trade1. 商务知识1.1 origin and development of counter trade对销贸易origined from pre-World War II years when clearing system was introduced between familiar tradingpartners exchanging unrelated goods.1.2 current counter tradeA. barter易货贸易: the direct exchange of goods and services which is completed in a short period of time.B. counter purchase反向贸易: the assumption by an exporter of a transferable obligation through separatebut linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer orimporting country.C. buyback回购贸易: an agreement by an exporter of plant and equipment to take back in the future part ofthe output produced by these goods as full or partial payment. The goods and services taken back aretied to the original goods exported (different from B).D. features common to the three forms of counter trade: "bundling"捆绑贸易1.3 major advantages of counter tradeA. helping to deal with foreign exchange shortageB. promoting exportC. reducing uncertainty regarding export receiptsD. bypassing international price agreementE. helping countries with debt problems to import goods1.4 the drawbacks of counter trade: it can be very risk business.L10 International Payment1. 商务知识1.1 the complexity of payment in international tradeA. risks faced by the exporter and the importerB. political factors, commercial factors, grographical factors and language barrier etc. 1.2 two methods of payment used under certain conditionsA. cash in advance or partial cash in advanceB. open account记帐交易C. consignment transaction寄售交易1.3 the draft (bill of exchange)汇票A. definitiondraft: an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sumof money to someone on demand orat a fixed time in the future.Drawer出票人: the person who draws the draft, usually the exporter Drawee受票人: the person to whom the draft is drawn)payee: the person receiving the payment, usually the drawer B. sight draft即期汇票 (calls immediate payment on presentation)usance draft (tenor draft or term draft, is payable at a later date) C. clean draft光票 (without documents)documentary draft跟单汇票 (is accompanied by the relevant documents)1.4 documentary collectionA. documents against payment (D/P)付款交单: documents will not be released to the importer untilpayment is effected.a. D/P at sightb. D/p after sightB. documents against acceptance (D/A)承兑交单: documents are handed over to the importer upon his acceptance of the draft drawn by the exporter.L11 The Letter of Credit (I)1. 商务知识1.1 the definition of the letter of credita letter issued by a bank at the request of the importer in whichthe bank promises to pay uponpresentation of the relevant documents.1.2 the unique and characteristic feature of the letter of credit: bilateral security双边保证1.3 the relevant parties of the letter of credit and their roles in its process of operationA. the applicant (instructs his bank to issue an L/C)B. the opening bank (issues the credit and sends it to the advising bank)C. the advising bank (examines the credit and advises the beneficiary of its receipt)D. the beneficiary (examines the credit and requests the openerto make amendments to any discrepancies, then prepare the relevant documents and dispatch the goods)E. the negotiating bank (buys the exporter's draft submitted to it under the credit)F. the comfirming bank (adds its confirmation to the credit) 1.4 the major contents of the letter of credit1). the number of the credit and the place and time of its establishment 2). the type of the credit3). the contract on which it is based4). the major parties relevant to the credit5). the amount value of the credit6). the place and date on which the credit expires7). the description of the goods8). transportation clause9). stipulations relating to the draft10).stipulations concerning the shipping documents required11).certain special clause if any12).instructions to the negotiating bank13).the seal or signature of the opening bank14).whether the credit follows "the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits" 1.5 the documents being the only concern of the banks in credit operation "in credit operations all parties concerned deal in documents, and not in goods, service and/or other performance to which the documents may relate"L12 The Letter of Credit (II)1. 商务知识1.1 major types of credits and their functions, forms and mechanismA. clean credit光票 (only requirs clean draft for payment) and documentary creditB. revocable credit 可撤销(commitments can be altered or even canceled without consulting with thebeneficiary) and irrevocable credit不可撤销C. confirmed credit保兑 (credit confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bank) and unconfirmed credit不保兑D. sight credit即期 (payment can be made upon presentation of the draft and impeccable documents) andusance credit远期E. transferable credit (credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties) andnon-transferable creditF. non-draft credit可转让和不可转让 (payment to be made by presentation of the documents without theformality of drawing and presenting a draft)a. payment creditb. deferred payment creditG. revolving credit无汇票 (stipulated that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without specificamendment to the credit being made)1.2 the limitations of the letter of creditA. inability to provide absolute securityB. being more expensive than other forms of paymentL13 Major Documents Required in World Trade1. 商务知识1.1 the importance of correct documentation1).difficulties in taking delivery; 2).refusal by the bank to make payment, 1.2 major types of documentsA. commercial invoice商业发票a. major contents1). invoice number and the date; 2). name and address of the buyer and the seller;3). contract number and credit number; 4). description of the goods;5). unit price, total price, price terms, and commission and discount if any;6). terms of delivery and terms of payment; 7). packing, shipping marks;8). seal or signature of the exporter;b. points to be noted: the description of the goods in the invoice must comply with the credit and thetotal invoice value should not exceed the total amount of the covering L/C. B. packing list装箱单a. major contents: the number, date, name and description of the goods, shipping marks, packing,number of packages, specific contents of each package and its net weight and gross weight etc. b. documents with similar function: specification list (emphasizes the description of specification of the goods); weight list (also weight note or weight memo, emphasizes the weight of the goods and areused for goods which are based on the weight for price calculation)C. the bill of lading提单a. 3 major functions1). as a cargo receipt2). constitutes a contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor3). a document of title to the goodsb. major contents1). the carrier (shipping company); 2). the shipper or consignor (exporter);3). the consignee (the importer or made out "to order);4). the notify party (the agent of the consignee or the consignee himself);5). a general description of the goods; 6). shipping marks; 7). the freight;8). the port of shipment and the port of destination; 9). the place where the bill of lading is issued;10). the date when the bill of lading is issued;c. clean bill of lading清洁提单 (states that the goods have been shipped in apparent good order andcondition) and on board bill of lading (indicates that the shipmenthas been actually loaded on thecarrying vessel bound for the port of destination)d. ocean bill of lading, airway bill and railway bill, cargo receipt;D. insurance policy保险单 and insurance certificate保险证书a. major contents1). the insured; 2). cargo description; 3). the amount insured andthe risks covered; 4). contentsconcerning transportation; 5). the place where claims are to be settled;6). the date on which the document is issued;b. the difference between the two: the latter is a bit simpler than the former E. various certificatescertificate of quality, certificate of weight, certificate of quantity, certificate of health, certificate of disinfection,certificate of origin, veterinary certificate etc.F. other documentscustoms invoice海关发票, consular invoice领事发票, consular visa领事签证, shipping advice装船通知etc.L14 International Transportation1. 商务知识1.1 definitiontransportation: the movement of freight and passengers from one location to another. freight transportation: the economic movement of commodities and products and the effect of such movement on the development and advancement of business.1.2 the five major modes of transportation: water, rail, truck, pipeline, and air. 1.3 three types of carriersA. common carriers公共承运人B. contract carriers契约C. private carriers自有1.4 importance, role, and contribution of transportationtransportation plays a major role in the production process; it moves raw material, inter-mediate product between producers and finishedproducts to consumers; by widening the market areas that a producer can reach, it encourages the introduction of more efficient, larger-scale production techniques; 1.5 the four factors that are substantially changing transportationA. transportation deregulationB. just-in-time inventory systemC. competition based on high levels of customer serviceD. globalization of business2. 生词与短语primitive, in a broad/formal sense, grocery, stringent, shackle, limelight, logistics, committed to, thrusted sb./sth. into the limelight, dockside, at an ever-accelerating pace, innovation,3. 商务术语freight transportation, freight system, natural product provinces, volume loading and unloading machinery, common carrier, contract carrier, private carrier, production process, intermediate products, production techniques, economies of scale, per-unit production costs, commercial intercourse, service packages, just-in-time inventory system, production approach生产方式, production input, globalization of business, distribution manager, logistics system,L15 Insurance (I)1. 商务知识1.1 definitiona social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk.1.2 the idea of a known premium已知的保险费 vs. the uncertainty of risk1.3 the common pool and the advantages enterprises can gain from it the main stimulus to enterprise is the release of funds.1.4 insurance for overseas tradeA. necessityIn bridging both the geographical gap and the time lag serious risks have to be run. B. functionmoving the burden of risk from the shoulders of the exporters and importers, and placing it upon theshoulders of specialist risk-bearing underwriters,it is the handmaiden of commerce.L16 Insurance (II)1. 商务知识1.1 three main principles of insuranceA. insurable interest可保险权益: no one may insure anything unless he has an interest in it.B. utmost good faith最大诚信: the people who decide what premium is fair for a particular cover do so onthe basis of written statements made in a proposal form.C. indemnity赔偿 (not apply to life or personal accident insurance): a contract of insurance is one whichrestores a person who suffered a loss into the same position as he was in before the loss occurred. 1.2 two sub-principles辅助原则 of insuranceA. contribution损失费用分摊原则: a person cannot be allowed to insure twice for the same risk, and claimcompensation from both insurers.B. subrogation代位追偿原则: when the cargo A insured with B is damaged by C's negligence, B will besubstituted for A in any legal action against C.1.3 the doctrine of proximate cause (the direct cause of the loss): when an insurance policy is made out to cover a certain risk, a claim becomes payable only if that risk occurred as the proximate (closest) cause of the loss suffered.1.4 three basic types of marine insuranceA. free from particular average (F.P.A.)B. with particular average (W.A. or W.P.A)C. all risksL17 International Monetary System国际货币体系 and Exchange Rate汇率1. 商务知识1.1 the international monetary systemA. sterling-based gold standard (19C--1918)B. dollar-based gold standard (1945--1971.8)C. the floating system (1971.8--)1.2 exchange rateA. fixed exchange rate固定汇率制by which each country pegged its currency to gold to establish its par valueB. flexible exchange rate浮动汇率制major currencies float in the foreign exchange market; other currencies follow a fixed exchange rate bypegging themselves to a major currency and float with it.C. major factors influencing exchange ratea. international balance of payment国际收支平衡the value of one's own currency will go up with favorable balance of payment;b. inflation通货膨胀when inflation intensifies, the value of the currency will drop;c. interest rate利率水平high interest rate will increase the exchange rate of one's own currency;D. common measures for intervention in exchange ratea. buying or selling foreign currencywhen the price of a foreign exchange goes too high, the central bank may sell it out of its foreignexchange reserves;b. raising or lowering discount ratewhen the price of a foreign exchange goes too high, the government may raise the discount rate toabsorb foreign fund;c. foreign exchange controlwhen the exchange rate fluctuates violently, a government may haveto resort to foreign exchangecontrol to make up its BOP deficit and lower the demand for foreign exchange;E. the pros and cons of the two different kinds of exchange ratethe fixed exchange rate system reduces the riskiness ofinternational business and curbs inflation,but it is vulnerable to disorderly changes in currency value; the flexible exchange rate system protectsdomestic currency from the impact of foreign idle funds and fluctuations of exchange rate, and is helpfulto the stability of the economy, but frequent wild swings of the value of currencies will increase theriskiness of trade and affect international investment.F. direct quote直接标价 (the price of a foreign currency in terms of the home currency)indirect quote间接标价 (the price of home currency in terms of a foreign currency)G. buying price买入价 (the rate by which a commercial bank buys a currency)selling price卖出价 (the rate by which a commercial bank sells a currency)medial price中间价 (the average of the buying price and the selling price)L18 International Financial Organizations国际金融机构1. 商务知识1.1 the World Bank GroupA. constituent parts: IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGAB. objectives: to help raise standards of living in developing countries by channelingfinancial resources to them from developed countries.1.2 the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD,1945)国际复兴开发银行A. source of its capital1). subscribed by its members;2). comes from its retained earnings and the flow of repayments on its loans; B. financing of its lending operations (from its own borrowings in the world capital market) C. operation of loans grantinga. repayment time (15-20 years) and grace period (5 years)b. target countries (developing countries)c. interest rate (calculated according to a guideline related to its cost of borrowing) D. basic rules governing its operation1). must lend only for productive purposes and must stimulate economic growth in the developingcountries;2). cannot finance a trade deficit, but can finance aninfrastructure project;3). must pay due regard to the prospects of repayment;4). the decisions to lend must be based on economic considerations alone; 1.3 the International Development Association (IDA,1960)国际开发协会A. relation with IBRD and membershipaffiliated to IBRD;membership in IDA is open to all members of the IBRD.B. objective: providing assistance for the poorer developingcountries with soft loans C. source: 1).subscriptions, general replenishments from developed members;2). transfers from the IBRD;D. terms of credits: only to governments; 10Ys grace periods and 35-40Ys maturities; without interest. 1.4 the International Finance Corporation (IFC,1956)国际金融组织A. function: to assist the economic development of LDCs by promoting growth in the private sector oftheir economies and helping to mobilize domestic and foreign capital;B. relation with IBRDa separate entity, affiliated to IBRD and draws upon the Bank for administrative and other services;membership in the IBRD is a prerequisite for membership in the IFC;。
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• In 1944, 44 nations held a conference at Bretton Woods, U.S.A., to plan to better cooperation in world trade and currency matter.
• The flexible exchange rate system has never been clean float or free float, because the central banks take various measures to intervene in the price of its currency in order to stabilize the exchange rate.
• Before the First World War, the gold standard created a fixed exchange rate system as each country pledged the value of its currency to gold to establish its par value.
International Business English Lesson 17 International Monetary System and Exchange Rate
Business Knowledge
(1) The intபைடு நூலகம்rnational monetary system A. Sterling-based gold standard B. Dollar-based gold standard C. The floating system (2) Exchange rate A. Fixed exchange rate B. Flexible exchange rate
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13. Medial rate 中间价 It is the average of the buying rate and the selling rate. 14. Par value 平价(货币的票面价格) 15. Great Depression 大萧条 16. SDRs 特别提款权: Special drawing Right 17. BOP国际收支: Balance of Payment 18. BOP deficit / favorable BOP 国际收支赤字/国 际收支盈余(顺差) 19. Foreign exchange control 外汇管制 20. Fixed exchange rate / Flexible exchange rate 固定汇率/浮动汇率 21. Pro rata 按比例
• • • • •
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7. Discount rate 贴现率 8. Idle funds 游资、热钱、闲置资金 9. Direct quote / quotation (汇率)直接标价: A direct exchange rate is the price of a foreign currency in terms of the home currency. 1美元=6.8元 外币为基准 10.Indirect quote / quotation (汇率)间接标价: An indirect exchange rate is the price of home currency in terms of a foreign currency. 11.Buying rate 买入价: It refers to the rate by which a commercial bank buys a currency. 12.Selling rate 卖出价: It is the rate by which a bank sells a currency.
• 1.Exchange rate 汇率、兑换率: It refers to the price at which one currency can be exchange for another currency. 2.Gold standard 金本位制 3.Peg 钉住、挂钩 4.Reserve currency 储备货币 5.Clean float 清洁浮动、自由浮动 6.Dirty float 肮脏浮动、管理浮动
C. a. b. c.
Major factors influencing exchange rate International balance of payment Inflation Interest rate
D. Common measures for intervention in exchange rate a. Buying or selling foreign currency b. Raising or lowering discount rate c. Foreign exchange control
E. The pros and cons of the two different kinds of exchange rate F. Direct quote and indirect quote G. Buying price, selling price medial price
Trade Terms
• Under specific conditions, high interest rate will attract short-term international fund, increasing the exchange rate of one’s own currency.
• There are three types of foreign exchange price namely: the buying rate, the selling rate and the average of the previous two the medial rate.