
(1)He who never reached the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。
(2) We live and learn. 活到老,学到老。
(1) I’ve received your letter and read it with delight. 我收到了你的来信,愉快地读了。
3.省略物主代词英语中的物主代词,汉译时往往可以省略,例如,I wash my face in the morning. 汉语只需说“我早上洗脸”,而不必说“我早上洗我的脸”。
(1)It was just growing dark, as she shut the garden gate. 她关上园门时,已是暮色苍茫了。
(2) I glanced at my watch. It was earlier than I thought. 我看了一下手表,发现时间比我想象的要早。

例1:Packing together with packaging is designed not only as a form of protection but also a form to facilitate handling, storage, to prevent pilferage and what's more to help promote the sales.译文:包装和包装方法不仅仅是为了保护商品,也是为了便利搬运和库存、防止盗窃,更重要的是,有助于促销。
(1)增补回答句中省略的词语1例2:—He doesn’t know, does he?—Yes, he does.译文:——他不知道吧?——不,他知道。
例3:—Did you enjoy your time in Beijing?—Yes, I did.译文:——你在北京过得愉快吗?——是的,我过得很愉快。
(2)增补并列结构中省略的词语例4:On average, the economy performs less well in a president's second term than in his first.That pattern probably does not apply to Mr Obama. Since his first term was so difficult, the next, by rights, ought to be better.译文:一般来说,美国总统第二个任期内的经济不如第一任期。

1.1 语法的需要(英汉差异) 1.2 语义的需要(意义表达)
1.3 语用的需要(修辞、文化)
1.1 语法的需要(英汉差异)
1.1.1英语中的名词为复数形式时 (1) I saw bubbles rising from under the water. 译文:我看见一个个水泡从水下升起。 (2) The first electronic computers went into operation in 1945. 译文:第一批电子计算机于1945年投入使用。
1.2 语义的需要(意义表达)
1.2.3 不定式作目的或结果状语
We made transistors by different means only to get the same effect.
我们用不同的方法制造晶体管,结果得到相同的效 应。 当动词不定式和不定式短语表示目的或结果状语时, 通常就可在其前面加:“为了”,“要”,“以 便”,“就”,“从而”,“结果”等词。
既然“那件事没有发生过”,又怎么谈得上 “令人吃惊”呢?
What hasn’t happened in the past is a former FBI agent that is charged with colluding with the wise guys in a murder. That doesn’t happen and that’s shocking.
Marry的宾语也可以不直接是人: She married a fortune. “她嫁了个有钱人”,(颇有点“傍大款”的意思。) She married into purple. “她嫁到了一个显赫之家”。
06 减词法(翻译)

• • • • • • • • • • • • He looked gloomy and troubled. 他看上去有些忧愁不安。 Despite the privation, and the mounting toll of dead and wounded, morale remained intact, and people still smile in the street. 尽管供应不足,伤亡增加,然而士气并未受到影响。街上,人们照常脸有笑容。 We know spring was coming because we had seen a robin. 我们看到了一只知更鸟,知道春天快要到了。 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗? You’ve got to be careful of these eastern lawyers. If you are not careful, they’ll take you and turn you inside out. 对这些东部的律师可得小心/提防。你若一不小心,他们就会抓/逮住你,把你整的够呛。 At last, on June 6, 1944, after the European war basically decided and Hitler licked, the allies launched their long-delayed western front. 一九四四年六月六日,在欧洲战局基本已见分晓、希特勒败局已定之后,盟军才终于开辟 了(他们的)久违的西线战场。
• A boy is always a boy. • 孩子总是孩子。
翻译基础 减词法PPT课件

❖(9) The mother and the eldest daughter weeded the ridges, passing before the others…A younger son, of twelve years, brought sea sand in a donkey‘s creels (钓鱼用的鱼篓) from a far corner of the field. They mixed the sand with the black clay. The fourth child, still almost an infant, staggered about near his mother, plucking weeds slowly and offering them to his mother as gifts.
他有个架子在那边,储存着波西米亚风格的 文件,烟管,烟草,剪刀,缝衣针,线和裁 缝的大头针。
❖ (6) Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers…
❖ (1) I know my friends from the feel of their faces. ❖ 我通过触摸脸庞来认识朋友
❖ (2) Ice is a solid. If we heat it, it melts and becomes water.
❖ 冰是固体,如果加热就会融化成水
喜悦的人有能力将阳光带入房中,使每个人 都想沐浴其中。

to change it. — 不过我就是这个脾气,虽然竭力想改,终究还
e.g. You can never tell.
— 很难说。
e.g. We eat to live, but not live to eat.
— 吃饭是为了活着,可活着不是为了吃饭。
— 交出翻译之前必须多读几遍,看看里面有没有要修改的地方。
➢ Cutting the possessive pronoun
▪ e.g. For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its path and its garden.
— 我看了一眼照片,马上就认出了她。
Adding words which indicate the tense
▪ — 这是你的书吗? — 是我的。
▪ e.g. — what? Don’t you love him?
— Yes, of
course I do.
▪ — 什么?难道你不爱他? 爱他!
— 我当然
➢ 排比句
▪ e.g. “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready

2)If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 3) Come if you like.
英语有冠词,汉语没有冠词,因此,英译汉时往往可将 冠词省略。
1.2.8 “be”开头的让步状语从句
(1)Be the shape of a body complicated, it is possible to find out its volume.
(2)All magnets behave the same, be they large or small.
1.1 语法的需要(英汉差异)
(1) I saw bubbles rising from under the water.
(2) The first electronic computers went into operation in 1945.
(3) Cargo insurance is to protect the trader from losses that many dangers may cause.
(2) The sun rose thinly from the sea.
(3) A stream was winding its ways through the valley into the river.
1.2 语义的需要(意义表达)
1.2.1 抽象名词
(1) Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty.
省略译法的目的是为了使译文简明扼要、通顺。要特 别注意,省略法不是,也不能删去其中的内容。
五. 动词省略
• When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low. • 气压低,沸点就低。 • This laser beam covers a very narrow range of frequencies. • 这个激光束的频率范围很窄。 • These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources. • 这些发展中国家土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。
• Whether the laws are good or bad, they cannot complain, they cannot question, they cannot suggest changes. • 无论法律是否公正,他们都无法抱怨、无法 质疑、无法建议修改。
• 2.英语中的泛指人称代词作主语时,常常可以省略, 翻译成无主句。 • As you come into the room, you’ll notice a piano. • 一进房间门,就会看见一台钢琴。 • One can never be too careful in one’s work. • 工作越仔细越好。 • Fight when you can win; move away when you cannot win. • 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。 • We have 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. • 一周有七天,一天有24小时。
• The significance of a man is not in what he attains but rather in what he longs to attain. • 人生的意义不在于已获取的,而在于渴望获得 什么样的东西。 • Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it while young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. • 知识是人到老年舒适而又必须的归宿。如果年 轻时不种下知识之树,老年时就得不到树阴的 遮蔽。
研究生英语翻译 减词法-30页PPT资料

• 减词法 (省略法) (omission) • 结构角度: 省略介词、代词、连词、冠词、
• 修辞角度
• But it is the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it.
• 但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变 过来
• 电可以在相隔一段距离的地方显示各种测 量结果,这在许多场合都是很重要的。
• Energy may or not be the primary factor in system design.
• 在系统设计中,能源可能是第一位因素, 也可能不是第一位因素。
• He showed himself calm in emergency situation.
• You will see to it that the engine doesn’t get out of order
• 注意别让发动机出毛病 • The finished products must be sampled to check
their quality before they leave the factory. • 成品在出厂前必须抽样进行质量检查
• Beta 细胞也许可以根治人类的糖尿病
• The dioxide produces about ten times more radiant power than that one.
• 为了把卫星送入轨道,必须使火箭达到每 秒约5英里的速度
• If winter comes, can spring be far behind? • If I had known it, I would not have joined in
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letter. 非常高兴收到你的来信。 3.汉语很多时候需要靠加词来说明,而
英语则更多靠一个词的内在含义。 财政赤字 → (financial) deficit 广大群众 → (broad) masses
house if you don’t know how to make a design or how to read it.
本文档所提供1.的I信f 息w仅in供t参er考之co用m,e不s能, 作ca为n科s学p依r据in,g请b勿e模f仿ar。文be档h如in有d不?
本文档所提供的信息仅供参考之用,不能作为科请有联系冠本人词或,网站代删除词。(尤其是人称 代词、关系代词)、连词、介词用得也 远比英语少。因此,英译汉时,减译自 然就必不可少了。
2.汉语里无主语的句子相当多,而英语则 不同,句子一般都需要有主语。
from the trees, the grass was dead. 3. We should gradually eliminate the
differences between town and country. 4. Applicants who have worked at a job will
本文档所提供省的信译息仅法当供/之参减处考,之译请用法联,系不是能本增作人为或译科网学站法依删的据除,。反请面勿模。仿。文档如有不 就同一个译例来说, 英译汉如果用增译法, 汉译英则应用省译法, 反之亦然。
The lion is the king of animals. 狮子是百兽之王。
2. There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.
3. We should gradually eliminate the differences between town and country.
6. You cannot build a ship, a bridge or a house if you don’t know how to make a design or how to read it.
不会制图或看不懂图纸,就不可能造船、架桥或 盖房子。
receive preference over those who have not. 5. He put his hands into his pockets and then
shrugged his shoulders. 6. You cannot build a ship, a bridge or a
4. Applicants who have worked at a job will receive preference over those who have not
5. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.
试译以下当句之处子,请: 联系本人或网站删除。 1. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 2. There was no snow, the leaves were gone
约翰一收到母亲的信就立即启程前往伦 敦。
本文档所提供的信息仅供参考之用,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿。文档如有不 当之处,请联系本人或网站删除。
一、“It”做主语表时间、距离、自然现 象,通常省译。例:
What time is it? It is half past four. It is a long way from here to the zoo. It’s a bit warm today, isn’t it? 今天有点暖和,是吗? It was just growing dark, as she shut the
After they had entered the school, they went into the library.
John left for London as soon as he received the letter from his mother.
1、主语的省译 2、宾语的省译 3、定语的省译 4、连接词的省译 5、冠词的省译 6、介词的省译 7、其他
主语的省译 本文档所提供的信息仅供参考之用,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿。文档如有不 当之处,请联系本人或网站删除。
一般来说,句子的主语是要译出来的。 但有时为了使译文前后句子意思紧凑或 者为了使译文前后句子主语能清楚表达 出来,就要省译主语。
If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
I don’t like soft drinks. 我不爱喝饮料。
本文档所提供的信息仅供参考之用,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿。文档如有不 当之处,请联系本人或网站删除。
所谓省译法,是指不译出原文中的某些词, 因为译文中虽无其词已有其义或在译文中 是不言而喻的。这省略一般是出于译文语 法和习惯表达法的需要 。但是省译决不是 删去原文的某些思想内容。