安捷伦说明书(驻波比表)N9330A UG-cn
北京鑫海莱光电科技有限公司 栗保田
测试功能: 测试功能 频域: 驻波比,电缆损耗,回波损耗 故障定位: 驻波比,电缆损耗 频率范围: 频率范围 25KHz---4.0GHz 频率分辨率: 100KHz 测试速度: 测试速度 2秒/全屏幕(全扫描,521点,CW扫描方式) 采样数据点: 采样数据点 521,131,521(可选择) 回波损耗测量: 回波损耗测量 测量范围: 0.00-----60.00dB 分辨率: 0.01dB 驻波比测量: 驻波比测量 测量范围: 1.00----65.00 分辨率: 0.01
最大的显示屏幕: 最大的显示屏幕:
7.2英寸彩色透反射显示屏.安捷伦公司的N9340A天馈线测试 仪的显示屏采用了独有的透反射技术,使仪表在室外尤其是在阳 光下的显示更加的清晰.
最长的电池连续工作时间: 最长的电池连续工作时间:
稳定可靠的锂电充电电池,可连续工作时间≥4小时.同类仪表采 用锂电池的不多,因此电池出现的问题也较多.具有独特的节电 方式.可以大大延长电池的连续工作时间.
仪表操作简便: 仪表操作简便: N9330A天馈线测试仪将测试过程中常用的硬键单 独设置在面板上,不像其他同类仪表采用复合键的 方式,进而简化了仪表的操作.
严密的屏蔽措施: 严密的屏蔽措施:
N9340A具有严密的机内金属屏蔽措施,极大的提高了仪表的稳 定可靠性.无线测试仪表的屏蔽是极为重要的,屏蔽效果越好, 外界信号对仪表测试的影响也就越小,仪表测试的准确性,稳定 性能也就越高.安捷伦公司的N9340A天馈线测试仪采用了全金属 屏蔽措施,使仪表的稳定性和可靠性在同类仪表中
Measure:快速测量、电压测量、时间测量、相位和延迟、前冲和 过冲、混合测量(数字部分)、眼图测量等。 Analyze:主要用于数学测量包括FFT (傅里叶变换)、微积分、 差分等 Utilities:示波器的校准、自检、远程设置等 Help:帮助文件查阅
右旋钮:旋转调节波形的水平移动,按下可以进行微调。 Auto Scale键:自动设置 (Autoscale) 在优化存储器的同时 ,可快速显示任何模拟或数字的活动信号,并且自动以最佳的 比例、最佳的分辨率显示波形。按Auto Scale键时,示波器将快 速确定哪个通道有活动,并将打开这些通道,对其进行定标以 显示输入信号。 Touch键:关闭/开启触屏功能。 Zoom键:快速响应和最佳分辨率的特性,对于比较复杂的 波形,按下可以进行局部放大,查看细节波形。 Clear Display键:清屏功能,当载入新波形时,新波形会 与屏幕上的原波形重叠,按下可以清楚原波形,只剩下载入的 新波形。 Default Setup键:按下可以恢复系统默认设置。
4.1 运行控制部分(Run Countrol):
Run/Stop键(Auto、Arm‟d、Trig‟d):控制系统的运行或 停止。 Single键:单次采集按钮 。按下水平延迟按钮将延迟设为 零。
4.2. 水平控制部分(Horizontal):
± 0.19 dB
160 MHz; 频率范围高达 50 GHz
100%, 信号宽度窄至 3.57 μs
在实际的信号分析中,仪器的 演进能力通常意味着您的成功。对 于未来设计,出色的测量性能能够 保证对复杂信号进行详细分析; 对于 现有技术,设备的通用性能可帮助 您降低产品成本; 对于传统测试系 统,继承式更新换代能够确保持续 的稳定性。
使用 SNS 或 346 系列噪声源和 N9069A 测量应用软件进行噪声 系数测量。
使用外部触发输入信号 对指定事件进行测量。
使用外部触发输出信号将分 析仪与其它测试设备同步。
用于日后应用 的数字总线。
内置功能让您做得更多, 优化连通性和控制
PXA 支持 USB 功率探头和安捷 伦智能噪声源 (SNS 系列),能够进行 功率和噪声系数测量。作为系统控 制器,PXA 还可以通过 GPIB、LAN 和 USB 端口以及 Windows XP Pro 操作 系统控制其它仪器。在控制器模式 下,PXA 可以取代测试系统 PC,因 此有可能简化系统体系结构以及机 密军事 ATE 应用的安全程序。外部混 频器还支持您测量频率高达 325 GHz 及以上的信号。
一个真正的面向未来的信 号分析仪具有高度灵活性,能够 升级并增强所有主要的子系统: 机械、电子、固化软件和软件。 PXA 分析仪能够在上述 4 个方面 进行升级和增强:
● 仪器组件能够提供 7 个扩展插 槽,以用于增强未来功能
● 可拆卸的 CPU 主板,能够支持 CPU、存储器和 I/O 升级
Agilent E4402BESA-E Series Spectrum Analyzer使用方法简介宁波之猫2009-6-17目录1简介 (4)2.面板 (5)2.1 操作区 (5)2.2 屏幕显示 (7)3.各功能区的使用 (8)3.1 Control(控制)功能区 (8)3.1.1 Frequency Channel: (8)3.1.2 Span X Scale (9)3.1.3 Amplitude Y Scale (9)3.1.4 Input/Output (10)3.1.5 View/Trace (10)3.1.6 Display (11)3.1.7 Mode (12)3.1.9 Auto Cuple (12)3.1.10 BW/Avg (12)3.1.11 Trig (13)3.1.12 Single (13)3.1.13 Sweep (13)3.1.14 Source (14)3.2 Measure(测量)功能区 (14)3.2.1 Measure (14)3.2.2 Meas Setup (15)3.2.3 Meas Control (15)3.3 System(系统)功能区 (15)3.3.1 System (15)3.3.2 Preset (15)3.3.4 Print Setup&Print (16)3.4 Marker(标记)功能区 (16)3.4.1 Marker (16)3.4.2 Peak Search (16)3.4.3 Freq Count (16)3.4.4 Marker → (16)4.测试步骤举例 (17)1简介Agilent ESA-E系列是能适应未来需要的Agilent中性能频谱分析仪解决方案。
量程: 精度: D: RL: 分辨率: 量程: 精度: 分辨率: 量程: 分辨率: 垂直值: 近端干扰 远端干扰
回波损耗 SWR 电缆损耗 故障距离(DTF) 25MHz 至 4.0GHz 100kHz 0 ~ -20dBm 2秒/屏幕(全扫宽, 521 数据点, CW 扫描模式) (最大): 521 (可选 521, 261, 131) 0.00 至 60.00dB A = 20×log10(1.1+10(-(D-RL)/20)+0.016×10(-RL/20)+10(-3+RL/20)) 校准器的方向性 DUT 的回波损耗值 0.01dB 1.00 至 65.00 同 RL 0.01 0.00 至 30.00dB 0.01dB > 42dB,机械校准后的校正方向性 回波损耗: 0.00 至 60.00dB SWR: 1.00 至 65.00 (数据点数 – 1)×分辨率 数据点数 = 521, 261,或 131 分辨率(m) = (1.5×108)×(Vp)/(f2 – f1)Hz 这里 Vp 是电缆的相对传播速度 f2 是停止频率,f1 是开始频率 -5dBm, 距离载频 ±10 kHz 以内时 +17dBm, 距离载频 1 MHz 以外时 通过定向耦合器将干扰信号输入到N9330A, 测试时工作在CW模式 6
您需要尽可能快地设置例行测 试参数,或快速选择最常用的测试功 能。我们已为您提供了此类帮助。
• 电池工作时间长 • 便捷的USB连通性 • 可在强日光下清晰观看的LCD • 多语言用户界面 • 适用于现场使用的坚固设计
• 灵活、快捷的电子校准器 • 强大的后处理软件
Agilent N9330B手持式天馈线测试仪
Agilent N9330B 手持式天馈线测试仪
Agilent N9330B 手持式天馈线测试仪
可在频域中测试驻波比、电缆损耗和回波损耗,在时域中测试驻波比和电缆损耗测量速度快,精度高,能在不足2 秒时间内完成全频段最高分辨率的扫描内置USB 接口,能够进行无限量的测试结果的拷贝和存储,可以和计算机直接连接通信大尺寸,防反光超亮度液晶显示屏适合室内外测试的显示和观察仪表按键采用背光设计,无论环境明亮还是黑暗都可以方便地操作仪表严密的金属屏蔽层使仪表具有极强的抗干扰能力和极高的稳定性和可靠性特有的锂离子电池和节电工作模式,延长了电池的使用寿命技术指标:
25M ~ 4G
0 ~ -20
2 秒/屏幕(全扫描,521 数据点,CW 扫描方式)。
使用,重复或disclo的软件肯定是受安捷伦科技nologies!ˉ标准商业许可条款和非DOD部门和美国政府机构没有获得更大而不是限制权利定义在FAR 52.227-19中(C)(1-2)(6月1987年)。
测试通道 采样混频器
IF Channel (Referrence) 200KhZ BPF 25~50MHz本振 A/D A/D
IF Channel (Test) BPF 200KhZ
Data Process System
VSWR(驻波比) vs. 频率 Return loss(回损) vs. 频率 Cable loss(电缆损耗)vs. 频率 天馈线测试仪通过对频率域的测试,然后利用付立叶反变换得到时域分析, 时域信号进一步转换成距离域从而得到故障定位
无需在户内户外用不同的亮度调节 无需刻意遮蔽强光
更大更高分辨率的显示屏(7.2吋, 640x480分辨率)
3) USB连接
N9330A 后分析软件
天线及馈线测试基本概念 N9330A的性能指标 N9330的使用性 配件与选件 竞争分析
1) 4小时超长电池工作时间
• 内置智能锂电池,4500mAH, 4小时连续工作 • 可选的备用电池 • 车载充电器
2) 7.2” 防眩光 LCD
天线及馈线测试基本概念 N9330A的性能指标 N9330的使用性 配件与选件 竞争分析
Agilent N9330A 手持式天馈线测试仪
25 MHz – 4 GHz
N9330A (25M~4G Hz)技术规格指标
回波损耗 测量范围: 分辨率: 0 dB to 60 dB 0.01 dB 电压驻波比 测量范围: 分辨率:
安捷伦高效液相色谱仪操作说明一、校枪及样品处理1. 校枪仪器:两个小烧杯、分析天平、移液枪1000μL、100μL步骤:打开分析天平预热,一只烧杯放到称量盘上调零,一只装入纯水。
2. 样品处理:用1.5mL离心管取0.5mL发酵液,取出样品后,首现在离心机上离心(13000rap/min 3min)。
混匀后在离心机上离心(13000rap/min 3min)。
打开计算机,进入Windows XP 画面,并运行CAC Server程序,打开色谱仪各组件电源,待显示已联上各组件的信息及各模块自检完成后,双击Instrument 1 Online ,图标打开工作站。
安捷伦N9330A驻波比测试仪操作规程驻波比测试仪(安捷伦N9330A)操作规程2011/4/22中铁电气化局集团有限公司目录 (1)驻波比测试仪(安捷伦N9330A)操作规程 (3)一、适用范围: (3)二、使用安捷伦N9330A (7)三、开始测量 (9)测量回波损耗、驻波比、电缆损耗 (9)1 进行基本回波损耗测量 (9)2 进行故障定位测量(DTF) (9)3 存储和调用数据 (10)4 被测电缆型号问题 (13)5 标记峰值 (13)6 关闭所有标记 (14)四、建议 (14)目录目录 (1)驻波比测试仪(安捷伦N9330A)操作规程 (3)一、适用范围: (3)二、使用安捷伦N9330A (7)三、开始测量 (9)测量回波损耗、驻波比、电缆损耗 (9)1 进行基本回波损耗测量 (9)2 进行故障定位测量(DTF) (9)3 存储和调用数据 (10)4 被测电缆型号问题 (13)5 标记峰值 (13)6 关闭所有标记 (14)四、建议 (14)驻波比测试仪(安捷伦N9330A)操作规程一、适用范围:本仪器适用于在工程施工及维护中对各类无线网络系统(公安、消防、民用、专用、军事等)的通信电缆、天线系统的性能进行验证和查找故障。
基本测量功能:驻波比回波损耗驻波比测试仪驻波比电子校准开路/短路/50电缆损耗故障定位(驻波比和回波损耗)仪器按键介绍:序号 按钮 功能描述 1 待机开关控制测试仪开关2 功能键 包含:Mode 、FREQ/DIST 、AMPTO 、MEAS/VIEW 、SYS 、Hold/Run\Limit andMarker3 复位键 将仪器重置到一个已知的位置4 确认键 确认参数,选择或者配置5 校准键 进入校准程序6 退出、清除 退出对话框或者程序、清除数字或者字符输入7 保存、调用 保存数据或图像、查看保存的数据8 自动刻度键 自动设置边幅边界 9 对比度 调整屏幕对比度 10 旋钮 选择某个选项或者编辑数字11 亮度 调整屏幕亮度12 测试线缆接口用于连接测试线、校准仪的端口13 软键显示当前菜单功能1 2 3 45678910111213仪器顶端端口介绍:二、使用安捷伦N9330A1)按键开机,测试仪器开始工作运行并自检。
Agilent N9330A手持线路和天线测试仪25MHz-4.0GHz技术概述说明书
Agilent N9330AHandheld Cable and Antenna Tester 25 MHz - 4.0 GHzTechnical OverviewYour perfect solution for today's communicationsnetwork cable andantenna tester 1981Today, the increasing range of wireless applications provides end users on the move with faster and more diverse services.Broadband mobile data and telephony are now becoming ubiquitous, with coverage in most urban and many rural areas.The number of base stations (BTS) needing fast, efficient installation continues to grow. Moreover, the vast numbers of existing installed base stations need periodic maintenance and, from time to time, trouble shooting and repair.Whether you do your ownmaintenance, test or rely on third-party contractors, you know thatwell-maintained antenna networks and cable feed systems help ensure:z Better voice and data quality z Fewer dropped calls z Less dropped linksConsequently, an efficient and effective cable and antenna tester is now an essential basic test tools for use bynetwork engineers and technicians during such wireless network installation and maintenance.Key measurementFrequency domainz Return loss vs. Frequencyz VSWR vs. Frequency z Cable loss testDistance to fault (DTF)z Return loss vs. Distancez VSWR vs. DistanceEasy to use andconvenient to carry on to any site.N9330A ApplicationsWireless service providers: base station cable & antenna system I&MAerospace and defense: radio and radar cable & antenna system I&MBroadcasting and radio links: cable & antenna system I&M Utilities, emergency and security services Contractors for above•••••Verify performance and trouble-shoot base station cable and antenna systems: test wide band or narrow band from 25MHz to 4GHz:z New site installation and deploymentz Routine maintenance zTrouble shooting02Ensure the reliability of your cable and antenna systemEarly identification of potential problemsDeteriorating cable and antenna conditions, such as a loose or corroded connector, a pinched or restricted cable, or damaged lightning arrestors cause minor RF impedance changes. These result in poor VSWR, power loss and antenna bandwidth drift.Booting up fast,N9330A will minimize your test time,and store test data quickly.Alternatively, perhaps you are expanding or newly installing such services to meet end-user demand for total geographic coverage and service availability.Whatever your test circumstances, you most likely define your test targets as the number of sites tested per day by your technicians consequently you'll appreciate speed is important; adequate data stored to permit confident post-test analysis.You will find the Agilent N9330Atester equally useful, whether youare relying on the rapid installation of new civilian network infrastructure,or working in the rugged field environment of a military or homeland security communications modernization programs. Broadcasting and radio link set up are further application areas for this tester.Early identification of potentialproblemsDistance-To-Fault testing uses frequencydomain reflectrometry (FDR) techniquesthat readily identify theses slight changesin RF impedance. Therefore, routine DTFtests as part of a preventative maintenanceplan help identify these potential problemsallowing timely correction before they makecostly repairs necessary.You'll find that boot up is fast, test timeminimal, and test data stored quickly.It's truly lightweight, easily handheld,yet traditionally rugged: importantconsiderations when testing in the field.03A fast job, well doneAs a busy technician, you demandfast tester setup, fast calibration, and a straightforward, repeatable test procedure. That's what an Agilent N9330Atester gives you.Easier operationYou will need the fastest possiblesetup of routine test parameters, or wantto select quickly the most common testfunctions. We've helped you in this.Smart, fast calibrationAt the start of any new test setup, a three-step calibration is necessary, using an opencircuit, a short circuit, and a calibrated testload.The most accurate calibration method isto use an optional special 'T-combo' open/short/load. This avoids the need to bring 3separate calibrators, and makes for easyuse in the field.Furthermore, for fastest and automaticcalibration, you can also choose theN9330A-203 electronic calibrator, simplyconnect the electronic calibrator and useelectronic calibration.We organize front-panel with more hard buttonsand function keys for faster access to essential testfunctions.'T-combo'open/short/50 ohm loadElectronic calibrator04USB memory stick supportUSB connectivity for remote controlFast bootup timeAuto calibrationTest set-up recallMore direct-access hard keysRapid cursor control and markermovement using scroll knobEasy data loggingCustomized, unmistakably nameddata files and auto-sequential filenamingComprehensive results saved in aan easy-to-use formatAuto pass/fail test comparisonsN9330A-203As well as a faster bootup time, you willdiscover that the combination of hardkeysand softkeys provide an intuitive interfacefor all measurements.You'll discover we have made more ofyour most-used functions convenientlyselectable, directly via the large,front-panel keys without you having tosearch through successive screen menus.We know that working through many layersof soft keys and screen menu selectionscan be tedious and time consuming.Furthermore, the front-panel knob providesa simple scroll function, allowing rapidcursor movement to access data pointsacross scan displays, or data entries in lists.Use sensible archive file names related to site testedThe N9330A offers you the opportunity to use meaningful names for your stored data: names that you customize and relate to your site.You no longer have to tolerate anonymousfile names with no linkage to reality. It is now becoming easy to recognise and recall archived data files without the need for cross-referencing.What's more, the N9330A provides further convenience by saving you even more time and helping ensure fewer errors. We make it unnecessary for you to re-enter sequential file names as you store successive files.Powerful PC based post analysissoftwareOf course, effective cable and antennatesting is more than just making themeasurements.Whatever the result, it is probable there willbe a need for good post analysis. PowerfulPC post-test analysis software which isstandard with every N9330A, providesa trace analysis, trace comparison andcustomized report print and also date filesmanagement.The USB connection permits easyconnection to a PC for fast data exchange.Fast exchange data with tester via USB interfaceStore data and setup configurationwhere most convenientData storage is large enough for even thelargest of site test plans and procedures.For fast instrument set up, just select anyof the 15 stored configurations from theinternal memory.When you take the tester out into thefield, and have a large number of sites andinstallations to check, you need sufficientstorage capacity for earlier, historic data.The internal memory also stores up to 200traces, and you can save screen shots.Furthermore, for unlimited file storage,simply use a USB memory stick for externalstorage.Pressing the front panel “Save” function keydisplays the soft key, “Save DATA as”. Thisthen allows you to enter an appropriate filename.Take a closer look seewhat tester usability withvalue really means05Subsequently, on press the “Save DATA”soft key, each new file name automaticallyincrements, as, example inCHICAG_SITE2, CHICAG_SITE3,...06Agilent Technologies N9330A Handheld Cable and Antenna TesterAgilent TechnologiesN9330A Handheld Cable and Antenna TesterEasy results comparison-fast recall of stored data07Superlative in field useTesting in the field means that youmust often transport the tester to remote locations and work in the open: sometimes carrying it up towers, or possibly working in small, cramped buildings with no direct access to AC power on site.What is more, it is likely that you will have to test:under outside high or low temperature in strong sunshineor in poor weather conditions None of these provides the best operating environment for precision electronic test equipment.Yet, you will find that Agilent has designed the N9330A cable and antenna tester for just such conditions.•••Outstanding display technology provides superior performance under the most demanding lighting conditionsYou can be sure that that N9330A will continue to give excellent performance under the severest of conditions, wherever you take it and whatever the environment.Carry-case options provide safe, comfortable transportA soft carrying case which is a standard configuration provides added protection for the tester when you take it on site. This case has convenient shoulder straps, leaving the hands free for carrying other tools and equipment, or for safe climbing of access towers and gangways.For further protection of the tester when transporting it in more harsh environments, or loading it in the back of a truck, an optional hard transit case is available.The tester itself has a strong hand strap to help with portability when carried without the case.See scans clearly in the sunlight On site, in field test situations, you are certain to have to contend with bright sunlight.To avoid these problems and enable easier, more accurate readings, we equip each N9330A with a larger, transflective color LCD display. The reflective display ensure clear reading in bright lighting.The transflective display technology uses very small amounts of electric power, important for power conservation inbattery-powered electronic devices.08Low-cost, but nocompromise on Agilent supportSuperior battery performance There is often no convenient conventional AC power line connection available at remote BTS or antenna sites. Earlier battery technology used in some portable testers allowed only limited tester operating time before needing recharging.Customers have told us that good battery life is essential for remote, on-site testing.Your Agilent N9330A incorporates advanced battery pack technology with additional intelligent charging technology, providing you with up to four hours of continuous use. When extended operation is necessary, you simply switch batteries it takes just seconds.Worldwide service supportOf course, when you buy an Agilent tester, you are confident that should you need it you have the best worldwide support.The long- life lithium-ion batteries essentially have no 'memory', which is an important over earlier battary types employing alternative.Additionally, to maximise useful instrument test time when on site, each testerincorporates smart power management to help conserve battery power.The Agilent N9330A Cable and Antenna Tester - One of Agilent Technologies' new testinstruments in the compact, low-cost series09N9330A Handheld Cable and Antenna Tester SpecificationsT est functionsFrequency Range Frequency Resolution:Output Power:Measurement Speed:Number of Data Points:Return Loss :SWR:Cable Loss:Measurement Accuracy:Distance-to-Fault:Range:Resolution:Markers:User storage:GeneralDisplay:7.2" 640x480 transflective color LCD with adjustable backlightInstrument setup storage:Trace data storage:Screen pictures storage:up to 15up to 200 traces 10 screensSupport USB memory stick for instrument setup and trace data storageResolution (meter)=(1.5 x 10 )x (Vp)/(f2-f1)HzWhere Vp is the cable's relative propagation velocity.where f2 is the stop frequency and f1 is start frequency.(Number of data points - 1)x Resolution Number of data points=521, 261, or 131Vertical Range:Return Loss: 0.00 to 60.00 dB SWR 1.00 to 65.00>42 dB corrected directivity after mechanical calibrationRange:Resolution:0.00 to 30.00 dB 0.01 dBRange:Accuracy:Resolution: 1.00 to 65.00same as RL 0.01Range:Accuracy:D:RL:Resolution:0.00 to 60.00dBdirectivity of calibrator.return loss value of DUT.0.01 dB (maximun): 521 (selectable 521, 261, 131)2 second / screen (full span, 521 data point, CW sweep mode)0~-20 dBm100 kHz 25 MHz to 4.0 GHz Return loss SWR Cable lossDistance-to-fault(DTF)6Internal user flash memory:108A=20×log10(1.1+10 +0.016×10 +10 )(-(D-RL)/20) (-RL/20) (-3+RL/20)Electromagnetic Compatibility:IEC 61326-1:1997+A1: CISPR 11:1990/EN 55011: IEC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:IEC 61000-4-3:IEC 61000-4-4:IEC 61000-4-5:IEC 61000-4-6:IEC 61000-4-11:Canada: Australia/New Zealand:1998/EN 61326-1:1997+A1:19981991 Group 1 Class A1998/EN 61000-4-2:1995(ESD 4kV CD,8kV AD) 1995/EN 61000-4-3:1995(3V/m,80% AM)1995/EN 61000-4-4:1995(EFT 0.5kV line-line,1kV line-earth)1995/EN 61000-4-5:1995(Surge 0.5kV line-line,1kV line-earth)1996/EN 61000-4-6:1996(3V,0.15~80 MHz,80% AM,power line)1994/EN 61000-4-11:1994(Dips 1 cycle,100%)ICES-001:1998AS/NZS 2064.1IEC 61010-1:Safety:2001/EN61010-1:2001,CSA C22.2 No.61010-1:2004,UL61010-1:2004Operating:Non-operating:Temperature:-10 to +50 , humidity 85% or less-40 to +70 (Recommend the battery be stored separately below 0and above+40 for any prolonged non-operating storage period.)Environmental:According to Agilent Environmental Test Manual class OE, except TemperaturePower Supply:External DC Input:+11 to +25 volt dc, 40W min.Internal battery:Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, 4 hours operating timeSize(w x h x d):Weight:Dimensions:317mm x 207 mm x 69 mm (12.5 in x 8.1 in x 2.7 in)Net weight: 2.6 kg (5.73 lbs)Weight with battery: 2.9 kg (6.39 lbs)Input and output ports:RF Test Port:Maximum Input without Damage:USB master:USB slave:Type N, female, 50W+25 dBm, ±50 VDC1 x A plug1 x B plugv1.1 protocolv1.1 protocolSoft carrying caseN9330A handheld cable and antenna testerSpare rechargeable batteryPhase-stable extension cableAutomotive 12V DC adaptorElectronic calibrator‘ T-combo'open/short/50 ohm load Hard transit case11Agilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent Open/find/openAgilent Open simplifies the process of connecting and programming test systems to help engineers design, validate and manufacture electronic products. Agilent offers open connectivity for a broad range of system-ready instruments, open industry software, PC-standard I/O and global support, which are combined to more easily integrate test system development.Remove all doubtOur repair and calibration services will get your equipment back to you, performing like new, when promised. You will get full value out of your Agilent equipment throughout its lifetime.Your equipment will be serviced by Agilent-trained technicians using the latest factory calibration procedures, automated repair diagnostics and genuine parts. You will always have the utmost confidence in your measurements.Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services for your equipment, including initial start-up assistance , onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, and project management.For more information on repair and calibration services, go to www. /find/remove all doubtFor more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Phone or Fax United States:(tel) 800 829 4444(fax) 800 829 4433Canada :(tel) 877 894 4414(fax) 800 746 4866China:(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 800 820 2816Europe:(tel) 31 20 547 2111Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007Printed in USA, May 25, 20075989-5522ENOrdering InformationModel DescriptionNumberConnectorsN9330A25 MHz to 4 GHz Handheld Cable and Antenna TesterAccessories supplied as standard with the tester:• User's Guide CD (Chinese for mainland China; English for other countries and regions) • Quick-start Tutorial (English version and Chinese version) • Soft carrying case • Rechargeable battery• AC-DC adaptor with power cord • PC tool kit software CD • USB cableOptions201202203301302303BAT 1DC 1TC Precision mechanical short/open/50 ohm load, DC to 4 GHz Precision mechanical short/open/50 ohm load, DC to 4 GHz Electronic calibrationPhase-stable extension cable 1.5 m Phase-stable extension cable 1.5 m Connector adaptorSpare rechargeable battery Automotive 12V DC adaptor Hard transit case N-type (male)7/16 DIN (male)N-type (male)Type-N (male) to type-N (female)Type-N (male) to 7/16 DIN (female)Type-N (male) to 7/16 DIN (female)Warranty and service Standard warranty is one year.R-51B-001-3C1-year return-to-Agilent warranty extended to 3-years CalibrationAgilent calibration upfromt support plan, 3-year coverageR-51B-001-3Korea:(tel) (080) 769 0800(fax) (080) 769 0900Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500Taiwan:(tel) 0800 047 866(fax) 0800 286 331Other Asia Pacific Countries:(tel) (65) 6375 8100(fax) (65) 6755 0042Email:*****************Revised: 11/08/06ADP Spare AC-DC adaptorABA Hard copy Engilish User Guide AB2Hard copy Chinese User Guide。
网络分析仪使用手册目录ACTIVE CH/TRACE Block:Channel Prev:选择上一个通道 Channel Next:选择下一个通道Trace Prev:选择上一个轨迹 Trace Next: 选择下一个轨迹RESPONSE Block:Channel Max: 通道最大化Trace Max: 轨迹最大化Meas:设置S参数Format:设置格式Scale: 设置比例尺Display: 设置显示参数Avg:波形平整Cal: 校准STIMULUS Block:Start:设置频段起始位置Stop:设置频段截止位置Center: 设置频段中心位置Span: 设置频段范围Sweep Setup: 扫描设置Trigger:触发NAVIGATION Block: Enter:确定ENTRY Block:Entry off: 取消当前窗口Back space: 退格键Focus:窗口切换键+/-:正负切换键G/n, M/,k/m: 单位输入INSTR STATE Block:Macro Setup:Macro Run:Macro Break:Save/Recall: 程序载入载出键 System:系统功能键Preset: 预设置键MKR/ANALYSIS Block:Marker:标记键Marker Search:标记设置键 Marker Fctn:标记功能Analysis:分析部分按键详细功能:--——-—-—--—-——---———-————-—--—--—----—---—-————-—-——-—---———System: (系统功能设定)Print:将显示屏画面打印出来Abort printing: 终止打印Printer setup:配置打印机Invert image: 颠倒图象颜色Dump screen image: 将显示屏画面保存到硬盘中E5091A setup: 略Misc setup: 混杂功能Beeper: 发声控制Beeper complete: 开/关提示音Test beeper complete:测试开/关提示音Beep warning:开/关警告音Test beep warning:测试开/关警告音Return:返回GPIB setup:略Network setup: 略Clock setup:时钟设定Set date and time:设置日期和时间Show clock:开/关时间显示Return:返回Key lock: 锁定功能Front panel & keyboard lock: 锁定前端面板和键盘Touch screen & mouse lock:锁定触摸屏和鼠标Return:返回Color setup:颜色设定Normal: 设置普通模式下的颜色设定Data trace1: 对数据轨迹1进行颜色设定Red:调整数据轨迹1红色分量的大小Green:调整数据轨迹1绿色分量的大小Blue: 调整数据轨迹1蓝色分量的大小Return: 返回Data trace2—Data trace 9: 数据轨迹2到数据轨迹9的颜色设定方法同数据轨迹1Mem trace1—Mem trace 9:记忆轨迹1到记忆轨迹9的颜色设定方法同数据轨迹1Graticule main:调整方格标签和外部筐架的颜色设定(设定方法同前)Graticule sub:调整方格线的颜色设定(设定方法同前)Limit fail:调整限制测试中失败标签的颜色设定(设定方法同前)Limit line: 调整限制线的颜色(设定方法同前)Background: 调整背景颜色(设定方法同前)Reset color:使用默认颜色设置Return:返回Invert:设置颠倒颜色后的颜色设置Return: 返回Channel trace setup:略Control panel: 略Return:返回Backlight: 略Firmware revision: 略Service menu: 略Return: 返回——-———-———-—-———-—--————-—————--—-—---—-----——-Trigger: (触发设定)Hold: 当前通道停止扫描Single: 进行一次扫描后停止Continuous:连续扫描Hold all channels:所有通道停止扫描Continuous disp channels:对所有通道进行连续扫描Trigger source:略Restart:终止一次扫描Trigger: 略Return:返回--—---——-—-———-——-—-----—---—---———---———-——-——Marker: (标记设定)Maker 1:激活标记1,并出现窗口设置其值Maker 2:激活标记2,并出现窗口设置其值Maker 3:激活标记3,并出现窗口设置其值Maker 4:激活标记4,并出现窗口设置其值More markers: 更多的标记Maker 5-9: 用法同前Return: 返回Ref marker: 激活参考标记,并出现窗口设置其激励值Clear marker menu:清除标记菜单All off:全部清除Maker 1: 清除标记1Maker 2—9: 同上Ref marker:清除参考标记Return: 返回Maker → Ref marker:将激活标记设置成参考标记Ref marker mode:设置为参考标记模式Return: 返回—-——-——-—--———--————--————---——-——--——--—--————Marker Fctn:(标记功能设定)Marker → start:设定标记的起始激励值Marker → stop:设定标记的截止激励值Marker → center:设定标记的中心激励值Marker → reference:略Marker → delay: 略Discrete:略Couple:略Marker table:调出标记列表Statistics: 显示三项统计数据Return: 返回—-----—-—-—---——--———--—-—--————-——--—-———-———- Marker search:(标记搜索设定)Max:将标记移到其轨迹上的最大点Min:将标记移到其轨迹上的最小点Peak:峰值功能Search peak: 寻找顶峰Search left:在左侧寻找顶峰Search right: 在右侧寻找顶峰Peak excursion:设置顶峰偏移Peak polarity: 极性设置Positive:正极性Negative:负极性Both: 双极性Cancel:取消Return:返回Target:目标搜索功能Search target:寻找目标Search left: 向左寻找目标Search right: 向右寻找目标Target value: 设定目标值Target transition:根据变化趋势寻找目标Positive: 正向搜索Negative: 负项搜索Both: 双向搜索Cancel: 取消Return: 返回Tracking: 跟踪Search range: 搜索范围菜单Search range: 关闭或开启局部搜索功能Start:设定搜索范围起始频率Stop:设定搜索范围截至频率Couple: 略Return:返回Bandwidth: 关闭或开启带宽搜索功能Bandwidth value:设定带宽值Return: 返回---—---—--——---—-—————--—--——---—-—-----—-—-———Meas: (s参数的设定)S11: 1端口发1端口收S12: 1端口发2端口收S21: 2端口发1端口收S22: 2端口发2端口收Return: 返回注:以上收发均针对网络测试仪而言,对被测产品来说刚好相反—-—----————-—-——-————-—--—-—-—----———-—-—---———Scale: ( 刻度标尺的设定)Auto scale:自动调整刻度标尺Auto scale all:对所有自动调整标尺Divisions:设定格子的个数(必须为偶数个)Scale/Div:设定每格所代表的值Reference position:确定参考线位置Reference value: 设定参考线值Marker reference: 将当前激活标记的响应值设为参考线Electrical delay:对激活的轨迹设置一个延迟Phase offset: 测试相位时添加相位偏移Return:返回--——-——-——------——--------——---—-—-—-—----———--Save/Recall: (保存,装载设定)Save state:存储当前状态State01-state08:将当前状态存于状态01到状态08Autorec:以Autorec为文件名将当前状态储存于硬盘中File dialog: 以任意文件名将当前状态保存于硬盘中Return: 返回Recall state:装载已保存状态State01—state08: 装载状态01到状态08Autorec:装载以文件名Autorec保存的状态File dialog: 装载以其它文件名保存的状态Return: 返回Save channel:State A – State D: 将当前所有通道设定保存到状态A到D中Clear states: 清除所有通道设定记录Ok: 确定Cancel:取消Return: 返回Recall channel:装载通道设定State A – State D: 将状态A到D中保存的通道设定装载出来Return: 返回Save type:设定存储类型State only:只保存设定数据State & Cal:保存设定和校验数据State & Trace: 保存设定和轨迹数据All: 保存所有数据Cancel: 取消Channel/Trace:略Save trace data: 保存轨迹数据Explore。
Agilent N9320B RF 頻譜分析儀 说明书
Agilent N9320B正是為了滿足您的這項需求而設計。
(50 MHz,-10 dBm),供高阻抗RF探棒使用RF(N型,母座)Kensington TTL當您需要速度更快且更符合成本效益的RF分析工具,來測試現今的消費性電子產品與元件時,不必再考慮了!5當您發現自己必須反覆執行同一種複雜的量測或量測程序時,擁有一些捷徑能讓您聰明地提高效率。
這也是我們在Agilent N9320B 頻譜分析儀中,為您準備的功能。
Agilent N9320B 頻譜分析儀延續了安捷倫一貫堅持的傳統,就是測試設備應該具有容易設定且簡單好用的功能。
熟悉安捷倫其他頻譜分析儀的使用者會發現,Agilent N9320B 採用了類似的使用者介面,對於縮短學習曲線及簡化操作很有幫助。
使用頻譜分析儀所執行的其中一項最基本的量測,就是在頻域中量測RF 功率。
利用RMS 平均運算偵測器,精確而快速地計算出通道功率和功率頻譜密度。
(ACP)可同時在最多6個偏移頻帶或通道,針對載波相對於載波洩漏,進行快速又準確的濾波式RMS 功率量測。
时天域馈信线号测• 进试Cvsa一.仪b频l步e通率l转o过s换s对(成频电距率缆离域损域的耗从测)而试得,到然故后障利定用位付立叶反变换得到时域分析,
NA_241 Introducing N9330A Handheld Cable & Antenna Tester
June 2007
Page 6
测量功能一: 回损及驻波比
Data Process System
June 2007
Page 5
• 频域测试
• VSWR(驻波比) vs. 频 率
• Return loss(回损) vs. 频率
VSWR(驻波比) vs. 距离 Return loss(回损) vs. 距离
Signal Reflection
Cable Pinched Coaxial Cable
NA_241 Introducing N9330A Handheld Cable & Antenna Tester
June 2007
Signal Transmission
Page 15
参考通道 采样混频器
测试通道 采样混频器
IF Channel (Referrence) 200KhZ
IF Channel (Test)
BPF 200KhZ
25~50MHz本振 A/D
NA_241 Introducing N9330A Handheld Cable & Antenna Tester
– 校准后,曲线更平滑,更真实反映被测件的实际反射特性
How to Use This Manual
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Provides overviews of the impedance measurement functions. It also provides the contents of the 43961A Impedance Test Kit and a list of available accessories.
1. Product Overview
Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43961A Impedance Test Kit . . . . . . . . . . Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dimention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Available Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16191A Side electrode SMD test xture . . . 16192A Parallel electrode SMD test xture . 16193A Small side electrode SMD test xture 16194A High temperature component xture 16091A Coaxial termination xture set . . . 16092A Spring clip test xture . . . . . . . 16093A/B Binding post test xtures . . . . . 16094A Probe test xture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8
您将发现单键的功率测量套件会 通过简化键区∕菜单选择而缩短例行测 试的设置时间。
直接从软键菜单选择这些单键 例程将保证测试设置和测量的精度 及重复性,而无论是哪位操作员按 这些按键。
选定感兴趣的信号所占的功率百 分比,在波形上会出现高低频的两个 光标,这两个光标就刻画了这部分功 率所占的带宽。
6.5 能选择键和软键 为每一测量步骤提供简明直接 的操作
USB 接口 用U盘 实现方便 的数据 存储
跟踪发生器 Cal Out 探头电源 RF 输入
输出用于频率 (50 MHz, 用于高阻抗 (N 型, 阴头)
-10 dBm) RF 探头
提高 RF 相关课程教学效率的最好方法是把讲授和动手实践相结合。我们猜想您可能希望通过 利用精心设计和价廉的 RF 教学实验室来节省指导教师的时间。N9320B 频谱分析仪和它的教学套 件(订货代码: N9320B-TR1),以及 Agilent 基础信号发生器 N9310A 为您和您的学生提供了新的和系 统性的 RF 教学环境。您可为学生设计和开展几乎任何 RF 电路实验,从发射器和接收器到关键 RF 元件,如混频器、放大器和滤波器。
该 RF 培训套件包括两块电路板。一块作为 TX 电路,另一块作为 RX 电路。每块板上的主要 RF 元件都可作为分立元件独立使用。我们给予了套件很高的灵活性,您会发现使用 Agilent RF 教 学解决方案是方便、省时和高效的。
无论您的应用领域是电子制造、工作台维修、射频教育,还是研发项目,您都需要一款价格经济的、 能提供必要功能和性能的频谱分析仪。N9320B 恰好可满足您的需求。
增强的功率测量和轻松的 自动化测试编程特性
二、硬键/软键的结合功能:A、MODE—测量模式键:包括:1、FREQ(频率模式):该模式下包括:1.1 驻波比1.2 回波损耗1.3 电缆损耗2、DTF(故障定位模式):该模式下包括:2.1 驻波比2.2 回波损耗1、FREQ(频率模式):1.1、FREQ—驻波比:在这种模式下,按动下列硬键,将会分别出现相关的软键,其功能分别为:1.1.1 FREQ/DIST—频率设置键(此时只能设置频率):此时的软键分为:起始---用于设置测试的起始频率。
DSOX3PWR 功率量測應用使用者指南s1聲明© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007-2009, 2011-2012本手冊受美國與國際著作權法之規範,未經 Agilent Technologies, Inc. 事先協議或書面同意,不得使用任何形式或方法 (包含電子形式儲存、擷取或轉譯為外國語言) 複製本手冊任何部份。
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Agilent N9340B手持电磁波分析器配置指南说明书
Agilent N9340BHandheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA) Configuration GuideThis configuration guide will help you determine which perfor-mance options, measurement application software, accessories, and services to include with your new N9340B HSA, or to add asupgrades to an existing N9340B HSA. 1981This step-by-step process will help you configure your N9340B HSA. Capabilities that are listed as standard come with the instrument at no additional charge. Tailor the performance, and service packages to meet your requirements. Ordering optional capabilities at the time of purchase provides the lowest overall cost.For performance information, refer to the N9340B Handheld Spectrum Analyzer Data Sheet.Spare battery N9340B-BAT Lithium ion, 10.8 V, 4.56 A-hrSpare external battery charger N9340B-BCGSpare AC/DC adapter N9340B-ADP 1 output: 15 V, 5.33 AAutomotive 12 V DC adapter N9340B-1DC Provides DC power supply, no chargingAutomotive 12 V DC adapter and charger N9340B-1DN Provides DC power supply and power chargingHard transit case N9340B-1TCAdaptor, 50 Ω to 75 Ω N9340B-TAD Type N(m) 50 Ω to type N(f) 75 ΩCalibrator N9311x-201Precision mechanical calibrator, 3-in-1 OSL, DC to 7 GHz, N(m) Antenna N9311x-50070 MHz to 1000 MHz, 65 g, 180 degree tilt angle adjustable, N(m)telescopic whip antennaAntenna N9311x-501700 MHz to 2500 MHz, 70 g, 210 mm x 20 mm, omni-directional,N(m)Antenna N9311x-504700 MHz to 4 GHz, 4 dBi gain, 270 g, 340 mm x 200 mm x 25 mm,logarithmic-periodic, N(m)Antenna N9311x-508680 MHz to 8 GHz, 5 dBi gain, 250 g, 340 mm x 200 mm x 25 mm,logarithmic-periodic, N(m)Antenna N9311x-518680 MHz to 18 GHz, 5 dBi gain, 250 g, 340 mm x 200 mm x 25 mm,logarithmic-periodic, N(m)Bandpass filter N9311x-550 3 dB passband 814 to 850 MHzrejection ≥ 36 dBc at 740 MHz/≥ 36 dBc at 915 MHzinsertion loss ≤ 0.5 dBVSWR ≤ 1.52(continued)data available at time of purchase; provides measurement resultsCalibration service:Agilent calibration support plan, 3 year R-51B-011-3Agilent tests your instrument against its original specifications,and automatically makes adjustments if the instrument isoutside of its specified parameters; pre- and post-adjustmentmeasurement data reports are also provided; must be ordered attime of purchase3Instrument UpgradesUpgrade your existing Agilent N9340B (HSA)Agilent provides a fast upgrade process for performance options that do not require additional hardware.1. Place an order for the upgrade with Agilent and ask to receive the option upgrade entitlement certificate through email.2. Redeem the certificate through the Web by following the instructions on the certificate.3. Install the license file and latest software on the N9340B.4. Begin using the new capability.Installation, calibration, and verification information is available at: /find/N9340B_upgradesInstrument upgradesPreamplifier, 1 MHz to 3 GHz N9340BK-PA3Tracking generator, 5 MHz to 7 GHz N9340BK-TG3Output level -25 dBm to 0 dBm, 1 dB stepSpectrogram monitoring N9340BK-INM Adds dual-display (spectrogram and trace), continuousspectrogram monitoring and unlimited data loggingAM/FM modulation analysis N9340BK-AMA Provides modulation metrics, including carrier power,modulation rate, and AM depth/FM deviationASK/FSK modulation analysis N9340BK-DMA Provides modulation metrics, including carrier power, ASKdepth/index, and FSK deviationHardware UpgradesAdd additional accessories to your existing Agilent N934xC (HSA)Hardware upgradesSpare battery N9340BK-BAT Lithium ion, 10.8 V, 4.56 A-hrSpare external battery charger N9340BK-BCGSpare AC/DC adapter N9340BK-ADP 1 output: 15 V, 5.33 AAutomotive 12 V DC adapter N9340BK-1DC Provides DC power supply, no chargingAutomotive 12 V DC adapter and charger N9340BK-1DN Provides DC power supply and power chargingHard transit case N9340BK-1TCAdaptor, 50 to 75 Ω N9340BK-TAD Type N(m) 50 Ω to type N(f) 75 Ω45Other InformationAdditional ResourcesRelated Agilent literaturePublicationPublication numberPublication title5989-7847ENAgilent N9340B Handheld Spectrum Analyzer Technical OverviewN9340B HSA RoHS addendum USB cable Battery Li-Ion Screwdriver Help kit CD Ear phoneAC/DC power supply Quick start tutorialSoft carrying case/find/HSA /find/hsa-videosAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. Agilent Channel Partnersw w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.For more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Agilentoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada (877) 894 4414Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800United States (800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle EastBelgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125€/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactusRevised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA, May 22, 20125991-0542ENAgilent Advantage Services is committedto your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competitive,we continually invest in tools andprocesses that speed up calibration andrepair and reduce your cost of ownership.You can also use Infoline Web Servicesto manage equipment and services moreeffectively. By sharing our measurementand service expertise, we help you createthe products that change our world./quality/find/advantageservicesQuality Management SystemQuality Management SysISO 9001:2008DEKRA Certified。
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N9330A 用户手册
使用指南 2
线缆产品 编号
使用标记和通过 / 失败界限线 32 使用标记 32
曲线处理 34 曲线运算 34
存储曲线数据 存储模式设置 拷屏 37 编辑文件名 调用曲线数据 调用模式设置
36 36 36
37 37
查看系统信息 39
查看系统状态 39 自检 39
小提示 40
仪器复位 40 调节幅度刻度 40 使用单次扫描 41 激活抗干扰 41 快速进入 FREQ/DIST 设置 42 连接器件注意 42
C小A心U -
小心表示存在危险。它提醒用户注意其所指过程。如果 不能正确操作或遵守规则,则可能造成仪器的损坏或损 毁。在完全理解和满足符号所指出的条件前,不要继续 下一步。
警告表示存在危险。它提醒用户注意其所指过程。 警告 如果不能正确操作或遵守规则,有可能造成人身伤
亡。在完全理解和满足符号所指出的条件前,不要 继续下一步。
15 14
标题 1 待机开关 2 功能健 3 复位健 4 确认健 5 校准健 6 退出 / 清除 7 保存和调用健 8 自动刻度健 9 对比度 10 亮度 11 旋钮 12 蜂鸣器 13 软键 14 屏幕 15 手持带
13 12
9 8
7 6
包括以下硬件:Mode, FREQ/DIST, AMPTD,
第一版, 2007 年 6 月 中国印刷 Agilent Technologies, Inc. 中国 四川 成都 高新西区前锋工业园, 611731
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安捷伦 N9330A 手持式天馈线 测试仪
Agilent Technologies Nhomakorabea注意
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007 根据美国和国际版权法,未经安捷 伦科技事先同意和书面许可,本手 册的任何部分不得以任何方式或手 段 (包括电子储存、检索或翻译为 另一种语言)进行复制。
本仪器内部没有可供用户操作的零部件,请不要擅 警告 自打开仪器外壳,否则可能造成人身伤害。如要打
开外壳,请断开所有与仪器连接的电源。详情请咨 询安捷伦客户工程师。
MEAS/VIEW, SYS, Hold/Run, Limit and Marker 将频谱仪重置到一个已知的状态 确认参数选择或者配置 进入校准程序 退出对话框和程序 / 清除数字和字符输入
包括:Save 和 Recall
自动设置幅度边界。 调整屏幕对比度 调整屏幕亮度 选择某个选项或者编辑数字 不同的行为产生不同的声音 显示当前菜单功能 显示测量轨迹和状态 用于手提
校准 71 忽略 ECal 71 用户校准模式 71
安捷伦 N9330A 手持式天馈线测试仪
1 N9330A 简介
1 用花括号 {} 表示软键 , 例如 { 开始 } 表示开始软键。 2 用方括号 [] 表示硬键 , 例如 [ENTER] 表示确定硬键。 3 以下章节中的仪器均是指安捷伦N9330A手持式天馈线
不可使用改装或损坏过的 AD-DC 适配器,使用改装 的适配器可能损坏仪器和伤害人身安全。
在您的 N9330A 工作或者关机情况下,都可以为电池充 电。 1 首先将电池安装到仪器 2 使用 AC-DC 适配器接通外部电源。 3 外部电源和充电的绿色指示灯亮,表示电池正在充
容易地读数。 • 可充电锂离子电池可支持至少三小时连续工作。( 待
机状态下更高达五小时 )。 • 弧形的手柄和带条纹的橡胶外套使用户握起来非常舒
适与牢固。 • 联想文件名使编辑文件名称简单快捷。 • 通过 USB 接口可方便地保存和读取测量数据。 • 用户可定义的节电模式。
1 N9330A 简介
N9330A 用户手册
N9330A 简介 1
34 5 6
标题 1 射频输出连接口 2 USB 接口 (PC) 3 USB 接口 4 LED 指示灯
5 LED 指示灯 ( 充电 ) 6 外部电源连接口
7 LAN 接口
Brief Description
将扫描信号输出到 DUT 连接 PC 连接 USB 存储器 测试仪通过 AC-DC 适配器连接 到交流电源时点亮
1 N9330A 简介
介绍 2 基本测量功能 2
前端面板概述 4
顶端面板概述 5
关于电池 6 安装电池 6 查看电池状态 6
2 使用指南
检查货品包装和装箱清单 10
交流电源线规格 11
安全须知 12 供电要求 14 静电防护 (ESD) 14
开始使用 N9330A 16 N9330A 开机 16 开始测量 16
250V 10A
BS 1363/A
选件 900
英国,中国香港,新加 坡,马来西亚
AS 3112:2000 选件 901 澳大利亚,新西兰
IEC 83 C4
CNS 10917-2 /NEMA 5-15P
选件 902
欧洲大陆,韩国,印度 尼西亚,意大利,俄罗 斯
选件 903
美国,加拿大,中国台 湾,墨西哥
系统设置 48
设置屏幕分辨率 48 单位 48 设置日期和时间 48
5 按键说明
模式 52 频率 / 距离 53
频率菜单 53
距离菜单 53
幅度 56 幅度菜单 56
测量 / 查看 57 测量 / 查看菜单 57
系统 59 系统菜单 59
保持 / 运行 63
界限 64
标记 67
确认 69
退出 / 清除 70
3 开始测量
选择测量模式 22
N9330A 测量前的校准 23 校准模式 23 校准器的种类 23 校准过程介绍 24
测量回波损耗 / 驻波比 / 电缆损耗 26 进行基本回波损耗测量 26 调节分辨率 26 使用标记 / 极限 27
测量故障定位 (DTF) 28 进行基本 DTF 测量 28
4 使用功能
N9330A 测试仪包括以下基本测量功能: • 驻波比 • 回波损耗 • 电缆损耗 • 故障定位 ( 驻波比和回波损耗 )
N9330A 用户手册
N9330A 简介 1
N9330A 具有如下一些全面的、便于使用的特性: • 7.2 英寸半透式显示屏使得用户在高亮度下能够清晰
测试仪。 4 DUT 表示被测试器件 (device under test)。
Agilent Technologies
1 N9330A 简介
安捷伦 N9330A 手持式天馈线测试仪 (25 MHz 到 4 GHz) 能够很好地帮助您安装和维护天馈线系统。除了测量驻 波比、回波损耗和电缆损耗, N9330A 还可以测量故障 距离 (DTF),用于辅助确定电缆故障位置,以便您长期 维护天馈线系统。
以下任一种方式均可以确定电池状态: • 查看前面板显示屏右下角的电池图标,大致反映了当
前电量。 • 按 [SYS] > { 更多 }> { 状态 } 来查看当前电池电压。
N9330A 用户手册
N9330A 简介 1
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本文档中所述的硬件和 / 或软件随 附有许可证。只能按照这些许可证 中的条款规定使用或复制硬件和 / 或软件。
Restricted Rights Legend
If software is for use in the performance of a U.S. Government prime contract or subcontract, Software is delivered and licensed as “Commercial computer software” as defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June 1995), or as a “commercial item” as defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as “Restricted computer software” as defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987) or any equivalent agency regulation or contract clause. Use, duplication or disclosure of Software is subject to Agilent Technologies’ standard commercial license terms, and non-DOD Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government will receive no greater than Restricted Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June 1987). U.S. Government users will receive no greater than Limited Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2) (November 1995), as applicable in any technical data.