



技术 和罗 姆 的功率 元器 件传 统封 装技 术 ,联合 开发 电脑 、移 动设 备 、智 能组 件 、设 备 扩展 平 台 和各 式 接
最 适合 GaN器 件 的产品 。这 将能 够最 大 限度地 挖掘 口设 备 的应 用需 求 。FL71 12控制 芯片 可 以提 供达 到
并 发 挥 GaN器 件 的潜 力 。另外 ,双 方通 过 提 供兼 容 工 业 标 准 与 车 载 应 用 要 求 的 USB PD3.0 PPS和
双 W i—F i解决 方案
安森美半 导体推 出 X-C I ass平 台和
近 日,Marvell宣 布 针对 互连 汽 车 市场 推 出业 界
XGS 8000/XGS 1 2000图像 传 感 器
首 款 高效 率 无 线 802.11ax解决 方 案 ,集成 2×2加
2×2同步 双 Wi—Fi ̄ 、双 模 蓝牙 @ 5/蓝 牙低 功耗 以
Silicon Labs日前 发 布 了针 对 其 Wireless Gecko 产 品 系 列 的 新 版 软 件 ,可 在 单 芯 片 上 同 时 实 现 Sub—GHz和 2.4 GHz Bluetooth ̄ Low Energy(LE)连 接 。
这个 Silicon Labs解决方案支持商业和工业 IoT 应 用 ,将 远 距 离 的 Sub—GHz通 信 与蓝 牙 连 接 相 结 合 ,简 化设 备设 置 、数 据采 集 和维 护 。通 过免 除双 芯 片无 线架 构 的复 杂性 ,开 发 人员 可加 快 产 品上市 时 间 ,并 可将 物 料 清 单 (BOM )成 本 和 占板 尺 寸 减 少
的 Wi—Fi子 系统 集 成 到单 个 SoC 中 ,并 支持 两个 独 他像素选项添加到 X—Class平台 ,摄像机制造商将

ACGS-01 微型AHRS航姿参考系统

ACGS-01 微型AHRS航姿参考系统

产品介绍产品介绍ACGS-01 是CGSTECH 公司提供的基于MEMS 技术的低成本的,高性能三维运动姿态测量系统。

ACGS-01包含三轴陀螺仪、三轴加速度计(即IMU ),三轴电子罗盘等辅助运动传感器,通过内嵌的低功耗处理器输出校准过的角速度,加速度,磁数据等,通过基于四元数的Motion Sensor Fusion 算法进行数据融合,实时输出以四元数、欧拉角等表示的零漂移三维运动姿态数据。


ACGS-01微型AHRS 姿态方位参考系统姿态方位参考系统硬件系统高度集成硬件系统高度集成紧凑的外观设计,方便开发集成到其他的系统和应用中尺寸小,重量轻,功耗低具有高度的可扩展性,提供串口,SPI ,CAN 总线运动姿态捕捉显示系统运动姿态捕捉显示系统CGSTECH Explore 提供图形化的显示界面,使开发者对运动姿态所见即所得,通过使用CGSTECH Explore 内置工具可以迅速完成内置传感器的各种设置校准,包括软铁和硬铁的磁场校准,让开发者工作化繁为简,集中精力于系统设计输出模式输出模式三维全姿态数据(四元数 / 欧拉角 / 旋转矩阵) 三维加速度 / 三维角速度 / 三维地磁场强度可扩展性软件开发 SDKCGSTECH SDK 提供针对不同设备的多层次接口,保证用户不仅在桌面系统还是嵌入式设备都可以进行快速开发,满足系统开发的定制要求,使得用户在使用CGSTECH 系列产品时更加具有自主性特点高精度360 度全方位空间姿态输出。



全固态微型MEMS 惯性器件,三轴加速度、三轴角速度和三轴磁场强度计高度集成9DOF 。




AXIOM Aristos VX Plus 是采用平板探测器采集图像的通用胸片和四肢摄影系统,特别适合于立位/坐位病人。




加长的平板支撑臂能够使得用移动摄影床做卧位拍摄更为方便.系统配置:其标准配置包括:- 落地安装的数字胸片架, 平板探测器可电动调节高度,可旋转- 悬吊式球管,可沿三维直线运动,配有电动缩光器球管和胸片架支持伺服追踪,即两者之间的运动可进行电子同步。

- 高频多脉冲X线发生器- 影像采集和控制工作站,包含多种临床应用、评价程序及DICOM 系统接口系统功能,控制和显示平板探测器支架探测器支架落地安装,可电动调节高度,可伺服追踪探测器- 垂直移动范围137cm,中心射线束距地面最低35cm最高172cm。

- 电源故障时平板自保护功能- 平板探测器可旋转-15/+90度,每15度步进平板探测器系统包括:- 采用碘化铯和非定形硅材料的平板探测器Trixell Pixium 4600探测器矩阵为 3000 x 3000 像素,14bit灰阶采集探测器采集尺寸为43 x 43 厘米- 采用三野电离室自动曝光控制- 固定的高透过滤线栅,栅比为15:1,栅密度为 80线/厘米。




附件- 符合人机工程学的侧位手柄,有助于病人的精确定位- 平板上方的正位定位手柄平板探测器支架的控制及显示- 平板左右手操作均可- 压力敏感按钮控制平板以两种不同的速度移动球管装置包括球管和电动缩光器球管悬吊系统可沿三个方向运动,可与球管伺服追踪- 球管悬吊系统沿纵向运动354厘米,沿横向运动222厘米,带中心位置锁定- 垂直运动距离为150厘米X线球管OPTILIX 150/30/50HC-100双焦点高速旋转阳极球管:阳极为铼-钨-钼-石墨复合材料,小焦点,高热容量,高负载能力。



挑战单反的长焦数码王一一富士X-S1作者:暂无来源:《摄影之友·影像视觉》 2012年第3期富士在发布X-S1数码相机的时候自信满满地挑战18-270mm“天涯镜”和中低端数码单反组合,它的性能果真如此强劲吗?撰文、摄影:王晶编辑:林曦2011年富士X系列数码相机在市场中广受好评,广大消费者用果断掏出钱包的实际行动给予X100和X10这两款X系列高端数码相机很高的评价。

而全新推出的富士X-S1使用了1200万有效像素的2/3英寸EXR CMOS传感器和最大光圈为2.8的24mm~624mm(35mm等效焦距)的超级镜头。













机器视觉英文词汇Aaberration 像差accessory shoes 附件插座、热靴accessory 附件achromatic 消色差的active 主动的、有源的acutance 锐度acute-matte 磨砂毛玻璃adapter 适配器advance system 输片系统ae lock(ael) 自动曝光锁定af illuminatoraf 照明器af spotbeam projectoraf 照明器af(auto focus) 自动聚焦algebraic operation 代数运算一种图像处理运算,包括两幅图像对应像素的和、差、积、商。

aliasing 走样(混叠)当图像象素间距和图像细节相比太大时产生的一种人工痕迹。

alkaline 碱性ambient light 环境光amplification factor 放大倍率analog input/output boards 模拟输入输出板卡analog-to-digital converters 模数转换器ancillary devices 辅助产品angle finder 弯角取景器angle of view 视角anti-red-eye 防红眼aperture priority(ap) 光圈优先aperture 光圈apo(apochromat) 复消色差application-development software 应用开发软件application-specific software 应用软件apz(advanced program zoom) 高级程序变焦arc 弧图的一部分;表示一曲线一段的相连的像素集合。

area ccd solid-state sensors 区域ccd 固体传感器area cmos sensors 区域cmos传感器area-array cameras 面阵相机arrays 阵列asa(american standards association) 美国标准协会asics 专用集成电路astigmatism 像散attached coprocessrs 附加协处理器auto bracket 自动包围auto composition 自动构图auto exposure bracketing 自动包围曝光auto exposure 自动曝光auto film advance 自动进片auto flash 自动闪光auto loading 自动装片auto multi-program 自动多程序auto rewind 自动退片auto wind 自动卷片auto zoom 自动变焦autofocus optics 自动聚焦光学元件automatic exposure(ae) 自动曝光automation/robotics 自动化/机器人技术automation 自动化auxiliary 辅助的Bback light compensation 逆光补偿back light 逆光、背光back 机背background 背景backlighting devices 背光源backplanes 底板balance contrast 反差平衡bar code system 条形码系统barcode scanners 条形码扫描仪barrel distortion 桶形畸变base-stored image sensor (basis) 基存储影像传感器battery check 电池检测battery holder 电池手柄bayonet 卡口beam profilers 电子束仿形器beam splitters 光分路器bellows 皮腔binary image 二值图像只有两级灰度的数字图像(通常为0和1,黑和白)biometrics systems 生物测量系统blue filter 蓝色滤光镜blur 模糊由于散焦、低通滤波、摄像机运动等引起的图像清晰度的下降。

SONY DSR-600PL DSR-650WSPL数字摄录一体机 说明书

SONY DSR-600PL DSR-650WSPL数字摄录一体机 说明书

PAL3CCD 数字摄录一体机DSR-600PLDSR-650WSPLF o rP r o f e s s i o n a lR e s u l t s从推出第一款机型以来,Sony一直不断扩充其DVCAM™系列产品,每一款都能提供最先进的技术,以满足客户各种需求—从视频纪录片和突出事件报道到新闻采集和独立电影制作。

随着DVCAM应用的日益广泛,Sony现在推出了顶级的DVCAM数字摄录一体机— DS R-600PL和DSR-650WSPL。


这款高性价比的DSR-600PL采用了三个2/3英寸型Power HAD™ EX CCD,宽高比为4:3。

它可以提供目前最新的技术特点,如一个外开式的2.5英寸*1型彩色寻像器、Memory S tick™ (记忆棒) 插槽、用户指定功能按钮,以及电池剩余电量显示功能,从而使操作更为便利,创造上更加富于多样性。

这款宽屏DSR-650WSPL采用了三个2/3英寸型Power HAD EX CCD,宽高比为16:9,能够使用16:9和4:3两种宽高比进行拍摄。

除具有DSR-600PL的技术特点外,DSR-650WSPL还进一步提供24P (23.976P) 逐行模式,配备2-3下拉、可使用胶片效果灰度设置对灰度系数进行选择。


DSR-650WSPL还支持8芯遥控功能(标准配置) ,并可以使用两块选购卡,实现SDI输出和模拟复合输入。



2/3英寸型Power HAD EX CCDDSR-600PL和DSR-650WSPL均配备成熟和最新技术水平的三片2/3英寸型Sony Power HAD EX CCD。





XDCAM的首两代XDCAM及XDCAM HD,使用Professional Disc作储存媒体,媒体和Blu-ray Disc相似及同样可储存23 GB(PFD23,单面)或50 GB(PFD50,双面)数据。

第三代XDCAM EX,使用固态SxS记忆卡。

在2008年,JVC宣布和Sony结盟支援XDCAM EX格式。


其录影机亦可作为随机存取磁盘机,以IEEE 1394及以太网等途径容易汇入录像到非线性编辑系统。




IMX (MPEG IMX)IMX容许录影标清视讯,使用MPEG-2编码,位元率达30、40或50 Mbit/s。

MPEG IMX不使用暂时压缩,这可适合作剪接格式。

50 Mbit/s的品质在视觉上可和Digital Betacam比较,及常作电视制作用途,主要是电子新闻采集,因在实际上色彩分辨率(DigiBeta的10位元对IMX的8位元)和更低压缩比比Digital Betcam更好DVCAM (DV25)DVCAM使用标准DV编码,位元率高达25 Mbit/s,相容于大部分DV剪接系统。


HQ模式位元率可达35 Mbit/s,使用可变动位元率(VBR) MPEG-2长GOP式压缩。

可选的18 Mbit/s (VBR) 及25 Mbit/s (CBR)模式可增加录影时间,相对地减少视讯品质。



三星录音笔图片索尼录音笔图片三星 YP-VX1索尼-AX412功能卖点对照亮丽彩屏:支持中文菜单显示单色段码屏,只能显示数字和英文一键录音:在关机状态下短按录音键, 自动开机,自动录音。

无此功能支持数码自然音效 DNSe? 3.0:三星独立研发的数字播放器声音增强技术还原最真实自然的音质无此功能声音增强型定向麦克风:采访模式及会议模式 S 麦克风系统NR 降噪:可以监测到周围噪音,录制过程中抑制外部环境的噪音,以便达到更清晰的录音效果.智能降噪自动增益控制:能够根据声音源功率大小和距离调节最合适的收录增益,消除由于录音时复杂的环境造成声音忽大忽小、忽远忽近的现象, 自动调节声音均衡,确保绝佳录音效果。

无此功能超长续航时间:录音/20 小时,耳机播放/50 小时,扬声器外放/20 小时 2 节AA 电池:录音 12 小时/耳机播放:10 小时/扬声器外放/3 小时声控播放及 TTS 功能无此功能智能变速播放:在不改变原有音质的基础上,用户可随意在(x0.5~x2.0)之间调节播放速度,以达到最佳收听效果数码播放速度操控录音时间:LP(长时):260 小时SP(标准):65 小时HQ(高品质):32 小时 SHQ(超优质):16 小时 UHQ(超超优质):10 小时录音时间: MP3 录音模式(8kbps): 约 536 小时MP3 录音模式(48kbps): 约 89 小时 25 分钟MP3 录音模式(128kbps): 约 33 小时 30 分钟MP3 录音模式(192kbps): 约 22 小时 20 分钟1三星录音笔图片索尼录音笔图片三星 YP-VP1 索尼 UX-512功能卖点对照亮丽彩屏:支持中文菜单显示单色段码屏,只能显示数字和英文一键录音笔:在关机状态下短按录音键, 自动开机,自动录音。

无此功能支持数码自然音效 DNSe? 3.0:三星独立研发的数字播放器声音增强技术还原最真实自然的音质线性 PCM 格式录音:可进行如同CD 音质般的约 50-20,000Hz 声音录制。

ZEISS Xradia 410 Versa 微子微型X线成像系统说明书

ZEISS Xradia 410 Versa 微子微型X线成像系统说明书

ZEISS Xradia 410 VersaSubmicron X-ray Imaging: Bridge the Gap in Lab-based MicroscopyProduct Information Version 1.1Xradia 410 Versa bridges the gap between high-performing X-ray microscopes and less powerful, lower-cost computed tomography (CT) systems. Delivering non-destructive 3D imaging with industry best resolution, contrast, and in situ capabilities, Xradia 410 Versa enables you to achieve groundbreaking research for the widest range of sample sizes. Enhance imaging workflow with this powerful, cost-efficient "workhorse" solution, even in diverse lab environments.A Workhorse Solution for Your 3D Submicron Imaging› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceSimpler. More Intelligent. More Integrated.Extend the Boundaries of ScienceXradia 410 Versa X-ray microscope delivers cost-efficient, flexible 3D imaging to enable you to address a wide range of samples and research environments. Non-destructive X-ray imaging preserves and extends the use of your valuable samples over time. The instrument achieves0.9 μm true spatial resolution with minimum achievable voxel size of 100 nm. Advanced absorption and phase contrast (for soft orlow-Z materials) offer you more versatility to overcome the limitations of traditional computed tomography approaches.Your Premier 4D / In Situ SolutionNon-destructive X-ray microscopes allow youto uniquely characterize the microstructure ofmaterials in their native environments—in situ—as well as to understand the evolution of proper-ties over time (4D). RaaD capabilities enableyou to maintain submicron resolution across abroad spectrum of sample dimensions in nativeenviron m ents and to use a wide range of in siturigs. The Xradia Versa In Situ Kit makes set-upoptimal and operation easy with a faster timeto results.Achieve Performance Beyond Micro-CTXradia Versa solutions extend scientific researchbeyond the limits of projection-based micro- andnano-CT systems. Where traditional tomographyrelies on a single stage of geometric magnifica-tion, Xradia 410 Versa features a unique two-stage process based on synchrotron-caliber optics.You will find it easy to use, with flexible contrast,while its breakthrough Resolution at a Distance(RaaD) enables you to achieve unprece d entedlab-based exploration for a diverse array ofapplications, sample types and sizes. And, multi-length scale capabilities enable you to imagethe same sample across a wide range of magnifi-cations. Additionally, the Scout-and-Scan controlsystem enables an efficient workflow environmentwith recipe-based set-up that makes Xradia 410Versa easy for users with a wide variety ofexperience levels.› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details › ServiceScintillatorCCDObjective Your Insight into the Technology Behind Ithigh resolution.using flexible working distances and workflow efficiencies for a diverse array of applications and samples.› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceZEISS XRM Two-stage Magnification ArchitectureR e s o l u t i o n (µm )L o wH i g hClearance around sample rotation axis (mm)High resolution is maintained for large samplesdistances. This enables you to study the widest range of sample sizes effectively, including within in situ chambers.› ServiceYour Insight into the Technology Behind ItAchieving True ResolutionXradia Versa solutions enable you to achieve powerful 3D X-ray imagingmaintaining true submicron spatial resolution across varying distances, sample sizes, and environments. ZEISS XRM are specified on true spatial resolution, the most meaningful measurement of a microscope’s performance.Spatial resolution refers to the minimum separation at which you can resolve a feature pair with an imaging system. It is typically measured by imaging astandardized resolution target with progressively smaller line-space pairs. Spatial resolution accounts for critical characteristics such as X-ray source spot size, detector resolution, magnification geometry, and vibrational, electrical and thermal stability. Other terms such as “voxel,” “spot size,” "detail detectability," and “nominal resolution” do not provide you with an understanding of full system performance.› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceYour Insight into the Technology Behind ItAn Edge In ContrastYou require superior contrast capabilities to reveal details needed to visualize and quantify features. Xradia Versa deliver flexible, high contrast imaging for even your most challenging materials – low atomic number (low Z) materials, soft tissue, polymers, fossilized organisms encased in amber, and other materials of low contrast.Our comprehensive approach employs proprietary Enhanced Absorption ContrastDetectors that achieve superior contrast by maximizing collection of low energy photons while minimizing collection of contrast-reducing high energy photons. In addition, Tunable Propagation Phase Contrast measures the refraction of X-ray photons at material transitions to allow you to visualize features displaying little or no contrast during absorption imaging.Pear imaged with absorption contrast – no visibility of cell walls (left), and pear imaged with phase contrast, showing details ofcell walls in normal cells and stone cells (right).› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details › ServiceTailored Precisely to Your Applications› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceLarge flip chip (10x10x1 mm) imaged at high resolutionUnstained water in Ottawa sand, imaged in a 12.5 mm diameter aluminum tubeComposite material of polyurethane, EDPM, metal oxides and high melting explosiveMurine breast tissueZEISS Xradia 410 Versa at WorkNatural Resources Materials ResearchElectronicsLife Sciences125 µm5 mm0.7 mm1 mm› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › Service1211910768354Your Flexible Imaging Solution4 System Stability for Best Imaging • Granite base vibrational isolation • Thermal environment stabilization • Low noise detector• Proprietary stabilization mechanisms5 System Flexibility for Diverse Range of Sample Sizes• Variable scanning geometry • Tunable voxel sizes• Absorption contrast mode • Phase contrast mode• Wide Field Mode (WFM) for increased lateral tomography volume with 0.4X objective• Vertical Stitching for joining multiple tomographies vertically6 Autoloader Option• Maximize productivity by reducing user intervention • Programmable handling of up to 14 samples• Automated workflows for high volume, repetitive scanning7 Sample Stage• Ultra-high precision 8-degrees of freedom sample stage 15 kg sample mass capacity8 X-ray Filters • Single filter holder• Set of 12 filters included• Custom filters available by special order 9 In Situ and 4D Solutions• Resolution at a Distance (RaaD) enables superior in situ imaging • I ntegrated in situ recipe control for Deben stages • In situ interface kit option • Custom in situ flow interface kit by special order 10 Instrument Workstation• Power workstation with fast reconstruction • Single CUDA-based GPU • Multi-core CPU • 24” display monitor11 Software• Acquisition: Scout-and-Scan Control System • Reconstruction: XMReconstructor • Viewer: XM3DViewer• Compatible with wide range of 3D viewers and analysis software programs• ORS Visual SI for 3D visualization and analysis (optional)1 X-ray Microscope• ZEISS Xradia 410 Versa with Resolution at a Distance 2 Source Options• Light materials, closed reflection source (20 – 90 kV, maximum 8 W)• High energy, closed reflection source (40 – 150 kV, maximum 10 W)• High power, closed reflection source (40 – 150 kV, maximum 30 W)3 Contrast-optimized Detectors• Innovative dual-stage detector system with detector turret of multiple objectives at different magnifications with optimized scintillators for highest contrast• 2k x 2k pixel, noise suppressed charge-coupled detector› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceTechnical Specifications› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceBecause the ZEISS microscope system is one of your most important tools, we make sure it is always ready to perform. What’s more, we’ll see to it that you are employing all the options that get the best from your microscope. You can choose from a range of service products, each delivered by highly qualified ZEISS specialists who will support you long beyond the purchase of your system. Our aim is to enable you to experience those special moments that inspire your work.Repair. Maintain. Optimize.Attain maximum uptime with your microscope. A ZEISS Protect Service Agreement lets you budget for operating costs, all the while reducing costly downtime and achieving the best results through the improved performance of your system. Choose from service agreements designed to give you a range of options and control levels. We’ll work with you to select the service program that addresses your system needs and usage requirements, in line with your organization’s standard practices.Our service on-demand also brings you distinct advantages. ZEISS service staff will analyze issues at hand and resolve them – whether using remote maintenance software or working on site. Enhance Your Microscope System.Your ZEISS microscope system is designed for a variety of updates: open interfaces allow you to maintain a high technological level at all times. As a result you’ll work more efficiently now, while extending the productive lifetime of your microscope as new update possibilities come on stream.Profit from the optimized performance of your microscope system with a Carl Zeiss service contract – now and for years to come.Count on Service in the True Sense of the Word>> /microservice› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceThe moment exploration becomes discovery.This is the moment we work for.// X-RAY MICROSCOPYMADE BY ZEISS› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceE N _40_011_004 | C Z 05-2014 | D e s i g n , s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d t e c h n i c a l p r o g r e s s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . | © C a r l Z e i s s M i c r o s c o p y G m b HCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 07745 Jena, Germany BioSciences and Materials ********************/xrm。












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SIEMENS AXIOM Aristos 家族 说明书

SIEMENS AXIOM Aristos 家族 说明书

X 线摄影技术问世以来,西门子公司一直致力于为放射影像领域提供最新的产品,优质的售后服务和整体的解决方案。

125 年以来,西门子医疗系统集团与我们的广大客户紧密合作,发明创造了众多的新产品,并提供及时有效的技术支持。

今天,AXIOM Aristos 家族系列产品 —— 数字平板探测器直接摄影技术问世了!新的技术带来了更优秀的图像,更丰富的诊断信息和更快的图像处理流程........AXIOM Aristos 的每一款产品都是为我们的客户量身订做的,满足不同的需要。

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除此以外,系统还有以下优势:• 5秒中之内传输精确的诊断图像• 大幅下降的重拍率• 低剂量下丰富的诊断信息• 极高的空间分辨率面向胸片和全身其他各体位的多功能数字拍片系统专业的数字立位拍片系统4AXIOM Aristos家庭成员不同的设备提供了相应的解决方案,每一款设备的机械设计和软件都为了满足您特殊的需求。

通用的数字拍片床*combined with wall stand detector5全软件操作,无需手动定位的会飞的DRAristos TXAXIOM Aristos TX 专业的数字胸片系统适用于高流通率的医院,节省安装空间操作方便能在曝光过程中对缩光器视野的上线进行设定是 TX 的特色之一,只需按一个按钮就可以固定束光器视野在平板探测器的上线高度,当根据投照肺野的大小调整束光器的视野长度时。

索尼FDR-AX1 4K 手持摄像机说明书

索尼FDR-AX1 4K 手持摄像机说明书

Key FeaturesCapture 4K/60p video that far exceeds HD resolutionPlayback 4K content captured on the AX1 on a compatible 1 4K TV by simply connecting the two devices with supplied HDMI cable. Thanks to original Sony technology, Sony BRA VIA TVs especially bring out the full quality of 4K/60p recordings. Full HD monitors can also be used to enjoy this content by simply changing the menu HDMI output settings to 1920 x 1080.XA VC-S codec allows extended 4K/HD video recordingThe FDR-AX1 records 4K/HD movies in the XA VC-S format, which was developed for consumer usage based on the professional XA VC 4K/HD format. XA VC-S uses MPEG-4 A VC/H.264 Long GOP for video and linear PCM for audio compression, while saving files in an MP4 wrapper. The XA VC-S codec allows longer recording times within a given media capacity than XA VC, making 4K recording easier and more convenient.1/2.3” 8.3MP Exmor R ® CMOS image sensorSony’s unique Exmor R ® CMOS sensor is essential to the stunning image quality that the FDR-AX1 achieves. Its back-illuminated structure featuring wiring layers on the back of a photodiode (light receiving element) dramatically boosts low-light sensitivity for shooting better, more lifelike images even in dim lighting. Sony’s cutting-edge technology also makes the camera nimble at reading massive 4K data at 60 fps.Professional image processor for real-time 4K / 60 fps recordingAn extraordinary image processor, identical to those in 4K camcorders used by professionals, rapidly processes signals transmitted from the CMOS sensor and finalizes images. In processing the vast 4K data in real time at 60p, the processor achieves four times the resolution of the HD format. This processor not only features high-performance noise reduction technology for better image quality, it is also specifically tuned for the AX1 so it delivers image processing performance that accelerates the evolution of camcorders.Sony G-lens with 20X (31.5-630mm eq.) smooth servo zoomThe “G Lens” advances the Sony heritage of image processing innovation by redefining what an aspheric lens and special low-dispersion glass together can faithfully reproduce. Accordingly, the “G Lens” is specially tuned to capture qualities of definition and color that put these groundbreaking Handycam ® camcorders in a class of their own. In addition, the high-quality lens offers a broad zooming range from wide-angle to 20x optical zoom (31.5-630mm 35mm equivalent), enabling an amazing range of video expression.3 ND filters and 5 paint functions for expressive cinematic looksThe AX1 features three ND filters for adjusting the amount of light entering the image sensor from the lens. There are four filter settings: Off (Clear), ¼ filter, 1/16 filter and 1/64 filter. These filter settings give users the ability to adjust to light conditions, while maintaining desired shutter angle and aperture even on bright and sunny days. Six paint functions (white, offset white, gamma, detail, skin detail and matrix) can be combined and adjusted in the paint menu to create expressive movie styling and cinematic looks.Built-in mic w/2x additional Pro XLR jacks for external inputsIn addition to a high-performance internal microphone, the AX1 features two external XLR jacks for connecting external microphones that can also be used to record superior-quality balanced audio synchronized to the video. You can also mix audio from recordings made using the internal microphone and externally connected microphones, respectively.7x assignable buttons and 3x control rings (focus/iris/zoom)FDR-AX1Sony’s First 4K/60p Consumer Camcorder Tell your story in four times the resolution of Full HD with the 4K camera that’s made for everyone. Shoot with the breathtaking quality of XA VC-S 4K/60p and capture professional audio with XLR mic inputs. Even take direct, manual control with zoom, focus and iris rings, plus 7 assignable buttons. The groundbreaking power of 4K is ready to capture your imagination—experience it with Sony. Let the revolution begin.The AX1 was designed with two start/stop buttons (one on the side of the camera grip and another on the handle) for ease of use while shooting.The handle also features a zoom lever that enables convenient access while shooting from low angles.Seven assignable buttons can be programmed with functions that enable users to quickly access them without using menus. Assign functions to adjust to shooting conditions on the fly such as Marker, Zebra, Peaking, Focus Magnifier, Auto Exposure Level, Steadyshot, Color Bars, Rec Lamp [F], Rec Lamp [R].Two XQD card slots for high-speed 4K recording and playbackThe AX1 uses XQD media card for smooth, high-speed reading and writing of 4K video and features two XQD media slots.A relay recording feature makes it possible to lengthen recording by automatically switching between two or more media.The AX1 is compatible with following types of XQD media cards:XQD media card S-seriesXQD media card H-seriesXQD media card N-seriesView 4K 60P video on compatible BRA VIA® TVs w/supplied HDMI® cablePlayback 4K content captured on the FDR-AX1 on a 4K TV by simply connecting the two devices with supplied HDMI® cable. Thanks to original Sony technology, Sony BRA VIA® TVs especially bring out the full quality of 4K/60p recordings. Full HD monitors can also be used to enjoy this content by simply changing the menu HDMI output settings to 1920 x 1080. Zebra, Peaking, Center marker and guide frameHave confidence in getting the setting right and not missing he shot. Tools such as Zebra, Peaking, Center Marker and Guide Frame are professional features to enable precise manual control.Zebra: While recording, this function highlights over exposed bright areas with stripes in the LCD and viewfinder. This feedback helps users adjust brightness and prevent whiteout.Peaking highlights the area’s most sharply in focus, in the LCD and viewfinder for accurate manual focusing. Users can choose white, red, yellow or blue peaking to clearly contrast with the subject and adjust the peaking level to low, medium or high.Determine the center of your image at a glance using the Center Marker feature in the LCD or viewfinder and use the guide frame for aligning horizontal and vertical lines to ensure your captured image is within screen boundaries.High-quality XA VC-S up to 150 Mbps 4K / 50Mbps HD recordingHigh quality XA VC-S can be recorded to 150mbps. Additionally, there is also an option to record very high quality Full HD at 50mbps with the FDR-AX1.Specifications1. The FDR-AX1 can only playback via HDMI in 4K to BRA VIA TV as of September 4, 2013.2. At time of announcement, September 4, 2013.3. The use of MP4 playback devices and software does not guarantee that data can be played back in all modes.© 2013 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, and the Sony make.believe logo are trademarks of Sony. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Mac is atrademark of Apple, Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and specifications subject to change without notice. / UPC:/ Updated: September 3, 2013。



SONY PMW EX1低成本数字电影——高清广告拍摄的武器有了手持机顶尖的Sony PMW-EX1式你还会碍于面子用笨重的大机器么?Sony在推出首款HDV专业高清摄录一体机三年后,于2007年岁末再次发力,推出了首次以SxS存储卡为存储介质的XDCAM EX系列手持式FullHD(全高清)专业摄录一体机PMW-EX1。

和Sony首款专业HDV高清摄录一体机HVR-Z1C一样,PMW-EX1的问世又创造了高清摄录一体机领域多个第一:PMW-EX1是第一款采用3片1/2英寸感光器件的手持式专业摄录一体机;第一款采用FullHD (1920×1080像素)全高清感光器件的手持式专业摄录一体机;第一款采用FullHD (1920×1080像素)记录分辨率的手持式高清摄录一体机;第一款分辨率超过1000线的手持式高清摄录一体机;第一款最低照度仅为0.14lx的高灵敏度手持高清摄录一体机;第一款采用传输速率高达800Mbps的新一代ExpressCard/34标准存储卡的专业摄录一体机……而在Sony专业摄录一体机领域,PMW-EX1是Sony专业摄录一体机领域第一款以固态闪存为存储介质的机型;第一款采用高端HDCAM摄录一体机高级调整菜单功能的手持式高清摄录一体机;第一款具备真正的24P(23.98 P)逐行扫描拍摄并具备升降格功能的Sony手持式CineAlte系列数字电影摄影机;第一款在Sony不可交换镜头机型中采用Fujinon高清全手动镜头的手持机型;第一款自带HD SDI无压缩高清信号输出接口的手持高清摄录一体机。




a AN-551APPLICATION NOTE One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106 • 781/329-4700 • World Wide Web Site: Power Management of the ADV7172/ADV7173 Video EncoderINTRODUCTIONThis application note describes the different power op-erating modes of the ADV7172/ADV7173 and how the device should be configured or used in order to use power as efficiently as possible.THE THREE POWER OPERATING MODES AVAILABLE ON THE ADV7172/ADV7173The ADV7172/ADV7173 has three power operating modes:Normal Power Mode at 5 V or 3.3 VWhen all DACs are switched on, the current consumed is set by R SET1 for the large DACs (DAC A, B, C), R SET2 for the small DACs (DAC D, E, F) and V REF. See Tables I and II for the different current settings.Low Power ModeLow Power Mode is only available at an operating volt-age of 5 V. It only takes effect when the large DACs (A, B, C) are switched on. This facility will reduce the average current consumed by each large DAC (which is powered on) by approximately 40%.How Does Low Power Mode Work?Considering each DAC as a group of current sources, when any current source has a DAC code of zero (i.e., off), the DAC current is switched to ground and current is con-sumed unnecessarily. If the current source is then switched off instead of being switched to ground, the current consumed can be reduced by approximately 40%.Sleep ModeSleep Mode is available at 5 V and 3.3 V operation. The current consumed by the ADV7172/ADV7173 is typi-cally less than 20 µA. This mode can be used while powering up or while configuring the registers.Two M ode Registers allow control over Sleep M ode: Mode Register 2, “Sleep Mode Control” and Mode Reg-ister 6, “Power Up Sleep M ode.” In M ode Register 2, Sleep Mode is enabled when the according bit (MR27)“Sleep M ode Control” is set to Logic 1 and disabled when it is set to Logic 0.When enabled, the current consumption of the ADV7172/ADV7173 is typically less than 20 µA. If the de-vice is set to operate in Sleep Mode and if Sleep Mode is disabled in setting the according bit (MR27) to Logic 0,the device will come out of Sleep Mode and resume nor-mal operation.Also, if the device is set to operate in Sleep Mode and a reset is applied, the device will come out of Sleep Mode and resume normal operation. This mode will only oper-ate when Mode Register 6, “Power-Up Sleep Mode” is disabled (set to Logic 1), otherwise Sleep Mode is con-trolled by the PAL_NTSC and SCRESET/RTC pin.Note that the I2C interface still operates in Sleep Mode.Mode Register 6M R60 “Power-Up in Sleep M ode” allows the user to control powering up the device in Sleep Mode to facili-tate low power consumption before the I2C is initialized. The device will power up in Sleep Mode if the SCRESET/ RTC pin and the NTSC_PAL pin are tied high and the “Power-Up Sleep M ode” control (M R60) is set to En-abled (set to a Logic 0). This bit is always set to 0 after powering up or after applying a reset.When “Power-Up Sleep M ode” is disabled or set to a Logic 1, Sleep Mode control passes to Mode Register 2,“Sleep Mode Enable” control.THERE ARE SEVERAL METHODS TO REDUCE POWER CONSUMPTION OF THE ADV7172/ADV71731. Operating Voltage: 5 V Low Power Mode2. Operating Voltage:3.3 V3. Sleep Mode4. Turn Off Unused DACs5. External Buffering6. TV AutodetectOperating Voltage: 5 V Low Power ModeMode Register 1, Bit 6, “Low Power Mode Control” al-lows the Low Power Mode to be selected. Note, that Low Power Mode is only available at 5 V operation.Low Power Mode will reduce the average current con-sumed by each DAC by approximately 40%.In normal mode the current consumed is set by R SET1, R SET2 and V REF. In Low Power M ode this set current is reduced by approximately 40%. For each DAC the rela-tionship between R SET1/V REF and R SET2/V REF and the out-put current is unchanged by this.–2–AN-551Operating Voltage: 3.3 VIdeal or optimum performance is achieved when the de-vice is operated at 3.3 V and DAC A, B, C (large DACs) are set to an output current of:I OUT = 18 mAwhereR SET 1 = 300 ΩR SET 2 = 600 ΩR LOAD = 75 Ω (Single Terminated Load)Sleep ModeIs available at 5 V and 3.3 V operation.The current consumption of the ADV7172/ADV7173 is typically less than 20 µA.As mentioned before, this mode can be used while powering up the device or while configuring the regis-ters. See Sleep Mode section for details on how to oper-ate Sleep Mode.Turn Off Unused DACsIt is recommended that whenever a DAC is not used, it should be switched off.This is done in Mode Register 1, where each DAC can be individually powered off. Refer to Table I and Table II for further details.External BufferingExternal buffering is another way to reduce power con-sumption. Whereas DAC D, E, F (small DACs) always need buffering, buffering on DACs A, B, C is optional (when DAC D, E, F are not used). In the shown configura-tion the DACs A, B, C are running at 18 mA, which is half of their full current capability. This allows a reduction in power dissipation by 50% in the current that these DACs consume.600V CVBSGCHROMARB300Figure 1.Output DAC Buffering ConfigurationThe resistors are given the following values:R SET1 = 300 ΩR SET2 = 600 ΩR LOAD = 75 Ω Single TerminatedIt is further recommended to use this configuration at an operating voltage of 3.3 V. This allows optimum DAC performance and adds extra isolation on the video outputs.OUTPUT TOOUTPUT FILTER/TV MONITORINPUTFigure 2.Recommended DAC Output Buffer Using an Op AmpTV AutodetectThis feature allows the user to determine whether or not the DACs are correctly terminated. This facility is avail-able for DACs A, B, C since unconnected (not used)DACs increase power consumption.Mode Register 6 allows automatic detection of untermi-nated DACs:1.The “DAC Termination Mode” control allows to select between correct 75 Ω or 150 Ω termination.Note that double terminated 75 Ω becomes 37.5 Ω (i.e.,75 Ω on the DAC end and 75 Ω on the TV end) and 150 Ωbecomes 75 Ω. For this reason the Autodetect facility cannot operate if the large DACs are buffered, since buffering results in a fixed termination, regardless if cor-rectly or incorrectly terminated at the buffer output.Mode Register 6 “DAC Termination Mode” control (Bit 4) allows the user to select between two Autodetect Termination modes:1 × Mode = 75 Ω Termination (Single-Terminated)2 × Mode = 150 Ω Termination (Single-Terminated)Mode Register 6 “Comp Autodetect Mode” control (Bit 3) and “Luma Autodetect” control (Bit 2) allow the choice between two functions:Mode0Correct termination of the DAC is checked and indicated with the according Status bit set to “1” or when using the Evaluation Software, Mode Register 6 (Autodetect Status) a green button indicates correct termination.If not correctly terminated, the user has the choice to power down the DAC or not. This can be done by using Mode Register 1.AN-551Mode1Correct termination of the DAC is checked and indicated with the according Status bit set to “1” or when using the Evaluation Software, M ode Register 6 (Autodetect Status) a green button indicates correct termination.If not correctly terminated, the DAC is automatically powered down.Correct termination is checked at intervals of one frame to decide whether or not the DACs are to be powered down.SETTINGS FOR R SET1, R SET2, R LOADOperating Voltage: 5 V/Normal ModeThe values for R SET1 and R SET2 determine what current will be consumed by each DAC and, therefore, what power will be consumed.The current consumed is calculated as:I OUT = (V REF×K )/R SETV OUT = I OUT×R LOADV REF = 1.235 VK = 4.2146DAC A, B, C (Large DACs)R SET2 is used for the small DACs and has no effect on the output current of the large DACs.I OUT = 34.7 mA R SET1 = 150 ΩR LOAD = 75 Ω (Single-Terminated)I OUT = 5 mA R SET1 = 1041 ΩR LOAD = 262.5 Ω(Buffered, Scaled Output Load)See Table I and Table II for further details.DAC D, E, F (Small DACs)R SET1 is used for the large DACs and has no effect on the output current of the small DACs.I OUT = 8.66 mA R SET2 = 600 ΩR LOAD = 150 ΩI OUT = 5 mA R SET2 = 1041 ΩR LOAD = 262.5 Ω(Buffered, Scaled Output Load)See Table I and Table II for further detailsOperating Voltage: 3.3 V/Normal ModeThe same settings for R SET1 and R SET2 apply for 3.3 V op-eration as shown above for 5 V operation.3.3 V operation will reduce the power dissipation due tothe V × I = P formula, i.e., the current is unchanged whilethe voltage decreases from 5 V to 3.3 V.JUNCTION TEMPERATUREIt is important to keep in mind that at no time the maxi-mum junction temperature of 110°C should be exceeded:Junction Temperature = [V AA(Σ of I OUT + I CCT) ×θJA]+70°CI CCT=Circuit Current or Digital Supply Current=Continuous Current Required to Drive theDeviceI CCT=78 mA at V AA = 5 VI CCT=40 mA at V AA = 3.3 VI DAC=Total Current to Drive All DACs=10 mA + (Σ of the Average Currents Con-sumed by Each DAC)=10 mA + (Σ of I OUT of Each DAC)I OUT=Average Current Consumed by DACθJA=Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance 54.6°C/Win Still Air On a Four-Layer PCBθJC=Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance 16.7°C/Win Still Air On a Four-Layer PCBV AA=Supply VoltageP TOTAL=V AA× I TotalI TOTAL=I CCT + Σ of I OUT–3–AN-551Table I.DAC Current ConsumptionJunctionLow I OUT I OUT I OUT I OUT I OUT I OUT Temp DACSupply DAC Power DAC A DAC B DAC C DAC D DAC E DAC F Degrees Output I CCT I DAC I TOTAL P TOTAL Voltage Buffering ON(mA)(mA)(mA)(mA)(mA)(mA)Celsius Configuration(mA)(mA)(mA)(mW)5 V No No34.734.734.78.668.668.66126.8Not Allowed78140.08208.081040.4No Yes20.8220.8220.82OFF OFF OFF108.3Allowed7872.46140.46702.3 Yes No55555599.5Allowed7840108540 Yes Yes333OFF OFF OFF93.8Allowed781987435No No OFF34.734.78.668.668.66117.3Not Allowed78105.38173.38866.9 No Yes OFF20.8220.82OFF OFF OFF102.7Allowed7851.64119.64598.2 Yes No OFF5555598.1Allowed7835103515 Yes Yes OFF33OFF OFF OFF92.9Allowed781684420No No OFF OFF34.78.668.668.66107.9Allowed7870.68138.68693.4 No Yes OFF OFF20.82OFF OFF OFF97Allowed7830.8298.82494.1 Yes No OFF OFF555596.8Allowed783098490 Yes Yes OFF OFF3OFF OFF OFF92.1Allowed781381405 No No OFF OFF OFF8.668.668.6698.3Allowed7835.98103.98519.9 No Yes OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFFYes No OFF OFF OFF55595.4Allowed782593465 Yes Yes OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFFNo No OFF OFF OFF OFF8.668.6696Allowed7827.3295.32476.6 No Yes OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFFYes No OFF OFF OFF OFF5594Allowed782088440 Yes Yes OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFFNo No OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF8.6693.7Allowed781886.66433.3 No Yes OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFFYes No OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF592.7Allowed781583415 Yes Yes OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFFNo No34.734.734.78.668.66OFF124.4Not Allowed78131.42199.42997.1 No Yes20.8220.8220.82OFF OFF OFF108.3Allowed7872.46140.46702.3 Yes No55555OFF98.1Allowed7835103515 Yes Yes333OFF OFF OFF93.8Allowed781987435 No No34.734.734.78.66OFF OFF122.1Not Allowed78122.76190.76953.8 No Yes20.8220.8220.82OFF OFF OFF102.7Allowed7851.64119.64598.2 Yes No5555OFF OFF96.8Allowed783098490 Yes Yes333OFF OFF OFF93.8Allowed781987435No No34.734.734.7OFF OFF OFF119.7Not Allowed78114.1182.1910.5 No Yes20.8220.8220.82OFF OFF OFF108.3Allowed7872.46140.46702.3 Yes No555OFF OFF OFF95.4Allowed782593465 Yes Yes333OFF OFF OFF93.8Allowed781987435 No No34.734.7OFF OFF OFF OFF110.2Allowed7879.4147.4737 No Yes20.8220.82OFF OFF OFF OFF102.7Allowed7851.64119.64598.2 Yes No55OFF OFF OFF OFF94Allowed782088440 Yes Yes33OFF OFF OFF OFF92.9Allowed781684420No No34.7OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF100.8Allowed7844.7112.7563.5 No Yes20.82OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF96.9Allowed7830.8298.82494.1 Yes No5OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF92.7Allowed781583415 Yes Yes3OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF92.1Allowed781381405–4––5–AN-551Table II.DAC Current ConsumptionI OUT I OUT I OUT I OUT I OUT I OUT Supply DACDAC A DAC B DAC C DAC D DAC E DAC F Junction Temp I CCT I DAC I TOTAL P TOTAL VoltageBuffering (mA)(mA)(mA)(mA)(mA)(mA)Degrees Celsius (mA)(mA)(mA)(mW)3.3 VNo 34.734.734.78.668.668.66100.640140.08170.08561.3Yes 55555582.6404070231No OFF 34.734.78.668.668.6694.440105.38135.4446.8Yes OFF 5555581.7403565214.5No OFF OFF 34.78.668.668.6688.14070.68100.7332.3Yes OFF OFF 555580.8403060198No OFF OFF OFF 8.668.668.6681.94035.9865.9217.5Yes OFF OFF OFF 55579.9402555181.5No OFF OFF OFF OFF 8.668.6680.34027.3257.32189.2Yes OFF OFF OFF OFF 5579402050165No OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 8.6678.84018.6648.66160.6Yes OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 578.1401545148.5No 34.734.734.78.668.66OFF 99.140131.42161.42532.7Yes 55555OFF 81.7403565214.5No 34.734.734.78.66OFF OFF 97.540122.76152.8504.2Yes 5555OFF OFF 80.8403060198No 34.734.734.7OFF OFF OFF 95.940114.1144.1475.5Yes 555OFF OFF OFF 79.9402555181.5No 34.734.7OFF OFF OFF OFF 89.74079.4109.4361.02Yes55OFFOFFOFFOFF79402050165P R I N T E D I N U .S .A .E 3554–2–6/99。

精雕细琢磨 简约臻影 飞思A―Series摄影系统

精雕细琢磨  简约臻影 飞思A―Series摄影系统




这较之于在用户手里的各自调校更加省心,且具厂家标准;第二,在A 系列的数码后背中,用户在前期拍摄时仅需通过简单的后背设置便能完成镜头的色差数据校正从而省去了前期单独拍摄白板导入软件校正的方式。


简易轻质化的中幅风光拍摄系统A-Series根据飞思三款102系列数码后背所组成的型号命名,分为:(A250-搭载10250后背,5000万像素;A260 搭载10260后背,6000万像素;A280-搭载10280后背,8000万像素,);在机身方面,选用了阿尔帕轻质便携的经典机型-12TC作为连接后背与镜头的操控机身;而罗顿斯德的三款定制数码镜头HD23mm.35mm以及70mm可带来极佳的高像场解析度以及色彩还原效果。

器材的重量是风光摄影的重要因素,A-Series可以提供有效的解决方案:后背+机身+镜头仅重三斤,搭配厂方配置的单肩挎包便可轻松出行;关于拍摄方式,使用者可利用后背自带的w吲言号与iphone或ipad 进行进行实现取景的对焦操作以及图像检视功能,或以估焦的方式轻松进行手持拍摄。




厂商之HPanasonicideas for lifePanasonic 公司u x系列4K 摄录一体机北京揭幕松下开启优越4K新纪元11月11曰,松下“从你的全世界‘录’过—全新U X 系列•优越幵启”全国创作体验会首站在北京举行,松下U X 系列4K 摄 录一体机正式揭幵面纱,亮相中国。

活动汇聚了来自北京和周边地区的影视从业者、媒 体记者百余人,松下 电器(中国)有限公 司广播电视系统营 销公司总经理野村一 生、企划管理部部长 李俊毅等出席。

体验会上,野村一生首先致词,对大家一直以来对松下的关注 与支持表示感谢。

随后,野村一生、李俊毅以及产品经理张兆鑫一 起为U X 系列4K 摄录一体机揭幕。

U X 系列共计三款,包括A G - UX 180M C 、AG -UX 170MC 和 AG -UX 90M C 。

在技术分享环节,张兆鑫从功能、技术、画质等多方面生动 介绍了 U X 系列的特点和优势。

U X 系列采用1英寸M O S 传感 器、具备高倍率光学变焦、更大广角l ei c a d i c o m a r镜头以及记录4K 、U H D 、F H D 高画质影像。

其中A G -U X 180M C 和A G - U X 170M C 主要特色为24m m 广角、20倍光学变焦、五轴混合光 学影像稳定器(〇.丨.S .)。

1英寸的高灵敏度M O S 感光元件有效像素 达946万。

支持4K U H D 超高清、F H D 全高清60p 、50p 、25p 多 格式录制,采用MOV / MP 4/A V C H D 通用编码,支持V F R 可变帧频拍摄,智能白动聚焦功能和三环手动 操作,轻松实现高品质动态影像记 录。

A G -UX 90MC 为 FHD 24.5mm 广角、15倍光学变焦。

1英寸的高 灵敏度M O S 感光元件有效像素达859万,支持U H D 超高清25P 、FHD 50P 多格式记录。

佳能 XHG1S XHA1S摄像机 说明书

佳能 XHG1S XHA1S摄像机 说明书

操作模式 可用功能取决于操作模式且显示如下。 、 、
• Canon 是佳能公司的注册商标。 • 是商标。 • HDV 和 HDV 徽标是索尼公司及日本 JVC 有限公司 (JVC) 的商标。 • 是商标。 • 上面未提及的其他名称和产品可能为各自公司的商标或注册商标。
专业级连接性 XH G1S 功能丰富,具备专业广播摄像机的功能。符合行业标准并用于未压缩 HD 信号 输出的 HD/SD SDI 端子、嵌入式音频和 SMPTE 时间码 (LTC) 仅仅是其中的一部分功能。 同步 Genlock 同步,以及 TIME CODE 端子,使 XH G1S 可成为任何多摄像机拍摄设置的一部分。 增强的用户自定义 自定义功能 ( 93) 和自定义显示 ( 99) 选项使您能够更自如地操作摄像机。
PUB. DIC-094
警告∶ 为了避免发生电击的危险,请勿开启外壳 (或背盖) 。当中并没有使用者可自行维修的零件。如果需 要维修服务,请向合格的服务人员洽询。 警告∶ 为了避免发生火灾或电击的危险,请勿让此产品暴露在雨水或潮湿的环境之中。 注意∶ 为了避免发生电击的危险和减少恼人的干扰情形,请使用我们所建议的附件。 注意∶ 不使用本产品时,请拔除电源插座上的电源插头。 主电源插头作为切断设备来使用。发生事故时,主电源插头自动切断电源。 使用小型电源适配器时,请勿用布包裹或覆盖它,并且勿将其放置在受限的狭小空间中。否则热度可能升 高,塑料外壳可能变形且可能导致电击或火灾。 CA-920 的识别牌位于底部。

Cine EI模式原理解析与应用

Cine EI模式原理解析与应用

Cine EI 模式原理解析与应用文/邯郸广播电视台 殷唯杰摘要 :随着索尼新款摄像机型FX9V的推出,它的Cine EI模式重新成为业界热议的话题,与普通摄像机的拍摄模式不同,在此模式下,索尼运用S-log曲线技术和S-Gamut色域范围概念使高质量画面的拍摄成为可能。

本文将以FS7机型为例,从宽容度的概念入手,详细对比分析Cine EI模式下几种S-log曲线的技术特征和成像差别、各种S-Gamut色域值的记录范围、曝光指数的概念及其如何影响画面质量,在Cine EI模式下套Mlut如何正确控制曝光,以及实际应用中如何正确使用这一模式进行详细解析。

关键词 :Cine EI;宽容度;S-log曲线;曝光指数基于优质的画面质感、亲民的价位和巨大的后期调色空间,现在越来越多的电视机构、媒体公司都在用索尼PXW系列的F55\F5\F7摄像机作为“主打机”,它们也被称为入门级电影机。

可以说,这些机型之所以广受追捧,正是基于其拥有的Cine EI模式,在这种模式下使得高品质、电影质感的图像拍摄成为可能,它被大量使用于纪录片、宣传片、微电影、高品质广告片乃至影视剧的拍摄。

近期随着新款机型FX9V的推出,索尼的Cine EI模式又重新回到讨论的焦点,虽然使用者芸芸,但真正懂得其中原理者寥寥,本文将以索尼的FS7为例对Cine EI模式工作原理和使用方式进行详细解析。

1. 详解Cine EI模式1.1 什么是Cine EI 模式索尼FS7为用户提供了两种拍摄模式,分别是自定义模式和Cine EI模式。


Cine EI模式又称电影风格摄像模式,它模拟胶片电影摄影机的工作方式,拍摄出看起来低对比度但具有更广色域和高宽容度伽马曲线的画面。






1.现场直播2.演播室直播实况直播的特点: 现场性和即时性强。








一.ENG方式ENG[Electronic News Gathering ] 即“电子新闻采集”,使用便携式的摄像、录像设备来采集电视新闻。

二.EFP方式EFP(Electronic Field Production)即“电子现场制作”,是对一整套适用于台外作业的电视设备的统称。

三.ESP方式ESP(Electronic Studio Production)即“电子演播室制作”,它主要是指演播室录像制作。

第三节电视节目制作过程一.构思创作阶段二.摄制阶段三.编辑混录阶段第二章磁带录像机第一节录像机的分类磁带录像机的分类1.四磁头横向磁迹记录录像机使用磁带: 2英寸(开盘式)应用范围: 广播电视(后被1英寸录像机取代)典型产品: 美国AMPEX公司的A VR-3型主要优缺点: 图像质量高、机器笨重、维护复杂、价格昂贵、节目制作成本高。

2.螺旋扫描式录像机⑴.1英寸录像机使用磁带: 1英寸(开盘式)应用范围: 广播电视典型产品: “B”格式:分段扫描式(我国不适用)“C”格式:一场一迹扫描式SONY:BVH-2000P、3000PAMPEX:VPR-2B、VPR-80主要优缺点:图像质量高、广播级标准、价格为四磁头的一半。


• 兼容主流非编软件的开放文件 格式,包括CinemaDNG 12 bit RAW、Apple ProRes和Avid DNxHD。无特殊封闭式格式
• Black magic 小巧,设计美观, 性价比较高。
Kinefinity S35数字 摄影机
• KineRAW-S35是一个使用超35毫米 尺寸的CMOS传感器的数字摄影机, 具有很好的低光性能,既可以适合高 清应用,也可以用在有现代数字影院 播放需求的应用中。在电影长片/广告 的拍摄中,可以按照严格的RAW流程 进行前期拍摄;而在缺乏足够的光源 环境中比如记录片,可以使用低光高 感的配置进行拍摄。 KineRAW-S35 是一款出色的能够进行35mm电影风 格创作的工具,同时保持了拍摄和记 录一体的必要的便携性。其工业标准 的电气接口和工业标准的编码方式使 得前期拍摄成本和后期制作成本都得 到了有效的降低。它是一款价格可承 受的、功能强大的、严肃的数字电影 制作工具。
• DVW-970P摄录一体机配备了先进的三
芯片、2/3英寸型Sony Power HAD EX
HAD EX CCD的采用使DVW-970P具备
档光圈宽容度、高灵敏度和高信 噪比等特点。
• 灵敏度 :F11(2000 lux、89.9%反射、
• 最低照度 :0.0641 lux(F1.4,超级增益 +36dB,数字超级增益+20dB)
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