







主要组件:●外后视镜总成●外后视镜开关诊断流程提示:11~14V如果电压值低于11V ,在进行下一步之前请充电或更换蓄电池。

车上检查检查ECU 端子故障症状表终端诊断1. 断开G40连接器。

2. 测量线束端电压后视镜开关正常值:连接端子端子描述线色条件正常值G40-7-车身地地信号W/B 始终小于1VG40-8-车身地电动外后视镜开关电源W/L 始终11~14V3. 接回连接器,从后端引线测量板端输出值。

正常值:连接端子端子描述线色条件(开关) 正常值G40-5-车身地左外后视镜左右调节电机驱动信号L选择左侧后视镜按左调节开关11-14VG40-2-车身地右外后视镜左右调节电机驱动信号R选择右侧后视镜按左调节开关11-14V全面诊断流程检查步骤:(a )断开外后视镜开关G40连接器。

(b )检查线束端连接器各端子电压或电阻。

2 检查外后视镜开关(a )断开电动外后视镜开关G40连接器。

(b )检测开关的导通性。

选择左侧外后视镜(开关打到L )选择右侧外后视镜(开关打到R )OK电路图:检查步骤:1 检查电动外后视镜开关(a)电源档位上到ACC档。



连接端子线色测试条件正常值G40-6-车身地Br/R 左调11~14VG40-5-车身地L 左调小于1VG40-6-车身地Br/R 右调小于1VG40-5-车身地L 右调11~14VG40-6-车身地Br/R 上调小于1VG40-4-车身地G 上调11~14VG40-6-车身地Br/R 下调11~14V(a )断开左电动外后视镜T03连接器。



1. 调整后视镜:先调整后视镜,确保能够清晰地看到后方的情况。

2. 打开倒车雷达:启动倒车雷达系统,以便及时发现后方的障碍物。

3. 松开刹车:踩住离合器,将挂档杆放在倒车档位上,然后松开刹车。

4. 缓慢提离合器:慢慢提离合器,让车辆缓慢行驶。

5. 观察后方:同时注意后视镜和倒车雷达,观察后方的情况,避免与其他车辆或障碍物碰撞。

6. 转向方向盘:根据后方情况,适时转动方向盘,调整车辆的行驶方向。

7. 倒车途中注意:在倒车途中,时刻保持警觉,特别是在拐弯或有交通流动的地方,要随时观察后方情况,并及时停车避让。

8. 倒车结束:当需要停车时,踩下刹车,将挡位换回空挡,并拉手刹。





1. 打开智能后视镜:通常有一个开关按钮,按下开关按钮即可打开智能后视镜。

2. 调整屏幕亮度:智能后视镜的屏幕亮度可以根据个人喜好进行调整。


3. 调整音量:智能后视镜一般内置扬声器,可以用来播放音乐、导航提示等。


4. 切换应用程序:智能后视镜上可能运行多个应用程序,比如导航、音乐、视频等。


5. 屏幕操作:智能后视镜的屏幕是触摸屏,可以通过手指在屏幕上滑动、点击等方式进行操作。





翻转前 后视镜按键图示
Page 6
因个人使用习惯等问题,本系统初次安装时此功能默认为禁用状态,车主需求镜片外翻功能扫 描盲区时可自行设置开启镜片外翻功能并设置镜片外翻角度。 操作如下: (1)、 右侧随转:1、车辆启动点火,打右转向灯。 2、后视镜设置按钮调到右键R键,通过左右方向键调整右镜片外翻后角度。 3、角度调整完成后,将右键R键复位,再将转向灯复位,此时镜片会自动 回位,右侧随转即设置完成。
(2)、左侧随转:1、车辆启动点火,打左转向灯。 2、后视镜设置按钮调到左键L键, 通过左右方向键调整左镜片外翻后角度。 3、角度调整完成后,将左键L键复位,再将转向灯复位,此时镜片会自动 回位,左侧随转即设置完成。
Page 7 后视镜按键图示
因路况与行车环境原因暂时不需要此系统工作时,可开启车辆双闪警示灯临时关闭。 操作如下: 1、按车辆双闪警示灯按钮一次,此时车辆双闪警示灯打开,倒车及行车 随转功能立即临时关闭。
Page 9
操作如下:1、车辆启动点火,开启右转向灯。 2、后视镜设置按钮调到右键R键,待右侧后视镜镜片自动往外翻转后,长 按调镜按钮“左” 键,直到右侧后视镜镜片左右角度回正。 3、将转向灯复位,再右键R键复位,即右侧随转关闭成功。
驾驶员请勿在行车时设置操作系统。在进行系统操作前,请确保您的 车处于静止状态,以免驾驶员因分心而造成行车意外,务必在安全处 停车后再行操作。



BUCAM200 Rear View CameraWhat's Inside The Box1.Product Sheet2.BUCAM200 Camera w/ Adjustable Mount3.Power Cable w/ Fuse, Video Cable, 2 Mounting Screws and FoamRubber Mounting Pad.Measurements are in millimeters (mm)Camera Specifications Image Sensor: CMOS, PC7070 Power: 12VDC, Negative Ground Power Consumption: <1 Watt Effective Pixels: 640x480Video Format NTSC Lux: <0.5White Balance: Auto Viewing Angle: 170 Degrees IP Rating: IP67Operating Temperature: -15F ~ 160F Camera Body: Zinc AlloyNote: Video cable has a built-in power wire (2 red wires on either end) for ease of installation. Only 1 cable has to be routed during installation.Limited One Year WarrantyThis warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Dual Electronics Corp. warrants this product to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1(one) year from the date of the original purchase. Dual Electronics Corp. agrees, at our option, during the warranty period, to repair any defect in material or workmanship or to furnish an equal new, renewed or comparable product (whichever is deemed necessary) in exchange without charges, subject to verification of the defect or malfunction and proof of the date of purchase. Subsequent replacement products are warranted for the balance of the original warranty period.Who is covered? This warranty is extended to the original retail purchaser for products purchased from an authorized Jensen/ Dual or Axxera dealer and used in the U.S.A.What is covered? This warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship in this product. The following are not covered: software, installation/removal costs, damage resulting from accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, product modification, improper installation, incorrect line voltage, unauthorized repair or failure to follow instructions supplied with the product, or damage occurring during return shipment of the product. Specific license conditions and copyright notices for the software can be found via .What to do?1.Before you call for service, check the troubleshooting guide in your owner’s manual.A slight adjustment of any custom controls may save youa service call.2.If you require service during the warranty period, you must carefully pack the product(preferably in the original package) and ship it by prepaid transportation with a copy of the original receipt from the retailer to an authorized service center.3.Please describe your problem in writing and include your name, a return UPS shipping address (P.O. Box not acceptable), and a daytime phone number with your shipment.4.For more information and for the location of the nearest authorized service center please contact us by one of the following methods:•Call us toll-free at 1-866-382-5476•E-mail us at cs@ Exclusion of Certain Damages: This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of any and all other warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any obligation, liability, right, claim or remedy in contract or tort, whether or not arising from the company’s negligence, actual or imputed. No person or representative is authorized to assume, for the company, any other liability in connection with the sale of this product. In no event shall the company be liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages.Dual Electronics Corporation Heathrow, FL 32746© 2016Printed in China。






然后,您可以按照以下步骤进行倒车操作:1. 打开电源开关:小牛U的电源开关位于车辆右侧把手下方,将其打开。

2. 确认刹车杆位置:在倒车前,您需要确保刹车杆在中立位置。


3. 进入倒车模式:将车辆的电门打开到最高档,然后按住电门不放。


4. 调整身体位置:找到重心平衡的位置,将身体稍微向后倾斜,使得倒车时能够更好地控制方向。

5. 控制方向:通过身体的微调,使得车辆向右或向左转弯。


6. 控制速度:通过松开或按下电门来控制车辆的速度。


7. 观察周围情况:在车辆倒车过程中,务必时刻观察周围的情况,包括行人、其他车辆等,确保安全倒车。

8. 控制平稳停车:当需要停车时,您可以松开电门,同时使用刹车杆轻轻向下按压,以保持车辆的平稳停车。







四代流媒体后视镜使用说明1. 前言嘿,朋友们,今天咱们来聊聊这款四代流媒体后视镜,简直是开车的小神器,真心让人爱不释手!你知道吗?这玩意儿不光能当后视镜用,还是个多功能的小帮手。

开车的时候,想象一下,后面的小车只要一来,你就能轻松看到,就像把整个后方的视野都搬到你眼前一样,简直爽翻了!那么,我们就一起来看看它的使用说明,保证让你轻松上手,开车更愉快!2. 基本功能2.1 后视镜功能首先,咱们得说说最基本的,就是后视镜功能。



2.2 流媒体功能接下来,就是流媒体功能啦!这个可厉害了,直接接入手机,把你喜欢的音乐、导航统统投屏过来,简直是移动KTV!车内的气氛瞬间就活跃起来,路途再远也不觉得漫长。


关键是,在开车时,屏幕上会显示导航信息,既能享受音乐,又能不走错路,真是一举两得!3. 安装步骤3.1 安装准备说完功能,咱们来聊聊安装,这可是重头戏!首先,得准备好工具,通常来说,十字螺丝刀、撬棒这些都得备齐。


3.2 安装过程安装的时候,首先把旧的后视镜拆下来,注意手不要抖哦,别把自己搞得手忙脚乱的!接着,把流媒体后视镜的支架固定到原来的地方,再把后视镜轻轻一挂上去,卡紧就好。


一般来说,设备一开,画面就能清晰呈现,看到这画面,真的是心里一阵小激动呢!安装完成后,别忘了调整一下角度,确保你能看到最清晰的视野,安全第一嘛!4. 使用技巧4.1 日常使用好了,安装完毕,接下来就是如何更好地使用这款后视镜了。

智能电动折叠后视镜 安装说明书

智能电动折叠后视镜 安装说明书


安装说明书免责声明:1、本安装说明书的图片仅供安装方法参考;2、非专业人员或未经培训人员安装的,且未按本安装说明书安装的,出现异常或事故,本公司不负任何责任;3、本安装说明书最终解释权归广东东箭汽车用品制造有限公司;电动后视镜配件清单:量号量1 14 21 111 102 电动后视镜安装工具清单:1 1线束连接说明:提示:本产品左右两边对称安装,以下只描述一边安装方法,另一边同样安装。



GPS直装倒车后视镜使用说明书 温馨提示:请客户认真阅读本说明书后再进行操作!请用户按交通法规驾驶车辆,如在导航过程中有与交通法规相违背的状况,也请按交通法规继续驾驶,GPS会重新规划新的导航路线。

产品各部件功能说明如下:(1)控制台(2)前次终点键(12)上向键(13)关/开GPS图像键(3)返回键关/开机键返回键地图内存卡五方位键音量调节器(左转大,右转小)通电指示灯遥控器接收窗亮度调节器(左转亮右转暗)(11)确认键一、 开机:1.1 已安装好本后视镜后,只要将汽车发动,本产品即直接进入GPS 图像显示,每次重新发动汽车均会重新进入。

1.2 汽车起动后,挂上倒车档会自动优先显示车后摄像图像。

二、 关机:2.1 汽车熄火本产品自动关闭,车辆停放时产品不会消耗电瓶电量;2.2 汽车行驶中按一次镜上“ ”<关/开机键>(或遥控器<(13)关开机键>)会关闭GPS 图像,再按该键会重显示GPS图像。

三、 GPS 的使用:由于是数字电路控制,每步操作需要软件运作时间!3.1 汽车起动后,40秒内会进入GPS 程序图像(如图1所示),开机1分钟左右GPS 天线会接收到卫星信号并显示(如图2所示):备注:若天线没有放在前挡风玻璃处或车停放在地下车库或隧道中,图2中的信号不会出现,也就无法自主导航,在无遮盖的道路上会自动显示卫星信号.温馨要求:以下的任何操作严禁驾驶车辆时进行操作!!!3.2 遥控器的使用:(建议用户多使用遥控器来实现所需要的功能!)在使用前请将遥控器电池盒抽出 , 去掉内有的绝缘片, 再将电池盒放入遥 控器中,遥控器即可正常工作;如果遥控 器使用时间久不起作用,请更换电池;遥 控器使用时要对准镜下方的红外接收窗。

3.3 确定自己所在城市归属的地区 (地区分为:华东/华北/华南地区):按遥控器上的<(3)返回键>(或按 Back 键),地图右上角的<开始导航>变黄, 如(图3)圈中所示, 按遥控器<(10)左 向键>(或主镜五方位键向左拨动)二次, 至图上<目的地>, 再按遥控器<(9)下向 键>(或主镜五方位键向下拨动) 至图上 <设置>栏,如(图4)下部圈中所示,按遥 控器<(11)确认键>(或主镜五方位键中间 键),将出现(图5),找到(图5)圏中 所示图标,按〈确认键〉将进入(图6), 用<左向键>和<下向键>调至(图6)圏 中所示,每按一次<(11)确认键>( 或主 镜五方位键中间键)会改变一个地区, 再 按<(3)返回键>回到地图界面。

I-CUE 智能镜操作手册说明书

I-CUE 智能镜操作手册说明书

I-CUE INTELLIGENT MIRROR Operations ManualTable of ContentsProduct Overview pg1 Product Description pg 2 Operation pg 2 Unpacking the unit pg 3 Control and power cables pg 3 Connections pg 4 Mounting the unit pg 4 Operating the unit pg 6 Modes of Operation pg 7 Summary of Control pg 9 Troubleshooting pg 10 Technical overview pg 12 Technical specifications pg 13 Drawings pg 15 I-Cue Mirror and Broadway scroller combined pg 15 I-Cue Mirror used without a color scroller pg 15 I-Cue Intelligent Mirror Parts List pg 16 Product OverviewThe I-Cue Mirror is designed to give years of trouble free use, providing that it is r e g ularly maintained and is used in accordance with the instructions detailed in this manual. If you should experience any problems that fall outside of the scope of this manual, please contact the selling dealer for further details.If the selling dealer is unable to satisfy your servicing needs, please contact the following, for full factory service:ROTAD1330 30th StreetSuite GSan Diego CA, 92154Attn: Repair Department800-468-0114 x25Product DescriptionThe I-Cue Mirror is a motorized mirror attachment which mounts onto fixed position spotlights to achieve many of the effects traditionally only available with high priced intelligent moving lights The compact and stylish design is equally at home in a t h e atre, exhibition centre, shopping mall, or car showroom.The moving mirror accurately redirects a fixed position beam of light through a pan of 230˚ and a tilt of 57˚, making it a very cost-effective and space-saving option for illuminating multiple locations using just a single spotlight. As well as being compatible with most standard medium and narrow beam profile fixtures, the unit can also be used with a color scroller to provide moving color and daisy chained to other lantern accessories to combine moving light with dynamic color changing and gobo rotating effects.The I-Cue Mirror is designed to operate either on the USITT DMX512 (1990) protocol or in stand-alone mode.The DMX serial data system allows for the individual addressing of multiple units on one data cabling system. The unit is addressed by using the three push button switches and LED display.The unit equipped with a diagnostic section on the LED display showing Power, DMX signal and level presence.When operating in stand-alone mode, the I-Cue Mirror only requires a 24 VDC supply to operate.Note:The quantity of I-Cue Mirrors used and the maximum cable length per power supply output is dependent upon the size of PSU/splitter box used. Operation• Unpacking the Unit• Control and power cables• Connections• Mounting the unit• Operating the unit• Modes of operation•Troubleshooting•Technical overview•Technical specificationsUnpacking the unitThe I-Cue Mirror package comes with the following items:• I-Cue Mirror• Safety wire (supplied fitted)• User manualThe unit is shipped in a specially constructed shipping carton to provide protection to the unit. Carefully open the carton and remove the unit by grasping the support arm in the middle and lifting the unit vertically out of the carton. Next, carefully remove the rubber restraint band used to stabilize the mirror unit during shipment.Note:The packing material protects the fixture during shipment; always use it to transport the fixture.The front light shield had been designed so that it can act as a shipping support and must be repositioned before using the unit. Loosen the two M4 wing screws on the front of the unit and reposition the light shield by moving the shield downward to the position necessary to prevent light leaks depending on the beam angle and focusing.Control and power cablesThe I-Cue Mirror utilizes an XLR 4-pin cable system.In DMX mode, this is used to supply power and data transfer. Pins 1 and 4 are supply 24V DC power. Pins 2 and 3 supply USITT1990 DMX512 control protocol, with a ground/drain wire to the connector shell.For use in ‘Stand-alone’mode, the unit requires a suitable 24V DC connected to Pins 1 and 4, with a ground/drain wire to the connector shell (not required, but suggested). Damage will occur if power connections short to data or ground/shield connections. When assembling XLR 4-pin cables, heat shrink should be used on each individual pin to prevent short circuits. (See diagram on following page.)N o t e:It is very important to ensure that the drain wire from the cable shield is c o n nected to both the XLR connector cases.Pin #1234 ChassisFunctionGround (-ve)Control data minus (-)Control data plus (+)24 VDC (+ve)Cable shield/Drain wireMinimum Cable size2.50mm_ (14 AWG)0.35mm_ (22 AWG)0.35mm_ (22 AWG)2.50mm_ (14 AWG)0.25mm_ (24 AWG) Detail of connector wiring (typical)(Note: Cable length should not exceed more than 75 M (250’) with return line) ConnectionsCorrect connection of the units to the power supply will decrease the chances of units malfunctioning due to cabling problems. Please follow these basic rules:a) Use the correct and gauge type of cable and connectors.b) Keep cable runs as short as possible to reduce line loss.c) Always use a return cable for each run.This will ensure balanced DC power to all units that the line is correctlyt e r m i nated and that all units receive power if one link of the chain is faulty. The correct wiring between male and female connectors is ‘one to one’.Mounting the unitFor proper operation, the unit must be firmly attached to the light fixture it is mounted on. To achieve this, the mounting plate of the unit has two flat springs at the outer edge. The unit is designed to mount in the rear color frame slot of the ellipsoidal fixture.The back plate should be inserted in the rear color slot and gently pushed down until the unit is firmly seated in the bottom of the slot. The safety wire supplied with the f i x ture should then be attached as a means of secondary fixing.Input power and DMX should be brought to the unit by way of XLR-4 cable. If daisy chaining is desired, a XLR-4 cable should be run from the output connector on the unit to the next device in the chain.When DMX is first applied to the unit, it will go through a homing sequence, which will cause the mirror to momentarily move around.Note:If the rear slot is not available for mounting of the unit because of the use of a gel holder in this slot, the front slot may be used for mounting instead.I-Cue Mirror mounted on a lighting fixture.Ensure the safety wire is used as a means of secondary attachment.Control FunctionRED button Mode access and ‘Record’BLACK button Decrements the mode level, or value BLUE button Increments the mode level, or value3 digit display Displays modes, monitor, or blank display.Red ButtonBlack ButtonBlue Button3 digit DisplayOperating the unitAll the unit functions are accessed using the LED display and the three push-button switches on the left side panel.PUSH BUTTON OPERATION:The RED button is used to scroll through the different modes of operation, and the BLUE or BLACK buttons used to select the level, or value, in that mode. If any mode or value is changed, the last digit of the display will flash until the RED button is pushed to acknowledge (or record) the change.DISPLAY OPERATION:Power-up DisplayOn power-up, the display will show ‘ini’during the initialization sequence, and then show the DMX address.MONITOR DISPLAY:If left undisturbed for 5-7 seconds, the display will revert to ‘Monitor Mode’•The first vertical bar indicates that there is Power (24V DC) at the unit.•The second vertical bar indicates that there is Data (DMX) at the unit.•The horizontal bars indicate the data Signal Level (DMX) at the unit.(See also: ‘Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g ’section of this manual)power datasignal levelDISPLAY BLANK:The display can be set to auto-blackout after short time. This is selected through the mode menu. (See later in this section)RESET:If the RED button is held down, and the BLUE buttonpressed, the unit will reset to the factory default settings.This feature is particularly useful when the units are usein many different configurations/shows.Modes of OperationEFFECTIVE (STAND-ALONE) MODEIn this mode, the unit can be used without a DMX control signal; only a 24v DC sup-ply is required. To use the stand-alone mode;• Connect a suitable 24V DC power supply to the unit.• Press the RED button to scroll through the menu until the display reads ‘At0’.• Press the BLUE button once, so that the display reads ‘At1’(Auto mode) and press the RED button.• Press the RED button to scroll through the menu until the display reads ‘Pn’. This accesses the mirror panning movement in the auto mode. Using the BLUE/BLACK buttons select the range of movement you require Pn0 – Pn7, continuous back & forth sweep Pn8, or mirror held at the centre position Pn9. Press the RED b u t t o n to store the pan value and change the display to ‘tL’, the mirror tilting movement in the auto mode.• Repeat the above process to set a tilt movement value.• When the desired effect is selected, press the RED buttonDMX CONTROL MODEIn this mode, the unit can be fully controlled using two or four DMX channels (see below). Acombined DMX and 24v DC supply cabling system is required in this system. Press the RED button to move between modes, and to record any changes made.DMX CHANNELADDRESS MODEThis mode is used to set the DMX start address in the range of 1-511 (2 channels,8 -bit resolution) and 1-509 (4 channels, 16-bit resolution).The display shows thec u r rent DMX address. (To alter the address, press BLUE or BLACK button once to increment/ decrement the value; hold down the BLUE or BLACK for fast increments/ decrements of the value.PAN / TILT MOVEMENT MODESThese modes allow the user to reverse the direction of the pan, tilt, or pan and tilt motion, when the configurations of the lighting fixture/mirror unit dictate. The display shows either the pan movement or the tilt movement (‘Pn’pan/ ‘tL’tilt) and the cur-rent direction (‘0’= normal/ ‘1’= reverse) of travel. (Press BLUE or BLACK button to switch directions, and the RED button to change modes.)DMX RESOLUTIONThis mode is used to set the movement resolution, or accuracy, of the unit. The unit operates either with two or four DMX control channels, or stand-alone mode (with no DMX control). The display shows the current DMX mode (‘rn0’= 8-bit or ‘rn1’= 16-bit resolution). (Press BLUE or BLACK to switch between modes.)DISPLAY MODEThis mode is used to switch the display on or off. This feature can be used to blank displays that may be an unwanted distraction. The display will re-activate when any button is pressed. The display shows the current display mode (‘dP0’= display off or ‘dP1’= display on),(Press BLUE or BLACK to switch between on and off.)DMX / AUTOMATIC MODEThis mode is used to select either DMX control or automatic (stand-alone) operation of the unit. The display shows the current mode (‘ A t0’= DMX control, or ‘ A t1’= a u t o matic mode). (Press BLUE or BLACK to switch between modes.)DMX channel address modePanmovement modeTilt movement modeDMX resolution modeDisplay modeDMX/Automatic modeSets the units DMX address.This mode allows the user to reverse the direction of the pan motion.This mode allows the user to reverse the direction of the tilt motion.Sets unit operating with 2or 4 DMX control c h a n nels, with 8 or 16-bit resolution.This mode is used to switch the display on or off.This mode allows the user to select to between DMX and Automatic modes.To alter the address,press BLUE or BLACK button once to increase or decrease the value;hold down the BLUE or BLACK for fast incre-ments/ decrements.To alter the mode, press BLUE or BLACK button once to switch between modes.To alter the mode, press BLUE or BLACK button once to switch between modes.To alter the mode, press BLUE or BLACK button once to switch between modes.To alter the mode, press BLUE or BLACK button once to switch between modes.To alter the mode, press BLUE or BLACK button once to switch between modes.The display shows the current DMX address.In the range of 1-511(2 channel, 8-bit resolution)In the range of 1-509(4 channel, 16-bit resolution).The display shows that the PAN movement is set for normal direction.The display shows that the PAN movement is set for reverse direction.The display shows that the TILT movement is set for normal direction.The display shows that the TILT movement is set for reverse direction.The display shows the unit is set for 8-bit resolution.The display shows the unit is set for 16-bit resolution.This shows that the display is set for auto-blanking.This shows that the display is set to be permanently on.The display shows that the unit is set for DMX control. The display shows that the unit is set for automatic operation.Summary of control functions:Note: - Press the RED button to move between modes, and to record any changes made.DEFAULT SETTINGS:‘Factory’default settingsIf the unit is reset, using the RED button (held down), and the BLUE button pressed for 2 Sec’s, the unit will revert to the factory default settings.The ‘Factory’default settings put the unit in its normal operating mode.DMX Address = 001Pan/tilt direction = NormalResolution = 8-bit Display = On DMX/Auto = DMX Display Flip = Normal‘USER’DEFAULT SETTINGSEach time the RED record button is pressed, the unit will save that change and these ‘user defaults’will take precedence on the next power cycle. These ‘User’defaults can be reset to the ‘factory’defaults using the method detailed above.TroubleshootingThe LED display aids in the troubleshooting of the system. These indicators are located on the on the side panel of each unit.The first vertical bar indicates that there is power (24VDC) at the unit.The second vertical bar indicates that there is data (DMX) at the unit.The horizontal bars indicate the data (DMX) signal level at the unit.Note:The signal level changes during normal operation of the unit, and is present during stand-alone operation. 1st bar = 25%, 2nd bar = 50% and 3rd bar = 75%.Note:A high percentage of problems are a direct result of poor cabling, corrupt DMX control signals, and lack of suitable signal termination.power datasignal levelSYMPTOMUnit does not respond to DMX control, but DMX display indicator is on.Unit does not respond to DMX, DMX display indicator is off.Units run at different speeds. Units have dim display indicators and run slowly. Display indicators appear OK but unit does not move. The tilt doesn’t respond to DMX.Mirror panning/tilting in opposite direction.The mirror vibrates in one place when it is supposed to move.POSSIBLE CAUSEUnit set to wrong or differentDMX address.Bad cable.No DMX at splitter/PSU.Cable lengths are too long.No cable return line.Overloading of chain orcable runs too long.PSU overloaded.Mechanical (or electrical)failure in the unit.16-bit mode setting when8-bit control is intended, orvice versa.Pan/tilt reverse switch withimproper setting.Broken motor cablePopped out motor connector.SOLUTIONCheck DMX addresssettings.Check cable and DMX runfrom the console.Check the cable length andconfiguration. Ensure there is acable return line in the system.Check voltage levels on lastunit. Should not be below20VDC.Turn unit on and off. Returnunit for repair.Check and reset.Check and reset.Contact distributor for serviceReconnect and checkTechnical overviewThe electronics card consists of four key components: L298 Motor driver (x 2), 75176 Transceiver, and a processor.The 75176 transceiver operates in the receive config-uration to convert serial protocol to a TTL level. All data relevant to the operation of the unit is stored onboard in ‘flash’memory.The majority of electronics problems are usually created by external factors such as shorted cables, etc. The 75176 transceivers are susceptible to damage if 24VDC is present on the DMX signal lines. Troubleshooting is a process of elimination. First, rule out the other field factors (i.e. faulty cables, power sources). If an electronics problem is suspected try replacing the electronics card first. If accuracy problems should occur, check for obvious mechanical problems. For technical advice and/ or parts, please contact your selling dealer or the offices listed in this manual.Dimensions:Weight:Resolution: Accuracy:Movement Speed:DMX Protocol:DMX Addressing: Working Voltage:Power Consumption:Connectors:Body Material:Body Color:Mounting Plate:Max. Ambient Temperature Cooling:European Approvals: North American Approvals:260 x 230 x 265 mm (10.25” x 9” x 10.5")1.6 Kg (3.5 lbs)8 or 16 bitPan(230º Max.)0.9º8-bit mode0.028º16-bit mode Tilt (57.3º Max.)0.225º8-bit mode0.028º16-bit mode0-100% pan (max)= 2 sec0-100% tilt (max)= 1 secUSITT DMX512 (1990)Digitally, via push buttons (3) and LED display 24 VDC (+/- 10%)17 watts0.7 ampsXLR-4 (male) in and XLR-4 (female) through SteelBlack powder coat(Other colors available, P.O.A.)Integral mounting plate, designed for use in any ellipsoidal fixture with a 160 mm (6.25") gel slot. 40º C (104º F)Convection (natural)PendingPendingTechnical SpecificationsSpecificationsDrawingsI-Cue Mirror and Color Scroller combined.I-Cue mirror used with a color scroller.I-Cue Intelligent Mirror Parts ListPart NumberIC-01 Mounting Plate Assembly205 81001 0000 IC-02 Broadway Mounting Bracket205 81002 0000 IC-03 XLR Connector Assembly205 81003 0000 IC-04 Stepper Motor Lead (each)205 81004 0000 IC-05 Safety Chain Assembly205 81005 0000 IC-06 Mirror/Mounting Bracket Assembly205 81006 0000 IC-07 Digital Control Card205 81007 0000 IC-08 Stepper Motor (each)205 81008 0000 IC-09 Mirror Back Plate205 81009 0000 IC-10 Front Light Shield Assembly205 8101 00000Please call Rosco or your local Rosco dealer for pricing and availability.Rosco Laboratories,I n c.52 Harbor View Ave., Stamford, CT06902(203) 708-8900 1 (800) ROSCO N Y FA X(203) 708-89191120 N. Citrus Ave., Hollywood, CA90038(323) 462-2233 1 (800)R O S C O L A FA X:(323) 462-3338Rosco Laboratories,L t d.1241 Denison St. #44, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 4B4(905) 475-1400 (888)R O S C O TO FA X:(905) 475-3351R o s c o l a b,L t d.Blanchard Works, Kangley Bridge Rd., Sydenham, London SE26 5AQ England (208) 659-2300 FAX: (208) 659-3153Rosco Iberica,S.A.C/ Del Oro 76A, Pol. Industrial Sur, 28770 Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, Spain (341) 846-3602 FA X:(341) 846-3634Rosco do Brasil Ltda.Rua Antonio De Barros, 827, São Paulo SP Brasil CEP03401-000Te l:( 011) 218-2865 FA X:( 011) 218-0193Rosco Australia Pty Ltd.42 Sawyer Lane, Artarmon 2064, New South Wales, A u s t r a l i a(02) 9906-6262 FAX: (02) 9906-3430。

























【精编范文】智能后视镜方案-范文word版 (13页)

【精编范文】智能后视镜方案-范文word版 (13页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==智能后视镜方案篇一:智能后视镜与大屏车机各自的定位、功能服务及其发展趋势智能后视镜与大屏车机各自的定位、功能服务及其发展趋势自201X年以来,车载电子领域智能后视镜与大屏车机持续创新发展,二者共同引领一个具有数千亿级规模的车载电子后装市场。













其中,基本功能服务需求主要有7项:① 云导航② 云娱乐③ 云电子狗④ 云行车记录⑤ 云监控⑥ 蓝牙电话⑦ 倒车后视延伸功能服务需求也主要有7项:① 实时路况② 天气预报③ 违章提醒④ 随机学习(真人发声语音电子书)⑤ WiFi无线互联⑥ 高级驾驶安全辅助(ADAS)⑦ 车联网车主(驾车者)这些功能服务需求,大屏车机和智能后视镜怎样来提供?下面就大屏车机和智能后视镜分别进行探讨:一、关于智能后视镜智能后视镜是在云电子狗和行车记录仪基础上发展起来的多合一产物,由于它集成了安全预警、行车记录、GPS导航等系列功能,加之安装简单快捷而又无损,保持原车原貌,因而一出现便受到车主追捧。

汽车内外侧镜rors 操作指南说明书

汽车内外侧镜rors 操作指南说明书

MirrorsInterior MirrorTo adjust, move the mirror right or left and up or down.Pull the lever to switch the mirror to night operation. This reduces the glare from the headlights of following vehicles.Manual Exterior Mirror Adjust the exterior mirror by hand before beginning to drive the vehicle.Power Mirrors EX model onlyAdjust the outside mirrors with the adjustment switch on the center console.1. Turn the ignition switch to ON.2. Move the selector switch to L(driver's side) or R (passenger's side).Interior FeaturesSELECTOR SWITCHADJUSTMENT SWITCHDAYNIGHT3. Push the appropriate arrow onthe adjustment switch to movethe mirror right, left, up, ordown.4. When you finish, move theselector switch to the center(off) position. This turns offthe adjustment switch so amirror will not be moved outof position if you accidentallybump the switch.Mirror HeatersThe power mirrors have built-inheaters to remove fog and frost.Press the mirror heater button,with the ignition ON, to turn onthe heaters. The light in the buttoncomes on as a reminder. Press thebutton again to turn the heatersoff.The outside mirror on thepassenger's side has curved glass.Objects look farther away thanthey really are. Use this mirror toget a "wide view." Do not use it tojudge the distance of thingsbehind you.Interior FeaturesVanity MirrorsThe vanity mirrors are on the back of the sun visors.Power WindowsAll the windows can be operated by the window control switches on the driver's door panel. The ignition key must be in the "ON"position.The passengers' windows can also be operated by the window control switch on each passenger's door.Interior FeaturesFRONTPASSENGER'S WINDOW CONTROLDOWNUPUPDOWNDOWNAUTO DOWNDRIVER'S WINDOW CONTROLUPDOWNTo lower a window, press on the front edge of the window controlswitch. Hold the switch down until the window reaches the desired position. To raise a window, pullback on the front edge of the switch.The LOCK button on the driver'sdoor panel removes power fromthe passengers' windows. Onlythe driver's window can be raisedand lowered.The driver's window can belowered automatically by pressingthe window switch down firmlyand releasing it. To stop thewindow from going down all theway, pull back on the switchbriefly. If you press lightly on thewindow switch and hold it, thewindow will stop when yourelease the switch.Checking the Circuit BreakerIn the event the power windowsdo not operate, check the circuitbreaker.To reset the circuit breaker, firstturn the ignition switch off, andthen push the knob on the circuitbreaker. The windows shouldnow operate.If the circuit breakerimmediately goes off again orthe windows do not operate,have the electrical systemchecked by a dealer as soon aspossible.Interior FeaturesUPDOWNREARPASSENGER'SWINDOWCONTROLPASSENGER'SWINDOWLOCKONOFFOperationThe tailgate has a lift glass and a drop gate. To unlock the tailgate glass and open the tailgate, use the ignition key in the outside tailgate lock.Turn the key counterclockwise and push the outside lock tounlock the glass. Raise the glass,then pull the gate handle to unlock the gate. (Two support tubes, one at each side of the glass, aredesigned to hold the glass open.)Interior FeaturesTailgateTAILGATEPullGLASSOpenUnlockLockLockUnlockThe spare tire carrier arm must beunlatched and moved out of theway for the tailgate to open. Referto "Tailgate-Mounted Spare TireCarrier."Passengers should never ride onthe open tailgate or in the cargoarea. For maximum safety, yourpassengers should sit in thenormal seating positions and beproperly restrained by seat belts.Electric Tailgate GlassReleasePush the tailgate opener button torelease the glass.With an automatic transmission,the release will work only withthe transmission lever in "P"(park) or "N" (neutral). With amanual transmission, the parkingbrake must be applied.Tailgate-Mounted Spare TireCarrierTo operate the spare tire carrier,follow these instructions:1. Make sure there is enoughroom behind the vehicle forthe carrier to swing open.2. Push the release lever to freethe carrier.Interior FeaturesPush。

安全智控后视镜 使用说明书

安全智控后视镜 使用说明书

志践于行 诺言于心安全智控后视镜REARVIEW MIRRORF2说明书USER GUIDE一、按键功能指示1, M键 2,上键 3,电源键 4,下翻 5 OK键6,USB接口 7,后拉摄像头接口 8 ,TF卡槽 9. 复位键 本产品采用高性能芯片,提供高清晰度视频,无缝动态画面。


使用前请仔细阅读本手册并妥善保存,我们希望本产品能满足您的需求并长期服务于您!二、按键功能介绍2-1 电源键●功能一:开关机功能在关机状态下,长按2秒钟【电源键】可开启本机电源,机器开始工作。







2-2 模式键/紧急录像锁定键/菜单键●功能一:模式功能在待机状态下,短按【M键】可在不同模式(录像/拍照/回放)之间进行切换。




(菜单设置方法在录像模式、拍照模式、回放模式中均相同)2-2 模式键/紧急录像锁定键/菜单键●功能一:上翻页功能在菜单设置和回放模式中为上翻页功能。


































1.现代汽车后视镜让驾驶员的"眼睛"更明亮 [J],
2.后视镜导航中的特斯拉创维M6智能后视镜导航正式上市 [J], 小疯;曾月仪
3.无限流量的智能后视镜道道通专车专用后视镜D-B02测评报告 [J], 李小呆;月牙
4.后视镜也玩4G视频直播?纽曼纽眼N800智能后视镜深度评测 [J], 罗葵
5.汽车后视镜视野检测的智能仿真算法 [J], 牛慧超;王卫华;白洁























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2.1 开关机错误!未指定书签。

2.1.1 开机错误!未指定书签。


2.2 系统主界面错误!未指定书签。

2.3 语音助手错误!未指定书签。

2.4 智能导航错误!未指定书签。

2.5 行车记录错误!未指定书签。

2.5.1 行车记录错误!未指定书签。

2.5.2 锁定保护错误!未指定书签。

2.6 雷达测速错误!未指定书签。

2.7 一键导航错误!未指定书签。

2.8 媒体应用错误!未指定书签。

2.9 蓝牙电话错误!未指定书签。

2.9.1 启动应用错误!未指定书签。

2.9.2 蓝牙配对错误!未指定书签。

2.9.3 蓝牙通讯录错误!未指定书签。

2.9.4 拨号错误!未指定书签。

2.10 蓝音牙乐错误!未指定书签。


2.12 应用程序界面错误!未指定书签。


2.14 音效设置202.15 发射错误!未指定书签。

2.16 数据连接错误!未指定书签。

2.17 图片浏览错误!未指定书签。

2.18 第三方软件安装错误!未指定书签。

2.19 文件浏览器错误!未指定书签。













































二、基本操作2.1开关机2.1.1 开机汽车打火启动后,系统自动开机并进入主界面;当您需要关机时可长按3秒键进行关机,关机后短按再次开机;当汽车熄火时,系统记录当前产品的开关机状态,若产品是开机状态,汽车再次打火,产品自动开机,若产品是关机状态,汽车再次打火,产品是关机状态,需要按键进行开机。






2.3 语音助手语音助手可以帮助用户一定程度上使用语言识别技术实现控制产品,快捷安全的使用产品,语音助手支持手动点击和语音唤醒使用,语音唤醒出厂默认为关闭状态,当您需要使用该功能时,请进入通用设置中打开语音唤醒功能,当语音唤醒关闭状态,只可以使用手动点击。




2.4 智能导航智能导航可为您提供实时交通、道路拥堵规避规划、真人语音播报、丰富应用等,让您出行更加的人性化和便利。







2.5 行车记录行车记录可实现前后双录,前置1080p高清记录,超长实时循环记录,支持文件锁定保护功能,规避碰瓷风险以及记录旅程美景趣事;在行车记录工作时,切勿插拔的卡,若插拔将会导致卡损坏。

2.5.1 行车记录点击主页面或主菜单里的“行车记录”图标,进入行车记录界面,在界面中点击任意地方,四周会弹出如下功能按键,再次点击屏幕空白处则退出功能键::画中画:点击该按钮可进行前后录像同屏显示。




