文摘的种类(Type of Abstracts)
(2)指示性文摘(Indicated Abstracts) 仅指出文献的综合内容,适用于综述性文献、图书介绍及 编辑加工过的专著等。 最常见的综述性文献包括:
某技术在目前的发展水平及未来展望等。 总之,这种文献是综述情况而不是某个技术工艺、某产品、 或某设备的研究过程。 一般情况下,信息性文摘占有绝大部分比例。硕士论文应 该属于信息性的论文。
摘要是原始文献的代表,它提供了原始文献的信息内容, 即该篇文献所包含的主要概念和讨论的主要问题,帮助科 技人员决定这篇文献对自己的工作是否有用。 以提供文献内容梗概为目的, 不加评论和补充解释, 简明、 确切地记叙文献重要内容的短文; 《美国工程索引》(The Engineering Index, EI)是世界 最有名也是最大的检索刊物之一。 每月出版一期月刊,报导世界工程文献文摘一万三千至一 万四千条。 每期有刊附的主题索引与作者索引,每年还另出版年卷本 和年度索引;年度索引增加了作者单位索引。
据统计,如根据前述三部分写文摘,一般都不会少于100 个英文单词。 一般缩短文摘的方法如下: (1)取消不必要的字句:如“It is reported ...”; “Extensive investigations show that …”;“the author discusses …”“This paper concerned with …” (2)对物理单位及一些通用词可以适当进行简化; (3)取消或减少背景情况;
避免陈泛之语,英文标题应简明朴实。中文标题中常见的 一些与内容无关的词语如浅谈、漫谈、初探、试论等等,有 的是作者出于谦虚,有的是作者为使自己的论文显得有气魄 增加点学术性和理论性色彩,在转换为英语时常常可以略而 不译。如“关于随机系统稳定性的讨论”此处的讨论一词在 英文很难找到确切的对应语,倘若硬将其翻译成discussion、 debate 或argumentation 往往会给人造成误解,使人觉得 该文章可能是关于随机系统是否存在稳定性的一种讨论或争 论。因而英语标题中完全可以不出现讨论而直接译为On the stability of stochastic system
评论研究问题: (1)看提出的问题是否有研究价值,研究内容有无指导意义,研究 结果能否应用到实践中。 (2)论文立意是否有创新,是否有重复别人的工作,即使是同一个 主题也要不断增加新内容、新方法。 (3)看研究问题的发生率是否高,问题是否带有普遍性。 (4)论文标题是否具体、鲜明、确切和具有吸引力。
3、科学性和准确性 、
所谓科学性,就是要正确地说明研究对象所具有的特殊矛盾, 并且要尊重事实,尊重科学。具体说来,包括论点正确,论据 必要而充分,论证严密,推理符合逻辑,数据可靠,处理合理, 计算精确,实验重复,结论客观,等等。 所谓准确性,是指对客观事物即研究对象的运动规律和性质表 述的接近程度,包括概念、定义、判断、分析和结论要准确, 对自己研究成果的估计要确切、恰当,对他人研究成果(尤其是 在做比较时)的评价要实事求是,切忌片面性和说过头话。
学术文章的标题主要有三种结构: 名词性词组(包括动名词),介词词组,名词词组+介词词组。 也用一个疑问句作标题(多用在人文社会科学领域)。 一般不用陈述句或动词词组作标题。
1、名词性词组 、
名词性词组由名词及其修饰语构成。 名词的修饰语可以是形容词、介词短语,有时也可以是另一个 名词。 名词修饰名词时,往往可以缩短标题的长度。 以下各标题分别由两个名词词组构成。例如: Latent demand and the browsing shopper (名词词组+名词词组) Cost and productivity (名词+名词)
1、创新性或独创性 、
某一篇论文,其创新程度可能大些,也可能很小,但总要有一 些独到之处。“首次提出”,“首次发现”,当然是具有重大 价值的研究成果,这毕竟为数不很多; 在某一个问题上有新意,对某一点有发展,应属于创新的范围。 在实际研究中,有很多课题是在引进、消化、移植国内外已有 的先进科学技术,以及应用已有的理论来解决本地区、本行业、 本系统的实际问题,只要对丰富理论、促进生产发展、推动技 术进步有效果,有作用,报道这类成果的论文也应视为有一定 程度的创新。
第一章 科技英语单句写作
2,动词不定式作定语的几个句型 R是所要测定的电阻。 R is the resistance to be measured. 有许多问题要我们考虑。 There are many problems for us to consider. 特别要注意以下两种句型:
第一章 科技英语单句写作
第一章 科技英语单句写作
4.with结构 所谓“with结构”指的是以下这一形式: 分词(短语) 介词短语 形容词(短语) With+名次(或代词)+ 副词 不定式短语 名词(短语)
第一章 科技英语单句写作
在科技写作中已广泛使用这一结构,望读者要熟练掌握以下 两点。 (1)作状语。写作重点放在处于句首表示条件、时间和原因; 处于句尾表示附加说明、方式、条件上。 在其基极接地的情况下,Q4是一个很高的阻抗。 With its base grounded,Q4 is a very high impedance. 若基极电压为零,晶体管Q1就截止。 With its base voltage 0,transistor Ql will be cut off.
第一章 科技英语单句写作
3.分词独立结构 写作重点放在处于句尾时作附加说明(即伴随状况)用, 这同样是典型的书面语言形式。 该电流变化时,磁场也将发生变化。 This current changing,the magnetic field will change as well. 电子大约与原子核一样大,其直径约为10-12厘米。 An electron is about as large as a nucleus,its diameter being about 10-12cm.
科技英语写作Unit 2
(2) Be Specific
What titles are specific? In preparing the title of a paper, a general
and abstract title should be avoided. For example, such a title as Computer Retrieval will be regarded as too general and global, vague and empty, telling the reader nothing specific. It would be better to change the title into something like Computer Retrieval on Literature of Physics, or Computer Retrieval on International Conference Information, according to the content of the paper.
General Functions
GAF G – generalizing the text A - Attracting the reader F – Facilitating the retrieval
(1) Generalizing the Text
A title should summarize the central idea
Linguistic Features
2 points:
More nouns, nouns
phrases and gerunds An incomplete sentence
大作文英语二格式Title: The Impact of Technology on Education。
Technology has revolutionized every aspect of human life, including education. In this essay, we will explore the profound impact that technology has had on education, examining both the positive and negative aspects.Positive Impacts。
1. Access to Information。
Technology has made information more accessible than ever before. With the internet, students can access a vast array of resources, including articles, research papers, and educational videos, allowing them to expand their knowledge beyond the confines of traditional textbooks.2. Interactive Learning。
Digital tools and platforms have transformed the learning experience into a more interactive and engaging process. Educational software, simulations, and multimedia presentations enable students to participate actively in their learning, making abstract concepts more tangible and understandable.3. Personalized Learning。
科技文写作知识要求(英文版)Science and Technology Writing: Knowledge Requirements Introduction:Science and technology writing plays a vital role in disseminating information about scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and their impact on society. It requires a unique set of skills and knowledge to effectively communicate complex ideas to a diverse audience. This article aims to highlight the knowledge requirements for science and technology writing in the English language.1. Understanding of Scientific Concepts:One of the fundamental knowledge requirements for science and technology writing is a solid understanding of scientific concepts. Writers need to comprehend the underlying principles, theories, and methodologies of various scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science. This understanding allows them to accurately convey information, explain complex ideas in layperson's terms, and avoid misinterpretation or distortion of scientific facts.2. Familiarity with Current Research:Science and technology writing necessitates keeping up with ongoing research and staying updated with the latest advancements in the field. Writers must have access to reliable scientific journals, news outlets, and academic publications to gather accurate and up-to-date information. By being aware of the latest research, writers can provide readers with the most recent findings, emerging trends, and potential future implications.3. Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills:Science and technology writing requires critical thinking and analytical skills to evaluate scientific claims, evidence, and data. Writers need to analyze research papers, experimental results, and statistical data to ensure accuracy and reliability. They must be able to assess the strengths, limitations, and potential biases of scientific studies and provide an objective assessment of the findings.4. Ability to Simplify Complex Ideas:One of the challenges in science and technology writing is conveying complex scientific ideas in a way that is accessible to a general audience. Writers should possess the ability to simplify jargon-heavy concepts without oversimplification or sacrificing accuracy. They should use clear and concise language, relevant analogies, and visually engaging examples to help readers grasp the intricacies of scientific topics.5. Science Communication Ethics:Science and technology writers should adhere to ethical standards when communicating scientific information. They should prioritize accuracy, honesty, and transparency in reporting research findings. Writers must avoid sensationalism, exaggeration, ormisrepresentation of scientific discoveries to prevent misunderstandings or incorrect interpretations by the public.6. Multimedia and Digital Literacy:In today's digital age, science and technology writers are expected to be proficient in multimedia and digital tools. They should be able to incorporate images, videos, infographics, and interactive elements into their writing to enhance understanding and engagement. Additionally, familiarity with social media platforms, content management systems, and online publishing is crucial for effective dissemination of science and technology information.7. Writing Style and Structure:While knowledge of science and technology is paramount, writers should also possess strong writing skills. They must be able to articulate ideas clearly, use appropriate language, and adapt their writing style to the target audience. Writing for scientific journals may require a more formal and technical approach, while popular science articles often demand a more conversational tone to engage readers effectively.Conclusion:Science and technology writing is a specialized field that requires a combination of scientific knowledge, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. Writers must be able to understand complex concepts, stay updated with the latest research, and simplify information for general audiences. By adhering to ethicalstandards and employing digital literacy, science and technology writers can effectively bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and the public, fostering greater understanding and appreciation for science in society.8. Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge:In addition to a deep understanding of scientific concepts in their respective fields, science and technology writers should also have a broad knowledge base across different disciplines. Many scientific discoveries and technological advancements occur at the intersection of multiple disciplines, and writers need to be able to connect the dots and draw meaningful connections. For example, advancements in the field of bioengineering may have implications for healthcare, agriculture, and environmental conservation. A writer with cross-disciplinary knowledge can effectively explain these connections and provide a holistic perspective on the topic.9. Familiarity with Science Communication Platforms:Science and technology writing is not limited to traditional print media. Writers should be familiar with various science communication platforms, such as blogs, podcasts, and science news websites. Each platform has its own audience and writing style requirements. For instance, writing for a podcast may require a more conversational and engaging tone, while writing a blog post may allow for a more informal and personal approach. Becoming familiar with these platforms and understanding their unique features will allow writers to create content that is well-suited for different mediums and reaches a wider audience.10. Research and Fact-Checking Skills:Science and technology writers need to have strong research and fact-checking skills to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their content. They should be able to find credible sources of information, evaluate the quality and validity of those sources, and verify facts before including them in their writing. Research skills also involve locating relevant studies, experiments, or interviews that provide evidence or support for the claims being made. Fact-checking is crucial to maintaining the integrity of science and technology writing and avoiding the spread of misinformation.11. Understanding of Ethical Considerations in Science and Technology:Science and technology writing often involves addressing ethical considerations and dilemmas. For example, discussions around genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, or climate change raise important ethical questions that must be addressed in an informed and balanced manner. Writers should have a strong understanding of ethical principles and be able to present different perspectives and stakeholders' opinions on these issues. By providing a comprehensive understanding of the ethical implications of scientific advancements, writers can promote an informed and nuanced public dialogue.12. Ability to Translate Scientific Jargon:Scientists use specialized terminology and jargon that can be daunting to a general audience. Science and technology writersplay a crucial role in translating this jargon into accessible language without oversimplifying the concepts. They need to strike a balance between accuracy and readability, using layperson's terms and analogies to help readers understand complex ideas. By effectively translating scientific jargon, writers can bridge the gap between scientists and the general public, fostering greater scientific literacy and understanding.13. Science Policy and Societal Implications:Science and technology advancements often have significant societal implications, including policy decisions and ethical dilemmas. Writers should have a basic knowledge of science policy and be able to analyze and explain how scientific discoveries may impact society, the economy, or public health. They should be aware of relevant regulations and laws related to science and technology and be able to accurately convey the potential benefits and risks associated with new advancements. By providing informed analysis and discussion on the broader societal implications, writers can contribute to a more informed public discourse on science-related issues.14. Collaboration and Networking:Science and technology writing can benefit greatly from collaboration and networking with scientists, researchers, and experts in the field. Engaging in discussions, attending conferences, and building networks with professionals in the scientific community can provide writers with valuable insights, access to reliable sources, and opportunities for collaboration on research-based articles. Collaboration also promotes interdisciplinary dialogue and allows writers to gain different perspectives on complex scientific topics.Conclusion:Science and technology writing requires a diverse range of knowledge areas and skills to effectively communicate complex ideas to a general audience. Writers must possess a solid understanding of scientific concepts, cross-disciplinary knowledge, critical thinking skills, and the ability to simplify complex ideas. Familiarity with science communication platforms, research and fact-checking skills, and an understanding of ethical considerations are also crucial for credibility and accuracy. By meeting these knowledge requirements, science and technology writers can contribute to a greater understanding and appreciation of science and technology in society.。
2.2 摘要写作的时态
摘要写作时所采用的时态应因情况而定,应力求表达自然、妥当。写作中 可大致遵循以下原则: (1) 介绍背景资料时,如果句子的内容不受时间影响的普遍事实,应使用现在 式;如果句子的内容为对某种研究趋势的概述,则使用现在完成式。 (2) 在叙述研究目的或主要研究活动时,如果采用“论文导向”,多使用现在 式(如:This paper presents...); 如果采用“研究导向”,则使用过去式(如: This study investigated...)。 (3) 概述实验程序、方法和主要结果时,通常用现在式。如:We describe a
应遵循的原则是给出足够的细节信息以便让同行能够重复实验, 避免混入有关结果或发现方面的内容。如果方法新颖、且不曾发表过, 应提供所有必需的细节;如果所采用的方法已经公开报道过,引 用相关的文献即可(如果报道该方法期刊的影响力很有限,可稍加详 细地描述)。
(3) 力求语法正确、描述准确。 由于材料和方法部分通常需要描述很多的内容,因此通常需要采用
题名中应慎重使用缩略语。尤其对于可有多个解释的缩略语,应严加限制, 必要时应在括号中注明全称。对那些全称较长,缩写后已得到科技界公认的, 才可使用。为方便二次检索,题名中应避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号 (数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式、不常用的专业术语和非英语词汇(包括拉 丁语)等。
1.2 题名的句法结构
new molecular approach to analyzing ... (4) 叙述结论或建议时,可使用现在式、臆测动词或may, should, could等助动 词。We suggest that climate instability in the early part of the last interglacial
1.4 写摘要的注意事项
1、规范 2、精练 3、具体 4、完整 5、全面
摘要虽然通常摆在正文前面, 但往往是在最后写作。
写摘要应使用正规英语、标准 术语,避免使用缩写字。
最好用第三人称,避免把各种时 态混在一起使用,也避免把陈述式和命令 式混合使用。
文章摘要要精练,不宜列举例证, 不宜与其他研究工作对比。用词必须确切,文 句简明扼要:且忌言之无物,衍文赘语连篇。 要去掉无关紧要的段落、句子、词组及单词, 力求做到字斟句酌,言简意赅,惜墨如金,文 章精练,以节省书写、打印、阅读的精力和时 间。
各国最有影响的材料、物理和电子科学等杂志对文摘 写作有写共同要求。归纳起来有三条:
(1)要说明实验或论证中新观察的事实、结论。如有可能, 还要说明新的理论、处理、仪器、技术等的要点。
(2)要说明新材料名称,新数据,包括物理常数等。如不 能说明,也要提到这些。提到新的项目和新的观察是很重要 的,哪怕它们对本论文的主旨来说仅仅是附带而已。
早年习惯用的开场白为: This is a report on… In this paper the author presents… The purpose of this article is to … 这类套话,应简写成: The paper/author suggests /presents …
有些作者不主张多用,认为多用存在下列问题: • 占去句首醒目的强调位置,平添一个that主语从句,
使重要概念和事实不能及早人目,先睹为快。 • 主句用平淡无力的存在动词be,而有表现力的行为动
科技英语写作与普通英语写作在不少方面有着 共同之处,因此,尽管作为理工科学生今后的 实际工作中可能涉及到的科技英语写作并不十 分复杂,关键当然是应懂得一定的写作格式、 要能组织好思路并把每个英语句子写正确,了 解一般英语的写作技巧对写好科技文章是有益 处的,所以在此对它作一简要介绍。
一、段落 我们知道,每篇文章一般都是由数个段落构成 的,写好段落是写好一篇文章很关键的一步。
③表示强调(emphasis):in fact,as a matter Of fact,in other words,Of course,certainly,above all,indeed,clearly,surely, in particular,obviously,naturally,anyway,in this case ④表示对照(contrast):while,whereas,in contrast,On the other hand,instead,on the contrary,in spite of,despite,but, however,although,still,yet,nevertheless,conversely, otherwise ⑤表示比较(comparison):similarly,in the same way,even though,at the same time,not only…but also,likewise, meanwhile ⑥表示让步(concession):although,after all,it is true(that)
2)连贯性 所谓连贯性,就是要求在一段落中各个句子都应前后相 衔接,同时条理要清楚,所述之事的次序要合乎逻辑, 使人读起来没有杂乱无章的感觉。
( 3) as:它引导的从句中的动作一般与主句的 动作均表示持续一段时间,它们同时发生。 As radio waves travel along the surface of the earth,part of its energy will be lost. 当无线电波沿地球表面传播时,要损失掉一部 分能量。
一 、插入语、否定、时态、语态、形容词和副 词的比较级 具有主谓结构的插入语 位于主句中一般处于主语或连系动词之后,有 逗号分开。
This book is, we hope, a concise introduction to communications systems.
The rules must be few, and, what is more important, simple.
2.用现在完成进行时来强调“一直在进行某项工作”的含义 这些年来他们一直在研制一种新型飞机。 In recent years,they have been developing a new type of aircraft.
3.句中有具体的过去时间时只能用一般过去时,而 不能用过去(或现在)完成时 在20世纪40年代他们设计出了第一代电子计算机。 In the 1940's,they designed the first generation of electronic computers.
2.All these x values can not satisfy this equation.
英语二大小作文范文Title: The Impact of Technology on Education。
In today's rapidly evolving world, technology has become an indispensable part of education, revolutionizing the way students learn and teachers teach. This essay will delve into the profound impact of technology on education, focusing on both its advantages and challenges.Firstly, technology has greatly enhanced theaccessibility of education. With the advent of the internet, students can access vast amounts of information with just a few clicks, breaking down geographical barriers andproviding learning opportunities to individuals regardlessof their location. Online courses and digital resourcesoffer flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace and convenience.Moreover, technology has transformed the classroom environment. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, andmultimedia tools engage students in ways traditional methods cannot. Visual aids and simulations make complex concepts easier to grasp, catering to diverse learning styles. Additionally, collaborative platforms facilitate communication and teamwork among students, fostering a more interactive and dynamic learning environment.Furthermore, technology has revolutionized the assessment and feedback process. Automated grading systems streamline the evaluation of assignments and exams, providing prompt feedback to students and enabling teachers to identify areas for improvement more efficiently. Moreover, data analytics tools help educators track students' progress over time, enabling personalized instruction tailored to individual learning needs.However, despite its numerous benefits, technology in education also poses certain challenges. One major concern is the digital divide, wherein students from disadvantaged backgrounds may lack access to the necessary technology and internet connectivity, widening existing educational inequalities. Bridging this gap requires concerted effortsfrom policymakers, educators, and communities to ensure equitable access to technology and digital resources forall students.Moreover, the overreliance on technology can sometimes lead to passive learning and reduced critical thinking skills. Students may become overly dependent on search engines and online resources, neglecting the development of essential research and analytical skills. It is crucial for educators to strike a balance between traditional teaching methods and technology integration, fostering a holistic approach to learning that cultivates both technological literacy and critical thinking abilities.In conclusion, technology has fundamentally transformed the landscape of education, offering unprecedented opportunities for learning and innovation. From enhancing accessibility to revolutionizing classroom dynamics and assessment methods, technology has revolutionized education in myriad ways. However, it is essential to address challenges such as the digital divide and the potential drawbacks of overreliance on technology to ensure thattechnology integration in education remains effective and equitable. Only by leveraging technology responsibly can we harness its full potential to create a brighter future for education worldwide.。
英语二小作文模板示例英文回答:Topic: Discuss the impact of technology on modern society.Technology has had a profound impact on modern society, transforming the way we live, work, and interact.In the realm of communication, technology has revolutionized the way we stay connected with each other. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have created global communities, allowing individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas with a vast audience. Instant messaging applications like WhatsApp and Messenger have made it easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family, regardless of their location.Technology has also had a significant impact on the waywe work. The rise of automation and digital tools has ledto increased efficiency and productivity in many industries. For example, automated manufacturing processes have reduced the need for manual labor, while cloud computing and other digital platforms have made it easier for businesses to collaborate and share information.Furthermore, technology has played a crucial role in shaping the way we learn and access information. Online learning platforms and educational software have made education more accessible and convenient, providing individuals with the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. Search engines like Google and Bing have made it possibleto access vast amounts of information with just a few clicks, transforming the way we research and learn.However, it is important to acknowledge that the impact of technology on modern society is not always positive. The constant exposure to digital devices and social media can lead to addiction and a decline in social interaction. Additionally, the spread of misinformation and the erosionof privacy online have raised concerns about the potential negative consequences of technology.In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on modern society, both positive and negative. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, learn, and interact. As technology continues to evolve, it isimportant to carefully consider its potential implications and to find ways to maximize its benefits while mitigating its risks.中文回答:主题,讨论科技对现代社会的影响。
2023课标2作文英文回答:In today's globalized world, being bilingual or multilingual has become increasingly important. Learning a second language not only opens up new opportunities for communication and understanding, but also enhances cognitive abilities and cultural awareness.For me, learning a second language has been a valuable experience. It has allowed me to communicate with a wider range of people and understand different cultures more deeply. In addition, it has improved my problem-solving skills and memory retention. Overall, being bilingual has enriched my life in many ways.中文回答:在当今全球化的世界中,掌握第二语言或多种语言变得越来越重要。
例9 汉语原句 这个方法需要精确的定位, 这就使得它的实现具 有一定的难度。 英语错句 This method requires accurate location and this makes its realization have a little difficulty. 改正后的句子 This method requires accurate location, thus making(或which makes)its realization somewhat difficult.
例 18 汉语原句 在这种情况下, 输入不会下降, 输出也不会下降。 英语错句 In this case, the input does not fall; the output does not fall, too. 改正后的句子 In this case, the input does not fall, neither(或nor)does the output.
例 14 汉语原句 已知常数K, 就能算出C来。 英语错句 Giving the constant K, C can be calculated. 改正后的句子 Given (或knowing)the constant K, one(或we)can calculate C.(或~, it is possible to calculate C.)
第二十八章 科技英语写作中的典型错误
例1 汉语原句 这种新方法具有效率高、容易调整的优点。 英语错句 This kind of new method have the advantage of high efficiency, easy adjustment. 改正后的句子 This new method has the advantages of high efficiency and easy adjustment.
These factors are responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land. 2.这个概念可应用于金属导体。
This concept is applicable to metallic conductors.3.二极管可用作为整流器。
A diode is useful as a rectifier.4.这个数可用8来除。
The number is divisible (=can be divided) by 8.5.相继闪光之间的间隔是可以随意控制的。
The interval between successive flashes is controllable at will.6.这个术语是描述频率调制的。
This term is descriptive of (=describes) FM.7.双曲线表明反比的关系。
A hyperbola is indicative of (=indicates) an inverse proportion.8.这些肌肉的异常收缩表明患有特定疾病。
These abnormal muscle contractions are symptomatic of (=suggest/indicate) specific diseases.9.外力保持不变。
The applied force stays/remains (=is kept/ held/maintained/left) unchanged.(2)表语为名词的情况。
英语二小作文公告英文回答:Paragraph 1:Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live life without the constant distractions of technology? Imagine a world where you are not bombarded by notifications, social media updates, or the relentless stream of information that flows incessantly through our devices. While the digital age has brought forth many advancements and conveniences, it has also eroded our attention spans and fragmented our time, leaving us feeling scattered and unable to focus.Paragraph 2:In the realm of education, technology has undeniably transformed the way we learn and access information.However, it has also introduced a unique set of challenges. With the proliferation of online resources and devices, students face the temptation to multitask, sacrificing deep understanding for superficial engagement. The constant availability of information can lead to information overload, hindering critical thinking and the development of meaningful learning experiences.Paragraph 3:Beyond the academic sphere, technology has also impacted our social interactions. While social media platforms have facilitated global connections, they have simultaneously fueled isolation and comparison. The curated and often idealized representations of life that we encounter online can foster a sense of inadequacy and a distorted perception of reality. Additionally, the constant bombardment of notifications and updates can disrupt our ability to be fully present in our conversations and relationships.Paragraph 4:In light of these concerns, it is imperative that we reassess our relationship with technology. We must strive for a more balanced approach, one that embraces the benefits of digital advancements while mitigating their potential drawbacks. This may involve setting aside specific times during the day to disconnect from electronic devices and engage in activities that promote mindfulness and well-being. It also requires developing strategies to manage our information consumption, discerning between what is essential and what is merely distracting.Paragraph 5:Furthermore, it is crucial that we cultivate a culture of digital literacy, empowering individuals with the skills to navigate the digital landscape effectively. This includes understanding the potential risks and benefits of technology, as well as developing strategies to protect our privacy and well-being. By embracing a more mindful and informed approach to our use of technology, we can harnessits power to enhance our lives without compromising our attention, our relationships, or our overall well-being.中文回答:段落 1你有没有想过如果没有科技不断的干扰,生活会变成什么样?想象一下一个没有通知、社交媒体更新或不断从我们的设备中流出的信息轰炸的世界。
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
2) 论文、书籍的各级标题前的冠词可以省略。 无线电波与水波的比较 (A)Comparison of Radio Waves with Water Waves RC 谐振电路的分析 (AN)Analysis of RC Resonant Circuit 锁相环的研究 (A)Study of Phase-Locked Loops 图像处理的研究 (The) Research on Image Processing 计算机入门 (An) Introduction to Computers 19.1节 热力学第一定律 19.1 The first law of thermodynamics
• 2. 名词前不加冠词或省略冠词的常见情况。 • 1)泛指的物质名词及不可数名词前不加冠词,表示一类的复数名词前不加冠
• • • • • • • • • •
词。 铁是金属。 Iron is a metal 空气是物质。 Air is matter. 电广泛地应用于工农业。 Electricity is widely used in industry and agriculture. 电能可由电动机转换成机械能。 Electricity energy can be changed by electric motors into mechanical energy. 机械靠电力运转。 Machines are run by electricity.
第1章 词类
第一节 冠词
• 冠词的用法特别复杂,科技英语写作中冠
词用错的情况极为普遍。许多人往往在应 该使用冠词的地方不用冠词;有些人则错 用冠词。为此,本节专门对冠词的用法作 系统说明。
• 1. 名词前加冠词的常见情况。 • 1)在普通的单数可数名词前一定要用冠词,泛指时多用
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These factors are responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land. 2.这个概念可应用于金属导体。
This concept is applicable to metallic conductors.3.二极管可用作为整流器。
A diode is useful as a rectifier.4.这个数可用8来除。
The number is divisible (=can be divided) by 8.5.相继闪光之间的间隔是可以随意控制的。
The interval between successive flashes is controllable at will.6.这个术语是描述频率调制的。
This term is descriptive of (=describes) FM.7.双曲线表明反比的关系。
A hyperbola is indicative of (=indicates) an inverse proportion.8.这些肌肉的异常收缩表明患有特定疾病。
These abnormal muscle contractions are symptomatic of (=suggest/indicate) specific diseases.9.外力保持不变。
The applied force stays/remains (=is kept/ held/maintained/left) unchanged.(2)表语为名词的情况。
This parameter is an indication of (=indicates) the influence of temperature on the device.11.这个网络实现了该算法。
This network is the implementation of (=implements) the algorithm.12.力学并不解释物体为什么会运动。
Mechanics is not an explanation of(=does not explain) why bodies move.13.这又一次证明了水银是金属。
This is another proof (=proves again) that mercury is a metal.14.这个例子说明了“串式编程”。
This example is an illustration of(=illustrates) in-line programming.15.图6-6画出了一个石英谐振器。
Fig.6-6 is a representation of (=represents) a quartz resonator.表17-2列出了两组参数之间的转换。
Table 17-2 is a listing of (=lists) transformations between the two sets of parameters.16.噪声限制了信道的容量。
Noise provides a limit to (=limits) the channel capacity.17.图2-6说明了一个简单的传输过程。
Fig.2-6 gives an illustration of(=illustrates) a simple transmission process.(3)表语为介词短语的情况。
The scheme is now under consideration(=is now being considered).2.这个新设计出来的设备正在试用过程中。
This newly designed device is on trial (=is being tested).3.那本参考书需求量很大。
That reference book is in great demand (is needed by a great many people).2)使用静态动词。
The high voltage leads to(=causes) the breakdown of the transistor.2.在这种情况下,电路中会形成电流。
Under this condition, a current results(is formed /developed /formed) in the circuit.3.几乎所有物质都可分成两大类。
Nearly all substances fall(=are divided) into two broad categories5.多用短语代替从句可使句子简练。
Because of the large size of the earth (= Because the earth is large in size), all the downward forces exerted on the stone are virtually parallel.(2)代替定语从句。
1. That building under construction is a new computer factory. =That building which is being built is a new computer factory.2. T is a transformer with mutual inductance M.=T is a transformer which has mutual inductance M.(3)代替同位语从句。
This device has the advantages of light weight and low cost.= This device has the advantages that it is light in weight andlow in cost.2)用名词短语或动名词短语作主语代替状语从句。
1. The testing of machines by this method causes/entails some loss of power.= If machines are tested by this method , there will be some loss of power.2. A thorough examination of the assumptions reveals that…=If the assumptions are thoroughly examined, it can be revealed that…3)用短语代替从句的其他情况。
1. It is known that silver is the best conductor.=Silver is known to be the best conductor.(代替主语从句)2. The curve shows how output varies with input.=The curve shows the variation of output with input.(代替宾语从句)课堂练习:用名词短语代替下列句子中的状语从句。
1. If sound waves are compared with water waves, it can be shown that they have something in common.2. Because there exist quanta,we are unable to describe the motion of atomic particles in the conventional way.3. If the value of Q were too large,the device would be damaged.4. Because some inertia is presented in the bulb, bright colors can be obtained.5. In order that the operation of the amplifier can be satisfactory, it is required that proper voltages be applied to its electrodes.6.使用科技上惯用的表达法。
1)表示定义的句型(1)A is defined as B.速度被定义为距离与时间之比。
Speed is defined as the ratio of distance to time.能量被定义为物体做功的能力。
Energy is defined as the ability of a body to do work.(2)By A is meant B.By A we/one mean(s) B.(所谓)弹性指的是物体形变后返回原状的趋势。
By “elasticity” is meant the tendency of an object to return to its original state after being deformed.(所谓)线性工作放大器以很小的失真或无失真地放大信号的能力。
By “linear operation”is meant the ability of an amplifier to amplify a signal with little or no distortion.(3)a/an/the+可数名词+is a/an/the+类别词+后置定语如果被定义的名词是不可数名词,那么前面就不用冠词。
A force is a physical quantity that can affect the motion of an object.气压计是用以测量空气压力的一种仪表。
A barometer is an instrument which is used for measuring air pressure.2)表示“A与B之间的关系由C来表示”的句型。