第二章 标题翻译
5. How to price your products and services 【译】如何为你的产品和劳务定价 6. Working for better Sino-US ties 【译】中美两国政府为促进双边关系而努力 7. Traveling under the Channel in the Eurostar Train 【译】乘“欧洲之星”列车穿过海底隧道 8. Japanese rocket launch delayed 【译】日本政府决定推迟火箭发射日期
11. Bush says war against terror far from over 【译】布什称反恐战争远未结束 12. Will highland park disappear? 【译】高地公园会消失吗? 13. Helping the homeless to help themselves 【译】帮助无家可归者自强自立 14. Gas prices going up, up, up 【译】煤气价格一涨再涨 15. Best of Times, Worst of Times 【译】美好时代,艰难岁月 16. Florida Court Oks Proposed Office Smoking Ban 【译】佛州法院通过办公室禁止吸烟提案 17. Liberty: Mother of Success 【译】自由是成功之母
国际结算 英文名词翻译 按章整理
第一章 国际结算导论 international settlement
美国CHIPS 系统:纽约清算银行同业支付系统 英国CHAPS 系统: 清算所自动支付体系 布鲁塞尔SWIFT 系统: 环球银行金融电讯协会 (Critical Point for Delivery) 交货临界点 (Critical Point for Risk) 风险临界点 (Critical Point for Cost)费用临界点
《国际贸易术语解释通则》 Incoterms2000
visible trade :有(无)形贸易 (representative office) 代表处 ( agency office)代理处
(overseas sister bank /branch,subbranch )海外分/支行
(correspondent bank ) 代理银行
(subsidiary bank )附属银行(子银行)
(affiliated banks ) 联营银行
(consortium bank )银团银行
甲行是往帐(Nostro a/c),即我行在你行设帐(Our a/c with you )
甲行是来帐(V ostro a/c),即你行在我行设帐(Your a/c with us )
在银行实际业务中,增加使用“贷记”(To Credit ),减少使用“借记”(To Debit )
第二章 票据Instrument drawer 出票人 drawee/payer 付款人 payee 收款人 endorser 背书人 endorsee 被背书人 holder in due course 善意持票人
I am a priest from the Tang country in the East, and I am going to the Western Heaven to ask for holy scriptures.
Evil spirit, where do you think you're going?
Hey! Are you reinforcements sent for by Monkey?
Great Sage, give your magic powers a rest.
You've got no common sense, Protector of the Horses.
Through a surname, the body belongs to this book, only waiting for Rong Qian Xian to record his name.
Monkey King led a group of apes, macaques, horse monkeys, etc., and assigned the monarch, officials and envoys to visit Huaguo Mountain.
"But what amazed me even more was that, although I had been living here for almost five months, I had rarely seen the lake. It was just below my window, and I could almost say I slept facing away from it. The scenery on the other side of the lake was hidden from me, which puzzled me. However, one morning, I stood there, looking at the forest on the other side of the lake, and suddenly discovered something I had never seen before. My spirit was immediately lifted up. I saw how the forest creatures made use of their habitat. In the forest before me, I saw the beauty of the earth and the height of the sky. I felt a new joy, a new life beginning to grow in my heart. I felt myself endowed with new strength and new opportunities."
一. 英文句式结构
基本上为主谓结构,可以扩展为5种: 主+谓、主+谓+宾、主+谓+宾+宾补、主+谓+宾+间宾+直宾、主+系+表。汉语中有部分句子与上述英文句子是对应的。
二. 中文句式结构
1. 很多汉语句子是“话题性”很强的句子,即句子的前面是一个话题,后面是对话题的评述或陈述、描述。
2. 其中话题跟后面的动词只是对这个话题所作的说明,不一定表示主语所指称的实体的行动或性质,或者后面根本就没有动词。
3. 结论:将此类句子翻译成英文时,需进行句式结构的调整,在整个句中找到可以在英文中作主语的词,然后再根据主语选择合适的动词,如果找不到主语,就需要添加主语,或将句子中动作的承受着作主语,变为英文的被动语态。
4. 主题—评述句可归纳为如下几种:
1.Nature of Translation(翻译的性质)
Translation is a science.
Translation is an art.
Translation is a craft.
Translation is a skill.
Translation is an operation.
Translation is a language activity.
Translation is communication
2.Principles of Translation(翻译的原则)
Three characters “信,达,雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)———严复《天演论》
Three characters “信,达,切”(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness) ———刘重德《翻译十讲》
(1) Faithfulness of Translation (翻译的忠实)
Strictly speaking, faithfulness is the generalization of the principles of translation. That’s to say, true translation demands that the translator be faithful to the content, language and style of the original at the same time.
第二章 翻译标准
一、以译出语或译入语为取向的翻译原则(the source-language-oriented or the target-language-oriented translation principle)
以译出语为取向的翻译原则唯原文的形式是举,惟恐译文失真,有违原文作者的原意,因此翻译时完全采取词对词、句对句(word for word and line for line)的死译方法,而且常多用音译法。例如把the Milky Way(银河)直译为"牛奶路",把the apple of my eye(珍爱物;珍爱之人,宝贝)直译成"我眼的苹果";把"Every dog has its day."译为"每只狗都有它的日子"(正确的译法应为"人人皆有得意之日")。持这种原则的翻译家为数不少,如中国西晋时期的佛经翻译家竺法护(约230-309)、15世纪德国翻译家尼古拉斯·封·维尔(Nicolas von Wyle,生卒年不祥)、近代的美国作家赛珍珠(Pearl Buck, 1892-1973);而以译入语为取向的原则则是一味以译文读者的口味为准绳,完全采用归化的译法。或是完全为了适合读者的口味而让译文归化,有时甚至不惜曲解原作,如把"When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war."译作"张飞杀岳飞,杀得满天飞"(正确译法应为"两雄相遇,其斗必烈"),把Solomon(所罗门,古以色列国国王大卫之子,以智慧著称)意译成"诸葛亮",把Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king意译为"春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜"。中外翻译史上持这种原则的翻译家同样不少,如三国时期的支谦和康曾会、东晋时期的鸠摩罗什、古罗马的西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero, 公元前106-43)、贺拉斯(Quintus Horatius Flaccus,公元前65-8)以及欧洲文艺复兴时期的文学翻译家。美国当代翻译理论家尤金·奈达(Eugene Nida)早年提出的以读者的反应对等的原则基本上也是以读者为取向的。这两种翻译原则流传到今天就是所谓的"直译"和"意译"说。"直译"和"意译"作为两种具体翻译方法完全有着自己存在的价值(如直
Removed_英语翻译基础 第二单元
1. The students are learning their English in the classroom.
2. 英语的turn the tide 译为:“扭转乾坤” 体现了英汉两种语言的()。(A)词序差异(B)结构差异 C)文化差异
3.“亚洲四小龙”译为:“Four economic tigers in Asia” 体现了英汉两种语言的()。
4. One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.
5.Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me?最佳译文是:()
6. It is superstition that you shouldn’t walk under ladder. 最佳译文是:()
他说的一套,做的另一套。教科书译文:He said one thing and did another.
Dear John,
Please paraphrase (explain) the following sentenses:
1.His words betray his actions.
2.He dose not keep his words in line with his actions.
3.When it comes to drive , she has got more than any one of us.
Li Tian-xin
Both 1. and 2. have the same meaning, however, the first (His words betray his actions.) is the more common way to express the concept.
What this means is that what you say about a given subject is
contradictory to what you do. As an example ... a boy tells a girl that
he loves her, he can't live without her and various other romantic things. Then this same boy is seen with other girls in an intimate setting - maybe eating dinner, maybe going to a movie, and so on. He says that there is only one girl for him but his actions
《实用英语翻译》教学参考 第一部分 笔译第一章 翻译的标准和过程教学建议本章共分2小节,介绍翻译的标准和过程。翻译是一项集艺术性和创造性为一体的艰苦脑力劳动,在翻译中做到“忠实、通顺”绝非一朝一夕所能达到的,需要付诸大量实践。建议学时数:1课时。本章重点难点: 翻译的标准一直是翻译界经常讨论并十分关注的极为重要的问题,也是翻译理论研究和探讨的中心课题。但翻译的标准各学派说法不一,历来争论不休。严复提出的“信、达、雅”翻译准则,其实有时是相互矛盾的,译者若墨守成规,一成不变,只会顾此失彼。现在共认的翻译标准主要有两条:忠实和通顺。重点提示: 翻译的目的是沟通两种文化的交流。开设翻译课的目的不在于解决学生外语水平、汉语水平和知识水平的问题,而在于培养和提高学生的实际翻译能力。二、答案(省略)第二章 笔译的技巧(上篇)一、教学建议本章共分6小节,分别介绍一些笔译的方法和技巧。笔译的技巧一般包括改变词类(conversion)、选词用字(diction)、词序调整(inversion)、省略(omission)、增词(amplification)、直译(literal translation)、意译(free translation)等。这些翻译技巧是翻译工作者在多年翻译工作中的经验总结,希望能给初学者起到抛砖引玉的作用。但切记翻译技巧不是“灵丹妙药”,翻译能力的提高还需进行大量翻译实践。第一节 词义的选择、引申和褒贬一、教学建议:建议学时数:2课时。本节重点难点 词语是翻译活动的基本单位,无论是句子、段落还是语篇,都是由单词构成的,因此,在翻译过程中,译者在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,符合译文习惯说法。翻译中对词义的选择、引申的褒贬是需要相当的基本功和反复推敲的,这不是一朝一夕能解决的问题,需译者多花精力,多多实践。重点提示 英语中有句古语:Words have no meanings: people have meanings for the words.(词本无义,义随人意。)可见词汇涵义广泛,对上下文的依赖性比较强,所以在词义的选择、引申和褒贬时要紧扣上下文。二、答案1 试译下列英语词组,注意词义的选择1) Soft文火 柔光 软心肠 软饮料轻音乐 纸币 和蔼的话 委婉的回答和风 纺织品 2) Regular固定职业 规则动词 正规军 匀速常客 定期航班 一般阅读 普通汽油正规语言 正规表达法2 试译下列汉语词组,注意词义的选择1) 老boss veteransenior citizen platitudeusual place regular customerancestor spinsterformer classma
The question before the house is one of awful moments to our country. 摆在全体代表面前的是关系到我国危急存亡的 重大问题。 The boys have their respective future dreams. 那几个少年对未来各有梦想。 The nursing of the sick ,said Nightingale, is a vocation as well as a profession. 南丁格尔说:看护患者不仅是一种职业,更是 天职。
二. 理解逻辑关系
翻译是逻辑活动,翻译作品是逻辑活动的 产物.理解原文是一个极其复杂的过程,译 者是用他的全部知识和智能来理解一个 句子的. 理解一个句子必须经过语义辨认,语法分 析和逻辑分析三个方面的交互作用.
Processes of Translation 翻译是在正确理解原文的基础上,用译入语文字 创造性地再现原文思想内容的语言过程。 也就是说 第一步是理解,第二步是表达。从表面上看,翻译似 乎就此两个程序,可实际上并不那么简单。一个句子, 一段文字,一篇文章往往要从英文到中文,中文到英 文仔细推敲、反复研究,使译文与原文意思尽量吻合。 译完之后再通读几遍,看看这句话、这段文字、这篇 短文是否有不妥当不通顺的地方,再琢磨加工、润色 修饰、才能点睛出神。
英语翻译的步骤The Procedures for Translation
例如:1.遇事和大家商量. “matter”, “affair”, “thing” , “deed”, “business” “problems” Consult the masses when problems arise. 2.从他的话音里,我能听出点东西来. I could tell something from the tone of his voice.
4. Her bright red hat killed the quiet colour of her dress. 5.That killed him around here. 6. He is killing me. 7. The troops of the two countries are kept at arm‟s length. 8.If I want you I‟ll ask for you.
英语特有的句法结构,尤其那些固定搭配和无理可讲的 习惯用法,使理解之难雪上加霜.
1.In 1945 he returned to his Paris museum and teaching posts. 2. You smell wine. 3. He is no more a writer than a painter. 4.He is not more a writer than a painter. 5. He is the last person for such a job. 6. He is the man of all men for such a job. 7.The engine did not stop because the fuel was finished.
Chapter 2课本第一章
An Era of Change改变的年代、时代
There has been a transformation(转化、变革) in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries.
This new paradigm poses(形成,造成) a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration。
These seven seeming verities(真理)have been challenged。这几个真理被挑战。
Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估)their bureaucracies and demanded changes。1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变.
All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度)later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革.
Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor.
"We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sandshave run out of a person’s hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count.
10. 地质年代、历史时期、历史事件大写。 如 Bronze Age, Middle Ages, Roaring Twenties, the Renaissance; 大写的Ice Age为新生代第四纪的“冰川 时代”,小写的ice age为“冰期”;历史时期用于泛 指时全小写,如 classical period, golden age, atomic age. 11. 星期、月份、节日的首字母大写。 如Thursday, October, National Day。四季名称小写, 带四季名称的节气也小写,如 spring equinox, winter solstice. 中国二十四节气的名称英译时一律大写,如 the Beginning of Spring(立春), the End of Heat(处暑), the Winter Solstice(冬至) 。 12. 宗教专名大写,如God, Allah, Puritans, Zen
第一节 大写与翻译
在翻译中,英译汉一般不涉及大小写问题,而汉 译英则需关注英语的大写规则。翻译中常用的英文 大写规则可归纳如下: 1、人名及与之连用的称呼、职称、头衔、诨名大写。 Daniel Defoe, Uncle Tom, Senator Harry. 2. 星系、恒星、行星、卫星、星座等天体名称要大写。 The Milky Way, North Star, Saturn; 但sun, earth, moon 通常小写,除非是作为太阳系特定天体名称出现, 或同其他大写天体名称连用,如 the Moon and Mars。 The solar system 也小写。
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The understanding of heat treatment is embraced by the broader study of metallurgy. Metallurgy is the physics, chemistry, and engineering related to metals from ore extraction to the final product.
Heat treatment is the operation of heating and cooling a metal in its solid state to change its physical properties. According to the procedure used, steel can be hardened to resist cutting action and abrasion, or it can be softened to permit machining.
With the proper heat treatment internal stresses may be removed, grain size reduced, toughness increased, or a hard surface produced on a ductile interior. The analysis of the steel must be known because small percentages of certain elements, notably carbon, greatly affect the physical properties.
Alloy steel owe their properties to the presence of one or more elements other than carbon, namely nickel, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, silicon, vanadium, and copper. Because of their improved physical properties they are used commercially in many ways not possible with carbon steels.
The following discussion applies principally to the heat treatment of ordinary commercial steels known as plain carbon steels. With this process the rate of cooling is the controlling factor, rapid cooling from above the critical range results in hard structure, whereas very slow cooling produces the opposite effect.
• A Simplified Iron-carbon Diagram
If we focus only on the materials normally known as steels, a simplified diagram is often used.
Those portions of the iron-carbon diagram near the delta region and those above 2% carbon content are of little importance to the engineer and are deleted. A simplified diagram, such as the one in Fig.2.1, focuses on the eutectoid region and is quite useful in understanding the properties and processing of steel.
The key transition described in this diagram is the decomposition of single-phase austenite(γ) to the two-phase ferrite plus carbide structure as temperature drops.
Control of this reaction, which arises due to the drastically different carbon solubility of austenite and ferrite, enables a wide range of properties to be achieved through heat treatment.
To begin to understand these processes, consider a steel of the eutectoid composition, 0.77% carbon, being slow cooled along line x-x’ in Fig.2.1. At the upper temperatures, only austenite is present, the 0.77% carbon being dissolved in solid solution with the iron. When the steel cools to 727℃(1341℉), several changes occur simultaneously.
The iron wants to change from the FCC austenite structure to the BCC ferrite structure, but the ferrite can only contain 0.02% carbon in solid solution.
The rejected carbon forms the carbon-rich cementite intermetallic with composition Fe3C. In essence, the net reaction at the eutectoid is austen ite 0.77%C→ferrite 0.02%C+cementite 6.67%C.
Since this chemical separation of the carbon component occurs entirely in the solid state, the resulting structure is a fine mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite. Specimens prepared by polishing and etching in a weak solution of nitric acid and alcohol reveal the lamellar structure of alternating plates that forms on slow cooling.