Francios Cusset's summary(库塞的概括)


小径分岔的花园集 理解

小径分岔的花园集 理解

小径分岔的花园集理解英文回答:The garden of the forked paths is a short story written by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. It was first published in 1941 and is considered one of Borges' most famous and influential works. The story revolves around a Chinese spy named Ts'ui Pên wh o creates a labyrinthine garden with multiple paths that branch off in different directions.The garden is described as a complex and intricate place, with paths that twist and turn, leading to various destinations. Each path represents a different possible outcome or future, creating a sense of uncertainty and ambiguity. The concept of the garden serves as a metaphor for the choices and decisions we make in life, and the idea that every choice we make leads us down a different path.The protagonist of the story, Yu Tsun, is a descendantof Ts'ui Pên and is tasked with delivering a secret message to his German handlers during World War I. As he navigates the garden, he realizes that the paths are not just physical but also symbolic, representing the different possibilities and outcomes of his mission. He comes to understand that the garden is a manifestation of Ts'uiPên's philosophy, which emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the idea that time is not linear but rather a network of possibilities.Ultimately, the story explores themes of determinism, free will, and the nature of time. It raises questions about the choices we make and the paths we take in life, and whether or not we have control over our own destinies. It challenges traditional notions of cause and effect, suggesting that multiple outcomes can exist simultaneously and that our actions can have far-reaching consequences.In conclusion, the garden of the forked paths is a rich and thought-provoking story that delves into philosophical and metaphysical concepts. It invites readers to contemplate the nature of choice, time, and theinterconnectedness of all things.中文回答:《分岔的花园》是阿根廷作家豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯创作的一篇短篇小说。


Write the final draft
IV. Techniques in summary writing
1. Paraphrasing To paraphrase means to completely
and correctly express other people’s ideas in one’s own words.
"The account the witness gave of the incident made everyone that heard it laugh."
Replace clauses or sentences with
Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Yellow Mountain, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on those mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.
4. Finding the topic sentence and making an outline
topic sentence / outline
Techniques in summary
Omit details. Reduce the examples. Simplify the descriptions. Eliminate all repetitions.



5拉姆齐—卡斯—库普曼斯模型几个重要关系:● 收入由生产函数决定:(),Y F K AL = ● 收入=消费+储蓄:YC S =+● 在均衡中,储蓄=投资:SI =● 在没有折旧、人口增长和技术进步时,资本存量的增长=投资:K I ∆=●()()0ntL t L e =,人口,资本,效用等都以指数形式增长。

Ramsey模型的基本思想:国民收入()Y F K AL=。










最优储蓄规模=投资经济增长分析步骤:1、确定家庭的效用函数2、确定家庭的预算约束 3、 确定最优消费数量 4、 确定最优投资 5、 6、5.1假定1、消费者的行为:在预算约束下(支出小于禀赋)最大化效用函数:()max ..u s t y≤x px离散时间下消费者的效用函数:消费者生存n 个时期,n →∞,在时期t ,消费t C ,获得效用()()u C t ,该效用贴现值为()()t e uC t ρ-。

ρ为贴现率,总效用为()()ntt eu C t ρ-=∑或()()tt eu C t ρ∞-=∑ 连续时间下消费者的效用函数:()()0te u C t dt ρ∞-⎰teρ-:()()u C t :()C t :个人在时点t消费的数量人口数量:()0L ()L t :()()0ntLt e L =家庭数量:()()0H H t H ==(有人口出生但是没有新的婚姻) 家庭的人口数量:()0L H()L t H ()()0ntL t L e H H=家庭效用函数:()()()()()()()()()()()()()00000,ttn t t e u C t dt e u C t dt L e u C t dt H L e u C t dt n H ρρρρρρ∞-∞-∞--∞'-=='==-⎰⎰⎰⎰nt L t H L 0e H瞬时效用函数的形式:()()()1,01C t u C t θθθ-=>-)1(>---g n θρ相对风险厌恶系数为()()u C Cu C ''-' 这里,相对风险厌恶系数固定为θ,因此称为“相对风险厌恶系数固定”的效用函数。



雅思阅读14类题型解题技巧之Summary雅思阅读_类题型解题技巧--Summary(摘要填空)Summary(摘要填空)1. 题型要求:该类题目是一小段文字,是原文或原文中的几个段落主要内容的缩写或改写,我们称之为摘要.摘要中有几个空白部分要求填空.摘要可分为两种:全文摘要和部分段落摘要.全文摘要信息来自全文,题目空格的数目较多.部分段落摘要信息来自原文某几个连续的段落,题目空格的数目较少.考试中出现的大部分是部分段落摘要,信息来自原文连续的两到三段,题目空格的数量在5题左右.对于部分段落摘要,有的在题目要求中会指出它来自原文的哪些段落,但大部分的部分段落摘要只是在题目要求中说它是原文的一个摘要或部分段落摘要,并不指出它来自原文的哪些段落.按照填空内容,摘要也可分为三种:1. 原文原词2. 从多个选项中选词3. 自己写词.原文原词的题目要求中常有from the Reading Passage 的字样.从多个选项中选词,选项的数目常常超过题目空格的数目.最近考试中,绝大部分是原文原词或从多个选项中选词,很少有自己写词的.这类题在A类和G类考试中出现的频率一般都是每两次考一次,每次考一组,共五题左右.2. 解题步骤(1) 仔细读摘要的第一句话,找出它在原文中的出处,通常是和原文某段话的第一句相对应.如果题目要求中已经指出了摘要的出处,则此步可以略去不做.(2) 注意空格前后的词,到原文中去找这些词的对应词.对应词的特点如下:A. 原词B. 词性变化;如空格前的词为threatening, 是形容词,原文中的词为threat, 是名词.C. 语态变化;一个是主动语态,一个是被动语态.D. 同义词;如空格前的词为throw away,原文中的词为discard(丢弃,抛弃,遗弃),它们是同义词.(3) 仔细阅读对应所在的句子,确定正确答案.(4) 注意语法,所填答案必须符合语法规定.(5) 注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致.NOTICE1. 注意题目要求中是否有字数限制.若要求从原文选词或自己写词,会有字数要求,如Use ONE OR TWO WORDS等,答案必须满足这个要求.2. 若从原文选词,只能选原文中连续的几个词,不能改变它们的顺序.如原文为virgin fibre, 发生答案不可能是fibre virgin.原文为 advances in the technology,答案不可能是technology advances.3. 若要求从原文选词,越是生词,越可能是答案.下列比较生僻的词如sustainable(可持续的).biodegradable(可生物降解的).contaminants(废物,杂物).nostrils(鼻孔)都是一些题目的答案.4. 从选项中选词,要注意看题目要求是写答案本身,还是写选项前的代表字母.选项前有代表字母的,肯定是要求答代表字母.最近的考试中,选项前大部分都有代表字母.5. 从选项中选词,答案与原文的六大对应关系.(1) 原文原词:与原文完全相同的词或短语.(2) 词性变化:原文为necessary,是形容词,选项为necessity,是名词.(3) 语态变化:原文为Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and sorting schemes,是主动语态.摘要中的句子为people have also beenencouraged by government to collect their waste on a regular basis,是被动语态.(4) 图表:如果原文中有图表,一般会有一题答案来自图表.(5) 同义词:原文为tight,选项为restricted,是同义词.(6) 归纳:有时文中没有直接提及,须从几句话中归纳出答案.一般比较难,目前考试中,至少有一个空格是归纳出来的.6.从选项中选词,如果时间不够,可以直接从选项中选择,不看原文.这时,要特别注意语法.这样做的准确性50%左右(视题目的难易及考生的水平而定).所以除非时间不够,否则不建议大家这样做.7. 如果要求自己写词,答案绝大部分是原文原词,少部分是对原文原词做的形式上的修改.要求自己写词的机率很小,遇到过一次.在这一次的5个题目中有4个答案是原文原词,剩下一个,原文原词是de-inked,答案根据语法的需要改为de-ink.雅思阅读机经真题解析--How to Achieve HappinessYou should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-_ which are based on Reading Passage below.Throughout the whole period of one’s lifetime, the achieving of happiness can be seen as our ultimate and everlasting goal. Happiness is far more than a strong body, a magnificent villa or an around-the-world tour; it is something we need from our heart. However, we can investigate happiness through scientific methods.AWhen we are asked the question Where can we find happiness , it is a puzzle difficult to answer accurately. We can find happiness right in our own home, in our workplace, in school, in the company of our friends, etc. It is up to us to find the ways and means to achieve that happiness each of us seek and long for. However, it is essential to recognize that there is no one absolute way to achieve happiness. People may have different ideaswith regard to the ways of achieving happiness. The following five classifications are perceived by many people as sources of happiness: family and friends, wealth, position, educational achievement and fame.BTo give it a comprehensive definition, happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. A variety of biological, psychological, religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources. Various research groups, including Positive Psychology, endeavor to apply the scientific method to answer questions about what happiness is, and how we might attain it. While philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in this sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is still used in virtue ethics.CWhile the level of physical healthiness is the biggest determinant of happiness, comparison of financial success with others of the same age group is the second largest source of happiness and unhappiness. Financially richer people tend to be happier than poorer people, according to sociological researcher Glenn Firebaugh of Pennsylvania State University. Their research is focused on whether the income effect on happiness results largely from the things money can buy (absolute income effect) or from comparing one s income to the income of others (relative income effect). They present their research in a session paper, tided Relative Income and Happiness: Arc Americans on a Hedonk Treadmill? Firebaugh argues that, in evaluating their own incomes, individuals compare themselves to their peers of the same age. Therefore, a persons reported level of happiness dependson how his or her income compares to others in the same age group. Using comparison groups on the basis of age, the researchers find evidence of both relative and absolute effects, but relative income is more important than absolute income in determining the happiness of individuals in the United States. This may result in a self-indulgent treadmill, because incomes in the United States rise over most of the adult lifespan. They always dissatisfy with the salary. For e_ample, the survey indicates that the students studied in Harvard University e_pect to earn much more money than their classmates rather than care about the e_act amount of the salary.DWe have long been aware that elements from various perspectives of We could contribute to realizing happiness. The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (MISTRA) has recently conducted a research project, choosing _0 pairs of reared-apart twins as subjects to test their perception of happiness. In an early report of results it was found that, on most measurable psychological traits, the level of welfare between the twins in a set felt is varied instead of being the same or similar. Thus environmental factors may not be the only factor that affects the feeling of happiness significantly. In another investigation, among persons of European ancestry, for psychological features that can be measured, heritability range from about 25 percent to 80 percent. Or, to put it more concretely, from one-fourth to four-fifths of the variation from person to person in such features as IQ, creativity and happiness, is associated with genetic differences between those persons. That indicates that genetic difference may also affect the happiness. Furthermore, neurobiological evidence shows that left and right frontal lobes play different roles in the emotion (MC) (M). Happiness is a type of emotion, a positive one. From the e_periments, happiness and the left prefrontal lobe are combinedtogether. The more active it is, the more positive emotion you sense.EAt the outset of new millennium, a global research had a result that the people living in the modern world were even unhappier. With crises being on the rise these days, finding happiness can be a bit challenging. Despite of all the stresses associated with life, we still do our best to be happy — because being happy is the only way to keep us afloat. Happiness is considered a very important therapy, both physically and mentally. With it, we are inspired to accomplish whatever goals we want to achieve. It s a strong drive that keeps us going and helps us live our life every single day.FThere are many ways to be happy. Spend time with individuals who are dear to you. There is nothing more joyful than to be with the people you love. During the weekends, try to schedule a fun trip for you and your partner, or one for your whole family. Just go somewhere else for a change and enjoy the change of scenery. Do something nice for others. Helping others is a very honorable way to find happiness. If your schedule is too tight for volunteer work, you can just donate a small sum of money or some old clothes or toys to charity. When you eat out, try to be a good tipper to the waiters or the valet who safely parked your car. All these simple things will not only make you happy, but other people as well. Start and end your day with a smile. Smiling is a very powerful gesture. There s no need for words to describe how pleasant it is. If you have a lousy day, smile your way out of the office. When people smile back at you, it will uplift your mood and make you feel better. Spending some time with your friends. A close circle of friends is one of the most important sources of happiness.Questions 1-5The reading Passage has si_ paragraphs A-FChoose the correct heading for paragraphs A-E from the list of headings below.Write the appropriate number, i-i_. in bo_es 1-5 on your answer sheet. List of Headingsi. Solutions of acquiring happinessii. Happiness helps to ease pressure from modem lifeiii. Smile can make you happyiv. The wealthier, the happierv. The influence of environmentvi. Sources of happinessvii. How to define happinessviii. The comparison of old times and modem lifei_. Factors that affect the happiness1. Paragraph A2. Paragraph B3. Paragraph C4. Paragraph D5. Paragraph EE_ampleParagraph F iQuestions 6-10Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.Write your answers in bo_es 6-10 on your answer sheet6 Which of the following items is NOT the source of happiness?A. company of wife and childrenB. e_perience of having a big feastC. obtaining higher educationD. high social status7 What is the decisive step of achieving happiness?A. having a positive mindB. strong in social activitiesC. lots of belongings and propertiesD. a healthy body8 Which is NOT mentioned in this passage for affecting the happiness?A. personal characterB. the reflection of frontal lobesC. genetic differencesD. environmental factors9 A worldwide research in the _st century indicates thatA. Male feels more stressful than female.B. People are leading a happy life.C. Modem life makes people upset.D. Most people are not satisfied with current situation.10 Which suggestion is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph for achieving happiness?A. go out for a picnic during weekendsB. to consult a psychologistC. make donations to charitiesD. a beautiful smileQuestions _-_Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G, below.Write the correct letter, A-G, in bo_es _-_ on your answer sheet._ A study of reared-apart twins_ The left prefrontal lobe of human_ People living in modern cityA. have no method to escape from pressure.B. may cam more sense of happiness by a circle of close friends.C. encouraged people to make further investigation.D. demonstrates that environment is not the sole factor that affects happiness.E. suggests that people have no control on their welfare.F. has affirmative connection with the feeling of happiness.G. are not sure about what is happiness.文章标题: 怎样获得快乐?篇章结构体裁论说文题目怎么获得快乐结构A段幸福的来源B段如何定义幸福C段财富会影响幸福,越富有的越幸福D段影响幸福的因素E段幸福帮助现代生活缓解压力F段获得快乐的方法试题分析Question 1-5试题类型: summary题号定位词文中对应点题目解析1sources of happinessA段倒数第二行A段一开始提问人们从哪里可以找到快乐,然后举例说了很多可以找到快乐的地方,最后总结出获得快乐的5个来源,只有vi sources of happiness符合要求.因此,本题答案为vi2define happiness,definitionB段的第一,三,六行B段从不同的学科角度对获得快乐这个问题进行探讨,试着对快乐进行定义,只有vii选项反复提到了对快乐进行定义.因此,本题答案为vii3wealthier, happierC段的第三行C段第一句说到同龄人的富裕程度决定快乐与否,然后又通过两项具体的相关研究来说明在同龄人当中,通常越富裕的人会觉得越快乐.因此,本题答案为iv4factors, effect happinessD段的第一,六,七,十二行D段第一句说到生活中各个方面的因素可能影响快乐,然后通过一项双胞胎分开抚养的研究结果来说明environment, genetic differences等都有可能是影响快乐获得的因素,只有i_ factors that affect happiness可以概括这段的意思.因此,本题答案为i_5ease, pressure, modern lifeE段的第一,四,五行E段主要在说当代的生活压力大,人们过的并不愉快,但是大家还是尽力寻找快乐,快乐是一个很好的治疗方式,只有ii选项可以概括本段的意思.因此,本题答案为iiQuestion 6-10试题类型:choose the correct answer6not, sources of happinessA段倒数第一,二,三行A段中提到快乐的来源有family and friends, wealth, position, educational achievements和fame,而题目问不是快乐的来源,只有B选项e_perience of having a big feast文中没有提到.因此,本题答案为B7decisive step, achieving happinessC段第一行C段第一句就说到healthiness is the biggest determinant of happiness,由这句话可以推出决定快乐的决定性因素应该是人的身体健康,D选项healthy body刚好是同意表达.因此,本题答案为D8not mentioned ,affecting happinessD段第六,十一行,倒数第一,二行本题提问哪个选项不影响快乐的获得,B,C,D这三个选项分别在D段第六,十一行,倒数第一,二行都有提到,只有A选项是原文没有提及的信息.因此,本题答案为A9worldwide research,_st centuryE段的第一行E段第一句话说在新千年开始的时候,全球的研究表明人们过的不快乐,而题目问这个全球的研究表明了什么,符合原文描述的相同意思的就只有D选项人们对现状不满.因此,本题答案为D10suggestion, not mentioned, achieving happinessF段的第二三行,第五六行,倒数第三,四五行本题问的是以下哪个不属于获得快乐的建议,A,C,D选项分别在原文F段的第二三行,第五六行,倒数第三,四五行都有提到,只有B选项咨询心理医生这点文章并未提及.因此,本题答案为BQuestion _-_试题类型:complete sentence_reared-apart twinsD段第二,三,四五六七行根据关键词reared-apart twins定位到文章D段第二行到第七行提到对_0对双胞胎进行分开抚养,对他们的一些测试结果表明环境并不是唯一的影响快乐的因素,只有D选项符合原文的意思.因此,本题答案为D_left prefrontal lobeD段倒数第一二行根据关键词left prefrontal lobe定位到D段的倒数第1,2行,原文说的是happiness and left prefrontal lobe are combined together这句话,而选项F 中affirmative connection刚好可以看成是combined together的同意改写.因此,本题答案为F_people,modern cityF段倒数第一二行本题需要用到排除的方法,因为正面去做的话,根据题干people living in the modern city这句在原文可以找到很多相关的信息,A选项的描述和E段的第3,4行信息相反,C,E,G的信息原文并没有提及,D和F已经选完,只有B 参考译文怎样获得快乐终其一生,快乐是我们最终和永恒的最求目标.快乐不仅仅是一个强健的体魄,一栋豪华的别墅,或者一场环球旅行,而是我们自己心底的某种感觉.然而,我们可以通过科学的方法来研究快乐.A〝我们可以从哪里找到快乐?〞当被问到时,会发现这个问题很难准确回答.我们可以从家里,工作中,学校,朋友的陪伴中找到快乐.获得我们自己所寻找和渴望的快乐的方式和方法取决于我们自己.然而,有一点我们非常清楚,获得快乐并没有绝对唯一的方式.不同的人可能对于获得快乐的方式的看法不一样.以下五种分类被很多人认为是快乐的来源:亲人朋友,财富,地位,教育成就和名望.B快乐的宽泛定义是一种以积极或愉快的情绪为特点的良好的精神状态,其中情绪从满足到极度快乐都有可能.很多生物学的,心理学的,宗教的和哲学的方法都已经试图定义快乐和它的来源.各种各样的研究组,包括积极心理学,致力于应用科学的方法来回答诸如〝快乐是什么以及我们如何可能获得快乐〞这样的问题.哲学家们和宗教思想家们仍然定义快乐为好好生活或者健康成长,而不是简单的定义为一种情绪.从这个层面上来说,快乐被用来理解希腊的快乐主义并且仍然被用在美德伦理学.C身体健康的程度是快乐最大的决定因素,而同年龄层的人们财务成功的对比则是快乐与否的第二大来源.根据宾夕法尼亚州立大学的格伦菲尔鲍社会学研究表明,财务上富裕的人比贫穷的人更倾向于变得快乐.他们的研究注重收入对快乐的影响是否很大程度上因为金钱能够买到的东西(绝对收入影响)或对比人与人之间的收入(相对收入影响).他们把自己的研究以〝相对收入和快乐:美国人处于享乐适应症吗?〞为标题放在了学期的论文上.格伦菲尔鲍通过估计他们自己的收入证明人们会把自己和同龄人比较.因此,个人所报告出来的快乐程度取决于和同龄的其他人比起来,他或她的收入怎么样.通过基于同龄人群的比较,研究者们发现了相对和决定影响的证据,但是在决定美国个体快乐程度方面,相对收入比觉得收入更重要.这可能导致自我放纵的单调的工作,因为在美国大部分成年人的整个生命中收入是上升的.他们总是对收入不满.比如,这个研究表明哈佛大学的学生期望比他们的同学挣更多的钱而不关心工资的准确数量.D我们很早就知道来自生活的各个方面的因素能够促进实现快乐.米尼苏达州双胞胎分开抚养研究最近做了一个研究项目,选了_0对分开抚养的双胞胎作为测试快乐理解的对象.在早期的结果报告中发现,在大部分可测的心理学特点方面,双胞胎之间的良好程度并非相同或相似而是不同.因此环境因素可能不是唯一的对快乐感影响巨大的因素.在另一项调查中,研究对象的祖先都是欧洲人,对于可以测量的心理学特点而言,遗传可能性从25%到80%都有可能,或者更加具体的来说,人和人之间在智商,创造力和快乐方面的差异度从四分之一到五分之四,遗传性和这些人之间的基因不同有联系.那就表明基因不同可能也会影响快乐.此外,神经生物学的证据表明左右大脑额叶可能在情绪在有不同的作用.快乐是一种情绪,一种积极的情绪.从这个实验来看,快乐和左前额叶是结合在一起的.左前额叶越活跃,你就会感觉到越积极的情绪.E在新千年的开始,一项全球的研究表明生活在现代的人们甚至感觉更加不快乐.在那些日子里伴随着危机上升,寻找快乐比较有挑战.尽管和生活相关的所有压力,我们任然尽力变得快乐,因为变得快乐是我们保持活动起来的唯一方式.快乐被认为是一种非常重要的身心的治疗方法.有了它,我们被激励去完成任何我们想要到达的目标.它是一个保持我们继续向前和帮助我们过好每一天的强大动力.F有很多方法可以变得快乐.花时间和自己爱的人在一起.没有什么比和自己爱的人在一起更开心.周末,试着组织一次你和朋友或者全家人的旅行.只需要去其他的地方并且享受由此带来的变化的风景.为其他人做件好事.帮助他人是一种寻找快乐的可敬方式.如果你的安排太满以至于没有时间去做志愿者工作,你可以捐点钱,旧衣服或者玩具给慈善机构.当你外出吃饭的时候,多给服务员或者帮你安全停好车的服务人员一些小费.所有这些事情,不仅可以使你自己快乐而且也可以让别人快乐.用微笑来开始和结束你的一天.微笑是一个非常有力量的表情.没有必要去表述它有多愉快.如果你的一天过得不顺利,在离开办公室的路上微笑.当人们对你的微笑给予回复,这会使你情绪变好并使你感觉好起来.花更多时间和你的朋友在一起.一群关系亲密的朋友是快乐最重要的来源之一.参考答案:Version5-4主题怎样获得快乐1vi2vii3iv4i_5ii6B7D8A9D10B_D_F_B 雅思阅读_类题型解题技巧之Summary。

索绪尔(任务介绍)F.De Sassure

索绪尔(任务介绍)F.De Sassure

2. Major work
Course in General Linguistics
It was published after he died in 1916. It is considered as Saussure's most influential
work. His ideas in this book leave a monumental
3. Contributions to Linguistics
1 Semiotics(符号学) Language is a subject based on symbol and meaning.
2 Langue and parole(语言和言语) Linguistics only can‘study language by learning it', excluding any interferences of the non-language factors.
A. 索绪尔是美国人 B. 索绪尔自己编写完成了《普通语言学》 C 索绪尔是符号学的创始人之一
5 Saussure claimed that internal linguistics should be distinguished from external linguistics
4. Influences of Saussure s Linguistic Theories
structural linguistics
3 Synchronic and diachronic linguistics(静态和动态语言学)
Syntagmatic(连锁) relations and associative(联想) relations 4 They are the nucleus(核心) of Sussurean theory.



Summary (总结题)正向的选择:Lascaux Cave PaintingsIn Southwest France in the 1940’s, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals. Many of these beasts are as large as 16 feet (almost 5 meters). Some follow each other in solemn parades, but others swirl about, sideways and upside down. The animals are bulls, wild horses, reindeer, bison, and mammoths outlined with charcoal and painted mostly in reds, yellow, and browns. Scientific analysis reveals that the colors were derived from ocher and other iron oxides ground into a fine powder. Methods of applying color varied: some colors were brushed or smeared on rock surfaces and others were blown or sprayed. It is possible that tubes made from animal bones were used for spraying because hollow bones, some stained with pigment, have been found nearby.One of the most puzzling aspects of the paintings is their location. Other rock paintings—for example, those of Bushmen in South Africa—are either located near cave entrances or completely in the open. Cave paintings in France and Spain, however, are in recesses and caverns far removed from original cave entrances. This means that artists were forced to work in cramped spaces and without sources of natural light. It also implies that whoever made them did not want them to be easily found. Since cave dwellers normally lived close to entrances, there must have been some reason why so many generations of Lascaux cave dwellers hid their art.Scholars offer three related but different opinions about the mysterious origin and significance of these paintings. One opinion is that the paintings were a record of seasonal migrations made by herds. Because some paintings were made directly over others, obliterating them, it is probable that a painting’s value ended with the migration it pictured. Unfortunately, this explanation fails to explain the hidden locations, unless the migrations were celebrated with secret ceremonies.Another opinion is that the paintings were directly related to hunting and were an essential part of a special preparation ceremony. This opinion holds that the pictures and whatever ceremony they accompanied were an ancient method of psychologically motivating hunters. It is conceivable that before going hunting the hunters would draw or study pictures of animals and imagine a successful hunt. Considerable support exists for this opinion because several animals in the pictures are wounded by arrows and spears. This opinion als o attempts to solve the overpainting by explaining that an animal’s picture had no further use after the hunt.A third opinion takes psychological motivation much further into the realm of tribal ceremonies and mystery: the belief that certain animals assumed mythical significance as ancient ancestors or protectors of a given tribe or clan. Two types of images substantiate this theory: the strange, indecipherable geometric shapes that appear near some animals, and the few drawings of men. Wherever men appear they are crudely drawn and their bodies are elongated and rigid. Some men are in a prone position and some have bird or animal heads.Advocates for this opinion point to reports from people who have experienced a trance state, a highly suggestive state of low consciousness between waking and sleeping. Uniformly, these people experienced weightlessness and the sensation that their bodies were being stretched lengthwise. Advocates also point to people who believe that the forces of nature are inhabited by spirits, particularly shamans* who believe that an animal’s spirit and energy is transferred to them while in a trance. One Lascaux narrative picture, which shows a man with a birdlike head and a wounded animal, would seem to lend credence to this third opinion, but there is still much that remains unexplained. For example, where is the proof that the man in the picture is a shaman? He could as easily be a hunter wearing a headmask. Many tribal hunters, including some Native Americans, camouflaged themselves by wearing animal heads and hides.Perhaps so much time has passed that there will never be satisfactory answers to the cave images, but their mystique only adds to their importance. Certainly a great art exists, and by its existence reveals that ancient human beings were not without intelligence, skill, and sensitivity.13. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Scholars have wondered about the meaning of the subjects, location, and overpainting of Lascaux cave images.Answer Choices○The paintings may have recorded information about animal migrations, and may only have been useful for one migration at a time.○The human figures represented in the paintings appear to be less carefully shaped than those of animals.○It is possible that the animals in the paintings were of mythical significance to the tribe, and the paintings reflected an important spiritual practice.○Unlike painters of the recently discov ered paintings, other Lascaux cave painters usually painted on rocks near cave entrances or in open spaces outside the caves.○Some scholars believe that the paintings motivated hunters by allowing them to picture a successful hunt.○Scientific analysis suggests that paintings were sprayed onto the rock walls with tubes made from animal bones.Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Text.TIPs: 当选项中,有两个或多个选项对应同一个段落的话,往往只有一个落选。

第二节 柯西-古萨(Cauchy—Goursat)基本定理

第二节 柯西-古萨(Cauchy—Goursat)基本定理
(1) 注意定理的条件“单连通域”.
反例: f (z) 1 在圆环域 1 z 3内;
(2) 注意定理的不能反过来用.
即不能由 f (z)dz 0, 而说 f (z) 在 C 内处处解析.
( z)
1 z2
(uy vx )dxdy i (ux vy )dxdy 0 .
注:1825 年 Cauchy 给出 Cauchy 积分定理的内容;1851
年 Riemann 在附加条件“ f (z) 在 D 内连续”利用 Green
公式给出证明;1900 年 E.Goursat 给出了完整的证明.
1 2
1 1 1 zi 1 z 2 z i
1 2
1dz 1
1 dz 1
1 dz
zi 1 z
2 zi 1 z i
2 zi 1 z i
1 dz 1 2i i.
2 zi 1 z i
如果函数 f (z) 在单连通域 B内处处解析, 那末函数 f (z) 沿 B内的任何一条封闭曲线C
的积分为零: c f (z)dz 0.
定理中的 C 可以不是简 单曲线.



金字塔的数学名词解释英文The Explanation of Mathematical Terms in English Regarding the PyramidIntroductionThe pyramid, with its majestic and iconic structure, has captured the fascination of humankind for centuries. Not only is it a symbol of ancient civilizations, but it also embodies a sophisticated understanding of mathematics. In this article, we will explore and decode various mathematical terms related to the pyramid in English.The BaseThe base of a pyramid refers to the bottom polygon upon which the whole structure rests. In mathematical terms, it is often referred to as the "base polygon." The base can take different shapes depending on the type of pyramid. For example, a square pyramid has a base in the shape of a square, while a triangular pyramid has a base in the shape of a triangle.The ApexThe apex of a pyramid is the pointy top where all the edges converge. In mathematical terms, it is sometimes referred to as the "vertex" or "tip" of the pyramid. The apex is a critical point because it determines the height of the pyramid.HeightThe height of a pyramid is the perpendicular distance from the apex to the base. In mathematical terms, it can also be called the "altitude." The height can be calculated using various methods, depending on the type of pyramid. For example, in a triangular pyramid, the height can be found by extending a perpendicular line from the apex to the base.Slant HeightThe slant height of a pyramid is the distance from any point on the base to a point on an inclined face, following the surface of the pyramid. In mathematical terms, it is also known as the "generatrix." The slant height is a crucial measurement in determining the lateral area and surface area of the pyramid.Lateral AreaThe lateral area of a pyramid represents the total surface area excluding the base. In mathematical terms, it is the sum of the areas of all the faces, excluding the base. Calculating the lateral area involves finding the area of each face and summing them up. The lateral area is an important value when studying the geometry and volume of the pyramid.Surface AreaThe surface area of a pyramid includes both the base and the lateral area. It represents the total area taken up by the pyramid's faces. In mathematical terms, it is the sum of the lateral area and the area of the base.VolumeThe volume of a pyramid refers to the amount of space enclosed by the pyramid. In mathematical terms, it is calculated by multiplying the area of the base with the height and dividing the result by 3. The volume of a pyramid is often expressed in cubic units and is used to estimate the amount of material needed to construct or fill a pyramid.SimilaritySimilarity is a mathematical concept used to describe the relationship between two objects that have the same shape but possibly different sizes. In the case of pyramids, if the corresponding angles and proportions of the faces are equal, the pyramids are considered similar. Similarity plays a crucial role in various geometric calculations and theories associated with pyramids.ConclusionThe mathematical understanding of the pyramid goes beyond its awe-inspiring structure and ancient symbolism. By exploring and decoding the various mathematical terms related to the pyramid in English, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate calculations and measurements involved in studying pyramids. From the base and apex to the height and volume, these terms provide the framework for understanding the mathematical complexities behind these magnificent structures.。



法国数学家拉格朗日著作《解析函数论》英文名Analytic Function Theory by French Mathematician LagrangeAnalytic Function Theory is a seminal work in the field of mathematics authored by the renowned French mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange. This groundbreaking book laid the foundation for the modern study of complex analysis and has been influential in shaping the development of many areas of mathematics.Published in 1797, Analytic Function Theory is considered one of the most important works in the history of mathematics. In this book, Lagrange presents a comprehensive and systematic treatment of the theory of analytic functions, which are functions that can be expanded in a power series in a complex variable.One of the key contributions of Analytic Function Theory is Lagrange's development of the concept of a complex analytic function. He introduced the idea of a function that is differentiable in the complex sense, meaning that it satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations. This laid the groundwork for the development of the theory of holomorphic functions, which has become a central topic in modern mathematics.Lagrange also made important contributions to the theory of series and integral calculus in Analytic Function Theory. He introduced the concept of a Laurent series, which is a generalization of the Taylor series that can be used to represent functions with poles and branch points. Lagrange's work on integration theory also laid the foundation for the development of the theory of complex integration, which has applications in areas such as physics and engineering.In addition to his mathematical contributions, Lagrange's writing style in Analytic Function Theory is noted for its clarity and precision. His rigorous approach to mathematics and his ability to present complex ideas in a clear and concise manner have made Analytic Function Theory a classic text that is still widely studied and referenced today.Overall, Analytic Function Theory is a landmark work in the history of mathematics that has had a lasting impact on the field. Lagrange's insights and discoveries in this book have shaped the way mathematicians approach the study of complex analysis, and his influence can be seen in a wide range of mathematical disciplines.。



学术英语summarizingSummarizing in academic English refers to the process of condensing and presenting the key points, ideas, or arguments from a longer piece of text in a shorter and more concise form. It involves extracting the essential information and presenting it in a clear and organized manner. The goal of summarizing is to provide a concise overview of the main content without losing the integrity or significance of the original text.When summarizing academic English, it is important to follow certain guidelines and techniques to ensure clarity and accuracy. Here are some key elements to consider:1. Identify the main ideas: Read the text carefully and identify the central themes, arguments, or points that the author is trying to convey.2. Paraphrase rather than quote: Instead of directly quoting the text, paraphrase the main ideas in your own words. This helps to demonstrate your understanding of the content.3. Include key details: Include important details, examples, or supporting evidence that are relevant to the main ideas. However, be selective and avoid including excessive details that may make the summary overly long.4. Use transitions: Use transitional words or phrases to connect the different ideas and ensure the summary flows smoothly.5. Maintain coherence: Ensure that the summary is coherent and makes sense asa standalone document. It should convey the overall message of the original text in a clear and concise manner.6. Edit and proofread: After writing the summary, review it for clarity, accuracy, and conciseness. Edit and remove unnecessary words or sentences to make it more impactful.Summarizing academic English requires practice and a good understanding of the text. By following these guidelines, you can effectively summarize complexinformation and convey the key points in a clear and concise manner.。



协定塔勒简述曩l_≥l中期钱跨;值),但铸币的纯度和外观不变.法兰克大行政区在1754年9月3日接受巴伐利亚的克莱采体系,士瓦本大区于1755年7月19日接受,萨尔茨堡于同年9月20日接受,七年战争后传播到德意志其他邦国的,正是这个改变后的协定形式.这是实物塔勒(Speziestaler)的情况,即实际铸造出来的流通硬币.在当时还有一种结算塔勒(Rechnungstaler)系统,或称为记帐塔勒,和实物塔勒相对应,即不实际铸造,而只是在商业或财务上用来记帐的,有相对固定汇率的虚拟货币单位.根据硬币协定1结算塔勒等于90奥地利克莱采,或者108巴伐利亚克莱采,因此1实物塔勒=4/3结算塔勒,l0塔勒纯度:13—1/3结算塔勒纯度.而奥地利的结算古尔登遵守硬币协定,价值60奥地利克莱采,巴伐利亚引人了所谓的"莱茵古尔登"作为自己的结算古尔登单位,也价值60巴伐利亚克莱采,即1科隆马克纯银铸造20枚古尔登:1440克莱采=24莱茵古尔登,因此为区别于最初的协定币制,巴伐利亚修改后的协定币制又被称为24古尔登纯度(表2).表2巴伐利亚修改后的硬币协定主辅币汇率和最初的硬币协定汇率对比实物货币结算货币塔勒古尔登塔勒古尔登一24占尔登纯度(巴伐利亚等)144LKr.72LKLlO8LK60LKr.20古尔登纯度(奥地利等)l2OKr.60Kr.90Kr.60Kr.此处K表示24古尔登纯度克莱采,Kr.表示2O古尔登纯度克莱采. 一24古尔登纯度对应的结算古尔登为"莱茵古尔登".协定硬币的外观和铸造情况为区别于旧制塔勒,许多协定塔勒上有标志性的文字,XEINEFEINEMARK,即"十枚含一马克纯银",文字写法各邦国略有出入,比如以德文ZEHN(十)代替罗马数字x,"马克"拼写成MARCK,或者缩写成x.E.F.M.等等.l/2协定塔勒类推为XXEINEFEINEMARK(二十枚含一马克纯银).或者ADNORMAMCONVENTIONIS,即拉丁文"根据协定标准",1塔勒和1/2塔勒文字一样,各邦国间也有缩写等变异.此两种文字也有同时出现在一枚硬币上的,也有做成边铭的,形式多种多样.由于硬币协定中并没有统一硬币铭文的规定,所以并非所有的协定塔勒上都有XEINEFEINEMARK或者ADNORMAMCONV.ENTIONIS字样.包括作为其发端的巴伐利亚,初期铸造的大量协定塔勒,币面上也没有区别予旧制塔勒的标志,而是按照传统,一面为君王肖像,一面是纹章或圣母像(插二图3).关于硬币图案,仅在硬币协定第九条中涉及对30克莱采币的统一图案规定:"……为了更好地区别于早先的选侯的和其他地方的价值较低的半古尔登,这些半古尔登上普遍有各自皇帝或国王的至高无上的尊贵的头像,且应在硬币上有斜的正方形图案……".即各邦国铸造的30克莱采,正反面应该各有一个正菱形方框.这原本是奥地利的传统:最早在1694年就铸造了有正菱形框图的1/4 塔勒(30克莱采)硬币,在协定塔勒之前的1740年代,有这种图案的30克莱采币亦在奥地利大量铸造.作为当时经济实力较强的邦国,奥地利希望自己的这一传统传播到其他邦国.但实际除奥地利自己外遵守者寥寥无几.更有甚者,巴伐利亚,符腾堡,伯兰登堡一安斯巴赫,纽伦堡等几个邦国自60年代末开始,陆续把这种框图用在了20协定克莱采币上.根据硬币协定,30克莱采的成色比20克莱采的高,但用肉眼难以分辨,而在中蓐曳带--..直径大小上又和20克莱采币相差无几,所以这样在日常流通中常出现30和20克莱采两种硬币混淆的情况(插二图4).一些不法商贩开始改刻20克莱采币为30克莱采,有的甚至把20克莱采的"2"字划乱,冒充30克莱采使用.由于各邦国铸造的协定硬币是可以相互通用,因此奥地利深受其害,终于宣布这种有框图的20克莱采在奥地利境内为非法, 禁止流通.而巴伐利亚等邦国采取的办法则相反,不再铸造(或者根本就从未铸造过)30克莱采币,让小面值的20克莱采币继续流通.表3是巴伐利亚的两个主要铸币厂:慕尼黑铸币厂于1765年和安贝格铸币厂于1763/64年的5种协定硬币的铸造量.以此为例可以窥见当时几种协定硬币的实际铸造情况.1塔勒主币的铸造量最大,20和10克莱采其次,其数量虽然比1塔勒币少得多,但根据当时的购买力,这两种最低面值的协定硬币却是南德意志地区H常生活中的主要流通货币.1/2塔勒币除奥地利外在多数邦国历来铸造得不多.30克莱采币由于前述的原因,只在1754和1756年铸造了很少一点.其他邦国30克莱采产量也很低.只有奥地利有菱形框图的产量较大.表3巴伐利亚两个铸币厂公布的几种协定硬币的铸造量慕尼黑铸币厂(1765)安贝格铸币厂(1763/64)1塔勒l550ooo3584551/2塔勒225023030克莱采20和1O克莱采6918O37347协定塔勒中的贸易币及玛丽亚一特蕾莎塔勒在协定塔勒家族中,比较特殊的是以协定纯度铸造的贸易币.18世纪以来,地中海东部各国对中南欧诸国贸易往来逐渐增多,对塔勒一类的大型银币的需求日趋旺盛.历史上由于奥地利和奥斯曼帝国长达百余年的战争,许多l7,l8世纪的奥地利塔勒作为战利品流人东方,因此在奥斯曼和东方诸国,奥地利塔勒有着良好的民众接受基础.1741 年奥地利首次铸造有玛丽亚一特蕾莎头像的塔勒硬币,因其女性形象更加具有亲和力,而在黎凡特地区(这里指地中海东部诸国,包括叙利亚,黎巴嫩等在内的自希腊到埃及的地区)大受欢迎,50年代以后协定塔勒开始有边铭,更有利于防止银币被剪边,因此玛丽亚一特蕾莎塔勒逐渐成为黎凡特地区的主要贸易货币之一.1765年,玛丽亚一特蕾莎的丈夫,德意志帝国皇帝弗朗茨一世突然去世.同年奥地利开始铸造玛丽亚一特蕾莎披寡妇面纱形象的塔勒.习惯了原先女王形象的黎凡特地区商人们最初拒绝接受这种新头像的塔勒.不得已之下,奥地利决定在辖下的京茨堡(Gtinzburg)铸币厂铸造一种没有女王头像的塔勒硬币,币面只有经典的协定塔勒文字AD NORMAMCONVENT.这种无头像的塔勒和有寡妇头像的塔勒同时铸造和投放黎凡特市场. 时间改变一切,到1767年人们已逐渐习惯和接受了有寡妇头像的塔勒硬币,而京茨堡的无头像塔勒一直在市场上吃不开,因此只在1766和1767两年生产了少量(插三图5). 1780年玛丽亚一特蕾莎去世后,由于其塔勒在贸易中极受欢迎,奥地利继续使用1780年的模具在维也纳和京茨堡两个铸币厂生产用于贸易的塔勒.1805年京茨堡并入巴伐利亚后剩下维也纳单独生产,此后此塔勒在世界各地广泛铸造和流通至20世纪.鉴于铸造贸易银币的利润,其他邦国也曾铸造自己的贸易协定塔勒.如巴伐利亚也。

















法语综合教程II 第6课

法语综合教程II 第6课

Corrigés de la leçon 6C ompréhension du texteAUne mauvaise traductionI. Vrai ou faux ?1.Faut2.Faut3.Vrai4.Vrai5.VraiII. Relisez le texte et répondez :1.Robert marchait lentement et sans enthousiasme vers la classe parce que le professeurallait rendre le devoir de thème aux élèves.2.Il étudiait deux spécialités.3.Ils échangeaient des plaisanteries.4.Il était gros et sérieux.5.Il répétait qu’une bonne traduction n’est jamais une traduction mot à mot.III. Activité orale :Réponse libre.BUne mauvaise traduction (suite)I. Vrai ou faux ?1.Vrai2.Vrai3.Vrai4.Faut5.VraiII. Relisez le texte et répondez :1.Parce que les devoirs de traduction de Monsieur Ma sont difficiles.2.Non, au fond il n’est pas méchant.3.Il faut lire attentivement et beaucoup travailler. Savoir le sens de chaque mot ne suffit pascar on doit traduire l’idée d u texte original au lieu de chaque mot individuel.4.C’est-à-dire que même un bon traducteur ne peut jamais rendre complètement l’esprit del’original5.Les qualités pour un traducteur sont : u ne bonne compétence de langue, c’est-à-dire bienconnaître le vocabulaire et la syntaxe, sans oublier les connaissances culturelles. Ensuite, l’imagination, et même l’intuition sont des facultés nécessaires dans la traduction.III. Activité orale :Réponse libre.CLe français dans le mondeI. Vrai ou faux ?1.Vrai2.Vrai3.Faut4.Vrai5.VraiII. Relisez le texte et répondez : superficie de la France est de 550 000 km².2.Sa géographie se présente sous la forme d’un hexagone.3. Ce sont : la Belgique, le Luxembourg, la Suisse, le Canada et beaucoup de pays africains.4.Parce que c’étaient des anciennes colonies françaises.5.Oui, par exemple l’Indochine (le Vietnam, le Laos et le Cambodge).III. Activité orale :Réponse libre.E xercices de grammaireG1. Reliez les deux phrases par le pronom relatif « qui » :1.Il y a quelqu’un qui sonne à la porte.2.Avec un peu de chance, je trouverai un travail qui sera plus intéressant qu’aujourd’hui.3.Si on veut faire un achat important, on peut emprunter de l’argent à la banque, qui nousprêtera de l’argent.4.Je connais Marc qui fait son budget tous les mois.5.Le compte qui est débiteur est à découvert.6.Philippe, qui a envie d’acheter une moto, n’a pas assez d’argent.7.Les jeunes hommes qui n’ont p lus voulu rester à la campagne sont allés en ville.8.Est-ce que tu vas m’offrir cette veste qui me plaît beaucoup ?9.Écoute ce disque qui a l’air d’être excellent.10.Philippe et moi, nous avons déjeuné dans un bon petit restaurant qui n’était pas loin dechez moi.G2. Identifiez la fonction grammaticale de « qui » dans les phrases suivantes:1.pronom interrogatif sujet2.pronom interrogatif sujet3.pronom interrogatif COD4.pronom interrogatif sujet5.pronom relatif sujet6.pronom relatif COI7.pronom relatif sujet8.pronom interrogatif sujet9.pronom interrogatif COI10.pronom relatif COIG3. Remplacez les points par un pronom relatif convenable, ajoutez une préposition si nécessaire :1.qui2.qui3.qui4.qui5.avec qui6.à qui7.qui, qui8.qui9.qui10.quiG4. Transformez les phrases suivantes selon le modèle :1.C’est maman qui me fait réciter mes leçons tous les soirs.2.C’est Lavande magique qui a appris par cœur les résumés à la fin des chapitres d’histoire.3.C’est mon amie qui a réservé les places au cinéma.4.C’est nous qui nous lavions le visag e et les dents au puits.5.Ce sont nos jambes et nos bras qui étaient couverts d’écorchures.6.C’est le voleur qui a mangé et qui a bu ce qu’il y avait dans la cuisine.7.C’est Robert qui se cachait la figure derrière son livre.8.C’est Dragon céleste qui profite pleinement de toutes les possibilités de Paris.9.C’est Philippe qui a apporté sa guitare et qui a joué quelques morceaux connus.10.C’est moi qui ai perdu le parapluie dans le métro.G5. Répondez aux questions en utilisant C’est (ce sont)... qui... :1.Ce sont les voitures qui font ce bruit.2.C’est le directeur qui te cherche.3.C’est la grand-mère de Thérèse qui a déclaré le vol au commissariat.4.C’est mon parapluie qui est tombé par terre.5.Ce sont les fleurs de cerisiers qui m’émerveillent à l’université.6.C’est mon copain qui m’a donné ce porte-bonheur.7.C’est l’imagination qui est importante dans la traduction intelligente.8.C’est moi qui pense que la langue française est compliquée.9.C’est le médecin qui gardait le parapluie comme porte-bonheur.10.C’est le juge qui in terroge le témoin devant le tribunal.G6. Écrivez l’adjectif au féminin et formez l’adverbe selon le modèle :1.ce rtain → certaine → certainement2.rare → rare → rarement3.difficile → difficile → difficilement4.sûr → sûre → sûrement5.premier → première → premièrement6.lent → lente → lentement7.général → générale → généralement8.évident → évidente → évidemment9.joli → jolie → joliment10.effectif → effective → effectivementG7. Placez dans la phrase l’adverbe qui est indiqué entre parenthèses :1.Les enfants d’aujourd’hui regardent trop la télévision.2.Elle chante très bien.3.Je rentre bientôt chez moi.4.Je ne sais vraiment plus quoi faire.5.J’aime beaucoup la rose.6.Il est bien tard.7.On comprend mal ce poème.8.Cela se passe souvent ainsi.9.Il buvait peu avant.10.Tu n’as pas assez dormi. C’est pour ça que tu es malade.G8. Complétez les phrases suivantes en choisissant un adverbe convenable :1.rapidement2.patiemment3.Généralement4.sérieusement5.seulement6.vraiment7.malheureusement 8.rarement9.effectivement10.évidemmentG9. Mettez les phrases au passé composé :1.Il a déjà neigé.2.Je vous ai enfin retrouvé.3.L’été dernier, il a beaucoup plu.4.Ma mère a parlé peu.5.Le perroquet a vite apprisà parler.6.Le policier a très bien compris l’explication de cette vieille dame.7.Grâce à l’aide du professeur, Xiao Ming a mieux chanté.8.V ous n’avez pas assez mangé.9.Monique a commencé à parler, mais elle a toujours répété la même chose.10.J’ai mal dormi la nuit.E xercices de vocabulaireV1. Complétez le blanc avec des mots qui se trouvent dans les textes :1. a rendus2.les sciencespliquées4.s’est établi5.(d’)éternuer6.têtu(e)7.rougit8.l’idée9.Un traître10.facultésV2. Choisissez la bonne réponse selon les textes :1.enthousiasme2.tragédie3.propres4. a échangé metpter9.francophones10.intelligenteV3. Complétez les phrases avec les verbes proposés :1.avaient échangé 6. développer2.s’est caché7. éternue3.insiste 8. évite4. a rendu 9. conseille5.s’est établie 10. occupentV4. Remplacez les mots en italique par les expressions dans la colonne de droite : 1.c 2.e 3.g 4.a 5.j 6.i 7.d 8.f 9.b 10.h V5. Complétez avec des mots apparus dans les textes :1. méchant 6. étendue2. dure 7. francophone3. difficile 8. occidentale4. chères 9. ancienne5. sec 10. nombreuseE xercices de structureS1. Transformez les phrases suivantes selon le modèle :1.Son professeur se met à traduire un roman français.2.Les élèves se sont mis à travailler à la bibliothèque.3.Robert se met à faire ses exercices de version et de thème.4.Pierre s’est mis à étudier les sciences politiques à Lyon.5.Pendant ce temps, ce pays se met à développer son propre système de défense.6.Cet amour se met à occuper toute sa vie.7.Il s’est mis à jouer aux jeux vidéo après une journée de travail.8.Ces jours-là, le prix des légumes se mettait à augmenter.9.Les oiseaux se mettaient à picoter nos miettes. police s’est mise à poursuivre le voleur.S2. Transformez les phrases suivantes selon le modèle :1.Il faut manger pour vivre, et non pas vivre pour manger. vie est un mystère, et non pas un délire.3.Le père Noël est arrivé en traîneau, et non pas en voiture.4.Pourquoi veux-tu faire un voyage en Louisiane et non pas au Canada ?5.Presque tous les hommes meurent de leurs remèdes, et non pas de leurs maladies.6.L’être humain vieillit vite, et non pas la nature. Toussaint est une fête catholique, et non pas une fête chrétienne.8.Parlez-moi de vos conseils, et non pas des conseils des autres.9.Sa spécialité est le français, et non pas l’anglais.10.Ce qui est important, c’est la syntaxe, et non pas la grammaire.S3. Transformez les phrases suivantes selon le modèle :1.Valérie est absente à cause de sa maladie.2.Jean-Pierre est en retard à cause d’une grève de transport. grand-mère de Mathilde ne peut pas partir à cause de son âge.4.Notre train a eu une demi-heure de retard à cause des travaux sur la voie.5.Benoît n’a pas bien joué dans ce match à cause de la fatigue.6.Leur excursion est annulée à cause de la pluie.7.Robert n’a aucun enthousiasme à cause des difficultés du thème. bibliothèque est fermée à cause des problèmes informatiques.9.Le Fleuve jaune devient rouge à cause de la pollution.10.Beaucoup de Parisiens s’installent en province à cause de la cherté de la vie. (ou : à causede la vie qui est trop chère.)E xercices audio-orauxA1. Écoutez et remplissez les blancs :1. auront . 4. solutions2. une feuille de papier 5. possibilité3 chaque chat 6. du toutA2. Questions à choix multiple :1) C 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) AA3. Voici un résumé du dialogue, remplissez les trous.1) Le logicien demande au vieux monsieur s’il enlève deux pattes aux deux chats, combien il restera de pattes àchaque chat. La réponse n’est pas unique, celui-ci offre les propositions suivantes :1re proposition : un chat àquatre pattes, l’autre à deux pattes .2ème proposition : un chat àcinq pattes, l’autre à une patte .3ème proposition :un chat àsix pattes et l’autre sans pattes du tout .2) À votre avis, le nombre de réponses correctes est de zéro .1) Le logicien demande au vieux monsieur .A.d’élever deux chatsB.d’enlever les pattes aux deux résoudre un problème de logique(逻辑)2) Le vieux monsieur prend une feuille de papier pour .A.prendre note de ce que dit le logicienB.faire la liste des réponses convenablesC.dessiner les chats3) Le premier chat s’appelle .A. IsidoreB. IssitoreC. Issidore4) À propos de la première question du logicien, le vieux monsieur .A. a hésité entre plusieurs réponses possibles.B. a immédiatement trouvé la bonne réponse.C. ne la comprenait pas.5) Parmi les trois possibilités que le vieux monsieur a proposées pour répondre à la deuxième question, il y en a combien qui sont logiques(符合逻辑的)?A. aucuneB. une seuleC. toutes les troisA4. Répondez au questionnaire. Indiquez quatre motifs dans l’ordre d’importance :Réponse libreA5. Est-ce que vous êtes d’accord ? Exprimez votre opinion.Réponse libreE xercices écrits1. 1.Pourquoi la grammaire française est-elle si / tellement compliquée ?2. 2.Ces deux mots ont la même prononciation.3. 3.Elle parle toujours d’un ton ironique.4. 4.Au fond, Monsieur Ma n’est pas méchant et il est toujours prêt à aider les étu diants et àleur conseiller / à leur donner des conseils.5. 5.En général, une traduction mot à mot n’est pas une bonne traduction.6. 6.C’est son tic à lui, et il croit faire de l’effet avec ça.7.7.On compte, dans le monde, 180 millions de francophones environ, qui ont le françaiscomme langue maternelle ou le pratiquent dans la vie courante / vie quotidienne / vie de tous les jours.8.8.Même les bons traducteurs ne rendent jamais complètement l’esprit de l’original.。


• 满足以上条件的所有的( k(0) , c(0) )构 成了“鞍点路径”。从鞍点路径上的任意初 始点出发,( k,c)将沿鞍点路径最终收敛 于E点。
4、福利 • 所考察的模型满足“完全竞争市场”的所
有假设,因此“福利经济学第一定理”必 然成立。
(1)平衡增长路径的特性 ➢ 与索洛模型相同;
limtk t 0: limeRtengtk t 0
( n1 g)
3、经济的动态学 (1)c的动态学 (2)k的动态学 (3)c的初始值与鞍点路径
• c的动态学
欧 拉 方 程 :c c & ttf kt g (2 .2 2 )
k * 满 足 : c & t 0 , 即 f k * g
(2)平衡增长路径与黄金律资本存量 ➢ 拉姆齐模型中,资本存量高于黄金律资本存量是
不可能的; ➢ 拉姆齐模型中,经济并不收敛于产生最大的可持
续c的平衡增长路径; ➢ 修正的黄金律资本存量。
6、贴现率下降的影响 (1)定性影响 (2)调整速度与鞍点路径的斜率
• 贴现率下降的定性影响
• 稳态条件:
c& t 0 k& t 0

fk*g c*f k* ngk*
• 由稳态条件可知,在拉姆齐模型中,稳态 资本存量小于黄金率资本存量。
• c的初始值与鞍点路径
欧 拉 方 程 :c c & ttf kt g (2 .2 2 )
k & t f k t c t n g k t ( 2 . 2 3 )

summary of novel conclusions

summary of novel conclusions

summary of novel conclusions摘要:1.概述小说《结论》的主要内容2.分析小说的主题和结论3.讨论小说的结局以及对主题的强化4.总结小说的艺术特点和社会意义正文:《结论》是一篇描绘社会现实的小说,通过讲述一个关于权力、道德和人性的故事,揭示了社会中的腐败现象以及人性的复杂性。





















它的表达式为Y = C + I + G + (X - M),其中Y表示国民收入或产出,C表示消费支出,I表示投资支出,G表示政府支出,X表示出口,M表示进口。








消费函数描述了消费支出与国民收入之间的关系,通常采用线性函数的形式,表达式为C = c + mY,其中c表示固定消费支出,m表示边际消费倾向。
















2.旺策尔的证明方法旺策尔(Wantzel)是一位德国数学家,他在 19 世纪中叶对这三大几何难题进行了深入研究。



旺策尔在证明过程中,首先假设存在一个角 A,可以被分成三个相等的部分,即∠B=∠C=∠D。















例:剑七Test2 Passage2 第14题题目:ACost Involved in Purifying Domestic Water分析:看到关键词cost, 立马寻找全文是否有带有金钱符号的数字。


在E段第二行找到定位句:“£23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidium from drinking water by water companies.”去除removal和purify改写,花费是£23m, 快速得出答案。


例:剑九Test2 Passage1 第6题题目:The Estimated Proportion of Children in New Zealand with Auditory Problems分析:看到关键词proportion, 直接寻找百分比数字,扫读全文,发现只有A 段有。

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FranciosCusset unfolds his writing in the Academic Enclave in a way that tries to draw a trajectory of American higher education. This trajectory ultimately points to the intrinsic ambiguity that lies at the heart of American university system, the confusion of the real characteristic of American education: whether it is isolated from or closely tied to society?As any other discussions raised by social discourses, this question of American education has its dual character. Although Cusset does not live in America, he is critical enough to notice this duality, as revealed by what he points out “although [American university] is separated from civil society, the university nonetheless maintains a closer link with American political society”(38). With this thought-provoking insight from Cusset, I’m going to analyze the legitimacy of Cusset’s duality from a historical point of view.As it is already mentioned, Cusset points out that there is a duality in the role American university plays in the society. It seems that Cusset reveals the American university from the perspective of both “civil society” and “political society.” In order for us to understand the insight of Cusset, we have to mine into the concept of “political society” and “civil society.” The use of these two terms can be traced back to the political philosopher John Locke, who uses them synonymously. A political society, according to Locke, is a system that men voluntarily entered because of consent on social contract. Because of this consent by all, political society, to some extent, can be seen as the aggregate of all sectors in our society, such as government, business, etc. On the other hand, civil society is often understood as family and private sphere, which is considered the third sector and separated from businessand government. From this respect, it is appropriate to consider civil society as a subset of political society. If this is true, it seems that when Cusset concludes that American university is separated from the society, whi le being the “dramatic relay point” of political society, he has made a logical mistake. However, in order to understand correctly Cusset’s argument, we have to consider the historical background and Cusset’s quotation of Bill Readings.“Bill Readings notes in summarizing the arrival of this ‘posthistorical university’ without any referent-since here excellence itself is, in this logic, a notion with no content”(45). Cusset quotes this phrase by Bill Readings to demonstrate the utilitarian character of “posthistorical university,” which is referred to by Cusset as American university under “corporate culture”. Cusset points out, with Readings word, that American university has become the university of excellence. This university of excellence is so good at absorbing and integrating even what would have threatened its values that it has become nothing more than a machine operated by the market. In other words, university in general has transformed from a site to foster unified national culture into the industry of corporations. According to Cusset, this transformation can be summarized by “learn to earn.” This transformation is embedded in the historical background. The space race that has been given birth by the cold war with USSR, the federal funds for research between 1942 and 1945 all reinforce this transformation. Amongst all of these historical factors, the establishment of what Clyde Barrow calls “military-academic complex” is the one which brings the “civil society” into “political society.” Despite the fundsprovided to university by big corporations, which tends to extract American university out from the civil society and the goal of fostering an unified national culture, Roosevelt’s New Deal forces professors to declare loyalty to government. After WW2, the emphasis on nuclear physics has made the monopolistic role of government on technology increasingly imperative. Under this historical and social background, the political society has gradually breaks away from the civil society, integrating with the government and corporate culture. It seems that the Americna university’s involvement in the 19th century Big Projects such as gene pool mapping has build a close connection with the society, but by no means is this a connection to the formation of a public intellectual field represented by civil society. American university has been incorporated into the corporate culture to serve the interest of political society specifically. As a result, it isn’t unexpected for Cusset to conclude that “the social isol ation of the university was paradoxically reinforced, whereas the new economic and professional realism might have led one to expect the opposite. “Instead of logical contradiction, it is critical for Cusset to consider the American higher education system is both isolated and closely tied to society.。
