x part 3 Swap
c语言swap用法 -回复

1. 交换两个变量的值最常见的用法是交换两个变量的值。
下面是一个基本的swap函数的定义:cvoid swap(int *a, int *b) {int temp;temp = *a;*a = *b;*b = temp;}在这个函数中,我们使用了一个临时变量temp。
cint main() {int a = 1;int b = 2;printf("Before swap: a = d, b = d\n", a, b);swap(&a, &b);printf("After swap: a = d, b = d\n", a, b);return 0;}输出结果为:Before swap: a = 1, b = 2After swap: a = 2, b = 1通过swap函数,我们实现了变量a和b的值的交换,从而得到了我们想要的结果。
2. 交换数组的元素除了交换两个变量的值,swap函数也可以用于交换数组中的元素。
下面是一个例子:cvoid swap(int *arr, int i, int j) {int temp;temp = arr[i];arr[i] = arr[j];arr[j] = temp;}在这个函数中,我们通过一个临时变量temp,交换了数组中索引为i和j 的两个元素的值。

作者:木棉藤吉时间:2011-7-25 11:18:00 编辑:木棉藤吉来源:网络转载DroidSwap是用来解决仅配备256MB RAM及以下的安卓手机,运行太多应用程序造成后台软件自动关闭、运行不流畅及卡等现象,尤其适合HTC G1(192MB RAM)、G2和G3(288MB RAM)、华为U8500(256MB RAM)等运行内存较小的安卓手机其他也可使用。
1.合理设置swap分区:DroidSwap的使用方法与“一键省电”类似,都是只需按一下按钮即可看到效果,不过在使用前需要简单设置:安装好该APK软件后,按“Menu”键进入“Configuration”(配置),在下拉菜单中选择“Swap place”选项,为新分区起个好记的名字即可。
2.设置虚拟内存大小:接着进入“Swap size”选项设置分区大小,此处建议将分区大小设置在64MB以下。
整个过程大约持续1-2分钟,期间会有几个“Fail”(失败);不要惊慌,这是因为DroidSwap 需先加载后取得ROOT权限所致。
第一次“ON”显示完成后,再一次单击“ON”直到出现“ALL DONE”启动成功。

swap分区操作流程Swap分区操作流程1. 什么是Swap分区?Swap分区是一种在操作系统中使用的虚拟内存技术,它可以将部分系统内存空间作为硬盘上的一部分空间使用,用作内存扩展。
2. 创建Swap分区要创建Swap分区,需要按照以下步骤进行操作:•打开终端或命令行界面•输入以下命令以创建一个新的Swap分区文件:sudo fallocate -l [大小] [文件路径],例如:sudo fallocate -l 2G/swapfile•输入以下命令使Swap分区只能被管理员读写:sudo chmod 600 /swapfile•输入以下命令以将文件转换为Swap分区:sudo mkswap /swapfile•输入以下命令以启用Swap分区:sudo swapon /swapfile3. 查看Swap分区信息要查看Swap分区的信息,可以执行以下步骤:•打开终端或命令行界面•输入以下命令以查看Swap分区信息:sudo swapon --show 4. 调整Swap分区如果需要调整Swap分区的大小或禁用Swap分区,可以按照以下步骤进行操作:调整Swap分区大小•打开终端或命令行界面•输入以下命令以禁用当前的Swap分区:sudo swapoff /swapfile•输入以下命令以调整Swap分区文件的大小:sudo fallocate -l [新大小] /swapfile•输入以下命令以将文件转换为Swap分区:sudo mkswap /swapfile•输入以下命令以重新启用Swap分区:sudo swapon /swapfile 禁用Swap分区•打开终端或命令行界面•输入以下命令以禁用Swap分区:sudo swapoff /swapfile•输入以下命令以删除Swap分区文件:sudo rm /swapfile5. 总结Swap分区是一种重要的虚拟内存技术,它可以有效扩展系统内存空间。

Swapper 是设置高速缓存区的工具。
Linux中的Swap(即:交换分区),类似于Windows 的虚拟内存,就是当内存不足的时候,把一部分硬盘空间虚拟成内存使用,从而解决内存容量不足的情况。
如果一个程序长时间没有活动,就会被置换到Swap分区(或Swap文件), 释放出内存以提高当前程序的性能“扩展内存”用于非应用程序(例如播放器+浏览器+地图等),需要高级权限及SD卡。
注意:使用Swapper 会缩短SD卡寿命。
高级选项→使用swap分区的勾去掉(很多童鞋反应都是fail很大一部分都是这个勾没去掉,,特别注意一下)→返回进入主菜单→创建swap→swap on →获取信息查看是否已经开启成功。
另一种是你的SD卡已经有Swap分区,但是未开启,那么可以使用它来开启1.首先你必须已经有Swap分区,新手可以使用内置分区功能的Recovery分区2.运行Swapper,点击【设置】找到【高级选项】,3.勾选『使用SW AP分区』,点击下面的『SWAP分区』查看是否与你的SD卡分区相对应,在第三分区。
4.点击【Swap ON】,最后点击【获取信息】看看是否开启成功。
成功后第四行Swap: 93864KB 本人实测,后台开照相、音乐、网页、QQ等10来个程序,按小房子瞬间返回桌面!不再出现黑屏20秒或者桌面程序长期无响应!运行速度依然流程!每次开机或设置过swap都会关闭,重新点下swap on就可以swap分区不宜过大,因为sd卡的读取速度实在太慢,设置太大的话,会有太多数据滞留在卡内,拖慢慢系统速度。

【洛⾕⽇报#119】浅析Treap Treap,⼀种数据结构,⽀持插⼊节点、删除节点、求第x⼤的节点、求权值为x的节点的排名、求权值⽐x⼩的最⼤节点、求权值⽐x⼤的最⼩节点提⽰:以下图⽚均由Powerpoint出品,请原谅丑陋⽆⽐的图【引⼦:⼆叉排序树和堆】⾸先,我们要知道,Treap=Tree+Heap,Tree指的是⼆叉排序树,Heap则是指堆1.Tree——⼆叉排序树⼆叉排序树,是指根的左⼉⼦⽐根⼩,右⼉⼦⽐根⼤,且左右⼦树均为⼆叉排序树的树通俗来说,就是左⼦树全部⽐根⼩,右⼦树全部⽐根⼤,如图:⼆叉排序树这时候,我们要插⼊⼀个节点,就不断地判断与根的⼤⼩关系(假设没有节点相同):1.⽐根⼩,去左⼦树2.⽐根⼤,去右⼦树直到来到⼀个空树,插⼊:插⼊操作删除节点:如果⼀个节点是叶⼦节点,直接销毁否则,如果这个节点有⼀个⼦节点,直接将其连接到该节点的⽗亲否则,沿着右⼦树的根⼀路向左到底,然后⽤那个值替换掉要删除的节点,例如我们要删7:选定8作为7的代替者因为这个点必定⼩于右⼦树的其他值,且⼤于左⼦树的全部数,所以他是作为根的最好⼈选接下来,交换8和7,然后销毁7:交换8和7并删掉7查询x的排名:这个很简单,查看x与根的⼤⼩关系,如果相等,排名为左⼦树元素个数+1⽐根⼩,递归查询他在左⼦树的排名,排名为他在左⼦树的排名,空树排名为0⽐根⼤,递归查询他在右⼦树的排名,排名为右⼦树的排名+左⼦树元素个数+1查询排名为x的数:这个也很好理解,判断左⼦树元素个数是否⼤于等于之如果是就在左⼦树找否则,如果刚好为左⼦树元素个数+1,就是根如果⼤于左⼦树元素个数+1,则必定在右⼦树,这个和查询x排名对照起来就很好理解查询x的前驱(求权值⽐x⼩的最⼤节点):空节点返回-inf如果根的权值⼩于等于x,就在左⼦树找否则,取根和右⼦树查询结果的最⼤值(我们要求最⼤节点)查询x的后继(求权值⽐x⼤的最⼩节点):空节点返回inf如果根的权值⼤于等于x,就去右⼦树否则,取根和左⼦树查询结果的最⼩值(我们要求最⼩节点)我才不会告诉你这两段我是Ctrl C+V的其实上⾯的前驱后继对照看就很好记这时候细⼼的⼈会发现,这六个操作不就是刚刚上⾯讲的Treap⽀持的操作吗?好吧,那如果是这样我们还写个Treap⼲什么?原因看下图退化成为⼀条链**退化成⼀条链了! **恐怕是药丸了,虽然⼀般情况下⼆叉排序树复杂度不错,是但是,不排除有丧⼼病狂的出题⼈故意卡你的情况,这时候复杂度为要怎么办呢?堆!你值得拥有2.Heap——堆堆,⼀种完全⼆叉树(看看看,刚好防⽌了退化),保证根节点⽐左右⼦树都要⼤或⼩,⼤的称为⼤根堆,反之称⼩根堆。

在一些老的计算机系统中,物理内存非常小,而swap 空间应该设置在最大物理内存的两倍以内。
当系统在Swap中找到一个以前使用的幸存者(如游戏),它需要将该幸存者从磁盘中读取到物理RAM 中。

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为满足国 内日益增长的利率互换交易需求 ,提高合约标准化和市场透明度 ,全 国银行间同业拆借中心组织业务和开发
团 队经过两年攻关 ,自主研发 了利率互换新交易机制 ( 简称X — S W a p 系统 )。该系统 自2 0 1 4 年2 月运行以来 ,以其友 好的用户界面 、便捷的授信设置 、支持多种订单策略等功能特色提升交易效率和用户体验 ,受到市场一致好评 。
a ppr ai s e d b y mar k e t u s e r s ,gi v i n g c r e di t t o i t s f r i en d l y UI ,e a s y c r e di t s e t an d mu l t i — o r de r s up po r t f ea t u r e s whi c h h a v e gr e a t l y e nh a n c e d t r a di n g e fi ci e n c y an d u s er e x pe r i en c e .

1.swap 的定义与功能
2.swap 的基本用法
3.swap 的扩展用法
4.swap 的注意事项
【1.swap 的定义与功能】
swap 是一个在计算机编程中广泛使用的函数,它的主要作用是交换两个变量的值。
swap 函数在不同的编程语言中可能有不同的名称和语法,但其功能都是类似的。
【2.swap 的基本用法】
swap 的基本用法非常简单,一般形式如下:
`swap(变量 1, 变量 2)`
在执行 swap 函数后,原本的变量 1 的值会变成变量 2 的值,而变量 2 的值会变成变量 1 的值。
【3.swap 的扩展用法】
除了基本的交换值功能外,swap 函数还有一些扩展用法,例如:
- 交换数组元素:通过提供一个数组和两个数组下标,swap 可以交换数组中对应下标的元素值。
- 交换结构体成员:通过提供一个结构体和两个结构体成员名称,swap 可以交换结构体中对应成员的值。
【4.swap 的注意事项】
在使用 swap 函数时,需要注意以下几点:
- 确保要交换的变量或元素是可变的,否则交换操作将无法生效。
- 确保要交换的变量或元素类型相同,否则可能导致程序错误。

为了解决物理内存不足的问题,操作系统会将一部分不常用的数据从内存写入到硬盘的交换空间(Swap Space)中,以释放

浅析swap内存交换swap 原理swap 就是内存交换的意思。
这⾥的虚拟内存就是 swap。
进程运⾏的时候系统会判断当前物理内存是否还有空闲,如果有那么则直接调⼊内存进⾏运⾏;如果没有,那么会根据优先级选择⼀个进程挂起,把该进程交换到 swap 中等待,然后把新的进程调⼊到内存中运⾏。
进程向系统请求内存发现不⾜时,系统会把内存中暂时不⽤的数据交换出去,放在 swap 分区⾥,这个过程称为 swap out(so)当进程⼜需要这些数据且系统发现还有空闲物理内存时,⼜会把 SWAP 分区中的数据交换到物理内存中,这个过程称为 swap in(si)swap 使⽤完,操作系统会触发OOM-Killer机制,杀掉占⽤内存最⼤的进程。
jvm 与 swap 的关系1:系统内存⾜够 (jvm 内存未使⽤到 swap 内存),但 jvm 内存不够,最终导致 jvm 的频繁垃圾回收(FGC),由于 fullgc 时间很久,会导致线程的长期暂停2:系统内存不够,JVM 堆内存部分⽤到了 swap,此时的垃圾回收需要把 swap 的内存交换到系统物理内存再进⾏ jvm 的垃圾回收。
导致每次 GC 的时间都变得很久3:物理内存不够⽤,⼤量 JVM 的堆内存被交换到 swap 之后,垃圾回收时把 swap 内存交换到物理内存,但 swap 的内存⼜不会⽴即交换回来。
此时 swap 使⽤的内存占⽤会变⼤,可能会导致 oom killer。
IPC-7351B & PCBL Land Pattern Naming Convention

I P C-7351B N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r S t a n d a r d S M T L a n d P a t t e r n sSurface Mount Land PatternsComponent, Category Land Pattern Name Ball Grid Array’s...............................BGA + Pin Qty + C or N + Pitch P + Ball Columns X Ball Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height BGA w/Dual Pitch.BGA + Pin Qty + C or N + Col Pitch X Row Pitch P + Ball Columns X Ball Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height BGA w/Staggered Pins..................BGAS + Pin Qty + C or N + Pitch P + Ball Columns X Ball Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height BGA Note: The C or N = Collapsing or Non-collapsing BallsCapacitors, Chip, Array, Concave..........................................................CAPCAV + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Capacitors, Chip, Array, Flat..................................................................CAPCAF + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Capacitors, Chip, Non-polarized.................................................................................................CAPC + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Chip, Polarized.....................................................................................................CAPCP + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Chip, Wire Rectangle........................................................................................CAPCWR + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Molded, Non-polarized...........................................................................................CAPM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Molded, Polarized.................................................................................................CAPMP + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Aluminum Electrolytic ............................................................................................................CAPAE + Base Body Size X Height Ceramic Flat Packages.....................................................................................................CFP127P + Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Column Grid Array’s.....................................................CGA + Pitch P + Number of Pin Columns X Number of Pin Rows X Height - Pin Qty Crystals (2 leads)........................................................................................................................XTAL + Body Length X Body Width X Height Dual Flat No-lead..........................................................................................................DFN + Body Length X Body Width X Height – Pin Qty Diodes, Chip................................................................................................................................DIOC + Body Length + Body Width X Height Diodes, Molded...........................................................................................................................DIOM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Diodes, MELF................................................................................................................................DIOMELF + Body Length + Body Diameter Fuses, Molded............................................................................................................................FUSM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Inductors, Chip.............................................................................................................................INDC + Body Length + Body Width X Height Inductors, Molded........................................................................................................................INDM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Inductors, Precision Wire Wound................................................................................................INDP + Body Length + Body Width X Height Inductors, Chip, Array, Concave..............................................................INDCAV + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Inductors, Chip, Array, Flat......................................................................INDCAF + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Land Grid Array, Round Lead............................LGA + Pin Qty - Pitch P + Pin Columns X Pin Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height Land Grid Array, Square Lead........................LGAS + Pin Qty - Pitch P + Pin Columns X Pin Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height LED’s, Molded............................................................................................................................LEDM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Oscillators, Side Concave........................................................................OSCSC + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Oscillators, J-Lead.......................................................................................OSCJ + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Oscillators, L-Bend Lead.............................................................................OSCL + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Oscillators, Corner Concave....................................................................................................OSCCC + Body Length X Body Width X Height Plastic Leaded Chip Carriers..................................................PLCC + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier Sockets Square.......................PLCCS + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Quad Flat Packages..................................................................QFP + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Ceramic Quad Flat Packages.................................................CQFP + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Quad Flat No-lead................................................................QFN + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty + Thermal Pad Pull-back Quad Flat No-lead..............................................PQFN + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty + Thermal Pad Quad Leadless Ceramic Chip Carriers..........................................................LCC + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty Quad Leadless Ceramic Chip Carriers (Pin 1 on Side)...............................LCCS + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip...........................................................................................................................RESC + Body Length + Body Width X Height Resistors, Molded......................................................................................................................RESM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Resistors, MELF...........................................................................................................................RESMELF + Body Length + Body Diameter Resistors, Chip, Array, Concave............................................................RESCAV + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Convex, E-Version (Even Pin Size)...............RESCAXE + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Convex, S-Version (Side Pins Diff)................RESCAXS + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Flat.....................................................................RESCAF + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Small Outline Diodes, Flat Lead...................................................................................SODFL + Lead Span Nominal + Body Width X Height Small Outline IC, J-Leaded........................................................................................SOJ + Pitch P +Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Small Outline Integrated Circuit, (50 mil Pitch SOIC)......................................................SOIC127P +Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Small Outline Packages............................................................................................SOP + Pitch P +Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Small Outline No-lead...........................................................SON + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty + Thermal Pad Pull-back Small Outline No-lead.........................................PSON + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty + Thermal Pad Small Outline Transistors, Flat Lead....................................................................SOTFL + Pitch P + Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty SOD (Example: SOD3717X135 = JEDEC SOD123)........................................................SOD + Lead Span Nominal + Body Width X Height SOT89 (JEDEC Standard Package).......................................................................................................................................................SOT89 SOT143 & SOT343 (JEDEC Standard Package)..............................................................................................................SOT143 & SOT343 SOT143 & SOT343 Reverse (JEDEC Standard Package)...........................................................................................SOT143R & SOT343R SOT23 & SOT223 Packages (Example: SOT230P700X180-4)...............................SOT + Pitch P + Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty TO (Generic DPAK - Example: TO228P970X238-3).................................................................TO + Pitch P + Lead Span X Height - Pin QtyI P C-7351B L a n d P a t t e r n N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n N o t e s•All dimensions are in Metric Units•All Lead Span and Height numbers go two places past the decimal point and “include” trailing Zeros•All Lead Span and Body Sizes go two place before the decimal point and “remove” leading Zeros•All Chip Component Body Sizes are one place to each side of the decimal point•Pitch Values are two places to the right & left of decimal point with no leading Zeros but include trailing zeros N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n S p e c i a l C h a r a c t e r U s e f o r L a n d P a t t e r n sThe _ (underscore) is the separator between pin Qty in Hidden & Deleted pin componentsThe – (dash) is used to separate the pin qty.The X (capital letter X) is used instead of the word “by” to separate two numbers such as height X width like “Quad Packages”.P C B L i b r a r i e s S u f f i x N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r L a n d P a t t e r n sCommon SMT Land Pattern to Describe Environment Use (This is the last character in every name)Note: This excludes the BGA component family as they only come in the Nominal Environment Condition •M.................Most Material Condition (Level A)•N..................Nominal Material Condition (Level B)•L.................Least Material Condition (Level C)Alternate Components that do not follow the JEDEC, EIA or IEC Standard•A..................Alternate Component (used primarily for SOP & QFP when Component Tolerance or Height is different) •B..................Second Alternate ComponentReverse Pin Order•-20RN..........20 pin part, Reverse Pin Order, Nominal EnvironmentHidden Pins•-20_24N......20 pin part in a 24 pin package. The pins are numbered 1 – 24 the hidden pins are skipped. The schematic symbol displays up to 24 pins.Deleted Pins•-24_20N......20 pin part in a 24 pin package. The pins are numbered 1 – 20. The schematic symbol displays 20 pins. JEDEC and EIA Standard parts that have several alternate packages•AA, AB, AC.JEDEC or EIA Component IdentifierGENERAL SUFFIXES_HS.........................HS = Land Pattern with Heat Sink attachment requiring additional holes or padsExample: TO254P1055X160_HS-6N_BEC......................BEC = Base, Emitter and Collector (Pin assignments used for three pin Transistors)Example: SOT95P280X160_BEC-3N_SGD......................SGD = Source, Gate and Drain (Pin assignments used for three pin Transistors)Example: SOT95P280X160_SGD-3N_213........................213 = Alternate pin assignments used for three pin TransistorsExample: SOT95P280X160_213-3NP C B L i b r a r i e s N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r N o n-S t a n d a r d S M T L a n d P a t t e r n s Surface Mount Land PatternsComponent, Category Land Pattern Name Amplifiers....................................................................................................................................................AMP_ Mfr.’s Part Number Batteries......................................................................................................................................................BAT_ Mfr.’s Part Number Capacitors, Variable..................................................................................................................................CAPV_Mfr.’s Part Number Capacitors, Chip, Array, Concave (Pins on 2 or 4 sides)..............................................................CAPCAV_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Capacitors, Chip, Array, Flat (Pins on 2 sides)..............................................................................CAPCAF_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Capacitors, Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................CAP_Mfr.’s Part Number Crystals......................................................................................................................................................XTAL_Mfr.’s Part Number Diodes, Miscellaneous...................................................................................................................................DIO_Mfr.’s Part Number Diodes, Bridge Rectifiers............................................................................................................................DIOB_Mfr.’s Part Number Ferrite Beads..................................................................................................................................................FB_Mfr.’s Part Number Fiducials......................................................................................................................................FID + Pad Size X Solder Mask Size Filters..............................................................................................................................................................FIL_Mfr.’s Part Number Fuses..........................................................................................................................................................FUSE_Mfr.’s Part Number Fuse, Resettable.....................................................................................................................................FUSER_Mfr.’s Part Number Inductors, Miscellaneous...............................................................................................................................IND_Mfr.’s Part Number Inductors, Chip, Array, Concave (Pins on 2 or 4 sides)..................................................................INDCAV_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Inductors, Chip, Array, Flat (Pins on 2 sides).................................................................................INDCAF_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Keypad.................................................................................................................................................KEYPAD_Mfr.’s Part Number LEDS............................................................................................................................................................LED_Mfr.’s Part Number LEDS, Chip...................................................................................................................................................LED_Mfr.’s Part Number Liquid Crystal Display...................................................................................................................................LCD_Mfr.’s Part Number Microphones..................................................................................................................................................MIC_Mfr.’s Part Number Opto Isolators............................................................................................................................................OPTO_Mfr.’s Part Number Oscillators......................................................................................................................................OSC_Mfr.’s Part Number - Pin Qty Quad Flat Packages w/Bumper Corners, Pin 1 Side.............BQFP + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Quad Flat Packages w/Bumper Corners, 1 Center..............BQFPC + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Concave (Pins on 2 or 4 sides).................................................................RESCAV_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Convex Type E (Pins on 2 sides)...........................................................RESCAXE_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Convex Type S (Pins on 2 sides)...........................................................RESCAXS_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Flat (Pins on 2 sides)................................................................................RESCAF_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Relays.....................................................................................................................................................RELAY_Mfr.’s Part Number Speakers....................................................................................................................................................SPKR_Mfr’s Part Number Switches........................................................................................................................................................SW_Mfr.’s Part Number Test Points, Round......................TP + Pad Size (1 place left of decimal and 2 places right of decimal, Example TP100 = 1.00mm) Test Points, Square...............................................................TPS + Pad Size (1 place left of decimal and 2 places right of decimal) Test Points, Rectangle....................................TP + Pad Length X Pad Width (1 place left of decimal and 2 places right of decimal) Thermistors.............................................................................................................................................THERM_Mfr.’s Part Number Transceivers.............................................................................................................................................XCVR_ Mfr.’s Part Number Transducers (IRDA’s)................................................................................................................................XDCR_Mfr.’s Part Number Transient Voltage S_Mfr.’s Part Number Transient Voltage Suppressors, SP_Mfr.’s Part Number Transistor Outlines, Custom....................................................................................................................TRANS_Mfr.’s Part Number Transformers.............................................................................................................................................XFMR_Mfr.’s Part Number Trimmers & Potentiometers........................................................................................................................TRIM_Mfr.’s Part Number Tuners.....................................................................................................................................................TUNER_Mfr.’s Part Number Varistors.......................................................................................................................................................VAR_Mfr.’s Part Number Voltage Controlled Oscillators.....................................................................................................................VCO_Mfr.’s Part Number Voltage Regulators, Custom......................................................................................................................VREG_Mfr.’s Part NumberI P C-7251N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r T h r o u g h-H o l e L a n d P a t t e r n sThe land pattern naming convention uses component dimensions to derive the land pattern name.The first 3 – 6 characters in the land pattern name describe the component family.The first number in the land pattern name refers to the Lead Spacing or hole to hole location to insert the component lead.All numbers that follow the Lead Spacing are component dimensions.These characters are used as component body identifiers that precede the value and this is the priority order of the component body identifiers –P = Pitch for components with more than two leadsW = Maximum Lead Width (or Component Lead Diameter)L = Body Length for horizontal mountingD = Body Diameter for round component bodyT = Body Thickness for rectangular component bodyH = Height for vertically mounted componentsQ = Pin Quantity for components with more than two leadsR = Number of Rows for connectorsA, B & C = the fabrication complexity level as defined in the IPC-2221 and IPC-2222Notes:All component body values are in millimeters and go two places to the right of the decimal point and no leading zeros.All Complexity Levels used in the examples are “B”.Component, Category Land Pattern Name Capacitors, Non Polarized Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting.........CAPAD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: CAPAD800W52L600D150BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Capacitors, Non Polarized Axial Rectangular.........CAPAR + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body thickness + H Body Height Example: CAPAR800W52L600T50H70BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Thickness 0.50; Body Height 0.70Capacitors, Non Polarized Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting .........CAPADV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: CAPADV300W52L600D150BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial; Lead Spacing 3.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50mmCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial Rect. Vert. Mtg.CAPARV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body Thickness + H Body Height Example: CAPARV300W52L600T50H70BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial Rect. Vertical; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Thickness 0.50; Body Height 0.70 Capacitors, Non Polarized Radial Diameter.......................................CAPRD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + D Body Diameter + H Body Height Example: CAPRD200W52D300H550BCapacitors, Non Polarized Radial Diameter; lead spacing 2.00; lead width 0.52; Body Diameter 3.00; Height 5.50Capacitors, Non Polarized Radial Rectangular.......CAPRR + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body thickness + H Body Height Example: CAPRR200W52L50T70H550BCapacitors, Non Polarized Radial Rectangular; lead spacing 2.00; lead width 0.52; Body Length 0.50; Body thickness 0.70; Height 5.50 Capacitors, Non Polarized Radial Disk Button........CAPRB + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body thickness + H Body Height Example: CAPRB200W52L50T70H550BCapacitors, Non Polarized Radial Rectangular; lead spacing 2.00; lead width 0.52; Body Length 0.50; Body thickness 0.70; Height 5.50 Capacitors, Polarized Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting................CAPPA + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: CAPPAD800W52L600D150BCapacitors, Polarized Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Capacitor, Polarized Radial Diameter.................................................CAPPR + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + D Body Diameter + H Body Height Example: CAPPRD200W52D300H550BCapacitors, Polarized Radial Diameter; lead spacing 2.00; lead width 0.52; Body Diameter 3.00; Height 5.50Diodes, Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting.......................................DIOAD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: DIOAD800W52L600D150BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Diodes, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting .........................................DIOADV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: DIOADV300W52L600D150BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Dual-In-Line Packages...................................DIP + Lead Span + W Lead Width + P Pin Pitch + L Body Length + H Component Height + Q Pin Qty Example: DIP762W52P254L1905H508Q14BDual-In-Line Package: Lead Span 7.62; Lead Width 0.52; Pin Pitch 2.54; Body Length 19.05; Body Height 5.08; Pin Qty 14Component, Category Land Pattern Name Dual-In-Line Sockets....................................DIPS + Lead Span + W Lead Width + P Pin Pitch + L Body Length + H Component Height + Q Pin Qty Example: DIPS762W52P254L1905H508Q14BDual-In-Line Package Socket: Lead Span 7.62; Lead Width 0.52; Pin Pitch 2.54; Body Length 19.05; Body Height 5.08; Pin Qty 14Headers, Vertical....... HDRV + Lead Span + W Lead Width + P Pin Pitch + R Pins per Row + L Body Length + T Body Thickness + H Component HeightExample: HDRV200W52P200R2L4400T400H900BHeader, Vertical: Lead Span 2.00; Lead Width 0.52; Pin Pitch 2.00; 2 Rows; Body Length 44.00; Body Thickness 4.00; Body Height 9.00 Headers, Right Angle...............HDRRA + Lead Span + W Lead Width + P Pin Pitch + R Pins per Row + L Body Length + T Body Thickness + H Component HeightExample: HDRRA200W52P200R2L4400T400H900BHeader, Vertical: Lead Span 2.00; Lead Width 0.52; Pin Pitch 2.00; 2 Rows; Body Length 44.00; Body Thickness 4.00; Body Height 9.00 Inductors, Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting....................................INDAD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: INDAD800W52L600D150BInductors, Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Inductors, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting .....................................INDADV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: INDADV300W52L600D150BInductors, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting; Lead Spacing 3.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Jumpers, Wire...................................................................................................................................................JUMP + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width Example: JUMP500W52BJumper; Lead Spacing 5.00; Lead Width 0.52Mounting Holes Plated With Support Pad..........................................................................MTGP + Pad Size + H Hole Size + Z Inner Layer Pad Size Example: MTGP700H400Z520This is a Mounting hole for a #6-32 screw using a circular 7.00 land on the primary and secondary side of the board, a 4.00 diameter hole with the internal lands are smaller that the external and are also circular 5.20 in diameter.Mounting Holes Non-Plated With Support Pad................................................................MTGNP + Pad Size + H Hole Size + Z Inner Layer Pad Size Example: MTGNP700H400Z520This is a Mounting hole for a #6-32 screw using a circular 7.00 land on the primary and secondary side of the board, a 4.00 diameter hole with the internal lands are smaller that the external and are also circular 5.20 in diameter.Mounting Holes Non-Plated Without Support Pad.....................MTGNP + Pad Size + H Hole Size + Z Inner Layer Pad Size + K Keep-out Diameter Example: MTGNP100H400Z520K700This is a Mounting hole for a #6-32 screw using a circular 1mm land on the primary and secondary side of the board, a 4.00 diameter hole with the internal lands are smaller that the external and are also circular 5.20 in diameter and a 7.00 diameter keep-out.Mounting Holes Plated with 8 Vias .....................................................................MTGP + Pad Size + H Hole Size + Z Inner Layer Pad Size + 8 Vias Example: MTGP700H400Z520V8This is a Mounting hole for a #6-32 screw using a circular 7mm land on the primary and secondary side of the board, a 4mm diameter hole with the internal lands are smaller that the external and are also circular 5.2mm in diameter, with 8 vias.Pin Grid Array’s.............................PGA + Pin Qty + P Pitch + C Pin Columns + R Pin Rows + L Body Length X Body Width + H Component Height Example: PGA84P254C10R10L2500X2500H300BPin Grid Array: Pin Qty 84; Pin Pitch 2.54; Columns 10; Rows 10; Body Length 25.00 X 25.00; Component Height 3.00Resistors, Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting...................................RESAD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: RESAD800W52L600D150BResistors, Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Resistors, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting ....................................RESADV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: RESADV300W52L600D150BResistors, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting; Lead Spacing 3.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Resistors, Axial Rectangular Horizontal Mounting...RESAR + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body thickness + H Body Height Example: RESAR800W52L600T50H70BResistors, Axial Rectangular; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Thickness 0.50; Body Height 0.70Test Points, Round Land......................................................................................................................................................................TP + Lead Width Example: TP52Test Points, Square Land..................................................................................................................................................................TPS + Lead Width Example: TPS52Test Points, Top Land Round & Bottom Land Square.....................................................................................................................TPRS + Lead Width Example: TPRS52 Wire....................................................................................................................................................................................................PAD + Wire Width Example: PAD52。

⼀、物理磁盘分区来实现swap1、通过分区软件创建⼀个分区,分区类型fdisk下为82,gdisk下为8200,partep分区标记没有定义swap,其实分区后不更改分区类型也⾏测试也可以⽤,但为了在分区⼯具下⽅便查看最好还是把分区类型改成swap对应的分区类型,本⼈理解分区类型就是分区软件下⽤来描述分区所要承载的⽂件系统的类型,⽐如分区类型为83表⽰为linxu分区,⽤于格式化成ext3 ext4等linux⽂件系统,分区创建的⽅法这⾥就不写了前⾯有分区创建的⽅法。
2、使⽤mkswap命令把分区格式化为swap分区-------------------------------------------------------------------root@debian:~# mkswap /dev/sdb1Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1024 MiB (1073737728 bytes) #交换分区的容量为1Gno label, UUID=47fe2c83-c4b9-4ee5-ad91-4a9642f66df5root@debian:~#-------------------------------------------------------------------3、使⽤swapon命令使交换分区/dev/sdb1⽣效-------------------------------------------------------------------root@debian:~# free -h #查看没加前swap容量 total used free shared buff/cache availableMem: 2.0G 250M 1.4G 8.5M 311M 1.6GSwap: 2.0G 0B 2.0G #没加前容量为2Groot@debian:~# swapon /dev/sdb1 #使新添加的swap⽣效root@debian:~# free -h #查看添加完后的容量 total used free shared buff/cache availableMem: 2.0G 250M 1.4G 8.5M 311M 1.6GSwap: 3.0G 0B 3.0G #添加完容量变成了3Groot@debian:~#-------------------------------------------------------------------4、Linux swapon命令参数及⽤法swapon 是开启swap,相对的便有⼀个关闭swap的指令,swapoffswapon [选项] [设备]-h 显⽰帮助信息-V 显⽰版本信息-v 显⽰详细模式-s 显⽰swap的使⽤情况,可以查看所有激活的swap-a 将/etc/fstab⽂件中所有设置为swap的设备启⽤-p 设定优先权,你可以在0到32767中间选⼀个数字给他。
c语言swap用法 -回复

通过此操作,变量a将拥有变量b 的值,而变量b将拥有变量a的值。
1. 使用指针方式进行Swap操作:使用指针方式进行Swap操作有助于我们直接修改变量的值,而不需要创建临时变量。
下面是使用指针方式进行Swap操作的示例代码:c#include <stdio.h>void swap(int *a, int *b){int temp = *a;*a = *b;*b = temp;}int main(){int x = 5, y = 10;printf("Before swap: x = d, y = d\n", x, y);swap(&x, &y);printf("After swap: x = d, y = d\n", x, y);return 0;}在这个例子中,我们定义了一个swap函数,它接收两个指针作为参数。

swap的用法总结大全swap这个词在汉语中有多个含义和用法,下面是swap的各种用法的总结:1. 交换:swap可以表示两个物体或者人之间的交换,包括位置、角色、任务等。
例如: - 我们可以swap一下座位,你坐我后面。
- 他们两个swap了职务,现在彼此的工作变了。
2. 交易:swap可以表示进行交易,特别是指按照协议或者计划进行的交易。
例如:- 我们可以用你的画换我自己的书,进行一次swap。
- 他们决定swap他们之间的房屋。
3. 换取:swap可以表示以某种方式换取其他事物。
例如:- 我们可以使用积分来swap一些福利品。
- 我们打算swap一些无用的家具来换取一些新的。
4. 换算:swap可以表示进行换算或者转换。
例如:- 这个软件可以帮你swap不同的货币。
- 我们可以将数据从一个单位swap成另一个单位。
5. 掉换顺序:swap可以表示改变事物的次序或者位置。
例如:- 我们需要swap一下这些句子的顺序,使得逻辑更加清晰。
- 他决定swap他的原计划,先完成后面的部分。
6. 探亲换位:swap可以表示两个亲属、朋友之间进行探亲换位。
例如:- 我和我的朋友计划明年进行一次swap,我去她的城市,她来我的城市。
7. 讨债:swap可以表示还钱或者补偿。
例如:- 我们需要尽快swap借款,以免产生更多的利息。
- 我们要把这个坏掉的东西swap还给对方。
8. 切换:swap可以表示切换到其他的状态或者模式。
例如:- 你可以通过按下这个按钮来swap到手动模式。
- 我们可以通过改变设置来swap到夜间模式。
swap3概念 -回复

Swap3的实施步骤:1. 创建学习小组:将学生分成小组,每个小组由不同年级和不同学科的学生组成。
2. 设计学习任务:教师根据教学目标和学生的需求设计学习任务。
3. 角色交换:每个小组内的学生轮流扮演学生、教师和家长的角色。
4. 学习反思:学生在角色交换后,通过小组讨论和个人反思的方式分享他们的学习体验和收获。

swap的用法和短语例句意思是什么swap有交换;用 ... 作交易等意思,那么你知道swap的用法吗?下面跟着店铺一起来学习swap的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!swap的用法swap的用法1:swap的基本意思是“交换”,指双方各自拿出自己的东西给对方,是非正式用语。
swap的常用短语用作动词 (v.)swap for (v.+prep.)swap round (v.+adv.)swap with (v.+prep.)Swap的网络释义Swap交换; 置换; 互换; 交换,调动(等量齐观),调换;swap order换货单;swap transaction调期交易; 掉期交易; 互惠信贷交易; 换汇交易;credit swap互惠贷款; 信用换汇; 互惠贷款来源:考试大; 信用互换;swap deposit掉期存款; 假美金”;swap的用法例句1. If she ever fancies a job swap, I could be interested.如果她想和别人互换工作,我会很感兴趣的。
2. Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly.下周他们将交换座位,并且以后每周换一次。
3. I'd gladly swap places with mummy any day.什么时候让我和妈妈交换角色我都愿意。
4. I've finished this magazine. Can I swap with you?这本杂志我看完了。
我能跟你交换一下吗?5. a swap meet for collectors of Star Trek memorabilia《星际迷航》纪念品收藏者交流会6. I will swap you my bicycle for your radio.我想拿我的自行车换你的收音机.7. This comic was a swap that I got from Nick.这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的.8. They will swap posts in a year's time, according to new party rules which rotate the leadership.根据轮流担任领导的新政党章程,他们在一年后会轮换职位。

1.SWAP的概念与含义SWAP,全称“Study With A Pal”,意为“与朋友一起学习”,是一种基于互联网的线上交换平台。

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more companies to exchange cash flows in the future. The agreement defines the dates when the cash flows are to be paid and the way in which they are to calculated. A forward contract can be viewed as a simple example of swap which exchange cash flows on just one future date. In most cases, the two companies will exchange cash flows for many times in the future, so a swap also can be viewed as a portfolio of a series of forward contracts.
late 1970s.During that period, currency traders developed currency swaps in order to escape from British exchange control. Its embryos are parallel loan(平行贷款) and back-to-back loan(背对背贷 款). In 1981,the Salomon Brothers Company promote a swap agreement between IBM and World Bank and this is known as a landmark in the development of swap market. The first interest rate swap emerged in London,1981,and is introduced to the America in 1982.From that time, swap market was developing rapidly.
€220,500 (4.9%) A $275,000 (5.5%) B
$300,000 (6%)
A Bondholders
Net effect: A’s interest payments consist of
€220,500 and $25,000.
15 September, Five Years Later
$10 million A €9 million B
$10 million
A Bondholders
Net effect: A pays off its bondholders and Terminates its swap.
of Swaps
The origin of swap market can be dated back to the
Example (Currency Swap): A issues a five-year $10 million bond at a rate of 6 percent. It then enters into a swap with B in which B will make payments to A in U.S. dollars at a fixed rate of 5.5 percent and A will make payments to B in euros at a fixed rate of 4.9 percent each 15 March and 15 September for five years. The payments are based on a notional principal of 10 million in dollars and 9 million in euros. Assume the swap starts on 15 September of the current year.
Outline of Swaps
1.Definition of financial swaps.
There are three kinds of swaps:(1) exchange of
interest rate is known as interest rate swap.(2) exchange of currencies is known as currency swap.(3)exchange of both interest rate and currency is known as cross-currency interest rate swap.
Part 3 Swaps
6 Review of swaps Chapter 7 Swaps pricing and risk analysis Chapter 8 Application of swaps
Chapter 6 Review of Swaps
Definition of financial swaps A financial swap is an agreement between two or
Interest Rate Swap (IRS) is a kind of swap in which the two companies agree to exchange cash flows on the basis of same nominal seed capital of same currency. If the cash flows of one company is calculated according to a floating rate selected in advance and the cash flows of other company is calculated according to a fixed rate, then the swap is called coupon swap (plain vanilla interest rate swap). If the two company exchange interest calculated at different floating rates, then the swap is called basis swap. From the point of time period, the common periods of interest rate swap are 1-year,2-year,3-year,4-year,5year,7-year and 10-year. Sometimes there are also 30year and 50-year swaps.
the swap is composed of the following transactions: 15 September: B pays A €9 million, and A pays B $10 million. Each 15 March and 15 September for five years: B pays A 0.055× (180/360) × $10 million = $275,000; A pays B 0.049 ×(180/360) × €9 million = €220,500 15 September five years after initiation: B pays A $10 million, and A pays B €9 million.
Bank of America
Currency swap is a kind of swap which involves exchanging principal and fixed interest payments in one currency for principal and fixed interest payments in another. A interest rate swap usually does not need to exchange principal and only have to exchange the interest differential. While a currency swap requires the principal amounts in each currency to be exchanged at the beginning and at the end of the life of the swap and the interest amount to be exchanged during the life of the swap.
B prices the swap and quotes a fixed rate of 6.2 percent. The fixed a payments will be made based on a day count of 90/365, and the floating payments will be made based on 90/360. Current LIBOR is 5.9 percent. Therefore, the first fixed payment, which A makes to B, is $25,000,000× (0.062) ×(90/365)=$382,192 The first floating payment, which B makes to A, is $25,000,000× (0.059) ×(90/360)=$368,750
Example(Interest Rate Swap) : Suppose that on 15 December, A borrows money for one year from the Bank of America. The loan is for $25 million and specifies that A will make interest payments on a quarterly basis on the 15th of March, June, September, and December for one year at the rate of LIBOR plus 25 basis points. At the end of the year, it will pay back the principal. A believes that it is getting a good rate, but fearing a rise in interest rates, it would prefer a fixed-rate loan. Suppose it approaches B and requests a quote on a swap to pay a fixed rate and receive LIBOR, with payments on the dates of its loan payments.