








A、富于淋巴细胞的经典霍奇金淋巴瘤B、结节硬化型C、结节性淋巴细胞为主型霍奇金淋巴瘤D、淋巴细胞衰减型E、混合细胞型答案:C:霍奇金淋巴瘤的病理分类:2000年WHO将霍奇金淋巴瘤分为结节性淋巴细胞为主型霍奇金淋巴瘤和经典型霍奇金淋巴瘤,后者分为:① 结节硬化型(1级和2级);②混合细胞型;③淋巴细胞衰减型;④富于淋巴细胞的经典霍奇金淋巴瘤。













































定义及统计学资料 诊断 分级及分期 治疗 预后及随访
软组织肿瘤是除骨骼、淋巴造血组织和神经组织以外的所有非上皮性组 织,包括纤维组织、脂肪组织、平滑肌组织、横纹肌组织、脉管组织以 及各种实质脏器支持组织的肿瘤。 根据肿瘤生物学潜能,WHO分为四个类型: ①良性。绝大多数不复发,即使复发也为非破坏性,局部完整切除几乎 可治愈,罕见转移。 ②中间性局部侵袭性。常复发,可伴局部浸润和破坏,但几无转移,如 韧带样纤维瘤、非典型脂肪性肿瘤/高分化脂肪肉瘤、卡波西型血管内 皮细胞瘤等。 ③中间性偶见转移性。肿瘤呈侵袭性生长,远处转移概率<2%,见于丛 状椎纤维组织细胞肿瘤、血管瘤样纤维组织细胞瘤、孤立性纤维瘤(大部 分为血管外皮瘤)、炎性肌纤维母细胞性肿瘤等。 ④恶性 又称为软组织肉瘤
IFOS为基础方案Vs. 不含IFOS方案
以IFOS为基础的方案在治疗反应上显著好于不含IFOS 的方案, 但1年生存率没有显著性差异;
EORTC 62012 研究
AI方案较ADM显著提高了有效率和PFS, 但在OS上还是 没有明显获益.
Ⅰ期肿瘤(T1a~2b,N0,M0,G1),手术是主要治疗方式。≤5cm 的病灶,切缘大于1cm或深筋膜完整,术后局部复发的可能性很 小,不再需要其他治疗。切缘≤1cm时,可考虑术后放疗或再次 手术。不能手术的Ⅰ期肿瘤可行放疗。

























一般情况下,软骨肉肿瘤分为三个级别:Grade I、Grade II和Grade III。

Grade I是最低级别,也是最好的预后。



Grade II是中等级别,肿瘤细胞的核染色质形态和胞质较Grade I级别更为异质化,且边缘不太规则。


患者的预后相对于Grade I级别的软骨肉瘤要差一些。

Grade III是最高级别,也是最恶性的等级。













WHO软组织肿瘤分类(第5版),2020展开全文转自:王绍武星海医品脂肪细胞肿瘤(Adipocytic tumours)ICD-O编码肿瘤名称-------------------------------------------良性(Benign)8850/0 脂肪瘤 NOS (Lipoma NOS)8856/0 肌内脂肪瘤 (Intramuscular lipoma)软骨样脂肪瘤 (Chondrolipoma)脂肪瘤病 (Lipomatosis)弥漫性脂肪瘤病 (Diffuse lipomatosis)多发对称性脂肪瘤病(Multiple symmetrical lipomatosis)盆腔脂肪瘤病 (Pelvic lipomatosis)类固醇脂肪瘤病(Steroid lipomatosis)艾滋病毒脂肪代谢障碍(HIV lipodystrophy)神经脂肪瘤病(Lipomatosis of nerve)8881/0 脂肪母细胞瘤(Lipoblastomatosis)局限性(脂肪母细胞瘤)(Localized (lipoblastoma))弥漫性(脂肪母细胞瘤)(Diffuse (lipoblastomatosis))8861/0 血管脂肪瘤NOS (Angiolipoma NOS)细胞性血管脂肪瘤(Cellular angiolipoma)8890/0 肌脂肪瘤(Myolipoma)8862/0 软骨样脂肪瘤(Chondroid lipoma)8857/0 梭形细胞脂肪瘤(Spindle cell lipoma)8857/0 非典型梭形细胞/多形性脂肪瘤(Atypical spindle cell/pleomorphic lipomatous tumour Hibernoma)8880/0 冬眠瘤(Hibernoma)-------------------------------------------中间性(局部侵袭性)Intermediate (locally aggressive)8850/1 非典型性脂肪瘤性肿瘤(Atypical lipomatous tumour)-------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)8851/3 脂肪肉瘤,高分化,NOS (Liposarcoma, well-differentiated, NOS)8851/3 脂瘤样脂肪肉瘤(Lipoma-like liposarcoma)8851/3 炎性脂肪肉瘤(Inflammatory liposarcoma)8851/3 硬化性脂肪肉瘤(Sclerosing liposarcoma)8858/3 去分化脂肪肉瘤(Dedifferentiated liposarcoma)8852/3 黏液样脂肪肉瘤(Myxoid liposarcoma)8854/3 多形性脂肪肉瘤(Pleomorphic liposarcoma)上皮样脂肪肉瘤(Epithelioid liposarcoma)8859/3 粘液样多形性脂肪肉瘤(Myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma)-------------------------------------------成纤维细胞/肌成纤维细胞性肿瘤(Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumours)良性(Benign)-------------------------------------------8828/0 结节性筋膜炎 (Nodular fascitis)血管内筋膜炎 (Intravascular fasciitis)颅筋膜炎 (Cranial fasciitis)8828/0 增生性筋膜炎 (Proliferative fascitis)8828/0 增生性肌炎 (Proliferative myositis)骨化性肌炎和指趾纤维骨性假瘤 (Myositis ossificans and fibro-osseous pseudotumour of digits)缺血性筋膜炎 (lschaemic fascilitis)8820/0 弹力纤维瘤 (Elastofibroma)8992/0 婴儿纤维性错构瘤 (Fibrous hamartoma of infancy)结肠纤维瘤病 (Fibromatosis colli)幼年性玻璃样变纤维瘤病 (Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis)包涵体纤维瘤病 (Inclusion body fibromatosis)8813/0 腱鞘纤维瘤 (Fibroma of tendon sheath)8810/0 增生性成纤维细胞瘤 (Desmoplastic fibroblastoma)8825/0 肌成纤维细胞瘤 (Myofibroblastoma)8816/0 钙化性腱膜纤维瘤(Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma) EWSRI-SMAD3阳性纤维母细胞瘤(新出现)(EWSR1-SMAD3-positive fibroblastic tumour(emerging))8826/0 血管肌成纤维细胞瘤 (Angiomyofibroblastoma)9160/0 富细胞血管纤维瘤 (Celular angiofibroma)9160/0 血管纤维瘤NOS (Angiofibroma NOS)8810/0 项型纤维瘤 (Nuchal fibroma)8811/0 肢端纤维粘液瘤 (Acral fibromyxoma)8810/0 Gardner纤维瘤 (Gardner fibroma)-------------------------------------------中间性(局部侵袭性)Intermediate (locally aggressive)8815/0 孤立性纤维性肿瘤,良性(Solitary fibrous tumour, benign)8813/1 掌/跖纤维瘤病 (Palmar/plantar-type fibromatosis)8821/1 韧带样型纤维瘤病 (Desmoid-type fibromatosis)8821/1 腹外硬纤维瘤 (Extra-abdominal desmoid)8822/1 腹部纤维瘤病 (Abdominal fibromatosis)8851/1 脂肪纤维瘤病 (Lipofibromatosis)8834/1 巨细胞成纤维细胞瘤 (Giant cell fibroblastoma)-------------------------------------------中间性(偶有转移性)Intermediate(rarely metastasizing)8832/1 隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤NOS (Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans NOS)8833/1 色素性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤(Pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans)8832/3 纤维肉瘤性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤 (Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, fibrosarcomatous)黏液性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤(Myxoid dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans) 隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤伴肌样分化(Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with myoid differentiation) 斑块样隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤(Plaque-like dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans)8815/1 孤立性纤维性肿瘤NOS (Solitary fibrous tumour NOS) 脂肪形成(脂肪瘤性) 孤立性纤维性肿瘤(Fat-forming(lipomatous) solitary fibrous tumour)富巨细胞性孤立性纤维性肿瘤(Giant cell-rich solitary fibrous tumour)8825/1 炎性肌成纤维细胞性肿瘤(Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour)上皮样炎性肌成纤维母细胞肉瘤(Epithelioid inflammatory myofibroblastic sarcoma)8825/3 肌纤维母细胞肉瘤 (Myofibroblastic sarcoma)8810/1 CD34阳性浅表成纤维细胞瘤(Superficial CD34-positive fibroblastic tumour)8811/1 黏液炎性成纤维细胞肉瘤(Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma)8814/3 婴儿纤维肉瘤 (Infantile fibrosarcoma)-------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)8815/3 孤立性纤维性肿瘤,恶性(Solitary fibrous tumour, malignant)8810/3 纤维肉瘤NOS (Fibrosarcoma NOS)8811/3 黏液性纤维肉瘤 (Myxofibrosarcoma)上皮样黏液性纤维肉瘤 (Epithelioid myxofibrosarcoma)8840/3 低度恶性纤维黏液样肉瘤 (Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma)8840/3 硬化性上皮样纤维肉瘤(Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma)所谓的纤维组织细胞性肿瘤(So-called fibrohistiocytic tumours)良性(Benign)9252/0 腱鞘巨细胞肿瘤NOS (Tenosynovial giant cell tumour NOS)9252/1 腱鞘巨细胞肿瘤,弥漫型(Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, diffuse)8831/0 深部良性纤维组织细胞瘤(Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma)---------------------------------------------------中间性(偶有转移性)Intermediate(rarely metastasizing)8835/1 丛状纤维组织细胞瘤(Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumour)9251/1 软组织巨细胞瘤 (Giant cell tumour of soft parts NOS) --------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)9252/3 恶性腱鞘巨细胞瘤 (Malignant tenosynovial giant cell tumour)血管性肿瘤 (Vascular tumours)良性(Benign)---------------------------------------------9120/0 血管瘤NOS (Haemangioma NOS)9132/0 肌内血管瘤 (Intramuscular haemangioma)9123/0 动静脉血管瘤 (Arteriovenous haemangioma)9122/0 静脉型血管瘤 (Venous haemangioma)9125/0 上皮样血管瘤 (Epithelioid haemangioma)细胞性上皮样血管瘤 (Cellular epithelioid haemangioma)非典型上皮样血管瘤 (Atypical epithelioid haemangioma)9170/0 淋巴管瘤NOS (Lymphangioma NOS)淋巴管瘤病 (Lymphangiomatosis)9173/0 囊性淋巴管瘤 (Cystic lymphangioma)9161/0 获得性簇状血管瘤 (Acquired tufted haemangioma)-------------------------------------------中间性(局部侵袭性)Intermediate (locally aggressive)9130/1 卡波西型血管内皮瘤(Kaposiform haemangioendothelioma)-------------------------------------------中间性(偶有转移性)Intermediate(rarely metastasizing)9136/1 网状血管内皮瘤 (Retiform haemangioendothelioma) 9135/1 乳头状淋巴管内血管内皮瘤(Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma)9136/1 混合性血管内皮瘤(Composite haemangioendothelioma)神经内分泌性混合性血管内皮瘤(Neuroendocrine composite haemangioendothelioma)9140/3 卡波西肉瘤 (Kaposi sarcoma)经典型惰性卡波西肉瘤(Classic indolent Kaposi sarcoma)非洲地方性卡波西肉瘤 (Endemic African Kaposi sarcoma)艾滋病相关性卡波西肉瘤 (AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma)迟发型卡波西肉瘤 (latrogenic Kaposi sarcoma)9138/1 假性肌瘤(类上皮肉瘤样)血管内皮细胞瘤(Pseudomyogenic (epithelioid sarcoma-like)haemangioendothelioma)-------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)9133/3 上皮样血管内皮瘤NOS (Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma NOS)上皮样血管内皮瘤伴WWTR1-CAMTA1融合(Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma with WWTR1-CAMTA1 fusion) 上皮样血管内皮瘤伴YAP1-TFE3融合(Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma with YAP1-TFE3 fusion)9120/3 血管肉瘤(Angiosarcoma)-------------------------------------------周细胞性(血管周细胞性)肿瘤(Pericytic(perivascular) tumours)良性和中间性(Benign and intermediate)-------------------------------------------8711/0 血管球肿瘤NOS (Glomus tumour NOS)8712/0 血管球瘤 (Glomangioma)8713/0 血管球肌瘤 (Glomangiomyoma)8711/1 血管球瘤病 (Glomangiomatosis)8711/1 恶性潜能不确定性血管球肿瘤(Glomus tumour of uncertain malignant potential)8824/0 肌周细胞瘤 (Myopericytoma)8824/1 肌纤维瘤病 (Myofibromatosis)8824/0 肌纤维瘤 (Myofibroma)8824/1 婴儿性肌纤维瘤病 (Infantile myofibromatosis)8894/0 血管平滑肌瘤 (Angioleiomyoma)-------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)8711/3 恶性血管球瘤 (Glomus tumour, malignant)-------------------------------------------骨骼肌肿瘤 (Skeletal muscle tumours)良性良性(Benign)-------------------------------------------8900/0 横纹肌瘤NOS (Rhabdomyoma NOS)8903/0 胎儿型横纹肌瘤 (Fetal rhabdomyoma)8904/0 成人型横纹肌瘤 (Adult rhabdomyoma)8905/0 生殖道型横纹肌瘤 (Genital rhabdomyoma)-------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)8910/3 胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤NOS (Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma NOS)8910/3 胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤,多形(Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, pleomorphic)8920/3 腺泡状横纹肌肉瘤 (Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma)8901/3 多形性横纹肌肉瘤NOS (Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma NOS)8912/3 梭形细胞性横纹肌肉瘤(Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma)先天性梭形细胞横纹肌肉瘤伴VGLL2 / NCOA2 / CITED2重排 (Congenital spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma with VGLL2/NCOA2/CITED2rearrangements)MYOD1-突变梭形细胞性/硬化性横纹肌肉瘤(MYOD1-mutant spindle cell/sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma)骨内梭状细胞横纹肌肉瘤(伴TFCP2 / NCOA2重排) (Intraosseous spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma (with TFCP2/NCOA2 rearrangements)) 8921/3 外胚层间叶瘤 (Ectomesenchymoma)-------------------------------------------胃肠道间质瘤 (Gastrointestinal stromal tumours)8936/3 胃肠道间质瘤 (Gastrointestinal stromal tumour)-------------------------------------------软骨-骨性肿瘤 (Chondro-osseous tumours)良性(Benign)-------------------------------------------9220/0 软骨瘤NOS (Chondroma NOS)软骨母细胞瘤样软组织软骨瘤恶性(Chondroblastoma-like soft tissue chondroma)--------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)9180/3 骨外骨肉瘤 (Osteosarcoma, extraskeletal)周围神经鞘肿瘤(Peripheral nerve sheath tumours)良性(Benign)-------------------------------------------9560/0 神经鞘瘤NOS (Schwannoma NOS)9560/0 原始神经鞘瘤 (Ancient schwannoma)9560/0 细胞性神经鞘瘤 (Cellular schwannoma)9560/0 丛状神经鞘瘤 (Plexiform schwannoma)上皮样神经鞘瘤 (Epithelioid schwannoma)微囊/网状神经鞘瘤 (Microcystic/reticular schwannoma)9540/0 神经纤维瘤NOS (Neurofibroma NOS)原始神经纤维瘤(Ancient neurofibroma)细胞性神经纤维瘤(Cellular neurofibroma)非典型神经纤维瘤 (Atypical neurofibroma)9550/0 丛状神经纤维瘤 (Plexiform neurofibroma)9571/0 神经束膜瘤NOS (Perineurioma NOS)网状神经束膜瘤 (Reticular perineurioma)硬化性神经束膜瘤 (Sclerosing perineurioma)9580/0 颗粒细胞瘤NOS (Granular cell tumour NOS)9562/0 神经鞘黏液瘤 (Nerve sheath myxoma)9570/0 孤立性局限性神经瘤 (Solitary circumscribed neuroma) 丛状孤立性局限性神经瘤(Plexiform solitary circumscribed neuroma)9530/0 脑膜瘤NOS (Meningioma NOS)良性蝾螈瘤/神经肌肉性胆管瘤(Benign triton tumour /neuromuscular choristoma)9563/0 混杂性神经鞘瘤 (Hybrid nerve sheath tumour)神经束膜瘤/神经鞘瘤 (Perineurioma/schwannoma)神经鞘瘤/神经纤维瘤(Schwannoma/neurofibroma)神经束膜瘤/神经纤维瘤 (Perineurioma/neurofibroma)-------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)9540/3 恶性周围神经鞘膜瘤NOS (Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour NOS)9542/3 上皮样恶性周围神经鞘膜瘤(Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour, epithelioid)9540/3 黑色素性恶性周围神经鞘膜瘤(Melanotic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour)9580/3 恶性颗粒细胞瘤 (Granular cell tumour, malignant)9571/3 恶性神经鞘瘤 (Perineurioma, malignant)-------------------------------------------未确定分化的肿瘤 (Tumours of uncertain differentiation)良性(Benign)-------------------------------------------8840/0 黏液瘤NOS (Myxoma NOS)细胞性黏液瘤 (Cellar myxoma)8841/0 侵袭性血管黏液瘤 (Aggressive angiomyxoma)8802/1 多形性透明变性血管扩张性肿瘤(Pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumour)8990/0 磷酸盐尿性间叶性肿瘤NOS (Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour NOS)8714/0 良性血管周围上皮样肿瘤(Perivascular epithelioid tumour, benign)8860/0 血管平滑肌脂肪瘤 (Angiomyolipoma)-------------------------------------------中间性(局部侵袭性)Intermediate (locally aggressive)8811/1 含铁血黄素沉着性纤维脂肪瘤性肿瘤(Haemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumour)8860/1 上皮样血管平滑肌脂肪瘤(Angiomyolipoma, epithelioid)-------------------------------------------中间性(偶有转移性)Intermediate(rarely metastasizing)8830/1 非典型纤维黄色瘤 (Atypical fibroxanthoma)8836/1 血管瘤样纤维组织细胞瘤(Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma)8842/0 骨化性纤维黏液样肿瘤(Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour NOS)8940/0 混合瘤NOS (Mixed tumour NOS)8940/3 恶性混合瘤NOS (Mixed tumour, malignant,NOS)8982/0 肌上皮瘤NOS (Myoepithelioma NOS)-------------------------------------------恶性(Malignant)8990/3 恶性磷酸盐尿性间叶性肿瘤(Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, malignant)NTRK重排的梭形细胞肿瘤(新出现)(NTRK-rearrangedspindle cell neoplasm (emerging))9040/3 滑膜肉瘤NOS (Synovial sarcoma NOS)9041/3 滑膜肉瘤,梭形细胞型 (Synovial sarcoma, spindle cell) 9043/3 滑膜肉瘤,双相型 (Synovial sarcoma, biphasic)滑膜肉瘤,低分化型 (Synovial sarcoma, poorly differentiated) 8804/3 上皮样肉瘤 (Epithelioid sarcoma)近端或大细胞型上皮样肉瘤(Proximal or large cell epithelioid sarcoma)典型样上皮样肉瘤(Classic epithelioid sarcoma)9581/3 腺泡状软组织肉瘤 (Alveolar soft part sarcoma)9044/3 软组织透明细胞肉瘤 (Clear cell sarcoma NOS)9231/3 骨外黏液样软骨肉瘤(Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma)8806/3 增生性小圆细胞肿瘤(Desmoplastic small round cell tumour)8963/3 肾外横纹肌样瘤 (Rhabdoid tumour NOS)8714/3 恶性血管周围上皮样肿瘤(Perivascular epithelioid tumour, malignant)9137/3 内膜肉瘤 (Intimal sarcoma)8842/3 骨化性纤维黏液样肿瘤,恶性(Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour, malignant)8982/3 肌上皮癌 (Myoepithelial carcinoma)8805/3 未分化肉瘤 (Undifferentiated sarcoma)8801/3 梭形细胞肉瘤,未分化(Spindle cell sarcoma, undifferentiated)8802/3 多形性肉瘤,未分化(Pleomorphic sarcoma, undifferentiated)8803/3 圆形细胞肉瘤,未分化(Round cell sarcoma, undifferentiated)-----------------END-------------------来源:Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours·WHO Classification of Tumours · 5th EditionWorld Heath Organization----------------------------------------------注*:WHO分类ICD(International Classification of Disease for Oncology,国际肿瘤学疾病编码)尾号含义:0——良性肿瘤;1——中间性肿瘤;3——恶性肿瘤WHO第5版软组织肿瘤分类小结软组织肿瘤共分为11大组织学类型,分别为:1.脂肪细胞肿瘤2.成纤维细胞/肌成纤维细胞性肿瘤3.所谓的纤维组织细胞性肿瘤4.血管性肿瘤5.周细胞性(血管周细胞性)肿瘤6.平滑肌肿瘤7.骨骼肌肿瘤8.胃肠道间质瘤9.软骨--骨性肿瘤10.周围神经鞘肿瘤11.未确定分化的肿瘤--------------------------------------------------11大组织学类型中包含176个亚型,其中命名为肉瘤(sarcoma)的共46个:1.脂瘤样脂肪肉瘤2.炎性脂肪肉瘤3.硬化性脂肪肉瘤4.去分化脂肪肉瘤5.黏液样脂肪肉瘤6.上皮样脂肪肉瘤7.粘液样多形性脂肪肉瘤8.纤维肉瘤NOS9.上皮样黏液性纤维肉瘤10.低度恶性纤维黏液样肉瘤11.硬化性上皮样纤维肉瘤12.血管肉瘤13.平滑肌肉瘤NOS14.多形性胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤15.腺泡状横纹肌肉瘤16.多形性横纹肌肉瘤NOS17.先天性梭形细胞横纹肌肉瘤伴VGLL2 / NCOA2 / CITED2重排18.MYOD1-突变梭形细胞性/硬化性横纹肌肉瘤19.骨内梭状细胞横纹肌肉瘤(伴TFCP2 / NCOA2重排)20.外胚层间叶瘤21.骨外骨肉瘤22.滑膜肉瘤,梭形细胞型23.滑膜肉瘤,双相型24.滑膜肉瘤,低分化型25.近端或大细胞型上皮样肉瘤26.典型样上皮样肉瘤27.腺泡状软组织肉瘤28.软组织透明细胞肉瘤29.骨外黏液样软骨肉瘤30.内膜肉瘤31.未分化肉瘤32.梭形细胞肉瘤,未分化33.多形性肉瘤,未分化34.圆形细胞肉瘤,未分化35.黏液性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤36.隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤伴肌样分化37.斑块样隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤38.肌纤维母细胞肉瘤39.婴儿纤维肉瘤40.经典型惰性卡波西肉瘤41.非洲地方性卡波西肉瘤42.艾滋病相关性卡波西肉瘤43.迟发型卡波西肉瘤44.色素性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤45.上皮样炎性肌成纤维母细胞肉瘤46.黏液炎性成纤维细胞肉瘤上述46个肉瘤中,1-43为恶性(编码为3),44-46为中间性(编码为1)。






1. 肉瘤(Sarcoma)肉瘤是起源于结缔组织、肌肉组织、骨组织、软骨组织以及神经和淋巴管组织的一类肿瘤。



2. 恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma,MFH)MFH是一类很常见的肉瘤病例,起源于软组织或骨组织中的成纤维细胞等结缔组织细胞,它具有高度侵袭性和转移性。


3. 肉瘤细胞(Sarcomatous)在恶性肿瘤的组织学研究中,细胞形态是一个非常重要的指标。



4. 骨肉瘤(Osteosarcoma)骨肉瘤是起源于骨组织的一种恶性肿瘤,它具有高度侵袭性和破坏性,常常在骨髓或纤维组织中形成某种特殊的骨组织。


5. 巨细胞肉瘤(Giant Cell Sarcoma)巨细胞肉瘤是一种罕见的肉瘤类型,多发于四肢等位置的长骨和腰椎等部位,发病年龄多在30岁以上。



6. 软组织肉瘤(Soft Tissue Sarcoma)软组织肉瘤是指起源于软组织的一类恶性肿瘤,如起源于脂肪、肌肉、筋膜和神经鞘等。


作 者 单位 : 旦 大 学 附 属 肿瘤 医院 I 海 市 2 0 3 复 上 0 0 2) 通 信 作者 - 英 强 师 y g in s i 1 6c m i qa g h@ . n 2 o
18 32
国 肿 瘤 临
成, 真正 体现 出多学科 的合 作 . .
20第7第4 0 ̄ 3 2 1 卷 期
蒙开辟 了本期 “ 骨与软 组织肿瘤专栏” 针对 当前 国 内外骨与软组 织肿 ,
圻 治疗领域 的多个热点 问题 开展 了学术 交流 。本专栏 重点介绍 了 和
午“ 国软 组 织 肉瘤诊 疗 策略 ” 以期 为软 组 织 肉瘤 的规 范 治 疗提 供 符 中 ,
国情的指 南 , 广 大同道参考 。2 1 年 美国A C 供 “0 0 S O会议软 组织 肉瘤 展” 文也介绍 了软组织 肉瘤最新临床 治疗进展 , 等 旨在 为骨和软组 织
进 行二 次扩 大切 除 ( 组 ) 0 B 。8 %为 深部 肿瘤 . 肿瘤 最 小 直径 为 A组 1c B 7 m( < .0 ) 2 m, 组 c P 00 01 。肿 瘤分级
: 的研 究 中 , 前 原发性 肢 体软 组织 肉瘤 (T ) S S
师英强教授 。 士生导师 。 博 现任复旦大学附属肿瘤 医院外科主任 。 中国抗癌协会肉瘤专业委 员会副主任委员. 上海市抗
癌 协 会 胃肠 肿 瘤 专 业 委 员会 副 主 任 委 员 , 国抗 癌 协 会 临床 肿 瘤 学 会 执委 会 ( CO) 员 . 育 部 科 技 成 果 奖 评 审 专 家 。 中 CS 委 教
曾于美国纽约纪念医院癌症中心及马里兰州大学医学院学 习胃肠遒肿瘤 手术治疗。曾获卫生部科技效果三等奖 , 上海市 医学奖三等奖, 中华医学会施思明奖 。 中国抗癌协会科技三等奖等。



胃癌TNM分期标准2010年国际抗癌联盟/美国癌症联合委员会(UICC/AJCC)TNM分期标准(第7版):原发肿瘤(T)TX:原发肿瘤无法评价T0:切除标本中未发现肿瘤Tis:原位癌:肿瘤位于上皮内,未侵犯粘膜固有层T1a:肿瘤侵犯粘膜固有层或粘膜肌层T1b:肿瘤侵犯粘膜下层T2:肿瘤侵犯固有肌层T3:肿瘤穿透浆膜下层结缔组织,未侵犯脏层腹膜或邻近结构T4a:肿瘤侵犯浆膜(脏层腹膜)T4b:肿瘤侵犯邻近组织结构区域淋巴结(N)NX:区域淋巴结无法评价N0:区域淋巴结无转移N1:1-2个区域淋巴结有转移N2:3-6个区域淋巴结有转移N3:7个及7个以上区域淋巴结转移N3a:7-15个区域淋巴结有转移N3b:16个(含)以上区域淋巴结有转移远处转移(M)M0:无远处转移M1:存在远处转移分期:0期:TisN0M0IA期:T1N0M0IB期:T1N1M0、T2N0M0IIA期:T1N2M0、T2N1M0、T3N0M0IIB期:T1N3M0、T2N2M0、T3N1M0、T4aN0M0IIIA期:T2N3M0、T3N2M0、T4aN1M0IIIB期:T3N3M0、T4aN2M0、T4bN0M0、T4bN1M0IIIC期:T4aN3M0、T4bN2M0、T4bN3M0IV期:任何T任何NM1结直肠癌TNM分期美国癌症联合委员会(AJCC)/国际抗癌联盟(UICC)结直肠癌TNM分期系统(第七版)原发肿瘤(T)T x原发肿瘤无法评价T0无原发肿瘤证据Tis 原位癌:局限于上皮内或侵犯黏膜固有层T1肿瘤侵犯黏膜下层T2肿瘤侵犯固有肌层T3肿瘤穿透固有肌层到达浆膜下层,或侵犯无腹膜覆盖的结直肠旁组织T4a肿瘤穿透腹膜脏层T4b肿瘤直接侵犯或粘连于其他器官或结构区域淋巴结(N)N x区域淋巴结无法评价N0无区域淋巴结转移N1有1~3枚区域淋巴结转移N1a有1枚区域淋巴结转移N1b有2~3枚区域淋巴结转移N1c浆膜下、肠系膜、无腹膜覆盖结肠/直肠周围组织内有肿瘤种植(TD,tumor deposit),无区域淋巴结转移N2有4枚以上区域淋巴结转移N2a 4~6枚区域淋巴结转移N2b 7枚及更多区域淋巴结转移远处转移(M)M0无远处转移M1有远处转移M1a远处转移局限于单个器官或部位(如肝,肺,卵巢,非区域淋巴结)M1b远处转移分布于一个以上的器官/部位或腹膜转移解剖分期/预后组别:注:1 临床TNM分期(cTNM)是为手术治疗提供依据,所有资料都是原发瘤首诊时经体检、影像学检查和为明确诊断所施行的病理活检获得的。













软组织肉瘤诊断软组织肉瘤的主要症状是局部肿块,单纯依靠X线,术前的诊断很困难,近年来影像学诊断的发展,如超声、CT、MRI、核素扫描、PET-CT 等检查对术前的诊断有了很大的帮助。














软组织肉瘤的放射治疗许宋锋;余子豪【摘要】软组织肉瘤(soft tissue sarcomas,STS)是起源于结缔组织的软组织恶性肿瘤,具有多种不同类型。






%Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) consist of a heterogeneous group of rare malignancies with mesenchymal origin. Surgical resec-tion is the primary treatment for STS, but radiation therapy (RT) also plays an important role in the treatment. Radiotherapy for STS has advanced significantly over the past 50 years. Both preoperative and postoperative radiotherapies are equivalent in local control but are associated with different toxicity profiles. Boost techniques for STS include brachytherapy, intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT), and external beam. Long-term toxicities of RT to normal tissues have been reduced because of improvements in image guid-ance and intensity-modulated radiotherapy, which significantly increase the precision and delivery of RT. This review discusses RT tech-nologies and their acceptable treatment principles.【期刊名称】《中国肿瘤临床》【年(卷),期】2017(044)001【总页数】5页(P19-23)【关键词】软组织肉瘤;放疗;新辅助放疗;治疗原则【作者】许宋锋;余子豪【作者单位】国家癌症中心,中国医学科学院,北京协和医学院肿瘤医院骨科北京市100021;国家癌症中心,中国医学科学院,北京协和医学院肿瘤医院放疗科北京市100021【正文语种】中文余子豪,教授,主任医师,博士生导师,中国医学科学院肿瘤医院放疗科首席专家。



软组织肿瘤病理学-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述软组织肿瘤是一种源自软组织结构的肿瘤,包括皮下组织、肌肉、筋膜、血管、神经等各种类型的肿瘤。




1.2 文章结构文章结构:本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三部分。




1.3 目的"软组织肿瘤病理学"这篇文章的目的在于深入探讨软组织肿瘤的病理学特征,帮助读者更全面地了解这一领域的知识。




2.正文2.1 软组织肿瘤概述:软组织肿瘤是指发生在身体软组织中的良性或恶性肿瘤。







• • • • • 儿童和青年人 肺、肠系膜、网膜、软组织 临床上表现为发热、体重减轻、疼痛和肿块 境界清或多结节,直径2.5-20cm,灰白色或黄褐色 镜下:(肌)纤维母细胞和炎症细胞形成三种图象 结节性筋膜炎样 纤维组织细胞瘤样 疤痕样 • IHC:VIM+, SMA+, MSA+, DES+, CK-/+, ALK+/-
1) 多发生于大腿及腹膜后的软组织 深部。 2)瘤多见于40岁以上成人 3)肉眼观,大多数肿瘤呈结节状或 分叶状,表面常有一层假包膜,亦 可呈粘液性外观,或均匀一致呈鱼 肉样。
4)本瘤的瘤细胞形态多种多样,可 见分化差的星形、梭形、小圆形或异 型性明显的脂肪母细胞,胞浆内可见 多少和大小不等的脂滴空泡。 5)分型:高分化脂肉、粘液样型脂 肪肉瘤、圆形细胞型脂肪肉瘤、多形 性脂肪肉瘤
软组织肿瘤分为四类(2002年新分类): • 良性、 • 中间性(局部侵袭性)、 • 中间性(偶尔有转移) • 恶性
良性:大多数不复发,即使复发为非 破坏性,局部完整切除几乎都能治愈, 极罕见情况下(<1/5万),形态学良性 肿瘤可发生远处转移,但形态学检查完 全不能预测。
南昌大学医学院 熊小亮
• 大多数软组织肿瘤为良性,手术切除后 治愈率很高。恶性间叶性肿瘤占人类全 部恶性肿瘤的不到1%,但却危及生命 • 流行病学 良性软组织肿瘤的每年临床发病率(就 诊的新病例数)估计高达3000/百万人 口,而软组织肉瘤的每年发病率约30/ 百万人口,即占所有恶性肿瘤的不到 1%。
4、免疫组化在软组织肿瘤诊断中 的应用
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •



NCCN 肿瘤临床实践指南(NCCN 指南)®)软组织肉瘤版本2.2020—2020年5月28日继续工作基本信息:•在开始治疗前,强烈建议由具有肉瘤专业知识和经验的多学科综合治疗组对所有患者进行评价和管理a•H&P•原发性肿瘤的充分成像b适用于以下情况的所有病变特殊考虑胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)硬纤维瘤(侵袭性纤维瘤病)参见(GIST-1)见DESM-1合理的恶性几率仅适用于h参见NCCN•仔细计划的针芯[首选]或切除活检后充分成像(参见SARC-D)c►将活检标本沿未来的切除轴放置,分离最小,组织学尤文肉瘤指南骨癌小心止血►活检应确定分级和组织学亚型d►适当时,使用辅助诊断方法e•胸部影像b在特定情况下使用:f•根据指征进行额外成像;见成像原理(SARC-A)•下列疾病与肉瘤和其他癌症的发生率增加相关:►个人/家族史提示Li-Fraumeni综合征应考虑做进一步的遗传学评估。


复发性疾病参见主要部分(EXTSARC-6)主要目的治疗随访IA 期j /IB 期j (低级)广泛手术切除k,l肿瘤边缘未能获得肿瘤样本•康复评定(见严重程度亚组c-第2天,共2天)•2-3年,每3-6个月进行一次H&P ,然后每年一次•考虑胸部成像b•考虑获得术后基线MRI •主要部位成像b 基于以下估计风险如果复发,参见复发疾病(EXTSARC-6)►对于R2局部复发p,q前重新成像b1B 期肿瘤)b 见成像原理(SARC-A).j 见美国癌症联合委员会(AJCC)分期,第8版(ST-2和ST-3).k 见手术原理(SARC-D).l 对于非典型脂肪瘤肿瘤/高分化脂肪肉瘤(ALT/WDLS)患者,应量身定制切除手术,以尽量减少手术发病率。















































软组织肉瘤会产生特殊蛋白,“策反”免疫细胞丨肿瘤新资讯汇总一、Cell Rep:揭示肿瘤细胞让免疫细胞“变坏”的机制来自西达赛奈医学中心等机构的科学家们通过研究发现,称之为软组织肉瘤的癌变肿瘤或许会产生一种特殊蛋白,它能让免疫细胞“变节”,从攻击肿瘤转变为帮助肿瘤发展,相关研究结果或有望帮助开发治疗人类软组织肉瘤的新型疗法。


研究团队成员Jlenia Guarnerio说道,肿瘤同时也会招募免疫细胞,这些免疫细胞能够识别和攻击肿瘤细胞,但我们发现,肿瘤细胞可以分泌一种蛋白质,这种蛋白质会改变免疫细胞的生物学,使免疫细胞不会杀灭肿瘤细胞,而是做了相反的事情。






该系列研究从2016年开始启动,由复旦大学附属肿瘤医院专家朱正飞教授领衔,成果目前已经在美国放射肿瘤协会官方杂志《International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics》,肿瘤领域知名期刊《Clinical and Translational Medicine》《Lung Cancer》,知名杂志《British Journal of Radiology》等发表。

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Annals of Oncology21(Supplement5):v198–v203,2010doi:10.1093/annonc/mdq209 clinical practice guidelinesSoft tissue sarcomas:ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis,treatment and follow-upP.G.Casali1&J.-Y.Blay2On behalf of the ESMO/CONTICANET/EUROBONET Consensus Panel of experts*1Department of Cancer Medicine,Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori,Milan,Italy;2INSERM U590,Claude Bernard University and Department of Oncology,Edouard Herriot Hospital,Lyon,FranceThe following recommendations apply to adult-type soft tissue sarcomas arising from limbs and superficial trunk. Recommendations on retroperitoneal sarcomas,desmoid-typefibromatosis,uterine sarcomas head and neck sarcomas and breast sarcomas are provided separately at the end of the chapter with regard to those main aspects by which they differ from more frequent soft tissue sarcomas.In general,the main principles of diagnosis and treatment may well apply to all soft tissue sarcomas,including the rarest presentations[e.g.visceral sarcomas other than gastrointestinal stromal tumours(GISTs)],which therefore are not specifically covered.Specific histological types,however, may deserve specific approaches,not necessarily covered hereafter,given the scope of these Recommendations. Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma as well as embryonal and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma are covered by other ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines,inasmuch as they need completely different approaches.The same applies to GIST.Kaposi’s sarcoma is excluded from this chapter.incidenceAdult soft tissue sarcomas are rare tumours,with an estimated incidence averaging5/100000/year in Europe.diagnosisSoft tissue sarcomas are ubiquitous in their site of origin, and are often treated with multimodality treatment.A multidisciplinary approach is therefore mandatory in all cases (involving pathologists,radiologists,surgeons,radiation therapists,medical oncologists and paediatric oncologists if applicable).This should be carried out in reference centres for sarcomas and/or within reference networks sharing multidisciplinary expertise and treating a high number of patients annually.These centres are involved in ongoing clinical trials,in which sarcoma patients’enrolment is highly encouraged.This centralized referral should be pursued from the time of the clinical diagnosis of a suspect sarcoma.In practice,referral of all patients with a lesion likely to bea sarcoma would be recommended.This would mean referring all patients with an unexplained deep mass of soft tissues,or with a superficial lesion of soft tissues having a diameter of>5cm,or arising in paediatric age.In soft tissue tumours,MR is the main imaging modality, although radiographs should be thefirst step to rule out a bone tumour,to detect a bone erosion with a risk of fracture and to show calcifications.CT has a role in calcified lesions to rule*Correspondence to:ESMO Guidelines Working Group,ESMO Head Office,ViaL.Taddei4,CH-6962Viganello-Lugano,Switzerland;E-mail:clinicalrecommendations@Approved by the ESMO Guidelines Working Group:August2003,last update March 2010.This publication supercedes the previously published version—Ann Oncol2009; 20(Suppl4):iv132–iv136.Conflict of interest:Dr Casali has reported that he is currently conducting researchsponsored by Amgen Dompe´,Merck SD,Glaxo SK,Lilly,Novartis,Pfizer,PharmaMar,Sanofi-Aventis and Schering Plough.He had a consultancy role with and/or receivedhonoraria for lectures from Merck SD,Novartis,Pfizer,PharmaMar,Sanofi-Aventis.Hehas received travel coverage for medical meetings from Novartis and PharmaMar;Prof.Blay has reported that he is a consultant for Pfizer,Novartis,GSK,Roche andPharmamar.Consensus panel’s conflict of interest:Prof.Aglietta has reported that hehas received research grants from Bayer,Amgen,Roche and Novartis;Prof.Alvega˚rdhas reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Athanasou has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Bihn has not reported any conflicts of interest;Dr Bonvalot has reported that she hasreceived honoraria from Novartis and grants from Pharmamar;Dr Boukovinas hasreported that he is a member of the speakers’bureau for Novartis;Prof.De Alava hasreported no conflicts of interest;Dr Dei Tos has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Dileohas reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Eriksson has reported that he has receivedhonoraria from Novartis,MSD,Pfizer,Swedish Orphan and GSK;Dr A.Ferrari hasreported no conflicts of interest;Dr S.Ferrari has reported that he has participated inresearches sponsored by Pharmamar and Ariad;Dr Garcia Del Muro has reported noconflicts of interest;Dr Gronchi has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Hall has reportedno conflicts of interest;Prof.Hassan has reported that at present he has no conflicts ofinterest,but he is planning trials with Takeda and Pharmamar;Prof.Hogendoorn hasreported no conflicts of interest;Dr Hohenberger has not reported any conflicts ofinterest;Dr Gelderblom has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Grimer has reported noconflicts of interest;Prof.Issels has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Joensuu hasreported no conflicts of interest;Dr Jost has reported no conflicts of interest;Prof.Judson has reported that he has received honoraria for participation in advisory boardsmeetings from Novartis,Pfizer,PharmaMar and Ariad;Dr Juergens has reported noconflicts of interest;Dr Le Cesne has reported that he has received honoraria fromNovartis,Pfizer and PharmaMar;Dr Leyvraz has not reported any conflicts of interest;DrMartin-Broto has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Montemurro has reported noconflicts of interest;Prof.Nishida has reported that he is currently conducting researchpartly funded by Novartis Pharma;Dr Shreyaskumar has reported no conflicts ofinterest;Dr Reichardt has reported that he is a member of the speakers’bureau andAdvisory Board for PharmaMar;Dr Robinson has reported no conflicts of interest;DrRutkowski has reported that he has received honoraria from and that he is a member ofthe speakers’bureau of Novartis;Prof.Scho¨ffski has reported that he is conductingresearch sponsored by Novartis,Pfizer,PharmaMar,Eisai,GlaxoSmithKline,Infinity andGenentech and that he is a member of the speakers’bureau for Novartis,Pfizer,PharmaMar,Eisai,GlaxoSmithKline;Dr Schlemmer has reported that he is currentlyconducting research funded by Novartis;Dr Sleijfer has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Van der Graaf has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Vanel has reported no conflictsof interest;Prof.Verweij has reported no conflicts of interest;Dr Wardelmann has notreported any conflicts of interest;Dr Whelan has reported no conflicts of interest.ªThe Author2010.Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology. All rights reserved.For permissions,please email:journals.permissions@ at St Jude Childrens Research Hospital on September 4, Downloaded fromout a myositis ossificans,and in retroperitoneal tumours, where the performance is identical to MR.Following proper imaging assessment,the standard approach to diagnosis consists of multiple core needle biopsies(by using needles>16G).However,an excisional biopsy may be the most practical option for superficial lesions of<5cm.An open biopsy may be another option in selected cases.Immediate evaluation of tissue viability may be considered,to make sure the biopsy is adequate at the time it is done.However,a frozen-section technique for immediate diagnosis is not encouraged,because generally it does not allow a complete diagnosis,especially when a preoperative treatment is planned.Fine-needle aspiration is used only in some institutions,which have developed specific expertise on this procedure,and is not recommended outside these centres.A biopsy may underestimate the tumour malignancy grade, so that,when preoperative treatment is an option,radiological imaging may add to pathology in providing the clinician with information that helps to estimate the malignancy grade (e.g.necrosis).The biopsy should be performed by a surgeon or a radiologist,after interdisciplinary discussion,as needed. It should be planned in such a way that the biopsy pathway and the scar can be safely removed on definitive surgery. The biopsy entrance point is preferably tattooed.The tumour sample should befixed in formalin in due time(Bouinfixation should be banned,since it prevents molecular analysis).Histological diagnosis should be made according to the latest World Health Organization(WHO)classification.A pathological expert second opinion is recommended in all cases where the original diagnosis was made outside reference centres.The malignancy grade should be provided in all cases in which this is feasible based on available systems.The Federation Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer(FNCLCC) grading system is generally used,which distinguishes three malignancy grades based on differentiation,necrosis and mitotic rate.Whenever possible,the mitotic rate should be provided independently.An effort should be made to improve the reliability of mitotic count as actually recorded.Tumour site should be properly recorded.Tumour size and tumour depth(in relation to the muscular fascia)should be recorded,since they entail a prognostic value,along with malignancy grade.The pathology report after definitive surgery should mention whether the tumour was intact and should include an appropriate description of tumour margins(i.e.the status of inked margins and the distance between tumour edge and the closest inked margins).This allows assessment of marginal status(i.e.whether the minimum margin is intralesional,marginal,wide and distances from surrounding tissues).The pathological assessment of margins should be made in collaboration with the surgeon.If preoperative treatment was carried out,the pathology report should include a tumour response assessment.In contrast to osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma,however,no validated system is available at present in this regard,and no percentage of residual‘viable cells’is considered to havea specific prognostic significance.This depends on several factors,including the presence of non-treatment-related necrosis and haemorrhage and the heterogeneity of post-treatment changes.A multidisciplinary judgement is recommended,involving the pathologist and the radiologist. Pathological diagnosis relies on morphology and immunohistochemistry.It should be complemented by molecular pathology[fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH), reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction(RT–PCR)], especially when:(i)the clinical pathological presentation is unusual;(ii)the specific histological diagnosis is doubtful; (iii)it may have prognostic/predictive relevance.External quality assurance programmes are encouraged for laboratories performing molecular pathology assessments. Collection of fresh frozen tissue and tumour imprints(touch preps)is encouraged,because new molecular pathology assessments could be made at a later stage in the patient’s rmed consent for tumour banking should be sought enabling later analyses and research,as long as this is allowed by local and international guidelines.stage classification and risk assessmentThe American Joint Committee on Cancer(AJCC)/ International Union against Cancer(UICC)stage classification system stresses the importance of the malignancy grade in sarcoma.However,its use in routine practice is limited.In addition to grading,other prognostic factors are tumour size and tumour depth.Of course,tumour resectability is also important.staging proceduresThe surgical report,or patient chart,should provide details on: the preoperative and intraoperative diagnosis;the surgical conduct,including possible contamination(i.e.it should mention whether the tumour was opened,was‘seen’during the excision,etc.);surgical actual completeness vis-a`-vis planned quality of margins.A chest spiral CT scan is mandatory for staging purposes. Depending on the histological type and other clinical features,further staging assessments may be recommended (i.e.regional lymph node clinical assessment for synovial sarcoma,epithelioid sarcoma,alveolar soft part sarcoma,clear cell sarcoma;abdominal CT scan for myxoid liposarcoma,etc.). treatmentlimited diseaseSurgery is the standard treatment for all patients with adult-type,localized soft tissue sarcomas.It must be performed by a surgeon specifically trained in the treatment of this disease. The standard surgical procedure is a wide excision with negative margins(R0).This implies removing the tumour with a rim of normal tissue around.One centimetre has been selected as a cut-off in some studies,but it is important to realize that the margin can be minimal in the case of resistant anatomical barriers,such as muscular fasciae,periostium and perineurium.A marginal excision may be acceptable as anAnnals of Oncology clinical practice guidelinesVolume21|Supplement5|May2010doi:10.1093/annonc/mdq209|v199 at St Jude Childrens Research Hospital on September 4, Downloaded fromindividualized option in highly selected cases,in particular for extracompartmental atypical lipomatous tumours.Wide excision followed by radiation therapy is standard treatment in high-grade,deep lesions,>5cm.Radiation therapy is not given in the case of a truly compartmental resection of a tumour entirely contained within the compartment.With exceptions to be discussed in a multidisciplinary setting,and in the face of a lack of consensus across reference centres,also high-grade,deep,<5cm lesions are treated with surgery followed by radiation therapy.Radiation therapy is added in selected cases in the case of low-grade,superficial,>5cm, and low-grade,deep,<5cm soft tissue sarcoma.In the case of low-grade,deep,>5cm soft tissue sarcoma,radiation therapy should be discussed in a multidisciplinary fashion, considering the anatomical site and the related expected sequelae versus the histological aggressiveness.Overall, radiation therapy has been shown to improve local control, but not overall survival.Radiation therapy should be administered postoperatively,with the best technique available, at a dose of50–60Gy,with fractions of1.8–2Gy,possibly with boosts up to66Gy,depending on presentation and quality of surgery.Alternatively,radiotherapy may be carried out preoperatively,normally using a dose of50Gy.Intraoperative radiation therapy(IORT)and brachytherapy are options in selected cases.Re-operation in reference centres must be considered in the case of R1resections,if adequate margins can be achieved without major morbidity,taking into account tumour extent and tumour biology(e.g.it may be spared in extracompartmental atypical lipomatous tumours,etc.).In the case of R2surgery,re-operation is mandatory,possibly with preoperative treatments if adequate margins cannot be achieved,or surgery is mutilating.In the latter case,the use of multimodal therapy with less radical surgery requires shared decision-making with the patient under conditions of uncertainty.Plastic repairs and vascular grafting should be used as needed,and the patient should be properly referred if necessary.Radiation therapy will obviously follow marginal or R1–R2excisions,if these cannot be rescued through re-excision, even outside the usual indications(see above).In non-resectable tumours,or those amenable only to mutilating surgery(in this case,on an individualized basis after sharing the decision with the patient in conditions of uncertainty),chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy,or isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion with tumour necrosis factor-a(TNF a)+melphalan,if the tumour is confined to an extremity,or regional hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy,are options.Regional lymph node metastases should be distinguished from soft tissue metastases involving lymph nodes.They are rare,and constitute an adverse prognostic factor in adult-type soft tissue sarcomas.More aggressive treatment planning is therefore felt to be appropriate for these patients,although there is a lack of formal evidence to indicate that this improves clinical results.Surgery through wide excision(mutilating surgery is exceptionally done given the prognosis of these patients)may be coupled with adjuvant radiation therapy and adjuvant chemotherapy for sensitive histological types,as standard treatment for these presentations.Chemotherapy may be administered as preoperative treatment,at least in part.These treatment modalities adding to surgery should not be viewed as truly‘adjuvant’,the context being in fact that ofa likely systemic disease.In one large randomized phase III study(in patients with G2–3,deep,>5cm soft tissue sarcomas), regional hyperthermia in addition to systemic chemotherapy was associated with a local and disease-free survival advantage. Isolated limb perfusion may be an option in this patient population,along with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Data have been provided that adjuvant chemotherapy might improve,or at least delay,distant and local recurrence in high-risk patients.A meta-analysis found a statisticallysignificant,limited benefit in terms of both survival and relapse-free survival.However,studies are conflicting,andafinal demonstration of efficacy is lacking.It is also unknown whether adjuvant chemotherapy may be especially beneficial in specific subgroups.Therefore,adjuvant chemotherapy is not standard treatment in adult-type soft tissue sarcomas,and can be proposed as an option to the high-risk individual patient (having a>G1,deep,>5cm tumour)for shared decision-making with the patient[II,C].Adjuvant chemotherapy is not used in histologies known to be insensitive to chemotherapy. If the decision is made to use chemotherapy as upfront treatment,it may well be used preoperatively,at least in part.A local benefit may be gained,facilitating surgery.In one large randomized phase III study(in patients with G2–3,deep,>5cm soft tissue sarcomas),regional hyperthermia in additionto systemic chemotherapy was associated with a local and disease-free survival advantage(no survival benefit demonstrated).If used,adjuvant chemotherapy should consist of the combination chemotherapy regimens proven to be most active in the advanced disease.The standard approach to local relapse parallels the approach to primary local disease,except for a wider resort to preoperative or postoperative radiation therapy,if not previously performed.extensive diseaseMetachronous resectable lung metastases without extrapulmonary disease are managed with complete excision of all lesions as standard treatment[IV,B].Chemotherapy may be added as an option,taking into account the prognostic factors(a short previous free interval and a high number of lesions are adverse factors,encouraging the addition of chemotherapy),although there is a lack of formal evidence that this improves results.Chemotherapy is preferably given before surgery,in order to assess tumour response and thus modulate the length of treatment.In the case of lung metastases being synchronous,in the absence of extrapulmonary disease, standard treatment is chemotherapy[IV,B].Especially when a patient benefit is achieved,surgery of completely resectable lung metastases may be offered as an option. Extrapulmonary disease is treated with chemotherapy as standard treatment[I,A].In highly selected cases,surgery of responding metastases may be offered as an option following a multidisciplinary evaluation,taking into consideration their site and the natural history of the disease in the individual patient.Standard chemotherapy is based on anthracyclines asfirst-line treatment[I,A].There is no formal demonstration thatclinical practice guidelines Annals of Oncologyv200|Casali&Blay Volume21|Supplement5|May2010 at St Jude Childrens Research Hospital on September 4, Downloaded frommultiagent chemotherapy is superior to single-agent chemotherapy with doxorubicin alone in terms of overall survival.However,a higher response rate may be expected,in particular in a number of sensitive histological types, according to several,although not all,randomized clinical trials.Therefore,multiagent chemotherapy with anthracyclines plus ifosfamide may be the treatment of choice,especially when a tumour response is felt to be able to give an advantage and patient performance status is good.In angiosarcoma,taxanes are an alternative option,given their antitumour activity in this specific histological type[III,B]. Imatinib is standard medical therapy for those rare patients with dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans who are not amenable to non-mutilating surgery or with metastases requiring medical therapy[III,B].After failure of anthracycline-based chemotherapy,or impossibility of using it,the following criteria may apply, although in the lack of high-level evidence.Patients who have already received chemotherapy may be treated with ifosfamide,if they did not receive it previously. High-dose ifosfamide( 14g/m2)may be an option also for patients who have already received standard-dose ifosfamide [IV,C].Trabectedin is a second-line option[II,B].It has proved effective in leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma.In myxoid liposarcoma a peculiar pattern of tumour response has been reported,with an early phase of tissue changes preceding tumour shrinkage.Responses to trabectedin have also been obtained in other histological types,including synovial sarcoma.One trial showed that gemcitabine+docetaxel is more effective than gemcitabine alone as second-line chemotherapy, but data are conflicting and toxicity is different[II,C]. Gemcitabine was also shown to have antitumour activity in leiomyosarcoma as a single agent.Dacarbazine has some activity as second-line therapy(mostly in leiomyosarcoma).It could also be combined with gemcitabine.Best supportive care is an option for pretreated patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma,all the more if further-line therapies have already been used in the patient.In general, advanced pretreated patients are candidates for clinical studies. With reference to selected histological types,there is anecdotal evidence of activity of some molecular targeted agents,possibly in the face of preclinical consistent data.These patients can be sent to reference centres,to be treated accordingly,preferably within clinical studies.follow-upThere are no published data to indicate the optimal routine follow-up policy of surgically treated patients with localized disease.The malignancy grade affects the likelihood and speed at which relapses may take place.The risk assessment based on tumour grade,tumour size and tumour site therefore helps in choosing a routine follow-up policy.High-risk patients generally relapse within2–3years,while low-risk patients may relapse later,although it is less likely.Relapses most often occur to the lungs.Early detection of local or metastatic recurrence to the lungs may have prognostic implications,and lung metastases are asymptomatic at a stage in which they are suitable for surgery.Therefore,routine follow-up may focus on these sites.Although the use of MRI to detect local relapse and CT to scan for lung metastases is likely to pick up recurrences earlier,it is yet to be demonstrated that this is beneficial,or cost effective,compared with clinical assessment of the primary site and regular chest X-rays.That said,while prospective studies are needed,a practical approach in place at several institutions is as follows.The surgically treated intermediate-/high-grade patient may be followed every3–4months in thefirst2–3years,then twice a year up to thefifth year and once a year thereafter.Low-grade sarcoma patients may be followed for local relapse every4–6months,with chest X-rays or CT scan at more relaxed intervals in thefirst3–5years,then yearly.special presentations and entities retroperitoneal sarcomasCore needle biopsies are the standard procedure for diagnosis in retroperitoneal sarcomas.They should not be performed through the peritoneum.An open biopsy may be an option in selected cases.In both cases,the pathway of the biopsy should be carefully planned to avoid contamination and complications.However,radiological imaging may be sufficient for the diagnosis of lipomatous tumours,if no preoperative treatment is planned.Standard treatment for localized lesions is surgery,which is best performed through a retroperitoneal quasi-compartmental resection,that is a complete excision of the mass,along with en-bloc visceral resections of adjacent organs and tissues covering the tumour[IV,B].The value of preoperative treatments in resectable tumours is not established.Thus,while not standard they are available options, including radiation therapy,chemotherapy,chemoradiation therapy,regional hyperthermia in addition to chemotherapy.If given,preoperative treatments are not meant to change the extent of surgery.Likewise,the value of adjuvant chemotherapy is not established.In general,postoperative radiation therapy to the whole tumour bed at doses recommended for sarcomas is not feasible at an acceptable toxicity.In selected cases,it may be an option for well-defined anatomical areas felt to be at high risk.uterine sarcomasThis group includes leiomyosarcomas,endometrial stromal sarcomas(formerly,low-grade endometrial stromal sarcomas), undifferentiated endometrial sarcomas and pure heterologous sarcomas.Carcinosarcomas(malignant Mullerian mixed tumours) are mixed epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasms,whose treatment should follow their mainly epithelial nature. Standard treatment for all these tumours,when localized,is total abdominal hysterectomy.The added value of bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is not established.In endometrial stromal sarcoma bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is generally performed,due to the hormonal sensitivity of these tumours, and lymphadenectomy may be an option,given the possibleAnnals of Oncology clinical practice guidelinesVolume21|Supplement5|May2010doi:10.1093/annonc/mdq209|v201 at St Jude Childrens Research Hospital on September 4, Downloaded fromhigher incidence of nodal involvement[IV,D].However,as far as leiomyosarcomas and high-grade undifferentiated sarcomas are concerned,bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, particularly in premenopausal women,as well as lymphadenectomy,is not demonstrated to be useful in the absence of macroscopic involvement.Although retrospective studies have suggested a possible decrease in local relapses,radiation therapy did not improve survival and relapse-free survival in a randomized trial,and therefore is not recommended in leiomyosarcoma[II,C]. Therefore,its use as an adjuvant to surgery may only be an option in selected cases,after shared decision-making with the patient following multidisciplinary discussion,taking into account special risk factors for local relapse.The systemic treatment of metastatic endometrial stromal sarcomas exploits their sensitivity to hormonal therapies [V,D].Therefore,progestins are generally used,along with gonadotrphin-releasing hormone(GnRH)analogues and aromatase inhibitors.Tamoxifen is contraindicated,as well as hormonal replacement therapy containing estrogens.Surgery of lung metastases is an option,given the natural history of the disease.The medical treatment of leiomyosarcomas,undifferentiated endometrial sarcomas and pure heterologous sarcomas parallels that for adult-type soft tissue sarcomas.In any case,it should be kept distinct from malignant Mullerian mixed tumours. desmoid-typefibromatosisBeta catenin mutational analysis may be useful when the pathological differential diagnosis is difficult.Given the unpredictable natural history of the disease (with the possibility of long-lasting stable disease and even occasional spontaneous regressions,along with a lack of metastatic potential),and functional problems implied by some tumour anatomical locations,a watchful waiting policy may be the best option[IV,B],after shared decision-making with the patient,with the exclusion of potentially life-threatening extra-abdominal locations(e.g.head and neck region)and intra-abdominal desmoids(mesentericfibromatosis).Under such a policy,treatment is reserved for progressing cases. Preferred imaging is MRI,though considering that the tumour signal is not meaningful with regard to disease evolution.For progressing cases,optimal treatment needs to be individualized on a multidisciplinary basis and it may consist of surgery(without any adjuvant therapy),radiation therapy, observation,isolated limb perfusion(if the lesion is confined to an extremity)or systemic therapy(see below)[V,D]. Systemic therapies include:hormonal therapies(tamoxifen, toremifene,GnRH analogues),non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;low-dose chemotherapy,such as methotrexate+vinblastine or methotrexate+vinorelbine; low-dose interferon;imatinib;full-dose chemotherapy(using regimens active in sarcomas).It is reasonable to employ the less toxic therapies before the more toxic ones in a stepwise fashion. head and neck sarcomasThese are sarcomas arising at a difficult anatomical location. Cases should be dealt with through a multidisciplinary approach,also involving head and neck surgeons.Radiation therapy is widely resorted to,given the surgical margins generally achievable.breast sarcomasBreast sarcomas encompass radiation-and non-radiation-induced sarcomas.Then sarcomas of the skin of the breast area should be conceptually distinguished from mammary gland sarcomas.Finally,angiosarcoma has a more aggressive behaviour than other histological types,while malignant phyllodes tumours[i.e.those having>10mitoses/10high-powerfields(HPF)and marked stromal overgrowth]havea20%–30%metastatic rate.The best treatment of breast sarcomas is far from beingdefined,given their rarity and heterogeneity.In general,breast-conserving surgery may be used,depending on the quality of margins versus the size of the tumour and the breast,along with the feasibility of radiation therapy.In addition, angiosarcomas of the mammary gland have such a tendency to recur that mastectomy(involving the muscular fascia)is generally preferred,even in combination with postoperative radiation therapy.Lymphadenectomy is not performed in the absence of clinical evidence of involvement.As far as adjuvant chemotherapy is concerned,the same principles as for soft tissue sarcoma apply.One may consider the high risk of local and systemic relapse of angiosarcoma in making a decision.noteThese Clinical Practice Guidelines have been developed following a consensus process based on a consensus event organized by ESMO in Lugano in November2009.This involved experts from the community of the European sarcoma research groups,sarcoma networks of excellence and ESMO Faculty.Their names are indicated hereafter.The text reflects an overall consensus among them,although each of them may not necessarilyfind it consistent with his/her own views.The EU-funded network of excellence CONTICANET(CONnective TIssue CAncers NETwork)and EUROBONET(EUROpean BOne NETwork)alsofinancially supported the consensus process. consensus panelMassimo Aglietta,Universita`degli Studi di Torino,Italy Thor Alvegaard,Lund University Hospital,Lund,Sweden Nick Athanasou,University of Oxford,Oxford,UKBui Binh,Institut Bergonie´,Bordeaux,FranceJean-Yves Blay,Centre Le´on Be´rard Lyon,FranceSlyvie Bonvalot,Institut Gustave Roussy,Villejuif,France Ioannis Boukovinas,Theagenion Cancer Hospital of Thessaloniki,GreecePaolo G.Casali,Istituto Nazionale Tumori,Milan,Italy Enrique De Alava,Centro de Investigacion del Cancer-IBMCC, Salamanca,SpainA.Paolo Dei Tos,Ospedale Civile,Treviso,ItalyPalma Dileo,Istituto Nazionale Tumori,Milan,ItalyMikael Eriksson,University Hospital,Lund,SwedenAndrea Ferrari,Istituto Nazionale Tumori,Milan,Italy Stefano Ferrari,Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli,Bologna,Italy Solans Francisco Javier Garcia Del Muro,Institut Catala`d’Oncologia,Barcelona,Spainclinical practice guidelines Annals of Oncologyv202|Casali&Blay Volume21|Supplement5|May2010 at St Jude Childrens Research Hospital on September 4, Downloaded from。
