2012 英语词汇学论文 英文版
2012 英语词汇学论文 英文版

成绩Root and Affixation of LexicologyAbstract: It’s important and permanent to master the vocabulary in the English learning. Everyone who has ever set foot on English realizes that it’s somewhat incredible for us to reciting numerous and difficult words. Nevertheless, there are some skills we should acquire to make word-recitation easier and more effective. This paper mainly discusses the using of vocabulary root and affix. Only by having a good knowledge of the roots and affixes, can we prosper our English vocabulary and further our English study.Key words: root; affixation; detailed analysis; difficult words1Introduction: Blindly reciting numerous and difficult words is a total waste of time and energy. Especially, situation becomes worse for the college students with little words storage and non-interest. However, most of the English words are comprised with roots and affixes, which are limited, stable and short. If we acquire them, it will be much simpler and rapider for us to recognize the unfamiliar and difficult words through the analysis on roots and affixes. If we can master and know how to use them properly, it will be a big step for the further study of this foreign language. A road of a thousand miles begins with each single step, so does the English words. Now we are going to learn the root and affixation respectively.Definition is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity and it carries the main component of meaning in a word. By learning the roots, we will find it not complicated for us to understand the long and difficult words which we often encounter in the tough reading test. However long and tough the word is, we can divide it into several parts, the fundamental part is the root and then we can understand what it means and fluently blurt it out without repeating it.Here are some detail analyses of the examples:Internationalist: nation is the root which means country or state, inter- is prefix meaning between or interactive, -al is the suffix and the –ist is the suffix meaning the person. So you will quite simply find its meaning. Invigorate: the root is vigor similar to power and energy, in- means making sth have the function of verb, here is make sth vigor, -ate is the verb suffix. So invigorate is to make sth vigorous.Antecedent: -ced- is the root referring to motion or going forward, ante- is before, and –ent means somebody. So antecedent is somebody who moves ahead of us, the same as forefather or ancestor.Protract: -tract is the root like pulling sth or extending sth make it wider or longer, pro- is the prefix meaning “ahead”. After analyzing this word, we know that “protract” is similar to prolong meaning make sth longer or longer to live. A lot of words contain this root, such as detract, extract, subtract, attract, tractable, intractable, etc.Arbitrariness: arbitrary is the root indicating to randomness or out of order, -ness is the noun suffix.The profound meaning of learning roots is that you will find it much easy to memorize words because there are so many word share the same root. No matter how long and hoe difficult the word is, the basic meaning of the word is stable and unchangeable. If we recite words according theag=do,act: agent agency agenda aggrandizeagri,agro,agrfield: agriculture agricorporation agrimotor agrinomy cred=believe,trust: credible credibility incredible credulous credit creditable discredit accredit creditor creed credentialsdoc=teach: doctor doctoral doctorate doctrine doctrinal doctrinaire documentflat=blow: Inflate inflation inflationary inflatable inflator deflate deflation deflationary hospit=guest: hospital hospitalize hospitality inhospitable inhospitalityinsul=island: peninsula peninsular insular insularism insularity insulation insulatorit=go: exit initial initiate initiation initiative transit transitor transition vid,vis=see: visible visual visage vision visionary visor vista visa visit advise advice revise3 Affixation:Affixes are linguistic fragments that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or change function. According to the distribution of them in formation, affixes can be divided into prefixation and suffixation.Prefixation is the formation of new word by adding prefixes to bases. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. Root is included in the base.Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to the base. Suffixes have only a small semantic role, their primary function being to Here are some detail analyses of the prefixation and suffixation respectively:non- : meaning not, a productive affix expressing the idea that a person or thing does not have qualities and characters referred to, as innon-classical, non-smoker, non-violence, non-president, non-virtue,and so on.de- : meaning reversing the action or depriving of, a productive affix, as in decentralize, demystify, dehumanize, deforestation; fixed to nouns to form verbs, a characters absent from most prefix as in device, defeather, debug.mal- : meaning badly or bad, added to verbs, participles, adjectives, ang abstract nouns, e.g. maltreat, malformed, malnourished, malodorous, malpractice, and maladministration.post- : meaning after, productive with nouns and adjectives, e.g.post-election, post-independence, post-structuralism, post-settlement, post-arrival.They are prefixes, let’s move to suffixes.-ship: meaning occupation and position, e.g. ambassadorship, governorship, authorship; also meaning skill and ability as in craftsmanship, sportsmanship; also meaning relation, e.g. acquaintanceship, partnership, friendship.-ant: meaning occupations and participation, e.g. assistant, contestant, informant, applicant; also referring to an object or substance, e.g. coolant, pollutant, decongestant.-ation, -ition, -tion, -sion, -ion: meaning process of or state of or product of, e.g. realization, imagination, addition, protection, commission, decision, operation, motivation.-able, -ible Adjective:worth, abilitysolvable, incredible-ate Verb: cause tobegraduate, ameliorate, amputate, colligatebene- good, well,gentlebenefactor, beneficial, benevolent,benediction, beneficiary, benefit-ess female actress, goddess, poetesshetero- other, different heterodox, heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodynehyper- over, above hyperactive, hypertensive, hyperbolic, hypersensitive, hyperventilate, hyperkineticinfra- beneath infrared, infrastructuremega- great, million megaphone, megaton, megaflop, megalomaniac, megabyte, megalopolismicro- small, millionth microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer, microvoltsemi- half, partial semifinal, semiconscious, semiannual, semimonthly, semicircletri- three tripod, triangle, trinity, trilateral-y marked by,havinghungry, angry, smeary, tearybut they can be divided into several parts through the analysis of the rootsand affixation, which are stable and short. After you are quite familiarwith them, it will be hyper-effective for you to memorize the words,which can save you a lot of energy and time, and can do a greatcontribution into your English study. Since then, you will more like thisforeign language.5 Some long and difficult words for you to analyzeTelecommunication /e.g. Telecommunications developments enable thesending of messages via television, radio, and very shortly, electronicmail to bombard people with multitudes of messages.Transcendentalist /e.g. Ralph Waldo Emerson and other transcendentalistphilosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnaturalrestraints on children.Differentiation /e.g. A rather similar process of differentiation has led toprofessional geologists coming together nationally within one or twospecific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain inlocal societies or to come together nationally in a different way.Hydroelectric /e.g. Hydroelectric power and flood control and irrigationare possible without building monster dams.Dispassionate /e.g. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquirywhich seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly, systematic, and dispassionate manner that natural scientists usefor the study of natural phenomena.Conclusion:Above is what I want to mainly express in this paper,however, there are still much deserving t o be learnt in this field. It’sundeniable that words play an important role in our foreign languageessential for us to learn word formation, especially for the students of English major. It’s the most useful and practical way for us to broaden English vocabulary.Reference:[1] 张维友. 英语词汇学教程[M]. 华中师范大学出版社2004.[2] 蒋争. 英语词汇的奥秘[M]. 中国国际广播出版社1999.[3] 林承章. 英语词汇引论[M]. 武汉大学出版社1997.。

题目: Semantic Change of English Words学期2011/2012学年第一学期科目英语词汇学班级学号姓名摘要语言作为人类表达思想和交流的工具随着人类社会的发展不断变化,在语言诸多要素中,词汇的变化是最快、最显著,这表现在新词的产生和旧词的消亡、借用外来词和旧词添新义。
关键词:语言;词义变化;委婉语;英语学习IntroductionLanguages are not confined in a fixed state, instead, they are not only constantly changing but also changes quickly. The most noticing change in the process of language development is the sematic change of words. Semantic change is a change in one of the meanings of a word. Every word has a variety of senses and connotations which can be added, removed, or altered over time, often to the extent that cognates across space and time have very different meanings.Why the meaning of a word changed? Changes of meaning can be brought about by many cause. There are three major causes.Historically,changes of lexical meaning can be illustrated by a diachronic development of words. Although objects, conceptions, ideals, etc. change atcourse of time, but the meaning changes, because the object which it describehas changed. Socially, it is natural that in the course of the development ofsociety a number of new words are needed to describe new ideas. Scientificdiscoveries are a main kind of social cause. Psychologically, the speaker'sstate of mind may bring about semantic changes.(Feng shimei, P163-165)In fact, we can see clearly from the euphemism to types of semantic changes. Euphemism is substitution of a word of more pleasant connotation for one of unpleasant connotation or avoided taboos. It is an important social cause of semantic changes. It is also the reflection of semantic change.According to different semantic books, semantic change can be divided into many types. But types of semantic change generally can be divided into four types.1.Generalization, for instance, alibi. A legal term signifying 'plea that the accused is not at the place when the crime is committed', has now come into common use, meaning any 'excuse'.2.Specialization, for instance, barbarian was originally a vague designation for a 'foreigner of any kind', and later was specialized to mean an 'uncivilized person'.3.Elevation, for instance, Chamberlain, now a 'high official of royal courts', was formerly a 'servant'.4.Degeneration,for instance, cunning was originally 'knowing and skillful', and later was specialized to 'sly'.Almost all the words concerning female are pejorative to use as euphemism for prostitute. For example, housewife, lady, girl, mistress, nun and so on. Even nurse, spinster, daughter, mother have the same meaning. The appearance of euphemism also change the meaning of the words that are used for pleasant connotation. Accident originally meaned 'in a way that is not planned or intended', now it means 'car accident or air accident such bad things'. Gay , the original meaning is 'happiness', later becomes the euphemistic statement of 'homosexual'.These are the example of degeneration.We know more about euphemism is the euphemistic statement of death. Avoided the unpleasant felling of death, people think of many phrase to substitute death. For example, to be no more, to be deceased, to be gone, to pass away, to pass on, to lose one's life, to join the silent majority, to go the way of all flesh, to be gathered to one's fathers, to go west, to yield up the ghost, to go to one's last reckoning, to go hence, etc. So all these extend the vocabulary. Shakespeare wrote death his play Julius Caesar as surcease, taking-off. Another we know better is toilet, such as rest room, comfort room, comfort station, powder room. Go to the toilet only say "May I use the rest room?" or "May I wash my hands?" The real meaning of "Commit no nuisance!" which sticks on the wall is "no peeing! " The euphemistic statement of pregnant is big, big with child, expectant, great, great with child, heavy, heavy with child, laden, in the family way, in an interesting condition, being with child.There are a lot of euphemism concerning unpleasant professions. Garbage collector became sanitation engineer or barbologist in America, while in England it became disposal operative; Gardener became landscape architect; Servant became engineer. Hairdresser becomes beautician; Foreman became plant superintendent; shoemaker became shoes rebuilders;Undertaker became funeral undertaker,mortician, funeral director. These are a kind of specialization.Some euphemisms are concerning the life in society. People think of some phrase for avoiding empressement.The disadvantaged , the underprivileged and the low-income group for the poor people. Forgotten man for the people who doesn't have a job. Upward price readjustment for rise of prices. Culturally deprived environment for slum. Food insecure for starve. Pre-owned car for second-hand car. Termination of employment, declaring staff redundant for firing. Medically indigent person for people who can't afford for medicine.Above all, we can see many phrases are created which reflect euphemism is a cause of semantic change.ConclusionIn a word, semantic change is an important part of change of English words. From this paper, first we know the definition of semantic change. Second, the cause of semantic change. Last, we talk about the relation between euphemism and semantic change. At the same time, we talk bout the types of semantic change. In a word, the relation between euphemism and semantic change in this paper we talk about is that euphemism is an important cause of semantic change, and is the reflection of semantic changeWhile semantic change was, due to its apparently complete unpredictability, for a long time the black sheep of the family of areas of language change, as a result of recent developments it is now very well respected, and as such is likely to attract a lot more research in the future.References[1]Koenraad Kuiper and Li fuyin. Semantics:A Course Book[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1999.[2]Feng shimei. English Lexicology[M]. Shenyang: China WaterPower Press,2002.[3]Wang rongpei and Lu xiaojuan. A Survey of English Lexicology[M].Shanghai: ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press,1997.[4]Li jianbo.Studies on the Development and Structure of English Words[M]. Wuhan:ChinaUniversity of Geosciences Press,2007.[5]Freeborn, Dennis. From Old English to Standard English[M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2002。

从这门课的学习中,我知道了英语语言的历史发展可以分为三个阶段,分别是:古英语(Old English),中世纪英语(Middle English)和现代英语(Modern English)。
(一) 古英语时期 (Old English Period, 450-1150)。
他们把原来的居民凯尔特人(the Celts)赶到不列颠的北部和西部角落。
凯尔特人的领袖King Arthur带领部队勇敢作战,英勇抗击德国入侵者。
尽管85%的古英语词汇现在已经不再使用,但一些常用词汇如:child, foot, house, man, sun等等还是保留下来。
如“音乐”是earsport;“世界”是age of man。
这是最早居住在不列颠(Britain) 的民族塞尔特人所说的塞尔特语(Celtic),他们虽然最早到英国,但留下来的事迹不多,现在威尔斯、苏格兰高地仍有人说塞尔特语。
公元410年罗马帝国自英国撤离,这时,来自英国北方的皮刺人 (Picts) 和苏格兰人分别从南部和西北侵扰,不列颠无力抵抗,只好求救于往昔经常困扰罗马军队的日耳曼人。
根据大英民族编年史的记载,日耳曼民族于公元449年在英格兰登陆,将日耳曼语带到英国,而发展成现在的英语,因此,英语是属于印欧语系Indo-European 日耳曼语族的语言。

2011-2012第二学年第二学期《英语语言学》学期论文Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies二语词汇习得策略[摘要]关键字:二语词汇习得词汇习得策略元认知策略认知策略AbstractVocabulary is the basic unit of a nguage acquisition plays an important role in language learning. Famous linguistics D. A. Wilkins said, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed (Lewis, 1993:16).〞 It speaks volumes for the importance of vocabulary in language learning. This paper aims to analysis the second language acquisition strategies and applies to different levels of learners. According to the different levels, the learners should choose the proper methods and strategies to promote learning efficiency and acquisition effect.Key words: Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition; Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies;Metacognitive strategy; Cognitive strategyIntroductionWith economic globalization and multi-polarization of the world, especially the population of the internet, English becomes more and more important, because it is considered as the tool for absorbing and communicating information. As we all known, vocabulary acquisition is one of the most noticed-question of the second language learners. “Vocabulary〞appears in the area of linguists’ study. Nowadays, researchers still cannot give a complete and reasonable definition of vocabulary. Since 1970s, the second language vocabulary acquisition research has gradually become the hot point and important subject in the second language vocabulary acquisition research area.These researches aim to discuss the efficiency vocabulary memory strategies to promote the memory skills and vocabulary levels. Then how to acquire vocabulary become popular among the researchers. Wenden &Rubin (1987), O’Malley& Chamot (1990) refer to the content of vocabulary acquisition strategies; Rubin (1987) and Oxford (1990) classify the memory strategy to the direct cognitive strategies. Especially, CohenAphek (1981), Porte (1988), O’Malley (1990), Vann (90), Cohen (1990), etc made a basic searching of vocabulary acquisition.In a word, there are various opinions in how to acquire vocabulary. Firstly, it talks about the importance of vocabulary. Secondly, what does it mean to “acquire〞 a word?This paper mainly aims to the detail analysis of the vocabulary acquisition from three aspects:Meta-cognitive Strategy; Cognitive Strategyand Social or Affective Strategy.Especially, it highlights the effect of the context and rending to vocabularyacquisition.This paper talks about the applications of the vocabulary acquisition strategies. And it puts forward some problems and difficulties of vocabulary acquisition.This paper also discusses the influencing factors to the acquisition.Itincludes the mother tongue, age, language contact, logical thinking ability, identity degree, and academic motivationThe purpose of this paper is to rise the awareness of Englishlearners that the importance of vocabulary in language learning and the vocabulary acquisition strategiescan not be neglected, and each strategies is deeply rooted in its language. Throughthe analysis of the theory of study, the paper tries to draw the learner’sattention to the strategies of the second language vocabulary acquisition and using the vocabulary in communication.Inorder to improve the acquisition efficiency, some strategies put into practice are introduced.The first presents the importance of vocabulary, some basic concepts of vocabulary and vocabulary learning, the second part tells what does it mean to know a word, the third part deals with the theory of vocabulary acquisition and presents the factors and differences influencing the vocabulary acquisition. Thefourth part is detailed discussion of vocabulary acquisition strategies in different levels of learners. Thelastpartis conclusion.Literature review1. The importance of vocabularyAs the first time, when we go to school and our English teacher will tell us that vocabulary is of great importance in learning English. After several years, we understand words gradually, especially when we study in high school. If we know a little about vocabulary, we may have poorEnglish. That is because the listening, speaking, reading and writing show the necessary of learning vocabulary.Many researchers agree that lexis is at least as important as structure, because it is using wrong words and not wrong grammar that usually breaks down communication. Mistakes in lexis much more often lead to misunderstanding and may be less generously tolerated outside classroom than mistakes in syntax. (Carter, 1987). As Stephen Krashen remarked,“When students travel, they don’t carry grammar books, they carry dictionaries.A significant role of vocabulary in both teaching and learningprocesses was first stated by Stephen Krashen in The Natural Approach (1985):“Vocabulary is basic for communication. If acquirers do not recognize the meaning of the key words used by those who address them they will be unable to participate in the conversation.〞Words are basic tools in human communication; therefore they determine the main part of people’s life-relationships between people and associations with the surrounding world that people live in. The larger one’s vocabulary, the easier it is to express one’s thoughts and feelings.In real communication, correctly and idiomatically used vocabulary can even decrease some structural inaccuracy and grammar errors. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). So learners should enrich and expand their knowledge of words as much as possible in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language.2. What does it mean to “know〞 a word?Knowing a word is not a simple phenomenon. In fact, it is quite complex and goes far beyond the word’s meaning and pronunciation. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). Richards (1976) thinkknowing a word means also knowing the frequency of words and their likely collocates; being aware of the functional and situation limitations that apply; knowledge of the “syntactic behavior〞; derivational forms and word class; associative and connotative knowledge; semantic value-breaking down words into minimal units as with componential analysis (see Katz&Fodor1963or Leech1974); knowing the other (possible) meaning associated. Nagy and Scott (2000) identify several dimensions that describe the complexity of what it means to know a word. First, wordknowledge is incremental, which means that readers need to have many exposures to a word in different contexts before they “know〞it. Second, word knowledge is multidimensional. This is because many words have multiple meanings and serve different functions in different function in different sentences, texts, and even conversations. Third, word knowledge is interrelated in that knowledge of one word connects knowledge of other words.What all of this means is that “knowing〞 a word is a matter of degreerather than an all-or-nothing proposition (Beck&Mckeown, 1991; Nagy&Scott, 2000). The degree of knowing a word are reflected in the precision with which we use a word, how quickly we understand a word, and how well we understand and use words in different modes and different purpose.Knowing a word also implies knowing how that word relates to other knowledge. Finally, knowing a word means being able to appreciate its connotations and subtleties. When we know a word at this level, we can use and recognize it in idioms, jokes, slang, and puns (Johnson, &Schlicting, 2004).3. Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition StrategiesVocabulary acquisition is the part of English learning. Since 1960s, more and more attentions and researches had been toward to vocabulary acquisition strategies. When it comes to 1980s or 1990s, the vocabulary acquisition strategies gain fruitful results. Cohen Aphek (1981), Porte (1988), O’Malley (1990), Vann (1990), Cohen (1990) made a basic discussion in vocabulary acquisition strategies.O’Malley&Chamot (1990) classify language learning strategy into three methods: Meta cognitive strategy, Cognitive strategy, and Social or Affective strategy.Meta cognitivestrategy refers to strategies of advancepreparation, directed attention, selective attention, self-management, self monitoring and self-evaluation. And the results indicate that the metacognitive strategy teaching is significant in developing learner autonomy, which shows prominent pros-pectin foreign language teaching.A cognitive strategy serves to support the learner as he or she develops internal procedures that enable him/her to perform tasks that are complex (Rosen shine, 1997). The use of cognitive strategies can increase the efficiency with which the learner approaches a learning task. These academic tasks can include, but are not limitedto, remembering and applying information from course content, constructing sentences and paragraphs, editing written work, paraphrasing, and classifying information to be learned.The memory strategy, cognitive strategy, social strategy and metacognitve strategy are used more frequently than the affective strategy and compensative strategy.Oxford (1990) put forward a more comprehensive classification system of strategy, which includes six categories: memory strategy, cognitive strategy, compensatory strategy, metacognitive strategy, affective strategy, and social strategy. Nation (1990) put forward semantic manufacturing strategy of“what is it〞. From different aspect, researchers have different classification of strategies. Stoffer (1995) made a factor analysis of 53vocabulary acquisition strategies and extract 9 factors: the strategy of practice and apply words in authentic situation; the strategy of creative learning vocabulary; the self-motivation strategy; the strategy of psychological connection; memory strategy; the strategy of audio/visual assisted learning; with the movement to the body of learning vocabulary strategy; the strategy of overcoming anxiety; the strategy of using to organize units.Schmitt (1997)compositethe related language acquisition strategies upon classification, and put forward two categories of vocabulary acquisition strategy, namely discovery strategy and consolidation strategy.In china, acquisition strategies researcher, Wen Qiufang(1996) thought:English learning strategy includes concept and method. What is concept? It means the acquaint learners to how to learn English well.And the method refers to the actions that learners take to learn English well. The method can be classifying two categories: manage method and learning method. Wuxia, Wangqiang(1998) draw lessons of classification of learningstrategies from O’Malley&Chamot’s and thing that the majority of students can not depend on the mechanical memorizing to learn English vocabulary. Wenpeng (2000) utilize “the level of processing approach of memory〞 to do an empirical research on different words meaning.Willians and Burden (2000) stress metacognition is central to effective learning. Wenden(1987) says that metacognitive is “the process that underlines the efficient use of strategies and the essence of intelligent activity〞(p573). Quicke (1994) similarly views that metacognitive awareness is crucial in learning strategies.In addition, most of the studies (O’Malley and Chamot1990, Wenden and Rudin 1987; Oxford andCrookall1989) founder the learners who were particularly taught metacognitive knowledge to help them assess the needs, evaluate process and give directions to their learning.After summarizing the theories of the vocabulary acquisition strategies, I express my opinions about vocabularyacquisition strategies.These theories or opinions have their merits and demerits. I am in favor of O’Malley& Chamot’s theory of the classification of vocabulary acquisition strategies: metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, affective strategies. The metacognition represents strategiesof acquiring knowledge, namely the ability to understand pour method for learning and assimilating information. It concerns “the knowledge of your thoughts〞. In addition to how various factors influence psychological thought processing.As far as I am concerned, vocabulary really plays an essential role in language learning.For example, when we communicate withothers, vocabulary is the basic component between your talking. Without words, withoutcommunication. In the school, every student should learn vocabulary, the more vocabulary you acquire, the more knowledge you will get. In the process of our study, every skillneeds vocabulary. (Listening,speaking, reading, andwriting). Especially,in the extensive reading, the vast majority vocabulary can be learned gradually through repeated exposures in various discourse contexts. However, not all methods are appropriate forall levels of learners. Thus, I deem that different levels of learners should choose different strategies of vocabulary acquisition strategies.When talking about second language vocabulary acquisition strategies, we may talk it from pro-school children. Chenhua, zhangyifang(2001) analysis the narrative approach of memory process of vocabulary. The study discovers the majority of Chinese children acquire vocabulary with repeat memory strategy. That is to say children memory Chinese meaning through the Chinese- English bilingual. When memorizing vocabulary, Chinese children seldom utilize the Keyword strategy and Semantic coding strategies. They do not use metacognitive strategy. In my opinion, children can be helped to acquire vocabulary in the form of games. Meanwhile, vocabulary acquisition of pro-children should be carried out in a real context. It has a long progress. According to different age, children acquire vocabulary in different strategies. For the lower class, children acquire the single word. For the middle class, the children begin to acquire the double or three words. When the children are nearly 6 six years old, they form a semantic system. The teacher can help children acquire vocabulary in the context or games.4. Cognitive strategy4.1 Using dictionary strategiesCheck the dictionary is the most common strategy of acquires vocabulary. And it also an important manner to learnEnglish. It has been shown that students who use a bilingual dictionary learn more vocabulary than students who read without a dictionary (1993:263-287). However, when students turn to a dictionary for every word they do not understand, they lose sight of the meaning within the text as a whole. Teachers and textbookdesigners have realized this, and they argued that learning strategies such as guessing from context should be employed in order to read the text fluently and smoothly for an overview of the whole text. Researchers have commented that this movement may have gone too far, and today’s literature implies that good language learners rely on dictionaries less than poor language learners and are more successful at employing contextual guessing strategies.These researchers found that dictionaries were used equally by both good and poor English achievers. There was, however, the notable difference in the way students used their dictionaries: Dictionary used by high achievers involved a series of questions: “Was it necessary to consult the dictionary? What information in the dictionary was relevant? Was the information worth copying down, and if so, in Chinese or in English?〞 Low achievers, on the other hand, followed〞a relatively inflexible set of procedures for dictionary use rather than a decision0 making process〞(wen, Q.,& Johnson, R. K., 1997:36 ).4.2 Semantic guessing strategyHuckin, Hnynes & Coady (1993) deeply study the context-based meaning.Guessing strategy plays an important role in acquiring vocabulary, cultivating their guessing words ability can improve their reading speed, and save time. So it can stir up their reading interests and enlarge their page views. Skills for guessing unfamiliar English words tell us how to guess words. Getting meaning from inference means that you infer, or guess, meaning from the clues provided by the context –the sentence or passage in which the word appears. There are four steps. First, decide what part of speech of speech the unfamiliar words. Next, make out what the sentence or passage is about. Then, find out the words or phrases that help you get the idea. Finally, use these clues to guess the meaning of the word. For an example:The soldiers were ordered to fire at the enemy.Questions:1.What part of speech is “fire〞? _________.2.Does the sentence talk about war, business, or a bale?___________.3.What words in the sentence helped you answer Question 2?_________and_________.4.Fire means__________a)to let someone from a jobb)to shootc)red-hot flamesThe sentence contains two clues to the meaning of “fire〞.First, “fire〞 is a verb. Second, he sentence talks about war; the word“soldiers〞 and “enemy〞 help youunderstand this. You can immediately eliminate the choice “red-hot flames〞, since it is a noun answer that refers to blame. Although the choice “to let someone go from a job〞 is a verb answer, it refers to business and should be eliminated. The choice “to shoot〞 is a verb answer that talks about fighting; it is the correct answer.4.3 Memory strategy of vocabulary acquisitionThe so-called memory strategy refers to various memorizing methods or skills for students, its principles are: tide up, organize and relate to the content. In China, memory method is a traditional strategy to learn vocabulary. In order to deal with the examinations, the students adopt the memorystrategy. Thecommon memory strategies are: keyword strategy, word list, context strategy.4.4Keyword strategyThe key word strategy can benefit a wide variety of students with language needs in the areas of vocabulary, comprehension of academic language, sentence structure, organizing and explaining information, and transferring information across settings. When the strategy is routinely used, students can master its basic mechanics and key word review during direct language intervention sessions can be a foundation for increasingly complex and challenging practice and review of a variety ofcurriculum based language skills.Keyword strategy is put forward by Atkinson (1975). The method includes two steps: first, the learners find out the similar sounding word between the mother langue and the second language. Second, build up a metal image. Paivio (1991), Pressley (1982) think that keyword strategy is important. However, it has its limitation, which is difficulty to find the same pronunciation of each word. In China, Wangwenyu (1998) found that Chinese students seldom use the keyword strategy because of its complexity.4.5Word listNation (1982) makes a conclusion: word list is an efficient way to accumulate large number of vocabularies in a short time. O’ Malley &Chamot (1985) think that mechanical memorizing is the efficient way to memory vocabulary. Decontextualized word list have been used extensively to teach vocabulary. Presenting vocabulary in list form is an efficient study method in which students can learn large numbers of words in a short time (Meara P.1995:8-10). Such list, however, having been stripped of context, are difficult to deal with. A majority of language learners prefer decontextualize word lists just because the application of such list seems to be more practical and much easier to deal with, saving more time.In addition to facilitating memorization and learning, word list serve another purpose in the reading class: motivation. Upon adopting a corpus-based list of the 3,000 most frequently used words. List is much more effective to helpstudentsfocus on less-frequently encountered words that require more intensive study and organized review.4.6Context strategyThe second language vocabulary acquisition can not be separate from context.Context is a main factor of vocabulary acquisition. It is an efficient methodto acquire vocabulary in the context. From thesemantics point of view, James Inhofe announce d the regularity of acquiring vocabulary in From Paragraph to Essay. The basic principle of acquiring vocabulary focus on the context, so that we can know the relation between the form and meaning. By Krashen’s Monitor Hypothesis Theory, many researchers tend to acquire vocabulary in the context.5. Other strategiesResearchers study the other strategies to acquire vocabulary. Contact method, Semantic coding method, assimilation strategy, self-text strategy.When I was in the third year in the college, I have a lexical class. From the class, we know many strategies to acquire vocabulary: Repetition, suited for kids and primary school students. Spelling and pronunciation, suited for middle school students. Context, learning the new words in phrases, sentences, never learn it alone. Semantic: grouping words according to the meaning, sound, semantic field and so on. It is for all levels. Association: free association of antonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and homonyms. Emotion: learning words with strong emotions, or emotional sentences. Different physical surroundings: learning in one place is low efficiency than more places. Over learning: word cards or flashes: use key words cards.In a word, vocabulary acquisition plays an important role in English language learning. It is necessary for learners to command of vocabulary acquisition strategies. Because it can help us acquire vocabulary more efficient and communicate with people in life.ConclusionThis paper has attempted to provide some theories of second language vocabulary acquisition and some strategies. Such as metacognitive strategy, cognitive strategy, and social strategy. However, this paper also put forward some microcosmic strategy. As a matter of fact, vocabulary acquisition should combine the context. In addition,this paperhasn’t mentioned that culture is also an important factor in vocabulary acquisition. In the study of second language vocabulary acquisition, we should pay attention to the process and the acquiring results. This paper focuses on the study of the second language vocabulary acquisition strategies.Bibliography[1] A.U. Chamot. The Learning Strategies of ESL Students. In A. L.Wenden & J. Rubin, (eds), Learner Strategies in Language Learning, 1987.[2] Cater. R. and M. McCarthy. Vocabulary and Language Teaching. NewYork: Longman, 1987.[3] Nation, L. S. 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与词汇学有关的英语作文Vocabulary Learning: Tips and Strategies。
Vocabulary is an essential component of language learning. It is the foundation that enables learners to communicate effectively and express themselves accurately. However, mastering vocabulary is not an easy task. It requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication. In this article, we will discuss some tips and strategies that can help learners improve their vocabulary.1. Read extensively。
Reading is one of the most effective ways to learn new words. It exposes learners to a wide range of vocabulary in context, which helps them understand how words are used and how they relate to each other. Reading also helps learners develop their comprehension skills and expand their knowledge of the world.To make the most of reading, learners should choose materials that are appropriate for their level and interests. They should also use a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words and try to use them in their own writing and speaking.2. Use flashcards。

除了词缀发以外,复合法、转类法、混成法、截短法、首字母拼音法、逆向构词法也都是英语学习的有效途径Vocabulary is one of the main obstacles of English study。
However English word formation can help us recognize English words, understand them correctly, and enlarge our vocabulary quickly. It is an efficient way and powerful weapon for English study. Among them,affixation is the strongest one to form a great range of vocabulary, and it is claimed to be one of the best ways of learning English。
Besides, compounding, conversion, blending, clipping, acronyms, back—formation are also efficient ways of learning English。
In the paper the ways and characteristics of word formation is analyzed form these aspects: affixation, compounding,conversion,blending。

因此, 教师在词汇教学中除了教会学生单词的发音及其词意外,还应注重核心词汇的教学与词语搭配的教学。
Lexicology and My English Study 英语词汇学论文

Lexicology and My English StudyI. What Is Lexicology?The term lexicology was borrowed from the French word lexicology, which contains two morphemes: one is Greek lexicology, meaning ‘workbook’ or ‘vocabulary;’ the other is French logie, meaning ‘the study or science of.’ So the literal meaning of the term is ‘the science of words.’The term first appeared in the 1820s, though there were lexicologists in essence before the term was coined. Computational lexicology as a related field (in the same way that computational linguistics is related to linguistics) deals with the computational study of dictionaries and their contents. An allied science to lexicology is lexicography, which also studies words in relation with dictionaries – it is actually concerned with the inclusion of words in dictionaries and from that perspective with the whole lexicon. Therefore lexicography is the theory and practice of composing dictionaries. Sometimes lexicography is considered to be a part or a branch of lexicology, but the two disciplines should not be mistaken: only lexicologists who do write dictionaries are lexicographers. It is said that lexicography is the practical lexicology; it is practically oriented though it has its own theory, while the pure lexicology is mainly theoretical.Comprehensively speaking, lexicology is the branch of linguisticsconcerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, their origin, development, history, structure, meaning and application. In short, it is the study of the signification and application of words.Ⅱ. Aims and Significance of LexicologyThe aim of the term lexicology is to give a systematic description of the English vocabulary. Concretely speaking, English lexicology offers students an insight into the origin and development of the English vocabulary. It deals with meanings of Modern English words and their changes in the course of historical development. It discusses the problems of word-structure and word-formation in English, including the formation of new words which have appeared since the 1960s. It also it also studies the use of English words, phrases and idioms.The significance of lexicology for language learning is also evident. The term will help the learners to enlarge their vocabulary and improve their ability to analyze and use English words. For instance, the study of new words, synonyms, figures of speech, etc. will arouse the interest of the learners on the one hand, and enhance their ability to choose the correct and expressive words in writing and speech on the other hand.Language learning requires practice. Practice makes perfect. Without practice there would be no theory. English lexicology as a theory of Modern English may be useful in vocabulary study because it derivesfrom practice and should guide practice. Students will use the basic knowledge of English lexicology to understand the material already familiar to them from English classes, and apply it in their further study of English.Ⅲ. Language, Linguistics and LexicologyBriefly speaking, lexicology deals with words. Words are the foundation and core of language. We know that without words, there would be no language, while without language, there would be no linguistics. Therefore, words, that is, lexicology, language and linguistics are very closely interrelated with one another. Before studying lexicology, we should learn about what language is and what linguistics is.Ⅳ. The Connection of Lexicology with phonetics and grammar and stylistics1) With phonetics:Phonetics is the study and systematic classification of the sounds made in spoken utterance, that is, the study of speech sounds. It is closely related to lexicology.Without sound there is no word because every word is unity of sound and meaning.2) With grammar:V ocabulary and grammar are organically related to one another. In learning a language, attention to grammar is as important as attention tovocabulary. Joseph Stalin pointed out that the vocabulary is the building material of a language. The vocabulary of a language assumes tremendous importance when it comes under the control of grammar, which is concerned with the modification in front of words and the combination of words into sentences.3) With stylistics:Stylistics is “the study of optional variations in the sounds, forms, or vocabulary of a language as characteristic of different uses of language, different situations of use, or different literary typ es.” Lexicology studies stylistics variants on the basis of meanings of words and their changes: synonyms, antonyms, figures of speech, etc.Stylistics is concerned with language variety differing according to use rather than user. The same user may use different varieties for different purposes, different situations, in conversation with different people, to produce different effects. The same subject matter can be expressed in different styles.Ⅴ. Two Approaches of the study of LexicologyThere are two main approaches to the study of lexicology, that is, synchronic and diachronic.The term synchronic means describing a language as it exists at one point of time. The term diachronic means concerned with historical development of a language.A synchronic approach is an approach to the study of a language at one period of time, whereas a diachronic approach is an approach to the study of the change in a language that took place over a period of time. Ⅵ. The Division of the History of the EnglishThe history of the English language is divided into three periods.1) The period from 450 to 1150 is known as the Old English or Anglo-Saxon period. It is described as the period of full inflections, since during most of this period the case endings of the noun, the adjective, and the conjugation of the verb were not weakened.2) The period from 1150 to 1500 is known as the Middle English period. During this period the inflections, which had begun to break down towards the end of the Old English period, became greatly reduced, and it is known as the period of the leveled inflections.3) The period from 1500 to the present day is called the Modern English period. A large part of the original inflectional system has disappeared, and it is known as the period of lost inflections.Ⅶ. The Main Processes of English Word-formationThere are four main types of word-formation in English:1) Prefixation:Affixation includes prefixation and suffixation. Affixation is the morphological process whereby grammatical or lexical information is added to the base.Affixation has played an active part in the course of the development of the English language. It is not only an age-old, but also a productive method in English word-building.What is prefixation?Prefixation is a main type of word-formation putting a prefix in front of the base, sometimes with, but more usually without a change of word class, e.g. dislike (dis + like).2) Suffixation:Suffixation is a main type of word-formation, putting a suffix after the base, sometimes without, but more usually with a change of word class, e.g. frankness (frank + ness)The primary function of prefixes is to effect a semantic modification of the base, and the chief function of suffixes is to change the word class of the base, although suffixes have only a small semantic role. Therefore suffixes may be classified into four categories according to the word class.3) Conversion:Conversion (or full conversion) is a main type of word-formation assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form. For example, the verb release is converted to the noun release.In the English language conversion is unusually prominent as a word-formation process. Of course, conversion, like other main types ofword-formation, is treat as a process now available for extending the lexical resources of the English language.There are two kinds of conversion: full conversion and partial conversion.4) Compounding:Compounding is a main type of word-formation adding one base to another, such that usually the one placed in front in some sense subcategorizes the one that follows, e.g. blackbird, etc.Compounding can occur not only in the three major word classes, nouns and, to lesser extent, adjectives, and, to least extent, verbs but also in other word classes: prepositions, such as into, within, by means of, instead of, etc. pronouns, such as each other, one another, anybody, someone, herself, itself, etc. and adverbs, such as headlong, somehow, somewhere, upside down, inside out, etc.A compound is a lexical until consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word. Compounds usually comprise two bases only, however internally complex each may be.Ⅷ. English IdiomsIdioms are very important and extremely interesting part of language. They are commonly used in all styles of language: informal and formal, spoken and written. If we can understand and use idioms correctly, ourlanguage skills increase constantly. One important problem our students have with idioms is how we understand them in our daily study.The best way to understand an idiom is to see it in context. Let us give an example below.If someone says: This ti n opener’s driving me round the bend! I think I’ll throw it away and get a new one. Then the context and common sense tells us that drive round the bend refers to something different from driving a car round a curve in the road. So the context points out that the tin opener is not working properly and that it’s having an effect on the person using it.Drive or send sb. round the bend is an idiom used as an informal style meaning ‘to make someone very bored or very angry.’Ⅸ. British and American EnglishGrammatical differences between British and American English are few. The more noticeable differences are phonetic and especially lexical. It does not seem likely that distinctions between British English and American English will become more extensive. On the contrary, as the modes of communication have improved, the tendency is towards uniformity and better understanding between the people of the two countries.But why does American English differ from British English?There are two reasons for this.Firstly, British English itself changed in the course of time. All languages change as time passes. English is no exception. That is why Chaucer’s English is different from Shakespeare’s English, and why Shakespeare’s English is different from contemporary Engli sh.Take the following English word borrowed from Latin and Greek for example.Such words as apparatus, complex, focus, maximum, minimum, series, etc. appeared in English only after the year 1600.In the past fifty years British English has adopted a great number of words that originated in American English.Words like cafeteria, highlight, hotrod, OK, etc. are example.Secondly, American English has acquired a character of its own. It reflects the growth, development and history of American society.In the earliest period a number of words denoting places, plants, animals, tools, and customs which existed in America were added to the English language, e.g.Hickory—a type of tree of North America which provides hard wood and bears nuts.Moose—a type of large deer, with very large flat horns, that lives in the northern pert of America.The above-mentioned words belong to American English and were borrowed from American Indian languages.After the American Independence a number of words related to institutions appeared, e.g. assembly, congress, president, representative, vice-president, etc.Strictly speaking, British English is the English spoken by the great majority of educated people in South and Southeast England, especially in London and its vicinity. BrE or BE is shot for British English. American English is General American spoken by the great majority of the American people. AmE or AE is short for American English.References:I.Chengzhang Lin﹠Shiping Liu An Introduction To EnglishLexicology, WuHan University Press FourthII.Wikipedia。

The Development of English VocabularyThere are about one million English words in all. English is also an international language in this society. You can see English words almost every where, even in non-English-spoken countries.How does English come into being? Why it has so many vocabularies? In the following passage, I will give you a general picture about these two questions. The English people are of a mixed blood. The early inhabitants of the island we now call England were Britons, but in fact all the races were the invaders came from Europe. Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the first century BC, but there had been at least three invasions before that. The first of these was by a dark-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians. The other two were by Celtic tribes: one is Gaels, whose descendants are the modern Scots and Irish; another is the Britons, who gave their name to the whole island of Britain. These were the people whom the Romans conquered. The Romans gave the Britons a good deal of their civilization. Then at the beginning of the fifth century Britain was invaded by three tribes from the northern Europe: the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. These three tribes merged into one people, and the three dialects they spoke naturally grew into a single language, the English language.But at first, the English word made up of only a small part of native words and some borrowed words. The native words were the core words of English. According to a kind of classification of language, English is classified as a Teutonic language, which is a Germanic language. To be more exact, English belongs to the low West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family. Because of the complex history of Briton, the language of English is of a mixed character. On one hand, it shares with West Germanic languages many common words and similar grammatical structures. On the other hand, more than half of the English vocabulary is derived from Latin and French. Besides, English has accepted words from other languages of the world in the course of its historical development.The history of English language is divided into three periods:1. the old English period ( from 450AD to 1150 AD )2. the middle English period ( from 1150AD to 1500AD )3. the modern English period ( from 1500AD up to now )As I mentioned above, in fact, that there is also a period we can call it thepre-old English period, which includes the Celts, the Scottish and Irish races and culture, and also Welsh race and culture were brought by the Celts. Then the Romans brought Latin alphabet and civilization to this land. After these two were the formation of the Anglo-Saxons people, which is the original English race and language.Old English consists mainly about the native language of Anglo-Saxons people. The period from 450AD to 1150AD is known as the old English period, and it isalso been called Anglo-Saxons period. It is described as the period of full inflections, since during most of this period the case endings of the noun, the adjective, and the conjugation of the verb were not weakened. Also during this period, when the Norman Conquest in 1066AD brought French to England, and much of the English vocabulary was replaced by words borrowed from French and Latin.Old English is a synthetic language. (There are two classes of languages in the world: synthetic and analytic. A synthetic language is one which shows the relation of words in a sentence largely by means of inflections. An analytic language is one which indicates the relation of words in a sentence by means of word order, prepositions or auxiliary verbs, rather than by inflections.) Old English nouns and adjectives have four cases: the nominative case, the genitive case, the dative case and the accusative case. Apart from these four cases, Latin nouns have the ablative and locative cases.Middle English period is from 1150AD to 1500AD. During this period the inflections which had begun to break down towards the end of the old English period, became greatly reduced, and it is known as the period of leveled inflections. The Norman Conquer was the cause of this change. The change of this period had a great effect on both grammar and vocabulary. In grammar English has changed from a highly inflected language to an analytic language. In this period many old English words were lost, but thousands of words borrowed from French and Latin appeared in the English vocabulary. French influence on the English vocabulary is much more direct and observable. The number of French words that came into English was very numerous. More than half of the English vocabulary is derived from Latin.Modern English period is from 1500 to the present. A large part of the original inflectional system has disappeared, and it is known as the period of lost inflections. We may divide this period into two parts: the early Modern English period and the Late Modern English period.The early modern English period extends from 1500AD to 1700AD. The chief influence of this time was the great humanistic movement of the Renaissance. In this period the study of the Latin and Greek classics was stressed, so the influence of Latin and Greek on English was great.The late modern English period started after 1700AD. The eighteenth century in England was a time of stabilizing and purifying the English language. The publication in 1755AD of A Dictionary of the English Language edited by Samuel Johnson was a typical example of consolidating and purifying the English language in this period. He set a standard for using English words in spelling, meaning and usage. In the eighteenth century French greatly influenced English. The number of French words in the period from 1650AD to 1800AD increased rapidly. Such as: ballet, cartoon, champagne, cohesion, dentist, patrol, publicity, routing, etc.Meanwhile the territorial expansion of the English empire in this period resulted in the expansion of the English vocabulary. Thus, there are many words flow into English vocabulary, which includes American Indian words, Mexican words, Peru words, Brazil words, India and African words.The nineteenth and twentieth centuries are a period of rapid expansion for the English vocabulary in the history of the English language. In this period many changes have taken place. Especially the great development of science and technology is reflected in the English vocabulary.Besides, the great changes in industry, in political and social lives, in sports and amusements all have contributed a great deal to the English vocabulary. Since the Second World War the English vocabulary has been affected powerfully by social, political, economic, especially scientific and technical changes. The English vocabulary not only changes, but also changes quickly in this period. Thousands of new words are added, existing words acquire new meaning and old words die out.Till now, the English vocabulary is still changing, some words come out and some die out. In a word, as society is constantly in a state of development, so is language. Society depends on language for its existence. As society develops new objects are created that require the invention of new words and expressions. Therefore, the changing of English vocabulary is an endless changing process.Bibliography:陆国强,published in 1999,Modern English Lexicology (new edition)Adams, Valerie, published in1982,An Introduction to Modern English Word-formation戴炜栋,published in 2002,A New Concise Course on Linguistics for Students of English朱永涛,published in 1997,The Society and Culture of Major English-speaking Countries林承璋,published in 1987,An Introduction to English Lexicology也可以写广告中的词汇特点:The Lexical Features of Advertisement on NewspaperNewspapers are generally the cheapest way to reach a mess audiences,and the timing is fast.Adverments make an important part on English Newspaper.We live in a world of advertising.Advertising provides a valuable service to society and its members,because it defines for consumers the meaning and the role of products,services and institutions.Newspaper advertisements’ main text use words for the spread of vector,and must must be simple eye-catching,because of the layout of resources.To some extent,thenewspaper advertisements content mainly rely on language toexpress.Advertising language ,playing a role of communication and persuasion,has developed its own features.Naturally,advertisements in English have become an important means of communicatingideas,demoinstrating a variety of linguistic features of its own.The present study discusses some lexical features of English advertisement texts.ⅠChoose the simple wordsAdvertiment language must be easily understood terms so that readers can get information as soon as possible.In advertising,simple words can win the consumers by their exact,effective expression an d a kind of closeness.E.g.①Take time.Any time.Continuous using two “time” can make the language simple and clear.②Once tasted,always loved.The article should be clearly and concisly understood in order to arouse the interest of customers on food which make them mouth-watering.③My goodness!My Guinness!Common language facilitate people to memory and speak,this reproduce the scene of people driking the Guinness beer which is full of praise.ⅡFrequent Employment of Simple VerbsSimple verbs are frequently employed in English advertisements, which is an obvious wording characteristics of English advertising texts.Verbs are the most important part of language.It is a prominent feature in adervertising english that verbs are regularly used for the ultimate goal of advertising ,which is to enable consumers to buy their goods.So in terms of the using of words,dynamic and strong word will produce a better feeling effects.Verbs can be used to “touch”the consumer's heart.In this way,they will have impules to buy the goods.E.g.①Drink Coca-Cola.②I want you to sponsor a Rice Paddy Baby.③For incredible speed and accuracy, try the Minolta 7000, the world’s first body-integral auto-focus SLR.In the above examples, “try”,”sponsor” and “drink”are to fulfill the “get action” requirement seem more euphemistic and even more attractive.④Get noticed. Get results.⑤Feel the Hyatt Touch.⑥Send today for your free sample, and try the new flavor.After reading the above ads, we feel encouraged to take buying action or make repeated purchases. The active voice doesn’t force people to take the passive action while it makes people feel that they do something of their own accord. Ⅲ. Adjectives⑴It is hard for us to think of any really persuasive message without the use of descriptive and vivid adjectives. Copywriters like to use a large number of adjectives not only to describe the quality and features of the products or services, but to a great extent to praise and beautify them.E.g.For people who care about their bodies, Dairy Farm brings fresh skimmed milk. With almost no fat, it keeps your body fit inside and outside, fresh skimmed milk. Fresh Dairy Farm.The adjective “fresh” in Example appears three times to emphasize how fresh the product is, making its quality particularly attra ctive. And the adjective “fit” points out the remarkable function of the product.⑵The copywriter tends to select the superlative or comparative forms of adjectives that carry positive meanings so as to make a comparison and stress the wonderful qualities of the advertised product. E.g.①Using Dove, I do feel 20 years younger.“Younger” just emphasizes the magic power of the product.②Discover the season’s newest splendor.The word “newest” , which is an advertisement of a kind of perfume, means “fashionable to the highest degree”.Of course, the advertisers must make sure that the advertised goods or services are actually the best in the same category.Sometimes people do not know how superb the goods or the services are in quality. Anyhow, people tend to believe what is said in advertisements.Ⅳ.New Words Constantly AppearIn order to attract people’s attention, copywriters like to create some new words which are more active. The new words are mainly used for truthfulness, humor or emphasis in English advertising texts. E.g.①Surefit Shoe Ltd.“Surefit” is a new word which makes consurms thing of a sentence”Surely to fit your feet”.That means the shoes are fot for your feet.②Give a Timex to all, and to all a good time.The well-known watch brand “Timex” is a variation of “Time + Excellent”, wh ich persuasively shows the merit of the watch brand. Thus, brand names get and retain a unique image.Ⅴ.PronousPronouns of the first and second person: we, I and you outnumber the other pronouns in advertisements. It is because that you, we and I help create a friend-like intimate atmosphere to move and persuade the audience. The audience will easily accept a product, a service or an idea as if a good friend recommended them.Sometimes,we use infinitive pronouns,such asall,everyone,none,nothing and so on in order to feflect the extraordinarycharacteristics of a particular commodity or it has been spending and receiving most of people.E.g.Our finest time.It is about a well-known red wine.A pair of lover drink together at romantic atmosphere.Ⅵ.Compound wordsA compound word is often a noun or an adjective made up of two or more words which are frequently used to express more information in limited space. Especially,compound adjectives are often seen in advertisements.E.g.Kodak Single-use-came ras take pictures where you wouldn’t normally take your camera.It used the compound word skillfully and describe the capability and function of the product incisively and vividly.Now we have briefly discussed the six wording characteristics of English advertisements. We have got to know that simple verbs and concise adjectives are very important words in English advertising, and that new words which are attractively used to stress the new and special qualities or functions of the advertised products. Language in advertising presents us with a colorful, interesting and wonderful world in order to serve the purpose of attracting advertising readers. Of course, besides the above features discussed in this study, there is much more for further study in advertising language.Email:********************。

On native words and borrowings in the English vocabulary AbstractAs time goes on, great changes have taken place in native English vocabulary. In addition to the inner evolvement of itself, it has also absorbed more and more borrowings from other culture. This essay will focus on exactly this subject. The main parts in this paper are: ①to exhibit the basic conceptions regarding native words and borrowings in English vocabulary;②to discuss the major features of English native words;③to discuss the major sources and features of borrowings in the English vocabulary; ④to explore the interrelation between the native and foreign elements in the English vocabulary.⑤to make a conclusion of the whole paper.Key words native words borrowings English vocabularyChapter 1 Basic Information about Native Words in English Vocabulary1、1 Definition of Native WordsWe should first make clear the exact definition of native words or borrowings no matter what we are going to discuss about them next.According to some dictionaries and books of lexicology, native words refer to words which originated in the region where it is used. To put it simple, native words are words that are not foreign or imported.Specifically, as for English vocabulary, native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the Germanic tribes, namely the angles, the Saxons, and the jutes, thus known as Anglo-Saxon words. Though words of Anglo-Saxon origin are small in number, they stand at the core of the language.1、2 Features of native wordsGenerally speaking, native words have these features below:First, they are neutral in style. That is to say, native words are usually neither formal nor informal. This is because native words denote the commonest things in human society. Almost all the people use them in all places, on all occasions, and at all times. Take the word begin and commerce for instance. Begin is a typical native word and commerce is a borrowing.Obviously, we use begin neither formally or informally. However we use commerce mostly in formal occasions.Second, they are frequent in use. Native words are the foudation and the core of the English vocabulary. Native words are most frequently used in everyday speech and writing. The percentage of native words in use reaches usually as high as 70 to 90 percent.Third, in structure they are mostly monosyllabic words.Fourth, in meaning they express the fundamental concepts dealing with everyday objects and things. At the same time, they are highly polysemic words, that is, they have many meanings.Fifth, in grammar they include most parts of speech.Sixth, they are of collocability. Many commonly-used expressions and phrases in English are made up of native words.Seventh, they are good at forming word in modern English. Native words in modern English can form a great number of derivatives. For example, watery and waterless are both the derivatives of water. Native words in modern English can also form many compounds. For example, the word fire can form many compounds, such as fireman, firefighter, fireplace and firebrand and so on.Chapter 2 Basic Information about Borrowings in English Vocabulary2.1 Definition and Main Features of BorrowingsBorrowings, or borrowed words, or loan words, refers to the words taken from foreign language.As a language which owns the most speakers, English has adopted words from almost all other major languages in the world. As is stated in Encyclopedia Americana, “the English language has vast debts. In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed”. Thus the English language is called “a heavy borrower”. Here “borrowing” is not real “borrowing”. It has nothing to with returning. It’s merely a metaphor stands for the foreign words from a different culture. But not all foreign words do become borrowings. If they fall out of use before they become widespread, they do not reach the borrowing stage.Through analyzing the borrowings in English vocabulary, we can find some common features among them.First, borrowings in English vocabulary usually do not have relative native words with the same meaning with them. When this is the case, certain concepts, ideas or objects of the “lending”language community are new to the people of the “borrowing” language community. So instead of making up a complete whole new word for the idea or object they simply borrow the word from the people they came in contact with.Second, borrowings are usually words that refer to exotic ideas, concepts or objects. An example of this is how names of animals that do not inherently come from Great Britain are often loanwords in English. The name of the animal is borrowed from the language that is spoken in the country in which the animal originally comes from or lives in.Third, most of the borrowings in English vocabulary are nouns. Nouns and lexical words in general, are borrowed more frequently than grammatical words. An example of this is the word “bagel”. The word was adopted from the Yiddish language, since the Jews were those who introduced bagels to the rest of the world. Many other languages, including English, therefore borrowed the word “bagel”.Fourth, borrowings are often even more widely known than native words since their borrowing served a certain purpose, for example to provide a name for a new invention. An example of such a borrowing is “pizza”. Since the Italians were those who introduce pizzas in England, the England borrowed the word from them.2.2 Major Sources of Borrowings in the English VocabularyTo discuss this question, we should first get to know the exact meaning of “source of borrowing”. Here it refers to the place where the borrowing was borrowed.Generally speaking, Latin, Greek and French are the three languages that have contributed most to the English language. Other foreign languages that have contributed words are of less importance.That is to say, Latin, Greek and French are the three main sources where borrowings in English vocanulary come from. Apart from the three, Scandinavian, Celtic, Dutch, Low German, Arabic, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish are also the main sources of borrowings in English vocabulary. Some examples of borrowings in English voabulary are as follows.Among those borrowings that come from the Germanic are the words father, mother, brother, man, wife, tree, grass, summer, winter, bring, come, get, hear, meet, and think and so on.Such words as constitution, president, parliament, congress, city, place, , diner, café, liberty, veracity, carpenter, draper, haberdasher, mason, painter, plumber, and tailor are from France.English has acquired many words from Spanish. Some of these have been borrowed directly: cigar, armada, guerrilla, matador, mosquito, and tornado.Borrowings from Latin have been especially numerous. Many of these represent combinations of Latin words: alnutrition, transfer, circumference, supernatural, submarine, suburb, substantial, contemporary, multilingual, conjunction, compassion, and hundreds more.Borrowings from Greek are heavy in the sciences and technology. In addition to macro and micro, often-used prefixes include poly and tele. Among the well-known English words from Greek are alphabet, geometry, geology, photography, psychology, pathology, biology, philosophy, telephone, logistics, and metamorphosis.Among the common English words that have come from Arabic are: alcohol, alchemy, algebra, alkali, almanac, arsenal, assassin, cipher, elixir, mosque, naphtha, sugar, syrup, zenith, and zero.Borrowings in English vocabulary are so numerous that they can not be listed one by one The above are the language sources that English vocabulary comes from. Below are the specific sources or we’d better say specific channels that borrowings come from. Generally speaking, English vocabulary mainly comes through conquest, commerce, travel, literature, mass media or some other ways. In other words, those borrowings have come into English vocabulary through the spoken word, on one hand, and through the written word, on the other hand.Chapter 3 The Interrelation between the Native and Foreign Elements in the English VocabularyIn fact, no language has so complex and varied a vocabulary as English. The English vocabulary has been adopted from more than fifty languages. As a cosmopolitan language English has no rival. That is to say, up to seventy percent of the English vocabulary consists of loan-words, and only thirty percent are native words.In spite of large-scale borrowings, it is the native words that form the basic stock of modern English vocabulary. And what’s more, native words are used in everyday speech and writing more frequently than borrowed words.Generally, the longer a borrowed word has been in the language, and the more frequently it is used, the more it resembles the native words of the language.In the course of historical development borrowed words have extended the total number of the English vocabulary, and Latin or Greek roots, prefixes or suffixes have changed the structures of English words.Chapter 4 conclusionTo sum up, we can say that English vocabulary has been marked by the word ‘borrowing’. Since early times, English has been in contact with other languages such as Greek, French, Scandinavian, Celtic, Dutch, Low German, Arabic, Persian, Portuguese, and Spanish and so on, and as a result, English vocabulary has been riched under the influence of other languages. It is native words and borrowings together help strengthen the English vocabulary and make it a very open and the most poewrful language in the modern world.Bibliography参考书目??/~kemmer/Words04/structure/borrowed.htmlhttp://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/SLF/EngluVglSW/grzega1032.pdfhttp://dooku.miun.se/engelska/englishC/C-essay/VT06/Final/NicoleFerm.pdf/~kemmer/Words/loanwords.html/media_file/200708/huashi/0809/cihuix/web/unit02.htm。

This is an interesting and thought-provoking picture worth the attention of those interested in attitude towards setbacks. In the picture above stands a man who is sad at a fallen plastic bottle with some water left, and saying, “it’s all over now”.Meanwhile, the other man in the same condition feels “it is lucky that a little is still remained there”.What the drawer desires to inform us of is the undying truth, and that is, optimistic attitude is of great importance to one’s life and career success. Firstly, it is well-known that we exist in a challenging and competitive times with various new problems. We can do nothing but face them. Secondly, attitude is the key point to relieve the pressure and calm our nerves. Assume a positive attitude to be armed to people’s strength, it is not hard to realize one’s ideal. Take “lightening” Bolt as an example. Suppose the running genius did not have an optimistic attitude in competition with the world-famous competitors, he would hardly be a world champion. It is not exaggerated to say that a great attitude towards difficulties is an essential brick for ones final success.Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of cultivating a healthy and positive spirit in our society. We should bear in mind that being optimistic is of great significance to both ourselves and our society. Only in this way both can we achieve success and can our society become more harmonious to live in.(254words)Dear International Students,As the chairman of Students’ Union in Peking University, I am writing this letter, on behalf of all the students, to extend my warmest welcome for your visiting our university.The University has a long history and great prestige in China. In order that you could have a pleasant stay on the campus, it is advisable to cherish the time to study and enjoy with Chinese students. Besides, try to participate in some college and social activities to enhance your understanding of Chinese cultures.Welcome again! I do hope you could have a pleasant and unforgettable experience in China.Sincerely yours,Li Ming。


与词汇学有关的英语作文英文回答:When it comes to vocabulary, the English language is a treasure trove of words that can express a wide range of ideas and emotions. From the most mundane to the most sophisticated, the English language has a word for it.As a native English speaker, I have always been fascinated by the sheer number and diversity of words in my language. From the simple words we learn as children, such as "cat" and "dog," to the more obscure words we might only encounter in specialized texts, such as "sesquipedalian" and "floccinaucinihilipilification," the English language has a word for every occasion.One of the things that makes the English language so rich is its complex history. Over the centuries, English has borrowed words from many other languages, including Latin, Greek, French, and German. This has resulted in alanguage that is both diverse and nuanced.For example, the word "beautiful" comes from the Latin word "bellus," which means "fair" or "handsome." The word "computer" comes from the Latin word "computare," which means "to calculate." And the word "jazz" comes from the French word "jaser," which means "to chatter."These are just a few examples of the many words thatthe English language has borrowed from other languages. Asa result of this linguistic borrowing, the English language is now one of the most expressive and versatile languagesin the world.中文回答:说到词汇,英语就是一座宝库,里面有丰富多彩的单词,能表达各种意义和情感。

Know More about X-rayAfter a semester's study of Lexics, I had learned a lot about words and vocabulary. Here I am going to introduce the word "X-ray". I will mainly cover four parts: What X-ray is; when, where, how and by whom it had been discovered; the uses of X-ray; and the harmful effects it has.First, what is X-ray?X-ray, can also be called Radiography, is a form of electromagnetic radiation, just like visible light. X-rays are electromagnetic waves like radio and light waves. These all travel at the speed of light, which is 300 000km per second.As the wavelengths of light decrease, they increase in energy. The wavelength of an X-ray however is one hundredth that of the light rays that you can see, at around 10¯¹ºm. This means that X-rays have higher energy than ultraviolet waves. We usually talk about X-rays in terms of their energy rather than wavelength. This is partially because X-rays have very small wavelengths. It is also because X-ray light tends to act more like a particle than a wave.X-ray detectors collect actual photons of X-ray light which is very different from the radio telescopes that have large dishes designed to focus radio waves. In fact, X-ray fluorescence is the emission of X-rays from excited atoms produced by the impact of high-energy electrons, other particles or a primary beam of other X-rays. Atoms of all the elements emit a characteristic X-ray spectrum when they are bombarded with electrons. The X-ray photons are emitted when the incident electrons knock an inner orbital electron out of an atom. When this happens, an outer energy electron falls into the inner shell to replace it, losing potential energy in doing so.Second, when, where, how and by whom had the X-ray been discovered?X-rays were first observed and documented in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, a German scientist who found them quite by accident when doing some experiments in which he passed an electric current through Crookes tubes (special tubes containing a cathode and electrode from which the air has been removed),Roentgen noticed that photographic plates nearby began to grow fogged. To discover why this occurred he placed black paper on the tube and then switched on the current. Nearby a screen coated with barium began to glow. This caused Roentgen to believe that unknown rays produced inside the tube were passing through the paper to make this fluorescent substance give out light.A week later, he took an X-ray photograph of his wife's hand which clearly revealed her wedding ring and her bones. The photograph electrified the general public and aroused great scientific interest in the new form of radiation. Roentgen called it "X" to indicate it was an unknown type of radiation. The name stuck, although (over Roentgen's objections), many of his colleagues suggested calling them Roentgen rays. They are still occasionally referred to as Roentgen rays in German-speaking countries.The occurrence of X-rays is not just on the Earth. Many things in deep space give off X-rays. Many stars are in binary star systems which mean that two stars orbit each other. When one of these stars is a black hole or a neutron star, material is pulled off the normal star. This materials spirals into the black hole or neutron star and heats up to very high temperatures. When something is heated to over a million degrees, it will give off X-rays. Recently, we learned that even comets emit X-rays. The Sun also emits X-rays. But, the Earth's atmosphere is thick enough that virtually no X-rays are able to penetrate from outer space all the way to the Earth's surface. This is good for us but also bad for astronomy - we have to put X-ray telescopes and detectors on satellites! We cannot do X-ray astronomy from the ground.The Earth glows in many kinds of light, including the energetic X-ray band. Actually, the Earth itself does not glow; only aurora produced high in the Earth's atmosphere. These auroras are caused by charged particles from the Sun. The energetic charged particles from the Sun that cause aurora also energize electrons in the Earth's magnetosphere. These electrons move along the Earth's magnetic field and eventually strike the Earth's ionosphere, causing the X-ray emission. These X-rays are not dangerous because they are absorbed by lower parts of the Earth's atmosphere.Third, what are the uses of X-ray?It has been found that X-rays reach the Earth from outer space. Mysterious objects called quasars give out huge amounts of X-ray energy. X-rays can pass through many forms of matter and therefore have many uses. X-rays are produced for these purposes by an X-ray tube.The first medical use of X-rays came in 1896. It was American physiologist Walter Bradford Cannon who used a fluorescent screen to follow the path of barium sulfate through an animal's digestive system. This was possible only after Thomas Alva Edison invented the X-ray fluoroscope that same year. Soon after, physicians worldwide began using X-rays on humans, usually to examine bone fractures or to search for foreign objects such as bullets.The main use of X-rays is in medicine. A common application is in the form of X-ray machines, which take photos of a patient’s body. If an arm or leg were broken for example, then this limb would be put in front of the X-ray with a piece of photographic film behind. The X –ray is turned on briefly and goes through to the film. The rays go through the skin and flesh easily, showing up as dark areas on the film, but with more difficulty through bone. They are slowed down and so these areas are much lighter. X-rays can also be used to kill cancer cells, but also kill healthy cells, so must be used with much care.Apart from its useful medical implementation, X-ray has a wide range of industrial and other scientific uses as well. X-ray is often used to detect the integral condition and strength of a structure and thus both aircraft and car manufacturers use it as an important tool to make and maintain their manufactures.Although X-rays have been so widely used, they are not advised by doctors nowadays, unless necessary and that too with sufficient gaps in between them. The simple reason behind this precaution is that over-exposure to X-rays damage living tissues and cells and may cause them to develop cancer. What's more, X-rays can harm the tissue in the bones which is called bone marrow. X-ray can cause baldness that is the loss of hair on the head. X-rays also cause cancer development, thyroid cancer and invisible spectrum. X-rays have biological radiation effects, which are observed when ionizing radiation strikes living tissue and destroys the molecules ofcellular matter. Birth defects are also known as congenital disorders are abnormalities of structure or function that exists at birth. Pregnancy and childbirth imply the gestation period of the human reproductive cycle. Bone marrow is a soft and pulpy tissue that fills the bone cavities, which occur in two forms i.e. red and yellow. Hair loss is a baldness or alopecia that is partial or complete loss of hair affecting the scalp. Thyroid cancer also known as endocrine gland occurs in all vertebrate animals.Although exposure to X-ray radiation can lead to such problems as discussed in the above paragraphs, it is an essential part of medical diagnosis and is unavoidable in certain cases. Practicing caution and avoiding over-exposure are the keys to avoid such effects on your body.Ironically, the harmful side effects of X-ray scanning have suggested yet another use for the procedure called radiotherapy. In this therapy, very high frequency X-rays are used to destroy cancer cells. Radiotherapy is most often used in conjunction with chemotherapy (cancer medicine that is taken by mouth).If you want to some more detailed information, you can resort to the Internet.。

PINGDINGSHAN UNIVERSITY《英语词汇学》课程论文论文题目词汇学的重点内容及其在外语学习中的辅助作用院系: 外国语学院专业年级: 2012级英语师范专业*名:**学号: *********指导教师:韩福领副教授2015年6月25日词汇学的重点内容及其在外语学习中的辅助作用摘要英语词汇普遍存在于各种语体中而且对各种语体的言语交际至关重要,因此引起许多语言学家的关注,他们从不同的角度对其进行研究。
本文在对这些研究进行回顾和总结的基础上,尝试分析英语词汇学与二外学习的关系、主要内容及其现实意义.关键词:英语词汇学;内容;作用.目录摘要-—-——-————-————------——--—-—-——---—-—-———--—-———-—-—-———--——---————---—-——---—-—---——---—-—2目录—--————---—--—----———-———-—----—-———--—---——-———--—--———————-—----——-——-—---——--—-——----—————3内容 1英语词汇学的内容简介——-——-————-----—-——-————-—————---—-——-—-————-—-——---—--—41。
2 英语词汇学的主要内容--——-——-—-—-—--———-—————-—---—-——-—---——-—------—-—-—--——-—错误!未定义书签。
词汇学论文On Word Meanings and Sense Relation

On Word Meanings and Sense Relations12级英语D班,赖惠珊,NO.12 Word MeaningsWhat is the definition of word meanings? Meaning is a notion in semantics classically defined as having two components: reference, anything in the referential realm denoted by a word or expression, and sense, the system of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships between a lexical unit and other lexical units in a language. So, words may have two natures:“conventionality”and“motivation”. ConventionalityMost English words are conventional,arbitrary symbols; consequently, there is no intrinsic relation between the symbol and its sense. There is no way to explain why this or that symbol has this or that meaning.MotivationMotivation refers to the connection between word symbol and its sense. From the point of view of motivation, the great majority of English words are conventional. However, there is a small group of words that can be described as motivated, that is, a direct connection between the symbol and its sense can be really observed. Motivation can arise in three major ways:(1).Phonetic motivation:(onomatopoeic words)(2).Morphological motivation:(derivation, compounding, conversion)(3).Semantic motivation:Semantic motivation refers to motivation based on semantic factors. It is a kind of mental association.eg: the leg of a table, a stony heartHer favorite dish is steak.He manages to earn bread.There are two main Types of Word Meaning. Word meaning is made up of various components which are interrelated and interdependent. These components are commonly described as types of meaning. Two main types of word meaning are grammatical and lexical.Grammatical meaningGrammatical meaning refers to that part of meaning which indicates grammatical relationships or concept, such as the word class, singular and plural forms of nouns,tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms. Words with the similarlexical meaning can have different grammatical meanings, and words with different lexical meanings can have the same grammatical meaning. Grammatical meaning is in use.Take the following as the example,(1).word-class:modern (adj) →modernize(v) →modernization(n)(2).Inlfectional paradign:cat →catswrite →writes →wrote →written →writingLexical meaningLexical meaning is the meaning of an isolated word in a dictionary. This component of meaning is identical in all the forms of the word. For example, …go, goes, went, gone, going‟ possess different grammatical meaning. But they have the same lexical meaning expressing the process of movement. Lexical meaning is composed of conceptual meaning and associative meaning. Lexical meaning is relatively stable.Conceptual meaning is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. Conceptual meaning forms the basis for communication as the sameword has the same conceptual meaning to all the speakers of the same language. For example,the word …sun‟means a heavenly body which gives off lights, heat and energy. …Mother‟ means a female parent.Associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. It differs from the conceptual meaning in that it is liable to the influence of such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographical region, class background, education, ect.What‟s more, associative meaning comprises four types:Connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning and collocative meaning.In contrast to denotative meaning, connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associations which a word suggests or implies. Take a example, …Mother‟ is often associated with …love‟, …care‟, …forgiving‟,etc.Words may have stylistic features,which make them appropriate for different contexts. This stylistic difference is especially ture of synonyms. Take some example, bodily---corporal, brotherly---fraternal,etc.Affective meaning indicates the speaker‟s attitude towards the person or thing in question. Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative or commendatory and pejorative or derogatory.Collocative meaning consists of the associations a word acquires in its collocation. In other words, it is that part of the word meaning suggested by the words before or after the word in discussion. For example, …a bit or a little‟collocates with words od negative connotations: drunk, jealous, gloomy, etc.Sense Relations between WordsWords are arbitrary symbols and are independent indentities so far as their outer facet---spelling and pronunciation,is concerned. But semantically, all words are related in one way or another, hence sence relations. In light of sense relations, words can be classified semantically.There are four types of sense relations.Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusions. It refers to the relationship which obtains between the genus and the species,such that the former is included in the latter.Examples:color∣∣---------∣--------∣---------∣---------∣--------∣-------∣grey blue Red black white yellowSynonyms are traditionally defined as words differing in sound form but identical or similar in meaning. Synonyms are based on the denotative meaning. In every synonymous group a common denotative component brings the words together. Such an agreement in denotation is the most important criterion of Synonymy. Example: head —chief —boss —leaderstatesman —politicianTypes of synonymsRelative or partial synonyms:words which are similar or nearly the same in denotation, but embrace different shades of meaning or different degree of a given quality.Sources of SynonymsThe English language is noted for its wealth of Synonyms.“The richness of English in Synonyms is largely due to the happy mingling of Latin, French and native elements.”Based on semantic similarity,synonymes are usually arranged into synonyms are usually arranged into synonymic groups or sets. Within this groups there is the most general term known as “synonymic dominant”. The synonymic dominant is thecommon denotational component that brings two or more words together into a synonymic group, which can be called a semantically synonymous field. Antonymy is the standard technical term for oppositeness of meaning between words. Words that are opposite in meaning are Antonyms. They are a variety of …oppositness‟. They can be classified into three major groups.a.semantic contrast:rich —poorheavy —lightdeep —shallowplementariesalive —deadsingle —marriedpresent —absentc.Conversiveslend —borrowtake —bringimmigrate —emigratehusband —wifeHomonymy is commonly used to refer to the linguistic phenomenon that words are identical in pronunciation, spelling, or both, but different in meaning.Modern English is exceptionally rich in homonymous words, due to the monosyllabic structure of many common English words. There are roughly four times as many monosyllabic as polysyllabic homonyms.Polysemy means a single word having several or many meanings. Radiation and concatenation are the main processes leading to polysemy. Polysemic words of long standing are signs of an advanced culture. Polysemy is also an essential feature of a language‟s economy and efficiency.Homonyms are words different in meaning,but identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in spelling or sound. Phonetic convergence,semantic divergence and foreign influence are the three main sources of homonymy.Polysemic and homonymous words are stylustically useful to achieve humor or irony,or to heighten dramatic effect.。

OnWordFormation★PrefaceLearnalanguage;youmustlearnpronunciation,grammar,vocabulary.Amongthethreef actors,vocabularyhasaveryimportantroleinyourlanguage-studying.AfamousscholarW ilkinssaid”withoutgrammar,verylittlecanbeconveyed,withoutvocabulary,nothingc anbeconveyed.”H eemphasizedthatinmostcases,thevocabularyismoreimportantthangr ammar.AnotherfamouslexicologistMcCarthysaid,whenastudentlearnthesecondlanguag e,nomatterhowwellthestudentlearnsgrammar,nomatterhowsuccessfullyhemastersthes econdsofaL2,withoutwordstoexpressawiderangeofmeanings,communicationinthatlanguagecannotha ppeninanymanfulway.Fromthesetwoexamplesandofcourseincludemanyothercasesthatarenotmentionedher enow,wecanconcludethatifyoudon’tcarevocabularyatall,itisimpossibletolearnala nguageinsomeway.What’smore,youcannotexpressyourrealfeelingnomatteryouarehapp y,sad,fortune,oryouareunlucky,becauseyoudon’tknowwhatwordsyoucansayoryoucanw rite.Today,IwilltellyouwhatIhadlearnedinthisclass.WhatIwillteachyouis“wordform ation”,whydoIchoosethistopictotalkBecauseinmyopinion,ifyouknowthewordformati onverywell,youcanrememberandusethenewwordseasily.Absolutely,it’sveryhelpfulf oryourlanguagestudying.D on’t youthinkso★SummaryEnglishvocabularyhasseveralof Word-formationmethods.Butthethreegreatestwordformatio npowersareaffixation,compounding,andconversion.Theothersixkindsofword-formationmethods includeblending,clipping,acronymy,back-formation,soundreduplication,andcommunizationofpr opernames.★KeywordsMorphemes,classifying,word-formation★ContextBeforetalkingaboutwordformation,maybeweshouldknowthemorphologicalstructureofEngli shwordsfirst.SowhatwewilldiscussnextismorphologicalstructureofEnglishwords.Itincludesmorph emes,morphsandallomorphs,classifyingmorphemes,identifyingmorphemes,morphemesandwor d-formation.☆morphemesTraditionally,wordsareusuallytreatedasthebasicandminimalunitsofalanguageto makesentence,whicharecombinationsofwordsaccordingtosyntacticrules.Structurall y,however,awordisnotthesmallestunitbecausemanywordscanbeseparatedintoevensmal lermeaningfulunits.Theseminimalmeaningfulunitsareknownasmorphemes.Inviewofword-formation,themorphemeisseenas‘thesmallestfunctioningunitinthecompositionof words’.Syn tactically,however,amorphemeistheminimalformofgrammaticalanalysis.Morphemesareabstractunits,whicharerealizedinspeechbydiscreteunitsknownasmo rphs.Theyareactualspoken,minimalcarriersofmeaning.Morphemesvaryinfunction.Accordingly,wecanclassifymorphemesintoseveralgener alcategories:①FreeversusBoundMorphemes----morphemeswhichareindependentofothermorphemes arefree.Thesemorphemeshavecompletemeaningsinthemselvesandcanbeusedasfreegramm aticalunitsinsentences.Morphemeswhichcannotoccurasseparatewordsarebound.Theya resonamedbecausetheyareboundtoothermorphemestoformwordsortoperformaparticular grammaticalfunction.②DerivationalversusInflectionalMorphemes----morphemeswhichareusedtoderive newwordsareknownasderivationalmorphemesbecausewhenthesemorphemesareconjoined, newwordsarederived.③ContentversusGrammaticalMorphemes----Onasemanticandsyntacticbasis,morphe mescanfallintocontentandgrammaticalmorphemes.Contentmorphemesarelexicalmorphe meswhichareusedasweseeabovetoderivenewwords,soalsoknownasderivationalmorpheme s.☆MorphemesandWord-formationWeknowthatwordscanbeanalyzedintomorphemes,whicharetheminimalmeaningfulunit sinthecompositionofwords.Inword-formationformation,however,morphemesareconven tionallylabeledroot,stem,baseandaffix.Affixesareformsthatareattachedtowordsorelementstomodifymeaningorfunction.A ffixesareboundmorphemesbecausenoneofthemcanstandaswordsintheirownright.Accord ingtothefunctionsofaffixes,wecandividethemintoinflectionalaffixesandderivatio nalaffixes.Derivationalandinflectionalaffixesareidenticalwithderivationalandi nflectionalmorphemes.Inviewoftheirdistributionintheformationofword,affixescan fallintoprefixandsuffix.Beforewebeginouractualdiscussionofword-buildingprocesses,therearesomebasic conceptsthatneedclarifying:1.Root:arootisthebasicformofawordwhichcannotbefurtheranalyzedwithouttotallossofidentity.2.Stem:astemmayconsistofasinglerootmorphemeoroftworootmorphemes.Itcanbearootmorphemeplusoneormoreaffixationalmorphemes.3.Base:abaseisreferredtoaformtowhichaffixesofanykindcanbeadded.Itcanbearootorastem.☆ WordFormationTheexpansionofvocabularyinmodernEnglishdependschieflyonwordformation.There isavarietyofmeansbeingatworknow.Themostproductiveareaffixation,compoundingand conversion.⑴AffixationAffixationisgenerallydefinedastheformationofwordsbyaddingword-formingorder ivationalaffixestobase.Thisprocessisalsoknownasderivation,bywhichnewwordsared erivedfromoldorbaseforms.Thewordscreatedinthiswayarecalledderivatives.Accordi ngtothepositionsaffixesoccupyinwords,affixationfallsintotwosubcategories:prefixationandsuffixation.Prefixation includes:NegativePrefixes(a-,dis-,in-,non-,un-…)ReversativeorPrivativePrefixes(de-,dis-,un,…)PejorativePrefixes(mal-,mis-,pseudo-…)PrefixesofDegreeorSize(arch-,co-,extra-,hyper-,macro-,micro-,mini-,out-,over-,sub-,super-,sur-,ultra-,under-…) PrefixesofOrientationandAttitude(anti-,contra-,counter-,pro-…)LocativePrefixes(fore-,inter-,intra-,super-,tele-,trans-…)PrefixesofTimeandOrder(ex-,fore-,post-,pre-,re-…)NumberPrefixes(bi-,multi-,semi-,tri-,uni-…)ConversionPrefixes(a-,be-,en-…)MiscellaneousPrefixes(auto-,neo-,pan-,proto-,vice-…)Suffixation includes:Nounsuffixes(denominalnouns,deverbalnouns,de-adjectivenouns,nonandadjecti vesuffixes)Adjectivesuffixes(denominalsuffixes,deverbalsuffixes)Adverbsuffixes(Omitexample)Verbsuffixes(Omitexample)⑵CompoundingCompoundingistheformationofnewwordsbyjoiningtwoormorebases.Wordsworthforme poundscanbewrittensolid,hyphenatedandopen.1.CharacteristicsofcompoundsCompoundshavenoticeablecharacteristicswhichmayinmostcasesdifferentiatethem selvesfromnounphrasesinthefollowingfouraspects:Phonologicalfeatures,semanticfeatures,grammatical,orthographicalfeatures.2.FormationofcompoundsCompoundingcantakeplacewithinanyofthewordclass,buttheproductiveonesarenoun sandadjectivesfollowedbyverbstoamuchlesserextent.Nouncompounds,adjectivecompounds,verbcompounds.⑶ConversionConversionistheformationofnewwordsbyconvertingwordsofoneclasstoanotherclas s.Conversionisgenerallyconsideredtobeaderivationalprocesswherebyanitemisadapt edorconvertedtoanewwordclasswithouttheadditionofanaffix.Hencethenamezero-deri vation.Wordsproducedbyconversionareprimarilynouns,adjectives,andverbs.Conversiontonouns(deverbal,de-adjectival,miscellaneousconversion)Conversiontoverbs(denominal,de-adjectival,miscellaneousconversion)conversiontoadjectives(voicelesstovoicedconsonant,initialtoendstress) theothersixmeansofword-formationincludes:Blending,Clipping,Acronymy,Back-formation,Soundreduplication,Communizationofp ropernames.Becausethewordslimit,thesixword-formationmethodsisnotdetailedintroducedher e.Ifyouareinterestedinthem,pleaserefertothelexicology.Annotation:《英语词汇学教程》张伟友着,《词汇学学习指南》杨春慧着。

题目:Semantic Analysis of English Words学期2011/2012学年第一学期科目英语词汇学班级学号姓名摘要语言教学领域的变革从来没有停止过,而在近年变革中,其中最主要的一个变化是人们研究的焦点已经从教师的教转移到学生的学。
关键词:自主学习;角色转换;策略训练;大学英语I.IntroductionEver since its birth in the 1980s, the concept of learner autonomy has long been a hot topic in the field of linguistics both at home and abroad. Substantial research on learner autonomy has hence been carried out and turned out to be fruitful. It is generally accepted that language learning requires the active involvement of learners. Language can only be learned and not be taught. The focus of classroom activities has been shifting from teacher-centered to learner-centered. The goal of language teaching is to help learners to become independent from their teachers in their learning and use of language. “Although there has always been the Chinese idea of zi xue (self-teaching),the idea is different from the concept of learner autonomy and is only peripheral in the Chinese educational culture.”(Bai & Jing,P52)Learning how to learn is more important than being taught something from the superior vantage point of teachers. (Cao, P39)Furthermore, recent research in psychology, sociology and linguistics, has shedlight on language teaching, learning and the roles of learners in the language learning process. The learner-centered approach, constructivism, humanism and social cognition all support and emphasize a learner’s central place in the classroom. (Qin Shen, P9-P11)Personal construct theory holds that individual learners bring their own systems of constructs to bear on learning tasks. When learning is a matter of adding information to an existing construct, it is likely to be relatively unproblematic. When new knowledge contradicts existing construct systems, learning is likely to be more difficult and resistance may be encountered. Both in therapy and in education, resistance is overcome by helping individuals to become more aware of their existing personal construct systems and gradually to assume control of their psychological processes. In education, this means helping learners to become more aware of their assumptions about learning and to assume control of their own learning processes. Humanistic approach emphasizes the importance of inner world of the learners and affective factors in learning process. Teachers should pay attention to and respect learners with decision-making power. Learner autonomy used to be considered as a concept only suitable for Western countries, but it is now regarded as an unquestionable goal and a prerequisite for lifelong learning also in China.Over the last few decades, English teaching in China has made remarkable progress. Many educational reforms have been undertaken, new frontier language learning theories have been introduced and much research on teaching has been carried out. V arious innovative teaching methods have been explored. Even new technology like computer and the Internet has been introduced into the teaching process. The achievement of these reforms cannot be denied. Y et many problems still exist and much room for improvement remains, especially in the field of lea rner’s learning. Therefore, learner autonomy catches the eye of many researchers.However, teacher-centered approaches and spoon-fed methods have been prevalent for a long time in China’s EFL context.Teachers are regarded as authority, knowledge-givers and error correctors, while students tend to limit their work to what is taught in class. As a result, many learners are accustomed to depending on teacher’s feeding. Without teacher’s timely and adequate help, students will feel disoriented, lose confidence and fail to pinpoint their goals in learning. So there is a need for a shift in English language studies from focusing on how to teach language to how to learn it, with a consequent change of perspective from the teacher to the learner.Global changes in the availability of information indicate that there is no longer a fixed body of knowledge that can be transmitted to learners. It is no longer possible toteach all students all they need to know. Learning is a lifelong endeavor. Only when learners are able to know their situation, their learning strength, weakness and avail themselves of each learning opportunity rather than simply react to various stimuli from the teacher can they be confident enough to involve into their learning and eventually become successful language learners. The situation calls for the urgent need of fostering learner autonomy in college English teaching.II.Current Situation of English Learning and Necessity of Learner Autonomy1. Current Situation of English LearningCollege English teaching in China is still focusing on teacher’s teaching rather than student’s learning. It ignores student’s individua l variables and thus produces passive learners. Recently, with the boom in curriculum reform, more and more teachers have begun to accept new educational concepts and try new teaching methods, but influenced by traditional educational theory and exam-oriented education, China’s education reform still has a long way to go. Some existing problems need to be addressed.1.1 Teacher-Centered Classroom TeachingTeacher-centered classroom teaching is a traditional teaching style in which teaching is carried out by the teacher who is the focus of the classroom, and students only listen to him or her.In China’s EFL context, teacher-centered approaches and spoon-fed methods have been prevalent for a long time. Teachers are regarded as authority, knowledge-givers and error correctors, while students tend to limit their work to what is taught in class. Classes are usually driven by “teacher-talk”and depend heavily on textbooks. Instruction in the classroom is based on the misconception that there is a fixed body of knowledge that students must know. There is little or no room for student-initiated questions, independent thought or interaction between students. Teachers often tend to focus on teaching the target language by carefully designed steps. As a result, many le arners are accustomed to depending on teacher’s feeding. Without teacher’s timely and adequate help, students will feel disoriented, lose confidence and fail to pinpoint their goals in learning. Such situation is getting worse and worse with the expansion of college school enrolment, too many students in a class and inadequate teaching staff, who find it hard to take every student’s need into consideration.This teaching style focuses on knowledge delivery, instead of language skill training. It prevents learners from exploring their learning potentiality anddeveloping the abilities to manage their learning effectively. So there is a needfor a shift in English language studies from focusing on how to teach languageto how to learn it, with a consequent change of perspective from the teacher tothe learner.(Mo Liqun and Liu Jian, P11-P13)1.2 Exam-Oriented Language LearningSince the time we learn English, the exam-oriented system has made a lot of students feel not much interest in English. Teachers cannot escape from this notorious system either, because we have to complete the textbook within a term, and simultaneously, devote everything in the classroom to equipping students with necessary skills to get a high score in tests. Moreover, a high score in exams is considered to indicate that both teachers and students are “good”, and the prestige of parents and schools relies heavily on student’s performance. The focus of failure and extrinsic motivation sends the wrong message to students and parents. Many educators and psychologists believe that competition and comparison should not be the basis for accountability, because it puts all the emphasis on high-test scores instead of self-motivated learning for intrinsic interest and improvement. This exam-oriented language teaching decouples self-directed learning from assessments, destabilizes student’s feeling of personal responsibility and suppressed their motivations and learning at school.III.IV.…VI. Conclusion“Give a man a fish, you will feed him a day; teach the man to fish, and you will feed him for a lifetime.”Obviously, this argument shows the importance of learner autonomy.According to the paper, we can see that the current college English teaching system in China is that college English teaching is still focusing on teacher rather than students’learning. It ignores students’individual variables and thus produces passive learner. So it is important for us to shift the roles of teachers and students. And thetraditional classroom teaching should be replaced by the “learner-centered”teaching style. And the traditional exam in the field of language teaching and learning, English teachers must improve their teaching methodology and lay stress on learner’s learning in order to guide them to learn autonomously instead of learning in a passive way.According to current situation of English learning in college, teachers should shift their roles, create a relaxing and positive learning atmosphere in which students can actively involve into their language learning process, help students learn how to learn English effectively through strategy training. Only by doing this, students can finally move towards learner autonomy. In addition, English classes should be arranged in accordance with the law of human memory. In many colleges and universities, there are four or five English lessons a week. During English classes, there is no extra time to review the learning contents before. Consequently, English lesions should be added more lessons for practice. Only when students put English into practice, they can master English completely. It is suggested more English classes to learn it would be more effective.For teachers’aspect, in autonomous learning environment, the role of teachers should be identified newly. According to the current situation of the college English teaching, teachers are expected to play more various roles: guide, promoter, assessor and psychological coordinator etc. school and teachers should offer more conditions which can develop students’ faculty in autonomous learning process.It is also suggested that organization of English corner should be considered in college English teaching and learning plan. Colleges and universities should think over a complete and suitable teaching and learning system for college English. And the teaching and learning plan for college English should be more systematical, scheming and well-designed.However, language learning is a lifelong endeavor. Fostering learner autonomy in college is our long-term pedagogical goal. The author hopes this research may make contribution to the future study in this field. This paper is merely an attempt in this field and there id enormous untouched room left. With the development of science and learners. They can meet the demands for higher and higher levels of competence of English in work. And it is expected that more research will be done to accelerate students’ autonomous learning.This study is still limited, as we have only skimmed the surface of the subject called learner autonomy, and all my discussions about the ways of fostering learner autonomy in China are made only on theoretical level. But it will do great help toimprove English teaching.References[1] Bai, Shuqin and Jing, Jiangbo. 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词汇学论文对英语构词法的一点认识英语116班说实话,整本英语词汇学教程学下来,留在我脑子中的东西并不多,但惟独对第四章构词法(word formation)印象很深。
这一章一共介绍了9种构词法,分别是:词缀法(affixation)、组合法(compounding)、转换法(conversion)、混合法(blending)、缩略词法(clipping)、首字母缩写法(acronymy)、逆构法(back-formation)、声音重复法(sound reduplication)以及专有名词的泛化(commonization of proper names)。
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成绩Root and Affixation of LexicologyAbstract: It’s important and permanent to master the vocabulary in the English learning. Everyone who has ever set foot on English realizes that it’s somewhat incredible for us to reciting numerous and difficult words. Nevertheless, there are some skills we should acquire to make word-recitation easier and more effective. This paper mainly discusses the using of vocabulary root and affix. Only by having a good knowledge of the roots and affixes, can we prosper our English vocabulary and further our English study.Key words: root; affixation; detailed analysis; difficult words1Introduction: Blindly reciting numerous and difficult words is a total waste of time and energy. Especially, situation becomes worse for the college students with little words storage and non-interest. However, most of the English words are comprised with roots and affixes, which are limited, stable and short. If we acquire them, it will be much simpler and rapider for us to recognize the unfamiliar and difficult words through the analysis on roots and affixes. If we can master and know how to use them properly, it will be a big step for the further study of this foreign language. A road of a thousand miles begins with each single step, so does the English words. Now we are going to learn the root and affixation respectively.Definition is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity and it carries the main component of meaning in a word. By learning the roots, we will find it not complicated for us to understand the long and difficult words which we often encounter in the tough reading test. However long and tough the word is, we can divide it into several parts, the fundamental part is the root and then we can understand what it means and fluently blurt it out without repeating it.Here are some detail analyses of the examples:Internationalist: nation is the root which means country or state, inter- is prefix meaning between or interactive, -al is the suffix and the –ist is the suffix meaning the person. So you will quite simply find its meaning. Invigorate: the root is vigor similar to power and energy, in- means making sth have the function of verb, here is make sth vigor, -ate is the verb suffix. So invigorate is to make sth vigorous.Antecedent: -ced- is the root referring to motion or going forward, ante- is before, and –ent means somebody. So antecedent is somebody who moves ahead of us, the same as forefather or ancestor.Protract: -tract is the root like pulling sth or extending sth make it wider or longer, pro- is the prefix meaning “ahead”. After analyzing this word, we know that “protract” is similar to prolong meaning make sth longer or longer to live. A lot of words contain this root, such as detract, extract, subtract, attract, tractable, intractable, etc.Arbitrariness: arbitrary is the root indicating to randomness or out of order, -ness is the noun suffix.The profound meaning of learning roots is that you will find it much easy to memorize words because there are so many word share the same root. No matter how long and hoe difficult the word is, the basic meaning of the word is stable and unchangeable. If we recite words according theag=do,act: agent agency agenda aggrandizeagri,agro,agrfield: agriculture agricorporation agrimotor agrinomy cred=believe,trust: credible credibility incredible credulous credit creditable discredit accredit creditor creed credentialsdoc=teach: doctor doctoral doctorate doctrine doctrinal doctrinaire documentflat=blow: Inflate inflation inflationary inflatable inflator deflate deflation deflationary hospit=guest: hospital hospitalize hospitality inhospitable inhospitalityinsul=island: peninsula peninsular insular insularism insularity insulation insulatorit=go: exit initial initiate initiation initiative transit transitor transition vid,vis=see: visible visual visage vision visionary visor vista visa visit advise advice revise3 Affixation:Affixes are linguistic fragments that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or change function. According to the distribution of them in formation, affixes can be divided into prefixation and suffixation.Prefixation is the formation of new word by adding prefixes to bases. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. Root is included in the base.Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to the base. Suffixes have only a small semantic role, their primary function being to Here are some detail analyses of the prefixation and suffixation respectively:non- : meaning not, a productive affix expressing the idea that a person or thing does not have qualities and characters referred to, as innon-classical, non-smoker, non-violence, non-president, non-virtue,and so on.de- : meaning reversing the action or depriving of, a productive affix, as in decentralize, demystify, dehumanize, deforestation; fixed to nouns to form verbs, a characters absent from most prefix as in device, defeather, debug.mal- : meaning badly or bad, added to verbs, participles, adjectives, ang abstract nouns, e.g. maltreat, malformed, malnourished, malodorous, malpractice, and maladministration.post- : meaning after, productive with nouns and adjectives, e.g.post-election, post-independence, post-structuralism, post-settlement, post-arrival.They are prefixes, let’s move to suffixes.-ship: meaning occupation and position, e.g. ambassadorship, governorship, authorship; also meaning skill and ability as in craftsmanship, sportsmanship; also meaning relation, e.g. acquaintanceship, partnership, friendship.-ant: meaning occupations and participation, e.g. assistant, contestant, informant, applicant; also referring to an object or substance, e.g. coolant, pollutant, decongestant.-ation, -ition, -tion, -sion, -ion: meaning process of or state of or product of, e.g. realization, imagination, addition, protection, commission, decision, operation, motivation.-able, -ible Adjective:worth, abilitysolvable, incredible-ate Verb: cause tobegraduate, ameliorate, amputate, colligatebene- good, well,gentlebenefactor, beneficial, benevolent,benediction, beneficiary, benefit-ess female actress, goddess, poetesshetero- other, different heterodox, heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodynehyper- over, above hyperactive, hypertensive, hyperbolic, hypersensitive, hyperventilate, hyperkineticinfra- beneath infrared, infrastructuremega- great, million megaphone, megaton, megaflop, megalomaniac, megabyte, megalopolismicro- small, millionth microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer, microvoltsemi- half, partial semifinal, semiconscious, semiannual, semimonthly, semicircletri- three tripod, triangle, trinity, trilateral-y marked by,havinghungry, angry, smeary, tearybut they can be divided into several parts through the analysis of the rootsand affixation, which are stable and short. After you are quite familiarwith them, it will be hyper-effective for you to memorize the words,which can save you a lot of energy and time, and can do a greatcontribution into your English study. Since then, you will more like thisforeign language.5 Some long and difficult words for you to analyzeTelecommunication /e.g. Telecommunications developments enable thesending of messages via television, radio, and very shortly, electronicmail to bombard people with multitudes of messages.Transcendentalist /e.g. Ralph Waldo Emerson and other transcendentalistphilosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnaturalrestraints on children.Differentiation /e.g. A rather similar process of differentiation has led toprofessional geologists coming together nationally within one or twospecific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain inlocal societies or to come together nationally in a different way.Hydroelectric /e.g. Hydroelectric power and flood control and irrigationare possible without building monster dams.Dispassionate /e.g. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquirywhich seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly, systematic, and dispassionate manner that natural scientists usefor the study of natural phenomena.Conclusion:Above is what I want to mainly express in this paper,however, there are still much deserving t o be learnt in this field. It’sundeniable that words play an important role in our foreign languageessential for us to learn word formation, especially for the students of English major. It’s the most useful and practical way for us to broaden English vocabulary.Reference:[1] 张维友. 英语词汇学教程[M]. 华中师范大学出版社2004.[2] 蒋争. 英语词汇的奥秘[M]. 中国国际广播出版社1999.[3] 林承章. 英语词汇引论[M]. 武汉大学出版社1997.。