
I am a priest from the Tang country in the East, and I am going to the Western Heaven to ask for holy scriptures.
Evil spirit, where do you think you're going?
Hey! Are you reinforcements sent for by Monkey?
Great Sage, give your magic powers a rest.
You've got no common sense, Protector of the Horses.
Through a surname, the body belongs to this book, only waiting for Rong Qian Xian to record his name.
Monkey King led a group of apes, macaques, horse monkeys, etc., and assigned the monarch, officials and envoys to visit Huaguo Mountain.。
第二章 标题翻译

Assignment 2
1. Cops under fire 2. American booksellers 3. On the road to Parliament 4. Lost survivors 5. Ten Ways to Get More Energy 6. Confronting New Challenges 7. What‟s New in the Computer World 8. Inside the Clinton White House 9. Help is at hand if illness strikes mid flight
1.4 有标点符号‘ ’ “:” “,” “━” 的标题
5. Living in Amsterdam—the best way to see a city 【译】生活在阿姆斯特丹——城市观光的最佳方式 6. Life Show, A story of plain, passion, dream 【译】人生——一个普通平凡的、充满激情和梦想 的故事 7. “The system failed her” 【译】她与这种制度格格不入 8. Is “Globalization” helping or hurting? 【译】全球化:幸或不幸?
2 Rhetorical features of English Headlines
2.1 Short and simple e.g. Alcohol and Death 酒精与死亡 e.g. 007 Movies in Retrospect 007 电影回顾 e.g. Nike, From Small Beginnings to World Giant 耐克,从无名小卒到世界巨人
1. Cops under fire 【译】警察遭枪击 2. American booksellers 【译】美国书店一瞥 3. On the road to Parliament 【译】通向议会的道路 4. Lost survivors 【译】失落的幸存者 5. Ten Ways to Get More Energy 【译】精力充沛十法
英汉汉英视译教程上篇英译汉第二单元 地点句视译

第2单元 地点句视译 (例句)
5. In New York, where the movement began when protesters set up a makeshift camp in Lower Manhattan on Sept 17, organizers said the protest grew to at least 5,000 people as they marched to Times Square in midtown Manhattan.
第2单元 地点句视译 (例句)
〈译评〉 此句的难点:一是事件时间倒叙;二是动 作语义名词化表达(clashes in Rome)。 这是与汉语思维方式反差较大的典型英文 句式,翻译难度很大。如果是笔译还好, 译者有充分时间反复斟酌句子结构,但是 在视译条件下译者没有充分时间搬移句子 成分,只能顺坡就势,在英文逻辑基础上 构建基本符合中文口语习惯且通顺达意的 句子,能做到这一步已经实属不易。
第2单元 地点句视译 (例篇)
Japan sees a lot of seismic activity because it sits in an area where one tectonic plate—a shard of the earth’s crust—slides under another. At certain points, the two plates get stuck and strain builds up. When the strain overcomes the strength of the rocks, the plates jerk forward again and trigger a quake. Many researchers had expected the fault that lies off Japan’s eastern shore to behave just as it had over the past few centuries, causing quakes of magnitude 7.5 or 8.0 but nothing larger. And they had used land-based GPS data to carefully map the “stuck” points along the fault. To their satisfaction, these points closely matched the locations where the fault had slipped in the past. Unfortunately, the quake happened where they hadn’t inferred there was a stuck point—it was further away from shore. The quake might have destabilized other areas of the fault line—with special vulnerability at the edges of the rupture from the original event. If this is the case, that means another big quake could occur at the edge of the recent Japan rupture, located some 200 kilometers due east of Tokyo. If that offshore location is, indeed, “stuck,” and sufficient strain is accumulating there, it could be the recipe for another offshore megaquake—much closer to Tokyo.

”**英文:**"But what amazed me even more was that, although I had been living here for almost five months, I had rarely seen the lake. It was just below my window, and I could almost say I slept facing away from it. The scenery on the other side of the lake was hidden from me, which puzzled me. However, one morning, I stood there, looking at the forest on the other side of the lake, and suddenly discovered something I had never seen before. My spirit was immediately lifted up. I saw how the forest creatures made use of their habitat. In the forest before me, I saw the beauty of the earth and the height of the sky. I felt a new joy, a new life beginning to grow in my heart. I felt myself endowed with new strength and new opportunities."**总结:**梭罗通过这段描述表达了他对生活的理解,他强调了观察和理解周围环境的重要性,以及通过劳动创造美好生活的重要性。


英语翻译基础讲义第一章翻译的基本原则1.Nature of Translation(翻译的性质)Translation is a science.Translation is an art.Translation is a craft.Translation is a skill.Translation is an operation.Translation is a language activity.Translation is communication2.Principles of Translation(翻译的原则)Three characters “信,达,雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)———严复《天演论》Three characters “信,达,切”(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness) ———刘重德《翻译十讲》Summary:忠实与通顺(1) Faithfulness of Translation (翻译的忠实)Strictly speaking, faithfulness is the generalization of the principles of translation. That’s to say, true translation demands that the translator be faithful to the content, language and style of the original at the same time.Eg. 1.War, pestilence and famine consumed one million people.战争,瘟疫和饥馑毁掉了一百万人。

现四下决无一人时,她脱去了那件 扎人的、穿着难受的泳衣,平生第 一次赤裸裸地站在光天化日之下, 任凭阳光戏弄,任凭海风拍击,任 凭呼唤她的海浪波溅。
为生动地传达出埃德纳摈弃旧 的传统观念的决心及在自由中 获得新生后酣畅淋漓的心情。
这里女主人公(埃德纳)脱去扎人的、令 她难受的泳衣,赤身裸体地投入大海的怀 抱。这一艺术形象具有强烈的象征意义— —埃德纳决心挣脱与其格格不入的世俗传 统的束缚,投入大海,在死亡中寻求新生, 寻求她梦寐以求的自由。为了充分表现埃 德纳以死抗争的决心,译者重复使用了三 个“任凭”,构成排比句,以加强语气。
get degrees from Chinese colleges.
位。 例2.They include silks and colored thread. 他们包括各种丝绸和彩线。
例3.In spite of difficulties, they succeeded in finishing their task.
有些英文句子貌似省略句,实际上什么句子成分也 没有省,但若直译成汉语,译文就不清楚,必须按 照汉语的习惯表达方式增词。如:
do you like better: grammar or translation exercises? 你喜欢语法练习,还是翻译练习? 例2.He has written several articles and books on high-energy physics. 他写了几篇文章何几本书,都是关于高 能物理的。
Removed_英语翻译基础 第二单元

第二章一.单选题1. The students are learning their English in the classroom.译为:学生们正在教室里学英语。
体现了英汉两种语言的().(A)文化差异(B)词汇差异(C)词序差异2. 英语的turn the tide 译为:“扭转乾坤” 体现了英汉两种语言的()。
(A)词序差异(B)结构差异 C)文化差异3.“亚洲四小龙”译为:“Four economic tigers in Asia” 体现了英汉两种语言的()。
(A)词序差异(B)文化差异(C)结构差异4. One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.翻译成:一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。
用到了()(A)直译法(B)减词法(C)重复法5.Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me?最佳译文是:()(A)你能回答一个使我弄不懂而又想问你的问题吗?(B)我有一个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答吗?(C)你能回答一个我想问和困惑我的问题吗?6. It is superstition that you shouldn’t walk under ladder. 最佳译文是:()(A)在梯子下面穿过不吉利,是一种迷信的说法。
二.判断题1. 英汉句子结构对比中,英语重结构,汉语重语义。
()2. 英汉句子结构对比中,汉语多长句,英语多短句。
()3. 英汉句子结构对比中,英语多从句,汉语多分句。
()4. 英汉句子结构对比中,英语句子结构完整,汉语无主句多。
()5. 英汉句子结构对比中,汉语多被动,英语多主动。
()6. 英汉句子结构对比中,英语多变化,汉语多重复。
Chapter Two 词汇翻译

China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”
black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”) black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生 的黑人”) white coal (作动力来源用的)水(不是 “白煤”) white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的 人”) yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以 黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”) red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”) green hand 新手(不是“绿手”)
standing: To our knowledge, their financial standing is sound. (据我们了解,他们的财务状况良好) business standing (营业状况) commercial standing (商业信用)
turnover: This product has a fast turnover, three shipments going out per day. 这产品的成交量很高,每天可出三批 货 Starbucks’ annual turnover is 60 million yuan. The company has a fast turnover because of the poor working condition.
We are sorry to say we had to lodge a claim against you to cover our loss and hope you will take action immediately. 译文:十分遗憾的奉告,我方不得不向你方提 出索赔以弥补我方损失,并望尽快落实。

教科书译文:He said one thing and did another.李老师认为教科书译文值得商榷。
Dear John,Please paraphrase (explain) the following sentenses:1.His words betray his actions.2.He dose not keep his words in line with his actions.3.When it comes to drive , she has got more than any one of us.thans!Li Tian-xinBoth 1. and 2. have the same meaning, however, the first (His words betray his actions.) is the more common way to express the concept.What this means is that what you say about a given subject iscontradictory to what you do. As an example ... a boy tells a girl thathe loves her, he can't live without her and various other romantic things. Then this same boy is seen with other girls in an intimate setting - maybe eating dinner, maybe going to a movie, and so on. He says that there is only one girl for him but his actionsprove him a liar - his words betray his actions.3. The word 'drive' here means desire, commitment and faithfulness to start and finish a project of any kind. Itcould be learning to swim, graduating from college (a 4-year commitment takes a lot of 'drive' to complete), even studying for an exam requires'drive' from the students who really want to succeed and achieve good things.A paraphrase of 3. then is: She has more faith, commitment and action in every aspect of her life than any of us.John干劲的英文音标:[ gànjìn ]drive; vigour; enthusiasm: 有头脑、干劲和首创精神的青年young men with brains, drive and initiative; 干劲十足be full of vigour; 冲天干劲boundless energy1.We shall want a real Henry Fordeffort .我们需要有一种真正亨利福特的干劲。
Hi, Fly Guy 苍蝇小子中英文翻译

Hi, Fly Guy 你好,苍蝇小子Chapter 1 第一章A fly went flying. 一只苍蝇在飞。
He was looking for something to eat—something tasty, something slimy. 它正在找美味的、黏糊糊的食物。
A boy went walking. 一个男孩出来散步。
He was looking for something o catch— something smart, something for the amazing pet show. 他正在寻找一个聪明的小东西,捉来当宠物,参加奇妙的宠物展.They met. 他们相遇了。
The boy caught the fly in a jar. 男孩把苍蝇捉进罐子里。
“A pet!”he said. “一个宠物!”男孩说。
A fly was mad. 苍蝇非常生气。
He want to be free. 它想要自由。
He stomped his foot and said—Buzz! 他用力地跺脚说:“巴兹!”The boy was surprised. 男孩很惊讶。
He said, “You know my name! You are the smartest pet in the world!” 他说:“你知道我的名字!你是这个世界上最聪明的宠物!”Chapter 2 第二章Buzz took the fly home. 巴兹把苍蝇带回家。
“This is my pet,” Buzz said to Mom and Dad. “这是我的宠物,”巴兹对妈妈和爸爸说。
“He is smart, He can say my name. Listen!” “他很聪明。
听!”Buzz opened the jar. 巴兹打开罐子。
The fly flew out. 苍蝇飞了出去。
英语翻译的步骤The Procedures for Translation

4. Her bright red hat killed the quiet colour of her dress. 5.That killed him around here. 6. He is killing me. 7. The troops of the two countries are kept at arm‟s length. 8.If I want you I‟ll ask for you.
How to give an exact representation after you have acquired accurate comprehension: 表达是理解的继续和升华,表达的好坏与理解 的深度,译文语言的熟练程度,翻译技巧的掌 握程度有关.
2. 2. 1 关键词的表达
The question before the house is one of awful moments to our country. 摆在全体代表面前的是关系到我国危急存亡的 重大问题。 The boys have their respective future dreams. 那几个少年对未来各有梦想。 The nursing of the sick ,said Nightingale, is a vocation as well as a profession. 南丁格尔说:看护患者不仅是一种职业,更是 天职。
准确理解是确切表达的前提,理解的诸多 方面如图所示。词义的选择
固定搭配、成语、短语、惯用词组 理解 歧义 矛盾修辞 逻辑关系 夸张 重复 平行结构 正确理解语言现象, 不仅要了解句子的字面意义,还要 了解句子的内涵意义。必须上下有联系地、全面地理解原 文的词汇含义、语法关系和逻辑修辞。不能孤立地看待一 句一词,因为同一个词或一个词组,在不同的上下文和不 同的语法结构中,往往有不同的含义。有时不同词义的词 却被认为是同义词,而同一词在不同的上下文中又产生了 不同的含义。 篇章 段落 词句

二. 理解逻辑关系
翻译是逻辑活动,翻译作品是逻辑活动的 产物.理解原文是一个极其复杂的过程,译 者是用他的全部知识和智能来理解一个 句子的. 理解一个句子必须经过语义辨认,语法分 析和逻辑分析三个方面的交互作用.
例如:1.遇事和大家商量. “matter”, “affair”, “thing” , “deed”, “business” “problems” Consult the masses when problems arise. 2.从他的话音里,我能听出点东西来. I could tell something from the tone of his voice.
Processes of Translation 翻译是在正确理解原文的基础上,用译入语文字 创造性地再现原文思想内容的语言过程。 也就是说 第一步是理解,第二步是表达。从表面上看,翻译似 乎就此两个程序,可实际上并不那么简单。一个句子, 一段文字,一篇文章往往要从英文到中文,中文到英 文仔细推敲、反复研究,使译文与原文意思尽量吻合。 译完之后再通读几遍,看看这句话、这段文字、这篇 短文是否有不妥当不通顺的地方,再琢磨加工、润色 修饰、才能点睛出神。
准确理解是确切表达的前提,理解的诸多 方面如图所示。词义的选择
固定搭配、成语、短语、惯用词组 理解 歧义 矛盾修辞 逻辑关系 夸张 重复 平行结构 正确理解语言现象, 不仅要了解句子的字面意义,还要 了解句子的内涵意义。必须上下有联系地、全面地理解原 文的词汇含义、语法关系和逻辑修辞。不能孤立地看待一 句一词,因为同一个词或一个词组,在不同的上下文和不 同的语法结构中,往往有不同的含义。有时不同词义的词 却被认为是同义词,而同一词在不同的上下文中又产生了 不同的含义。 篇章 段落 词句

黑布林英语课外阅读书目《金银岛》关于作者Robert Louis Stevenson出生于1850年的苏格兰。
他在1876年成为一个全职作家,然后在1880年和Fanny Osbourne结婚。
大部分故事的叙述者是一个叫做Jim Hawkins的男孩。
Jim加入了乡绅Trelawney和医生Livesey以及一群海盗去踏上了寻宝之旅,队伍由可怕的Long John Silver的引领。

Chapter 2课本第一章An Era of Change改变的年代、时代Introduction引言There has been a transformation(转化、变革) in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries.在发达国家的公共部门的管理已经有了一个变革.This new paradigm poses(形成,造成) a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration。
These seven seeming verities(真理)have been challenged。
Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估)their bureaucracies and demanded changes。
1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变.All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度)later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革.A new paradigm一个新的范例There is some debate over whether or not public managemnet,particularly the new public management, is a new paradigm for public sector management.有个争论,关于公共管理尤其是新的公共管理是不是公共部门管理的一个新的范例。


“Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365,as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting ‘there’ faster,which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where ‘there’ is!This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly,but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions。
This needs to run throughout an organiza tion and is not exclusive to management.”(第一章 P29 第一段)“一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里.这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。
这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作.stly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards. Most lawyers find self worth in setting an example—both within the profession and within the larger society-as ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealings, it provides yet another form of compensation。

(2) The railway of the future may well be the “hovertrain,” which never touches rails at a speed up to 300 m.p.h. “气垫火车”很可能是铁路的未来。“气垫火 车”绝不会接触铁轨,时速可达300英里。
一、 为了明确
(一) 名词的重译
第二节 重译法法
• 4.重复英语中作先行词的名词 • (3) The little boy lived in terror of his stepfather, who had borne down on him so often and so hard that there was little left. • 那个小男孩对他的继父怕得要死,继父经常整他而且整得很重,简 直把他整瘪了。 • (4) There is a great technological explosion generated by science around us, which is already freeing vast numbers of people from their traditional bondage to nature. • 科学在我们周围引起了技术爆炸。这个爆炸正在把众多的人们从传 统的自然束缚中解放出来。 • 翻译英语中的同位语时,在译文中有时也可以重复其先行词。
(6) Every one of them rolled up his sleeves for the battle, high in morale and ready to win another brilliant victory. 他们个个摩拳擦掌,士气很高,准备再打一个漂亮仗。 (7) She walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and then wiped her crocodile tears with a big handkerchief. 她走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时用一条大手绢抹去那 鳄鱼的眼泪。
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The understanding of heat treatment is embraced by the broader study of metallurgy. Metallurgy is the physics, chemistry, and engineering related to metals from ore extraction to the final product.Heat treatment is the operation of heating and cooling a metal in its solid state to change its physical properties. According to the procedure used, steel can be hardened to resist cutting action and abrasion, or it can be softened to permit machining.With the proper heat treatment internal stresses may be removed, grain size reduced, toughness increased, or a hard surface produced on a ductile interior. The analysis of the steel must be known because small percentages of certain elements, notably carbon, greatly affect the physical properties.Alloy steel owe their properties to the presence of one or more elements other than carbon, namely nickel, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, silicon, vanadium, and copper. Because of their improved physical properties they are used commercially in many ways not possible with carbon steels.The following discussion applies principally to the heat treatment of ordinary commercial steels known as plain carbon steels. With this process the rate of cooling is the controlling factor, rapid cooling from above the critical range results in hard structure, whereas very slow cooling produces the opposite effect.• A Simplified Iron-carbon DiagramIf we focus only on the materials normally known as steels, a simplified diagram is often used.Those portions of the iron-carbon diagram near the delta region and those above 2% carbon content are of little importance to the engineer and are deleted. A simplified diagram, such as the one in Fig.2.1, focuses on the eutectoid region and is quite useful in understanding the properties and processing of steel.The key transition described in this diagram is the decomposition of single-phase austenite(γ) to the two-phase ferrite plus carbide structure as temperature drops.Control of this reaction, which arises due to the drastically different carbon solubility of austenite and ferrite, enables a wide range of properties to be achieved through heat treatment.To begin to understand these processes, consider a steel of the eutectoid composition, 0.77% carbon, being slow cooled along line x-x’ in Fig.2.1. At the upper temperatures, only austenite is present, the 0.77% carbon being dissolved in solid solution with the iron. When the steel cools to 727℃(1341℉), several changes occur simultaneously.The iron wants to change from the FCC austenite structure to the BCC ferrite structure, but the ferrite can only contain 0.02% carbon in solid solution.The rejected carbon forms the carbon-rich cementite intermetallic with composition Fe3C. In essence, the net reaction at the eutectoid is austen ite 0.77%C→ferrite 0.02%C+cementite 6.67%C.Since this chemical separation of the carbon component occurs entirely in the solid state, the resulting structure is a fine mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite. Specimens prepared by polishing and etching in a weak solution of nitric acid and alcohol reveal the lamellar structure of alternating plates that forms on slow cooling.This structure is composed of two distinct phases, but has its own set of characteristic properties and goes by the name pearlite, because of its resemblance to mother- of- pearl at low magnification.Steels having less than the eutectoid amount of carbon (less than 0.77%) are known as hypo-eutectoid steels. Consider now the transformation of such a material represented by cooling along line y-y’ in Fig.2.1.At high temperatures, the material is entirely austenite, but upon cooling enters a region where the stable phases are ferrite and austenite. Tie-line and level-law calculations show that low-carbon ferrite nucleates and grows, leaving the remaining austenite richer in carbon.At 727℃(1341℉), the austenite is of eutectoid composition (0.77% carbon) and further cooling transforms the remaining austenite to pearlite. The resulting structure is a mixture of primary or pro-eutectoid ferrite (ferrite that formed above the eutectoid reaction) and regions of pearlite.Hypereutectoid steels are steels that contain greater than the eutectoid amount of carbon. When such steel cools, as shown in z-z’ of Fig.2.1 the process is similar to the hypo-eutectoid case, except that the primary or pro-eutectoid phase is now cementite instead of ferrite.As the carbon-rich phase forms, the remaining austenite decreases in carbon content, reaching the eutectoid composition at 727℃(1341℉). As before, any remaining austenite transforms to pearlite upon slow cooling through this temperature.t should be remembered that the transitions that have been described by the phase diagrams are for equilibrium conditions, which can be approximated by slow cooling. With slow heating, these transitions occur in the reverse manner.However, when alloys are cooled rapidly, entirely different results may be obtained, because sufficient time is not provided for the normal phase reactions to occur, in such cases, the phase diagram is no longer a useful tool for engineering analysis.•HardeningHardening is the process of heating a piece of steel to a temperature within or above its critical range and then cooling it rapidly.If the carbon content of the steel is known, the proper temperature to which the steel should be heated may be obtained by reference to the iron-iron carbide phase diagram. However, if the composition of the steel is unknown, a little preliminary experimentation may be necessary to determine the range.A good procedure to follow is to heat-quench a number of small specimens of the steel at various temperatures and observe the result, either by hardness testing or by microscopic examination. When the correct temperature is obtained, there will be a marked change in hardness and other properties.In any heat-treating operation the rate of heating is important. Heat flows from the exterior to the interior of steel at a definite rate. If the steel is heated too fast, the outside becomes hotter than the interior and uniform structure cannot be obtained.If a piece is irregular in shape, a slow rate is all the more essential to eliminate warping and cracking. The heavier the section, the longer must be the heating time to achieve uniform results. Even after the correct temperature has been reached, the piece should be held at that temperature for a sufficient period of time to permit its thickest section to attain a uniform temperature.he hardness obtained from a given treatment depends on the quenching rate, the carbon content, and the work size. In alloy steels the kind and amount of alloying element influences only the hardenability (the ability of the workpiece to be hardened to depths) of the steel and does not affect the hardness except in unhardened or partially hardened steels.Steel with low carbon content will not respond appreciably to hardening treatment. As the carbon content in steel increases up to around 0.60%, the possible hardness obtainable also increases.Above this point the hardness can be increased only slightly, because steels above the eutectoid point are made up entirely of pearlite and cementite in the annealed state. Pearlite responds best to heat-treating operations; and steel composed mostly of pearlite can be transformed into a hard steel.As the size of parts to be hardened increases, the surface hardness decreases somewhat even though all other conditions have remained the same. There is a limit to the rate of heat flow through steel.No matter how cool the quenching medium may be, if the heat inside a large piece cannot escape faster than a certain critical rate, there is a definite limit to the inside hardness. However, brine or water quenching is capable of rapidly bringing the surface of the quenched part to its own temperature and maintaining it at or close to this temperature.Under these circumstances there would always be some finite depth of surface hardening regardless of size. This is not true in oil quenching, when the surface temperature may be high during the critical stages of quenching.•TemperingSteel that has been hardened by rapid quenching is brittle and not suitable for most uses. By tempering or drawing, the hardness and brittleness may be reduced to the desired point for service conditions.As these properties are reduced there is also a decrease in tensile strength and an increase in the ductility and toughness of the steel. The operation consists of reheating quench-hardened steel to some temperature below the critical range followed by any rate of cooling.Although this process softens steel, it differs considerably from annealing in that the process lends itself to close control of the physical properties and in most cases does not soften the steel to the extent that annealing would. The final structure obtained from tempering a fully hardened steel is called tempered martensite.Tempering is possible because of the instability of the martensite, the principal constituent of hardened steel. Low-temperature draws, from 300℉ to 400℉ (150℃~205℃), do not cause much decrease in hardness and are used principally to relieve internal strains.As the tempering temperatures are increased, the breakdown of the martensite takes place at a faster rate, and at about 600℉(315℃) the change to a structure called tempered martensite is very rapid. The tempering operation may be described as one of precipitation and agglomeration or coalescence of cementite.A substantial precipitation of cementite begins at 600℉(315℃), which produces a decrease in hardness. Increasing the temperature causes coalescence of the carbides with continued decrease in hardness.In the process of tempering, some consideration should be given to time as well as totemperature. Although most of the softening action occurs in the first few minutes after the temperature is reached, there is some additional reduction in hardness if the temperature is maintained for a prolonged time.Usual practice is to heat the steel to the desired temperature and hold it there only long enough to have it uniformly heated.Two special processes using interrupted quenching are a form of tempering. In both, the hardened steel is quenched in a salt bath held at a selected lower temperature before being allowed to cool. These processes, known as austempering and martempering, result in products having certain desirable physical properties.•AnnealingThe primary purpose of annealing is to soften hard steel so that it may be machined or cold worked.This is usually accomplished by heating the steel too slightly above the critical temperature, holding it there until the temperature of the piece is uniform throughout, and then cooling at a slowly controlled rate so that the temperature of the surface and that of the center of the piece are approximately the same.This process is known as full annealing because it wipes out all trace of previous structure, refines the crystalline structure, and softens the metal. Annealing also relieves internal stresses previously set up in the metal.The temperature to which a given steel should be heated in annealing depends on its composition; for carbon steels it can be obtained readily from the partial iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram. When the annealing temperature has been reached, the steel should be held there until it is uniform throughout.This usually takes about 45min for each inch(25mm) of thickness of the largest section. For maximum softness and ductility the cooling rate should be very slow, such as allowing the parts to cool down with the furnace. The higher the carbon content, the slower this rate must be.The heating rate should be consistent with the size and uniformity of sections, so that the entire part is brought up to temperature as uniformly as possible.•Normalizing and SpheroidizingThe process of normalizing consists of heating the steel about 50℉to 100℉(10℃~40℃) above the upper critical range and cooling in still air to room temperature.This process is principally used with low- and medium-carbon steels as well as alloy steels to make the grain structure more uniform, to relieve internal stresses, or to achieve desired results in physical properties. Most commercial steels are normalized after being rolled or cast.Spheroidizing is the process of producing a structure in which the cementite is in a spheroidal distribution. If steel is heated slowly to a temperature just below the critical range and held there for a prolonged period of time, this structure will be obtained.The globular structure obtained gives improved machinability to the steel. This treatment is particularly useful for hypereutectoid steels that must be machined.•Surface HardeningCarburizingThe oldest known method of producing a hard surface on steel is case hardening or carburizing. Iron at temperatures close to and above its critical temperature has an affinity for carbon.The carbon is absorbed into the metal to form a solid solution with iron and converts the outer surface into high-carbon steel. The carbon is gradually diffused to the interior of the part. The depth of the case depends on the time and temperature of the treatment.Pack carburizing consists of placing the parts to be treated in a closed container with some carbonaceous material such as charcoal or coke. It is a long process and used to produce fairly thick cases of from 0.03 to 0.16 in.(0.76~4.06mm) in depth.Steel for carburizing is usually a low-carbon steel of about 0.15% carbon that would not in itself responds appreciably to heat treatment. In the course of the process the outer layer is converted into high-carbon steel with a content ranging from 0.9% to 1.2% carbon.A steel with varying carbon content and, consequently, different critical temperatures requires a special heat treatment.Because there is some grain growth in the steel during the prolonged carburizing treatment, the work should be heated to the critical temperature of the core and then cooled, thus refining the core structure. The steel should then be reheated to a point above the transformation range of the case and quenched to produce a hard, fine structure.The lower heat-treating temperature of the case results from the fact that hypereutectoid steels are normally austenitized for hardening just above the lower critical point. A third tempering treatment may be used to reduce strains.CarbonitridingCarbonitriding, sometimes known as dry cyaniding or nicarbing, is a case-hardening process in which the steel is held at a temperature above the critical range in a gaseous atmosphere from which it absorbs carbon and nitrogen.Any carbon-rich gas with ammonia can be used. The wear-resistant case produced ranges from 0.003 to 0.030 inch(0.08~ 0.76mm) in thickness. An advantage of carbonitriding is that the hardenability of the case is significantly increased when nitrogen is added, permitting the use of low-cost steels.CyanidingCyaniding, or liquid carbonitriding as it is sometimes called, is also a process that combines the absorption of carbon and nitrogen to obtain surface hardness in low-carbon steels that do not respond to ordinary heat treatment.The part to be case hardened is immersed in a bath of fused sodium cyanide salts at a temperature slightly above the Ac1 range, the duration of soaking depending on the depth of the case. The part is then quenched in water or oil to obtain a hard surface.Case depths of 0.005 to 0.015in. (0.13~0.38mm) may be readily obtained by this process. Cyaniding is used principally for the treatment of small parts.NitridingNitriding is somewhat similar to ordinary case hardening, but it uses a different material and treatment to create the hard surface constituents.In this process the metal is heated to a temperature of around 950℉(510℃) and held there for a period of time in contact with ammonia gas. Nitrogen from the gas is introduced into the steel, forming very hard nitrides that are finely dispersed through the surface metal.Nitrogen has greater hardening ability with certain elements than with others, hence, special nitriding alloy steels have been developed.Aluminum in the range of 1% to 1.5% has proved to be especially suitable in steel, in that it combines with the gas to form a very stable and hard constituent. The temperature of heating ranges from 925℉ to 1,050℉(495℃~565℃).Liquid nitriding utilizes molten cyanide salts and, as in gas nitriding, the temperature is held below the transformation range. Liquid nitriding adds more nitrogen and less carbon than either cyaniding or carburizing in cyanide baths.Case thickness of 0.001 to 0.012in.(0.03~0.30mm) is obtained, whereas for gas nitriding the case may be as thick as 0.025 in.(0.64mm). In general the uses of the two-nitriding processes are similar.Nitriding develops extreme hardness in the surface of steel. This hardness ranges from 900 to 1,100 Brinell, which is considerably higher than that obtained by ordinary case hardening.Nitriding steels, by virtue of their alloying content, are stronger than ordinary steels and respond readily to heat treatment. It is recommended that these steels be machined and heat-treated before nitriding, because there is no scale or further work necessary after this process.Fortunately, the interior structure and properties are not affected appreciably by the nitriding treatment and, because no quenching is necessary, there is little tendency to warp, develop cracks, or change condition in any way. The surface effectively resists corrosive action of water, saltwater spray, alkalies, crude oil, and natural gas.对热处理的理解包含于对冶金学较广泛的研究。