



国家开放大学最新《建筑工程计量与计价》期末复习综合练习(1-6)试题答案综合练习1一、单项选择题试题 1得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文工程造价多次性计价的程序是()。

选择一项:a.概算-估算-预算-决算-结算b.估算-概算-预算-结算-决算c.概算-估算-预算-结算-决算d.估算-预算-概算-结算-决算反馈正确答案是:估算-概算-预算-结算-决算试题 2得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文施工图预算是根据()编制的。

选择一项:a.施工定额b.概算定额c.预算定额d.概算指标反馈正确答案是:预算定额试题 3得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文修正概算造价是在()阶段测算和确定的。

选择一项:a.初步设计b.施工图设计c.决策d.技术设计反馈正确答案是:技术设计试题 4得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文建设项目的实际造价是()。

选择一项:a.竣工决算价b.竣工结算价c.总承包价d.承包合同价反馈正确答案是:竣工决算价得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文工程实际造价是在()阶段确定的。

选择一项:a.招投标b.竣工验收c.施工图设计d.合同签订反馈正确答案是:竣工验收试题 6得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文概算造价是指在初步设计阶段,预先测算和确定的工程造价,它主要受()控制。

选择一项:a.合同价b.修正概算c.投资估算d.预算造价反馈正确答案是:投资估算试题 7得分 1.00/1.00 分()是综合反映竣工项目建设成果和财务情况的总结性文件。

选择一项:a.施工预算b.施工图预算c.竣工决算d.竣工结算反馈正确答案是:竣工决算试题 8得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文按基本建设程序,可行性研究阶段后进入()阶段。

选择一项:a.项目建议书b.编制设计文件c.编制设计任务书d.建设实施反馈正确答案是:编制设计文件试题 9得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文建设项目的总管单位是()。

a.施工单位b.设计单位c.建立单位d.业主单位反馈正确答案是:业主单位试题信息信息文本二、多选题试题 10得分 1.00/1.00 分试题正文工程项目的种类繁多,按建设性质工程项目可以划分为()。






















2.下列是材料一的前三句话的中心词,你认为最不合适的一项是()A. 元宵上市张灯结彩各形各色B.春节高潮红火美丽各形各色C. 元宵上市张灯结彩几百盏灯D.春节高潮办喜事彩绘故事3.画波浪线的句子里有四个词语意思相似,分别是、、和。





人教版八年级上册地理期末复习专项素养综合练习题1我国的人口状况据国家统计局数据,2021年全年出生人口1 062万人,人口出生率为7.52‰;死亡人口1 014万人,人口死亡率为7.18‰。



1.2021年我国新增人口是( )A.1 062万B.1 014万C.48万D.1 076万2.2021年我国人口自然增长率是( )A.7.52‰B.7.18‰C.0.54‰D.0.34‰我国已完成七次全国人口普查工作。



3.2010—2020年间( )A.0—14岁人口数量减少B.15—59岁人口比重增加C.60岁以上人口比重增加D.全国人口增长超过1亿4.人口普查可以( )①掌握人口规模的变化②查清人口结构的状况③改变人口空间分布格局④提供人口政策制定的依据A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④人口性别比反映男女两性人口之间的数量对比关系,通常定义为每100名女性对应的男性人数。



5.该市常住人口数量不断增加的根本原因是( )A.社会经济发展B.教育水平提高C.交通条件改善D.生活成本降低6.该市人口从“女多男少”转为“男多女少”的时间段是( )A.1982—1990年B.1990—2000年C.2000—2010年D.2010—2020年7.1982—2020年,该市人口性别比变化的原因主要是( )A.产业结构改变B.医疗保健水平提高C.城市规模扩大D.计划生育政策调整老龄化社会是指60岁及以上人口占全社会人口比重达到10%或65岁及以上人口达到7%的社会。










1元2角=()角 50角=()元 100分=()角



一、104 15 28 42
二、①2 5 ②15 ③3


四、12 5 10 元角
五、(1)38>35 卖出的多,所以比原来的少。


部编四下语文期末复习练习一 有答案

部编四下语文期末复习练习一 有答案



(1)仪仗队步伐zhěng qí()划一,动作xiāo sǎ()利落,威武bàqì()!(2)小院wūyán()上涂着鲜艳的颜色,院子里种着xiàng rìkuí(),墙上爬满nèn lǜ()的téng luó()。

2.下列词语中,加点字的读音正确的一项是( )。

A.树冠.(guān)慰藉.(jí)膨.胀(péng)B.宾.馆(bīng)胆怯.(qiè)晕.皱(yùn)C.屏.息(bǐng)奢侈.(chǐ)倔强.(jiàng)D.安徽.(huī)搓.手(cuō)解剖.(pō)3.下列加点字与“驻扎”的“扎”读音相同的一项是( )。

A.扎.风筝B.扎.针C.挣扎.D.一扎.干草4.下列词语书写不完全正确的一项是( )。

A.晌午拂拭和谐B.侍候隐形健康C.额角幸福鸟呜D.分辨枪栓规矩5.“皲”的意思最可能是指( )。

A.军队庞大B.皮肤破裂C.衣服破旧D.山坡陡峭6.与下面句子中的加点词意思最相近的词是( )。


A.维护B.保卫C.保持D.保护7.他对不同的人就用不同的表情和言语,真像“( )”。

A.纸老虎B.变色龙C.千里马D.铁公鸡8.下列成语中,不是关于读书求学的一项是( )。

A.悬梁刺股B.手不释卷C.程门立雪D.走马观花9.与“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”意思相近的是哪一句?( )A.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。




10.下列句子中,没有语病的是哪一项?( )A.看了《“诺曼底号”遇难记》,使我的内心受到了震撼。



《高等数学(一)》期末复习题一、选择题1. 极限)x x →∞的结果是 ( C ).(A )0 (B ) ∞ (C ) 12(D )不存在 2. 设()xxx f +-=11ln,则)(x f 是 ( A ). (A )奇函数 (B) 偶函数 (C )非奇非偶函数 (D )既奇又偶函数 3. 极限21lim sinx x x→= ( A ) . (A )0 (B) 1 (C )+∞ (D )-∞ 4. 方程3310x x -+=在区间(0,1)内( B ).(A )无实根 (B )有唯一实根 (C )有两个实根 (D )有三个实根 5. 设()()ln 1f x x =+,g (x )=x ,则当0x →时,()f x 是()g x 的( A ).(A )等价无穷小 (B) 低阶无穷小(C )高阶无穷小 (D) 同阶但非等价无穷小 6. 下列变量中,是无穷小量的为( A ).(A ))1(ln →x x (B ))0(1ln +→x x (C )cos (0)x x → (D ))2(422→--x x x 7. 极限011lim(sinsin )x x x x x→- 的结果是( C ).(A )0 (B ) 1 (C ) 1- (D )不存在8. 下列函数中满足罗尔定理条件的是( D ).(A )()2,[0,1]f x x x =-∈ (B) 3(),[0,1]f x x x =∈ (C )(),[1,1]f x x x =∈- (D)4(),[1,1]f x x x =∈-9. 函数1cos sin ++=x x y 是( C ).(A )奇函数 (B )偶函数 (C )非奇非偶函数 (D )既是奇函数又是偶函数 10. 当0→x 时, 下列是无穷小量的是( B ).(A )1+x e (B) )1ln(+x (C) )1sin(+x (D) 1+x11. 当x →∞时,下列函数中有极限的是( A ).(A )211x x +- (B) cos x (C) 1xe(D)arctan x 12. 方程310(0)x px p ++=>的实根个数是 ( B ).(A )零个 (B )一个 (C )二个 (D )三个 13.21()1dx x '=+⎰( B ).(A )211x + (B )211C x++ (C ) arctan x (D ) arctan x c + 14. 定积分()f x dx ⎰是( A ).(A )一个函数族 (B )()f x 的的一个原函数 (C )一个常数 (D )一个非负常数15.函数(ln y x =+是( A ).(A )奇函数 (B )偶函数 (C ) 非奇非偶函数 (D )既是奇函数又是偶函数 16. 设函数在区间上连续,在开区间内可导,且,则( B ).(A) (B) (C) (D) 17. 设曲线221x y e-=-,则下列选项成立的是( C ). (A) 没有渐近线 (B) 仅有铅直渐近线 (C) 既有水平渐近线又有铅直渐近线 (D) 仅有水平渐近线 18. 设是的一个原函数,则等式( D )成立.(A )(B) (C ) (D)19. 设⎰+=C x dx x xf arcsin )(,则⎰=dx x f )(1( B ). (A )C x +--32)1(43 (B )C x +--32)1(31 (C )C x +-322)1(43 (D )C x +-322)1(32()f x []0,1()0,1()0f x '>()00f <()()10f f >()10f >()()10f f <F x ()f x ()dd d x f x x F x (())()⎰='=+⎰F x x f x c()()d '=⎰F x x F x ()()d dd d xf x x f x (())()⎰=20. 数列})1({nn n-+的极限为( A ).(A )1(B) 1-(C) 0(D) 不存在21. 下列命题中正确的是( B ).(A )有界量和无穷大量的乘积仍为无穷大量(B )有界量和无穷小量的乘积仍为无穷小量 (C )两无穷大量的和仍为无穷大量 (D )两无穷大量的差为零 22. 若()()f x g x ''=,则下列式子一定成立的有( C ).(A)()()f x g x = (B)()()df x dg x =⎰⎰(C)(())(())df x dg x ''=⎰⎰(D)()()1f x g x =+ 23. 下列曲线有斜渐近线的是 ( C ).(A)sin y x x =+ (B)2sin y x x =+ (C)1siny x x =+ (D)21sin y x x=+ 24. 函数)1,0(11)(≠>+-=a a a a x x f x x ( B ).(A )是奇函数 (B )是偶函数(C )既奇函数又是偶函数 (D )是非奇非偶函数 25. 下列函数中满足罗尔定理条件的是( D ).(A )]1,0[,1)(∈-=x x x f (B)]1,0[,)(2∈=x x x f (C )()sin ,[1,1]f x x x =∈- (D)]1,1[,)(2-∈=x x x f26. 若函数221)1(xx x x f +=+,则=)(x f ( B ). (A )2x (B )22-x (C )2)1(-x (D )12-x 27. 设函数,ln )(x x x f =则下面关于)(x f 的说法正确的是( A ).(A )在(0,e 1)内单调递减 (B)在(+∞,1e)内单调递减 (C )在(0,+∞)内单调递减 (D)(0,+∞)在内单调递增28. 设1)(+=x x f ,则)1)((+x f f =( D ).(A )x (B )x + 1 (C )x + 2 (D )x + 329. 已知0)1(lim 2=--+∞→b ax x x x ,其中a ,b 是常数,则( C ).(A )1,1==b a , (B )1,1=-=b a (C )1,1-==b a (D )1,1-=-=b a 30. 下列函数在指定的变化过程中,( B )是无穷小量.(A ) (B )(C ) (D )31. 设函数(),2x xe ef x -+=则下面关于)(x f 的说法正确的是( B ) .(A )在(0,)+∞内单调递减 (B)在(,0)-∞内单调递减 (C )在(,0)-∞内单调递增 (D)在(,)-∞+∞内单调递增32. 下列函数中,在给定趋势下是无界变量且为无穷大的函数是( C ).(A ))(1sin∞→=x xx y (B )())(1∞→=-n n y n (C ))0(ln +→=x x y (D ))0(1cos 1→=x xx y33. 设⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤>=0,0,1sin )(x x x xx x f ,则)(x f 在0=x 处( B ). (A )连续且可导(B )连续但不可导 (C )不连续但可导(D )既不连续又不可导34. 在下列等式中,正确的是( C ).(A )()()f x dx f x '=⎰ (B) ()()df x f x =⎰(C )()()df x dx f x dx=⎰ (D)[()]()d f x dx f x =⎰ 35. 曲线x x y -=3在点(1,0)处的切线是( A ).(A )22-=x y(B )22+-=x ye 1xx ,()→∞sin ,()xxx →∞ln(),()11+→x x x xx +-→110,()(C )22+=x y(D )22--=x y36. 已知441x y =,则y ''=( B ). (A ) 3x (B )23x (C )x 6 (D ) 6 37. 若x xf =)1(,则=')(x f ( D ).(A )x 1 (B )21x (C )x 1- (D )21x-38. 下列各组函数中,是相同的函数的是( B ).(A )()()2ln 2ln f x x g x x == 和 (B )()||f x x = 和 ()g x =(C )()f x x = 和 ()2g x =(D )()||x f x x=和 ()g x =1 39. 函数()()20ln 10x f x x a x ≠=+⎨⎪=⎩ 在0x =处连续,则a =( B ).(A )0 (B )14(C )1 (D )240. 曲线ln y x x =的平行于直线10x y -+=的切线方程为( A ).(A )1y x =- (B )(1)y x =-+ (C )()()ln 11y x x =-- (D )y x = 41. 设函数()||f x x =,则函数在点0x =处( C ).(A )连续且可导 (B )连续且可微 (C )连续不可导 (D )不连续不可微 42. 设()f x 可微,则0()(2)limh f x f x h h→--=( D ).(A )()f x '- (B)1()2f x ' (C )2()f x '- (D)2()f x '43. 点0x =是函数4y x =的( D ).(A )驻点但非极值点 (B )拐点 (C )驻点且是拐点 (D )驻点且是极值点 44. 曲线1||y x =的渐近线情况是( C ). (A )只有水平渐近线 (B )只有垂直渐近线(C )既有水平渐近线又有垂直渐近线 (D )既无水平渐近线又无垂直渐近线45.211f dx x x⎛⎫' ⎪⎝⎭⎰的结果是( D ). (A )1f C x ⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎝⎭(B )1f C x ⎛⎫--+ ⎪⎝⎭(C )1f C x ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭(D )1f C x ⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎝⎭46.x x dxe e -+⎰的结果是( A ).(A )arctan x e C + (B )arctan x e C -+ (C )x x e e C --+ (D )ln()x x e e C -++47. 下列各组函数中,是相同函数的是( C ).(A) ()f x x =和()g x =()211x f x x -=-和1y x =+(C) ()f x x =和()22(sin cos )g x x x x =+ (D) ()2ln f x x =和()2ln g x x =48. 设函数()()2sin 21112111x x x f x x x x -⎧<⎪-⎪⎪==⎨⎪->⎪⎪⎩,则()1lim x f x →=( D ).(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D)不存在49. 设函数22456x y x x -=-+,则2x =是函数的( A ).(A) 可去间断点 (B) 跳跃间断点 (C) 无穷间断点 (D) 振荡间断点 50. 设函数()y f x =在点0x 处可导,且()f x '>0, 曲线则()y f x =在点()()00,x f x 处的切线的倾斜角为( C ). (A) 0 (B)2π(C)锐角 (D)钝角 51. 曲线ln y x =上某点的切线平行于直线23y x =-,则该点坐标是( D ).(A) 12,ln2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ (B) 12,ln 2⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭ (C) 1,ln 22⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ (D) 1,ln 22⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭52. 函数2x y x e -=及图象在()1,2内是( B ).(A)单调减少且是凸的 (B)单调增加且是凸的 (C)单调减少且是凹的 (D)单调增加且是凹的 53. 以下结论正确的是( C ).(A) 若0x 为函数()y f x =的驻点,则0x 必为函数()y f x =的极值点. (B) 函数()y f x =导数不存在的点,一定不是函数()y f x =的极值点. (C) 若函数()y f x =在0x 处取得极值,且()0f x '存在,则必有()0f x '=0. (D) 若函数()y f x =在0x 处连续,则()0f x '一定存在.54. 设函数22132x y x x -=-+,则1x =是函数的( A ).(A )可去间断点 (B) 跳跃间断点 (C) 无穷间断点 (D) 振荡间断点 55. 设函数()y f x =的一个原函数为12x x e ,则()f x =( A ).(A) ()121x x e - (B)12xx e - (C) ()121x x e + (D) 12xxe56. 若()()f x dx F x c =+⎰,则()sin cos xf x dx =⎰( D ).(A) ()sin F x c + (B) ()sin F x c -+ (C) ()cos F x c + (D) ()cos F x c -+57. 函数21,0e ,0xx x y x ⎧+<=⎨≥⎩在点0x =处( D ).(A )连续且可导 (B) 不连续且不可导 (C) 不连续但可导 (D) 连续但不可导 58. 函数 2)1ln(++-=x x y 的定义域是( C ).(A ) []1,2- (B ) [)1,2- (C )(]1,2- (D )()1,2- 59. 极限x x e ∞→lim 的值是( D ).(A )∞+ (B ) 0 (C )∞- (D )不存在 60. =--→211)1sin(limx x x ( C ).(A )1 (B ) 0 (C )21-(D )2161. 曲线 23-+=x x y 在点)0,1(处的切线方程是( B ).(A ) )1(2-=x y (B ))1(4-=x y (C )14-=x y (D ))1(3-=x y62. 函数, 0,0xx x y e x <⎧=⎨≥⎩在点0x =处( B ). (A )连续且可导 (B) 不连续且不可导 (C) 不连续但可导 (D) 连续但不可导 63. 下列各微分式正确的是( C ).(A ))(2x d xdx = (B ))2(sin 2cos x d xdx = (C ))5(x d dx --= (D )22)()(dx x d = 64. 设⎰+=C xdx x f 2cos 2)( ,则 =)(x f ( B ). (A )2sin x (B ) 2sin x - (C )C x +2sin (D )2sin 2x-65. 设()f x 可微,则0(2)()limh f x h f x h→+-=( D ).(A )()f x '- (B)1()2f x ' (C)2()f x '- (D)2()f x ' 66.⎰=+dx x xln 2( B ).(A )Cx x ++-22ln 212 (B )C x ++2)ln 2(21(C )C x ++ln 2ln (D )C xx++-2ln 1 67. 函数)1lg(12+++=x x y 的定义域是( B ).(A )()()+∞--,01,2 (B )()),0(0,1+∞- (C )),0()0,1(+∞- (D )),1(+∞-68. 设0tan 4()lim6sin x x f x x →+=,则0()lim x f x x→=( B ) .(A )1 (B )2 (C )6 (D )24 69. 下列各式中,极限存在的是( A ).(A ) x x cos lim 0→ (B )x x arctan lim ∞→ (C )x x sin lim ∞→ (D )x x 2lim +∞→70. =+∞→xx xx )1(lim ( D ). (A )e (B )2e (C )1 (D )e1 71. 设0sin 4()lim5sin x x f x x →+=,则0()lim x f x x→=( B ) .(A )0 (B )1 (C )5 (D )2572. 曲线x x y ln =的平行于直线01=+-y x 的切线方程是( C ).(A )x y = (B ))1)(1(ln --=x x y (C )1-=x y (D ))1(+-=x y73. 已知x x y 3sin = ,则=dy ( B ).(A )dx x x )3sin 33cos (+- (B )dx x x x )3cos 33(sin + (C )dx x x )3sin 3(cos + (D )dx x x x )3cos 3(sin + 74. 下列等式成立的是( C ).(A )⎰++=-C x dx x 111ααα (B )⎰+=C x a dx a x x ln (C )⎰+=C x xdx sin cos (D )⎰++=C xxdx 211tan 75. 极限01lim sinx x x→= ( A ) . (A ) 0 (B) 1 (C )+∞ (D) -∞ 76. 设()1cos f x x =-,()2g x x =,则当0x →时,()f x 是()g x 的( D ).(A )等价无穷小 (B) 低阶无穷小 (C ) 高阶无穷小 (D) 同阶但非等价无穷小 77. 计算⎰xdx x e x cos sin sin 的结果中正确的是( D ).(A )C e x +sin (B )C x e x +cos sin (C )C x e x +sin sin (D )C x e x +-)1(sin sin78. 5lg 1)(-=x x f 的定义域是( D ).(A )()),5(5,+∞∞- (B )()),6(6,+∞∞-(C )()),4(4,+∞∞- (D )())5,4(4, ∞- ()),6(6,5+∞79. 如果函数f (x )的定义域为[1,2],则函数f (x )+f (x 2)的定义域是( B ).(A )[1,2] (B )[1,2] (C )]2,2[- (D )]2,1[]1,2[ --80. 函数)1lg()1lg(22x x x x y -++++=( D ).(A )是奇函数,非偶函数 (B )是偶函数,非奇函数 (C )既非奇函数,又非偶函数 (D )既是奇函数,又是偶函数 81. 设()sin f x x x =,则)(x f 是( C ).(A )非奇非偶函数 (B) 奇函数 (C)偶函数 (D) 既奇又偶函数 82. 函数)10(1)(2≤≤--=x x x f 的反函数=-)(1x f( C ).(A )21x - (B )21x --(C ))01(12≤≤--x x (D ))01(12≤≤---x x 83. 下列数列收敛的是( C ).(A )1)1()(1+-=+n n n f n (B )⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-+=为偶数为奇数n nn n n f ,11,11)((C )⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+=为偶数为奇数n n n n n f ,11,1)( (D )⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧-+=为偶数为奇数n n n f nn n n ,221,221)(84. 设1111.0个n n y =,则当∞→n 时,该数列( C ).(A )收敛于0.1 (B )收敛于0.2 (C )收敛于91(D )发散 85. 下列极限存在的是( A ).(A )2)1(lim x x x x +∞→ (B )121lim -∞→x x (C )x x e 10lim → (D )x x x 1lim 2++∞→ 86. xx xx x x sin 2sin 2lim 22+-+∞→=( A ).(A )21(B )2 (C )0 (D )不存在 87. =--→1)1sin(lim 21x x x ( B ).(A )1 (B )2 (C )21(D )0 88. 下列极限中结果等于e 的是( B ).(A )xx x x x sin 0)sin 1(lim +→ (B )x xx x x sin )sin 1(lim +∞→ (C )xxx xxsin )sin 1(lim -∞→- (D )xxx xxsin 0)sin 1(lim +→89. 函数||ln 1x y =的间断点有( C )个. (A )1 (B )2 (C )3 (D )4 90. 下列结论错误的是( A ).(A )如果函数f (x )在点x =x 0处连续,则f (x )在点x =x 0处可导; (B )如果函数f (x )在点x =x 0处不连续,则f (x )在点x =x 0处不可导; (C )如果函数f (x )在点x =x 0处可导,则f (x )在点x =x 0处连续; (D )如果函数f (x )在点x =x 0处不可导,则f (x )在点x =x 0处也可能连续。



上海牛津版8B期末复习-语法专项复习(一)音标:1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciations from the others? A.flow B.window C.however D.narrow 2.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A.They are the two main characters in this novel.B.He bought some Christmas gifts for his children yesterday.C.It is said that chocolate is good for our heart.D.Factories mustn’t pour chemicals into rivers.3.Which of the underlined parts has a different sound from the rest?A.He has developed from a child into an adult.B.Please write or cable as soon as you arrive.C.My five-year-old son behaved well at my friend’s party.D.Now a lot of people come to realize the nature of happiness.4.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.There are a lot of reasons for doing this.B.Black tea was invented in China during the Ming Dynasty.C.Some dogs create a lot of mess on the road.D.He reached the hospital in time.5.Happiness is really important in our daily life. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?A.['daili]B.['diəli]C.['deili]D.['deəli] 6.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.I can hardly believe the news.B.It is quite warm in spring in Shanghai.C.Two young women were arguing in a supermarket.D.My mother is a super star in my eyes.7.We are planning to go abroad this summer holiday. Which of the following is correct? A.[ə'brɔːd]B.[ə'bɔːrd]C.[ə'brəʊd]D.[ə'bəʊrd] 8.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?A.concert B.produce C.drop D.cross9.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A.If you use your head, you will find a way.B.The first snow came a month earlier than usual.C.Janet is a middle school student at the moment.D.I can get to the party in time if I hurry up.10.I didn't realize my mistake until the teacher pointed it out. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A./ 'reəlaiz/B./’rɪəlaɪz /C./ 'rʊəlaiz/D./ 'ri: laiz/ 11.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A.We ought to be green consumers.B.She refused my invitation.C.We mustn't pollute the air.D.The cup can be reused.12.Trees are our natural pollution fighters. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A./'neɪtʃə/B./'nætʃərəl/C./'neɪtʃərəl /D./'nætʃə / 13.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A.I used to work in Paris.B.You need to pack all things up.C.Miss Lin is very patient.D.We’re going to learn a long passage. Keys:1.C2.C3.A4.C5.C6.B7.A8.B9.D10.B11.C12.B13.C冠词:1.________ Yangtze River is one of ________ longest rivers in China.A.The; the B./; the C.The; /D./; /2.Jack and Rose saw ______ exciting film last Sunday. ______ film is called Titanic.A.a; A B.an; The C.the; A D./; The3.There will be ______ exhibition about flowers this Sunday.A.a B.an C.the D./4.Can you tell me ________ location of the fire exit?A.a B.an C.the D./5.The girl standing next to the headmaster is _______ university student from America. A.a B.an C.the D./6.We should give ______ blind a hand when they cross the busy road.A./B.a C.an D.the7.________ restaurant next to our school is very good.A.A B.An C.Tthe D./ 8.Benjamin Franklin travelled across _________ Atlantic Ocean eight times.A.a B.an C.the D./9.In fact, young woman in red is our president’s daughter.A.a B.an C.the D./10.The old lady with white hair can speak _______ French very well.A.the B.a C.an D./11.Central Park is a good place for many Americans to relax after ______ hard day’s work. A.a B.an C.the D./12.My mother always says that I ought to be honest man.A.a B.an C.the D./13.Mum, ______ air-conditioner in my room doesn’t work. I need it repaired.A.an B.a C.the D./Keys:1.A2.B3.B4.C5.A6.D7.C8.C9.C10.D11.A12.B13.C非谓语:1.Drivers are warned ________ after drinking wine.A.to drive B.not to drive C.not drive D.not driving 2.Please make the windows ________ to let the fresh air in.A.open B.opening C.to open D.opened3.The Internet enables us ________ information easily.A.get B.getting C.to get D.gets4.The new policy enables people ________ train tickets either from the station or the Internet. A.buying B.to buy C.buy D.bought 5.What is the best way ______ a foreign language?A.study B.studied C.studying D.to study6.V olunteering gives you a chance _______ lives, including your own.A.change B.changing C.to change D.changed 7.The new washing machine _____ my mum _____ the washing better and faster.A.lets; to do B.allow; to do C.makes; doing D.enables; to do 8.The underground enables you Pudong very soon.A.reach B.to reach C.reaching D.reached 9.Anyone who enjoys books can come to the library to borrow 10 books.A.read B.to read C.reads D.reading10.I happened to hear the little boy living next-door the piano wonderfully last night. A.playing B.to play C.play D.played 11.How lucky I am to keys with me before closing the door!A.remember taking B.remember to takeC.forget taking D.forget to take12.Many boy students prefer computer games to their homework.A.to play…to do B.to play…doingC.playing…to do D.playing...doing13.Mr. White is kind enough to stop his own work me with my work.A.helps B.helping C.to help D.HelpKeys:1.B2.A3.C4.B5.D6.C7.D8.B9.D10.A11.A12.D13.C代词:1.You don't need to go to the supermarket. We still have ________ rice.A.little B.a few C.few D.a little2.Mary has bought several beautiful dresses. And the red ________ fits her best.A.ones B.one C.it D.they3.He has ______ experience as chief editor although he has a lot of experience as sports editor. A.few B.a few C.little D.a little4.With the help of their teachers, they have made ______ mistakes this term than before. A.less B.a little C.fewer D.a few5.Mark never thinks about other people. He only thinks about _______.A.he B.him C.himself D.his6.Mary’s birthday is coming. She will invite you and ______ to her birthday party.A.I B.me C.mine D.myself7.Peter wet some towels and put ________ along the bottom of the door during the fire.A.it B.them C.one D.ones8.Kitty really did very well in exercises. She made ________ mistakes.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few9._______ of his parents is short-sighted, but he is.A.None B.Either C.Neither D.Both10.After the visitors arrived, the manager showed________ around the product exhibition room. A.they B.their C.them D.themselves11._________ Sue _____ her parents enjoy reading poems at home. They want to give a show in the local community.A.Not only…but also B.Either…orC./…as well as D.Neither… nor12.---Which book do you want?---The ________on the desk.A.it B.them C.ones D.one13.There was ________ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.A.few B.little C.a few D.a little14.At the customs house my wife showed __________ passport and I showed _____________. A.her, my B.hers, mine C.her, mine D.hers, my 15.—These sunglasses are all new arrivals.Which do you like better?—The light black .A.ones B.one C.them D.it16.At the beginning of the job interview,Peter was asked to introduce in brief.A.he B.him C.his D.himself17.My new computer is different from ______.A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself 18.______ of my two friends are talking with the foreigner.A.None B.Any C.All D.Both19.It's unusual for him to be so active because he is often a boy of words.A.few B.little C.many D.much 20.Mary likes singing dancing. In fact, she likes drawing best. A.neither...nor B.either…or C.both…and D.not only…but also 21.We need to know how to protect ______ when shopping online.A.ourselves B.us C.we D.ours 22.There is only ______ milk in the fridge. It’s not enough for me to make the milk tea. A.few B.a few C.little D.a littleKeys:1.D2.B3.C4.C5.C6.B7.B8.B9.C10.C11.A12.D13.B14.C15.A16.D 17.C18.D19.A20.A21.A22.D。



五年级数学下册期末复习试卷(一)一 、选择题。

1. 一根绳被剪成两段,第一段长52米,第二段占全长的52。

比较两段的长度,发现( )。

A.第一段长 B.第二段长 C.一样长 D.无法判断2. 把 27 的分子加上10,要使分数的大小不变,分母应加上( )。

A.10B. 42C. 35 D .283. 一个五位数万位上是最小的质数,十位上是最小的合数,其余各个数位上数字相同,这个五位数一定是( )。

A.2的倍数B.3的倍数C.5的倍数D.无法判断4. 小军、小明两人读同一篇文章,小军用51小时,小明用了61小时,( )读得快。

A.小军 B.小明 C.一样快 D.无法判断5. 分母是8的最简真分数有( )个。

A .2B .3C .4D .76.学校合唱社团,每组5人或每组8人都多1人,学校合唱社团最少有( )。

A .81 人B .41人C .40 人D .39人7. 右图中,正方形的面积是10平方厘米,圆的面积是( )。

A .2.5π平方厘米B .4π 平方厘米C .5π平方厘米D .6.25π平方厘米8. 古希腊人认为:如果一个数恰好等于它的所有因数(本身除外)相加之和,那么这个数就是“完美数”。

下面各数中,是“完美数”的是( )。

A.14B.28C.35D.519.要反映一个人一天的体温变化情况,应绘制( )。

A.复式统计表B.单式统计表C.条形统计图D.折线统计图10. 如右图,小红从甲地到乙地有两条路线可走,走哪一条路线近一些?( )。

A. 走①号路线近B. 走②号路线近C.一样近D.无法确定二、填空题。

1.( )÷20=)(15=53=15)(=( )(此空填小数)。

2. 一个数最大因数与最小倍数的和是36,把这个数分解质因数,是( )。
























综合练习及答案(一)单项选择题1.谁首次以“管理心理学”命名出版了自己的专著?( A )A.莱维特B.马斯洛C.闵斯特伯格D.泰勒2.梅奥在霍桑实验基础上提出的理论被称为什么理论?( B )A.群体动力B.人际关系C.需要层次D.科学管理3.研究者有目的地通过严格控制或创设条件,主动引起被试的行为变化,从而进行研究的方法是(D)A.测验法B.观察法C.个案法D.实验法4.群体动力理论的创始人是德国心理学家( D )A.冯特B.马斯洛C.闵斯特伯格D.勒温5.能够提供对某一个体、某一团体或某一组织的详尽分析,能提供变化的动态方面的见解,对于组织内部问题的诊断和纠正极有帮助的方法是( C )A.测验法B.观察法C.个案法D.实验法6.被称作“工业心理学之父”的是( C )A.莱维持B.马斯洛C.闵斯特伯格D.泰勒7.“鸡尾酒会效应”说明知觉具有( A )。

A.选择性B.理解性C.整体性D.恒常性8.“一俊遮百丑"属于社会知觉中的什么效应?( C )A.首因效应B.近因效应C.晕轮效应D.社会刻板印象9.有人对女性的评价是“年轻时唧唧喳喳,结婚有了孩子拖拖拉拉,老了婆婆妈妈”,这属于社会知觉中的(D)。

A.首因效应B.近因效应C.晕轮效应D.社会刻板印象10.库利的“镜中我”理论属于哪种自我认知方式?( A )A.他人评价B.社会比较C.内省D.自我显示11.一个身穿游泳衣的人在海滨打水仗或游泳,不会有人注意他,但如果他这身打扮去商场购物就会被认为不成体统甚至被拒绝进入,这是因为人的知觉受到了以下哪种因素的影响?( C )A.知觉者B.知觉对象C.知觉情境D.知觉态度12.对“王师傅称赞李厂长"的原因分析中,得到的信息资料是一致性高,一贯性高,区别性高,这应该归因于( B )A.王师傅善于阿谀奉承B.李厂长的所作所为确实值得称赞C.王师傅迫于情境的压力违心地称赞李厂长D.无法确定王师傅称赞李厂长的真正原因13.具有不爱与人交往、孤僻、多愁善感、富于联想等特征的人属于( D )A.胆汁质B.多血质C.粘液质D.抑郁质14.根据巴甫洛夫的高级神经活动类型学说,强、平衡、不灵活的类型是( C )A.兴奋型B.活泼型C.安静型D.抑制型15.编制16种个性因素问卷的是( D )A.艾森克B.荣格C.霍兰德D.卡特尔16.热情、正直、诚实、认真等属于性格的什么特征?( A )A.态度B.意志C.情绪D.理智17.独立、果断、勇敢、优柔寡断等属于性格的什么特征?( B )A.态度B.意志C.情绪D.理智18.易激动或心气平和、精神饱满或抑郁低沉等属于性格的什么特征?( C )A.态度B.意志C.情绪D.理智19.根据巴甫洛夫的高级神经活动类型学说,强、平衡、灵活的类型是( B )A.兴奋型B.活泼型C.安静型D.抑制型20.谁提出了认知不协调理论?( B )A。



七年级英语期末复习专题练习完形填空(一)(一)I am on vacation in Wenzhou with my friend Betty. Wenzhou is a beautiful city 1 many interesting places. During the day we visit some beautiful places, and 2 we listen to music in the hotel. We are having a good time here.The weather here is pretty good. It's usually 3 , so people can enjoy the sunshine in Wenzhou. 4 today it's raining and a little cold. I'm 5 I can't go to the beach. I really want to play beach volleyball. Now, it's 5:30 in the afternoon. We're in 6 hotel room. It's raining hard. 7 the people in the street! Some are walking fast or 8 ; 9 are waiting for taxis. Where are they going? Oh, they're going home after work. I hope the weather is fine soon. I want to 10 more places in Wenzhou.1. A. with B. and C. for D. to2. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. during the day D. at night3. A. rainy B. cloudy C. windy D. sunny4. A. So B. Or C. But D. Because5. A. shy B. sad C. happy D. excited6. A. your B. his C. our D. its7. A. Look for B. Listen to C. Look at D. See8. A. running B. reading C. writing D. swimming9. A. some B. other C. any D. others10. A. go B. walk C. play D. visit参考答案ADDCB CCADD(二)Mrs. Smith was looking at the show window of a shop selling shirts. She wanted to buy a 1 for Mr. Smith, her husband. There were so many beautiful shirts that she couldn't decide 2 . At last, she chose one and bought it home.While Mr. Smith was reading a newspaper. she showed him the shirt. She wanted to know whether it would fit her husband or not. Her husband 3 the shirt. But it didn't fit him 4 . It was both too long and too big. Then Mrs. Smith washed it in order to make it become smaller. But the shirt 5 didn't fit him. Now it was too small for him. She asked Tom, his son, to 6 and he did so. The shirt didn't fit him, 7 . Then the woman began to wash the shirt once more to make it 8 . But this time the shirt became too short after she washed it again.Now the little girl, her daughter was 9 when her mother dressed her in the shirt. Why? Because it was too large, she didn't like it at all. None of them knew 10 . Mrs. Smith felt so upset.1. A. shirt B. shoes C. clothes D. short2. A. she chose which oneB. to choose which oneC. that which one she choseD. which one to choose3. A. tried on B. tried out C. wore D. put on4. A. not at all B. at all C. any longer D. any more5. A. usually B. still C. ever D. always6. A. put on it B. put it on C. have on it D. have it on7. A. also B. too C. as well as D. either8. A. smaller B. bigger C. the smallest D. the biggest9. A. happy B. nervous C. worried D. unhappy10. A. how to do with B. what to do C. when to do D. how to do参考答案ADABB BDADB(三)Sharks are among the oldest animals in the world. There are 1three hundred and fifty different kinds of sharks in the world. Most sharksare about two meters 2 , and they live in 3 waters, but some invery cold areas. Most sharks live in the oceans.A shark can smell a small amount (量) of things in the water, forexample, the blood of animals. That helps them find their 4 . Sharks eat fish, 5 sharks and plants in the ocean. Some sharks can eat just about 6 .Sharks grow slowly. About 40% of the different kinds of sharks lay (产卵) eggs. The others give birth to live young. Some sharks carry their 7 inside their bodies.Most sharks bite people by mistake. They think a 8 is a large sea animal. When the sun goes down or comes up, sharks are 9 food. So at these times people 10 go swimming in the ocean. Each year, bees, snakes and elephants kill (杀死) more people than sharks do.1. A. over B. under C. some D. behind2. A. wide B. tall C. high D. long3. A. cool B. warm C. sunny D. windy4. A. food B. eggs C. children D. friends5. A. else B. others C. other D. another6. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. things7. A. small B. big C. old D. young8. A. plant B. fish C. boat D. person9. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking over D. watching10. A. should B. shouldn't C. can D. would参考答案ADBAC ADDBB(四)It is a fine Sunday. Jenny and her mother are on the l . They want to go to 2 . There are many children on it. Their parents are telling stories to 3 . An old man gets 4 the bus. He has no seat(座位) to sit in. Jenny asks him to sit in her seat. The old man 5 Jenny. There are two foreigners(外国人)on the bus. They want to go to the Great Wall, too. But they 6 speak Chinese. Jenny talks to them in English. She tells them Beijing is a big city 7 a long history. And the Palace Museum is very famous, too. She tells stories 8 the Palace Museum. At the same time they learn about a lot of Chinese culture (文化) from Jenny. They think the stories are 9 and they want to visit other places of interest in China soon. Can their dream 10 ? Of course.1. A. train B. bus C. plane D. car2. A. hutong B. Tian'anmen SquareC. the Great WallD. Wangfujin3. A. them B. they C. me D. him4. A. up B. on C. dressed D. in5. A. says B. talks C. shows D. thanks6. A. can B. can't C. must D. need to7. A. at B. in C. with D. has8. A. to B. about C. or D. with9. A. boring B. relaxed C. afraid D. interesting10. A. think of B. come on C. come true D. get to参考答案BCABD BCBDC(五)Mr. Smith is my English teacher. He 1 from Singapore (新加坡).Mr. Smith is 35 years old. He can 2 English and Chinese. He is good with us, so we all like 3 . He tells us Singapore is abeautiful 4 . There is a zoo named Night Safari in the city. It's very 5 . Mr. Smith often goes to the zoo to see the animals with hischildren on weekends.Mr. Smith lives at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mr. Smith goes to work 6 his children go to school. Mr. Smith always takes them to school every day.Mrs. Smith stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eats her lunch at home. 7 the afternoon, she usually visits her friends. They often drink tea together.In the evening, Mr. Smith and his children come home from 8 .At night, the children always d0 9 homework Then they go to bed. Mr. Smith usually 10 his newspaper. But sometimes he and his wife watch television.l. A. come B. is C. are D. be2. A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk3. A. he B. his C. him D. himself4. A. country B. countries C. beach D. city5. A. interest B. interestedC. interestsD. interesting6. A. but B. and C. or D. so7. A. From B. On C. At D. In8. A. school B. home C. park D. zoo9. A. his B. her C. their D. theirs10. A. looks B. watches C. sees D. reads参考答案BACDD BDACD(六)Many people all over the world come to China every year. The Turners arefrom the USA, but now they are in 1 with their children.Mr. Turner is a 2 . He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs. Turner is a 3 .She is teaching English in China now. Her daughter is studying at 4 school.Mrs. Turner likes Beijing opera(京剧) very much. She thinks she can 5 aboutChinese history, But her daughter doesn't think so. She likes 6 and Chinesekungfu. Her favorite movie star is Jet Li (李连杰). She likes seeing Its Love(《白蛇传说》).Mr. Turner likes sports. His favorite sport is playing 7 . He wants to be a player like Wang Liqin. The Turners are going to 8 . They want to take 9 on the Great Wall.They also learn to speak 10 and eat Chinese food in China They have a good time in China.1. A. New York B. England C. Beijing D. Paris2. A. teacher B. worker C. actor D. driver3. A. nurse B. teacher C. postman D. farmer4. A. my B. her C. its D. his5. A. visit B. think C. learn D. read6. A. cartoons B. books C. action movies D. stories7. A. basketball B. ping-pong C. soccer ball D. tennis8. A. the Great Wall B. Hong Kong C. West Lake D. the zoo9. A. books B. clothes C. food D. photos10. A. Japanese B. French C. Chinese D. English参考答案CDBBC CBADC(七)I live in Cairo in Africa (非洲). Cairo is the capital of Egyptand the largest city in the Arab world. I work in a small shop.The shop is near a native(当地的) 1 . Every day, many studentscome to 2 things.In the 3 , I get up at six. And then I have breakfast. I get tothe 4 at about seven fifty. The shop opens at eight o'clock. Wesell things like food and 5 . We have a lot of school things, 6 . So 7 people often come to our shop from 8 to evening. I have 9 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. I go home 10 supper. Sometimes I go to visit the Pyramids(金字塔). It's great!1. A. farm B. factory C. school D. river2. A. buy B. sell C. take D. want3. A. evening B. afternoon C. noon D. morning4. A. classroom B. school C. shop D. club5. A. think B. drink C. drinking D. thank6. A. too B. also C. and D. but7. A. much B. many C. lot of D. a lots of8. A. morning B. afternoon C. noon D. breakfast9. A. supper B. breakfast C. tea D. lunch10. A. to B. at C. with D. for参考答案CADCB ABADD(八)憨豆先生“退休”了Rowan Atkinson wants to retire (退休) now! He will no longerplay the character Mr. Bean. Do you 1 the movie Mr. Bean(《憨豆先生》)? I like this movie. It's a funny 2 . The actor isRowan Atkinson, a great 3 star. He often makes people 4 inThe movie. Mr. Bean is a lovely and funny man. He often 5 wrong(错的)things, 6 people like him. He 7 drive a yellow minicar and he often takes a Teddy Bear 8 him. He acts the story from our 9 . My friends and 10 like him very much.1. A. know B. read C. watch D. look2. A. thriller B. documentaryC. comedyD. action movie3. A. running B. TV C. singing D. movie4. A. sad B. happy C. exciting D. boring5. A do B. does C. doesn't do D. does do6. A. and B. but C. or D. too7. A. like B. like to C. likes D. likes to8. A. for B. to C. with D. at9. A. life B. homes C. schools D. classes10. A. he B. me C. him D. I参考答案ACDBB BDCAD(九)Ann is having a birthday party. There is a 1 with candles on the table. Some people bring birthday presents. Ann is so 2 ! Let's look at children's birthdays in some different countries 3 the world.Argentina(阿根廷) : Ear pulling. Now 4 is Jim's birthday, and people are pulling his ear. Jim is thirteen years old this year. They pull his ear 5 times.Denmark (丹麦): Flags. Now it is Tom's birthday in Denmark. You 6 see a flag flying outside a window of his home.Israel(以色列): Chair lifting. The small child 7 in a chair. People lift the chair up and down one time for 8 year of the child's age.Philippines (非律宾): Colored lights. Some people 9 colored lights outside their homes.Russia(俄罗斯): Birthday pies. Many Russian 10 get a birthday pie, not a birthday cake.1. A. cake B. bowl C. drum D. pear2. A. sad B. ugly C. clever D. happy3. A. during B. around C. across D. between4. A. it B. this C. she D. he5. A. eight B. ten C. eleven D. thirteen6. A. needn't B. can C. may D. don't7. A. sleeps B. stands C. sits D. lies8. A. each B. much C. all D. many9. A. make B. sell C. put D. draw10. A. parents B. children C. brothers D. sisters参考答案ADBAD BCACB(十)Hi! My name is Hye-seung Hyun. I am 13 years old. I livewith mysister and 1 in Seoul (首尔), the capital. We eat 2 at 7:30.On weekdays, we eat a Korean-style (韩式) breakfast. But on theweekend, my mother 3 American food for us.I go to school 4 bus with my sister every day. We have a shorttime to 5 in the morning after we arrive at school. We have differentlessons 6 . Today, we have English 7 art. I comehome early today because there 8 an event(事情) in my school. My school 9 usually ends at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. My sister and I 10 to swimming lessons after school.1. A. uncles B. aunts C. cousins D. parents2. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. rice3. A. draws B. cooks C. takes D. sells4. A. on B. in C. by D. at5. A. reading B. read C. plays D. playing6. A. at home B. in hospital C. at school D. in bed7. A. or B. and C. but D. so8. A. am B. are C. is D. has9. A. week B. year C. month D. day10. A. go B. goes C. came D. comes参考答案DABCB CBCDA(十一)Afternoon TeaJim, my friend, is from London. He likes to eat Afternoon Tea(下午茶). This is a small meal, not a drink. The food in England isdifferent from 1 Chinese food. In China, we often eat dumplings,noodles or some rice. But the people 2 eat lots of potatoes. Theylike to eat 3 every day. And they often eat bread 4 breakfast.They like the bread 5 butter, cheese or jam. We don't like to eat them 6 in China. The people in England 7 drink a lot of milk in the morning. And they like cold milk. 8 they put it in their tea. There are many tea drinkers in the 9 . At their dinner, 10 the main meal they always have some dessert.1. A. we B. our C. ours D. their2. A. here B. in England C. in China D. there3. A. it B. food C. them D. theirs4. A. at B. of C. for D. with5. A. with B. on C. in D. about6. A. very much B. lots ofC. a lots ofD. on7. A. also B. too C. like D. likes8. A. Always B. VeryC. SometimesD. Much9. A. world B. town C. school D. country10. A. as soon as B. after C. when D. why参考答案BBCCA AACDB(十二)13岁的美国“企业家”Madison Stump is 13 years old. She is an entrepreneur (企业家) in the USA. She has a 1 business, PaperAgain.Madison lives in a "green" family. One day Madison thought, " 2 not use old boxes and paper to make beautiful notebooks? And I can 3 them to help people in need. " That night Madison made her 4 notebook, and she used an empty gum(口香糖) box 5 a cover.Madison's first customer (顾客) is 6 sister. Then all Madison's school friends want to buy her 7 . Madison's dad has a 8 idea. They start a website, PaperAgain. com. They sell 9 notebooks online. Now her notebooks are selling at the 10 in her hometown.1. A. red B. white C. green D. black2. A. Why B. What C. When D. Who3. A. buy B. show C. take D. sell4. A. first B. one C. last D. two5. A. with B. to C. at D. for6. A. his B. her C. your D. my7. A. notebooks B. clothes C. toys D. knives8. A. bad B. funny C. good D. boring9. A. few B. these C. little D. much10. A. school B. bank C. hospital D. store参考答案CADAD BACBD。



期末复习选择题练习(一)一.选择题1.下列说法中正确的是() [单选题] *A.当车从高架桥上通过时,桥面没有发生形变B.当你对一个物体施力时,你一定也受到这个物体对你力的作用(正确答案) C.彼此接触的物体之间一定有力的作用D.只有当物体发生形变时,才能说明它受到了力的作用答案解析:当车从高架桥上通过时,对桥面有压力,桥面会发生形变,故A错误;物体间力的作用是相互的,当你对一个物体施力时,你也会受到物体对你的力,故B正确;彼此接触的物体之间不一定有力的作用,例如将水平面上竖直放置的两个长方体靠在一起,虽然接触,但两物体之间没有力的作用,故C错误;力的作用效果有两个,一是改变物体的形状,二是改变物体的运动状态,所以当物体的运动状态发生改变时,也能说明它受到了力的作用,故D错误。

2.如图所示的现象中,主要说明力可以改变物体形状的是() [单选题] *A.(正确答案)BCD答案解析:小桌将海绵压变形,小桌的压力改变了海绵的形状,故A正确;铁球在磁铁的吸引下运动路径变弯,磁铁对铁球的吸引力使铁球的运动方向发生了改变,属于力改变物体的运动状态,故B错误;守门员接住足球,改变了球的运动状态,故C错误;运动员用力将标枪掷出,改变了标枪的运动状态,故D错误。

3.如图所示,在东京奥运会男子200米混合泳决赛中,中国选手汪顺以1分55秒的成绩成功夺冠!关于游泳过程,下列说法中错误的是()[单选题] *A.汪顺向后划水的力大于水对他的作用力(正确答案)B.汪顺与水之间的作用力是相互的C.使汪顺向前运动的力的施力物体是水D.力改变了汪顺的运动状态答案解析:汪顺游泳过程中,他的手和脚向后划水,对水施加向后的力,由于物体间力的作用是相互的,水就会对手和脚施加向前的反作用力,人就向前运动,所以汪顺向后划水的力和水对汪顺的力是一对相互作用的力,大小相等,故A错误、B 正确;水对汪顺的力使汪顺向前运动,所以施力物体是水,故C正确;水的推力使汪顺向前运动,改变了他的运动状态,故D正确。



2021-2022学年沪科版九年级数学第一学期期末复习综合练习题1(附答案)1.下面的图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.2.下列函数中,y随x的增大而减小的是()A.B.C.D.3.下列命题①垂直于弦的直径平分弦,并且平分弦所对的两条弧;②在同圆或等圆中相等的圆心角所对的弧相等;③在同圆或等圆中如果两条弦相等,那么它们所对的圆心角相等;④圆内接四边形的对角互补.其中正确的命题共有()A.4个B.3个C.2个D.1个4.已知在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AB=3,BC=2,那么tan B的值等于()A.B.C.D.5.在同一平面直角坐标系中,函数y=kx+1(k≠0)和y=(k≠0)的图象大致是()A.B.C.D.6.如图,已知∠1=∠2,添加下列条件后,仍无法判定△ABC∽△ADE的是()A.=B.∠B=∠D C.∠C=∠AED D.=7.用min{a,b}表示a,b两数中的最小数,若函数y=min{x2+1,1﹣x2},则y的图象为()A.B.C.D.8.如图,矩形ABCD的顶点A,B在x轴的正半轴上,反比例函数y=在第一象限内的图象经过点D,交BC于点E.若AB=4,CE=2BE,tan∠AOD=,则k的值为()A.3B.2C.6D.129.如图,二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象经过点A(﹣3,0),其对称轴为直线x=﹣1,有下列结论:①abc<0;②a+b+c<0;③2a﹣b=0;④4ac﹣b2>0;⑤若P(﹣5,y1),Q(m,y2)是抛物线上两点,且y1>y2,则实数m的取值范围是﹣5<m<3.其中正确结论的个数是()A.1B.2C.3D.410.如图,Rt△ABC中,AB=BC,点D是AB的中点,连接CD,过点B作BG⊥CD,分别交CD,CA于点E,F,与过点A且垂直于AB的直线相交于点G,下列结论正确的是()A.EF=GF B.∠ADF=∠CDB C.AF=AB D.S△ABC=5S△BDF11.若关于x的一元二次方程x2+mx+2n=0有一个根是2,则m+n=.12.如图,圆锥的表面展开图由一扇形和一个圆组成,已知圆的面积为100π,扇形的圆心角为120°,这个扇形的面积为.13.点A,B,C,D都在⊙O上,,D为⊙O上的一点,∠ABC=∠ODC=67.5°,CO的延长线交AB于点P,若CD=2,则BP=.14.已知抛物线y=ax2﹣x+1(a≠0)与线段AB有两个不同的交点,已知A(﹣1,0),B (1,1),则a的取值范围是.15.计算:|﹣|+﹣(﹣2)﹣2﹣(3.14﹣π)0﹣4cos30°+|2﹣|.16.先化简,后求值:,其中17.如图,在边长为1的正方形网格中,△ABC的顶点均在格点上,把△ABC绕点C逆时针旋转90°后得到△A1B1C.(1)画出△A1B1C;(2)求在旋转过程中,CA所扫过的面积.18.如图,一次函数y=x+1与反比例函数y=的图象相交于点A(2,3)和点B.(1)求反比例函数的解析式;(2)过点B作BC⊥x轴于C,求S△ABC;(3)是否在y轴上存在一点D,使得BD+CD的值最小,并求出D坐标.19.中国“蛟龙”号深潜器目前最大深潜极限为7062.68米.某天该深潜器在海面下1800米处作业(如图),测得正前方海底沉船C的俯角为45°,该深潜器在同一深度向正前方直线航行2000米到B点,此时测得海底沉船C的俯角为60°.请判断沉船C是否在“蛟龙”号深潜极限范围内?并说明理由;(精确到0.01)(参考数据:≈1.414,≈1.732)20.如图,⊙O是△ABC的外接圆,BC为⊙O的直径,点E为△ABC的内心,连接AE并延长交⊙O于D点,连接BE.(1)求证:DB=DE;(2)若过C点的切线与BD的延长线交于点F,已知DE=,求弧DC、线段DF、CF围成的阴影部分面积.21.已知:如图,在△ABC中,点D在边BC上,AE∥BC,BE与AD、AC分别相交于点F、G,AF2=FG⋅FE.(1)求证:△CAD∽△CBG;(2)联结DG,求证:DG•AE=AB•AG.22.某商场试销一种成本为每件60元的服装,规定试销期间销售单价不低于成本单价,且每件的利润率不得高于45%,经试销发现,销售量y(件)与销售单价x(元)符合一次函数y=﹣x+120.(1)若该服装获得利润为w(元),试写出利润w与销售单价x之间的关系式;销售单价定为多少时,商场可获得利润最大,最大利润是多少元?(2)若该商场获得利润不低于500元,试确定销售单价的取值范围.23.在△ABC中,AB=5,BC=7,AC=3.(1)求证:∠A=120°.(2)在(1)的基础上,请画一个三边长均为整数,且一个角的度数也是整数的非直角三角形.(3)以BC为边向下侧作一个等边△BCD,连接AD,那么AD的长是多少?参考答案1.解:A、不是轴对称图形,是中心对称图形;B、是轴对称图形,也是中心对称图形;C、是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形;D、不是轴对称图形,是中心对称图形.故选:B.2.解:A、函数y=x的图象是y随着x增大而增大,故本选项错误;B、函数中的k<0,y随着x增大而减小,故本选项正确;C、D两个答案考虑其增减性时,需要考虑自变量的取值范围,故C、D错误.故选:B.3.解:①垂直于弦的直径平分弦,并且平分弦所对的两条弧,本小题说法是真命题;②在同圆或等圆中相等的圆心角所对的弧相等,本小题说法是真命题;③在同圆或等圆中如果两条弦相等,那么它们所对的圆心角相等,本小题说法是真命题;④圆内接四边形的对角互补,本小题说法是真命题;故选:A.4.解:如图,由勾股定理得,AC===,∴tan B==,故选:C.5.解:①当k>0时,y=kx+1过一、二、三象限;y=过一、三象限;②当k<0时,y=kx+1过一、二、四象象限;y=过二、四象限.观察图形可知,只有C选项符合题意.故选:C.6.解:∵∠1=∠2,∴∠DAE=∠BAC,若,∠DAE=∠BAC,∴△ABC∽△ADE,故A不符合题意;若∠DAE=∠BAC,∠B=∠D,∴△ABC∽△ADE,故B不符合题意;若∠C=∠AED,∠DAE=∠BAC,∴△ABC∽△ADE,故C不符合题意;∵,∠DAE=∠BAC,∴无法判断△ABC与△ADE相似,故D符合题意;故选:D.7.解:根据题意,min{x2+1,1﹣x2}表示x2+1与1﹣x2中的最小数,不论x取何值,都有x2+1≥1﹣x2,所以y=1﹣x2;可知,当x=0时,y=1;当y=0时,x=±1;则函数图象与x轴的交点坐标为(1,0),(﹣1,0);与y轴的交点坐标为(0,1).故选:C.8.解:∵tan∠AOD==,∴设AD=3a、OA=4a,则BC=AD=3a,点D坐标为(4a,3a),∵CE=2BE,∴BE=BC=a,∵AB=4,∴点E(4+4a,a),∵反比例函数y=经过点D、E,∴k=12a2=(4+4a)a,解得:a=或a=0(舍),则k=12×=3,9.解:①观察图象可知:a>0,b>0,c<0,∴abc<0,∴①正确;②∵二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象经过点A(﹣3,0),其对称轴为直线x=﹣1,∴二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象经过点A(﹣3,0)关于直线x=﹣1的对称点(1,0),故当x=1时,y=0,即a+b+c=0,∴②错误;③对称轴x=﹣1,即﹣=﹣1得b=2a,∴2a﹣b=0,∴③正确;④因为抛物线与x轴有两个交点,所以Δ>0,即b2﹣4ac>0,∴4ac﹣b2<0.∴④错误;⑤∵(﹣5,y1)关于直线x=﹣1的对称点的坐标是(3,y1),∴当y1>y2时,﹣5<m<3.∴⑤正确.故选:C.10.解:如图,∵BG⊥CD,∴∠BED=∠ABC=90°,∴∠1+∠3=90°,∠1+∠4=90°,∴∠3=∠4.在△ABG与△BCD中,,∴△ABG≌△BCD(ASA),又BD=AD,∴AG=AD;在△AFG与△AFD中,,∴△AFG≌△AFD(SAS),∴FG=FD,∠5=∠2,在Rt△DEF中,DF>FE∴GF>FE,∴EF≠FG,故A选项错误;又∠5+∠3=∠1+∠3=90°,∴∠5=∠1,∴∠1=∠2,即∠ADF=∠CDB.故B选项正确;∵△ABC为等腰直角三角形,∴AC=AB,∵△AFG≌△AFD,∴AG=AD=AB=BC,∵△AFG∽△BFC,∴=,∴FC=2AF,∴AF=AC=AB,故C选项错误;∵AF=AC,所以S△ABF=S△ABC;又D为中点,∴S△BDF=S△ABF,∴S△BDF=S△ABC,即S△ABC=6S△BDF.故D选项错误.故选:B.11.解:∵2(n≠0)是关于x的一元二次方程x2+mx+2n=0的一个根,∴4+2m+2n=0,∴n+m=﹣2,故答案为:﹣2.12.解:∵底面圆的面积为100π,∴底面圆的半径为10,∴扇形的弧长等于圆的周长为20π,设扇形的母线长为r,则=20π,解得:母线长为30,∴扇形的面积为πrl=π×10×30=300π,故答案为:300π.13.解:连接AC、OB,∵OD=OC,∴∠OCD=∠ODC=67.5°,∴∠DOC=180°﹣67.5°﹣67.5°=45°,∵,∴∠ABC=∠ACB=67.5°,∴∠A=45°,∴∠BOC=90°,∵OB=OC,∴∠OBC=∠OCB=45°,∴OC=BC,∵∠BCP=∠COD=45°,∠PBC=∠OCD=67.5°,∴△CPB∽△ODC,∴,∴,∴PB=2,故答案为:2.14.解:由点A、B的坐标得,直线AB的表达式为y=x+,∵抛物线y=ax2﹣x+1(a≠0)与线段AB有两个不同的交点,∴令x+=ax2﹣x+1,则2ax2﹣3x+1=0,∴△=9﹣8a>0,∴a<;①当a<0时,此时函数的对称轴在y轴左侧,当抛物线过点A时,为两个函数有两个交点的临界点,将点A的坐标代入抛物线表达式得:a+1+1=0,解得a=﹣2,故a≤﹣2;②当a>0时,此时函数的对称轴在y轴右侧,当抛物线过点B时,为两个函数有两个交点的临界点,将点B的坐标代入抛物线表达式得:a﹣1+1=1,解得a=1,即:a≥1∴1≤a<综上所述:1≤a<或a≤﹣2.故答案为1≤a<或a≤﹣2.15.解:原式=+3﹣﹣1﹣4×+2﹣2==.16.解:===,当a=﹣2+时,原式=.17.解:(1)则△A1B1C为所求作的图形.(2)∵AC=,∠ACA1=90°,∴在旋转过程中,CA所扫过的面积为:S扇形CAA1=.18.解:(1)∵反比例函数过点A(2,3),∴k=2×3=6,∴反比例函数的关系式为;(2)方程组的解为,,又∵A(2,3),∴点B(﹣3,﹣2),又∵BC⊥x轴,∴点C(﹣3,0),BC=2,∴S△ABC=×2×(2+3)=5;(3)存在,理由为:作C关于y轴的对称点C',连接BC'交y轴于点D,连接CD,此时DB+CD最小,∵C(﹣3,0),∴C'(3,0),设直线BC'的关系式为y=mx+n,将B(﹣3,﹣2),C'(3,0)代入得,,解得m=,n=﹣1,∴一次函数的关系式为y=x﹣1,当x=0时,y=﹣1,∴点D(0,﹣1).19.解:(1)过点C作CD垂直AB延长线于点D,设CD=x米,在Rt△ACD中,∵∠DAC=45°,∴AD=x,在Rt△BCD中,∵∠CBD=60°,∴BD=x,∴AB=AD﹣BD=x﹣x=2000,解得:x≈4732.05,∴船C距离海平面为4732.05+1800=6532.05米<7062.68米,∴沉船C在“蛟龙”号深潜极限范围内.20.(1)证明:∵E是△ABC的内心.∴∠BAE=∠CAE,∠EBA=∠EBC,∵∠BED=∠BAE+∠EBA,∠DBE=∠EBC+∠DBC,∠DBC=∠EAC,∴∠DBE=∠DEB,∴DB=DE.(2)解:连接CD、OD.∵∠BAD=∠DAC,∴=,∴BD=CD,∵BC是直径,∴∠BDC=90°,∴∠DBC=∠DCB=45°,∵FC是切线,∴∠BCF=90°,∴∠DCF=45°,∴△CDF是等腰直角三角形,∵DE=DB=3,∴OD=OC=3,DF=CD=BD=3,∴S阴=S△CDF﹣(S扇形OCD﹣S△OCD)=×3×3﹣(﹣×3×3)=﹣.21.证明:(1)∵AF2=FG⋅FE.∴,且∠AFG=∠EF A,∴△F AG∽△FEA,∴∠F AG=∠E,∵AE∥BC,∴∠E=∠EBC,∴∠EBC=∠F AG,且∠ACD=∠BCG,∴△CAD∽△CBG;(2)∵△CAD∽△CBG,∴,且∠DCG=∠ACB,∴△CDG∽△CAB,∴,∵AE∥BC,∴∴,∴,∴DG•AE=AB•AG.22.解:(1)由题意得:w=(﹣x+120)(x﹣60)=﹣x2+180x﹣7200=﹣(x﹣90)2+900,∵二次项系数为负,抛物线开口向下,∴当x≤90时,w随x的增大而增大,∵销售单价不低于成本单价,且每件的利润率不得高于45%,∴60≤x≤45%×60+60,即60≤x≤87,∴当x=87时,商场可获得最大利润,此时,w=﹣(87﹣90)2+900=891(元).∴利润w与销售单价x之间的关系式为w=﹣x2+180x﹣7200;销售单价定为87元时,商场可获得利润最大,最大利润是891元.(2)当w=500时,则有:500=﹣x2+180x﹣7200,整理得:x2﹣180x+7700=0,解得:x1=70,x2=110,∵抛物线开口向下,对称轴为直线x=90,∴若该商场获得利润不低于500元,则有70≤x≤110,又∵60≤x≤87,∴销售单价x的取值范围为:70≤x≤87.23.(1)证明:如图,延长BA,过点C作CE⊥BA延长线于点E,设AE=x,在Rt△BCE中,CE2=BC2﹣BE2,在Rt△ACE中,CE2=AC2﹣AE2,∴BC2﹣BE2=AC2﹣AE2,∴72﹣(5+x)2=32﹣x2,∴,在Rt△ACE中,AC=2AE,∴∠ACE=30°,∴∠EAC=60°,即∠BAC=120°;(2)解:如图,以点C为圆心,AC长为半径画弧交BE的延长线于点F,连接CF,则AC=CF,∵∠EAC=60°,∴△ACF为等边三角形,∴AF=CF=AC=3,BF=5+3=8,又BC=7,∴△BCF为三边长均为整数,且一个角的度数也是整数的非直角三角形.故△BCF即为所求;(3)解:以BC为边向下作一个等边△BCD,如图所示,由(1)可知:∠BAC=120°且∠BDC=60°,∴∠BAC+∠BDC=180°,∴A、B、D、C四点共圆.∵△BCD是等边三角形,∴BC=BD=CD,∴∠1=∠BCD=60°,在AD上截取AH=AC,连接CH,∴△ACH为等边三角形,∴AC=AH=HC,∠ACH=∠BCD,即∠ACH﹣∠BCH=∠BCD﹣∠BCH,∴∠3=∠2,∴△ABC≌△CHD(SAS),∴AB=HD,即AD=AH+AD=AC+AB=8.。



专项复习(一) 字音与字形一、单元训练第一单元1.给下列加点字注音。

酝酿(yùn niàng)窠巢(kē cháo)黄晕(yùn) 发髻(jì)吝啬(lìn sè) 竦峙(sǒng zhì)静谧(mì) 花苞(bāo) 2.根据拼音写汉字。

lǎng(朗)润应hè(和) liáo(嘹)亮zhù(贮)蓄粗guǎng(犷) 化zhuāng(妆) 干sè(涩) jiāo(娇)媚3.下列各项加点字注音无误的一项是(D)A.卖弄(lòng)着落(zhuó)澄清(chéng)B.棱镜(líng) 高邈(miǎo) 莅临(lì)C.屋檐(yán) 碣石(jì) 池畦(qí)D.澹澹(dàn) 草垛(duò) 淅沥(xī)4.下列各项书写完全正确的一项是(C)A.喉咙烘托抖数呼朋引伴B.键壮宽敞睫毛花枝招展C.造访端庄凄冷咄咄逼人D.铃铛地毯安适顷盆瓢泼第二单元1.给下列加点字注音。

仿膳(shàn)一霎(shà)匿笑(nì) 攲斜(qī)菡萏(hàn dàn) 憔悴(qiáo cuì)絮叨(xù) 并蒂(dì)2.根据拼音写汉字。

沉jì(寂) shì(侍)弄yāng(央)求jué(诀)别分qí(歧) 遮bì(蔽)tān(瘫)痪chuí(捶)打dǎo(祷)告3.下列各项书写完全正确的一项是(C)A.瘫痪暴怒垂打絮絮叨叨B.淡雅高洁烂漫翻来复去C.心绪信服取决喜出望外D.祷告姊妹徘徊个得其所第三单元1.给下列加点字注音。

确凿(záo)皂荚(jiá)油蛉(líng)斑蝥(máo) 攒成(cuán) 秕谷(bǐ)盔甲(kuī) 锡箔(bó) 倜傥(tì tǎng)2.根据拼音写汉字。




























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