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GY T 350

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GY/T 350.2—2021
考虑到规范内容、应用对象和场景不同,《网络视听收视大数据技术规范》分为总体要求、数据元 素集和接口3个部分。
《网络视听收视大数据技术规范 第1部分:总体要求》规定了网络视听收视大数据数据采集、数 据处理平台、数据开放和服务、数据服务安全等方面的要求,适用于网络视听收视大数据系统和业务的 规划、设计、实施、升级改造和运行维护。
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Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本

唐顿庄园第四季第六集热吐司不是该先端给我吗黛西Shouldn't the hot toast come to me first, Daisy?抱歉卡森先生Sorry, Mr Carson.为什么阿尔弗雷德有特殊待遇Why is Alfred getting special treatment?那怎么会呢I'm sure he's not.为什么给他特殊待遇Why is he getting special treatment?还能为什么因为他要继续待在这儿了Why do you think? Because he's staying here with us.真好Oh, this is nice.奈皮尔先生和布雷克先生过几天要来Mr Napier and Mr Blake are coming up in a few days.他问我是不是真的希望他们留宿He asks if I'm serious about their staying here.那您希望吗And are you?当然了他们能帮上忙Certainly. They could be useful.他们在写一个报告They're writing a report关于我们这种庄园衰落的原因on why estates like this are going wrong.-您不认为唐顿也在衰落吧小姐 -不- But you don't think Downton's going wrong, do you, My Lady? - No. 但确认一下总是好事But I wouldn't mind having it confirmed.你最近气色好多了You seem brighter lately.问题解决了吗Have things sorted themselves out?还没完全解决但是好多了Not quite, but it's better. Yes.那你搬回农舍了吧And you've moved back into the cottage.是的小姐I have, My Lady.好吧你显然不打算告诉我到底是怎么了Well, you're obviously not going to tell me what it was about. 但如果解决了我很高兴But I'm glad if it's resolved.没有我的吗Nothing for me?恐怕没有Afraid not.这可真够棘手的This is a fine kettle of fish, I must say.你哈罗德舅舅陷入困境了Your Uncle Harold is in a proper fix.怎么了他又干什么了Why? What's he done this time?石油租约出了什么问题Something to do with oil leases.-哈罗德舅舅是谁 -柯拉的哥哥- Who's Uncle Harold? - Cora's brother.我一直觉得他别无长处但挺有生意头脑呢I always think him rather good at business, if nothing else.但他这次似乎是看走眼了But it seems he's backed a very lame horse this time.他为什么来找您Why is he bothering you with it?我也不太确定I'm not entirely sure.那是什么What's that?塔姆沃思猪[英国肉用猪]的事It's about the Tamworths.我们在唐伊阁也有塔姆沃思猪We had Tamworths at Duneagle.爸爸非常看好它们Daddy swears by them.这对我们是新事物It's a new thing for us.我们之前没怎么养过猪We haven't done much with pigs before.您不是答应了吗I thought you were convinced.我是答应了但有点紧张总可以吧I am. But... I'm allowed to be nervous.密集农作可是一大步Intensive farming's a big step.八点半了我得走了Half past eight. I must skedaddle.给你一便士说说你在想什么Penny for your thoughts.你不会想知道的You'd pay twice that not to know them.-如果我能做什么... -我知道- If there was anything I could do... - I know.这不怪你怪我It's not your fault, it's mine.你丈夫好瞎想Your husband is a brooder.-就爱闷头想 -那就想想我吧- And brooders brood. - Then brood about me?我在给鱼蛋奶酥做醍鱼酱I'm making anchovy sauce for the fish souffle.你想看看吗Do you want to watch?没事不用了No, you're all right.他心思已经不在这儿了His heart's not in it any more.我看不会Oh, I think it is.但如果你摔了一跤But when you fall off a horse,总需要点时间才能爬起来you need a bit of time to get back in the saddle.-柯拉表亲 -你直接叫我柯拉吧- Cousin Cora? - I think you can call me Cora now.-我对罗伯特表亲可不敢 -对我可以- I wouldn't dare with Cousin Robert. - You must dare with me. 有什么事吗How can I help?我想告诉您I... I wanted to tell you that他的生日惊喜我安排好了I've settled the surprise. For his birthday.既然你不肯告诉我是什么Since you won't tell me what it is,我也没什么好说的挺好I don't know what to say. Good?是这样Well, the thing is...我需要卡森帮忙保密您说他会同意吗I need Carson to keep the secret. Do you think he will?就白天而已直到晚饭后It's only on the day. And it's only till after dinner.要保守秘密就找休斯太太吧Mrs Hughes is the one for a secret.对了没错Yes. That's true.而且到时需要她照应一下And it'll be she who has to deal with it.又来信了老夫人The second post, Your Ladyship.谢谢斯普拉特Thank you, Spratt.雕刻坠子不是你拿走的吧You haven't taken the netsuke carving from here?你知道我是说哪个吧象牙渔夫雕像You know the one I mean? The little ivory fisherman.我知道但我没碰过它I know it, but I've not touched it.没拿去清洗或是修理什么的吗Not to wash it or mend it or something?-没有 -最近还有谁进过这房♥间- No. - And who else has been in this room in the last day or so? 女仆们进来过还有佩格先生The maids, of course. And young Pegg.他是来给盆栽植物浇水的He was watering the pot plants.-但贝蒂当时也在 -一直看着吗- But Betty was with him. - Watching all the time?没有她在打扫但我觉得不能怪她Well, no. She was cleaning. But... I wouldn't want her blamed.我不怪她Oh, I wouldn't blame her.你知道那个坠子非常珍贵You know, of course, the netsuke is very valuable.小件东西就这点不好That's the risk with little things.要放进口袋太容易了They fit into a pocket easily.我觉得很多东西都能放进这个人的口袋I have a feeling most things would fit into this particular pocket.-谢谢你斯普拉特 -夫人- Thank you, Spratt. - My Lady.-我们得把总额算对 -积累财富需要好好计划- We have to get the sums right. - We must speculate to accumulate. 挺有美国人的腔调啊So speaks the American half of you.-你真的要去美国吗 -别担心- Will you really go to America? - Don't worry.养猪的事运作起来之前我不会走的I won't go until the pig business is up and running.我们可以帮你结交很多人We can give you masses of introductions.首先是我外婆和哈罗德舅舅Grandmamma and Uncle Harold, for a start.老爷今天收到了一封他的来信Lord Grantham got a letter from him today.不是什么好消息It wasn't good news.不用担心可能是说游艇搁浅了I shouldn't worry. It only means a yacht's gone aground.或是哪个姑娘回娘家了Or a girl's gone back to mother.好像不是那种事That's not what it sounded like.好了我去把车开过来Right. I'll get the car.有什么要报告的吗Anything to report?肯定不是什么大事It's nothing...I'm sure.不过罗斯小姐好像But Lady Rose seems to要休斯太太帮她隐瞒什么秘密have some secret she wants Mrs Hughes to keep.这样才对嘛That's more like it.是什么秘密What secret?我不知道应该不是大事I don't know. It'll be nothing.我得把这个拿上楼了Now. Must take this up.你被解雇了这么快You were dismissed?! From one minute to the next?梅里先生找到我Mr Maley came over.说不再需要我了就这样Said I wasn't needed no more. And that was that.太过分了It's disgraceful!就没有挽回的余地了吗Is there nothing you can do about it?没有可我不明白No. But I don't understand it.我把花房♥照看得不错I had a good touch with the greenhouses.也好好给室内植物浇了水I did all the house plants.我觉得自己干得不错I was working well. I know I was.我相信你我一定把这事问个清楚I'm sure. I'll see if I can get to the bottom of it.非常感谢您夫人I'm very grateful, Your Ladyship.别叫我夫...算了I'm not your la- Oh, never mind.一支乐队A band?!别让其他人知道No-one must know.趁晚餐时把地毯铺上布置好一切We'll get the carpets rolled up and everything set during dinner.这样老爷走出餐厅时惊喜就在他眼前So that when His Lordship walks out of the dining room, there it is. 我们得把乐队藏到那时候吗And we're to hide them until then?藏什么呀Hide them?待在你这里不就得了You just have to keep them with you.老爷又不会到楼下来His Lordship won't come down here.那我还得给他们准备食物和床铺一共多少人So I have to find them food and beds. How many are there?大概是六个我会确认一下的Six, I think. But I'll check.夫人知道这事对吧And Her Ladyship knows about it?她不知道是乐队我也想给她一个惊喜Well, not that it's a band, because it's a surprise for her too.不过她知道我准备了惊喜But she knows that there is a surprise而且你在协助我and that you're helping me with it.好我尽力而为吧Very well. I'll see what I can do.有劳你了Thank you.罗斯小姐怎么会到楼下来啊I wondered why Lady Rose was down here.恐怕你的好奇心得不到满足了And I'm afraid you will continue to wonder.搞得这么神秘兮兮呀休斯太太That's very mysterious, Mrs Hughes.你是知道我的巴罗先生You know me, Mr Barrow.一向神秘莫测A woman of mystery, if ever there was one.反正她的秘密也不关我们的事Well, her secret won't affect us.你怎能这么肯定呢How can you be so sure?这下我可真担心了Now you have got me worried.那还真是抱歉巴罗先生I am sorry to hear that, Mr Barrow.不过我得去忙了But now you must let me get on.我只知道All I know is this.佩格一进我房♥间我的裁纸刀就不见了I find Pegg in this room and my paper knife is gone.他再进来一次He comes into the room again一个珍贵的日本吊坠也不见了and a very valuable piece of Japanese netsuke is missing.这个玩意那个玩意眼中只有它们Things. Things. Things!我有点不明白你的立场I don't understand your position.难道他偷我的东西还有道理了吗Are you saying he's justified in stealing my possessions?还是你不相信是他偷的Or do you not believe he took them?我觉得你把这些身外之物看得太重要I'm saying you put too much importance on material objects-反而忽略了正义 -是吗- and not enough on justice. - Oh, really?你怎么不把庄园一把火烧了围着它跳舞I wonder you don't just set fire to the abbey and dance round it, 脸上涂上迷彩嘴里喊着号♥子painted with woad and howling要是这样有好处我说不定会的I might, if it would do any good.要这么说Ah. Well --对不起打扰您老夫人 -不用道歉- I beg your pardon, Your Ladyship. - No. Don't apologise.我倒希望有个人能帮帮腔I'm glad to have an ally in the room.这是在贝蒂打扫用的水桶里找到的This was found in Betty's cleaning bucket.应该是不小心卷进去了她刚刚才找到It must've rolled in there, and she's just found it.多谢多谢了Thank you, thank you.这下我放心了I'm very relieved.是放心还是恼羞成怒Relieved? Or irritated我可以退下了吗老夫人If that will be all, My Lady?-你要道歉吗 -当然不会- Aren't you going to say you're sorry? - Certainly not.他也许没有偷这个He may not have taken this,但也可能是趁我们不注意or he may have sneaked it把它偷偷放进了女仆的桶里into the maid's bucket when we weren't looking.你是多讨厌犯错啊How you hate to be wrong.不知道啊我不怎么熟悉犯错的感觉I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with the sensation.-那你是打算固执己见了 -很抱歉- So you're determined to dig in your heels. - I am sorry.但无论他是否拿了这个刀肯定是他拿的But whether or not he took this, he certainly took the knife. 这件事我不想再多说什么了That is all I have to say on the subject.伊迪丝Edith.出什么事了Whatever's the matter?迈克尔不知去向了Michael's vanished into thin air.谁也没有他的消息谁也找不到他Nobody's heard from him, no-one can reach him.我相信只是通讯不畅的缘故I'm sure it's just a failure of communication.如果真发生了什么事我们会知道的If anything had happened, we'd've heard.也许吧Maybe.我只祈求他能接电♥话♥I just wish to God he'd pick up the telephone.他会的过来He will. Come on.我们该去更衣了We ought to get changed.最后两封信一封我的...Last post. One for me and er...一封你的阿尔弗雷德one for you, Alfred.我得到了是丽兹酒店寄来的I've got it! It's from The Ritz.有一个中选者得到了一份工作One of the chosen candidates has got a job退出了培训课程我可以按顺序顶上and dropped out of the course. And I was next.我是第五名瞧见了吗吉米I was fifth. See, Jimmy?我是第五名I was the fifth.我从没说你不是I never said you weren't.他们录取了你是吧So, they want you, do they?是的我得补点课了但我不介意Yes. I'll have some catching up to do, but I don't mind that. -阿尔弗雷德我真为你高兴 -我们都是- Alfred, I'm so pleased for you. - We all are.-没错 -非常感谢你们- That's right. - Thank you very much.你什么时候走When do you go?尽快吧尽量少缺课免得落后太多As soon as I can. The less I miss, the less I'm behind.但还是要看卡森先生怎么安排But it's up to Mr Carson.我可不想挡你的路阿尔弗雷德Oh, I've no wish to stand in your way, Alfred.有詹姆斯和巴罗先生能应付得来I'm sure I can manage with James and Mr Barrow.那我可以走了吧现在So I can go! Now?等明天吧我们应该告诉主人一家Wait until tomorrow. We ought to let the family know.你不打算祝贺他吗黛西Aren't you going to congratulate him, Daisy?黛西去厨房♥把水壶烧上Daisy, run to the kitchen and put the kettle on.那个就放在这儿吧You can leave that there.如果你有什么要洗的今晚交给我吧If you need anything washing through, give it to me tonight. 还有我我们会帮你收拾整齐And me. We'll get you shipshape.如今梦想成真我感觉好紧张I'm quite nervous now what's happened.有什么好紧张的What's there to be nervous about?你感到紧张是因为你很聪明阿尔弗雷德You're nervous because you're intelligent, Alfred.只有笨蛋才莽撞无畏Only stupid people are foolhardy.-我非常抱歉黛西 -是吗- I'm ever so sorry, Daisy. - Are you?你不就是那个把他逼走的人When you're the one that's driven him away?你怎么会这么想How do you make that out?因为你想要吉米而不是他Because you wanted Jimmy and not him and所以他不得不走that's why he were forced to go.-他知道的 -好了姑娘们- He knew that. - Come on, girls.擦干眼泪准备晚餐Dry your tears and let's get on with the dinner.艾薇过来打鸡蛋Ivy, come and beat these eggs.你回来了You're back.我以为你一定是错过了最后一班火车呢I thought you must've missed the last train.没有但也就刚刚赶上No. But I only just caught it.-要吃晚餐吗 -我在餐车上吃了- Do you want some dinner? - I ate in the restaurant car.您在伦敦没待多久啊You weren't very long in London.没有多少事就是给比利·谢菲尔德There wasn't much to do. Just sign some papers为他儿子设的信托基金签署一些文件for a trust Billy Sheffield set up for his son.有什么内容呢What will that entail?主要就是让那孩子少喝酒对他母亲好一些Mainly, telling the boy to drink less and be nicer to his mother. 我们在晚餐时听说阿尔弗雷德要走了We learned at dinner that Alfred's leaving.他终于还是进了丽兹酒店的厨师培训课程He's got a place on the Ritz cookery course after all.很抱歉这样突然离开老爷I'm sorry to cut and run, My Lord.别那么想我们都为你骄傲Don't worry about it. We're proud of you.等你当了名厨可以一定回来看看You must return one day as a famous chef.既然您回来了老爷我有些话要说Now you're back, My Lord, there's something I wanted to say. 我在这个家中承蒙大家关照I've been well treated in this house我想告诉大家我非常感激and I want you all to know that I'm very grateful.谢谢你阿尔弗雷德Thank you, Alfred.卡森先生待我不薄...Mr Carson has been a kind...更令我受教良多...and wonderful teacher.再说下去我们就要哭了Much more and we shall all burst into tears.抱歉老爷I'm sorry, My Lord.好了阿尔弗雷德继续干活儿吧Come along, Alfred. Let's get back to work.我的生日晚宴准备得如何了How's my birthday dinner coming on?您怎么知道晚宴的事How do you know about the dinner?寇德赫斯一家昨天打来说他们很乐意出席The Coldhursts rang yesterday and said they'd love to come.我们不是都发誓保密的吗Weren't we all sworn to secrecy?天啊人真是靠不住God! People are so hopeless.无所谓少点惊喜我也一样高兴I don't mind. It won't spoil it if it's not a surprise. Not for me.也许还是会有惊喜的There may still be a surprise.那我拭目以待了So I should hope.明天怎么样我知道你会喜欢的So, what about tomorrow? I know you'd enjoy it.你们准备去看什么What are you going to see?《沙漠情酋》The Sheikh.我很喜欢鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺[《沙漠情酋》的主演]I like that Rudolph Valentino.看到他我就激动得发抖Ooh! He makes me shiver all over.想想都觉得别扭What a very disturbing thought.我们去约会吧服侍他们换好衣服就走Let's us go for a date. We could leave when we've dressed them 在他们睡觉之前赶回来and be back in time to put them to bed.玛丽小姐不会介意的Lady Mary wouldn't mind.-好不好 -我们好久没出去吃饭了- Why not? - It's been a long time since we went out to dine.-太久了 -是啊- Too long. - I quite agree.你明早要给莫斯利先生捎个信吗Will you send a message to Mr Molesley in the morning?-为什么 -阿尔弗雷德要走了啊- Why should I? - Because Alfred's going?-怎么 -您不去找他来帮忙吗- So? - Won't you need him now?我确实缺一个男仆但莫斯利先生I'll need a new footman, yes. But Mr Molesley has,已经错失了良机as the saying goes, had his chance and missed it.不是吧他上次还答应要来呢You don't mean that. Not when he agreed to come last time.的确同意了但好像是威廉二世退位一样Yes, he agreed. Much as Kaiser Bill agreed to abdicate.满心不情愿With the greatest possible reluctance.-可是... -抱歉休斯太太- But surely - I'm sorry, Mrs Hughes.阿尔弗雷德今晚向这个家以及我Young Alfred gave thanks tonight for the courtesy对在这儿受到的礼遇和照顾and kindness he has received here,表示了由衷的谢意both from the family and from me.这才是我想看到的感激And that is what I like to see. Gratitude.我不要心不甘情不愿来干活儿的人I don't want someone who has to be dragged into the house by his heels. 但莫斯利先生毕竟遭受了...Yes, but Mr Molesley has had a lot to很多打击A lot to put up with.但谁能不遭受打击呢帕特莫太太We've all had a lot to put up with, Mrs Patmore.但跟不想留在这儿的人一起工作And it is not made easier by working with people只会让人难受who don't want to be here.可能比你想的要糟It may be worse than you think.如果他们又要开始解雇人了我可不会觉得意外It won't surprise me if they are getting ready to lay some people off.这和罗斯小姐有什么关系Why would that concern Lady Rose?不清楚Not sure.但休斯太太似乎觉得我们都会受影响But Mrs Hughes seems to think we could all be affected.你得多调查一下You've got to find out more.-怎么查 -你会想出办法的- But how? - You'll think of something.明天我来安排订个特别的餐馆I'll arrange something tomorrow. Book somewhere special. 就照你的意思If you like.我知道我们回不到从前了I know it can't be the same as it was.我不想自欺欺人I don't deceive myself about that.但我想创造一些新的回忆But I want to make some new memories.美好的回忆Good memories.这样才不会觉得幸福都在过去So it's not as if all our happiness was before.只要看着你...我就很幸福I'm happy...whenever I look at you.这不是真的吧But you're not, are you?一切都被阴影笼罩了Everything is shadowed.过去的一切都盖上了一层阴影Every moment we share is shadowed.你说得对You're right.就这一晚上Let's have...one evening...我们不去想这事把它抛在脑后when we don't think about it. We leave it all behind.谢谢你Thank you.今晚我要在敲锣前更衣Tonight, I'll change before the gong.我得去开个委员会议I have a committee meeting,然后我们要去个可怕的酒店吃饭and then we're all dining together in some frightful hotel. 我大概六点出发I should leave around six.您打算穿什么夫人What will you wear, My Lady?我不想冒犯他们Well...I don't want to insult them.我得穿得有点诚意I should look as if I've tried.优雅但有分寸我懂了Elegant, but sensible. I know.你安排吧谢谢I'll let you choose. Thank you.-别忘了写信回来 -祝你好运- Don't forget to write. - And good luck.我就知道你会心想事成的I know you'll get what you want.是吗我也不总能如愿Do you? Cos I don't always.记住你一点不比那些法国人差Just remember, you're as good as any Frenchman.我才不管他们怎么说I don't care what they say.你要走了衷心祝你好运Ah, you're off. Well...all the luck in the world.别做什么我不会做的事Don't do anything I wouldn't do.这岂不是在鼓励人惹事吗That gives you a bit of leeway-黛西呢 -在厨房♥呢- Where's Daisy? - In the kitchen.-好了车在等你了 -我还得...- Right. There's a car waiting to take you. - I've just got to... -我要走了 -那再见了- I'm off! - Goodbye, then.黛西如果我伤害了你对不起Daisy, I'm sorry if I've hurt you.你是个好姑娘You're a good person.将来谁能娶到你是他的福气You're gonna make someone very happy one day,但恐怕那个人不会是我but, it were never gonna be me.祝你好运真心的Good luck. I mean it.你工作勤奋目标明确You work hard and you know what you want.我希望你一切顺利阿尔弗雷德I hope you do well, Alfred.我相信你会的I think you will.阿尔弗雷德走吧没时间了Alfred? Come along. We've not a minute to lose.谢谢黛西你的祝福对我意义重大Thank you, Daisy. That means a lot to me.非常重大An awful lot.谢谢您卡森先生Ah. Thank you, Mr Carson.早安夫人Good morning, ma'am.恐怕老夫人刚走呢I'm afraid you just missed Her Ladyship.而且她一时半会儿回不来She'll be gone some time.真可惜谢谢你What a shame. Thank you.我的天Oh, my goodness.我头有点晕I feel a bit dizzy.-我能进去坐会儿吗 -当然夫人请进- Might I sit down for a moment? - Of course, ma'am. Please come in. 我给您倒杯水吧May I fetch you a glass of water?不了谢谢斯普拉特No. Thank you, Spratt.我只想安静地坐一会儿I just need to sit quietly for a few minutes.好的夫人有什么吩咐就摇铃Certainly, ma'am. Please ring if you need anything.找到了Eureka!谢谢你的招待我感觉好多了You've been kind. But I'm feeling much better.那...我就走了So...I'll be on my way.老夫人回来后有劳把这个给她Would you give this to Lady Grantham on her return?我在我坐的椅子里面发现的I found it down the side of the chair I was sitting in.她一定会高兴的之前弄丢了她很伤心She will be pleased. She was very upset at its loss.但愿她会高兴I hope she'll be pleased.虽然我看未必会I'm not certain that she will.不过但愿如此But I hope so.莫斯利先生Mr Molesley.有什么事吗What can I do for you?我今早去了车站I was at the station this morning.我们...在外面铺碎石We're...we're renewing the gravel out front.然后我碰到了阿尔弗雷德And erm...I ran into young Alfred.-他要去伦敦了 -是的- He's off on his way to London. - Yes.那么既然他还是走了我想So er...as he is going after all, I thought...我应该再来表明一下我愿意回到唐顿I'll look in to confirm my willingness to...return to Downton. 莫斯利先生我很高兴Mr Molesley. I'm glad you are,你..."愿意"as you put it, willing.但我感觉这个词并不能表达But I cannot feel the word expresses我想在新男仆身上看到的热情the kind of enthusiasm I am looking for in a new footman.-什么 -我们上次谈及此事时- What? - When we last discussed it,你明确表示you made it quite clear that you你不想屈就低级职位didn't wish to plunge down the ladder of preferment.我愿意的I was willing to.尽管你这么说但我不想伤你自尊As you keep saying, But I don't want to humiliate you.你觉得你理应得到更好的职位You feel you're meant for better things.这我不反对And I won't contradict you.遗憾的是我们这里没有更高的职位可以提供Unfortunately, we have no higher place to offer in this house. 我知道但我说了I know. But I said...你很有骨气而我为此敬重你And you have your pride... and I respect you for it.不送莫斯利先生Good day, Mr Molesley.卡劳利夫人和克拉克森医生来了Mrs Crawley and Dr Clarkson, your Ladyship.何事有劳两位大驾光临Oh. To what do I owe this treat?老夫人既然您已经更衣准备就餐了Lady Grantham, you've already changed for dinner.那...我们明天再来吧We'll erm... we'll come back tomorrow.别走我的好奇心可忍♥不到明天No. My curiosity would not brook such a delay.斯普拉特把裁纸刀给你了吗Did Spratt give you the paper knife?-给了 -那么很显然不是佩格拿的- Yes. - Then it's quite clear that Pegg did not steal it.还是你又要说他发现自己惹麻烦了Or are you going to argue now that he sneaked it back in here 所以又把它偷偷放回来when he realised what trouble he was in?这个嘛...Well...也可以这么想It's a thought.多可鄙的想法啊But a despicable one.还要我怎么说才能What can I say to persuade让你不这么蛮不讲理you out of your injustice and stubbornness?-你还看不到你做了什么吗 -好了...- Can't you see the damage you do? - Now...少说几句吧卡劳利夫人Hold your horses, Mrs Crawley.也听老夫人说两句Lady Grantham has a right of reply.谢谢克拉克森医生Oh, thank you, Dr Clarkson.如果你能等一会儿再教训我...Now, if you will put up your cudgels for a moment...斯普拉特Oh, Spratt.园丁佩格先生把蔬菜带来了吗Has the young gardener Pegg brought in the vegetables yet?-什么 -他现在在厨房♥ 夫人- What? - He's in the kitchen now, My Lady.请他进来Please ask him to step in here.到客厅来吗夫人Into the drawing room, Your Ladyship?让他把靴子脱了进来如果这样能让你好受些Well, ask him to remove his boots, if that will soothe your nerves. -我不明白 -当然如果你想弄明白- I don't understand. - No. If you wish to understand things,就得先摒弃自己的偏见并学会倾听别人you must come out from behind your prejudice and listen.- 夫人您叫我 -是的- Your Ladyship? - Yes.你能向卡劳利夫人解释下Could you give an account to Mrs Crawley今天下午的事吗of what transpired between us this afternoon?什么意思夫人I'm...sorry, My Lady?把我跟你说的告诉她Tell her what I said to you.夫人召我来我就来了Her Ladyship sent for me. So I came.她说把我当成小偷是个误会She said she'd been mistaken in saying that I were a thief,她现在知道事实不是这样就让我恢复了工作which she knew now to be untrue. She gave me my job back.说她很抱歉问可否原谅她Said she was sorry and... asked if I could forgive her.-你原谅了她 -当然医生- Which you have. - I certainly have, Doctor.谢谢你可以走了Thank you. You may go.走吧Out. Come on.怎么样Well?好吧...Well...我看这局是老夫人胜了I'd say that was game, set and match to Lady Grantham.你们要在奈瑟比酒店吃饭You're dining at The Netherby?我知道真了不得是不是小姐I know. It's quite something, isn't it, My Lady?我们结婚之后就再也没出去吃过饭了I don't think we've eaten in a hotel since before we were married. 您不介意吧You don't mind, do you?当然不介意别急着回来Not at all. And don't rush back.我自己可以更衣睡觉It won't kill me to get myself to bed.我会回来的您别担心I'll be back, don't you worry.我有没有告诉过你奈皮尔先生Did I tell you that Mr Napier和布雷克先生会来吃晚饭and Mr Blake will be here in time for dinner为老爷祝寿on his Lordship's birthday?场面肯定不好看Rather a baptism of fire.他们会待多久How long are they going to stay?我不清楚I'm not sure.他们没定日子It's open-ended.奶奶肯定不会赞同的Which Granny would never approve of.贝茨Bates?好像没有预定I don't seem to have it.你能不能再查一下我们肯定预定了Could you look again? Because we definitely made a reservation.也许你们都觉得对方定了Maybe you each thought the other had done it.-我定的位置 -我们今天晚上客满了- I made the booking. - I'm afraid we're very full tonight.格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人带来了很多客人The Countess of Grantham has a large party with her.格兰瑟姆夫人在这里Lady Grantham's here?我们好些老客是约克郡有头有脸的人物Among our patrons are some of the greatest names in Yorkshire society. -伯爵夫人也在其中 -我们认识她- And the countess is among them. - Yes. We know her.这两个人说他们认识您夫人These people claim to know you, Your Ladyship.-我们没.. -当然我们很熟- Well, we didn't... - I know them both very well indeed.你们今晚要在这里用餐吗安娜You're dining here tonight, Anna?是这打算We were.。



Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗?Lesson 26 The best art critics 最佳美术评论家Lesson 27 A wet night 雨夜Lesson 28 No parking 禁止停车Lesson 29 Taxi! 出租汽车Lesson 30 Football or polo? 足球还是水球?Lesson 31 Success story 成功者的故事Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便Lesson 33 Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗Lesson 34 Quick work 破案“神速”Lesson 35 Stop thief! 捉贼!Lesson 36 Across the Channel 横渡海峡Lesson 37 The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会Lesson 38 Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气Lesson 39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈?Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗?Lesson 42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐Lesson 43 Over the South Pole 飞越南极Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林Lesson 45 A clear conscience 问心无愧Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么?。





















Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

唐顿庄园第四季第五集真不知你为什么总要等我完全没必要I don't know why you always wait for me. There's no need. 因为我想每天早晨第一个跟你打招呼Because I want to be the first to greet you every morning. 我说了没必要Well, as I said... there's no need.有...There's -绝对有必要There's every need.而且我会一直这样And I will keep it up直到你解释清楚我们到底怎么了until you explain to me what has gone wrong between us. 解释什么Explain what?我的生活原本很完美My life is perfect.但在一天之内什么都没了And then, in the space of one day, it is nothing.我需要一个解释To me, that requires an explanation.早安巴克斯特小姐Oh, good morning, Miss Baxter.你们好贝茨先生贝茨太太Hello, Mr Bates, Mrs Bates.-能否请你们帮个忙 -我们尽量- I wondered if you'd help me. - We will, if we can.就是我的缝纫机我房♥间里没有插座It's my sewing machine. I have no sockets in my bedroom. 而缝纫室又在洗衣房♥那边And what with the sewing room being in the laundry wing, 不知道休斯太太I wondered if Mrs Hughes能不能让我在休息室用缝纫机might let me use it in the servants' hall.-我想你该去问问她 -是啊没错- I should ask her, if I were you. - Yes, of course.我这就去I'll do that.你觉得她怎么样What do you make of her?我觉得她不错I think she's nice.所以我很好奇她到底看上托马斯什么Which prompts me to wonder what she sees in our friend Thomas. 有句老话说得好You know the old saying."凡人皆古怪"'There's nowt so queer as folk.'再不赶紧要错过早餐了We'll miss breakfast, if we're not careful.你不介意我们教阿尔弗雷德烹饪吗Are you happy for us to be teaching Alfred to cook?你该去问卡森先生It's Mr Carson you should ask.问我什么Ask me what?厨房♥佣人在帮阿尔弗雷德准备考试About the kitchen staff helping Alfred to train for his test.-他已经被录取了吗 -不还没有- He's been accepted for it, then? - Not yet, no.但他希望能做好准备But he'd like to be ready if he is.我看没问题I suppose it's all right.阿尔弗雷德很勤快这点值得肯定Alfred is a hard worker. I'll give him that.如果他要选择烹饪这条路...And if cooking's his chosen path...很好我只是想确认这不会引起混乱Good. I was just checking I wasn't inciting a revolution.请用夫人There we are... My Lady.该准备的我应该都弄了不过Now, I think I've remembered everything. But...您还是看看我就在这儿等着I'll just stay here while you check.看起来很好不过这是什么It seems perfect, but... What's this?我听说美国人早餐常喝橙汁Well, I know Americans often drink orange juice with breakfast. 我想您会喜欢So I thought you might like it.你真体贴巴克斯特That is so considerate, Baxter.谢谢你Thank you.-早安老爷 -早安- Good morning, My Lord. - Good morning.你看起来很高兴You look very jovial.巴克斯特让我想起了过去的时光It's just Baxter reminding me of times gone by.-你喜欢她 -是的谢天谢地- You're pleased with her. - I am, thank heaven.你今天怎么样So what's your day looking like?汤姆和玛丽让我去一下书房♥Tom and Mary have summoned me to the library.说他们有个想法They have an idea.希望你不会反对他们的想法I hope it's not something you're going to fight about.这要我怎么说我都不知道是什么呢How can I answer that when I don't know what it is?你的意思是So what you are saying is如果我们为这孩子找个工作if we find a job for the boy,对他母亲将意义重大it'll make a difference to his mother.那是当然Oh, a big difference.如果你真想帮助佩格太太If you really want to help Mrs Pegg,这可比喝茶和同情this will be of more practical use更有实际意义than all the tea and sympathy in the world.-可我这里不缺人手了 -我知道- Well, I don't need anyone else here. - I know.但你能不能问问庄园的主管园丁呢But would you talk to the head gardener up at the Abbey?或者和老夫人谈谈Or maybe even talk to Lady Grantham.她对园艺很用心She takes her garden seriously.这不用你说You don't have to tell me that.真遗憾葬礼是什么时候I'm sorry. When's the funeral?明天您会去吗Tomorrow. Will you go?我会的I will.他的祖辈从乔治三世时期就是我们的佃户His forebears have been tenants since the reign of George III.即便如此他有好几年没交租金了Be that as it may, the rent's not been paid for ages.文件也发过了该做个了断了We've served all the papers. It's time to get on with it.你是要中止租约我们自己管理土地You mean, foreclose the lease and farm the land ourselves?这是我们的讨论结果That's what we discussed.真让人难受It's sad, though.都在这家人手里那么长时间了After such a long time in the hands of one family.时代在前进我们必须紧跟时代The world moves on, and we must move with it.你总是这么说So you keep telling me.说到前进我想你已经看过这个了吧Talking of the world moving on, I suppose you've seen this.吉利安姆子爵与已故奥兹维斯顿勋爵的独生女The engagement is announced between the Viscount Gillingham 尊敬的梅布尔·莱恩·福克斯and the Honourable Mabel Lane Fox,宣布订婚only child of the late Lord Osweston.看来我得写封信祝贺他Well, I must... write and congratulate him.那我去了Now...let me get on.但这是电动的你就不怕它自己动起来But it's electric. Aren't you worried it'll run away with itself 把你的手指缝在桌上吗and sew your fingers to the table?-希望不会 -你怎么控制它- I certainly hope not. - How do you operate it?用踏板就在我脚下With a pedal - under my foot.我觉得这东西不该摆在休息室Well I don't think it has any business in a servants' hall.但她房♥间里没有插座But there's no socket in her room.那她可以拿去洗衣房♥用啊But she could take it to the laundry.或者直接扔掉更好Or, better still, chuck it out altogether!帕特莫太太可不怎么喜欢新潮东西Mrs Patmore is not what you'd call a futurist.这我看出来了I think I'd got there already.-安娜 -我忘了点东西- Anna. - I've forgotten something.务必原谅我贝茨先生You must forgive me, Mr Bates.恐怕我让安娜太忙了I'm afraid I'm keeping Anna too busy.你想试试吗Would you like to have a try?安娜Anna?我不明白你为什么要对贝茨先生那么无情I don't know why you must be so hard on Mr Bates.至少现在你知道...不会有孩子At least you know now there'll be... no baby.是的No.那你就不能让这事过去然后...Then, can't you start to get past it and...告诉他点什么吗and tell him something?如果我说谎他一眼就能看出来He'd know if it wasn't the truth.他能看透我就像看一本书一样He sees through me. He can read me like a book. 我希望他能看透你I wish he could read you.然后把你带出这种...阴霾的笼罩And take you out of this... veil of shadows.你不想对他坦诚吗Don't you want to be honest with him?我当然想Of course I do.但是我了解他我知道他会做什么But I know him. I know what he'd do.所以我不能拿他的未来去冒险And I can't risk his future.好吧这是你的秘密不是我的Well...it's your secret and not mine.但我觉得你不该这样But I think it's a mistake.你确定自己很有园艺天赋吗And you're sure you have a feel for gardening? 是的夫人I am, Your Ladyship.不用拘礼叫我卡劳利夫人就行I'm not a ladyship. Just Mrs Crawley.我现在懂的还不多但我是个嫁接工I...I don't know much now. But I'm a grafter.而且我学东西很快And a quick learner.我没法做什么承诺I cannot make promises,但我会尽力帮你找点事做but I will try and find something for you.非常感谢您夫人Thank you very much, Your Ladyship.请送他出去Will you show him out?等他发现我实际上很平凡时He's going to be so disappointed when he finds out一定会非常失望how ordinary I really am.在村民眼里你就是那个家庭的一员You're part of the family. That's how the village sees you.那个家庭可不这么想It's not how the family see me.我看不见得Oh, I'm not so sure about that.格兰瑟姆伯爵和夫人一直都对我很好Lord and Lady Grantham have always been as kind as they can be. 我心存感激但我不是他们的一员And I appreciate it. But I am not one of them.就是这样And that's the end of it.格兰瑟姆伯爵很敬重你Lord Grantham admires you very much.但你非觉得自己不受爱戴才高兴But if it serves you to think yourself unloved,那我说什么也没用了nothing I say will change that.这话可真难听I think that's rather harsh.-格兰瑟姆伯爵 -仪式很好- Lord Grantham. - It was a very good service.你父亲一定会高兴的Your father would've been pleased.谢谢您Thank you.-你住哪 -紫杉农场- Do you have far to go? - I'm staying at Yew Tree Farm.当然Of course.搬的时候跟我们说一声不着急Let us know when you're ready to leave. There's no hurry.可是老爷我不想搬走The thing is, My Lord, I...don't want to move out.我想延续租约I want to take on the tenancy.什么What?如果还可能的话If it's still possible.虽然很遗憾但恐怕是不行I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but I don't believe it is. 我们早发过通知这事已成定局The notices have been served. The case is closed.您是说你们要自己管理那片土地You mean, you want to farm the land yourself.这都定下来了Then it's all settled.德鲁先生没必要把我当成恶工头Mr Drewe, it's no good painting me as Simon Legree. 我们给了你父亲很长时间凑钱We gave your father a long time to get straight.他临终的日子里我们也没追究And left him in peace at the end of his life.他没跟我提过这笔债He never told me about the debt.不然我会尽力帮他还的Or I'd've tried to help him.因为我的祖先Because my ancestors自拿破仑战争时期就在紫杉农场耕种have farmed at Yew Tree since the Napoleonic Wars. 这总该有一定的意义Surely, that's got to mean something.对我来说意义重大It means a great deal to me.那我们能谈一谈吗老爷Then, can we talk about it, My Lord?求您了Please?你愿意的话明天早上过来吧Come tomorrow morning, if you wish.但我觉得没什么用But I can't see what good it will do.别过早拿起来Don't take it off too soon.让它沸腾一下不然味道就不好了Let it bubble a bit, or you'll taste the flour.-这样够了吗 -我觉得够了- So...is this enough? - I'd say so, yeah.把它先放一边去去看看蛋衣Now put it to one side while you check your casings.天啊什么东西那么香My, my. Something smells good.阿尔弗雷德在做♥鸡♥蛋奶酪蛋挞Alfred's making tarts with an egg and cheese filling.满口奶酪香这就做今晚的咸点吧Bouchees de fromage. They could be tonight's savoury. -真的吗 -我觉得没问题- Do you think? - I don't see why not.我去拿鸡蛋I'll fetch the eggs.做得好黛西Well done, Daisy.我很难受帕特莫太太It's very hard, Mrs Patmore.-我觉得我在帮他离开我们 -没错- I feel like I'm helping him to leave us. - And so you are. 他现在既然有这打算就该让他走Which is as it should be, now he's decided to go.下一步怎么做So, what's next?我们要把鸡蛋和奶酪加到白汁里面We'll add egg and cheese to the white sauce,如果帕特莫太太不介意的话if Mrs Patmore doesn't mind.我一点都不介意黛西I don't mind at all, Daisy.你可以帮他弄调味酱You can help him enrich the bechamel.夫人小姐Your Ladyship. My Lady.那是下午的邮件吗有没有我的Is that the afternoon post? Is there anything for me?只有几份给老爷的小姐There's just a couple for His Lordship, My Lady.你在等谁的信吗Were you expecting something?也不是Not particularly.我有段时间没有迈克尔的消息了仅此而已I haven't heard from Michael in a bit, that's all.他应该很忙吧I expect he's busy.你在干什么What have you been up to?我在给托尼·吉利安姆写信I was writing to Tony Gillingham.替我向他问好Give him my regards.就说我们期待与莱恩·福克斯小姐见面Say we look forward to knowing Miss Lane Fox.我很惊讶我以为他很喜欢你I am surprised. I thought he was rather keen on you.你这不是第一次弄错了Not for the first time, you've got the wrong end of the stick. 我以为你是罗伯特Oh. I thought you were Robert.-他从葬礼回来了吗 -还没有吧- Is he back from his funeral? - Not yet, I don't think.趁他不在我们讨论一下他生日怎么过吧While he's not here, shall we discuss his birthday?-他马上就要过生日了吗 -是的- Oh, does he have a birthday soon? - Fairly soon.您有什么计划吗Do you have any plans?只能想到准备点他喜欢吃的Nothing beyond his favourite food.-这没什么特别 -我们开个派对怎么样- It's not a special one. - Why don't we have a party?让我们开心起来小派对就行To cheer ourselves up. A small one.好主意That'll be fun.但梅里可能已经有But Maley may have a candidate他想提拔的接♥班♥人了of his own that he wants to bring forward.也就是说你的确需要人手So, you do need extra help.可能是吧I suppose so.之前的园丁跑去一个大教区了The last boy went off to a frightfully grand rectory.那你就收下佩格先生嘛Then, will you take young Pegg?他给我的印象很好He impressed me so favourably.你头上的光环沉不沉啊You know, I wonder your halo doesn't grow heavy.是不是像一直戴着一顶皇冠It must be like wearing a tiara round the clock.你愿帮他一把吗他母亲会很感激的Will you help him? His mother would be very grateful.我也是And so would I.没错但你的感激来得快去得也快Yes, but your gratitude never seems to last.我还没来得及答应你这个要求下一个又来了I've no sooner said yes than you come back with another request. 你会帮他吗Will you?好吧好吧Very well. Very well.但愿他像你说得那么好But he'd better turn out to be all the things you say he is.这是寄给你的This came for you in the last post.是通知会不会见你的信吗Is that the letter that tells you if they'll see you?应该是I think it must be.伦敦丽兹酒店-打开啊 -快点别吊我们胃口- Well, open it, then. - Oh, go on. Don't keep us in suspense.我太想要这次机会了I want it so much.真不敢想如果没得到要怎么办I can't bear to find out I've not got it.那给我Give it to me, then.-他们同意让你考试 -是吗- Well, they are going to test you. - Oh, they are.但是见鬼了安排在了后天But, by 'eck. It's the day after tomorrow.他们没给你多少准备时间They don't give you much time.这封信十天前就寄出来了一定是半路丢了Oh, this was posted 10 days ago. It must've got lost.他会没事的他知道该怎么做He'll be fine. He knows his stuff.他当然知道不是吗黛西Course he does. Doesn't he, Daisy?是的他知道He does, yeah.怎么了What's this?阿尔弗雷德得到了考试机会丽兹酒店的Alfred's got his test. At The Ritz.-我为你高兴阿尔弗雷德 -安娜- I'm happy for you, Alfred. - Anna...敲锣了That's the gong.别担心贝茨先生她只是烦心事太多了I shouldn't worry, Mr Bates. She's got ever so much on her plate. 谁不是呢Haven't we all?我想在敲更衣锣之前再待十分钟Thought I'd get an extra 10 minutes in before the gong goes.你到是可以帮我一把You can help me with this.茜玻说飓风就快来了Sybbie says there's going to be a hurricane any moment now. 飓风真的吗在约克郡A hurricane? Really? In Yorkshire?所以我们把动物都保护起来了So we're getting all the animals under shelter.当然了保姆呢I'm sure you are. Where's nanny?去洗衣房♥拿衣服了Collecting some clothes from laundry.我说我会陪着他们I said I'd stay with them.我们小时候的保姆可不敢这么悠闲She's so much more relaxed than our nanny ever was. 我的童年和茜玻很不一样My childhood wasn't anything like Sybbie's.跟我的也大相径庭啊Nor mine, God knows.你觉得她现在算过的好吗Do you think she's having a good childhood?我们做的还行吗That we're doing well?我觉得你已经尽力了I think you're doing your best for her...如果你是要问这个的话if that's what you mean.也不全是It isn't quite.我想飓风该来了Oh. I think it's time for the hurricane.-太棒了 -真不错- Oh, bravo! - Very good!她说的对一点不比我差呢She's right. I couldn't have done better myself.把这些端上去说是你做的Now. Take them up and say you cooked 'em.-我不能这么做 -卡森先生可以替你说- I couldn't. - Well, Mr Carson can say it.他们又能怎么样插旗宣告吗And what are they supposed to do? Hang out the flags? -不要嫉妒他的成功 -我才没有- Oh, don't grudge him his success. - I don't.我只是不觉得整天在厨房♥打转有什么好的I just can't see the fun in a life chained to a stove.咸点做好没Are the savouries ready to go up?当然了They certainly are.做的不错I say. Well done.很遗憾你要离开了阿尔弗雷德We'll be sorry to lose you, Alfred.但我相信你能通过考试But I think you'll pass your test.上帝保佑夫人Fingers crossed, My Lady.-考试是什么时候 -后天我早上过去- When is it? - The day after tomorrow. I'm going up in the morning. 祝你顺利Our best wishes go with you.我明天也要过去I'm going up myself tomorrow.晚上就回来去下迈克尔的办公室Just for the day. To visit Michael's office.晚饭前就回来I'll be back for dinner.-一个人吗 -好像是- All alone? - I seem to be.不知道是为什么I don't know why.你和夫人相处的怎么样How are you getting on with Her Ladyship?挺好的Pretty well...I think.美国人习俗赞扬茜玻小姐都做了吗You've done America and praised Lady Sybil?当然了Have I not你说的我都照做了You name it, I've said it.-她会听你的话的 -要的就是这样- She'll be eating out of your hand. - That's the intention.楼下也没有树敌No enemies downstairs neither.奥布瑞恩小姐就犯了这错That was Miss O'Brien's mistake.没人喜欢她有事也都不告诉她Nobody liked her, so nobody told her anything.-他们也不怎么喜欢你 -所以才需要你- They don't like you much. - That's why you're here.弥补我这个过失To rectify that failing on my part.你又搬回大宅了吗Is it true you've moved into the house again?休斯太太这么说的Mrs Hughes said so.这样子我能更好地同时照顾您和夫人It seemed easier when I was looking after Her Ladyship as well as you. 但她现在有人服侍了But she has her own maid now.为什么不回农舍Why not go back to the cottage?还没来得及I haven't got round to it.安娜如果你有困难请你告诉我Anna, if you're in difficulties, I wish you'd tell me.我很好小姐真的I'm not, My Lady. Honestly.我是来道别的谢谢你们的照顾I've come to say goodbye. Thank you for all your help.镇定点保持镇定你就能做得很好Just keep calm. You know enough to do well if you keep calm.祝你好运阿尔弗雷德Very good luck, Alfred.关于伦敦有什么我需要了解的吗Is there anything I ought to know about London?那可太多了亲爱的There's quite a lot you ought to know about London, dear.但现在没时间说了不然你要误了火车了And no time to tell it now or he'll miss his train.今天下午夫人下来的时候This afternoon, when Her Ladyship comes down,你们可不许闲聊I don't want any backchat,一定要让她感到井然有序干净整洁she must see everything is in order, all neat and tidy.你的围裙怎么了What's happened to your apron?怎么了有什么...Why? What should...天哪Oh, my God!怎么了What's up?准是给钉子划了Well...I must've caught it on a nail.我菜还没洗好呢夫人一会儿就下来了My meals are in the wash. And her ladyship's coming down later! 别担心交给巴克斯特小姐去弄吧Oh, don't worry. Miss Baxter'll sort that out.给我Give it here.好吧Right.您不介意和阿尔弗雷德同行吧小姐I thought you wouldn't mind if Alfred rode in the front, My Lady. 他也赶同一趟火车He's catching the same train.我当然不介意Of course I don't mind.我们都愿你好运阿尔弗雷德We all wish you luck, Alfred.多谢小姐I'm going to need it, My Lady.这是他第一次去伦敦It's his first trip to London.很开心吧How exciting.可以这么说吧Exciting's one word for it.你想拿回赎回权并续约You want to reverse the foreclosure and take the lease,但你仍付不清欠款but you still can't pay all the arrears.这提议不是很诱人啊It doesn't seem a very enticing offer.我会付清的不会很久的I'll pay. And it won't take long.即便如此...Even so...我是约克郡人老爷I'm a Yorkshireman, My Lord.这是我的家This is where I belong.我们和卡劳利家共同经营这片土地We've worked this land in partnership with the Crawleys 已有一个多世纪for more than a century.和卡劳利家共同经营In partnership with the Crawleys?我无意冒犯I don't mean to be impertinent.我并不觉得有冒犯I do not hear it as impertinence.我们确实是共同经营We have been in partnership.我们是在和所有租户共同经营We're in partnership with all our tenants.至少应该如此Or, we should be.那么您愿意让我回来吗Then, will you let me come home?我试试吧I'll see what I can do.谢谢老爷Thank you, My Lord.我就在农场I'll be at the farm.德鲁先生Mr Drewe.我想告诉大家I would prefer to report that你打算全额付清欠款you are prepared to repay the arrears in full.你差的钱我替你补上I'll lend you the difference myself.您愿这么帮我You'd do that for me?这最起码得五十英镑It won't be less than 50 pounds.等有了定论我寄张支票给你I'll send a cheque when I'm sure of the outcome.您不会后悔吗You won't regret it?不我想我不会No. I don't think I will.你觉得阿尔弗雷德真能当上大厨吗Do you think Alfred has a chance with his cooking?我觉得岂止有可能I think he's got more than a chance,从帕特莫太太的夸奖就能看出judging by what Mrs Patmore has to say on the subject.因为我有个主意Because I've got an idea或许能一箭双雕that might kill two birds with one stone.我们随时会失去一个男仆We'll be short of a footman any day而莫斯利先生则没有工作and Mr Molesley will be short of a job.我们同时处理这两个问题如何What say we deal with the two problems together?-把两个都解决了 -正是- And solve both. - Exactly.但他会干吗But would he do it?他会干吗Would he do it?他现在又是当修路工又是当送货工When he's been mending roads and delivering groceries,能有这样一份好差事他指定会做and lucky to get even that? I'll say he'll do it.-但愿你是对的 -绝对的- I hope you're right. - I know I am.您就不能先跟我们谈谈再做决定吗You might've talked it over with us before you made up your mind. 但我还没决定But I haven't.我跟他说我们再考虑一下就这样I told him we'd think about it. That's all.在我听来您已决定了Sounds to me as if you've come to a decision.如果我们不尊重过去If we don't respect the past,就更不能创造未来it'll be harder to build our future.-这话你在哪看到的 -我现编的- Where did you read that? - I made it up.-我觉得这话很不错 -相当好- I thought it was rather good. - It's too good.我们最不愿意看到的就是家里出个诗人One thing we don't want is a poet in the family那很糟糕吗Would it be so bad?我唯一熟悉的贵族诗人就是拜伦勋爵The only poet peer I am familiar with is Lord Byron.我想你该知道他的下场吧And I presume you all know how that ended.[拜伦因遭受政客和上流社会排挤而被迫离开英国]那你想让德鲁先生留下喽So, you'd let Mr Drewe stay on.既然他愿意偿还欠款我觉得这样挺好Since he wants to repay the debt, I think it only fair.此外他还提到了我们家族Besides, he talks of the partnership和佃户之间的合作关系我挺喜欢这想法between the farmers and the family, and I like that.-我觉得这么做很好 -反叛女王如是说- Well, I think it's splendid. - Says the queen of the rebels 谢谢Thank you.你也同意吗And you agree,就算他根本无权续租even though he has no right to renew the lease?他在法律上没权利但道义上还是有的No right legally, no. But we think he has a moral right. 只可惜了紫杉农场It's a pity it should be Yew Tree.本来刚好可以填补我们的耕地It would've filled a hole in the land we farm.之前没那块地你不也经营得好好的You've managed without it till now.你还没说你的看法呢You haven't said what you think.-你支持哪一边 -当然是佃户啦- Which side are you on? - The farmer's, of course.我还没把社♥会♥主♥义♥思想全抛下I've not abandoned all my socialism.虽然有时几乎想不起它了Even though it feels like it sometimes.这是绝无仅有的一次我很高兴听你这么说In this one and only instance, I am glad to hear it.-您打算什么时候告诉他 -这事不急- When will you tell him? - There's no tearing rush.我们可以再商量一两天然后由你告诉他We've a day or two to talk it over. And then you can tell him.站在你身旁却默默无语...实在别扭It's strange...standing here next to you in silence.我爱你Because I love you.所以我得明白你为什么不爱我了I want to find out why you don't love me any more.按理说我们谈谈就行了但显然不行You'd think we could talk about it. But apparently not.但我不是...But I don't...我下午要去里彭I'm going into Ripon this afternoon给玛丽小姐买♥♥点东西to get some things for Lady Mary.如果他们问起说我敲锣之前就会回来If they miss me, I'll be back before the gong.至少我知道你在敲锣前会回来At least I know you'll be back before the gong我受不了这速度Ooh! I can't get over the speed of it.看得我头晕I feel quite dizzy watching.我觉得应该看不出补过I don't think it'll show.补过比我买♥♥的时候还好呢Show? It's better than it was before I bought it.太感谢你了Aw! Thanks very much.夫人要下来了Her Ladyship's on her way down.又笼络了一个Another one roped to the chariot得到这份工作我很感激托马斯I'm grateful for this job, Thomas.原因你我心知肚明但你到底打的什么算盘And we both know why. But what's it all about?唐顿将有一番大变化肯定会的Well, there's going to be changes at Downton. There's bound to be. 我同意I'm sure.所以我想知道主子们的计划So I want to know about any plans upstairs.再小的细节我都不想遗漏明白吗Any detail, no matter how small. Understand?之前的贴身女仆也是你的眼线吗Did the other lady's maids keep you informed?没错奥布瑞恩小姐Miss O'Brien, yes.但后来我们闹僵了But we fell out.贝茨太太呢她是我的敌人吗What about Mrs Bates? Is she an enemy?她了解这里的情况She knows what's going on.她算不上敌人但也收买♥♥不了No, she's not an enemy. But she's incorruptible.所以我和她没什么交集So we have nothing in common.她还很沉默She's also silent.我来之后大概就听她说过四个字Shouldn't think I've had four words out of her since I arrived.让大家都信任你对你无话不说Just get them all to trust you... and tell you everything.夫人需要我做什么吗Your Ladyship. How can I help?我下来就是为了劝你I've come down to persuade you.我搞不明白冰块箱哪不好了I just don't see why it's better than an ice box.可电冰箱的效果更好Well, a refrigerator is more efficient.它能让食物保鲜更久It keeps food fresh longer.也不必再让人送冰块来了We won't need ice to be delivered.但报纸杂货还有其他东西But the papers will still be delivered,不也还得让人送吗and the groceries, and all sorts.还是连那些东西也不送了Or are we to stop that too?帕特莫太太Mrs Patmore.这个时代有什么Is there any aspect of the present day是你能欣然接受的吗that you can accept without resistance?夫人Well, My Lady.要是能不♥穿♥束腰就好了I wouldn't mind getting rid of my corset.梅里让你干什么你就干什么You must do everything Maley tells you.知道了夫人I will, Your Ladyship.约翰很愿意学的对吧John is keen to learn. Aren't you?-是的夫人 -好园丁不愁找不到工作- I am, ma'am. - Because there's always work for a good gardener. 你得好好感谢卡劳利夫人You owe your place to Mrs Crawley.我不答应给你这个职位她就不让我走She would not let me go until I'd promised.坚决不松手She would not relax her grip.你把我说的太热情了You make me sound very fervent.打仗都没你这么热情Wars have been waged with less fervour那希望这场仗咱们能赢日安约翰Well, let's hope we win this one. Good day, John.。


益 智 ·知识宝典·
英国ITV电视台打造的古装 年代剧《唐顿庄园》历时五年、 拍完六季,蜚声全球,已成为英 剧典范,也让世界更了解这个民 族。动荡年代中人们如同银河星 屑,纵有身份贵贱之分,在剧中 却无主配角之分,每个人都渺 小得只消几个镜头即可一笔带过 一段生活时光,每个人又都光芒 四射、个体身世命运汇聚而成历 史。楼上楼下、屯内屯外的秘密 与激情,就是恢宏壮丽的海克里 尔城堡(该剧外景地)及其夕阳 下的阴影。
哲 思 ·世相评说·
的驱使下所造成,其所导致的社 会乱象尤其让人痛心疾首。
机,恰巧在这里遇见师父。”原 来是我错怪了他们,可见眼耳见 闻的觉知也不尽然是正确的。所 以即使是知道的事情,我们也不 宜妄下评断。
然而,有许多人不但滥信所 见所闻,连“不知道”的事也想 尽办法去挖掘,不当看的,眼睛 偏要看,结果看出烦恼来;不当 听的,耳朵偏要听,结果听出痛 苦来;不当问的,嘴巴偏要问,
贵族传统 第一季中,大宅上下人人皆
哲 思 ·世相评说·
收徒四十年来,我不曾问 过弟子:“这件事我怎么不知 道?”“为什么没有向我报 告?”我觉得“不知道”很好, 表示他们能承担,我也没烦恼。
有一回,我自美国弘法归 来,在桃园机场出关,远远瞧见 四位徒众向我走来,不禁皱眉, 心想:怎么这么多人来接机?我 还没开口,其中两位徒众见状, 赶紧说道:“我们刚送客人上
平民精神 不同于令人目眩神迷的贵族 生活,剧中以朴素而高贵的平民 角色刻画了英国平民气质。从全 剧开端就浓墨重彩登场的男仆 贝茨大有主角之风——他不卑不 亢、人品高尚,深得伯爵信任; 他冷静睿智、能力出众,常救人 于危难;他和女仆安娜的爱情是 唯一贯穿六季的爱情线,经历重 重磨难最终收获幸福,道出人生 真谛。处于唐顿最底层的黛西 虽然给人愣头愣脑的青涩印象,



《唐顿庄园》第四季剧透(英语学习)《唐顿庄园》第四季剧透热门英剧《唐顿庄园》第四季正在拍摄中,日前有报道称英国演员Daisy Lewis 将加盟该剧饰演鳏夫汤姆-布兰森的孩子Baby Sybil 的保姆,并将于在上季中失去妻子的汤姆-布兰森发展一段感情。

Daisy Lewis 出演《唐顿庄园》的剧照也在日前正式曝光。

知情人透露,Daisy Lewis 饰演的角色目前尚未确定名字,但这个决定与汤姆-布兰森的爱情故事将是第四季的主线,汤姆在第四季中的戏份也会增加。

《唐顿庄园》第四季将于今年9月在英国ITV电视台首播She has so far had minor parts in Doctor Who and detective drama series Lewis.But now Daisy Lewis is set to hit the big time as she joins the cast of hit ITV show Downton Abbey, playing the new love interest of widower Tom Branson.The British actress has been spotted filming alongside Tom Branson over the last couple of days, amid rumours she will become one of theshow’s most prominent characters.Daisy, who’s character is currently unnamed, no doubt feels right at home as she has already starred alongside Maggie Smith and Hugh Bonneville in 2009 feature film From Time To Time, also penned by Julian Fellowes.The actress, who trained at the National Youth theatre, has also had small parts in BBC television shows including Doctor Who, Lewis, After You’ve Gone and Miss Austen Regrets.Speaking about her role a source told The Daily Mirror:‘Daisy will become one of Downton’s most prominent characters. She wowed producers in her audition and they are delighted to have secured such a brilliant young actress.’The source continued: Her romance with Tom will be one of the main storylines of the series. He will begin to develop feelings for her and they start a secret affair.‘Tom will have an even bigger role in the new series after -becoming the estate manager of Downton,’they added.。



《唐顿庄园》第四季:唐顿宝宝们难度:容易作者:沪江英语来源:daily mail 评论:1With their mops of hair, cheeky grins and expressions of wide-eyed innocence, they're the new double act ready to delight fans of Downton Abbey when the much-anticipated fourth series starts next month.乱蓬蓬的头发、可爱的笑容、瞪大眼的无辜表情,这对双胞胎将出现在下个月首播的《唐顿庄园》第四季中,准备给剧迷们带来无限欢乐。

Identical twins Logan and Cole Weston have joined the cast of the blockbuster period drama – but you'll never see them on screen together.双胞胎兄弟洛根和科尔将加入这部热门年代剧,不过你没法同时看到他们出现在银幕上。

The twin brothers will share the task of playing little George Crawley, the son of Lady Mary and her late husband Matthew – who met a sticky end in a car crash in last season's Christmas finale.这对双胞胎兄弟将共同承担饰演乔治·克劳利的角色,乔治是玛丽小姐和过世的丈夫马修的孩子,大表哥马修在第三季圣诞特辑中出了车祸死于非命。

And the twins are not the only young stars set to charm viewers. Also joining the action is bubbly two-year-old Ava Mann, who will play baby Sybbie, daughter of tragic Lady Sybil who died in childbirth in series three.不过这对双胞胎可不是唯一的小演员,同时加入演出的还有2岁的小姑娘艾娃·曼,她将在剧中饰演小西比尔,也就是在第三季因为生产而死的悲情三小姐西比尔的女儿。


















《唐顿庄园》第四季:跟以往大不同难度:适中作者:@贺小米要养龙猫评论:2"Downton Abbey" executive producer Gareth Neame and five of the show's stars -- Sophie McShera, Phyllis Logan, Laura Carmichael, Joanne Froggatt and Michelle Dockery -- did a panel for the show at the 2013 TCA press tour, where they gave us some scoop about the upcoming season.《唐顿庄园》执行制片人Gareth Neame和该剧Sophie Mcshera, Phyllis Logan, Laura Carmichael, Joanne Froggatt and Michelle Dockery这五位演员在2013TCA 巡回媒体会上跟大家分享了该剧第四季的消息。

"It feels more in the '20s than before. ... Edith goes to London a lot and we see the streets of London and Lily James' character Rose is another sort of bright young thing character who's having a lot of fun at Downton," says Carmichael.“第四季比之前三季更有时代气息...我们会看到Edith频繁的去伦敦,我们会看到当时伦敦的街景。

而Lily James扮演的角色Rose则是本季另外一个亮点,她在唐顿过得很开心,”Charmichael说。








看过《万能管家》(Jeeves & Wooster)的观众可能还记得他的风格,黄金般的二三十年代,千奇百怪的角色闹出各种笑话,轻松灵动,不虐不渣,刚欢度了圣诞节的你,不来破烂熊用一杯下午茶吗?网友评论:01這是BBC一台今年一月的新喜劇,改編自英國幽默作家PG Wodehouse的同名小說《Blandings》系列。



附帶一提的是,PG Wodehouse另一部有名的系列作是《Jeeves & Wooster》(萬能管家),也曾改編成電視喜劇,由Hugh Laurie與Stephen Fry 主演,是90年代的情境喜劇經典之一。






《唐顿庄园》(1-5季39集+4集圣诞特辑)导演: 布莱恩·派西维尔 / 本·博尔特 / 布莱恩·凯利编剧: 朱利安·费罗斯主演: 休·博内威利 / 米歇尔·道克瑞 / 劳拉·卡尔迈克尔 / 杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 / 吉姆·卡特 / 布兰登·柯伊尔 / 琼安·弗洛加特 / 罗伯·詹姆斯-克里尔 / 丹·史蒂文斯 / 佩内洛普·威尔顿 / 玛吉·史密斯 / 伊丽莎白·麦戈文 / 菲利斯·洛根 / 索菲麦希拉《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)是由英国ITV电视台出品的时代剧,创作人及主笔为演员兼作家朱利安·费罗斯(Julian Fellowes)。



























冤家成双对第四季观后感影评《冤家成双对第四季》是一部于2004年播出的喜剧,该剧剧情诙谐幽默,画面喜感,给很多人都带来了欢乐,下面就让我带大家一起去看看网友们是怎么评价这部剧的吧!冤家成双对第四季的剧情简介本剧集是BBC 2台2000年正式推出的以青年人为题材和对象的系列情景喜剧,创意和编剧均由Steven Moffat一人担当。





《Coupling》的主要人物包括优柔寡断、性格不成熟的帅哥Steve,Steve的莫逆之交、举止语言古怪、总也找不到女友的Jeff,头脑简单、外表性感的“donkey” Patrick三位对Porn、特别是lesbian porn 非常热中的男士,以及Steve的前女友、神神叨叨、擅用性感作武器的Jane,Steve的继任女友、Jeff的同事、曾经非常“不羁”(包括和Jeff 还有Patrick)过的Susan,Susan的莫逆、对衰老和肥胖极度敏感的美容师Sally三位女士。

本剧的主线包括Steve和 Susan之间逐渐正式起来的关系,Jeff寻找艳遇过程中的种种意外以及后来和上司发展出来的一段关系,Patrick和Sally之间若有若无到若即若离再到情深难舍的感情发展,还有Jane在事业和异性关系中的各种奇事,等等。




































二十三分钟开始场景,Daniel解读Chloe创作的那棵铁树后,Daniel 转身看别的东西。























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"Downton Abbey" executive producer Gareth Neame and five of the show's stars -- Sophie McShera, Phyllis Logan, Laura Carmichael, Joanne Froggatt and Michelle Dockery -- did a panel for the show at the 2013 TCA press tour, where they gave us some scoop about the upcoming season.
《唐顿庄园》执行制片人Gareth Neame和该剧Sophie Mcshera, Phyllis Logan, Laura Carmichael, Joanne Froggatt and Michelle Dockery这五位演员在2013TCA 巡回媒体会上跟大家分享了该剧第四季的消息。

"It feels more in the '20s than before. ... Edith goes to London a lot and we see the streets of London and Lily James' character Rose is another sort of bright young thing character who's having a lot of fun at Downton," says Carmichael.

而Lily James扮演的角色Rose则是本季另外一个亮点,她在唐顿过得很开

"We're going to increasingly see that this world is coming to an end," adds Neame. "All of the characters are coming into the modern age."


As far as the show going forward, the stars and EP say that they hope to make the show for as long as people want to watch.
