P O 0013U K 00 09/2013产品概览RS 310-410-510-610 SeriesModulating Gas Burners 利雅路公司通过近几年大规模技术研究及广泛测试,研发出了新一代大功率整体式燃烧器 RS 系列,在工业用燃烧器领域取得了最新的技术突破,使公司在能源管理这一重要领域继续保持一直以来的领先地位。
新推出的出力范围在 3-6 MW 的 RS 310-410-510-610 系列燃烧器集卓越的燃烧性能、出色的产品质量和超高的可靠性于一体,充分体现了利雅路一贯的技术特长。
RS 310-410-510-610 系列燃烧器的出力范围为 1200-6300 kW,适用于中低温的热水锅炉、热风及蒸汽锅炉和导热油炉。
RS 310-410-510-610 系列燃烧器具备黄火焰及低NOx火焰,采用多种空气-燃料比例控制配置;设备调试时可通过机械比调控制比例调节运行模式,通过电子比调可获得更高的比调运行性能及效率,通过变频技术可同时降低噪音排放及耗电量。
概览2燃烧器型号/M = 平滑两段火 - 机械比调凸轮/E = 平滑两段火 - 电子比调凸轮FS1 = 间歇式运行(每24小时至少停机一次)FS2 = 连续运行 (每72小时至少停机一次)(1) = RMG .../M (或 LFL ...) 控制盒(2) = LGK ... 控制盒(3) = REC27 ... 控制盒(4) = REC37 ... 控制盒3型号RS 310/M BLURS 410/M BLU RS 510/M BLU RS 610/M BLU燃烧器运行模式比例调节 燃烧器最大出力时的调节比 5 ÷ 1伺服马达类型SQM 40 (FS1 型)热出力kW 400/1200÷3630500/1500 ÷4450680/1800÷52501000/2200÷6250Mcal/h 344/1032÷3122430/1290÷3827585/1548÷4515860/1892÷5375最大出力时的燃气压力 (G20-G25)mbar 50.1/74.753.1/79.259.7/89.177.6/115.8工作温度°C 最小/最大0/50风机类型前弯式叶片技术数据启动类型直接-电源Ph/ V/Hz 3N ~ 230 - 400V ±10% 50 Hz -总的电功率kW Max 9.110.8--马达电功率kW 7.59.2--A 23.9 - 13.829.3 - 16.9--启动类型星 - 角电源Ph/Hz/V 3N ~ 400 - 690V ±10% 50 Hz总的电功率kW Max 9.110.81417马达电功率kW 7.59.21215A 13.8 - 816.9 - 9.721.2 - 12.226.7 - 15.4点火变压器V1 - V2230 V - 1 x 8 kV I1 - I2 1 A - 20 mA控制盒类型RMG88.62 C2/M - LFL1.333 - LGK16.333A27马达电气保护等级IP54运行间歇式 (每 24小时至少停机一次)连续运行 (每72小时至少停机一次)排放声压 dB (A)788082,585声功率W ----CO 排放mg/kWh < 10NOx 排放mg/kWh< 80认证指令2006/42 - 2009/142 - 2004/108 - 2006/95 EC标准EN 676排放等级3证书CE 0085 - 进行中低 NO x 火焰机械比调型RS 310-410-510-610 SeriesModulating Gas Burners 技术数据利雅路公司不断对产品进行改进,因此产品的外观、尺寸、技术参数、设备及配件均不断变化。
R91A-R92A-R93A R512A-R515A R520A-R525A瓦斯燃烧器渐进式/全比例调节安装-使用-维修手册危险、警告和注意事项本手册作为产品的一个必要组成比分,必须交付给用户。
建设部关于燃气燃烧器具安装、维修企业资质管理有关事项的通知正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 建设部关于燃气燃烧器具安装、维修企业资质管理有关事项的通知(建城[2007]250号)各省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委(市政管委),新疆生产建设兵团建设局:根据《建筑业企业资质管理规定》(建设部令第159号)的有关规定,现将燃气燃烧器具安装、维修企业资质管理有关事项通知如下:一、燃气燃烧器具安装、维修企业资质纳入建筑业企业资质管理。
1 合规性 类别单位:II2H3+ (燃气 G20 20 mbar、G30 29 mbar、G31 37 mbar) 目的地国家:中国 此单位符合以下欧洲指令要求: • Gas Directive Gas 2009/142/EC(燃气具指令 2009/142/EC) • Efficiency Directive 92/42/EEC(能效指令 92/42/EEC) • Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC(电磁兼容性指令
低于 -5 °C
图 3.6
3.5 生活用热水温度
转动如 图 3.7所示的旋钮 2 可在 35°C - 60°C 之间调节流出锅炉的生活用热水的温 度。
图 3.7 将生活用热水温度调节至适合需要的值。限制冷热水混合的需要。 这样您会了解自动调节的特性。 如果水质很硬,建议将锅炉温度调整到 50°C 以下 (图 3.8)。 在这种情况下,建议在生活用热水系统中安装软水器。 如果生活用热水的最大流速过高,无法达到足够的温度,应要求授权 支持技术人员安装流速限制器。
要求,以便安装烟气排放管路套件附带说明书所示的管路。 • 设备周围要留出以下最小距离:上部 250 mm,下部 200 mm,横向 25 mm。 • 要将锅炉安装在柜体、保护装置或壁龛内,应在锅炉前面留出 6 cm 自由空间。 • 如果是旧供暖系统,在安装锅炉前,应仔细清理,去除长时间沉积的污垢。 • 推荐在系统中安装净化过滤器,或使用可以调整循环水的产品。特别是后一种解决方案
城镇燃气及燃气器具标准(R)一、(A)基础标准001、GB 7144—1999 气瓶颜色标志····················································R A001001-2 002、GB 9052.1—1988(GB 9052.1-1998)油气田液化石油气·················································································································R A002001-2 003、GB 11174—1997(GB 11174-2011)液化石油气·······················R A003001-2 004、GB/T 13005—1991(GB/T 13005-2011)气瓶术语 ···················R A004001-2 005、GB/T 13611—1992(2006版)城市燃气分类································R A00500-3 006、GB 13612—1992(2006版)人工煤气·····································R A006001-5 007、GB 15384—1994(GB/T 15384-2011)气瓶型号命名方法········RA007001 008、GB 16914—1997 燃气燃烧器具安全技术通则·····························RA008001 009、GB 17820—1999(GB 17820-2012)天然气 ····························R A009001-3 010、CJ/T 3069-1997 城镇燃气计量单位和符号·································RA010001 011、CJ/T 3085—1999 城镇燃气术语····················································· RA110001 012、GB 18047—2000 车用压缩天然气··············································R A012001-2 013、SY/T 6143—1996 天然气流量的标准孔板计量方法····················RA013001 014、GB 12135—1999 气瓶定期检验站技术条件······························R A014001-3 015、GB 14193—1993(GB 14193-2009) 液化气体气瓶充装规定 ········RA015001 016、CJ 3062—1996 燃气燃烧器具使用交流电源的安全通用要求 ····RA016001 ★017、CJJ 84—2000 汽车用燃气加气站技术规范····························R A017001-7 018、GB 17905—1999(2008版)家用燃气燃烧器具安全管理规程·R A018001-3 019、GB/T 18215.1—2000 城镇人工煤气主管道流量测量第1部分:采用标准孔板节流装置的方法·················································································R A019001-7 020、SY 0055—1993(2003)长距离输油输气管道测量规范·········R A020001-2 021、SYJ42—89(2002)防腐蚀工程经济计算方法························R A021001-2 ★022、SY/T6045—1995 天然气输送企业计量器具配备规范·······························023、SY/T0071-93 油气集输管子及管路附件选用标准(及条文说明)·····································································································································R A023001-6 024、RA024 燃气燃烧器具安装维修管理规定·····································R A024001-2 025、SY/T 7546-1996 汽车用压缩天然气·················································RA025001 026、GB 16914-2003(GB 16914-2012) 燃气燃烧器具安全技术条件 RA026001-10 027、GB/T 13609-1999(GB/T 13609-2012) 天然气取样导则 ···············R A027001-3 028、GB/T 19204-2003 液化天然气的一般特性 ···································R A028001-3 029、SY6457-2000 含硫天然气管道安全规程…………………………RA029001-2 030、GB/T 20604-2006/ISO 14532:2001(GB/T 20604-2006) 天然气词汇………………RA030001-2031、GB/T 19147-2003(GB 19147-2013)车用柴油(Ⅳ) ···············R A031001-3 032、GB 17930-2006(GB 17930-2011)车用汽油·······························R A032001-3 033、GB/T 20368-2006(GB/T 20368-2012)液化天然气(LNG)生产、储存和装运·······································································································R A033001-2 034、SY/T 6535-2002 高压气地下储气井················································R A034001-2 035、GB/T 19205-2008 天然气标准参比条件 ·········································R A035001-2 036、CJ/T 259-2007(GB 25035-2010)城镇燃气用二甲醚·················R A036001-2 ★037、GB50494-2009 城镇燃气技术规范··············································R A037001-5 038、CJJ/T 148-2010 城镇燃气加臭技术规程·········································R A038001-3 039、CJJ/T 153-2010 城镇燃气标志标准···············································R A039001-15 040、GB/T 50537-2009 油气田工程测量规范 ·········································R A040001-3(B)燃气试验方法001、GB/T 10410.1—1989(GB/T 10410.1-2008)人工煤气组分气相色谱分析法···················································································································· RB001001 002、GB/T 10410.2—1989(GB/T 10410.2-2008)天然气常量组分气相色谱分析法················································································································ RB002001 003、GB/T 10410.3—1989(GB/T 10410.3-2008)液化石油气组分气相色谱分析法················································································································ RB003001 004、GB/T 12205—1990 人工燃气主组分的化学分析方法 ················· RB004001 005、GB/T 12206—1990 城市燃气热值测定方法 ································· RB005001 006、GB/T 12207—1990 城市燃气相对密度测定方法 ························· RB006001 007、GB/T 12208—1990 城市燃气中焦油和灰尘含量的测定方法 ····· RB007001 008、GB/T 12209.1—1990 城市燃气中萘含量测定苦味酸法 ·········· RB008001 009、GB/T 12209.1~12209.2—1990城市燃气中萘含量测定 ··········· RB009001 010、GB/T 12210—1990 城市燃气中氨含量测定 ································· RB010001 011、GB/T 12211—1990 城市燃气中硫化氢含量测定·························· RB011001 012、GB/T 13609—1992 天然气的取样方法 ········································· RB012001 013、GB/T 13610—2003 天然气的组成分析气相色谱 ······················R B013001-4 014、GB/T 6602—1989 液化石油气蒸气压测定法 ······························· RB014001 015、GB 11125—1989 液化石油气硫化氢试验法 ································· RB015001 016、GB/T 11062—1998 天然气发热量、密度、相对密度和沃泊指数的计算方法·····································································R B016001-2 017、GB/T 18605.1-2001 天然气中硫化氢含量的测定第1部分:醋酸铅反应速率双光路检测法·············································R B017001-2 018、GB/T 18605.2—2001 天然气中硫化氢含量的测定第2部分:醋酸铅反应速率单光路检测法·········································R B018001-2 019、GB/T 18604-2001 用气体超声流量计测量天然气流量 ················ RB019001 020、GB/T 18619.1-2002 天然气中水含量的测定卡尔费休—库仑法 ························································································R B020001-2021、GB/T 18603-2001 天然气计量系统技术要求 ································ RB021001 022、GB/T 19207—2003天然气中总硫的测定氢解-速率计比色法·························································································································································· RB022001-3 023、GB/T 19206—2003 天然气用有机硫化合物加臭剂的要求和测试方法 ·····························································································································R B023001-3 024、GB 17167-2006 用能单位能源计量器具配备和管理通则………RB024001-3 025、GB/T 20603-2006/ISO 8943:1991 冷冻轻烃流体液化天然气的取样连续法…………………………………………………………………...RB025001-3 026、GA/T 670-2006 安全防范系统雷电浪涌防护技术要求……………RB026001 027、GB/T 17283-1998 天然气水露点的测定冷却镜面凝析湿度计法················································································································R B027001-3 028、GB/T 17281-1998 天然气中丁烷至十六烷烃的测定气相色谱法················································································································R B028001-1 029、GB/T 16781.2-2010 天然气汞含量的测定第2部分:金-铂合金汞齐化取样法··········································································································· RB029001 030、GB/T 16781.1-2008 天然气汞含量的测定第1部分:碘化学吸附取样法················································································································R B030001-3 031、GB/T 11060.2-2008 天然气含硫化合物的测定第2部分:用亚甲蓝法测定硫化氢含量····························································································R B031001-3 032、GB/T 11060.1-2010 天然气含硫化合物的测定第1部分:用碘量法测定硫化氢含量··································································································· RB032001 033、GB/T 11060.3-2010 天然气含硫化合物的测定第3部分:用乙酸铅反应速率双光路检测法测定硫化氢含量··························································· RB033001 034、GB/T 11060.4-2010 天然气含硫化合物的测定第4部分:用氧化微库仑法测定总硫含量··························································································· RB034001 035、GB/T 11060.5-2010 天然气含硫化合物的测定第5部分:用氢解-速率计比色法测定总硫含量··············································································· RB035001 036、SY/T 0063-1999 管道防腐层检漏试验方法·····························R B036001-3 037、SY/T 0037-1997 管道防腐层阴极剥离试验方法·····················R B037001-3 038、SY 0074-93 管道防腐层补口绝缘密封性试验方法标准 ········R B038001-3二、(C)燃气器具设备标准001、GB/T 3040—1982石棉水泥输煤气管 ··········································· RC001001 002、GB 5842—1986(GB 5842-2006)液化石油气钢瓶 ··················· RC002001 003、GB 6932—2001 家用燃气快速热水器········································R C003001-3 004、GB/T 6968—1997 膜式煤气表 ····················································R C004001-2 005、GB 7512—1998(GB 7512-2006)液化石油气瓶阀 ··················· RC005001 006、GB 8335—1998(GB 8335-2011)气瓶专用螺纹 ······················· RC006001 007、GB 8336—1998(GB/T 8336-2011)气瓶专用螺纹量规············ RC007001 008、GB 8337—1996 气瓶用熔合熔金塞··············································· RC008001 009、GB 10546—1989 液化石油气(LNG)橡胶软管(GB-T 10546-2003 液化石油气(LPG)用橡胶软管和软管组) ························································· RC009001 010、GB/T 18364.1—2001 汽车用液化石油气加气口(螺旋式) ·············································································································································R C010001-2 011、GB/T 18111—2000 燃气容积式热水器·········································· RC011001 012、GB 15380—2001 小容积液化石油气钢瓶··································R C012001-4 013、GB 15558.1—2003 燃气用埋地聚乙烯管材·······························R C013001-3 014、GB 15558.2—2005(替代GB 15558.2-1995)燃气用埋地聚乙烯管件························································································································ RC014001 015、GB 16410—2007 家用燃气灶具····················································R C015001-2 016、GB 16691—1996(GB 16691-2008)便携式丁烷气灶(便携式丁烷气灶及气瓶)········································································································ RC016001 017、CJ 274-2008(GB 27790-2011)城镇燃气调压器(替代GB 16802—1997 城镇燃气调压器)·························································································R C017001-4 018、GB 17258—1998(GB 17258-2011)汽车用压缩天然气钢瓶 ··· RC018001 019、GB 17259—1998(GB 17259-2009)机动车用液化石油气钢瓶·····················································································································R C019001-3。
CE-GAR认证是什么? CE-GAR认证产品范围
CE-GAR是燃气器具法规(EU)2016/426(GAR)简称,2018年4月21日,燃气器具法规(EU)2016/426(GAR)取代了燃气设备指令2009/142 / EC(GAD),是燃烧气体燃料的设备的检测标准。
计量器具指令(2004/22/EC)Measuring Instruments (2009/02/17 08:46)计量器具指令MID的要求范围欧盟计量器具指令(Measuring Instruments Directive), 简称MID,指令号为2004/22/EC, 欧盟已在2004年4月30日官方通报该指令,2006年10月30日起强制实施,是欧盟用来监督管理计量器具的法规,其指令明确了计量器具产品法制计量的新方法标准、合格评定程序和该指令的执行期限。
MID涉及的十种计量器具:1.水表2.煤气表3.电能表4.热量表5.液体流量连续和动态测量仪(水除外)6.自动衡器7.出租车计价器8.材料测量仪器9.多尺寸测量测量仪器10.废气测量仪表2 MID指令的符合性评估程序开始---设计阶段设计制造模式A 基于内部生产管理的DoC (A1=+指定机构的产品测试)模式B 指定机构的型式检验模式G 基于指定机构对单台产品认证的DoC模式H 基于全面质保体系的DoC(A1=+指定机构的产品测试)模式C 基于内部生产管理的型式的DoC(C1=+指定机构的产品测试)模式D 基于QA生产过程的型式的DoC(D1=基于生产过程的DoC)模式E 基于QA的最终产品检查和测试的型式的DoC(E1=基于QA的最终产品检查和测试的DoC)模式F 基于指定机构的产品认证的型式的DoC(A1=基于指定机构的产品认证的型式的DoC)结束---推向市场计量器具指令MID 计量器具指令(Measuring Instruments Directive, 简称 MID)2004/22/EC在2006年的10月30日实施。
解读:欧盟CE认证燃气用具指令(GAR)2009年11月30日欧洲议会和理事会关于燃烧气体燃料的器具的第2009/142/EC 号指令,官方编号为EC/2009的家用电器和燃气用具(EC/142)的官方参考号。
2018年4月21日,燃气设备指令2009/142 / EC(GAD)将被新的燃气器具法规(EU)2016/426(GAR)取代,用于燃烧气体燃料的设备,它将包括对燃气器具指令2009/142 / EC中包含的现有规则的更新和增强。
在过去,欧共体国家对进口和销售的产品要求各异,根据一国标准制造的商品到别国极可能不能上市,作为消除贸易壁垒之努力的一部分,CE应运而生。因此,CE代表欧洲统一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE)。事实上,CE还是欧共体许多国家语种中的"欧共体"这一词组的缩写,原来用英语词组EUROPEAN COMMUNITY缩写为EC,后因欧共体在法文是COMMUNATE EUROPEIA,意大利文为COMUNITA EUROPEA,葡萄牙文为COMUNIDADE EUROPEIA,西班牙文为COMUNIDADE EUROPE等,故改EC为CE。当然,也不妨把CE视为CONFORMITY WITH EUROPEAN (DEMAND)(符合欧洲(要求))。
无线电、电信终端设备 99/5/EC 2000年4月8日
空中索道 2000/9/EC 2002年5月3日
环境噪音设备 2000/14/EC 2002年1月30日
荣光灯镇流器 2000/55/EC 2000年10月8日
1. 制造商相关实验室(以下简称实验室)提出口头或书面的初步申请。
燃气器具 90/386/EEC 1995年12月31日
锅炉 92/42/EEC 1998年1月1日
暴破性产品 93/15/EEC 2003年1月1日
通用医疗器械 93/42/EEC 1998年6月15日
低压电气安全 93/68/EEC 1997年1月1日
暴破环境使用的设备 94/9/EC 2003年6月30日
水上运动船只 94/25/EC 1998年6月16日
升降设备 95/16/EC 1999年7月1日
家用制冷器具 96/57/EC 1999年9月3日
本规范主编单位:住房和城乡建设部标准定额研究所中国市政工程华北设计研究院本规范参编单位:北京燃气集团上海燃气工程设计有限公司深圳市燃气集团港华投资有限公司沈阳市煤气设计院吉林省中吉大地燃气集团股份有限公司本规范主要起草人员:李颜强雷丽英陈云玉李铮金石坚王伟应援农高鹏李建勋宇永香蒋克武韩露王启陈秋雄郑克敏李美竹陈敏刘建辉1 总则1 总则1.0.1为贯彻执行国家技术经济政策,保障人身和公共安全,节约资源,保护环境,规范城镇燃气设施的基本功能和性能要求,依据有关法律、法规,制定本规范。
218 城镇燃气技术规范GB50494-2009
中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部2009年3月31日1 总则1.0.1为贯彻执行国家技术经济政策,保障人身和公共安全,节约资源,保护环境,规范城镇燃气设施的基本功能和性能要求,依据有关法律、法规,制定本规范1.O.2 本规范适用于城镇燃气设施的建设、运行维护和使用。
1.O.3 城镇燃气设施建设、运行维护和使用应遵循安全生产、保证供应、经济合理、节约资源和保护环境的原则。
2 术语2.0.1 城镇燃气city gas由气源点,通过城镇或居住区的燃气输配和供应系统,供给城镇或居住区内,用于生产、生活等用途的,且符合本规范燃气质量要求的气体燃料。
2.0.2 城镇燃气设施city gas facilities用于城镇燃气生产、储存、输配和供应的各种设施(含其附属安全装置)和用户设施。
2.0.3 燃气类别sort of gases根据燃气的来源或燃气燃烧特性指标,将燃气分成的不同种类。
2.0.4 燃气互换性interchangeability of gases以a燃气(基准气)设计的燃具,改烧s燃气(置换气),如果燃烧器不作任何调整而能保证燃具正常工作,称s燃气对a燃气具有互换性。
2.0.5 设计使用年限design working life设计规定的管道、结构或构件等不需要大修即可按其预定目的使用的时间。
2.0.6调压箱regulator box调压装置放置于专用箱体,承担用气压力调节的设施。
EN61508-1:2010 电气\电子\可编程电子系 统(安全相关)的功能安全性—一般要求。 EN61508-2:2010 电气\电子\可编程电子系 统(安全相关)的功能安全性—硬件系统要求。 EN61508-3:2010 电气\电子\可编程电子系 统(安全相关)的功能安全性—软件系统要求。 IEC61000系列标准 主要关注在专业标准中指 明部分。 EN60730-1-2001 A2-2008 与EN13611类似
DIRECTIVE 2004/108/EC 如果燃气具 中使用了电子装置,则不可避免地涉及 EMC问题,电磁兼容指令中主要有条款1 和条款2,附件1~4。鉴于现代燃气具技 术水平提高,已普遍采用电子装置。因此 EMC是一个不能回避的问题,EN2982012中也增加了EMC测试。
欧盟RoHS指令 (RoHS)
组成方案 1. 用户接口模块(操作与设定) 2. 空燃比控制模块(功率控制) 3. 燃烧控制模块(燃烧控制) 4. 主控模块(最优控制) 5. 环境检测模块(环境感知) 6. 监视维护模块(系统监控) 7. 信息家电模块(远程维护)
欧盟燃气具研制和生产相关 法规与标准
欧盟燃气具相关法规 与燃气具相关的基础标准 与燃气具相关的专业标准 其它标准 先进技术方案
欧盟是产品标准严格、标准建设先进的 经济体,按欧标要求进行产品设计和生产, 是实现产品转型升级、加速产业结构调整 的重要技术措施之一。研究欧盟标准,提 高国产商品在国际市场上的竞争力,实现 我国制造业由生产向创造的转变。
《家用燃气燃烧器具安装及验收规程》CJJ12-2013 422前言? ?根据住房和城乡建设部《关于印发<2009年工程建设标准规范制定、修订计划>的通知》(建标[2009]88号)的要求,规程编制组经广泛调查研究,认真总结实践经验,参考有关国际标准和国外先进标准,并在广泛征求意见的基础上,修订了本规程。
? ? 本规程的主要技术内容包括:1总则;2术语;3基本规定;4燃具及相关设备的安装;5质量验收。
? ? 本次修订的主要内容是:? ? 1.增加了城镇燃气、燃烧器具、烟气排放、安全监控和建筑设备的基本规定。
? ? 2.增加了安装燃具场所的电气要求。
? ? 3.增加了基本条件检验和燃具安装检验的技术要求和检验方法。
? ? 4.增加了燃具选型原则。
? ? 5.增加了不同海拔高度H及低压燃具前的额定压力Pn。
? ? 6.增加了共用排气道、烟道和给排气烟道的结构尺寸和应用技术条件。
? ? 7.增加了烟道终端排气出口距门窗洞口的最小净距。
? ? 8.增加了燃具安装房间燃气和烟气泄漏的安全指标和保护措施。
? ? 本规程中以黑体字标志的条文为强制性条文,必须严格执行。
? ? 本规程由住房和城乡建设部负责管理和对强制性条文的解释,由中国市政工程华北设计研究总院负责具体技术内容的解释。
? ? 本规程主编单位:中国市政工程华北设计研究总院? ? 本规程参编单位:太原煤炭气化(集团)有限责任公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 广东美的厨卫电器制造有限公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 樱花卫厨(中国)股份有限公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 北京菲斯曼供热技术有限公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 青岛经济技术开发区海尔热水器有限公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 广东万和新电气股份有限公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 广东万家乐燃气具有限公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 艾欧史密斯(中国)热水器有限公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 天津费加罗电子有限公司? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 重庆燃气集团股份有限公司? ? 本规程主要起草人员:高勇李娟陈复进黄国金李贵军李健钟家淞胡定钢鞠平赵大力陈立刘斌? ? 本规程主要审查人员:张臻孟学思杨永慧元永泰胡敏辉白丽萍周以良樊金光耿同敏李直安翠林楼英总则1.0.1 为规范家用燃气燃烧器具(简称燃具)的安装和验收,保证燃具安装工程的质量和用气安全,制定本规程。
SQ mart 介绍
首页公司介绍SQ mart全称为:欧盟产品安全及质量检验认证中心,是一家全球知名的第三方检验认证公告机构,在欧盟的官方注册公告号为NB No. 2159,其办事处和分部遍布欧洲、亚洲等多个国家地区。
SQ mart.拥有众多工程技术及科研人员,可依据ISO9001:2000(质量) BSI OHSAS 18001及ELOT 1801 (健康安全)以及ISO14001标准和EMAS 761:2001(环境) ISO 17020 、ISO 17021 ISO 1702等实验室标准进行检验认证及实验设备校验。
SQ mart同时也是欧盟公告认证机构,公告号为2159,其认证指令范围包括:机械、压力设备、电梯、建筑材料、燃气指令、热水锅炉指令、简单压力容器等。
经欧盟成员国核准认可,并可对以下工业产品进行周期性监测(固定容器、运输型压力容器、焊接品、举升机械、电梯及运送危险物品车辆-ADR),SQ mart被列于ISO官方认可认证机构名录首要位置。
贸邦国际检测认证中心作为SQ mart大中华区代表处,致力于为国内企业提供全球各国安全认证、安全检验与测试、培训等的第三方服务机构,我司的总部位于上海,办事处遍布北京、哈尔滨、成都、广州、青岛、温州、宁波等全国各大重要经济城市。
公司拥有一批资深、专业、优秀及具有敬业精神的技术团队,80% 以上具有硕士研究生及以上背景。
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DIRECTIVESDIRECTIVE 2009/142/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof 30 November 2009relating to appliances burning gaseous fuels(codified version) (Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THEEUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the EuropeanCommunity, and in particular Article 95 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic andSocial Committee ( 1 ),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down inArticle 251 of the Treaty ( 2 ),Whereas:(1) Council Directive 90/396/EEC of 29 June 1990 on theapproximation of the laws of the Member States relatingto appliances burning gaseous fuels ( 3 ) has beensubstantially amended ( 4 ). In the interests of clarity andrationality the said Directive should be codified.(2) Member States are responsible for ensuring the healthand safety on their territory of their people and, whereappropriate, of domestic animals and goods in relation to the hazards arising out of the use of appliances burning gaseous fuels.(3) In certain Member States, mandatory provisions define inparticular the safety level required of appliances burning gaseous fuels by specifying design, operating char acteristics and inspection procedures. These mandatory provisions do not necessarily lead to different safety levels from one Member State to another but do, by their disparity, hinder trade within the Community.(4) Different conditions as regards types of gas and supplypressures are in force in the Member States. These conditions are not harmonised because each Member State’s energy supply and distribution situation is peculiar to it.(5) Community law provides - by way of derogation fromone of the fundamental rules of the Community, namely the free movement of goods - that obstacles to movement within the Community resulting from disparities in national legislation relating to the marketing of products must be accepted in so far as such obstacles can be recognised as being necessary to satisfy mandatory requirements. Therefore, the harmon isation of legislation in the present case should be limited to the provisions necessary to satisfy both the mandatory and essential requirements regarding safety, health and energy conservation in relation to gas appliances. These requirements should replace the national provisions in this matter because they are essential requirements.(6)The maintenance or improvement of the level of safety attained in Member States constitutes one of the essential aims of this Directive and of safety as defined by the essential requirements.(7) The essential safety and health requirements should beobserved in order to ensure that appliances burninggaseous fuels are safe. Energy conservation is considered essential. These requirements should be applied with discernment to take account of the state of the art at the time of construction.( 1 ) OJ C 151, 17.6.2008, p. 12.( 2 ) Opinion of the European Parliament of 20 October 2009 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and Council Decision of 26 November 2009. ( 3 ) OJ L 196, 26.7.1990, p. 15. ( 4 ) See Annex VI, Part A.(8) This Directive should therefore only contain essentialrequirements. To facilitate proof of conformity with theessential requirements, it is necessary to have harmonised standards at Community level in particular as to the construction, operation and installation of appliances burning gaseous fuels so that products complying with them may be assumed to conform to the essential requirements. These standards, harmonised at Community level, are drawn up by private bodies and must remain non-mandatory texts. For that purpose the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (Cenelec) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) are recognised as the competent bodies for the adoption of harmonised standards in accordance with the general guidelines for cooperation between the Commission, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and those three bodies signed on 28 March 2003 ( 1 ). ‘Harmonised standard’ means a technical specification (European standard or harmon isation document) adopted by CEN, Cenelec or ETSI or by two or three of those bodies upon a remit from the Commission in accordance with Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regu lations and of rules on Information Society services ( 2 ) and the above mentioned general guidelines for coop eration.(9) The Council has adopted a series of Directives designedto remove technical barriers to trade in accordance withthe principles established in Resolution of 7 May 1985 on a new approach to technical harmonisation and standards ( 3 ); each of these Directives provides for the affixing of the CE marking. The Commission, in its Communication of 15 June 1989 on a global approach to certification and testing ( 4 ), proposed that common rules be drawn up concerning a CE marking with a single design. The Council, in its Resolution of 21 December 1989 on a global approach to conformityassessment ( 5 ), approved as a guiding principle theadoption of a consistent approach such as this with regard to the use of the CE marking. The two basic elements of the new approach which should be applied are the essential requirements and the conformity assessment procedures.(10) A check on compliance with the relevant technicalrequirements is necessary in order to provide effectiveprotection for users and third parties. The existing certifi cation procedures differ from one Member State to another. In order to avoid multiple inspections, which are in effect barriers to the free movement of appliancesburning gaseous fuels, arrangements should be made for the mutual recognition of certification procedures by the Member States. In order to facilitate mutual recognition of certification procedures, harmonised Community procedures and the criteria for appointing the bodies responsible for carrying out these procedures should be set up.(11) The Member States’ responsibility on their territory forsafety, health and energy conservation covered by theessential requirements should be recognised in a safeguard clause providing for an adequate Community procedure.(12) The addressees of any decision taken under this Directiveshould be informed of the reasons for such a decisionand the legal remedies available to them.(13) This Directive is without prejudice to the obligations ofthe Member States relating to the time-limits for trans position into national law and application of the Directives in Annex VI, Part B,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:CHAPTER 1SCOPE, DEFINITIONS, PLACING ON THE MARKET AND FREEMOVEMENTArticle 11. This Directive shall apply to appliances and fittings. Appliances specifically designed for use in industrial processes carried out on industrial premises shall be excluded from its scope.2. For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions shall apply:(a) ‘appliances’ means appliances burning gaseous fuels used forcooking, heating, hot water production, refrigeration, lighting or washing and having, where applicable, a normal water temperature not exceeding 105 °C. Forced draught burners and heating bodies to be equipped with such burners shall also be considered as appliances; (b) ‘fittings’ means safety devices, controlling devices or regu lating devices and sub-assemblies, other than forced draught burners and heating bodies to be equipped with such burners, separately marketed for trade use and designed to be incorporated into an appliance burning gaseous fuel or assembled to constitute such an appliance; (c) ‘gaseous fuel’ means any fuel which is in a gaseous state at atemperature of 15 °C under a pressure of 1 bar.( 1 ) OJ C 91, 16.4.2003, p. 7. ( 2 ) OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37. ( 3 ) OJ C 136, 4.6.1985, p. 1.( 4 ) OJ C 231, 8.9.1989, p. 3 and OJ C 267, 19.10.1989, p. 3. ( 5 ) OJ C 10, 16.1.1990, p. 1.3. For the purposes of this Directive, an appliance is said to be ‘normally used’ when it is:(a) correctly installed and regularly serviced in accordance withthe manufacturer’s instructions;(b) used with a normal variation in the gas quality and anormal fluctuation in the supply pressure; and(c) used in accordance with its intended purpose or in a waywhich can be reasonably foreseen.Article 21. Member States shall take all necessary steps to ensure that appliances may be placed on the market and put into service only if, when normally used, they do not compromise the safety of persons, domestic animals and property.2. Member States shall communicate in good time to the other Member States and the Commission all changes to the types of gas and corresponding supply pressures used on their territory which have been communicated in accordance with Article 2(2) of Directive 90/396/EEC.The Commission shall ensure that this information is published in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article 3Appliances and fittings shall satisfy the essential requirements applicable to them set out in Annex I.Article 41. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and the putting into service of appliances which comply with this Directive and which bear the CE marking provided for in Article 10.2. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of fittings accompanied by a certificate as referred to in Article 8(4).Article 51. Member States shall presume compliance with the essential requirements set out in Annex I of appliances and fittings when they conform to:(a) the national standards applicable to them implementing theharmonised standards the reference numbers of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union;(b) the national standards applicable to them in so far as, in theareas covered by such standards, no harmonised standards exist. 2. Member States shall publish the reference numbers of the national standards referred to in paragraph 1(a).They shall communicate to the Commission the texts of their national standards as referred to in paragraph 1(b) which they regard as complying with the essential requirements set out in Annex I.The Commission shall forward these national standards to the other Member States. In accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 6(2), it shall notify the Member States of those national standards which are presumed to conform with the essential requirements set out in Annex I.Article 61. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the standards referred to in Article 5(1) do not entirely meet the essential requirements set out in Annex I, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the standing committee established under Article 5 of Directive 98/34/EC, hereinafter referred to as ‘the committee’, giving the reasons therefor.The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.In the light of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the publications referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 5(2).2. After receipt of the communication referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 5(2), the Commission shall consult the committee.Upon receipt of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall, within one month, inform the Member States whether the national standard(s) in question are to enjoy the presumption of conformity. If they are, the Member States shall publish the reference numbers of those standards.The Commission shall also publish them in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article 71. Where a Member State finds that normally used appliances bearing the CE marking might compromise the safety of persons, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw those appliances from the market and prohibit or restrict their being placed on the market.The Member State concerned shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measure, indicating the reasons for its decision and, in particular, whether non-compliance is due to:(a) failure to meet the essential requirements set out in Annex I,where the appliance does not correspond to the standards referred to in Article 5(1);(b) incorrect application of the standards referred to inArticle 5(1);(c) shortcomings in the standards referred to in Article 5(1)themselves.2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned as soon as possible. Where, after such consultation, the Commission finds that any measure as referred to in paragraph 1 is justified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State that took the measure and the other Member States.Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is attributed to shortcomings in the standards, the Commission, after consulting the parties concerned, shall bring the matter before the committee within two months if the Member State which has taken the measures intends to maintain them, and shall initiate the procedures referred to in Article 6.3. Where an appliance which does not comply bears the CE marking, the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against whomsoever has affixed the CE marking and shall inform the Commission and the other Member States thereof.4. The Commission shall ensure that the Member States are kept informed of the progress and outcome of the procedures.CHAPTER 2MEANS OF CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMITYArticle 81. The means of certification of conformity of series- manufactured appliances shall be:(a) the EC type-examination as referred to in point 1 of AnnexII; and(b) prior to their being placed on the market, at the choice ofthe manufacturer:(i) the EC declaration of conformity to type referred to inpoint 2 of Annex II, or(ii) the EC declaration of conformity to type (guarantee of production quality) referred to in point 3 of Annex II,or(iii) the EC declaration of conformity to type (guarantee of product quality) referred to in point 4 of Annex II, or(iv) EC verification as referred to in point 5 of Annex II.2. In the case of production of an appliance as a single unit or in small quantities, EC verification by single unit, as referred to in point 6 of Annex II, may be chosen by the manufacturer.3. After completion of the procedures referred to in paragraphs 1(b) and 2, the CE marking shall be affixed to conforming appliances in accordance with Article 10.4. The means of certification of conformity referred to in paragraph 1 shall be applied in respect of fittings with the exception of the affixing of the CE marking and, where appropriate, the drawing-up of the declaration of conformity.A certificate shall be issued declaring the conformity of the fittings with the provisions of this Directive which apply to them and stating their characteristics and how they must be incorporated into an appliance or assembled to assist compliance with the essential requirements applicable to finished appliances set out in Annex I.The certificate shall be supplied with the fitting.5. Where the appliances are covered by other Directives dealing with other aspects and specifying the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the appliances are also presumed to conform to the provisions of those Directives.However, where one or more of these Directives allow the manufacturer, during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate conformity to the provisions only of those Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Union, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the Directives and accompanying such devices.6. Records and correspondence relating to the means of certification of conformity shall be drawn up in the official language(s) of the Member State where the body responsible for carrying out these procedures is established or in a language accepted by it.Article 91. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the bodies which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 8 together with the specific tasks which these bodies have been appointed to carry out and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.The Commission shall, for information, publish in the Official Journal of the European Union, a list of those bodies, and the identification numbers it has assigned to them and shall ensure that the list is kept up to date.2. Member States shall apply the criteria set out in Annex V for assessing the bodies to be notified.Bodies which satisfy the assessment criteria laid down in the applicable harmonised standards shall be presumed to satisfy the criteria set out in that Annex.3. AMemberStatewhichhasnotifiedabody mustwithdraw approval if it finds that the body no longer meets the criteria set out in Annex V. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States accordingly.CHAPTER 3CE MARKINGArticle 101. The CE marking and the inscriptions set out in Annex III shall be affixed in a visible, easily legible and indelible form to the appliance or to a data plate attached to it. The data plate shall be so designed that it cannot be re-used.2. The affixing of markings on the appliances which are likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other marking may be affixed to the appliance or to the data plate provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking are not thereby reduced.Article 11Without prejudice to Article 7:(a) where a Member State establishes that the CE marking hasbeen affixed unduly, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product comply as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under conditions imposed by that Member State;(b) where non-compliance continues, the Member State musttake all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the appliance in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.CHAPTER 4FINAL PROVISIONSArticle 12Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which includes restriction on the placing on the market and/or putting into service of an appliance shall state the precise grounds on which it is based. It shall be notified without delay to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member State in question and of the time-limits to which such remedies are subject.Article 13Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.Article 14Directive 90/396/EEC, as amended by the Directive listed in Annex VI, Part A, is repealed, without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law and application of the Directives set out in Annex VI, Part B.References to the repealed Directive shall be construed as references to this Directive and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex VII.Article 15This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article 16This Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done at Brussels, 30 November 2009.For the European ParliamentThe PresidentJ. BUZEKFor the CouncilThe PresidentB. ASKANNEX IESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTSPRELIMINARY REMARKThe obligations resulting from the essential requirements for appliances in this Annex also apply to fittings where the corresponding risk exists.CONDITIONS1. GENERAL1.1. Appliances must be so designed and built as to operate safely and present no danger to persons, domesticanimals or property when normally used as defined in Article 1(3) of this Directive.allmust:market,applianceson1.2. Whenplacedthe— be accompanied by technical instructions intended for the installer,— be accompanied by instructions for use and servicing, intended for the user,— bear appropriate warning notices, which must also appear on the packaging.The instructions and warning notices must be in the official language or languages of the Member States of destination.1.2.1. The technical instructions intended for the installer must contain all the instructions for installation, adjustmentand servicing required to ensure that those operations are correctly performed and that the appliance may be used safely. In particular, the instructions must specify:— the type of gas used,— the gas supply pressure used,— the flow of fresh air required:— for the combustion air supply,— to avoid the formation of dangerous unburned gas mixtures for appliances not fitted with the device referred to in point 3.2.3,— the conditions for the dispersal of combustion products,— for forced draught burners and heating bodies intended to be equipped with such burners, their characteristics, the requirements for assembly, to assist compliance with the essential requirements applicable to finished appliances and, where appropriate, the list of combinations recommended by the manufacturer.1.2.2. The instructions for use and servicing intended for the user must contain all the information required for safe use,and must in particular draw the user's attention to any restrictions on use.1.2.3. The warning notices on the appliance and its packaging must clearly state the type of gas used, the gas supplypressure and any restrictions on use, in particular the restriction whereby the appliance must be installed only in areas where there is sufficient ventilation.1.3. Fittings intended to be part of an appliance must be so designed and built as to fulfil correctly their intendedpurpose when incorporated in accordance with the instructions for installation.The instructions for installation, adjustment, operation and maintenance must be provided with the fittings concerned.2. MATERIALS2.1. Materials must be appropriate for their intended purpose and must withstand the technical, chemical and thermalconditions to which they will foreseeably be subjected.2.2. The properties of materials that are important for safety must be guaranteed by the manufacturer or the supplierof the appliance.3. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 3.1. General3.1.1. Appliances must be so constructed that, when used normally, no instability, distortion, breakage or wear likely toimpair their safety can occur. 3.1.2. Condensation produced at the start-up and/or during use must not affect the safety of appliances.3.1.3. Appliances must be so designed and constructed as to minimise the risk of explosion in the event of a fire ofexternal origin. 3.1.4. Appliances must be so constructed that water and inappropriate air penetration into the gas circuit does notoccur. 3.1.5. In the event of a normal fluctuation of auxiliary energy, appliances must continue to operate safely.3.1.6. Abnormal fluctuation or failure of auxiliary energy or its restoration must not lead to an unsafe situation. 3.1.7. Appliances must be so designed and constructed as to obviate hazards of electrical origin. In the area in which itapplies, compliance with the safety objectives in respect of electrical hazards laid down in Directive 2006/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 1 ) shall be equivalent to fulfilment of this requirement. 3.1.8. All pressurised parts of an appliance must withstand the mechanical and thermal stresses to which they aresubjected without any deformation affecting safety. 3.1.9. Appliances must be so designed and constructed that failure of a safety, controlling or regulating device may notlead to an unsafe situation. 3.1.10. If an appliance is equipped with safety and controlling devices, the functioning of the safety devices must not beoverruled by that of the controlling devices. 3.1.11. All parts of appliances which are set or adjusted at the stage of manufacture and which should not bemanipulated by the user or the installer must be appropriately protected. 3.1.12. Levers and other controlling and setting devices must be clearly marked and give appropriate instructions so as toprevent any error in handling. Their design must be such as to preclude accidental manipulation. 3.2. Unburned gas release3.2.1. Appliances must be so constructed that the gas leakage rate is not dangerous.3.2.2. Appliances must be so constructed that gas release during ignition and re-ignition and after flame extinction islimited in order to avoid a dangerous accumulation of unburned gas in the appliance. 3.2.3. Appliances intended to be used in indoor spaces and rooms must be fitted with a special device which avoids adangerous accumulation of unburned gas in such spaces or rooms.Appliances which are not fitted with such devices must be used only in areas where there is sufficient ventilation to avoid a dangerous accumulation of unburned gas.Member States may define on their territory adequate space ventilation conditions for the installation of such appliances, bearing in mind the features peculiar to them.Large-scale kitchen appliances and appliances powered by gas containing toxic components must be equipped with the aforesaid device.3.3. IgnitionAppliances must be so constructed that, when used normally: — ignition and re-ignition is smooth, — cross-lighting is assured.( 1 ) OJ L 374, 27.12.2006, p. 10.3.4. Combustion3.4.1. Appliances must be so constructed that, when used normally, flame stability is assured and combustion productsdo not contain unacceptable concentrations of substances harmful to health.3.4.2. Appliances must be so constructed that, when used normally, there will be no accidental release of combustionproducts.3.4.3. Appliances connected to a flue for the dispersal of combustion products must be so constructed that in abnormaldraught conditions there is no release of combustion products in a dangerous quantity into the room concerned.3.4.4. Independent flueless domestic heating appliances and flueless instantaneous water heaters must not cause, in theroom or space concerned, a carbon monoxide concentration likely to present a danger to the health of persons exposed, bearing in mind the foreseeable duration of their exposure.energyof3.5. RationaluseAppliances must be so constructed as to ensure rational use of energy, reflecting the state of the art and taking into account safety aspects.3.6. Temperatures3.6.1. Parts of appliances which are intended to be placed in close proximity to the floor or other surfaces must notreach temperatures which present a danger in the surrounding area.3.6.2. The surface temperature of knobs and levers of appliances intended to be manipulated must not present a dangerto the user.3.6.3. The surface temperatures of external parts of appliances intended for domestic use, with the exception of surfacesor parts which are associated with the transmission of heat, must not under operating conditions present a danger to the user and in particular to children, for whom an appropriate reaction time must be taken into account.sanitarypurposesforandused3.7. FoodstuffswaterWithout prejudice to the Community rules in this area, materials and components used in the construction of an appliance, which may come into contact with food or water used for sanitary purposes, must not impair their quality.。