



九年级人教版英语专题复习作文公开课:探索写作技巧与策略As we embark on the journey of exploring the world of English composition in the ninth grade, it becomes imperative to review and consolidate our understanding of the key elements that make up an effective essay. The focus of this open class session is to delve into the intricacies of writing an essay that adheres to the standards set by the People's Education Press textbooks.**I. Understanding the Structure of an Essay**The foundation of any essay lies in its structure, which typically comprises three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.* **Introduction:** This is where the writer introduces the topic and provides a brief overview of what the essay will cover. It should be engaging and capture the reader's attention. * **Body:** The body of the essay expands on the introduction and presents the main arguments or ideas. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point, supported by evidence or examples. * **Conclusion:** The conclusion sumsup the main points of the essay and leaves the reader witha final thought or insight.**II. Mastering the Craft of Writing**Writing an essay requires more than just stringingwords together. It involves a blend of creativity, critical thinking, and organizational skills.* **Creativity:** Use of vivid language, imagery, and metaphors can help bring the essay to life and engage the reader. * **Critical Thinking:** Analyzing and evaluating information, identifying arguments, and presenting counter-arguments are essential for writing a persuasive essay. ***Organizational Skills:** Effective essay writing demandsa clear outline and logical flow of ideas from one paragraph to the next.**III. Tips for Writing a Stellar Essay*** **Plan Ahead:** Before starting to write, create an outline or mind map to organize your thoughts. * **Revise and Edit:** Don't be afraid to rewrite and refine your work. Multiple drafts often lead to better results. * **Read Widely:** Exposing yourself to different types of writingwill help you develop a more nuanced understanding of the craft. * **Seek Feedback:** Peer reviews or teacher feedback can provide valuable insights into improving your writing.**IV. Putting It All Together**By combining the knowledge of essay structure, honing your writing skills, and following useful tips, you can craft essays that are both informative and engaging. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep writing and keep improving!**九年级人教版英语专题复习作文公开课:探索写作技巧与策略**在我们开始探索九年级英语作文世界的旅程中,复习和巩固我们对有效作文关键要素的理解变得至关重要。



九年级总复习教案一、教学目标:1. 教师通过本节课的教学,帮助学生全面回顾九年级的各学科知识,巩固学生的基础,为中考做好准备。

2. 学生通过本节课的复习,能够掌握各学科的重点知识和技能,提高解题能力和应试能力。

二、教学内容:1. 语文:文言文的理解与应用、阅读理解的技巧。

2. 数学:平面图形的运算、方程与不等式的解法。

3. 英语:语法知识与语法应用、阅读理解的技巧。

4. 物理:基本物理现象的认识、电路的相关知识。

5. 化学:元素与化合物的认识、化学方程式的应用。

6. 生物:细胞和遗传的基本原理、生物演化的概念。

三、教学步骤:1. 语文复习:(1)分析文言文的特点和阅读技巧,讲解文言文的常见暗示和修辞方法,提醒学生注意文言文中不同于现代汉语的表达方式。


2. 数学复习:(1)复习平面图形的运算,包括平面图形的面积和周长的计算方法,以及平行四边形、三角形、圆等特殊图形的性质和计算公式。


3. 英语复习:(1)复习英语基础语法知识,包括时态、语态、主谓一致等重要概念的理解和应用。


4. 物理复习:(1)复习基本物理现象的认识,包括质量、体积、密度等物理量的定义和计算方法。


5. 化学复习:(1)复习元素与化合物的基本概念和分类,引导学生理解元素周期表的结构和元素的性质。


6. 生物复习:(1)复习细胞和遗传的基本原理,包括细胞的结构和功能,以及遗传物质的传递和变化。



英语写作教学教案【篇一:初三英语写作公开课课教案】初三英语写作公开课课教学设计双沙中学李育新 2011.6.2课型:专题复习课教学内容:初三英语书面表达专题复习教学目标: 1.指导学生掌握书面表达语篇结构的组织技巧。



4. 指导学生小组合作评改学生习作。

教学重点: 1.帮助学生学会使用常用的连接词、过渡词和过渡句,提高文章的连贯性。

2. 培养学生在有限的时间内快速构思、罗列提纲及扩展成文的能力教学难点:1.帮助学生学会使用常用的连接词、过渡词和过渡句,提高文章的连贯性。

2. 培养学生在有限的时间内快速构思、罗列提纲及扩展成文的能力讨论法教学方法:自主学习,合作学习教学辅助手段:电脑(或实物投影仪)学情分析:1. 书面表达是写的一种途径,是英语交际的重要组成部分。

初中阶段对于英语写作的要求,实际上是“有指导的写作”(guided writing)。








2. 学生分析我校学生生源较差,学生英语学习两级分化严重,因此尽管经过3年的学习与训练,仍有相当一部分学生作文得分在6-7分之间甚至更低。





我被这美妙夜景陶醉了,情不自禁地吟诵起古诗: “天街夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星。”
这时,隔壁芸芸带着弟弟小凌子也来了。看到我这摇 头晃脑样子,忍不住笑开了。芸芸笑着问:“书呆子, 在用什么功啊?”调皮小凌子做个鬼脸接上话头:“在 念和尚经吧?”待我要打他,他早已“逃之夭夭”了。
我和芸芸海阔天空地扯起来。谈着谈着不觉又转到了月亮上去 了。“今天夜色多美啊!”“是啊!”我有意考起芸芸来, “芸芸,你知道相关月亮传说吗?”“这有什么难。”她面无 难色,滔滔不绝地将起来,“月亮里有个广寒宫,仙女嫦娥就 住在里面……”“那广寒宫才凉快呢,是不?”小凌子又奶声 奶气地插进来说。芸芸瞪了他一眼,刚要讲下去,话茬又被小 凌子抢了过去。“我知道,月宫里还有一棵桂花树,吴刚怎么 也砍不停它,还有一只三脚蟾蜍,哦,还有一只小玉兔!”说 到这里,他就咧开嘴,揪起耳朵,问:“像不像?”这个滑稽 动作逗得我们哈哈大笑。我忍不住笑问他:“谁教你?”“奶 奶教我!我还对奶奶说,长大了去月宫里做客哩!”他那一本 正经神气,又一次把我们逗笑了。
• 午后阳光,火一样炽热,烧烤着夏日大地。蒸笼 般教室,刚才还吵吵嚷嚷,现在趋于平静,因为 历史老师又利用体育活动课来“加班加点”。讲 台上,她不厌其烦地讲着,喊着,试图感化那些 矢志“学理”学生。我同情地看了看历史老师那 颇有些气急败坏样子,悄悄打开了手中《化学指 南》……
• 自习课,有同学孜孜不倦,有些人甚至“挥汗如 雨”,然而,对于我们这些酷爱“自由”人来说, 后面有些人在唠嗑,只有当“班主任来了”这句 激感人心话语响起时候,这些“自由兴趣者”才 正襟危坐,装模作样地学起来。
范文评析 记一次乒乓球赛
我和姐姐在一个学校读书,课余常在一起打乒乓球,是一对 有名小球迷。上星期体育老师宣告:国庆节前要举行一次全校乒 乓球赛,我和姐姐都报了名。


































____ ——_ ——_ ——_ ——_归纳要点:_______________3.《老山界》:文章按照时间变化和地点转移展开叙述。









第 2/429页
写人物 写事件 写物件 写场所 写感想
第 3/439页
:To be a lovely Shanghainese (做可爱上海人)
:Leaving school(毕业时分) :Growing pains and gains
第 5/459页
以我为主 凸显学校 凸显家庭 凸显未来 夹叙夹议
第 6/469页
要用正确时态 要用恰当词语 要用清楚思绪 要用不一样句子 要用合理连接 要用充分情感
第 7/479页
第 121/429页
My Opinions about traveling
Of all the ways of traveling, I like traveling by train best. First, I needn’t worry about traffic jams. Second, the trains are fast and comfortable. You can kill your time in different ways. You can just sit and read something, or you can enjoy the scenery out of the window. Third, you can have a meal in the buffet car or sleep in the sleeping car. All in all, traveling by train is my first choice when making a decision.


字词教学(音、形、义)关注多音字、轻易读错 字(形声字声旁不表音) 别字:形近音同、形异音同
如《沁园春·雪》中“成吉思汗”中“汗”读 (hán)不读(hàn)
《故乡》中“恣睢”(zì suī)不能读成(cì jū 雎)
《敬业与乐业》中“旁骛”“骛”字与“趋之 若鹜”中“鹜”字区分。
篇章教学我们主张依据考点设置问题。力争 让学生一课一得或几课一得,即一节课重点 培养学生一到二个能力,然后经过对应练习 对这种能力进行强化训练,以期到达最正确 效果。
变。 5.前故乡和后故乡发生了怎样改变?用词语概括故乡特
点。 6.这两段景物描写分别有何作用?点名朗诵第2段、第
12段。 7. 速读课文,捕捉信息,完成口语训练:介绍少年和中
年闰土。 8.作业:请你认真观察一个中年男子,并写一段100字左
右肖像描写,注意抓住人物特征,尽可能地经过肖像描 写来表现人物身份、处境、性格等。
发觉一位百万富翁像于勒,他们会怎样?试写成二百字 左右短文。
摹写 《故乡》请你认真观察一个中年男子,并写一段
文言文教学我们重视“以新带旧”着重训练学生自己翻译 课文、了解课文能力,交给学生翻译文言文方法。要求识 记主要实词、重点虚词,尤其关注不一样语境中词义改变。 学会结合文章材料对文中人物进行分析和评价。
• 杭二中树兰试验学校初中部语文组 孔祥军
使用现实状况:因为中考当代文阅读文段都不选 自课内,不少学校、老师为赢得复习时间、加紧 速度,一到初三,啃掉文言文部分就扔掉书本, 跳到中考题海中大搞题型训练,期望先下手为强, 让学生中考语文成绩能“如虎添翼”。当前,这 种火势已越烧越旺,大有大规模蔓延趋势。


(一)、 什么是立意? 所谓“立意”,就是文章的中心、主旨。 在记叙文中,“立意”是文章通过写人记事所要表述的中心思想;在议论
例 1、(命题作文)请以“这也是一堂语文课”为题,写一篇文章,不少于 600 字。
第一招:抓题眼: “也”这个副词,表明不可写传统意义上的语文课,应 写课堂之外的经历、见闻、社会时事等,因为生活处处有语文哦。
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้第二招:明限制: “一堂”、“语文课”,表明不能写成几堂,更不能写 成与语文毫无关系的内容。
例 2、(半命题作文)请以“__是金”为题作文,先将题目补充完整,文 体不限,字数 600 左右 .
通过学习,学会材料作文的审题、立意,学会探寻、分析和综 合过程,掌握材料作文的选择与其他话题作文、命题作文的比较过 程。
①通过学习, 增强学生材料作文的写作水平, 克服材料作文的 畏难情绪,提高写作兴趣。
2、多追问:如:我为什么感到幸运?(可欲扬先抑);让我感到幸运的人 或事是什么?(可用总分总的结构分段列举)
练习 2、请以“其实__就在我身边”为题, 在横线上填写两个字的词,如:“关爱”、“榜样”等。要求:①将题目 补充完整;②文体不限(诗歌除外)③不少与 600 字;④文中不得出现真实的人 名、校名、地名。 1、抓题眼:“其实”,“就”,强调之前没有发现它所蕴含的真情(如:
追问:你是谁?你的笑有何特点?为什么想看见你的笑? 五、演练:看谁的审题立意最准确?



九年级人教版英语专题复习作文公开课全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey there! My name is Timmy and I'm a 9-year-old elementary school kid. I recently had the chance to attend a really cool English review lesson for 9th graders using the PEP textbooks. Even though I'm much younger, I found it super interesting and learned a ton of new stuff!The teacher, Mrs. Roberts, started off by going over some basic grammar concepts like parts of speech, verb tenses, and sentence structures. I'll be honest, some of it was a bit over my head at first since I'm still learning. But Mrs. Roberts explained everything in a really clear and simple way using lots of examples and even some fun games!Next up, we practiced vocabulary. We went through lists of words grouped by topic like animals, foods, household items, that kind of thing. Mrs. Roberts had us do activities where we raced to put words into the right categories or came up with sentences using new vocab words. It was kind of like the games Iplay in my English classes, but a bit more advanced of course. I tried my best to keep up!Then we moved on to the real meaty stuff - reading comprehension! Mrs. Roberts had the class read through some passages and stories from their textbooks. After each one, she asked questions to see how well we understood what we read. Some questions were pretty straightforward, just checking basic facts篇2A Jolly Good English Review Lesson!Hello there, my name is Timmy, and I'm a cheeky little lad who loves to learn and have fun! Today, I'm going to tell you all about the most smashing English review lesson I had in my9th-grade class. Buckle up, mates, because it's going to be a jolly good ride!It was a bright and sunny morning when I skipped into my English classroom, eager to learn something new. Our teacher, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, greeted us with her usual warm smile and a twinkle in her eye. "Good morning, class!" she exclaimed. "Today, we're going to have a special review lesson to help you prepare for your upcoming exam."I couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the mention of an exam, but Mrs. Fitzpatrick had a way of making even the most tedious topics seem like a grand adventure. She began by dividing us into small groups and giving each group a set of flashcards with vocabulary words, grammar rules, and idioms from our People's Education Press textbook."Alright, my little scholars," she said, clapping her hands together. "I want you to work together and come up with creative ways to review these materials. You can act out skits, sing songs, or even create games – the sky's the limit!"My group huddled together, and after a bit of brainstorming, we decided to create a game show called "The English Extravaganza!" We assigned roles: I was the host, while my friends played the contestants. We even made silly costumes out of construction paper and pipe cleaners.As the host, I strutted across the classroom, holding an imaginary microphone and donning a top hat made of newspaper. "Welcome, one and all, to The English Extravaganza!"I bellowed in my best game show voice. "Let's meet our contestants!"My friends introduced themselves with over-the-top personas, and the game began. We asked each other questionsabout vocabulary, grammar, and idioms, and if someone got an answer wrong, they had to do a silly dance or tell a joke as a penalty.The classroom was filled with laughter and excitement as we reviewed the material in the most entertaining way possible. Even Mrs. Fitzpatrick couldn't help but chuckle at our antics.After a few rounds of the game, we switched gears and moved on to acting out skits. One group performed a hilarious skit about a family of mice trying to learn English idioms, while another group sang a catchy song about irregular verbs to the tune of a popular nursery rhyme.As the lesson progressed, I realized that I was learning and retaining the material much better than I ever had before. By turning the review into a fun and interactive experience, Mrs. Fitzpatrick had managed to make even the driest grammar rules seem engaging and memorable.Before we knew it, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. As we gathered our belongings, Mrs. Fitzpatrick smiled proudly at us. "Well done, my young scholars!" she exclaimed. "You've proven that learning can be both educational and entertaining. I have no doubt that you'll all do splendidly on the exam."As I skipped out of the classroom, my mind was buzzing with all the new knowledge I had acquired. Who knew that reviewing for an exam could be so much fun? Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick's innovative teaching methods and our creative group activities, I felt confident and prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.From that day on, I approached my studies with a newfound enthusiasm and a belief that learning could be a joyous adventure. And whenever I felt overwhelmed or bored, I remembered the English Extravaganza and the power of turning even the most mundane tasks into a grand spectacle.So, there you have it, mates – a jolly good tale of an English review lesson that was anything but dull. Who knows, perhaps one day I'll become a famous author or a renowned educator, inspiring others to embrace learning with the same zest and zeal that Mrs. Fitzpatrick instilled in me. Until then, I'll keep practicing my vocabulary words, mastering those pesky grammar rules, and always remembering to have a jolly good time while doing it!篇3Title: My Experience at the 9th Grade English Review Open ClassHey there, my name is Lily, and I'm a 9th-grade student at Sunshine Middle School. Last week, our English teacher, Ms. Wang, organized an open class for us to review the important topics we've learned from the People's Education Press English textbook. It was a unique experience, and I wanted to share it with you!First of all, let me tell you how the open class was set up. Instead of having a regular class in our classroom, we gathered in the school auditorium, and not just our class, but students from other 9th-grade classes too! The auditorium was filled with excited students, and I could feel the energy in the air.Ms. Wang started the class by welcoming us all and explaining the purpose of the open class. She said that it was a great opportunity for us to review the key topics we've covered so far, and to learn from each other through interactive activities and presentations.The first part of the open class was dedicated to grammar review. Ms. Wang divided us into small groups, and each group was given a different grammar topic to work on. My group was assigned the topic of tenses, and we had to create a skit or a short play that demonstrated the correct usage of different tenses.We had so much fun working together and coming up with a silly storyline that involved time travel and various tenses. When it was our turn to present, we acted out our skit, and the other students had to identify the different tenses we used. It was a great way to learn and practice grammar in an engaging and entertaining way.After the grammar review, we moved on to vocabulary and reading comprehension. This time, Ms. Wang organized a quiz competition, where teams competed against each other by answering questions related to the vocabulary and reading passages from our textbook.The questions were projected on a big screen, and each team had to send a representative to the front to answer. It was nerve-wracking, but also really exciting! My team did pretty well, and we even managed to come in second place, which was awesome.During the break, we had the opportunity to visit different booths set up by our classmates. Each booth focused on a specific topic, such as writing, speaking, or listening comprehension. At the writing booth, for example, students could get feedback on their essays or ask questions about writing techniques.I visited the speaking booth, where my friend Jessie was stationed. She had prepared a fun role-playing activity for us, where we had to pretend to be tourists asking for directions or ordering food at a restaurant. It was a great way to practice our speaking skills in a relaxed and supportive environment.The final part of the open class was a debate competition. Two teams were formed, and they had to debate a controversial topic related to our course material. The topic was "Should students be allowed to use smartphones in class?"Both teams presented their arguments passionately, and the audience was encouraged to ask questions or share their opinions. It was fascinating to see how our classmates could articulate their thoughts and counter each other's arguments respectfully.In the end, the judges declared a tie, as both teams had made compelling points. Ms. Wang congratulated everyone on their hard work and participation, and she reminded us that the open class was not just about reviewing material, but also about developing critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills.As the open class came to an end, I felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement. Not only had I reinforced myunderstanding of the topics we've covered in our English textbook, but I had also had the opportunity to learn in a fun and interactive way.The open class made me appreciate the importance of English as a language and the skills it can help us develop. It also showed me that learning can be enjoyable and engaging when it's done in a creative and collaborative way.Overall, the 9th grade English review open class was a fantastic experience. It was a day filled with laughter, teamwork, and a shared love for learning. I can't wait for the next open class, and I'm sure my classmates feel the same way!篇4My English Public Lesson ReviewWoohoo! We just had the coolest English public lesson ever! It was all about the topic of "Environmental Protection" from our 9th-grade English textbook. I know, I know, it might sound like a boring topic, but trust me, it was mind-blowing!Our English teacher, Mrs. Wang, is always trying to make our lessons fun and engaging. This time, she really outdid herself. Instead of just lecturing us about environmental issues, sheturned the whole thing into an interactive experience. We even had special guests join us – how cool is that?The lesson started with a short video about the importance of protecting our planet. It showed us how things like pollution, deforestation, and climate change are affecting the world we live in. Seeing all those images of smog-filled cities, barren landscapes, and melting glaciers really hit home. It made me realize how serious this issue is and how we all need to do our part to take care of Mother Earth.After the video, Mrs. Wang asked us to share our thoughts and feelings about what we had just seen. Hands shot up all over the classroom, and we had a lively discussion about the different environmental problems facing our world today. Some of my classmates talked about the plastic pollution in our oceans, while others brought up the issue of endangered species. It was great to see everyone so engaged and passionate about the topic.But the real highlight of the lesson was when our special guests arrived. Mrs. Wang had invited representatives from a local environmental organization to come and talk to us. They showed us all sorts of cool things, like how to make eco-friendly cleaning products at home and how to start a recycling program in our school.One of the coolest things they did was bring in a bunch of everyday items and challenge us to find ways to reuse or repurpose them. It was like a giant game of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle." We had to get creative and think outside the box. My group turned an old t-shirt into a shopping bag and an empty juice carton into a pencil holder. It was so much fun, and it really drove home the importance of reducing waste.But the best part of the lesson was when we got to go outside and plant some trees. Can you believe it? We actually got to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty! The environmental reps showed us how to properly plant saplings and gave us tips on how to care for them as they grow.As we were planting, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. I know it might seem like a small thing, but those little trees represent our commitment to making the world a greener, healthier place. Every time I walk by them on the school grounds, I'll be reminded of the important lessons we learned during that public lesson.Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I learned so much about environmental protection. I never realized how many little things we can do in our daily lives to reduce our carbon footprint and live more sustainably. From using reusable water bottles andshopping bags to turning off lights when we leave a room, every little bit helps.I also learned that protecting the environment isn't just about doing our part individually; it's about coming together as a community and working towards a common goal. If we all pitch in and do our part, we can make a real difference.So, a huge thank you to Mrs. Wang and our special guests for making this public lesson so engaging, informative, and fun. I can't wait to put what I've learned into practice and continue doing my part to protect our beautiful planet. After all, it's the only one we've got, and it's up to us to take care of it.Who knew learning about environmental protection could be so cool? I guess that's just another example of how awesome English class can be when you have a teacher who really knows how to make the lessons come alive!篇5My Journey Through 9th Grade EnglishHi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm a 9th grade student. Today, I want to share my experience learning Englishthis year using the People's Education Press textbooks. It's been quite a rollercoaster ride, but I've learned so much!To start off, remember how in 7th grade we learned basic sentences and expressions? Well, this year we really took it to the next level. One of the first topics we covered was making suggestions using phrases like "We could...", "Why don't we...?", and "How about...?". At first, it was kind of tricky remembering all the different ways to make suggestions politely. But after doing lots of practice dialogues with my classmates, it started to feel natural.Then we moved on to the past tense, like using "went", "saw", and "did" to talk about things that already happened. That was cuando la diversión comenzó! We had to describe our favorite memories from childhood - everything from birthdays to family vacations. I'll never forget Zhangsan's hilarious story about the time he got stuck in a tree as a little kid and the firefighters had to rescue him!Speaking of stories, one of the units focused on narrative tenses - using "was/were" for background information and details, with past simple for the main events. We read some pretty cool adventure tales and had to retell the plots in our ownwords. Retelling stories pushed me to really pay attention to all the little details to make my narration coherent and engaging.Oh, and let's not forget about describing people's personalities and behaviors. We learned tons of new adjectives like "outgoing", "ambitious", and "down-to-earth". Then we put them into practice writing character sketches about our friends, families, celebrity idols - you name it! I had so much fun analyzing the personalities of my favorite athletes and pop stars.What else...oh yeah, giving opinions and preferences! This unit was all about expressing our viewpoints using "I think...", "In my opinion...", "I prefer...", and "I'd rather...". We had all kinds of lively debates on controversies like:"Which is better - books or movies?", "Should we have more homework or less?", and even "What's the best food in the world?". Let me tell you, trying to persuade Ms. Wang that pizza is objectively the GOAT cuisine was one of the toughest challenges I faced all year!From there, we tackled comparisons using "as...as", "more/less...than", and all those "er" and "est" forms. I'll be honest, those comparable and superlative adjectives twisted my tongue into a pretzel sometimes. How do you say "prettier" again? Was it "prett-ier" or "prett-yer"? Ugh, I got them mixed upconstantly! But comparing different places, objects, and abilities really expanded my English vocabulary.Then towards the end of the semester, we did a whole unit on the present perfect tense, like "I have been" and "She has gone". Using that tense to talk about experiences from our lives felt formal at first, but it let me describe things in a lot more detail. Like "I have traveled to Beijing twice - once in 2019 and again last summer." See? So much more specific than just saying "I went to Beijing"!There was also a unit on modal verbs like "can", "should", "may", "have to" and so on. Those helped me communicate obligations, permissions, and possibilities more precisely. Like, "You should turn in your homework on time" is very different from "You have to turn it in on time"! One is friendly advice, while the other is a strict requirement. No más dejar las tareas para la últim a hora!What else was there...oh yes, discussing future plans and ambitions! I loved using "going to" and "will" to talk about what I want to do after graduation. Things like, "I'm going to study science in university" or "I will become a professional athlete one day". We also learned fun expressions like "I can't wait to..." and"My dream is to...". Just hearing my classmates' life goals and aspirations really motivated me to aim high.Hmm, I think that covers most of the major topics we studied this year. Although...oh yes, how could I forget - the dreaded Grammar unit! Ugh, I still get dizzy just thinking about all those grammar rules we had to memorize. Countable and uncountable nouns, subject-verb agreement, proper use of articles likeed English spelling! Those weeks felt like an endless slog through the deepest, darkest grammar jungle.But you know what? Surviving that unit only made me stronger and more determined. If I can make it through that many grammar drills, I can make it through anything! I just had to listen to the teacher's advice: "Practice makes perfect! The more examples and exercises you do, the easier it will become." And eventually,...it really did get easier. The grammar rules started sticking in my brain without me even trying. Soon enough, I could navigate even the trickiest sentences without breaking a sweat.Now, as I wrap up 9th grade, I can't believe how much my English has improved over the course of this year. From making suggestions to discussing ambitions, from narrating stories to analyzing personalities, I feel like I've grown so much as aspeaker, writer, thinker, and learner. I'm really going to miss these textbooks and the adventures they took me on.So thank you, People's Education Press, for an amazing year. Thanks to my teachers for their patience and excellent guidance. Thanks to my classmates for being there through all the struggles and breakthroughs. And thank you, English, for being one of the most useful, fascinating subjects I've ever studied. I can't wait to see where you take me next!篇6An Open Class to Remember!Hey there! Alex here, just a regular 9th grader trying to make it through middle school. But let me tell you, the open class we had last week reviewing for our big English exam was anything but regular!It all started when our English teacher Ms. Wang announced that we'd be having a special open class to go over all the key topics for the exam. I have to admit, I wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of spending an entire afternoon reviewing boring grammar rules and vocabulary words. Little did I know just how wrong I was!The Open Class BeginsWhen the day arrived, Ms. Wang had the whole classroom decked out in a really cool "English Village" theme. There were signs labeling different areas as the "Grammar Galaxy," "Vocabulary Valley," and even a "Reading Rainforest!" My friends and I thought it looked pretty awesome.Ms. Wang kicked things off by splitting us into teams and explaining that the open class would be a series of fun, interactive activities and games related to what we'd been learning. Suddenly, an afternoon of studying didn't seem so bad!The Grammar GalaxyOur first stop was the Grammar Galaxy, where we played a bunch of games testing our skills with things like verb tenses, parts of speech, and forming questions. One game had us running back and forth between labeled cones, rearranging jumbled words into proper sentences.Another had two teams competing to build the longest "sentence tower" by stacking up colored blocks representing different parts of a sentence. We had to get the subject, verb, and other components in the right order. It was a blast, and I wassurprised by how much it actually helped reinforce the grammar concepts.Vocabulary ValleyAfter stretching our grammar muscles, we headed over to Vocabulary Valley. This area had a whole bunch of activities for building our vocabulary skills. My favorite was the Word Ranch, where we had to wrangle words into their proper meanings by lassoing them off a list and mounting them on comeback posts.There was also the VocabOlympics, where we split into teams and competed in goofy events like the Synonym Sprint and Category Catapult. The games pushed us to really understand shades of meaning and how words relate to one another. I'll never forget the roars of laughter when one team launched a life-sized stuffed pig across the room in the Category Catapult event (the category was farm animals)!The Reading RainforestLast but not least, we ventured into the Reading Rainforest to practice our reading comprehension abilities. For this section, Ms. Wang had decorated the area to look like an actual rainforest, with hanging vines, trees, and even some stuffed monkeys and parrots!We started by going in groups to different rainforest "campsites" where we read short passages, then had to discuss and answer questions about things like the main idea, drawing inferences, and identifying the author's perspective. It was a pretty cool way to get us thinking critically about the texts.My personal favorite was the Tangled Interpretation game, where two teams had to compete to properly sequence a jumbled rainforest story by piecing together a clothesline of mixed-up sentences and illustrations. Some of the sentences made no sense at first, so we really had to think it through.The Open Class ConclusionWhen the open class finally ended after a whirlwind of activities, I was genuinely sad it was over! Ms. Wang had done an incredible job of making the whole review process so engaging and fun. We'd laughed, played, and best of all, learned SO much without even realizing it. I felt way more prepared and confident for the exam.As we were leaving, Ms. Wang revealed that she'd been filming short videos throughout the day. She wanted to create a video showcasing the English Village for teachers at other schools to use as inspiration. How cool is that?I have to say, that open class was easily one of the most memorable learning experiences I've ever had. Not just because it was wildly entertaining, but because of how effective all the interactive games and activities were for solidifying what we'd been learning.Ms. Wang showed that studying and preparing for a big test doesn't have to be an endless grind of lectures and worksheets. With some creativity, it can Actually be an incredibly fun, engaging process! An open class like that is something I'll never forget.So if you're reading this and have a big exam coming up, remember - embrace the process, get into it, and you might just surprise yourself with how much you can learn while having a blast. Thanks Ms. Wang for the awesome open class!。
























o u r w o r l d , i t w i l l b e c o m e mu c h m o r e b e a u t i f u 1 . 1 . o t f e n g ot o s c h o o l b y b i k e o r o nf o o t ; g ot o w o r k o nf o o t 2 . s a v e w a t e r nd a e l e c t i r c i t y 3 . D o n ’ t p o u r w a s t e w a t e r i n t o t h e i f v e r . 4 . D o n ’ t t h r o w r u b b i s h e v e r y w h e r e .
关键词 : 初 中英语 ; 写作教 学; 写作技巧 ; 以读促 写
中图分类号 : G 6 3 3 . 4 1 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 9 — 0 1 0 X ( 2 0 1 3) 0 2 — 0 0 3 4 — 0 4

篇发言稿呼吁全校同学Байду номын сангаас同保护环境 , 从我做起。 内容应
包括 :
英语写作一直是学生很畏惧的事情, 师生往往都“ 谈 写色变” 。 学生害怕, 是因为他们觉得难写, 甚至 无从下手; 教师讨厌, 是因为学生写作错误多, 批改写作费时又费力,
1 . 经常骑 自行车或走路上学 , 父母骑车或走路上班。
2 . 节约用水, 用电; 不把污水倒入河中。 不乱扔垃圾。
文 科 教 学 探 索
电 一 蒂蒸 薄
王 娟 娥

熊 景纛
( 玉环县城关第 三初级 中学 ,浙江 台州 3 1 7 6 0 0 )












《永久的生命》《我为什么而活着》(三)重温《论教养》(统编语文九上自读课)阅读提示:(四)重温《谈创造性思维》(统编语文九上自读课)教材中有四处关于写作思路的批注:一:二:四:此外,这篇自读课的阅读提示也明确写着:(五)重温《创造宣言》(统编语文九上自读课)的阅读提示:阅读课文,就会发现一条清晰的论证线索:先用_________ 引出___ ,____________;再从客观和主观两方面列举事例,___ ,指出_________ ;进一步指出___;最后一段借罗丹的话,___ 。



树是象征——是人类旳古老文明与 老式文化。
写一棵树旳一生是作者对当代文 明畸形发展,从而造成文明失落 旳深刻焦急与忧思。从而激发我 们探索人类旳出路。
王鼎钧旳散文有强烈旳社 会批判意识,他旳文章揭 发社会种种流弊,引起深 沉思索。他是一位富有责 任感旳作家,是人生、社 会旳冷静思索者。文章富 有思辨性、哲理性、审美 性,有着作家对人生深刻 而独特旳领悟。
作者虚写四种场景,三大人 群,便体现了作者对 人生旳深刻了解,这叫什么写法?
按说还能够描写更多旳人旳生 活场景。作者只是举例性作简 朴概述,突出这几种人旳特点 和优异品质,体现了他旳人生 志向。
课文以“高塔”“地洞”“广阔 领域”和“工场”为喻,从不同旳 角度、视野,描述人旳生命旅程旳 不同境况,体现了作者对人旳生命 本质、对人类社会生活旳深刻了解, 体现了他对生命旳珍爱旳情感,以 及让一生过得更有意义旳信念和志 向。
军事家、政治家,像恺撒大帝、 秦始皇、汉武帝等。
• 公元前一世纪中叶旳罗马,暴君沙拉大肆搜捕他在政
治上旳敌人,年轻旳恺撒因为受到牵连而被捕,沙拉 命令手下将军庞培处死恺撒,但庞培被恺撒旳英勇气 概所感动,悄悄让他连夜出逃。沙拉死后他回到罗马 他旳女儿朱莉娅为帮助爸爸在政治上发展,委身于庞 培,恺撒终于登上权力旳宝座,与庞培共同统治罗马 埃及女王以身相许,恺撒由此得以将埃及疆土并入罗 马。但最终,在元老院,恺撒死于布鲁托斯等人旳匕 首下,今后罗马正式进入帝制。 年輕時旳凱薩,不畏強權,征戰無數,終於順利征服 羅馬,稱霸大帝。
瞻望 (zhān ) 攫取(jué )
鲑鱼 ( )


联络实际要注意以下几点: 1.联络自己个人生活,不要写成自己某项成绩
汇报,也不要写成检讨书。 2.联络社会生活实际,一定要实事求是,注意
分寸,不说假话、大话、空话。这么才能不 空洞,才能言中有物。 3.联络实际时还要力争情理真切。情真才能感 人;理切才有力量。切不可言不由衷,胡编 乱造。
4.联络实际时,联想要丰富。多关心国家大事、社会 热点、各个领域突出表现人和事,多项选择择新 近发生新人新事,表达与时俱进特点。
5.所谓“结”就是结尾,总结全文,重申自己观点, 要求简练有力。 总之,写好一篇读后感不论怎样都不能只有引 述没有感想,也不能人云亦云重复他人观点,应 从文中提炼出新观点,结合现实生活,从新角度 写出内容较为深刻、又颇具新意读后感。
首先,流行作品是当代生活中语言,反 应出当代人生活、思想感情,读起来很有兴 趣。很多同学都喜欢。
不过,经典名著是经过时间筛选留下硕 果,是古今中外文化精华。读名著,有以一 当十价值。
1.培养广泛阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,好读书、会 读书、读好书,从而取得知识,认识世界,塑造健康、美 好心灵。
2.借助搜集资料、调察访问、交流讨论等活动形式,培养自主 合作学习能力,并经过活动参加和结果展示,体验合作与 成功喜悦。
3.经过开展各种读书活动,搭建课内外学习桥梁,拓展语文学 习空间,并形成长久相对固定学习小组和负责学习机制。
第四,网络能够即时反馈。书本阅读中对话,我们发表 了看法,极难立刻得到反馈,网上却能做到。这使我 们当初就知道自己认识深浅正误,并由此取得了体验。






































某中考语文阅卷老师曾说:“有时候一个关 键词、一句关键性的话,就会救活一篇中考作文! 这是未曾阅卷的朋友想象不到的!”
就是说,中考作文必须有很强的视觉冲 击力,以让阅卷老师在瞬间被它吸引,被它 打动。‘犹抱琵琶’,太曲折,太含蓄,是 中考作文的大忌。
修改稿:踏入初中后,我开始接触到一些优美如画的 文学作品。看《鲁提辖拳打镇关西》,我的眼前就会 展现鲁提辖三拳打死镇关西的痛快淋漓的画面;看 《孔乙己》,我的脑海里就会浮现孔乙己穿一件破夹 袄,盘着两腿,下面垫一个蒲包,用草绳在肩上挂住, 在人们的笑声里,坐着用这手慢慢走去的可怜画面; 看《西游记》,我就会想到猪八戒偷吃人参果的滑稽 模样。正是这些如画美文,伴随我成长,使我看到了 世间百态,明白人世间的酸甜苦辣。
外公、外婆身体不好,她每天放学回家后,先做 观面对人生
家务,然后再写作业;年轻时,爸爸在城里工作, 妈妈在乡下,耕田、播种、收割,全靠妈妈一人
操劳。别说烈日炎炎的夏天,就是凉风可可的秋 雨。

题 、
开头部分 (开门见山,揭示中心;运 用题记,提炼主旨)
点 题
中间部分 (段首段尾显示,反复点化)

结尾部分 (卒章显志,重申观点)
《拾起那部手机 》 刘艳妮 《拾起“小时候”》 陈毓仁 《我拾回了勇气》郭旭 《重拾那份童真》 柯常慧 《重拾微笑》李运利 《拾起初心》梅之语



越秀小区王菊香奶奶收到了一份电费通知单。 王奶奶看着自家电费单想不通:都说用峰谷电省钱, 自家用电量跟以前差不多,可电费为何还没降下来?
近日,不少当地居民无视“禁止挖 笋”通告,闯进植物园200亩观赏竹园 内挖笋,竹园所以坑洞遍地、伤痕累累。 假如你叔叔决定趁着周末带你一起去植 物园挖笋,你会怎样劝阻呢?
要求: ⒈用语得体,行文规范,字数150左右; ⒉能从不一样角度进行劝阻,条理清楚; ⒊不得出现真实地名校名人名。
请你以晨曦中学学生会名义写一则 通知。
要求:1、正确书写汉字,准确使用标点,规范 利用语言。2、符合通知格式。3、通知正文 (含标点)不得超出150字。4、落款一律写晨 曦中学学生会。
观点鲜近明日,言,之“成妈理妈,网不超”出上1有50个字(叫8“分甜) 妈” 网友很火,网上熟悉她人都喊她“疯 妈”。她女儿写相关“桃花”作和小搭档们在 体验中认识自然,描绘自然。
越秀小区王菊香奶奶收到了一份电费通知单。 王奶奶看着自家电费单想不通:都说用峰谷电省钱, 自家用电量跟以前差不多,可电费为何还没降下来?
电量统计图》和“知识链接”,写一段120 字左右文字,向王奶奶解释她家电费降不下
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Writing Steps:
Words(词) Paragraph(段) Sentences(句)
Useful Conjunctions(常用连词)
So , and, but, if , when, such as, because, since, even though, so…that, …
Yours,_ Tom
Watch a video
(一般现在时) Key information(要点) modern, people, big and beautiful city, food,
Key Words
modern beautiful
people friendly
big places of interest delicious
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
The food in Shanghai is very delicious.
Shanghai is one of the most modern cities in China. It is a big and beautiful city. It has many places of interest, such as Jin mao Tower, the Oriental Pearl Tower, Town's God Temple and so on.People in Shanghai are very friendly. The food in Shanghai is very delicious. And food is very famous in the world.
The Simple Present Tense (一 般现在时)
The Past Tense (一般过去时) Key information: what saw in Wuzhen, go by bus, 30km from Jiaxing,send three photos and a map,
Cloth dyeing(染布)
嘉兴 30km
假如你是Tom,你的朋友Jack下月要到嘉兴 参加中学生篮球友谊赛,想抽空到古镇乌镇去 看看。你在4月2日去乌镇旅游并拍了一些照片。 请你给他写一封信,寄上这些照片和地图,让 他了解一些关于乌镇的情况,并告诉他可以乘 汽车前往。 注意:1.词数80左右。 2.信的开头和结尾已经写好。
• Today, we can sit comfortably in the classroom, wear clean and beautiful clothes, eat the delicious food, we are so happy, but on the other side of the world, a lot of people are in struggles….
Key sentences
Shanghai is one of the most modern cities in China. It has many places of interest. It is a big and beautiful city.
People in Shanghai are very friendly.
1.上海是中国的现代化都市之一。 2.上海人民非常友好。 3.上海是个非常漂亮的城市,有许多的名胜。 (Jin mao Tower金茂大厦, the Oriental Pearl Tower 东方明珠, Town’s God Temple 城隍庙) 4.上海的食物非常美味。
The Simple Present Tense
Key words:
visit, houses, …
Key sWuzhen. …
Paragraph: (and, but, as,
if …)
Sharing Time
Who did best !
April 26th, 2006
Dear Jack, I am happy that you are coming to Jiaxing next month. On April 2nd,_____________________
English writing for Grade Nine
Shidai Middle School
Look at this picture, who is he ?Where is his hometown?
2010年5月上海要举行世博会World expo 。因此很多外国人会来上海。请 根据以下要点向外国人简单介绍上 海。(80词左右)