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Hydraulic transmission hydraulic transmission and are based on the liquid as energy transfer medium to the drive. Mainly the use of hydraulic fluid to transmit pressure to energy; and hydraulic transmission is mainly used to transfer the kinetic energy of liquid energy. As a result of hydraulic many prominent advantages, therefore, it is widely used in machine building, construction, petrochemical, transportation, military equipment, mine metallurgy, light industry, agricultural, fisheries, forestry and so on. At the same time, also be applied to aerospace, marine development, nuclear engineering and earthquake prediction in various fields of engineering and technology.
In this paper, the parameters of the hydraulic cylinder design of the system to conduct in-depth research, the establishment of hydraulic cylinder CAD prototype software system, the main research results are as follows: 1. The working principle of hydraulic cylinder systems analysis on the basis of summed up the work of the form of hydraulic cylinder and the major form of installation. Analysis of hydraulic cylinders in the structural characteristics of the main components on the basis of the assembly based on object-oriented model of product design of hydraulic cylinder; 2. Research-oriented products feature modeling, product modeling based on object-oriented methods and technology, based on the characteristics of the hydraulic cylinder product model. Studied for parametric design of hydraulic cylinder of standard parts library and database modeling modeling techniques, and accordingly established a database of hydraulic cylinder model parameters and the hydraulic cylinder assembly based on the model parameters; 3. To establish fluid pressure cylinder of CAD system model parameters, based on the commercial CAD software, has developed a hydraulic cylinder Parametric CAD software prototype system.

液压传动和液力传动均是以液体作为工作介质来进行能量传递的传动方式。液压传动主要是利用液体的压力能来传递能量;而液力传动则主要是利用液体的动能来传递能量。由于液压传动有许多突出的优ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu,因此,它被广泛地应用于机械制造、工程建筑、石油化工、交通运输、军事器械、矿山冶金、轻工、农机、渔业、林业等各方面。同时,也被应用到航天航空、海洋开发、核能工程和地震预测等各个工程技术领域。
本文对液压缸参数化设计方法进行深入系统的研究,建立液压缸CAD原型软件系统,主要研究成果如下: 1.系统分析液压缸工作原理的基础上,归纳了液压缸的工作形式及主要安装形式。在分析液压缸主要部件结构特点的基础上,建立了基于装配的面向对象液压缸产品设计模型; 2.研究面向制造的产品特征建模技术,基于产品建模方法和面向对象技术,建立了基于特征的液压缸产品模型。研究了适用于液压缸参数化设计的标准件库建模方法及数据库建模技术,并据此建立了液压缸参数化数据库模型及基于装配的液压缸参数化模型; 3.建立液压缸参数化CAD系统模型,基于商用CAD软件,开发了液压缸参数化CAD软件原型系统。
Hydraulic cylinders are one of the hydraulic action components, which are widely used to transfer hydraulic power produced by pump to mechanical power with the manner of straight movement.