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启东市长江中学初三英语课堂学案Teaching aims:

Part One预习作业&预习交流:

A.熟背口语:话题简述第20个话题‘Protecting animals’


1. 感到更加饥饿

2. 多少听狗粮

3. 多少狗粮

4. 我们中没有人

5. 住在现代化的城镇

6. 较少的空气污染

7. 离我们的朋友近

8. 例如

9. 不必走很远

10. 在家作上需要帮助

11. 直到……才……

12. 挑选任何你喜欢的食物

13. 试穿它们14.教我们英语













Exercise One

A.用How many/much 填空

1.________ pork is there in the fridge?

2.________ kilos of pork are there in the fridge?

3.--- ________ money is that fish, please?

--- Ten yuan a kilo. ________kilos do you want?


1. There is only one apple on the desk.(对画线部分提问)

2. I bought two cartons of milk in the supermarket yesterday.(对画线部分提问)

3. I bought two cartons of milk in the supermarket yesterday.(对画线部分提问)

Exercise T wo

A. Fill in the blanks with Noun +’s

1. --- How soon will he come back ?

--- In a few ______ time. (day)

2. We often eat at my __________ (grandparent) at weekends .

3. On _________ (child) Day , we have a day off.

4. The students in China have a two _______ (month) holiday every summer.

5. I ‘d like to recommend Jack as the new chairperson of the ________ (student) Union.

6. --- Whose father is this man talking with your teacher ?

--- It’s _____________ (Tom and Jack) .

7. ---- Whose fathers are they ?

---- They are _____________ (Tom and Jack).

Part Two交流展示&点拨提高:

A. 小组合作学习

Exercise One

A. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

1. Daniel is polite and helpful. He is a good friend of ________ ( I ). (2009南通)

2. There is something wrong with your computer. Please use ______ (I). (2008南通)

3. ---Isn’t this MP4 yours, Ben?

---No, it’s Jim’s. ________is left at home. (2009连云港)

A. Mine

B. Y ours

C. Hers

D. His

4. Some of the stickers belong to me, while the rest are ________ (he) and ________ (she). (2007苏州)

5. My answer is different from ________ (you) , but the same as ________ (he) .

6. The cat is enjoying ________ (it) fish in the kitchen .

7. The cat is enjoying ________ (it) in the garden.

8. He lives in a big flat next to ________ (we) .

Exercise T wo

A.Fill in the blanks with ‘no, none, nothing, nobody’

1. --- How many eggs are there in the fridge?

--- ________.

2. --- What’s in the fridge?

--- ________.

3.--- Who teaches you English?

--- ________. I learn it by myself.

4. I have ________ brothers or sisters. I’m the only child in my family.

5. ________ is watching TV. Turn it off ,will you?

6. ________ of us have been to Taiwan before .

7. Simon asked his workmates to wear black. But ________ of them followed him. (2007泰州)

8. ---I hear there are ________ cakes in the box. Is that so ?

---Y es .there are ________ left . Tom ate the last one.

Exercise Three
