



第一部分 消费者理论1. 当11xx 时,加数量税t,画出预算集并写出预算线预算集:).....(. (1)12211x x m x p x p).........(..........)(1112211x x x t m x p x t p2. 如果同样多的钱可以买(4,6)或(12,2),写出预算线。

mx p x p 2211 则有mp p 2164,mp p 21212不妨假设12 p ,则可解得:8,211 m p 。

预算线为82121 x x 3.(1)0.4100x y(2)0.2100.............300.4106.............30x y if x x y if x(3)0.4106x y4. 证明:设两条无差异曲线对应的效用分别为21,uu ,由曲线的单调性假设,若21uu ,则实为一条曲线。

若21uu ,假设两曲线相交,设交点为x,则21)(,)(ux u u x u ,可推出21uu ,存在矛盾,不可能相交。

5. -5(把一元纸币放在纵轴上)或者-1/5(把一元纸币放在横轴上),6. 中性商品是指消费者不关心它的多少有无的商品商品2 如果也是中性商品那么该题就无所谓无差异曲线,也无所谓边际替代率了. 商品2如果不是中性商品:边际替代率是0(把中性商品放在横轴上)或者 (把中性商品放在纵轴上)7. (1)x1 is indefinitely the substitution of x2, and five units of x1 can bring the same utility as that one unit of x2 can do. With the most simple form of the utilityfunction,125u x x x , and assume that the prices of those two goods are p1 and p2 respectively and the total wealth of the consumer is m, the problem can be writtenas121112max ,..u x xst p x p x m③ Because 5p1=p2, any bundle 12,x x which satisfies the budget constraint, is thesolution of such problem.(2) A cup of coffee is absolutely the complement of two spoons of sugar. Let x1 and x2 represent these two kinds of goods, then we can write the utility function as12121,min ,2u x x x xThe problem of the consumer is121112max ,..u x xst p x p x mAny solution should satisfies the rule that 1212x x , and the budget constraint.So replace x1 with (1/2)(x2) in the budget constraint and we can get 1122mx p p,and 21222mx p p.8. (1) Because the preference is Cobb-Douglas utility, we can simplify thecomputation by the formula that the standardized parameter of one commodity means its share of total expenditure.So directly, the answer is 1123m x p , 213mx p.(详细方法见8(2)). (2)库恩-塔克定理。



北京大学CCER经济学考研历年真题回忆目录96年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (2)97年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (5)98年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (8)1999年北京大学研究生入学考试试题 (11)00年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (14)01年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (18)2002年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (21)2004年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (23)2005年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (26)2006年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (28)2007年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (29)2008年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (29)09年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (30)2010年年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (31)11年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题 (32)2012北京大学国家发展研究院经济学理论947 (33)2013北京大学国家发展研究院经济学理论947 (35)2014北京大学国家发展研究院经济学理论947 (36)96年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题97年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题98年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题1999年北京大学研究生入学考试试题(微观经济学及其应用)一.(本题25分,每题5分)请判断下列说法是正确,错误或者两可,并且简要解释你的答案,没有解释将不得分.1.“实际利率即名义利率减同期的通货膨胀率.即如果名义利率是20%,通货膨胀率是15%那么实际利率就是5%.”2.“如果一个行业属于自然垄断的行业,那么就应该由政府经营.”3.“如果一个社会中的每个消费者的偏好都是理性(ratiaonal)的,那么按照多数票原则决定的集体偏好也一定是理性的.”4.“在竞争型的市场中,如果一个厂商的生产技术具有规模报酬不变的特性,那么如果最大的利润存在,他一定为零.”5.“公共物品(public good)的提供,如果没有政府出钱或者出面组织,是不可能实现怕;帕累托最有的.”二.(本题27分,每题9分)简要回答下列问题:1.假定劳动力的供给和需求函数分别是工资的增函数和减函数,证明如果劳动力市场是买方垄断的,那么最低工资法有可能带来劳动就业的增加.2.收获后,农民决定是卖粮存钱还是存粮.假定农民预期一年后的粮价将涨20%(不考虑粮食质量的差异),而存粮一年期间老鼠将吃掉10%的粮食,银行存款的年利率是10%.计算当预期的通货膨胀率为5%时,农民将如何选择?通货膨胀率到什么水平时,农民将选择存钱?3.如果一个市场中的消费者都具有拟线性偏好(quasilinear utility),即其中I=1,…,n, n代表第I个消费者, 和分别代表第I个消费者对商品x和y的消费量,证明商品x的市场需求曲线一定不可能有正斜率.三.(本题20分)我国政府近年来实行了粮食价格保护政策,即制定了一个高于市场均衡价格之上的价格,要求国有粮食部门按此价格敞开收购粮食.假定市场需求与供给函数都是正常的单调函数.1.如果这个政策不折不扣地实行,抬高市场价格是可行的,如何实现?对政府(中央与地方之和)的负担如何衡量(画图说明)?在同样的图上衡量经济效率的改进或损失.2.由于部分负担由地方负责,或者中央政府的补贴与地方粮库的收购行为分离等因素,致使发生地方粮库拒绝收购的行为,在这种情形下为什么私营粮贩屡禁不绝(画图说明)?这个政策执行的结果为什么可能损害农民的利益?四.(本题28分,每题7分)假定平板玻璃市场有J个厂商,它们的成本函数都是,其中代表第j个厂商的产量,c为正常数.市场的反需求函数p(Y)是递减函数.1.如果这个市场是完全竞争的,那么市场价格,每个企业的销售量和利润额将是多少?2.这个行业里的厂商认为低价”倾销”使它们的利润受损失,于是成立行业协会规定最低限价,那么将由什么原则决定各自的产量定额和自律价标准?它们各自的利润较前有多少变化?3.这种合谋定价,如果没有政府支持,可能长久吗?为什么?(用数学表达)4.从社会经济效率的角度看,政府是否应该帮助此行业实行价格”自律”?为什么?(用图形或数学表达)(宏观经济学及其应用)一.“1994年中国通货膨胀率高达21.7%,此后逐年回落,1995年为14.8%,1996年为6.1%,到1997年10月,中国开始出现价格水平的负增长.与此同时,中国的经济增长率在下降,1996年为9.6%,1997年为8.8%,1998年提出的目标是8%;中国的失业率上升,下岗人员增加.另外,中国银行的不良资产比例已经高达24%,为了促进经济增长,中国人民银行1998年的一个重要手段是灵活调整利率.但在开放经济条件下,利率手段对经济的调节必须结合国际国内的实际情况.中国自1996年以来6次下调利率,最近一次是在1998年12月7日.”中国的现实经济可用宏观经济学理论作多种解释.读完上面的论述,请回答以下几个基本问题.(25分)1.菲利蒲斯曲线的含义,并说明这一理论对中国现实的解释力有多强.2.中国目前是否出现了通货紧缩?通货紧缩有哪些主要特征?试列出三次你所知道的通货紧缩案例(只需列出发生的时间和国家).3.中国金融的不良资产包括那几类?按国际通用做法(巴塞尔协议),银行的资产分哪几类?其中有哪几类属于不良资产?4.解释理性预期的含义.假定中国人民银行准备使货币供给增加10%,这一举动完全被人们预期到了,产量和价格水平将会有何变化.5.给出利率平价的定义,并解释其意义,指出其局限性.试用该理论分析中国降息考虑的因素.二.1956年,美国经济学家Solow对古典经济增长理论做出了非常有意义的修正,从而为新古典经济增长模型奠定了理论模型.假设生产函数为柯布-道格拉斯生产函数(20分)1.新古典增长模型的两个最重要的假设.并理解其假设有何现实意义.2.写出的新古典生产函数形式.3.计算函数的资本变化率,劳动力增长率,人均资本占有增长率.4.写出稳态均衡条件,并计算均衡增长状态下的人均产出.三.1994年中国汇率并轨后,我国外汇储备迅速上升,由1993年底的216亿上升到1998年的1400多亿美元,1994-1997年间,我国经常项和资本项下出现双顺差,在亚洲金融危机中,人民币承受住了贬值的压力,汇率保持了稳定,试分析以下几个问题.(25分)1.给出相对购买力平价的数学表达式.相对购买力平价能解释人民币的走势吗?2.给出实际汇率的数学表达式,并用它分析人民币的走势.3.写出国际收支平衡的基本关系(即经常项,资本项,官方储备之间的关系),并用来分析我国1994-1997年国际收支和外汇储备的情况.4.在固定汇率下,资本完全流动,分析内部均衡与外部均衡的关系.(用图说明)四.用IS-LM模型分析中国当前的政策.(30分)1.推导IS曲线(1). 用乘数表示投资方程(2). 净出口方程(3). 总产出等于总支出的基本关系式(提示:总产出和利率R之间的函数)(4). 写出IS曲线的表达式,并说明含义.2.推导LM曲线(1). 货币市场的均衡关系式.(2). 写出LM曲线的表达式(3). 谈谈你对LM曲线中利率与总产出关系的理解.3.解释”流动性陷阱”.(用数学公式或图说明)4.解释财政政策的挤出效应. (用数学公式或图说明)5.用IS-LM模型的基本原理分析货币政策在中国是否失效?如果认为失效,请说明理由;如果认为没有失效,请说明其发挥作用的条件.00年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题十、中国正处于由消费不足导致的经济不景气之中.问1.是否应用扩张政策?2.如果货币需求对收入弹性大,用何种政策(财政?货币?)?3.如果货币需求对利率弹性大,用何种政策?(财政政策还是货币政策?)01年北京大学中国经济研究中心考研真题k和q的函数,解释该函数的意义。


P Q4.
1) What are the equilibrium price and quantity? 2) Suppose the government provides a subsidy of $0.5 per unit. What would be the new equilibrium quantity? What would be the effective buying price and selling price? What would be the change in welfare of each participant in this society, as well as that of the whole country? 3) Suppose the country is now open to the world and the world price of this good, Pw=1, what would be the change in the social welfare of this country? 4) If the government imposes an import quota of 2 on this good, how much would be the change in social welfare of this country?
2. Assume that Alice needs two spoons of sugar (S) for each cup of coffee (C) and she feels better the more she drinks this kind of mixed coffee. She feels indifferent if more than two spoons of sugar are mixed with one cup of coffee, but feels as if she drinks nothing if fewer than two spoons are used. Prices for a cup of coffee and a spoon of sugar are Pc=2 and Ps=1 respectively. Alice’s income is 120. 1) Please graph Alice’s indifference curves. What is her optimal consumption bundle in this case? 2) Now suppose the price of coffee declines from 2 to 1. Please figure out the gross effect of this price change to Alice’s demand of coffee and sugar respectively. Could you please graphically demonstrate how these two gross effects are respectively decomposed into substitution and income effects, according to the Hicks compensation? Furthermore, can you calculate the values of substitution and income effects for coffee and sugar due to this price change? 3. A perfectly competitive industry has 80 firms in the short run. Each firm has an identical short-run cost function C (q) 0.1q3 2q 2 15q 150 . Total market demand is given by Q 1650 20 p . 1) Derive an individual firm’s supply function. 2) Calculate each firm’s output in the short run, the short-run equilibrium price and total industry output. 3) Calculate each firm’s short-run profit. 4) Express an individual firm’s producer surplus as a function of price ( P ). 4. Suppose the demand curve of one good is P 10 Q , and the supply curve is







2.劣等品和低档品的逻辑推导(P78)答:低档品或劣等品(inferior goods):指消费量随收入的上升而下降的物品。




二.计算题1.生产理论:已知企业的生产函数要素价格需求函数企业生产量求:市场长期均衡的产品价格和企业数量EG A: 已知生产函数为Q=KL-0.5L2—0.32K2,其中Q表示产量,K表示资本,L表示劳动,若K=10,求:(1)写出劳动的平均产量函数和边际产量函数。


(3)证明当APL达到最大值时,APL=MPL=2AN A:(1)TP=Q=10L-0.5L^2-30 把K=10带进去边际产量(MPL )函数 就是上式对L 求导。

MPL=10-L平均产量(APL )函数 就是总产量除以投入的劳动。

APL=TP/L=10-0.5L-30/L(2)当TP 最大时,MPL=0。

令MPL=10-L=0 ,解得L=10,所以当劳动投入量L=10时,劳动的总产量TP 达到极大值。

当APL 最大时,是APL 与MPL 相交的时候。

令APL 的导数=0,解得L=2倍根号15(负值舍去),所以当劳动投入量L=2倍根号15 时,劳动的平均产量达到极大值。



《中级微观经济学》试题与答案一、名词解释(5道题)1. 消费者剩余-解释:消费者愿意支付的最高价格与实际支付价格之间的差额,是消费者获得的净收益。

2. 边际替代率-解释:消费者在维持同一效用水平的情况下,愿意用一种商品替代另一种商品的比率。

3. 规模经济-解释:当企业的生产规模扩大时,平均成本随着产量的增加而下降的现象。

4. 纳什均衡-解释:在博弈论中,每个参与者在给定其他参与者策略的情况下,所选择的最佳策略组合。

5. 帕累托最优-解释:资源配置的一种状态,无法在不使任何人变得更差的情况下,使某些人变得更好。

二、填空题(5道题)1. 在短期生产函数中,边际产量递减规律是指(在其他投入固定时,增加一个单位可变投入,产量的增加量递减)。

2. 供给弹性大于1表示(供给是弹性的)。

3. 无差异曲线上的点表示(消费者获得相同效用的不同商品组合)。

4. 在完全竞争市场中,长期均衡时,企业的经济利润是(零)。

5. 价格上限政策可能导致的直接结果是(商品短缺)。

三、单项选择题(5道题)1. 下列哪一项不是完全竞争市场的特征?()。

- A. 大量的买者和卖者- B. 同质产品- C. 自由进入和退出市场- D. 厂商具有定价权-答案:D2. 在长期,完全竞争市场中的企业会选择生产在()。

- A. 平均成本最低的产量- B. 边际成本最低的产量- C. 平均总成本等于价格的产量- D. 边际成本等于价格的产量-答案:D3. 如果一种商品的需求是价格无弹性的,那么价格上升10%将导致需求量()。

- A. 增加10%- B. 减少10%- C. 减少少于10%- D. 减少多于10%-答案:C4. 在垄断市场中,垄断者的利润最大化产量是()。

- A. 边际成本等于价格- B. 边际收益等于价格- C. 边际收益等于边际成本- D. 平均成本等于边际成本-答案:C5. 在短期内,完全竞争企业的供给曲线是()。

- A. 平均总成本曲线- B. 平均可变成本曲线- C. 边际成本曲线- D. 边际成本曲线位于平均可变成本曲线之上的部分-答案:D四、多项选择题(5道题)1. 影响需求的主要因素有()。

北大中级微观经济26-factor markets

北大中级微观经济26-factor markets
∏ d(p(y)y)பைடு நூலகம் y = w2 = 0. dy x2 x2
A Monopolist's Demands for Inputs
d(p(y)y) y m * * MRP1 (x1) = = MR(y) × MP (x1) = w1 1 dy x1 d(p(y)y) y m * MRP1 (x1) = = MR(y) × MP (x* ) = w2 2 2 dy x2
Chapter Twenty-Six
Factor Markets
A Competitive Firm's Input Demands
A purely competitive firm is a pricetaker in its output and input markets. It buys additional units of input i until the extra cost of extra unit exceeds the extra revenue generated by that input unit. * MRPi(xi ) = wi
A Monopolist's Demands for Inputs
$/input unit
p × MPi(xi )
MR(y) × MPi(xi )
xi The monopolist demands fewer input units than does the perfectly competitive firm.
What if the firm is a monopolist in its output market while still being a price-taker in its input markets?



北京大学中国经济研究中心经济学双学位和经济学辅修项目2001年春季中级微观讲义下载专栏赵耀辉微观作业答案第一次 (2月17日)1.当11x x ≥时,加数量税t,画出预算集并写出预算线 预算集:).....(..........112211x x m x p x p ≤≤+ ).........(..........)(1112211x x x t m x p x t p ≥+≤++ 2.如果同样多的钱可以买(4,6)或(12,2),写出预算线。

m x p x p ≤+2211 则有 m p p =+2164,m p p =+21212不妨假设12=p ,则可解得:8,211==m p 。

预算线为82121=+x x3.重新描述中国粮价改革暗补:实线部分,实际上相当于在粮票数量范围内每斤粮食补贴(0),共计元。




4. 证两条无差异曲线不能相交设两条无差异曲线对应的效用分别为21,u u ,由曲线的单调性假设,若21u u =,则实为一条曲线。

若21u u ≠,假设两曲线相交,设交点为x ,则21)(,)(u x u u x u ==,可推出21u u =,存在矛盾,不可能相交。

5. 一元纸币换五元纸币的边际替代率?Mrs=5/1=5,注,1/5亦可,看如何定义边际替代率。

6. 若商品1为中型商品,则它对商品2的边际替代率?答案:0第二次1. 写出下列情形的效用函数,画出无差异曲线,并求最优解。

(1)=1x 一只铅笔,=2x 一对铅笔。

这属于完全替代情况,2121x x u +=, (任意正单调变换均可)m x p x p st x x u ≤+221121,),,(max分三种情况讨论若1p 小于221p ,则全部买0,,2111==x p m x x 若2121p p =,则任意21,x x 满足预算线均可 若1p 大于221p ,则全部买0,122,2==x p m x x(2)一杯咖啡加两勺糖一起消费 完全互补情况,)21,min(21x x u = 当u x x ,2121=最大,此时21221122,2p p m x p p m x +=+= 2. 解最优选择(1)0)30)202)1)(,),(22112211212211221221122121=--=⋅-=⋅---+⋅=≤+⋅=x p x p m p x p x x x p x p m x x L mx p x p st x x x x u λλλ112222221221122132302/22)2),1p m x p m x x p x p m p x p x p p x x =⇒=⇒=--⇒=⇒=⇒(2)mx p x p st x x x x u ≤+++=22112121,,max 1222212212212211212211211221121444/2)2)10)301)2021)1)(p p p m p p p p m x p p x p p x x p x p m p p x x p x p m x x L -=⋅-=⇒=⇒=⇒=--=⋅-=⋅---⋅++=λλλ第三次(2月21日)对下列效用函数推导对商品1的需求和反需求函数。



R1(y2’) R1(y2”)
Iso-Profit Curves for Firm 2
Increasing profit for firm 2.
Iso-Profit Curves for Firm 2
同理,厂商2的反应曲线穿过 其等利润线的最高点.
y2 = R2(y1)
西南财经大学经济学院 袁正主讲
双头(duopoly) :两个厂商供给同一个市场 厂商之间会相互影响 厂商决策的变量:产量和价格 同时决策:厂商做出选择的时候,并不知道另一 家厂商的选择,只能猜测另一家厂商的选择. 联合定产:同时决定产量(古诺模型) 联合定价:同时决定价格(伯特兰竞争模型)
一家厂商先做出决策,另一家厂商知道他的决 策,再做出其决策 产量领导者与产量追随者: Stackelberg 模
型. 价格领导者与价格追随者:价格领导模型
厂商1的产量: y1,成本函数为c1(y1) 厂商2的产量: y2,成本函数为c2(y2). 市场的产量: y1 + y2 市场价格为:p(y1+ y2)
y1 R1 ( y2 ) 15
1 4
y2 .
Firm 1’s “reaction curve” y2 60
y1 R1 ( y2 ) 15 1 4 y2 .
2 ( y2 ; y1 ) (60 y1 y2 ) y2 15 y2 y2 .



《中级微观经济学》第二章消费者行为与需求理论第一次作业题参考答案1. 判断下列观点的对错,并请说明相应理由(无论判断对错,都要说明理由)。




(2)若某个消费者的偏好可由效用函数来描述,那么对此消费者而言,商品X 和商品Y 是完全替代的。



因为所反映的偏好具有完全替代的性质,因此,依据偏好与效用函数的关系,对于该消费者来说X 和Y 是完全替代品。


()参考答案:错误,由张元鹏老师的《微观经济学》84页可知,当满足U xx U y 2-2U xy U x U y +U yy U x 2()<0时无差异曲线凸向原点,题中的边际效用递减规律只告诉我们U xx <0,U yy <0,而U xy 的正负及大小不可知,故本句错误。




2. 根据下面的描述,请画出如下消费者对两种商品(啤酒与可口可乐)无差异曲线。




北大中级微观经济25-monopoly behavior

北大中级微观经济25-monopoly behavior
The consumers’ gains are zero.
First-degree Price Discrimination
$/output unit
So the sum of the gains to the monopolist on all trades is the maximum possible total gains-to-trade.
Third-degree Price Discrimination
given supply levels y1 and y2 the firm’s profit is
( y1 , y2 ) p1 ( y1 )y1 p2 ( y2 )y2 c( y1 y2 ).
which market will the monopolist set the higher price?
Third-degree Price Discrimination
c( y1 y2 ) ( y1 y2 ) p1 ( y1 )y1 y1 y1 ( y1 y2 ) y1 0
Third-degree Price Discrimination
( y1 , y2 ) p1 ( y1 )y1 p2 ( y2 )y2 c( y1 y2 ).
Market 1
p1(y1) p1(y1*) p2(y2*)
Market 2
பைடு நூலகம்p2(y2)



Computing Ordinary Demands
for 2 simultaneous equations. – Tangency – Budget constraint The conditions may be obtained by using the Lagrangian multiplier method, i.e., constrained optimization in calculus.
Rational Constrained Choice
satisfies two conditions: (a) the budget is exhausted; p1x1* + p2x2* = m (b) tangency: the slope of the budget constraint, -p1/p2, and the slope of the indifference curve containing (x1*,x2*) are equal at (x1*,x2*).
Examples of Corner Solutions -the Perfect Substitutes Case
x2 MRS = -1
Slope = -p1/p2 with p1 > p2. x1
Examples of Corner Solutions -the Perfect Substitutes Case
y * x2 p2
MRS = -1
Slope = -p1/p2 with p1 > p2. x1
x* 10
Examples of Corner Solutions -the Perfect Substitutes Case


Chapter Twenty-Seven
Oligopoly 寡头垄断
moves – Simultaneous moves Quantity competition –Cournot model Price competition – Bertrand model – Sequential moves Quantity leadership – Stakelberg model Price leadership Collusion
I.e. firm 1’s best response to y2 is 1 y1 R1 ( y2 ) 15 y2 . 4
60 2y1 y2 2y1 0. y1
Quantity Competition; An Example
y2 60
Firm 1’s “reaction curve”
1 * * * y1 R1 ( y2 ) 15 y2 4
* 45 y1 * * y2 R 2 ( y1 ) .
Substitute for y2* to get
* 1 45 y1 * * y1 15 y 1 13 4 4 45 13 * Hence y2 8. 4
Quantity Competition
firm 1 takes firm 2’s output level choice y2 as given. Then firm 1 sees its profit function as
1 ( y1; y2 ) p( y1 y2 )y1 c1 ( y1 ).


Quantity Competition
Assume that firms compete by choosing output levels. If firm 1 produces y1 units and firm 2 produces y2 units then total quantity supplied is y1 + y2. The market price will be p(y1+ y2). The firms’ total cost functions are c1(y1) and c2(y2).
So, given y2, firm 1’s profit-maximizing output level solves
y 16 02 y 1y 22 y 10 .
Quantity Competition; An Example
Then, for given y2, firm 1’s profit function is
y 2 6 0 y 1 2 y 2 1 5 2 y 2 0 .
Quantity Competition; An Example
Similarly, given y1, firm 2’s profit function is ( y 2 ; y 1 ) ( 6 0 y 1 y 2 ) y 2 1 5 y 2 y 2 2 . So, given y1, firm 2’s profit-maximizing output level solves
( y 1 ; y 2 ) ( 6 0 y 1 y 2 ) y 1 y 1 2 .
Quantity Competition; An Example



Chapter 27: OligopolyIntermediate Microeconomics:A Modern Approach (7th Edition)Hal R. Varian(University of California at Berkeley)第5章:寡头垄断(含习题解答)含习题解答)中级微观经济学:现代方法(第7版)范里安著(加州大学伯克利)曹乾译(东南大学caoqianseu@)简短说明:翻译此书的原因是教学的需要,当然也因为对现行中文翻译版教材的不满。










然而,我们在本章分析的寡头垄断模型,则侧重于市场中企业的策略性互动(strategic interactions)问题。








Bertrand Games
one firm sets its price higher than another firm’s price. Then the higher-priced firm would have no customers. Hence, at an equilibrium, all firms must set the same price.
Price Competition
in which firms use only price strategies and play simultaneously are Bertrand games.
Bertrand Games
firm’s marginal production cost is constant at c. All firms simultaneously set their prices. Q: Is there a Nash equilibrium? A: Yes. Exactly one. All firms set their prices equal to the marginal cost c. Why?
Choosing a Strategy
games – Quantity leader vs. quantity follower (Stackelberg model) – Price leader vs. price follower Simultaneous Games – Simultaneous quantity setting (Cournot model) – Simultaneous Price Setting (Bertrand competition) Collude – cooperative games



北京大学中级微观经济学习题Intermediate Microeconomics PS6Fall 20111、Muskrat, Ontario, has 1,000 people. Citizens of Muskrat consume only one private good, Labatt’s ale. There is one public good, the town skating rink. Although they may differ in other respects, inhabitants have the same utility function. This function is U i(Xi, Y) = Xi ? 100/Y , where Xi is the number of bottles of Labatt’s consumed by citizen i and Y is the size of the town skat ing rink, measured in square meters. The price of Labatt’s ale is $1 per bottle and the price of the skating rink is $10 per square meter. Everyone who lives in Muskrat has an income of $1,000 per year.a) Write out the equation implied by the Samuelson conditions.b) Show that this equation uniquely determines the efficient rink size for Muskrat. What is that size?2、Consider a consumer with preferences for consumption of a composite good (Y) and leisure (N) given by the following utility function:Denote the consumer's wage rate by w and total time available for labor and leisure is 24 hours. The price of consumption is one. Denote the amount of labor supplied as N, so that N + H = 24. The consumer also receives an unearned income of I.a) Write out the budget constraint determining feasible allocations of leisure and consumption.b) Using substitution method to derive the optimal bundleof labor supply H(w, I) and optimal bundle of consumption Y (w, I) (Hint, only need to solve the interior solution where labor supply and consumption are positive).c) Derive the consumer's leisure consumption function: N(w, I).d) Determine the effect of increasing unearned income I on the supply of labor(that is, compute the relevant partial derivative ).e) How does unearned income I affect the consumption of the composite good, Y(that is, compute the relevant partial derivative)?f) Compute the effects of an increase in wage on labor supply (that is, compute the relevant partial derivative).3、A good, q, can be produced at MC(q) = q + 4 . The marginal utility of consuming the good is MU(q) = 20- q . Consumption of the good has a marginal external cost of MEC(q) = q / 2 .a) Calculate the market equilibrium quantity and price.b) What is the marginal social cost?c) What is the socially optimal quantity?d) Calculate the optimal quantity regulation and Pigouvian tax.4、Langrun Company is the only hirer of workers, and thus it acts as a monopolist. The supply curve for coal workers is given by L=20w, where L is the number of workers hired and w is their hourly wage. Langrun Company’s labor demand(marginal revenue product) curve is given by .a) How many workers will Langrun Company hire to maximize its profits and what wage will it pay?b) Assume now that the government implements a minimum wage law covering all workers. If the minimum wage is set at 50 per hour, derive the marginal expense curve faced by Langrun Company. How many workers will Langrun Company hire and how much unemployment will there be?c) Graph your results.d) How does a minimum wage imposed under monopsony differ in results as compared with a minimum wage imposed under perfect competition (assuming the minimum wage is above the market-determined wage?Good luck for final exams。

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2 ∏(y1;y2) = (60 y1 y2)y1 y1 .
Quantity Competition; A's profit function is
2 ∏(y1;y2) = (60 y1 y2)y1 y1 .
So, given y2, firm 1's profit-maximizing output level solves
∏1 p(y1 + y2) ′ (y ) = 0. = p(y1 + y2) + y1 c1 1 y1 y1
The solution, y1 = R1(y2), is firm 1's CournotNash reaction to y2.
Quantity Competition
Similarly, given firm 1's chosen output level y1, firm 2's profit function is ∏2(y2;y1) = p(y1 + y2)y2 c2(y2) and the profit-maximizing value of y2 solves
Quantity Competition
Suppose firm 1 takes firm 2's output level choice y2 as given. Then firm 1 sees its profit function as
∏1(y1;y2) = p(y1 + y2)y1 c1(y1).
45 y* 1. and y* = R2(y*) = 2 1 4
Substitute for y2* to get
1 45 y* * 1 y1 = 15 4 4
Quantity Competition; An Example
1 * * * y1 = R1(y2) = 15 y2 4
Quantity Competition; An Example
y2 Firm 2's "reaction curve" 45 y1 y2 = R2(y1) = . 4 45/4 45 y1
Quantity Competition; An Example
An equilibrium is when each firm's output level is a best response to the other firm's output level, for then neither wants to deviate from its output level. A pair of output levels (y1*,y2*) is a Cournot-Nash equilibrium if * * * * y1 = R1(y2) and y2 = R2(y1).
45 y* 1. and y* = R2(y*) = 2 1 4
Substitute for y2* to get
1 45 y* 1 y* = 15 1 4 4 y* = 13 1
Quantity Competition; An Example
1 * * * y1 = R1(y2) = 15 y2 4
Quantity Competition; An Example
1 * * * y1 = R1(y2) = 15 y2 4
45 y* 1. and y* = R2(y*) = 2 1 4
Quantity Competition; An Example
1 * * * y1 = R1(y2) = 15 y2 4
Quantity Competition; An Example
y2 60 Firm 1's "reaction curve"
1 y1 = R1(y2) = 15 y2. 4
Firm 2's "reaction curve" 45 y1 y2 = R2(y1) = . 4
Cournot-Nash equilibrium
∏ = 60 2y1 y2 2y1 = 0. y1
Quantity Competition; An Example
Then, for given y2, firm 1's profit function is
2 ∏(y1;y2) = (60 y1 y2)y1 y1 .
So, given y2, firm 1's profit-maximizing output level solves
1 y1 = R1(y2) = 15 y2. 4
Quantity Competition; An Example
Similarly, given y1, firm 2's profit function is 2 ∏(y2;y1) = (60 y1 y2)y2 15y2 y2.
Quantity Competition; An Example
and that the firms' total cost functions are 2 c2(y2) = 15y2 + y2. c1(y1) = y1 and 2
Quantity Competition; An Example
Then, for given y2, firm 1's profit function is
∏2 p(y1 + y2) ′ (y ) = 0. = p(y1 + y2) + y2 c2 2 y2 y2
The solution, y2 = R2(y1), is firm 2's CournotNash reaction to y1.
Quantity Competition
y2 Firm 1's "reaction curve" y1 = R1(y2). Firm 1's "reaction curve" y2 = R2(y1).
Iso-Profit Curves for Firm 1
With y1 fixed, firm 1's profit increases as y2 decreases.
Iso-Profit Curves for Firm 1
Chapter Twenty-Seven
A monopoly is an industry consisting a single firm. A duopoly is an industry consisting of two firms. An oligopoly is an industry consisting of a few firms. Particularly, each firm's own price or output decisions affect its competitors' profits.
∏ = 60 2y1 y2 2y1 = 0. y1
I.e. firm 1's best response to y2 is 1 y1 = R1(y2) = 15 y2. 4
Quantity Competition; An Example
y2 60 Firm 1's "reaction curve"
Given y2, what output level y1 maximizes firm 1's profit?
Quantity Competition; An Example
Suppose that the market inverse demand function is
p(yT ) = 60 yT
Quantity Competition; An Example
Similarly, given y1, firm 2's profit function is 2 ∏(y2;y1) = (60 y1 y2)y2 15y2 y2. So, given y1, firm 2's profit-maximizing output level solves ∏ = 60 y1 2y2 15 2y2 = 0. y2 I.e. firm 1's best response to y2 is 45 y1 y2 = R2(y1) = . 4
Similarly, given y1, firm 2's profit function is 2 ∏(y2;y1) = (60 y1 y2)y2 15y2 y2. So, given y1, firm 2's profit-maximizing output level solves ∏ = 60 y1 2y2 15 2y2 = 0. y2
How do we analyze markets in which the supplying industry is oligopolistic? Consider the duopolistic case of two firms supplying the same product.
8 13 48 y1
y*, y* = (13,8) . 1 2
Quantity Competition
Generally, given firm 2's chosen output level y2, firm 1's profit function is ∏1(y1;y2) = p(y1 + y2)y1 c1(y1) and the profit-maximizing value of y1 solves