lol11月14日上线了什么新内容 lol11 14更








停机时间:11月9日0点-9点(开机时间会因工作进度推迟或者提前) 停机大区:全服更新内容:法外狂徒格雷福斯等商品上架、开放皮尔特沃夫电信区由于停机给大家带来疑惑和不便,我们深感歉意,恳请各位谅解,并再次感谢大家对《英雄联盟》的关注和喜爱。




《英雄联盟》比赛规则英雄联盟(League of Legends,简称LOL)是一款具有多人在线竞技的电子游戏。




































E - 暗影冲决攻击非英雄单位获得的被动治疗效果:33% → 15%刚学时的冲刺数:2 → 1R - 大灭冷却时间:140/130/120 秒→ 160/140/120 秒潮汐海灵菲兹W伤害收益减少。



W - 海石三叉戟主动伤害收益:0.6法术强度→ 0.5法术强度击中效果伤害收益:0.4法术强度→ 0.35法术强度R - 巨鲨强袭小鲨鱼伤害收益:0.9法术强度→ 0.8法术强度中鲨鱼伤害收益:1.1法术强度→ 1.0法术强度大鲨鱼伤害收益:1.3法术强度→ 1.2法术强度战争之影赫卡里姆Q在高级时基础伤害增加。




Q - 暴走基础伤害:55/90/125/160/195 → 55/95/135/175/215伤害收益:0.6额外攻击力→ 0.7额外攻击力发条魔灵奥莉安娜基础魔法抗性减少。



lol征召模式(lol征召模式和自选模式导读 8月科学教育网小李来为大家讲解下。


lol征召模式(lol征召模式和自选模式这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、什么是LOL征召模式?1.1 LOL游戏简介League of Legends(英雄联盟)是由Riot Games开发的一款多人在线战斗竞技游戏,由2023年10月15日首度公开亮相至今。

作为一款免费游戏,它的口碑和影响力迅速增长,一直是全球最受欢迎的电子竞技游戏之一1.2 LOL游戏模式LOL有多种游戏模式,包括5V5经典模式、3V3扭曲丛林模式、1V1/2V2单双排模式、大乱斗模式等。



1.3 LOL征召模式简介征召模式是LOL游戏模式之一,也是最受欢迎的模式之一、在这个模式中,两支队伍对抗,每个玩家可以自由选择一个英雄,并利用这个英雄跟随自己或队伍的战术进攻或防守。














本文将概述LOL 的最新更新,包括新英雄、新皮肤、游戏平衡和其他一些相关信息。


















Roit Games

Roit Games

"人才,以及团队合作的契合度是成功最重要的因素,只有天才是 不够的。只有天才的话,可以赢得一场游戏胜利,但只有团队协作才可 能获得冠军"

1. 维基百科:Roit Games
2.2014年12月蒙特利尔游戏高峰论坛 Brandon Beck演讲:《成功的秘诀 是打造优秀的团队》
墙上贴满了 英雄的开发 资料
"Riot寻找具有好奇心而且愿意自学新技术的人才,他们寻找学到了知识 重回游戏业的人才,寻找有理想的人。"
"如果想要在游戏研发方面获得成功,就必须创新,尝试去做玩家们从没 有见过的新事物,这就需要一个团队把管理者和成员之间的关系做好平 衡。如果开发者在解决问题,那么管理层完全可以为他们助威加油,而 不是指导干涉。" "公司文化氛围太弱会导致员工注意力分散,但强大的公司文化可以让大 型团队更好的协作。信任也是团队协作非常重要的因素之一,因为这会 让团队更注重玩家,而不是呆在办公室勾心斗角"
3.2015年10月Riot Games香港工作室负责中国发行的Nicolo Laurent演 讲《培养人才,扩充市场》。 4.游戏门户17173新闻中心:《英雄是如何诞生的?揭秘LOL英雄制作全过 程》
5.王若瑜:Riot Games公司调研报告
招聘职位: LOL游戏策划—China Live Balance
1.你主要负责跟RIOT开发团队沟通中国市场的特色,包括中国玩家的游戏战略、打法、 流派,以便RIOT在进行游戏平衡时能够最大程度满足中国玩家的需求。你会经常同腾讯的 英雄联盟项目组一起沟通、搜集相关数据分析出中国玩家的游戏习惯和趋势,因为在进行 游戏平衡时很需要这些信息。 2.你将会参与到腾讯未来新的LOL论坛中,以Riot官方人员的身份来对玩家解释和沟通 游戏平衡方面的问题。你有可能会出镜接受一些视:










英雄改动[1费]亚索技能伤害:160/190/225%180/200/225%丽桑卓技能伤害:350/450/600/900350/450/600/800 戴安娜技能护盾:200/300/450/650200/300/400/500 娜美法力值:40/8060/100[2费]嘉文四世法力值:60/12050/80晕眩时间:21派克技能伤害:150/250/450125/200/375璐璐击飞时间:1.51持续时间:6持续至战斗结束新增:对已受到[狂野生长]的友军再次施法时,现在会治疗他们并再次触发击飞效果。





























二、灵活运用大招:暗裔剑魔的大招“无双剑姬” 是他的核心技能,可以帮助他在战斗中快速击杀敌方目标。














英雄联盟大百科英雄联盟(League of Legends,简称LoL)是一款多人在线战斗竞技游戏,由美国Riot Games公司开发并发行。











其中最经典的地图是“召唤师峡谷”(Summoner's Rift)。


















LOL英雄联盟全球总决赛简介英雄联盟全球总决赛(League Of Legends World Championship,简称Worlds)是英雄联盟一年一度的最为盛大的比赛,同时全球总决赛也是所有英雄联盟赛事中最高荣誉、最高含金量、最高竞技水平、最高知名度的比赛。

全球总决赛迄今为止已经举办了S1-S12 (“S”即Season,意为赛季)十二届的比赛。








ExamplesManual Version: IEDScout.AE.7 - Year 2011© OMICRON electronics. All rights reserved.This manual is a publication of OMICRON electronics GmbH.All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction of any kind, e.g., photocopying, microfilming, optical character recognition and/or storage in electronic data processing systems, requires the explicit consent of OMICRON electronics.Reprinting, wholly or in part, is not permitted. The product information, specifications, and technical data embodied in this manual represent the technical status at the time of writing and are subject to change without prior notice.We have done our best to ensure that the information given in this manual is useful, accurate, up-to-date and reliable. However, OMICRON electronics does not assume responsibility for any inaccuracies which may be present.The user is responsible for every application that makes use of an OMICRON product.IEDScout ExamplesContents1 Requirements and Setup (4)1.1 System Requirements (4)1.2 Installation (4)1.3 Prerequisites (4)Network Settings (4)IEDScout (4)Multiple Network Adapters (4)2 Examples (5)2.1 Discovering and Browsing an IED (5)Defining the IED (5)Discovering the IED (6)Browsing the IED (7)2.2 Working with SCL Files (8)Saving an SCL File (8)Connecting Using an SCL File (9)2.3 Polling Data (9)2.4 Working with Reports (10)Enabling a Report (10)General Interrogation (10)2.5 Subscribing and Recording GOOSE (11)Subscribing using GOOSE Control Blocks (11)Accessing VLAN Information (12)GOOSE Sniffing (13)Transferring GOOSE Information to Configure a CMC Test Set (13)Subscribing Manually (13)GOOSE Recording (14)2.6 Simulating GOOSE (15)Creating a GOOSE (15)Creating a GOOSE Sequence (15)Running a GOOSE Sequence (16)2.7 Analyzing Client/Server Communication (17)General (17)Accessing Client/Server Traffic (17)ACSI Sniffer (17)Views and Functions (18)Search and Filter (19)Details of C/S Traffic (19)Drilling Down (20)Exporting Data and Analysis with External Protocol Software (21)This document provides a quick introduction to some common applications performed with IEDScout and some tips to optimize the work with IEDScout.1 Requirements and Setup1.1 System Requirements• A physical computer with x86 or x64 architecture (no virtual machine)•Windows XP SP2 and above (32 bit only),Windows Vista any SP level (32 bit only) orWindows 7 any SP level (32 bit and 64 bit) operating system•Administrator or Power User rights for the installation• A free USB port for the USB license key•An Ethernet adapter with TCP/IP protocol bound to itNote: Wireless adapters typically do not work with GOOSE/GSSE•If a firewall is present, port 102 must be opened1.2 InstallationOn executing the setup program of IEDScout, the installer will start up:Follow the instructions provided during the installation procedure.1.3 PrerequisitesNetwork SettingsBefore starting work with IEDScout, the network settings on the PC have to be configured properly. It is assumed that the user has administrator or power user rights for changing the network settings. The network adapter must be enabled and must have a valid IP address.IEDScoutTo use the full featured IEDScout, the USB license key has to be plugged into a USB port; otherwise IEDScout will run in evaluation mode.In the G O O S E Tab of the IEDScout configuration, the network adapter for GOOSE must be selected in the field A d a p t e r; the same steps are needed for GSSE. IEDScout only displays adapters that are able to send and receive GOOSE/GSSE messages.Multiple Network AdaptersTo avoid problems due to other programs that also use port 102 (e.g. Microsoft Outlook with Exchange server), IEDScout must be set to use a specific adapter (a specific IP address):In the RFC1006 tab of the IEDScout Configuration window, the L o c a l I P must be set to the IP address of the interface to be used for connecting to the IEDs. When the PC running IEDScout has only one network interface, the L o c a l I P may be left at the default value "".2 Examples2.1 Discovering and Browsing an IEDDefining the IEDA new IED is added with the N e w Button in the S e r v e r s tab of the C o n f i g u r a t i o n window.A name for the new device must be specified (e.g. "Q0_S"), along with the IP address. In this example the IED's IP address is a similar device is already present, the option U s e e x i s t i n g s e r v e r d e f i n i t i o n is useful. In this case only the parameters that differ between the two server definitions have to be changed.Figure 1 Defining the IED (Create new Server)The parameters needed to connect to a device should be specified in the documentation for the IED. Usually the IP address is sufficient to connect to an IED.If special parameters need to be set, the A d v a n c e d Button will reveal all available options.The D i s c o v e r button offers a list of servers to connect to. Pick the new server and the S e r v e r Q u e r yP r o g r e s s window will open.IEDScout now reads the self-description of the IED. It discovers the data model of the IED and then reads the actual values contained in the data. Depending on the size of the data model, the speed of the connection, and the server, this may take more than a minute.IEDScout creates a new server section for the discovered IED on the main screen. Double click on the subsections of the IED provides access to all the services that the IED supports.E. g. double clicking on D a t a opens the D a t a V i e w, which will be explained later.Additionally, Datasets and all Control Blocks (GOOSE, Reports, Logs, Sampled Values) can be accessed from here.Right click on the light blue colored root of the IED allows the user to D i s c o n n e c t or D e l e t e the server.Figure 2 Connected to "Q0_S"The status of the connection to the IED is indicated with the following icons:– Shows whether the loaded IED is connected (green) or disconnected (gray) – The IED has been discovered– The IED definition has been loaded from an SCL file (will be explained below)When one of the logical devices in the Main screen is double-clicked, the D a t a V i e w will open. It is divided into two panes.The nesting depth in the left pane is limited to the LD level and gives an overview of the IEDs and their top level structure. This pane is especially useful for quickly navigating between IEDs when multiple devices are loaded.The right pane is for inspecting the IEDs' data models in detail, down to the attribute level.Figure 3 Data View with "Q0_S" loadedThe data tree shows the different types of objects with different icons:• – The server (IED), the root of the data tree• – Logical Device• – Logical Node• – Functional Constraint• – Data Object• – Data Attributes, the leafs of the treeThe D a t a V i e w uses colors to signalize the status and the information source of the data.• – Initial value, the value has not yet been updated• – The value has been retrieved by a read command• – Data has changed within a report• – Data has been updated by a report General Interrogation (GI)• – Value comes from periodic reporting• – This value has just been writtenA context menu opens when a selected data item is right-clicked with the mouse. The context menu offers various functions to be performed with the item, such as R e a d, W r i t e, P o l l i n g, etc. Depending on the selected item (context), some functions which do not apply to that item will be disabled (grayed out).2.2 Working with SCL FilesIEDScout provides useful features with SCL. An SCL file can be created from a discovered IED. If an SCL file with definitions of an IED is provided, the connection and browsing process can be facilitated. Saving an SCL FileThis function is typically used to produce an ICD file for a discovered IED. There are several usages of this SCL file: support further re-connection to the device, import of GOOSE definitions by the GOOSE Configuration module of the OMICRON Test Universe, Simulating of the IED, etc.The S a v e S C L function is accessible from the main screen via the toolbar or the Filemenu.The S a v e S C L window opens. First, the server is selected in the "Server" list.Specifying the I E D N a m e is mandatory and essential to get a correct SCL file. The IED discovery process delivers the IED Name and the LD names concatenated together without delimiters. In the SCL file, these two names need to be stored separately. To split IED Name and LD names correctly, the IED Name has to be known.IEDScout tries to guess the IED Name, which succeeds when sufficiently different LD names are contained in the server. If there is only one LD in the server or if the LD names do not differ at the first character, IEDScout cannot make a correct guess. In this case, the user must provide the correct IED Name. In any case, the IED Name is not arbitrary and must at least match the leading characters of the(IED Name + LD name) string delivered by the IED.Figure 4 Save SCL window Other information as I E D T y p e,M a n u f a c t u r e r and C o n f i g V e r s i o n are optional.As far as possible, IEDScout will correct deviations from the standard in the discovered data model to create a conformant SCL file. Corrections are listed in the "Results:" list.When storing the SCL file, information about the meanings of attributes of type "Enum" is added. The default source for this information is the file "enums.dat". While D i s c o v e r delivers only the ordinal integer values for enumerators, the meanings are displayed in text form when connecting to the device using an SCL file (see the next example).Connecting Using an SCL FileWhen connecting using an SCL file, no parameters have to be specified and the connection operation is much faster because the data model will not be requested from the server.Opening the SCL FileAn SCL file (.icd, .scd, .cid) is opened by selecting the O p e n S C L function from the toolbar or the F i l e menu in the main screen.It is also possible to drag-and-drop an SCL file onto the Main screen of IEDScout.A tree view with all servers in the SCL file is displayed. The tree can be expanded to a certain level to examine the devices offered. A selection specifies which server's data are actually loaded into IEDScout. IEDScout creates new server sections for the selected servers on the main screen, just as if they were found through a D i s c o v e r process.ConnectingIf the addressing (for example the IP address) of the server has changed since the SCL file was created, according modifications can be made by double-clicking on A d d r e s s.A connection is then established by simply clicking C o n n e c t in the right click popup menu of the light blue IED root node.Connecting to a server by using its SCL file speeds up the process considerably, since the discovery of the data model structure is not necessary. This information is already delivered by the SCL file.The actual data can then be read with the R e a d D a t a function in the context menu of the IED or by using the R e a d function (from the context menu of a data item) in the D a t a V i e w.Additionally, the SCL file contains information about the meanings of attributes of type "Enum". This information is then displayed in text form along with the ordinal values for enumerators.2.3 Polling DataData to be polled are collected in the P o l l i n g window. All polled data can be viewed together in one place. This is especially convenient when data from different IEDs are to be observed together, which would not be simultaneously visible in the data view.The Polling Window opens as soon as a data object or attribute is added for polling. Adding data items is done in the D a t a V i e w by focusing an item (DO or DA) and selecting P o l l from the context menu or by dragging & dropping items from the D a t a V i e w to the P o l l i n g window.Items can be individually removed by using the context menu in the P o l l i n g window.Figure 5 Polling Window with dataAll data are polled with the same rate. The polling interval can be selected from preset values.The green dot on the toolbar flashes when the data are polled.If polling is paused, the data can be refreshed manually.2.4 Working with ReportsEnabling a ReportTo enable a report from the device, a report control block (RCB) must be selected. This is done by browsing the object model in the Data View and setting the focus on a RCB. The context menu then offers the function E n a b l e. The values in the RCB that are changed by IEDScout by this action are then marked in purple.Figure 6 Data tree with enabled report (purple)Depending on the trigger options, the server will then send the reports to IEDScout. The updated data will be marked red in the data tree.General InterrogationWhen the report control block is enabled (as mentioned before) and the trigger option allows a general interrogation, the G I function triggers a report that is sent regardless of the other trigger conditions.2.5 Subscribing and Recording GOOSEIEDScout provides four different methods to subscribe to a GOOSE.Subscribing using GOOSE Control BlocksSubscribing by the Control Blocks displayed in the Main ScreenThe Main screen lists all available GOOSE Control Blocks (GCBs) of the IED. When one is double-clicked, the GCB detail window opens. The menu bar has a S u b s c r i b e button.Figure 7 Subscribing from the GOOSE Control Block detail viewOn pressing the S u b s c r i b e button, the GOOSE Subscription Window opens and the GOOSE is displayed in detail.Figure 8 Subscribed GOOSEAll subscription actions lead to the GOOSE Subscription Window or can be initiated from there (see further examples).Subscribing by the Control Blocks displayed in the Data ViewWith the focus on a GOOSE Control Block (GCB), the context menu (accessible via right-click) offers the function S u b s c r i b e G C B. Selecting this function will automatically set up a GOOSE subscription.Figure 9 Subscription using a GOOSE Control BlockAccessing VLAN InformationThe GOOSE subscription also shows the VLAN information in the"Network" branch, but IEDScout can only do so if the Ethernetpackets received actually contain such a VLAN tag.Until a few years ago, network components were not aware ofVLANs and just passed on the entire Ethernet packetsunmodified.Today, modern network equipment is becoming more and more"VLAN aware" and behaves accordingly. VLANs are primarily anissue of network management, so VLANs are primarily handled inEthernet switches and the VLAN tags are not intended to beprocessed by the end devices. Consequently, networkcomponents (switches, adapters, drivers) may strip the VLANtags from the Ethernet packets. It depends on several factors ifand where VLAN tags are stripped, but with the development ofthe networking components, it becomes less likely that applications such as IEDScout will even get the VLAN tags delivered for display and further analysis. Only in specific cases it is possible to get the VLAN tags actually delivered. There are few helpful materials on this, the few ones can be found by submitting an internet search for "capture vlan" or similar.Given the situation as described above, the VLAN information is more likely to be shown as "No VLAN tag".GOOSE SniffingThe GOOSE Sniffer can be started from the G O O S E S u b s c r i p t i o n window or the A c t i o n menu of the Main window. It finds all GOOSE messages arriving at the GOOSE adapter (as specified in the Configuration dialog).These GOOSEs can then be subscribed with the S u b s c r i b e button. Various other functions are accessible from the context menu of a GOOSE entry.Transferring GOOSE Information to Configure a CMC Test SetThe GOOSE Sniffer also supports Drag & Drop or Copy & Paste to the OMICRON Test Universe GOOSE Configuration Module to subscribe/simulate GOOSEs with the CMC test set.Drag & Drop or Copy & PasteFigure 10 Transferring a data from the GOOSE Sniffer to the GOOSE Configuration Module Subscribing ManuallyAdditionally, a GOOSE can be subscribed "from scratch" without using the IED's data model and access to the control blocks. All relevant GOOSE parameters must be known and specified manually. This can be done in G O O S E S u b s c r i p t i o n s with the S u b s c r i b e button. The GOOSE parameters have to be entered in the opening subscription dialog.Figure 11 Subscribing manually by specifying parametersGOOSE RecordingIEDScout has a powerful function for recording GOOSE traffic. Complex relations between data in multiple GOOSEs can be analyzed this way.The data are recorded into COMTRADE files which can be analyzed in several viewer applications. OMICRON TransView may be available for this purpose if the OMICRON Test Universe software (with EnerLyzer) is installed.The name template defines the location where the COMTRADE records are stored and the base file name. Incrementing numbers are appended to the filenames for further recordings.Figure 12 GOOSE Recording WindowThe O p e n function will launch the application associated with the COMTARDE configuration files (CFG file extension) to view the COMTRADE files.When using OMICRON TransView, the maximum recording time is limited to approximately 35 minutes with a µs resolution.Data attributes to be included in the recording need the checkmark next to them checked. Normally, only state changes are recorded. When the sequence number (SqNum) is included, all retransmits will be recorded as well.Trigger conditions can be set up with attributes selected for recording.2.6 Simulating GOOSEThe GOOSE message to be created for the example shall have the following properties:GOOSE ParametersGOOSE Control Reference: IEDScout/LLN0$GO$EvalDataset Reference: IEDScout/LLN0$Eval_DataSetGOOSE ID: GOOSEIDApplication ID: 0x3FFFMulticast MAC Address: 01:0C:CD:01:01:FFRetransmission: First Interval: 1000ms, Multiplier: 2, Max Interval: 8000ms,default strategyData: Boolean; Integer; BitString[4]Creating a GOOSEOpen the G O O S E O u t p u t view by selecting G O O S E S i m u l a t i o n s from the toolbar.Create a new GOOSE with A d d G O O S E.In the Destination MAC address field specify the last two bytes of 01 0C CD 01 01 FF.The initial data must be entered in the D a t a field.For this example, "{False, 0, [1000]}" is the initial data. The data can also be edited with the … button next to the Data field.The other fields are filled out according to the parameters given above:G o I D: "GOOSEID"G c R e f: "IEDScout/LLN0$GO$Eval"D a t S e t: "IEDScout/LLN0$Eval_DataSet".Set the AppID and the VLAN parameters with the Advanced button at the Advanced Addressing Window. The strategy can be changed through the S t r a t e g y button. For this example, the defaults are used. Creating a GOOSE SequenceThe data shall change every second between four different states:Step 1: {False, 0, [1000]}Step 2: {True, 1, [0100]}Step 3: {False, 2, [0010]}Step 4: {True, 3, [0001]}With the I n s e r t S t e p button, four steps are inserted. The D e l a y field is set to 1000ms on all steps.The corresponding data are specified in the data fields.The GOOSE will be published as soon the setup is confirmed with O K on the E d i t G O O S E/G S S E window.Figure 13 The example GOOSE with all parameters filled inThe GOOSE and the sequence shown in Figure 13 is the one used in the evaluation version of IEDScout. Running a GOOSE SequenceBy clicking on R u n in the G O O S E O u t view, the data changes every second according to the setting in the steps.2.7 Analyzing Client/Server CommunicationGeneralThe client/server (C/S) communication is a generic term for the "Two Party Application Association" (TPAA), which is one of the abstract communication services (ACSI) defined in IEC 61850-7-2.In a substation, the client is typically the station controller and the server is typically an IED such as a protection relay and the C/S communication is mainly used for the classical SCADA data exchange.In the context of IEC 61850, the term "MMS" is often used when C/S is actually meant. But in fact MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification, ISO 9506) is just the specific transport protocol used to perform the C/S communication. The specific communication service mapping (SCSM) of the abstract communication services to the MMS protocol is described in IEC 61850-8-1, which also contains the mapping of the GOOSE service to Ethernet. C/S communication could also be performed over alternate transport protocols, e.g. Web-Services, which are actually considered for certain applications like wind power generation.Accessing Client/Server TrafficThere is a significant difference between GOOSE and C/S communication. GOOSE is an Ethernet (network layer) multicast traffic (MCAA: Multicast Application Association). Unless dedicated filters are set up, the Ethernet switches will replicate a received GOOSE and forward it to all connected links. So any device can receive a GOOSE without further efforts.With C/S communication, this is different. The C/S communication is performed over explicitly established connections between the client and the server. The data packets are forwarded as unicast traffic, and that means that the corresponding Ethernet packets are only forwarded on those links that actually establish the path between the involved end points (the client and the server). Without special precautions, an analysis tool like the IEDScout, connected to an arbitrary port on an Ethernet switch, will not receive the packets to be analyzed.There are two means of accessing unicast traffic: taps and mirror ports. A tap is a device that is inserted into a network link and that replicates the traffic going over the link to additional ports, from where it can be received for further processing. A mirror port can be typically found on managed Ethernet switches and this port can be configured to replicate the traffic from specified other ports on the switch, similar as if a tap was used.So for receiving C/S communication with IEDScout, the access to the traffic of interest must be first established as indicated above.For capturing the C/S traffic that is caused by IEDScout itself in its role as a client, there are no special precautions necessary as this traffic is anyway accessible for IEDScout.IEDScout obtains the C/S traffic from the same network adapter that is selected for GOOSE.ACSI SnifferThe A C S I S n i f f e r is accessed via the toolbar from the main screen.The function captures not only the messages related to the C/Straffic, but also the GOOSE messages, so these two ACSI servicesare covered together.To get a better overview and for easier understanding, dedicatedviews for specific kinds of traffic/messages are provided on theACSI level. To investigate the traffic in more detail, drilling down tolower protocol layers (MMS and Ethernet) is also possible.The figure on the right shows how the top level ACSI services(defined in IEC 61850-7-2) relate with the layers below.The mapping of the C/S services to MMS (which itself usesTCP/IP) and the mapping of GOOSE directly to Ethernet is definedin IEC 61850-8-1.Views and FunctionsThe C l i e n t/S e r v e r+G O O S E view shows the C/S messages and the GOOSE messages together. This view gives insight in the course of actions where C/S requests and responses and GOOSEs depend on each other. In this regard, this is more than just an event list.The top half of the list of events below was captured from the execution of a switch command (with SBO) on an XCBR. When the switching happens, the course of the CB status is published via GOOSE and when the CB has entered its new state, reports are generated.At about half down the list, the CB is tripped via a GOOSE (e.g. published by a protection relay), the change of the CB status is again published via GOOSE and reports are sent to the client.By default, only GOOSE status changes are displayed. If desired, the display of GOOSE retransmissions can be enabled by checking R e t r a n s m i s s i o n s in the toolbar. This is a simple (and thus very fast) display filter that suppresses any GOOSEs with a sequence number other than zero. Be aware that if the first GOOSE with a new status (the one with sequence number zero) is missing for some reason, the status change will not be visible at all when repetitions are not shown. There is no further detection of the status changes from analyzing the status numbers.The two kinds of communication can be separately viewed in the C l i e n t/S e r v e r and G O O S E views.The R e p o r t view is provided for convenience. This frequently used filtered view can be accessed in the dedicated tab without the need to use the filter function.Search and FilterIn any view, search and filter functions are available. A toolbar with input fields for search and filter strings are displayed at the bottom of the list.The S e a r c h function does not alter the amount of the displayed entries, but allows finding and stepping through all occurrences of the search string.The F i l t e r function limits the amount of the displayed messages to those containing the filter string.The string matching is case insensitive and works on all text strings (path names, time stamps, ...) that are displayed in the different columns, even if the string is in a collapsed sub-tree that is not currently visible. For example, filtering for "report" in the C/S view would result in a similar (not exactly the same!) display as the R e p o r t view provides.Details of C/S TrafficC/S communication is mostly confirmed (only unsolicited reports are unconfirmed), so the traffic mainly consists of request/response sequences. IEDScout detects requests and responses that belong to each other and groups them together.When expanding an entry in a C/S view, this grouping of the request and the associated response becomes visible. In the figure below this is shown for the operate command.Drilling DownIn any view, a drill down to the underlying protocol layer is possible to obtain more details.When drilling down from a C/S view to investigate the transactions on the MMS layer, all messages belonging to the selected C/S transaction are highlighted in the M M S view with a light yellow color. This will reveal for instance, that a single request/response pair of the C/S layer can consist of multiple MMS messages.The scope of messages belonging to an ACSI transaction cannot always be determined with absolute precision, so the highlighted range may contain some excess messages.More details on the MMS transactions can be seen when further expanding the entries. The E x p a n ds u b t r e e and C o l l a p s e s u b t r e e functions are most useful with MMS, because the nesting can be rather deep with this protocol.The E t h e r n e t view shows the individual Ethernet packets with only few details. To provide a focused view, only packets belonging to IEC 61850 C/S and GOOSE communication are listed.。



LOL关键词引言LOL(英雄联盟)是一款由Riot Games开发和发布的全球知名的多人在线战术竞技游戏。



1. 英雄英雄是LOL游戏中的可操作角色,玩家通过控制英雄在游戏地图上进行战斗。



• 1.1. AD(Attack Damage)AD是英雄的物理攻击力属性,决定了英雄对敌方单位造成物理伤害的能力。


• 1.2. AP(Ability Power)AP是英雄的技能攻击力属性,决定了英雄对敌方单位造成技能伤害的能力。


• 1.3. 辅助辅助是一种特殊的角色类型,主要负责给予队友支持并提供生存和控制方面的帮助。


2. 游戏模式LOL游戏中有多个不同的游戏模式,每个模式都有不同的规则和目标。


• 2.1. 5v5匹配5v5匹配是LOL游戏中最常见的模式之一。



• 2.2. ARAM(All Random All Mid)ARAM是一个非常受欢迎的LOL游戏模式,玩家们在地图中间的一条直线上展开战斗。



• 2.3. 排位赛排位赛是一种竞技模式,玩家需要通过进行一系列胜利来提升自己的排名。


3. 技能和符文技能和符文是LOL游戏中玩家使用的两种重要装备。



英雄联盟(League of Legends,简称LOL)是由Riot Games开发并发行的一款多人










(一)《英雄联盟》游戏简介《英雄联盟》(简称LOL)是由美国拳头游戏(Riot Games)开发的MOBA竞技网游、在我国的大陆地区是腾讯公司拿到的代理。




《英雄联盟》不仅仅满足有自身的发展还希望推动电子经济的发展,所以出去平时会举办的联动发展职业联赛、打造电竞体系之外还会举办“季中冠军赛”“全球总决赛”“All Star全明星赛”,极大的推动了电竞文化的发展[18]。















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我是Safelocked,英雄联盟首席游戏制作人,也是首席游戏版本制作人Joe "Audible Chocolate" New001,在你深入了解这个英雄联盟重大版本更新之前,我想要花几分钟回顾这一年中游戏内的变化。
















