

XXX2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试数学试卷 Word版含答案

XXX2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试数学试卷 Word版含答案

XXX2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试数学试卷 Word版含答案XXX2015-2016学年度第一学期期末考试高一数学一、选择题:本大题共8小题,共40分。

1.设全集 $U=\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$,集合 $M=\{1,4\}$,$N=\{1,3,5\}$,则 $N\cap (U-M)=()$A。

$\{1\}$ B。

$\{3,5\}$ C。

$\{1,3,4,5\}$ D。

$\{1,2,3,5,6\}$2.已知平面直角坐标系内的点 $A(1,1)$,$B(2,4)$,$C(-1,3)$,则 $AB-AC=()$A。

$22$ B。

$10$ C。

$8$ D。

$4$3.已知 $\sin\alpha+\cos\alpha=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{10}}$,$\alpha\in(-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2})$,则 $\tan\alpha$ 的值是()A。

$-\frac{3}{4}$ B。

$-\frac{4}{3}$ C。

$\frac{3}{4}$ D。

$\frac{4}{3}$4.已知函数 $f(x)=\sin(\omega x+\frac{\pi}{4})$($x\inR,\omega>0$)的最小正周期为 $\pi$,为了得到函数$g(x)=\cos\omega x$ 的图象,只要将 $y=f(x)$ 的图象():A.向左平移 $\frac{\pi}{4}$ 个单位长度B.向右平移$\frac{\pi}{4}$ 个单位长度C.向左平移 $\frac{\pi}{2}$ 个单位长度D.向右平移$\frac{\pi}{2}$ 个单位长度5.已知 $a$ 与 $b$ 是非零向量且满足 $3a-b\perp a$,$4a-b\perp b$,则 $a$ 与 $b$ 的夹角是()A。

$\frac{\pi}{4}$ B。

$\frac{\pi}{3}$ C。



汕头市金山中学2016~2017学年度高一上学期期末考试英语科答案第一卷选择题部分(满分105分)第一部分听力理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1-5 BCACB 6-10 CBCCB 11-15 CACAB第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)16-20 CBACD 21-25 CDABD 26-30 ABDCB 31-35 DBDCA第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)36-40 DADBC 41-45 ADBCB 46-50 DBCDA 51-55 BDCAC第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;第一节共15题, 每题2分; 第二节共5题, 每题2分; 满分40分) 56-60 BDADC 61-65 DABAC 66-70 DCBDC 71-75 EBGCD第二卷非选择题部分(满分45分)第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)76. discussion 77. included 78. on 79. before 80. are affected81. Unluckily 82. the 83.whose 84. being given 85. worse第一节单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)86. relief 87. admitted 88. selected 89. attaching 90. succeeded91. responsible 92. compete 93. trapped 94. familiar 95. passers-by第三节课文填空(共5个空,每空1分,满分5分)96. new applications; 97. help with medical operations; 98. explore the Moon and Mars;99. of high quality; 100. truly filled with happiness第四节写作(满分15分)Dear Tom,Recently, while visiting a senior high school website of New Zealand, I saw the message you posted on it. I know that you plan to travel in Beijing during the summer vacation and you hope to have a Chinese student as your guide.Learning this news, I’m willing to act as your guide. First of all, I would like to show you around several great places of interest in Beijing, such as the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall. Later, I will lead you to visit the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube, where the 2008 Olympic Games was held. Meanwhile, I am going to tell you the long history of Beijing. What’s more, we’ll enjoy some local foods together.(With my help, I’m sure you will have a very perfect holiday here. I would appreciate it if you could give me this honor.) I am looking forward to your early reply. ( 82 words)Yours sincerely,Li Hua。

2015—2016学年度第一学期高一年级期末统一考试试题 文科

2015—2016学年度第一学期高一年级期末统一考试试题  文科
=- tan tan
=-1. ----------------------------------------------------------------6 分
(Ⅱ)①当 n=2k,k∈Z 时, 原式= sin(+2kπ)+sin(-2kπ) sin(+2kπ)cos(-2kπ) =2. cos
5cos 3sin
15.函数 f (x) =(x+1)(x – a)是偶函数,则实数 a =
16.已知函数 f (x)的定义域为 A,若 当 f(x1) = f(x2 ),(x1,x2 Î A)时,总有 x1 = x2 ,
则称函数 f (x)为单值函数.例如,函数f (x) =2x +1(xR)是单值函数.给出下列命题: ① 函数 f (x) = x2 ( x Î R ) , 是单值函数; ② 函数 f (x) = 2x ( x Î R ) , 是单值函数;
----------------------------------------10 分
18. (本小题满分 12 分)
7 9
27 64

高一文科数学 第 9 页 共 8 页
25 9
2015—2016 学年度第一学期高一年级期末统一考试 文科数学试题 (必修 1、必修 4)
本试题卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(必考题和选考题两部分). 考生作答时, 将第Ⅰ卷的选择题答案填涂在答题卷的答题卡上(答题注意事项见答题卡),将第Ⅱ卷的 必考题答在答题卷上.考试结束后,将答题卷交回.



高一上学期期末考试数学试题一、选择题1.如果集合=A {}0242=+-x mx x 中只有一个元素,则实数m 的值为( )A .0 错误!未找到引用源。

B .1 错误!未找到引用源。

C .错误!未找到引用源。

2D .0或2 【答案】D【解析】试题分析:集合A 只有一个元素,即方程2420mx x -+=只有一个根.0m =时, 方程变形为420x -+=,必有一个根;0m ≠时,要使方程2420mx x -+=只有一个根,则16420m ∆=-⨯⨯=,解得2m =.综上可得0m =或2m =.故D 正确. 【考点】1集合的元素;2方程的根.【易错点睛】本题重点考查方程根的个数问题,属容易题.但在做题时极容易将方程2420mx x -+=误看做一元二次方程,只注意到使其判别式等于0时此方程只有一个根,而忽视二次项系数m 是否为0.当0m =时此方程为一次方程,一次方程必有一个根.注意当二次项系数含参数时一定要讨论其是否为0,否则极易出错.2.已知全集{}4,3,2,1,0,1-=M ,且{}4321,,,=B A ,{}32,=A ,则=)(A C B U ( )A .{}41, B .{}1 C .{}4 D .φ 【答案】A【解析】试题分析:由题意分析可得1,4必在集合B 内,2,3可能在集合B 内.由已知可得{}1,0,1,4U C A =-,所以(){}1,4U B C A = .故A 正确. 【考点】集合的运算.3.有3个兴趣小组,甲、乙两位同学各自参加其中一个小组,每位同学参加各个小组的可能性相同,则这两位同学不在同一个兴趣小组的概率为( )A .31B .21C .32D .43【答案】C【解析】试题分析:甲乙同学各自在一个小组时共有6种可能,甲乙同学在同一组时共有3种可能,则这两位同学不在同一个兴趣小组的概率为62633P ==+.故C 正确.试卷第2页,总14页【考点】古典概型概率.4.已知函数1)2)(2+++=mx x m x f (为偶函数,则)(x f 在区间()∞+,1上是( )A .先增后减B .先减后增C .减函数D .增函数 【答案】D【解析】试题分析:因为函数()f x 为偶函数,所以()200022m m m m +≠⎧⎪⇒=⎨-=⎪+⎩.所以()221f x x =+.所以函数()221f x x =+的图像是开口向上以y 轴为对称轴的抛物线,所以函数()f x 在()1,+∞上单调递增.故D 正确.【考点】1偶函数的性质;2二次函数的单调性.【方法点睛】本题主要考查偶函数的性质和二次函数单调性问题,难度一般.偶函数的图像关于y 轴轴对称,在本题中由此可求得m 的值.二次函数的单调性由开口方向和对称轴同时决定.5.若以下程序框图的输出结果为120,则判断框中应填写的判断条件为( )A .?5<iB .?5>iC .?6>iD .?5≥i 【答案】B【解析】试题分析:根据框图的循环结构依次可得: 122,213T i =⨯==+=;236,314T i =⨯==+=;6424,415T i =⨯==+=;246120,516T i =⨯==+=,此时应跳出循环输出120T =.所以判断框中应填入5?i >.故B 正确. 【考点】程序框图.【易错点晴】本题主要考查的是程序框图,属于容易题.解题时一定要抓住重要条件输出“120T =”,否则很容易出现错误.在给出程序框图有输出结果而需要填判断框时只要按照程序框图规定的运算方法逐次计算,直到达到输出条件,此时即可得出判断框中所填内容.6.已知函数⎩⎨⎧<+≥-=4)),2((4,1)(x x f f x x x f ,则=)3(f ( )A .5B .4C .3D .2 【答案】C【解析】试题分析:()()()()()35514413f f f f f ==-==-=.故C 正确. 【考点】分段函数求值.7.若a 是从区间[]2,0中任取的一个实数, b 是从区间[]3,0中任取的一个实数,则概率是( )A .32B .65C .31D .61【答案】A【解析】试题分析:试验的全部结果构成的区域(如图)为边长分别为2和3的矩形,面积为236⨯=.其中满足a b <的结果构成的区域为图中阴影部分,其面积为162242-⨯⨯=.则所求概率为4263P ==.故A 正确. 【考点】几何概型.【思路点睛】本题主要考查几何概型概率,难度一般.几何概型的概率为长度比或面积比或体积比.所以应先根据已知条件作出满足初始条件的点所构成的可行域,再在其中标注出其中满足b a <的点构成的可行域.分别计算出其面积.即可求得所求概率.8.甲、乙两名运动员在某项测试中的6次成绩的茎叶图如图所示,1x ,2x 分别表示甲、乙两名运动员这项测试成绩的平均数,21S ,22S 分别表示甲、乙两名运动员这项测试成绩的方差,则有( )试卷第4页,总14页A .1x >2x ,21S <22S B .1x =2x ,21S >22S C .1x =2x ,21S =22S D .1x =2x ,21S <22S【答案】B【解析】试题分析:181315151722156x +++++==;291415151621156x +++++==;()()()()()()222222211538151315151515151715221563S ⎡⎤=-+-+-+-+-+-=⎣⎦,()()()()()()222222221379151415151515151615211563S ⎡⎤=-+-+-+-+-+-=⎣⎦.故B 正确.【考点】平均数,方差.9.函数54ln )(2++-=x x x x f 的零点个数为( ) A .0 B .1 C .2 D .3 【答案】C【解析】试题分析:函数()2ln 45f x x x x =-++的零点个数等价于函数ln y x =图像与函数245y x x =--图像的交点个数问题.由数形结合可知函数ln y x =图像与函数245y x x =--图像有2个交点.所以函数()f x 有2个零点.故C 正确.【考点】1函数零点;2转化思想.10.向顶角为0120的等腰三角形ABC (其中BC AC =)内任意投一点M ,则AM 小于AC 的概率为( ) A .33π B .93πC .21D .3π【答案】B【解析】试题分析:令1AC BC ==,则111sin1202ABC S ∆=⨯⨯⨯= .满足AC AM <的点M 所在区域的面积为230136012ππ⨯⨯=.所以所求概率为9Pπ==.【考点】几何概型.【思路点睛】本题主要考查几何概型概率,难度一般.因为几何概率的值为比值所以边长的取值对结果没有影响,为计算方便不妨令等腰三角形两腰长为1,从而可得此三角形的面积.AM小于AC时点M所在区域为以A为圆心以AC为半径的圆且在三角形内部的扇形部分,可得此扇形面积.扇形面积与三角形面积的比值即为所求.11.如果奇函数)0)((≠=xxfy在()0,∞-∈x时,1)(+=xxf,那么使0)2(<-xf成立的x的取值范围是()A.()()∞+∞-31,B.()1,-∞-()1,0C.()()3,00,∞-D.()1,∞-()32,【答案】D【解析】试题分析:因为()y f x=为奇函数,所以()()f x f x-=-,即()()f x f x=--.x>时0x-<,()()()11f x f x x x=--=--+=-.()()()1,01,0x xf xx x+<⎧⎪∴=⎨->⎪⎩.()2020210xf xx-<⎧∴-<⇔⎨-+<⎩或20210xx->⎧⎨--<⎩1x⇒<或23x<<.故D正确.【考点】1奇函数;2不等式.12.若函数)2(log)(2xxxfa-=)且1,0(≠>aa在区间⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛1,21内恒有0)(>xf,则函数)(xf的单调递增区间是()A.()0,∞- B.⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∞-41, C.⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+∞,21D.⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∞+,41【答案】A【解析】试题分析:2200x x x->⇒<或12x>.函数()f x的定义域为试卷第6页,总14页()1,0,2⎛⎫-∞+∞ ⎪⎝⎭.要使区间⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛1,21内恒有0)(>x f ,只需()min 0f x >当1a >时,此时存在33log log 1048a a f ⎛⎫=<= ⎪⎝⎭.故舍.当01a <<时,又函数22y x x =-在区间1,12⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递增,所以函数()f x 在1,12⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递减. 此时()()1log 10a f x f >==恒成立,符合题意. 综上可得01a <<.因为函数22y x x =-在(),0-∞上单调递减;在1,2⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭上单调递增,又01a <<所以函数)(x f 的单调递增区间(),0-∞.故A 正确. 【考点】对数函数单调性;二次函数单调性;复合函数单调性.二、填空题13.若六进制数)6(510k (k 为正整数)化为十进制数为239,则=k . 【答案】3 【解析】试题分析:()321061051606656216652216239k k k k =⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=++=+=, 解得3k =.【考点】进位制.14.幂函数1222)33)(+-+-=m mx m m x f (在区间()+∞,0上是增函数,则=m .【答案】2【解析】试题分析:由题意可知2331m m -+=,即2320m m -+=,解得1m =或2m =.当1m =时,()0f x x =,在区间()0,+∞上为常数1,不具有单调性,故舍; 当2m =时,()f x x =,在区间()0,+∞上单调递增,符合题意. 综上可得2m =.【考点】1幂函数的概念;2函数的单调性.【思路点睛】本题主要考查幂函数的概念和函数的单调性,难度一般.根据幂函数的定义: a y x =叫做幂函数,可知2331m m -+=,从而可得m 的值.将其分别代入()f x 验证是否满足()f x 在区间()0,+∞上单调递增.15.函数)(x g 是函数)2(log )(-=x x f a )1,0(≠>a a 且的反函数,则函数)(x g 的图象过定点 . 【答案】()3,0【解析】试题分析:()3log 10a f == ,∴函数()()log 2a f x x =-的图像过定点()3,0.所以函数()g x 的图像过定点()0,3.【考点】互为反函数的性质.【思路点睛】本题重点考查对数函数过定点和互为反函数的性质问题,属容易题.根据对数公式log 10a =可求得()f x 所过的定点.因为互为反函数的两个函数图像关于y 轴对称,所以函数()f x 图像过的定点()00,x y 关于y 轴的对称点()00,y x 即为函数()g x 的图像过的定点.16.0x 是x 的方程x a a x log =)10(≠>a a ,且的解,则0,1,x a 这三个数的大小关系是 . 【答案】10<<x a【解析】试题分析:当1a >时,由数形结合可知函数x y a =的图像与函数log a y x =的图像无交点,所以此时方程log x a a x =无解,不合题意故舍; 当01a <<时,由数形结合可知函数x y a =的图像与函数log a y x =的图像只有一个交点,即此时方程log x a a x =只有一个解0x .由数形结合分析可知00001,0log 1x x a x a <<<=<,又01a <<,0000log 1log 1log log 1x a a a a x a x a ∴<<⇔<<⇒>>. 综上可得10<<x a .【考点】1指数函数,对数函数图像;2对数不等式;3数形结合思想.三、解答题17.一台机器按不同的转速生产出来的某机械零件有一些会有缺点,每小时试卷第8页,总14页生产有缺点零件的多少,随机器的运转的速度而变化,具有线性相关关系,下表为抽样试验的结果:(1)如果y 对x 有线性相关关系,求回归方程;(2)若实际生产中,允许每小时生产的产品中有缺点的零件最多为10个,那么机器的运转速度应控制在什么范围内?参考公式:x b y aˆˆ-=,∑∑==---=ni ini i ix xy y x xb 121)())((ˆ∑∑==--=ni ini ii x n xyx n yx 1221【答案】(1)52107ˆ-=x y;(2)机器的运转速度应控制在7614转/秒内. 【解析】试题分析:(1)根据已给公式求,x y ,再求ˆb,ˆa 从而可求得回归方程.(2)根据题意解不等式ˆ10y≤即可求得所求. 试题解析:解:(1)设所求回归方程为a x b yˆˆˆ+=,则由上表可得 12=x ,8=y ,107ˆ=b, 52107128ˆˆ-=⨯-=-=x b y a ∴回归方程为52107ˆ-=x y .(2)由y ≤10得1052107ˆ≤-=x y,解得7614≤x , 所以机器的运转速度应控制在7614转/秒内.【考点】线性回归方程.18.(1)计算20325.0)43()2(2)27102(2)1615(--÷+⨯-⨯-π(2)计算3log 28log 318log 3log 4913662742log --+⋅-【答案】(1)0;(2)3. 【解析】试题分析:(1)根据指数的性质及运算法则即可求得其值; (2)根据对数的性质及运算法则即可求得其值.试题解析:解:(1)20325.0)43()2(2)27102(2)1615(--÷+⨯-⨯-π232)34(2)2764(21681÷-⨯-=- 22)43(2)43(249⨯-⨯-=0=(2)3log 28log 318log 3log 4913662742log --+⋅-3log 2log 23664log 3++-=6log 246+-=12+=3=【考点】1指数的性质及运算法则;2对数的性质及运算法则.19.已知集合A 是函数][))(2(log )(a x a x x g a ---=)1,0(≠>a a 且的定义域,集合B 和集合C 分别是函数x x f 39)(-=的定义域和值域。




AWelcome to the Story County Family. It is a community service center that helps parents and other people in our community. There are different kinds of services. The following is a list of them. If you need any of the services, please call us. Our phone number is .21. The center provides ________ kinds of servicesA. fiveB. sevenC. nineD. ten22. What is the name of the community service centerA. Community Family ServiceB. Story County FamilyC. Entertainment CenterD. Health Center23. If you want to look for information on where to spend yourholidays with your classmates at the weekend, which kind of service had you better chooseA.Before and After School ChildcareB. Children with special needs.C. Out-of-school Activities.D. Summer Activities.BKeeping pets was a popular online game among teenagers three years ago. Here is a report on it in a newspaper written at that time.“More than 30 students in our class have kept pets online.” said Zhao Min, a student from Changsha, who also keeps pets online.Liu Yue from Beijing keeps pets on . This girl says it is great fun.She thinks that she has also learned how to take care of others. If one doesn’t feed and care for the pet, it becomes unhappy and unhealthy. So keeping an online pet means spending a lot of time online. This makes many parents worried.Song Xin from Shanghai has been keeping a penguin(企鹅) on since last year. He says his parents know about the penguin and think it is okay.If students can keep the balance between studying and playing, it’s not bad for them to keep pets online.24. How many examples are mentioned in the passageA. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six25. What does Liu Yue think of keeping pets onlineA. It’s not interesting at all.B. It is great fun.C. It’s not good for her study.D. It wastes time.26. What is Song Xin’s parents’ attitude(态度) toward his keepingpets onlineA. They don’t allow her to do so.B. They don’t want herto do so.C. They ask her to do so.D. They let her do so.27. What does the passage mainly talk aboutA. How to keep pets online.B. It’s good to keep pets online.C. Keeping pets online is bad for children’s studies.D. Keeping pets online is popular among teenagers.CTwo men were sitting together in a plane. They were on a long journey. One of the men was a businessman. The other was a farmer. They sat without talking for a while, then the farmer said, “Let’s do something to pass the time.”“What do you want to do” the businessman asked. “We can ask each other riddles.” The farmer said, “You start.” “Let’s make the rules first,” the businessman said. “That’s not fair. You are a businessman with much knowledge. You know more things than I do. I am just a farmer.”“That’s true.” The businessman said. “What do you want we should do” “If you don’t know the answer to a riddle, you pay me $100. Andif I don’t know the answer, I’ll pay you $50.” The farmer said. The businessman thought about this, then he said, “OK. That’s fair. Who willgo first”“I will,” The farmer said. “Here is my riddle. What ha s three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies” The business man repeated (重复)the riddle, “What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies Mm, that’s a good one. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer.” He gave the farmer $100, then said, “Tell me the answer. What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies” “I don’t know.” The farmer said and gave him $50.28.The story happened ____________.A. on a farmB. in a shopC. between two passengersD. before a long plane journey29.What does the word “riddle” mean in this storyA. A difficult question to find the answer to.B. Something to help to make rules.C. Something to win money.D. a kind of game in doing business.30.Why did the businessman agree to give more money if he lostA. He thought he knew more than the farmer.B. He made much more money than the farmer.C. He was interested in making riddles.D. He was better at playing riddle games.31.Which of the following is NOT trueA. The two men made rules for their riddle.B. The farmer was much cleverer than the businessman.C. The two men made their riddle game more interesting by paying it for money.D. The businessman knew the answer to his riddle.DMillions of years ago dinosaurs (恐龙) lived on the earth. In the days of dinosaurs the whole earth was warm and wet. There were green forests and they could find enough to eat. Later, parts of the earth became cold and dry and the forests there died. Then dinosaurs could not find enough to cat. This must be one reason why dinosaurs died out.We can guess another reason. New kinds of animals came on the earth. Some had big brains and were fast and strong. They could kill dinosaurs. There may be other reasons that we don’t know about yet. Scientists are trying to make more discoveries(发现) about dinosaurs.Dinosaurs were of many sizes and shapes (形状). Some were as small as chickens while some were about 90 feet long.There were also terrible fights between dinosaurs. They might have happened more than 100 million years ago. Though there was no man to see any of the fights, we can be told by the animal’s footprints (足迹) that fight did take place.32. According to the passage, dinosaurs did exist(存在) only ______on the earth.A. for billions of yearsB. more than 100 million years agoC. millions of years agoD. when it was warm and wet somewhere33.One reason why dinosaurs died out is that______.A. there were too many dinosaursB. parts of the earth became cold and dryC. they couldn’t find enough to eatD. other animals ate their food34.One more reason may be that ______.A. new kinds of animals came on the earthB. some fast and strong animals with big brains could kill themC. some dinosaurs were as small as chickensD. some big dinosaurs died in the fights35.We can see from this passage ______.A. scientists are trying to make some dinosaursB. dinosaurs are dangerous enoughC. scientists know nothing about dinosaursD. dinosaurs are worth studying第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
















15.“足球烯”C60.1.关于C60的说法,错误的是()A.C60是一种新型的化合物 B.C60是相对分子量为720 C.C60和金刚石互为同素异形体 D.C60硬度比金刚石小。

2.化学键存在于()A.分子之间 B.物质中的原子之间C.分子或原子团中相邻的原子之间 D.构成物质的所有微粒之间。

3.离子键是()A.原子间的强烈的静电作用 B.阴、阳离子间的强烈的吸引作用 C.阴、阳离子间的强烈的静电作用D.阴、阳离子间的强烈的排斥作用。

4.构成氯化钠的微粒是()A.氯离子和钠离子 B.氯化钠分子 C.氯原子和钠原子 D.金属钠和非金属氯。

5.将HCl和NaCl分别溶于水,下列说法正确的是()A.HCl的离子键被破坏 B.NaCl的共价键被破坏 C.HCl和NaCl的化学键均遭破坏D.HCl和NaCl的化学键均未遭破坏。













1.Where is the woman going with her children?A. To Australia.B. To Canada.C. To Japan.2.How much should the man pay?A.$16.B.$32.C.$60.3.What does the woman expect the man to do on Saturday?A. Celebrate their mum’s birthday.B. Take Brian out for the day.C. Help Brian move house.4.What does the woman mean?A.She don’t like the job.B.She will take the job right away.C.She isn’t sure whether to take the job.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A novel.B. A film.C. A writer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



2016-2017学年度上学期期末考试高一试题物 理考试时间:90分钟 总分:100分一、选择题(本题共10道小题,共计40分。

在每个小题给出四个选项中,第1题~第6题只有个选项正确,第7题~第10题有多个选项正确,全选对得4分,选对但不全得2分,选错或不答得0分)1.如图,直线a 和曲线b 分别是在平直公路上行驶的汽车a 和b 的位移—时间(x -t )图线,由图可知( )A 在t 1时刻a 车追上b 车B 在t 2时刻,a 、b 两车运动方向相反C 在t 1到t 2这段时间内,b 车的平均速度大于a 车的平均速度D 在t 1到t 这段时间内,b 车的平均速率等于a 车的平均速率2.如图,建筑工人用恒力F 推运料车在水平地面上匀速前进,F 与水平方向成300角,运料车和材料的总重为G ,下列说法正确的是( )A.建筑工人受摩擦力方向水平向左B.建筑工人受摩擦力大小为23G C.运料车对地面作用力为2F +G D.运料车对地面的摩擦力方向水平向右3.小球每隔0.2s 从同一高度抛出,做初速为6m/s 的竖直上抛运动,设它们在空中不相碰,第4个小球在抛出点以上能遇到的小球个数为( )(取g=10m/s 2)A.5个B.6个C.7个D.8个4.船在静水中的速度为4m/s ,河岸笔直,河宽50m ,适当调整船的行驶方向,使该船运动到河对岸时航程最短,设最短航程为L ,下列说法中正确的是( )A.当水流速度为2ms 时,L 为60mB.当水流速度为6m/s 时,L 为50mC 当水流速度为6m/s 时,L 为75m D.当水流速度为2m/s 时,L 为150m5.如图所示,AC 是上端带定滑轮的固定竖直杆,质量不计的轻杆AB 一端通过铰链固定在A 点,另一端B 悬挂一重为G 的物体,且B 端系有一根轻绳并绕过定滑轮C ,用力F 拉绳,开始时∠BAC>900,现使∠BAC 缓慢变大,直到杆AB 接近竖直杆AC 。





A、321UUU== B、321UUU>> C、321UUU<< D、132UUU<<2、参考点也称零电位点,它是由()的。








A、21II B、21IIC、21II=D、不能确定10、半导体受光照后,其导电能力会()A、不变B、减小C、不变D、丧失11、三极管处于放大状态的条件是()A、发射结反偏,集电结正偏B、发射结正偏,集电结反偏C、两个结均反偏D、两个结均正偏12、晶体三极管内部有()个PN结构成。





英语试题本试卷分第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,共10 页。

满分150 分。

考试用时120 分钟。

考试结束后,将第I 卷和第II 卷答题卡交回。

注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号、县区和科类填写在答题卡规定的位置上。

2. 第I 卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。

3. 第II 卷必须用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的位置,不能写在试卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。


第I 卷(共105 分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)该部分分为第一、第二两节。



第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1. When did the woman come?A. At about 2:20.B. At about 3:20.C. At about 5:20.2. What size shoes does the man probably need?A. Size 6.B. Size 7.C. Size 8.3. Why hasn?t the woman seen the man recently?A. Because he has been ill in bed.B. Because they are not in the same city at the moment.C. Because he has two different jobs.4. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Husband and wife.C. Manager and worker.5. What does the young man want?A. Some books on English literature.B. Some American newspapers.C. Some books on American literature.第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。



2015-2016学年高一上学期期末考试试卷英语(共150分,共120分钟)第一卷共100分一、听力(30分,每小题1.5分)略二、阅读理解(30分,每小题2分)AYesterday was awful. We had what they’re calling a “weather event” here, and it poured about 14 inches of rain in a day, causing by far the worst flash flooding I’ve seen in the 13 years in the place where we’ve lived. The kids and I ended up being trapped in our car in rapidly rising flood waters. The engine had stopped and couldn’t start again; the kids were terrified and I didn’t know what to do. Then a man in a 4WD pulled up beside us and offered to pull us out of the water.When he got us to higher ground he asked where our home was. We lived about 2km down the road, so he pulled us all the way back to our street before going off to look for more people in trouble.I don’t know this man and I ‘ll probably never see him again, but the kids and I owe him a huge debt of gratefulness that we’ll never be able to repay. Five local people died in this “weather event”, just a few streets away from here, so I’m in no doubt as to how dangerous our situation was. Going through what we went through has only reinforced(强化) the fact that we should always be ready and willing to help someone in need to stay safe and be well, whatever the situations are.21.What can we learn about the “weather event”?A. It was the biggest flood ever in this area.B. It rained for several days.C. Several people lost their lives in the event.D. Nobody was hurt in the event.22.Which statement is NOT TRUE about the man?A. He drove a car of great power.B. He left as soon as he pulled the author’s car out.C. He was willing to help those in trouble.D. He was a brave and selfless person.23. What is the author probably going to do after going through such a “weather event”?A. Be ready to give hands to others.B. Buy a car with a more powerful engine.C. Try hard to search for the man.D. Pay some money for the man’s help.24.Which one is the best title for the passage?A. A Weather EventB. The Kindness of a StrangerC. A Car Accident in FloodD. An Awful DayBDo two kids make a perfect family? Share your views about this issue on our website.LucinaWhen you decide to have another child , you should plan your budget(预算)in advance. If you or your parents can’t take care of your body, you have to at least spend an extra 5000 yuan per month to hire a body sitter. If you want to send your kids to study abroad, you have to save another 1 million yuan. I think most young Chinese couples cannot afford the expense.BcnuTwo is more than twice the work, there’s no guaranteeing(确保)they’ll share interests; they could very well fight or want to head off in completely different directions. If you find you love the second one more than the first, I don’t see how that could possibly make life simple, as children are very sensitive to that sort of thing. My advice is to take care of yourself and take time for your love for the first child to relax and grow before even thinking about having a second child.StevenI always thought having two kids sounded perfect. But when my daughter was born with life-threatening health problems I knew she would be my only kid. Raising our daughter was going to take a lot of emotional, physical, an d financial resources. If I had any more children, I don’t think I could handle it.WilliamUnder the one-child policy carried out in China for three decades, many kids are spoilt by their parents. The “little emperors” have no idea of sharing and giv ing and many of them even become self-centered. If we have another child, the first one will learn something about responsibility, sharing and caring for others.25.What can we learn from the passage?A.Few families are ready for a second child in China.B.It takes a lot of money to raise a second child.C.Steven has never considered having a second child.D.Many kids become selfish because of the one-child policy26.Of all the four persons, who is most likely to have a second child?A.LucinaB. BcnuC. StevenD. William27.What does the underlined part “that sort of thing” most probably refer to ?A.T he two kids have different interests.B.I t makes life hard to have two kids.C.P arents can’t treat the two kids equally.D.T he two kids fight with each other.28.Which of the following statements about the four persons is true?A.L ucina plants to send her kids to study abroad.B.B cnu thinks having a second child means more trouble.C.S teven suffers from health problems.D.W illiam has a selfish child.CYou know how much your telephone has changed over the past 10 years? Your car will change even more than that in the next 10 years.One of the big changes is that cars will drive themselves. Some day you may not need to drive a car. You will just tell the car where you want to go and it will drive itself.“We definitely have the technology for it now,” says Andrew Poliak of automotive technology supplier QNX. “We expect self-driving cars to be a mainstream thing between 2020 and 2025.”The American company Google has been working on a self-driving automobile for years. These cars are already on the roads in the United States, mainly in California. Google cars are truly self-driving. These cars haveno steering wheels(方向盘)or pedals(踏板)Last week, police ordered one of Google’s cars to stop for driving too slowly on a public road. The car was not breaking any law, so no one was punished. But police did speak with the operators of the vehicle.According to Google, its self-driving cars have been driven nearly 2 million kilometers. That is equal to the distance the average person drives in 90 years.So far, no Google self-driving car has gotten a traffic ticket. Some of them have been in accidents when other cars hit them.29.Why was the Google’s car stopped by police?A.It ran too fastB. It looks the lawC.It drove too slowly.D. It had no driver.30.What can we learn from the passage?A.The car hasn’t changed a lot over the past 10 yea rs.B.Google has no self-driving car technology.C.Self-driving cars are widely used in the U.S.D.Google self-driving cars haven’t been fined so far.31.What distance can a person drive in year on average?A.About 22,000kmB.About 18,000kmC.About 45,000km.D.About 11,000km.DFor over a month, forest fires in Indonesia spread very quickly out of control as the country suffered its worst drought(干旱)in 50 years. Within days a cloud of some was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars, it soon became poisonous(有毒的). Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately.The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot(烟灰)covered everything. In some areas, tap water was used from high-rise city buildings to try and break up the smog.Finally, heavy rains, which came in November, put out the fires and cleared the air. But the environmentalcosts and health problems will remain. Breathing problems could well increase and many non-sufferers may have difficulties for the first time. Wildlife has suffered too. In low-land forests, elephants, deer, and tigers have been driven out of their homes by smog.But smog is not just an Asian problem. In fact, the word was first used in London in 1905 to describe the mixture of smoke and thick fog. Sometimes the smog was so thick and poisonous that people were killed by breathing problems or in accidents. About 4,000Londoners died within five days as a result of thick smog in 1952.32.When did the forest fires most probably happen?A. In JulyB. In OctoberC. In NovemberD. In December33.Which of the following is true about the forest fires?A.The fires spread to Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.B.The fires were put out by the firefighters and volunteers.C.Many animals were left homeless because of the smog.D.4,000people were killed by the forest fires.34. When can we learn from the passage?A.Smog can lead to drought problem.B.Smog can cause forest fires easily.C.Smog has little effect on wildlife.D.Smog is more than an Asian problem.35.What is the similarity between the Indonesia smog and the London smog?A.Both were caused by drought.B.Both caused many deaths.C.Both were poisonous.D.Both spread in several countries.三、七选五(共5小题;每小题2分。

XXX2016-2017高一上学期期末数学试卷( word版含答案)

XXX2016-2017高一上学期期末数学试卷( word版含答案)

XXX2016-2017高一上学期期末数学试卷( word版含答案)2016-2017学年XXX高一(上)期末数学试卷一、填空题:本大题共14个小题,每小题5分,共70分。













11.若sin(θ)=2/3,则si n(2θ)=____,cos(2θ)=____。


13.若方程| |x|-a^2| -a=0有四个不同的实根,则实数a的取值范围为____。





1) 当a=1时,求A∩B;2) 若A是B的子集,求实数a的取值范围。


1) 若a·c=0,b·c=0,求x的值;2) 当x∈[0,2]时,求|c|的取值范围。

16学年上学期高一期末考试英语(扫描版)(附答案) (1)

16学年上学期高一期末考试英语(扫描版)(附答案) (1)

葫芦岛市普通高中2015-2016第一学期期末考试高一英语参考答案及评分标准听力:1—5 ACBCC 6—10 BAABC 11-15 CAACC 16—20 ABACA阅读理解:21— 24 CBAD 25 — 28 BCBD 29 — 32 DBCA 33 — 35 DCB36 — 40 CGBFD完形填空:41— 45 CBACD 46 — 50 ACBAD 51 — 55 ACDAB 56 — 60 BCBDC61.the 62. except 63. shooting 64. it 65. hopeless 66. yourself 67. later 68.really 69.but 70.missed短文改错:Dear Miss Wang,I’m glad to write to you. At this moment no words can express myself.It was not until I met you when I realized how kind and responsible a teacher can be. I can clearthat clearly remember how much I hated learning English at first. To be honest, I really want to give up. Aswantedsoon as you noticed this, you offered to help me with telling me some good ways to learn them.by itYou never failed ∧encourage me even when I made only a little progresses. Little by little, my to progressinterest in the English grew and now I’m a top student in Engl ish.I want to say thanks to you. I will work even hard in the future to live up to your expectations.harderI hope you can be happy but healthy forever.andYours, Xiaoming书面表达:Dear Wang Li,I’m sorry that you have some trouble doing well in the exams. I think you can make it if you follow the advice below.First of all, we all know that even the best student can make mistakes sometimes. Thus, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Besides, learning from mistakes you have made is an effective way to avoid making the same mistakes next time. As a result, why not turn to your teachers or classmate s for advice if you have some problems? As for taking the exam, you’d better spare a few minutes to check your work in order to spot the silly mistakes. I believe a good learning habit can eventually help you gain success. I hope everything will be fine with you in the future.Best wishes to you!Yours,Li Hua。

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第1页 (共4页) 第2页 (共4页)

学校 班级
姓名 学号
密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题
总分:100分 时间:60分钟 331班—335班 制卷人
一、 选择题(每小题4分,共40分) 1、十进制数13的化成二进制数是( )
A 、1101
B 、1011
C 、1001
D 、1000
2、将二进制数1011换成十进制数是( )
A 、9
B 、10
C 、11
D 、8
( )
A 、n-1
B 、2n
C 、2
D 、n
4、某个与或非电路具有一个输入为A 、B 、C 和D 的与门,和一个输入为
E 和
F 的与门,那么它的输出表达式为( )
B 、A + B +
C +
D +
E + F
C 、(A+B+C+D)(E+F)
D 、(
5、与门电路的逻辑功能是( )
A 、有1出0,有0出1
B 、有0出0,全1出1
C 、有1出1,有0出0
D 、有1出1,全0出0
6、晶体管二极管正极电位-10V ,负极电位
-5V,则该二极管( ) A 、正偏 B 、反偏 C 、零偏 7、逻辑函数EF+EF+EF,化简后答案是( )
A 、E+F
C 8、某三级放大器中,每级电压放大倍数为Av ,则总的电压放大倍数:( )。

B.A 3V
C.AV 3/3
9、利用分配律写出C+DE 的等式为( )
10、下列式中表示或非关系的是( )
第3页 (共4页) 第4页 (共4页)

四、根据逻辑函数Y=AD+AD +AB+AC +BD 设计逻辑电路 (15分)。
