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谢从珍1,张 尧1,郝艳捧1,原学军2,魏强华3



摘 要:为消除硅橡胶复合绝缘子缺陷对电网安全运行造成的隐患,提出了一种利用超声波探伤仪检测硅橡胶绝缘子护套脱粘和气孔缺陷的方法,该方法根据0.5~10M Hz的超声波在不同介质中传播时的异质界面回波特性判定绝缘子缺陷。研究表明,在全检波、正检波、负检波、射频波4种超声检波方式中射频波方式优于其它方式。用压电晶片、透声层、硅橡胶护套3种介质实测表明:当透声层厚度等于1/4波长时形成声阻抗匹配而产生全透射并达到最优检测效果;对绝缘子大面积护套脱粘采用射频幅度法检测,对绝缘介质气孔、夹渣采用射频反射法检测方式。该方法为复合绝缘子内部缺陷检测提供了一种有效手段。


中图分类号:TM216+.3;T G115.28文献标志码:A文章编号:100326520(2009)1022464206

Application of U ltrasonic Fla w Detector to Internal Defects

in Composite Insulators

XIE Co ng2zhen1,ZHAN G Yao1,HAO Yan2peng1,YUAN Xue2jun2,WEI Qiang2hua3

(1.Elect ric Power College,Sout h China U niversity of Technology,Guangzhou510640,China;

2.Wuhan Zhongke Innovation Technology Co.,Lt d.,Wuhan430079,China;

3.Dongguan Gaoneng Elect ric Co.,Lt d.,Dongguan523012,China)

Abstract:In order to eliminate the danger for the safe operation of composite insulator,this paper presented one method to detect the flaw of the bonding between sheath and rod by using the ultrasonic flaw detector.This method determines the flaw on the base of the echo quality of the ultrasonic wave with0.5~10M Hz in different material. Much research indicated that the method of radio frequency detection was better than the methods of full detection, positive detection and negative detection.Test results for three materials of piezoelectric chip,Sound2Transparent2 layer and silicone rubber sheath demonstrate that f ull transmission was occur by the matching of the acoustic imped2 ance when the thickness of the Sound2Transparent2layer is one quarter of the wave.The method of the radio f re2 quency wave amplitude was used to detect the large area bonding between housing and core.The other method by the echo of the radio f requency was used to detect the bubble and the dregs in the insulation material.It is an effec2 tive non-destructive technology for detecting the inner defects of composite insulator.

K ey w ords:composite insulator;bad2bonding;bubble;ultrasonic wave;RF(radio f requency)wave;non2destructive technology

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4642第35卷 第10期


高 电 压 技 术

High Voltage Engineering


