Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death.每个人都清楚战争的本性,我们也知道胜利取决于我们打出的那些牌。
The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. When such kindness is offered, we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, and it’s what they count on.世界上到处都是不太可能的友谊。
Desperate Housewives S05E05
1--Desperate Housewives『绝望的主妇』S05E052--My name is Bree, and I am an alcoholic.我的名字叫Bree 我是个酒鬼3--Bree put her problem behind her. /Bree 把问题抛之脑后4--There's at least one employer who'd love to hire me.起码还有一个人会雇佣我5--Who?谁?6--Orson asked for a job. /Orson 毛遂自荐7--You.你8--Dave lost his temper...Dave 大发雷霆9--Damn it, Edie! I said no!该死的Edie! 我说了不要这样!10--And aroused the suspicion...让他的邻居对他...11--This guy is up to something.这家伙图谋不轨12--Of his neighbor.起了疑心13--It was all Karen McCluskey's fault.都怪Karen McCluskey14--She kept asking me all this stuff about your background.她不停地向我追问你的底细15--She reminds me of my grandmother when we first started to notice.她让我想起我们刚发现我奶奶患病时的情形16--The dementia, that is.她患的是老年痴呆症17--You think Karen's going senile?你是说Karen成了老懵懂了?18--It could have been such a lovely evening.这本该是个美好的夜晚19--You see, the idea was to have a surprise birthday party.因为要举行一个惊喜派对20--People would bring food and gifts人们会带着食物和礼物来参加21--And wait in the dark for the guest of honor to arrive.在黑暗中期待着寿星的出现22--But it turned out to be a night full of surprises--但是这将是个充满了意外的夜晚23--The kind most people don't care for.带给人们的只有惊讶没有喜悦24--Damn it, Lynette.他妈的Lynette25--Why do you have to be such a buzz kill?你干吗老是泼冷水呢?26--Why can't you, just once, give me a little support?为什么就不能支持我呢哪怕一次27--Fine.好28--I'll get you a towel.我给你拿块毛巾29--For what?干吗用?30--If I was with another woman, that wouldn't bother you?如果我跟别的女人在一起你也不会介意吗?31--No, it wouldn't.不不会32--I'm sorry that I lied, and for what it's worth,我很抱歉对你撒谎33--The guilt has been tearing me apart.但是我心中的罪恶感让我痛苦万分34--Get your hands off me, you selfish son of a bitch!别碰我你这个自私的混蛋!35--Orson, please.Orson 别这样36--You're putting me in an impossible position.你这样让我很为难37--Then let me make it simpler for you.那我就不再为难你了38--I want a divorce.我要跟你离婚39--Oh, yes, it could have been such a lovely evening,是的这本该是个美好的夜晚40--But this was one party that was over...但是这个派对还没开始...41--Before it even began.就被迫结束了42--Surprise!大惊喜!43--You think you can screw with me?你少跟我玩花招44--【XTM字幕组】荣誉出品45--《Desperate Housewives》S05E05 绝望主妇第五季第5集46--翻译:sasa cicada syngel 校对:syngel 时间轴:jussi 虾米47--Moments before she was to leave for the party,在她去参加派对之前48--Gabrielle solis was at her mirror,Gabrielle solis 站在镜子前49--Halfheartedly putting the final touches on her lips.漫不经心地涂着口红50--You see, a problem had come to her attention...忽然她想起了一件事情...51--Damn.该死的52--One she couldn't gloss over.一件不可忽视的事情53--Mommy, what are you doing?妈妈你在干吗?54--Uh, well, mommy has a friend who visits her every month,妈妈有个朋友每个月都会来55--And she's late, and that's bad.这个月她来迟了这可不好56--Why?为什么?57--Because she's the one who assures me因为她能确保58--That you won't get a baby bther or sist.我不会给你们生个小弟弟或者小妹妹59--But I want a little brother.可是我想要个弟弟60--I don't care.我不想要61--Oh, sorry.对不起62--It's just...只是...63--Mommy really misses her friend,妈妈真的还想念这位朋友64--And mommy's gonna be really sad if her friend doesn't show up soon.如果这位朋友还不来的话妈妈就会很伤心65--Now go downstairs and play.到楼下去玩吧66--Mommy has some praying to do.妈妈要做祈祷67--Well, I have your test results.你的检查结果出来了68--Congratulations.恭喜你69--You're pregnant.你怀孕了70--Mrs. Solis.Solis太太71--I don't care.我不管72--You told me this couldn't happen.你说过我怀不上的73--You said it was impossible!你说过没有机会的!74--The human reproductive system is complicated and often unpredictable.人类的自我修复系统是很复杂的是不可预测的75--Sometimes miracles happen.有时候会出现奇迹76--This isn't a miracle.这不是奇迹77--This is a disaster.这是个灾难78--My husband's blind.我的丈夫瞎了79--Neither one of us have jobs.我们两个人都没有工作80--My husband's blind.我的丈夫瞎了81--Trust me.相信我82--Children are a blessing.孩子是上帝赐予的恩泽83--You'll see.不久你就会感受到的84--It'll all work out.一切都会好起来的85--Well, I hope to god you're right.希望你说的话是对的86--And what does this number mean anyway?这些数字是什么意思?87--That's your beta number, and it's high,这是你的妊娠指数数值很高88--Which indicates the possibility of twins.数据表明或许你怀的是双胞胎89--Gaby, relax.Gaby 放松90--This baby is gonna be the best thing that ever happened to us.这个宝宝是我们得到的最好的礼物91--I am so sick of everybody looking at the glass half-full.我实在太讨厌你们总是盲目乐观92--The glass is empty, people, and so is our bank account.乐观不起来了我们的银行帐户没钱了93--Is that what you're worried about--money?这就是你担心的吗钱?94--Look, I'll get a job.我会找份工作的95--What are you gonna do,你去做什么96--Take up piano and get a contract with motown?学着弹钢琴然后跟Motown签约吗?97--Actually, I was thinking about becoming a masseur.事实上我在考虑做个按摩师98--You don't need your eyes for that.做这行不需要用眼睛99--It's all about the touch.只要用手按摩就可以了100--Well, I guess that's not the worst idea you've ever had.这点子还不赖101--But it's not just about the money, Carlos.但不仅仅只是钱的问题Carlos102--It's...是因为103--Oh, after my miscarriage, I gave up on this dream.在我流产以后我已经放弃了这个梦想104--I just figured god decided I couldn't possibly be a good mom,我认为是因为上帝觉得我不能成为一个好妈妈105--So he didn't make it happen.所以他不让我有自己的孩子106--Well, he obviously changed his mind.很明显他改变主意了107--Well, I wish he'd stop doing that.我希望他不要再这样了108--Nobody likes a fickle god.没有人会喜欢变化无常的上帝109--Babe, believe me.宝贝相信我110--You getting pregnant is--is-- is a one-in-a-million shot.你能怀孕是多侥幸啊111--It's a miracle.这是个奇迹112--Now let's embrace it and celebrate.让我们接受这个事实为此庆祝吧113--Hello, Mrs. Solis.你好Solis太太114--I have your test results.你的检查结果出来了115--Great.很好116--So do I have anemia?我贫血吗?117--Is that why I've been so tired?所以才感觉这么疲倦?118--No.不119--Not exactly.不是120--And please don't slap me.请别扇我耳光121--I'm pregnant!我怀孕了!122--Oh, my god.我的上帝啊123--It's another miracle.这是另一个奇迹124--Yeah, we're up to two miracles,是啊我们有两个奇迹了125--And if you come back from the dead after I kill you,如果我杀了你以后你还能复活126--It'll be three.那就是第三个奇迹了127--W-why you mad at me?你为什么生我的气?128--"Oh, Gaby, why do I need to wear a condom?Gaby 为什么要我戴避孕套呢?129--There's no way lightning's gonna strike twice.奇迹不会发生两次的130--" Well, I didn't think it would.我是不认为会这样131--Put the baby down, Carlos.把宝宝放下爱Carlos132--I don't want to.我不想放133--Do it.放下来134--I need to hit something, and it needs to be you.我想揍你一顿135--You are looking at this all wrong.你这样想是不对的136--This is one-in-a-million.这是个奇迹137--We should--we should celebrate and embrace--我们应该接受并且庆祝138--Oh, cram it, you fertile freak.别跟我来这套你这个种猪139--You're getting a vasectomy.你得去做绝育手术140--I can't do that.我不要141--We're catholic.我们是天主教徒142--It's against our religion.这是违背信仰的143--I got news for you.告诉你个消息144--We just converted to judaism.我们刚刚转信犹太教了145--Problem solved.问题解决了146--Mazel Tov!恭喜!147--Gaby, it's not just that.Gaby 不仅仅因为这个148--There are other reasons--还有其他原因149--I am done fighting off your bionic sperm.我不想跟你的精液作斗争了150--You're getting snipped, and that's final.要把你阉了没得商量151--You're awfully quiet tonight.你今晚可真安静152--Got a lot on my mind.脑子里很乱153--I think I'm pregnant.我可能怀孕了154--What?什么?155--I know.我知道156--It's crazy.这很疯狂157--You had a vasectomy.你做了绝育手术了158--It's impossible.这不可能159--Yeah.是啊160--So what makes you think you're preant?那你为什么会认为自己怀孕了?161--My period's late, and that never happens to me.我的月经来晚了从来没试过这样162--I'm like a swiss clock.我的月经很准时的163--Oh, come on.别这样164--There could be a lot of reasons for that.有很多因素影响的165--So let's not worry about it right now.我们现在先别担心这个了166--We're going to a party.我们要去参加派对167--You gotta lighten up.你得高兴点168--Okay.好吧169--But I'm gonna talk to bob.但是我要跟Bob谈谈170--Bob?Bob?171--Why?为什么?172--Because he and lee are here.因为他跟Lee也会到场173--Bob's an attorney.Bob是个律师174--I'm gonna get him to sue the qck who obviously botched your vasectomy.我要让他起诉那个为你做绝育手术的庸医175--Oh, Gaby, let's not go there.Gaby 不要做得太过了176--Hiring an attorney's expensive,请律师是很贵的177--And I don't know that we can prove anything.我们现在都还没确定你是否真的怀孕178--Well, I'm gonna find out.我会查清楚的179--Fine.好吧180--But...可是...181--Let's not talk to bob.不要跟Bob谈起这个182--I don't want our neighbors involved in our business.我不想让邻居搀和我们的私事183--Oh, don't worry.别担心184--He's a professional.他很专业的185--He'll keep it confidential.他会保密的186--Gaby, no.Gaby 别这样187--You can't talk to him.你不能跟他谈188--Why the hell not?为什么不可以?189--I never got a vasectomy.我没去做绝育手术190--Hi, guys.嗨伙计们191--Welcome to the party.欢迎来参加派对192--earlier that evening,今晚的早些时候193--As she waited for her guests to arrive,当她在等待客人的到来时194--Susan mayer took a moment to do her eyebrows.Susan mayer 花了点时间画眉毛195--Of course, she had no way of knowing just how hh those eyebrows...当然她不可能知道晚些时候她的眉毛...196--Sorry I'm late.对不起我来晚了197--Would soon be raised.会翘地那么高198--What took you so long?怎么这么久啊?199--People are gonna be here any minute.客人随时会到200--I need you to pour the cheap vodka into the expensive bottles.我要你把便宜的伏特加倒进贵的酒瓶里去201--I couldn't find my pants.我找不到我的内裤202--I'm here so much that when I go back to my place,我在这里待得太久了203--I can't remember where anything is.以至于不知道自己家里的东西放哪里了204--Well, just please change your shirt.把你的衬衫换了吧205--You know, I've been thinking that I spend so much time with you now anyway that--我在想我花那么多时间跟你在一起206--fine.很好207--You can have a little space in the closet.你可能在橱柜里腾个地方放自己的东西208--I think I've got some clothes from the '80s I'm ready to part with.我有些旧衣服是该扔了209--Actually, I'm talking about moving in.事实上我说的是想搬来住210--Moving in?搬来住?211--Here?来这里?212--Yeah.是的213--That's where we're headed.这也是迟早的事214--We should take the plunge.我们要冒险尝试一下215--What do you think?你认为如何?216--So obviously, this is the bedroom.这是卧室吧217--Right.是的218--So do you want to stick with this color or switch it up or what?你是想保持原来的颜色还是换成别的?219--I don't know.我也不知道220--Um...221--I'm sort of going through a difficult transition in my life right now.我正在经历我人生中的重大转折时期222--I need a change.我需要改变223--Uh, I was thinking...我在想...224--Taupe.褐灰色225--Sounds good.听起来不错226--You know, I like this place.我喜欢这个地方227--It's got a good vibe.布置得很漂亮228--Uh, thanks.谢谢夸奖229--And a nice scent.景色不错230--What is that, your perfume?是你的香水味吗?231--Get out.出去232--excuse me?请原谅233--I was not born yesterday, pal.我不是三岁小孩了伙计234--You're coming on to me.你在挑逗我235--No, I'm not.不我没有236--Oh, please.别装了237--Telling me I smell good?说我很好闻?238--I'm not even wearing deodorant.我连除臭剂都没擦239--I said the house smells good.我是说这房子闻起来很不错240--Semantics.这是语义修饰241--And then the not so subtle sit-on-the-bed maneuver?那坐在我床上又耍的是什么花招?242--You know, why not just ask for a massage?干吗不直接让我给你做按摩?243--I sat because my feet hurt from you dragging me around for an hour,我坐下来是因为你拽着我转了一个小时244--Telling me you want to paint every room taupe.告诉我你每个房间都要漆成褐灰色我的脚痛了245--You said you liked it.你说你喜欢褐灰色的246--Look, you're obviously going through a rough patch.很显然你正在经历人生中艰难的转折点247--I was afraid if I suggested anything outside the beige family,我担心如果我建议你用米黄色系以外的颜色的话248--I might send you over the edge.都会让你无法接受249--I'll let myself out.我会自己离开250--No. No, don't go.不不别走251--That was very sweet of you to consider my feelings.谢谢你能顾及我的感受252--You know what?你知道吗?253--You're hired.你被录用了254--Uh, thanks...谢255--I think.谢256--So do you need to look these over one more time?你们还要再检查一遍吗?257--Okay, then just sign them,好吧那就签名吧258--And you'll be officially divorced.你们正式离婚了259--You know what?我们要单独待会儿260--We need a minute.261--Take your time.您请便262--Are we doing the right thing here?我们真的是在做该做的事么?263--You're kidding me, right?你是在和我开玩笑吧?264--Once we sign these papers, there's no going back.一旦我们签了这些文件一切都没法再挽回了265--I can't believe this.真是难以置信266--You were the one who called the lawyer.是你叫的律师267--I know.我知道268--I'm thinking...我只是在想269--That maybe that was a mistake.那也许只是一个错误270--We've been separated for a year.我们已经分居一年了271--All we're doing today is making it official.我们今天所做的只是在法律层面上离婚272--We wouldn't be here if it weren't for that accident.如果不是那个交通事故我们不会在这里273--You know that.你很清楚274--Before that, we were good.在那之前我们很好275--We could get back there.我们可以回到像从前那样的276--Susan...Susan...277--It's nobody's fault, but I can't do this anymore.谁都没有错只是我不能再那么做了278--Oh, come on!哦不要279--We were Mike and Susan, remember?我们是Mike 和Susan 还记得么?280--You only get one of those in a lifetime.你一生只能拥有一次281--We could make things right again.我们可以再把做错的更正过来282--Yeah.是的283--And here's how.就是现在这样284--Hey.嘿285--You're back.你回来了286--So what do you think?觉得怎样?287--Uh...嗯288--It--it looks good.看起来不错289--Yeah, I-I-I think you were right to stick with this color.是的我想你坚持要这个颜色是对的290--It looks fantastic.看起来很棒291--Thanks.谢谢292--Do you like scotch?你觉得有痕迹怎样?293--Okay...好吧294--I need to be honest about something.有件事我得坦白295--H-honest?坦白?296--Okay.好的297--I don't usually do this kind of thing,这种事我不常做298--Hook up like this, out of the blue.像现在这样吞吞吐吐299--Not that it wasn't great, 'cause it was,不是说它不好因为它真的很好300--But I'm not really looking to start anything.但是我真的只是还不曾期待某个开始301--Work is crazy, and I just got a dog, and...工作累得变态我还刚刚养了条狗302--I'm just not in that place right now.我现在还不太适合303--So just to be clear,不要拐弯抹角了304--You're saying you don't want a relationship?你是在说你不想和我有个明确的关系?305--Sorry.对不起306--I probably should have said that right up front.也许我应该一开始就说对不起307--No, uh...不呃308--It's fantastic.这很好309--Really?真的么?310--I don't want a relationship either.其实我也不是很想和你确定关系311--All I want from you is exactly what we just did.我想要的只是我们刚刚做的312--Except next time, it's Susan.当然除了还要有下一次这就是Susan313--Yeah.Mayer夫人现在来说可能太正式了314--"Mrs. Mayer" was probably a little formal for the moment.315--So there's gonna be a next time?这么说还有下一次哈?316--Unless you're not interested.除非你厌倦了317--Are you kidding?开什么玩笑哦318--I'm this close to doing a victory lap around the bed.我都快兴奋得在床上拍掌庆祝了319--So you're really fine with this, just a purely physical thing?这样说来你真的是一点都不感冒我刚才说的话?你真的仅仅是和我一起做爱就满足了?320--I gave romance a shot and...罗曼史我有过了321--I'm ready for something a little more casual.现在我更想随意率性一点322--Wow.哇哦323--I've heard of women like you,but...我听说过像你这样的女人但是324--I thought you were an urban myth.我想你是个都市传奇325--Did you hear what I said?听到我刚才说什么了么?326--Uh, yeah.呃听到了327--You want to move in.你想搬进来328--I-it's just that when I'm not with you,只是当我不在你身边的时候329--I'm waiting to be with you.我老是在等着和你在一起330--I've never felt like this before.我从来没有过这样的念头331--So...你觉得怎样?332--What do you think?333--Do you want to live together?你想和我一起过么?334--Uh...呃335--No.不想336--So that's it?就这样?337--Just no?就一句简单的不想?338--You're not gonna give me a reason?你就不打算给我个理由?339--What's wrong with the way things are?发生了什么?340--Why change everything now?现在怎么变了那么多?341--Because...因为……342--I've fallen in love with you.我已经爱上了你343--Hi, guys.嘿344--Welcome to the party.欢迎来到派对345--The last thing Lynette Scavo did before a party was to check for gray hairs.Lynette Scavo在参加派对前做的最后一件事就是拔白头发346--Penny!Penny!347--Let's go!快过来348--Time for bath!该洗澡了349--She had no way of knowing before this evening was over,她根本想不到在这个夜晚过去之前350--E would have a few more.她的白头发会更多351--Penny!Penny!352--Oh.Oh.353--Penny.Penny.354--If you're thinking of taking that for a spin,如果你是在想着要转这个玩355--I've got bad news.我得告诉你个不幸的消息356--You're 9.你已经9岁了357--Hey, what's the matter, sweetie?嘿小甜心怎么啦?358--Is daddy dying?爸爸是不是要死了?359--What?什么?360--Of course not.当然不是361--Why would you say something like that?你怎么会说那样的话?362--I heard porter and preston fighting about我听到Porter和Preston 在争363--Who's gonna get daddy's car when he dies.爸爸死了这车归谁364--Oh.哦365--They're just being silly.他们是在犯傻呢366--They're always silly.他们老是猪头猪脑的367--That's why we won't be sad when they move out of the house.那就是为什么当他们从房子里出来的时候我们没有伤心368--Come on.不要这样369--But everybody dies someday, right?但是每个人最后都要死的,对么?370--Yes, but daddy's gonna live to a ripe old age是的不过爸爸会活到很老很老的371--Unless he doesn't get home in time for Mrs. McCluskey's party,除非他没有及时回家参加McCluskey 夫人的派对372--And then all bets are off.那么就当我刚才的话没说373--Oh, daddy's gonna be fine.哦爸爸会好的374--Come on.来375--Hi.嗨376--My husband-- I'm Lynette Scavo.我丈夫我是Lynette Scavo377--Dr. Baron called me--Baron医生打电话给我378--I'm Dr. Baron.我就是Baron医生379--Oh.哦380--Hi.你好381--What happened?发生什么事了?382--Your husband was working on an electrical panel at his restaurant...你丈夫在他的餐馆里修电表的时候383--Uh-huh.啊嗯384--And received a massive shock.被电击了385--Essentially, his heart stopped pumping.他的心脏当时停止了跳动386--Oh.哦387--Is he...那他……388--Fortunately, there was a policeman eating in the restaurant.很幸运的是正好有个警察在他的餐馆吃饭389--He administered C.P.R.他帮着做了些紧急救助390--Until the ambulance got there.直到救护车赶到391--So he's okay?他没事吧?392--His heart restarted.他的心脏又恢复了跳动393--Now it's a matter of determining if there's any tissue damage.现在还在确定是否有其他组织损坏阶段394--We're optimistic, but the next 36 hours are critical.我们对此很乐观但是接下来的36小时仍然很关键395--Hey.嘿396--Hey.嘿397--So I'm thinking no more electrical work, okay?我想以后不要在做电工了好么?398--Huh?啊?399--The kids know everything's fine.孩子们什么都懂了400--They send their love.他们都爱你401--Don't worry about anything, okay?什么也别想知道么?402--Just rest.给我好好休息403--I'll come back soon, okay?我很快回来好么?404--You know what I thought?你知道我刚才在想什么?405--When I was lying there on the floor,当我躺在地板上的时候406--I thought, I'm gonna die in a pizza place.我想我要死在一个匹萨店里了407--I mean, my whole life was gonna be summed up with我是说我这辈子就要被概括了408--This obituary headline--以这样的一个讣告标题409--"local pizza shop owner dies.本地匹萨店主猝死410--" but it doesn't matter because you're not dying.但是不用那么在意你还活着411--I need more, Lynette.我想要更多Lynette412--I need-- th-there's gotta be more.我想要要更多413--Okay. Okay.好的好的414--We'll find more.我们会有更多的415--Just rest now, okay?现在好好休息好么?416--Hey, sexy.嘿辣妹417--Drop the rake and get in.把拖把扔了过来418--What the hell is this?这鬼东西是什么?419--This is the car that I have wanted my whole life.这是我心仪了一辈子的车420--When I was 12 years old, I had a poster of this baby up on my wall.当我还只有12岁的时候我就把这个车的海报贴在墙上421--And when I was 12, I had a poster of shaun cassidy,我12岁的时候我有一个沙安卡西迪的海报422--But you don't see me driving around in him, do you?但是你没看到我开着那个车对吧?423--I want to show you something.我想让你看点东西424--What, do machine guns come out of the headlights?什么?前灯里会探出机枪么?425--I carry this around to remind me of the day that I almost died.我买这个是为了让自己不要忘了那天我差点就挂了426--That day you promised me that we would find more.那天你答应我我们可以拥有更多427--I'm keeping the car.我买了这车428--So do you want a ride?想要去兜风么?429--Where have you been?你去哪里了?430--So help me, if McCluskey gets there before us, I will brain you.帮帮忙McCluskey如果比我们先到我会怪你431--Sorry.对不起432--Let's go.我们走吧433--Well, sheesh.哦434--Oh.435--Sweetie, we already got Karen a candle.亲爱的我们已经给Karen买蜡烛庆祝过了436--An R.V. might be overkill.还要带她去旅游未免也太过了吧437--Yeah, but that's not for her.没错不过那不是给她的438--That's for us.那是给我们自己的439--Huh?啊?440--I'm about to blow your mind, Lynette.我要给你洗洗脑Lynette441--Oh, don't.哦不要442--I like my mind the way it is.我喜欢我的思想正常点443--What would you say to the idea of taking the kids out of school for a year你觉得把孩子们带出学校一年这个想法怎样?444--And bopping around the country in one of these sweet rides?带他们周游全国挑这些不错的线路中的一条445--Well, I might not say anything.好吧我可能什么也不会说446--I might just put my finger to my ear and twirl it in small circles.我可能会把手指塞住耳朵不让自己去想这个447--We can't do something like that, Tom.我们不能那么做Tom448--Yes, we can.不我们可以449--We can do whatever we want.我们可以做任何我们想做的事450--Life is short.人生短暂451--Okay, let me ask you one tiny question about this big adventure plan of yours好吧关于你这个伟大的历险计划我问你一个小小的问题452--Who's gonna be running our restaurant谁负责照料餐馆?453--while we're off doing the electric kool-aid acid test?我们不在的时候谁来做那些酸性测试?454--That won't be our problem.那不会是我们的问题455--The last few weeks,过去几周456--I've been talking to a guy from passentino's pizza.我一直在和那个Passentino匹萨店的家伙谈457--They want to buy us out.他们想收购我们的店458--This afternoon, I said yes.这个下午我同意了459--Hey, guys.嘿460--You ready to party?准备好了去派对么?461--Moments before she was due at her friend's party,在她出现在她朋友派对的前一刻462--Bree hodge was at the mirror, applying her eyeliner.Bree Hodge正做在镜子前弄她的眼线463--Aren't you dapper?你不是弄得已经很干净了么?464--When I tell everyone I'm your new partner,当我告诉所有人我是你的新伙伴465--I want to look the part.我想看起来是你的一部分466--It would not be the last time that evening Bree would find herself...在那个晚上的最后一刻Bree将会发现自己……467--Um, actually, dear...嗯实际上亲爱的468--Drawing a line.划清了界线469--I'd rather you not talk about the job tonight.我更希望今晚你不要谈你的工作470--But, Bree, this is the first party in months但是Bree 这是几个月来的第一个派对471--When I can answer the question, "what's new?第一次我可以回答别人的问题“有什么新进展?”472--" without mumbling into my drink.不用喝着酒咕哝着掩饰过去473--Well, it's just vulgar to discuss business at a party.只是只是在派对的时候谈事业有点俗474--Mm.嗯475--You haven't told Katherine yet, have you?你还没告诉Katherine 对吧?476--It's not that easy.没你想的那么简单477--You know she'll be furious.你知道她会怒不可遏的478--Yes, but the great thing about Katherine is没错可是关于Katherine 有一点我们很清楚479--She'll express it so passive-aggressively, we'll hardly notice.虽然她会表现得很有冲击力但是我们根本就不会在意480--Look, I know she's your friend, but she's also our employee.听着我知道她是你的朋友但是她也是我们的雇员481--Why is this so difficult for you?为什么告诉她真相对你来说这么难?482--It's...这个有点……483--Complicated.复杂484--Well...Another dead soldier.又干掉了一瓶485--Careful, dear.小心点亲爱的486--You don't want to be ill tomorrow.你可不想明天病倒了487--Yes.是488--Nothing like a headache to spoil a perfectly nice first day in prison.没什么能比头疼更能搅坏在监狱的第一个完美之夜489--Uh, would anybody like some more frittata?啊谁想要再多来点那个?490--Is my wife amazing or what?我的妻子很不可思议吧?491--I mean, how many inmates get sent off with a festive champag brunch?我是说有多少被释放的囚徒能吃到那么丰盛的大餐?492--Uh, w-when you're in jail,啊当你在坐牢的时候493--You might want to avoid words like "festive" and "brunch".宴席或者早午餐都是不敢去想的494--" they kind of say, " Hi.他们就会说你好495--I'm husband hunting.我是来俘获丈夫的496--" Andrew, please.Andrew 别说了497--It's fine.没事的498--This is my last taste of freedom for three years.这是我这三年来仅存的一点品尝到的自由的味道499--I want jokes.我想要笑话500--I want fun, laughter.开心与欢笑501--Anyway, prison won't be such a big change.不管怎样坐牢不会改变太多502--You're a dentist.你是个牙医503--You're used to cavity searches.你习惯了检查龋齿504--You vowed to me that you wouldn't say that.你向我发过誓的你说不会再说那个的505--Bree tells me that you're going to make very good use of your time away.Bree告诉我你会很好的利用时间506--Uh, yes.啊当然507--He's going to read a lot of classic books, maybe study a language.他会去读很多经典的书可能会学一门外语508--Oh.哦509--Yes, uh, he can learn the italian for, "i cost five cigarettes.是的啊他可能学了意大利语后说我付出了五根香烟510--" Andrew, really.Andrew 不要说了511--Bree, he's joking.Bree 他只是在开玩笑512--Everything's fine...一切都很好513--Except my glass, which seems to be empty.除了我的杯子看起来空了514--Bree?Bree?515--Bree?Bree?516--Oh, for god sake.哦看在老天的份上517--Get up.快起床518--We have the garden club lunch in...我们有个花园俱乐部午餐要准备519--You've been drinking?你一直在喝酒?520--Go away.走开521--I don't feel well.我觉得不舒服522--We have a lunch to cater.我们得去准备午饭523--I'm too tired.我太累了524--Can you do it?你做吧525--Get up.起来526--Oh.哦527--When did this start?什么时候开始528--When Orson left, I...Orson走了以后529--Began having a glass of white wine now and then.就开始时不时地喝杯白葡萄酒530--Then when danielle took benjamin, I didn't see any reason to stop at just one.然后当Danielle带走Benjamin 我找不到理由让自己仅仅停留在只喝一杯531--So is this why you missed the lunch last week这就是你上礼拜没去做午饭的原因?532--And the braverman bar mitzvah?还有那一次?533--I can't help myself, all right?我控制不了明白么?534--My husband's gone.我丈夫走了535--My son's gone.我儿子走了。
第二季9集:That's Good, That's BadPreviously on Desperate Housewives前情提要-Susan: All this time my father has been right across town.all this time: 一直以来across town: 都市的另一端我的父亲一直活着就在城外running the feed store?run: 经营feed: 饲料store: 商店经营动物饲料店?-Mary Alice: Susan found her real father.real father: 生父Susan找到了她的生父。
-Nina: Ed wants to make the final decision.make a decision: 做决定decision: 决定final: 最后的,最终的Ed来做最后的决定Ed Furarer, Lynette Scoval.Ed Furarer, Lynette Scoval。
-Mary Alice: Lynette met her new bossmeet: 遇见,见到boss: 老板Lynette见到了她的新老板。
-Carlos: I've learned my lesson. Ok, when I get out of here lesson: 课learn lesson: 吸取教训get out of: 由…出来我已经吸取了教训,当我出去后Everything's gotta be differentgotta: <美俚> (=have got to) 必须different: 不同的一切都会不同。
-Mary Alice: Carlos promised to change his old ways. promise: 允诺,约定change: 改变Carlos承诺改掉他原来的习惯-Bree: Dr. Goldfine has concerns about us being together concern about: 对…忧虑,关心be together: 在一起Goldfine医生对我们的交往表示担心。
苏珊和其他几位主妇一起讨论玛丽收到的那封恐吓信,玛丽的丈夫保罗却对此毫不介意,他甚至表示不在乎玛丽是为何自杀的……重点讲解:1. NARRATOR: An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. Taste, touch, smell and sound become a distant memory. But our sight, ah, our sight expands. And we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead can also be seen by the living, if they only take the time to look.Odd: 奇数的, 单数的,这里解释为奇怪的。
Vanish: 消失, 突然不见distant: 遥远的Take the time to do :花时间做某事,很常用的词组。
2. GABRIELLE: I, uh, I just finished a workout.Workout: 解释为健身3. GABRIELLE: He's still mourning, Susan, he'll probably freak out. Mourning: 悲恸, 服丧freak out: 我觉得解释为发疯会好点,心理承受不了4. BREE: We sat on Skyline Drive and drank a bottle of apple wine. And when we finished it, you turned to me and you said, If you marry me, Bree Mason, I promise to love you for the rest of my life. And even though I was engaged to Ty Grant, and even though my father didn't like you, I said yes.engaged to: 订婚这段是BREE回忆REX与她结婚的场面,她回忆到REX曾对他说过的话“我保证在我有生之年,一定会爱你”嗨……结婚前男人总是甜言蜜语,海誓山盟的,结婚后就……5. CARLOS: When a man buys a woman expensive jewellery, there are many things he may want in return. For future reference, conversation ain't one of them.Carlos的这句话说出了所有男人心中的欲望,所以MM们男人的东西不能随便拿的。
喜欢看绝望主妇的朋友肯定都会记得Mary Alice在每集的开头和结尾娓娓道来的那些话,它们既是一集故事的概括也是让我们看完后回味无穷的妙语。
1-01 Pilot The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this.第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。
1-02Ah, But Underneath Y es, as I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see.是的,当我回头看我身后的世界,它变得如此清晰。
《绝望的主妇》每集结束语整理101 The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so causally. I’m so sorry, girls. I never wanted you toburden with this.第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。
102 Yes, as I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look.They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see.是的,当我回头看我身后的世界,它变得如此清晰。
103 Yes I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was, what a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who face their fears, and there will always be those who run away.是的,我记得这个世界的每一个细节。
绝望的主妇(desperate wives)第二季结束语
绝望主妇第二季每集结束语2-01It had been one year since my suicide, and a lot has changed inWisteria Lane. There were new flowers, new houses, and new neighbors,the kind anyone would want living right next door.我自杀已经一年了,在这一年里Wisteria Lane变化很大。
2-02Control is extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it, somerely on deception, while others engage in outright trickery, thenthere those who were resort to extortion. Why do we fight so hard forcontrol? Because we know to lose it's to put our fate in the hands ofothers, and what could be more dangerous?人们为了获得支配权会使用各种策略,有些人靠欺骗,有些人靠哄骗,还有些人诉诸敲诈。
为什么我们这么拼命要得到支配权呢?因为我们知道一旦失去它我们就会被别人所掌控,还有什么比这更危险呢?2-03Everyone enjoys the game of make-believe now and then, of course theways in which we play vary greatly, sometimes we tell ourselveswork won’t interfere with our family life. Sometimes weimagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they reallyare. Occasionally, we put on a show as if to convince ourselves oursecrets are really all that terrible. Y es, the game of make-believeis a simple one. Y ou start by lying to yourself, and if you can getothers to believe those lies, you win.人们都喜欢偶尔自欺欺人一下,当然每个人的方法各不相同。
关于绝望主妇第一季各集经典旁白Season 1 第1集Life was suddenly full of possibilities.Not to mention a few unexpected surprises.生命突然充满了无限的可能,更有一些意料之外的惊喜。
An odd thing happens when we die. Taste,touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory,but our sight --ah, our sight expands,and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly.Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living,if they'd only take the time to look.人死后会有奇怪的事发生。
Season 1 第2集As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me:the beauty that waits to be unveiled,the mysteries that long to be uncovered.But people so rarely stop to take a look,they just keep moving.It’s a shame really, there’s so much to see.当我回头看这个身后的世界,它如此清晰。
绝望主妇第一季各集结束语 Desperate Housewives Season 1 中英
绝望主妇第一季结束语Desperate Housewives Season 11-01Once some things are said...You can't take them back.The damage is already done.话一旦说了出去,你就没办法收回来。
1-02Yes , As I look back the world I left behind, it all so clear to me, the beauty that wait to be unwilled , the mystery that long uncovered , but people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving, it's the shame really , there are so much to seeing .是的, 当我回头看看身后这个世界时, 一切都如此的清晰. 等待被发现的美丽. 和等待被揭开的神秘. 但人们很少会停下来看上一眼. 他们只是不停地往前走. 这真的很遗憾, 有那么多值得一看的东西.1-03Yes I remember the world every detail , and what I remember most is how afraid I was , what a waste , you see , to live in fear, is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this who those I leave behind ,but it would do any good? Probably not, I understand know, there will be always who face their fears , and there always be those who run away。
-ANDREW: That sounds good!
-REX: Bree, are you sure?
-BREE: Our son could spent the rest of his life in jail. I won't allow that.
-NARRATOR: As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight A’s.
get :得到straight:直的,整齐的A:成绩等级的最高级
As a teenager, she felt guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base.
ugly:丑陋的,难看的reminder:暗示,提醒in front of:在...前面
That makes it a hit and run.
hit and run:闯了祸逃走的
-ANDREW: Maybe I could go toCanada, you know, until the statute of limitations is up.
-NARRATOR: Some just couldn’t stop
《绝望的主妇》第二季Mary Alice 结束语(英汉对照)
《绝望的主妇》第二季Mary Alice 结束语(英汉对照)2-01It had been one year since my suicide, and a lot has changed in Wisteria Lane. There were new flowers, new houses, and new neighbors, the kind anyone would want living right next door.我自杀已经一年了,在这一年里Wisteria Lane变化很大。
2-02Control is extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it, some rely on deception, while others engage in outright trickery, then there those who were resort to extortion. Why do we fight so hard for control? Because we know to lose it’s to put our fate in the hands of others, and what could be more dangerous?人们为了获得支配权会使用各种策略,有些人靠欺骗,有些人靠哄骗,还有些人诉诸敲诈。
为什么我们这么拼命要得到支配权呢?因为我们知道一旦失去它我们就会被别人所掌控,还有什么比这更危险呢?2-03Everyone enjoys the game of make-believe now and then, of course the ways in which we play vary greatly, sometimes we tell ourselves work won't interfere with our family life. Sometimes we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are. Occasionally, we put on a show as if to convince ourselves our secrets are really all that terrible. Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. You start by lying to yourself, and if you can get others to believe those lies, you win.人们都喜欢偶尔自欺欺人一下,当然每个人的方法各不相同。
绝望主妇,每季结束语:Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death.每个人都清楚战争的本性,我们也知道胜利取决于我们打出的那些牌。
The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. When such kindness is offered, we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, and it's what they count on.世界上到处都是不太可能的友谊。
-Mary Alice: Previously on Desperate Housewivespreviously: 以前【previously on后加剧名,表示为对剧情的“前情提要”。
】desperate: 绝望的,不顾一切的housewife: 家庭主妇前情回顾。
-Mr. Shaw: What is it hired me to do?hire: 出钱雇佣某人做(某事)你雇佣我来干什么?-Paul: Someone sent that to my wife. I need to know who.send: 送,寄有人给我太太寄了这张纸条,我想知道是谁。
-Mary Alice: Some secrets were discovered.secret: 秘密discover: 发现,发觉有些秘密被发现了。
-Zach: After Mom died, I started remembering what happened to Dana.die: 死亡start doing: 开始干…happen to: 发生我妈妈死后,我开始回忆起发生在Dana身上的事。
-Julie: Dana?谁是Dana?-Nurse: What are you doing?你在这干什么?-Mary Alice: Some secrets were uncovered.uncover: 揭开,揭露有些秘密揭开了。
-Carlos: Could be anyone she's having an affair with.have an affair with:(与某人)有不正当的男女关系有可能是这些人中的某一个和她有一腿。
-Mama Solis:Don't worry. I'm not letting her out of my sight.out of one’s sight: 看不见,在视野之外【这里指“我不会让她远离我的视线之外”。
《绝望的主妇》超富哲理的台词赏析第一篇:《绝望的主妇》超富哲理的台词赏析Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt.Some when faced with a bloody battle sim ply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it w ould be a fight to the death。
The world is filled with unlikely friendships.How did they begin, with one per son desperately in need and another willing to lenda helping hand.When such k indness is offered,we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previ ously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it.Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, it's what they counton世界上到处都是不太可能的友谊。
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Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death.
When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, because they know if revealed, the damage it will do. So they conceal it within sturdy walls, or they place it behind closed doors, or they obscure it with clever disguises, but truth , no matter how ugly, always emerges, and someone e care about always ends up getting hurt, and someone else will revel in their pain, and that's the ugliest truth of all.
祈祷赐给我们力量,让我们能够面对不愿接受的事实。祈祷的力量来自它对人性的洞察力;因为太多的人对我们的生活充满愤怒;因为太多的人过于懦弱,不敢拍案而起;因为太多的 人无法选择的时候,选择对绝望妥协。好消息是敢于把话说出口的人,上帝会听到你的祈祷 并回答你。坏消息是有的时候上帝的答案是否定的。
Now and then we all need a little help, so we ask for small favors. But it's always best to be wary of those eager to come to our rescue. Because even the smallest of favors carries a price tag. Yes, everyone has an agenda, no matter what they may tell us...and in those rare instances where there is no ulterior motive; we're so taking aback that we may fail to recognize the truth - that a loving friend has just done us an enormous favor.
偶尔我们总会需要帮助,所以我们请别人帮点小忙。不过对那些急切想拯救我们的人最好要带着一颗机警的心。因为哪怕是最小的恩惠都是有价格的。是的,每个人心里都有一本帐, 不管他们告诉我们什么。别有用心的人太多了,像好朋友帮了大忙这样的情况真是少之又少。我们过分的警觉导致我们失去了对真相的判断力。
This is how Bree Van De Kamp finally came to change her weekly routine, she still cleaned on Tuesdays, paid her bills on Wednesdays, and did her laundries on Thursdays, but her Fridays were now reserved for a meeting, a special meeting where she stood in front of people she didn’t know, and said things she didn’t believe, and afterwards Bree would come home and reward herself on the completion of another successful week.
就在Hanson Mills医生切断另一根脐带的时候,小镇上其他的联系也被切断了。像一个母亲和儿子之间,母亲不想孩子那么快就长大;一箱好酒和主妇之间的关系,主妇不想承认她酗酒;或是一个女人和男友之间的关系,男友不能原谅她的背叛。选择离开我们的爱是痛苦的,更糟糕的是我们信任的人让我们做这样的选择。
The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. When such kindness is offered, we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, and it’s what they count on.
每个人都会受到诱惑,我们是否屈服与诱惑决定于我们识破其伪装的能力。有时它们以闪回的火花形式出现;有时是一个意义深远的新朋友;有时是一个触发我们不曾有过的感觉的婴 儿。不过如果我们屈服于诱惑,那么第二天我们必须承担后果。
We've all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of, some of us have fallen for the wrong man, some have let go of the right women, there're those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow.
我们都做过一些自己都感到惭愧的事。有些人爱错了人,有些人错过了爱;有些孩子使父母 丢脸,也有些家长让孩子失望。是的,我们都犯过错使我们爱的人离我们而去。但如果我们 试着从这些错误中吸取教训并成长,就还有挽回的机会。
There's is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don't want to accept. The power of the prayer comes from its insight into human nature. Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us; Because so many of us are cowardly, and afraid to stand up for what is right; Because so many of us give in to despair, when faced with an impossible choice. The good news for those who utter these words is that god will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that sometimes the answer is no.
Temptation comes to all of us, whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise, sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame, flickering back to life, or a new friend who could end up being so much more, or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had. And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come morning, we'll have to suffer the consequences.