研究生英语翻译 减词法.ppt

晶体管非常小而且所需要的能量也少从而(cóng ér)使 以前的大设备变得小多了
晶体管非常小所需能量少因此(yīncǐ)以前的大设备变得小多 了
Part-time waitress applicants who worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. 应聘业余服务员的人有工作经验的比没有工作经 验的优先(yōuxiān)录取 业余服务员招牌有工作经验(jīngyàn)者优先
Besides teaching the deaf and dumb he was absorbed in the scientific study of sound, and also in the possibilities of transmitting it by means of electricity or light.
减译法(yì fǎ)PPT学习课件
减译法指翻译时省略原语 语表形式中出现而译语中 不需要或可有可无(kě yǒu kě wú)的语言单位,以使 译文言简意赅。原则是“ 减词不减意”。对象可以 是全译单位中的任何层级 :音位、词素、词、词组 、小句。
there be的减译 There is a rapidly increasing range of uses for electronic computers. 电子计算机的应用范围正在迅速扩 大。 There are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless. 有些化学(huàxué)燃料洁净无烟。
晶体管非常小所需能量少因此(yīncǐ)以前的大设备变得小多 了
Part-time waitress applicants who worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. 应聘业余服务员的人有工作经验的比没有工作经 验的优先(yōuxiān)录取 业余服务员招牌有工作经验(jīngyàn)者优先
Besides teaching the deaf and dumb he was absorbed in the scientific study of sound, and also in the possibilities of transmitting it by means of electricity or light.
减译法(yì fǎ)PPT学习课件
减译法指翻译时省略原语 语表形式中出现而译语中 不需要或可有可无(kě yǒu kě wú)的语言单位,以使 译文言简意赅。原则是“ 减词不减意”。对象可以 是全译单位中的任何层级 :音位、词素、词、词组 、小句。
there be的减译 There is a rapidly increasing range of uses for electronic computers. 电子计算机的应用范围正在迅速扩 大。 There are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless. 有些化学(huàxué)燃料洁净无烟。

• 内科医生由于无力治愈癌症而感到挫败,并且担心病人失 去希望,往往提出一些过于积极的治疗,远远超出科学的 合理范围。
• The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts.
• 随着美国房价下跌,业主负担不起不断上升的利率,越来 越多的人断供,引发了次贷危机。次贷危机显示这些值得 尊敬的华尔街公司并不完美。
• Even if a job’s starting salary seems too small to satisfy an emerging adult’s need for rapid content, the transition from school to work can be less of a setback if the start-up adult is ready for the move.
• 一些当地餐馆在广东人的婚礼上提供经典的九道菜 筵席,鱼翅传统上就在其中。保护组织已经游说这 些餐馆为新人提供一份没有鱼翅的菜单。
• But the fact that the answers to America's racial problems now lie in a more vibrant economy and the nitty gritty of politics and policing is itself a form of progress.
• 有些人不了解必须通过动物试验才能研究出这些疗
• The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts.
• 随着美国房价下跌,业主负担不起不断上升的利率,越来 越多的人断供,引发了次贷危机。次贷危机显示这些值得 尊敬的华尔街公司并不完美。
• Even if a job’s starting salary seems too small to satisfy an emerging adult’s need for rapid content, the transition from school to work can be less of a setback if the start-up adult is ready for the move.
• 一些当地餐馆在广东人的婚礼上提供经典的九道菜 筵席,鱼翅传统上就在其中。保护组织已经游说这 些餐馆为新人提供一份没有鱼翅的菜单。
• But the fact that the answers to America's racial problems now lie in a more vibrant economy and the nitty gritty of politics and policing is itself a form of progress.
• 有些人不了解必须通过动物试验才能研究出这些疗

1。中国足球的落后状态必须改变。 The(state of/condition of) backwardness of the Chinese footaball
must be changed. 2。1992年后,一些西方国家失业现象非常严重。 After 1992, there has been serious unemployment in some western countries. 3。我为他对您的粗暴行为表示歉意。 I am sorry for his rudeness towards you. 4。他对我的和蔼态度是无法形容的。 His kindness to me is beyond my power of expression.
Go ahead if you think the job suits you.,and don’t if not. It’s all up to you to 2
They have done much more contributions for the state than we have。 8。责任制度,条件成熟了的就可以实行,条件不成熟的的不要实 行。
That young fellow is somewhat rash (in the head). 3.在中国,离开了武装斗争,就没有无产阶级的地位,就没有人民的地位,就没有共 产党的地位. Without armed struggle, neither the proletariat, nor the people, nor the Communisit Party would have any standing at all in China. 4.他们为国家做的事,比我们所做的多的多.
must be changed. 2。1992年后,一些西方国家失业现象非常严重。 After 1992, there has been serious unemployment in some western countries. 3。我为他对您的粗暴行为表示歉意。 I am sorry for his rudeness towards you. 4。他对我的和蔼态度是无法形容的。 His kindness to me is beyond my power of expression.
Go ahead if you think the job suits you.,and don’t if not. It’s all up to you to 2
They have done much more contributions for the state than we have。 8。责任制度,条件成熟了的就可以实行,条件不成熟的的不要实 行。
That young fellow is somewhat rash (in the head). 3.在中国,离开了武装斗争,就没有无产阶级的地位,就没有人民的地位,就没有共 产党的地位. Without armed struggle, neither the proletariat, nor the people, nor the Communisit Party would have any standing at all in China. 4.他们为国家做的事,比我们所做的多的多.

新闻报道通常要求语言简 练、信息量大,减译法在 此类文本翻译中尤为重要 。
广告文案需要吸引眼球、 言简意赅,减译法能够帮 助去除冗余信息,突出核 心卖点。
法律文件的语言严谨、规 范,减译法有助于确保译 文准确无误,避免歧义。
03 增减译法的实际 应用
减译法并不是随意地省略原文中的词语,而是在保证译文准 确传达原文意思的前提下,进行必要的语言提炼和精简。
减译法的首要原则是保留原文中的核 心信息,即那些对译文理解至关重要 的内容。
在进行减译时,还需考虑目标语的表 达习惯,使译文更加地道、自然。
减译法的另一原则是删除原文中冗余 、重复或与译文语境无关的部分。
增译的词语或短语可以是名词、动词 、形容词、副词等,具体根据原文语 境和目标语言习惯而定。
增译法是翻译中常用的技巧之一 ,它能够弥补原文中省略或隐含 的信息,使译文更加完整、准确 。
通过增译法,可以更好地传达原 文的语义、语境和修辞,提高译 文的可读性和可理解性。
考虑目标语言习惯பைடு நூலகம்合理调整
熟悉目标语言的表达习惯和语 法规则,以便在翻译过程中进 行合理的调整和改写。
注意目标语言的行文规范和修 辞手法,使译文更加符合目标 语言的表达习惯,提高可读性 和接受度。
在保持原文信息完整的前提下 ,适当调整句子结构和语序, 以使译文更加符合目标语言的 表达逻辑。

e.g. The mountains were covered with snow. —
e.g. The crowd made a way for him. — 众人给
▪ Adding quantifiers
➢ 英语中的名词,特别是可数名词,一般直接与数词或冠词连 用;而汉语几乎总是要用量词。
Adding 增词译法
▪ 英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不尽相同, 翻译时既可能将词类转换,有时候也可 能将词量增减。
▪ 增词法就是在翻译时按意义上或修辞上 或句法上的需要增加一些词来更忠实、 通顺地表达原文思想内容。这当然不是 无中生有地随意乱加,而是增加原文中 虽无其词却有其义的一些词。
e.g. Be sure to wash before meal. — 饭前一定要洗手。
e.g. Doesn’t she wash after getting up?
— 起床后她难道不洗漱(洗脸刷牙)吗?
e.g. He sometimes forgets to wash before going to bed.
— 这台收音机真是物美价廉。
e.g. She is a complicated girl – moody, sensitive and skeptical.
— 她是个性格复杂的人:喜怒无常,多愁善感,疑神疑鬼。
➢ After the abstract noun
▪ e.g. After all preparations were made, the sports meet began.

• 1.大作收到,十分高兴。 • I am very glad to have received your writing. • 2.没有调查就没有发言权。 • He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. • 3.把这些故事看完以后,用你自己的话讲一遍。 • After you have read these stories, tell them in your own words.
•教学目的要求:在汉译英中能熟练使用增词 法和减词法的翻译技巧。 •教学重点:增词法和减词法(代词和连词) •教学难点:汉语排比句的翻译,使用减词法。
• 一、为了保证语法结构的完整:
• 代词:汉语中有许多没有主语的句子,英语则一般需要主语。另外汉语中很多名 词前都没有代词,需要增补。
•1. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 •Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. •2. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 •So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood.
We must make a comprehensive analysis of problem before it can be
• 二、为了保证译文意思更加明确。
• 文中暗含的意思:
•1.大家都知道朝鲜战场是艰苦些。 •Everyone knows that life on the Korean battlefield was rather hard. •2.要提倡顾全大局。 •We should advocate the spirit
•教学目的要求:在汉译英中能熟练使用增词 法和减词法的翻译技巧。 •教学重点:增词法和减词法(代词和连词) •教学难点:汉语排比句的翻译,使用减词法。
• 一、为了保证语法结构的完整:
• 代词:汉语中有许多没有主语的句子,英语则一般需要主语。另外汉语中很多名 词前都没有代词,需要增补。
•1. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 •Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. •2. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 •So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood.
We must make a comprehensive analysis of problem before it can be
• 二、为了保证译文意思更加明确。
• 文中暗含的意思:
•1.大家都知道朝鲜战场是艰苦些。 •Everyone knows that life on the Korean battlefield was rather hard. •2.要提倡顾全大局。 •We should advocate the spirit

活动→多种活动 样品→多种样品 型号→多种型号 问题→这些问题 矛盾→这些矛盾 书籍→各类书籍 尺寸→各类尺寸 内容→各项内容 指标→各项指标 情况→种种情况 原因→种种原因
5 补译省略部分
原文为使语言简洁,防止反复而 省掉了一种或几种词、词组。汉译时 补译出原文所省略之词,会使译文意 思清楚明确、生动有力,具有行文优 美、构造完整之感。
例1:It is enough to shatter complacency.
例2: stillness confusion measurement purification repetition management calculation accommodation joint saturation preparation remedies modification
seize, and enjoy every moment of it.
【译文】懂得时间旳真正价值。才干争取每一 刻,抓住每一刻,享有每一刻。
例1:Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it.
例1:We admire him for the way in which he faces his difficulties.
例2: activities samples types problems contradictions books sizes contents targets circumstances causes
研究生英语翻译 减词法-30页PPT资料

• 减词法 (省略法) (omission) • 结构角度: 省略介词、代词、连词、冠词、
• 修辞角度
• But it is the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it.
• 但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变 过来
• 电可以在相隔一段距离的地方显示各种测 量结果,这在许多场合都是很重要的。
• Energy may or not be the primary factor in system design.
• 在系统设计中,能源可能是第一位因素, 也可能不是第一位因素。
• He showed himself calm in emergency situation.
• You will see to it that the engine doesn’t get out of order
• 注意别让发动机出毛病 • The finished products must be sampled to check
their quality before they leave the factory. • 成品在出厂前必须抽样进行质量检查
• Beta 细胞也许可以根治人类的糖尿病
• The dioxide produces about ten times more radiant power than that one.
• 为了把卫星送入轨道,必须使火箭达到每 秒约5英里的速度
• If winter comes, can spring be far behind? • If I had known it, I would not have joined in
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• 减词法 (省略法) (omission) • 结构角度: 省略介词、代词、连词、冠词、
• 修辞角度
• But it is the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it.
• 但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变 过来
• 他们登上直升机,飞到高空,就是为了对 这个城市作一鸟瞰,
• Iron products are often coated lest they should rust.
• 铁制品常常涂以保护层,以免生锈
• A rocket must gain a speed of about five miles per second that it may put a satellite in orbit.
of water becomes greater.
• On June 5,1985, we’ll celebrate our victory. • Smoking is not allowed in the store house • 仓库重地,不准抽烟 • I saw a boy and a girl on my way home.
• 他在情况危急时,态度从容,整定自若。
• The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied.
• 这些问题显然使这位头脑迟钝的发言人感 到意外,他立刻显得张口结舌,哑口无言
• 钢的硬度大,强度高 • This laser beam covers a very narrow
range of frequencies. • 这种激光束的频率范围很窄。
• The Beta cell could provide mankind’s first permanent cure for diabetes.
• 电可以在相隔一段距离的地方显示各种测 量结果,这在许多场合都是很重要的。
• Energy may or not be the primary factor in system design.
• 在系统设计中,能源可能是第一位因素, 也可能不是第一位因素。
• He showed himself calm in emergency situation.
• He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons, and a few more men.
• 他想给他们增加些援助,增添些武器,增 派些人员。
• Now birth control became a possibility. • 现在计划生育已成为一种可行的办法了 • His arrogance made everyone dislike him. • 他的傲慢态度使谁也不喜欢他。 • The reliability of IC could be significantly
• 当书中列有表格或其他参考资料时, 应当将这些内 容编排在适当的位置, 以便使学生在查阅时, 不必 翻太多的书页
• These piston rings are so worn that they must be renewed.
• 这些活塞环磨损得相当严重,必须更新
• They stepped into a helicopter and flew high in the sky so that they might have a bird’s eye view of the city.
improved with the good use of passivation process. • 如果很好地采用钝化工艺,集成电路的可 靠性还可大大提高
• Electricity permits indication of measurements at a distance, which is very important in many fields.
• 为了把卫星送入轨道,必须使火箭达到每 秒约5英里的速度
• If winter comes, can spring be far behind? • If I had known it, I would not have joined in
it. • 早知如此,我就不参加了。 • As the temperature increases, the volume
• Thehould by all means remove them
• 废气对我们是有害的, 应该尽力加以排除
• When tables and other materials are included, they should be conveniently placed, so that a student can consult them without turning over too many pages.
• You will see to it that the engine doesn’t get out of order
• 注意别让发动机出毛病 • The finished products must be sampled to check
their quality before they leave the factory. • 成品在出厂前必须抽样进行质量检查
The boy had a book and the girl a doll. • When I got to the wharf, the steamer had
already started.
• Steels possess good hardness and high strength.