生活大爆炸 第四季第六集中英文剧本

S06E02And the next wedding gift is... a gravy boat. Ooh, one gravy boat. That's from Sheldon. He told me he had it engraved. "In the event of a divorce, please return to Sheldon Cooper." One "inappropriate, yet I wish I thought of that" gravy boat. When I get married I'm going to register at the UCLA Cadaver Lab. Ew, why? 'Cause I've always wanted a whole human skeleton and they are really spendy. So, you actually see you and Sheldon getting married someday? Not just someday. In exactly four years. But don't tell Sheldon. He's still a flight risk. What about you, Penny? What about me what? you think you and Leonard might ever get married? Oh, well, you know, Leonard is great. But do you think you'll ever get married? He's a sweetie. You're not answering the question. Do you love him? Yeah, sure, of course I love him. It doesn't sound like it. Well, I do. Do you tell him that? No, he'd just take it the wrong way. What does that mean? It means he is special and smart and nice and... Are you gonna break up with him? No! Maybe. I don't know. I had no idea you were unhappy. That's the thing: I'm not. I'm not unhappy at all. It's just... I don't know... I-I've been in love before, but it felt different. But maybe this is a new, better, boring kind of Do you ever feel that way about Howard? Oh, that's not really a fair comparison. I'm basically married to a sexy Buzz Lightyear. Amy, you? Can't help ya, kid. Whenever I'm around Sheldon, I feel like my loins In the good way. Not the urinary tract infection way. KOOTHRAPPALI: <i Hey, buddy, how's</i You don't have to shout, Raj. It's not like I'm an astronaut floating around in Oh, wait, I am. So, is it everything you hoped it would be? WOLOWITZ: It's better. I wake up every morning and I just can't believe I'm on this incredible adventure. DIMITRI: Hey, Froot Loops, did you clean the space toilet? Excuse me. I'm talking to my friends. You know the rules: new guy scrubs the toilet. If you do good job, next time we give you brush. (mock laughing) Funny. We're always giving each other a hard time up here. It's kind of like being in a frat. You know, joking, kidding around, hurting Okay, my turn. Let me talk to him. Go ahead. 2311 North Los Robles Avenue, 5 Pasadena, California to International Space Can you read me? Over. (imitates walkie-talkie Yes, I read you, Sheldon. Copy that. Over. (imitates walkie-talkie static) What are you doing? I am talking to a man in space. If you don't have the (walkie-talkie static) then he might as well be at the Coffee Bean over You're out of your mind, Sheldon. That's a negative. My mother had me tested. Over. (imitates walkie-talkie static) Come on, scrub it up, Loops. All right, all right. I gotta go. There's a meteor shower. You want to see a meteor shower? Take a look at what Dimitri just left you in the 0 Bye. Over and out. (imitates walkie-talkie static) Bye, buddy! (knocking) Hello. Hey, Stuart, come on in. What are you doing here? Um, Raj invited me to go to the movies with you Excuse me. I didn't authorize this. Sheldon, you are not in charge. That's mighty sassy for a man with a roommate performance review around the What's the big deal? You guys are bringing your girlfriends. I didn't want to sit by myself. The big deal is I was expecting us to be an intimate group of five. Now, we're going to be a... faceless mass of six. It'll be fine. Just, uh, pretend he's Wolowitz. Hmm. Do you like Raisinets? I can take them or leave them. At the movies, Wolowitz always eats Raisinets. Would you feel more comfortable if I ate Well, it's hardly my business what you eat, as long as it doesn'tcrunch during the film and it's Raisinets. Okay. Should we go? Yeah, but, one more question. If you're going to replace Wolowitz, I need to know a little more about you. All right. Wolowitz went to MIT. What's your educational background? I went to art school. Equally ridiculous. Let's go. This insistence on hand-holding is preposterous. Well, I like it. Yeah, of course you do. You're a girl. You like all kinds of hippy-dippy things. Just watch the movie. It's not fair. Penny isn't making Leonard hold hands. There might be a reason for that. Sweaty? Unhygienic? Looks dumb? Take your pick. Penny said she's not sure she wants to be Leonard's girlfriend anymore. Wrong. She just took a sip from his Diet Dr. So? So, if she wants to end her pair-bond with Leonard, why on earth would she guzzle a witches' brew of his soda and spit? It's complicated. String theory is complicated. That's just yucky. Don't get any ideas. All right, for the sake of argument, let's say Why doesn't Penny just end the relationship? She's not sure how she feels. How can she not be sure how she feels? You know, when I have a feeling, I know it. Trains? Love them. Swordfish? I love them, too. They're fish with a sword for a nose. Regardless, don't say anything to Leonard. Now you're asking me to keep a secret from my best friend, colleague, and roommate? 7 Yes, please, Penny will kill me. (sighs) Fine. FYI: secret-keeping? Hate it. 4 Hand-holding? Not a fan. Hammerhead shark? I love that thing. Yeah, it's another fish with a tool on its head. Raisinet? Shh, we're trying to watch the movie. This is not working out with him. (slurping) (clicking tongue) What are you doing? I think I might have tartar buildup. My tongue won't go as far forward as it used to. Maybe your tongue is shrinking. Nope. Oh, you have no idea how annoying this is. I'm starting to get a sense of it. 9 Don't worry. I'll take you to the dentist Thank you. I appreciate that. You're good people, Leonard. There's something I need to tell you. Okay. I can't tell you. Why? I can't tell you why I can't tell you. So I guess there's two things I can't tell you. I wish there were more. Good night. (sighs) I'm sorry. This is really important. What is it? (sighs) I like The Transformers. Do you like The Transformers? Where exactly did your mother have you tested? Leonard, The Transformers teach us that things are not always what they appear to be. You know, like, uh, a semi truck might be an alien robot, or, uh, someone in a romantic relationship, uh, differently than they appear to. Or a conversation about The Transformers might actually be about someone in this room. I'm going to pause to let that sink in. Okay, I think I understand. You do? The guy who seems like an emotionless robot is but your relationship with Amy is causing you to into a red-blooded man with sexual desires. That is literally the stupidest thing I've ever (sighs) Leonard? Leonard. Leonard? LEONARD: What? Are you sleeping? I was. Now I'm having a nightmare. What do you want? Never mind. I still can't tell you. SHELDON (knocking): Penny? Mmm. Penny. Mm-hmm, mmm. Penny. (screams) (screams) Oh, my God. Sheldon? You frightened me. What are you doing in my bedroom? Yeah, well, I knocked on the front door, but you didn't hear it. How did you even get in, you weirdo? Yeah, really? I've seen strange men traipsing in and out of here but when I do it, it's weird? What do you want, Sheldon? Oh, I was having a little trouble sleeping and I just thought, uh, seeing as you're up, we could talk. Talk about what? Oh, I don't know. Uh, weather, uh, fish you could do carpentry with. Why Leonard is such an attractive and desirable boyfriend. Yeah, pick one-- your choice. Sheldon. Didyou know that Leonard has a perfect driving and enjoys the insurance discounts that go along with that? Hubba-hubba. Okay, go home, crazy man. Yeah. Did you know that while Leonard is not considered a tall fellow in in today's North Korea, he's downright average. Talk about a keeper. Okay, what did Amy tell you? Oh, very well.I can't keep up this clever charade any longer. She told me that you were thinking of ending it with Leonard. Okay, you listen to me. I think it's really sweet you're trying to protect but this is none of your business. Got it? Excuse me. This is not about protecting my friend. (sighs) I'm a big fan of homeostasis. Do you know what that is? Of course not. Yeah. Homeostasis refers to a system's ability to regulate its internal environment and maintain a constant condition of properties like temperature or pH. Worst bedtime story ever. My point is I don't like when things change. So, regardless of your feelings, I would like you to continue dating Leonard. And also, while we're on the subject, you recently changed I'm not comfortable with the new scent. Please stop this madness and go back to green Okay, honey, I have a lot to figure out, and until I do, you are not to say a word to Do you understand? I do. You clear on the shampoo issue? Get out. (sighs) Penny? What? Please don't hurt my friend. That is the last thing I want to do. Thank you. (sniffing) Coconut? What were you thinking? Are you a hula girl? Get out! (phone rings) Hello? What the hell is wrong with you? You told Sheldon? Do you know what a terrible position this puts me (call waiting beeps) Hang on, please. Hello? Yeah, just a heads-up: Penny knows that you blabbed about Leonard. She's pretty mad. I know. She's yelling at me right now. All right then, so we're all on the same page. Yeah. Hey, Bernie. There's my hubby. How's everything going up there? Oh, it's okay. Space is beautiful. Earth is beautiful. Same old, same old. What's wrong? Nothing. Everything's fine. Howard. The other astronauts are being mean to me. No, what are they doing? Well, like for instance, the other day when I was one of the guys went on a space walk and glued a big-eyed rubber alien mask to the outside of my When I woke up, I screamed for like nine minutes. Oh, Howie. You can see it if you want. It's on YouTube. Google "astronaut screams for nine minutes." Why don't you stand up to them? What am I supposed to say? I don't know. Say, "Being mean is lame. What's cool is being nice." Great, I'll do that when I want to be the first in space to get a wedgie. Do you want me to call somebody at NASA? No. My mom already tried that. It only made things worse. Gelatinous Sphere. Focused Locust. Temple of Yip. I'm sorry. Wolowitz would never play that card. All right, Lesser Demon Turtle. Fairy God Monster, I win. Your desperate need for friendship makes you weak. So, what are you guys doing later? Stuart and I were thinking of going out for a We're gonna try to meet some girls. 'Cause that's what we do. Watch out, ladies: a little coffee and cream coming your way. In case you didn't follow that, I'm the coffee. SHELDON: Leonard? Maybe you'd like to go with them to meet girls. Why would I be interested? I have Penny. Yeah, for now. But that woman has a death wish, Leonard. She talks to strangers; she pets unfamiliar dogs; and it is ridiculously easy to break into her apartment. If I were you, I'd get a back-up. You can't just replace someone you care about with some other random person. No, please don't ruin this for me. Do you remember how upset I was when they replaced Edward Norton as the Hulk? Yes, you walked around for a week saying, "Sheldon unhappy with casting choice." But, then Mark Ruffalo was the Hulk in<i The 9 and he was even better. What's your point? Call me a romantic. I like to think 1 that your Mark Ruffalo is still out there This is ridiculous. Are we gonna play cards or not? I like Mark Ruffalo, too. Yeah, settle down there, Fake Wolowitz. No one likes a kiss-up. So, I had to take Sheldon to the dentist this Really? Yup. I told him if he didn't bite the hygienist, I'd take him for ice cream. Mmm. I didn't have to take him for ice cream. Uh-huh. You okay? You seem a little distracted. Look, there's something I need to tell you. Oh. Yeah, okay. I don't really know how to say this. Just say it. Okay. Here goes. Mm-hmm. You slept with him? I didn't know what else to do. He had those big, sad eyes. Oh, sure, you had no choice. He looked at me like this. Well, if that's all it takes, it's a good thing you don't have a dog. Don't worry. You'll have plenty of chances to break up with him: Your wedding day, your honeymoon, your 50th anniversary. Look, it's fine. We're not getting married, okay? We're keeping things, you know, homeostasis. It's so cute when she tries. (phone beeps) It's from Leonard. "Last night was amazing. "You're amazing. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Please, stop it. WOLOWITZ: Hey, Bernie, guess what? I stood up to the other astronauts like you said and I got to tell you, last night was the first in a week I got a good night's sleep. (laughing) Oh, Howie. What's wrong? You look upset. Nope, this is my proud face.。

Big bangPart 1-Penny:Hi, guys.Looks like you've been to the renaissance fair... I'm hoping.You guys, this is my friend Eric.伙计们。
-Leonard:So, yeah, good to see you.很高兴见到你。
-Penny:It's good to see you, too.We should probably go.Bye, guys.我也是。
-Man:I like your hat.我很喜欢你的帽子。
-Howard:Thanks, my mom made it.Penny with a new guy, tri-awkward.谢谢,是我妈做的。
-Leonard:It wasn't awkward. It wasn't fun. Besides, what's the big deal? We dated, we stopped dating, and now we're both moving on.没什么尴尬的,不过也不算好玩。
-Raj:By moving on, Do you mean she's going out with other men and you spent the afternoon making 15th-century soap with Wolowitz?你说的发展的意思是不是指当她和另外一个男人约会的时候,你却整个下午都在和Wolowitz做十五世纪的肥皂。
-Leonard:Can we please just go in? My chain mail's stuck in my underwear.我们快点进去好吗?我的锁子甲被夹在内裤里了。
最新-高中英语 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕24素材 精品

生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕2400:00:00,000 --> 00:00:18,000Subindex build by Linnet /redbirdli火鸟字幕合并器SubindexV0.5Created time 11.18.21 00:13:00200:00:01,657 --> 00:00:18,827- 你们准备好点餐了嘛? - 当然- Hey,you guys ready to order? - Uh,sure.300:00:18,937 --> 00:00:18,218- 好的 Priya? - 我要农家派- Okay,Priya? - Uh,I'll have the shepherd's pie.400:00:18,318 --> 00:00:18,397咱俩分着吃吧You want to split that with me?500:00:18,457 --> 00:00:10,587- 哦不不不他可不行 - 为什么?- Oh,no,no,no,he doesn't. - Why not?600:00:10,647 --> 00:00:13,818土豆里掺了牛奶肉馅里也掺了牛奶外皮还是意大利干酪Well,you have milk in the taters,milk in the gravy,parmesan crust.700:00:13,877 --> 00:00:18,167你这不耐乳糖的男朋友会充气充成一个梅西节大气球的Your lactose-intolerant boyfriend will turn into a gas-filled Macy's Day balloon.800:00:13,877 --> 00:00:18,168{\a7}(感恩节大游行的人形大气球)***900:00:20,577 --> 00:00:21,777不够准确Not quite accurate.1000:00:21,867 --> 00:00:26,747梅西节气球里面充的是氦气 Leonard释放的是大量甲烷(屁)The Macy's balloons are filled with helium,whereas Leonard produces copious amounts of methane.1100:00:32,177 --> 00:00:34,618那就不要农家派了继续吧?So,no,on the shepherd's pie.Can we move on?1200:00:34,717 --> 00:00:36,697好啊温馨小提示他说自己能吃冰酸奶Yeah,a little tip: he says he can eat frozen yogurt.1300:00:36,787 --> 00:00:37,997千万别相信Do not believe it.1400:00:39,137 --> 00:00:40,827海鲈鱼! 我要海鲈鱼!Sea bass!I'll have the sea bass!1500:00:42,018 --> 00:00:47,587你肯定很喜欢吧现女友和前女友一起讨论你屁屁里放出臭臭气You gotta like this,the girlfriend and the ex-girlfriend bonding over your rooty-tooty stinky booty.1600:00:49,547 --> 00:00:50,687杀了我吧Kill me.1700:00:50,757 --> 00:00:55,157杀了你也没用即使人体死后肠胃胀气也能保持数小时It wouldn't help.The human body is capable of being flatulent for hours after death.1800:01:00,467 --> 00:01:18,327抱歉大家我迟到了有好消息哦Guys,sorry I'm late.I have amazing news.1900:01:18,367 --> 00:01:18,967Bernadette 在你换话题之前Bernadette,before you change the subject,2000:01:18,187 --> 00:01:18,527还有人对Leonard不健全的消化系统进行总结发言吗?does anyone have any final comments on Leonard's faulty digestive system?2100:01:18,867 --> 00:01:12,517是什么好消息 Bernadette?So,what's your news,Bernadette?2200:01:12,618 --> 00:01:15,477论文委员会通过了我的博士论文The thesis committee accepted my doctoral dissertation.2300:01:15,537 --> 00:01:17,417我要得到博士学位啦!I'm getting my PhD!2400:01:17,527 --> 00:01:19,537祝贺你Oh,congratulations.2500:01:19,687 --> 00:01:25,318那就是说你是博士你是博士你是博士Wow,so that means you're a doctor,you're a doctor,you're a doctor,2600:01:25,397 --> 00:01:29,597你也是博士 Howard 你认识好多博士哦you're a doctor,and Howard,you know a lot of doctors.2700:01:32,867 --> 00:01:34,427恭喜你亲爱的Congratulations,honey.2800:01:34,517 --> 00:01:35,477谢谢Thank you.2900:01:35,527 --> 00:01:37,971Howard 给咱们说说心情吧So,Howard,tell us,how's it feel knowing that when you two get married,3000:01:37,977 --> 00:01:42,997你们婚后别人都会叫你们 Wolowitz先生和博士you'll be referred to as Mr. and Dr. Wolowitz?3100:01:43,257 --> 00:01:44,987除非他改姓Bernadette的姓Unless he takes Bernadette's last name.3200:01:45,187 --> 00:01:48,687并且她有更出色的成就和地位也许还能为他走点儿后门And considering her advanced status,that could open some doors for him.3300:01:48,747 --> 00:01:50,437歇了吧你们别喧宾夺主Please,this isn't about me.3400:01:50,497 --> 00:01:51,927我真为你骄傲I'm proud of you.3500:01:52,018 --> 00:01:53,517你会更为这事骄傲的Well,you'll be really be proud of this.3600:01:53,647 --> 00:01:56,437我被一家大型制药公司看中了I was headhunted by a big pharmaceutical company.3700:01:56,517 --> 00:01:59,387他们要给我一大笔签约金They're gonna pay me a buttload of money!3800:01:59,467 --> 00:18:18,417什么? Bernadette 这太好了What?Bernadette,that's great.3900:18:18,477 --> 00:18:18,257Howard 你有没有啥大的?Howard,do you make a buttload?4000:18:18,337 --> 00:18:18,587总比你那一大堆(屁)强Better than what you've got a buttload of.4100:18:10,917 --> 00:18:13,417嘿反正我只要摇下车窗空气整个就清新了Hey,if I roll down the windows in the car,everything's peachy.4200:18:13,517 --> 00:18:15,787即使你摇下玻璃你也不是博士If you do it,you're still not a doctor.4300:18:16,977 --> 00:18:19,018是啊关于车窗问题的小提示Yeah,just a heads-up on the car window deal.4400:18:19,187 --> 00:18:22,718是有帮助啦但也没有到清新It helps,but everything is not "peachy."4500:18:23,187 --> 00:18:27,618<font color="#ffff00">-=伊甸园美剧 =- -=伊甸园字幕站/=- 荣誉出品本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径</font><font color=#70DBDB>==- -==- proudly presents </font>4600:18:30,297 --> 00:18:36,517<font color="#ffff00">-=YTET-伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译: 季末凌乱的木子略孙小美波玻璃又没上课 yoda 校对: 阿公时间轴: 邦德猪 </font><font color=#70DBDB>-==- sync:邦德猪</font>4700:18:41,327 --> 00:18:45,767<font color="#ffff00">天才理论传第四季第24集 720p版本调教:Tears</font><font color=#70DBDB>the big bang theoryN NSeason18Episode24</font>4800:18:48,520 --> 00:18:51,480* Oh,If there was a problem, you can't solve it ** Oh,if there was a problem, you can't solve it *4900:18:51,590 --> 00:18:53,410* Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it ** Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it *5000:18:48,520 --> 00:18:53,410{\a7}"Ice Ice Baby" Vanilla Ice**5100:18:53,460 --> 00:18:55,350* Ice,Ice,baby ** Ice,Ice,baby *5200:18:57,290 --> 00:18:59,330* Ice,Ice,baby ** Ice,Ice,baby *5300:18:01,800 --> 00:18:18,000天哪这身衣服也太扯了吧Oh,God,I feel ridiculous in this dress.5400:18:18,160 --> 00:18:18,260你看起来美极了 Uhura上尉You look beautiful,Lieutenant Uhura.5500:18:18,160 --> 00:18:18,261{\a7}("星际迷航"进取号上的首席通讯官)***5600:18:18,840 --> 00:18:11,840现在准备开始... 勘察吧Now prepare for... inspection.5700:18:12,310 --> 00:18:15,380嘘我哥哥会听见的Shh,my brother's going to hear you.5800:18:15,430 --> 00:18:17,180别紧张他戴着耳机呢Relax,he's got headphones on.5900:18:17,100 --> 00:18:19,600而且我们在离地球十英里远的星际飞船上呢And we're ten miles above Earth in a starship.6000:18:20,680 --> 00:18:22,180你确定? 十英里?Really,ten miles?00:18:22,150 --> 00:18:24,600大气层还没出去呢You're orbiting inside the atmosphere?6200:18:24,770 --> 00:18:26,650白痴Moron.6300:18:26,760 --> 00:18:29,900真不敢相信我竟然穿着我哥哥的万圣节戏装I can't believe I'm wearing my brother's Halloween costume.6400:18:31,280 --> 00:18:33,610我不敢相信你竟然觉得他只在万圣节时穿I can't believe you think he only wears it on Halloween.6500:18:35,190 --> 00:18:38,600开启登陆舱门穿梭飞船要进来啦Open the landing bay doors,shuttle craft approaching.6600:18:38,760 --> 00:18:40,690我先闪了Okay,gotta go.6700:18:46,780 --> 00:18:48,180什么事?Hey,what's up?6800:18:48,170 --> 00:18:52,180是我未来的博士儿媳妇吗?Is that my future daughter-in-law,the doctor?!6900:18:54,300 --> 00:18:56,700不是妈! 是Raj!No,Ma! It's Raj!7000:18:56,770 --> 00:18:00,210- 他也是个博士对不? - 对!- He's a doctor too,right?! - Yes!7100:18:00,280 --> 00:18:18,760就跟Leonard和那个皮包骨怪胎一样是吧!Like Leonard and the skinny weirdo!7200:18:18,740 --> 00:18:18,440那是Sheldon 是除了我大家都是博士!Sheldon,yes!Everybody's a doctor but me!7300:18:18,530 --> 00:18:13,620这能怪谁呢?Well,whose fault is that?!7400:18:14,510 --> 00:18:16,180什么事?What's up?7500:18:16,270 --> 00:18:19,480Leonard正在往我的记忆海绵床垫上添加恶心的记忆Leonard's putting disgusting memories in my memory foam mattress.7600:18:20,990 --> 00:18:22,180我今晚能在你这儿过夜吗?Can I stay here tonight?7700:04:23,010 --> 00:18:26,900当然但我要和Bernadette出去所以只有你和我妈在家了Sure,but I'm going out with Bernadette.It'll just be you and my mother.7800:18:26,980 --> 00:18:28,270我想应该没问题吧I guess that's okay.7900:18:28,320 --> 00:18:30,890妈 Rajesh今晚能在咱家过夜嘛?Ma,can Rajesh sleep over?!8000:18:30,980 --> 00:18:35,190当然了我可以玩医生病人游戏!Of course,he and I can play doctor!8100:18:38,670 --> 00:18:40,130她开玩笑的是吧?She's kidding,right?8200:18:40,220 --> 00:18:44,460我也不知道她接受荷尔蒙替代治疗之后就变得比较亢奋了I don't know,she's pretty feisty since they put her on hormone-replacement therapy.8300:18:46,180 --> 00:18:49,180呼叫可爱小甜心医生(博士)!Paging Dr.Cutie Pie!8400:18:52,470 --> 00:18:57,180我得说 Bernadette拿到博士学位我对她刮目相看了I must say,Amy,I was very impressed to see that Bernadette got her PhD.8500:18:57,110 --> 00:18:58,470确实挺令人佩服的It's indeed admirable.8600:18:58,520 --> 00:18:00,660不过那是...微生物学Although,it is... microbiology.8700:18:18,470 --> 00:18:18,180你博士学的是神经生物学Your doctorate is in neurobiology.8800:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,860这两者有区别吗?I fail to see the distinction.8900:18:18,920 --> 00:18:18,290简单地说I'll make it simple for you.9000:18:18,410 --> 00:18:12,400我研究的是人脑贝多芬靠它写出第五交响曲<i>I study the brain,the organ responsible for Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.</i>9100:18:12,430 --> 00:18:15,980Bernadette研究的是酵母米狮龙靠它生产啤酒Bernadette studies yeast,the organism responsible for Michelob Lite.9200:18:18,810 --> 00:18:20,290你脖子怎么了?Is there something wrong with your neck?9300:18:20,340 --> 00:18:22,350有点僵It's a little stiff.9400:18:22,420 --> 00:18:26,550我有这么重要的大脑脖子却如此脆弱What a remarkably fragile structure to support such a valuable payload.9500:18:28,730 --> 00:18:31,760就像用吸管来顶宝石蛋一样Not unlike balancing a Faberge egg on a Pixie Stick.9600:18:33,000 --> 00:18:34,990你想过去按摩没?Have you considered massage?9700:18:35,180 --> 00:18:37,100我打算讽刺性地进行回应I'd like to respond to that sarcastically:9800:18:37,210 --> 00:18:42,180是的我挺喜欢让陌生人往我身上抹油然后再给人搓Yes,I relish the thought of a stranger covering my body with oil and rubbing it.9900:18:43,700 --> 00:18:47,000我是说你可以自己按摩I was proposing you massage your muscles with your own hands.10000:18:47,260 --> 00:18:49,690听起来好像还是很别扭Still sounds like a lot of unnecessary touching.10100:18:50,510 --> 00:18:56,180相信我把你的右手放在肩胛骨突出处Trust me. With your right hand,locate the spot where the scapula meets the acromion process.11800:18:58,320 --> 00:18:58,980好了All right.11800:18:59,180 --> 00:18:01,740现在用你的无名指沿着肩胛骨按压Now push your third finger along the ridge of the shoulder blade,11800:18:01,780 --> 00:18:18,410并不断轻轻的旋转making a small rotation as you do so.11800:18:18,420 --> 00:18:18,270在旋转了Rotating.11800:18:18,350 --> 00:18:11,190你会感觉到骨头边有一个像淋巴结的物体在前后滚动You should feel a small node-like object rolling back and forth along the bone.11800:18:11,500 --> 00:18:13,170你是说肌筋膜?You mean the myofascial point?11800:18:13,220 --> 00:18:15,290还用问吗Obviously.11800:18:15,880 --> 00:18:19,650用七年级时同学常戳咱的方式按压那个点Now bear down on it like the seventh grade noogies we all know too well.11000:18:22,380 --> 00:18:27,230天哪爽啊真是太爽了!Oh,dear Lord,yes,yes,oh,yes!11100:18:28,270 --> 00:18:30,780Amy 我从没这样被摸过!Amy,I've never been touched like this before!11200:18:33,170 --> 00:18:35,640我有一双神奇的手!My hands are magic!11300:18:36,700 --> 00:18:38,180别抬举你自己Don't flatter yourself.11400:18:38,180 --> 00:18:41,620你的双手只是在我神经系统知识指导下的工具而已Your hands are blunt tools guided by my knowledge of the nervous system.11500:18:42,410 --> 00:18:44,370我可以轻易让你瘫痪I could just as easily have paralyzed you.11600:18:47,580 --> 00:18:49,230有人来了There's someone at my door.11700:18:49,320 --> 00:18:51,670没兴趣拜拜That doesn't interest me.Good-bye.11800:18:56,750 --> 00:18:58,180我今晚能睡这吗?Can I sleep here tonight?11900:18:58,100 --> 00:18:58,830为什么?Why?12000:18:58,900 --> 00:18:18,390Leonard要跟我妹进行仿太空"星际迷航"式性爱Leonard's having astronomically inaccurate Star Trek sex with my sister.12100:18:18,950 --> 00:18:18,950这确实挺让人郁闷的进来吧I can see how that would be e in.12200:18:18,330 --> 00:18:18,360我给你拿床单和毯子你好睡沙发I'll get the sheets and blankets for the couch.12300:18:18,440 --> 00:18:11,100不用了我睡Leonard的房间就好Oh,don't bother.I'll just sleep in Leonard's room.12400:18:11,190 --> 00:18:14,180不我不批准No,I can't authorize that.12500:18:14,190 --> 00:18:16,180他睡了我的床为什么我不能睡他的?Well,he's in my bed.Why can't I be in his?12600:18:16,500 --> 00:18:20,240古语说的是"以眼还眼" 不是"以床还床"The Hammurabic Code is "an eye for an eye," not "a bed for a bed."12700:18:20,910 --> 00:18:26,420得了吧大哥我快累死了而且 Tyra Banks说了最好的化妆就是睡饱觉Come on,dude,I'm exhausted,and Tyra Banks says the most important item in your makeup bag is a good night's sleep.12800:18:20,910 --> 00:18:26,421{\a8}("美国超模大赛"主持人)***12900:18:31,000 --> 00:18:32,320好吧All right.13000:18:32,380 --> 00:18:39,510如果你要住Leonard的房间这张表格可以帮我免责This is a form indemnifying me from your use of "Leonard's bedroom."13100:18:40,170 --> 00:18:45,340在这签字说明我曾试图阻止过你也曾横眉怒视过Sign here,indicating that I tried to stop you and did so using a stern facial expression.13200:18:51,140 --> 00:18:52,330- 晚安 Sheldon - 等等还没好- Good night,Sheldon. - Wait. Not yet.13300:18:52,390 --> 00:18:54,180我们还要复习下安全条例We still have to go over safety procedures.13400:18:54,150 --> 00:18:59,110我们公寓有三个逃生口这这和这Now,the apartment has three emergency exits located here,here,and here.13500:18:00,180 --> 00:18:18,180一旦停电夜光箭头将会引导你去向最近的出口In the event of a power outage,luminous paint will guide you to the nearest exit.13600:18:18,530 --> 00:18:18,250你开玩笑吧You're kidding.13700:18:16,570 --> 00:18:18,780我从不开安全的玩笑I never kid about safety.13800:18:31,870 --> 00:18:33,280你怎么在这?What are you doing here?13900:18:33,370 --> 00:18:35,330- 我在睡觉 - 在我床上?- I was sleeping. - In my bed?14000:18:35,380 --> 00:18:38,930我想在自己床上睡来着不过有人用它做有辱我家门的事Well,I would've slept in my own bed,but it was being used to bring shame to my family.14100:18:40,940 --> 00:18:43,100还破坏了我对Gene Roddenberry的美好回忆And the memory of Gene Roddenberry.14200:18:40,940 --> 00:18:44,101{\a8}("星际迷航"作者)***14300:18:44,950 --> 00:18:45,830你都听到了?Oh,you heard?14400:18:45,910 --> 00:18:50,950- "Scotty 我需要更多的能量" - 对不起- "Scotty,I need more power." - Sorry.14500:18:45,910 --> 00:18:48,551{\a8}("星际迷航"里 Scotty和Uhura是一对)***14600:18:51,360 --> 00:18:53,000Sheldon知道你睡这吗?Does Sheldon know you're sleeping in here?14700:18:53,180 --> 00:18:53,930你说呢?Are you kidding?14800:18:53,960 --> 00:18:59,510他让我签豁免书参加紧急消防演习还上了一堂心脏复苏术复习课He made me sign a waiver,participate in an emergency fire drill and take a refresher course in CPR.14900:18:00,510 --> 00:18:18,970幸好他有个人偶Thank God he had a dummy.15000:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,528是啊人工呼吸专用人偶MonaOh,yeah. Mouth-to-Mouth Mona.15100:18:18,730 --> 00:18:18,360她可是跟Howard交往过You know,she used to date Howard?15200:18:18,500 --> 00:18:11,420天哪她就是那个MonaOh,my God,she's that Mona?15300:18:13,610 --> 00:18:15,490为什么你和我妹不能在这过夜?Why can't you and my sister spend your nights here?15400:18:15,560 --> 00:18:17,580我们试过可她跟Sheldon处不好We tried. She doesn't get along with Sheldon.15500:18:17,660 --> 00:18:19,840Sheldon跟自己都处不好Sheldon doesn't get along with Sheldon.15600:18:20,790 --> 00:18:24,920可这也不能让我每晚都听你给你的光子鱼雷上膛It's still no reason for me to have to listen to you arm your photon torpedoes every night.15700:18:26,290 --> 00:18:31,220好吧这样行不行在Priya找到住处前你住这我住你那Okay,well,how about this: until Priya gets her own place,you stay here and I'll stay at your apartment.15800:18:32,930 --> 00:18:35,110我能带女生回来吗?Can I bring girls here?15900:18:35,440 --> 00:18:39,430你吗? 当然了想带多少带多少You? - Sure.Bring as many as you want.16000:18:41,340 --> 00:18:42,980好就这样Okay,deal.16100:18:44,430 --> 00:18:47,980不过可别硬来***16200:18:52,346 --> 00:18:55,186- 你真要吃这个蛋糕? - 为什么这么问?- You really think you should be eating that cake? - Why?16300:18:55,166 --> 00:18:59,686如果你想在富有的妻子面前保持尊严你得注意自己的身材If you're gonna be a trophy husband for a rich wife,you might want to watch your waistline.16400:10:00,816 --> 00:10:18,186他说的对嘴馋一分钟后悔一辈子He's right.A minute on the lips,a lifetime on the hips.16500:10:18,356 --> 00:10:18,796是啊哈哈Yeah,ha-ha.16600:10:18,896 --> 00:10:10,226首先我未婚妻的成功不会威胁到我First of all,I'm not threatened by my fianc's success.16700:10:10,266 --> 00:10:11,146我很为她骄傲I'm proud of her.16800:10:11,186 --> 00:10:13,418而且我也有自己的事业And secondly,I have my own career.16900:10:14,286 --> 00:10:16,566有了孩子就不行啦Until you have kids.17000:10:17,436 --> 00:10:18,836好消息 RajGood news,Raj.17100:10:18,926 --> 00:10:21,116血液检测结果出来了I got the blood work back from the lab.17200:10:21,176 --> 00:10:23,266你可以住一阵子啦You're okay to stay for a while.17300:10:23,836 --> 00:10:25,396你啥时候弄到我血的?When did you take my blood?17400:10:25,476 --> 00:10:26,896不重要Not important.17500:10:28,236 --> 00:10:30,018你的血糖有点高Your sugar was a little high.17600:10:30,186 --> 00:10:32,418我会给你找个医生的I'd follow up with your regular physician.17700:10:32,466 --> 00:10:35,886这里还有些文件需要你看下In the meantime,I have some paperwork here for you to go over.17800:10:35,936 --> 00:10:38,356- 这又是啥? - 就是些繁文缛节- What the hell is this? - Boilerplate stuff.17900:10:38,436 --> 00:10:41,626适用于临时住户的室友协议修订版A modified roommate agreement for a temporary house guest.18000:10:41,666 --> 00:10:44,366生前遗嘱还有永久授权书And a living will and durable power of attorney.18100:10:46,156 --> 00:10:50,336上面说你可以决定我的生死This says you can make "end of life" decisions for me.18200:10:50,476 --> 00:10:53,186以朋友的身份说咱还是别想那事的好As your friend,let's hope it doesn't come to that.18300:10:53,518 --> 00:10:55,186请签字吧Please sign.18400:10:55,126 --> 00:10:56,346你签过吗?Did you sign this?18500:10:56,436 --> 00:10:59,836这是互惠性条款你也能拔他的管There's a reciprocity clause.You get to pull the plug on him,too.18600:11:01,118 --> 00:11:18,186好像挺公平的Well,that seems fair.18700:11:18,276 --> 00:11:18,156恭喜欢迎暂时入住Congratulations and welcome temporarily aboard.18800:11:18,236 --> 00:11:13,186这是你的身份证钥匙还有领针Here's your I.D. card,your key and your lapel pin.18900:11:13,618 --> 00:11:16,186Leonard说自己太酷了没法戴Which Leonard was too cool to wear.19000:11:20,016 --> 00:11:25,276顺便一提身为临时室友你有义务送我上班和回家FYI,part of your responsibilities as roommate pro tem will be to drive me to and from work,19100:11:25,418 --> 00:11:31,216去漫画店理发店还有每两个周日去一小时的公园呼吸新鲜空气the comic book store,the barbershop and the park for one hour every other Sunday for fresh air.19200:11:33,266 --> 00:11:36,186最好带个球或飞盘他好有东西追Bring a ball or a Frisbee,you know,something he can chase.19300:11:38,636 --> 00:11:41,526而且外卖也需要你带回家Also,you're tasked with bringing home all takeout dinners.19400:11:41,586 --> 00:11:42,816今晚是泰国菜Tonight is Thai food.19500:11:42,916 --> 00:11:47,756在附录B或我的FTP服务器上有标准点餐表You'll find the standard order in appendix B or downloadable from my FTP server.19600:11:47,846 --> 00:11:52,726如果你还有疑问这里是常见问题表如果你想亲口问的话If you have any questions,here's the FAQ sheet,or if you prefer the human touch,19700:11:52,816 --> 00:11:56,556我每周二晚会办一个网聊会叫"公寓夜话"I do a live web chat called "Apartment Talk" on Tuesday nights.19800:11:59,696 --> 00:12:18,186不许反悔哦No backsies.19900:12:18,916 --> 00:12:18,796Sheldon 吃饭了Sheldon,dinner!20000:12:16,476 --> 00:12:18,318这是啥?What is this?20100:12:18,446 --> 00:12:22,726这是吃饭和用餐的区别This is the difference between eating and dining.21800:12:25,666 --> 00:12:27,718真有意思Remarkable.21800:12:27,766 --> 00:12:32,996我终于明白Leonard这些年来有多不靠谱了I'm just realizing how much Leonard's been skating by all these years.21800:12:34,266 --> 00:12:35,456小意思It's not a big thing.21800:12:35,518 --> 00:12:37,846就把我当成棕皮肤的Martha Steward吧 (美国"家政女王")Just think of me as a brown Martha Stewart.21800:12:40,796 --> 00:12:43,636嘿 Sheldon 你无线网的密码又换了吗?Hey,Sheldon,did you change your Wi-Fi password again?21800:12:43,696 --> 00:12:47,318对是"Penny 自己开个无线吧" 没空格Yes,it's "Penny,get your own Wi-Fi."No spaces.21800:12:48,186 --> 00:12:49,118谢啦Thanks.21800:12:49,218 --> 00:12:51,296这丰盛的晚餐是怎么回事?What's with the fancy spread?21000:12:51,386 --> 00:12:55,586我的新室友在努力取悦我My new roommate is bending over backwards to ingratiate himself to me.21100:12:55,686 --> 00:12:58,566还有戴得漂亮Uh,nice touch,by the way.21200:12:59,976 --> 00:13:01,946新室友是啥意思? Leonard怎么了?What do you mean "new roommate"?What happened to Leonard?21300:13:18,186 --> 00:13:18,186跟直立猿人一样The same thing that happened to Homo erectus.21400:13:18,146 --> 00:13:18,818他被更优秀的物种取代了He was replaced by a superior species.21500:13:18,166 --> 00:13:11,018我是新来的人类(同性恋)I'm the new Homo in town.21600:13:13,676 --> 00:13:15,916好像有歧义That came out wrong.21700:13:16,016 --> 00:13:18,016好我再问一次 Leonard去哪了?All right,let me try this again.Where's Leonard?21800:13:18,116 --> 00:13:20,196他住我那儿所以我就住这儿了He's living at my place,so I'm living here.21900:13:20,266 --> 00:13:22,216你只是暂时住这儿You're living here provisionally.22000:13:22,266 --> 00:13:23,886但我得说这还挺不错的But I must say it's looking good.22100:13:25,776 --> 00:13:28,516Leonard和Priya住一起了? 还真是大事啊Leonard and Priya are living together?That's big.22200:13:28,546 --> 00:13:32,636不手工餐巾鹤No. Origami napkin swans...22300:13:34,186 --> 00:13:36,876才是大事that's the headline.22400:13:37,356 --> 00:13:39,256住一起挺好的It's a good thing.22500:13:41,256 --> 00:13:45,646你知道你要在那家制药公司做什么研究吗?So do you know what kind of research you'll be doing at this pharmaceutical company?22600:13:45,796 --> 00:13:48,126其实有蛮多研究可选的Well,there are a couple of opportunities available,22700:13:48,176 --> 00:13:51,616但我自愿选了早泄研究工程but I volunteered for the premature ejaculation project.22800:13:56,746 --> 00:13:59,818反正咱俩又没人有心脏病I mean,it's not like either one of us has heart disease.22900:14:18,336 --> 00:14:18,986我差点忘了有一个小礼物给你Oh,I almost forgot.I got you a little present.23000:14:18,186 --> 00:14:18,716Bernie 你不需要破费啦Oh,Bernie,no.You didn't have to.23100:14:18,846 --> 00:14:11,518我愿意嘛来打开看看I wanted e on,open it.23200:14:15,186 --> 00:14:17,918你给我买了块劳力士?You bought me a Rolex?23300:14:18,186 --> 00:14:20,386这得要多少钱啊?How much did this cost?23400:14:20,486 --> 00:14:22,786钱的问题你就别操心了Oh,you let me worry about the money.23500:14:25,326 --> 00:14:28,418我只想让我的宝贝用上好东西I just want my baby to have pretty things.23600:14:33,186 --> 00:14:34,136再来点酒?More wine?23700:14:34,186 --> 00:14:36,266不不要了我已经喝太多了Oh,no,no,no. I've had way too much already.23800:14:36,316 --> 00:14:39,296- 关于酒精有一个有趣的故事 - 满上- Here's an interesting fact about alcohol... - Hit me.23900:14:43,676 --> 00:14:49,146人类不是唯一为了喝醉而使水果发酵的物种Man is not the only species that ferments fruit in order to become intoxicated.24000:14:49,218 --> 00:14:51,576你们知道另一个是什么吗? 提示下Can you guess what the other is?**24100:14:51,696 --> 00:14:55,596有时它们会把酒精装在大衣箱里 (也有象鼻的意思)sometimes they pack the alcohol in their trunks.24200:14:56,418 --> 00:14:58,526猴子Monkeys.24300:15:01,476 --> 00:15:18,426猴子什么时候有大衣箱了?When does a monkey have a trunk?24400:15:18,496 --> 00:15:18,118在手提箱装不下的时候When a suitcase just won't do.24500:15:10,936 --> 00:15:12,618好吧Mmm,all right.24600:15:12,646 --> 00:15:17,246不知道的人还以为是酒精影响了你的智商呢It would appear as if alcohol is playing keep-away with your intelligence.24700:15:17,386 --> 00:15:18,618晚安Good night.24800:15:18,656 --> 00:15:20,866请注意现在已经过了晚上10点Please note,it is now past 10:00 p.m.24900:15:20,956 --> 00:15:24,476根据我们的室友协议请避免傻笑声Per our roommate agreement,kindly refrain from raucous laughter,25000:15:24,526 --> 00:15:27,896碰杯声和礼枪声clinking of glasses,and celebratory gunfire.25100:15:30,696 --> 00:15:33,746好了跟我说说Okay... explain something to me.25200:15:33,856 --> 00:15:37,396你看着Leonard年复一年忍受那家伙You watch Leonard put up with that guy for years and years.25300:15:37,496 --> 00:15:40,216是什么让你产生了这种想法--What has to break inside your brain for you to think,25400:15:40,296 --> 00:15:42,926"哦克利须那神让我也尝尝这滋味吧""Oh,Krishna,I've got to get me some of that"?25500:15:44,576 --> 00:15:48,866这总比在自己的公寓还要戴降噪耳机好多了Well,it's a lot better than having to wear noise-cancelling headphones in my own apartment.25600:15:48,956 --> 00:15:50,926什么? 天哪对是的What?Oh,God,yeah. Yeah.25700:15:50,996 --> 00:15:53,426Leonard在床上是个闹腾的小家伙Leonard's a noisy little dude in the sack.25800:15:53,846 --> 00:15:55,566- 每晚都是 - 真的吗?- Every night. - Really?25900:15:55,646 --> 00:15:59,246即使是在过敏季他必须亲吻喘气轮着来?Even during allergy season,when he has to alternate between kissing and breathing?26000:16:01,818 --> 00:16:18,966那可是我妹妹我们别说这个了好吗?It's my sister.Can we not talk about this anymore?26100:16:18,186 --> 00:16:18,646。

生活大爆炸第四季中英文剧本完整版Season 4, Episode 1: The Robotic Manipulation-Howard: And now the Kung Pao Chicken.这是宫保鸡丁。
-Leonard: Ah, yeah. Wow.啊,好,哇。
-Raj: Smooth.smooth: 平稳地,顺利地厉害。
-Howard: And finally,finally: 最终,最后最后,my Moo Shu Pork.是我的木须肉。
-Raj: Whoo-hoo!哇塞!-Howard: Oh, there you have it, gentlemen.好了,先生们,你们都看到了Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.entire: 全部的,整个的 dinner: 晚餐,晚宴 unpack: 打开机器人已经把所有饭菜取出来了。
-Raj: And it only took 28 minutes.仅仅花了28分钟时间。
-Sheldon: Impressive,impressive: 令人钦佩的,给人印象深刻的真不错啊,but we must be cautious.cautious: 谨慎的,小心的不过我们得小心点。
-Howard: Why?为什么?-Sheldon: Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot. retrieval: 检索,取回,恢复今天,这是个中餐传递机器人,Tomorrow, it travels back in timetravel: 旅行,旅途明天,它会及时地穿越时空,and tries to kill Sarah Connor.回去谋杀Sarah Connor(终结者外传女主人公)。
-Leonard: I don't think that's going to happen, Sheldon. Sheldon 我可不相信会发生这样的事情。

Howard: Gentlemen, to the sewing machines.先生们,找缝纫机。
【解析】1、sewing machine:缝纫机Leonard: I'll get it. Oh, no!我来开。
噢,不!Sheldon: Oh, no!噢,不!Rajesh: Make way for the fastest man alive! Oh, no!给最快的人一条路走!噢,不!Sheldon: See, this is why I wanted to have a costume meeting.看到吧,所以我希望开一个关于扮演角色的会Leonard: We all have other costumes. We can change. 我们都有别的扮演角色——我们可以换的。
Rajesh: Or we could walk right behind each other all night right, and look like one person going really fast.或者我们可以整晚跟在每个人后面走,看上去像是一个人走得非常快Howard: No, no, no. It's a boy-girl party, this Flash runs solo.不,不,不.这是一个男孩女孩聚会,但闪电侠独来独往。
【解析】1、Flash:闪电侠、solo:单独的Leonard: Okay. How about this? Nobody gets to be The Flash. We all change. Agreed?好吧,那这个怎么样?没人扮演闪电侠. 我们都改,同意吗?Men: Agreed.同意Leonard: I call Frodo!我演Frodo!Men: Damn!该死!Rajesh: Sorry I'm late, but my hammer got stuck in the door on the bus.对不起我迟到了,但我的锤子被公车车门夹住了。
生活大爆炸 第四季第三集中英文剧本

生活大爆炸第四季第三集好的我准备好答下道题目了\All right, I'm ready for my next question.在一个犀牛被当宠物养的世界中\In a world where rhinoceroses are domesticated pets,谁将赢得第二次世界大战\who wins the Second World War?乌干达\Uganda.理由\Defend.肯尼亚会因出口犀牛而崛起\Kenya rises to power on the export of rhinoceroses.在中非成为一个强大的政权\A Central African power block is formed,并殖民统治北非和欧洲\colonizing North Africa and Europe.战争爆发后谁也负担不起养犀牛的这份奢侈\When war breaks out, no one can afford the luxury of a rhino.肯尼亚衰落乌干达雄起\Kenya withers, Uganda triumphs.回答正确\Correct.轮到我了\My turn.在一个钢琴被当做武器而不是乐器的世界中\In a world where a piano is a weapon, not a musical instrument,斯科特·乔普林会用什么来演奏《枫叶爵士》\on what does Scott Joplin play "The Maple Leaf Rag"? 调谐刺刀\Tuned bayonets.理由\Defend.理由不是显而易见吗\Isn't it obvious?你说得对我的错\You're right. My apologies.你们俩在玩什么鬼游戏呢\What the hell are you guys playing?这是我们发明的一个游戏\It's a game we invented.我们称它为"反事实游戏"\It's called Counterfactuals.我们假定一个在某关键方面不同于这里的世界\We postulate an alternate world that differs from ours然后互相就此发问\in one key aspect and then pose questions to each other.本游戏适合8至80岁人士\It's fun for ages eight to 80.一起来玩吧\Join us.好吧\All right.我也喜欢脑筋急转弯\I like a good brainteaser.我来试试吧\Give it a whirl.你走运了这道简单\You're in luck, this is an easy one.在一个人类被高智商巨形海狸统治的世界中\In a world where mankind is ruled by a giant intelligent beaver,哪种食物再也吃不到了\what food is no longer consumed?BLT[培根生菜番茄三明治]吗其中B代表海狸\Uh... a BLT where the "B" stands for beaver?我也说不准\I don't know.莱纳德认真点\Leonard, be serious.我们在玩游戏呢\We're playing a game here.我能答出来的让我想想\I can figure this out. Let's see.海狸以树皮喂食\Um, well, beavers eat tree bark.我唯一了解的人类用得着树皮的食物是肉桂\The only tree bark I know that humans consume is cinnamon.所以我说是肉桂\So, I'll say cinnamon.错误\Incorrect.答案很明显是芝士丹麦酥\Obviously, the answer is cheese Danish.你说啥\What?在一个被巨形海狸统治的世界中\In a world ruled by a giant beaver,人类为取悦海狸的统治会修建许多水坝\mankind builds many dams to please the beaver overlord. 哥本哈根因地势低洼会遭遇洪灾\The low-lying city of Copenhagen is flooded.数万人会死去\Thousands die.更毁灭的是丹麦人却从未以自己的名字给糕点命名\Devastated, the Danes never invent their namesake pastry.怎么会有人连这个都想不到呢\How does one miss that?这太荒谬了\This is ridiculous.你们这是在捏造答案\You're just making stuff up.他输的时候总这样吗\Is he always like this when he loses?那当然了\Oh, yes.你要是能目睹08年讨论巨形野牛时的景象就好了\You should've been here for the great giant tantrum of 2008.你掀的桌子自己清楚\You bumped the table and you know it.或许我们应该玩个更适合他能力的游戏\Perhaps it would be kinder to play a game more suited to his abilities.等会儿你躲猫猫的时候我们会闭眼数到10\We'll close our eyes and count to ten while you hide. 我回屋了\I'm going to my room.很好莱纳德\Very good, Leonard.但下次你藏哪里无需提前告诉我们\But next time, don't tell us where you're hiding.你们看到《美国物理学报》关于超固体的论文了吗\Did you guys see the paper in The American Physics Journal on supersolids?挺有趣的\It's pretty interesting.这个人从假说...\This guy's working from a hypothesis where...剧透警报剧透警报\Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert.-咋了-别提前爆料\- What? - Don't ruin it for me, man.我为了边蹲便壶边看把PDF文件都打出来了\I printed out a PDF to read on the potty.便壶你多大了五岁吗\On the potty? What are you, five?就是便便的地方嘛不然你说该叫什么\It's a potty. What do you call it?厕所\Toilet.晚饭桌上这么叫不觉得有点粗俗了吗\That's a little vulgar for the dinner table, don't you think? 那"便壶"就不俗了吗\Oh, and "potty" is okay?"便壶"多纯真多可爱啊\"Potty" is innocent. "Potty" is adorable.那你去便便的地方干啥嘘嘘吗\What do you do in the potty, wee-wee?如果我不必"嘣嘣"[大便]的话\If I don't have to boom-boom.各位好\Greetings.你们都记得艾米·菲拉·福勒吧\You all remember Amy Farrah Fowler.-见到你很高兴-你好\- Nice to see you. - Hello.抱歉我们迟到了\Sorry we're late.对此我必须得承担责任\I must take responsibility.我不得不半路上买点女性卫生用品\I had to stop for feminine hygiene supplies.-这样啊-了解\- Aha. - Okay.我认为她正在经期当中\I believe she's experiencing her menses.实际上还没到时候\Actually, I'm not.但为了避免意外我得时刻带着卫生巾\In order to avoid surprises, I wear them all the time.-理解-非常了解\- Aha. - Okay.厕所现在听起来顺耳多了是吧\"Toilet's" sounding pretty good now, huh?瞧啊这不是谢米嘛\Hey, look, it's Shamy.谢米\Shamy?一个幼稚地混合我们名字的做法而已\A juvenile amalgamation of our names.谢尔顿艾米"谢米"\Sheldon, Amy-- Shamy.这样啊\Oh.我不喜欢以后别这么叫了\I don't like that. Don't do that.好吧有什么新鲜事吗\All righty. What's new?我刚才得知你称呼我们为"谢米"\Well, just recently, I learned that you refer to us as Shamy,而我并不喜欢\and I don't like that.我了解了但我想问的其实是你生活上的新鲜事\I got it. But what I was going for was, you know, how's your life?跟普通人没什么两样\Like everybody else's.经历着万物的成长衰败和最终的死亡\Subject to entropy, decay and eventual death.谢谢你的问候\Thank you for asking.为何她还没有给我们点餐呢\Why is she not taking our order?我应该提前通知你的\I should've warned you,如果想在这里用餐前必须要经历连串\one has to navigate a labyrinth of social nonsense繁杂而无用的寒暄\before one can be fed here.是吗我以为既然起名叫芝士"工厂"\Really? I assumed an establishment called做事就能更有效率呢\the Cheesecake Factory would function more efficiently.那是它们诱骗你来的伎俩\It's how they lure you in.我想这应该称为"诱饵推销法"\I believe it's called "bait and switch."好吧我还是遁走好了\Okay, I'm just gonna walk away,因为我不想待在这了\'cause... I don't want to be here.这真不错啊\So, this is nice.我们第一次齐聚一堂来吃顿饭\First time we've all gotten together to eat.你说得对他果然在进行无聊的饭前寒暄\You're right, he's a festival of humdrum chitchat.好吧我没辙了\Okay, that's all I got.霍华德你上\Howard, you're up.谈谈你的工作吧艾米\Um... tell us about your work, Amy.我怀疑你听不听得懂\I doubt you'd understand.谢尔顿告诉我你只有个硕士学位\Sheldon tells me you only have a master's degree.拉杰你有没有问题问艾米\Raj, do you have any questions for Amy?我很好奇我们怎么不单独吃饭\I'm curious as to why we're not eating alone.他们离不开我\They can't function without me.我是凝聚这个小团体的粘合剂\I'm the social glue that holds this little group together.不用谢我\You're welcome.我能跟你谈谈你的女朋友吗\Listen, can I talk to you about your girlfriend?她不是我的女朋友\She's not my girlfriend.她是女生也是我朋友\She's a girl and she's my friend,但绝对没有触摸或不洁的交换唾液\but there's no touching or unsanitary exchange of saliva. 明白\Got it.不过倒是有一次\Although, for the record, on one occasion,她舔了一下拇指然后帮我抹掉\she licked her thumb to remove raspberry jelly嘴角上的树莓果冻\from the corner of my mouth.我们今天都为此后悔不已\It's an action we both regret to this day.明白\Uh-huh.不过我觉得她不太适合\Anyway, I'm not sure she's the best fit我们这个怎么说呢反抗军[星球大战]\for our little-- how should we call it-- rebel alliance. 我一直不认同反抗军\Oh, I never identified with the rebel alliance.尽管他们想建造死亡星球\Despite their tendency to build Death Stars,我一直支持银河帝国\I've always been more of an empire man.那不是我想说的\Yeah, not my point.我知道你想说什么\I know what your point is.你们被艾米的智慧吓着了\You're intimidated by Amy's intellect.我只能说振作点\To that I say, buck up.我直接说吧\Okay, let me just get right to it.艾米很爱批评人假正经而且\Amy is judgmental, sanctimonious and frankly...很讨人厌\just obnoxious.那又如何\So?我们已经要忍受这样一个你了\So we already have you for all that.你这是建议我停止和艾米交往吗\Are you suggesting I terminate my relationship with Amy? 不当然不是\No, no, of course not.只是去别的地方交往\Just have your relationship someplace else.那我可得指出我忍气吞声整整八个月\May I point out that for eight long months,忍受你女朋友在咱家\I suffered in silence as your female companion大声唱跑调的乡村音乐\filled our apartment with her off-key country music caterwauling,毫不知羞地在咱客厅\the unappetizing spectacle of her grinding a pumice stone用浮石磨长满老茧的脚\against her calloused feet in our living room,一夜接一夜地看\and night after night of uninformative毫无内涵的电视剧《泽西海滩》\TV documentaries about the Jersey Shore.忍气吞声\Suffered in silence?没错\Yes.我希望你也能这么做\And I'd thank you to do the same.有没有搞错忍气吞声\Reall-- Silence?!落基山脉清凉的泉水\Nothing makes beer taste better最能带出啤酒的味道\than cool clear Rocky Mountain spring water.话说落基山脉在哪啊\Where are the Rocky Mountains, anyway?费城[实际不是]\Philadelphia.真的吗\Really?我以为在西部呢\I thought they were out West someplace.这样想拉杰\Think about it, Raj.电影《洛奇》的故事发生在哪里\Where did the movie Rocky take place?费城\Philadelphia.我明白了\Okay, now I get it.这就是咱的计划吗\So this is the plan?从今天起\From now on,我们就藏这里躲避谢米吗\we're just gonna hide out in here to avoid the Shamy?我觉得这里很舒服\I'm very comfortable here.佩妮亲爱的再给我来一剂"万灵弹"吧\Penny, dear, why don't you shoot another silver bullet my way?自己拿去\Get one yourself.某人吃了泼妇药哦\Ooh, somebody's been taking bitchy pills.老天他喝了酒真混蛋\God, he's an ass when he drinks.他没喝酒也混蛋\Oh, he's an ass when he doesn't.你只是没听到\You just don't hear it.我们得考虑谢米恋\Think we need to start entertaining the possibility发展数年的可能性\that the Shamy could go on for years.那样的话佩妮得装卫星电视\Well, if that's the case, Penny will have to get satellite TV而且每周吸一吸灰尘\and maybe once a week run a vacuum through this place.你不是要跟谢尔顿谈吗\I thought you were going to talk to Sheldon.-谈了-他怎么说\- I did. - Well, what'd he say?他指出他过去有点必须\Well, he pointed out that he kinda sorta had to...忍受你\put up with you.有点必须\Kinda sorta had to?我没同意他的说法\I didn't agree with him.你帮我反驳了吧\Well, you defended me, right?我试了不过\I tried, but...他说的理由太充分了\...he made a fairly well-reasoned argument.你磨得不对\You're not doing that right.什么\What?给我\Gimme.-不要-相信我\- No. - Trust me.-不要-我一直帮我妈磨脚\- No! - I do this for my mom all the time.看到没\See?要顺着纹路摩\With the grain.哇确实好很多\Wow, that is better.改天你要是得了静脉曲张\And someday, when you have varicose veins,我再教你怎么推拿\I'll show you how to massage them.天呐没有下次了\Oh, God, never again.你的"没有下次"应该是指不再\I assume by "never again," you mean never again will you drink喝完佩妮的啤酒后跑去加油站\all of Penny's beer, then run down to the gas station买两瓶40s啤酒一盒肉条\for a couple of 40s, a box of Slim Jims还有最新一期的《孟买美妞翘臀》吧\and the latest issue of Bombay Badonkadonks.人家想家了嘛\I was homesick.当晚最精彩的就是你展示\The highlight of the evening was when you showed us你的宝莱坞霹雳舞技\your Bollywood break dancing skills.你这样很没礼貌\That's very offensive.没错我们当时也这么想\Yeah, we all thought so.晕\Oh, no.怎么了\What?约翰和洋子来了[列侬夫妇]\It's John and Yoko.更像洋子和洋子\More like Yoko and Yoko.大家好\Greetings. Hey.我带了艾米来\I brought Amy here看看我的工作\to show her some of the work I'm doing.对于理论工作来说很不错了\It's very impressive, for theoretical work.我好像察觉出一点屈就的意味\Do I detect a hint of condescension?抱歉我说得太间接了吗\I'm sorry, was I being too subtle?我是指跟神经生物学\I meant compared to the real-world applications在现实中的应用相比理论物理就是\of neurobiology, theoretical physics is--怎么说好呢小巫见大巫\what's the word I'm looking for?-- hmm, cute.你这是暗指神经生物学家的成就\Are you suggesting the work of a neurobiologist例如巴宾斯基能上升到物理学家\like Babinski could ever rise to the significance巴宾斯基法国神经学家例如克拉克·麦克斯韦或狄拉克的层面\of a physicist like Clark Maxwell or Dirac?克拉克·麦克斯韦:经典电动力学创始人狄拉克:量子力学奠基者之一直截了当地说\I'm stating it outright.巴宾斯基把狄拉克当早餐\Babinski eats Dirac for breakfast再排泄出克拉克·麦克斯韦\and defecates Clarke-Maxwell.你给我收回那话\You take that back.绝不\Absolutely not.我和同事们正在绘制\My colleagues and I are mapping神经基质有利于\the neurological substrates that subserve促进全球信息处理\global information processing,这种研究既要求认知推理\which is required for all cognitive reasoning,也包括科学探索由此事实可见\including scientific inquiry, making my research ipso facto我的研究在认知序列上更高一层\prior in the ordo cognoscendi.这就说明比他的研究更高级\That means it's better than his research,由此可推当然也胜过你们\and by extension, of course, yours.不好意思我的大脑\I'm sorry, I'm-I'm still trying还停留在理解排泄克拉克·麦克斯韦上\to work on the defecating Clark Maxwell, so...不好意思但是统一场理论\Excuse me, but a grand unified theory,在一定程度上解释了万物\insofar as it explains everything,由此事实可见也能解释神经生物学\will ipso facto explain neurobiology.是没错但要是我成功了\Yes, but if I'm successful,我就能绘制和再现你演算出\I will be able to map and reproduce your thought processes统一场理论的思维加工过程\in deriving a grand unified theory,因此你的结论也得纳入我的范式\and therefore, subsume your conclusions under my paradigm.那是卑劣的心理主义\That's the rankest psychologism,早在19世纪90年代就被费雷格\and was conclusively revealed as hogwash板上钉钉为是胡言乱语\by Gottlob Frege in the 1890s!看来我们陷入了僵局\We appear to have reached an impasse.同意\I agree.我决定立即终止我俩的关系\I move our relationship terminate immediately.赞同\Seconded.还有异议吗\There being no objections...那么立即执行\...the motion carries.日安艾米·菲拉·福勒\Good day, Amy Farrah Fowler.日安谢尔顿·库珀\Good day, Sheldon Cooper.女人哈\Women, huh?没法和她们过日子\Can't live with them,也没法反驳她们的各种假设\can't successfully refute their hypotheses.上帝保佑\Amen to that.好呀谢尔顿\Hey, Sheldon.你好\Hello.听说你和艾米分手了\I hear you broke up with Amy.说"分手"的话就说明她是我女朋友\A breakup would imply she was my girlfriend.她是个女孩曾经是我朋友\She was a girl who was my friend现在她还是个女孩但不是我朋友了\who is now a girl who is not my friend.听着像史上最烂乡村民谣\Wow. That's like the worst country song ever.你感觉如何\So, how are you doing?什么感觉\Regarding what?和艾米分手\Amy.我不懂\I don't follow.分手...不管你怎么叫总是很难受的\Well, breakups-- or whatever the hell this is-- can be tough. 佩妮放心我没事\Penny, I assure you, I'm fine.我和艾米只是纯粹智力上的关系\My relationship with Amy was purely intellectual,没有丝毫感情色彩\There were no emotional bonds,所以我也没有任何痛苦\the severing of which would cause me any discomfort.这段关系只是失去效用罢了\The relationship simply outlived its utility,我也像从前一样继续生活\and I'm continuing on with my life as before.好吧不错\Okay. Good.我得先走了要去买一只小猫咪\Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a pussycat.这事儿必须跟你们说一下\I gotta tell you guys,我有点担心谢尔顿\I'm a little worried about Sheldon.我们都有点担心谢尔顿\We're all a little worried about Sheldon.我是说自从谢米恋搁浅后\No, I mean since the Shamy hit a reef.我还以为你是一概而论呢\Oh, I thought you were just making a generalization:"我担心谢尔顿可能他某天"\"You know, I'm worried about Sheldon会因为在咖啡馆吃不到酸橙果冻\"someday setting off a low-yield nuclear device就去引爆一个低爆炸力核装置\because the cafeteria ran out of lime Jell-O."搁浅是啥意思\What does "hit a reef" mean?一拍两散\Uh, went splitsville.啥\Pardon?就是"屎了"\Turned to boom-boom.我觉得谢尔顿真的很想念艾米\I think Sheldon really misses Amy.你该把你的那本《孟买美妞翘臀》借给他\You should lend him your copy of Bombay Badonkadonks. 他找了只猫作伴\He got a cat to keep him company.不是吧\You're kidding.他上哪儿都带着\He takes it everywhere:不管是卧室还是洗手间\to bed, to the bathroom.他带猫咪用便壶吗\He takes the kitty to the potty?我们不是说好不用这词儿了么\I thought we discussed the P-word.别想着改变我老兄\Don't try to change me, dude.哥就是哥\I am what I am.先生们\Oh, gentlemen.不给我们介绍下\Hey. Aren't you going to introduce us你的小伙伴吗\to your little friend?不好意思\My apologies.拉杰霍华德这位是罗伯特·奥本海默博士\Raj, Howard, I'd like you to meet Dr. Robert Oppenheimer.你好\Hello. Hi.失陪一下\Now, if you'll excuse me,原子弹之父现在要来一碟牛奶\the father of the atomic bomb wants a saucer of milk.我懂了的确该担心谢尔顿\Okay, I get it. We're worried about Sheldon.是吧\Yeah.回来了\Hey.不是吧\Oh, no.奥本海默太孤单了\Robert Oppenheimer was lonely.所以你要把整个曼哈顿计划的人都找来吗\So you decided to get the whole Manhattan Project?对这位是恩里科·费米理查德·费曼\Yes. This is Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman,爱德华·泰勒\Edward Teller,奥托·弗里希\Otto Frisch还有犀利哥\and Zazzles.什么鬼名字\Zazzles?我本想给他取名为赫尔曼·冯·赫尔姆霍兹\I was going to name him Hermann von Helmholtz,但他实在太犀利了\but he's so zazzy.好吧我们得谈谈\Okay, we need to talk.谈什么\About what?猫呗谢尔顿\Cats, Sheldon.显然艾米走后你很难受\You're clearly upset about Amy being gone,所以你想用一堆猫来代替她\and you're trying to replace her with a bunch of cats.-一群猫-啥\- Clowder. - What?不用一堆而要用一群或者是一窝子\A group of cats is a clowder. Or a glaring.好吧我懂了\Okay, yeah, fine.既然我们现在与猫为伍\It's the kind of thing you ought to know我觉得有必要给你扫盲一下\now that we have one.很好很强大我的意思是\Terrific. My point is, you need to face up你得坦然面对这次分手\to what you're feeling with this breakup.这不是分手\It wasn't a breakup.那样的话就说明她是我女朋友\A breakup would imply that Amy was my girlfriend.好吧我知道了她不是你女朋友\Okay, I got it, I got it; she's not your girlfriend.听我说\Now listen to me.我知道孤单一人的感觉\I know about loneliness.也明白要借其它事物来寻求安慰\I know about trying to replace someone with other stuff.我那会和佩妮分手后我又重新开始拉大提琴\When I broke up with Penny, I got back into my cello,还搭了不少模型火箭\I built a bunch of model rockets,我还买了举重手套和五磅重的哑铃\I got those weightlifting gloves and that five-pound dumbbell. 你那不叫分手是佩妮甩了你\You didn't break up, she dumped you.她才没甩了我\She didn't dump me.这是互相的\It was mutual!我就在场是她甩了你\I was there. She dumped you.好吧随你吧\Okay, fine.跟猫一起住吧\Live with cats.跟我南希姨妈一样\Be like my Aunt Nancy.她就跟几十只猫一起住\She had dozens of them.你知道她死后怎么样了吗猫把她给吃了\And do you know what happened after she died? They ate her.不用再跟说服我喜欢猫了莱纳德\You don't have to sell me on cats, Leonard.我已经喜欢了\I'm already a fan.Fancy Feast[珍喜]:普瑞纳公司出的猫粮罐头好了小家伙们谁想来吃点珍喜猫罐头\All right, fellas, who's in the mood for Fancy Feast?这可一点都不喜人\Well, that's not fancy at all.你好库珀夫人谢谢你赶来\Hi, Mrs. Cooper. Thanks for coming.他人呢\Where is he?在他卧室\He's in his bedroom.你在电话里说的\Now, when you said on the phone他跟个女孩分手了是指真的女孩吧\he broke up with a girl, you meant an actual girl,不是什么你们在实验室造出来的那种\not something you kids whipped up in a lab?不是真的人\No, she's real.他们做了违反教规的事吗\Did they sin?不不是那样的\No, no, it's not like that.是...\It's, uh...我不知道怎么描述\I don't know what it's like.但有些事请你作好心理准备\But there is something I should prepare you for.放心吧莱纳德他是我一手拉扯大的\Oh, relax, Leonard, I have raised that boy.最好的我见过最坏的我也见过\I've seen him at his best, I've seen him at his worst.没什么能让我吃惊的了\There's nothing he can do that'll surprise me.话别说这么早\Hold on to that thought.请进\Come in.吃惊吧\Surprise.妈真是意外之喜\Mom, what an unexpected pleasure.天好大一股味\My, my, that's a powerful smell.向你引见奥本海默弗里希潘诺夫斯基\I'd like you to meet Oppenheimer, Frisch, Panofsky, 费曼维斯可夫\Feynman, Weisskopf...好了我明白了\Yeah, I get it.你养了很多猫\You got a lot of cats还给它们起了可爱的犹太名字\and you gave 'em cute Jewish names.你来这干嘛\What are you doing here?莱纳德打电话给我的\Leonard called.他说你为伊人消得人憔悴\And he said that you were pining for a young lady.那太可笑了\Oh, that's preposterous.我才没有为谁憔悴\I'm not pining over anyone.哦小羊排我的说法或许不合适\Oh, lambchop, we can quibble what to call it,但我们都同意这事儿让人毛骨悚然\but I think we can both agree it's creepy.我才不同意\I do not agree.猫是很好的伙伴\Cats make wonderful companions.不会跟你吵也不会质疑你的才智权威\They don't argue or question my intellectual authority, 还有这个小家伙\and this little guy here,你们会发现它实在太犀利了\I think you'll find to be quite zazzy.你真该早点打给我的\You should have called sooner.谢利吃饭了\Shelly! Dinner's ready!来了\Coming!不许带猫\No cats!她来这干嘛\What is she doing here?我打给她的\I called her.你妈妈认为\Your mother thinks你可能正因我失魂落魄\you might be losing your mind over me.作为神经生物学家我很好奇\As a neurobiologist, I was curious.放心我心智完全正常\Well, rest assured, I am in full possession of my faculties.25只猫\25 cats!上帝保佑你亲爱的\Oh, God bless you, dear.谢尔顿坐下我们谈谈\Sheldon, sit down. Let's talk.好吧但不许骗我\All right, but you're not fooling me.每次你说我们谈谈\Whenever you say we have to talk,都只许你说我听\it means you want me to listen.那就闭嘴\Then stop talking.是长官\Yes, ma'am.我找艾米过来的原因\Now, the reason I called Amy over was是想看看她是哪种人\to find out what type of person she is.跟她聊了一会后\And after chatting a bit,我不得不说虽然她是个\I have to say that while she is a绝对特殊的女士\perfectly unique young woman,你们俩完全不适合对方\you two are definitely not suited for each other.这结论真奇怪\That's a peculiar conclusion.不管以任何标准来衡量艾米都比我认识的任何人\By any standard, Amy is more similar to me 跟我更像\than anyone I've ever met.抱歉谢利我看不出来\Oh, I'm sorry, Shelly, I can't see it.你看不看得出来没关系\Well, whether you see it or not is irrelevant.我也看不到亚原子粒子\I can't see subatomic particles,但不论任何它们就是存在的\but nevertheless, they're there.绝妙的观点\Excellent point.且是物理学观点\A physics point.讲得好\Touche别卖弄拉丁话了\Well, putting aside the pig Latin,很高兴看到\it's a good thing that你们决定分手\you two decided to end the relationship就省得我来拆散你们了\so I didn't have to end it for you.艾米再三考虑之后\Amy, after consideration,我觉得我们可能决定得太草率了\I believe we may have acted rashly.我建议我们重新开始\I propose we resume our relationship并尝试解决双方差异的障碍\and attempt to resolve our differences.除非你认可我俩之间\I'll agree to that only if you'll stipulate80%的障碍都是你造成的\that 80% of our difficulties were caused by you.-我只认可占40% -你占65%\- I'll go as high as 40. - Sixty-five.成交\Done.你明白我们继续的话\You understand that moving forward,我们得面对我妈并不认可你的现实\we deal with the fact that my mother does not approve of you?我明白我发现扮演个\I do. I find being cast坏女孩的角色竟让我很兴奋\in the role of bad girl oddly titillating.想看看我的猫吗\Would you like to see my cats?想我喜欢猫\I would. I love cats.它们是独善其身的典范\They're the epitome of indifference.你会发现犀利哥有点烦人\Ah, then you may find Zazzles a little cloying.我可算看出来了\I saw what you did there.他一向自以为聪明\He thinks he's such a smarty pants.其实跟其他人没什么不同\He's no different from any man.你让他们别去做什么\You tell 'em not to do something,他们就想做什么\certainly that's all they want to do.要不是我让我弟弟矮胖墩\If I hadn't told my brother Stumpy别用手去清理碎木机\not to clear out the wood chipper by hand,他就不会有这外号还是爱德华了\we'd still be calling him Edward.还有你坐着别动\Now, don't you move.我来把菜搬过来\I'll bring over all the food.不不不我来就行\No, no, no, I can do it.真是太给力了\Well, isn't that sweet?谢谢你艾米\Thank you, Amy.给你的猫\Here's your cat.还有你的20美元\And here's your $20. 下一个\Next!谢谢你艾米\Thank you, Amy.给你你的猫\Here's your cat.还有你的20美元\And here's your $20. 下一个\Next.。
最新-高中英语 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕18素材2 精品

生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕1200:18:48,520 --> 00:18:52,500■300:18:52,510 --> 00:18:56,510翻译:米小勒海因里希取子小Q 小蛮腰400:18:52,510 --> 00:18:56,510■500:18:56,510 --> 00:18:00,510后期:孤帆时间轴:小e600:18:56,510 --> 00:18:00,510■700:18:00,510 --> 00:18:18,510校对:Vin 总监:YY800:18:00,510 --> 00:18:18,510■900:18:18,610 --> 00:18:18,310生活大爆炸第四季第十二集1000:00:18,210 --> 00:00:18,840老妈淡定Ma, Ma, calm down.1100:00:18,840 --> 00:00:18,790听我说Listen to me.1200:00:18,790 --> 00:00:18,990我知道上面说着用鼠标点击I know it says click with the mouse,1300:00:18,990 --> 00:00:18,940但在笔记本电脑上触控板就相当于鼠标了but on a laptop, the trackpad is the mouse.1400:00:18,530 --> 00:00:11,440现在把你的手指放上去Now, put your fing er on it.1500:00:12,180 --> 00:00:14,420无所谓用哪根手指Doesn't matter which finger.1600:00:15,720 --> 00:00:17,290明智的选择Good choice.1700:00:17,920 --> 00:00:20,460现在把指针移到电子邮件图标上Now move it down to your e-mail icon.1800:00:20,460 --> 00:00:22,820对就是那个小信封图标Yeah, the little env elope.1900:00:23,460 --> 00:00:24,870什么叫"它长什么样"What do you mean, "What does it look like?"2000:00:24,870 --> 00:00:26,900它当然长个信封样!It looks like an envelope!00:00:27,170 --> 00:00:28,380行啊你要是不喜欢电脑Fine, you don't like the computer,2200:00:28,380 --> 00:00:29,650那就别用了don't use it!2300:00:30,280 --> 00:00:33,970行啊我们可以换个沙拉搅拌机再见Sure, we can exchange it for a salad spinner. Good-bye!2400:00:36,730 --> 00:00:39,470这就是你一直后悔买的那个光明节礼物吧That's a Hanukkah present you're regretting, huh?2500:00:36,730 --> 00:00:39,470光明节:犹太民族最隆重的节日2600:00:40,290 --> 00:00:43,180我不能说所有无法掌握当代技术的I won't say that all senior citizens2700:00:43,180 --> 00:00:46,520老年人就应该被当众鞭策一番who can't master technology should be publicly flogged,2800:00:46,520 --> 00:00:48,590但倘若我们拿一两位作为案例but if we made an example of one or two,2900:00:48,590 --> 00:00:51,380或许能更好的鞭策他人努力学习呢it might give the others incentive to try harder.00:00:52,970 --> 00:00:54,800我有个好主意I had a great idea.3100:00:54,800 --> 00:00:55,850我们总会被迫停下工作You know how we're always having3200:00:55,850 --> 00:00:58,180去解某些微分方程式吧to stop and solve differential equations,3300:00:58,180 --> 00:00:59,850比如你做傅里叶分析的时候like when you're doing Fourier analysis,3400:00:59,850 --> 00:01:01,830或是用到薛定谔方程的时候or using the Schr dinger equation?3500:01:01,830 --> 00:01:18,670霍华德用不到那个他只不过是个工程师Howard doesn't. He's only an engineer.3600:01:18,680 --> 00:01:18,710我一直在想其实我们可以写个小程序I was thinking, we could write a little app3700:01:18,710 --> 00:01:10,270通过使用手写识别技术that would use handwriting recognition,3800:01:10,270 --> 00:01:12,620然后通过一个符号运算引擎来计算and then run it through a symbolic evaluation engine.3900:01:12,620 --> 00:01:14,180这样只要你使用你的智能手机You just use your smartphone,4000:01:14,180 --> 00:01:16,400把你的方程式拍出来后就迎刃而解了take a picture of the equation and bam!4100:01:16,400 --> 00:01:20,560你们知道什么应用程序算牛吗能制造放屁声的程序You know what's a great app? The one that makes fart noises.4200:01:25,400 --> 00:01:27,000知道吗莱纳德You know, Leonard,4300:01:27,000 --> 00:01:28,980那的确是个可行的主意that's actually a valid idea.4400:01:28,980 --> 00:01:30,810真的不错哦Very good.4500:01:31,230 --> 00:01:33,770你的口吻能否别弄得像是"我是一只刚学会Can you say that and not make it sound like I'm a cat4600:01:33,770 --> 00:01:36,110如何上厕所的猫"似的who learned how to use the toilet?4700:01:36,980 --> 00:01:38,500不行No.4800:01:38,500 --> 00:01:40,380两项成就都让人感到啧啧称奇The two achievements are equally surprising4900:01:40,380 --> 00:01:41,730同样令人钦佩and equally admirable,5000:01:41,730 --> 00:01:42,750但如果要选的话though if pressed,5100:01:42,750 --> 00:01:45,420我不得不说那只猫的成就更胜一筹I'd have to give a slight edge to the cat.5200:01:45,420 --> 00:01:47,450我还是拯救你于水火之中I'll save you the pain and nervousness5300:01:47,450 --> 00:01:49,180给你一个你期待已久的答案吧of waiting for the answer.5400:01:49,180 --> 00:01:52,640我同意参与你的计划恭喜你I agree to be part of your project. Congratulations.5500:01:53,170 --> 00:01:55,140我的荣幸啊Oh, yay for me.5600:01:56,370 --> 00:01:57,150你们怎么说What about you guys?5700:01:57,150 --> 00:01:58,230我不敢保证什么I can't promise anything,5800:01:58,230 --> 00:18:00,700但有人就用这种东西赚到过钱呢but people do make money off stuff like this.5900:18:00,700 --> 00:18:18,610能赚点外快也是不错的选择A few extra bucks would be nice.6000:18:18,610 --> 00:18:18,760我终于能从我妈家搬出去了I could finally move out of my mother's house.6100:18:18,760 --> 00:18:18,640你搬到哪去呢Where would you go?6200:18:18,640 --> 00:18:18,540我一直梦想着能在车库上面I always dreamed about6300:18:18,540 --> 00:18:18,750搭造起属于自己的小天地building a little place of my own over the garage6400:18:10,900 --> 00:18:13,180如果我挣到更多的钱我就能从工作中抽身You know, if I made more money, I could take time off from work 6500:18:13,180 --> 00:18:15,870带着美女来一趟潜艇之旅了and give pretty girls submarine rides.6600:18:15,870 --> 00:18:16,600那是什么玩意What's that?6700:18:16,600 --> 00:18:18,730某种诡异的性爱方式吗Some weird sex thing?6800:18:20,140 --> 00:18:20,910不是啊No.6900:18:20,910 --> 00:18:22,160就是你带着美女坐在你的You take pretty girls underwater7000:18:22,160 --> 00:18:24,930私人潜艇里让她们欣赏鱼儿in your private submarine, and you show them fish.7100:18:25,520 --> 00:18:27,950为什么所有事到你这都要龌龊一下Why does everything have to be dirty with you?7200:18:28,600 --> 00:18:30,940我想我们可以在晚上一起做这个I was thinking we could work on this at night,7300:18:30,940 --> 00:18:32,440也许经过几周的努力后and then maybe in a couple of weeks,00:18:32,440 --> 00:18:34,290就能有我们自己的应用程序贩售了we'll have ourselves an app to sell.7500:18:34,290 --> 00:18:35,800我们这听起来像是在做生意啊Sounds like we're in business.7600:18:35,800 --> 00:18:37,900我认为我们应该拍一张留住这精彩的瞬间I think we should take a picture to capture this moment.7700:18:37,900 --> 00:18:39,580-好啊 -哦- Yeah. - Oh!7800:18:45,180 --> 00:18:48,180你们说这是不是我99美分花的最值的一次Was that the best 99 cents I ever spent, or what?7900:18:15,990 --> 00:18:17,120我查过应用商店了I checked the App Store.8000:18:15,990 --> 00:18:17,120应用商店:苹果公司为应用程序设计的下载平台8100:18:17,120 --> 00:18:18,180还没人做过No one is doing8200:18:18,180 --> 00:18:20,630手写识别解微分方程的应用程序呢handwriting-recognition differential equation solving.00:18:20,630 --> 00:18:22,970天呐你小声点Oh, dear Lord, shush.8400:18:24,280 --> 00:18:25,000为什么What?8500:18:25,000 --> 00:18:27,680你好不容易能有个好点子莱纳德You have so few good ideas, Leonard.8600:18:27,680 --> 00:18:28,970你打算就这么轻易地把它And you're just going to spill the beans8700:18:28,970 --> 00:18:31,340当着一个外人的面泄露出去吗in front of an outsider?8800:18:38,180 --> 00:18:39,380说谁呢我吗Who, me?8900:18:39,680 --> 00:18:41,520谢尔顿我不觉得佩妮Sheldon, I don't think Penny cares9000:18:41,520 --> 00:18:43,810多在乎这个基于手写识别技术的微分...about handwriting-recognition based differential...9100:18:43,810 --> 00:18:46,460夜晚的星星大而亮呀**The stars at night are big and bright9200:18:46,460 --> 00:18:48,910深深地埋藏在德州的中央**Deep in the heart of Texas9300:18:49,420 --> 00:18:51,530她不会来盗取我们的点子She's not going to steal our idea.9400:18:51,530 --> 00:18:53,100-什么点子 -我们要写一个应用程序...- What idea? - We're gonna write an application...9500:18:53,100 --> 00:18:55,800草原的星空宽而高呀**The prairie sky is wide and high9600:18:55,800 --> 00:18:56,840深深地埋藏在...**Deep in the heart...9700:18:56,840 --> 00:18:58,440行了别唱了Okay, stop, stop!9800:18:58,440 --> 00:18:59,960德州的中央**Of Texas9900:18:00,880 --> 00:18:01,890无论你们的秘密是什么Whatever your secret is,10000:18:01,890 --> 00:18:18,100我确信它必定无聊至极所以我不会有兴趣的I'm sure it's boring, so I'm not interested.10100:18:18,100 --> 00:18:18,300一点也不无聊啊It's not boring at all.11800:18:18,300 --> 00:18:18,610你想想在高阶数学中You see, in higher order mathematics,11800:18:18,610 --> 00:18:18,460一定会有there are certain sets11800:18:18,460 --> 00:18:10,440-联立方程组它们有时... -无聊- of equations that... - Bored.11800:18:11,270 --> 00:18:12,230满意了吗Satisfied?11800:18:12,230 --> 00:18:13,100恐怕很难Hardly.11800:18:13,100 --> 00:18:16,180试想一下这个不太可能却又非常真实的情节吧Consider this unlikely but very plausible scenario.11800:18:16,180 --> 00:18:19,150一位年轻女子只身来到大都市A young woman alone in the big city.11800:18:19,150 --> 00:18:20,380她荒谬的演员梦想Her ridiculous dream11000:18:20,380 --> 00:18:23,230欺骗了她从而深深地打击了她of becoming an actress lies shattered about her.11100:18:23,660 --> 00:18:24,840拜托你停一下好吗Hey, wait a minute.11200:18:24,840 --> 00:18:26,550等等我们看看他的后续如何Well, hang on. Let's see where he's going.11300:18:27,150 --> 00:18:28,290然后现实打击了她Then it hits her.11400:18:28,290 --> 00:18:29,980她如何才能生存下去呢How is she going to survive?11500:18:29,980 --> 00:18:33,380因为她胸无大志且身无长物I mean, she has no prospects, no marketable skills.11600:18:33,380 --> 00:18:34,930直到有一天And then one day,11700:18:34,930 --> 00:18:37,210她遇到了一群天才们she meets a group of geniuses11800:18:37,210 --> 00:18:39,310以及天才们的朋友霍华德and their friend Howard.11900:18:42,260 --> 00:18:42,840我...Hey, I...12000:18:42,840 --> 00:18:44,780你也等等我们看看他的后续如何Hang on. Let's see where he's going.12100:18:46,230 --> 00:18:48,850她与这帮人交朋友然后伺机等候She befriends them, and then lies in wait12200:18:48,850 --> 00:18:51,250直到这帮人有了一个可销售的点子until they reveal a marketable idea,12300:18:51,250 --> 00:18:54,500于是她盗取了点子卖给了出价最高的人which she steals and sells to the highest bidder.12400:18:54,500 --> 00:18:56,640-这也太扯了 -哦是吗- That is ridiculous. - Oh, is it?12500:18:56,640 --> 00:18:58,250那你倒是给我们个合理的解释Let's see you come up with an explanation12600:18:58,250 --> 00:18:00,870为何这个女人一直跟我们厮混在一起as to why this woman hangs out with us all the time.12700:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,830太棒了你们知道吗Oh, great. You know what?12800:18:18,830 --> 00:18:18,270我已经从你们这蹭到晚饭了I've already mooched dinner off you guys.12900:18:18,270 --> 00:18:18,910所以我不需要再听这个点子了I don't need to listen to this.13000:18:18,390 --> 00:18:11,430这就是你要的答案免费食物There's your answer-- free food.13100:18:12,560 --> 00:18:14,410好吧我已经自作主张All right, I've taken the liberty13200:18:14,410 --> 00:18:16,180起草了这些工作流程图of drafting these workflow charts13300:18:16,180 --> 00:18:19,140这里列出了我们形形色色的职务以及which outline our various duties and the path we will follow13400:18:19,140 --> 00:18:21,550开发这独创程序过程中需遵照的事项as we develop our ground-breaking new app.13500:18:23,180 --> 00:18:25,540为何我负责的是电话服务Hey, why am I in charge of phone support?13600:18:28,110 --> 00:18:30,180貌似有点种族主义Seems a bit racist.13700:18:30,180 --> 00:18:31,820一个操着印度口音的客服A customer service representative13800:18:31,820 --> 00:18:34,180能够给客人们留下一种with an Indian accent will create the impression13900:18:34,180 --> 00:18:37,880我们这是跨国公司使用海外客服中心的印象we're a vast enterprise that uses overseas call centers.14000:18:37,880 --> 00:18:38,990哦Oh.14100:18:38,990 --> 00:18:40,180很聪明Very clever.14200:18:40,180 --> 00:18:41,830但还是有种族色彩But still racist.14300:18:42,180 --> 00:18:45,210提醒下你叫史蒂夫来自威奇托[美国城市]Duly noted, Steve from Wichita.14400:18:46,640 --> 00:18:49,530为什么我被列为你的行政助理Why am I listed as your executive assistant?14500:18:49,530 --> 00:18:53,210因为"秘书"这个词已经变得不大光彩了Because the word "Secretary" has fallen into disrepute.14600:18:53,640 --> 00:18:55,860提醒下我妈妈的生日快到了FYI, my mother's birthday is coming up.14700:18:55,860 --> 00:18:58,380我需要你来帮我挑选个礼物I'm going to need you to pick up a present.14800:18:59,140 --> 00:18:01,130好吧我们需要暂时先停一下了Okay, we need to stop for a minute.14900:18:01,130 --> 00:18:18,180莱纳德拜托我们可以在休憩时再谈Leonard, please, we can talk during our break.15000:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,450这个午夜马上就有事情要做了We have one coming up at midnight.15100:18:18,450 --> 00:18:18,330我们需要小吃We'll need snacks.15200:18:18,330 --> 00:18:18,220谢尔顿这个并不是你负责的Sheldon, you're not in charge.15300:18:18,220 --> 00:18:18,730这是我的点子我才是负责的It's my idea. I'm in charge.15400:18:18,730 --> 00:18:10,870当然是你负责啊Oh, of course you are.15500:18:10,870 --> 00:18:12,240快看看上面的组织机构吧Look at the orga nizational chart.15600:18:12,240 --> 00:18:14,290你被清楚地列为了奠基人You're clearly listed as founder.15700:18:14,290 --> 00:18:17,900是啊同时你被列为了首席执行官Well, yes, and you're listed as Chief Executive Officer,15800:18:17,900 --> 00:18:21,440首席财务官和首席运营官Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer.15900:18:21,440 --> 00:18:23,120你还少说了首席科技官You missed Chief Science Officer,16000:18:23,120 --> 00:18:25,530董事局主席以及秘密圣诞委员会首脑Chairman of the Board, and Head of the Secret Santa Committee.16100:18:25,530 --> 00:18:26,710好了Okay.16200:18:27,930 --> 00:18:29,820你现在就需要搞明白这件事You need to get clear on this right now.16300:18:29,820 --> 00:18:32,690我才是这个计划的决策人I am in charge of this project.16400:18:33,180 --> 00:18:36,850哦哦莱纳德想取代谢尔顿成为"书呆子"界的领袖喽Ooh. Leonard's going all alpha nerd on Sheldon's ass...16500:18:37,930 --> 00:18:39,940好吧好吧我不打算跟你争执下去了All right. All right, I'm not going to argue with you.16600:18:39,940 --> 00:18:42,390谢尔顿·库珀如果不团队协作也一事无成Sheldon Cooper is nothing if not a team player.16700:18:42,390 --> 00:18:45,180霍夫斯塔德博士一切由你指挥Dr. Hofstadter, you have the conn.16800:18:47,140 --> 00:18:48,300谢谢Thank you.16900:18:49,400 --> 00:18:51,740我认为我们可以先从用户界面开始讨论I thought we might start by talking about the user interface.17000:18:51,740 --> 00:18:53,550哦天呐我们失败定了Oh, dear Lord, we're doomed.17100:18:55,900 --> 00:18:57,750那么这个按钮So this button here17200:18:57,750 --> 00:18:59,840能让你扫描一个新方程will allow you to scan a new equation,17300:18:59,840 --> 00:18:01,520而你按这边的按钮but over here, you can press this,17400:18:01,520 --> 00:18:18,310就能替换新的系数and just substitute new values for the coefficients.17500:18:18,310 --> 00:18:18,180不错哎头儿Good one, boss.17600:18:10,110 --> 00:18:10,990啥What?17700:18:10,990 --> 00:18:12,360这个图例This diagram.17800:18:12,360 --> 00:18:14,910你以为您是想讲个开场笑话I assume you were opening with a joke.17900:18:15,210 --> 00:18:18,430毫无疑问鼓舞了我这个小员工的团队精神It certainly buoyed up this employee's esprit de corps.18000:18:19,900 --> 00:18:22,160这不是玩笑就是这么设计It's not a joke. It's the real design.18100:18:22,590 --> 00:18:25,130这样的话能让我稍微修改27处In that case, may I offer 27 little tweaks18200:18:25,130 --> 00:18:27,430让这玩意儿看着不那么丢人吗to make it slightly less embarrassing?18300:18:28,130 --> 00:18:29,530谢尔顿我觉得这个能成Sheldon, I think this will work.18400:18:29,530 --> 00:18:31,190就按我说的做先Let's just try it my way.18500:18:31,190 --> 00:18:32,520不好意思Oh, I'm-I'm sorry.18600:18:32,520 --> 00:18:33,510我以为你希望你的属下I assumed that you wanted18700:18:33,510 --> 00:18:35,540能畅所欲言直言进谏candid truth-telling from your employees,18800:18:35,540 --> 00:18:38,110而我现在意识到你不过是喜欢but I realize now, you want the mindless nattering18900:18:38,110 --> 00:18:40,290盲目奉承沾沾自喜的应声虫of complacent yes-men.19000:18:41,460 --> 00:18:42,200说完了吗Are you done?19100:18:42,200 --> 00:18:43,810听你的头儿If you say so, boss.19200:18:46,410 --> 00:18:48,010好按下这个键So right now, this button-press event19300:18:48,010 --> 00:18:49,970就能调用一个虚拟程序...is just triggering a dummy procedure call...19400:18:49,970 --> 00:18:52,390应用程序叫这名儿怎样How about this for the app name?19500:18:52,390 --> 00:18:54,990出奇-好用-微分-方程-相关The Surprisingly Helpful Equation-Linked19600:18:54,990 --> 00:18:58,300优化-计算器Differential Optimized Numerator.19700:18:59,180 --> 00:18:01,920首字母连起来就是"谢尔顿"So it spells "Sheldon."19800:18:18,000 --> 00:18:18,180是吗Does it?19900:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,140好巧啊A happy accident.20000:18:18,140 --> 00:18:10,180现在不急着起名霍华德来吧We're not doing names now. Howard?20100:18:10,180 --> 00:18:12,460我也说了现在只是个虚拟程序Like I was saying, right now it's just a dummy procedure,21800:18:12,460 --> 00:18:13,910但最终会进入...but eventually, it will drop us into...21800:18:13,910 --> 00:18:15,830好吧如果我们先不起名All right, fine. If we're not going to give it a name,21800:18:15,830 --> 00:18:18,630好歹起个秘密代号吧can we at least give it a secret code designation?21800:18:19,010 --> 00:18:20,350-不要 -听我说完- No. - Hear me out.21800:18:20,350 --> 00:18:22,620原子弹计划的代号是曼哈顿计划The atomic bomb was The Manhattan Project.21800:18:22,620 --> 00:18:25,270Win95最早的代号是芝加哥计划Windows 95 was originally Project Chicago.21800:18:25,270 --> 00:18:29,740而咱的应用程序我低调建议就叫顿尔谢计划好了For our app, I would humbly suggest Project Nodlehs.21800:18:30,850 --> 00:18:33,250不过是"谢尔顿"倒过来而已That's just "Sheldon" Backwards.21000:18:33,750 --> 00:18:35,610又是个愉快的巧合啊Another happy accident.21100:18:36,190 --> 00:18:39,180我们现在不浪费时间起名字We're not wasting time with names right now.21200:18:39,180 --> 00:18:40,530我懂了I see.21300:18:41,160 --> 00:18:43,110能公开讨论下这个决议吗Is that decision open for discussion?21400:18:43,110 --> 00:18:44,450不No.21500:18:44,450 --> 00:18:46,580能公开讨论下为什么不公开讨论吗Is the decision to not discuss it open for discussion?21600:18:46,580 --> 00:18:47,890不No.21700:18:48,460 --> 00:18:49,410再说一遍Again,21800:08:49,410 --> 00:18:51,750现在这只是个虚拟程序right now it's just a dummy procedure,21900:18:51,750 --> 00:18:53,250但最终会进入...but eventually, it will drop us into...22000:18:53,250 --> 00:18:54,800我要对现在的领导人发起不信任投票I call for a vote of no confidence22100:18:54,800 --> 00:18:56,500并且要求立即更换领导人and an immediate change in leadership.22200:18:56,500 --> 00:18:57,610谢尔顿快住口Sheldon, stop it.22300:18:57,610 --> 00:18:00,240在人类活动过程中有必要缓解When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary22400:18:00,240 --> 00:18:18,180三位有能力的科学家的合作关系to dissolve the bonds that tie three competent scientists together...22500:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,180-够了谢尔顿 -好吧直接开始投票吧- That's enough, Sheldon. - All right, let's get right to the vote.22600:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,700现在请所有反对莱纳德Show of hands-- all those opposed22700:18:18,700 --> 00:18:18,160和他的专制帝国的人举手to Leonard and his reign of tyranny.22800:18:10,990 --> 00:18:13,180够了你被炒了Okay, that's it, you're fired.22900:18:13,580 --> 00:18:15,110真的吗Really?23000:18:15,630 --> 00:18:17,100为什么Why?23100:18:18,210 --> 00:18:21,380因为你没法和人合作Because you're impossible to work with.23200:18:21,380 --> 00:18:22,820我明白了I see.23300:18:26,540 --> 00:18:28,200能公开讨论下吗And is that open for discussion?23400:18:34,330 --> 00:18:35,640你在做什么What are you doing?23500:18:35,640 --> 00:18:38,710早上好大懒虫Oh. Good morning, shoemaker.23600:18:39,170 --> 00:18:40,190我想你会很高兴看到I think you'll be pleased23700:18:40,190 --> 00:18:42,890昨晚精灵们的辛勤劳动成果with what the elves were up to last night.23800:18:43,350 --> 00:18:44,490我不是炒了你么I fired you.23900:18:44,490 --> 00:18:47,480我知道我现在是个合同工Oh, I know. I'm now an independent contractor.24000:18:48,250 --> 00:18:50,180不你啥都不是No, you are now nothing.24100:18:50,180 --> 00:18:53,450你和这项目没有一毛钱关系了You have no connection to this project whatsoever.24200:18:53,450 --> 00:18:55,440但我做了改进But I made it better.24300:18:55,440 --> 00:18:58,390我不要你做改进我要按我自己的来I don't want it better. I want it my way.24400:18:58,390 --> 00:10:00,530这话真是意味深长是吧Well, that speaks volumes, doesn't it?24500:10:01,370 --> 00:10:18,570好吧我想我还是去穿公车裤吧All right, I suppose I'll go put on my bus pants.24600:10:18,570 --> 00:10:18,360公车裤是什么玩意What the hell are bus pants?24700:10:18,360 --> 00:10:18,870就是穿在普通裤子外面的裤子They are pants one wears over one's regular pants24800:10:18,870 --> 00:10:11,280因为你要坐在公车上when one sits on bus seats24900:10:11,280 --> 00:10:13,560别人坐过的椅子上that other people have previously sat on.25000:10:14,700 --> 00:10:16,920不过也许你是企业里But perhaps from your lofty heights25100:10:16,920 --> 00:10:19,180高高在上的领导恐怕不会理解atop the corporate ladder, you've lost touch25200:10:19,180 --> 00:10:21,750身为普通人的辛酸苦辣with the struggles of the common man.25300:10:22,660 --> 00:10:25,280听着我还是很乐意开车送你去上班Look, I'm still happy to drive you to work.25400:10:25,280 --> 00:10:26,740在这点上没有改变Nothing's changed in that regard.25500:10:26,740 --> 00:10:29,300我们还是室友还是朋友We're still roommates, we're still friends.25600:10:29,300 --> 00:10:32,200但你却把我你最好的朋友Except you identified me, your best friend,25700:10:32,200 --> 00:10:34,730当成一块坏死的肉as a gangrenous limb that needed to be severed25800:10:34,730 --> 00:10:37,130从组织上割下来再扔掉from the organism and tossed away.25900:10:37,130 --> 00:10:39,180你这有严重拿破仑情结的小个子The desperate act of a little man26000:10:39,180 --> 00:10:41,550还真是穷凶极恶with a big Napoleon complex.26100:10:43,780 --> 00:10:45,180老子告诉你You know what?26200:10:45,180 --> 00:10:47,180速度穿你的公交裤去吧Go put on your bus pants.26300:10:52,980 --> 00:10:54,490昨天晚上我做了个梦Mm. Last night, I had a dream26400:10:54,490 --> 00:10:56,430我们因为这应用程序发了大财we got so rich from the app,26500:10:56,430 --> 00:10:59,590我俩买了两幢相邻的别墅you and I bought matching side-by-side mansions.26600:11:00,260 --> 00:11:00,940但是...But...26700:11:00,940 --> 00:11:18,130中间有条秘密隧道there was a secret tunnel26800:11:18,130 --> 00:11:18,740从你的前庭连到我的后院connecting your front yard to my back yard.26900:11:10,330 --> 00:11:12,410你觉得这是啥意思What do you think that means?27000:11:13,200 --> 00:11:16,960意思是我们玩完手球后我在家洗澡It means after we play handball, I'm showering at home.27100:11:20,010 --> 00:11:22,100早上好霍华德好友Good morning, Friend Howard.27200:11:22,100 --> 00:11:23,370拉杰好友Friend Raj.27300:11:23,370 --> 00:11:26,270两位先生在喝饮料啊I see you gentlemen are enjoying beverages.27400:11:26,270 --> 00:11:30,180也许这些能让它们喝起来更美味Perhaps they would taste better out of these.27500:11:30,900 --> 00:11:32,530"世上最伟大的天文物理学家""World's Greatest Astrophysicist"?27600:11:32,530 --> 00:11:35,340不用谢我你应得的Don't thank me. You earned it.27700:11:36,880 --> 00:11:39,250"霍华德·沃罗威茨""Howard Wolowitz."27800:11:41,430 --> 00:11:43,900为啥不是"世上最伟大的工程师"Why not "World's Greatest Engineer"?27900:11:43,900 --> 00:11:44,750不好意思I'm sorry.28000:11:44,750 --> 00:11:46,620我在做标签的时候是这么打过I typed that into the label maker,28100:11:46,620 --> 00:11:48,870但实在按不下确认键but I just couldn't press enter.28200:11:48,870 --> 00:11:50,270现在谈正事吧Now down to business.28300:11:50,270 --> 00:11:53,180你们何不抛弃莱纳德What would it take for you to abandon Leonard28400:11:53,180 --> 00:11:55,100加入竞争对手我的公司and join me in a rival company?28500:11:55,100 --> 00:11:57,170要是这两个马克杯还不够Unless, of course, the mugs are sufficient,28600:11:57,170 --> 00:11:59,520不管怎样欢迎你们入伙in which case, welcome aboard.28700:12:00,160 --> 00:12:01,710我们不会抛弃莱纳德We're not quitting on Leonard.28800:12:01,710 --> 00:12:18,720我明白你们的忠诚值得赞扬I understand. Your loyalty is admirable.28900:12:18,720 --> 00:12:18,690但如果我再增加筹码呢But what if I were to up the ante?29000:12:18,180 --> 00:12:10,810你在说什么鬼What are you talking about?29100:12:10,810 --> 00:12:12,790字母组合钥匙链Monogrammed key chains29200:12:12,790 --> 00:12:15,180还配有内置激光with a built-in laser pointer.29300:12:19,150 --> 00:12:20,550还是不吗No?29400:12:21,400 --> 00:12:23,140那印有我们大学How about can cozies29500:12:23,140 --> 00:12:26,260吉祥物的保温罩呢emblazoned with our university mascot?29600:12:27,580 --> 00:12:29,320冲啊海狸Go, Beavers.29700:12:31,940 --> 00:12:33,650我马上回来I'll be back.29800:12:35,430 --> 00:12:37,600好我们试下这个Okay, let's try this one.29900:12:40,100 --> 00:12:41,960"球面汉克尔函数""Spherical Hankel function."30000:12:41,960 --> 00:12:43,470稍等Hold on.30100:12:43,750 --> 00:12:44,800有了That's it!31800:12:44,800 --> 00:12:45,860中了Eureka!。

61>Significant improvement over the old neighbor.
62>200-pound transvestite with a skin condition?
63>Yes,she is.
64>-oh,hi. -hi.
110>You might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.
111>You're inviting me over to eat?
113>Oh,that's so nice. I'd love to.
115>So,what do you guys do for fun around here?
1>So if a photon is directed through a plane
2>with two slits in it and either slit is observed,
3>it will not go through both slits.
8>Agreed. what's your point?
9>There's no point,I just think it's a good idea for a t-shirt.
10>-excuse me. -hang on.
高中英语 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕6素材

生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕6200:02:15,220 --> 00:02:19,200■300:02:19,210 --> 00:02:23,210翻译:YY 米小勒小蛮腰海因里希400:02:19,210 --> 00:02:23,210■500:02:23,210 --> 00:02:27,210后期:孤帆时间轴:YY600:02:23,210 --> 00:02:27,210■700:02:27,210 --> 00:02:31,210校对:Vin 总监:YY800:02:27,210 --> 00:02:31,210■900:02:33,310 --> 00:02:35,110生活大爆炸第四季第六集1000:00:05,380 --> 00:00:06,510有问题吗Problem?1100:00:06,510 --> 00:00:08,920这是我吃过最难吃的脆皮水果派This is the worst cobbler I've ever eaten.1200:00:08,920 --> 00:00:13,090味道就跟出自一个初级的补鞋匠之手一样It tastes like it's made of actual ground-up shoemaker.1300:00:13,090 --> 00:00:16,660真好笑 "cobbler"一词两意都点到了Amusing. A play on the two meanings of "cobbler."1400:00:13,090 --> 00:00:16,660cobbler既有水果派也有鞋匠的意思1500:00:19,390 --> 00:00:21,900伙计们猜猜我在洛杉矶机场发现谁了Hey guys. Guess who I found at LAX?1600:00:21,900 --> 00:00:23,230我的妹妹普丽娅My baby sister Priya.1700:00:23,230 --> 00:00:25,400抱歉我反对Excuse me I object.1800:00:25,400 --> 00:00:27,600你提出的是一个猜谜游戏You propose a guessing game1900:00:27,600 --> 00:00:29,570可是你一点猜的时间都不给我yet you don't give me enough time to guess.2000:00:29,570 --> 00:00:32,210声明一下我本来就打算说For the record I was going to say:2100:00:32,210 --> 00:00:33,470"你的妹妹普丽娅""Your sister Priya."2200:00:33,470 --> 00:00:37,040谢尔顿你一点都没变对吧Oh Sheldon. You haven't changed a bit have you?2300:00:37,040 --> 00:00:39,150我为什么要变Why would I change?2400:00:39,150 --> 00:00:40,310她的本意其实是The hope has been that2500:00:40,310 --> 00:00:42,380你最终能变得正常一点you'd eventually bend to public opinion.2600:00:42,380 --> 00:00:45,520普丽娅什么风把你吹来洛杉矶So Priya what brings you back to L.A.?2700:00:45,520 --> 00:00:47,650我本来要去多伦多但我得在这滞留一天I have a one-day layover on my way to Toronto.2800:00:47,660 --> 00:00:49,060企业并购Corporate merger.2900:00:49,060 --> 00:00:50,160你们相信吗Can you believe it?3000:00:50,160 --> 00:00:51,520小普丽娅是印度最大汽车公司Little Priya's one of the lead attorneys3100:00:51,530 --> 00:00:52,960首席律师之一for the biggest car company in India.3200:00:52,960 --> 00:00:56,000鉴于当时咱们见面她已经从法学院毕业了Given that when we met her she was finishing law school3300:00:56,000 --> 00:00:59,370而且正打算去一家大的印度汽车公司实习and planning an internship at a large Indian car company3400:00:59,370 --> 00:01:01,270这个结果其实相当合理it's actually extremely plausible.3500:01:01,270 --> 00:01:04,740你怎么就这么惹人嫌呢And your poll numbers just keep dropping.3600:01:05,510 --> 00:01:07,040虽然我很想跟大家一起聊聊I want to catch up with all of you3700:01:07,040 --> 00:01:08,780但我得先去上个厕所but first I really must visit the loo.3800:01:08,780 --> 00:01:10,940我也去我给你指路吧I'm going too; I'll show you where it is.3900:01:11,750 --> 00:01:13,210好的虽然这不用明讲All right this goes without saying4000:01:13,210 --> 00:01:14,910但是无论如何我还是重申一下but I'm just going to say it anyway.4100:01:14,920 --> 00:01:17,180不许碰我妹妹Hands off my sister.4200:01:17,180 --> 00:01:21,020我干嘛碰她她浑身布满了飞机细菌Why would I touch her? She's covered with airplane germs.4300:01:21,020 --> 00:01:24,660我当然不是跟你说我是跟他说I'm so not talking to you. I'm talking to him.4400:01:24,660 --> 00:01:28,360-喂我都是有女朋友的人了 -拜托- Hey. I've got a girlfriend now. - Oh please.4500:01:28,360 --> 00:01:30,160我的妹妹比你那女友辣多了My sister's much hotter than your girlfriend4600:01:30,160 --> 00:01:31,430这点你心知肚明and you know it.4700:01:31,430 --> 00:01:33,370她们俩都很辣行了吧Let's just agree they're both hot.4800:01:33,370 --> 00:01:36,540但是伙计你说的可是我妹妹But dude that's my sister you're talking about!4900:01:36,540 --> 00:01:38,310算了不说这个话题Okay forget who's hotter.5000:01:38,310 --> 00:01:41,340普丽娅第一次来洛杉矶时我和莱纳德The first time Priya came to L.A. Leonard and I made a pact5100:01:41,340 --> 00:01:44,040出于对我们友情以及对你的尊敬out of respect to our friendship and to you5200:01:44,050 --> 00:01:46,150我们约定谁也不能泡你妹妹that neither of us would hit on her.5300:01:46,150 --> 00:01:47,780你们拉钩钩了吗Did you pinky-swear?5400:01:50,480 --> 00:01:52,250当然Yes.5500:01:53,320 --> 00:01:54,990那好吧Okay then.00:01:54,990 --> 00:01:58,120补鞋匠的水果派我到现在还忍不住发笑Cobbler. I'm still laughing.5700:01:59,160 --> 00:02:01,490真高兴再次见到你莱纳德It's really nice to see you again Leonard.5800:02:01,500 --> 00:02:03,600是啊我也很高兴见到你Yeah. It's good to see you too.5900:02:03,600 --> 00:02:04,600你到了Here you go.6000:02:04,600 --> 00:02:05,770谢谢Thanks.6100:02:09,240 --> 00:02:10,640哇哦哇哦哇哦Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!6200:02:12,910 --> 00:02:14,810继续Okay.6300:02:41,873 --> 00:02:44,219你跟你的妹妹有什么特别计划吗So you got any special plans with your sister?6400:02:44,219 --> 00:02:46,619没有就是一起出去玩Oh not really. Just hang out.6500:02:46,619 --> 00:02:49,289我总是跟人说如果你只能在I always tell people "If you have only one day6600:02:49,289 --> 00:02:52,859洛杉矶呆一天火车一日游是最佳选择in Los Angeles make it a train day."6700:02:52,859 --> 00:02:54,659火车一日游Train day?6800:02:54,659 --> 00:02:58,029乐趣始于在影城的卡尼餐厅吃早午饭The fun starts with brunch at Carney's in Studio City6900:02:58,029 --> 00:03:01,169在改造过的铁路餐车里有一个热狗站a hotdog stand in a converted railroad dining car.7000:03:01,169 --> 00:03:03,099下一站 Travel TownNext stop Travel Town7100:03:03,099 --> 00:03:06,599一家户外的博物馆专门展出1880年至1930年的an outdoor museum featuring 43 railroad engines7200:03:06,609 --> 00:03:10,209铁路引擎汽车和其他轨道车辆cars and other rolling stock from the 1880s to the 1930s.7300:03:10,209 --> 00:03:14,179最后我们在浮华与魅力并存的好莱坞下车And finally we're off to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood7400:03:14,179 --> 00:03:18,079对就在好莱坞的卡尼餐厅吃晚饭for dinner at--that's right-- the Hollywood Carney's7500:03:18,079 --> 00:03:22,949那是另外一个改造过的铁路餐车热狗站a hotdog stand in a <i>different</i> converted railroad dining car.7600:03:22,949 --> 00:03:26,059我们才不会玩这个I don't think we're going to do that.7700:03:26,059 --> 00:03:29,489显然你讨厌寻乐Well then apparently you hate fun.7800:03:33,829 --> 00:03:35,929普丽娅还没回来呢Priya's not back yet?7900:03:35,929 --> 00:03:37,399这很正常Well I guess that's not unusual.8000:03:37,399 --> 00:03:39,799女人男人一个蹲着一个站着Women men the whole sitting-standing deal.8100:03:39,799 --> 00:03:41,269咱们刚才聊到哪里了So what are we talking about?8200:03:41,269 --> 00:03:42,939我和普丽娅的出游计划Uh my plans with Priya.8300:03:42,939 --> 00:03:44,909他拒绝火车一日游He rejected Train Day.8400:03:44,909 --> 00:03:47,479你有说清楚那是两辆不同的火车车厢Did you make it clear that it's two different train cars8500:03:47,479 --> 00:03:49,349改造成的热狗站吗turned into hotdog stands?8600:03:49,349 --> 00:03:51,079十分清楚Abundantly.8700:03:51,079 --> 00:03:52,979我想他就是讨厌寻乐I guess he just hates fun.8800:03:52,979 --> 00:03:56,419我也是这么说的That's what I said!8900:03:58,919 --> 00:04:01,229好了你们有什么新闻Okay so... what's new with you guys?9000:04:01,229 --> 00:04:02,659我有女朋友了I have a girlfriend now.9100:04:02,659 --> 00:04:04,029不错嘛Hey good for you!9200:04:04,029 --> 00:04:05,699嗯我就想让大家都知道Yeah I just want to put it out there9300:04:05,699 --> 00:04:06,759以防我不经意in case I inadvertently9400:04:06,769 --> 00:04:09,529朝你喷射出我的性引诱外激素squirt any pheromones in your direction.9500:04:10,299 --> 00:04:11,469满意了吧Happy?9600:04:13,639 --> 00:04:16,109普丽娅你有什么安排吗So Priya what are your plans while you're here?9700:04:16,109 --> 00:04:18,109我不知道我只有一天时间I don't know. I just have the one day.9800:04:18,109 --> 00:04:21,309你喜欢火车吗Do you like trains?9900:04:21,309 --> 00:04:22,779不是特别喜欢Not particularly.10000:04:25,749 --> 00:04:29,949那你在机场上等着登机就好了You might as well just wait at the airport for your flight.10100:04:31,119 --> 00:04:33,159你在一片森林当中"You are in a forest.10200:04:33,159 --> 00:04:34,829在西面有一片流沙"There is quicksand to the west10300:04:34,829 --> 00:04:38,859有一条通向东面的路a path leads to the east."10400:04:38,859 --> 00:04:41,569去东面Go east.10500:04:41,569 --> 00:04:45,499一道铁门挡住了你的路"An iron gate blocks your way."10600:04:45,499 --> 00:04:48,239开门Open gate.10700:04:48,239 --> 00:04:49,739上锁了"It's locked."10800:04:49,739 --> 00:04:51,909这样啊Hmm.10900:04:51,909 --> 00:04:54,079那算了Well so much for that.11000:04:57,419 --> 00:04:59,279很晚了你怎么还不睡It's getting pretty late. How come you're still up?11100:04:59,279 --> 00:05:03,319我刚在网上发现了一款游戏模拟器I found an emulator online that lets you play classic text-based11200:05:03,319 --> 00:05:05,789可以玩上世纪80年代的经典文字游戏computer games from the 1980s.11300:05:05,789 --> 00:05:07,219不错啊That's pretty cool.11400:05:07,229 --> 00:05:10,629当然了因为它用到了世界上最强大的图像处理器Oh yes. It runs on the world's most powerful graphics chip:11500:05:10,629 --> 00:05:12,899想象力imagination.11600:05:12,899 --> 00:05:15,699你倒是真该好好发掘一下You've really got to get out more.11700:05:17,599 --> 00:05:19,739向北走Go north.11800:05:19,739 --> 00:05:21,909 你不能走这条路"You can't go that way."11900:05:21,909 --> 00:05:23,639 向西走Go west.12000:05:23,639 --> 00:05:26,039 巨魔挡住了你的道路"A troll blocks your passage."12100:05:26,039 --> 00:05:28,349 好吧系好你的安全带Okay. Fasten your seatbelts.12200:05:29,749 --> 00:05:31,979 剿灭巨魔Kill troll.12300:05:31,979 --> 00:05:33,619 用什么"With what?"12400:05:33,619 --> 00:05:35,719 用剑With sword.12500:05:36,419 --> 00:05:37,689 你没有剑"You don't have the sword."12600:05:37,689 --> 00:05:40,859天呐这种倒霉事真降临到我头上了Good golly it's as if it's actually happening to me.12700:05:43,029 --> 00:05:44,659拉杰总算上床睡了Raj finally went to bed.12800:05:47,629 --> 00:05:50,069可谢尔顿还没睡Sheldon's still up.12900:05:50,069 --> 00:05:51,839你跟我说过他九点会睡的You said he goes to bed at 9:00.13000:05:51,839 --> 00:05:54,539他的确应该睡了但他刚痴迷于一款电脑游戏...Yeah he does but he got caught up in a computer game and...13100:05:54,539 --> 00:05:57,269用斧头击杀巨魔Hit troll with axe!13200:05:57,279 --> 00:06:00,639用斧头击杀巨魔Hit troll with axe!13300:06:00,649 --> 00:06:03,309用斧头击杀巨魔Hit troll with axe!13400:06:03,309 --> 00:06:05,719服了这真是个顽强的巨魔My this is one tough troll.13500:06:05,719 --> 00:06:07,379你没法摆脱他吗Can't you get rid of him?13600:06:07,389 --> 00:06:10,189根据以往经验不可能If the past is any indication no.13700:06:10,189 --> 00:06:12,359莱纳德我陷进流沙里了Leonard I'm trapped in quicksand!13800:06:12,359 --> 00:06:15,189这斧头在拖我下去呢The axe is dragging me down!13900:06:15,189 --> 00:06:16,289扔掉斧头Drop axe!14000:06:16,289 --> 00:06:18,829扔掉斧头英明Drop axe brilliant!14100:06:19,759 --> 00:06:23,169稍等一下Give me a minute.14200:06:24,639 --> 00:06:26,669-谢尔顿 -等一下- Sheldon. - Hold on.14300:06:26,669 --> 00:06:28,669我正在思考如何能拿到桶Trying to figure out how to get the bucket14400:06:28,669 --> 00:06:31,139这样我就能扛着泥土越过那条龙了so I can carry the mud past the dragon.14500:06:31,139 --> 00:06:34,479-谢尔顿你还得早起工作呢 -我知道- Sheldon you need to work in the morning. - I know!14600:06:34,479 --> 00:06:35,479那还不赶紧睡觉Well then bed mister!14700:06:35,479 --> 00:06:37,819再给我五分钟嘛Five more minutes!14800:06:37,819 --> 00:06:39,219你确定吗Really?14900:06:39,219 --> 00:06:41,449你打算冒着在热力波动学研讨会上打瞌睡的You're going to risk getting sleepy in the middle of your15000:06:41,449 --> 00:06:42,719风险继续玩下去吗thermodynamic fluctuations seminar?15100:06:42,719 --> 00:06:45,119你知道自己在公众面前打哈欠的后果吧You know what happens when you yawn in public.15200:06:48,829 --> 00:06:52,529大家都会看着我形态奇异的小舌头Everyone will see my oddly shaped uvula.15300:06:54,069 --> 00:06:55,569你也不想看到这个画面吧You don't want that do you?15400:06:56,429 --> 00:06:58,799不想No.15500:06:58,799 --> 00:07:03,639但我们社会嘲笑奇异舌头的做法是可耻的But it's a shame our society mocks the differently uvulated.15600:07:05,139 --> 00:07:06,179刚才谁敲门了Who was at the door?15700:07:06,179 --> 00:07:08,179呃楼管员Uh building manager.15800:07:08,179 --> 00:07:10,049他们要来修个管子They have to fix a pipe15900:07:10,049 --> 00:07:12,719所以明天中午到下午两点会停水so the water'll be off tomorrow from noon to 2:00.16000:07:12,719 --> 00:07:14,249这是让人无法接受的That's unacceptable.16100:07:14,249 --> 00:07:15,689我们理应提前得到书面通知的We're supposed to be given written notice.16200:07:15,689 --> 00:07:17,489没关系的反正我们到时候也是在工作的Well no it doesn't matter-- we'll be at work.16300:07:17,489 --> 00:07:20,359如果我不小心把番茄汤撒到衣服上怎么办What if I spill tomato soup on my shirt16400:07:20,359 --> 00:07:21,729我必须回家来换and have to come home to change16500:07:21,729 --> 00:07:24,089结果发现没有水来泡洗衣粉吗only to find there's no water for an enzyme soak?16600:07:24,099 --> 00:07:26,199别忘了分叉的小舌头谢尔顿Bifurcated uvula Sheldon!16700:07:26,999 --> 00:07:29,099那我明天吃鸡肉面吧晚安I'll have the chicken noodle. Good night!16800:07:33,369 --> 00:07:35,669我们一定得注意小声点We're going to have to be very quiet.16900:07:40,249 --> 00:07:42,349我想到如何拿到桶了I know how to get the bucket!17000:07:42,349 --> 00:07:44,309我可以反过来握斧头I can turn the axe around17100:07:44,319 --> 00:07:46,849然后用斧头把钩到水桶and use the handle to reach it.17200:07:46,849 --> 00:07:48,819让我试试Let's see.17300:07:48,819 --> 00:07:51,259向北走Go north.17400:07:51,259 --> 00:07:52,859你现在身处森林"You are in a forest."17500:07:52,859 --> 00:07:54,559继续向北走Go north.17600:07:54,559 --> 00:07:55,989你仍然身处森林"You are in a forest."17700:07:55,989 --> 00:07:57,429再往北走呢Go north.17800:07:57,429 --> 00:08:00,099你还是身处森林天呐我想我迷路了"You are in a forest." Oh dear I believe I'm lost. 17900:08:00,099 --> 00:08:02,169我还是明天从头再玩吧Well I'll just have to get a fresh start tomorrow.18000:08:02,169 --> 00:08:04,069不不不你刚才只不过方向搞错了而已No no no! You just took a wrong turn.18100:08:04,069 --> 00:08:05,539你只要把图画出来就行了You just need to map it out.18200:08:05,539 --> 00:08:06,539来吧我来帮你Come on I'll help you.18300:08:06,539 --> 00:08:09,739你停在了小溪旁然后向北走了三次对吧So you stopped at the stream and you turned north three times?18400:08:09,739 --> 00:08:10,479是的Yes.18500:08:10,479 --> 00:08:12,479你说对了你是迷路了祝你好运You're right. You're lost. Good luck.18600:08:20,079 --> 00:08:21,119莱纳德醒醒Leonard. Wake up.18700:08:21,119 --> 00:08:22,119抱歉Huh? Wh-- Sorry.18800:08:22,119 --> 00:08:23,649抱歉什么啊For what?18900:08:23,659 --> 00:08:26,089我也不知道只要我跟女孩子同床共枕后I don't know. When I'm in bed with a girl it's just--19000:08:26,089 --> 00:08:27,989这就是我的条件反射应答it's my go-to response.19100:08:27,989 --> 00:08:29,989已经六点了我得在拉杰睡醒It's 6:00. I have to get back to Raj's19200:08:29,989 --> 00:08:31,829发现我不见了之前赶紧回去了before he wakes up and realizes I'm gone.19300:08:31,829 --> 00:08:34,199哦那好吧Oh. Right. Sure.19400:08:34,199 --> 00:08:36,729我真希望你能在洛杉矶待久点I wish you could stay in L.A. a while longer.19500:08:36,729 --> 00:08:37,729我也想啊Mmm me too.19600:08:37,739 --> 00:08:39,269知道吗我刚才一直在想You know I was thinking19700:08:39,269 --> 00:08:42,169印度其实也有这么多先进的实验设施了there are some great research facilities in India.19800:08:42,169 --> 00:08:44,979你想说什么莱纳德Where are you going with this Leonard?19900:08:44,979 --> 00:08:48,749我其实想说反正我在这也没啥牵挂Well I'm just saying you know I don't have any real ties here20000:08:48,749 --> 00:08:51,949我也可以搬去新德里[印度城市] 我们可以一起你懂得so if I were to move to New Delhi we could you know--20100:08:52,149 --> 00:08:54,819出去玩玩go out.20200:08:54,819 --> 00:08:58,459莱纳德我们五年前不就谈过这个了吗Leonard didn't we have this conversation five years ago?20300:08:58,459 --> 00:08:59,419是这样的但是...Well yes but...20400:08:59,419 --> 00:09:00,659今非昔比了嘛things have changed.20500:09:00,659 --> 00:09:02,259你也长大了我也长大了You know you're older I'm older--20600:09:02,259 --> 00:09:04,459看吧再也没什么漫画英雄的床单了Look no more superhero bed sheets.20700:09:04,459 --> 00:09:05,929亲爱的Sweetheart20800:09:05,929 --> 00:09:08,929我们在一起很愉快并不意味着just because we have fun when I come to town doesn't mean20900:09:08,929 --> 00:09:11,539我想要开展一段正式的感情生活I want to have a serious relationship.21000:09:11,539 --> 00:09:13,899-不想吗 -不想- It doesn't? - Mm-mm.21100:09:13,909 --> 00:09:17,169此外我永远也不可能介绍个白种男孩给我的父母And besides I could never bring a white boy home to my parents.21200:09:18,079 --> 00:09:19,239他们宁愿要头牛They'd have a cow.21300:09:19,239 --> 00:09:21,879这在印度可就很大件事了Which is a much bigger deal in India.21400:09:21,879 --> 00:09:24,309我也没很纯的白人血统啦I'm not that white.21500:09:24,319 --> 00:09:26,379我的高祖母有一半彻罗基[印第安族]血统My great-great-grandmother was half Cherokee.21600:09:26,379 --> 00:09:29,449我知道虽然不是真正的印度血统但也算印什么了啊I know that's not the right kind of Indian but it is something.21700:09:29,449 --> 00:09:31,149你真有趣You're funny.21800:09:31,159 --> 00:09:32,489莱纳德Leonard?21900:09:32,489 --> 00:09:33,659莱纳德Leonard?22000:09:33,659 --> 00:09:35,159莱纳德Leonard?22100:09:36,029 --> 00:09:37,029啥事What?22200:09:37,029 --> 00:09:38,629我听到了女人的笑声I heard a woman laughing.22300:09:38,629 --> 00:09:43,029哦我刚才想试试自己能否笑得像个女人Oh uh yeah. I was trying to see if I could laugh as a woman.22400:09:44,999 --> 00:09:47,669哦那做的不错啊很真实啊Oh! Well good job. Quite convincing.22500:09:48,369 --> 00:09:50,139我闻到了香水味I smell perfume.22600:09:50,139 --> 00:09:51,209空气清洗剂的味道Air freshener.22700:09:51,209 --> 00:09:54,779你这脸颊和脖子上是口红吗And is that lipstick on your cheek and neck?22800:09:54,779 --> 00:09:56,109是疹子很严重的疹子Rash. That's a bad rash.22900:09:56,109 --> 00:09:57,709深表同情My sympathies.23000:09:57,719 --> 00:10:01,219我很了解这种红色祸害也就是皮炎I'm no stranger to the crimson scourge that is dermatitis.23100:10:02,519 --> 00:10:05,219我在我的乳液和软膏系列里Can I interest you in a topical steroid23200:10:05,219 --> 00:10:07,189帮你找一种管用的类固醇好吗from my lotion and unguent collection?23300:10:07,989 --> 00:10:10,189好啊好啊这主意不错Uh yeah yeah that sounds great.23400:10:10,189 --> 00:10:12,359很好我相信我可以找到Very well. I'm sure I can find something23500:10:12,359 --> 00:10:14,099帮你止痒的东西that will help you ditch that itch.23600:10:15,829 --> 00:10:18,239好了他去洗手间了我们走Okay he's in the bathroom. Let's go.23700:10:21,239 --> 00:10:23,909你喜欢软膏还是霜剂Do you prefer ointment or cream?23800:10:26,779 --> 00:10:27,309霜剂Cream.23900:10:27,309 --> 00:10:28,649要不要含麻醉添加剂的With or without a numbing agent?24000:10:28,649 --> 00:10:29,649不要Without.24100:10:29,649 --> 00:10:31,049真的吗莱纳德Really Leonard?24200:10:31,049 --> 00:10:33,719有皮炎的时候可不能逞英雄There are no heroes when it comes to dermatitis.24300:10:34,789 --> 00:10:35,669好吧那就要Fine. With.24400:10:35,819 --> 00:10:37,649处方药还是非处方的强效药Prescription or non-prescription strength?24500:10:37,659 --> 00:10:39,089发挥你的判断力吧Use your best judgment.24600:10:39,089 --> 00:10:43,859我有一支很不错的2009年的肛泰软膏Well I think I have a nice 2009 AnaMantle HC.24700:10:43,859 --> 00:10:47,259通常是针对严重发炎的痔疮的It's usually indicated for acutely inflamed hemorrhoids24800:10:47,269 --> 00:10:50,529但是对非粘膜器官也管用but it also goes nicely with non-mucosal body parts.24900:10:52,499 --> 00:10:53,669听起来不错Sounds great.25000:10:53,669 --> 00:10:55,309明智的选择Excellent choice.25100:10:57,039 --> 00:10:58,719好了快点快点快点Okay hurry hurry hurry.25200:11:00,549 --> 00:11:02,359快走快走快走Come on come on come on.25300:11:04,909 --> 00:11:05,799普丽娅Priya?25400:11:07,219 --> 00:11:08,309早上好谢尔顿Good morning Sheldon.25500:11:09,019 --> 00:11:13,389羞耻呀莱纳德羞耻For shame Leonard for shame.25600:11:14,449 --> 00:11:17,859我居然还差点准备And to think I was ready to waste25700:11:17,859 --> 00:11:20,149把我最后一点好用的痔疮霜浪费在你身上the last of my good hemorrhoid cream on you.25800:11:27,019 --> 00:11:28,309挺开心的啊Making pretty good time huh?25900:11:29,349 --> 00:11:31,939你真的想说这个吗莱纳德Is that really what you want to talk about Leonard?26000:11:32,789 --> 00:11:33,689不是No.26100:11:34,219 --> 00:11:35,659那你想说什么What do you want to talk about?26200:11:35,659 --> 00:11:36,789拜托别跟任何人说Please don't tell anyone26300:11:36,789 --> 00:11:38,259我跟拉杰的妹妹过夜了I spent the night with Raj's sister.26400:11:38,259 --> 00:11:40,259说出来了There it is.26500:11:41,229 --> 00:11:43,129要是有人问起来呢What if someone asks?26600:11:43,129 --> 00:11:45,729没人会问我是不是跟拉杰的妹妹过夜了No one's going to ask if I spent the night with Raj's sister. 26700:11:45,739 --> 00:11:49,839或许吧但是他们可能会问我别的Perhaps but they might ask me something else.26800:11:49,839 --> 00:11:51,169-比如呢 -比如说- Like what? - Like26900:11:51,169 --> 00:11:54,759莱纳德最近有没有做出背叛朋友的行为"Has Leonard betrayed any of his friends recently?"27000:11:55,709 --> 00:11:57,849普丽娅和我都是成年人了Priya and I are both adults.27100:11:57,849 --> 00:11:59,549我没有背叛拉杰I didn't betray Raj.27200:11:59,549 --> 00:12:03,039你有但是我指的是霍华德In fact you did but I was referring to Howard.27300:12:03,119 --> 00:12:04,189你在说什么What are you talking about?27400:12:04,189 --> 00:12:06,1892005年4月12日April 12 2005.27500:12:06,189 --> 00:12:08,259在图卢卡湖的鲍勃大头娃汉堡店里Bob's Big Boy Toluca Lake.27600:12:08,259 --> 00:12:11,859拉杰第一次把普丽娅介绍给我们Raj had just introduced us to Priya for the first time.27700:12:11,859 --> 00:12:14,999她正在享受印度教禁止的美味食物She was enjoying the sweet taste of Hindu rebellion27800:12:14,999 --> 00:12:17,769那就是鲍勃超级大头娃牛肉堡in the form of a Bob's Super Big Boy hamburger.27900:12:17,769 --> 00:12:20,179为了维护你们的友谊In order to preserve your friendship28000:12:20,179 --> 00:12:22,239你和霍华德发拉钩钩说you and Howard made a pinky swear28100:12:22,239 --> 00:12:24,569你们俩人都不许追求她that neither of you would attempt to woo her.28200:12:25,069 --> 00:12:26,619我点了一份奶酪牛肉片I had a patty melt.28300:12:27,779 --> 00:12:29,649好吧我背叛了霍华德Okay fine I betrayed Howard.28400:12:29,649 --> 00:12:31,579-还有拉杰 -好的还有拉杰- And Raj. - All right and Raj.28500:12:31,579 --> 00:12:32,659还有我And me.28600:12:33,249 --> 00:12:34,809你You?28700:12:34,979 --> 00:12:36,589你违反了室友协议中Violation of the Roommate Agreement's28800:12:36,589 --> 00:12:38,989有留宿客人要提前通知之一条款overnight guest notification clause.28900:12:38,989 --> 00:12:41,859好吧我是个令人讨厌的家伙Okay fine I-I'm a horrible human being.29000:12:41,859 --> 00:12:43,959我就是帕萨迪纳的达斯·维达I'm the Darth Vader of Pasadena.29100:12:41,859 --> 00:12:43,959《星球大战》中的重要角色黑武士29200:12:43,959 --> 00:12:46,659你当达斯·维达还太矮了点You're far too short to be Darth Vader.29300:12:47,599 --> 00:12:50,039你最多也就是叛徒伊渥克[星球大战]At best you might be a turncoat Ewok.29400:12:50,499 --> 00:12:53,899我只是想说普丽娅已经走了My point is: Priya's gone and it would be much better29500:12:53,899 --> 00:12:56,609要是没人知道这件事就最好了if no one else found out about us.29600:12:57,439 --> 00:12:59,469你是说你想让我帮你保密You mean you want me to keep a secret?29700:12:59,479 --> 00:13:00,509是的Yes.29800:13:00,509 --> 00:13:02,179你知道我是保守不了秘密的You know I can't keep a secret.29900:13:02,179 --> 00:13:03,249你努力尝试的话就可以的You can if you try.30000:13:03,249 --> 00:13:04,479就这样想Think about it this way:30100:13:04,479 --> 00:13:07,379如果我是蝙蝠侠你是艾尔福um if I were Batman and you were Alfred30200:13:04,479 --> 00:13:07,379蝙蝠侠的管家30300:13:07,379 --> 00:13:09,319你一定可以对我的身份保密对吧you'd keep that secret right?30400:13:09,549 --> 00:13:12,119凭什么你是蝙蝠侠Why do you get to be Batman?30500:13:12,119 --> 00:13:14,259因为蝙蝠侠才有身份的秘密呀Because Batman has the secret.30600:13:14,259 --> 00:13:16,089艾尔福也有秘密的Alfred has secrets too.30700:13:16,089 --> 00:13:17,659-什么秘密 -艾尔福知道- Like what? - Alfred knows30800:13:17,659 --> 00:13:19,329芭芭拉·科尔顿是蝙蝠女that Barbara Gordon is Batgirl.30900:13:19,959 --> 00:13:21,459而我刚刚就把这个秘密告诉了蝙蝠侠Which I've now just told to Batman.31000:13:21,459 --> 00:13:23,149你看我就是保守不了秘密See I cannot keep a secret.31100:13:27,269 --> 00:13:28,399挞哒。

THE BIG BANG THEORY 中英剧本+词汇解析(TBBT-S01-EP07-08)第一季7集: The Dumpling Paradox-Howard:Watch this, it's really cool.看这个,真的很酷。
Call Leonard Hofstadter.呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。
-Machine:Did you say: "Call Helen Boxleitner"? 您说的是"呼叫Helen Boxleitner"吗?-Howard:No. Call Leonard Hofstadter.不,呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。
-Machine:Did you say: "Call Temple Beth Seder"? 您说的是"呼叫Temple Beth Seder"吗?-Howard:No.不。
-Leonard:Here, let me try it.来让我试试。
Call McFlono McFlooniloo.呼叫McFlono McFlooniloo。
-Machine:Calling Rajesh Koothrappali.正在呼叫Rajesh Koothrappali。
-Raj:Oh, it's very impressive.impressive:给人印象深刻的真的很强悍。
And a little racist.racist:种族主义者还带点儿种族主义。
-Sheldon:If we're all through playing "mock the flawed technology,"all through:一直mock:愚弄,嘲弄flawed:有缺陷的technology:科技如果你们玩够了"嘲笑残次科技",can we get on with Halo night?get on with:继续(干某事)Halo:(图画中圣人头上的)光环,灵光我们能开始"光晕"之夜了吗(XBOX经典第一人称射击游戏)?We were supposed to start at 8:00.be supposed to:应该,被期望我们本该8点开始。
生活大爆炸第四季剧本 S04E09

Series 4 Episode 09 – The Boyfriend ComplexityScene: The apartment.Raj: You know who’s got to be the bravest person in the Marvel Universe? Whoever has to give She-Hulk a bikini wax.Howard: You want to talk brave, how about Captain America’s undocumented Mexican gardener?Leonard: He’s not braver than whoever uses the bathroom after The Thing?Sheldon: As usual, you’re all wrong. The bravest person in the Marvel Universe is the doctor who gives Wolverine his prostate exam.Howard: How about the guy who gets a prostate exam from Wolverine?Sheldon: Now you just being silly. Wolverine’s never displayed the slightest interest in helping others prevent prostate cancer. (Answering phone) Hello. Yes, the elevator’s out of order you’ll have to use the stairs. Of course you can. Pizza dates back to the 16th century, while the first elevator was not installed until 1852. That means that for over 300 years, people carried pizzas up stairs. Be part of that proud tradition.Leonard: I’ll go get Penny while that guy spits on our food.Raj: Do you think they gave Wolverine an Adamantium prostate?Howard: That’s a stupid question.Raj: We’re having a conversation about probing the heinies of superheroes. There are no stupid questions.Scene: Penny’s door.Man: Yes?Leonard: Oh, um, is Penny here?Man: You’re Leonard, right?Leonard: Yeah.Man: Damn, it’s good to finally meet you, son.Leonard: Okay, I think a bit of context here might help.Penny: Oh, hey, Leonard. I see you met my dad.Leonard: Oh, good. Context.Penny’sDad: Come on in, buddy. Take a load off.Penny: Oh, gee, dad, Leonard can’t stay. He just dropped by to say hello. Thanks for stopping by, sweetie. I’ll see you later. (Kisses him passionately) Bye.Leonard: That was odd.Credits sequence.Scene: The apartment.Sheldon: Are you sure you have enough comics? You’re going to be monitoring the telescope for 12 hours, and by my estimate, you’ve only selected seven hours of reading material. That’s even factoring in your difficulty in parsing American comic book idioms like Bamf and Snikt.Raj: Is that racist? It feels racist.Howard: Don’t be oversensitive. He’s calling you illiterate, not your race.Raj: Oh, okay. Good. I don’t need more comics. Howard’s gonna stop by, we’re gonna play intergalactic battleship and Indian Monopoly.Sheldon: I don’t care for novelty editions of Monopoly. I prefer the classics, regular and Klingon.Howard: Actually, Indian Monopoly’s just like regular, except the money’s in Rupees, instead of hotels you build call centers, and when you pick a chance card, you might die of dysentery. Just FYI, that was racist.Leonard: You’ll never guess what just happened.Sheldon: You went out in the hallway, stumbled into an interdimensional portal which brought you 5,000 years into the future, where you took a dvantage of the advanced technology to build a time machine, and now you’reback to bring us all with you to the year 7010 where we are transported to work at the thinkatorium by telepathically controlled flying dolphins?Leonard: No.Sheldon: Aw.Leonard: Penny kissed me.Sheldon: Well, who would ever guess that?Raj: What… what kind of a kiss?Leonard: A big kiss. On the mouth.Howard: Is it possible that she was going for your cheek and you moved and she accidentally got lip? That happens with me and my mom all the time.Leonard: She introduced me to her father, kissed me and then shut the door in my face.Howard:Maybe she was trying to send you a message.Leonard: You think?Howard: Yeah. This man is not my father. I’m being held hostage. So I’m going to do something insane in the hopes that you’ll call 911.Leonard: Penny kissing me is not insane. She used to kiss me all the time.Sheldon: Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. By that standard, Penny is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.Leonard: I’m just saying, it felt like it may have meant something.Howard: Ah, this takes me back. Leonard obsessing about Penny. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love your new stuff, but once in a while it’s nice to hea r the hits.Raj: Ooh, ooh! Do our babies will be smart and beautiful. That one always makes me laugh.Leonard: Why do I bother talking to you people?Sheldon: If it’ll make you feel better, we rarely listen.Penny(at door): Hey, can I talk to you out here for a sec?Leonard: Yeah, sure.Sheldon: I’m starting to think we’re never going to see that pizza.Penny: So you’re probably wondering what that was all about.Leonard: What, uh, the kissing and everything? Nah, women do that to me all the time.Penny: Yeah, okay. The thing is, I kind of told my father we got back together again.Leonard: What? Why?Penny: Well, you’re the first guy he’s ever really approved of, you know? You’re a scientist who went to college and you don’t have a neck tattoo or outstand ing warrants or, or a baby.Leonard: What kind of guys did you used to go out with?Penny: Just guys. Anyway, when I told him we split up, he was heartbroken, and he kept bugging me, how’s Leonard? why can’t you get back together with Leonard? I bet Leonar d never tipped a cow over on himself. So to get him off my back, I told him we worked things out.Leonard: Really? How, how’d we manage that?Penny: What?Leonard: Well, did you apologize? Did you have to woo me?Penny: Get over yourself. I whistled, you came running.Leonard: Yeah, no, I don’t think so.Penny: Okay, why are you arguing about this?Leonard: I’m just saying, if we fake got back together, that’s totally not how it fake happened.Penny: Oh, okay, whatever. Will you please just play along until my dad leaves?Leonard: Hold on, you actually want me to deceive your father with some sort of sham play acting and kissing? Cause I’m good with that.Penny’sDad: Penny, you out here?Penny: Come on, honey, not in front of my dad.Penny’sDad: Relax, I’ve seen you do a lot worse with a lot stupider.Leonard: See? He doesn’t mind.Penny’s Dad: So, Leonard, I’m taking your gal out for a steak dinner, you want to join us?Penny: Oh, dad, that’s nice, but Leonard has to work. Right, Leonard?Leonard: Uh, I do, I have to work. But I’m gonna blow that off to spend the evening with my sweetie and her father, ’cause, you know, just the kind of boyfriend I am.Penny: Oh.Leonard: Come here, you.Scene: Raj’s Lab.Howard: C-7.Raj: Miss.Howard: How could that be a miss? C-6 was a hit, C-8 was a hit. Part of your starship has to be on C-7.Raj: Not if it has a hole in the middle.Howard: What kind of spaceship has a hole in the middle?Raj: A Romulan battle bagel?Bernadette: Knock-knock.Howard: Oh, great, you made it. Come on in. I invited her.Bernadette: So where’s the telescope?Howard: It’s in Hawaii, but Raj controls it from here. He’s hoping to see Epsilon Eridani dim, which would be evidence of a planet orbiting it.Bernadette: So we just sit and stare at the screen, waiting for something to happen?Howard: I did it with you when we rented The Notebook. (Raj whispers) Yes, GenaRowlands is a treasure. You’d better open up that bottle of wine or I’m gonna end up with swimmer’s ear.Raj: Exc use me. I can’t be drinking, I’m about to make an important scientific discovery here.Howard: What? Galileo did his best work while drinking wine.Raj: How do you know that?Howard: Well, he was Italian. It’s a reasonable assumption.Raj: Dude, can you even open your mouth without spewing a cultural stereotype?Howard: Oh, I, I’m sorry, Galileo drank diet sprite. Look, you’re my best friend, she’s my girlfriend, you should bond. You know, like you and my mom did.Raj: Your mom creeps the hell out of me.Howard: Yes, but she’s stopped calling you slumdog millionaire.Raj: I do appreciate that.Bernadette: Here we go.Howard: Well I’d like to propose a toast. To science and friendship.Bernadette: Hold on. Wait. No, it’s okay, go ahead.Howard: What?Bernadette: Oh, I was working with Penicillin-resistant gonorrhoea in the lab today and I was just trying to remember if I washed my hands.Scene: Penny’s dad’s car.Leonard: Thanks for the steak, Wyatt.Penny’sdad(Wyatt): My pleasure. It’s nice to have dinner with a boyfriend of Penny’s that knows how to use a napkin.Penny: So not funny, dad.Wyatt: Let me tell you about this one genius she was going out with, this, this fella Donnie.Penny: Oh, will you please let it go?Wyatt: Donnie was gonna make millions turning farm waste into biofuel and selling it to the government. Leonard: A lot of people are doing that.Penny: Oh, see?Wyatt: Yeah, but all Donnie did was mix pig poop with a little water and pump it into his mom’s Camry.Penny: Yeah, th at’s great. It’s a funny story. Moving on.Wyatt: And Donnie was a rocket scientist compared to that boy who wanted to get beer pong into the Olympics. What was his name, sweetheart?Penny: Curtis, and I’m pretty sure he was joking.Wyatt: I don’t know. Th at petition looked real to me.Penny: Yeah, okay, I think this ends the ex-boyfriend portion of our evening.Wyatt: Well, I’m just glad you finally found yourself a keeper.Leonard: Thanks, Wyatt. I’m a keeper.Scene: Outside Penny’s door.Wyatt: Leonard, you want to come in for a nightcap?Penny: Oh, gee, dad, he’d love to, but Leonard has to work in the morning.Leonard: Maybe I could go in a little late.Penny: No, no, no, you can’t. Your career is far too important.Wyatt: Behind every great man is a n agging woman who won’t let him have any fun, am I right, Leonard? Leonard: Don’t I know it.Wyatt: Well, good night, son.Leonard: Good night, Wyatt. Oh, good night, honey.Penny: Good night.Leonard: I love you.Penny: Love you, too.Sheldon: Oh, friggety-frak. Not this again.Scene: The lab.Howard: Three, four, five, pass go, get 2,000 Rupees, Six, seven, whoops. Can’t go any further. There’s a sacred cow in my way.Raj: Bernadette, please tell your boyfriend to cool it with the cow jokes.Bernadette: It won’t help. Once he finds a joke he likes, he sticks with it.Raj: Yeah. Like his haircut material.Bernadette: Oh, right. Did you get your hair cut?Raj: No. I got them all cut.Bernadette: Which is still so funny.Raj: And when you go to a Chinese restaurant, he always gets the same fortune in his fortune cookie. Bernadette: Right. Help, I’m a prisoner in a Chinese fortune cookie factory.Howard: Okay, I think that’s enough about me.Raj: He’s right. Let’s make fun of his mother. Howard, come rub my feet! My corns are killing me!Bernadette: Howard, help me out of the tub! I’m stuck again!Scene: The apartment.Leonard: Coming. Hey, lovebug.Penny: Shut up. You know what I’ve been doing for the last hour?Leonard: Mm, dreamily doodling Mrs. Leonard Hofstadter in a notebook?Penny: Listening to my father go on and on about what a great guy you are.Leonard: You got to admit, I am, I’m delightful.Penny: Why are you making this so difficult?Leonard: It’s not difficult for me. I’m having fun.Penny: Leonard.Leonard: What do you want me to do? You started this. Do you want to go over and tell him we’re broken up? Penny: No.Leonard: Well, then, what do you want?Penny: I don’t know.Leonard: Don’t you think that’s something you should have figured out before you stomped over here?Penny: Maybe.Sheldon: Leonard, Penny, excellent. I’d like to say I’m very happy that you’re back together, and if I can figure out a way to do so and sound sincere, I will. In the meantime, I’d like to go over some proposed c hanges to the roommate agreement specifically to address Penny’s annoying personal habits.Penny: Oh, my God. What personal habits?Leonard: I have a list. FYI, overuse of the phrase, oh, my god, is number 12.Penny: Okay, Sheldon, you don’t have to do this because Leonard and I are not…Leonard: Ba-ba-ba-ba. Are you sure you want to include him in this?Sheldon: Include me in what? Is there a plot afoot? I’ll have no truck with plots.Penny: No, you’re right. No, there’s, there’s no plots, no trucks, no feet. So what other annoying habits shall we discuss?Sheldon: Uh, we don’t discuss anything. Leonard is the signatory to the Roommate Agreement. As such, he bears responsibility for all your infractions and must pay all fines.Leonard: Fines?Sheldon: Ye s. If Penny’s going to be spending nights here again, you’ll need to set up an escrow account. Sign here.Scene: The lab.Raj: Hello, Hawaii. This is Dr. Koothrappali in Pasadena. I’d like you to reposition the telescope, please. Scarlett Johansson’s house! I’m kidding, Hawaii. Mahalo.Whoo!Howard: It might have been a mistake to open that second bottle of wine.Bernadette: Well, live and learn. So, Raj, do you think this planet you’re looking for could have an atmosphere that supports life?Raj: Maybe. If it did, I’d be famous. I’d be on the cover of magazines. And then, instead of living alone in my tiny apartment, I’d have a big mansion.Bernadette: That sounds great.Raj: It is. If you like wandering around a big, empty house with no one to love you.Howard: We’d come visit you.Raj: No, you wouldn’t. You’d be intimidated by my wealth and fame. My only friends would be my genetically engineered monkey butler, and the little people I hired to be my living chess set.Bernadette: He’s taking a turn to the dark side, isn’t he?Howard: Hold on. He could come back.Raj: Oh, what’s the point of everything?Howard: Nope. He’s gone.Raj: You know it’s been more than a year since I’ve even kissed a girl?Howard: What about that hook-up at Comic-Con you told me about?Raj: Oh, grow up. I was lying. I lie all the time. Nobody wants to kiss me.Bernadette: Oh, you poor, poor thing. Raj, you have to know you’re a wonderful man. There are a lot of girls out there who’ll want to kiss you.Raj: Where?Bernadette: You just have to look.Howard: No!Bernadette: Well, this was fun.Scene: The apartment. Wyatt and Leonard are playing Wii fishing.Wyatt: Oh! I think I got a nibble.Leonard: Oh, b-be careful. Give him some line. Okay, now reel him in.Wyatt: Oh, look at that baby. They’re really biting, huh?Leonard: Yeah. They do that when you set it on easy.Wyatt(phone rings): Oh, that’s me. Hello. Oh, hi, sweetie. Yeah, I got up early and didn’t want to wake you, so I went out for coffee and ran into Leonard on the way bac k. Guess what, we’re fishing. Yeah. Right here on his couch.Leonard: Hey, baby. I love you! Mwuh, mwuh, mwuh, mwuh, mwuh.Wyatt: That’s Leonard says he loves you. What? I see. The whole thing’s bull squirt, huh? Well, that’s very disappointing. Bye.Leonard: Oh, hey. There’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell you.Scene: Penny’s apartment.Wyatt: I can’t believe you would lie to me like that.Leonard: Just for the record, I did not want to be a part of this.Wyatt: I’ll get to you in a minute.Leonard: No hurry.Wyatt: That my own daughter thinks I don’t love her enough to support her no matter what choices she makes, well, that hurts me deeply.Penny: I’m sorry, daddy…Wyatt: Let me finish.Penny: Oh.Wyatt: I thought we were past the days when you would try to pull the wool over my eyes. Telling me the baggie in your underwear drawer is potpourri? And the pee stick in your bathroom is to check for diabetes?Penny: You know, I’m sorry.Wyatt: You’re a grown woman, and I respect your right to make yo ur own decisions, but all I ask is you respect me enough to be honest about them.Penny: You’re right. Look, from now on, I will tell you the truth.Wyatt: Thank you. Now, why don’t you go and put some clothes on and we’ll grab a bite to eat before I head for the airport. Now you.Penny: Daddy, he had nothing to do…Wyatt: Keep walking.Penny: Okay.Wyatt: Please, please, please don’t give up on her.Leonard: What?Wyatt: I can’t go back to the skateboard idiots, the white rappers and all those sweaty dumb-asses with their backwards hats.Leonard: Gee, I don’t know if it’s in the cards, sir.Wyatt: Then, stack the deck. Cheat. Lie. I don’t care. I want grandkids before I die, and I want them to grow up in a house without wheels.Leonard: I’ll give it a shot.Wyatt: Thank you. Now I’m going to do something here to help you along.Leonard: Excuse me?Wyatt: Just don’t panic. Now, get your sorry, lying ass out of my face and make sure I never see it again! Leonard: Oh, the reverse psychology thing. I see. T hat’s very clever.Wyatt: Don’t yap. Just get out.Leonard: I’ll friend you on Facebook.Scene: The apartment.Sheldon: Oh, there you are. Just so you know, I was up all night, but I have finally completed the Penny-specific section of the new roommate agreement.Leonard: Yeah, well, not necessary. We broke up again.Sheldon: Do you even think about other people, Leonard? Do you?Scene: The cafeteria.Raj: Hey.Leonard: Oh, how’d it go last night?Raj: Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Looked through a telescope, saw some stars. Big whoop.Leonard: Really? You waited months for time with that telescope. What happened?Raj: Why? You writing a book?Sheldon: I’m going to propose a hypothesis. Last night, Raj accidentally made contact with an alien civilizat ion and has been ordered by the United States government to keep it a secret.Raj: Nothing happened. Can we please just change the subject?Sheldon: That sounds rehearsed. We are not alone.Howard: Hey.Leonard: Hey.Sheldon: Hello.Howard: Hey.Raj: Hey.Leonard: You get to play with Raj’s big telescope last night?Howard: Whoa. Where did that come from?Raj: He never touched my telescope.Howard: Way to go shutting up.Raj: I did shut up. Now you shut up.Howard: Fine.Raj: Thank you. How come you didn’t call me this morning?。


生活大爆炸第四季第六集中英文剧本生活大爆炸第四季第六集有问题吗\\Problem?这是我吃过最难吃的脆皮水果派\\This is the worst cobbler I've ever eaten.味道就跟出自一个初级的补鞋匠之手一样\\It tastes like it's made of actual ground-up shoemaker.真好笑"cobbler"一词两意都点到了\\Amusing. A play on the two meanings of "cobbler." {\\an8}cobbler既有水果派也有鞋匠的意思伙计们猜猜我在洛杉矶机场发现谁了\\Hey, guys. Guess who I found at LAX?我的妹妹普丽娅\\My baby sister Priya.抱歉我反对\\Excuse me, I object.你提出的是一个猜谜游戏\\You propose a guessing game可是你一点猜的时间都不给我\\yet you don't give me enough time to guess.声明一下我本来就打算说\\For the record, I was going to say: "你的妹妹普丽娅"\\"Your sister Priya."谢尔顿你一点都没变对吧\\Oh, Sheldon. You haven't changed a bit, have you?我为什么要变\\Why would I change?她的本意其实是\\The hope has been that你最终能变得正常一点\\you'd eventually bend to public opinion.普丽娅什么风把你吹来洛杉矶\\So, Priya, what brings you back to L.A.?我本来要去多伦多但我得在这滞留一天\\I have a one-daylayover on my way to Toronto. 企业并购\\Corporate merger.你们相信吗\\Can you believe it?小普丽娅是印度最大汽车公司\\Little Priya's one of the lead attorneys首席律师之一\\for the biggest car company in India.鉴于当时咱们见面她已经从法学院毕业了\\Given that when we met her, she was finishing law school而且正打算去一家大的印度汽车公司实习\\and planning an internship at a large Indian car company这个结果其实相当合理\\it's actually extremely plausible.你怎么就这么惹人嫌呢\\And your poll numbers just keep dropping.虽然我很想跟大家一起聊聊\\I want to catch up with all of you 但我得先去上个厕所\\but first I really must visit the loo.我也去我给你指路吧\\I'm going, too; I'll show you where it is.好的虽然这不用明讲\\All right, this goes without saying但是无论如何我还是重申一下\\but I'm just going to say it anyway.不许碰我妹妹\\Hands off my sister.我干嘛碰她她浑身布满了飞机细菌\\Why would I touch her? She's covered with airplane germs.我当然不是跟你说我是跟他说\\I'm so not talking to you. I'm talking to him.-喂我都是有女朋友的人了-拜托\\- Hey. I've got a girlfriend now. - Oh, please.我的妹妹比你那女友辣多了\\My sister's much hotter than your girlfriend这点你心知肚明\\and you know it.她们俩都很辣行了吧\\Let's just agree they're both hot.但是伙计你说的可是我妹妹\\But dude, that's my sister you'retalking about!算了不说这个话题\\Okay, forget who's hotter.普丽娅第一次来洛杉矶时我和莱纳德\\The first time Priya came to L.A., Leonard and I made a pact出于对我们友情以及对你的尊敬\\out of respect to our friendship and to you我们约定谁也不能泡你妹妹\hat neither of us would hit on her.你们拉钩钩了吗\\Did you pinky-swear?当然\\Yes.那好吧\\Okay, then.补鞋匠的水果派我到现在还忍不住发笑\\Cobbler. I'm still laughing.真高兴再次见到你莱纳德\\It's really nice to see you again, Leonard.是啊我也很高兴见到你\\Yeah. It's good to see you, too.你到了\\Here you go.谢谢\\Thanks.哇哦哇哦哇哦\\Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!继续\\Okay.你跟你的妹妹有什么特别计划吗\\So you got any special plans with your sister?没有就是一起出去玩\\Oh, not really. Just hang out.我总是跟人说如果你只能在\\I always tell people, "If you have only one day洛杉矶呆一天火车一日游是最佳选择\\in Los Angeles, make it a train day."火车一日游\\Train day?乐趣始于在影城的卡尼餐厅吃早午饭\\The fun starts with brunch at Carney's in Studio City在改造过的铁路餐车里有一个热狗站\\a hotdog stand in a converted railroad dining car.下一站Travel Town\\Next stop, Travel Town一家户外的博物馆专门展出1880年至1930年的\\an outdoor museum featuring 43 railroad engines铁路引擎汽车和其他轨道车辆\\cars, and other rolling stock from the 1880s to the 1930s. 最后我们在浮华与魅力并存的好莱坞下车\\And, finally, we're off to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood 对就在好莱坞的卡尼餐厅吃晚饭\\for dinner at--that's right-- the Hollywood Carney's那是另外一个改造过的铁路餐车热狗站\\a hotdog stand in a different converted railroad dining car.我们才不会玩这个\\I don't think we're going to do that.显然你讨厌寻乐\\Well, then apparently you hate fun.普丽娅还没回来呢\\Priya's not back yet?这很正常\\Well, I guess that's not unusual.女人男人一个蹲着一个站着\\Women, men, the whole sitting-standing deal.咱们刚才聊到哪里了\\So what are we talking about?我和普丽娅的出游计划\\Uh, my plans with Priya.他拒绝火车一日游\\He rejected Train Day.你有说清楚那是两辆不同的火车车厢\\Did you make it clear that it's two different train cars改造成的热狗站吗\urned into hotdog stands?十分清楚\\Abundantly.我想他就是讨厌寻乐\\I guess he just hates fun.我也是这么说的\\That's what I said!好了你们有什么新闻\\Okay, so... what's new with you guys?我有女朋友了\\I have a girlfriend now.不错嘛\\Hey, good for you!嗯我就想让大家都知道\\Yeah, I just want to put it out there以防我不经意\\in case I inadvertently朝你喷射出我的性引诱外激素\\squirt any pheromones in your direction.满意了吧\\Happy?普丽娅你有什么安排吗\\So, Priya, what are your plans while you're here?我不知道我只有一天时间\\I don't know. I just have the one day.你喜欢火车吗\\Do you like trains?不是特别喜欢\\Not particularly.那你在机场上等着登机就好了\\You might as well just wait at the airport for your flight.你在一片森林当中\\"You are in a forest."在西面有一片流沙\\"There is quicksand to the west有一条通向东面的路\\a path leads to the east."去东面\\Go east.一道铁门挡住了你的路\\"An iron gate blocks your way."开门\\Open gate.上锁了\\"It's locked."这样啊\\Hmm.那算了\\Well, so much for that.很晚了你怎么还不睡\\It's getting pretty late. How come you're still up?我刚在网上发现了一款游戏模拟器\\I found an emulator online that lets you play classic text-based可以玩上世纪80年代的经典文字游戏\\computer games from the 1980s.不错啊\\That's pretty cool.当然了因为它用到了世界上最强大的图像处理器\\Oh, yes. It runs on the world's most powerful graphics chip:想象力\\imagination.你倒是真该好好发掘一下\\You've really got to get out more.向北走\\Go north.你不能走这条路\\"You can't go that way."向西走\\Go west.巨魔挡住了你的道路\\"A troll blocks your passage."好吧系好你的安全带\\Okay. Fasten your seatbelts.剿灭巨魔\\Kill troll.用什么\\"With what?"用剑\\With sword.你没有剑\\"You don't have the sword."天呐这种倒霉事真降临到我头上了\\Good golly, it's as if it's actually happening to me. 拉杰总算上床睡了\\Raj finally went to bed.可谢尔顿还没睡\\Sheldon's still up.你跟我说过他九点会睡的\\You said he goes to bed at 9:00.他的确应该睡了但他刚痴迷于一款电脑游戏...\\Yeah, he does, but he got caught up in acomputer game and...用斧头击杀巨魔\\Hit troll with axe!用斧头击杀巨魔\\Hit troll with axe!用斧头击杀巨魔\\Hit troll with axe!服了这真是个顽强的巨魔\\My, this is one tough troll.你没法摆脱他吗\\Can't you get rid of him?根据以往经验不可能\\If the past is any indication, no.莱纳德我陷进流沙里了\\Leonard, I'm trapped in quicksand!这斧头在拖我下去呢\\The axe is dragging me down!扔掉斧头\\Drop axe!扔掉斧头英明\\Drop axe, brilliant!稍等一下\\Give me a minute.-谢尔顿-等一下\\- Sheldon. - Hold on.我正在思考如何能拿到桶\\Trying to figure out how to get the bucket这样我就能扛着泥土越过那条龙了\\so I can carry the mud past the dragon.-谢尔顿你还得早起工作呢-我知道\\- Sheldon, you need to work in the morning. - I know! 那还不赶紧睡觉\\Well, then bed, mister!再给我五分钟嘛\\Five more minutes!你确定吗\\Really?你打算冒着在热力波动学研讨会上打瞌睡的\\You're going to risk getting sleepy in the middle of your风险继续玩下去吗\hermodynamic fluctuations seminar?你知道自己在公众面前打哈欠的后果吧\\You know what happens when you yawn in public. 大家都会看着我形态奇异的小舌头\\Everyone will see my oddly shaped uvula.你也不想看到这个画面吧\\You don't want that, do you?不想\\No.但我们社会嘲笑奇异舌头的做法是可耻的\\But it's a shame our society mocks the differently uvulated.刚才谁敲门了\\Who was at the door?呃楼管员\\Uh, building manager.他们要来修个管子\\They have to fix a pipe所以明天中午到下午两点会停水\\so the water'll be off tomorrow from noon to 2:00.这是让人无法接受的\\That's unacceptable.我们理应提前得到书面通知的\\We're supposed to be given written notice.没关系的反正我们到时候也是在工作的\\Well, no, it doesn't matter-- we'll be at work.如果我不小心把番茄汤撒到衣服上怎么办\\What if I spill tomato soup on my shirt我必须回家来换\\and have to come home to change结果发现没有水来泡洗衣粉吗\\only to find there's no water for an enzyme soak?别忘了分叉的小舌头谢尔顿\\Bifurcated uvula, Sheldon!那我明天吃鸡肉面吧晚安\\I'll have the chicken noodle. Good night!我们一定得注意小声点\\We're going to have to be very quiet.我想到如何拿到桶了\\I know how to get the bucket!我可以反过来握斧头\\I can turn the axe around然后用斧头把钩到水桶\\and use the handle to reach it.让我试试\\Let's see.向北走\\Go north.你现在身处森林\\"You are in a forest."继续向北走\\Go north.你仍然身处森林\\"You are in a forest."再往北走呢\\Go north.你还是身处森林天呐我想我迷路了\\"You are in a forest." Oh dear, I believe I'm lost.我还是明天从头再玩吧\\Well, I'll just have to get a fresh start tomorrow.不不不你刚才只不过方向搞错了而已\\No, no, no! You just took a wrong turn.你只要把图画出来就行了\\You just need to map it out.来吧我来帮你\\Come on, I'll help you.你停在了小溪旁然后向北走了三次对吧\\So you stopped at the stream, and you turned north three times?是的\\Yes.你说对了你是迷路了祝你好运\\You're right. You're lost. Goodluck.莱纳德醒醒\\Leonard. Wake up.抱歉\\Huh? Wh-- Sorry.抱歉什么啊\\For what?我也不知道只要我跟女孩子同床共枕后\\I don't know. When I'm in bed with a girl, it's just-- 这就是我的条件反射应答\\it's my go-to response.已经六点了我得在拉杰睡醒\\It's 6:00. I have to get back to Raj's 发现我不见了之前赶紧回去了\\before he wakes up and realizes I'm gone.哦那好吧\\Oh. Right. Sure.我真希望你能在洛杉矶待久点\\I wish you could stay in L.A. a while longer.我也想啊\\Mmm, me, too.知道吗我刚才一直在想\\You know, I was thinking印度其实也有这么多先进的实验设施了\here are some great research facilities in India.你想说什么莱纳德\\Where are you going with this, Leonard?我其实想说反正我在这也没啥牵挂\\Well, I'm just saying, you know, I don't have any real ties here我也可以搬去新德里[印度城市] 我们可以一起你懂得\\so if I were to move to New Delhi, we could, you know--出去玩玩\\go out.莱纳德我们五年前不就谈过这个了吗\\Leonard, didn't we have this conversation five years ago?是这样的但是...\\Well, yes, but...今非昔比了嘛\hings have changed.你也长大了我也长大了\\You know, you're older, I'm older--看吧再也没什么漫画英雄的床单了\\Look, no more superhero bed sheets.亲爱的\\Sweetheart我们在一起很愉快并不意味着\\just because we have fun when I come to town doesn't mean 我想要开展一段正式的感情生活\\I want to have a serious relationship.-不想吗-不想\\- It doesn't? - Mm-mm.此外我永远也不可能介绍个白种男孩给我的父母\\And besides, I could never bring a whiteboy home to my parents.他们宁愿要头牛\\They'd have a cow.这在印度可就很大件事了\\Which is a much bigger deal in India.我也没很纯的白人血统啦\\I'm not that white.我的高祖母有一半彻罗基[印第安族]血统\\My great-great-grandmother was half Cherokee.我知道虽然不是真正的印度血统但也算印什么了啊\\I know that's not the right kind of Indian, but it is something.你真有趣\\You're funny.莱纳德\\Leonard?莱纳德\\Leonard?莱纳德\\Leonard?啥事\\What?我听到了女人的笑声\\I heard a woman laughing.哦我刚才想试试自己能否笑得像个女人\\Oh, uh, yeah. I was trying to see if I could laugh as a woman.哦那做的不错啊很真实啊\\Oh! Well, good job. Quite convincing.我闻到了香水味\\I smell perfume.空气清洗剂的味道\\Air freshener.你这脸颊和脖子上是口红吗\\And is that lipstick on your cheek and neck?是疹子很严重的疹子\\Rash. That's a bad rash.深表同情\\My sympathies.我很了解这种红色祸害也就是皮炎\\I'm no stranger to the crimson scourge that is dermatitis. 我在我的乳液和软膏系列里\\Can I interest you in a topical steroid帮你找一种管用的类固醇好吗\\from my lotion and unguent collection?好啊好啊这主意不错\\Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds great.很好我相信我可以找到\\Very well. I'm sure I can find something帮你止痒的东西\hat will help you ditch that itch.好了他去洗手间了我们走\\Okay, he's in the bathroom. Let's go.你喜欢软膏还是霜剂\\Do you prefer ointment or cream?霜剂\\Cream.要不要含麻醉添加剂的\\With or without a numbing agent?不要\\Without.真的吗莱纳德\\Really, Leonard?有皮炎的时候可不能逞英雄\\There are no heroes when it comes to dermatitis.好吧那就要\\Fine. With.处方药还是非处方的强效药\\Prescription or non-prescription strength?发挥你的判断力吧\\Use your best judgment.我有一支很不错的2009年的肛泰软膏\\Well, I think I have a nice 2009 AnaMantle HC.通常是针对严重发炎的痔疮的\\It's usually indicated for acutely inflamed hemorrhoids但是对非粘膜器官也管用\\but it also goes nicely with non-mucosal body parts.听起来不错\\Sounds great.明智的选择\\Excellent choice.好了快点快点快点\\Okay, hurry, hurry, hurry.快走快走快走\\Come on, come on, come on.普丽娅\\Priya?早上好谢尔顿\\Good morning, Sheldon.羞耻呀莱纳德羞耻\\For shame, Leonard, for shame.我居然还差点准备\\And to think, I was ready to waste把我最后一点好用的痔疮霜浪费在你身上\he last of my good hemorrhoid cream on you.挺开心的啊\\Making pretty good time, huh?你真的想说这个吗莱纳德\\Is that really what you want to talk about, Leonard?不是\\No.那你想说什么\\What do you want to talk about?拜托别跟任何人说\\Please don't tell anyone我跟拉杰的妹妹过夜了\\I spent the night with Raj's sister.说出来了\\There it is.要是有人问起来呢\\What if someone asks?没人会问我是不是跟拉杰的妹妹过夜了\\No one's going to ask if I spent the night with Raj's sister.或许吧但是他们可能会问我别的\\Perhaps, but they might ask me something else.-比如呢-比如说\\- Like what? - Like莱纳德最近有没有做出背叛朋友的行为\\"Has Leonard betrayed any of his friends recently?"普丽娅和我都是成年人了\\Priya and I are both adults.我没有背叛拉杰\\I didn't betray Raj.你有但是我指的是霍华德\\In fact, you did, but I was referring to Howard.你在说什么\\What are you talking about?2005年4月12日\\April 12, 2005.在图卢卡湖的鲍勃大头娃汉堡店里\\Bob's Big Boy, Toluca Lake.拉杰第一次把普丽娅介绍给我们\\Raj had just introduced us to Priya for the first time.她正在享受印度教禁止的美味食物\\She was enjoying the sweet taste of Hindu rebellion那就是鲍勃超级大头娃牛肉堡\\in the form of a Bob's Super Big Boy hamburger.为了维护你们的友谊\\In order to preserve your friendship你和霍华德发拉钩钩说\\you and Howard made a pinky swear 你们俩人都不许追求她\hat neither of you would attempt to woo her.我点了一份奶酪牛肉片\\I had a patty melt.好吧我背叛了霍华德\\Okay, fine, I betrayed Howard.-还有拉杰-好的还有拉杰\\- And Raj. - All right, and Raj.还有我\\And me.你\\You?你违反了室友协议中\\Violation of the Roommate Agreement's有留宿客人要提前通知之一条款\\overnight guest notification clause.好吧我是个令人讨厌的家伙\\Okay, fine, I-I'm a horrible human being.我就是帕萨迪纳的达斯·维达\\I'm the Darth Vader of Pasadena.{\\an8}{\\fn方正黑体简体\\fs18\\b1\\bord1\\shad1\\3c&H2F2F2F&}《星球大战》中的重要角色黑武士你当达斯·维达还太矮了点\\You're far too short to be Darth Vader.你最多也就是叛徒伊渥克[星球大战]\\At best you might be aturncoat Ewok.我只是想说普丽娅已经走了\\My point is: Priya's gone and it would be much better要是没人知道这件事就最好了\\if no one else found out about us.你是说你想让我帮你保密\\You mean you want me to keep a secret?是的\\Yes.你知道我是保守不了秘密的\\You know I can't keep a secret.你努力尝试的话就可以的\\You can if you try.就这样想\\Think about it this way:如果我是蝙蝠侠你是艾尔福\\um, if I were Batman and you were Alfred{\\an8}{\\fn方正黑体简体\\fs18\\b1\\bord1\\shad1\\3c&H2F2F2F&}蝙蝠侠的管家你一定可以对我的身份保密对吧\\you'd keep that secret, right?凭什么你是蝙蝠侠\\Why do you get to be Batman?因为蝙蝠侠才有身份的秘密呀\\Because Batman has the secret.艾尔福也有秘密的\\Alfred has secrets, too.-什么秘密-艾尔福知道\\- Like what? - Alfred knows芭芭拉·科尔顿是蝙蝠女\hat Barbara Gordon is Batgirl.而我刚刚就把这个秘密告诉了蝙蝠侠\\Which I've now just told to Batman.你看我就是保守不了秘密\\See, I cannot keep a secret.挞哒\\Ta-dah!什么\\What?挞哒\\Ta-dah.这是\\It's short for...哒哒哒哒的缩减版\\Da-da-da-da.谢尔顿我正忙着呢\\Kind of busy here, Sheldon.我知道所以我才缩减了\\I know, that's why I shortened it.你想干吗\\What do you want?我是来给你提供昨晚的不在场证明的\\I came to go over your alibi for last night.什么不在场证明\\What alibi?你让我替你撒谎而你也知道\\You've asked me to lie on your behalf, and as you know我很讨厌没有提前准备的谎言\\I am deeply uncomfortable with impromptu dishonesty所以我就给你准备了不在场的铁证\\so I've provided you with an ironclad alibi.你昨晚不可能跟普丽娅过夜\\You couldn't have spent last night with Priya因为你跟另一个女人在一起\\because you were with another woman.我一定会后悔的\\Oh, I'm so sure I'm gonna regret this但我还是要问我跟谁在一起\\but who was I with?风趣但作风随便的麦琪·麦凯瑞小姐\\The fun-loving and morally loose Miss Maggie McGarry. 天啊\\Oh, God.你们是在帕萨迪纳最有名的\\You met her at Pasadena's most popular爱尔兰酒吧幸运鲍德温酒吧认识的\\Irish watering hole, Lucky Baldwin's麦琪是那里的吧台服务员\\where Maggie spends her nights tending bar她一头卷发心怀梦想\\with a head full of curls and a heart full of dreams.莱纳德想要苟合的话就打给我\\"Leonard, call me if you are interested in coitus.麦琪·麦凯瑞敬上\\Sincerely, Maggie McGarry."如果真的有人\\And if anyone were打这个号码查证的话他们会听到\o actually call that number, they will hear this.祝你有个美好的早晨\\Top of the morning to you.这里是麦琪·麦凯瑞家\\You've reached Maggie McGarry.在轻盈的哔声后请留言\\Leave a message after the wee little beep.很真吧\\It's pretty convincing, huh?那都不是真人发声\\That wasn't even a real person.最后还有\\And here is the clincher:一撮麦琪的红棕色头发\\a lock of Maggie's flaming auburn hair.你这是从哪弄来的\\Where'd you get that?从灵长类实验室的红毛猩猩身上剪的\\From an orangutan in the primate lab.红毛猩猩\\An orangutan?又没人会去验DNA 莱纳德\\Well, no one's going to run a DNA test on it, Leonard.说真的你想得太多了\\Honestly, you overthink everything.谢尔顿我不需要不在场证明\\Sheldon, I don't need an alibi.只要你不乱说话\\Nobody's going to ask about last night没人会问昨晚的事的\\as long as you just zip your lip.谢了\\Thank you.别担心不会有事的\\Now, don't worry, everything is going to be fine.强烈怀疑好啊\\Hey.莱纳德你能不能告诉霍华德\\Hey, Leonard, will you please tell Howard我妹妹从没喜欢过他\\my sister has never been attracted to him?得了拉杰\\Come on, Raj我怎么知道你妹妹\\how am I supposed to know现在喜欢谁以前喜欢过谁\\who she is attracted to or was attracted to将来又会喜欢上谁啊\\or who she might be attracted to in the future?我对这个话题\\And I have nothing to contribute毫无建设性意见\o this conversation.因为我也完全不知道\\Because I, too, know absolutely nothing 普丽娅对男性伴侣的偏好\\about Priya's preferences in male companionship.所以我会再次闭上嘴\\And with that, I will re-zip my lip.对了你们觉得昨晚\\Hey, so what did you guys think卡布里卡的最新一集怎么样\\of the new episode of Caprica last night?我没看\\I didn't see it.啥没看\\Didn't see it?那你在干什么\\What were you doing?我出去了\\Uh, I was out.啥昨天可是卡布里卡之夜\\What, on Caprica night?是啊我出去喝了一杯\\Yeah, I, uh, went for a drink.真的假的就你\\Really, you?你去哪儿了\\Where, w-where'd you go?去了...\\T o, uh...幸运鲍德温酒吧\\Lucky Baldwin's.我听说过那地方\\Oh, I've heard of that place.那不是帕萨迪纳最受欢迎的爱尔兰酒吧么\\Isn't that Pasadena's favorite Irish watering hole? 没错\\Yes.你有没有在那里\\Did you meet遇到谈得来的人\\anyone interesting there是不是个滥交的红发调酒师\\perhaps a promiscuous, redheaded barmaid?说实话我不行了\\As a matter of fact... I-I-I-I-I can't, I can't我做不到\\I can't do it.你当然可以你做得很好相当令人信服\\Sure you can, you're doing fine, it's very believable. 我很抱歉拉杰但事实上\\I'm sorry, Raj, but the truth is昨晚我和普丽娅在一起\\I was with Priya last night.别听他的\\Don't listen to him.他还满脑子爱尔兰威士忌和熏蛋\\He's still light-headed from all the Irish whiskey一团浆糊呢\\and pickled eggs in his system.你和普丽娅在一起做什么\\What were you doing with Priya?我确信他们是在性交\\I believe they engaged in coitus但更重要的是\\but more importantly如果莱纳德没有半途而废\\if Leonard had not abandoned his story你觉得那个故事可信么\\would you have found it plausible?你上了我妹妹\\You slept with my sister?!对\\Yeah.你怎么可以这样我们约定好的\\How could you? We had a pact.不好意思我认为"你情何以堪她可是我妹妹"\\Excuse me, I think "How could you? She's my sister"总比小孩子的勾勾手约定重要吧\akes precedence over a five-year-old pinky swear.请允许我指出\\May I point out要是在平行世界你的朋友会说\\in a parallel universe, your friends are saying"麦琪·麦凯瑞这名字听起来真可爱"\\"Maggie McGarry-- she sounds lovely."听着我承认我是越线了\\Look, I-I admit it, I may have crossed a line here但是拉杰得了你妹妹都成年了\\but come on, Raj, your sister is a grown woman对她来说我不过是块禁忌的白巧克力罢了\\and to her, I'm a forbidden piece of white chocolate.真是难以置信\\I don't believe it.这是对我信任莫大的背叛\\This is a terrible betrayal of my trust.要是我告诉你我向她献出真心\\No, w-w-would it help if I told you却被她狠狠践踏你会好受点么\hat I offered her my heart, and she kind of stomped on it?她践踏得多狠\\How hard did she stomp?相当狠\\Very hard.好吧好受多了\\Okay, I'm good.那个拉杰\\Well, Raj我只是想说我绝不会背叛你\\I just want to say that I'd never betray your trust.不会像莱纳德那样我尊重你\\Unlike Leonard, I respect you.真的么\\Really?当然\\Mm-hmm.你瞒着拉杰你把他的iPhone\\Was it out of respect that you didn't tell Raj掉进了便池这算哪门子尊重\\about the time you dropped his iPhone in a urinal?神马我还把那玩意贴我脸上呢\\Dude, I put that thing on my face!我觉得对拉杰最有趣的欺骗\\I think a more amusing violation of Raj's trust是霍华德居然让他相信\\is when Howard convinced him thatforeigners give presents感恩节外国人要送美国人礼物\o Americans on Thanksgiving.喂我也没看到你\\Hey, I didn't see you giving back把他送你的史努比刨冰机还给他啊\\your Snoopy snow cone maker.那都是骗我的吗\\That was all a lie?今年的礼物我都准备好了\\This year's gifts are already wrapped.既然我们谈到背叛朋友的事\\And as long as we're talking about betraying our friends何不说说谢尔顿曾经整个月都\\how about the month Sheldon spent grinding up insects把虫子磨碎再混进莱纳德的食物里\\and mixing them into Leonard's food?不好意思\\Well, excuse me.那又不算背叛\\That was not a betrayal.这只是个实验用来证明\\That was an experiment to determine 什么浓度会使食物尝起来有"蛀虫"感\\at what concentration food starts tasting "mothy."你在我食物里放虫子\\You put moths in my food?!为了科学而献身\\For science.你居然用吃过虫子的嘴吻我妹妹\\I can't believe you kissed my sister with moth mouth.你还用了谢尔顿的牙刷呢\\Well, I can't believe you used Sheldon's toothbrush.你用了我的牙刷\\You used my toothbrush?没用刷毛的部分不过是用那橡皮垫\\Not the brush part, just the little rubber thing剔了剔我的牙顺便揉了揉牙床\o pick food from my teeth and massage my gums.好吧我想我可以说\\Okay, I-I think it's safe to say我们都做过一些\hat we've all done some things不那么光彩的事\\we're not particularly proud of.但是算了我们是朋友\\But come on, we're friends.朋友会互相谅解彼此的小错误\\Friends overlook each other's minor lapses.所以霍华德我很抱歉背叛了我们的约定\\For the record, Howard, I'm sorry that I broke our pact.多谢\\Thank you.我很抱歉把你的iPhone掉进了便池\\And I'm sorry about your phone还有感恩节的事\\and Thanksgiving.既然说到这个\\And while we're at it其实国庆节你也不用替我们洗衣服\\you don't have to wash our clothes on the Fourth of July. 既然你们都道歉了\\As long as we're apologizing谢尔顿很抱歉我用了你的牙刷\\Sheldon, I'm, I'm sorry I used your toothbrush.我也很抱歉...\\And I'm sorry...那这种行为让人忍无可忍\\but that behavior is beyond the pale不可原谅\\and cannot be tolerated.我们不再是朋友了\\We are no longer friends.感恩节我送你个托马斯蒸汽火车头\\I got you a talking Thomas the Tank Engine for Thanksgiving.会喷真的烟吗\\With real puffing smoke?会\\Yes.好吧\\All right.但我记住你了\\But I'm watching you.哎呀你把史努比拿出来了\\Hey, you've got Snoopy out. 我能来一杯刨冰么\\Can I have a snow cone?当然\\Well, sure.味道不错\\This is pretty good.这是什么味道\\What flavor is this?猜猜\\Guess.-木瓜吗-不是\\- Papaya? - No.-石榴呢-接近了\\- Guava? - You're so close.我放弃是什么\\I give up.芒果毛毛虫\\Mango caterpillar.你这是干什么\\What are you doing?!你说你喜欢的呀\\You said you liked it.。
生活大爆炸第四季剧本 S04E06

Series 4 Episode 06 – The Irish Pub FormulationScene: The university cafeteria.Howard:Gagh!Leonard: Problem?Howard: This is the worst cobbler I’ve ever eaten. I mean it tastes like it was made of actual ground-up shoemaker. Sheldon: Amusing. A play on the two meanings of cobbler.Raj: Hey guys, guess who I found at LAX. My baby sister Priya.Sheldon: Excuse me. I object. You propose a guessing game, yet you don’t give me enough time to guess. For the record, I was going to say your sister Priya.Priya: Oh, Sheldon. You haven’t changed a bit, have you?Sheldon: Why would I change?Leonard: The hope has been that you’d eventually bend to public opinion. So, Priya, what brings you back to LA? Priya: I have a one day layover on my way to Toronto. Corporate merger.Raj: Can you believe it? Little Priya’s one of the lead attorneys for the biggest car company in India.Sheldon: Given that when we met her she was finishing law school and planning an internship at a large Indian car company, it’s actually extre mely plausible.Leonard: And your poll numbers just keep dropping.Priya: I want to catch up with all of you, but first I really must visit the loo.Leonard: I’m going too, I’ll show you where it is.Raj: Alright, this goes without saying, but I’m just goi ng to say it anyway. Hands off my sister.Sheldon: Why would I touch her, she’s covered with airplane germs.Raj: I’m so not talking to you. I’m talking to him.Howard: Hey, I’ve got a girlfriend now.Raj: Oh please. My sister’s much hotter than your girlf riend and you know it.Howard: Let’s just agree they’re both hot.Raj: Dude, that’s my sister you’re talking about.Howard: Okay, forget who’s hotter. The first time Priya came to LA, Leonard and I made a pact out of respect to our friendship, and to you, that neither of us would hit on her.Raj: Did you pinky swear?Howard: Yes.Raj: Okay then.Sheldon: Cobbler. I’m still laughing.Scene: A corridor.Priya: It’s really nice to see you again Leonard.Leonard: Yeah. It’s good to see you too. Here you go.Priya: Thanks. (Grabs him and kisses him.)Leonard: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. (Looks around.)Okay.Credits sequence.Scene: The cafeteria.Howard: So, you got any special plans with your sister?Raj: Oh, not really, just hang out.Sheldon: I always tell people, if you have only one day in Los Angeles, make it a train day.Raj: Train day?Sheldon: The fun starts with brunch at Carney’s in Studio City, a hot dog stand in a converted railroad dining car. Next stop, Travel Town, an outdoor museum featuring 43 railroad engines, cars and other rolling stock from the1880s to the 1930s. Finally, we’re off to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood for dinner at, that’s right, the Hollywood Carney’s, a hot dog stand in a different converted railroad dining car.Raj: I don’t think we’re going to do that.Sheldon: Well then apparently, you hate fun.Leonard: Hmm, Priya’s not back yet? Well, I guess that’s not unusual, women, men, the whole sitting, standing deal, so, what are we talking about?Raj: Uh, my plans with Priya.Sheldon: He rejected train day.Leonard: Did you make it clear that it’s two different train cars turned into hot dog stands?Sheldon: Abundantly.Leonard: I guess he just hates fun.Sheldon: That’s what I said.Priya: Okay, so, what’s new with you guys.Howard: I have a girlfriend now.Priya: Hey, good for you.Howard: Yeah, I just wanna put it out there in case I inadvertently squirt any pheromones in your direction. Happy?(Raj nods).Leonard: So, uh, Priya, what are your plans while you’re here.Priya: I don’t know, I just have the one day.Sheldon: Do you like trains?Priya: Not particularly.Sheldon: You might as well just wait at the airport for your flight.Scene: The apartment. Sheldon is on his laptop.Sheldon: You are in a forest. There is quicksand to the west, a path leads to the east. Go east. An iron gate blocks your way. Open gate. It’s locked. Hmm, well, so much for that.Leonard: It’s getting pretty late, how come you’re still up?Sheldon: I’ve found an emulator online that lets you play classic text based computer games from the 1980s. Leonard: That’s pretty cool.Sheldon: Oh yes. It runs on the world’s most powerful graphics chip, imagination.Leonard: You’ve really got to get out more.Sheldon: Go north. You can’t go that way. Go west. A troll blocks your passage. Okay, fasten your seatbelts, kill troll. With what?With sword.(There is a knock on the door.) You don’t have the sword. Good golly, it’s as if it’s actually happening to me.Priya(at door): Raj finally went to bed.Leonard: Yeah, well, (kissing her) Sheldon’s still up.Priya: You said he goes to bed at nine.Leonard: Yeah, he does but he got caught up in a computer game and…Sheldon: Hit troll with axe. Hit troll with axe. Hit troll with axe. Oh my, this is one tough troll.Priya: Can’t you get rid of him?Leonard: If the past is any indication, no.Sheldon: Leonard, I’m trapped in quicksand, the axe is dragging me down.Leonard: Drop axe.Sheldon: Drop axe. Brilliant.Leonard: Give me a minute. Sheldon,Sheldon: Hold on. I have to figure out how to get the bucket, so I can carry the mud past the dragon.Leonard: Sheldon, you need to work in the morning.Sheldon: I know.Leonard: Well then, bed mister.Sheldon: Five more minutes.Leonard: Really? You’re going to risk getting sleepy in the middle of your thermodynamic fluctuations seminar? You know what happens when you yawn in public.Sheldon: Everyone will see my oddly shaped uvula.Leonard: You don’t want that, do you?Sheldon: No. But it’s a shame our society mocks the differently uvulated. Who was at the door?Leonard: Oh, uh, building manager. They have to fix a pipe so the water will be off tomorrow from noon to two. Sheldon: That’s unacceptable. We’re supposed to be given written no tice.Leonard: No, no, it doesn’t matter, we’ll be at work.Sheldon: Well, what if I spill tomato soup on my shirt and have to come home to change, only to find there’s no water for an enzyme soak.Leonard: Bifurcated uvula, Sheldon!Sheldon: I’ll have the chicken noodle. Goodnight.Leonard(to Priya): We’re going to have to be very quiet.Sheldon: I know how to get the bucket! I can turn the axe around and use the handle to reach it. Let’s see. Go north. You are in a forest. Go north. You are in a forest. G o north. You are in a forest. Oh dear, I believe I’m lost. Well, I’ll just have to get a fresh start tomorrow.Leonard: No, no, no, no, no. You just need, you just need, you just need to map it out. Come on, I’ll help you. So, uh, you stopped at the stream and you turned north three times?Sheldon: Yes.Leonard: You’re right, you’re lost, good luck.Scene: Leonard’s bedroom. Morning.Priya: Oh! Leonard, wake up.Leonard: Huh! Sorry!Priya: For what?Leonard: I don’t know. When I’m in bed with a girl, it’s just, it’s my go to response.Priya: It’s six o’ clock, I have to get back to Raj’s before he wakes up and realises I’m gone.Leonard: Oh, right, sure. I wish you could stay in LA a while longer.Priya: Mmm. Me too.Leonard: You know, I was thinking, there are some great research facilities in India.Priya: Where are you going with this, Leonard?Leonard: Well, I’m just saying, I don’t have any real ties here, so if I were to move to New Delhi we could, you know, go out.Priya: Leonard, didn’t we have this conversation five years ago.Leonard: Well, yes, but, things have changed, you know, you’re older, I’m older. Look, no more superhero bedsheets. Priya: Sweetheart, just because we have fun when I come to town doesn’t mean I want to have a serious relationship.Leonard: It doesn’t?Priya: Mm-mm. And besides, I could never bring a white boy home to my parents. They’d have a cow. Which is a much bigger deal in India.Leonard: I’m not that white. My great-great grandmother was half Cherokee. I know tha t’s not the right kind of Indian but it is something.Priya: Aha, you’re funny.Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard. (Knock, knock, knock) Leonard. Leonard: What?Sheldon: I heard a woman laughing.Leonard: Oh, uh, yeah, I was trying to see if I could laugh as a woman.Sheldon: Oh. Well, good job, quite convincing. I smell perfume.Leonard: Air freshener.Sheldon: And is that lipstick on your cheek and neck.Leonard: Uh, rash, that’s a bad rash.Sheldon: My sympathies. I am no stranger to the crimson scourge that is dermatitis. Can I interest you in a topical steroid from my lotion and unguent collection?Leonard: Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds great.Sheldon: Very well, I’m sure I can find something that will help you ditch th at itch.Leonard: Okay, he’s in the bathroom, let’s go.Sheldon: Do you prefer ointment or cream?Leonard: Uh, cream.Sheldon: With or without a numbing agent?Leonard: Without.Sheldon: Really? Leonard, there are no heroes when it comes to dermatitis.Leonard: Fine. With.Sheldon: Prescription or non-prescription strength.Leonard: Use your best judgement.Sheldon: Well, I think I have a nice 2009 AnaMantle HC. It’s usually indicated for acutely inflamed haemorrhoids, but it also goes nicely with non mucosal body parts.Leonard: Sounds great.Sheldon: Excellent choice.Leonard(whispering): Right, right, alright. (They creep almost to the apartment door.)Sheldon: Priya?Priya: Good morning, Sheldon.Sheldon: For shame, Leonard. For shame. And to think I was ready to waste the last of my good haemorrhoid cream on you.Scene: Leonard’s car.Leonard: Making pretty good time, huh?Sheldon: Is that really what you want to talk about, Leonard?Leonard: No.Sheldon: What do you want to talk about?Leonard: Please don’t tell anyone I spent the night with Raj’s sister.Sheldon: There it is. What if someone asks?Leonard: No-one’s going to ask if I spent the night with Raj’s sister.Sheldon: Perhaps. But they might ask me something else.Leonard: Like what?Sheldon: Like, has Leonard betrayed any of his friends recently?Leonard: Priya and I are both adults. We didn’t betray Raj.Sheldon: In fact, you did, but I was referring to Howard.Leonard: What are you talking about?Sheldon: April 12th, 2005, Bob’s Big Boy, Tol uca Lake. Raj had just introduced us to Priya for the first time, and she was enjoying the sweet taste of Hindu rebellion in the form of a Bob’s Super Big Boy hamburger. In order to preserve your friendship, you and Howard made a pinky swear that neither of you would attempt to woo her. I had a patty melt.Leonard: Okay, fine, I betrayed Howard.Sheldon: And Raj.Leonard: Alright, and Raj.Sheldon: And me.Leonard: You?Sheldon: Violation of the roommate agreement, overnight guest notification clause.Leonard: Okay fine, I’m, I’m a horrible human being, I’m the Darth Vader of Pasadena.Sheldon: You’re far too short to be Darth Vader. At best you might be a turncoat Ewok.Leonard: My point is, Priya’s gone. And it would be much better if no-one else found out about this.Sheldon: You mean, you want me to keep a secret.Leonard: Yes.Sheldon: You know I can’t keep a secret.Leonard: You can if you try. Think about it this way, if I were Batman and you were Alfred, you’d keep that secret. Right?Sheldon: Why do you get to be Batman?Leonard: Because, well, Batman has the secret.Sheldon: Well Alfred has secrets too.Leonard: Like what?Sheldon: Alfred knows that Barbara Gordon is Batgirl. Which I’ve now just told to Batman. See, I can’t keep a secret. Scene: Leon ard’s lab.Sheldon: Ta-da!Leonard: What.Sheldon: Ta-da. It’s short for da-da-da-da!Leonard: Kind of busy here, Sheldon.Sheldon: I know, that’s why I shortened it.Leonard: What do you want.Sheldon: I came to go over your alibi for last night.Leonard: What alibi?Sheldon: You’ve asked me to lie on your behalf, and as you know, I am deeply uncomfortable with impromptu dishonest, so I’ve provided you with an iron clad alibi. You couldn’t have spent last night with Priya, because you were with another woman.Leonard: Oh, I’m so sure I’m going to regret this, but, who was I with?Sheldon: The fun loving, and morally loose, Miss Maggie McGeary.Leonard: Oh, God.Sheldon: You met her at Pasadena’s most popular Irish watering hole, Lucky Baldwin’s, where Maggi e spends her nights tending bar, with a head full of curls and a heart full of dreams.Leonard (reading a napkin Sheldon has handed him): Leonard, call me if you’re interested in coitus. Sincerely, Maggie McGeary.Sheldon: And if anyone were to actually call that number they will hear this.MechanicalvoiceonSheldon’sphone: Top of the morning to you. You’ve reached Maggie McGeary. Leave a message after the wee little beep.Sheldon: It’s pretty convincing, huh? And it wasn’t even a real person. And here is the clincher. A lock of Maggie’s flaming auburn hair.Leonard: Where did you get that?Sheldon: From an orang-u-tan in the primate lab.Leonard: An orang-u-tan?Sheldon: Well, no-one’s going to run a DNA test on it, Leonard, honestly you over-think everything.Leonard: Sheldon, I don’t need an alibi. Nobody’s going to ask about last night as long as you just zip your lip. (Sheldon makes lip zipping movement.) Thankyou. Now don’t worry, everything is going to be fine. (Sheldon writes “I doubt it” on Leonard’s whiteboard.Scene: The cafeteria.Leonard: Hey.Raj: Hey, Leonard, will you please tell Howard my sister’s never been attracted to him.Leonard: C’mon Raj, how am I supposed to know who she’s attracted to. Or was attracted to. Or who she might be attracted to. In the future.Sheldon: And I have nothing to contribute to this conversation. Because I too know absolutely nothing about Priya’s preferences in male companionship. And with that, I will re-zip my lip.Raj: Hey, so what did you guys think of the new episode of Caprica last night?Leonard: I didn’t see it.Howard: Didn’t see it? What were you doing?Leonard: Uh, I was out.Raj: On Caprica night?Leonard: Yeah, I, uh, went for a drink.Howard: Really, you, and where, where did you go?Leonard: To, uh, Lucky Baldwin’s.Sheldon: Oh, I’ve heard of that place, isn’t that Pasadena’s favourite Irish watering hole.Leonard: Yes.Sheldon: Did you meet anyone interesting there, perhaps a promiscuous redheaded barmaid?Leonard: As a matter of fact I.. I…I can’t… I can’t… I can’t do it.Sheldon: Sure you can, you’re doing fine, it’s very believable.Leonard: Look, I’m sorry Raj, but the truth is I was with Priya last night.Sheldon: Don’t listen to him, he’s still light headed from all the Irish whiskey and pickled eggs in his system.Raj: What were you doing with Priya?Sheldon: I believe they engaged in coitus but, more importantly, if Leonard had not abandoned his story, would you have found it plausible?Raj: What? You slept with my sister?Leonard: Yeah.Howard: How could you? We had a pact!Raj: Excuse me, I think how could you she’s my sister takes precedence over a five year old pinky swear! Sheldon: May I point out, in a parallel universe, your friends are saying Maggie McGeary, she sounds lovely. Leonard: Look, I admit it, I may have crossed a line here, but come on, Raj, your sister is a grown woman. To her, I’m a forbidden piece of white chocolate.Raj: I… I don’t believe it, this is a terrible betrayal of my trust.Leonard: No, no, no, would it help if I told you that I offered her my heart and she kind of stomped on it.Raj: How hard did she stomp?Leonard: Very hard.Raj: Okay, I’m good.Howard: Yeah, well, Raj, I just want to say that I’d never betray your trust. Unlike Leonard, I respect you. Leonard: Really?Howard: Mmm.Leonard: Was it out of respect that you didn’t tell Raj about the time you dropped his iPhone in a urinal?Raj: Dude! I put that thing on my face!Sheldon: I think a more amusing violation of Raj’s trust is when Howard convi nced him that foreigners give presents to Americans on Thanksgiving.Howard: Hey, I didn’t see you giving back your Snoopy snowcone maker.Raj: That was all a lie? This year’s gifts are already wrapped!Howard: And as long as we’re talking about betraying our friends, how about the month Sheldon spent grinding upinsects and mixing them into Leonard’s food.Sheldon: Well, excuse me. That was not a betrayal, that was an experiment to determine at what concentration food starts tasting mothy.Leonard: You put moths in my food?Sheldon: For science.Raj: I can’t believe you kissed my sister with moth mouth.Leonard: Well, uh, I can’t believe you used Sheldon’s toothbrush.Sheldon: You used my toothbrush?Raj: Not the brush part, just the little rubber thing to pick food from my teeth and massage my gums.Leonard: Okay, I, I, I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all done some things we’re not particularly proud of. But come on, we’re friends. Friends overlook each other’s minor lapses. For the record, Howard, I’m sorry that I broke our pact.Howard: Thankyou, and I’m sorry about your phone. And Thanksgiving. And while we’re at it, you don’t have to wash our clothes on the fourth of July.Raj: As long as we’re apologising, Sheldon, I, I’m sorry I used your toothbrus h.Sheldon: And I’m sorry. But that behaviour is beyond the pale and cannot be tolerated. We are no longer friends. Raj: I got you a talking Thomas the Tank Engine for Thanksgiving.Sheldon: With real puffing smoke?Raj: Yes.Sheldon: Alright. But I’m watching you.Scene: The apartment. Sheldon is making snowcones.Leonard: Hey, you got Snoopy out. Can I have a snowcone?Sheldon: Well, sure.Leonard: These are pretty god, what flavour is this?Sheldon: Guess.Leonard: Papaya?Sheldon: No.Leonard: Guava?Sheldon: You’re so close.Leonard: I give up.Sheldon: Mango, caterpillar. What are you doing? You said you liked it!。
最新-高中英语 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕18素材1 精品

生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕11200:18:55,920 --> 00:18:59,900■300:18:59,910 --> 00:18:18,910翻译:米小勒 MADD 海因里希 Joanna400:18:59,910 --> 00:18:18,910■500:18:18,910 --> 00:18:18,910后期:孤帆时间轴:小e600:18:18,910 --> 00:18:18,910■700:18:18,910 --> 00:18:11,910校对:Joanna MADD 总监:YY800:18:18,910 --> 00:18:11,910■900:18:14,010 --> 00:18:16,710生活大爆炸第四季第十一集1000:00:18,180 --> 00:00:18,480水魔王Water Demon.1100:00:10,140 --> 00:00:11,960冰龙Ice Dragon.00:00:12,710 --> 00:00:15,500卡哈战神Lesser Warlord of Ka'a.1300:00:15,500 --> 00:00:17,690慢着Not so fast.1400:00:18,570 --> 00:00:20,550无敌谢尔顿Infinite Sheldon.1500:00:22,210 --> 00:00:23,460无敌谢尔顿Infinite Sheldon?1600:00:23,460 --> 00:00:26,450是的 "无敌谢尔顿"能击败其他所有牌Yes, Infinite Sheldon defeats all other cards1700:00:26,450 --> 00:00:28,720而且没有违背自制卡牌的规则and does not violate the rule against homemade cards1800:00:28,720 --> 00:00:31,180因为这规则是我在工作时发明的because I made it at work.1900:00:32,930 --> 00:00:35,720你明白为何别人都不想跟你一起玩吗Do you understand why people don't want to play with you?2000:00:35,720 --> 00:00:37,180不明白No...2100:00:37,180 --> 00:00:40,260虽然我从幼儿园开始就一直被问这个问题Although it's a question I've been pondering since preschool.2200:00:45,650 --> 00:00:47,990你的《科学》杂志寄到了我的邮箱里Hey, your copy of Science Magazine was in my mailbox.2300:00:47,990 --> 00:00:49,130哦谢了Oh, thanks. Mm-hmm.2400:00:49,130 --> 00:00:51,830看啊这期讲的都是关于星球的内容Check it out, all about planets this month.2500:00:52,260 --> 00:00:53,850这是颗原子That's an atom.2600:00:54,970 --> 00:00:56,880各抒己见嘛Agree to disagree.2700:00:57,890 --> 00:00:59,430这就是我喜爱科学的原因That's what I love about science.2800:00:59,430 --> 00:01:01,500因为总没有正确的答案There's no one right answer.2900:01:18,350 --> 00:01:18,510那么...So...3000:01:18,510 --> 00:01:18,680你和扎克又在一起了吗You and Zack again, huh?3100:01:18,680 --> 00:01:10,830是啊我和扎克又在一起了Yeah, yeah, me and Zack again.3200:01:10,830 --> 00:01:12,890我俩之前来过吗Were we here earlier?3300:01:14,440 --> 00:01:15,560好吧我看我们还是走吧Okay, we should, we should go.3400:01:15,560 --> 00:01:16,430等下Ah, not yet.3500:01:16,430 --> 00:01:18,620我还想和这帮捣腾科学的小子聊聊科学呢I want to talk science with the science dudes.3600:01:18,620 --> 00:01:22,920好棒哦科学小子们要和你聊科学了Oh, and the science dudes want to talk science with y ou.3700:01:23,690 --> 00:01:24,760你想聊点啥呢What do you want to talk about,3800:01:24,760 --> 00:01:28,680岩石恐龙还是我们的好朋友海狸呢rocks, dinosaurs, our friend the beaver?3900:01:29,970 --> 00:01:32,520我在探索频道看过件妙事You know, I saw this great thing on the Discovery Channel.4000:01:32,520 --> 00:01:34,670原来海星一旦被杀Turns out that if you kill a starfish,4100:01:34,670 --> 00:01:36,580它会立刻复活it'll just come back to life.4200:01:38,430 --> 00:01:40,270那海星没穿拳击短裤吧Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts?4300:01:40,270 --> 00:01:43,180也许你看的是尼克频道[儿童频道]Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon.4400:01:45,540 --> 00:01:49,470不我比较确定看的是探索频道No, I'm almost sure that it was the Discovery Channel.4500:01:49,470 --> 00:01:50,140那是个不错的节目It was a great show.4600:01:50,140 --> 00:01:52,930节目还说海豚可能比人还聪明They also said dolphins might be smarter than people.4700:01:53,280 --> 00:01:56,180海豚可能比某些人聪明They might be smarter than some people.4800:01:58,210 --> 00:18:00,620也许我们可以做个试验看看Maybe we can do an experiment to find out.4900:18:00,620 --> 00:18:01,920这很容易That's easy enough.5000:18:01,920 --> 00:18:18,170我们找一缸水找个海豚能穿过去的铁圈We'd need a large tank of water, a hoop to jump through,5100:18:18,170 --> 00:18:18,550再找一桶你喜欢吃的饵料就行了and a bucket of whatever bite-sized treats you find tasty.5200:18:15,980 --> 00:18:17,600我没听懂I don't get it.5300:18:18,180 --> 00:18:20,010海豚可能懂A dolphin might.5400:18:23,670 --> 00:18:24,230我明白了Oh, I see.5500:18:24,230 --> 00:18:25,870你们是说我傻是吧You guys are inferring that I'm stupid.00:18:25,870 --> 00:18:27,430你这就错了That's not correct.5700:18:27,430 --> 00:18:29,800我们是在暗喻We were implying it.5800:18:30,920 --> 00:18:33,330是你自己说出来的You then inferred it.5900:18:36,550 --> 00:18:38,180我们走Let's go.6000:18:40,520 --> 00:18:41,760有这样一群人You know, for a group of guys6100:18:41,760 --> 00:18:44,330一辈子可能都会被别人羞辱欺负着who claim they spent most of their lives being bullied,6200:18:44,330 --> 00:18:45,870你们就是那羞辱人的混蛋you can be real jerks.6300:18:45,870 --> 00:18:47,770为你们感到羞耻Shame on all of you.6400:18:50,450 --> 00:18:52,470我什么都没做过啊What the hell did I do?6500:18:53,530 --> 00:18:55,230你笑了You laughed.6600:18:22,980 --> 00:18:24,180你们也认同佩妮的说法吗Do you think Penny's right?6700:18:24,180 --> 00:18:25,790我们刚才是在欺负扎克吗Were we bullying Zack?6800:18:25,790 --> 00:18:27,520不我知道什么叫欺负No, I know bullying.6900:18:27,520 --> 00:18:31,250他刚才走得很淡定内裤也好端端地在屁股上呢He left here unswirlied and his ass crack was underpants-free.7000:18:32,800 --> 00:18:35,500而且也没人把鸡鸡画到他额头上啊And nobody drew a penis on his forehead.7100:18:37,880 --> 00:18:39,580有人画到过你额头上吗That happened to you?7200:18:40,180 --> 00:18:41,920我去板球训练营的第一天First day of cricket camp.7300:18:41,920 --> 00:18:44,710他们就是想拿我的俩眼睛当蛋蛋They drew it so the testicles were my eyes.7400:18:48,580 --> 00:18:51,180我觉得我们还是得跟那家伙道个歉I don't know, I think we might owe the guy an apology.7500:18:51,180 --> 00:18:53,640-那你去道歉呗 -为什么是我去- So go apologize. - Why me?7600:18:53,640 --> 00:18:56,280你开的头我们只是附和罢了You started it, we just piled on.7700:18:57,400 --> 00:18:58,620那我该怎么说What would I even say?7800:18:58,620 --> 00:18:01,420扎克很抱歉你太蠢了Zack, I'm sorry you're stupid.7900:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,180吃点奶球吧Have a Milk Dud.8000:18:18,310 --> 00:18:18,350奶球A Milk Dud?8100:18:18,350 --> 00:18:11,180是的凭借奶球这自嘲的名字Yeah, Milk Duds, with their self-deprecating name8200:18:11,180 --> 00:18:12,920外加温和的口味and remarkably mild flavor,8300:18:12,920 --> 00:18:16,180是盒装糖果里最能表达歉意的are the most apologetic of the boxed candies.8400:18:17,520 --> 00:18:18,420我有个好主意I got a better idea.8500:18:18,420 --> 00:18:19,270这事儿我们都有责任We're all responsible.8600:18:19,270 --> 00:18:20,840所以都该去道歉I say we all go.8700:18:23,890 --> 00:18:25,950拜托谁跟我一起去一下呢Come on, who's with me?8800:18:27,320 --> 00:18:30,520跟我去的我赠送漫画书谁想去一下呢Free comic books to anyone who comes with me.8900:18:31,750 --> 00:18:34,290我可能会被海扁一顿你们不想看看吗I might get punched. You really want to miss that?9000:18:39,750 --> 00:18:41,490薄荷糖也挺有道歉味道的Junior Mints are pretty apologetic.9100:18:41,490 --> 00:18:43,590你这是在自取其辱You're embarrassing yourself.9200:18:47,970 --> 00:18:49,510佩妮Penny.9300:18:54,880 --> 00:18:57,980-什么事 -我们想跟扎克说两句扎克你还好吗- What? - Yeah, we came to talk to Zack. Hey, Zack.9400:18:57,980 --> 00:18:59,310你们想怎么样What do you want?9500:18:59,310 --> 00:18:00,920我们之前说的那些Listen, the stuff we were saying before,9600:18:00,920 --> 00:18:18,640只不过是跟你开玩笑来着we were just kidding around.9700:18:18,640 --> 00:18:18,370才不是呢No, you weren't.9800:18:18,370 --> 00:18:18,930你们刚才在嘲讽我You were making fun of me.9900:18:18,260 --> 00:18:18,790拜托我们经常这样的Come on, that's what we do.10000:18:18,790 --> 00:18:18,130互相找不痛快We give each other a hard time.10100:18:18,130 --> 00:18:10,180喂谢尔顿Hey, Sheldon,11800:18:10,180 --> 00:18:12,190你长得像在祈祷的螳螂you look like a praying mantis.11800:18:14,510 --> 00:18:15,460你这话太伤人了That's very hurtful.11800:18:15,460 --> 00:18:17,180看到了吧See?11800:18:18,290 --> 00:18:20,880我不知道还是觉得很不爽I don't know, it still wasn't very nice.11800:18:20,880 --> 00:18:22,980奶球要吗Milk Dud?11800:18:22,980 --> 00:18:24,620爱死奶球了Oh, I love Milk Duds.11800:18:26,210 --> 00:18:27,960好了咱们和好了Okay, we're cool.11800:18:29,950 --> 00:18:32,650还说薄荷糖吗Junior Mints.11000:18:33,230 --> 00:18:34,480你们想进来喝杯啤酒吗You guys want to come in and have a beer?11100:18:34,480 --> 00:18:36,260我们正打算去漫画书店呢Uh, we're on our way to the comic book store.11200:18:36,260 --> 00:18:37,870莱纳德请客哦Leonard's buying.11300:18:37,870 --> 00:18:38,740真的吗Really?11400:18:38,740 --> 00:18:39,950我有整整一百万年I haven't been to a comic book store11500:18:39,950 --> 00:18:42,150没去过漫画书店了in literally a million years.11600:18:42,530 --> 00:18:43,590真的吗Literally?11700:18:43,590 --> 00:18:46,390是字面上理解的一百万年吗Literally a million years?11800:18:47,180 --> 00:18:48,270打住Don't.11900:18:48,270 --> 00:18:49,770-你想和他们一起去吗 -不想- You want to go with 'em? - No.12000:18:49,770 --> 00:18:51,180-哦那就回见了 -等等- Okay, see you later. - Wait,12100:18:51,180 --> 00:18:55,780等等你为了去漫画书店就丢下我吗w-w-w-wait, you're ditching me to go look at comic books?12200:18:55,780 --> 00:18:57,190你生我气了吗Are you mad at me?12300:18:57,190 --> 00:18:59,180我不高兴了I'm not happy.12400:18:01,190 --> 00:18:18,840奶球要吗Milk Dud?12500:18:18,800 --> 00:18:18,180哇这地方太赞了Wow, this place is awesome.12600:18:18,180 --> 00:18:10,930阿奇的漫画一般在哪儿Where do they keep the Archies?12700:18:18,180 --> 00:18:10,930美国著名漫画出版商12800:18:11,640 --> 00:18:15,330在十岁小姑娘的卧室里在那儿才对In the bedrooms of ten-year-old girls, where they belong.12900:18:15,590 --> 00:18:17,280你说的那是老阿奇漫画Oh, no, you're thinking old-school Archie.13000:18:17,280 --> 00:18:19,180现在已经成熟多了It's much more sophisticated now.13100:18:19,180 --> 00:18:20,570比如说有两个宇宙Like, there's two universes,13200:18:20,570 --> 00:18:22,180阿奇在一个宇宙去了贝蒂and Archie's married to Betty in one13300:18:22,180 --> 00:18:23,370在另一个娶了维罗妮卡and Veronica in the other.13400:18:23,370 --> 00:18:25,650出自阿奇《New Look》系列第三期13500:18:23,370 --> 00:18:25,650米吉甚至和慕思分手了Midge is even breaking up with Moose.13600:18:25,650 --> 00:18:27,260不会吧No.13700:18:27,790 --> 00:18:29,330早该改了对吧About time, right?13800:18:30,010 --> 00:18:33,770你们终于合伙雇了位保镖啦Hey. You guys finally chip in for a bodyguard?13900:18:35,450 --> 00:18:36,930不是这位是扎克Uh, no. Oh, this is Zack.14000:18:36,930 --> 00:18:38,900只是朋友而已He's a friend of ours.14100:18:38,900 --> 00:18:39,840扎克这位是斯图尔特Zack, this is Stuart.14200:18:39,840 --> 00:18:41,100这儿的老板He owns the store.14300:18:41,100 --> 00:18:42,890哇好福气啊Wow, lucky you.14400:18:42,890 --> 00:18:45,540是啊我每周上70小时的班Yeah, I work 70 hours a week14500:18:45,540 --> 00:18:48,710平均每小时赚一块六毛五and average $1.65 an hour.14600:18:49,140 --> 00:18:51,000很赞啊Sweet.14700:18:52,410 --> 00:18:53,970他这是讽刺我吗Is that sarcasm?14800:18:53,970 --> 00:18:58,000非也他是在控诉无能的美国教育系统No, it's an indictment of the American education system.14900:18:58,860 --> 00:18:00,420阿奇漫画都在那边呢The Archies are over here.15000:18:00,420 --> 00:18:18,150好滴Yippee.15100:18:18,900 --> 00:18:18,730你们几位来不来我的新年化装派对啊So are you guys coming to my New Year's Eve costume party?15200:18:18,730 --> 00:18:18,640当然来啊Of course.153我们要组成美国正义联盟We're coming as the Justice League of America.15400:18:18,640 --> 00:18:18,880美国DC漫画公司创作的超级英雄团队15500:18:18,880 --> 00:18:11,130阵容安排得换一下Switching it up from last year15600:18:11,130 --> 00:18:14,270不能和去年的重复了when we came as the Justice League of America.15700:18:14,990 --> 00:18:16,100你这么一提To that point,15800:18:16,100 --> 00:18:19,150让我忽然想起来我们今年很有可能it occurs to me that we might have an opportunity15900:18:19,150 --> 00:18:21,760最终赢得最佳团体服饰奖to finally snare Best Group Costume16000:18:21,760 --> 00:18:23,850只要我们加强了当初的短板if we shore up our weak link,16100:18:23,850 --> 00:18:26,850显然也就是莱纳德扮的超人which is clearly Leonard as Superman.162喂我今年新买了靴子好吧Hey, I got new boots this year.16300:18:29,810 --> 00:18:32,240保证能增高三英寸Guaranteed to add three inches.16400:18:33,180 --> 00:18:34,910真可悲That's sad.16500:18:36,320 --> 00:18:37,790请扪心自问Let's ask ourselves:16600:18:37,790 --> 00:18:40,000我们认识的人中有哪位Is there anyone we know16700:18:40,000 --> 00:18:44,780能扮好更爷们更合适的氪星之子[即超人]呢who would make a more manly and convincing son of Krypton?16800:18:44,780 --> 00:18:47,670比穿高跟靴的莱纳德更爷们吗Than Leonard in high-heeled boots?16900:18:48,490 --> 00:18:51,240跟穿高跟靴的霍华德老妈呢Howard's mother in high-heeled boots?17000:18:53,850 --> 00:18:57,440我想到了那边那位I was thinking specifically of the gentleman over there17100:18:57,440 --> 00:18:18,260念念有词欣赏最新《贝蒂和维罗妮卡》的先生moving his lips as he enjoys the latest exploits of Betty and Veronica.17200:18:18,660 --> 00:18:18,140扎克吗Zack?17300:18:18,140 --> 00:18:11,460他是我们认识的唯一有真正肌肉的人He is the only person we know with actual muscles.17400:18:11,460 --> 00:18:13,800你们不能让扎克代替我You can't replace me with Zack.17500:18:13,800 --> 00:18:16,140为啥不行佩妮不就这么做了Why not? Penny did it.17600:18:17,100 --> 00:18:18,420对啊她好像比以前更开心了Yeah, she seems happier.17700:18:18,420 --> 00:18:20,340为啥我们不行Why wouldn't we be?17800:18:20,950 --> 00:18:21,710爽啊Score.17900:18:21,710 --> 00:18:23,810我找到了《高中生阿奇》《贝蒂和维罗妮卡》I got an Archie, Betty and Veronica,18000:18:23,810 --> 00:18:24,970还有《笨瓜》这册and a Jughead.18100:18:24,970 --> 00:18:27,500我的周末完美了All set for my weekend number twos.18200:18:28,980 --> 00:18:30,760恭喜恭喜Congratulations.18300:18:30,760 --> 00:18:35,130扎克你觉得当超人感觉如何Zack, how would you like to be Superman?18400:18:35,130 --> 00:18:38,240不知道诶听起来责任重大啊I don't kow. Sounds like a lot of responsibility.18500:18:42,130 --> 00:18:43,780好吧如果扎克当超人的话Fine. If Zack's gonna be Superman,18600:18:43,780 --> 00:18:45,180那我就要当绿灯侠I want to be Green Lantern.18700:18:45,180 --> 00:18:46,120可我才是绿灯侠啊But I'm Green Lantern.18800:18:46,120 --> 00:18:47,580你可以去当水行侠嘛You can be Aquaman.18900:18:47,580 --> 00:18:48,690我才不想当水行侠呢I don't want to be Aquaman.19000:18:48,690 --> 00:18:50,780太衰了He sucks.19100:18:51,960 --> 00:18:54,660在水下都衰得不行He sucks underwater.19200:18:55,360 --> 00:18:57,620还得喝鱼尿He sucks fish pee.19300:18:58,230 --> 00:18:59,410容我插句嘴Excuse me,19400:18:59,410 --> 00:18:18,730我觉得水行侠会用他的通灵术I believe Aquaman uses his telepathic powers19500:18:18,730 --> 00:18:18,260让鱼儿们上别处撒尿去to request the fish do their business elsewhere.19600:18:18,450 --> 00:18:18,150嗨宝贝Hey, babe.19700:18:18,150 --> 00:18:18,470我还在生你的气I'm still mad at you.19800:18:18,470 --> 00:18:11,630等听到这个天大的喜讯你就不会生气了Well, you won't be when you hear the great news.19900:18:11,630 --> 00:18:12,860什么天大的喜讯What great news?20000:18:12,860 --> 00:18:14,280我们在新年夜要去参加We're going to a costume party20100:18:14,280 --> 00:18:16,910漫画店的化装派对at the comic book store on New Year's Eve,21800:18:16,910 --> 00:18:19,220而你将扮成神奇女侠and you get to be Wonder Woman.21800:18:20,620 --> 00:18:24,150还有防弹手镯和真理套索Complete with bulletproof bracelets and lasso of truth.21800:18:24,610 --> 00:18:26,920隐形飞机单独零售Invisible plane sold separately.21800:18:27,870 --> 00:18:29,180慢着为什么是我Wait, why me?21800:18:29,180 --> 00:18:31,160为什么不找你女友做神奇女侠Wh-Why can't your girlfriend be Wonder Woman?21800:18:31,160 --> 00:18:33,890她们实验室的人正在隔离中She and her lab team are under quarantine.21800:18:33,890 --> 00:18:36,640貌似她们圣诞派对时用了Seems at the Christmas party they were doing Jell-O shots21800:18:36,640 --> 00:18:40,410装黄热病毒的培养皿做果冻杯out of petri dishes that used to contain yellow fever.21000:18:41,600 --> 00:18:44,560好吧那你朋友艾米呢Okay, what about your friend Amy?21100:18:44,560 --> 00:18:47,540艾米·菲拉·福勒不会接受COSPLAY的Amy Farrah Fowler doesn't believe in wearing costumes.21200:18:47,540 --> 00:18:50,340她没我这么思想开放She isn't the free spirit I am.21300:18:53,520 --> 00:18:54,450好吧别妄想了Okay, well, forget it.21400:18:54,450 --> 00:18:55,770我可不想在新年夜I'm not spending my New Year's Eve21500:18:55,770 --> 00:18:58,960扮成神奇女侠在漫画店度过at a comic book store wearing a Wonder Woman costume.21600:10:00,570 --> 00:10:18,350他说要是你当水行侠他愿意当神奇女侠He says he'll wear it if you'll be Aquaman.21700:10:22,520 --> 00:10:24,140你在做啥子What are you doing?21800:10:24,550 --> 00:10:25,820我们要迟到了We're going to be late.21900:10:25,820 --> 00:10:27,750我在紧张地踱步I'm pacing nervously.22000:10:28,510 --> 00:10:30,120你这是在慢跑You're jogging.22100:10:30,120 --> 00:10:32,270闪电侠就这么踱步的This is how the Flash paces.22200:10:33,530 --> 00:10:35,180淡定点谢尔顿Just chill out, Sheldon.22300:10:35,180 --> 00:10:37,970我不是谢尔顿我是闪电侠I'm not Sheldon. I'm the Flash.22400:10:38,490 --> 00:10:39,930现在我要去大峡谷吼叫And now I'm going to the Grand Canyon22500:10:39,930 --> 00:10:42,180发泄我心中的沮丧to scream in frus tration.22600:10:42,180 --> 00:10:43,730我回来了I'm back.22700:10:46,860 --> 00:10:49,180蝙蝠侠来也I'm Batman.22800:10:50,180 --> 00:10:51,590坑爹呢你Oh, I hardly think so.22900:10:51,590 --> 00:10:54,230真正的蝙蝠侠要是迟到The real caped crusade r calls his crime-fighting cohorts23000:10:54,230 --> 00:10:56,180会打电话通知战友的when he's running late.23100:10:56,920 --> 00:10:57,660我是走路过来的I had to walk.23200:10:57,660 --> 00:11:00,480拉杰上不了我的小摩托车后座I couldn't get Raj on the back of my scooter.23300:11:18,270 --> 00:11:10,500我说过无数次了但我还是要说I've said this before, and I'll say it again.23400:11:10,500 --> 00:11:12,990水行侠太衰了Aquaman sucks.23500:11:12,990 --> 00:11:16,620仰望天空那是只鸟是架飞机Look up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane.23600:11:18,480 --> 00:11:20,240后面的我忘了I forget the rest.23700:11:18,480 --> 00:11:20,240后面那句应该是"那是超人"23800:11:21,710 --> 00:11:24,180好吧我们早死早超生吧All right. Let's get this thing over with.23900:11:26,130 --> 00:11:27,350不好意思I'm sorry.24000:11:27,350 --> 00:11:31,180哪儿来的金发神奇女侠啊But in what universe is Wonder Woman blonde?24100:11:31,180 --> 00:11:33,920龟毛个啥谁会盯着她的头发看啊Relax. No one's going to be looking at her hair.24200:11:36,170 --> 00:11:37,680痛啊Ow!24300:11:39,700 --> 00:11:40,270应该是I mean,24400:11:40,270 --> 00:11:42,180可恶ow.24500:11:43,590 --> 00:11:45,900等等那套服装里的黑色假发呢宝贝儿Hold on. The costume came with a black wig. Where is it, babe?24600:11:45,900 --> 00:11:47,800我才不要戴那个看着逊毙了No. I'm not wearing it. It looks stupid.24700:11:47,800 --> 00:11:49,500拜托我们可是要去比赛争冠军Come on. We're trying to win a contest here.24800:11:49,500 --> 00:11:51,140想也别想反正我不戴假发Forget it. I'm not wearing the wig.24900:11:51,140 --> 00:11:54,770佩妮正义联盟里没有"小我"之说Penny, there's no "I" In "Justice League."25000:11:51,140 --> 00:11:54,770事实上 Justice里有个"i" = =|||25100:11:57,660 --> 00:11:58,850其实...Well, actually...25200:11:58,850 --> 00:12:18,180闭嘴他在为我们说话呢Don't. He's making our case.25300:12:18,800 --> 00:12:18,660好吧宝贝儿Okay, babe. Uh...25400:12:18,660 --> 00:12:18,430你让我在朋友面前有些难堪Kind of embarrassing me in front of my friends.25500:12:18,640 --> 00:12:18,570得了告诉你Okay. You know what?25600:12:18,570 --> 00:12:11,300我改主意了我不去了I changed my mind. I'm not going.25700:12:12,940 --> 00:12:16,800看来神奇女侠要换人咯Looks like someone else is going to have to be Wonder Woman.25800:12:21,360 --> 00:12:23,110宝贝开门Babe, open up.25900:12:23,110 --> 00:12:25,120我不和你说话I'm not talking to you.26000:12:25,120 --> 00:12:27,400那你现在在和谁说话Then who are you talking to?26100:12:30,610 --> 00:12:32,470宝贝Babe?26200:12:32,750 --> 00:12:40,590佩妮佩妮佩妮佩妮Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny,26300:12:41,180 --> 00:12:43,520你到底有什么毛病What the hell is wrong with you?26400:12:44,180 --> 00:12:44,900我是闪电侠I'm the Flash.26500:12:44,900 --> 00:12:47,340我刚敲了三万次门I just knocked 30,000 times.26600:12:47,790 --> 00:12:49,320得你要干嘛谢尔顿Okay. What do you want, Sheldon?26700:12:49,320 --> 00:12:52,290我明白你为什么不开心I understand why you're upset.26800:12:52,290 --> 00:12:53,280是吗Really?26900:12:53,280 --> 00:12:54,410是的Yes.27000:12:54,410 --> 00:12:57,740你担心这个装扮会让你显胖You're afraid that costume makes you look fat.27100:13:00,100 --> 00:13:01,400不是No.27200:13:01,400 --> 00:13:18,780怎么...Wh-What...27300:13:18,780 --> 00:13:18,180很显胖吗Does it?27400:13:18,930 --> 00:13:18,140不用担心Don't worry.27500:13:18,140 --> 00:13:18,430神奇女侠是亚马逊人Wonder Woman was an Amazon.27600:13:18,430 --> 00:13:12,270亚马逊的女孩子都很高大健壮And Amazons tend to be very beefy gals.27700:13:14,420 --> 00:13:16,430滚吧谢尔顿Good-bye, Sheldon.27800:13:18,740 --> 00:13:22,710但她们不是金发快把假发戴上But they're not blonde, so put on your wig.27900:13:25,360 --> 00:13:26,990听到吗Hello?28000:13:37,590 --> 00:13:40,180傻逼水行侠Stupid Aquaman.28100:13:41,860 --> 00:13:43,400不知道这样算不算安慰If it makes you feel any better,28200:13:43,400 --> 00:13:44,370我以前和佩妮交往时when I was dating Penny,28300:13:44,370 --> 00:13:46,890她也一直会生我的气she used to flip out on me all the time.28400:13:46,890 --> 00:13:49,230啥你和佩妮约会过Whoa. You dated Penny?28500:13:50,590 --> 00:13:52,180她都没和你说吗She didn't tell you?28600:13:52,180 --> 00:13:54,180她说和个叫莱纳德的人交往过She told me she dated a guy named Leonard.28700:13:54,180 --> 00:13:56,290谁会想到那就是你Who would have thought it was you?28800:13:57,370 --> 00:13:59,300那还能是谁Who else would it be?28900:13:59,300 --> 00:14:18,350我也不知道某个更壮的...I don't know. Somebody bigger and...29000:14:18,350 --> 00:14:18,960可不是显然是你嘛Yeah, sure. Why not you?29100:14:18,010 --> 00:14:10,100我也许失败了I may have failed.29200:14:10,550 --> 00:14:13,620好吧那我们只能不带神奇女侠去了Okay, I guess we just go without a Wonder Woman.29300:14:13,620 --> 00:14:15,140佩妮不去我也不去I don't want to go without Penny.29400:14:15,140 --> 00:14:18,940太好了没有超人没有神奇女侠Oh, great. No Superman, no Wonder Woman?29500:14:18,940 --> 00:14:20,470就只有瘦骨嶙峋的闪电侠All we've got is a skinny Flash,29600:14:20,470 --> 00:14:21,950印度水行侠an Indian Aquaman,29700:14:21,950 --> 00:14:23,480近视的绿灯侠a nearsighted Green Lantern,29800:14:23,480 --> 00:14:26,310还有个袖珍型的蝙蝠侠and a teeny, tiny Dark Knight.29900:14:28,470 --> 00:14:31,320显然这不能再称为正义联盟Obviously, we're no longer a Justice League.30000:14:31,320 --> 00:14:35,390指《The Muppet Show》[《大青蛙布偶秀》]30100:14:31,320 --> 00:14:35,390没办法了只能换布偶装了We have no choice but to switch to our Muppet Baby costumes.31800:14:37,310 --> 00:14:39,410我要当科米蛙Ooh, I call Kermit.31800:14:37,310 --> 00:14:41,710科米蛙是该秀的导演和支持斯库特是跑腿剧场主人的侄子31800:14:39,410 --> 00:14:41,710我才是科米蛙你当斯库特I'm Kermit. U're Scooter.31800:14:41,710 --> 00:14:44,270不要斯库特太衰了Oh, man. Scooter sucks.31800:14:45,580 --> 00:14:48,190他就是《大青蛙布偶秀》里的水行侠He's the Aquaman of the Muppet Babies.31800:14:50,000 --> 00:14:52,310不不到最后不能放弃No, we can still make this work.31800:14:52,310 --> 00:14:54,170莱纳德你去找佩妮谈Leonard, you talk to Penny.31800:14:54,170 --> 00:14:56,150你为啥觉得我能说服她What makes you think I can convince her?31000:14:56,150 --> 00:14:57,720你都让她跟你上床了You got her to have sex with you.31100:14:57,720 --> 00:15:01,220很明显你的超能力就是给人洗脑Obviously, your superpower is brainwashing.31200:15:18,900 --> 00:15:18,730好吧看我这么说对不对Okay, let me see if I understand this.31300:15:18,730 --> 00:15:18,180你想让我去说服我前女友You want me to convince my ex-girlfriend31400:15:18,180 --> 00:15:11,660去跟她的新男友一起参加化装派对to go to a costume party with her new boyfriend31500:15:11,660 --> 00:15:13,660就为了让我们赢那个愚蠢的奖吗just so we can win a stupid prize?31600:15:13,660 --> 00:15:16,630对记得让她戴上黑假发好运Yes. And make her wear the black wig. Good luck.31700:15:19,310 --> 00:15:20,860走开谢尔顿Go away, Sheldon.31800:15:20,860 --> 00:15:22,180我是莱纳德It's Leonard.31900:15:22,970 --> 00:15:25,180走开莱纳德Go away, Leonard.32000:15:25,920 --> 00:15:28,170拜托让我跟你谈谈Come on, let me just talk to you.321。