中英文导游实训教程Chapter I Before Meeting a Tour Group-文档资料


导游实用英语Module 1 Meeting Guests

导游实用英语Module 1  Meeting Guests
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Unit 1 Meeting Guests at the Airport
• T Yes. • L Hello,Madam,can I help you with your luggage • T Thank you. But I can manage it myself. • L If there's anything I can do for you,I'm ready to help. • T It's very kind of you. • L Here's our tour bus. Please remember the plate number of
your tour group,rightS Yeah! • L And,is everybody here now • S Let me see. Yes,we are all here. • L Well,how many pieces of baggage do you have
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• Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Arshan and welcome to Inner Mongolia.Please allow me to introduce my team first. My name is Li Hua and I'll be your local guide duringmyour stay here. You can call me Xiao Li or Li for short. Of course,Hua is OK if you like. And this is Mr. Wang,our driver. He has been a bus driver for more than 20 years and has a lot of driving experience. Now we're going straight to the Haishen Hot Spring Hotel. It's the best and the only five一star hotel in this city. You are going to be staying there for the next few days. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay there and you will be impressed with the hot spring there.

中英文导游实训教程Chapter I Before Meeting a Tour Group

中英文导游实训教程Chapter I  Before Meeting a Tour Group
• 1.1 了解旅游团概况,包括团号、组团 社名称与标识、主要联系人与全陪或领 队姓名与电话、结算方式等;
• Find out the code of the group, the name and logo of the tour operator, and the name, the telephone number of the person you should contact and the national guide or tour leader and the way of settlement.
• 1.2 了解旅游团成员情况:掌握 旅游团的人数及构成,核实饭店, 车辆,餐馆等的订房,订座,订餐 等是否吻合;
• Find out the number of people in the group, the name, gender and occupation of tions of hotel, coach and restaurants to see if there is any change.
猜猜她是那个民族的?饮食 禁忌是什么?
• 2.4 与住宿酒店联系,落实酒店 位置、房间情况及相关设施情况等;
• Contact the hotel and find out its location, rooms available and facilities.
• 2.5 落实旅游景点:对不熟悉的景 点,导游应事先了解有关情况,包括 景点开放和结束时间、游览最佳路线、 游览所需时间、停车场位置、洗手间 位置,以及车辆行驶路线、途中行驶 时间、沿途景观等。对旅游团在游览 中的特殊要求提前与景点联络。
• 2.3 与用餐餐厅联系,落实用餐 的时间、人数、注意事项或禁忌等;



英文导游教案教案标题:英文导游教案教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握一些与导游工作相关的英文词汇和常用表达。

2. 学生能够运用所学知识,进行模拟导游演讲,提高英文口语表达能力。

3. 学生能够了解一些国外知名景点的相关信息,并能够用英文进行介绍。

教学内容:1. 导游工作相关的英文词汇和常用表达2. 模拟导游演讲3. 国外知名景点介绍教学步骤:一、导入(5分钟)老师通过图片或视频展示一些国外知名景点,引导学生讨论并介绍这些景点。

二、学习导游工作相关的英文词汇和常用表达(15分钟)1. 带领学生学习一些与导游工作相关的英文词汇,如“tour guide”, “sightseeing”, “attraction”等。

2. 教授一些常用的导游表达,如“Welcome to...”, “Please follow me”, “Now we are going to visit...”等。

三、模拟导游演讲(20分钟)1. 分组进行模拟导游演讲,每组选择一个国外景点进行介绍,要求使用英文进行表达。

2. 老师在演讲结束后给予学生反馈和指导。

四、国外知名景点介绍(15分钟)1. 老师介绍一些国外知名景点的相关信息,如埃菲尔铁塔、自由女神像等。

2. 学生自由选择一个景点进行介绍,要求使用英文进行表达。


教学评估:1. 学生在模拟导游演讲中的表现2. 学生对国外知名景点的介绍能力3. 学生对导游工作相关英文词汇和表达的掌握程度教学延伸:可以组织学生进行一次校园导游活动,让他们在实践中运用所学知识,提高实际应用能力。



地陪导游接待流程情景模拟英语英文回答:1. Preparation.Before the tour:Confirm the booking details, including the meeting time and location, the itinerary, and the number of guests.Research the destination and itinerary to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the area and the attractions.Prepare any necessary handouts or materials for the guests.Upon meeting the guests:Greet the guests warmly and introduce yourself.Conduct a brief ice-breaker activity to help the guests get to know each other.Review the itinerary and answer any questions the guests may have.2. During the tour.Provide informative commentary: Share interestingfacts and stories about the attractions and the area.Encourage guest participation: Ask questions and engage the guests in discussions to enhance their understanding and enjoyment.Manage the flow of the tour: Keep the tour moving at a comfortable pace, allowing sufficient time for guests to explore and take photos.Address guest concerns: If a guest has any concerns or questions, address them promptly and professionally.3. After the tour.Summarize the experience: Briefly recap the highlights of the tour and any key points discussed.Provide recommendations: Suggest additional attractions, restaurants, or activities in the area based on the guests' interests.Thank the guests: Express your gratitude for their participation and wish them well.Chinese回答:1. 准备。



导游带团流程英文As a tour guide, there are several steps that I follow when leading a tour group.Firstly, I always make sure to thoroughly research the destination and its history, culture, and attractions. This enables me to provide my tour group with accurate and interesting information throughout the tour.Next, I greet the tour group and introduce myself, providing them with an overview of the day's itinerary and any important information they need to know. I also make sure to establish clear communication channels and let them know how to reach me if they have any questions or concerns.During the tour, I make sure to keep the group together and maintain a comfortable pace for everyone. I point out key landmarks, share interesting facts and stories, and answer any questions that the group may have. I also make sure to provide opportunities for the group to take photos and explore on their own, while ensuring that we stay on schedule.At each stop, I provide a brief overview of the site and its significance, and then allow the group some free timeto explore and take in the surroundings. I also make sureto keep an eye on the time and gather the group together when it's time to move on to the next location.At meal times, I help the group find suitable dining options and assist with any special dietary requirements or preferences. I also take the opportunity to engage with the group and facilitate conversation, allowing them to share their experiences and get to know each other better.Finally, at the end of the tour, I make sure to thankthe group for joining me and ask for any feedback they may have. I also provide them with my contact information in case they have any further questions or need assistance in the future.作为导游,我在带领团队旅行时有几个步骤。

中英文导游实训教程Chapter I Before Meeting a Tour Group

中英文导游实训教程Chapter I  Before Meeting a Tour Group
与各个相关单位联系,进行接待计划的 落实。 • One day before the group’s arrival, the local guide should contact the relative companies and confirm the tour plan.
熟悉接待计划。 Be familiar with the tour plan.
• 2.2 与司机联系,落实旅游车辆 情况及确定会面时间地点,并告知 活动日程和具体时间;
• Contact the driver and confirm the coach, time and place of meeting. Tell the driver the itinerary and time.
中英文导游实训教程Chapter I Before Meeting a Tour Group
• 通过本章实训,要求学生了解导游 员的行为规范,掌握导游员应具备 的基本技能,搞好语言知识、物品、 形象准备和心理准备,熟悉旅游团 队接待计划表、旅游团接待日程表 的制作及填写规范,落实好接团的 相关事宜,为迎接旅游团做好充分 的准备工作。熟练掌握常用的导游 英语句型和基本词汇。
猜猜她是那个民族的?饮食 禁忌是什么?
• 2.4 与住宿酒店联系,落实酒店 位置、房间情况及相关设施情况等;
• Contact the hotel and find out its location, rooms available and facilities.
• Objectives: To be familiar with the tour plans, analyze and carry out the tour plan, and to have a good idea of the important contents



Online Tutorial for National Tour Guide Exam (English)全国英语导游考试辅导Part One On-the-way Introduction第一部分沿途培训中心(考点)出发——百合花饭店——曙光路——体育场路——环城东路——城站火车站—西湖大道——南山路——杨公堤——培训中心Part Two Presentation On Scenic Spots of Hangzhou第二部分景点讲解West Lake西湖1. Briefing on the West Lake; Xiling Bridge; Mucai Pavilion1)Briefing on the West Lake; (The formation of the lake; The legend about the lake )(1) Briefing on West LakeKey points: its location and size; the four features of the lake; the five parts of the lake; Four Islets in the lake; the origin of the lake‘s name(2)The Formation of the Lake and the legend about the lakeKey points: the scientific elements for its formation; the legendary story for its formation Scientifically, it was lagoon. According to a legend it was a pearl from the heaven.2)Xiling Bridge3)Mucai Pavilion (the Pavilion for Admiring the Talent)Key points: the story of Su Xiaoxiao; the history of the Pavilion ―Talent Admiring‖;2. Qiu Jin and Her T omb,Yu Chamber and Yu Yue,The Liuyi Spring1)Qiu Jin and Her Tombkey points: the introduction of Qiu Jin; Qiu Jin‘s tomb2)Y u Chamber and Y u Y ueKey points:the introduction of Y u yue; Y u Chamber;3)The Liuyi SpringKey points:the origin of Liuyi Spring; what does Liuyi refer to;3. The Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society; The Louwailou ( Building Beyond Building) Restaurant1)The Xiling Seal Engravers‘ Society(1)Briefing on Xiling Seal-Engravers‘ SocietyKey Points:The origin of its name; the aim of the society; the founder and the first and other presidents(2)Introduction on the garden of the society:Key points: the characteristics of the garden buildings; which style does it belong to?(3)Three main buildings of Xiling Seal-Engravers‘ SocietyKey points: three main buildings; the background of the construction of the buildings;(4)The four springs of Xiling Seal-Engravers‘ SocietyKey points: four springs of Xiling Seal-Engravers‘ Society; the meanings of their names(5) The three stone statues and the stele of SanlaoKey points: the three stone statues; the stele of Sanlao; the value of the stele;2) The Louwailou ( Building Beyond Building) RestaurantKey points: the origin of the restaurant; its history and the famous dishes it serves;4. The Zhongshan Park;Zhejiang Provincial Museum;(The Solitary Hill)1) The Zhongshan ParkKey points: Zhongshan Park; West Lake Heavenly Sight2) Zhejiang Provincial MuseumKey points:the foundation, location and size of the museum; the layout of the museum and the culture the museum presents;5.Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake;Cran Pavilion and Lin Hejing;Bai Causeway1) Autumn Moon Over the Calm LakeKey points: the history of the pavilion;the origin of the name ―Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake”2)Crane Pavilion and Lin HejingKey points: the introduction of Crane Pavilion; the story of Lin Hejing and his plum wife and crane son3)Bai CausewayKey points: the introduction of Bai Causeway; the story of Bai Juyi6. Broken Bridge and “Lingering Snow at Broken Bridge”; Precious Stone Hill; Baochu Pagoda1)Broken Bridge and ―Lingering Snow at Broken Bridge‖Key points:three unusualness of West Lake; three factors for the popularity of Broken Bridge; explanations of its name; the legend ―The Romance of the West Lake‖;2)Precious Stone HillKey points: Explanation of the name of the hill; Emperor Qin‘s Mooring Rock3)Baochu PagodaKey points: the introduction of Baochu Pagoda; the explanation for its name7. Leifeng Pagoda; Su Causeway1) Leifeng PagodaKey points:the introduction of the view ―Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow‖; the history of Leifeng Pagoda2) Su CausewayKey points: the introduction of Su Causeway; why is it called Su Causeway8. Three Pools Mirroring the Moon; Mid-lake Pavilion; Ruan Gong Islet1) Three Pools Mirroring the MoonKey points: Lesser Y ingzhou;Three Pools Mirroring the MoonLingyin Temple灵隐寺1. Briefing on the Peak Flying from Afar; Qinglin Cave;1)Briefing on the Peak Flying from Afar2)Qinglin/ Green Forest CaveKey points: Three Saints of the West,Lucana Buddhist Festival,Stone bed and stone fingerprint ofJi Gong3)Milky Jade Cave2. Huili’s Pagoda/Stupa; The Dragon Cave; Carving of Maitreya Buddha1)Hui Li‘s Pagoda/ Li Gong Pagoda2)The Dragon Cave3)Caving of Maitreya Buddha3. Duowen Heavenly Guardian; The Thunder Pavilion and Cold Spring Pavilion1)Duowen Heavenly Guardian2)He Lei Pavilion (the Thunder Pavilion) and Leng Quan Pavilion (Cold Spring Pavilion)4. The Front Hall/ Heavenly Guardians’ Hall; the Statue of VedaKey points: Maitreya Buddha (弥勒佛),Four Heavenly Guardians ,Dhrtarastra (东方持国天王),Virudaka (南方增长天王),Virupaksa (西方广目天王),Dhanada ( 北方多闻天王),Statue of V eda5. Fairy IslandKey points: Guanyin, or Goddess of Mercy,Di Zang Bodhisattvas, or the Guardian of the earth,The sculpture of Sakyamuni meditating in the snow mountains6. Briefing on Lingyin Temple;1)Briefing on Lingyin Temple2)The Sutra Pillars3)The Plaques7. The Main Hall/ The Great Buddha Hall; SakyamuniKey points: The Main Hall/ The Great Buddha Hall,The statue of Sakyamuni,20 devas (heavenly being) (诸天) and the female cannibal (食人者) ,12 Pratyeka Buddhas ( 园觉)8. The Hall of the Medicine Buddha; The Scripture Repository and Huayan Hall;The Arhat Hall1)The Hall of the Medicine Buddha2)The Scripture Repository and Huayan HallKey points:The Scripture Repository,Huayan Hall,The Arhat HallY ue Fei’s T omb and T emple岳庙1. Briefing on Y ue Fei‘s Temple2. Y ue Fei1) Y ue Fei‘s background2) the Murals (the first four)3. Y ue Fei1) the Murals (the latter four)2) the Loyalty Cypress4. Tomb1) the Stele Corridor2) the Six Stone Guardians3) the Tomb Stone5. The four Kneeling Cast Iron StatuesI. Yue Fei’s T omb and T empleT opics:General Information, Y ue Fei‘s background, the plaque of ―The Loyalty Is As Bright As Sunlight‖, Y ue Fei‘s statue, the Murals, Loyalty Cypress Pavilion, Stele Corridors, The Tombs, Stone figures,and Kneeling Iron Figures1. General InformationKey points:1) How many Y ue Fei‘s Temples in China; The temple‘s location and constructive style;2) The history of Y ue Fei‘s Temple2. Y ue Fei‘s background ( Information about Y ue Fei)Key points: The birthday and birthplace of Y ue Fei; His name and style name; The background behind Y ue Fei‘s joining into the army (The invasion from Nuzhen, a nomadic tribe; ) and his achievements;3. The background behind the murder of Y ue Fei and the process of the murderKey points: The complot of the traitors; The process of the murder of Y ue Fei4. The plaque of ―The Loyalty Is As Bright As Sunlight‖Key points: The meaning of the Characters on the plaque5. Y ue Fei‘s statueKey points: The elements of the statue6. Eight MuralsKey points: Descriptions of the eight murals7. Loyal Cypress PavilionKey points: The signification of the semi-pavilion; the formation of the cypress fossil; the signification the cypress fossil reflects;8. Stele CorridorsKey points: How many stone tablets, who made it, what values they have;As for ―Jin zhong bao guo‖the four characters, why does the character ―guo‖lack astroke and remain uncompleted9. The tombsKey points: The treatment of Y ue Fei‘s remains after his death; When was the tomb constructed?Its style and its significance10. The Stone FiguresKey points:The legend of Stone Wen Zhong,the stone statues placed in front of the tomb; the symbols of horse, goat and tiger;11. Four Kneeling Iron FiguresKey points:The position and story of each figures;The history of the construction and reconstructions of the figuresSix Harmonies Pagoda六和塔1. General Information about the pagodaKey points: The origin of the pagoda; the history of its construction; the external part and internal part of the pagoda1)The origin of the pagodaKey points: the briefing of the pagoda; the origin of its name2)The history of its constructionKey points: the date of the construction; the reason for the construction of the pagoda; the history of its damages and reconstructions3) The external part and internal part of the pagodaKey points: The size, height and number of stories of the pagoda;The external part and internal part of the pagoda2. The Qiantang River; the Qiantang Tidal Bore and the Explanation for the Tidal Bore1) The Qiantang RiverKey points: the general information about the Qiantang River (its headwaters, its length, its drainage area, the cities and counties it flows through and the names of its upper reach, middle reach and lower reach); the origin of its name2) The Qiantang River TidesKey points:The best places and time to watch the tidal waves of the Qiantang, the history of watching tidal waves, the remarkable natural phenomenon of the tidal waves, the explanation of the tidal waves3. The Qiantang River Bridge; Monk Zi T an;The Imperial S tele Pavilion1)The Qiantang River BridgeKey points:the length of the bridge, the date of the construction, its designer; its aspect and its functions2)Monk Zi TanKey points: the position of Zi Tan; His contribution to the reconstruction of the pagoda3) The Imperial Stele PavilionKey points: the aspect of the stele and the contents on it4. The S tory of Liuhe; Three StatuesKey points: The story of Liuhe; Three Statues1) The Story of Liuhe2)Three StatuesKey points: King Qian shooting arrows at the tides; the death of Lu Zhishen; Wu Song entering the Buddhism5. The Origin of the pagoda; The Function and Development of pagoda in China1) The Origin of the pagoda2) The Functions and Development of the pagoda in ChinaKey points: The development of the pagoda; the functions of the pagoda6. The S tructure and types of ancient pagodasKey points: The structure of ancient pagodas; the types of ancient pagodasPart Three Questions and Answers第三部分现场导游考试知识题I. Questions and Answers on T ourism of ChinaI. 导游综合知识题1. Chronically, what are the dynasties in Chinese history?They are: Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty, Three Kingdom, Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Y uan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.2. What are the initial names for Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces?Qin or Gui for Guizhou Province; Chuan or Shu for Sichuan Province; Y un or Tian for Y unnan Province; Shaan or Qin for Shaanxi Province and Gan or Long for Gansu Province.3. Please name five famous mountains in China.They are: Mt. Taishan in Taian City, Shandong Province; Mt. Huashan in Huayin County, Shaanxi Province; Mt. Henshan in Henshan County, Hunan Province; Mt. Henshan in Hunyuan County, Shanxi Province and lastly Mt. Songshan in Dengfeng County, Henan Province.4. What are the four famous Holy Buddha Mountains in China? What are the three famous grottoes in China?Four Holy Buddha Mountain are: Mt. Wutai in Shanxi Province; Mt. Emei in Sichuan Province; Mt. Puto in Zhejiang Province and Mt. Jiuhua in Anhui Province.Three famous grottoes are: Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang,Gansu Province; Y ungang Grottoes in Datong, Shanxi Province; and Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, Henan Province.5. In south of Y angtze River, there are three famous pavilions, what are they?They are: Y ueyang Pavilion in Y ueyang City, Hunan Province; Huanghe Pavilion in Wuhan City, Hubei Province and Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province.6. Approximately, how long is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal? Where are its starting point and end point?It runs from Tongzhou, Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south with a length of about 1800 kilometers (1974kilonmeters exactly).7. What are the “Three T reasures” of Mt. Changbai Forest Area in Jilin Province?They are: Ginseng, marten fur and antler.8. Where is Confucius’s hometown? And what is it famous for?Confucius‘s hometown is located in Qufu, Shandong Province. It‘s famous for Confucian Temple, Confucian Forest and Confucian Mansion.9. China is famous for its traditional handicrafts. What are the “Three National T reasures” of Chinese handicrafts?They are: the cloisonnéfrom Beijing, the porcelain from Jingdezhen and the tuotai lacquer from Fuzhou.10. What is the characteristic of traditional Chinese painting? And how many types of Chinese painting are there?The characteristic of traditional Chinese painting is its presentation technique of ink lines. There are three types of Chinese painting: figure painting, flower and bird painting, and mountain and water painting.11. Please name four most famous love stories in China.They are: White Snake Lady; the Romance of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Y ingtai; Meng Jiangnv Looking for Her Husband and lastly the Cowherd and Girl Weaver.12. What’s the symbol of T ourism of China?What is its origin?The symbol of Tourism of China is the ―Horse on Flying Swallow‖. It originates from the EasternHan Dynasty bronze ware ―Horse on Flying Swallow‖.13. China is known for its culinary art. What are the eight major cooking styles in China? They are: Shandong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Huaiyang Cuisine, Guangdiong Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Anhui Cuisine and Zhejiang Cuisine.14. China is the home of tea. Please name the most famous teas in China? (name at least five brands).They are: West Lake Green Tea, Dongshan Green Shell Tea, Anxi Tie Guan Y in, Keemun (a black tea produced in Qimne, Anhui Province), Silver Needle Tea in Hunan, Lushan Y unwu Green Tea, Dongding Oolong Tea, Y unnan Pu‘er Tea, and Suzhou Jasmine Tea.15. What are the “Four T reasures of Study”?They are: the Xuan Paper, the Hu Writing Brush, the Hui Ink Stick and the Duan Ink Slab.16. Please name at least five famous gardens in Suzhou.They are Lingering Garden, Humble Administration‘s Garden, Lion Grove, Garden of the Master of Nets, Surging Wave Pavilion and Zhouzhuang Village.17. Please name five major scenic spots in Shanghai.They are: The Bund, Y u Garden, Oriental Pearl Tower, Jade Buddha Temple and Pudong New Area/District.18. In Suzhou,there is a well-known Buddhist T emple which enjoys high reputation in Japan. Which temple is it? It is said there is a T ang poem related to the T emple? Please name the poem and its writer?The temple is Hanshan Temple. The Tang Dynasty poem is ―Night Anchorage at Maple Bridge‖(枫桥夜泊). It was composed by Zhang Ji.19. What is the name of the highest building under construction in Shanghai? How high is it?And where is it located?The building is Shanghai Global Financ ial Center. It is 420.5 meters high and located by Shanghai Jin Mao Building in Pudong New Area/District.20. Which area is called “Y angtze River Delta”? Right now, how many cities does it consist of ? Y angtze River Delta is one of the most developed areas in China. At present, it consists of 23 cities in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Anhui Provinces.21. In Y angtze River Delta, there are 3 cross-sea bridges. What are their names and length? They are Hangzhou Bay Bridge, 36 kilometers long; Jintang Bridge, 26.54 kilometers long and East Sea Bridge, 32.5 kilometers long.22. What are the local specialties in Jiangsu Province?Nanjing Flat Ducks, Raining Flower Pebbles, Danyang Wine, Suzhou Silk, Green Shell Tea and Zhengjiang Fragrant V inegar.23. What is the promotion slogan of Zhejiang T ourism?―Lyrical Land, Scenic Zhejiang‖24. What are the size and population of Zhejiang Province? Please use one sentence to generalize its topography.Zhejiang Province covers an area of 10.0018 square kilometers with a population of 467.7 million. Its topography feature is 70% mountains, 10% water and 20% farmland/cropland.25. Zhejiang Province is famous for its folk carvings. What are the most well-known “Three Carvings”?They are: Y ueqing Boxwood Carving, Dongyang Wood Carving and Qingtian Stone Carving.26. What are the specialized markets in Zhejiang Province?They are: Yiwu China Small Commodities Market, Shaoxing Light Textile Town, Y ongjia ButtonsMarket, Haining China Leather Town and Y ongkang Hardware Town.27. Please name four private libraries in Zhejiang Province.They are:Tianyi Pavilion in Ningbo, Wenlan Pavilion in Hangzhou, Jade Sea Building in Ruian Wenzhou and Jiaye Tang in Nanxun Huzhou.28. Please list five ancient towns in Zhejiang Province.They are: Nanxun Town in Huzhou, Xitang Town in Jiashan, Wuzhen in Tongxiang, Longmen Town in Fuyang and Lianglong Town in Y uyao.29. Please name eight rivers in Zhejiang Province.They are: Qiantang River, Ou River, Cao‘e River, Y ong River, Feiyun River, Ao River, East and West Tiao Stream.30. Up to 2005, which cities in Zhejiang Province have won the title of “Model City of Environmental Protection”?They are: Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Fuyang.31. Which is the earliest Neolithic age site in Zhejiang Province and how old is it?The earlist Neolithic age site is the Across-Lake Bridge in Xiaoshan. It‘s 8,000 years old. (It dates back to 8,000 years ago.) (It has a history of 8,000 years.)32. How many cities does Qiantang River pass by? How long is its section in Zhejiang Province?It passes by Chunan, Jiande, Tonglu, Fuyang, Hangzhou and Haining. Its section in Zhejiang Province is about 360 kilometers long.33. What were the Five Buddhist T emples rated in Southern Song Dynasty?They were: Jingshan Temple in Y uhang, Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, Jingci Temple in Hanghou, Tiantong Temple in Ningbo and King Asoka Temple in Ningbo.34. Besides West Lake in Hangzhou, how many W est lakes are there in China? Where are they located? ( name at least five places)Besides West Lask in Hangzhou, there are thirty-five West Lakes in China. They are West Lake in Fuzhou, West Lake in Lanzhou, West Lake in Haikou, West Lake in Qingdao, West Lake in Shenyang, West Lake in Guilin, West Lake in Huizhou, West Lake in Nanchang, Slender West Lake in Y angzhou, etc.35. When was the earliest Great Wall built?It is generally believed that the earliest section of the Great Wall was built during the Waring States Period, that is, during the fifth century BC.II. Questions and Answers on Tourism of HangzhouII. 杭州导游知识题1. How many national scenic areas and nature reserves are there in Hangzhou? What are they? In Hangzhou, there are two national scenic areas: West Lake Area and Fuchun River Area and two national nature reserves: Tianmu Mountain and Cool Peak.2. When was the first West Lake Expo held? And until now, how many West Lake Expos have been held in Hangzhou?The first West Lake Expo was held in Hangzhou in 1929. Up to 2007, Nine West Lake Expos have been held in Hangzhou.3. For how many times was Hangzhou made the capital of the country? And at what time was it made the capital of the country?Hangzhou was made the capital of the country twice. It served as the capital city of Wuyue Kingdom in the Five Dynasties from 907 to 978, which lasted 72 years; and the capital city of Southern Song Dynasty from 1127 to 1279, which lasted 223 years.4. Please name at least five eminent figures in history who were natives of Hangzhou.They are: Sun Quan, Qian Liu, Bi Sheng, Y u Qian, Shen Kuo, Gong zhizhen, Y uan Mei, Zhang Taiyan, Y u Dafu, Xia Yan etc.5. What are the specialties of Hangzhou. (name at least five)They are: West Lake Dragon Well Green Tea, West Lake Water Shield, West Lake Lotus Root Powder, Hangzhou Chrysanthemum, Jingshan Green Tea, Tangxi Loquat, Changhua Small Walnut, etc.6. What are the major arts and crafts from Hangzhou? (name at least five)They are: Hangzhou Silk, West Lake Brocade, Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors, Wang Xinji Fans, West Lake Silk Parasols, Tianzhu Chopsticks, Xiaoshan Lace, Woven Bamboo Articles, etc.7. What are the traditional Hangzhou Cuisines? (name at least five)They are: Beggar‘s Chicken, West Lake Carp in V inegar Sauce, Dongpo Pork, Shelled Shrimp with Dragon Well Green Tea Leaves, Sister Song‘s Fish Broth, Deep Fried Soybean Scum Rolls, Ham Cube Stewed in Honey Sauce, etc.8. What are the typical Dim Sums in Hangzhou? (name at least five)They are: Wu Hill Crisp Cakes, Happy Pairs, ‗Cat‘s Ear, Beauty‘s Tongue, Fried Dough Sticks Wrapped in Pancake with shallot, etc.9. What are some well-known teahouses in Hangzhou? (name at least five)They are: Lakeside Teahouse, Qingteng Teahouse, Lanbao Teahouse, Men‘er Teahouse, Wu Hill Teahouse, Dragon Well Teahouse, Xinyuan Teahouse, etc.10. Please name at least five well-known restaurants in Hangzhou?They are: Louwailou, Zhiweiguan, Zhangshenji, Hongni Grand Restaurant, New Huazhongchen, Hangzhou Restaurant, New Kaiyuan Grand Restaurant, Gonden Sunshine, etc.11. How many 5-star hotels are there in Hangzhou? What are they/?(name at least five) There are 10 5-star hotels in Hangzhou. They are: Radisson Plaza Hotel Hangzhou, World Trade Center Grand Hotel Zhejiang, New Century Hotel Grand Hangzhou, Hangzhou Grand Metropark Hotel (杭州维景大酒店),West Lake State Guesthouse, Sofitel Westlake Hangzhou(杭州索菲特西湖大酒店), Howard Johnson Oriental Hotel Zhejiang(东方豪生大酒店), Shangri-La Hotel Hangzhou, Hyatt Regency Hangzhou(杭州凯悦酒店), and Zhejiang International Hotel12. Please name at least five memorial halls of notables in Hangzhou.They are: Su Dongpo Memorial Hall, Bai Juyi Memorial Hall, , Zhang Taiyan Memorial Hall, Wu Changshuo Memorial Hall, Huang Binhong Memorial Hall, Pan Tianshou Memorial Hall, Li Shutong, Ma Yifu Memorial Hall, Xia Y an Memorial Hall.13. What are the city tree and city flower of Hangzhou?Sweet osmanthus is its city flower while camphor is its city tree.Trees along the streets (行道树) : chinar/ sycamore14. What are the size and population of Hangzhou?Hangzhou covers an area of 16,596 square kilometers with a population of 6.2158 millions.The city proper covers an area of 3,068 square kilometers with a population of 4.0159 millions. 15. What's the average temperature in Hangzhou: What’s the highest temperature in summer and the lowest temperature in winter?The average temperature in Hangzhou is 16.2° C. The highest temperature in summer is 40° C and the lowest temperature in winter is –(minus)5° C.16. What honorable titles has Hangzhou won?Hangzhou has won honorable titles as: Paradise on Earth, Famous Historic and Cultural City,State-level Hygienic City, International Garden City, and the Best Human Habitat (Human Settlement) City(最佳人居城市)and 2007 Happiest City(最具幸福感的城市).17. What are the major commercial streets(the special streets)in Hangzhou? (name at least five)They are: Xinhua Road Silk Street (Hangzhou China Silk Town), Evergreen Garment Street, Qinghufang Historical Cultural Street, Nanshan Art & Leisure Street, Wensan Road Electronic Information Street, Wulin Road Women‘s Fashion Street, Xinyifang Shopping Mall, Hubin(Lakeside) Road Shopping and Tour Street, Jiefang Road Shopping Street, Meijiawu Tea Culture V illage, etc. 18. What are the famous museums in Hangzhou? (name at least five)They are: China Tea Museum, China Silk Museum, Southern Song Imperial Kiln Museum, China Scissors Museum, Zhejiang Provincial Museum, Huqingyutang Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) Museum, Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, West Lake Museum, Hangzhou History Museum, Liangzhu Culture Museum, etc.19. What’s the name of the first wetland park in China?What are its size and location?The first wetland park in China is Hangzhou Xixi Wetland Park. It is located in northwest of the city with a total area of over 10 square kilometers.20. Who are the “Three Brave/Outstanding Men on the Lake” in Hangzhou? Where are their tombs?They are: Y ue Fei, Y u Qian and Zhang Changshui.Y ue Fei‘s tomb is on the southern slope of Qixia Hill, Y u Qian‘s tomb is on the slope of Santai Hill and Zhang Changshui‘s Tomb is on the northern slope of Nanping hill.21. What are the “Four Ancient Pagodas” in Hangzhou?They are: Baochu Pagoda, Lei Feng Pagoda , Zhakou White Pagoda and Six Harmonies Pagoda. 22. What’s the theme and mascot of the 2006 Hangzhou World Leisure Expo?The theme of the 2006 Hangzhou World Leisure Expo is ―Leisure changes people‘s life‖, and the mascot of the expo is a water drop named“Jing Jing‖(晶晶).23. What are the “T raditional T op T en” views in Hangzhou? (name at least five)They are: Spring Dawn at Su Causeway, Breezing-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden, Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake, Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge,Orioles Singing in the Willows, V iewing Fish at Flower PondThree Pools Mirroring the Moon, Twin Peaks Piercing the CloudEvening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill, Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow24. What are the “New T op T en” views in Hangzhou? (name at least five)They are: Bamboo-lined Path at Y unqi, Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manjuelong Village, Dreaming of Tiger at Hupao V alley, Inquring about Tea at Dragon Well,Nine Creeks Meandering through a Misty Forest,Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill, Ruan Gong Islet Submerged in Greenery,Y ellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green, Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill,Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud25. How many administrative districts are there in Hangzhou City Proper? How many cities and counties are there in Great Hangzhou?There are eight districts: Shangcheng, Xiacheng, Xihu, Gongshu, Jianggan, Binjiang, Xiaoshan and Y uhang administrative districts.There are five cities and counties: Fuyang City, Jiande City, Linan City, Tonglu County and Chunan County.26. What are three unusualness on the West Lake?Why are they regarded as three unusualness?They are:the Long Bridge, the Broken Bridge and the Solitary Hill. And they are regarded as three unusualness because the Broken Bridge is not broken; the Long Bridge is not long (which can be crossed with a single step) and the Solitary Hill is not isolated at all.27. Where are the three best places to enjoy the full moon in Hangzhou?They are: the best place on the lake—‖Three Pools Mirroring the Moon‖; the best place on the lakeside—―Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake‖; the best place on the hill—the ―Moon Rock on the Phoenix Hill‖.28. How many stone carvings are there on the Peak Flying from Afar? Which of them are the most representative ones?There are 338 stone carvings on the Peak Flying from Afar.The most representative ones among are: the earliest carvings—Three Saints of the West on the rock face in Green Forest Cave, done in 951.AD (Later Zhou in Five Dynasties);the most delicate carving—the relief sculpture Locana Buddhist Festival on the outer rock wall of Green Forest Cave., done in 1002 during the Northern Song Dynasty;and the most outstanding carving as well as the largest one—Maitreya Buddha on the southern side of the Cool Spring, done in the Southern Song Dynasty.29. In what aspects do the grotto carvings on the Peak Flying from Afar show that they are the best among grotto carvings in China?They are distinguished for its ―Three Most‖ among grottoes carvings in China:1) There are Most Y uan Dynasty stone carvings than other grottos in China;2) There are Most Arhat stone carvings than other grottos;3) There are Most Lamaist stone carvings than other grottos.30. Where are the “three best places to enjoy plum blossoms” in Hangzhou?Solitary Hill, Lingfeng and Chaoshan are the ―three places to enjoy plum blossoms in Hangzhou.31. Please name at least five Units of Historical and Cultural Relics under State Protection in Hangzhou.They are: Y ue Fei‘s Tomb, Grotto Carvings on the Peak Flying from Afar, Six Harmonies Pagoda, Zhakou White pagoda, Huqinyutang Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Xiling Seal and Engraver‘s Society, the Site of Liangzhu Culture, Wenlan Pavilion, Phenix Mosque, the Ruins of Lingan Town and Stupa of Fantian Temple.32. How many times was West Lake dredged in history? When were these dredging undertaken? Who were the organizers?In history, West Lake has been dredged five times.The first dredging was in T ang Dynasty organized by the great Tang Dynasty poet-governor Bai Juyi.The second dredging was undertaken in Five Dynasties organized by Qianliu, the King of Wuyue Kingdom.The third dredging was organized by Su Dongpo, the governor in Northern Song Dynasty.The fourth dredging was undertaken in Ming Dynasty organized by the governor Y ang Mengying.The fifth dredging was organized by the governor Ruanyuan in Qing Dynasty.33. Why did Su Dongpo put up the “three pools” in W est Lake when he had W est Lake dredged?The three pools were erected to mark the deepest part of the lake and to indicate a zone in which it。



Blessing TourismScene 1:BookingR:Hello, Chun Guang International Travel Agency. What can I do for you?V:Hello,I'm thinking about a three-day sightseeing tour of the Emei mountain during the national holiday.R:All right , do you mind my introducing it for you?V:That will be nice. Let me take a note.R:Our travel agency has a project called Blessing Tourism . The trip is as follows.The first day, we will leave Chengdu for Le shan and finally return to theHotel. The next day, we will start from Leidong Ping at the bottom of MountEmei and go to Jinding by cableway. You could bless in the Guangxiang Temple We are scheduled to pass the night in Jinding. The Third day we would walkdown to the bottom of Mount. On the way, We would go to Myriad YearsTemple,White Dragon Cave,Qingyin pavillon,One-Line-Sky,The naturalecological monkey area. But be careful, the monkey there are quite fierce.V:That sounds great,and how much is the total journey?R:3000 dollar per people. It includes round-trip ticket, the entrance ticket of Mount Emei,board and lodging.V:That sounds good, I like it..R:May I know your name?V:Wendy SleeR:Could you tell me your passport number?V:OKR:After booking a ticket, I will call you. Please give me your telephone number. V:(601)264-9716R:Okay, We will send a person to pick you up ,when you arrive. Have a good trip. V:Thank you.Scene 2:Receiving touristsV: Excuse me , are you from Chun Guang International Travel Agency?L2: Yes. Are you Wend Slee?V: Yes, Nice to meet you.L2: Nice to meet you, Welcome to Chengdu. I’m Telly and I will be one of your local guides. Another one is on the bus. How is your trip?V: Great. We had a very pleasant trip.L2: That’s great! Let’s go! (on the bus)L2: This is Ran ting, our local guide , my partner.L1: Hello, everyone! Is anyone here? Now please allow me to express our warm welcome to all of you. It is a great pleasure for me to meet you today and to be of service. Now we are going to stay at the Minshan Hotel, A four-star hotel.You will have a beautiful view from your room in the hotel. During your stay inour city, We will do everything possible to make you pleasant and enjoyable. If you have any problems or requests, please do not hesitate to tell us. We will try our best to help you. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.Since you are to stay there for five days, you will do well to remember our bus number, it is Chuan E12345. Let me repeat, Chuan E 12345. Our dear friend,we sincerely wish you a pleasant and memorable trip . Hope you enjoy yourself!Thank you for your attention.L2: Everybody take all of your luggages and get off the bus. The hotel is arrived. Son: Oh, my bag is disappeared! Mom, mom.Mom: Honey, your bag is lost?L2: What’s wrong?Mom: My son lost his bag.L2: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll help you. You’d better calm down now. Do you remember, when did you see last time?Son: At the airport.L2: Boy, can you describe your bag to us?Son: It is a big black bag.L2: Is it anything in it?Son: Yeah, my favorite monkey toy is in it.Mom: That monkey toy.Son: Yeah, Dad sent it to me at my fifth birthday.L2: Don’t worry! We will try our best to find it for you.(call the airport)R: Hello, Chengdu airport service. Can I help you?L2: Hello, We lost a bag at your airport. Could you find it for us.R: OK. Please tell me the features of the bag.L2: It is a big black bag. In it there is a monkey toy.R: Big black bag, a monkey toy in it, right?L2: Right.R: Please hold on. We will find for you. ....... Oh, it is at our airport. Would you mind come and get it back?L2: Of course not. We will go to get it back at once. Thank you very much!...OK, take it easy! Your bag is found.Ran, could you go to the airport and take the bag back?L1: Yes. I’d like to go to the airport and get the bag back. Boy, I’ll get the bag for you.L2: Everybody, please sit down and wait me a moment. I’ll help you check-in. Scene3 Check-inR:Welcome to Minshan Hotel. Can I help you?L2:Hello ! We have had a reservation for 16 room.R:OK, could you tell me in whose name was the reservation?L2:TellyR:How do you spell that, please?L2:T--E--L--L--YR:Just a moment , please. I will check our reservation record. (checking···)R: OK, these are your room cards.L2: Thank you. (turn to visitors) These are your room cards and itineraries. The doorman will take you to your rooms. Your bag will come bake soon. Have a good rest.(After they get into room)L1:Good afternoon, Mrs Slee.Mon: Good afternoon.L1:Is this your son’s bag?Mom: Boy, come here. Is this your bag?Son:Yes.L1: Is everything here?Son: Yes.L1:That’s great.Mom: Thank you!L1:You are welcome. It’s my duty to protect you property.Mom: Thanks a lot. You are very kind.L1:Boy, be careful next time. Good bye, Mrs Slee. See you tomorrow.Mom: Bye.Scene4:Scenic Spot IntroductionL1: Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is our last station, The Ecological monkey area. There are more than 300 monkey in this area. Because thesemonkeys are not afraid to see people, and they enjoy playing and sharing with others, they have become an unique landscape in the Emei mountain. Look! In the mountain, the monkeys’ tails are very short, so they are called macaque. You can take photos as you like.Son: Look, Mom. Monkey! Real monkey!Ah...(The monkey hit his face)Mom: Oh, My god! What happened? Damn it!L1: What’s wrong, Mrs Jewel?Mom: That damn monkey hit my boy.L1:(Ask the boy) Are you OK? What happened to you ?Son: It’s co wonderful! That monkey touch me.L1: (Speak to the boy) Do you like monkey?Son: Yes! Of course! I have read the book, Journey to the West. The monkey , Sun Wukong is my idol! This is the first time that I was touched by a real monkey.L1: Really? You are so lucky! These monkey are living permanently in Buddhist mountain, therefore , they are also called "monkey lay Buddhists". You know, in the book,Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is a monk. So, maybe Sun Wukong is that monkey’s ancestor. Do you agree with me? Tell you a secret, you are the first one who was touched by that monkey. It means that he love you. Is that right? Son: Wow! I am a lucky dog! I am the NO.1.Mom: Boy, are you OK?Son: Don’t worry. I’m OK! Could you not blame that monkey?Mom: OK, just as long as you happy.L1 : I am sorry for what happened. Ladies and Gentlemen, attention, please.There are hundreds of monkeys in the mountain , each of them has their own "position", and each position has their own "king". Because of the environment, different monkey in different area has its own "characteristics". It is said that there are civilization monkeys, rogue monkeys and bandit monkeys. For your safety, you’d better keep a distance with them. Otherwise, it is hard to say who will play a trick on whom. Maybe the monkey will take away your bag or other things, maybe a monkey will touch. Anyway, they are just naught. But they bear you no malice. Now, Let’s continue our trip.Scene 5:Farewell speechAs we are approaching the airport, our Blessing Tourism is coming to an end. When we get to the airport, I will be busy helping you with some boarding procedure and any last minute problems, so let me take this opportunity to say a few words.In the past three days,we have enjoyed the most world-famous places of interest at Leshan and Emei Moutain, learned some of our long history and traditional culture.Hope you have had a wonderful time.It is a great pleasure for me to have had the opportunity to serve as you guide. You are a most friendly, understanding,and supportive group. Without your kind cooperation, we could never have made this trip so successful. I shall treasure this experience forever. Still,I have to say sorry for anything to your dissatisfaction.Here are some evaluation forms,we welcome and appreciate any moments and suggestions so that we could offer an even more favorable service in future.Finally,thank you for coming visit our city and using our service. We sincerely hope that you will return to visit us again in the future. I'd expect the honor to be your guide next time you come and show you more fabulous sights of our country.(Collects the forms)Now we are at the parking lot of the airport. I'd like to wish you a pleasant journey home and please give my best regards to your families.Thank you and wish you all the best.Chengdu Emei Travel Service USCH1113 ItineraryDay1 Sept. 30 (Sunday)16:25 Arrival18:00 Check into Minshan Hotel18:30 DinnerLeisure time to overcome any jet lagDay2 Oct. 1 (Monday)08:00 Breakfast09:00 Depart hotel10:00 Sleeping Buddha in Leshan12:00 Lunch14:30 Leshan Giant Buddha; Wuyou Temple18:30 Dinner20:00 Return to the hotelDay 3 Oct. 2 (Tuesday)08:00 Breakfast09:00 Depart hotel09:30 Leidong Ping10:10 Jinding11:00 Check into Jingding hotel11:40 Lunch14:00 Guangxiang Temple18:30 Dinner20:00 Return to hotelDay4 Oct. 3 (Wednesday)05:20 Buddha’s Aureole(金顶祥光)--Sunrise06:30 Breakfast08:10 Depart hotel10:00 Myriad Years Temple,White Dragon Cave11:30 Lunch13:30 Qingyin pavillon,One-Line-Sky,The natural ecological monkey area. 18:40 Dinner20:00 Return to Minshan HotelDay5 Oct. 4 (Thursday)06:30 Luggage collection07:00 Breakfast08:00 Check out from the hotelTransferred to airport for morning flight to Britain。



导游带团流程英文Title: Tour Guide Workflow in EnglishA tour guide's workflow generally consists of several stages from preparation to post-tour follow-up. Below is an overview of the standard procedures and responsibilities in the English-speaking context:Pre-Tour Preparation:1. Tour Details Confirmation:- Receive and thoroughly review the tour itinerary, ensuring all essential information is understood, including the client's contact details, group size, special requirements, payment terms, and any specific requests.- Confirm accommodation arrangements, transportation schedules, meal plans, and the names of hotels or restaurants.2. Research and Familiarization:- Study the route and learn about the locations to be visited, including historical background, cultural significance, and current operational hours.- Acquire necessary permits and licenses for specific sites if applicable.- Prepare a brief on local customs, weather conditions, and potential hazards.3. Material Preparation:- Gather necessary equipment, such as a microphone, flag, or signboard for easy identification of the group.- Ensure all travel documents, including tickets, vouchers, and ID cards, arein order.- Pack a first aid kit and any necessary supplies for contingencies.4. Communication with Stakeholders:- Contact the tour operator, local suppliers (hotels, restaurants, drivers), and clients to confirm arrangements and provide updates.- Brief the accompanying driver(s) and/or co-guide(s) on the itinerary and expectations.During the Tour:1. Meeting and Greeting:- Arrive early to meet the group at the designated pick-up point and conduct a welcome speech introducing oneself, explaining the day's schedule, and setting ground rules.- Conduct a headcount and ensure all passengers are informed about the day's plans.2. Guided Tour Execution:- Conduct engaging tours at each site, providing accurate historical and cultural commentary while keeping the group engaged and safe.- Manage the group's pace, ensuring timely arrivals and departures from each location.- Handle unexpected changes professionally, adjusting the itinerary if necessary.3. Customer Service and Safety:- Address any questions or concerns promptly and courteously.- Maintain a watchful eye on group safety, particularly during outdoor activities and transfers.- Ensure that dietary restrictions, health concerns, and disabilities are accommodated.4. Logistics Coordination:- Coordinate meals, accommodation check-ins/check-outs, and daily transportation.- Monitor time constraints and make adjustments to accommodate traffic, weather, or other unforeseen circumstances.Post-Tour Wrap-up:1. Feedback Collection:- Gather feedback from the group regarding the tour's overall experience, seeking constructive criticism to improve future services.2. Final Arrangements:- Ensure all final payments and receipts are settled, and assist with any last-minute needs or requests.- Help with departure logistics, such as airport transfers or train station drop-offs.3. Reflection and Improvement:- Reflect on the tour's successes and areas needing improvement.- Document relevant incidents and observations to share with the companyand team.- Update company databases with customer information and trip reports.4. Maintain Relationships:- Follow up with clients to thank them for their patronage and encourage repeat business.- Maintain positive relationships with suppliers and partners.By adhering to this well-structured workflow, a professional tour guide can deliver a seamless and enjoyable experience for tourists while continuously enhancing their own service standards.。

导游英语(第二版) 电子教案Chapter 1 Meeting the Tour Group

导游英语(第二版) 电子教案Chapter 1 Meeting the Tour Group
• Welcome Speech by a Local Guide地陪致欢迎词
• Part D Situational Dialogue情景对 话
• The Great Wall长城
• Part F Introduction to Tourist Sites景点讲解
• The Former Imperial Palace故宫
Column B
A. the luggage B. entrance of the airpot C. half an hour earlier D. the passport E. exit of the airport F. the parking place G. a welcome speech H. group code
导游实务 • 1. What does a guide usually wear when he
goes to meet tourists at the airport?
• A guide should dress decently, especially on the occasion of meeting the tour group at the airport. Tattoos and dyed hair are not appropriate for a guide. No guides are allowed to wear shorts, a sleeveless shirt or sandals without socks. A male guide should not wear shorts or wear his cap backwards or sideways. A female guide may dress casually, but should not wear the mini skirt and have excessive makeup.



• C:(Delivering the room keys to the tour members)here are your room keys. Please hand them back to the reception desk tomorrow morning when you check out. • B:You are welcome. Whenever you need any help, please do not hesitate to call the Front Desk. The number is 688.
• CHECK IN (Susan and the tour group she is taking now arrives at the Oriental Hotel where her travel company has reserved several rooms for them) A:Susan B:Receptห้องสมุดไป่ตู้onist C:Tour Leader
Special Terms
1. China Travel Service(CTS)中国旅行社 2. China Youth Travel Service (CYTS) 中国青年旅行 社 3. China International Travel Service (CITS) 中国国际 旅行社
4. passport and visa 护照和签证 5. tourist visa 旅行签证 6. group visa 团队签证 7.separate visa 单独签证/分离签证 8. business visa商务签证 9. visit visa 访问签证 10. transit visa边境签证 11. entry visa 入境签证


•English for Tour Guide
Welcome back school!
•A New term, A New Begining
•The first semester of academic year of 20142015 lecturer: Tao Xiaoli 陶晓莉 • Angela
Local Guide
Local travel agency Provide the local guiding service
Origin travel service Escort the tour group all the way; Supervise The local travel agency
1. What basic information about the group should the guide collect beforehand? • Name of the travel agency that organizes the group; name of the liaison in charge of the group with telephone number; group code; name or the tour leader and national guide; number of tourists; names of all tour members including their nationalities, gender, occupations, ages, religions and special requests,etc.
•If I’m a tour guide
The classification of tour guide



6.What does the package include? 包团游都包括什么?

7.It is always my wife who has the final say. 总是我妻子做最后 决定。
8.Would you please send me a fax about the details? 您可以细节 用传真 给我发过来吗?

J: Well, I see. What does the package include? S: It includes between Shanghai and Bangkok, two nights hotel accommodation and daily hotel breakfast. When are you planning the travel, sir? J: Not decided yet. It is always my wife who has the final say. Would you please send me a fax about the details? S: No problem. May I have your fax number? J: That’s021-5501.2135. S: 021-5501-2135. Okay, you’II receive our travel leaflet very soon. J: Thank you for your help. S: Thanks for calling. Goodbye, sir.

1.I’d like to know if 我想 知道是否…… 我想知道你是否做好了 考试准备。 I wonder if you have made enough preparation for the exam. 2.We do have such programs. 的确 3.3-day-2-night tour to… 到……的三日两夜游 4.What do you charge for it? 怎么收费? 5.The minimum price for such a tour is RMB l, 880 Yuan. 三日两夜游的最低价是 3,200元。 The minimum price for 3-day-2-night tour is RMB3,200 Yuan.







• 3.注意事项
• 1)要把致欢送词当成导游工作的重要环节来看待。
• 2)致欢送词要语言诚恳,情感真挚。
• 3)做好回头客营销。
• 4)选好致欢送词的地点、时机。
• 步骤二 征询意见
• 请全陪、领队或游客代表填写旅游者(团)意见征询表,从中得出他 们对当地旅游活动的评价和建议。
• 步骤三 提前抵达离开地点,照顾旅游者下车
• 地陪应在旅游团离站前一天与全陪按规定办理结账手续,核清旅游团 实际发生的费用,妥善保管好钱款和单据。
• 步骤八 请全陪、领队、旅游者填写意见反馈表
• 地陪应在旅游团离站前,请全陪、领队、旅游者填写意见反馈表,了 解大家对导游服务工作的评价,对于中肯的意见导游要积极听取,并 对游客致以谢意,进而在日后工作中改进。
• 【任务导入】 • 时间:2013.12.18 • 地点:旅游大巴 • 人物:地陪李丰、司机张师傅、领队、全陪、全团游客 • 事件:来自马来西亚的某旅游团一行16人,将搭乘今日17
:10的MU9861航班返回吉隆坡,现在正乘坐旅游大巴从 上海城隍庙赶赴上海浦东机场T1航站楼。 • 任务:地陪李丰为旅游团致欢送词。
• [任务实施]
• 步骤一 核实交通票据
• 旅游团离开本地的前一天,地陪应认真做好旅游团离开的交通票据核 实工作。弄清启程的机场(车站、码头)的位置等事项;如交通工具 班次有变更,应问清内勤是否已通知下一站,以免漏接;提醒全陪向 下一站交代有关情况,以免漏接。
• 如果全陪、领队或旅游者带有返程机票,地陪应提醒或协助其提前72 小时确认机票。(团体机票确认一般用传真向有关民航售票处确认即 可)。
• 步骤二 确定出行李的时间和方法
• 如团队有大件行李托运,地陪应在离开本地前一天与全陪(领队)商 量好出行李的时间,并通知旅游者及饭店行李员,同时提醒客人行李 打包的有关注意事项。出行李时,地陪应与全陪和领队、行李员一起 清点件数,检查行李是否上锁,捆扎是否牢固,有无破损等,最后在 饭店行李交接表上签字。













中英文导游实训教程 (2)

中英文导游实训教程 (2)
Useful phrases: tour leader 领队 local guide 地陪 national guide 全陪 tour plan 旅游接待计划 ETA (estimated time of arrival) 预计到达时间 ETD (estimated time of departure) 预计出发时间
4.1 飞机到达前2小时,火车到达前1小时向问 讯处询问; Inquire at the information center 2 hours before a flight arrives or 1 hour before a train arrives. 4.2 与旅行车司机联络,通知出发时间,确定 接头地点,告知活动日程和具体时间。 Contact the coach driver, inform him of the departure time, the itinerary and exact time of all the arrangements, and confirm the meeting point.
• 实训准备:旅游接待计划、接站牌、导游旗、 导游胸卡、讲解扩音器等,模拟机场到达大厅 • Preparations: tour plan, receiving sign, flag, tour guide’s identity certificate, loudspeaker, mock international arrival of an airport • 实训形式:讨论 • Form: discussion
• 2. 与计调交接,落实、核查旅游团的交通、食 宿、行李运输等事宜。 • Contact the coordinator of the travel service, implement and verify the transport, accommodation, luggage, etc. of the tour group.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

• 1.3 了解旅游路线和交通情况;
• Know well the itinerary and transportation.
• 1.4 了解服务要求和标准:了解团队中 有无需要特别服务的人员及特殊物品, 以及该团住宿、餐饮、游览及用车服务 标准,熟悉各单位情况及联系方式。
• Find out the requirements and standard of the service, and if there is anyone who needs special service or items. Know the standard of hotel, meals and coach for the group and ways of contacting relative companies.
项目一 熟悉并落实接待事宜 项目二 语言/知识准备 项目三 物品、形象准备 项目四 心理准备
项目一 熟悉并落实接待事宜
• To familiarize and carry out the tour plan
• 实训目标:熟悉旅游接待计划,掌 握分析和落实旅游计划,对关键内 容能做到心中有数
• 1.1 了解旅游团概况,包括团号、组团 社名称与标识、主要联系人与全陪或领 队姓名与电话、结算方式等;
• Find out the code of the group, the name and logo of the tour operator, and the name, the telephone number of the person you should contact and the national guide or tour leader and the way of settlement.
• 1.2 了解旅游团成员情况:掌握 旅游团的人数及构成,核实饭店, 车辆,餐馆等的订房,订座,订餐 等是否吻合;
• Find out the number of people in the group, the name, gender and occupation of the tourists, confirm the reservations of hotel, coach and restaurants to see if there is any change.
与各个相关单位联系,进行接待计划的 落实。 • One day before the group’s arrival, the local guide should contact the relative companies and confirm the tour plan.
熟悉接待计划。 Be familiar with the tour plan.
• 2.3 与用餐餐厅联系,落实用餐 的时间、人数、注意事项或禁忌等;
• Contact with the restaurant; confirm the time, the number of people to dine, and things like taboo that should be paid attention to.
• 2.2 与司机联系,落实旅游车辆 情况及确定会面时间地点,并告知 活动日程和具体时间;
• Contact the driver and confirm the coach, time and place of meeting. Tell the driver the itinerary and time.
Guangzhou • 实训形式:对话 • Form: dialogue
实训步骤 Procedures
• 1. 熟悉接待计划。Be familiar with the tour plan.
• 2. 落实接待事宜。Carry out the plan. • 领取接待计划单后,在团队到达前一天
• Circumstances: Zhang Li, local guide of CITS (Guangdong Branch), receives a tour plan and carries out the plan.
• 实训准备:广州旅游接待计划 • Preparations: a tour plan of
猜猜她是那个民族的?饮食 禁忌是什么?
• 2.4 与住宿酒店联系,落实酒店 位置、房间情况及相关设施情况等;
• Contact the hotel and find out its location, rooms available and facilities.
Chapter I Before Meeting a Tour Gro• 通过本章实训,要求学生了解导游 员的行为规范,掌握导游员应具备 的基本技能,搞好语言知识、物品、 形象准备和心理准备,熟悉旅游团 队接待计划表、旅游团接待日程表 的制作及填写规范,落实好接团的 相关事宜,为迎接旅游团做好充分 的准备工作。熟练掌握常用的导游 英语句型和基本词汇。
落实接待事宜 Carry out the plan.
• 2.1 到旅行社领取旅游接待计划 及出团物品,包括领取费用、旗子、 旅行社标志牌,各种票据或签单等;
• Get the tour plan, flag, logo of the travel service, the money needed for the tour, and bills etc. in the travel service.
• Objectives: To be familiar with the tour plans, analyze and carry out the tour plan, and to have a good idea of the important contents
• 广东国旅导游员张莉到旅行社领取 一份旅游接待计划后进行落实相关 接待事宜。